Please read /mac/00introduction if you haven't already done so.
You may also wish to read /mac/00help/archivepolicy.txt.
An overview of the archive (this is also the ordering in this file):
incoming  <--- Please upload files into here
system.extensions  <--- Shorter name, anyone?
      commtoolbox    <--- link
   gameutil          <--- link
   graphicsutil      <--- link
   hypercardutil     <--- link
   soundutil         <--- link
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
   5    10/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A patch for PowerPlant 1.1 (CodeWarrior 6).  It includes an
   altered "PP DebugAlerts.rsrc" and a patch for "UDebugger.cp"

 264      3/5/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Simple, easy to learn, programming language--an old-fashioned
   Basic Interpreter; includes sprite graphics engine; FAT; v3.21
   is bug fix and new feature release; free.
 54    3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple assembler for the Texas Instruments TMS3202x family of
   Digital Signal Processors.  Intended for use with the program dskL
   by Gerrit Polder, which can be used to download the assembled code
   to the TI DSK development system.
1165     8/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An assembly code development system for 680x0 series processors.
   Includes tutorials on game writing and examples of games.  Very
   well documented.  Version 3.0 is a complete rewrite.
  47     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Complete machine emulator for the GAL (Generic Assembly Language)
   and GEM (GEneric Machine) computation models, as described in
   "Computer organization: a top down approach" by Greg W. Scragg.
 460      9/4/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A general-purpose parser generator that converts a grammar
   description for an LALR(1) context-free grammar into a C program to
   parse that grammar.  Once you are proficient with Bison, you may
   use it to develop a wide range of language parsers, from those used
   in simple desk calculators to complex programming languages.
 892      7/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Freely-distributable C compiler.  It's standalone, but
   it's also compatible with MPW-C.  You can create projects,
   compile, build/link.  Even supports a couple of Pragmas.
 776      8/29/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Little Smalltalk for the Mac.  To compile the source, you will 
   need Think-C* v5 (or later) or Symantec* C++ and TCL v1.1.3.
 979      10/8/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Logomation is a programming language developed to teach programming
   to novices, including children.  It is not LOGO, but it does have
   similar turtle graphics.  The package comes complete with a tutorial, 
   a reference manual and many examples.  Fat binary.
 711      6/17/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  MacGofer is a Macintosh version of Gofer, which in turn is an extended
  subset of Haskell. Haskell is a non-strict functional programming
  language and is syntactically similar to Miranda.
 233     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A port of the UN*X program Marlais (version 0.5), a language not
   unlike Dylan, from Apple Computer.
 963    12/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 'quick' Modula-2 system. Includes an editor.
 920      5/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Perl for the Mac; AppleScriptable, supports Publishers,
   Subscribers, Balloon Help; debugger and log in separate window;
   Perl might run on any Mac with 4MB ram; MacPerl-Runtime will run
   on System 6; MacPerl requires System7.
 511      5/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   For use with MacPerl; some features require System7.
 366    10/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simulated 8-bit microcomputer/assembler.  Includes a small
   computer that has some 14k of RAM and a 2k ROM monitor program
   written entirely in MDP-8008 machine code.
1028     8/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Mops is an object-oriented programming system, derived from the
   Neon language developed by Charles Duff and sold by Kriya, Inc.
   Mops is a complete re-implementation of Neon, with many additional
   enhancements.  It is also in the public domain.  Assembles only
   68k object code, documentation available in

 446     7/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Complete documentation for /mac/development/languages/mops2.5.cpt.hqx
   in Microsoft Word format.  Includes some Mops demos.
1501     7/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A compiler for the Oberon and Oberon-2 language.  It fits
   neatly into the MPW environment and allows you to use all
   your tools and utilities for developing.
 694     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Common Lisp development environment, requiring System 7.0+ 
   and a 68020 or up.  Includes full 680x0 compiler, as well as 
   Lisp source for the compiler and multi-window, any-size-text editor
   for development.  Documentation in Word and MacWrite format &
   sample programs/source included.
 635    2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Prometheus is a programming language specially designed for logic,
   mathematics, and artificial intelligence.  It contains elements from C,
   Pascal, LISP, and Prolog, but has many novel features.  It is high-level
   and very weakly typed.  Fat Binary.  (Not to be confused with

 219      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updated editor for Mops 2.7 with new features, updated
   glossary; commands can be executed from editor window.
 429     10/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   ReWrite is a development version of a programming language for 
   the Macintosh using a rewrite rules syntax. 
 459     7/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An enhanced, object-oriented version of David Michael Betz's XLISP
   with additional features of Common Lisp.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  99      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Advanced I/O codings of streams and arithmetic compression
   for C++.  The same code builds under GCC on Unix machines,
   but here it's packaged neatly into Code Warrior projects.

  44    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Implement an up-and-down arrow as seen in the Color Picker.
   Includes THINK C source.
1012     8/17/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   AutoPay is a small module that software developers can integrate 
   into their programs. It allows computer users to pay for software 
   electronically by modem. If the user doesn't have a modem, AutoPay 
   allows the user to pay by phone (toll-free) or by mail.
 643     3/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The Berkeley db package, ported to MPW. To use it in your programs,
   you probably need GUSI, available elsewhere at mac.archive.
 176      2/29/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Routines for drawing with bitmaps.  You can create the structures
   in memory, manipulate them (flip, rotate, trace edges, etc.) and 
   then blast them onto the screen, flicker-free.  Compiles under
   MPW, Symantec, and MetroWorks.
 413       8/8/95   Binhex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Bunch of C++ libraries for making dropboxes, which are small
   apps generally used by dropping files, folders and/or disk
   icons on 'em.  Includes some example applications.

  14      2/29/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A library which you can include in your CodeWarrior PPC projects
   to validate reads and writes to memory.  Easy to install and
 384     11/11/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A library of C routines (written as a Think C 5.0 project)
   that you can use for playing sounds or music.  Written primarily
   with games in mind.

  99     10/20/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   CDEF's of an up/down and a 5-icon tape control button, with
   BASIC source.
 180     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A class library for C++ developers, offering a solid base to
   develop advanced class systems.  Does not rely on a particular OS;
   can be compiled with a regular C++ compiler (the compiler does not
   have to support "templates" or "exceptions").
  50     10/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   CodeWarrior Framework for creating control panels.
 154    10/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A set of files which will enable you to compile Think Class Library
   2.0.6 with Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7. Requires TCL 2.0.6.
 376      3/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Some dude's collection of Pascal routines, in source form.
   Includes:  Agendas, Animated Cursor, Async Sound, Call Chain,
   Checksum, CRC, Debugger Presence, ICON control CDEF, sicn 
   control CDEF, Pop up menu CDEF, Error Signals, Fast Bit Vectors,
   Hash Tables, INIT Shell, Layer Manager IF, Levenshtein Matching,
   Short Fractions, Submenu Delay, Preferences, Queues, RSRCRuntime
   Bug Fix, SFGetFolder 6, String Lists, Transactions Manager, 
   Dialog Utils, Pop up Utils, Block Zero, VM Traps IF
 737      5/3/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   AutoPay (tm) is a small module that software developers can 
   integrate into their programs. It allows computer users to pay 
   for software electronically by modem. If the user does not have 
   a modem, AutoPay allows the user to pay by phone, using a 
   toll-free number, or by mail. 
 369    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   C++ library for the display of random dot displays and random
   pixel arrays; makes it easy to show first order optic flow
   patterns; PowerMac compatible; requires System 7, color
   display, Symantec C++ 7 or later,CW 6 or later; free.
 330      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drill Designer is a package of HyperCard XCMD's and Think C 
   functions for creating instructional drill programs in HyperCard, 
   Authorware, or Think C.  These commands facilitate the creation 
   of a queue of items and the subsequent modification of that queue
   based on correct and incorrect responses from a student.  
  93     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A library allowing conversion from console app with no real
   interface to at least be drag-n-drop; v1.1 is bugfix.
  62     3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Class that maintains a window w/ a progress bar in it.
  40   2/26/96      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Source code (in MetroWerks format) and a compiled shared library
   for Fast Fourier Transform routines.  Built for optimized speed
   on PowerPC.  Includes simple test programs, as well.

  64  11/10/95      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A MetroWerks C and Think Pascal project which you can use to 
   enable your programs to fade your screen's brightness up and
   down smoothly (ala Maelstrom).  An included test app demos the
 490     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A hierarchical object-oriented class library for THINK Pascal
   designed to facilitate easy 3D graphics and animations.  Supports
   full 3D control of graphical objects and electronic eye.
 825      9/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Programming high-performance, framework-independent interactive
   graphics.  This third release features multiple GEWorlds, installing
   user routines in GEWorlds, PowerMac version of the CodeWarrior library,
   and examples of pane classes for TCL 1.X and PowerPlant.
   Requires 8-bit color; example programs require System 7.
   CodeWarrior 5 or Think C 7.0.4 is required to modify and
   rebuild the example programs.
 759     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A database mainly focused on the .i.application developer; who
   wants to store application defined data (e.g. initialisation,
   .i.save files;) in a structured and efficient way.
 101    10/23/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Help server similar in appearance and use to the help facility
   in Disinfectant; offers online context-sensitive help to all
   the AWOL programs (PictPocket, MenuEvents, MenuGrabber, Maybe,
   VirtualDesktop), and it's free!
 222    2/3/95      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Programmer's kit for /mac/util/comm/internetconfig1.3.sit.hqx
   Includes source code.
  57      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play in multitasking (interrupts) a MADF type music.  Includes
   THINK C 7.0 (68K) and Metrowerks (PPC) versions.
 254     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple puzzle generator creates multicolored blocks, one of
   which is not like the others (got that tune in your head now?
   *heh*); the only way to forfend a headache is a quick resolution
   --and there are no fireworks, no scorekeepers, just the
   knowledge of one less migraine; includes source.
 333    3/7/95      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Replacement for the standard menu definition routine.  Supports
   menu item key equivalents with multiple-modifier keys.
   Includes C & Pascal interfaces.
  41     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MPW library to make it easier to call XCMD or XFCN resources
   written for HyperCard from your programs. Emulates the application
   independent callbacks, which is sufficient for many XCMDs to run.
  68    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   C++ libraries featuring robust and efficient string routines.
   Suite includes:  Easy Assignment, String Length, Single
   Character Access, String Comparisons, Concatenation,
   Multiplication of Strings, Upper/Lowercase conversion,
   context-based searches, standard C++ input/out string stream
   operators ('>>' & '<<').
  47     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Use pictures as buttons instead of the drab black and white
   'normal' buttons; v1.2 adds multi-state option and fixes crash
   related to buttons appearing off- or just-off-screen; includes
   source well as projects for THINK C 7 and CodeWarrior 6.
 517      5/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Free library to play MOD and MADs from your programs. Sound
   quality from 8 bit, 22Khz, Mono to 16 bit, 44Khz, Stereo,
   in asynchronous mode. PPC Native support.
  17     8/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PresentationLib is a library (shared on PowerMac, Metrowerks 68k on 
   SlowerMac) which handles two functions commonly needed by graphics 
   utilities and games: Switching the screen depth and controlling the 
   visibility of the menu bar.
  47     6/30/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A THINK C project that demos as well as  documents a scrolling
   "help" window.  You can save these help documents as  teach text
   documents or cut sections.
  46    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Implement a slider with a simple indicator and a track without
   arrows on the end.  Includes C source.
  23      2/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allow any program to start an "asynchronous" (task-independent)
   spinning cursor.  THINK C Library taken from _Macintosh Programming
   Secrets, Second Edition_ with permission.
1106     6/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.07

   SAT is a library for making sprite-based game (and other animations).
   Think Pascal, Think C and CodeWarrior supported. CodeWarrior required for
   native PowerMac code.

 281      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50

   Allows user selection of folders through the Standard File
   Package.  Complete source code for Metrowerks CodeWarrior 6.
   Has some pretty decent documentation and good error checking.

  48     2/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Routines for working with string lists (for creating list
   structures in memory), modifying them, quickly accessing
   the strings stored in the lists, etc.  Full source code
   plus a 411 help file.

  44      7/1/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A library and example code to demonstrate the use of some Object
   Oriented TCP units. These units implement a relatively high
   level interface to MacTCP, and allow fairly easy writing of
   TCP applications in Pascal using event driven, object oriented
   5     1/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Pure Code Resource that will center your alerts for you.
   For use with QuickBasic.
   6     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Pure Code Resource that lets you use a pattern menu.
   For use with QuickBasic.
   5     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Pure Code Resource that lets you launch an application given
   its full pathname.  For use with QuickBasic.
   6     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two Pure Code Resources that let you get and plot cicn's.
   For use with QuickBasic.
  10     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Eight Pure Code Resource that let you use the serial ports in your
   programs.  Includes:  OpenSerialPort, RDWRSerialPort, CloseDriver,
   SerReset, FSReadSerial, FSWrite, SerSetBuf, and DisposePtr.
   For use with QuickBasic.
  64    11/14/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Archive contains LSC3 stdio+ library, stdio+.h, an example program,
   and source diffs.
  40     9/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows you to write dcmds easily in Think C.
 974    10/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   For all of you who have been looking for support for Universal 
   Headers in THINK Pascal, your wait is over!  Enclosed are the 
   Universal Interfaces 2.1, and new versions of Runtime.Lib, 
   Interface.Lib, DRVRRuntime.Lib, RSRCRuntime.Lib, and 5Runtime.Lib.
 412     7/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Multiple thread library for developers which implements
   cooperative multiple thread execution within a single app;
   contains complete C source code, documentation, more;
  28     2/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A C++ class for software developers who use MacApp, designed to
   locate all the TObject descendants which a MacApp application has
   allocated but not freed.  You can use it with MacApp 3.01 or 3.1.
  36     1/23/95    BinHex4.0
   Set of MetroWerks Resources.
1756      9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Evaluation copy of Symantec & CodeWarrior compatible C/C++ and
   Pascal 68K and PPC routines to simplify programming and reduce
   the time it takes to write and debug a program.  Enhances,
   automates and integrates: windows, cursors, buttons, picture
   buttons, scroll bars, fields, lists, pull-down/hier menus,
   toolbars, floating palettes, pop-ups, clipboard, etc.
 442    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A class library that integrates the THINK Class Library with
   Apple's MacTCP driver. 
   8     6/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK Pascal library for vector math.  Includes version optimized
   for a math coprocessor.
 404     6/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   WorldScript*-Aware Styled Text Engine for the Macintosh that can be
   used as the basis for simple to moderately complex applications
  80     6/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is a library of object handlers written in C designed
   for the WASTE Text Engine.  Includes handlers for pictures,
   sounds and file aliases.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 190    2/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A package of several nifty utilities and a brain teaser.
  16      9/5/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Mac-based introduction to Newton Error Messages and basic 
   NewtonScript programming.
  16     6/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Lunar Lander is an arcade game for the Apple Newton.
  93     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Download Newton packages (.pkg) into your Newton using an AppleTalk
   (ADSP) connection.
  18     3/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A number guessing game similar to MasterMind or Jotto; v1.1 is a
   maintenance release; source free to registered users of Newt.
  49     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Lets Newton developers measure and align views, bitmaps, and other
   on-screen items.
  29      4/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Power manager replaces the default "Sleep" preferences (you can set
   two sleep times - one for battery and one for AC); allows reboot or
   sleep even if some errant application wants it to stay awake; adds
   a SleepNow corner for one tap sleep.
  13      7/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A Newton package to remove unused memory from Newton soups.
   Requires Newton Package downloader or some other means
   of transfer to Newt.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 173    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A fairly technical app intended for those familiar
   with Stress theory, Mohr's circle, and Mechanical 
   Engineering in general, it will calculate stresses.
 118     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact3.50
   A control definition (CDEF) that implements the 3D interface as 
   suggested in develop issue 15.
   6     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Source code for use with LPA MacProlog 4.5 using Apple Events for
   communication between MacProlog and HyperCard/SuperCard.
  66    10/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The After Dark Programmer's Manual and sample source code.  All
   you need to know to write After Dark modules.
   8    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A demonstration of the correct way to use AppendDITL(),
   CountDITL(), and ShortenDITL() Dialog Manager calls in System 7.
   Also shows how to corectly use the WindowFont for drawing text in a
 330      7/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   And you didn't know a background-only application could put
   a floating window onto the Desktop?  Here is sample code
   which shows how to create, update, click on and handle
   events in a window using the Text Services Manager.
  46      3/6/93    Text
   C source code Ars Magna 1.1, an anagram-generating program.
   5      9/7/92    Text
   THINK C source that opens and registers an AppleTalk ATP socket.
  76    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Contains documentation, interfaces, and sample source code for
   writing BBEdit extensions; v3.0 features revamped documentation,
   a new "universal" include file, info and samples on how to write
   PowerPC-native extensions.
  16     10/1/94    Text
   Routines to open blocks of memory as simple filestreams under
   THINK C 5.0.4
  85     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A small, object-oriented language.  Minimal Macintosh interface.
   Includes THINK C source.
 246    3/26/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
    Source for /mac/util/text/brailler0.61b.cpt.hqx.  Source and
    program distribution now separate. 
  34     10/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A THINK C 5 class that provides easy, flexible handling of animated
   cursors.  The THINK Class Library is not required.
  61    10/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A handy way to debug your controls from within you application. 
   No longer do you have to create code resources, compile them and 
   then insert them into your application to determine if they work.  
   All you need to do is insert your control into this Think C 
   template and debug away! 
   9      3/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Source code you can use to test your cdev files under THINK C 5.0
   with little difference from the operating system.
  34     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Source for /mac/system.extensions/init/cdiconkiller1.0.sit.hqx
  84    1/17/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   If you are new to programming graphic animation, these files will
   help you get started in learning how to animate sprites on the Mac;
   requires Think C and knowledge of Macintosh C.
  57     3/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source for game/arcade/cheesetoast, an asteroids-inspired
   game similar to Maelstrom, except your ship is a teapot...
 281      5/4/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This is the source code to Chess++, a freeware mac chess-playing
   program. The compiled game is archived as:
  32      3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Source for 68K and PPC Modal Progress boxes.

  27     12/8/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A CodeWarrior project that shows how to implement  
   a color picker mdef (menu) object.  Includes a test app.
  17      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MetroWorks source for a CDEF for obtaining and displaying
   a block of color from the user.  It looks like a cross
   between the Color and Labels control panels.
  16     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A BBEdit extension (with source code for CodeWarrior included)
   which allows you to insert a tab or space into every line of the
   document at the insertion point.

  40     3/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A replacement for the Pascal CTB example, designed to help you
   find your way in writing a Connection Tool in C.  Pretty good
   documentation to explain things.
 133     7/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source for a sample control panel, sample INIT and sample
   patch.  Includes compiled examples of each
  64      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C 5.0 source for a CDEF implementing a control which
   implements a simple slider similar in function to the slider used
   by Apple in their Sound control panel, and a CDEF implementing
   an expansion triangle as found in the Finder's text views.
  10    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A sample MetroWerks CodeWarrior Control Strip Module project that
   shows you how to use a popup menu in a Control Strip Module.
   Requires the "ControlStrip.h" header available on the Developer CD.

 165      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An example MetroWorks project which gives a bunch of examples
   of how to copy pictures both onscreen and between offscreen
   GWorlds and windows.  Includes demo application.
   5      9/4/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   C++ code to demonstrate how to override any output stream so that
   it is possible to easily output p-strings that the Macintosh
   Toolbox uses excessively.
  5       8/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   CodeWarrior C++ class to simplify the creation of preference files
   for an application created with the PowerPlant class library.
  23    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/system.extensions/init/crookedmouse1.0,
   which causes your mouse to move at an angle 45 degrees
   counterclockwise from the angle it should be moving.
  27     1/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source for a package to Change Types and Creators of files.
   Complied version is part of the translatorpackage stored elsewhere
   at mac.archive.umich.edu.
  56     8/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Source code for an implementation of curses for Mac and MSDOS
   using ThinkC; fairly complete implementation makes it possible
   to port curses apps to the mac without too many changes (termcap
   stuff isn't supported)
 132     10/22/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A C port of Marco Piovanelli's TextEdit Replacement
   WorldScript*-Aware Styled Text Engine for the Macintosh that can be
   used as the basis for simple to moderately complex applications
   dealing with styled text.
  43     10/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Source code for date, delay, hello, and more nShell(tm) commands;
   hypertext Programmer's Guide to the nShell is available separately.
  14    2/4/95    BinHex4.0
   Source code file (text) that contains better delete & new code then
   CodeWarrior gives you.  Its Binhexed to preserve fonts and line
   length (which exceeds 80).
  45    11/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/system.extensions/init/darthfader1.0,
   which causes your Macintosh to quickly fade all attached screens to
   black and back when it beeps.
  39      3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Source that shows how to do some neat things w/ Dialog Boxes.
   8     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Source for control strip module to evoke MacsBug.
 272    12/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C 5 & 6 source for /mac/game/board/devilscubes, a game where
   you have to rotate 4 cubes to make each side different.
 136      2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Think C source, project files and resource files for
   /mac/util/text/dialectic1.1, which adds a mock dialect to plain
   text files.
  28      7/14/93   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Think C source code for a Macintosh implementation of the UNIX 
   "dirent.h" library, which allows for reading directory contents.
  51     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gives C programs access to the Mac's graphics without needing
   to know how to program the Mac's GUI.
 305     1/15/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Use THINK C to create drag-and-drop applications (or "dragons")
   for use in System 7 or greater.
  28     11/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Background on and solutions to the problem of writing device
   drivers for the Mac.  THINK C source.
  50     7/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   C source to build your own System 7-style drop-box apps.  Uses the
   Universal Headers and can be compiled for 68k or PowerPC.  For use
   with System 7 or greater.
  29     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Think C code which provides a framework for writing C functions
   to process data in AIFF files; contains main(), all aspects of
   file handling so user can work on development of DSP algorithm.
  20     12/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Pascal source code of a QuickTime component for importing Sun
   (.au) audio files.

 240      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Codewarrior 7 files that minimize the amount of rewriting
   that you'll have to do when creating extensions.  Contains all the
   common code that extensions may need, and installs only what you
   require in memory. Provides the leverage your code will need to
   get called at start-up, correctly display an icon, animate a 
   sequence of icons, post notification messages to the user, install
   Gestalt selectors, install Shutdown tasks, install VBL tasks,
   install low memory filters (such as jGNEFilter), leave blocks of
   code in the System Heap, install Time Manager tasks, and patch out
   traps with your own routines.  Includes sample extensions. 
 134    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple, intuitive program for building family trees;
   source code is included.
  44     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MPW C shared libraries required to compile MicroArchitecture
   8     8/21/93    Text
   Hand-coded assembly version of the Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT)
   from Numerical Recipes in C.
  45     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source code for /mac/system.extensions/init/finalchance,
   which gives you a chance to change your mind about shutting down.
  48     2/29/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
  Code to implement a Finder (tm) like progress bar and the
  "barber pole" animation.  CodeWarrior 7 project files for
  68K, PPC, and fat versions.
  31      9/8/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Think C source code for flipabndl 1.0.
  27     9/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The "fss" command will display the file system specification (FSSpec) 
   for each file or folder listed on the command line.
   The FSSpec is a record that identifies a stored file or directory 
   within the Macintosh file system.  It consists of three parts: volume 
   reference number, parent directory ID, and name.  For use with nShell.
  10    11/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Object and interface files to install a gestalt selector that
   returns the longint you specify.
  63     3/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Source code demonstrates how to get a files' icon and display
  it.  Now includes PPC code, several fixes.
 384      6/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C 7.0 port of GNU gdbm-1.7.3, a set of database routines that
   use extendible hashing and works similar to the standard UNIX dbm
  22    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/system.extensions/init/ghostmouse1.1,
   which causes your cursor to disappear when you stop moving it.
  42     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Source code for the file in:
 448     3/3/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Source for the arcade game Glypha III.
  88     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source code for /system.extensions/init/gositinthecorner,
   which makes your mouse jump to a corner of the screen after a
   certain amount of time.
 117     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   App and source code for writing 68K Mac CGI apps in C; comes
   with a CodeWarrior project; Apple Scriptable, Threaded, more.
  25    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/system.extensions/init/gravitymouse1.1,
   which causes your mouse to occasionally be overcome by gravity.
  31    12/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C backbone to a simple help system.
  19    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source for programming hierarchical menus.
  24    11/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source and resources to set, test, and draw hotkeys,
   complete with the cute little icons.
 203     1/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This Help on Wheels developer's kit includes a sample
   application, and everything a developer would need to add help
   service to an application, control panel, or extension.  The
   client interface is designed to take the burden of display,
   printing, saving, and other common help functions away from
   the developer.  The help server is a separate file:
 288     5/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Source for /mac/misc/math/hypercuber2.0.sit.hqx
 175    4/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source (Compatible with lots of other things, too) for a
   standalone WDEF resource that provides a 'windoid' (a floating
   window used with document windows for tool palettes, info, etc);
   conforms to WDEF as defined by Apple; compiler help flags.
  80    9/26/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This is a shell for making custom WDEFs (window definitions) in 
   Pascal.  Windows may be funny shaped, like circles and hexagons.
 133    2/6/95      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Source for /mac/util/comm/internetconfig1.3.sit.hqx
 304      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   C source for /mac/development/languages/j6.2.cpt.hqx, a language
   similar to APL.
  30      9/4/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Think C 6.0.x project, with source and a finished example, of how
   to write a jGNE Filter. You can modify it simply to accept
   your own code, by plugging whatever you want right in to the code.
1421     7/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A collection of 11 CDEF's (Control Definitions) and some other bits
   of source code to demo their use.

 885    10/4/95     BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Mac version of the Independant JPEG Group's jpeg source code.
   (same as the original release from the Group, except the file type
    have been changed, and it's compressed)

 472    11/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Think C source code for /mac/game/board/jottoii1.1, a Mastermind-
   like game where you have to guess a word out of the computers
   5 or 6 letter word collection.
 468     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Source for /mac/util/text/kantgeneratorpro1.31.cpt.hqx
 321     5/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/development/languages/kevo0.9b6.sit.hqx, a
   prototype-based object-oriented system build around a simple
   classless object model.
 250     8/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/game/board/lostyourmarbles1.0, a
   game in which you must fill a board with marbles such that
   no row, column, or diagonal contains two of the same marble. Source
   distributed under GNU Public License.
 135     4/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source to /mac/util/print/lpdaemon3.32.cpt.hqx, a program
   to send files from Unix hosts through your Mac (which acts as a
   server), to be printed on LaserWriters on the Macintosh network.
   Also includes source to LPR 1.0.1, an lpDaemon client that submits
   jobs to a (UNIX) printer queue. Note: LPDaemon 3.32 has been updated
   the author has not forwarded the source.
  35     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK Pascal source for /mac/compression/macbinaryii+, a program
   to expand MacBinary-encoded files, or encode items using a newly-
   proposed addition (which includes folder information) to the
   MacBinary II standard.  Files encoded with this program are
   backwards-compatible with the MacBinary II format.
 429      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   C Source for MacGZIP 0.3 which will compress and uncompress files
   in the increasingly-popular GZIP format developed by the fine folks
   at GNU.  The source can be built by CodeWarrior, MPW or
   Think C 8.0  The compiled version is always stored elsewhere at
  72     10/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   C source for /mac/graphics/graphicsutil/macpdb2pov.sit.hqx
 878      5/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 
   C source for development/languages/macperl4.12, a language that
   combines some of the features of C, sed, awk and shell.
 21     3/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  This ResEdit file contains all the resources to add color,
  system 7 "3-D" icons to the Config Mac PPP cdev.
 305      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Source code to accompany the book, _Macintosh Programming Secrets_
   (Second Editon).  Direct from Keith Rollin himself.
 759      7/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   C source code (with Think C and MetroWorks project files) for
   the MacRTrace ray tracing application.

  77      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple application shell for THINK C 5.0 or 6.0.  Uses a window
   class to provide basic window behavior:  dragging, changing size,
   zooming, closing and vertical and horizontal scroll bars.  Detailed
   knowledge of the THINK Class Library not required.
 168    12/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A simple application shell for THINK Pascal.  Uses a window class
   to provide basic window behavior:  dragging, changing size,
   zooming, closing and vertical and horizontal scroll bars.  Detailed
   knowledge of the THINK Class Library not required.
 566     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/sound/soundutil/mactracker1.2.cpt.hqx, an
   Amiga MOD file player with 16-bit support.
 340     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   3D engine suitable for games, etc.  Includes Fat Binary compiled
2   demo.
   3     5/22/86    Text
   The C source code for the Aztec C compiler system's archive
   ("arcv") program that merges many source files together into one
   file and vice versa.
  15    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source for /mac/util/multifinder/mbarclockdigital, a
   menubar clock that appears to the left of the Apple Menu.
  93    11/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/util/developer/menufixer1.0.cpt.hqx, a
   program to reconcile MENU resource IDs against internal menu IDs.
  55     12/4/93    BinHex4.0
   THINK Pascal source for /mac/game/board/morpion1.00.sit.hqx, a
   solitare game.
  70     7/24/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source for a "credits" type splash screen scrolling of
   'TEXT'/'styl' resource content.
 620      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for a collection of graphic effects for putting a
   picture onto the screen (into a window).  40 different effects
   include 8 scrolling effects.  Includes compiled application to
   demonstrate the effects.
 493     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/util/comm/multisession1.04.cpt.hqx, a
   terminal program that allows you to have up to 15 windows open
   over a single serial connection.  Includes C source for the UNIX
   host using the UNIX MultiSession server program and THINK C source
   for MacMore 1.0.4, a program for viewing and converting text files.
  77     8/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Pascal source for MungeImage, a program which allows one to
   mount .image files as disk icons on the desktop.
  12     11/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   C code for a simple program that, given a file name, launches an
   application-creator and has it handle the file. The net result is
   exactly the same as if the user had double-clicked on the file.
 871     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   C source for /mac/util/comm/ncsatelnet.  Will now compile 
   in PowerPC-native mode code!
  17     7/24/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source for a some happy bouncing smiley faces.
 112     7/24/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source for a line-drawing-type screen saver.
 360    11/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Everything you need to build NewsWatcher (the source,
   project files, MacTCP includes) in THINK C.
  22     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A small analog clock program.  Includes Think Pascal source.
 148      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   C Source for util/developer/nshell.
   7     9/29/92    Text
    Pascal code to have the finder open a control panel.
   4    11/21/92    Text
   Pascal source that when given a FSSpec will return a handle to
   the full path name. Does not have problems with path lengths with
   greater than 255 characters.  Requires System 7.
 549     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source for /mac/game/board/pentominoes1.41.cpt.hqx, a game
   where you must fit all the tiles in a frame without overlapping.
 283    12/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/game/board/pentominoes1.41.cpt.hqx, a game
   where you must fit all the tiles in a frame without overlapping.
  47     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Use pictures as buttons instead of the drab black and white
   'normal' buttons; v1.2 adds multi-state option and fixes crash
   related to buttons appearing off- or just-off-screen; includes
   source well as projects for THINK C 7 and CodeWarrior 6.
 140      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   MPW C source for /mac/util/text/plaintext1.21.cpt.hqx, a simple
   text editor that handles files larger than 32K (and much more).
 165     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Popup CDEF compatible with systems 6.0 and 7.0, similar to the
   standard popup CDEF supplied with system 7.0 and described in 
   IM-VI. An additional variation code, popupTypeIn, helps support
   type-in popup menus by displaying only the down arrow without the
   current selection or title.
   7    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   C source to demonstrate the use of a System-7 popup menu, as well
   as a movable modal dialog.
 165    10/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   THINK C 5.0 source for MacPPP from Merit/MichNet.
  32    10/18/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Programming utility based on the Tokenizer; drag-n-drop source
   code formatted source code printer.
 156     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK Pascal source code for /mac/system.extensions/pwrswitcher1.12
   which allows you to switch active applications using the power key.
  11     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C function to split a region into its constituent rectangles
   for processing.  Includes demo program.
 122     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Highly customizable programmerUs utility, which, when given a
   resource file, generates a C source code listing of all named
   resources in the file; v1.2 is faster, has spinning cursor
   class, more; includes source.
   6      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   C source code for a code resource that is to be added to a
   ResCompare 4.0.3 patcher to make it copy or patch a data fork
   (specifically, a PowerPC app).  In other words, this patch allows
   you to use ResCompare to create patches for "fat" (68K and PowerPC)
  10      1/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/util/diskfile/resetdtdbs.cpt.hqx, an
   an application to reset Desktop Databases on each mounted volume.
  37     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This excer involves computation of the isometric projection of a
   solid and rotation of that solid about an axis
  39     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   C source code for implementing a list in a dialog box.
 1037     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Contains Mops Selection Framework and Mops Extensions,
   recent enhancements to the Mop programming environment.
  19     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source that implements a custom Standard File Dialog that
   allows users to select folders in which to save or locate files.
   Includes sample program.  Requires System 7.
  17     1/16/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK Pascal source that implements a custom Standard File Dialog
   that allows users to select folders in which to save or locate
   files.  Requires System 7.
 14     10/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   C source (MPW and THINK) to implement a multiple-get version of
   the standard SFGet dialog.
  92      3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This kit allows programs to write plug-in modules for Motion
   Work's SoundMate program, part of the Multimedia Utilities.
  11      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ShowINIT compatible routine that shows 'ICN#' and 'iclx' flavor
   icons.  For use by all INITs in System 7 and beyond.
  45    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Source code for /mac/system.extensions/init/shutdownfade.cpt.hqx,
   which causes all attached screens to fade to black at shutdown.
 128     4/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Source code for /mac/system.extensions/init/shutdownfx1.4.cpt.hqx,
   which picks a random effect from one of 16 built in to clear your
   screens at shutdown.  THINK C project files included.
  11     9/29/92    Text
   Pascal code that makes it easier to use the List Manager to create
   and manage lists of strings.
   8    11/23/94    Text
   A Unit written in Think Pascal to save Gworlds or current active
   windows as a file of PICT format.
  55    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/system.extensions/init/sleepdeprivation1.0,
   which clears the screen with a cool graphic effect when your Mac
   goes to sleep.
 97      4/10/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Minimum THINK Pascal source a beginner could look at to see the
   essential elements of async sound production, done by-the-book.
   6     3/31/87    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This is the .asm and .link text souce for the SortInitInstall
  33    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/system.extensions/init/speedymouse1.2,
   which causes your mouse to move at twice its normal speed.
   9    10/31/86    BinHex4.0
   SW Sound.c is source for SW Sound.
  14     9/11/93    Text
   MPW C and ASM source to add a "system" menu to the menu bar, one
   that will stick around all the time.
  49    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for an INIT which will pick a random startup screen
   to be displayed during at startup, during INIT loading
  23    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/system.extensions/init/stonedmouse1.0,
   which causes your mouse to move discretely instead of continuously.
  24     3/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C code to useful ThreadManager routines available to the
 107     9/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
  THINK C project containing the source code to Talking Clock.
  A good example of using the Speech Manager and AppleScript.
  59      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MPW C source for /mac/util/compression/tar4.0b.sit.hqx, a program
   to read and write UNIX-style TAR archives.
  42    12/13/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Sample code to demonstrate the use of a relatively high level
   interface to MacTCP that allows fairly easy writing of TCP
   applications in Pascal using event-driven programming.
 173     7/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A plug-in replacement for the Macintosh Toolbox TextEdit package
   that can handle more than 32 K of text at a time.  THINK C source
   with a sample application compiled as Fat Binary for 68K and
   PowerPC Macs.
 567     9/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A game creation source kit that includes PixelBlizzard, a sprite
   toolkit optimized for sidescrolling arcade games; SSE, a sound
   engine capable of rudimentary music and sound effects; PolyMan, a
   polygon hit testing engine to be used with the sprite toolkit; and
   MITORI Warrior, a sample game.

 118     8/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for /mac/game/arcade/tetrislight, a very minimal
   implementation of Tetris.
 118      4/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Source for a non-preemptive, multiple thread library; v1.0d4 fixes
   several bugs, improves internal operation of the Thread Library.
  11     7/30/85    Text
   C source for TinyFinder
  19     5/21/87    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   MPW Asm source code and listing output for TrackPopUp, a function
   somewhat like MenuSelect but for pop-up menus.  Works on all
   Macintoshes. The listing output will be useful in deciphering the
   expansion of the "Pascal-ish" macros used in the source and for
   determining the values of symbols and trap words  that might not
   be defined in your own set of EQUate files.
  15    02/09/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
  Source for a C library to create random numbers.
  30    10/23/93    Text
   C source for /mac/util/diskfile/unfolder2.0.hqx, a utility to
   translate MacBinary-encoded files.
  27    11/11/86    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Unpit.c and Unpit.r are source for the Unpit program.
  60      7/4/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   C source for a program to decode files compressed in .zip format.
  31     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   THINK C source for several nice bits of code:  CInstance - A class
   to implement object persistence (a convenient way to use a prefs
   file).  driver - A class upon which to build drivers and DAs
   PasStrs - A number of functions that let you have look-alikes for
   the C string functions (e.g. strcat, strcpy, etc.) that work with
   Pascal strings.  A modified version of oops.c that includes a new
   function - sizeofobj - that is used by the CInstance class.
 419     7/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Symantec C++ 7.0 source for a program that simulates flying through
   clouds.  Non-interactive compiled version included.
2513     11/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   About 200 Codewarrior 7 subroutines (and some demo and utility programs)
   for visual psychophysics on the Mac. Low-level routines give video
   control; high-level routines are useful in running psychophysical
   experiments.  Useful to anyone who wants to present accurately
   specified visual stimuli or to use the Mac for psychometric
   experiments and generally anyone who wants strict control over the
   Mac's video.
 170     3/13/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for Voyeur, a "no frills" file viewer avilable
   in the archive's diskfile directory.
  64      2/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Think C projects and source for five different "Warping" effects, 
   some of which of you've seen before in screensavers.
   4     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A stub to allow you to write a cdev in CodeWarrior (even though it
   currently does not allow you to use an id that is a negative.)
   7     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An INIT written in CodeWarrior that shows how to use their A4
   stuff, as well as handle patching a trap, multi-segments, etc.
   8     5/22/86    Text
   C source for an analog clock DA.
  18     7/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   How to add a simple extra part to an existing WDEF and do hit
   testing on the part via FindWindow().  The extra part in this case
   is on the right side of the title bar, just to the left of where
   the zoombox would be.  When hit, it inverts the window.
   THINK C source, plus compiled examples.
 977     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   THINK C source for a Macintosh application shell supporting both
   Systems 6 and 7.
  87     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source to plot and rotate wireframe objects.
   Includes compiled demos.
  22     5/22/86    Text
   C source for the Wizardry character editor.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   12 days of xmas program.
   6     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Obfuscated C 12 days of xmas program.
   6     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Pascal code which demonstrates how to display a splash screen
   while the application is starting up and initializing.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C code for mounting an appleshare file server using afp commands.
  17     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Perl and Rez scripts for creating balloon help.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C source for a band-pass filter [converts sounds between
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Algorithm for working with scroll bars which represent more than
  12    3/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Skeleton for constructing CDEF resources in CodeWarrior C.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions for changing the system font and size.
  16     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions illustrating how to change the user name for the
   system and make it stick.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function to convert pc doubles to Mac doubles.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Demonstrating a quick way in C to copy a Str255 variable.
   6     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Lex code for counting lines of Think C source files.
   2     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C code to convert a C string to an OSType.
  12     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C code that implements a doubly linked list.
  16     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Pascal code that implements a doubly linked list.
  18     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Bill's common header definitions.
  12     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Pascal procedure for checking for a debugger.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C code demonstrating how to change the font and size for DITL
   resource items, including static text items.
  44     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routines to read sound tracks from a CD300 and play em.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C snippet showing how to draw the down arrow for a custom popup
   2     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Pascal function for drawing a single dialog item.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function for drawing a go away box.
   2     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function for implementing the standard edit functions in a
   modeless dialog.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function to encode a string.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Pascal routines to encrypt a string.
  12     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Solution for using FSpExchangeFiles and other file systems.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions to convert little-endian numbers to the Mac's
   big-endian numbers.
   7     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions to flip the byte orders of shorts and longs.
   6     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function to convert a floating point number to a fraction.
   6     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function to convert a floating point number to a fraction.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function to convert a double to TeX format.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function for changing the finder flags for a folder.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions to convert between floating point numbers and strings.
   6     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions for getting the application's FSSpec, and also getting
   the dirID of a folder from it's FSSpec.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function which determines the names of all mounted volumes.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Pascal function for returning the name from the network control
   2     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function to get the pointer to the application's QuickDraw
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function to get a window's rectangle.  This rect can then be
   saved and used to reposition and resize a window.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routine to implement gmtime (of un*x fame) on the mac.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function for drawing the grow icon for a window without also
   drawing the empty scroll bars.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Pascal routines for modifying the size of the application's zone.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C hashing function.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C hashing function.
   8     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C hashing function.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C hashing functions.
   2     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   A simple C hashing macro.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function demonstrating how to change an app's heap partition
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C code showing how to increase an applications stack size.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C code to determine if an FSSpec (received via Apple Events)
   points to a file or a directory/volume.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function to call of the toolbox init routines as well as some
   other initialization stuff.
   2     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions for checking if the command and option keys are
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C code showing how to change the keyboard repeat rate using lo-mem
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function for launching a code resource.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function to launch an application keeping the necessary
   information to send the app some apple events.
   7     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C header file and sample code for using the undocumented Layer
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routines to list the contents of a volume/directory.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routines to implement the use of special keys (i.e. page up and
   down) with a list.
   9     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Pascal routines to implement the use of special keys (i.e. page up
   and down) with a list.
  48     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routines to implement lzss, lz-huffman, and lz-ari code.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Think C translation of assembly code from the Developer CD for
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routines for drawing the time on the right side of the menu.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C FilterProc routine for SFPGetFile that allows dragging of
   windows behind the SFPGetFile window.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routine to get the location of the mouse and convert it to a
   string which can be printed.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function for determining the number of monitors connected to a
  12     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Pascal routines to pack strings into an 'STR#' resource.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function for doing pascal string expansions similar to the
   ParamText trap.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   A set of pascal functions which simulate the C printf routine.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function to patch DrawMenuBar
   6     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function to patch GetResource.
   6     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C/inline asm function demonstrating how to handle the patching of
   a trap and selector combination.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
v   C code demonstrating how to call PBSetCatInfo directly after
  27     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C function to make a preview resource picture which Quicktime will
   use with the StandardOpenPreview call.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C code demonstrating how to programmatically change between
   printer drivers.
   6     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routine to copy Pascal strings.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routine to copy Pascal strings.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routine to copy Pascal strings.
   2     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routine to copy Pascal strings.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions showing how to restart a mac after a given time period
   has elapsed.
  19     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions for random numbers, including random floats, etc.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Undocumented details for using ReadLocation.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C code to convert a file's reference number to an FSSpec record.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions for reading and writing preferences in 'STR '
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Pascal code for restarting the Mac by sending the Finder
  18    11/5/94     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
    C code and a resource file for functions that convert between
    the ASCII version of Internet standard format (RFC 822 and 1123) date
    strings and the Macintosh time format.
   7     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routine to rotate a Str255.
   8     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routines for building a dialog's DITL list from scratch.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Using _UserDelay to delay the scrolling.
   4     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Example code on how to send SCSI commands directly to a drive.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C glue for the GetStdFilterProc, SetDialogDefaultItem,
   SetDialogCancelItem, SetDialogTracksCursor, and StdFilterProc.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C code demonstrating how to adjust the size of the application's
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Reading and writing Str255's to/from a file.
   2     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Think-C 5.0.4 pragma for disabling structure padding.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions for getting and setting the system font and size using
   the lo-mem globals.
   2     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Inline assembly routine to check for the shift key being down or
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C code demonstrating how to use TEXT and styl resources in
   conjuction with a styled TE record.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C source which implements some Time Mgr routines.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions showing how to use the time manager to increment a
   counter (for timing purposes).
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Pascal procedure to force the Finder to update a folder.
   7     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C routines for synchronized VBLTask drawing.
   8     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Information and code in C for WDEF creation and manipulation.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C and C++ routines for working with handles; avoids HUnlock.
   4     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Algorithm for deciding when to draw in color vs. b&w.
   8     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C functions to get some rects from a window, including
   the content rect and the drag rect.
   5     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   C source for accessing the parameter ram.
   3     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   Modula-2 source for accessing the parameter ram.  Provides a
   better interface to access the PRAM.
   8     2/26/94    BinHex4.0
   A detailed map of the contents of the XPRAM.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 528     9/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A character-based dungeon simulation based on Moria,
   but reminds me a lot of NetHack.  The interface is a
   cross between Mac and Unix (text characters flying around
   a grid in a window), but it's apparently very addicting.

