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Using Keyboard Escape Sequences
An escape sequence is a series of non-printing characters, beginning with an Escape character, that sends a command to a device. Escape sequences are used by some legacy applications for printing, communications, and display management. The command in an escape sequence results in specified actions by devices. Escape sequences are also called control codes or control sequences.
The tables in this section describe the escape sequences sent to the terminal emulator from the following NCD keyboards: N-101/N-102, VT220/N-108LK, and N-97/N-Kana.
Escape key sequences are sent by the following types of keys:
N-101/N-102 Keyboard Escape Sequences
The tables in this section list escape sequences for N-101/N-102 keyboards.
N-108LK (VT220-Style) Keyboard Escape Sequences
The tables in this section list escape sequences for N-108LK and VT220 keyboards.
N-97/N-Kana Keyboard Escape Sequences
The tables in this section list escape sequences for N-97 and N-Kana keyboards.
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