1558     8/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A highly-rated dungeon exploring and role playing game.
 131    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Text adventure with simple ASCII graphics.
  50     3/17/96    BinHex4.0,Stuffit 3.5

   Combat Aid is intended to be used when playing AD&D to figure
   the outcome of a battle.  You can either have the program figure
   it out "by the book" or give an advantage to one side.

 287      4/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A text adventure where you are affected by a family curse, resulting
   in an adventure that takes you from ancient Alexandria to insiade a
   Tarot deck, and many other interesting places. Requires the ZIP
   curses interpreter /mac/game/gameutil/zip.sit.hqx.
  39     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Solution to Dave's Challenge - the final part of the SSi game Pools of
   Darkness including the maps and strategy; legend says that s/he who beats
   Dave's Challenge is the best SSi game player in the universe. *snicker*
 117     2/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Retrieve the crystal and return it to its rightful place, and
   conquer monsters, serpents, etc. in the process; graphic, not text.
  80     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Collection of rule-sets for Empire Master gamers; includes rules for
   Warhammer 40,000 (based on the universe of the Games Workshop), Imperium,
   Eldar, Orks, Earth 2000AD: Contemporary Warfare, Gulf War: Stealth Fighters,
   Tridents and Spy Satellites, Serbia: MiGs and Snipers, and Medieval:
   Explore and Conquer medieval Europe; free!
  29    10/13/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Three rule sets for Empire Master:  SWORDS: Various Fantasy and
   Medieval style battle rules. They are set in the usual D&D genre
   with spells, dragons, giants and sea monsters.  MYRMIDON, MAN-
   MACHINE WARS: Sci-fi battle games loosely based on a Traveller
 248      4/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A text adventure game (created with TADS).  You sign up into
   a research study in the near future and wake up after being
   knocked out with no idea what's going on.  Sounds like being
   a freshman at U-M... This is the second release.

2200     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   The original version of Exile called "Escape From The Pit".  Not to
   be confused with Exile II which is also available in this directory.
   A highly detailed, huge-looking role playing game where you control 
   a bunch of people exploring, combatting, escaping, etc. while in Exile 
   (a "nation underground").

2848     12/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A new version of Exile, called "Crystal Souls".  A highly detailed,
   huge-looking role playing game where you control a bunch of people
   exploring, combatting, escaping, etc. while in Exile (a "nation
   underground").  Due to the huge size of this file, it's due to
   be removed from the archive on 2/4/96.
  34     4/27/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A fantasy/Medieval style rule set for the game Empire Master.
  22      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   You are running a small island; keep all the natives alive
   until the game ends; very similar in concept to the old basic
   game, Hammurabi.

 400     4/15/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A TADS (i.e. text only) adventure game where you wake up
   in New York City and have to figure out how to get around (hey wait a 
   second, that's just like real life!).
 770    11/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Mac version of the unix game, Rogue; v3.0 claims to be the
   final release of the game.  A dungeon-exploring game like
   nethack, Dungeon of Doom, or Ultima.
 268     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Text adventure game set at Wesleyan University in Connecticut;
   free and fun!
 388     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The text-based multilevel dungeon game popularized on mainframes.
   This version based on UMoria 5.5.2.
4180      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   You are a group of adventurers who have arrived in the city of
   Bywater with a small amount of money and a great desire for
   adventure.  Like Dungeons and Dragons.  VERY elaborate!  Requires
   256 colors.  Due to the piggish size of this file, it's
   scheduled to be removed from the archives 5/2/96.
 480    3/20/96     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Version 2.4 of the Realmz scenario Castle in the Clouds.  
   This version is designed to work with Realmz 2.4 and up.
 400    3/20/96     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The following submission file contains the 2.4 version of the
   Assault on Giant Mountain scenario that is needed in order to
   experience the 3D dungeons of Realmz.
 672    3/20/96     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   The shareware scenario Destroy the Necronomicon 2.4, for
   use with registered copies of Realmz.  Includes tips file
   in DocMaker format.

 105    3/20/96     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A DocMaker application which lists all the NPC's 
   (non player characteristics?) for the various 
   Realmz scenarios.

 304    3/20/96     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The following submission file contains the 2.4 version of the 
   Reamlm scenario Prelude to Pestilence.  
 399    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Explore an old ruined city to 'the greatest find of your career'...
 420     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Visit a certain Ivy League institution; find out how bad
   institutional food can be; meet the dullest U president
   in the entire Ivy League; v2.0 is bug fix, and, unfortunately,
   removes the infamous death-by-starvation sequence. *aww*heh*

 416     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A TADS (i.e. text only) adventure game.  All life has disappeared
   from the village, and even you feel weak... gotta find Holcroft,
   he knows what to do.
  29     2/27/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A more "traditional" rule set for Empire Master, having tanks and
   jets rather than dragons and knights.
 820     8/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   You're in a group, recruiting adventurers to go out and explore
   the ruins and towns in the surrounding countryside, and
   bash monsters such as goblins and snakes.  Like a graphical
   board game.  With lots of sound effects and some explanatory
 812       9/2395    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   French language version of Sword Dream.
 825     4/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Adventure game where part of the puzzle is in figuring out the
   goal.  Very much in the style of Fools Errand and 3 in 3.
2806      8/8/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The shareware version of Ultima III, faithful to the original version.
   Full approval from EA and Lord British.  Requires a color macintosh 
   (68020 or higher).  Fat binary.

 340    11/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   You are an old, vintage typewriter collecting dust in an
   antique shop given the chance to destroy all the computers
   and IBM itself in order to once again claim your spot as a
   useful piece of hardware; requires 256 colors and at least
   2 megs of memory.
 136   11/21/94     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The old classic game WUMPUS.  Explore, and try to shoot the
   wumpus.  Fun console type game.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 149     8/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 3d break-out type game.  Requires Color QuickDraw.
 121     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 3d version of pong with customizable computer opponents;
   requires Color Quickdraw, System 6.0.5+ or 7.0+, 68020 CPU or
   greater, and ,000K free memory to run in 8-bit color (700K for
   4-bit or less.); v1.05 fixes several bugs.
  201   8/20/95   BihHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   3D Screamers is a very fast game in which a spaceship flies around
   a full "virtual" 3-D world, it shows DOOM-like situations in
   tunnels but also supports flight-simulator movements with full 6
   degres of freedom. 3D Screamers works at very high frame rates and
   features texture-mapping, shading, explosions and more, it runs on
   Macs with an FPU and has been accelerated for PowerMacs.

  90    11/27/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Click on good things to gain points.  Click on bad things to lose
   points.  The point, you ask?  Good point...
3248     12/4/95    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   Snazzy, slightly psychadelic version of the arcade game Centipede.
   The object is to kill the 'pede as it marches down from the top
   of the screen, and of course you can knock off the mushrooms and
   other assorted nasties in the way.  Due to the exceptionally
   piggish size of this file, it'll be removed from the archive
   pretty soon after 2/4/96.

 319     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Remember Atari's old arcade game Tempest?  This  very polished
   game is based directly on it.  Move your pointer/ship around a
   grid and shoot at the nasties as they head up towards you.
 295     10/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Pseudo-3d PacMan.  You maneuver your gobbling man around a grid,
   gathering pellets, food and treasure chests.  There are walking
   heads chasing after you.  New version adds color, and uses less 
 311     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Based on Balderdash, and lotsa fun!

 330      8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A rather pathetically put-together game where you get to
   machine-gun, knife, lightening-bolt or just plain nuke
   the rather pathetic purple children's TV host.
  75     3/17/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A nice little 'kill the other guy' game.  Small, addictive.
1285      9/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Bedlam is a good "shoot'em up" game for the Macintosh *somewhat*
   similar to an old arcade favorite, Galaga, but with many additions.
   It has good graphics (for b/w), including over 40 sprites, and about
   600k worth of sounds.
 177     6/14/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Tetris on a hexagonal grid.
  64     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Billiards, straight pool, 8-ball, 9-ball, snooker, slop, and lag.
  390    10/20/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Blobbo 1.0 Lite is a game of strategy - you must pick up all the
   toy chests in each level without falling victim to various 
   interlocking traps and pitfalls.  Lots of sound, animation, and 
   general sillyness combine with addictive puzzles that will provide 
   many hours of entertainment.  The full 25 levels are included,
   along with a couple saved games to help you along.  If you like
   Sokoban, you'll like this too.
  19     10/20/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A bug fix for Blobbo 1.0 Lite.  Allows you to finish the 18th level.
 664     12/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A tasteless game in the vein of Bonk, also found on mac.archive.
   Move your hand around the playing field, trying to keep bugs
   from lunching off your outstretched arm.  Very colorful, requires
   a 13"+ monitor and System 7.
 512     3/3/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Blox Arcade 1.02 is four games in one application -- a Tetris clone 
   and three original and exciting variations.
 226     7/26/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Like the old penny arcade game, a stupid looking head pops out of
   the hole and it's up to you to "bonk" the head back down with your
   mouse before it laughs at you...  You can also "bomb" all the
   heads at once.  Two versions: one for B/W, one for 256 colors.
  56     2/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The classic paddle game in color for 1 or more players.
 150     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   You are a burglar trying to gather gold, but it's almost enough
   just to try to stay alive by jumping, climbing, digging and pushing
   your way clear of the enemies.  Similar to Lode Runner.
  51    2/16/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A game to impress your girlfriends with, simply point and click
   and shoot as many of the 20 pink bunnies scrambling across the 
   screen as you can.
 702     3/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An asteroids-inspired game similar to Maelstrom, except your ship
   is a teapot; requires Color QuickDraw; v1.01 fixed to work on 12",
   13" monitors and larger.
 100    10/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Collect memory chips from a warehouse. 5 levels. Similar to Lode
  63    10/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   A game with a blatant political theme - a response to the French
   prime minister's approval of nuclear bomb tests.  Similar to Pac Man.

2109      6/1/97    BinHex4.0
   Form bonds between atoms to create inert molecules before
   the atoms overflow from a vial; a tetris-like game with a
   chemical twist; fun.
 127    10/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Blocks of 4 colors (or patterns for B&W) drop down; you position 
   and rotate them where you want them and let 'em drop!  Try to get 
   4 or more in a row down, across, diagonally or in a block... But 
   that's not all: random things happen during play to either help or 
   hinder your progress, such as a falling weight, a bomb and other 
   strange things.  
 255     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   A simple columns game with nifty dragons in the background watching
   their jewels bombard down the screen.
 144      9/7/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A simple implementation of the game Daleks.  Avoid the robots.

 395     7/16/97    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Fast-paced color action gives opportunity to save humankind,
   destroy Zorgons, fight mutant assassins, etc...  the usual day's
   work for heroes like us (aka: Defender); requires color Mac with
   68020 or better, 16 colors/grays, PowerMac compatible.

 180     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Another fighting ninja-type game with decent graphics, cool
   moves for up to 5 players (or player may herself play all
   5 at once--just call up 'kickbutt' *heh*); v1.1 fixes bug
   in lifebars; requires HyperCard or HyperCard player.
 104     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Irish Gaelic version of "Desk Invaders" (Desk Invaders
   can be found in /mac/game/arcade/deskinvaderstwo.sit.hqx).
  92     12/5/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The classic Space Invaders arcade game in a small app; requires
   ColorQuickDraw, 256 colors, 68030 or better cpu to play; update
   to older DA.
 776     11/8/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two players shoot at each other with cannons. 
  99     8/19/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple formula 1/Grand Prix racing game in the spirit of
   Virtua Racing.  Two players, each can see the other
   in their field of view.  Minimal but impressive.

 528     9/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Here's a game that lets you practice for the job most of us
   get straight out of high school.  You spend your virtual week
   clicking on control switches (in the right order) to put
   various manufactured things (toothpaste, shoes, burgers) 
   together.  You can control the speed, so things can be as
   monotonous, or crazy, as you can handle it.  Just don't get fired!
 193     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A game based on the book by Isaac Asimov; take a
   trip through the cardiovascular system and see red
   cells, glands and even cholesterol!
 816     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Frog Xing is a well-paced arcade game in which you guide a 
   frog across a highway and a river to dock on the other side.  
   You can catch bonuses along the way to score extra points.

 696     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A maze game designed to keep you playing for hours on end.

1436     7/18/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Glimmer is a commercial quality arcade game featuring genuine
   stereoscopic 3-D. You actually wear red-blue movie glasses to play.
   According to Ben Haller, author of Solarian II, Glimmer is "the most
   fabulous video game the Macintosh has ever seen!"
 900     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Collect gold while evading enemies.  Includes level editor.
   Basically like Lode Runner.
 699     12/22/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Push the pot-o'-gold to the rainbow.  Something similar to
   Leprechaun, but different.  Similar to Sokoban and Blobbo
   in gameplay.
 182      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keep a ball balanced within a ever-shrinking area for 8 seconds.
  37      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Reach the other side of the playing field before being eaten
   by the monsters/demons; difficulty, number of demons adjustable.
  17     11/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Climb unto blocks which fall from the "sky" to reach happiness and
   harmony. You are smoooshed if you fail.
 288     7/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Just like PacMan, except here you're collecting marijuana leaves.
   Written by somebody with a wry sense of humor, when your character
   uses the "superdrugs" power pellet, it gets to bash on the campus
   police chasing it.
  81     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Control a butterfly with the mouse, collecting hearts while trying
   to avoid the sticky flypapers.  Like Crystal Quest: mouse controls
   acceleration, not velocity.
 237      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Take the role of a skier in a slalom championship.
  42      1/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple arcade shoot-em up game involving shooting a
   floating happy face.
  94     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Spiffy little game with a deformed sense of humor: player 
   is the robot trying to evade the evil blood-sucking 
   suitcase-carrying lawyers.

   4      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   30 very tough and interesting levels for Lode Runner.
 154      6/7/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Zap the baddies and save the humans.  A faithrul port of Robotron
   2084.  Does not require Color QuickDraw, but pretty unplayable
   without it.
 413     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Knock out the bricks and don't let the ball go off the bottom of
   the screen; watch out--evil bubbles can deflect the ball, possibly
   foiling attempts to win; v3.1 has MANY new features; requires
   System 7 and Color QuickDraw.

 304      3/5/96    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Put the pipes into a pattern such that you can make the water
   stay contained as long as possible. Kind of like the Windows Pipes
   game, although this is modeled after an old Amiga game.
   Requires: System 7, 256 colors. Sound Manager recommended.
1226    1/17/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Ski down various courses, avoiding critters and other skiiers (and
   snow bunnies), exploding snowmen, adjustable weather conditions, 
   different types of skiis, etc.  A fat binary game.
 148     9/1/95    BinHex4.0,CompactPro1.51

   Run around a maze and collect the money while avoiding traps.
   Includes a level editor.

 100     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Generate a maze to a tiny orb through and touch three corners
   --trouble is, a person could get blown to kingdom come if'n
   not careful.
 517     4/25/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Mazeworld Catacombs is a fast-paced arcade-style game based on the 
   original Mazeworld 3D adventure.  It has many features that people 
   have requested, such as sound, keyboard controls, auto-mapping, 
   and smoother graphics.  The monsters are smarter, the colors are 
   brighter, the action is more intense, and the objective is more 
   understandable:  make lots of points before you finally get blown 
 776     8/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Pong was the first electronic video game EVER!  So... it's really 
   a classic! This game is kind of electronic Ping-Pong.  Each 
   player controls a "paddle" and uses it to hit the ball.  No weird
   frills, just cool graphics and good background music.  Requires
   System 7.1 or better, Sound Manager 3.0, 256-color monitor with
   at least 640x480 resolution.
 172      6/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Like the ancient computer game "Pong", two players (or one against
   the computer) use paddles to keep balls out of their goals.  Adds
   bumpers, tubes, moving goals, multiple balls, opponent freezing and
   a whole lot more to breathe new life into this classic genre.

 408    12/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A modern version of the arcade classic 'Missile Command'.
   Shoot down the enemy missiles before they destroy your cities.
 227     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Remove the falling blocks, a cross between Polytris and 
 221    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Another falling blocks game, only more than one block may drop
   at a time, and if 4 or more blocks are connected in any way
   except diagonal, they will be removed; nifty variant.
 232    11/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Beware falling rows and columns; a fun columns-type game
   with configurable elements like number of blocks and colors
   in a column, degree of difficulty changing when more blocks
   are added.
 244     11/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Like Tetris, but with many more features: pieces with 5 blocks,
   water ballons, bombs, and more. Very customizable.
  12    12/28/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The world's oldest arcade game (this implementation was written 
   in 1985 and the included source code has been ported to Think C).
  35     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple game of manuvering creatures out of a room by sliding them
  17     8/11/95    BinHex4.0,CompactPro1.51

   This game is intended to help improve hand-eye (mouse-eye?) 
   coordination.  Click on the randomly appearing dots while 
   staring at the red center dot.  Harder than it sounds.

  46     3/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A sailboat simulator.
 161     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Capture the king on a chessboard...
1523     7/13/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Musical, 4-bit color sequel to the original Scruffy.  Basic premise:
   shoot the aliens and rescue your girlfriend.  Great arcade-style

 456    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The classic arcade game in color; v1.31 fixes minor bugs, makes
   alternate graphics files easier to make, more; requires Color
   QuickDraw and System 7 or greater.
 281     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three-dimensional breakout.  Never seen anything like it.  Check it
 183      6/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A variation of paddleball/breakout; "fat binary" runs on both
   classics and powermacs; requires System 7.
 206    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,CompactPro1.51

   Shoot down planes, rockets, and other skydivers as you plummet
   towards the ground.  And when you get tired of that, take a few moments
   to mangle the leader of our favorite software supercorporation.  Two
   games in one!

 478     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Move a animated, chomping head of the President of the United
   States around the game board, gobbling down cheeseburgers,
   fries and bikini-clad women, all while avoiding Whitewater,
   the Press and Ross Perot.

1263      1/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A cross between Tron's light cycles and Centipede, you control two
   snakes inching around across a board.  Everytime the two snakes cross
   paths, they create an egg.  Once you lay enough eggs for that level,
   a snake hole appears and you can move on to the next level.  
   Of course, there are bad guys... and you have to watch where you're
   going (i.e. don't fall off the edge of the screen).
 159      1/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Lure stupid robots to their doom by moving around a closed grid
   and causing robots to run into each other or into heaps of already
   dead robots.  Just like Daleks, eh?
3228      9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Swoop is an arcade classic combining pulse-quickening game play with 
   state of the art computer animation and audio effects. Smooth flowing 
   action, detailed full color graphics, and custom sound effects all 
   provide for exciting game play. Clone of the old Galaxian arcade game.
 360     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drive a tank through the maze to get to the flag placed within.
   Requires monitor set at 256 colors.
 112      9/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Another minimal implementation of Tetris.  Includes instructions
   on how to modify the resources with ResEdit.  Playable on color
   or black and white.
  50     8/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A very minimal implementation of Tetris.  Comes with only one
   speed:  too slow.
1183      8/23/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Implementation of the classic game Tetris, featuring 256-color
   art (cool space pictures!), an original music soundtrack, etc.;
   smooth, professional animation.  Honorably mentioned in
   the 1993 MacUser Shareware Awards.  Version 2.6 includes new
   music, several enhancements, and bug fixes.  Fat Binary.
 656     8/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tetris Plus is a step above Tetris.  The goal is to arrange red, 
   green, and blue blocks of the same color horizontally or vertically, 
   three or more in a row. Once this is done, the blocks will explode.
  74     3/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A freeware color Tetris game.  Pretty snazzy and smooth.
 103     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Another tetris-like game.

 218     1/17/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A Tron/light-cycle type game for two players.  You can drop
   mines or ice patches, too.

 297     7/10/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   One of those speeding-light-cycle games.  Knock the other guy
   into the wall (one or two players).
1285     8/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A "Mortal Kombat" type game, except with live actors instead
   of computer animation.  Computer simulated blood.  Not for
   the squeamish.
1700     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   You are a pilot of space ship 'Woden' and fly in space avoiding 
   enemies and missiles. You destroy the big and hard boss and then 
   clear the stage. There are 5 stages.  Requires Powermac, 5.3 MB 
   free RAM.
1890     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Blast the balls that come onto the screen and the two 
   that appear after that; addicting sorta like asteroids
   but with great background pictures.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  53    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Tic-tac-toe in 3 dimensions against the computer or a friend...
 620     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Word game sorta like Mastermind only with letters; includes
   French and English menus, dictionaries; v1.5 is no longer a
   demo, has online (or fax) auto-payment procedures.
 385     10/16/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Push opponent's (Mac or another player) pieces off hexagonal
   board; v1.42 adds new strategy, includes address change;
   requires System 7.x, 350k RAM, prefers QuickTime, 800k RAM.

 400      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   You have two huge grids.  On the left side is one the computer
   set up, on the right side is the grid that you have to fill in.
   When you click on an empty spot, the circles get filled in.
   If there are circles already there, they get incremented by one.
   The only thing you're against here is time and complexity.  
   Requires 68020+ and a 13" monitor capable of at least 16 colors.
 499     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Dictionary on the order of the on-line Webster for use with
   crossword and anagram games.
 207     6/18/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   'Fat' version of Ars Magna II, an anagram generating program;
   C/C++ source and project file are included.
2848      4/1/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Strategy game whereby you try to defend your homeplanet, and
   attack the opposing planet. Heavily crippled until you pay $8 fee.
   Requires: 5MB RAM, '030, 2MB hard disk space

 166     8/15/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The classic game of Battleship.  You place your five ships in any
   place on a grid and then you try and bomb your Mac's positions
   before it guesses yours!
 656     10/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Battuere is a strategy game played on an 8 by 8 square board by 
   one or two players (human vs. human or human vs. computer).  
   Battuere, like checkers and chess, is a mixture of offense and 
   defense.  Requires (minimum) 640x480 monitor, 256 colors,
   1.4MB free RAM.
 314     6/15/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Try to change the color of all the boxes on the pyramid to green
   (just like Q*Bert).  Here, though, you're jumping around as 
   a Swedish politician and avoiding Shoes and bouncing balls.
  62    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Shoot rays into a box where balls are hidden and watch where the
   rays emerge; from the results, deduce where the balls are hidden;
   v1.23 will run correctly on 68040 Macs.
 104     6/13/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This game gives you a board and a timer. your job is to deduce
   where all the mines lie and clear the field before the timer runs
   out.  Options include debris littering the board, various skill
   levels, variable board sizes... etc.
 112     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Another minesweeper game with accompanying graphics
   and startlements for bombing out...
  12     1/21/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Finally, a checkers game for the rest of us.  Play against the
   computer with four different skill levels.  You can also open old
   games that you gave up on, as well.
 284     1/14/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Beta version of the classic game using different board variations;
   v0.02c contains minor bug fixes; uses 256 colors or grays.
 323      5/4/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Chess++ is a freeware Mac chess playing program. 
 347    11/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A good implementation of Chinese Chess, which is hard to describe
   but both similar to and different from Western Chess.

  72     5/31/02    BinHex4.0,StuffIt5.0

   A simple but very challenging game where the object is to 
   remove all the marbles on a board but one.  This fat app
   works on Macs with System 7 & up.
 455    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Game and graphics similar to Shanghai; requires System 7
   and 256 colors.
 903     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Chris' Puzzle transforms PICT and JPEG image files into electronic 
   jigsaw puzzles. The puzzles are based on a unique grid pattern, rather 
   than the traditional puzzle structure of square pieces embellished with 
   hook & eye joints.  Fat binary.
  48     6/14/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The classic game of Daleks (the origins of which have something
   to do with Doctor Who).  You run around a grid trying to get the
   dumb robots to run into each other and knock each other out.
 228      4/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A game for poets, derived from renga, a Japanese form.  Renga's
   popularity  extends back  for several hundred years.  In a
   computerized environment, the possibilties have opened for non-linear
   variations as well as random creations.  Although poetic creation can
   be solitaire, group activity sparks and sparkles!

1008     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Pieces fall from the top of the screen (just like Tetris), you
   move the pieces to find the best fit before they fall into
   place (just like Tetris), you lose if any of the pieces hit
   the top of the screen (just like Tetris).  The only difference
   here is that you rotate colors within the columns, you don't 
   rotate wierdly shaped pieces.

 112     2/29/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   It's Connect Four for one or two players.  Smooth animation.

 107      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Bomb squares to remove your opponent from the board.  Watch out!
   Chain reactions are deadly...
 102    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Solve cryptograms interactively; provides hints when desired;
   tells the source of the cryptogram when the puzzle is completed; 
   requires System 7, a Mac with Color QuickDraw, a monitor capable
   of displaying at least 4 colors or shades of grey.
 160    10/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An astrology program which gives predictions similar to those
   found in the newspaper.
 360    10/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Push your way out of the dungeon by shoving masonry blocks out of
   the way, but be careful--don't block the way for a later path;
   34 levels of increasing difficulty with specialty blocks at the
   higher levels (as if winding a way out weren't difficult enough!
   a-maze-ing!); v1.12 has a better animation (improved performance
   for 16 colors) and 4 additional levels.
  52      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A small, very old game that's still fun!
  80      1/7/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   All you have to do is move the largest square in the board to
   the bottom right corner of the puzzle.  To move it, just 
   slide the other pieces out of the way.  Based on a wooden toy. 
 117      6/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Intriguing little dollhouse simulator. Wonderful time sync.
  88      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A version of Shanghai: mach pairs of tiles to eventually remove
   the entire stack.  Also named Dragon 1.03.
  82     2/28/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A go-playing program which provides both a human vs. computer and
   human vs. human playing board.  Allows for 19x19 go and 9x9 go.
 141    10/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   You have a bottle and pills are dropping in; the object is to
   eliminate the viruses that are scattered around in the bottle;
   v2.8 runs on PowerPC Macs; 32-bit compatible.
 256      6/1/02    BinHex4.0,StuffIt5.0

   You can play 8 ball or 9 ball pool games on this virtual table
   on your screen.  Handy little features like "aim assist" help
   you to learn the nuances of the real game.  Annoyingly only allows
   you to shoot five shots per day until you register.

 606     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Addicting 2-player game to capture oppponent's space;
   v3.03 has better graphics, sound; demo not crippled 
   but will annoy with a 'get registered!' alert if
   played after 9/10/95.
1290     9/21/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Remember the classic game "mastermind" you played as a kid? Imagine 
   it MYST-ified and with an attitude problem! You'll have to solve a 
   series of codes to unlock the Enigma Briefcase and find out what's 
   inside. All the while you'll have to endure savage taunts from 
   strange little people!  Extremely well done.  Fat binary.
 330     1/10/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Basically this is Color Daleks, but here you're collecting diamonds
   while avoiding the relentless robots chasing after you.
   Many neat enhancements. Addictive. Shareware

 313     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Chinese Checkers game that can be played with people over a network. 
   Requires a 13" monitor with 16 colors.
 121      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A fun and colorful way for both children and adults to become
   an expert in basic European geography; slick!
  37      6/6/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A biorythm Excel template with graphing, color support.  Requires
   Excel 3.0
 334     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Reading and vocabulary teaching game with big font, lots
   of colors and sounds, and simple user interface; requires
   Speach Manager; demo is fully functioning but wordlists
   cannot be changed and personalization feature is locked.

  63     6/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Line up 5 or more consecutive stones of same kind along vertical,
   horizontal or diagonal lines before your opponent does; you can set
   difficulty and/or time limits; fixed 'unimplemented trap' error on
   68000 Macs, and one which draws larger-than-screen board on small
   screens; requires System 7.x and MacTCP 1.1.
  57    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A different skew on the change-your-opponent's-pieces to your
   color and win game. Fun, cheaper than lunch.
  93      3/9/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Make all the rectangles on the board the same pattern/color in
   five minutes.  Sounds easy, right?  The computer goes through
   randomly and jumbles up your work every once in a while.

  96     11/10/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A game in the Tetris genre, only here you have a grid of squares
   and a timer counting down until you have to drop a tile you can
   rotate.  The object here is to drop the tile where it'll it (or one
   next to where it's dropped) will be surrounded on at least 
   three sides by the same colors.
 194    12/23/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A modular game server (i.e. you can plug in new games just like
   you can put modules into After Dark) which allows you to play
   games by yourself, or with another player on the AppleTalk (or
   Internet) network.  Some modules such as Chess, Connect 4, and
   Nuclear War (heh) are included.
 272     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Macintosh rendition of the popular board game where you try
   to remove all the pegs from a triangular board by jumping
   pegs. Incredible graphics!
  20    1/18/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A GameMaster rulebook plus a means of finding game partners via
   a special server you can connect to; your preferences will be
   logged and you will get the prefs of any others online with Crystal
   Ball; requires GameMaster; smooth, easy interface.
 218    2/11/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   GNU Chess game for Macintosh.  B&W graphics, pretty challenging though.
   Kind of slow, allows you vs. Mac, Mac vs. Mac, Person vs. Person, an   
   includes a number of difficulty levels.  Different then
 196     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   GNU Chess for the Mac. Nice, basic chess game with move lists,
   many, many levels of difficulty, etc.  Think C source included.
 298      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Shogi, a Japanese 2-player board game played on a nine-by-nine
   board where the object is to capture the opponent's King.
 126    11/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Macintosh interface for the Internet Go servers, which act as
   electronic GO clubs, permitting users from all over the world to
   play GO, watch others' games, and talk about GO (and almost
   anything else).
 371     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 'book' composed of many grand chess (and variants) games and how
   they play.
  55    11/16/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A nice (color) freeware version of Shanghai. No fancy sounds, hints
   or lots of pretty backgrounds, but it's still fun to play
   (ESPECIALLY since there's no way to cheat!).
  77     6/14/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Minefield game played on a very-hexagonal grid.  Find the
   path from one side to the other without stepping on the 
   mines (clues given by the number of mines adjacent to whatever
   tile you stepped on).
  83     9/2/95     BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.5

   Hidden Message is designed for teachers who teach Elementary schools
   and Parents whose children are in Elementary School. The purpose of
   the program is to create worksheets with a key that contains the
   alphabet with associated numbers, and a message which consists of blank
   spaces with the associated key numbers.  Requires System 7.

   8     2/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Slide the pieces around to solve the puzzle--it's not as easy as
   it first might seem.
 156      6/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A full version of Shanghai implemented into HyperCard (if this is
   good or bad, you have to decide...).  Try and remove the open
   tiles to reach the end.  It's not that easy.

 940     7/29/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Useful for anyone interested in the I Ching.  Features the
   translation James Legge made of the Imperial Edition.  Includes
   I Ching clock. Fat Binary, requires 32-bit Color Quickdraw, 256 colors.
  75     2/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A forty-two piece time-waster for those moments at the Mac when
   you should probably be doing something much more productive.
   A B&W image of an 1872 photographic illustration by 
   O.G.Rejlander from "The Expression of the Emotions in 
   Man and Animals" by Charles Darwin. It has been divided
   into 42 icon-sized pieces awaiting your re-assembly.
 693    12/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Rearrange geometric shapes to form images.  This version uses
   30-60-90 triangles.
 616    12/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Rearrange geometric shapes to form images.  This version uses
   45-45-90 triangles.

  91     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Rearrange the money bags to their destination positions on each
   level. Winning the game involves solving all the levels.
  69    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A famous African game, a variation on Awele, played with 'stones'
   in which capturing them is a good thing...
 624      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Flashing-lights-and-sounds-in-a-pattern game (like the old
   Simon), but with an obnoxious voice which cannot be turned
   off; don't make a mistake or it will interrupt and force
   'sissy level' play.
  57     3/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   You have a chess board and one piece.. a knight. The goal is to
   touch as many squares on the board as possible (as you well know,
   a Knight can only move a certain way).
  52     2/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Connect the left and right edges of the hexagonally-tiled board
   while the computer (or a live opponent) tries to connect the
   top and bottom.
1296      8/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Children's game designed to help them learn associations of
   letters and words.  It is intended for children between the ages
   of 3 and 8.  Requires at least 1 MB of memory to run, takes up
   1.5MB of disk space.  Compatible with any Mac running System 6
   or later.  Shareware $8

  98     7/24/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Connect Four.  You can play two player, or you vs. the computer, or
   the computer vs. itself. Various degrees of difficulty.  Includes
   option for play on a network.
 234     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Plays a good game of scrabble; prefers a 68040 Mac with
   colour monitor and System 7; has a nice colour interface.
 122     8/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A game in which you must fill a board with marbles such that
   no row, column, or diagonal contains two of the same marble.
   Think C source code can be found elsewhere in the archive.
  44     5/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A true-to-life one-armed bandit slot machine simulation.
  26      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The classic game in black & white.
 416      3/5/96    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   A very nice chess-playing program. One neat feature- the more
   resources it has (speed or RAM), the better it plays.
   Requires: System 7, an 020 or better. Freeware!

 913      5/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   MacFIBS is an application to play backgammon across the Internet.  
   On FIBS (the First Internet Backgammon Server) you can match your 
   skills with some of the best players in the world, watch other matches, 
   or just chat about general backgammon topics.  MacFIBS provides an 
   easy to use, Mac-like interface to FIBS; it is virtual backgammon 
   the Macintosh way!  Requires MacTCP and internet access.
 114      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Similar to Bombs, but highly customizable.  Try to figure out
   where the mines are without setting one off.
  57     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play the classic game of Pente against the computer, another
   player, or watch the computer play itself.
  27     3/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Yet another 3-D Tic Tac Toe game.
  77      4/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Simulate the economy by adjusting parameters and observing what
   happens to GNP and prices.  Can also save sequences of parameter
   changes and play them back later.

 134     2/12/96   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Sokoban for the Mac; push gold bags to the treasure spots;
   multiple undos, auto-save, 100 levels, v3.01 bugfix.
  52    10/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Yet more Othello for the Mac.  Try and beat the Mac by capturing
   more space than it does.
 177     1/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Want to know you fortune, ask this little application.  Replaces
   Magic Clear Ball 3.0.
 119     5/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Be the one who ends up with the most stones in his/her Mancala.
   Based on an African stone game.
  19      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Force the computer to take the last matchstick.
 254     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple puzzle generator creates multicolored blocks, one of
   which is not like the others (got that tune in your head now?
   *heh*); the only way to forfend a headache is a quick resolution
   --and there are no fireworks, no scorekeepers, just the
   knowledge of one less migraine; includes source.

 256     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50

   You have a big board and lots of icons hidden on it.  Match
   two icons (one normal, and then the same icon with inverted
   colors) and get points.  Find a bomb and lose points.  
   Really ought to allow to resize the board, plus it really
   needs grid lines.
  28      2/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Click on a square and then click on a square one away from it
   diagonally, horizontally or vertically.  If the square hopped over
   is a factor of the first square, the number is factored out of
   the first square and the remaining value is multiplied with the
   destination square.  The idea being to get all the squares 
   factored down to one.
  24     12/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A DA of the famous Mastermind (guess the order and color
   of a bunch of pegs).  It's you versus the computer.
 143     9/3/95    Binhex4.0,Compact1.51

   The object is to break the 5 colorcodes; takes some getting 
   used to, but is challenging once you know what you're doing;
   separate program than /system.extensions/da/masterind.cpt.hqx

 112     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Generates random, solvable 3D mazes up to 30x30x10; map available;
   find the crystals, then the exit portal; game may be saved.
  65    2/11/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Version of the popular Windows(tm) Minefield Game.  It has MUCH better
   graphics and is FAR more flexible, however. (takes less mem also!)
  72     6/27/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Another find-the-bombs-in-the-grid game; locate the mines without
   getting blown up; very nice infintely-resizable board.
 20      5/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Basically the same game as GA/BOMBS but a bit more straightforward
   about things.  In this  game you clear off a field full of mines
   as a timer clocks you.

  95     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Swedish version of MineSweeper.
 200     10/21/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A great tile-matching game of the Gunshy/Shanghai genre.
   This version (1.5) adds color. You can define your own
   tile sets and tableaux.
 628     8/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A follow-the-leader type game in which you must repeat a numerical
   sequence punched into a telephone keypad.  Touch-tone sound effects.
   Powermac-only version.
  39     6/17/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Try to connect pipe segments in loops.  A cross between Pipe
   Dream and Welltris.
  59     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A computerized version of Othello.  Several skill levels, options.
   Version 2.0 offers an improved algorithm for evaluating moves,
   plus other improvements.
  97     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Concentrate on matching pairs of pictures with as few mistakes as
  95      5/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Remove pegs by hopping over them until you have only one left.
   Like the old fashioned HI-Q.
 207     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Insidiously amusing time-eater... fit all the tiles in a frame
   without overlapping; requires system 7.0 or later. 
 277    1/14/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Program for kids 3 to 5 years of age. It offers a computer
   environment for selecting colors, shapes, numbers and letters;
   while at the same time introduces kids to the Macintosh and helps
   them develop point and click skills.

 634     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 2-player pong simulation; 256 color graphics, 'anti-otherguy
   weapons', 'helpme!' enhancers, music soundtrack; requires
   System 7, 256 colors, 13" monitor.
 201     5/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Match the pieces on the board to the given shape by sliding the
   pieces around or rotating them.
 132    10/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Can you believe another Minesweeper clone?  This one lets you have
   blocks in random orientation, and with "holes" in the grid, too;
   v1.06 is bug fix, runs easier.
 222     5/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Fill Puzzle: Fill a given board with polyominoes (connected
   squares). Spanning Puzzle:  Try to occupy a board with a minimum
   number of polyominoes, such that no additonal polyomino can be
   placed.  Game: Two players alternately place polyominoes onto a
   board.  Player who manages to place last piece wins.  Lots of
   different board and pieces. Includes editors for boards and pieces.
 170     5/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
    Classic board game on various hexagonal or square boards (custom
    or built-in); masters can remove all the pieces except one...
    v1.02 contains a minor bug fix.
 313     1/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Seven power companies compete for the same limited space. Create and 
   merge companies to achieve the highest wealth. 
  18     1/27/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A variation on the standard 15-puzzle.  Short, sweet, but oh so
   difficult.  In TechniColor (i.e. may not work on Macs sans Color
 279   8/16/95   BinHex4.0,CompactPro1.51

   From the Read Me File: Pythagoras is another dissection puzzle game
   with 7 pieces ... The objective of this game is to form a given
   shape using all 7 pieces without overlapping.  Good Graphics.

  72     9/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Slide simulated blocks of different shapes around in a tray to
   force the biggest from the top to the bottom.  The author claims
   that it can be solved, but I'm not so sure!
  15      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Click the buttons in the same order that they originally sound off.

 240     3/31/96    Binhex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Play a game (or multiple games, if you dig that kind of abuse)
   of Othello.  You can control the smarts of the computer (playing
   itself, or you), or you can play a two player version.
 110    10/26/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A color version of the classic board game Risk (V 2.4.0).
 104     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The traditional game with spinning wheel in color in both
   the European and American traditions; sound or not, as
   the user wishes; cool!
  79     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Board is filled with mirrors and lined with barrels; shoot bullets
   into the arena so they bounce off the reflectors and smash barrel
   (one of the barrels is loaded with "contact explosives" and will
   blow up the areana); needs 68040 machine.
 104      7/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   *VERY* addicting solitary puzzle; remove tiles and blocks of tiles
   suchly that when removed what's left falls into more removable
   patterns, the bigger the pattern the better for scoring; sounds
   simple, eh? *hah*
 135     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Irish Gaelic version of "Same Game" (SameGame can be found
   in /mac/game/board/samegame1.07.cpt.hqx).
 165     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Another minesweeper game; free.
 186     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Solve a number of geometric puzzles, each involving a polygon
   that has been shattered into little pieces.

 544     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Clear the tiles (you can pretend they're computer chips) out
   off the board by connecting a "circuit" between them, before
   the timer runs out.  Works on monitors at least 640x400 in size.

  13     3/25/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Sokoban logic puzzle.  Really cool one.
 272     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A slightly confusing game (apparently based on puzzles found
   in weekly magazines) where the object is to make sure the
   numbers 1-9 appear only once in the 9 cells of each vertical
   and horizontal line, and each 3x3 matrix surrounded by a
   thicker line.  Don't get it?  Play it and maybe it can be
   figured out!  You can easily change languages between
   Japanese and English.  Fat binary.

  43     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Push treasures into safe places. You can only push one at a time,
   and you can only push, not pull, so you have to make sure that
   you don't get a treasure stuck in a corner, or that you don't get
   two of them stuck against each other.

 315       8/3/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   This is a Starfleet Officers Examination.  Over 1300 questions are
   included about all parts of the Star Trek universe.  You know you're
   a Trekkie if you can reach Head of Starfleet Command without missing
   a question.
  38      4/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A stock market game with thirty stocks from which the user can
   make his/her fortune.
 118      1/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play consists of choosing a pile of stones, and 'seeding' the
   stones around the board.  There is no element of chance, and
   the strategy can become surprisingly interesting.  Requires
   Color Quickdraw and System 7.
 305     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Hangman with poor Steve's animated bodyparts added piecemeal 
   to the noose around his neck; it's either amusing or alarming
   when he blinks at you. (Quite a, er, *hack*... *heh*)
 679    7/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Great version of my favorite kid's game: Concentration!
   Includes a unique feature you have to see to believe!
 635     9/13/95    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Place discs around a hexagonal board. Can play head to head, head
   to computer, or computer to computer (good way to learn)
   Documented in /mac/misc/documentation/susanmanual.sit.hqx

  44     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Strategy board game where two players move their pieces around a
   grid, first player to align the correct number of pieces wins;
   game is toughened with a severe space shortage; needs 68040 Mac.
 277     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Oriental puzzle moves multicolored pieces to form a given shape;
   version has limited puzzles, registered users receive version which
   includes editor, help, and hundreds of additional puzzles.
 306     6/10/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play with Tangram and other tile puzzles, create new puzzles;
   demo has limited set of puzzles.
 383     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A game in which you try to complete a path to the far side
   of the board by pushing tiles onto the board.  Play vs. human
   or computer.
  82    10/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Online chess game for first class BBSs.
 106     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A multi-level 3-D puzzle game with a log made of multi-colored
   disks that must be rotated, shuffled, and flipped in a 3-
   dimensional view to unscramble a winning pattern.
  18     5/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Color tictactoe for the Mac, only the X's and O's are replaced
   with faces of a little boy and girl that smile or frown depending
   on how you're doing. The author boasts that players can't beat the
   computer.  Can you?
 166    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Traditional game with color graphics and music; FAT.
 138     7/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The old-fashioned game in a nice graphical format; rather
   easy to beat; fat.
  68    3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   SillyWare strikes again.  This does some wierd, odd things.
   Nice maze, etc.  There is no purpose!
 167     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Move stones around a board and try to land on a square with either
   2 or 3 stones in it, capturing the stones and making points.
 128     1/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tic-tac-toe with forced perspective and rendered pieces.

 224     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A program with which you can create mazes.  Menu options allow
   you to select the complexity and apperance of the maze.  A couple
   fonts which help in the creation of mazes are included.
6062     4/10/98    BinHex4.0,DropStuff4.0
   World Championship Checkers -- shareware version.
   Power Mac only, displays "feature info" from the manual as
   a "nice reminder" to register once in a while, otherwise 
   fully enabled.  Strongest program of its kind.  
   PC version, other info, Email: EdTrice@infiniteloop.org
   More info:  http://www.infiniteloop.org/checkers.html
 314     4/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A typing game that uses the Bible as source material.
 171     3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Advance levels by guessing a hidden 5-letter word which the
   computer has chosen.
 115     9/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create puzzles with words entered directly or imported from text
   file; options for puzzle size, font, and method for hiding the
   words in the puzzle; requires System 7.
 998     9/21/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   WordHider 1.0 is a program to create word-search puzzles from 
   a vocabulary you supply.  It is intended for parents and teachers 
   to generate puzzles for educational purposes.  It includes facilities 
   for laying out the generated puzzle, the word list, and other layout
   items, on a printed page.  It allows unused puzzle cells to be filled 
   with random text or with a "hidden message" and can print a 
   fill-in-the-blanks area to receive the message.
 720     2/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Push the buttons in the same sequence the computer does. 
  35    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simplistic version of the old game; compatible with most
   system software.
 195     4/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Yet Another MineSweeper game.  Find the bombs in the grid...
   System 7 only.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  35      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play Mille Bornes against the computer.  Faithful to the original.
  95      8/17/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Move one of five sticks to match patterns on your cards. First
   person/computer to match all cards wins. Challenging.
  64     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Related to Whist, Bridge and Euchre in trick-gathering and bidding;
   requires at least System 6.05, runs best in System 7 and 265 colors;
   v1.4 is major rewrite.

1567     5/31/02    BinHex4.0,StuffIt5.0

   This application has 56 different card games built in (Klondike,
   Canfield, Solitaire, Pyramid, etc.).  This fat app runs under 
   System 7.5.1 and up. 
 222     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A simple card game where the object is to get all four of the aces
   lined up in a row.  Fat binary.
 866     4/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play "21" against the computer; good graphics; v1.6 saves pot/bet,
   see both hands after a split, 'surrender' available; requires 
   color mac, 68030+, 800K ram; prefers 256 colors and 13" monitor.
 128      6/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A one deck solitaire game.
 270      4/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Solitaire in the spirit of Spider, but harder to get past the
   first few moves.
 265     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A customizeable Blackjack strategy tutor.
 821     6/10/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Nice, colorful implementation of classic card game; 
   allows player to abandon "bad" tables, etc.
  82      3/27/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Implementation of Black Jack using Las Vegas rules.  Requires
   at least 4-bit color.
 480     1/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Beat the dealer.  A faithful rendition of casino-style BlackJack.
  65    10/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Simple blackjack simulation program.  Includes hints to help you
   with betting strategies.

1564     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Casino gambling simulation.  Features attractive graphics,
   realistic animation and sound effects, and implementation
   of common casino gaming rules.  Games include craps, poker,
   slots, blackjack, roulette and baccarat.

  88     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Calculate the values in four stacks to remove cards; v6.0 adds full
   built-in color for those who have it, but will work on any Macintosh.
  71     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Classic solitaire game, good graphics; v6.0 adds full built-in
   color for those who have it, but will work on virtually any Mac.
 339     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Set of four solitaire card games (The Chance 1.0.5, The Garden
   1.0.4, The Giant 1.0.4, The Republic 1.0.4) designed with a 'shell'
   system that provides an engine for card games.  Volume 1.  Requires
   Color QuickDraw.
 289     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Set of three solitaire card games (The Prince 1.0.4, The Smith
   1.0.4, The Towers 1.0.4) designed with a 'shell' system that
   provides an engine for card games.  Volume 2.  Requires Color
 312      8/11/93   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Uno for the Macintosh.  The idea is to be the player (it's you
   versus up to five computer opponents) to run out of colored
   cards first.  Voice effects make the game more interesting, too.
  75    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Be the first player to discard all your cards.  Play against 1-3
   other people on your network.  Requires MacTCP.
 460      1/13/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fortune cookies for the mac.  Contains all Unix version fortunes
   plus some new ones.  Offensive fortunes can be disabled.
 158      9/5/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play cribbage against the computer.  Not bad, and in color, too,
   if color is available.
  47     4/29/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple solitaire card game.
 110     4/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A shareware version of the card game Euchre.  Now keeps score
   using the 5's and is colorized.
  49     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Implementation of 500 in which partners try to score 500+ first;
   v1.01 has many new features and fixes some bugs.
 108     4/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A classical solitaire card game which keeps statistics.  It also
   has a computer-aid mode where the computer gives suggestions
   for moves.
 185     4/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   The classic card game Gin-Rummy, well thought out, well designed.
  68      1/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Solitaire type card game.
  40     3/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The old-fashioned Hearts game:  avoid the hearts and the Queen of
   Spades.  DIFFERENT from /mac/game/card/hearts1.21.sit.hqx
 542     3/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The old-fashioned Hearts game.
 792      9/16/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Traditional hearts game with non-traditional, graphically
   portrayed, sometimes rude antagonists to play against
   (but don't despair, there are other plug-ins one may use,
   if that's any consolation... *heh*); intelligence is
   disabled in demo; requires 68020 Mac, System 7.x, 700K
   ram (b&w), 2000K ram (256 colors).
 639     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gives the option of three new players - Rex, Elizabeth, and
   Louis - to play against, if you have something against Zak,
   Rob, and Jen.
 586     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gives you the option of three more players (who're doggies):
   Lon, Lathrop, and Trey (and you thought Zak, Rob, and Jen
   were bad!).
 631     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A plug-in Alice module for the game Hearts Deluxe.
 762     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A plug-in Sylvia, Otto, and Hugo module for Hearts Deluxe.
 826     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A plug-in Yalta module for the game Hearts Deluxe.
  37     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Card game with complex rules, but fairly simple to play.
 269    10/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Nicely done release of the solitare game of the same name;
   requires System7.xx, Color QuickDraw.
  72     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Classic solitaire game, good graphics; v6.0 adds full built-in
   color for those who have it, but will work on virtually any Mac.
 390   10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A "Magic: The Gathering" deckbuilding database featuring analysis,
   test draws, nice, fast interface; includes the new 4th Edition;
   according to a certain teenager in this household, a 'must'
   for any serious Magic user; requires System 7.x; v2.3 adds the
   Chronicles set.
 119     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An implementation of the tile game Mah-jongg.
 130     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Remove all the cards from the board with the least possible deals.
 22    3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  A solitaire game where you try to arrange the face cards around
  the edge of a 4x4 square.  Now FAT Binary!
 176     3/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A version of Pinochle, a card game that involves "melds", bid,
   trumps, etc.  Most similar toe the "wipe-off" version of double-
   deck pinochle described in Hoyle.  In color
  48     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Good, no frills, 5-card draw; will track play via stats graph; 
   v3.0 PowerMac native and supports hi-resolution, color cards.
  80     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Arrange a 5x5 grid of cards to form a poker hand of better than 
   three-of-a-kind in each row.
 101      9/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Stack your cards in arithmetic progressions.  Solitaire.
  18      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Solitaire.  Match cards to make 13 points.
  56     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
    An easy, no-frills and very smooth BlackJack program; free!
 145     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Texas Hold'em Poker, where each player gets two cards and "shares"
   another 5 with the other.  Some nice analysis features.
 104    2/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows you to play Romi vs. your Macintosh.  Nice graphics.
 265     9/24/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Excellent color solitaire game.  Requires Color QuickDraw.
 950     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.07
   Skat (pronounced Skaht) is the national card game of Germany and 
   is played by 20 Million players worldwide.  Similar to euchre but
   with 3 hands, this well-done program includes a handbook and
   beginners' guide.
 682     4/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Another rendition of the solitaire game Montana. 
 565     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Twenty-six solitaire games with nice full-color graphics, sound and

   animation, unlimited undo & redo, save/resume, much more--well worth
   the shareware fee!
  29     4/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   After dealt your hand, bid on how many tricks you are going to win
   When the hand is played out, you get lots of extra points for
   making your bid.  Sort of a cross between Bridge and Poker.  Also
   similar to the game Oh Hell.
 238     12/5/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two-deck solitaire game in full color; well done with good graphics;
   demo allows practice until a win is close, then stops; color only
   version (monochrome version provided in game/card/spider1.2m.cpt.hqx).
 148     6/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A monochrome version of the game Spider.  Provided to lessen the
   download requirements of those with monochrome machines.
 289     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Mac moderated strip-poker type game; if you fail to pick up the
   appropriate card, you have to either drop a certain article of
   clothing or take a penalty card.
 125     8/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A computerized adaptation of the classic poker/dice game, Yahtzee,
   game that 1-4 players can have fun with.
   Card game that has you vying to be the first to earn 52 points.
  134     11/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play the computer to be the first to score 52 points. Complicated
   scoring, but elaborate instructions.
 497    1/17/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A solitare game which is won by high points rather than by
   removing all the cards from the tableau. Works in black & white
   or color.
 256      4/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This ain't no computer game.  It's a table top card game which you 
   can play by printing out one of the two files enclosed (one of 
   which is PostScript) in this archive.  It's a two player strategy 
   game played on a 5x5 grid of cards, which are rotated and replaced
   to form paths to move upon.  The first player to get to the
   destination is the winner.
 738     6/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Another game of Canfield.  Supports different card/background 
   styles, window scaling, asychronous sound and cheating (grin).
   Fat binary.
 212      4/3/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An Oriental card game where you try to make matches.  Requires
   Color QuickDraw.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
2816     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is the most recent version of the game BloodBath, v1.6 
   It features a different level than the previous demo. 
 160      1/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   17 solitaire games in color (or b/w); demo only has one game in it
   (pretty easy; I never lost a hand); slick interface, nice graphics.
 390     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Type Spectrum is an interactive typeface matching game for
   kids and adults.  Also provides excellent previews of
 639     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gives the option of three new players - Rex, Elizabeth, and
   Louis - to play against, if you have something against Zak,
   Rob, and Jen.
 586     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gives you the option of three more players (who're doggies):
   Lon, Lathrop, and Trey (and you thought Zak, Rob, and Jen
   were bad!).
 334     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create on-screen jigsaw puzzles out of any graphics file.
   Demo can connect a maximum of 4 pieces.
1617     8/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A non-historical strategic-level wargame based on a 1950ish army.
   You must use both military and management strategies to beat your
   opponent.  Demo limited to 12 turns.  Fat binary.
 908     6/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Really good, really original games are few and far between, but
   this one is both.  You are a marble and, well, it's hard to
   describe what you have to do.  Something on the order of bouncing
   into blocks and making sure you knock two blocks open of the same
   color.  Suffice it to say, however, that the feel and the animation
   are both excellent, you can play in color or in black & white, by
   yourself or with another person on a network with a Mac, NeXT or Atari
   box. Incorporates elements of problem solving and dexterity.
   Wonderful!  You can only do the first 10 levels without paying for
   the instruction book.
1174    11/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Shoot all the space nasties before they run into you.  Something
   like a cross between Centipede and Galaxian.   Requires Color
   QuickDraw.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
1772      9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Sequel to the hit life-as-a-marble game Oxyd. Incorporates elements
   of problem solving and dexterity.  One and two player capability.
   Outstanding animation and gameplay. You can only do the first 10
   levels without paying for the instruction book.
1656     6/8/95     BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   The "lite" version of Play Maker Football, with only six teams
   for reduced download time.  A football game in which you call the plays 
   (even invent new ones, if you like!)
2738     1/6/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Has the action of Gauntlet, the depth of Ultima, runs in real time,
   and allows network play with registration.; save game, progress
   beyond level 5, 60 min. time limit, and completion disabled on
1074     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Demo for a boat simulator (flight simulator for boats).
 880      9/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A photo-realistic shoot the bad guys before they get you game.
   Demo limited to level 3 (rooftop).  Requires 2MB free RAM and
   640x480 256 color monitor, minumum.
 474    11/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Push blocks to trap and squish the nasties.  Like the old-time
   Pengo.  Demo has a limited number of levels and sounds.
 238     12/5/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two-deck solitaire game in full color; well done with good graphics;
   demo allows practice until a win is close, then stops; color only
   version (monochrome version provided in game/card/spider1.2m.cpt.hqx).

1550     6/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Maneuver your ship around the tiny screen (you can make the field 
   double size, but performance slows down a bit) shooting up as much
   as possible to collect the highest score as possible.  Nice sound
   effects and music.
  80      9/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   And you thought BlackJack was easy...  simulates playing 
   Blackjack at a Casino (using three decks of cards, betting, 
   etc.).  Demo version replaces Kings with 7's and doesn't allow
   you to change the number of players (which is set to
   five), among other things.

 266     3/13/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Boggle with a twist.  Search for words in boards comprised of
   squares, triangles, or hexagons, each available in three sizes.
   Demo has only one setup for each of a limited number of boards.
 171     2/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Automatically generate a word search puzzle from your list of up to
   100 words; demo cannot save puzzles, and prints 'DEMO' through any
   puzzle with the solutions circled.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 501      5/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Find all words of a known size that have known letters at certain
   positions (for crossword solving).  Find anagrams.  Search for any
   single words that can be made out of all or some of the letters of
   a user-specified character string.
  47    10/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Edit the levels of the commercial game Armor Alley.
  78     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Nifty little program allows users to manipulate Atari
   8-bit virtual disks (ie XFD or SIO formats).
   7     2/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change the amount of money your cities have in A-Train.
  96     12/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A helper utility for the virtual reality game BattleTech.
   Allows you to test out different ways of configuring and battle
   testing your "mech".
 692     8/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Patches your Marathon data files to turn the Bobs (men) into
   Bettys (women). 
  16      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A solution (walkthrough) for the large CD-ROM game Buried in Time.

  61     12/2/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Allows you to change how many lives you have, your score, etc
   in many games that are currently running. Somewhat confusing
   until you've read the instructions.
   Warning: you could really screw something up with this

  12     8/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Add gold, settlers, or technologies to any or all civilizations.
   It helps you to get by the boring first parts of the game and
   you can still keep it a challenge, if you want. 
 148     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Applies a series of cracks, collected over a period of time, to
   Civilazation; v1.1 added locked handles, bug report notice, and
   Drag and drop checks current cracks.
  10    10/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fixes a bug in MicroProse's Colonization which causes display
   problems and crashes on macs with multiple monitors.
   Patch works on version 3.1415926 24-May-95; is a hack by
   a Colonization player (not an official update).

 400     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A virtual chess timer to time how long players take making their
   big decision.  This is a big honkin' application for the purpose,
   Allows you to choose different "wood grain" styles, table
   colors, etc.
   6    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Use the function keys (F1 to F10) to select views in Chuck Yeager's
   Air Combat
 281     4/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is a utility for use with Exile, the hot new full-length
   shareware fantasy role-playing game for the Macintosh.
   Now you can quickly and easily change your Exile party to suit 
   your liking, without all that tedious worrying about whether 
   you have enough gold or skill points, or if you were really 
   supposed to kill that dragon or not.
 105     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Run Digital Command Control equipped model trains using the serial
   port connected to a power booster.  Also has a fast clock for
   operation of a time table schedule at 1:1 up to 20:1 real time.
  25     1/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A new plan for Flying Nightmares, in which the enemy knows
   you're coming and you hit the toughest troops first.
  21      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Extract or recombine the GOB files used by Dark Forces.
  16      6/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Ten additional word lists for use with game/board/hangmanplus.
  11      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   STR# resources to correct the spelling in Hellcats and Leyte Gulf.
  32    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Dice rolling program.  End debates at AD&D games about loaded
   dice FOREVER!
  35    2/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Control what random number is returned by the Macintosh System trap
   _Random.  Configure it to return a different random number for all
   thirty-two combinations of the modifier keys (command, option,
   shift, caps-lock, and control).  Influence games when and if you
  30    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Edit the Levels file of Lemmings to give yourself more time,
   climbers, diggers, etc., lower the rate at which those beasts come
   or lower the goal (the number you gotta save).
  26     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Database of Lemmings codes for those who lost their
   Lemmings manuals (it won't do anyone else any good);
   requires FileMakerPro.
   3      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Cheat in Hellcats -- Leyte Gulf to get 255 Rockets, 255 Bombs,
   Maximum Ammo, Maximum Fuel, and a light weight.
 123    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Read Links 386 DOS golf course disks and convert them to Links Pro
   for Macintosh courses.
 108     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Print random Loto cards.
 235     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Mac client for MUDs of the MOO and MOOSE type only; requires MacTCP
   and System7; free.

  66       9/9/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   You can use this program for viewing PGN (Portable Game Notation) 
   text files and doing chess analysis.  It also has support for EPD
   (Extended position description), FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation),
   as well.
 176      7/27/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Edit the levels of MacSokoban or create your own levels.  The 
   levels can be saved as TEXT files or exported directly into 
   MacSokoban.  Requires Hypercard 2.0.  A 13" monitor is recommended.

   7    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A module for MacSokoban that includes 29 levels made by Mattias
   Wicke, age 10. 
 323     8/8/95    Binhex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A ZX Spectrum emulator for most Macs; requires System 7,
   68020 or higher or PowerMac, Color QuickDraw, QuickTime.
  25      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Edit saved games from the Marathon Demo.  You can add to your
   health, give yourself incredible powers and increase your arsenal
   of weapons.
  30     8/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Edit saved games from Marathon and the sneak preview of
   Marathon 2: Durandal.  You can add to your health, give yourself 
   incredible powers and increase your arsenal of weapons.
  22      5/14/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A new multiplayer co-op map for use with Marathon.
   5     12/17/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Thrustmaster joystick keystroke file for playing Marathon.
  97     6/16/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map file editor for Bungie Software's Marathon 2: Durandal;
   adds support for the commercial Marathon 2 release; bug fix.
 281     2/20/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Hints and help for the Marathon Demo.  Register to
   get hints and help for full version of Marathon.
   While you're registering, be sure to help the author
   along by correcting his numerous spelling mistakes.
 703     1/13/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PICT maps of every Marathon level.
   23    8/20/95   BinHex4.0,CompactPro1.51

   A Marathon network level.  Includes an arena-like area, some twisty
   passages, a full assortment of weapons and ammo, and most of all, a
   ton o' bad guys!  

 105     3/21/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   OPE edits the placement of objects in map files for Bungie Software's 
   Marathon game. OPE includes a randomizer for quickly resetting all of 
   the parameters.
  22       5/8/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A new level for Marathon, designed esp. for netgames consisting of 
   2 - 4 people.  It is set-up in such way so that as the game 
   progresses new area's and new weapons (and new monsters) come into 
   play so that the overall strategy shifts during the course of play.
 141       3/3/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 
   Marathon-Phile Juggler is yet another program designed to manage your
   Marathon I files. One unique feature is that you are ability to save 
   your sets as double-clickable icons. Another is that Phile Juggler 
   will apply patches to your Marathon files before start-up and save 
   the old resources--no longer will you need to have a separate copy 
   for each patch.
  10      2/25/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Handy utility to delete corrupted marathon prefs files.
 174      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Give the weapons in Marathon a little "beefier" sounds...
  33     4/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Lets you select a resource file, select the sounds from that
   file that you want to distibute, and then make a little self-running
   installer program which you can distribute which will install the sounds 
   in the Marathon Sounds file.  No more trying to explain in 25 words 
   or less where to get or how to use ResEdit.
  36    11/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A list of tip, tricks, and techniques for Marathon.
   Includes many spoilers.  Sections on each level, including
   team play levels.  Lists many secret doors and rooms.
   Complete rewrite, including Marathon II demo secret rooms.
  13     9/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Edit saved games from the sneak preview of Marathon 2: Durandal.
   You can add to your health, give yourself incredible powers and
   increase your arsenal of weapons. 

 448      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Marathon Interactive Augmentor.  Preliminary version of
   a level editor for Marathon (I).  It allows you to load a map 
   file, view any of the existing levels, shuffle around their 
   layouts, and modify the placement and number of objects.
   Now allows creation of original maps.  Fat binary.
  25     5/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A list of tips, tricks, and techniques for Mission Thunderbolt.
   Includes many spoilers.  Sections on:  Monsters, Objects (Devices,
   Armor, Weapons, Pills, Things), The Player, Facilities, Messages,
   Hacks, and General Hints.  Version 5/18/93.
  22     4/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   MacDraw maps of five town in Might and Magic III.
  21     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A patch to be used on a saved game from Might and Magic III.
   It will give you lots of money so you can buy things to be a
   successful adventurer.
  60      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   View progressively more obvious clues to specific questions in 7
   separate topics about the game MYST.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  25    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Generate 'random' names for use in fantasy role playinng, etc.
 119    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Expands on the capabilities of the Chat program found
   elsewhere on Mac.Archives.  Is _not_ a server like TinyMUSH,
   TinyMURV(tm), TinyMUD or the ilk.
   10   8/20/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   On The Links will randomly select playing conditions (wind and
   green speed) during any point in a Links Pro game.  Great for
   generating unbiased conditions in multi-player games.

   6    10/2/94    Text
   List of all the codes and locations for the game Out of This
   World, with general hints on methods of getting from code to
 935     3/2/95     BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   This is the minimum set of files necessary to connect to Outland. 
   It does not include any game software; you need to download those 
   files separately either from ftp.outland.com, or from Outland 
   directly once you have connected there. Outland is a graphical 
   multiplayer game network for Macintosh users. Currently, the 
   applications we have available are Spaceward Ho, Chess,
   Reversi, Galley, Hearts, Backstab, and a graphical BBS.
   4     6/15/93    Text
   Modify M. Tsugi's Pac-Man to play on monitors larger than 640x480.
  20    7/26/94     Text
   FAQ and walkthrough for PathwaysIntoDarkness.
  39   10/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Edit your saved-game files for PathwaysIntoDarkness (disabled
   in demo);  add/delete inventory items, change items/vitality/etc.;
   includes menu of "quick cheat" shortcuts for the impatient and
   "moderate cheats" for those who only want to cheat a little...
  114   8/20/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   Pfhred 1.3 is a Marathon Shape Editor. It offers the following
   features:  Pasting of new pictures into, Copying of old pictures
   out of a shapes file. Modifying how an animation occurs, Addition of
   new animation groups, Addition of more walls, Clut Management, and
   much more!

 257    3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Enables a user to view chess games previously saved as
   reduced export formatted Portable Game Notation (PGN) text
  25     9/26/93    Text
   A cursory survival guide for Pathways Into Darkeness, intending to
   offer basic information for completion of the game.
 475     1/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PICT format maps of the game "Pathways Into Darkness". Each map
   shows the layout of the level, the locations of the ladders, and
   the locations of the dead bodies.
   8    3/23/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A  map of the island in Prince of Destruction (PoD).
  36    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A  map of the mine in Prince of Destruction (PoD).
  23    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An archive of saved levels (2-15) for "Prince of Persia 2:The
   Shadow and the Flame".
 129     7/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   For you Powerbook portable gamers, these two files contain the
   codes for Prince of Persia 2.0 and T.I.M. so that you don't need
   to lug the manuals around to play your favorite games.
  38      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Edit Broderbund's "Prince of Persia"
  28     10/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Power Pete Cheater 1.0 Edits Power Pete saved games. You can change 
   the ammo of all 15 weapons, your health, and more!
  80     5/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   Dice-rolling tool shows skew on a bell curve when a smaller number
   of dice are counted out from a larger number (e.g., 3 from 5); (yes,
   it's a tool for RPGamers and designers..).
  17      10/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Week 0 has the latest pre-season adjustments and the early betting
   line.  Requires /mac/game/gameutil/propredictor2.7s.sit.hqx
 319      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Pro Predictor predicts the outcome of each week's NFL games: 
   who is going to win each game, by how many points, and the 
   approximate score, with a season accuracy rate of 70-75%.
 112      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A tip sheet for the Realmz scenario Castle in the Clouds.  
 369      4/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Edit some of the information in Realmz character files including:
   experience points, ability scores, stamina, spell points, gold,
   gems, jewelry, damage bonus, and more!
  26     8/8/95    Binhex4.0,Compact1.50
   Reads in RoboWar robot files and creates text files
   containing well-formatted source code and hardware
   specifications for that robot.
 722     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Entries from the Seventh RoboWar tournament.  Requires RoboWar 3.1.
 875    11/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Entries from the Eighth RoboWar tournament.  Requires RoboWar 3.1.
 525     2/6/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Entries from the Ninth RoboWar tournament.  Requires RoboWar 4.0.
 952     9/25/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Entries from the Tenth RoboWar tournament.  Requires RoboWar 4.1.1
  85     8/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A help utility for the game Might & Magic III.  Contains 176 tips
   and spoilers from the various bartenders of the Isles of Terror.
  49      2/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Edit Strategic Conquest game files.  Works only with files from
   versions 2 and 3.
  41     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates Sceneriomaker 1.5 -> 1.62
  78     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Documentation for ScenarioMaker.
  15     2/25/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A cheater that lets you add money to SimCity saved games.
  28     2/25/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A patcher that modifies SimCity 2000 1.1 to give every
   new city the maximum possible amount of money.
 144     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This app copies in certain resources into your Sim City 2000
   game and allows you to edit that scenario.  You can also
   change the scenario picture.
  18      9/4/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A level editor for Ingemar Ragnemalm's MacSokoban.
 373     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Helps users of ThrustMaster products exchange maps of their
   keystroke sequences.
 362     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The Text Adventure Development set.  Includes compiler and run-
   time system, instructions and a sample text adventure game called
   "Ditch Day Drifter".
 116      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Process the Computer Interrogation Mode data file (CIM for short)
   and locate paired ports, fork ends, unexplored sectors, one-way,
   dead-end sectors and also list explored ports.  An aid in playing
   TradeWars, which can be found on IBM-based BBSes.  Requires System 7.
 101     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Mac reader for a multi-platform standardized hint system.  UHS
   files contain information to help the troubled game player though
   those difficult spots without providing too much help or giving
   away something else in the game (as simple "walkthrough" files
   often do).
  29      9/4/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Edit your Ultima III characters' attributes, health, equipment and
   status.  Recommended before pillaging Lord British's castle.

 384      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An "in-progress" release (i.e. there's much left to do) of an
   Ultima III scenario editor.  Allows you to edit the maps.
  45      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Install cheats for various games into them when at launch time.
   Includes "modules" for Prince of Persia, Spectre, etc.
  88      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The WCST spoilers (hints) for NetHack 3.13, in DocMaker format for
   convenient perusing.
 107     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Maps for the first 3 levels of Wolf 3D in EPS files form; Illustrator 5.x
   or other graphics layout program required.
  17     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update to WolfEdit 1.1 to enable it to be used with the
   3rd Encounter and commercial versions of Wolfenstein 3D.
   9     11/17/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Add an extra menu to Wolfenstein 3D to access all the cheats known
   to the author.
  82     12/3/94     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is a level editor for Wolfenstein 3D.
 193     11/17/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A complete set of saved games for Wolfenstein 3D.  In case you
   forgot to save a game, or a friend can't make it past a level.
  38     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Open saved games and add ammunition, lives, any the guns (including
   flame-thrower, missile launcher), health, etc. to Wolf 3D saved games.
   8      6/13/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An init that allows Wolfenstein 3D to run at 320x200 with 2x2 pixel
   replication.  Similar to VGA on a PC.  Fatbinary.  System 7.0 or greater
  50     4/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   WolfMaker generates random levels for Wolfenstein 3D
   First Encounter.
  52      4/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   ZIP game interperter for use with Infocom-compatible files.
   (Notably curses, available as /mac/game/adventure/curses.sit.hqx)
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 625    11/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A one or two player Asteroids-type game with four channel sound.
   You get to pick your ship from three different choices, each having
   different strengths and weaknesses.
  76      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Guide your saucer through the wormholes that appear from time to
   time, but watch out for the nasties!  Try to make your way home.
   Primitive graphics.
1657     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Based on an old arcade game called Star Castle, you fly a spaceship
   around on a wrap-around screen and attack an enemy base which sits
   in the middle of the screen.  The base protects itself with three
   rotating shield rings, heat seeking mines, and a plasma cannon.
   There are shields, bonus points, challenge level and more.  Very
   spiffy graphics.  Fat binary.  Cyclone II features
   improved graphics and sound over the original.
1263     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FF is a 3D real-time space opera game. Your goal is it to get rich and
   famous. You start off with a little space ship, a pilot's license, some
   cash and no reputation at all. You ship is small, your weaponry pathetic
   but your will strong.  Pre-release public Beta version, many
   things incomplete.
 492      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A slightly clunky black and white game where you fly through 
   a canyon (flying through the rocks doesn't kill, tho) shooting
   up bad guys, who are, of course, trying to shoot back at you.
   Pretty easy to go far in this one.
 223      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Conquer the 19 independent planets within 1200 years.  To win the
   game, all planets must be allied with the Empire or occupied.
   Nice graphics
 175      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Earn 1 billion credits in 2000 years or less and safely return to
   Galactica, the trading center of the Empire.  Nice graphics.
 336     7/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Shoot out the ranks of aliens before they descent to Earth.
   Somewhat jerky; not faithful to the original.
  35      9/1/95    BinHex4.0,CompactPro1.51

   A black and white version of the classic Lunar Lander game, with
   several unique twists.  There are occassional alien spacecraft to
   dodge, "goodies" to pick up, and strange landscapes to land on (one
   looks suspiciously like my kitchen...)

1075     8/16/95    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   Asteroids with Solarian-style graphics.  You pilot a little
   spaceship around the field clearing out rocks and assorted nasty
   aliens.  There are also some bonus goodies you can shoot too.
1096     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Command four young officers and an array of technologically
   advanced tactical systems as you enter the heat of battle.
   Requires an 8-bit color-capable Mac running System 7, and a 13"
   or larger monitor.  Impressive graphics.
 717      4/2/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   It's big, but it's not bad.  Very, very much like Galaxian, only
   with different creatures to fight and different things to get.
   Basically a really, really updated version of Space Invaders (but
   aren't video games?).  Requires Color QuickDraw.
 890     3/2/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   SOLEX IV is a 2 or 4 player space colonization, stategy game that can be
   played as a "passive" network game.  Install the extracted "Solex IV
   folder" onto a shared volume, Then the players play from that location.
 255     12/20/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Suppose you were an astronaut in a fight.  Black and white.
 349      8/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Space Invaders/Galaxian style game.
 284      7/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Yet Another Invaders Game (YAIG); v1.1 is a bug fix, and now
   supports b&w Macs (Plus, SE, Classic).
 144     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A color arcade game somewhat based on Galaxian. Nice graphics,
   animation, sound; requires at least 68020, System 6.07, color
   13" screen; v1.2 much improved, powermac compatible.
 486    10/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Shoot the asteroid-like objects before too many of them hit your
   space station (or you, for that matter!)
 231     7/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A game in which one tries to get a key and escape through an
   airlock, using a limited number of moves.  Vaguely similar to Lode
   Runner with no enemies, and more thought.
1155      9/4/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Expand your feeble empire to capture your whole sector of space.
   Balancing your planet's expenditure on technology, ships and
   planetary output.
 296     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Galactic stragegy game for 1-9 players with human and/or
   computer opponents.
 494      8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Somebody took the old terminal game "Star Trek" and gave it
   graphics.  Pilot your starship around the galaxy, blowing away
   enemies and docking with starbases to replenish the supplies. 
   Cluttered interfaces (multiple windows, constant bouncing
   between keyboard and mouse) makes playing the game a bit 
   difficult.  Includes extensive online help.
 445     7/10/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A remake of the arcade classic Defender.  Swoop over the planet
   surface, zapping nasties and saving humans.  Requires Color
   QuickDraw but graphics are still b+w only.
1063      1/5/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An inertial space arcade.  Thrust your ship, destroy asteroids, collect 
   all bonuses, blast out space bases (keep an eye open on the red ones) 
   and bang out enemy vessels.  A lot like Asteroids with some added
   graphics and objects bounce off of each other.  $10 shareware
 162    6/10/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates v1.1 to v1.2; will not upgrade versions previous to v1.1;
   v1.2 fixes major bugs: *full* compatibility on systems equipped
   with multiple monitors; stereo output on Macs with newer sound
 115     8/27/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Shoot the "birds" to get a shot on the mothership itself.
   Reminiscent of the old Phoenix game found in the arcades.
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  A fairly large map based on
   a world map, with lots of forest and other stuff.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 328    11/15/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Advance across the 15x9 grid to destroy the German Headquarters.
   Problem is, the Germans aren't too keen on the idea!
   Requires Color QuickDraw.
 146      9/7/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A projectile motion simulation game where you have two
   fortresses on each side of a hill.  Compute the amount of
   gunpowder you'll need, the angle of the shot (your human
   opponent does the same) and then shoot off.
 784     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Calculate angle, pressure and fire the round over the hill
   to hit the enemy; colorful graphics with play against the
   computer or other players; A fat application which needs to 
   recognize command-keys while you're playing the game.
  84     1/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This is a very old game, written in 1986, but still seems to work
   very well (if you can ignore the immovable windows).  You're the 
   Commander in Chief of an army, exploring a map and conquering other
 284     5/15/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   CoreWars!  Create/program "robots" that battle for control of MARS,
   a virtual computer's main memory.
  86     3/19/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Set of alternate battle plans for the NightMare game.
 138     6/22/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Robots, tanks, ufos, etc. run around chasing your little man.  All
   you're armed with is a gun that spits white ping-pong ball
   thingys. This game seems a bit stacked against you...
 404      5/3/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   One of the better designed Shareware games, the aim here is
   simple... "if it moves, shoot it; if it doesn't move, shoot it".
   Fly a helicopter off a carrier and zip over water and desert to
   save the "guests" from the evil dictator.
1412     7/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Kill the LandShark before you get killed.  A Bolo-type tank game.
 147     4/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A port of the BZone game famous on Apollo terminals.  Better
   yet, it's BATTLEZONE.  You drive a tank and blast the other
   tanks, "buzzers" and flying saucers out of the sky.
 114     4/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Refight World War II's Battle of Midway in this strategy
 403     10/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Macintosh Operated Vehicles of Destruction; A 256 color (req.)
   arcade tank battle game with cool sound effects.
  51     8/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A version of Risk that you play on an AppleTalk network
   for up to six players, attacking, defending and trashing
   other countries while conquering the world.
1617     8/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A non-historical strategic-level wargame based on a 1950ish army.
   You must use both military and management strategies to beat your
   opponent.  Demo limited to 12 turns.  Fat binary.
 128     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Redcoder is a Core War simulator and full development system
   allowing you to play the game of Core War on your Macintosh. Core
   War is a programming game in which people write programs which
   fight each other inside a virtual computer.
 803     9/21/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Program robots and turn them loose in the arena to fight;
   features include a programming environment, icon animation
   facilities, digitized sound (enter your best in semiannual
   competitions); runs native on PowerMacs as well as 68K Macs;
   new: bug fixes, tourney winners.
  94      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Shoot targets before you opponent shoots them (or you).  Lousy
   graphics.  Despite the name, this is really a tank game.
 130      7/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Battle simulation between two tanks.  Gradually gain money to buy
   strengthen your tank enough to beat the final boss tank.
 665     12/18/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Lob missles onto your opposing tank before it returns the favor.
   Play against computer or human, fast simulated 3-d vector graphics.
   Requires 256 colors.  
1672      9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An explore-and-conquer game, like Strategic Conquest.
   Clunky game play.  A GNU freeware project.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  39      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Bolo cyborg that improves your Bolo abilities.  Includes:  Auto-
   Mapping, Radar, Auto-Aiming, Stagger Mines, Clear Mines, Automatic
   and manual road, bridge, and boat building, Automatic tree
   gathering, restrict speed when Builder is outside of tank, display
   time till new builder lands, transmit location to allies (upon
   request), transmit current Brainwave version to all players & more.
  24     9/13/93    BinHex4.0
   An Autopilot Brain with a Cyborg option.
   9     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An Autopilot Brain whose sole purpose is to kill the enemy.  For
   use with the game Bolo version 0.99 or later. 
  65     3/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A very inteligent Autopilot Brain, does very against other brains,
   and 3 are good competition for a human.
  98     9/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A full fledged autopilot and limited borg for Bolo 0.992.  Does
   pretty much everything a human player would do: claim bases, attack
   tanks, enemy LGM, bases, pill boxes, repair allied pill boxes,
   place pills and much more all with some degree of intelligence.
 170     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A full fledged autopilot and limited borg for Bolo 0.992.  Does
   pretty much everything a human player would do: claim bases, attack
   tanks, enemy LGM, bases, pill boxes, repair allied pill boxes,
   place pills and much more all with some degree of intelligence.
   For use on Power Macintoshes only.
  50     7/17/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A non-standard Autopilot Brain for use with Bolo 0.99 or later.
   Designed to violate all laws of common sense, and get away with it.
   6     7/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A brain to assist with simple navigation tasks while playing Bolo.
  25     9/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A brain to assist you while playing Bolo 0.99.1 or higher.
  59    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A brain that repeatedly insults others. Unfortunately, you lose
   control of your tank while it's up
  19     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   An Autopilot Brain for use with the game Bolo version 0.99 or
  17     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   The basic Autopilot Brain for use with the game Bolo version 0.99
   or later.
  35     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK C source for the basic Autopilot Brain of Bolo 0.99.
  19     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A non-standard Autopilot Brain for use with Bolo 0.99 or later.
   Formerly Milo's Autopilot.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 368     11/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create and edit maps for use with the game Bolo.  Requires Color
  49     3/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Map editor/viewer for Bolo. Neat way to cheat or to showcase your
   artistic streak.
  10     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Sample source code to read and write Bolo map files.
 316      5/1/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Full-featured, full-color map editor for use with Bolo.
   MacPaint style toolbar makes drawing easy. System 7 only.
   9     7/16/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scraps for common Bolo features.  For use with BoloStar 1.5 or
  19     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A BoloStar 1.5 extension to convert Bolo maps into ASCII
   representations suitable for posting to USENET or email.
 134      5/1/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Reads in a PICT file and converts it into a Bolo map.  Remap colors
   for types of terrain, place bases and pillboxes, tweak the size
   of the PICT, etc.
  30    11/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Makes random maps for the game Bolo; choose degree of roughness
   of terrain, total area, number of islands/bases, etc.
  35      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Generate random maps for use with the game Bolo.
  29      7/1/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   You specify the size of the map and the goodies you want installed
   on the map (you can also leave this blank, if you're not feeling
   even that creative) and this little app creates a Bolo Map for you
   to use. Includes source code.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
   7     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     9/11/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   9     10/2/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Bolo map of an airport.
  17     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two maps for use with the game Bolo: Star Gazer and Town & Country.
  21     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Based on the first series of the
   Amber Chronicles by Roger Zelazny.
   4    10/30/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     10/9/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  14 bases, 14 pbs, & meant for
   team play
   7    10/17/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  60 wide x 180 high; 12 bases,
   12 pbs, 12 starts, many connected roads traversing random wasteland
   (rubble, crater, tree), with forested islands around the perimeter.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  11     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     9/11/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   3     9/11/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   6      9/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map based on the logo of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.  For use with
   the game Bolo.
   4     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   3     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two-player Bolo map that gives palyers one and two six pillboxes
   and two bases at the start, placed in conveniently defended bases.
   For use with the game Bolo.
   6     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   6    11/13/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Size: 117x115, 16 Bases,
   16 Pills.  A variation on the Four Kings map.
   3     9/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   3     8/14/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  16     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   6    10/16/93    BinHex4.0
   A map to be used with the game Bolo.
  10     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   7    10/30/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Size:120x70   Bases:16  Pills:16
   Tree-age:40%  Several areas for small teams to hide and build up,
   as well nice divisions for 2 larger teams to fight a grudge match.
   4     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   3     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   7     8/28/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   3     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
 150      2/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   New maps for use with the game Bolo:  Barrier Reef, Big City,
   Chaos, Dan's Vietnam, Forest, Freeway Islands, Grass w/ Grid
   Markers, Harvey Mudd College (to scale), Harvey Mudd College --
   Acedemic Section, HellHole, Islands, Islands II, Isles of Evil,
   Little Boxes, Maze!, MidCity, New Caledonia, No Name Available,
   Road Island, Ruined Land, Spiral, The Dissolving Island,
   Three Player Island, Two Player Island, Two Player Tarmac
   Ethics, Forest/jungle map, hills, isles, land time forgot,
   Wash DC map, Todd's, maze, usa, world, many more...
   This single archive replaces btmmaps.hqx, forestisland.hqx,
   kngpamaps.hqx, mapcollection1.hqx, mapcollection2.hqx,
   mapcollection3.hqx, maryvillemaps.hqx, nickandkensmaps.hqx,
   and usworldmaps.hqx
   4     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  17    10/16/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  16 pb's & 16 bases.  Basically
   divided into the north & the south (no, not based on the Civil
   War), with each area connected and being its own little "empire."
   Intended for team play with 3+ players per team.
  16     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Six maps for use with the game Bolo: Bit O' Honey, Clover Fortress,
   HundredMaze, Land of Adventure, Pie Islands, Seventh Heaven.
   6    11/13/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  100x52, 10 bases, 13 pills.
  33     8/21/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   8      9/13/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  15 Bases, 15 Pills.  Fairly
   well distributed terrain and resaterwings.hqx
  33     8/21/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
 38      9/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  15 Bases, 15 Pills.  Fairly
   well distributed terrain and res Ever, BetterBestMapEver,
   ButtHeadQuarters, ButtQuarters, IslandFun, IslandFun2,
   IslandTorture, LargerFun, MoronWorld, ObstacleCourse,
   PureSwampTorture, SmallFun, SteamboatLand, VeryLargeFun...
   4     10/2/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  16 pillboxes, 10 bases.  Start
   squares on outer edge of map.  The entire map is networked with
   canals.  Central area contains a double base surrounded by 4 pbs.
   3      8/8/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  18     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5    11/3/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for the game Bolo.
   4     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   13     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  10     10/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Inspired by the utopia of the
   same name written by Tommaso Campanella.
   5     11/6/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  12 bases and 12 pillboxes.
   3     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5    11/27/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  68     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Corinth Island and Corinth Island II, two maps for use with the
   game Bolo.
   7    11/30/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4     9/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   6    11/15/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  31     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An assortment of Bolo maps, including one that imitates DisneyLand.
   4     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  16      2/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A full-size (216x216) map entitled "Drawn and Quartered."  For use
   with the game Bolo.
   2     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   8     9/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   9     9/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   6     11/6/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4     12/4/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     9/11/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Another symmetric map, where the
   resources such as trees are concentrated on the outside corners.
   4     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  5     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   7     4/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for the game Bolo.
  11      9/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   9    11/13/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   7    10/23/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  3     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  13     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two maps for use with the game Bolo:  River World, Spider Island.
   4     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Re-creation of a battlefield map for the game "Full Metal Mac".
   Geared towards 5 or 6 players.  Two halves of land, separated by a
   river with bridges. There are no mines, so as not to cause your
   demise in a moment of triumph.  For use with the game Bolo.
   5     9/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   9     9/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  A version of the map for Steve
   Jackson Games' future tank war game G.E.V.
   7     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5    10/23/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  13     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Several map for use with the game Bolo, and especially designed
   for team play.  Includes:  "Broken" Map, Beware of the Pillboxes,
   Great Escape, Nooks n' Crannies, PHS STUDENTS DREAM.
   5    11/27/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     9/11/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  A smaller map with well-
   distributed resources, and pills both easy and hard to take.
   4     9/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4    10/30/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  12     10/9/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  11 bases & 16 pillboxes.
   3     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  43     9/11/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Twelve maps for use with the game Bolo:  Central Map, Classic
   Revisited, Double Circle, Ear Map, Globby Swamp, Lepord Land, More
   Misc Land, Reagan Map, Round Bit Map, Striped Forest, Two Spades,
   Very Small.  These maps that are indy-friendly, meaning that they
   do not have bases or places they cannot get to and have a terrain
   setup that is favourable to brains.
  19     7/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of maps for use with the game Bolo.  Includes:
   Insanity I - A large world, extends to the limits of Bolo.;
   Insanity II - Really Small, Fast, Almost Symetrical.;
   Insanity III - Really Fast, Limited Resources, Medium Size;
   Insanity IV - Extremely Small, Chaotic, It keeps you on your toes;
   A.S. Insanity - Medium/Large Size, Pretty Close to Symetrical,;
   Isle of Insanity - Fast, Great for Tourney Play.
  15     10/2/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5      9/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  20     8/11/93    BinHex4.0
   This map consists of a large central island with a
   few smaller surronding islands.  It's not particularly difficult
   but would probably be somewhat unfriendly to brains because of
   the deep-water rivers.
   9    10/16/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4      9/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Based on the Isle of Winds and
   the city of Riva from David Eddings's Mallorean series.
   5     11/6/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  5 bases and 3 pillboxes.
  94    11/27/93    BinHex4.0
   A collection of maps for use with the game Bolo.  Includes:  Big
   Slow Maze, Bit O' Honey, CookMap's 1st Lagoon, CookMap's 2nd
   Lagoon, Five Player Jumble, Huge Kew, HundredMaze, Ixo's
   Microscopic Surprise, Ixo's Tiny Surprise, Land of Adventure, Mod
   Rand Wun, Old Man Story Hour, Upside-Down You, All Tree Donut, Bare
   Bones, Bases -N- Pills, Bolo-apolis 500, Checkers Anyone?, Clover
   Fortress, Don't Die!, Don't Dogfight!, Easy Pick'ns, Eye for an
   Eye, Four Base Clover, Infinity x Infinity, Life's A Bitch!,
   Pascal's Pillboxes, Pie Islands, Pills -N- Bases, Quazy Quilt,
   Seventh Heaven, Small for Four, SuperSwampCross, SuperSwampHex,
   SuperSwampStar, Swirlygig, Ten Base "T", Tic-Tac-Ixo, Tree Lined
   Donut, Wrong! in 3D.
  11      9/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   7     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   8     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   9     9/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  16     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  16     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  13     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Three maps for use with the game Bolo:  3 Mile Islands, 4 Leaf,
   Hot Spot.
   7    11/13/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   8     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   9     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5    11/19/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
 135     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of maps by the Kansas Network Game Player's
   Association for use with the game Bolo.  Includes:  angry fish,
   Auto-bon!, Avant, bear shit on bolo map, bern's cubes, Big Cross,
   Big Doughnut, Crazy Man Racetrack, Crop circles, damn badger,
   DMZ - Barnhart, Empty Carcass, Golfing Hell, Happy Genital,
   Herpe-Dog, Highway to Shrubery, Hobblebush, IAMSOCRAZYMAP,
   Ireland & UK, Island Hop, jacose flatulenceamo, Landing Island,
   Municipal Cleavage, Municipal Cleavage II, OHMIGOD, Old Wacky
   Cavern, Passive Genital, Pud River, Pud World, Quad Land, Refining
   of the NEWMAP, Reoccuring Duck Theme, Resovoir Puppy, Satchmo, Semi
   Doughnut, semisymmetry, Spiral Monkey, Stock Piles, This way to
   hell, Tollbooth, Urine Blanket, Wild Bleeding Chickens.
 105     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of maps by the Kansas Network Game Player's
   Association for use with the game Bolo.  Includes:  6-Peni, Big
   Tire, Buttgrease, Center of the Earth, Circus Monkey, Desolate
   Pigdog, Diseasedland, Genitalia Convoker, Hell World Is fun, Herpe
   Dog Lives!, Imported Crap!, JCCC, Manure, MegaPud, Monaland, Quad
   Land 2.0, Roast Ewok, sequential bumlicks, Skull Isle (Water),
   Small Pud Island, Tainted Monkeys, Veil-An Urban Crisis, With Love
   From Badger, Xanus, Zanny Badger.
   6     9/11/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Simulates the Japanese
   occupation of the Krakatoa vocano in the Insonesian archapelago,
   and the guerrilla war to overthrow them.
   50     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A collection of maps for use with the game Bolo.  Includes:
   Boloing, Cherl, Chess Mess, Core Technology, Cubes, Four Square,
   FractalStein, Island Hopping, Piers, Pit, Quadrille, Rect, USA,
   3     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4     7/31/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   7     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  A fairly large map based on
   a world map, with lots of forest and other stuff.
   7     10/9/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   7     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4      9/13/93    BinHex4.0
   Somebody's "first foray" into Bolo mapmaking.
  16     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  58     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Several maps for use by 13-16 players with the game Bolo.
   Includes:  Deer Park That's Good Water, Land of Water, Lots o'
   roads, Rocky Road, Trees Galore, Uff Dah! So much water!, Ultimate
   16 Player Map. Walazoo.
  11     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  21     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   9    10/16/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Close to 100 x 100 in size.
   Includes 16 pbs and bases.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  10     10/2/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   6     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   3    11/30/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  22     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  11     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   7     9/26/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Bolo map consisting of five islands linked by bridges. Three
   contain cities while the other two remain unpopulated, except for a
   base and a pillbox. There are two starts near a question mark, from
   which you will run into something no matter which way you go.
   7     9/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map inspired by the Abraham Simpson masterpiece for use with the
   game Bolo.
  14     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5    11/19/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  16     8/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  27      8/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Eight maps for use with the game Bolo:  angry mob II, the sequel;
   DonutWorld(NHMP1); Lil Castle, Part Deux; My Toes Itch (NHMP2);
   Pinball(NHMP 5); RiverWorld (NHMP9); RunningAround(NHMP7);
   5      9/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Based on a map of the state.
   6     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5    10/30/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   8     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   8    11/11/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Lots of trees on top,
   lots of pillboxes on the bottom.  Based on a fractal landscape.
  29     8/14/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   2    10/16/93    BinHex4.0 
   A map to be used with the game Bolo.
   3     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4     10/2/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   8     10/2/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  12     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three maps for use with the game Bolo:  Big Guy,
   Skull & Crossbones, Sword.
   9     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   3    11/19/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  16    11/27/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Several large islands spread out
   with both deep and shallow water in between. Some starting points
   are in lakes on islands.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   20     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   9     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   6     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  For 4-8 players.
   5     10/6/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   7     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   9    11/13/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   2     9/11/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   6     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/22/94    BinHex4.0
   A Bolo map.
   6      9/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  13     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Seven maps for use with the game Bolo: Dog Duck Bunny, Long Land,
   New jersey, Radial Vector Field, Stupid Land Yes, SuperLong Land,
   Two Big.
  11     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  30     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A collection of maps for use with the game Bolo:  Original Modern
   Warfare (32x32), Scot's Eight-Ball (85x75), Scot's Extension Map
   (67x60), Scot's Huge Map (216x216), Scot's Map, Period.(100x69),
   Scot's Midsized Map (110x98), Scot's Modern Warfare, Scot's
   Multiplayer Arena (101x54), Scot's Random (40x40), Scot's Squares
   (60x60), Scot's Tiny Hell.
   3     10/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   6    10/16/93    BinHex4.0
   A map to be used with the game Bolo.
  17     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two maps for use with the game Bolo:  Security I 2.2,
   Security II 1.0
   6      9/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Based on the book _The Sword of
   Shannara_.  Contains only the central parts of the map, from Shady
   Vale to Skull Kingdom, with Eastland and Westland left out.
   6      9/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map (with a lot of trees) for use with the game Bolo.
   5    10/17/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  86 wide x 86 high, 9 bases,
   9 pbs, 6 start squares, woodsy with roads & some walls.
   9     9/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  The scenario in this map is that
   you are attacking the shore of a large continent.
   3     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Based on an 81x81 cell
   Sierpinski's Gasket.
   7     10/9/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Another symmetric map, based on
   a large center island surrounded by 4 more thin ones.
   5    10/30/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Size:80x80, Bases:16, Pills:11
   5     10/2/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
 210     4/10/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   101 maps for use with the game Bolo.  Includes:  BERTHA, 
   Bewilderness, BFSC, Blancmange, Bob's Country Bunker, Brockman's 
   Folly, Calling All Quakers, Cavalcade of Whimsy, Chump Change, 
   Crazy Otto's Diner, Cry Yuma!!, Cryptical Envelopment, Dazed and 
   Contused, Delicious But Deadly, Dexter Lake Club, Dial M For 
   Murderousness, Diamond Slugdeath, Duff Gardens, Duff's Brewery, 
   Elliptical Slugdeath, Epistaxis!!!, Extremal Fields, Floor Pie, 
   Fort Adventure, Frostbite Falls, Gipple, Happyland Village, 
   Hippopotomap, Horizontal Slugdeath, Information Highway to Hell, 
   Invisible Soda, Island of Grun, Kamp Krusty, Krusty Burger, 
   Kwijibo, Lair of the Chicken Heart, Little Barber Shop of Horrors, 
   Millionaire Acres, Mount Splashmore, Mrs. Falbo's Tiny Town, Mulva, 
   Mutatis Mutandis, Neighboring Extremals, Never Never Land, New 
   Minglewood, New Potato Caboose, Oompa Loompa Land, Peninsula, 
   Pentabolopolis, Quadlibet for Tenderfeet, Rain of Terror, Rancho 
   Relaxo, Reaperville, Romper Room, Say La Vie!!!, Schizophrenimap, 
   SFSC, Shakedown Street, Shelbyville, Side Street Soiree, Slug-O-
   Rama, Slugfest I, Slugfest II, Slugfest III, Slugfest IV, Slugfest 
   IX, Slugfest Magnifico, Slugfest Supreme, Slugfest V, Slugfest VI, 
   Slugfest VII, Slugfest VIII, Slugfest X, Slugfest XI, Slugfest XII, 
   Slugfest XIII, Slugfest XIV, Slugfest XV, Slugfest XVI, Slugfest 
   XVII, Slugfest XVIII, Slugworld Abusement Park, Spay Anything, 
   Spinal Tapp, Splunge, Steamin' Log, Stoogefest I, Summertime Smile 
   Factory, Sunny Grove Nudist Colony, Super Slugfest, Super Squishee, 
   Terrapin Station, The Kill-Bot Factory, Three Ring Slugdeath, 
   Tralfaz, Ultra Slugfest, Vertical Slugdeath, Wassamadda U  (to 
   scale), Wingding, Woozul-Woozul, Wow!!  Free Beer!!! 
   4     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   3     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   2    10/16/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5      7/9/94    BinHex4.0
   A map for the game Bolo.
  11     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two maps for use with the game Bolo: Spider Maze, Spider Original.
   9    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Four maps for use with the game Bolo:  Baseball Diamond,
   Bases Loaded, Play Ball!!, Soccer Field
   5      9/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   3      8/8/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4     10/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     9/11/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  37      9/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  11     10/9/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   8     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  77     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two- and three-player maps for use with the game Bolo.  Includes:
   2P 2in the Middle, 2P Cavern Map, 2P Classic Revisited, 2P Double,
   Circle, 2P Funny Map, 2P Hollow Square, 2P MazeBase,
   2P Megafortress, 2P Striped Forest, 2P Thin-Land, 2P Two Bases,
   2P Two Spades, 2P Vertical Land, 2P Very Small, 2P Walled-In,
   2P Wiggly Islands, 3P Amobea Ring, 3P Blob Island Land, 3P Central
   Map, 3P Lepord Land, 3P Misc Land, 3P NewStyle, 3P Round Forest,
   3P Three Lands, 3P TriBlotch.
   6     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   3    11/30/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4     10/9/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4      8/1/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5    10/30/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  19     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Five maps for use with the game Bolo:  Grand Canyons, Scarce
   Resources, The Loches, The Mountains, Volcano II.
   2     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     9/11/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Intended as a pillbox practice
   board. There are 10 sample setups lined across the top and bottom,
   and your job is to take the enemy pills using the given protection,
   and standing in the given spot (marked by a single road).
   4      9/5/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     9/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  19     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Four maps for use with the game Bolo:  Tree Farm, Tree Island,
   Tree Line, Trees All Over.
   6     10/9/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  12 PBs with 12 Bases.
   3     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   6     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   3    10/30/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.  Size: 60x60, Bases: 6,
   Pillboxes: 6.  Tailor-made for two-player games. Small, has few
   bases and pills and is completely symmetric.  Should be good
   for quick games. Could be fun for two two-player teams as well.
  24     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Five maps for use with the game Bolo:  16 holes, CTS/Split,
   kennedy, Steal your base, Tradition?
  13     8/28/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  49     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of maps created by students at the University of
   Maine for use with the game Bolo.  Includes:  Bongo's Playground,
   Bongo's Playground 2, camp swampy, CASTLEVANIA, City o' Shame,
   COOL WORLD, Cryptic Death, ENCHANTED LAND, fortress havoc, Havoc's
   maze o'doom, Jammin' Fighter, JAMMIN' FIGHTER 2, JAMMIN' FIGHTER 3,
   maze, new berlin wall, Rommel's Revenge, Urban Warfare, Wall of
   Judgement, wall of shame.
   6     10/2/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
  6    10/16/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5      8/8/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5      8/8/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4      8/8/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   8  10/27/93    BinHex4.0
   Yet another map for use with the game Bolo.
   7     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   8      8/8/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   5     7/18/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   7     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4     11/6/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
   4     7/25/93    BinHex4.0
   A map for use with the game Bolo.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
   8     7/25/93    Text
   UNIX C code to access Bolo's game infomation packet interface.
  38    11/15/93    Text
   Vital statistics on most of the Bolo maps available at
 108     1/29/94    Text
   Frequently-asked questions (and their answers) regarding many
   facets of the game Bolo.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  36     6/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Connects to Internet Bolo Tracker server and lists the
   currently known games.  Requires MacTCP.
  81     4/17/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Look for Bolo games across AppleTalk zones.
  18     8/10/92   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scans the zones on your AppleTalk network, looking for people
   who are playing Bolo.  Runs as a background application.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  43     9/25/88    BinHex4.0
   Map of Canada.
  64    10/29/87    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   PICT maps of Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America,
   and the South Pacific.
   7     12/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An electrical component library for MacDraw.  Nicely done.
  12     3/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The international handicapped symbol in PICT and EPS formats.
  98     8/8/95    Binhex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Object-based drawing program for the Mac reads/writes LaTeX
   picture commands; v2.1 is bugfix and namechange; formerly
   PicTeX, name changed to avoid confusion with another app.
  50     3/12/89    BinHex4.0
   All possible SIMM layouts for the Mac II family.
  56     3/12/89    BinHex4.0
   All possible SIMM layouts for the Mac SE.
  33    10/29/87    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two maps of the United States of America.
  44    10/29/87    BinHex4.0
   Attached is a MacDraw file consisting of US. Maps. There are three
   versions, one shaded, one showing the names of states and one
   showing the time zones. Evidently each state can be edited as a
   separate object.
  25     7/31/89    BinHex4.0
   A map of Northern Europe with Vaasa, Finland pointed to (the label
   is removable and the countries can be  treated as individual
  18    10/29/87    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Map of the World.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  89     3/25/89    BinHex4.0
   The Beatles.
 176    12/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three EPS files... one from Peanuts, another Calvin & Hobbes and a
 141    12/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A bunch of religious images.  People praying, the bible, wisemen,
  55     3/25/89    BinHex4.0
   A Cornucopia.
 119     3/25/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   4 different drawings: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Mickey & Minie,
   and Mickey's head.
 109     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Creates bleeds in several popular DTP applications' EPS files;
   v2.02 adds support for QuarkXPress 3.32 EPS files, retaining
   EPS previews; fat.
  62     3/25/89    BinHex4.0
   A female golfer.
  12     3/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The international handicapped symbol in PICT and EPS formats.
 216     12/14/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three world maps and a US Map.
 537    10/11/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A big collection of EPS files (about 20) of some macabre and weird
   work by Max Ernst.
 102     3/25/89    BinHex4.0
   Michelle by Patrick Nagel
 327     2/23/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of various people... 4 or 5 of both genders, plus
   Beethoven, Mona Lisa, 2 skulls and 2 pointing fists...
  67     3/25/89    BinHex4.0
   A Rose and a poem
  56     3/25/89    BinHex4.0
   A Vickers Supermarien Spitfire fighter plane
  83     3/25/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Some Valentines day drawings, cupid, a happy valentines day
   message and a heart.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 256      1/13/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Generate and analyze color images of fractals from Julia and 
   Mandelbrot sets. 
 263      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Yet another Mandelbrot program with the difference being that it
   uses the AT&T DSP3210 in ARTA to perform the intensive Mandelbrot
   calculations.  Includes C source.  Requires Color QuickDraw and a
   Quadra 840av, Centris 660av, or Mac with ARTA plug-in board.
 449     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display fractals.  Requires Color QuickDraw.  Very slow.
 243     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Draws several different fractals; v5.0 is faster, includes 
   support for both PowerMacs and 680x0 FPUs, has full-screen 
   view which resizes when window size is changed, much more.
 130      8/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Generate Mandelbrot set fractals.  PowerPC native-mode only.
  41     1/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A fractal-drawing program that uses the IFS algorithm.  Change
   parameters to get different self-similar patterns.
 364     8/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Generates fractal landscapes (mountains and lakes, etc.).  You can
   modify the pictures with the on-board illumination model, color, 
   distance hazing and water/waves.
  42     8/28/85    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A fractal mountain-drawing program.  Depending upon the detail you
   wish, this program can take over an hour to generate a contour.
   Very nice forms.  With source.
  47     8/28/85    BinHex4.0
   Recursively draws fractals at various complexity levels.
 931    11/6/94       BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A command driven system for generating and investigating fractal
   images.  Very non-standard interface.
 165    12/30/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An animated "fractal movie".  This is part one (titled "The Claw")
   of four which plugs a program called  "Fractal Attraction".
  46     10/7/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A 'Staggering Drunk'-type fractal generator by UM's own Michael
   Webb.  With documentation.
  99    12/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A powerful, extensible, fractal drawing program.
   Requires Color QuickDraw, 68020 or better, and a FPU.
  14    11/11/86    BinHex4.0
   Fractal Islands is a fractal drawing program set up to produce
   Islands.  7 Levels of complexity.
  48     8/11/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Draws colorful Julia Sets.  You can specify the palette and 

  83     9/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Launch the program and you'll have two windows, one MandelBrot
   and one Julia.  Clicking on a spot in either of the windows 
   magnifies that portion of the window, revealing some goregous
   fractals.  This fat application works best on a PowerMac.
  77     6/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Creates very fast Julia set animation, based on  the position of
   your mouse on the screen.  Move the mouse slowly and you see some
   stunning fractal metamorphosis.
  64     8/8/95    Binhex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Real-time color Julia fractal generator for the PowerMac (it's
   the sequel to Julia's Dream); will not run on 68K Macs.
 453      4/7/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Draws images similar to fractals using mathematical formulas.
 119      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create a sequence of PICT files spiraling into a point on the
   Mandelbrot set.  Requires an FPU and Color QuickDraw.
 992      1/6/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A fat binary fractal program (pretty bloody fast, too) for
   viewing and creating.  Fractals are infinitely complex and 
   colorful graphical objects. This file includes the app, an
   MS-Word manual, and 43 sample images. 
1412     4/7/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Don't know how those beautiful Mandelbrot Fractals are made?
   This is a Hypercard stack which explains the mathmatics
   and algorithms, the study of fractals and complex numbers, 
   **Due to its size, this file may be removed after 7/7/94**
 626     4/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A color fractal generator.  A bunch of different drawing styles,
   seven transforms (including 3d), CLUT animation.  Has an
   "overnight" option so it can generate the complicated ones, save
   them in a folder and format of your choice.  Gosh, it's loaded.
   Requires Color QuickDraw.
  96     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Uses AppleTalk network to connect Macintoshes together (parallel
   processing *snicker*) to build a Mandel image.
  30     1/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A high-resolution color Macintosh Mandelbrot set generator.
   Requires Color QuickDraw and a math coprocessor.
 332     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A very well-written Mandelbrot display program, runs very fast
   (esp. with its built in accelerator algorithms) and in great color
   (or B+W).  Many examples and algorithm files.  Includes docs.
 988      7/4/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display fractal images and cycle their color palettes, resulting in
   some very engaging visual displays.
 296      2/9/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Mandelbrot/Julia fractal generator with a  smooth interface.
   Lots of windows flying around in this one, such as: memory, mouse
   position, pallette, pallette editor, etc.
 175    12/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Mandelbrot "Carpets" that allow you to "stamp" patterns into other
   stamped patterns, thereby creating some beautiful artwork.
  58     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PowerXplorer is a small application which tests the PowerPC
   speed in native floating-point calculations.  It draws the
   Mandelbrot set and lets you explore it by zooming in and out at
  37       1/8/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Creates "modern art" (which resembles fractals, but not
   necessarily) by a special algorithm.  You can save the
   resulting artwork as a TIFF file.  Includes versions of
   the application for FPU, non-FPU 68K machines, and PowerMacs.

  82      11/8/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Quick Mandelbrot set plotting program. Allows
   zooming in certain regions, and can plot Julia sets as well.
  21       4/6/91   BinHex4.0
   A small program (works only in 2 color mode for speed, presumably)
   that creates very beautiful patterns for you based on a simple
   algorithm. You can increase the factor of viewing via the menu.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 112    12/20/92    BinHex4.0
   Nice rendition of the international black-on-orange biohazard
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 107    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create 3d surfaces from any equation.  Power Mac Only.

   8     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows you to add comments to JFIF/GIF files. Freeware.
  65     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Help artists and programmers make animations for games.
 135    11/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Anti-aliases PICT files by reducing them in size 2-10x. Fat binary.
 128    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Nifty paint program draws ascii pictures useful for
   online chat, sig files, etc.; free!
 137    10/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Fills the screen with tiled pictures of a face; as you move the
   cursor around, the images of the face all track the mouse.

 297     8/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 24-bit paint program intended for creating animation cels or
   sprites.  Fat binary.
  54     2/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
    Application that resides in your "StartUp Items" folder and provides
    a random StartUpScreen everytime your reboot.  DonationWare, altho
    freeware, the author asks, if you want to send money, donate to a
    Children's Hospital near you!
  60     4/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Design certificates using a Mac-paint like interface, a selection
   of borders and seals and you various fonts/styles/sizes.
 198      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Convert a PICT or a GIF to a PICT, a GIF or a JPEG image;
   handles 1/2/4/8 bits/pixel, transparency, interlacing, gray
   shades,dithering, zoom from 1% to 1000%; displays PICT and
   GIF files; v0.71 has TIFF support, CFM support; free.
 138     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A grid-based program to help knitters create designs and give them
   an accurate preview of how they will look when knitted up.
  40     08/16/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A utility which allows you to display old Apple II high-res
   documents in a window on the Mac.  You can also save them as PICT
   format graphics so you can import them into other Mac documents
   (wheee!).  Comes with documents and some classic Apple II graphics
   (in black & white).
 722      9/7/97    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   Display a picture on the desktop, replacing mundane desktop
   ppats; Version 3.0 adds a Control Strip module for easy access,
   also to change the picture (PICT, JPEG, GIF, StartUp Screen) once
   in a while.  Installer can create 68K, ppc or a fat binary.
 723      9/7/97

   German language version of Decor, an extension which
   allows you to display a picture in place of your desktop.
   Installer creates 68K, ppc or a fat binary extension.

 727      9/7/97    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   French language version of Decor, an extension which
   allows you to display a picture in place of your desktop.
   Installer creates 68K, ppc or a fat binary extension.

 749      9/7/987   BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Japanese language version of Decor, an extension which
   allows you to display a picture in place of your desktop.
   Installer creates 68K, ppc or a fat binary extension.
  63      9/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Debump shrinks and smoothes graphic images.  It's great for logos and
   other on-screen graphic objects, as the resulting images appear
   much less jagged than typical bit-mapped graphics.  As an image is 
   reduced, some graphic information is discarded.  Debump uses this 
   information to smooth, or anti-alias, the image.  Accelerated for 
   Power Macs. 
  89     9/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Construct linked-box diagrams of (flow charts, organizational
   charts, etc.).  Lots of different box shapes and several line
   options; 4.6.1 fixes a bug in version 4.6 where selecting "show
   reduced view" twice would cause a crash.
  60       2/5/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Digitizing program for use with a mouse or Summagraphics tablet.
   Will process raw data and output a file suitable for use in
   graphing programs.
  48      9/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A GIF viewer designed to decode the Dilbert comic strip, 
   distributed on the Clarinet usenet feeds.  Seems like a lot
   of trouble to download to view a cartoon, but they're usually
   pretty good.
  51     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gives C programs access to the Mac's graphics without needing
   to know how to program the Mac's GUI.
  42     10/15/91    BinHex4.0
   Display X11 pictures, Sun dumps, Raw 8 bit and then save those
   into a Pict file.
  27      2/6/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   View DL-style animation files.  Requires System 6.0.2 and Color
 152     9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A computerized kaliedoscope with many features, many of which are
   activated upon registration.  Allows you to import your own
   pictures for use in your virtual kaledoscope.

 693      5/9/95    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   Read any form of EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file and convert it
   into an Adobe Illustrator 3.2 compatible EPS file, suitable for
   editing with Illustrator, or for importing into any application
   which can read Illustrator 3.2 files.
 477     2/15/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   View, insert and adjust PICT preview resources within EPS files;
   supports Drag and Drop and is scriptable; includes versions for
   68K and PPC Macs.  Requires System 7.
 944     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Converts EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files to Macintosh PICT
   files.  They can then be viewed in any application which reads
   the PICT format.  Power Macintosh version available upon
   registration.  $24.99 shareware
 615     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Contains docs and sample code which tell you how Xtras work,
   how to write them, where to look for examples, etc; cool!

 160     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Create animated GIF files using inputs of PICT, GIF, TIFF
   or a QuickTime movie (and the output is a GIF89a file with
   multiple images).  Fat binary.
 458      2/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   View and save files in GIF, TIFF, RIFF, PICT, JPEG (JFIF), MacPaint
   and Thunderscan formats.  Cut and paste pieces into new documents,
   do limited manipulations, etc. Does not include documentation.
   Now handles JPEGs better (doesn't require QuickTime).
 305    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Documentation for GIFConverter 2.3.7 in PDF (Adobe Acrobat)
   format; includes bookmarks and hypertext.
 190     7/16/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Automagically generates IMG tags for any image file dragged on
   its icon, as well as HREF tags for non-image files; also gives
   extended info about any GIF files it scans; now FAT.
  24    11/21/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   So you transferred a lot of gifs to your Mac from somewhere out on
   the internet.  Trouble is, they don't have a type or creator.
   Drop the files on this, and your GIF viewer will recognize it a
   lot easier.  Needs System 7.
 312     9/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A program for viewing GL files created on a PC.  Seems a
   little rough, but it appears to work fine.  Includes sample file.
   Includes source code.  Requires color.
1612     11/6/95    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   German version of:

1579     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   French version of:

1587     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Convert almost any graphic format of Mac, PC, Unix, Atari,
   etc. into almost any other format, and edit them as well
   Fat Binary for 68K and Power Macs.

  61    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Creates "icons collections" by merging custom icons from multiple
   applications, files or folders in a single document, to save disk
   space; extracts icons from the collection by creating new folders
   with theses icons.

  21     6/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Turns the PICT contents of the clipboard (if any) into a folder of 
   icons which reproduce the picture; new packaging better preserves
   the graphic structure of the sample PICT (not really a new
  46    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert icons into transparent GIF images suitable for 
   inclusion on web pages; also contains script; free!
  11     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Converts Illustrator images into greyscale from colour;
   accelerated for PPC.
  93     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Specifically designed to handle large volume (*BIG*)
   disk images, as in hard drives, removables, and CDROMs;
   v1.01 is minor bugfix and improvements.
 341     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   NIH Image module designed to perform fully automated stereological
   particle analysis on color, grayscale, or binary images; requires
   public domain program Image 1.35 by W. Rasband of NIH.
 189    3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Color picker components for use with Apple's Color Picker 2.0
   (included in System 7.5).
 433      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Includes several additional Animation Assistants for Speculars
   Speculars Infini-D 3-D rendering/animation software. It includes
   an assistant to reverse, change position, explode and mirror
  28    10/31/94     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Includes documentation on the Animation Assistant API for
   Infini-D Speculars 2-D rendering/animation software. It
   includes two sample Animation Assistant projects in
   Think C format.
 373     3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is the Native Demo Version of Infinite FX, 55 excellent 
   special effects plugins for Adobe Illustrator from BeInfinite, Inc.   
   It runs with blazing speed on both the PowerPC Macintoshes as 
   well as 68K Macs.
 182     9/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A multithreaded JPEG/GIF/PICT viewer (i.e. it can decompress multiple
   images at once) which uses as little RAM as possible.

 774     1/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fast, powerful image viewer for 680x0 and PowerPC Macs; can open
   images in JPEG, PICT, GIF, TIFF, BMP, MacPaint, or Startup Screen
   formats; requires System 7; version 3.3 no longer requires
   QuickTime.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
  27     12/9/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A Mac-paint style program designed for the younger set (ages 4 -
   12..).  Paint buckets, brushes, patterns, inverts, select &
   copies.. just like the real thing, only a lot simpler.
   Requires Color QuickDraw.
 319     6/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 
   View KISS/GS standard images.  Like a combination of colorforms
   and paper dolls.
 395    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Design and create large full-color pictures of beautiful
   abstract knots; v2.1 has faster drawing, knots with up to
   a hundred strands, controllable shapes, color, substance,
   orientation and lighting, and lots more; requires color Mac,
   System 7 or more, 4 MB RAM, display with millions of colors.
 506    12/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Read image catalog files generated by Kudo Image Publisher
   and Kudo Image Browser.

 371     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays GL, FLI, FLC, FLX, DL, GIF, JPEG, PCX/PIC, and raw
   PPM files; automatically unzips .zip archives in search of
   same; THINK C port of glib; autotyper; requires 68020 and
   32-bit QuickDraw, works best with 8-bit color monitor; v1.1
   adds JPEG and raw PPM image display, FLI/FLC animations, etc.
  24    3/21/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An application which displays pictures on the screen.
 182     10/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MacPDB2POV assists in the creation of photorealistic ball and 
   stick images of molecules.  MacPDB2POV reads a protein data bank 
   file and uses that to write a Persistence of Vision Ray (POVRay) 
   ray tracer file. 
 974      7/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat app freeware ray tracer which has a relatively friendly
   user interface (kind of hard to abort the lengthly process of
   rendering things).  Complete docs are included.

1513      5/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A public domain suite of ray tracing scene generator applications
   that create benchmark scenes to test accuracy and robustness of
   many aspects of ray tracing.  Can output scene source files for any
   of the following raytracers: MTV (NFF), POV-Ray 1.0 and 2.0,
   Polyray 1.4 to 1.7, Vivid 2.0, QRT 1.5, Rayshade 4.0.6, RTrace
   8.0.0, Art 2.3, Renderman (RIB), and AutoCAD DXF. Includes C source
   for MSDOS, Mac, Unix.

1087    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A 3D modeling, rendering and animation package for PowerMacs.
   Very cool.

 899     8/12/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Graphics plotter utility which plots PICT, paint documents or
   PICT info in the clipboard on Apple, Hewlett Packard, Houston
   Instruments of compatible plotters.  Shareware, $25.

  29     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Lets you view the video-input on screen. Therefore you need
   either an AV Macintosh or some thirdparty video-input device
   that supports a Quicktime VDIG plus some video signal
   source, like a VCR or a camera.

  64      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A fat application which plays MPEG audio tracks.
  9     1/23/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Ultra-tiny PICT opener Applications, that's it.  Very elementary,
   use RAM=PIC size.  Might be good for those using WWW.
 544    1/28/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A beta version of a freeware 3D modeller for PowerMacs.
   Completely Bezier spline based and vertex oriented, can
   use QuickDraw 3D, includes documentation in HTML format.

  27     8/8/95    Binhex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scriptable utility allowing the capture of video images, saving
   them to PICT files; requires AV Mac or PowerMac 6100 or better
   OR QuickCam from Connectix, and QuickTime 1.5 or later.
  30     9/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Import ACR-NEMA files into Photoshop.
  23     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   PNDither 1.0b1 and VGDither 1.0b1, to filters to dither grayscale
   images to black and white so that they can be printed on laser
 215     4/10/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This plug-in is part of a package of filters available for
  96    12/19/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This plug-in enables Photoshop (2.51 and up) to take advantage
   of the DSP3210 built into the Quadra 660AV and 840AV.  It
   offloads some of the tasks originally done by the CPU onto the
   AV's special hardware and greatly speed up things.
  85     9/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A filter for Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Premiere that can create
   images that change over time according to a mathematical formula or
   expression.  Requires a 68020 chip and a 68881 FPU.  v.3.0b
   corrects interaction conflicts w/Premier and NIH and solves a
   problem with the pixel sampling routines.
  17     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Adobe Photoshop plug-in for the import of FITS files.  Can read
   byte, integer, longint, real, and double fits files.  Cannot read
   fits files with extensions nor can it read 1D files.  Only looks at
   the image or images pointed to by the first fits header.
   3      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Plug-in to allow Photoshop to work with the Kodak PhotoCD format.
   Requires System 7, Photoshop, and a Photo CD compatible drive.
 125     8/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   PhotoShop JPEG Compression and Decompression modules.
  643     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Plug-ins to import and export textures in to KaiUs Power Tools
   Texture Explorer Photoshop plug-in.
  21    10/23/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   OneScanner plug-in for Adobe Photoshop; v1.11 has faster hi-res
   color scan, preview scan, mouse-click scan area, more.
  41    1/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Adobe inadvertently shipped PhotoShop 3.0 with a security
   code time constraint which makes it impossible to access after
   12/94 or before 1/94 (this won't hurt or destroy anything); this
   patch updates it to remove the time constraint.
  39    12/23/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Plug-in to allow Photoshop to work with the Kodak PhotoCD format.
   Requires System 7, Photoshop, and a Photo CD compatible drive.
 241    10/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Speed up all built-in Photoshop functions on the Power Mac,
   such as effects, resizing, rotating, compositing, feathering,
   color conversion, all built-in filters; does NOT accelerate
   plug-in filters, nor does it affect third-party plug-ins.
 256      5/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FAQ covers version 2.51; very comprehensive and knowledgeable.
  88     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   Converts picture data into ASCII art; requires some use of
   ResEdit 2.1 or later to create the art.
  33    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Compare PICT files and find out if they are identical, or at least
   very similar. Supports all PICT files, including QuickTime
   compressed pictures.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
  11     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Turn PICT files into StartupScreens and vice versa.
  14     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Combination of utilities extracts PICT resources from within the
   resource fork of files and apps and creates a ResEdit resource doc
   containing the PICT files that dragged onto it,
 30    1/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Ultra tiny application (30K) that opens PICTs and JPEGs; however, it
   LOVES RAM, Min. suggested is a whopping 4megs!
  11    11/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Move PICTs between resources and the single-file format;
   supports drag-and-drop, should work under System 6 and 7;
   uses temporary memory when needed to cut down partition size;
  40     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Find the dimensions (in pixels) and the size (in bytes or K) of any
   picture (PICT) currently stored in the clipboard.
  86     3/13/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Picture viewer that can open and save PICTs and StartupScreens.
   Can open the Japanese formats G68, MAG, MAKI, Pi, PIC, and Q4.  Can
   also open GIF and JPEG(JFIF), and can save files in PIC format.
   Requires System 7.
  57     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Peek into graphic files to see the info regarding image and
   color type, size in kb, and size in pixels.
  48     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allow PhotoShop to grab images from QuickTime compatible digitizer
   sources that provide a 'vdig' component.  Can now handle full 24-
   bit capture with suitable applications.
  72     10/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Single-page layout program that uses (and requires) QuickDraw GX.
  13      7/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make patterns for Chameleon and BeforeDark.  Convert clipboard
   PICTs into ppats, create ppats from any screen image.
  40     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   List and display all ppats in any file.  Requires Color QuickDraw
   and System 7.
 104     7/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Text printing XObject for Macromedia Director
  28    9/24/93    BinHex4.0
   Meant to be used with magazine layouts, this little app calculates
   proportional enlargements and reductions.  It returns correct
   dimensions in 16th inches and percentage change.
  41      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create color patterns through manipulations of various variables.
  94    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Viewer and browser for PICT and JFIF pictures.  Requires Color
   QuickDraw and QuickTime.
 726      8/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert QuarkXPress documents created in Macintosh versions 3.1,
   3.2, and 3.3 to Aldus PageMaker 5.0 publications.  Requires
   System 7.0.1.  WOW!  NEAT!
 176     1/30/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Open and view GIF, PICT, and MacPaint type files. Also able to
   play sound files.  Can save in GIF or PICT format
  51     3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Application for use with a Connectix QuickCam. It can save
   images directly as JPEG's files and also features automatic
   exposure with spot metering.
 158     9/28/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Renames QuickTake Camera pictures so that they are displayed in
   chronological order when displayed in a slide show.

  57     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Crate thumbnail previews, and, optionally, custom Finder icons for
   any PICT, JFIF, or MooV files.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  67     12/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  "Psychedelic" paint program uses palette animation to make paintings
   appear as if they're moving; needs 256 colors; free!
  98     1/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   View Random Dot Autostereograms (RDAs), images that contain three
   dimensional information in a single image instead of a pair of
   images typically refered to as a stereo pair.  Several images
   provides, and can also generate the same images as provided.
   Includes versions for Macs with and without math coprocessors.
 374      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   RetroScan is a professional quality PhotoShop Plug-In that 
   simulates the effect of rescanning a noisy TV signal. It provides 
   an easy way to achieve the fashionable "cyber punk" effect for print, 
   multimedia, and video.
 256     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Reads a set of 3-dimensional points and lines and plots them in
   a window; image can then be rotated with the mouse in real time;
   Two versions of the app:  one for 68K machines with FPU, and a
   fat version for everybody else.
 136    10/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Records whatever is happening on your Macintosh screen into a
   movie, as well as whatever you're playing on your MID device or
   saying into your microphone.  A couple limitations tho... it
   doesn't catch zooming windows, cursor movement or menus popping down.
   One app is for 68000-based models, another app is for Power PC's.
 146      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Take a snapshot of any rectangular portion of the screen and save
   it in a window for later use.
 188      1/13/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Using the thumbnail previews that are now commonly saved with digita
   images, or by creating them with this program, you can create/arrange
   image sets much like you would do with ordinary slides on a backlit 
   table. The image sets/sequences can be saved in document files. The 
   program interfaces with JPEGView for opening or slide-showing the 
2254     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   View files in MPEG format and save them as QuickTime movies (or
   the reverse!); requires Thread Manager, QuickTime 1.6; v2.45
   is bugfix and supports QuickTime-style dithering; Fat Binary.
 126    10/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Allows you to create neat-o graphics of different shapes and
   sizes with differently curved lines, and circles.
   Somewhat crippled until you pay the $12 fee.

  33      3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Provides a means of having a random startup picture on your
 158      7/27/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Random dot generator (use a black and white picture) to make
   unusual stereograms. Wear those old 3-D movie 'glasses' you thought
   you'd never have another use for, and see things on your screen pop
   out at you. Requires Color QuickDraw.  Fat binary.
 112    10/23/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HyperCard stack which can display PICT, JPEG, JFIF, GIF, PIC
   (CLP) and PCX files in slide shows controlled by AppleEvents.
 119     4/9/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Configurable AppleScript droplet that uses clip2gif (available in this
   same directory) to convert multiple images into thumbnails.  Can also
   ouput some HTML tables etc, for these images.

 236     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Creates DXF files (for use with 3-D modelling programs) from grayscale
  25    3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Takes a snapshoot of the screen at timed intervals, saving as
   a JPEG.  Requires 32 Bit QuickDraw, System 7 & up, and an AV
   device (AV Mac, Video Spigot, etc)
  36    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set the transparency index in GIF images.  Transparent GIF images
   are most commonly used as inline images in WWW pages, though they
   may have other uses as well.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
  12      9/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An alternative to Apple's Video Monitor app with which you can
   display input video on the desktop of video-input-capable Macs.
  70    11/16/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Nifty program (with examples) for creating animated sequences with
   keyframes. Nice interface, many modes and features.

  66      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   View, crop, compress pictures (if QuickTime is available);
   past or drop a picture and save it; scriptable, recordable,
   supports drag-n-drop and balloon help; requires System7.
 524       2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Web viewer for 3DMF or VRML models created by Enright and
   Louch; requires QuickDraw 3D and a PowerMac; v1.0d6 allows
   viewing of 3DMF and VRML models from varied camera positions,
   jumps to other Web sites (warning: 16MB RAM required for
   viewing graphics files).
  98      7/15/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Macintosh port of Windows (tm), the way cool user interface
   that makes IBM users feel better about their machines.  Works
   just like the real thing!
  39     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A little program that will convert Wallpaper patterns to ppats
   (resedit) or DeskTop Textures.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  44     7/12/85    BinHex4.0
   Detailed pictures of assorted human anatomy.
  17      5/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A rendering of the logo of the Boy Scouts of  America (eagle on
   fleur-de-lis).  Superpaint file.
  45     5/29/86    BinHex4.0
   A digitized MacPaint of David Byrne, singer and guitar player from
   Talking Heads.
 560     3/29/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   26 digitzed caricatures of famous celbrities, plus three other
 137     9/15/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   One of the most detailed and breathtaking desktop pictures
   available. This one is designed specifically for 13 inch
   monitors running System 7. The desktop picture integrates
   desktop windows and icons into a cyberport image.
 138    10/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   One of the most detailed and breathtaking desktop pictures
   available. This one is designed specifically for 16 inch
   monitors running System 7. The desktop picture integrates
   desktop windows and icons into a cyberport image.
 278     9/15/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 19 inch version of the cyberport desktop picture.
  22    10/15/86    BinHex4.0
   Digitized artwork of a dragon.
  24    10/15/85    BinHex4.0
   Startup picture from the older versions of Dungeon of Doom.
  50      9/3/85    BinHex4.0
   Stunning Thunderscanned picture of a bald eagle's head.
  15      9/4/86    BinHex4.0
   EscherPortrait, a picture of his face in a round mirror.
2554     7/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An eclectic collection of 256-color PICTs, most at 320x200 or
   smaller:  Bead Border, Big Yellow House, Blue Rose, Blue Vase, Bud
   Vase, Cable Car, Christmas Tree, Concord Grapes, Cupcake, Dog
   House, Easter Basket, Flower Border, Fly Agaric Mushroom, French
   Fries, Full Red Rose 1, Gingerbread House, Green  Pepper,
   Hamburger, Horn of Plenty, Ice Cream Cone, Ink Bottle, Jack-o-
   lantern Mush., Onion Rings, Open Pink Rose, Open Red Rose, Open
   Yellow Rose, Orange, Orange Rose, P51 D, Paint Palette, Pear, Pink
   & Yellow Rose Bud, Potted Cactus, Potted Geranium, Potted Plant,
   Pumkin, Purple Flower, Purple Iris, Red Apple, Red Daisy, Red Rose
   Bud, Rose Border, Satin Heart, Shade Tree, Square Border, Sun,
   Tiger Lily, Water Lily, Wine Glass, Yellow Onion, Dry Lake BG, Lake
   Sunset BG, Marsh Lake BG, Meadow BG, Pasture BG, Rolling Hills BG,
   Sand Desert BG, Savanna BG, Snow BG, Stone Wall BG, Baby Elephant,
   Baby Gorilla, Bat, Beta Fish, Black Ant, Black Widow Spider, Blue
   Butterfly, Bluebird, Bumblebee, Copper Dragon, Cottontail Rabbit,
   Country Girl, Dairy Cow, Desert Turtle, Dino Lizard, Fawn, Female
   Mallard, Geisha , Geisha Musican, Giraffe, Green Frog, Hen,
   Housefly, Ladybug, Luna Moth, Male Deer, Male Lion, Male Mallard,
   Panda, Pheasant, Pink Moth, Poodle unclipped, Purple Butterfly,
   Purple Butterfly 2, Rattlesnake, Red Parrot, Rooster, Salamander,
   Sea Dinosaur, Skunk, Small Butterfly, Small Monarch, Spring Angel,
   Summer Angel, Swallowtail Butterfly, Tiger Leaping, Trout 1,
   Turkey, Young Boy, Young Girl, A Lea Riff, Autumn Hill, Blue River,
   Desert Lake Sunset, Desert Storm, Lake Skilac, Maple at Dusk, New
   York Winter, Oakay Cove, Rock Bridge, Seaside Sunset, Wish U Well,
   Ancient Volcano, City Lights, Flamingo Bay, Mama's Pond, Mountain
   Garden, North Mountain View, River Valley, Rock Waterfall, Touch
   Down, Tree Dimension, Winter Stroll
  23      9/3/85    BinHex4.0
   Total printout of Icon font set.
  12    10/15/86    BinHex4.0
   Drawing of a floating loon.
 229     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A color paint program for the Mac; variable-sized, 256 colors,
   16 tools; lasso may be programed to pickup a chosen set of colors.
  52      9/4/86    BinHex4.0
   A portrait of Meryl Streep.
  10      8/1/85    BinHex4.0
   Picture of Michigan and the Great Lakes.
  23      7/2/86    BinHex4.0
   Very nice large drawing of a wasp.
  46    10/15/86    BinHex4.0
   Escher woodcut of a waterfall that feeds into itself.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  19    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert PICT files to QuickTime Photo-JPEG PICT.
   Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
  80      3/4/92    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Compressed pictures into the QuickTime JPEG  format.  Drag
   pictures you want onto the Auto Compressor icon and it compresses
   and adds custom icons to the new files.
  24     3/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert .AVI files to Macintosh QuickTime movies.
 367     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Interactive video playback loads any quicktime movie, uses various
   keys to trigger loops, alter pitch, change volume, etc.; demonstrates
   simplistically that which the avxvideosampler is capable.
1821    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   System for real-time interactive media playback, enabling the
   creation of advanced interactive audio/video media and virtual
   realities for kiosk, CD-ROM, network, web-based digital on
   variety of platforms; free!
 163    12/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small QuickTime player that supports many of the features included 
   with System 7.5 and Quicktime 2.0.  Fat binary for 68k and PowerMacs.
  32      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Three files to manipulate QuickTime movies:  SoundTrack 1.0
   converts movie soundtracks to AIFF format; Movie2Snd 1.0.1 converts
   movie soundtracks to System 7 sound file (sfil) format;  Fast
   Player is a tiny QuickTime movie player.
 138      7/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   QuickTime movie player/converter.  Some features include:
   change compressor, frame rate and movie quality, get movie
   info, multispeed play, text to speech, superimpose video or
   text, add sound tracks, direct to memory or disk recording, 
   add background picture to movie.  Requires System 7 and
   Quicktime 1.6.1 or later.  Fat binary for PowerMacs.

  84      4/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A QuickTime Video monitor/digitizer/subtitle maker.  Part of movie 
   trilogy (graphics/quicktime/movietrilogy1.11.sit.hqx) this version now 
   includes both 68K and PPC versions.
 100      6/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   View and edit QuickTime movies.
 121     8/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Quicktime moovie player with a VCR remote like control panel. 
   Certainly the most visually interesting player I've seen.

1487     6/26/01    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Volume One of an Effects Pack for digitized movies.  Filters include
   a Camcorder effect (to get handheld style scanlines), Color Pass (the color you
   want is the only one sent through, everything else is grayscale), Color Replace, 
   Contrast & Brightness, Negative and Video Noise.  These effects work fully for
   45 days, then you have to pay the shareware fee.

 508     6/26/01    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A set of ten video effects that can be applied to Quicktime video clips
   using any app that supports effects (MoviePlayer Pro, QT Player Pro,
   Adobe Premiere, etc.).  Included effects are Gamma Correction, Median
   Filtering, Polar Filter, Strobe (you too can cause people to have seizures)
   Texturizer, plus a couple fun effects such as Psycho Spin and Jittery TV.
   Works fully for 45 days, then you have to pay the shareware fee.

2440     6/26/01    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Volume Three of an Effects Pack for digitized movies.  Filters in this
   pack include Invert HSV, Fractal, Filter Factory and Motion.  
   The (very thorough) documentation includes descriptions of how to 
   composite using alpha channels, another tool included with this pack.
   Works fully for 45 days, then you have to pay a shareware fee.

  13     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A very basic QuickTime movie player; drag-n-drop-able, fast;
   requires 680x0, compatible with PowerMac, color QuickDraw,
   System 7.0 or more, QuickTime 1.6 or more.
  14     6/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A fast QuickTime player.  Contains options such as Preload movie
   and No backgrounding.
  29      1/9/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Drag and drop movies onto this app to "flatten" them (moving
   the movie from the resource fork to the datafork), making
   'em suitable for putting onto Unix web servers or non-Macintosh
   file systems.
 329      6/5/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Print flipbooks (staple the pages together and fan through them
   for simple animation) from QuickTime movies.
  17     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Creates a wave with an image on it; requires a PowerMac with
   QuickDraw 3D.
  50     8/8/95    Binhex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   QuickTime player allows navigation within movie-window, zoom
   in/out to watch details.
  60     7/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Makes QuickTime movies of a 2-D morph between two still images,
   or between the ending and starting frames of two QuickTime movies.
   Requires 68020, 2 Megs free, System 6.07 and up, and Quicktime
 227      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   MooVer creates a QuickTime movie from a sequence of Macintosh
   PICT data files dropped on it.
 455     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Compresses QuickTime video for playback from CD-ROM, the web,
   etc.; features suspend & resume, high-quality crop & resize,
   audio/video fades, more; replacement for Apple's MovieShop.
  72     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This XObject allows Director users to incorporate interactive
   QuickTime movies created using Motion Works' MovieClick
   application (part of Multimedia Utilities) into their
 194     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Image Processing program for PMacs (required). Allows many
   special effects on QuickTime movies and PICT files.
   Included: convolutions (blurs, sharpens, embosses),
   textures, a Convolution editor, and a Texture editor.
   9    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Strip soundtracks from QuickTime movies.
   8      1/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This After Dark module plays QuickTime movies that you've put into
   a special folder inside the  AfterDark folder.
  12     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play QuickTime movies from within AfterDark.
 330     7/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Contains DeskTopTV (for AV and nonAV Macs; works better on AV),
   DeskTopMovie, TextMovie, all designed to work together to do video
   subtitles on AV Macs, but works uniquely on other Macs; requires
   QuickTime 1.61; some features also need AV class Mac.
  16     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Creates a wave with a movie on it; requires a PowerMac with
   QuickDraw 3D.
  13    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Merge multiple QuickTime 2.0 music movies into one.
  38      8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Plays QuickTime sound tracks and QuickTime MIDI files;
   v1.4 plays raw MIDI files, Finder sounds, AIFF files,
   plays Sun ulaw files if QuickTime translater is present;
   requires System 7 or later, 68020 or later, QuickTime.
  83     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple QuickTime movie player designed to play movies as smoothly
   as possible.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
  51     7/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Take a sequence of PICT files and create a QuickTime movie with
   a choice of colours, frame rate, compression system and quality.
   Requires 1.5 meg of RAM.
 352     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A fat binary QuickTime movie player which brags that it's
   the "smoothest movie-player" of all, including loading
   movies into RAM and movie editing.

  13      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Video Effect Plug-In for QuickEditor 3.5 that allows you to
   control the brightness and the contrast of a sequence.
   8      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Video Effect Plug-In for QuickEditor 3.5 that allows you to
   control the color saturation of a sequence.
  29     9/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Basically a simple player with some extra fancy bells and
   whistles.  One window plays the movie, another window displays the
   movie's poster, and the third window has VCR controls.

  68     3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quicktime 2.0 savvy movie Editor/Player.  FAT Binary.
 125      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Camera controller takes jpeg photos and adds comments, has auto-
   exposure, time-lapse movies, movement detection, time-stamping,
   works in background; requires AV Mac and/or Connectix QuickCam.
  37      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A QuickTime utility that allows queuing multiple  picture files
   for compression.  Uses either built-in  JPEG or Video compression
   algorithms, and allows you to adjust the compression/quality
   ratio.  Once compressed the pictures can be viewed from any
   graphics program as long as the QuickTime extension is installed.
   Requires System 7.
 136    10/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Records whatever is happening on your Macintosh screen into a
   movie, as well as whatever you're playing on your MID device or
   saying into your microphone.  A couple limitations tho... it
   doesn't catch zooming windows, cursor movement or menus popping down.
   One app is for 68000-based models, another app is for Power PC's.
  88      3/14/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Specialized Movie Effects in Real Time.  Perform special effects
   on Quicktime movies.  Requires PowerMac.
  14     7/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert sound resources into Quicktime movies and soundtrack of
   Quicktime movies into sound.
   9      3/9/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Plays a QuickTime movie on startup time.  For System 6.0.7 and up.
 174      2/1/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allows QuickTime movies to be pasted into PICT aware applications.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 128      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A HyperText book containing facts and figures about the 
   cities, people, interesting places and historical events
   around the state of Arizona.

 106      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book containing facts and figures about
   the cities, people, interesting places and historical events
   around the state of Arkansas.
146      3/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Discusses elementary photography procedures using overautomated
   camera; useful for new photographers less exposed (*grin*) to
   technicalities; v1.5 includes camera simulator for visualizing
   depth of field with varying lighting conditions, focal length,
   and film speed; requires Hypercard2.1 or later.
 920      4/1/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Depicts endangered barnyard animals with sights and sounds.
   Has short quizes on those animals.
   Requires quicktime 1.6 and later in order to view pictures

  99     2/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Teach your pupils to write and share their own book reports in
   pre-structured database; teaches basic database searching, text
   editing, sharing of ideas, and how teamwork can be helpful even
   when doing individual work.
 147     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Template for kids to write and illustrate their own book;

 288      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book containing facts and figures concerning the cities,
   people, places and things of the state of California.  Many computer
   companies are mentioned in this stack, but Apple is most notably
  47      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Identify Canadian provinces and their capitals.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 440     3/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Teaches how to write chemical formulas and name compounds.  
   This stack may be used as a teaching tool for junior or senior 
   high school students as well as college students. 
 113     3/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Connecticut.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
  35     6/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   U.S. Constitution and Amendments broken into easily studiable form.
 191     4/10/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Illustrate the location of the camera controls for exposure on most
   models of 35mm cameras. Displays  animated shutter, D-stop, and 
   camera meters.  Requires HyperCard 2.0 and a 12 inch monitor.
  68    2/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Teaches addition, subtraction, multiplication, division in a race
   against bugs or bubbles. Effective and fun.
  68     3/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Delaware.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
 431     4/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The text of the American Declaration of Independence and
   Constitution, with commentary and suggested class exercises.
 270     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Contains extracts from one of the earliest Islamic prayer 
   manuals (The Psalms of Islam).
1740    10/20/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Easy Writer is a simple and fun way for kids to watch letters being 
   drawn correctly and even try to imitate them on screen.  
 113    11/5/94     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Electronic Textbook is a free HyperCard 2.1 stack that enables you to
   easily write short stories with pictures. MacinTalk reads the story 
   to you when you are done!
 167    2/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Incredibly detailed stack to teach anyone about Energy Metabolism in
   the Human Body.
  35     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Calculate the date of Easter and six other major moveable feasts
   based on date of the Council of Nice (325 A.D.) to the present;
   provide the dates for other events of the liturgical year; convert
   back and forth between Old and New style dating; much more; requires
   HyperCard 2.0; free!
 128      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Package of educational European geography games including 
   countries, capitals, major exports and geographical features.  
   Colorful maps and challenging "point and shoot" format result in 
   rapid improvement to geography scores.  Not hypercard, but
  79     3/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Hawaii.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
 109     7/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Stack answers the kinds of questions kids ask about how
   to create buttons and make them work, make things
   hide/show, animate things, etc.; well done; free.
  28     6/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Aid to solving geometric equations, including slope; does the math,
   does not provide diagrams.
 633     2/13/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An education stack covering topics in Chemistry, Physics 
   and Environmental Science (Geography & Biology) at the
   high school level.
  78    11/14/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A HyperCard implementation of Turtle Graphics for HyperCard 2.x.
   It requires system 6.0.4 or later. Lets you use HyperTalk to
   control an on-screen turtle in the traditional way. Draws in color
   in an external window. Drawings can be saved as MacPaint or MacDraw
  46     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Stack graphs functions, parametric equation, polar graphs.
  82     3/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Idaho.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
 158     3/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Illinois.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
  98     3/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Indiana.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
 219     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Find out what it was like early on in the life of Planet Earth;
   look at ideas on chemical and biological evolution, aerobic and
   anaerobic life, and more; program needs to be set above level 2
   in the home stack in order to work (don't ask me why...).
  83     3/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Iowa.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
 206     9/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Lets you read and make comments on JPU-type essays.
   Requires hypercard 2.2

 548      1/26/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A set of three flash-card style programs that teach children 
   6 months and up the alphabet, words, numbers, symbols, math,
   and patterns.  Requires HyperCard 2.2 or later, 256 color or 
   greater. Supports Speech Manager.
  89     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Kansas.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
  88     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Kentucky.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
 256      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An introduction to neural networks.  Learns to recognize letters
   that you draw by hand, using the mouse.
  98      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities, places and historical facts of the
   state of Louisiana.  Includes definitions and explanations of
   Mardi Gras, Creole, Cajun, etc.
  82     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Maine.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
  98      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities, places and historic people of the
   state of Maryland.  Lists interesting facts and figures.

 128      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Michigan.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.

 109     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Minnesota.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
  83     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Mississippi.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
 118      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities, places and historic people and
   events in the state of Missouri.  

  87      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities, places (mountain ranges, parks, etc.)
   and historic people and events in the state of Montana.

 162     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Contains definitions of more than 2600 musical terms with find,
   cross reference, and export features; offers color feature;
   requires Platypus Common.
  81     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Nebraska.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
  71     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Nevada.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
  80      3/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities, schools, places, facts and figures
   surrounding the state of New Hampshire.

 131      3/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities, places (schools, parks, etc.), facts
   and figures about that most maligned and misunderstood home of
   Bruce Springsteen:  New Jersey.
  99     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of New Mexico.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
 310     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of New York.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
  98     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of North Carolina.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
  73     3/27/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of North Dakota.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
 119     2/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An excellent stack on Nuclear Power, the political issues behind its
   usage in the UK, technical material on hwo it works, the places
   that make it, and much more.  Excellent, markedly unbiased work!
  90      4/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Oklahoma.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
  82      4/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book of cities and places in the state of Oregon.
   Lists interesting facts and figures.
  68    11/6/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This is the Platypus "Installer".  All it does is check to see if all 
   the necessary files are available for the Platypus modular educational

 240      3/2/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book listing all of the presidents and vice-presidents
   of the United States, their brief bios and accomplishments.
  83    3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Used to study for the FAA Private Pilot written exam.

  72     3/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A stack which lists cities, a couple points of interest, and
   a bit of history, surrounding one of the smallest states in 
   the union. 
  48      6/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   In memory of D-Day, a stack which illustrates the territory
   occupied by the Nazi war machine from 1933 to 1945, and the 
   demanding task placed on the Allies as they invaded Europe.
  62     4/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A jeopardy-resembling hypercard stack set up for educators to teach 
   about the sciences.  Has a nice "Override Judge" button in case
   your question wasn't quite spelled correctly.  Don't forget the
 663     3/14/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Memorize Scripture verses.  Can also be used to memorize other
   texts:  Type in anything to memorize.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.

  77       8/3/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Stack for teaching addition and subtraction.
  62     6/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Map of all 50 United States with information about each available
   by clicking on the state name; requires HyperCard 2.x; free!
  49      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   50 structure subset of STEROIDS, a HyperCard structural
   database stack of more than 650 steroids; organized to
   emphasize structural similarities.
  23     9/23/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Designed for everyone (from beginner to expert) to  improve their
   skills in simple mathematical  calculations (addition,
   subtraction, multiplication and division).  Keeps track of your
   score and has an assortment of options.
  41     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Calculate sunrise/set times for any date and any place in the
   world; includes a database of 190 cities; add, remove, edit
   locations in database; free.

 130     3/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Lists facts and figures for the state that houses the
   Grand Old Opry.  Doesn't have a separate, special category for
   Graceland, tho.

 331     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quiz uses the Music Glossary as a database to create a quiz, or
   the teacher may create hir own new glossary of terms.
 160     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Facts and figures about the biggest state in the continental U.S.,
   covering cities, people (George Herbert Walker Bush!?), historical
   places and events.
 483    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   A children's educational and fun-time hypercard stack.  Contains
   several activities, such as math games, drawing, letter games, a
   "music" maker, and much more.  Demo versiuon only, the full version
   has more features and fun.

  27      2/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Accurate to six decimal places, this stack calculates
   distances/angles given certain known measurements.

  88    3/20/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Lists interesting places, cities, and facts about the 
   state with a salt lake.

  69    3/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Lists a couple cities, some schools and some interesting
   places in the state of Vermont.
 190    3/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Lists interesting facts and figures covering the 
   cities, historical points of interest (Civil War,
   especially) for the state of Virginia.
 128     3/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book containing cities, parks, facts and figures
   surrounding the state of Washington.

  70     3/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book containing listings for cities and rivers,
   facts and figures surrounding the state of West Virginia.

 112     3/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book containing listings for cities and lakes,
   historical events and other interesting facts and figures
   about the state of Wisconsin.

 864    1/18/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A set of test stacks to accompany the book "World of Work", used
   by vocational classes in high schools.

  80     3/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperText book listing maybe 30 or so subjects, including
   cities, parks, historical events and figures in the 
   state of Wyoming.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  29     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   Silly stack lets user move 9 even sillier balls/tiles
   in weird directions <need I say 'hyper-space' *heh*>
   in simulated 3D environment.
 110     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   "A is for Apple... Macintosh!" and other computer-age
   alphabeticisms.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 108    11/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Creates "imaginative" names for your rock band; requires *no*
 605     8/29/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Spanish language version of a children's story called "Mud Babies".
   Many of the illustrations have "hot spots" that make noises when
   clicked.  Black and white, requires Hypercard 2.0 or better.
 660     11/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 
   A reference stack full of information about topics covered
   in the Bible (such as Anger, Love, Beliefs, etc.).  Similar
   to Bible Promise books you can find at most religious bookstores.
   Contains verses from the bible in both the New International 
   Version and King James Versions.  Requires Hypercard 2.0. 
 244     10/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Measure gear ratios and figure out chain drive configurations
   for multi-speed bikes.  Requires Colorizing HC XCMD stack (which
   is bundled with this archive), even if you're using a monochrome 
1121     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Decorate the tree, peek at the presents, visit the manger,
   sing carols, much more fun; minor irritation: there seems
   no way to quit the app without actually playing it first
   (if, for instance, one doesn't want it to sound out amidst
   a busy office... *heh*).
  22    10/31/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Encode, decode and break simple substitution ciphers and vigenere
   ciphers using classical deciphering strategies.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0
  32     10/1/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Build a list of personal, business and school  contacts.  Hit
   certain buttons and you can have your modem dial their phone
   number, or print out a label.  Or simply keep notes on things.
  85     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A magic 8-ball emulator (you ask it a yes/no question and it gives
   you an answer).
  24    11/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Are you into scuba diving?  This is a stack which keeps track of
   things for you... the depth you dove to, psi of tanks at the
   beginning and end of the dive, exposure, visibility in the water,
  53      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Generate words for use in a fantasy role-playing game (or even
   science fiction rpgs).  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 813     9/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   The summer issue of the hypercard magazine "Flux".  What is Flux?
   According to the readme "FLUX is specially designed to blur the line
   between fact and fiction, fantasy and reality; to help make the
   transition from where you are, to where you want to be, as seamless
   as possible...  FLUX often exploits the weirder or more exciting
   aspects of the latest scientific findings and new technology
   breakthroughs, as well as the greatest fantasies and darkest
   nightmares of computer users and sci fi fans, to create its own 
   unique and mind-bending blend of science fiction/science fact."

  17     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Plot a 31-day chart cycle based on biorhythm theory.
  10      9/5/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   I Ching.  Consult the oracle to find the answers to your questions.
   No interpretation of the answers provided.
  42     11/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Freeform brainstorming tool to create random text strings.
  51      4/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Stack which creates animated cartoons.  Includes instructions and
   a toolbox.
  12     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Generate tabloid-style headlines.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  86     6/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A fun and creative stack designed to explore the use
   of random sound, picture, and word generation as art.
   Definitely a fun stack to play with for awhile.
 249     3/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A hypercard database of films you may search, print, etc.; includes
   integrated help and text files.
  15     1/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create bizzare phrases in a one-from-column-a-one-from-column-b
   style.  Requires HyperCard 2.1.
  57     2/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A stack for naturists, also better known as nudists.  Lists
   organizations and sites where one can frolic with no clothes on.
   Also has some text about "why nudism", "taking the plunge", and
   a glossary.  No pictures.
  20     1/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A file of euphamisms for the '90s.  Version 4.1 sports a new
  99     7/19/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Organize your cooking recipes.  Stack includes index, browsing,
   conversion, and recipe cards.  Requires HyperCard 2.0
  43    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Artificial intelligence: talk to Spectre and Spectre will talk
  33      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This HyperCard stack shows how a horizontal sundial would appear
   to viewer if s/he was looking from the top and facing north.
   Enter in your coordinates and you're set..
  43    10/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Discover the distinguishing features of your personality.
   A parody of the Meyers-Briggs Personality Test.
  96      4/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Are you a shortwave fan/afficanado/listener? This HyperCard stack
   will allow you to keep track of programs, frequencies, times, etc.
   If you own a certain Kenwood receiver, you can import data from
   it's RS232 port!
 185     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The lyrics of Jim Morrison, cataloged by album and song titles.
 133     6/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make your Mac speak the time using a digitized voice.
 483    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   A children's educational and fun-time hypercard stack.  Contains
   several activities, such as math games, drawing, letter games, a
   "music" maker, and much more.  Demo versiuon only, the full version
   has more features and fun.

 398     11/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An index to 7,500 melodies from classical and semiclassical music.
   Tunefinder will show you the name of the composer and composition
   when you click-play the melody's first eight notes on an on-screen
   piano keyboard diagram.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 586     11/14/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Twin Peaks Trivia Stuff stack containing: 300 trivia questions and
   answers, A cast list and a linked press release from ABC-TV from
   the 2nd season, Lists of characters and locations metioned in the
   show, A transcript of the dialogue from Cooper's longest visit to
   the black lodge, and more...
 72      6/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A HyperCard stack designed to help maintain movie collections.
   Has an opening sound that could get tiresome after a while, but
   otherwise a decent stack.
 253    12/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A game in which you (as the milkman) must collect bottles of
   milk before a cat gets to them.  Instructions in French.
   Black & White.
 118     6/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep detailed records of home brewing activities. Each batch of
   either wine or beer is recorded as a set of four cards, one each
   for Primary Fermentation, Secondary Fermentation, Racking and
   Bottling, and Tasting.
  37      4/7/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This stack is for wine buffs who want to "rate" the wines they try
   out.  This is a "Wine Tasting" stack which allows you to track
   sight, smell, taste, name, district, price, vintage, merchant,
   etc.  Includes MS Word scoresheet (so you don't have to take you
   Mac with you when you go out to try out various brands...)
 491      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Every work by Mozart with information on when and, if available,
   where the work was composed.  Based on the 1862 catalog compiled by
   Ludwig von Koche.  Requires HyperCard 2.1 and 2Mb of memory.

This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 859    12/30/95    BinHex4.0,CompactPro1.51

   A wacky interactive cartoon where you play Sean, a character that
   seems to continuosly find himself in bad situations.  Funny stuff.

  72     2/24/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   As in Bingo, you try to cover the numbers on the board.. and as in
   Yahtzee, you roll five dive in each turn.  Combine it for a 1-4
   player game.
   7     5/15/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Deal, display, print and save bridge hands.  Actually doing
   something with the deal is left as an exercise for the reader.
 180      9/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   It's commencement day at St. Olaf and somebody has stole
   all the diplomas.  Kind of a goofy adventure game that
   has minimal graphics and sounds.
  14      4/3/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make Bingo cards from a list of buzzwords either typed in by the
   user or imported from a text file.  Requires HyperCard 2.0
 144     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Slot machine game.
  44     2/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Maneuver your rabbit through a carrot patch  eating the vegetables
   and avoiding the traps.  The controls aren't easy to figure out,
 129     4/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Make stacks-of-three out of the falling pieces.  Something like
   Tetris, but much simpler.
  14      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drive along trying to avoid land mines and enemy tanks, which try
   to ram you.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  16    11/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   You play against another player, not against the machine; simple
   setup allows play across the network, by mail, against yourself,
   save games, reclaim pieces, etc; does not check for illegal moves.
 141     6/16/97    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   A kind of puzzle game a bit like Pengy; requires HuperCard 2.x;
   v0.94 compatible with non-English menus; minor bugfixes.
 981      5/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A hypercard stack game that is very similar to yahtzee; can play
   with up to three players; many imbedded, un-shut-off-able *loud*
   sounds (so don't play it at the office *grin*); v2.0 vibrant color
   is a bit hard on the eyes; for the color to work, must set minimum
   size in 'Get Info' box to 2000.
  16      3/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A multiple-guess-type game that can improve your command of world
   capitals, countries, and some cities; 1-4 players, worldwide or
   regional challenges. Cool!
  77      3/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A HyperCard game stack that resembles the game of MasterMind,
   except it uses five-letter words instead of colored pegs.
 243      9/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This single/networked-multi-player Battleship game courtesy of
   Claris requires both System 7 and HyperCard 2.1.
 320    12/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A dungeon adventure game.  Requires Hypercard 2.1.
 204     5/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   For HC 1.2+, this stack takes away the burden of being a
   DungeonMaster for Advanced D&D.  It does many of the time
   consuming number crunching.
 156      6/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A full version of Shanghai implemented into HyperCard (if this is
   good or bad, you have to decide...).  Try and remove the open
   tiles to reach the end.  It's not that easy.
  48     6/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Desktop icons are slowly sinking down to earth (ala Space
   Invaders)... you control a "hand" that (system) bombs them out of
   the sky. Plays only in B/W.
 181     4/10/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A race in which one or two players try to reach the finish line
   first, with the most points, by answering trivia questions in one
   of three categories -Q Movies & TV, Music, and Arts & Literature.
 177      5/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   You can't win in this court.  The kangaroo is the judge and you
   have to bribe it.  Supposedly an experiment in "artificial
1208     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This package is Platypus Software's Knockoffaly trading game.
   The game bears many similarities to Parker Brothers' Monopoly game 
   but is more flexible (you can load different scenarios!!) takes much 
   less time to play, and has a lot of options.  
  39      7/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple game based on the Tiger Electronics pocket game Lights
   Out; requires HyperCard or HyperCard Player.
 249     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Game module/plug-in of the Platypus Collection; requires
   HyperCard 2.1 or Player, 4Mb RAM and a color Mac, and the
   shared resource stack called PLATYPUS COMMON.
   7    11/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   HyperCard stack for recording play-by-mail chess games.
1745     4/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Draw a mosaic on a checkerboard usign 6 (or more) colors. Very nice
   colorizing (256 colors). Needs 2MB+ of RAM in Hypercard. In French.
   (If game complains about not being able to set menus, try setting
   the userlevel to 5).
 145     7/24/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Combines prefixes with pictures to determine what the answer is.
   If a card has the word "photo +" and a picture of a graph yields
   the answer "photograph."  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 186     1/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   9 games designed to the age 3-10 set.  These games involve skills
   in arithmetic, reflexes, memory, etc. Volume I of a collection of
   games, activities, and puzzles.
 203     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Puzzle and story; requires Hypercard 2.2 (player).
  21      8/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This hypercard stack is for keeping track of combat situations in
   role-playing games.  You can enter the various statistics of each of
   the combatants, and place markers for their positions on a gridded
   outline of the combat area.

1361     11/5/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HyperCard 'introduction' to a new sci-fi roleplaying system.
   This version does not give you a workable/playable system, but it
   demonstrates what it will do when it is finished. For now, you're
   treated to a multimedia presentation.
  34     5/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play roulette with a Macintosh, eliminating the  need to loose
   one's money at a casino... Requires HyperCard 2.0
  99     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Place all the pieces so the colors of the edges match:  Black
   touches black and white touches white.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 147     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Las Vegas style slot machine ('One-Armed Bandit').  VERY sluggish.
   Requries HyperCard 2.0; v1.1 is slightly faster and has sound.
  39     4/29/94    BinHex4.0
   Cards are in a pyramid, and you must remove them all...
 320     2/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A color scoreboard for squash.  Announces point and match
   in French.
 867     5/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An entertaining shooting gallery-type game.  Lots of detailed
   sounds and graphics.
 108      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A simple military-economics game between the Alfamaxos
   and the Zediminos on the world of Nova Terra.
 264      9/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   As it's namesake implies, but this is a rather impressive Poker
 918     4/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Adventure game reminiscent of the old word games.  You get two
   options, you pick one of them in a who-done-it setting.

 758     6/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Xploria is a cool Hypercard game, made entirely by a 12 year
   old(me), where the key is to explore, explore, and explore some more!
   This is a first-person view adventure through a building full of
   cool graphics and sounds, picking up objects, meeting wierd
   creatures, and visiting truly strange places.
  30     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Unscramble the words.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  178     8/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   A stack which helps train people to try out for the Federal
   Communications Commission Advanced class Amateur Radio exam.  All
   of the questions used in the exam can be found in this stack.
  81    10/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Find locations (by call prefixes), bearings and other info easily
   for countries in the world.  It shows time zones and displays
   grapically the difference between night and day.
 172     8/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   A stack which helps train people to try out for the Federal
   Communications Commission Extra class Amateur Radio exam.  All of
   the questions used in the exam can be found in this stack.
 126     8/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   A stack which helps train people to try out for the Federal
   Communications Commission General Amateur Radio exam.  All of the
   questions used in the exam can be found in this stack.
 168     8/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   A stack which helps train people to try out for the Federal
   Communications Commission Novice Amateur Radio exam.  All of the
   questions used in the exam are utilized in this stack.
 147     8/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   A stack which helps train people to try out for the Federal
   Communications Commission Technician Amateur Radio exam.  All of
   the questions used in the exam are utilized in this stack.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  25    10/27/95    BinHex4.0, StuffIt3.50

   A set of externals that impliments a simple database file system.

 204      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Several neat hyperCard 2.0 techniques: animation, radio buttons,
   magnifying glass, creating menus.
  39      4/8/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This is a template stack which allows you to create a HyperCard
   "Book".. complete with a table of contents, footnotes, titles,
   chapters, etc.
   7     4/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A stack which facilitates the creation of a HyperCard "book",
   where each page of text is presented on a virtual page.
   HyperCard 2.0
   6     1/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allow those with AV (speech-capable) Macs to use the buttons on a
   stack with voice control.  Requires HyperCard 2.1.
  68    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   An add-on that fixes Color Tools so that when a button,
   field, or card is copied and pasted, the object's color
   is copied with it; requires HyperCard 2.2 and System 7.
 333     2/13/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of utilities for hypercard, with a game or two
   thrown in.  "The Martin McDonald Collection"
   5      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Scripts for Counting Hand, Spinning Watch, and Spinning Globe
   animated cursors.
  56     5/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HyperCard anti-virus stack that will check your stacks for the 
   MerryXMas virus and lets you install protection on your Home stack
   to automatically detect and remove this virus.  Requires HyperCard
   2.1 or better.
   5    12/11/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Remove any password from a stack and set the maximum access level
   back to Scripting.
  59    10/29/87    BinHex4.0
   Stackware Detective, a program for peeking inside HyperCard
   stacks. You select the amount of detail you want to see, from
   script only all the way to complete dumps of the bitmaps. Works on
   damaged stacks that HyperCard won't open. Use with a text file
   compare program to keep track of changes you make to your stacks.

  69     9/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   A powerful hypercard hacking tool.  The author claims that only 1
   out of 1000 hypercard stacks can resist its technology.  Not for
   hypercard novices!
  37       5/3/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Execute a display as a script, display a history  of message box
   commands, display a list of all  handlers in the current message
   passing hierarchy  and quickly create a menu of the on handlers of
   the current stack.  Requires HyperCard 2.0
 134     10/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create libraries of HyperCard objects (buttons, fields,
   cards, scripts, resources) to be handy at a moment's
   notice; requires HyperCard 2.2 and System 7 or more.
 602    11/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A hypertext management system for hypercard.  Can link card-card,
   card-stack, and stack-stack.  Easy link maintenance, imports
   html-like text files.
  12    10/29/87    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This is a HyperCard stack showing how you might import a comma-
   delimited text file to make a stack with one card for each line in
   the text. All the scripts have comments to explain how they work.
  23      6/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Yet another utility that lets you print out samples  each font you
   have installed.  More interesting in  its use of HyperCard 2.0
   floating palettes, IMHO. Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 291      6/6/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Gives you a graphical representation of all the cards in any stack
   (as well as some other information) and allows you to go back and
   forth between them solely by flipping through the pictures. Isn't
   the most carefully programmed piece of software (occasionally
   stupid scripting), but works about 90% of the time for me.
 102     7/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Small text-displying app which documents "hidden" or non-obvious
   features of HyperCard, plus nearly everything about HyperText
   for version 2.2.  also answers many FAQs.

 123      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   SuperCard utility provides SuperTalk equivalence for
   all HyperTalk anomalies; it supports HyperCard 2.3 and
   SuperCard 2.5.
  37     7/29/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A help template stack which allows you to easily create help
   documentation for your stacks. 
 908     11/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A PowerPC-native player for HyperCard stacks which provides the
   functionality of all versions of Apple's HyperCard Player up to and
   including the latest version, 2.3. So if your Mac did not come with
   HyperCard Player 2.2 or 2.3, you can use Hyper-Stack Player 2.3 instead.
   It also provides the ability to create buttons which you can link to
   your favorite stacks.  Requires Powermac.
 648     11/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A player for HyperCard stacks which provides the functionality of 
   all versions of Apple's HyperCard Player up to and including the 
   latest version, 2.3. So if your Mac did not come with HyperCard 
   Player 2.2 or 2.3, you can use Hyper-Stack Player 2.3 instead.
   It also provides the ability to create buttons which you can link to
   your favorite stacks. 
 133     6/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A general purpose tool for all HyperCard development; gives a quick
   rundown on any stack, the functions it supplies, and its licensing;
   when put into use, it appears in the Extras menu of the current
  10    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50

   HyperGatekeeper is an anti-virus stack for all known HyperCard script
   viruses.  It attempts to detect unknown viruses as well, but whether
   that will work or not depends on the individual viruses.

  67     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Organise and process info into knowledge base Objects; store
   Object elements in the master source library, then automatically
   build and update stacks through a 'correct-by-construction' method.
   9    10/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Merges two HyperCard stacks together.
  61      7/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A HyperCard 2.0 stack to simplify importing text files into
   HyperCard, exporting HyperCard data to text files, of sharing data
   between HyperCard stacks.  Use this to import while choosing
   fields, backgrounds, order, etc.

  33     8/11/95    BinHex4.0, StuffIt3.5

   Search incrementally for text in a hypercard stack.

   7      5/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Examples of knobs and sliders.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 163      5/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Develop scripts to run VideoWorks and MacroMind Director movies
   (studio only no overviews) from HyperCard.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  8     4/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Eliminate a script-based virus called "merryxmas."
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 149      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Elimintes the script-based viruses called "merryxmas"
   and "Pickle".
  14      8/8/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Not only eliminates the MerryXMas lines in your Hypercard
   stack, but installs some "innoculation" (protection) code
   into your home stack to protect yourself against further
  12     10/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Open any text file using this handy hypercard word processor.
   9     8/11/95    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.5

   Save and recall the commands used in the hypercard message box.

 177     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Enter note and length of sound, and util will create a
   button to play the sound and copy the button into the
   indicated stack; uses other sounds than notes, too.
   6     5/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Contains resources for two palettes similiar to the Navigator
   palette shipped with HyperCard 2.x. One palette is a
   lengthened version of the Navigator palette, the other is a
   shortened version.
  13     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two simple handlers (scripts), designed to prevent unauthorized
   departure from (or changes to) your HyperCard stack.  Requires
   HyperCard 2.0.
  10     8/23/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Launch this stack first, then switch to another stack. You can
   group objects, fields and buttons, move them, copy, paste, erase,
   align and adjust the groups.
 153    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Add color (up to 32-bits per pixel!) to HyperCard stacks with copy
   and paste simplicity.  Requires no scripting knowledge.  Requires
   HyperCard 2.0.
  13      5/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Detailed instructions on how to implement little notes that,
   well, pop up.  With examples.
  20     10/2/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   For HC 2.0, catalogs handles/function scripts and outputs them.
  87      6/6/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   The Stack Quick Compacter.  It removes much of the dead space in
   your stacks so that you have more room on your hard drive! Works
   quickly and easily.  Very well written.
  20     8/23/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Replaces Standard HC Navigator Palette.
  11     9/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A hypercard stack and an applescript that will generate any number
   of random text strings that can be used as passwords.  Allows you
   to set the length and the number of passwords to generate.

  16     7/19/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Perform many operations with QuickDraw regions, from HyperCard.
   This includes: allowing the user to define regions with the mouse,
   to move them on the screen, inverting regions in any window,
   adding and substracting regions, saving them to resource files and
   loading them from resources...  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 462     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A modeless resource utility for adding, copying, deleting,
   renaming, importing, and recording resources into HyperCard. Move
   resources between *any* two files or the current stack and any
   other file. Supports standard compression for sound recording.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  10    3/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Converts the french press review (from
   listproc@list.cren.net) and check the accents when you are
   on Mac.
   4      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Stack that executes the "magic" command to fully enable the
   crippled version of HyperCard shipped with new Macs.  Ho, hum.
  79    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create text files listing all the scripts, properties, or fonts in
   a given stack.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  21     5/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A script-gatherer and stack-report generator with controls for
   listing of global variables, handler names, and displaying of
   pertinent stack information.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  46      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Analyze other stacks' scripts and perform optimizations on them:
   keyword abbreviation, comment removal, global checking.  Requires
   HyperCard 2.0.
   8      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Script tracker allows the user to keep an index of HyperCard
   scripts, program source codes, program libraries, and their
   useage. Requires HyperCard 2.1.
   8      5/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Fairly simple help scheme for HyperCard 2.0 stacks. The script
  92    12/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A stack-creating utility that makes it easy to colorize and
   create stacks.  Includes a 256 color palette that can be used
   to color buttons, windows and backgrounds.
  19     1/12/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Converts SoundCap files into HyperCard sound resoures.
  40      6/6/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A utility stack which lets you look at different scripts from your
  29      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A stack that lets you dump the scripts of any other  stack into a
   text file as data, or in "pretty" format. You can also dump
   contents of background fields and  generate reports using the MS
   Word templates provided. Version 3.0.
   9     5/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This utility will pack a batch of HyperCard stacks and save
   you a considerable amount of space. Performs the same function as
   HyperCard's built-in Compact function, but this utility works on a
   batch at a time. Requires HyperCard 2.x.
  10     4/26/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A utility that recovers as much of a damaged stack as it can.
  26     6/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Collect from a stack all of the scripts and all of the settings of
   all of the properties of all of the objects into one report.
  31      1/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make a catalogue for all stacks, listing all XCMDs and XFCNs.
   Can also compact stacks.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 167    10/11/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of Hypertalk handlers which provide a variety of
   useful authoring and scripting utilities. Requires HC 2.0
  21      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Simplify the task of making a HyperCard tour from different stacks.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  59     8/10/89    BinHex4.0
   Not a stack, but an application that acts like a stack
   'decompiler' and allows you to dig deeply into the very
   hexidecimal heart of your stacks.  Scary.
  59      4/8/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Create HyperCard "adventures" with drawings, text  and invisible
   buttons that lead to other pages. These stacks are easily built,
   using this  stack and accompanying notes/toolbox..
  21     8/15/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A stack to adjust points to a line and provide the resulting
 229     3/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A handy stack for automating the creation of complex hypertext
   documents such as help stacks, etc. Extensive documentation.
  66     10/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A guided Paths facility for HyperCard, enabling authors to create a
   guided path through any number of stacks and save any cards in any
   order into a linear path that can be re-played later.  Good for
   guiding novices through a system when they don't know the
   navigational conventions used in different stacks.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  69     2/10/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This HyperCard stack does an index of words in text files. Once
   this is done you can search for every occurence of an indexed word
   and see the associated text. This one sounds nice, and comes with
   some xcmds.
 107      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Text documents editor for HyperCard features length
   of up to 30,000 characters, opens multiple documents,
   reads Teach- SimpleText, more.
  25    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Converts TEXT files to a HyperCard book format; includes
   bookmarking/referencing tools and online help.
  18     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A color fade in/out effect.  Requires Color QuickDraw and HyperCard
 292      6/6/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A big stack, around 300K. It lets you write tunes using different
   instruments at different speeds, saving the the results for your
  22     12/4/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Copy cards from one stack to another.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  11      3/4/92    BinHex4.0
   Certain version of HyperCard 2.x came with Home  stacks that had
   the User Preferences card disabled to only allow user level 1 or
   2.  This stack fixes this so you can go up to User Level Five.

 144      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Detects and disinfects Hypercard stacks infected with the
   "Merry XMas" virus.  You can also install active virus
   protection in your home stack.
  12     5/29/92    BinHex4.0
   A small stack that looks for bugs that can occur under certain
   circumstances (pertaining to  hardware) in HyperCard 2.1.

  24     4/18/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Installs a menu into HyperCard which allows you to juggle and
   access your stacks and hide/show any of those stacks and
   palettes or windows.  
  70     5/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Copy resources (such as XCMDs and XFCNs, icons, sounds) between
   stacks. Instead of having to copy and paste or click buttons, just
   drag the resources from one window to another.
  86     5/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update Software Perspectives XCMDs and/or XFCNs.

This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 283      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Instructions for developing animation in menus, using and developing
   embedded menus; provides supporting info on menus and user interface 
   development; requires Hypercard 2.1 or later.
   50   10/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   AliasMe! is a Hypercard stack that resolves aliases created by
   the Finder.  It has a beautiful interface.  Shareware, $5.

   4     7/19/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Animate pict files comprised of individual cells. It's based on
   the picture xcmd (requires hc 2.0). A pseudo-gl viewer.
  57     7/13/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A demonstration stack for HyperCard 2.0 of movable, animated
  12     10/7/91    BinHex4.0
   Tiny stack for System 7 prints out the  Class, id, sender and
   return ID of  Apple Events flying through your system.
  79    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HC stacks send Apple Events to Finder, Canvas, Filemaker
   Pro; includes code for adding to a program to send events;
   new version includes documentation omitted from first ver.
  90     10/19/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This stack will let you test (interactively) messaging and
   AppleEvents to running applications. Asks for the message/event
   and where to send it (gives you a chooser-like list) then
   displays it output in a window. Cute sounds too..
  67     5/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows you to find and replace a string of any length in a batch
   of text.  You can select multiple files in different directories
   or a single folder.  Can be configured to only change files created
   by a specific application.
  50      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Allows you to click on any point on the screen, or choose from
   the color picker, to figure out the Hex value of a fine 
   RGB color.  Why you'd want to do this, heck if I know.
   8    11/8/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is a HyperCard stack that allows you to use a hidden feature 
   in the Finder. This feature is control-dragging a file makes an 
   alias, instead of moving the file
 147    11/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An introduction and overview of C++, OOP programming and object
  30     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Save files altered since (or at or until) a particular date to
   a disk, a network drive etc.  Certain file types can be excluded
   from the savings process.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  30     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Data Parser is a stack for transforming data from Column format to
   Delimited format or to change the delimiter of a data file.
 191      6/1/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Notes explaining how to do translation from other  machines' file
   and graphics formats to familiar Mac types.  Two stacks in HC 1.2
  56    12/23/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Designed to convert textual data from variable widths to fixed
   8      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display minimum file sizes for any given Mac disk partition size.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  68      9/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Combine all TEXT (ASCII) files contained within the top or all
   levels of a folder of your choosing.
  39     10/7/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Requires HC 2.1 and System 7.  It simply cleans and rearranges the
   Finder windows layout.

 128      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Hey cool.  Hypercard can do a finger... err.  I mean you can
   use this stack to see if your friends are logged onto 
   other Machines on the Internet.
  77      9/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A tutorial on how to use ResEdit to fix old bitmap font suitcases
   to work with System 7.
 674     2/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create and save previews for all installed fonts.  Includes
   previews for hundreds of fonts already.
  29     6/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A front end for FontGeist (which gives you access to all of the
   "Ghost Fonts" available in the SuperATM database).
  12     4/15/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Generates an FTP script you can use using your Unix account.  You
   can use this small stack to retrieve the latest files from sumex-
  21      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Stack inserts itself in the message-passing order and displays
   a floating palette which performs various sorting operations.
 144     9/18/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert between D*s, Un*x and Mac line endings in files, set the
   file's creator type, and access the StuffIt engine to
   stuff/unstuff files easily.
  25     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Need to drill hexadecimals into your head? or want to be able to
   see groups of four ones and zeros and think hex? or want to be
   able to see 0-9, A-F and think in groups of four (in ones and
   zeros)? you're gonna love this. *heh*
  34      9/6/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Finger people on other internet hosts with this stack.  It also
   allows you to create a host list and edit it.
  73     7/29/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Got a Macintosh that can get out into the Internet? Here's a nifty
   stack that allows you to directly ftp from your Mac to whatever
   ftp site you want... Nice interface, it also allows you to view
   text files and save them.
 162    10/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Similar to Apple's system software installer program, you can copy
   specified files from other disks or a file server to a user's
   hard drive (to install packages such as Microsoft Word or
   Filemaker Pro easily).
  35      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create System 7 sound files on microphone-equipped Macintoshes.
   Requires HyperCard 2.1 and System 7.
 610     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create fully interactive, hotlinked slide shows; nicely crafted;
   requires HyperCard 2.0 and System 7.
  38     7/13/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Paste, copy, and edit (using the HyperCard MacPaint-like toolbox)
   icons.  You can paste the results to a resource or the finder.
 133     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   View and manipulate the digests posted in comp.sys.mac.digest and
   archived on sumex-aim.stanford.edu.  Requires HyperCard 2.0
 318      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A stack which acts as a guide to figuring out and resolving
   conflicts between Commercial and PD/ Shareware inits and the
   system.  Very thorough and nice interface.
1196     7/26/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This archive file contains two version of the same set of stacks.
   If you administrate a lab of computers, you can use these stacks
   to  keep track of who's using what, whos authorized, etc.
   Includes massive docs.
 253     6/22/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This one will change the type and creator of any subset of an HFS
   file from one kind to another (like all teach Text documents to
   regular text).  With documentation.
  56     11/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert MS Word and text files to 80-character-per-line text files
   while replacing non-standard ASCII values.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  31      7/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert QuickTime movies to PICS files or a series of PICT files.
   Can also convert in the other direction.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  93     5/15/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This stack goes through each of the zones on  your Appleshare
   "Internet" (at U-M, the campus  ethernet) and takes a census of
   all the Macs running responder (and estimates those without), the
   various other devices and processes also running on the net, and
   gives you a summary for each zone.
  50      8/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An example stack which displays HyperCard TCP capabilities.  It
   connects up to whichever NNTP server you want and retrieves net
   news articles, while displaying exactly what is sent from the
   server.  The user can also send line by line back to the remote.
  18     10/2/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A stack which reads MPW 3.2 interface (.h) files and builds a
   stack of function prototypes, function returns and where it's
   defined in the program.
  39     7/19/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Large HyperCard Script for interpreting RTF (Rich Text Format
   files.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 173     5/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Outlines SIMM configurations for all Macs and LaserWriters capable
   of taking SIMM memory upgrades.  Requires HyperCard 2.1 or higher.
  38      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Launch Alladin Systems, Inc. SITcomm (a terminal emulator) using
   AppleScript version 1.1.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  38    10/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Another cool newsreading stack which you  can play with.  Allows
   ROT-13 decoding.  Includes an extra stack so you can "archive"
   interesting articles.  Requires MacTCP and System 7.
  25      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Undo, multi-line buttons, single-button popups; distinguish
   single- from double-clickList (-clickGraphic, -clickButton);
  41      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Reports any combination of properties (including scripts)
   on any combination of object classes in a project, with
   inclusion/exclusion criteria; free.

  33      7/10/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Reads in a Text file (e.g. a Usenet posting you've saved, or
   an e-mail message) and lists the HTML/URLs within them.
   The imported text file has to be under 30K though.
  41      2/2/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A HyperCard documentation stack which compares three different
   sets of disk & file utilities (SUM, Norton...)..  topics include
   hard disk repair, file save inits, backup utils, optimize, etc.
  11     5/29/92    BinHex4.0
   Counts the number of unique words in a text file and builds a list
   of those words with their frequencies.
 113      2/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A library-orientated communications package for the Macintosh
   designed specifically with librarians in mind.  Provides a secure
   way of connecting to a variety of remote services, defined as any
   processes running on a local or remote computer.  Functions only
   for 100 uses.  Requires HyperCard 2.0 and the Communications
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 215     5/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 3-channel stopwatch/timer with audio and visual feedback,
   which is quite useful especially for research laboratory.
  20     8/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A little stack into which displays a calendar
   for December 1994 through the year of 1995.  You can
   click on a day and up comes a list of editable notes for
   the month and the following month.
  65     4/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Yes... another Address Book stack.  Sorts, prints on envelopes and
   Avery labels.  Imports and exports data.
  68     3/25/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Designed as a superior replacement for the standard AddressBook
   stack, this one features an index for your-up-to-100 entries,
   keeps track of their  birthdays (and reminds you), dials the
   phone, etc. Version 1.0.
   4     5/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create menus and displays using ANSI (IBM-PC) character codes and
   colors for use on a BBS.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  38     1/17/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A stack written in 1.2.5 that will print out a calendar for any
   year you want.  You can use it to find out, e.g., which day you
   were born.
  53      9/7/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Hypercard Stack designed to provide individual appointment lists for
   parents wishing to interview teachers. Teacher appointments are also
   provided.  Fully customisable. Demo limited to 30 days.

 200     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A text file storage and management system.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 113     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Find the area code of and current time in any of thousands of
   cities.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 148     3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HyperCard stack designed to assist in reading book one of
   Arsa Amatoria.
  49     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Interconvert between many date formats, including Julian,
   Diocletian, Phanemoth, Olympiad, Universal time, and more.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  12      9/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A pretty simple stack to keep track of your CD collection
   (just press the buttons and fill in the fields).  You
   can search for a CD by the various fields (musician, title, etc.).
 186     1/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create your own electronic books by taking text files and 'flowing'
   them into HyperCard cards, building an automatic table of contents,
   etc.  Requires HyperCard 2.1.  Very nice.
  50     2/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Figures Aztec Indian dates when given the date.  Cool!
  93     3/18/95    BinHex4.0
   Hypercard stack that is suppose to help indecisive people
   make decisions.  Actually, it works well, or so my GF says. :)
 206    12/13/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Read in the flat file version of the Barr Digital Laser Disc
   Catalog available via anonymous ftp from cs.yale.edu as
   /pub/rec.video/BarrLDDB/lib.dat.  The database contains records
   for ALL currently available NTSC laser discs with information on
   letterboxing, digital stereo, close captioning, availability, etc.
 136    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A comprehensive reference handling system. Plug in the values
   (authors, date, title, pages), and you can sort on up to two keys.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 104     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A library stack that addresses the needs of serious collectors and
   students interested in recording collections of works in a standard,
   professional manner.
  51    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Record common and scientific name of a bird along with a list of
   sightings recorded by date and location. Birds are automatically
   indexed by common name, scientific name, and year of sighting on
   the various list cards.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  33     4/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keep track of all your books; the beauty of this stack is in its
 167    3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HyperCard 2.0 stack for tracking Boy Scout Of America Troops.
   Very well done and cool snds :).
  21      3/9/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A multi-user brainstorming tool. For anyone who has a file server
   and multiple Macs.
  32     4/15/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Print out cassette labels on your Mac.  Includes fields for
   titles, comments, date, dolby usage, etc.
  25     4/18/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   HyperCard stack that catalogs all of the files on all of your
   floppy disks.  It treats StuffIt &  Compactor files as folders and
   includes buttons for find, sort, "read disk" new and kill card.
1240      9/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   CD Cache is a HyperCard standalone application which can run 
   on any Macintosh, though  a color monitor is recommended.  CD Cache 
   is a tool for organizing your CD ROM collection.  Using HyperCard's 
   easy data entry and retrieving capabilities, you have several options 
   to organize and print your CD ROM collection.  
  32     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keep track of cd and tape collections.
  20     1/24/94    BinHex4.0
   A simple stack that records transactions in your checking 
   account.  Doesn't handle account-to-account transactions or
   interest computing, though.
 528     3/17/96    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Cindy's Recipes is a simple Hypercard stack that stores recipes
   and can organize a shopping list, etc.

 232      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of stacks to catalog the coin collections.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0 and uses MacInTalk, if you have a copy.
  17    11/8/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A family tree organizer.
 344     8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A catalog of all of the 700+ forums on CompuServe, with
   discriptions of each forum's purpose and other relevent info.
  87      3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HyperCard stack that dials the phone for you.
  37      5/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert measurements from one units system to another
   (inches to centimeters, for example).  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  91      3/7/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A stack for collecting, printing, and sorting recipes from the
   usenet group rec.food.recipes Includes sample recipes, has a
   metric/imperial system calculator.. click on the title from the
   table of contents and whip up a dish.
 123     2/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
    Many cookie receipes, YUMMY!
 319     3/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Yes, it's cool, but it's not quite complete yet; features like
   birthday/anniversary reminders are still in development, Edit
   Reports takes you to the print window, etc.; with all features
   active, it looks to be a real humdinger! Requires HyperCard2.0.
  28     4/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A bibliographic database specifically designed for scientific
   scitations.  Can import downloads from Silverplatter Medline.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 215      5/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A HyperCard front end to communicate with a UNIX host. requires a
   direct Mac-Unix connection.
 171     6/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Organizational tool for sorting CDs and their contents.  Requires
   Hypercard 2.1 or better.
 202     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Demonstrate the difference in quality between standard Color
   QuickDraw dithering and QuickTime's "fast dithering."
   Requires QuickTime and HyperCard 2.0.
  14     7/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A simple, self-configuring stack to turn a plain text file into the
   electronic equivalent of a paperback book: no frills, compact, and
   easy to read.
 110     8/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Cool template for creating your own electronic stories and texts;
   when done creating or drawing, macintalk will read the story to you;
   scripting help available for buttons; free!.
  33      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A HyperCard stack that reads messages contained in Eudora mailboxes
   into a single tab- delimited field, return-delimited record file, 
   ready for importing into a spreadsheet or database.  
 270     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Store information about each workout you do in an unlimited number
   of sports or activities.
 297     4/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Store information about each workout you do in an unlimited number
   of sports or activities.
   4     5/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple stack to export humungous stacks (like an addresslisting
   stack) to Word or Excel files easily, neatly.
  50     8/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Hypercard stacks that allows teachers to introduce their
   students to email w/o requiring a phone line.  All mail is
   stored on the host system.
 352      1/9/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   You (and your loved ones) can keep track of your accounts and
   investments and can calculate your net worth, capital gains
   (hopefully without them being taxed away).

 220    11/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A HyperCard stack that teaches basic sign language.  It signs both
   words and individual letters.  It talks too.
 388     7/16/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Computerized version of flash cards used to enhance vocabulary;
   free version comes with over 300 GRE-level words, shareware version
   comes with >700 words and allows user to modify it.
 236     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Lets you take multi-meg collections of unstructured text and
   browse them rapidly and effectively.  It allows you to index,
   retrieve, multi-file browse, and external functions (in C) include
   source code. Includes intro doc and a "guided tour".
  59    10/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A painless way to create a detailed family tree in HyperCard.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
178    3/20/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Calculates averages, tracks absences, prints reports for you
  and your students; use your own grading system and scale;
  requires HyperCard; v1.9 fixes some print and sorting
  problems; v1.94 includes a couple of minor fixes, including
  a lower beep volume. Oh, watch out for that cow :)!
  27    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Compute weighted final grades based on up to 6 projects per student
  11    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Send messages to other people on your network who are running
   HyperCard 2.0.
 101     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Maintain a list of personal possesions for insurance (or other)
  97     7/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A pseudo expert system shell.  Set up a "tri-nomial decision tree"
   and work through questions on the way to a conclusion about a
   particular problem.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 816     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A computerized version of the spiral notebooks and boxes of
   bibliographic reference cards that most researchers and writers
   carry around with them.  Supports PICT image display and QuickTime
   movies, as well as hypertext links to pop-up notes and reference
   entries, sorting, and more.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 170      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep statistics for Rotisserie Baseball leagues.  Requires
   HyperCard 2.0.
  74    12/16/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A new way of writing prose allowing interactive cross reference.
 234     3/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Hypercard stack for searching WAIS (Wide Area Information
  33     3/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Generate labels for your cassettes.  Features galore!
  67     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Involve students in the grading process.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  63      3/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Track investments in stocks, mutual funds, or anything else that
   issues shares for which a price quote is available.  Requires
   HyperCard 2.0.  Version 1.1 works with the HyperCard Player and has
   some other enhancements.
  82      3/6/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple stack for keeping an online journal or diary.  Requires
   HyperCard 2.0.
   9    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Includes working monthly calendar, simple encryption and
   decryption of "sensitive" entries, global find, more.
 139     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Check people in and out of computer labs.  Also keeps track of
   workers of any sort.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 274     8/14/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Macintosh Disability Resources database of 117 products for the
   Mac that enable computer access by individuals with disabilities.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  25     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Print labels for cassette tapes.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 221     7/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A exploration of converting fractals to music.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  20     3/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Templates for keeping track of and counting down the NCAA regionals
   for both men and women (yes, Basketball).
 167     7/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two HyperCard stacks that deal with Campus Wide Info System
   issues.  Keep various campus information files (student
   directories, events info, etc.) in Ascii text documents and
   let the stack format and display the files neatly in whatever
   style you define.
 779     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Five HyperCard stacks which present an online, interactive form of
   the document MIL-STK-1472D, the Human Factors standards which all
   government contracts have to comply with.  Lots of clean figures
   that present the data interactively.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 276      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Practice mouse skills essential to operate a GUI-based computer.
   Requires HyperCard 2.1 and 2Mb of memory.
 248     3/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A relatively small stack which gives mini reviews of 100 movies 
   (you can add your own reviews), you can also keep track of which
   movies you've rented to watch at home.
  26      2/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A set of stacks for cataloging your music collection. One stack is
   called "command".. the other stacks are your music databases.
  35     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
    Record daily thoughts; requires HyperCard or HyperCard Player, a
   color monitor for color viewing (still works with B&W monitors);
   v2.0 adds stack compacting capabilities, color, other 'livening' perks.
  99     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Organize/manage library references; imports in National
   Library Format or custom formats, sorts/marks refs,
   prints, exports, reads RTF text to locate reference
   sites, etc.; powerful!
 137      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Record daily thoughts; requires HyperCard or HyperCard Player, a
   color monitor for color viewing (still works with B&W monitors);
   LOTS of new changes--a major upgrade.
  94     4/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create your own computer journal/diary.
  77     9/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep track of your VHS library and print new labels for your tapes.
 164     7/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A typing tutor.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  27      3/17/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   HyperCard Stack for managing recipes.  Includes 20.  Requires
   HC 2.0.
  23     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Record information on your genealogy and readily navigate through
   the generations.  Requires the GoudyMedieval font available 
   elsewhere at mac.archive and HyperCard 2.0 (not available at 

  18    1/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Page nearly any numeric pager from your Mac; messages/alarms coded
   according to a built-in schedule; requires HyperCard 2.x, a modem;
   future versions will incorporate voicemail, alpha-numeric paging.
 167     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Recognizes stocks,bonds,mortgages,mutual funds,CDs, more.
   Track/record price changes,dividends/interest, gains, etc.
   Data export-enabled.
 721     8/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The most powerful HyperCard word processor around.  It is also 
   the only shareware word processor that offers a real working spell 
   checking system with a 46,000 word dictionary.  Standalone Hypercard
   5     11/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Generate all possible letter combinations from your 7-digit phone
   number.  You have to decide yourself if any of them actually spell
  28     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   On October 10th 1995 almost all dutch telephone numbers will 
   change to a new 10 digit telephone number. This HyperCard stack 
   will convert your current telephone numbers to the new format.
  29    10/17/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Information/class note/research organizer stack for students &
   researchers who use Powerbooks (or Macs with 640 x 400 & larger
   screens).  Organize and store textual and graphic information.
  38     8/10/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A stack/application combination that allows one to keep all of
   their bibliographic references in a single place and organized.
   Outputs in either MSWord Mergeprint format or BibTeX format.
   Documentation in MSWord.
 185    10/15/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Another HyperCard bibliographic referencing tool. This one has
   plenty of bells a whistles.
 314     4/11/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keep a file of the references pertinent to your work and do various
   searches on them.  In color on those machines that support it.
        3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Generates report cards for students.  Requires HC 2.0.
  19      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keep a daily record of your runs: the route taken, miles run, time,
   people who you ran with, weather, warmup exercises, your weight and
   general comments- the sights you saw, how you felt, what you
   thought, things you said to your friends.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  22     10/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The Running Log is a small HyperCard Stack for long-distance runners,
   joggers, and walkers. It keeps track of when you run, how far, your 
   weight, the weather, how long it took, your comments rating and route. 
   To use it you need HyperCard 2.2 or HyperCard Player.
1380    12/17/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A database manager for churches that keeps track of everything
   from attendance to accounting to birthdays.
 218    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A method for the novice (and the experienced) users of desktop
   scanners to obtain superior quality images for print reproduction.
   Calculate proper scanning variables (such as resolution) and post
   scan adjustments (setting input and output levels).  Requires
   HyperCard 2.0.
  24     2/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An organization tool for information, to-do lists, thoughts, etc.;
   not really a calendar, but more a listmaker which keeps track of
   things in a quick, effort-free manner; set-up requires little
   thought--just begin to use it. Slick.
  40      1/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Produce documents written in the HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
   used by the WorldWide Web (WWW).  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  57    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Spreadsheet for storing text.  Doesn't do calculations.  Each card
   is like a cell in a spreadsheet, with a row/column address.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 122     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep track of snowballing thesis and dissertation reference notes;
   v3.02 is maintenance upgrade and bugfix.
  12    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple spreadsheet that lets you add up rows and columns.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  28    12/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An extensible database of rims and hubs and their requisite
   dimensions for computing spoke length, useful for people who make
   their own bicycle wheels.
  91     6/6/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A stack that doesn't have to do with making other  stacks (the age
   of self-reference ends!).  Actually, this one is designed to
   "stabilize" your finances by making you keep track of your
   expenses and thus stay within a prescribed budget.  Maybe we
   should send the DoD a copy....
 314    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   When placed in the startup folder of a PowerMac, it will insult
   the user and lock them out of the computer. Not nice at all!
 150      6/6/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A HyperCard stack designed to keep track of survey results.  Does
   some statistics, too.
 114     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Ever get so deep into your overly-engrossing Mac program
   and forget everything around you, especially that cup of
   hot Darjeeling? This timer app reminds the oblivious
   user that it's there; FAT.
  128    1/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   *Awesome* collections of PIM modules using HyperCard 2.0 (required),
   its fully featurd and nice.  Oh, its chep too! lots cheaper than those
   commercial ones.
  11     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Maintain a prioritized list of things to do.  Requires
   HyperCard 2.0.

  70      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Powerful, compact note pad in HyperCard format; requires
   Hypercard 2.2.
  35      2/1/92    BinHex4.0
   Do you call people in other time zones around the country?  The
   map in this stack displays times in different places of the U.S.
   Select an area  code and it'll give you the zone and the time
   (includes Canada, Alaska and Hawaii)
  32      4/21/94    BinHex4.0
   Latitude & Longitude to UTM (and vice-versa) converter.
 580     12/4/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A discussion of the benefits and... well, it is a little biased...
   of vegetarianism.  Includes some recipes.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 185    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A videocassette organizer.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  58     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An online database of Macintosh viruses and trojan horses.
   Requires HyperCard 2.1.
  56     3/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Japanese version of the Virus Reference hypercard stack.
   Requires Japanese Mac OS or the Japanese Language Kit
   (also known as WorldScript II).
  19      2/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert sounds to and from QuickMail's "Voice Attachment" file
   format.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  38     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep track of names, addresses, phone numbers, and all the hundreds
   of other bits of info encountered when planning a wedding; v1.01 sets
   UserLevel high enough to allow typing in the stack's fields.
 9      4/9/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   WWW Sites is a very basic HyperCard stack which holds the World Wide
   Web URL's you want to keep. It allows for saving, sorting, printing and
   one click copying of the URL's. There is also room for notes.  If used 
   more than 10 times without registering, your saved info is erased. 

  40    10/17/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An editor for HTML documents such as those that might be found on
   a WWW server.
  29     5/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Enter and score any Yes/No, True/False, or 0/1 data.
  107    1/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple stack for keeping information fro the net or other notes.
   Nothing fancy.
 354     4/29/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   This stack seemingly contains every zip code for every city in the
   United States and it's territories (seemingly as it was missing MY
   zip code, 48336, for Farmington Hills, MI).  You can search for a
   city or a zip code, or browse using arrow keys and scroll bars.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  48     4/28/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A stack containing a pretty morbid looking clock listing the AIDS
   mortality figures along with the time.
 101    12/13/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   You supply your location (long. & lat., just look in an Atlas),
   and this stack saves you the trouble of doing calculations for
   finding the location of a  planet (or Sol) at a particular date.
   Also computes Jovian dates, rising and setting times, and other
   planetary events.  Several bugs fixed and features added since
   earlier versions.
 260     1/11/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A stack describing research into milk production-enhancing drugs
   and their effect on the milk we might drink.  Quite informative.
  51     5/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Lists 16 commonly used herbs and the criteria and methods
   for their use.
  31     7/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Straightforward bibliography maintenance stack. Plug in the values
   (1st/2nd authors, titles, pages, subjects, etc), sort, check refs..
  15      4/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A reference tool built to create a database of  journal references
   downloaded from MedLine.  It's customizable to your needs, too.
 641    12/13/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A very thorough introduction to the Internet & it's related
   networks.  Introduces a user to mail, a history of the Internet,
   FTP, and shows where resources can be found.  Includes "buttons"
   to print and take notes.
  16      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This stack calculates the Kappa Index, used for comparison of the
   concordance of frequencies observed in a 2x2 table of paired data.
   (Explained further in your statistics textbook.)
 632      6/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Powerful stack which helps to organize a  researcher's hypothesis
   testing.  Project stacks build info and data stacks and objects,
   etc.  Very complete and thorough.
  17      9/4/95    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Perform the McNemar statistic test

  28     3/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A Model-View-Controller paradigm simulation stack. Includes four
   views.. a numeric view, a bar view, a dial view and dice view.
   Two version are included (one for HyperCard version 2.0, the other
   is compatible with the previous versions..)
  87      9/5/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Developed at U-Michigan, this stack is a reference guide for
   insect lovers all over the United States. It lists places to
   borrow specimens, locations of collections and specialists.
   Allows personal notes to be added to the stack.
 150     1/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is a shell for use with freeware demo version of electrical 
   engineering software called Pspice (by MicroSim Corp of Irvine CA).
   Smoothes the transition between text editing and pspice
  20    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Calculate the gain, phase angle, and the location of the current
   position. User may enter up to 1500 poles and 1500 zeroes and 1500
   test points.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  26     5/30/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Looks for scientific references (e.g. Goodman (1987)) in text.
  27     4/25/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This HyperCard stack allows one to easily keep an index on
   scientific papers & articles.  Two stacks are included.. a
   "reference" stack, which you enter then information, and a
   "command" stack, which you can scan through various fields...
  47      6/4/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A very nice HyperCard stack index to scientific software available
   for IBM-PC's and Macintosh microcomputers.
 752     2/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   TaxDaddy is intended as an easy to use database for keeping taxonomic 
   information at your fingertips. The program is configured as a 
   flat-file database with many user defined fields for taxonomic names, 
   ranges, distributions, synonymies, descriptions, you name it. If you 
   have enough disk space, you can even incorporate scanned images or 
   other pictures into your data records. Besides keeping track of your 
   taxonomic data, TaxDaddy can also calculate various diversity metrics. 
   Includes an updater application which will update the Hypercard
   stack or the standalone app.
   6    11/10/90    BinHex4.0
   A small HyperCard stack which performs conversions for the
   Celsius, Farenheit, Kelvin and Rankine scales.
 605     12/5/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A HyperCard stack which describes the functions of the parts of
   the 2-stroke engine, includes animation and a quiz.
 528     12/6/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A nice stack with information and facts about being/becoming a
  68     1/11/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A stack for model airplane designers to use in designing airfoils.
   The designs can be rendered (in MacPaint format) and saved and
   edited later.  Requires Hypercard 2.0 and System 7. 
  59     8/29/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Designed to keep track of hundreds of birds and songs.
   Cards for data, history of the data, sonogram card, etc.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  24     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   XCMD to operate the lights on the extended keyboard (num lock,
   caps lock, and scroll lock).
   7     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two XCMDs:  CreateAlias() and ResolveAlias(), which function as
   might be expected.  Requires HyperCard 2.0 and System 7.
  27      6/6/89    BinHex4.0
   A set of XCMDS that let one mount and dismount AppleShare Servers.
   Written by Apple.
  11    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Copy any file between two volumes or directories while not
   completely taking over the CPU.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  77      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of xcmds and xfcns for use with HyperCard 2.x and
   greater.  Includes checkDebugger(), compareLines(), findHandlers()
   fileDataSize(), findTypes(), hitRegion(), PICTtoRsrc, putWithStyle
   sameCardPicts(), selectedPrinter(), sysDebuggerBreak
   9    11/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   CheckGestaltFor XCMD; reads the Gestalt Manager for any
   selector and returns the response; for attribute data, 
   pass in the bit of interest get a true or false value.
  83     5/20/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An xcmd that allows you to display and manage floating palettes
   containing buttons.
  32     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   XCMDs to copy and paste to the clipboard: ClipInfo, FromClip, and
  30    10/27/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Takes the PICT that you've put into the clipboard and scales it
   down, changing it into an ICON...
 744     12/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Adds color to your Hypercard 2.0 stacks with these XCMDs. A special
   color window is drawn on top of the HyperCard window.  All
   drawings can be displayed in any screen depth resolution and
   in dithering mode or with use of color lookup tables.  The
   mouse events in color window are sent to HyperCard.
 242     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Add color to your HyperCard stacks with these XCMDs.  The XCMDs
   include one to bring up the color picker, pop up menus, etc.  It
   chows down big time on memory, however.
  36     10/2/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   LZH Compression xcmds for data and resource forks, as well as
   xcmds for performing this on strings.
  14     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   XCMD that lets you do a Finder copy of a file from within
 182     10/11/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A group of 45 basic XCMDs and XFCNs.  Includes: BootVolume, 
   BumpDate, ChangeCreator, ChangeType, CompareDate, CopyFile, 
   CreateAlias, CreatePath, DeleteFile, DeleteFolder,DoesExist, 
   EjectDisk, FolderContents, FolderIsShared, FolderPath, GetAppPath, 
   GetComment, GetDefaultFile, GetEOF, GetFileName, GetFolder, 
   GetInfoBox, GetManager, GetSetup, GetString, GetTypeCount, 
   GetVersion, IsAppleShare, IsVirtualOn, LockFile, LockName, Mount, 
   PasswordDialog, ProgressBar, PutDefaultFile, ReadWritePrefs, 
   RenameFile, SetComment, SetDepth, SetTitle, SetVisible, 
   ShowAboutBox, StripList, Unmount, Volumes.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  15     8/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two Hypercard XCMDs to SetCursor control under program control;
   constrain the cursor to follow only the horizintal or vertical
   movement of the mouse; decouple the cursor and the mouse
   completely; and set HyperCard's IdleCursor.
 499      2/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A slew (and I mean A SLEW) of XCMDs from the HyperCard gang at
   Dartmouth.  Includes:  TEXTSTREAM XCMD 2.0, FILETOFIELD XCMD 1.5,
   XFCN 1.0, WRITEPERMISSION XFCN 1.1, ListDialog XCMD 1.0, ListDialog
   XFCN  1.2, FindInField XFCN 1.7, SerialHandler XFCN 1.4, SortField
   XFCN 1.2d8.c, SortFieldByItem XFCN 1.0, Replace XFCN 1.3,
   MenuHandler XCMD 1.2d10, FindKey XFCN 1.0, MultiSort XFCN 1.0
 87      3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Cover the desktop to keep the user from activating other
  programs. Also improves the way a small card window looks
  on a large screen. This version fixes the "white flash"
  19     9/25/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An xcmd to display color PICT images.
   5     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An XCMD to call an FKEY from within HyperCard.

 330       9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Drill Designer is a package of HyperCard XCMD's and Think C
   functions for creating instructional drill programs in HyperCard,
   Authorware, or Think C.  These commands facilitate the creation
   of a queue of items and the subsequent modification of that queue
   based on correct and incorrect responses from a student.
  13     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Fade XCMD is a tool for fading screen in HyperCard 2.
  38     7/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This XCMD, useful with HyperCard 2.0 only, speeds up those ultra-
   slow tabs when moving through large cards with many fields.
 127     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   24 file externals:  Expand Filespec XFCN, ExpandAlias XFCN,
   FSCatMove XCMD, FSClose XCMD, FSCreate XCMD, FSDelete XCMD,
   FSExchangeFiles XCMD, FSOpen XFCN, FSRead XCMD, FSRename XCMD,
   FSWrite XCMD, FullFileName XFCN, GetAliasInfo XFCN, GetCatInfo
   XFCN, GetEOF XFCN, GetFPos XFCN, NewAlias XFCN, NewAliasMinimal
   XFCN, NewAliasMinimalFromFullPath XFCN, PartialAliasesPresent XFCN,
   Resolve Alias XFCN, SetCatInfo XCMD, SetEOF XCMD, SetFPos XCMD
   37 resource externals:  AddResource XCMD, AllResFiles XFCN,
   BlockMove XCMD, ChangedResource XCMD, CloseResFile XCMD,
   CountResources XFCN, CountTypes XFCN, CreateResfile XCMD,
   CurResFile XFCN, DetatchResource XCMD, DisposeHandle XCMD,
   DisposePtr XCMD, GetBlock XFCN, GetHandleSize XFCN, GetIndResource
   XFCN, GetIndType XFCN, GetLiteralBlock XFCN, GetNamedResource XFCN,
   GetOpenedResFile XFCN, GetResource XFCN, HDref XFCN, HLock XCMD,
   HNoPurge XCMD, HomeResFile XFCN, HPurge XCMD, HUnlock XCMD,
   LoadResource XCMD, NewHandle XFCN, NewPtr XFCN, PutBlock XCMD,
   PutLiteralBlock XCMD, ReallocHandle XCMD, ReleaseResource XCMD,
   RemoveResource XCMD, SetHandleSize XCMD, UniqueID XFCN,
   UpdateResFile XCMD and 38 general utility externals:
   ChooseResource XFCN, useMetric XFCN, PopUpMunuSelect XFCN, GetFile
   XFCN, OrderLines XFCN, ChooseFromList XFCN, ChooseColor XFCN,
   FileType XFCN, ScrapContains XFCN, ListComponents XFCN, PutFile
   XFCN, QuickDrawVersion XFCN BNot XFCN, BAnd XFCN, BOr XFCN, BSet
   XFCN, BClr XFCN, Quoted XFCN, BTst XFCN, Hex XFCN, Unhex XFCN,
   SameOSType XFCN, RepeatString XFCN, LCM XFCN, GCD XFCN,
   GestaltVersion XFCN, GestaltNumVersion XFCN, GestaltInt XFCN,
   GetScrap XFCN, SaveScrap XCMD, RestoreScrap XCMD, RemoveResource
   XCMD, CopyResource XCMD, CopyPicture XCMD, PictToFile XCMD, Notify
   XCMD, ZeroScrap XCMD, and PutScrap XCMD.
  41     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   From Apple, an XCMD to send Apple Events to the Finder. Including
   "about", "get info", "put away", "restart", "sleep", "zoom
   window", and a lot more.  You get the picture...
  28    10/14/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Provide an interactive edit window to the user.  It appears as a
   windoid and has an optional instruction string and optional
   scrolling edit field.  It can be sized, moved, opened and closed
   under script control, and has both an OK and a Cancel button.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
   8     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Removes all pending events from the event queue when called,
   leaving user right where they're supposed to be.
  21     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   XCMD that resets the position of HyperCard windows. HyperCard 2.x
   stacks ordinarily remember where you put  them and go there when
   you reopen them.
   9     7/26/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Determine the 32-bit status of the Mac this xcmd is called from.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0
 108     2/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Indexes many freely-distributable xcmds, most of which (of
   course!) are available at mac.archive; requires HyperCard 2.0.
  10     9/22/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Put balloon help into your HyperCard 2.0 stacks with this xcmd.
   You can turn on/off and check on Baloon help status, as well.
  84      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   HyperCard stack that includes an XCMD that translates HGPL to PICT
   format.  Source code included.
  16     8/23/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   An XCMD which increases the usefulness of the HC "find" command.
   You can restrict searches to specific background fields and give
   choices of search styles.
  68    10/30/87    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   HyperMacintalk, a real nice tutorial on Macintalk and a set of
   xfcns and xcmds for complete control of Macintalk.
  34    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Take full advangate of System 7's balloon help; v1.2 has improved
   performance, code, error handling; bug fixes; needs HyperCard 2.1.
 748     5/8/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   All it does is invert the colors of the object calling it. By doing 
   that, various 3D and other effects can be created.  Use with 16 bit
   display and HyperCard 2.2 for best results.
 522     4/9/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Last Exit to Hypercard is an innovative extender for Hypercard that
   is authored by Sam Deane of Ultralab in England.  This package includes
   ULTRALAB, an XCMD that links Hypercard to a folder inside your System
   folder.  That new folder can contain all XCMDs and XFCNs used with
  33     5/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Three XCMDS, one retrieves your location from the  RAM (it's
   entered via the Apple MAP cdev), another will enter your location
   into RAM for you, a  third allows you to set time and dates.
 221     7/19/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A HyperCard interface to MacInTalk that works under System 7.
   Does NOT require that MacInTalk be otherwise installed.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  26      8/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A stack which provides an interface to the
   MacinTalk speech driver with the XCMD/XFCNs: Speak, VolumeLevel,
  38    10/30/87    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Has Hypertalk XCMDS and XFCNs for adding menus to the menu bar.
   It looks like a pretty straightforward procedure to add them into
   your own stacks.
  45     10/7/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A set of XCMDs to all modeless dialogs to your stacks.
   4     6/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MoveCursor is a HyperCard XCMD that allows you to move the pointer
   (cursor) to any coordinates. This is mainly useful for automating
   the pointer for on-line demonstrations of functionality or
   operation of a stack or program.=
 390      7/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play up to four sounds simultaneously in any HyperCard stack.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0 and a 68020 or better; v3.0 is full 
   rewrite with many enhancements.
  81      6/6/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   XCMD which allows you to create new folders.
  30      6/6/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An XCMD which (you guessed it!) creates a new HyperCard stack!
  13     11/1/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allows one to invoke notification manager in Multifinder....
   7     7/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Puts a flashing sicn in the app menu (marks with diamond
   if app is in the background), useful for long scripts to let
   the user switch out of HyperCard and work on something
   else until HyperCard is ready to interact again.
  18     11/3/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This XCMD allows you to access a postscript printer to find out
   it's status and communicate with it from your stack.
 153    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Add color (up to 32-bits per pixel!) to HyperCard stacks with copy
   and paste simplicity.  Requires no scripting knowledge.  Requires
   HyperCard 2.0.
  29   7/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Designed to change the pathname for the home stack after you or
   someone you love changes the name of the disk your copy of
   HyperCard resides on.
  14    12/25/91    BinHex4.0
   Lets you paste card specifics (card pict, field  text, buttons,
   etc.) into another card's  background.
  18     8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Install an XCMD in the Home stack to correct problems
   between internal PowerBook modems and HyperCard 2.x.
  41      3/4/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A general purpose XCMD for printing fields.  Looks  pretty
   powerful and extensive, but not trivial to use.  With instructions
   (in stack format, of course). Different from HC/PRINTFLD
  10     9/25/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An xcmd for printing the text in fields.  Utilizes the full width
   of the printer, so printing is not WYSIWYG.  Different from
  24    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Print the text of visible card fields and/or background fields on
   an 8.5"x11" page (each card is printed on a separate page).  The
   text of each field is printed at the same position as it appears on
   the card in a rectangle with the same dimensions as the field.
   Doesn't print buttons, pictures or hidden fields.  But it can print
   much faster than the Hypercard program.
  38    12/28/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An XCMD which prints out selected fields/expressions in whatever
   cards of a stack you're interested in.
  96      9/6/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A useful set of HyperCard XCMDs.
  22    10/14/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Provide progress reports to the user.  The obvious feature of this
   XCMD is the thermometer indicator showing percent complete.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  16     3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays Finder like progress bars.
  44    2/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An XCMD that quits the finder.  Bundles package includes a README file,
   instructions, the XCMD and more.  Note:  The Installer gives you
   installation options for each peice within the package!
  25      2/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   XCMD for HyperCard (any version) that will quit the System 7
   Finder; useful to prevent inexperienced users from accidentally
   invoking the finder while using HyperCard; installs in stack of
   your choice.
  37     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   XCMDs to list all resources of a given type in the current stack
   or in all open files.
  36      4/7/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Just like the name says, it will restore the system clut,
   returning colors to normal after viewing color graphics.
 695     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A file of the complete set of Fredrick Rinaldi's HyperCard
   externals. Complete contents: Align 2.7, ArchiveContent 1.0,
   ATalkZones 1.5, Calendoid 1.4, CapsLock 1.0, ChooseColor 1.1,
   Chooser 1.7, ClipInfo 1.0, ClipToPict 1.4, CompressPictFile 1.2,
   CopyFolder 2.1, CopyRes 2.0, CreateAlias 1.0, CreatCustomIcon 1.1,
   CreateFolder 1.2, CreateMenuHelp 1.0, CreateStack 1.1,
   CreateThumbnail 1.2, DateConverter 1.2, DateSort 1.0, DocCreator
   1.5, DocTypes 1.6, DoMenu 1.0, EraseFile 1.2, ExtractItems 1.4,
   FileCopy 2.6, FileIsOpen 1.2, FileMaker 1.2, FileSharingMaster 1.0,
   FindFolder 1.1, FolderSize 1.4, FontMaster 1.3, FormatNum 1.0,
   FullBalloons 1.0, FullDrag 1.3, FullFind 1.4, FullHPop 1.5, FullMove
   1.2, FullOffset 1.0, FullRemove 1.1, FullRename 1.4, FullReplace
   1.1, FullResList 2.1, FullSFPack 1.7, FullSFPut 1.3, FullSort 3.5,
   FullText 1.0, GetBootVol 1.1, GetDir 2.2, GetFInfo 1.3, GetIcon 1.0,
   GetMode 1.3, GetPassword 1.3, GetSysFolder 1.0, GetVInfo 1.0,
   GlobalList 1.1, GlobalMaster 1.0, HowMany 1.1, ICNtoICON 1.8, Infoid
   1.1, IsDate 1.0, IsFile 1.0, IsFinderLocked 1.2, IsFolder 1.0,
   IsObject 1.0, KillRes 1.4, LaunchDoc 1.0, LineCount 1.7,
   ListComponents 1.0, ListLogic 1.6, Listoid 3.0, ListSelect 4.8,
   MacType 1.3, Menu 2.1, Mousoid 1.1, NameNewFile 1.0, Notification
   1.0, NubusList 1.0, PICTFile 1.7, PICTToClip 1.4, PPCList 1.0,
   PrinterInfo 1.0, PrintPICT 1.4, PrintPICTList 1.2, Privileges 1.3,
   Prompt 2.5, Promptoid 1.5, QCopy 1.2, RemoveFolder 1.2,
   ReplaceCharSet 1.0, ResolveAlias 1.1, ResText 1.4, ScrapXCMDs 1.9,
   SelectDir 1.1, SelectFile 1.0, SendPS 1.4, SetFileFlag 1.2,
   SetFinderLock 1.2, SetFInfo 1.0, SetMode 1.2, Set 1.1,
   ShowHideFolder 1.2, SoundRecord 1.7, StripDup 1.1, StrWidth 1.0,
   Switch 1.3, Tabloid 1.1, Textoid 3.9, TextRes 1.4, WindName 1.1,
   XRef 1.3
  48      6/6/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A general purpose XCMD that allows you to create a button with a
   scrollbar in it (so that it's not one of those "always active"
   scrollbars, I presume).
  15     3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   XCMD that sends an AppleEvent to another application.
   8    10/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   SetGlobal xcmd assigns a value to a HyperCard global, while
   GetGlobal xfcn returns a global's contents.
   6     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An XCMD to set the Mac's sound volume.
   9     8/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Yet another SF Dialog Box utility.  This one seems smaller than
   the previous ones and is Version 2, so must be more optimeized.
   Looks pretty standard, though.
 198      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create dialogs within HyperCard that are more "Mac-like" and  more
   flexible than the built-in answer and ask (and their variations)
   commands.  Supports scrolling lists, radio buttons, checkboxes,
   icons, PICTs, and much more to be displayed in dialogs.  Also
   includes PrintDoc XCMD 1.03, ClipToPICT XFCN 1.2, Ants XFCN 1.2,
   and ColorOn XFCN 1.0.
   9    12/20/89    BinHex4.0
   Has Shutdown and Restart XCMDs which allow you to safely shut down
   (i.e. it makes all of the right system calls in the right order)
   from within a stack.
  41     9/25/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Two xcmds, one to sort items in a container, another to find the
   line and item number of specified text.
 110     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A collection of XCMDs and XFCNS for dealing with sound.  Includes:
   SndAddModifier, SndCallbackDone, SndCommand, SndDisposeChannel, 
   SndDoCommand, SndDoImmediate, SndFlush, SndGetAmp, SndGetRate, 
   SndGetVolume, SndIdle, SndNewChannel, SndParseCommands, SndPause, 
   SndPlay, SndQueueBuffer, SndQueueCallback, SndResume, SndSetSound, 
   SndSetVolume, SndSetWaveTable, SndSoundManagerVersion, SndSync, 
   SPBBytesToSeconds, SPBCloseDevice, SPBGetDefaultDevice, 
   SPBGetDeviceActiveChannels, SPBGetDeviceActiveLevels, 
   SPBGetDeviceAGCOnOff, SPBGetDeviceAsync, 
   SPBGetDeviceChannelAvailable, SPBGetDeviceCompressionAvailable, 
   SPBGetDeviceCompressionFactor, SPBGetDeviceCompressionType, 
   SPBGetDeviceConnected, SPBGetDeviceInputCompressionNames, 
   SPBGetDeviceInputGain, SPBGetDeviceInputSource, 
   SPBGetDeviceInputSourceNames, SPBGetDeviceLevelMeterOnOff, 
   SPBGetDeviceName, SPBGetDeviceNumberChannels, 
   SPBGetDeviceOptionsDialog, SPBGetDevicePlayThruOnOff, 
   SPBGetDeviceRecordingQuality, SPBGetDevices, 
   SPBGetDeviceSampleRate, SPBGetDeviceSampleRateAvailable, 
   SPBGetDeviceSampleSize, SPBGetDeviceSampleSizeAvailable, 
   SPBGetDeviceTwosComplementOnOff, SPBGetDeviceVoxRecordInfo, 
   SPBGetDeviceVoxStopInfo, SPBGetRecordingStatus, SPBOpenDevice, 
   SPBRecordToHandleSync, SPBSecondsToBytes, 
   SPBSetDeviceActiveChannels, SPBSetDeviceAGCOnOff, 
   SPBSetDeviceCompressionType, SPBSetDeviceInputGain, 
   SPBSetDeviceInputSource, SPBSetDeviceLevelMeterOnOff, 
   SPBSetDeviceNumberChannels, SPBSetDeviceOptionsDialog, 
   SPBSetDevicePlayThruOnOff, SPBSetDeviceRecordingQuality, 
   SPBSetDeviceSampleRate, SPBSetDeviceSampleSize, 
   SPBSetDeviceTwosComplementOnOff, SPBSetDeviceVoxRecordInfo, 
   SPBSetDeviceVoxStopInfo.  Requires Hypercard 2.0.
   9     4/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows user to get or set the volume of the Mac's internal speaker.
  36    10/17/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows you to access virtually all of the speech manager routines
   from within HyperCard via both XCMDs and XFCNs.
  40     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Access the Macintosh Speech Manager from within HyperCard.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  54     7/17/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An XCMD that will do a search-and-replace through a  whole stack
   or just part of it.
 209      3/9/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This has some xcmds for doing popup menus, and resource
   copying.... it is billed as a stack-making utility.
  27     8/23/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   XCMD allows user to determine what the running  version of HC is,
   the version # of the stack, size of resource fork, # of resources,
   and creation/ modification dates.
  22    10/14/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Provide non-response status reports to the user.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  15     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An XCMD interface to the sysEnvirons trap.  Gives basic info
   about the current hardware setup.
  83      7/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display TIFF-format graphics.  Requires Hypercard 2.0.
   Includes THINK C source.
  10     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A workaround for several problems with HyperCard's built-in idle
   function:  they aren't called while the browse tool is not selected
   or in some cases when the frontmost window belongs to an XCMD
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  19     1/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Uliminate "Password" and "Private Access" protection from a stack.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  45     12/5/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Retrieve the version from the 'vers' resource of ID 1.  The short
   version field in ResEdit is used.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  33     11/11/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Get high quality speech into your HyperCard stacks; uses Speech
   Manager and PlainTalk.
  11      1/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Provide a menu for easy selection of windows.
  11      9/6/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Two XCMDs: one pops up a dialog, the other controls cursor
   movement.  HyperCard.
 302      2/4/92    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Provides rule based programming extensions for HyperCard.  Demo
   allows only 10 rules and  daemons.  Compiler, init, fact,
   conclusion cards are included with the development stack.
 108     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Erase the menu bar in HyperCard 2.1 and 2.2 stacks.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  58     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 4D extension and HyperCard XFCN that produce a string describing
   the ammount in words. Supports many different currencies,
   languages, and ways to control the output.
  50     9/18/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   XFCN, Think C source code and a stack allows you to use
   AppleEvents in System 7 to do  things like OpenApp, CloseApp,
   OpenDoc and PrintDoc.
  12      2/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Read the data fork of any file.
  16     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert a binary numeral to its base-10 representation.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  15     3/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   XFCN that blocks off text strings.  Really useful!
  11     6/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Separate a full file path into its components.
  77      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of xcmds and xfcns for use with HyperCard 2.x and
   greater.  Includes checkDebugger(), compareLines(), findHandlers()
   fileDataSize(), findTypes(), hitRegion(), PICTtoRsrc, putWithStyle
   sameCardPicts(), selectedPrinter(), sysDebuggerBreak
  16     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A resource which detects whether or not the capslock key is on,
   allowing it to be used to toggle between modes; renaming of
   capslockxfcn.sit.hqx to avoid confusing with another app of
   the same name.
  35      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   XFCN tests whether or not the capslock key is on or off;
   requires HyperCard 2.x.
  13      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Take text input and return that text with the case of its
   characters changed according to the specified conversion method.

  29      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Reports the name of the Chooser which is set in the
   networking control panel, and the name of the user.
  46     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Allow access to the Communications Toolbox. Requires HyperCard 2.0.
   9      3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   XFCN that will play the an Audio CD in your CD ROM.  Requires
   HC 2.0, Apple's CD ROM, and Foreign File Access to be

 182     10/11/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A group of 45 basic XCMDs and XFCNs.  Includes: BootVolume,
   BumpDate, ChangeCreator, ChangeType, CompareDate, CopyFile,
   CreateAlias, CreatePath, DeleteFile, DeleteFolder,DoesExist,
   EjectDisk, FolderContents, FolderIsShared, FolderPath, GetAppPath,
   GetComment, GetDefaultFile, GetEOF, GetFileName, GetFolder,
   GetInfoBox, GetManager, GetSetup, GetString, GetTypeCount,
   GetVersion, IsAppleShare, IsVirtualOn, LockFile, LockName, Mount,
   PasswordDialog, ProgressBar, PutDefaultFile, ReadWritePrefs,
   RenameFile, SetComment, SetDepth, SetTitle, SetVisible,
   ShowAboutBox, StripList, Unmount, Volumes.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  77    10/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Developers may add credit dialogs containing up to three pictures
   of info/graphics to their stacks; requires sys7.0 or greater,
   HyperCard2.1 or HCPlayer, up to 2 Mb; includes example/doc.
 499      2/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A slew (and I mean A SLEW) of XCMDs from the HyperCard gang at
   Dartmouth.  Includes:  TEXTSTREAM XCMD 2.0, FILETOFIELD XCMD 1.5,
   XFCN 1.0, WRITEPERMISSION XFCN 1.1, ListDialog XCMD 1.0, ListDialog
   XFCN  1.2, FindInField XFCN 1.7, SerialHandler XFCN 1.4, SortField
   XFCN 1.2d8.c, SortFieldByItem XFCN 1.0, Replace XFCN 1.3,
   MenuHandler XCMD 1.2d10, FindKey XFCN 1.0, MultiSort XFCN 1.0
  29      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Check if a specified date has passed.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 114     5/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display a dialog that you have created with ResEdit.
  16    12/20/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A stack/XFCN which can remove all of the text from on any stack
   and output it in a given format.  The defualt format is MSWord
   Print Merge.
  31     9/25/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Contains XFCNs for requesting a filename (to be opened) and for
   having the user name a file (to be saved). The stack has a button
   that automatically installs the XFCNs into any other stack.
 127     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   24 file externals:  Expand Filespec XFCN, ExpandAlias XFCN,
   FSCatMove XCMD, FSClose XCMD, FSCreate XCMD, FSDelete XCMD,
   FSExchangeFiles XCMD, FSOpen XFCN, FSRead XCMD, FSRename XCMD,
   FSWrite XCMD, FullFileName XFCN, GetAliasInfo XFCN, GetCatInfo XFCN,
   GetEOF XFCN, GetFPos XFCN, NewAlias XFCN, NewAliasMinimal XFCN,
   NewAliasMinimalFromFullPath XFCN, PartialAliasesPresent XFCN,
   Resolve Alias XFCN, SetCatInfo XCMD, SetEOF XCMD, SetFPos XCMD
   37 resource externals:  AddResource XCMD, AllResFiles XFCN,
   BlockMove XCMD, ChangedResource XCMD, CloseResFile XCMD,
   CountResources XFCN, CountTypes XFCN, CreateResfile XCMD, CurResFile
   XFCN, DetatchResource XCMD, DisposeHandle XCMD, DisposePtr XCMD,
   GetBlock XFCN, GetHandleSize XFCN, GetIndResource XFCN, GetIndType
   XFCN, GetLiteralBlock XFCN, GetNamedResource XFCN, GetOpenedResFile
   XFCN, GetResource XFCN, HDref XFCN, HLock XCMD, HNoPurge XCMD,
   HomeResFile XFCN, HPurge XCMD, HUnlock XCMD, LoadResource XCMD,
   NewHandle XFCN, NewPtr XFCN, PutBlock XCMD, PutLiteralBlock XCMD,
   ReallocHandle XCMD, ReleaseResource XCMD, RemoveResource XCMD,
   SetHandleSize XCMD, UniqueID XFCN, UpdateResFile XCMD
   and 38 general utility externals:  ChooseResource XFCN, useMetric
   XFCN, PopUpMunuSelect XFCN, GetFile XFCN, OrderLines XFCN,
   ChooseFromList XFCN, ChooseColor XFCN, FileType XFCN, ScrapContains
   XFCN, ListComponents XFCN, PutFile XFCN, QuickDrawVersion XFCN
   BTst XFCN, Hex XFCN, Unhex XFCN, SameOSType XFCN, RepeatString XFCN,
   LCM XFCN, GCD XFCN, GestaltVersion XFCN, GestaltNumVersion XFCN,
   GestaltInt XFCN, GetScrap XFCN, SaveScrap XCMD, RestoreScrap XCMD,
   RemoveResource XCMD, CopyResource XCMD, CopyPicture XCMD,
   PictToFile XCMD, Notify  XCMD, ZeroScrap XCMD, PutScrap XCMD
   9      4/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Get details on a pathname.  If the pathname is a folder, this
   information includes details on all the files/folders within it.
   File info includes creator, type, size(s); folder info includes
   number of contained files & folders.
  41     2/10/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A pair of xfcns that "sorts on the contents of a container by
   lines" and "finds a string in a container returning line and item
   number. Included is a "HyperCard developement tools" stack that
   produces complete documentation of a card or a stack, lists of
   global variables and such... it uses the above xfcns.
 218     3/27/93   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A set of 36 XCMD/XFCN's which may be useful for the
   FoxBASE+/Mac 2.x programmer.
   9    10/27/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   XFCN to compute fractions and prime numbers.
  32     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Use the Gestalt manager to determine vital statistics about your
   Mac.  Requires System 6.0.4.
   8     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tells whether a disk is removable or not.
  65     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Does arbitrarily deep menus from scripts and resources, any
   font and size, color icons, SICNs and resource menus (like
   fonts and sounds); update to 3.22, and includes Pascal source.
   9    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two XFCNs to create and resolve File aliases.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  69     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Translates HyperCard fields into Rich Text format, which can be
   read into Microsoft Word.  Includes THINK C source.
  68    10/30/87    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   HyperMacintalk, a real nice tutorial on Macintalk and a set of
   xfcns and xcmds for complete control of Macintalk.
  47    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   See if a MOD is currently being played by the PlayMOD XFCN.
  18     3/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Find out if an application with a given creator type is currently
   running.  Includes THINK C source.
  28      5/4/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A programming interface for manipulating text lists in HyperCard.
   Includes:  numListLines, nthListLine, sortList, whichListLine,
   insertListLine, removeListLine, replaceListLine, invertList,
   greatestListLine, leastListLine, listANDlist, listORlist,
   listNOTlist, itemOfList.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  29     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   XFCN which returns the Machine Gestalt ID.

  32      9/7/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A xfcn for superimposing one image on top of another with
   nice, smooth looking anti-aliasing.  For system 6.05+ and
   requires color capable Macintosh (e.g. SE/30 and Powerbooks)
  93     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Includes Disassembler with Static Memory, Dynamic Memory, Cursor 
   Effects, and Peek Examples xfcn's.
  38    10/30/87    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Has Hypertalk XCMDS and XFCNs for adding menus to the menu bar.
   It looks like a pretty straightforward procedure to add them into
   your own stacks.
 113     5/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   XFCNS and interface cards to solve math problems that are
   difficult to analytically solve.  You  can solve diff. eq's,
   matrices, interpolations, root solving, linears, etc.
  78     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   XFCN that allows 1 millisecond timing.  (Version limited to
   15 ms resolution until you pay $10!).
  10      2/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two XFCNs: dayOfWeek() returns the localised dayOfWeek string.
   month() returns the localised month string.  Includes THINK C source

  34     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Creates a customizable, 3-button "Alert" style Modal dialog box
   for your SuperCard or Hyperacrd projects.  Includes it's own resources,
   so you can totally customize it.
  20     9/25/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A XFCN to let you change the name of a file.
  36    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Figure out which button on a telephone keypad has been pressed.
 251     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   XFCN to implement MOD files playing in HyperCard stacks; 
   includes SoundTrecker resources.  Requries HyperCard 2.0.
  13    10/27/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A XFCN to simplify exponents.
  28      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two XFCNs:  Find the correct location for preference files under
   all System verisons and creates files there automatically; and the
   same, but allowing creation and use of generic files either via a
   Standard File dialog or with a pathname.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 695     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A file of the complete set of Fredrick Rinaldi's HyperCard
   externals. Complete contents: Align 2.7, ArchiveContent 1.0,
   ATalkZones 1.5, Calendoid 1.4, CapsLock 1.0, ChooseColor 1.1,
   Chooser 1.7, ClipInfo 1.0, ClipToPict 1.4, CompressPictFile 1.2,
   CopyFolder 2.1, CopyRes 2.0, CreateAlias 1.0, CreatCustomIcon 1.1,
   CreateFolder 1.2, CreateMenuHelp 1.0, CreateStack 1.1,
   CreateThumbnail 1.2, DateConverter 1.2, DateSort 1.0, DocCreator
   1.5, DocTypes 1.6, DoMenu 1.0, EraseFile 1.2, ExtractItems 1.4,
   FileCopy 2.6, FileIsOpen 1.2, FileMaker 1.2, FileSharingMaster 1.0,
   FindFolder 1.1, FolderSize 1.4, FontMaster 1.3, FormatNum 1.0,
   FullBalloons 1.0, FullDrag 1.3, FullFind 1.4, FullHPop 1.5, FullMove
   1.2, FullOffset 1.0, FullRemove 1.1, FullRename 1.4, FullReplace
   1.1, FullResList 2.1, FullSFPack 1.7, FullSFPut 1.3, FullSort 3.5,
   FullText 1.0, GetBootVol 1.1, GetDir 2.2, GetFInfo 1.3, GetIcon 1.0,
   GetMode 1.3, GetPassword 1.3, GetSysFolder 1.0, GetVInfo 1.0,
   GlobalList 1.1, GlobalMaster 1.0, HowMany 1.1, ICNtoICON 1.8, Infoid
   1.1, IsDate 1.0, IsFile 1.0, IsFinderLocked 1.2, IsFolder 1.0,
   IsObject 1.0, KillRes 1.4, LaunchDoc 1.0, LineCount 1.7,
   ListComponents 1.0, ListLogic 1.6, Listoid 3.0, ListSelect 4.8,
   MacType 1.3, Menu 2.1, Mousoid 1.1, NameNewFile 1.0, Notification
   1.0, NubusList 1.0, PICTFile 1.7, PICTToClip 1.4, PPCList 1.0,
   PrinterInfo 1.0, PrintPICT 1.4, PrintPICTList 1.2, Privileges 1.3,
   Prompt 2.5, Promptoid 1.5, QCopy 1.2, RemoveFolder 1.2,
   ReplaceCharSet 1.0, ResolveAlias 1.1, ResText 1.4, ScrapXCMDs 1.9,
   SelectDir 1.1, SelectFile 1.0, SendPS 1.4, SetFileFlag 1.2,
   SetFinderLock 1.2, SetFInfo 1.0, SetMode 1.2, Set 1.1,
   ShowHideFolder 1.2, SoundRecord 1.7, StripDup 1.1, StrWidth 1.0,
   Switch 1.3, Tabloid 1.1, Textoid 3.9, TextRes 1.4, WindName 1.1,
   XRef 1.3
  29      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Check if QuickTime is installed on a user's system.  Requires
   HyperCard 2.0.
  23      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Rename any resource in any file from within HyperCard.
  12    12/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This XFCN accepts an AppleScript in text form as an argument,
   and executes the script if it is valid.
  47      5/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows HyperCard and SuperCard to work with scientific number
   notation (e.g. -1.23E4); conversion works both ways and significant
   figures (including trailing zeroes) are preserved.
  24     6/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Access functions provided by the Script Manager: date/time
   conversions over a large range, custom number formatting, and
   string conversion.
  30     6/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Have scrollbars anywhere and everywhere to scroll anything and
   everything. Really.
  22    10/13/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A greatly enhanced version of the standard Search XFCN.
   Requires HyperCard 2.1.
  43    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Mount shared AppleShare volumes from within HyperCard.  Requires
   System 7.x or the AppleShare Workstation 3.0 'AppleShare Chooser
  20     11/1/87    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This HyperCard stack contains the XFCN (External Function)
   resource "FileName" that allows HyperTalk scripts to request s
   filename from the user. Can be copied with Resource Editor to
   other stacks. Includes pascal source.
  11      6/6/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Standard File Dialog Box HyperCard XFCN.  Lets you do all kinds of
   things with SF Dialogs, like put buttons in them and have them do
   other great stuff.
 198      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create dialogs within HyperCard that are more "Mac-like" and  more
   flexible than the built-in answer and ask (and their variations)
   commands.  Supports scrolling lists, radio buttons, checkboxes,
   icons, PICTs, and much more to be displayed in dialogs.  Also
   includes PrintDoc XCMD 1.03, ClipToPICT XFCN 1.2, Ants XFCN 1.2,
   and ColorOn XFCN 1.0.
  22     7/17/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   6 little XFCNs that do stuff like search for characters in strings
   and add columns of numbers.
  46    10/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set or retrieve the System sound volume.  Requires System 7 and
   HyperCard 2.0.
 110     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A collection of XCMDs and XFCNS for dealing with sound.  Includes:
   SndAddModifier, SndCallbackDone, SndCommand, SndDisposeChannel, 
   SndDoCommand, SndDoImmediate, SndFlush, SndGetAmp, SndGetRate, 
   SndGetVolume, SndIdle, SndNewChannel, SndParseCommands, SndPause, 
   SndPlay, SndQueueBuffer, SndQueueCallback, SndResume, SndSetSound, 
   SndSetVolume, SndSetWaveTable, SndSoundManagerVersion, SndSync, 
   SPBBytesToSeconds, SPBCloseDevice, SPBGetDefaultDevice, 
   SPBGetDeviceActiveChannels, SPBGetDeviceActiveLevels, 
   SPBGetDeviceAGCOnOff, SPBGetDeviceAsync, 
   SPBGetDeviceChannelAvailable, SPBGetDeviceCompressionAvailable, 
   SPBGetDeviceCompressionFactor, SPBGetDeviceCompressionType, 
   SPBGetDeviceConnected, SPBGetDeviceInputCompressionNames, 
   SPBGetDeviceInputGain, SPBGetDeviceInputSource, 
   SPBGetDeviceInputSourceNames, SPBGetDeviceLevelMeterOnOff, 
   SPBGetDeviceName, SPBGetDeviceNumberChannels, 
   SPBGetDeviceOptionsDialog, SPBGetDevicePlayThruOnOff, 
   SPBGetDeviceRecordingQuality, SPBGetDevices, 
   SPBGetDeviceSampleRate, SPBGetDeviceSampleRateAvailable, 
   SPBGetDeviceSampleSize, SPBGetDeviceSampleSizeAvailable, 
   SPBGetDeviceTwosComplementOnOff, SPBGetDeviceVoxRecordInfo, 
   SPBGetDeviceVoxStopInfo, SPBGetRecordingStatus, SPBOpenDevice, 
   SPBRecordToHandleSync, SPBSecondsToBytes, 
   SPBSetDeviceActiveChannels, SPBSetDeviceAGCOnOff, 
   SPBSetDeviceCompressionType, SPBSetDeviceInputGain, 
   SPBSetDeviceInputSource, SPBSetDeviceLevelMeterOnOff, 
   SPBSetDeviceNumberChannels, SPBSetDeviceOptionsDialog, 
   SPBSetDevicePlayThruOnOff, SPBSetDeviceRecordingQuality, 
   SPBSetDeviceSampleRate, SPBSetDeviceSampleSize, 
   SPBSetDeviceTwosComplementOnOff, SPBSetDeviceVoxRecordInfo, 
   SPBSetDeviceVoxStopInfo.  Requires Hypercard 2.0.
 123     5/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Implement Apple's new Speech Manager and PlainTalk Text to Speech
   extensions.  Includes parameters for voice selection, speech rate,
   and pitch.  There is no currently known limit on the length of text
   to be spoken.  Requires HyperCard 2.0 and the Speech Manager.
  20     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   String matching routines, including Soundex, that can be used to
   generate simplified versions of a string which can then be used to
   compare "similar" strings.  A "fuzzy" match algorithm is also
   included, this scores the similarity between 2 strings based on
   user-defined penalties for character insertion and substitution.
   Requries HyperCard 2.0.
 314    10/11/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   XFCNS from Apple (a whole bunch.. from AppList to VolumePath).
   Includes help and some source code for them.  Also the ability to
   create a bug/suggest report to be sent via AppleLink.
  41    10/30/87    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A more simplistic HyperCard stack to do the same thing as
  17      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Turns numbers into full-length phrases. So, 43283 becomes "fourty-
   three thousand, two hundred and eighty-three."  Can also handle
   fractions and decimals, changing "1.42" into "one point four two"
   and  "2/3" into "two thirds."
  78     4/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Time events to a resolution of one millisecond.
 16      4/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Evaluate complex mathematical expressions on large sets of data at
   speeds that are ten to twenty times faster that the speeds at which
   HyperCard can perform the same operations.
   6     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Return the login name for a named AppleShare-compatible volume.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  66     9/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Enter in some preliminary data and this application will show you
   (not exactly 3d, nor is it very fast) edge on and above how the
   galaxy collision would happen and what it would look like.  Some
   example files are included.
 112     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Convert coordinates from geodetic to Cartesian coordinate systems,
   and vice-versa. It will also compute distances along the
   ellipsoidal surface of the Earth and baseline distances as well as
   chord distances.
 163     1/22/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   You plug in the latitude, longitude and altitude, and your Mac
   will draw a picture (by integer or  floating point map) for you
   that you can cut  and paste (as a PICT or bitmap file).  Includes
   Think C source code.
 125      8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Shows what happens when galaxies collide; uses edge-on
   and top views step-timed to show simulated action; requires
   68020 or better Mac, System 7 or higher, prefers Thread
  44     12/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A graphic, two dimensional orbital simuation.  Users can enter
   custom designed solar systems or run previously created ones.
   Systems can be viewed at varying zoom levels, recorded and played
   back at high speed, and edited via the graphic solar system editor.
 463     12/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Produces a continually updating, real-time image of the moon
   for any place, time, date; gives lunar position in equitorial,
   heliocentric coordinates, etc; shows the current Universal Time,
   observer's sidereal time, and the longitude for which sidereal
   time is 0 hours. 
  26    12/26/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Calculate the phases of the moon easily with this simple, but
   colorful and thorough application.
  86      4/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Many details about the current moon phase and related matters.

 544     4/15/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A planetarium for the Macintosh.  Through its windows you can see
   where the stars are tonight, next month, or any other time.  You
   You can add, edit, and remove stars and constellations if you wish.
   Fat binary runs on PowerMacs or 68K machines with FPU installed.
 723     3/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   OrbiTrack is an artificial satellite tracking program for the 
   Macintosh. It will calculate look angles to selected satellites, 
   plot current satellite positions on a world map and display the 
   visible passage of a satellite against background stars (either 
   within the program itself or via a data file that can be read into
   the Voyager program).
 107      4/7/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Compute the locations of the visible planets for any time and
   any placd on earth; also computes lunar and solar eclipses;
   intended for color Macs with FPU.
  22      4/7/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Documentation for /mac/misc/astronomy/planetcolor3.5.cpt.hqx.
 158      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Vital statistics about the planets.  Requires HyperCard 2.0. 
 153      7/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Plots out the positions (long. & lat., etc.) of seven solar
   bodies, and their magnitude.  You can also use this program to
   predict upcoming eclipses.  Includes separate version that uses
   a 68881 coprocessor.
 332      4/3/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Follows and plots locations of satellites circling the
   planet.  Good for astronomers and amateur radio operators.
  53      5/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Draws map of the world and overlays nightside in shadow; cool.
 438      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Elementary-level introduction to space and space exploration.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 258      9/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Updated version of a Star Chart application.. Scale lines....
   various declination and latitude settings... preferences settings
   allow for you to set a magnitude for star names to appear to help
   you identify.  Includes the Yale Bright Star Catalog, which
   contains 9096 stars up to magnitude 7.
  83    10/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An introduction to high school or college students  of the 
   instrumentation of astronomers.  Graphics & pictures help to 
   explain things such as the Hubble Space Telescope, Keck Telescopes,
   buying a telescope, and other concepts.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 312     10/1/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Display, and optionaly periodically update, a picture of earth,
   viewable from many perspectives. Able to display as a picture in a
   window, as the background, or by taking up the full screen (makes
   a neat screen-saver.) Based on xearth for X-Windows.
   Requires: An FPU, or Powermac. Experimental non-fpu version
   available from author's page.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  91     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An exploration of algae and related topics; requires
 416     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An exploration of anthropology and related topics;
   requires HyperCard.
  45    10/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An examination of evolutionary stable strategies, one way that an
   equilibrium is reached between predators and prey.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0
 397     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An exploration of biology and related topics; looks like a
   great stack for a high school student or for college review;
   requires HyperCard.
    10/16/95     BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50
   Will calculate intellectual, emotional, and physical attributes
   based on birth date.
  67     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An exploration of biotechnology and related topics; 
   requires HyperCard.
 308     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An exploration of birds and related topics; no pictures
   or illos, but good notes for a beginner birder; requires
 204     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Analyze digitized images of root systems.  Has modules for making
   measurements from architectural analyses of branching structures to
   length and to fractal dimensions.
  85       2/1/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Breeder is edutainment. You use your knowledge of Mendellian
   genetics to breed aliens.  Your goal is to take an alien, and breed
   it until it looks like the target alien.  Requires 68020 or better
   Mac, with a 13" 256 color monitor.
 137     5/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MacPaint-format pictures of insects.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 345     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Introduces history, basics, classification, DNA, types, and
   duplication of all cells; requires HyperCard.
 885     7/11/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Learning aid for the study of human anatomy;
   colorized version requires Hypercard 2.2 but
   may be run as b&w on 2.x; free!
 605    12/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A fabulous stack detailing everything you could possibly want to
   know about frogs in general and the Leopard Frog in particular short
   of actually cutting one open.  Written by a teacher a a replacement/
   supplement to the standard dissection lab.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
1063    12/28/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Some HyperCard stacks demo'ing some stacks which are designed to
   aid the UnderGraduate learn  Biology.
1492    10/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Helps researchers manage their daily research and become
   more organized and productive. Contains the main engine,
   plug-in modules (PIM) and special fonts. PIMs are organized into 
   four categories: Data, Desk, Math, and Prep.
 105     8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An interesting example of John Holland's 'Artificial Life'
 204    11/24/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Instructions and techniques for storage and retrieval of common
   lab protocols.
 450     4/18/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Teach phylogenetic inference and gather data.

 231      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An artificial Life program which demonstrates how lifeforms
   adapt their behavior to their environment over generations;
   design and control lifeforms as they evolve and watch them
   gain intelligence automatically as a result of natural
   selection; requires System 7.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  17      5/4/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HyperCard stack which estimates the molecular weight
   and "the isoelectric point" of an amino acid sequence.
  93     2/25/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This "flashcard" stack was created to aid in the memorization of
   the amino acid structures that are required learning in a class on
   human metabolism.  Requires HyperCard.
  94     2/25/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A history of atomic theory, from the Greeks through classical
   physics experiments to quantum mechanics. Nicely done.
   Requires HyperCard.
 280     6/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Shows wireframe and stickball models of molecules.  Offers realtime
   transforms, color support, 2 independent windows, and more.
   Demo version limited to 40 atoms.
  48     6/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert Ball & Stick files to the MacMolecule 1.7 format.
  53     2/25/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Thirty questions and answers on different types of chemical
   bonding.  Useful for studying high school or freshman chemistry.
   Requires HyperCard.
 504     2/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   "Science, non-science and pseudoscience" is a short CAI lesson set
   whose purpose is to help students develop a better understanding
   of what science is (and is NOT).  One lesson deals with the
   concepts of hypothesis, theory, and scientific law, and gets the
   user to classify various statements along these lines.  Another
   deals with the distinction between science and pseudoscience.
2790    11/13/95   BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   View, analyze, and print 3-dimensional molecular models.  Change
   viewing modes among wireframe, ball-and-stick, cylindrical bonds,
   and spacefilling.  Create stereo views.  Reads many chemical
   formats including Chem3D, PDB, Alchemy, Connection Table, MOPAC,
   SYBYL.  Includes several sample molecules, and can be used as a
   WWW helper application to view the thousands more at
   http://chemfinder.camsci.com  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 156      9/5/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Calculate the average and exact molecular weight from a chemical
   formula, or calculate relative stoichiometries of up to 5 compounds
2078    11/13/95   BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   View, analyze and print 2-dimensional chemical structures.  
   Calculate molecular formula, molecular weight.  Perform elemental
   analyses.  Create SMILES strings.  Reads many chemical formats
   including ChemDraw, MDL MOLFile, Connection Table.  Can be used
   as a WWW  helper application to view thousands of additional 
   structures at http://chemfinder.camsoft.com
   Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 312     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Draw organic molecules, including stereochemical features;
   view, rotate model; has all of the expected editing tools
   but not much more; free.

 150      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperCard stack reference to 325 chemical hazards.
  35    11/15/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   HyperCard stack uses very lame riddles to help high school
   students remember names of elements.
  40     6/10/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Perform CHN calculations on organic compounds; allows varying 
   of the mole concentration of an impurity (solvent) and obtains
   an on-the-fly CHN calculation of the results; v1.6 corrects an
   error in the %N field.
  85    10/31/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Simple utility designed to place counterions periodically around
   a DNA double helix, prior to computational modelling.  It must be
   used on a DNA double helix structure, with the coordinates in
   a pdb format.
 155     3/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Do stereographic projection (crystallography).
 473      2/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Generate and manipulate X-ray powder diffraction patterns.  Comes 
   with a selection of example files.  Fat Binary.
 960     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   CrystalMaker is an intuitive, user-friendly Macintosh program to
   display and manipulate all kinds of crystal structures.  This
   demonstration opens the many included molecule files and allows
   you to manipulate them to some extent.  Fat binary.
 115     3/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Draw and manipulate crystal unit cells.
 117     2/25/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A very nice periodic table stack. Clicking on an element takes you
   to a card with lots of data on that element. Buttons on the card
   let you move to a neighbor on the periodic table in any direction.
   A graphic on each card shows the filling of electronic orbitals;
   it is especially interesting to watch the orbitals fill after
   clicking the "Show all" button.  Requires HyperCard
  64     12/9/90    BinHex4.0
   Displays various info about the elements.. everything from boiling
   to melting point, electron  configurations, oxidation states,
   radiuses, atomic volumes, heat of fusion, even crystal levels.
   You can print reports sorted by various fields.  Requires HyperCard.
  44     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert between nanometers, electron volts and wavenumbers (useful
   to insane chemists working with conducting polymers).
 170     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Visualize and analyse spectra obtained from nuclear particle
   detectors. Emulates the display of a multi-channel analyser (MCA).
   Acquisition made by an external MCA connected through a serial
   RS422 line or with a direct connection.  Data can also be read from
   text files.
 400      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Performs Huckel molecular orbital calculations for structures 
   containing up to one hundred atoms.
  28    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Draw 2-dimensional projections of the various excited orbitals of
 216     4/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   *Very* nifty rendition of the Periodic Table of Elements: point
   and click for information; in color; requires HyperCard.
  75     11/8/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A short HyperCard history of the discoveries of the atom (30
   virtual "pages" with illustrations).
  42     11/8/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Designed for high school students to test their knowledge of
   chemical bonding found in common compounds.  HyperCard Stack.
 111     10/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Enter the molecular forumla of a compound and you'll see the
   relative intensity of the various isotopic species both
   numerically and on a display graph.
 369     9/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Used with Ball & Stick, Chem3D or MacMolecule, this program will
   help automate the production of images of large bulk structures or
   super-structures of crystal lattices.  Powerful.
 139     3/31/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A database of the periodic table of the elements.  Explore
   relationships among the elements.  Designed for introductory high
   school level chemistry courses as an add-on to the Introduction to
   the Periodic Table, section.
  80      4/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Calculate element percentages and isotope patterns for given
   chemical formulae together with yields of chemical reactions.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  18     7/26/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Calculate the molucular mass of a substance from its chemical
   formula.  Will not background in System 7, but otherwise works
  85      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A calculator-like program performing conversions and calculations
   commonly used for solution chemistry (dilutions, concentrations and
   so-on).  Understands and will convert between concentrations
   expressed in molarity, weight percent and weight/volume. 
  72    11/19/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   MacPaint documents containing various structures of compounds.
   Including antibiotics, vitamins, "designer drugs", etc.
  55     9/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Calculate molecular masses and elemental analyses.
 120     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   View molecules in three dimensions.
 209     1/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A very minimal molecular-modelling package.  Has potential, but is
   very buggy.
  98     2/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A pharmacopoeia of molecule 'clip art' including chemical
   structure diagrams, molecular mass, and comments.
 141     4/18/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Allows practice problem-solving doing conversions among moles, grams, and
   Avogadro's number. 10-12th grade high school chem, keeps score,
   reguires Hypercard 2.0 
3906    12/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display electron density and atomic models.  Includes many CAD-like
   features and extensive documentation.  Exports quicktime movies
   of your models.  Fat and 68k without coprocessor versions included.
   Due to the hoggish size of this file (and the archive's limited
   disk space), it's due to be removed 3/15/96.

 292       3/1/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Periodic table of the elements in IUPAC group notation.
   Music can't be shut off while the stack is starting up.
  92      1/30/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A periodic table of the elements.  Includes information about physical
   nuclear and other properties.  Graphical interface is easily understood
   Demo has been slowed down to encourage registration.  Requires a 
   minimum 640x480 color monitor.
 674     7/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A very nice stack that teaches beginning thermodynamics concepts.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  32    11/24/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An introduction and quiz to help students in  learning one of
   chemistry's important analysis techniques:  titration.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 688     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Four versions (one for all Macs, one for PowerPC, etc.) of a program 
   to calculate the band diagram for semiconductor structures.
   Can also find self-consistent solutions of both Poisson's
   and Schrodinger's equations.

  77      6/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The 'evil' version of Eliza.  Have a gripe session with a really
   bitter person.  Will speak if MacinTalk is installed.
  88     9/25/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This application calculates and displays the evolution of an array
   of cellular automatons and was inspired by the August 1988
   Computer Recreations article by A.K. Dewdney in Scientific
   American. These automatons function like the automatons of the
   "game" of life, but instead of being dead or alive, each has a
   degree of "infection." The array of cells with various states of
   health is displayed as a color coded image. Because it uses Color
   Quickdraw, *this program will only run on a Mac II*
 270     1/23/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allows AI research, development and delivery on conventional
   computers.  Developed at NASA, it supports forward chaining, Rete
   algorithm for pattern matching, wildcards/variables in definable
   fields, external functions (link to your own code).
 205     10/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Editor with preview and data dictionaries that facilitates
   creating dataflow diagrams (nice title, huh?).
  29    10/30/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Design and experiment with digital circuits. For learning digital
   logic and testing advanced circuit ideas.  Unrelated to digsimp.
  67    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Given any Boolean truth table, derive the simplest Boolean function
   that can be used to describe the truth table.  Can also derive the
   best arrangement of variables for a multiplexer implementation.
  75      6/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The classic psychologist-in-a-box artificial intelligence
   simulation.  Will speak if MacinTalk is installed.
  368   1/28/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   LogicSim is an application that simulates digital circuits.  It is
   a discrete-time event-simulator which makes it more accurate than
   most shareware simulators which use a fixed delay for all gates.
   Circuits are built from standard components and can include
   complicated modules and subcircuits.  Very good help!  

  38     3/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Simple models to simulate complex behaviors of many degrees of
   freedom dynamical systems. Simulates only 1-D automata.
 139     3/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A digital timing diagram editor useful to computer engineers,
   digital designers, and students.  Allows you to create clocks,
   signals, busses, notes, causal lines, time bars, and perform simple
   digital simulations.
 339    10/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Model a microprogrammed processor similar to the one described in
   the book "Structured Computer Organization" by Andrew S. Tanenbaum.
   Hardware components and instruction set are fixed but microprogram
   is fully editable.  Includes C source.
   8     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Another simulation of the Life algorithm, where cells live or die
   by the number of neighbors they have.
  39      3/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Determine the specifications for Butterworth and Chebyshev I band
   pass, low pass, and high pass filters.
 120      5/9/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A neural network simulator.  Requires Color QuickDraw.
   Comes with pretty sparse documentation.

 616    12/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An application which simulates a PDP-8 miicomputer in a window on
   the Mac.  Includes built-in assembler which supports all PDP-8
   instructions except IOP.  Think C source code is included. 
  12     1/11/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A graphical demonstration of the effencies of  several sorting
   algorithms over large ans small  data sets.  Nicely done.
1645     8/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The freeware version of Spice, an analog circuit simulation
  92    11/24/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A Turing Machine simulator.  Comes with a finite amount of
   "virtual" magnetic tape.  Version 1.0
 400    12/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MicroArchitecture Simulator models a microprogrammed processor
   similar to the one described in the book "Structured
   Computer Organization" by Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Its hardware
   components and its instruction set are fixed (not too much,
   as you will see) but its microprogram is fully editable in a
   user friendly manner. The processor has access to a 128K
   Random Access Memory (it borrows from your Mac); you can
   easily view, modify, load or save this portion of memory.
   You can run programs and debug them with a step by step
   execution. Namely, you can advance by a conventional
   instruction, by a microinstruction, and even by a clock
   subcycle observing the internal parts of the processor.
   Full C source code included. PowerPC native (FAT).
  79    10/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Construct (rather idealized) circuits made up of AND, OR, and NOT
   gates.  Circuits with feedback loops are alowed, so that you can
   construct memory elements such as flip-flops.
  52     8/11/95    BinHqx4.0,StufIt3.5

   This program simulates a turing machine with up to 20 states.

This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
1727     8/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Demo Fidonet gateway, compression and mailer software for 
   Macintosh BBS systems.

 440      3/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   You can also use AlarmBook to create up to 30 custom alarms that 
   play audio and/or visual reminders at specific date and times. 
   These alarms will remind you of appointments months from now, or 
   just keep you organized from week to week.  If your Macintosh is 
   connected to an Appletalk network, you can use AlarmBook to send 
   audio and visual messages to any legitimate AlarmBook user.
 429     9/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A typing tutor game which teaches touch typing by having Al
   race against other characters as you type the correct
 449    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   The asc3270 CTB Terminal Tool lets 3rd party CTB applications,
   like ClarisWorks, do 3278/79 terminal emulation and IND$FILE & FTP
   file transfer with IBM mainframes. The Tool supports different
   access methods using TCP/IP and various 3rd party SNA gateways to
   allow the Mac to connect to the IBM host. In order to test tn3270
   telnet sessions, you need to download and install the TCPack CTB
   Connection tool; similarly FTP file transfer requires the FTPack tool.

 360      10/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   asc420/ANSI lets applications which support the CTB terminal 
   manager do complete VT420, PC-ANSI  and SCO-ANSI terminal 
   emulations. This allows users to extend the functionality of 
   their favorite CTB communications applications with high-end 
   VTxx  and ANSI terminal support. Limited demo based on connect 
   time until license is purchased
 316      10/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The asc5250 CTB Terminal Tool lets 3rd party CTB applications, 
   like ClarisWorks, do 5250 terminal emulation and FTP file 
   transfer with IBM AS/400s. The Tool supports tn5250 telnet 
   sessions over TCP/IP to connect to the AS/400 host.  Limited 
   demo based on connect time until license is purchased
 259      10/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The ascMultiTransfer CTB File Transfer Tool lets 3rd party CTB 
   applications, like ClarisWorks, do file transfer to and from many 
   different online bulletin boards and host systems.  Limited demo 
   based on connect time until license is purchased.
 280     6/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Shows wireframe and stickball models of molecules.  Offers realtime
   transforms, color support, 2 independent windows, and more.
   Demo version limited to 40 atoms.
  25    10/27/95    BinHex4.0, StuffIt3.50

   A set of externals that impliments a simple database file system.

 714     7/4/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   BBEdit has gone commercial.  Demo for the commercial version of
   this popular text editor.  "Save" and "Save As..." 
   have been disabled.  Otherwise fully functional.
   Some functions are PowerPC native.  Supports 
   MetroWorks, QuickDraw GX, Internet integration.
 365     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A database for bibliographic references; demo restricts access to
   3 of 13 entry types, and specifically disallows Abstract, ISBN,
   and Annotation.
 853     10/1/95      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is a save-disabled version of STEIM's BigEye Video Interpreter,
   a program to map video input to midi parameters.  Requires Av capable 
   Macintosh (or mac with Connectix' QuickCam), Apple midi manager and 
   driver, a midi sound module (or QuickTime Musical instruments with 
1049       4/1/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Database package capable of saving, retrieving, and formatting
   reference information for bibliographies. Can automatically import
   references downloaded from many on-line database services and CD-ROMS.
   Demo version limited to 10 references.

1701      3/1/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Create and edit business charts and diagrams easily with this
   trial version of Claris Impact.  You can't copy objects to other
   applications via the clipboard or save the documents, but 
   everything else seems to work excellent.  Lots of samples included.

  66      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Quark XTension which allows you convert text from Quark
   pages into HTML format.  The demo version is crippled to 
   mangle the text (exchanging the words at random).  
 297      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Manage your startup files and diagnose conflicts among them.  Can
   also help diagnose PowerPC slowdowns.  Demo will disable itself
   after three days.
 237      7/5/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Crossword puzzle solver and editor.  Lets you enter puzzles
   from magazines and newspapers, or create and edit your own grids.

 960     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   CrystalMaker is an intuitive, user-friendly Macintosh program to
   display and manipulate all kinds of crystal structures.  This
   demonstration opens the many included molecule files and allows
   you to manipulate them to some extent.  Fat binary.

 464      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A fully functional filter (with obnoxious "demo!  buy the package"
   splash screen) for PhotoShop.  Make a selection, run this filter,
   and it'll look like you've cut a hole in your image in the shape
   of the selection.  Move the sliders around to get different cut out
1723     6/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.07
   DIMPLE provides a powerful image analysis system for Mac users.
   DIMPLE has a wide range of features including multi-spectral 
   analysis, image enhancement, rectification, registration, 
   resampling, classification and statistical analysis.  The
   tuturial provides a good introduction to image processing.
   Demo save/export disabled, limited running time.  Version
   for FPU equipped macs only.
1935     6/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.07
   DIMPLE provides a powerful image analysis system for Mac users.
   DIMPLE has a wide range of features including multi-spectral
   analysis, image enhancement, rectification, registration,
   resampling, classification and statistical analysis.  The
   tuturial provides a good introduction to image processing.
   Demo save/export disabled, limited running time.  Version
   for PowerMacs only.

 106     7/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Automatically learns words as you type them and recalls them
   after typing the first few characters and a user-defined hot key.
  44      8/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This add-on to the Think or Code Warrior environments adds an "Edit
   Comment..." item to the Edit menu. When you choose it, it will 
   present an editing window which shows the revision comment of the 
   front window's file (and other source control information).  Of 
   course, the file must be under source control (Projector, 
   SourceServer, or SourceSafe).

1487     6/26/01    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Volume One of an Effects Pack for digitized movies.  Filters include
   a Camcorder effect (to get handheld style scanlines), Color Pass (the color you
   want is the only one sent through, everything else is grayscale), Color Replace,
   Contrast & Brightness, Negative and Video Noise.  These effects work fully for
   45 days, then you have to pay the shareware fee.

 508     6/26/01    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A set of ten video effects that can be applied to Quicktime video clips
   using any app that supports effects (MoviePlayer Pro, QT Player Pro,
   Adobe Premiere, etc.).  Included effects are Gamma Correction, Median
   Filtering, Polar Filter, Strobe (you too can cause people to have seizures)
   Texturizer, plus a couple fun effects such as Psycho Spin and Jittery TV.
   Works fully for 45 days, then you have to pay the shareware fee.

2440     6/26/01    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Volume Three of an Effects Pack for digitized movies.  Filters in this
   pack include Invert HSV, Fractal, Filter Factory and Motion.
   The (very thorough) documentation includes descriptions of how to
   composite using alpha channels, another tool included with this pack.
   Works fully for 45 days, then you have to pay a shareware fee.

 266      6/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ErgoMinder is a people saver (much like After Dark is a screen 
   saver). It gives friendly reminders with ergonomic exercises 
   demonstrated by the Ergo-Dudes.
  56      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A set of icons depicting coats of arms of North and South American
   nations and Mexican states.  Demo is a pict file with several
   representative icons.
 114     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Contains demos of 3 modules which allow alias, copy, move
   to preselected destinations by dragging to the controlstrip.
1008    12/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FilterTop is a file batch processing utility that uses a friendly 
   graphical interface to allow the user to perform a series of 
   "filtration" operations on files (e.g. BinHex, Rot 13 encoding...
   or reporting on contents, etc.). These operations are provided via 
   plug-in modules and are configured by the user dragging iconic 
   representations of the Filters into the workspace called the "Pipeline".
 252     6/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A dual-mode calculator/adding machine application that puts a 
   realistic-looking calculator on the desktop.  A "tape" printer
   is attached to the side of the window, allowing easy color
   feedback on all the numbers you've been typing in.  Demo works
   for thirty minutes per session until registration number is provided.

2435      3/1/96    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Installs one of three different (but similar looking) packages
   from the FirstOffice suite.  GeneralLedger provides simple 
   general ledger functionality.  Medium has the same functionality
   as G/L, but also includes sales & purchase ledgers, and item &
   customer & supplier registers.  Large has all the features of
   the "medium" package, but tries to go for the entire accounting
   process... from the quote to the sales payment receipt.  These
   files are fat binaries, and they change from fully enabled to
   "demo" mode after 90 days if the shareware fee isn't paid up.

 240      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An extension which does essentially the same thing as MeetingMaker
   or OnTime, it allows you to track things-to-do.  It's claim to fame
   is that, as an extension, it has it's calendar on screen at all times
   for you to click on and bring up.  Demo version only allows ten
   entries, tho.
 248     6/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A realistic looking countdown timer and alarm clock.  Pretty easy
   use.  Demo works for thirty minutes per session until registration 
   number is provided.

  19      1/8/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Not a demo in the traditional (i.e. commercial) sense, this neat
   little graphical app displays quickly-moving colored dots that
   make up a nifty waving American flag.

 448      1/8/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   For those of you who can't keep track of all your fonts, this fat
   application analyzes your drives, finds all the corrupt and duplicate
   fonts, fonts without Postscript files, etc.  Pay some money and
   this app will actually fix the problems, too.
 528     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Communications module for BBS programs.  Replaces TabbyNet and Call
   modules for Tabby and Copernicus.  Also can be used with CounterPoint,
   MacWoof, Alice, Aeolus and Pizza.  Demo expires after 11/96, allows
   sessions no longer than 15 minutes, and only one call per event.

 576     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Communications module which improves performance of a FidoNet
   point.  It can be used as a replacement for the Call module
   of Copernicus, and also can be used with CounterPoint, MacWoof,
   Alice and Pizza.  The demo stops working 30 days after it's first
   used, sessions can't be longer than 15 minutes, and the program
   expires after November of 1996, regardless.

 297     10/1/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FTPack is a FTP Client CTB File Transfer tool. It supports the 
   FTP protocol enabling file transfer to and from VMS, UNIX, IBM 
   Mainframes, AS/400 and all other standard FTP servers. FTPack comes 
   with FTPeek, an application that allows quick FTP access at all times 
   from the finder interface.  Limited demo based on connect time until 
   license is purchased
 902     9/23/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Genealogy Pro is a software package designed for the purpose of 
   drawing genealogy charts.  Genealogy Pro stores familial data such 
   as family names, relationships, important dates and events such as 
   birth and death dates, and uses this information to automatically 
   create genealogy charts.  Requires SE/30 or MacII minimum, System 7.

1436      7/18/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Glimmer is a commercial quality arcade game featuring genuine
   stereoscopic 3-D. You actually wear red-blue movie glasses to play.
   According to Ben Haller, author of Solarian II, Glimmer is "the most
   fabulous video game the Macintosh has ever seen!"
 378     6/8/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Very nice miniature golf player.  Complete with hills, valleys,
   gopher holes (sometimes) and more.  Includes five different
   courses to play.  Demo can play only 3 holes.

 432      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Demo of a graphing program used to teach high school math.  
   It only works on the included files (trig, conic and gallery).
 848     9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.07

   Demo version of a commercial Apple Guide Authoring Tool,
   Guide Composer from StepUp Software. Guide Composer lets
   any Mac user develop Apple Guide files for any new or
   existing application, with an easy point-and-click
   interface.  Demo limits number of topics.

5170     7/23/97    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Creates installation programs for the distribution of software.
   It is simple enough to for novice developers, but it's powerful
   enough that companies such: as Adobe, Microsoft, and Metrowerks use
   Installer VISE to deliver their products.  Fully functional demo.
1927      8/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Japanese study aid.  Includes an AI-based vocabulary and Kanji
   study system, and a powerful multimedia Japanese-English Kanji
   dictionary.  It is also a complete dictionary authoring tool,
   which operates without KanjiTalk or the Japanese Language Kit.
   Requires System 6.0.7 or higher, is suitable for students from
   upper-level elementary to University level and beyond.
   Fat Binary for PowerMacs.

1102     8/12/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Demo of JOB CITY(R), the interactive  videodisc adventure that
   lets students explore careers and technologies as they develop
   critical thinking skills. Activities include reading, writing,
   math, science, social and fine arts principles.

 188      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create library of voice data for JUNO 106; record/playback using
   AppleScript.  Requires Apple MIDI Manager, System 7 and QuickTime.
   Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 393      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Create library of voice data for K1; record/playback using
   AppleScript.  Requires Apple MIDI Manager, System 7 and QuickTime.
   Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.

 800     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Designed to give Latin students pratice in identifying words as
   they really appear on the printed page.  It takes a noun, adjective
   or verb and inflects it unpredictably... you have to figure out how
   to grammatically describe the word.  Demo only allows 5 uses.
 501      4/9/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   LiSa, which stands for Life Sampling, is a real-time audio manipulation
   environment that runs on any Macintosh computer with a PowerPC (PPC)
   processor.  Plays up to 16 16-bit voices with a PPC 604.  Save functions
   disabled.  Powermac only.
 176     1/18/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Authors can use this to keep track of their works (whether it's 
   short stories, or computer programs) and where they've been
   submitted to and what kind of response it's received.
   Demo version only allows one submission to be tracked. 
1724     9/21/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Mac Manager provides desktop security, a Copland style interface,
   accountability, personal folder management with disk quota, e-mail, 
   screen saver with screen lock, and virus protection all in one package. 
   Demo is limited to 1 hour per day and can be disabled with shift key
   at boot.

 347     3/17/96    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Application to monitor incoming calls on a line and then notify you of
   them via pager, email, etc.  Can transmit Caller ID number and/or name
   as well.

 653     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An alternate operating system for the Mac.

 272     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Designed specifically for kids between 2 and 4; allows painting with
   letters, numbers, shapes and icons.  A subset of what's available in
   a commercially available version.
 808     8/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Talk to other Mac users over a normal 14.4K modem-based (or faster)
   Internet connection, just as if you were using a telephone. Demo
   limits outgoing calls to 90 seconds and will only run for one week.
   Belly up to the NetPub and chat with other NetPhone users.
2585     9/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   NeuroLab is a neural network library for Extend (graphical icon-based
   simulation program) and is a powerful and effective tool for
   understanding, designing and simulating artificial neural network
   systems.  Extend demo is also included and they must run together.

1770    12/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Installs demo versions of NowFolderMenus, Now Menus, Now Profile,
   Now QuickFiler, Now Save, Now SuperBoomerang, Now Scrapbook, 
   Now Startup Manager and Now WYSIWYG, all version 5.01.  This same
   installer also updates your registered copies of these extensions
   and apps from version 5.0 to 5.01.
 627     8/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A preview version of a card-catalog program for indexing a
 446     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A demonstration application for OpenDialog, an API
   for programmers to make developing dialog boxes easier.  
   Includes example source code.
 682      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   OptiMem RAM Charger is a new, major upgrade to OptiMem: the 
   breakthrough technology that makes a fundamental improvement in 
   the way Mac applications use memory. It not only makes a whole lot 
   more of your memory usable, for keeping more applications and 
   documents open, it also makes your memory more flexible and 
   reliable. Demo functions for 7 days.  If you already own OptiMem,
   this also functions as an upgrade.
1375     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A demo of the soon to be released relational database Panorama 
   from ProVUE Development.  this demo installs a trial version of 
   Panorama 3 with a database containing information about the new 
 420      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Keep a collection of notes in a single, easy-to-use file;
   password protect the file, search it's entries, even "speak"
   the entries (with Speech Manager installed); powerful and
   flexible; supports Quickdraw GX, drag-n-drop, more; requires
   System 7.

 455      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Keep a collection of notes in a single, easy-to-use file;
   password protect the file, search it's entries, even "speak"
   the entries (with Speech Manager installed); powerful and
   flexible; supports Quickdraw GX, drag-n-drop, more; requires
   System 7.  PowerPC version.
 134     2/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gives hierarchical menues in the Apple menu, the finder ("spring
   loaded folders" and the title in the title bar), and applications
   open and save dialog boxes. One can optionally show icons in the
   menus and it also supports drag and drop.  Demo version expires
   after one month.
  38      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Enables all your communication applications to employ CTB
   Connection Tools instead of modems or direct serial links: old
   applications can be used for communicating through X.25, TCP/IP,
   ISDN and any other network supported with a Connection Tool.
   Demo closes the connection after 2 minutes.
  60     4/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple utility that allows monitoring of several printers and
   their status.
 800      9/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Professor Phonics Find The Word v1.2 is a supplementary exercise 
   based on the words and materials found in the Professor Phonics book.
   MacUser Editors Choice Award.  Requires PlainTalk.  Fat Binary.
 616     8/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PProTA is a market analysis program designed specifically for the 
   individual investor/trader.  ProTA handles all aspects of quote 
   maintenance, display, and analysis as well as charting and 
   technical analysis.  ProTA will accommodate Stocks, Mutual Funds, 
   Market Indices, Futures, Options, Bonds and other market related 
   data, including fundamentals (news items, etc.)  Demo is unable
   to create new quote files.
 830     8/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Demo of a program that displays an image with shifting colors and
   plays a soundtrack, to relieve your stress and get you psyched.
1634     8/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Interactive demo which allows children to explore part of
   the Humongous Entertainment game Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon.
   Young preschoolers will like guiding Putt-Putt around and
   clicking on the amusing animations. Older ones can solve the
   puzzle(s). Lots of fun animation.

 163     12/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The only (so far as this archiver knows) DNS server for the Mac.
   Is a cache-only DNS server, though (will perform the lookup, then
   store the address)
   Handy for a network with little bandwidth. DEMO version
   Requires MacTCP, and a dedicated IP address

 496      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An Atari 400/800 and 800XL emulator that allows you to turn
   your Macintosh into the fine Atari computers you remember
   from way back when.  Allows you to transfer files between
   the Mac hard disks and the Atari disk images.  Does not include
   the Atari OS ROM images, though.  Includes a version for PowerMacs.
 649     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A demo of a geneology program.  This is a full working version of 
   Reunion except for the following limitations: Only 35 individuals 
   can be entered in a family file, Gedcom Import/Export is disabled,
   Graphic charts can't be saved or copied.

1033     3/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat French language grammar checker.  Works with ClarisWorks,
   EudoraPro, QuarkXpress, Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, FrameMaker,
   GWrite, and Hypercard.  Demoversion only works for one global
   checking and 20 step-by-step checking, per use.

 174     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Word processor is slick and not very expensive; registered
   version has spellchecker.
 891     8/19/95    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   A demo version of the Scitex XTensions for QuarkXPress.
1871    8/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Filemaker database designed to handle all records for any size
   troop.  Each scout has over 120 fields of data.  Includes
   Filemaker Pro engine.

  83     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays a bar of text at the bottom of your screen that scrolls
   sideways. Demo only shows text for 2 minutes.
 256    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A control panel that allows AV and Power Macs to use their
   serial ports at 115 or 230 Kbps with any software that normally
   uses the serial ports at 57.6Kbps; now supports MacPPP, more.
   Only works for 14 days without registering.

 176     1/18/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Creates those random-dot stereograms (as seen in the Magic Eye
   series... or those annoying pictures people are spending hours 
   staring at in the mall).  This fat app creates 3D images from
   a grayscale PICT.  Demo only allows three patterns to be 
   worked with.

 336     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Tracks the position of the sun for any particular day,
   anywhere on earth (well, the demo has limited locations and
   only gives positions for the first three days of the month).
   Handy for film, video and photo professionals.

 820     10/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Italian language demo of the game Sword Dream, which is
   commercial in Italy and shareware in the rest of the world.
   You're in a group, recruiting adventurers to go out and explore
   the ruins and towns in the surrounding countryside, and
   bash monsters such as goblins and snakes.  Like a graphical
   board game.  With lots of sound effects and some explanatory
 560    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Commercial software with a twist.  A fully featured file
   synchronization package, distributed on the net w/ features
   disabled. Pay a fee and get ALL the features.
   Includes automatic sync at floppy insert, logging, error tracing,
   conflicts logging, etc.  Fat binary.
 592     12/31/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Backup and synchronization utility designed for
   file server mirroring and complex data management tasks.
   Basic features fully functional, advanced features work on
   files up to 400kB if unregistered.  Fat binary.
  15      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A standard LDEF written in THINK Pascal 4.0 that allows you to use
   tabs, colors, and styles in your lists
 547     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Contains a Calculator, Who/What Address and Phonebook, Clock
   with Reminder function, Calendar, and Note Pad; demo limited
   to 5 entries and 5 nags.
 820      9/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   "The Talking Spelling Bee" will couch kids letter by letter through 
   the spelling of a word.  Artificial intelligence monitors all letters 
   entered in so kids will be taught as they play. Parents and teachers 
   will be able to quickly add their own spelling words.  Requires
   PlainTalk.  Fat Binary.

1541      1/21/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Try and figure out the future (or the present) with Tarot cards.  
   You can use your own deck or the built-in deck on the program.
   Paying the license fee will allows you to save readings, get new 
   plug in modules, a full manual.
 263      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Very good organizer of students' grades; demo version is limited
   to 5 assignments.
 278     1/10/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Demo version of a program which allows one to administer a
   multiple-choice test using a computer. Determines percentages, etc

 362     6/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A "To Do" application which allows you to leave text/voice
   reminders for yourself.  Speech Manager reads back text
   items for you to take care of.  Demo version of this fat
   app expires after 10 days.

 672     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat application which shows the behavior of trusses 
   while loading them down (using color intensities to show 
   the force values).  Demo only limited to four trusses on

 432     1/18/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Demo of a pricey Postscript font indexing package.  With 
   it, you can catalog and print out font packages anywhere
   on your disk.  Demo only works for font names starting
   between A and H.

 352      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An elaborate control panel which displays font samples, keeps
   track of fonts used in certain application's documents, speed
   through font menus, create custom font categories.  Demo
   expires after 30 days.

 413      8/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Allows your Macintosh to control a Realistic Pro-2006 
   radio frequency scanner.  You can mix search and scan,
   decode various tones, search out the unattended
   frequencies, etc.  Demo only runs 25 minutes.
 152     6/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   German version of the Mark/Space Zmodem tool demo.
 290     6/13/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Calculates, displays and prints a black/white one page 
   astrological chart for anywhere on Earth for just about any
   date.  The demo requires you to install a font before it'll
   print/display properly.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
   4    11/11/92    Text
   PostScript file to generate a maze.  Requires a PostScript printer.
 198     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Commander Set files containing the documentation of all 4th
   Dimension externals written and published by Rene G.A. Ros.
   Includes documentation for:  4D Alert, 4D AmountString,
   4D AmountString 1.1a4, 4D ErrorString, 4D FindFolder,
   4D Gestalt Pro, 4D MountPack, 4D ScreenRes, 4D Speech Pack,
   4D Violate, 4D Volume
  33     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Glossary of acoustics terms in a HyperCard stack.
  23     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Glossary of agriculture and related topics; requires
  18     9/26/93    Text
   The Amiga (ProTracker) module format document.
  26     9/26/93    Text
   Various technical information about the Amiga (ProTracker) modules
   and their format.
 285      9/7/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Contains html files which list the complete Amtrack train
   timetable effective May 31, 1997.

 207      9/7/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   (Formerly IFSPLM): This is a DocMaker format stand-alone
   document containing information about Internet Freeware/Shareware
   Programming Languages for the Macintosh.

 804      9/23/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Hints, tips, and tidbits about the commercial service America
   8     6/23/95    Text
   Answers to questions that non-members often ask about AOL, including
   how to send email to AOL members.
  15     3/26/95    Text
   Tells AOL users how to download those annoying, split usenet
   binaries.  Different then aolfaq1.txt
  51     7/25/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A listing of applications that support AppleEvents and what events
   they support.  Includes publisher contact information.  This is a
   promo document encouraging the development of AppleEvent-aware
   apps.  Word 4.0 document
   6      3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Details on fixing the erractic on-off behavior for some Apple
   High-Resolution RGB monitors.
  11    12/12/93    Text
   Information relevant to the AV Macs, especially in relation to the
   use and programming of their DSP chip.
  39     3/28/94    Text
   Information relevant to the AV Macs.  This version dated 3/28/94
   4    11/11/92    Text
   PostScript file to generate a maze.  Requires a PostScript printer.
   9    11/21/92    Text
   A detailed explaination of the BinHex 4.0 file format from the
   author of DeHqx.
  67     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An exploration of biotechnology and related topics; 
   requires HyperCard.
   9      7/5/88    Text
   Technical Documentation for BROADCAST

  17      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A SimpleText formatted list of Frequently Asked Questions 
   concerning BulkRate, the offline reader for FirstClass BBS'es.

  18      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A SimpleText formatted list of Frequently Asked Questions
   concerning BulkRate, the offline reader for FirstClass BBS'es.
   This is the German version.
 198     11/7/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PageMaker 4.0 document detailing precautions to take to best avoid
   carpal tunnel syndrome and other stress/fatigue-related injuries.
 110     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Manual documents the new features of the U.S. version of
   CDU 1.05.
   5      6/9/93    Text
   A technique for changing the Centris 610 clock speed.
  15     2/19/93    Text
   A small document discussing technical specs of the Quadra and Centris
   line video hardware.  Author was the designer of said hardware.
  71      5/8/93    Text
   A collection of hints, tips, and advice for the game Civilization.
  70    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Covers all six CW document types, and includes useful tips
   and ResEdit hacks, such as changing the default font and
   measurement; new HTML chapter.
  33    10/18/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Tech Notes for Claris Resolve 1.0.  Includes MacWrite II
   docs on how to write Resolve functions in MPW C or Think C.
   1      4/5/95    Text
   Some tips on modifying Mac Classic Analog Boards!
  16     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A miniature oscillator clip and directions showing
   to apply it to enhance the speed of the Duo 210. 
 119      4/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   All of the files that make up the popular and informative
   Clock Chipping Home Page, archived for local access (ie.
   by people without the ability to access them directly) with
   NetScape or Mosaic.
   9    11/21/92    Text
   A general discussion of the file format for Compactor and Compact
   Pro.  Enough to figure out what an archive contains, but not enough
   detail on the actual compression methods for someone to be able to
   decompresss such a file.
   6     11/3/92    Text
   A list of companies providing support on America Online, with
   email addresses.
  20     9/14/94    Text
   Touted as 'the world's greatest file conversion cheat sheet';
   details how to deal with any compression scheme on any platform.
  38     7/25/94    Text
   A compilation of questions frequently raised in the USENET
   newsgroup comp.sys.mac.apps.  Lots of useful, practical advice for
   anyone using a Mac, with information focusing on applications for
   the Mac.  This version dated 7/11/94.
 192     1/28/96    Text
   A compilation of questions frequently raised in the Internet
   newsgroup comp.sys.mac.comm.  Lots of useful, practical advice for
   anyone using modems on a Mac.  This version dated 1/8/96.
  15     7/16/94    Text
   A compilation of questions frequently raised in the USENET
   newsgroup comp.sys.mac.games.  Lots of useful, practical advice for
   Mac game-players.  This version dated 7/11/94.
 100     6/19/94    Text
   A compilation of questions frequently raised on the Usenet
   newsgroup comp.sys.mac.hardware.  Lots of useful and practical
   advice for people who want to know how to maintain the hardware
   that handles the excellent software you can find on the
   archives.  This version dated 6/12/94.
  67      4/9/94    Text
   A compilation of questions frequently raised in all the USENET
   comp.sys.mac.* newsgroups.  Lots of useful, practical advice for
   anyone using a Mac.  This version dated 3/26/94.
  54     7/25/94    Text
   A compilation of questions frequently raised in the USENET
   newsgroup comp.sys.mac.misc.  Lots of useful, practical advice for
   anyone using a Mac, with information focusing on applications for
   the Mac.  This version dated 7/12/93.
  58      4/9/92    Text
   A compilation of questions frequently raised in the Internet
   newsgroup comp.sys.mac.programmer.  Lots of useful, practical
   advice for anyone programming on a Mac. This version dated 2/26/92
  60     2/13/94    Text
   A compilation of questions in general areas that often get asked
   about in the Internet newsgroup comp.sys.mac.programmer.  Lots of
   useful, practical advice for anyone programming on a Mac.  This
   version dated 940213
  40      4/9/94    Text
   A compilation of questions frequently raised in the USENET
   newsgroup comp.sys.mac.system.  Lots of useful, practical advice
   for anyone using a Mac, with information focusing on Macintosh
   System software.  This version dated 3/27/94.
  54     7/25/94    Text
   A compilation of questions frequently raised in the USENET
   newsgroup comp.sys.mac.wanted.  Lots of useful, practical advice
   for anyone buying or selling a Mac, with information focusing on
   transactions over the 'Net.  This version dated 7/14/94.
 106     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Everything needed to be able to contact anyone in the
   104th Congress; latest update 5/21/95.
 102     7/29/88    BinHex4.0
   Documentation for GR/CONTOURS
 116     10/2/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A frequently asked question list from Apple DTS to users of C++
   and Mac App.  Verson 1.0a5 comes in both Microsoft Word and
   MacWrite II formats.
  10     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Microsoft Excel chart showing the maximum video depth for different
   amounts of VRAM and different monitor sizes on all Macs with VRAM.
   9      9/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An Excel chart of all Macintosh models ever and the SIMM combinations for 
   up to 20MB RAM. The chart also lists the number of banks, slots, SIMM 
   speeds, and SIMM types for each computer.
 954    12/23/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Explains the Internet, the resources that can be found on it (and the
   ones that are necessary to access it), and its accompanying tools that
   access various topics, from SuperComputing, to MultiMedia to Cooking.
   Has a list of Internet resources and ways to access them listed by state.
  11    11/20/93    Text
   Instructions on how to change the speed of your mac by changing the
   clock speed of the timing crystal.
  13     2/12/94    Text
   Information about getting Cyrillic fonts for the Mac and other
   Cyrillic- and Russian- related Mac info.
  12    11/21/92    Text
   A summary of how to refill Deskwriter or DeskJet ink cartridges.
  18    12/19/88    BinHex4.0
   Documentation for DigSim 2.8
   3     8/17/91    BinHex4.0
   How to fix your Dove PrintFax Chooser extension to work correctly
   under System 7.
   3      8/1/90    BinHex4.0
   A Microsoft Word document that has, imbedded in it's header for
   you to cut & paste to other documents, a set of postscript
   commands that will print out the opaque word "DRAFT" on pages
   coming out of LaserWriters
  10    11/17/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Another way of increasing the clock speed of a Duo.
   In MacWrite II format.
  17     8/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Instructions on how to change the speed of your Powerbook Duo by 
   changing the clock speed of the timing crystal.
  95     7/16/94    Text
   A compilation of questions frequently raised about Powerbook Duos.
   This version dated 7/9/94.
  11    12/20/92    Text
   Minimum requirements for creating a DXF File of a 3D model.  DXF is
   possibly the most widespread exchange format in use by CAD packages
   on small computer systems.
  29      6/1/97    Text
   MacPPP2.2.0a & MacTCP configuration guide in  ASCII text
   format; revised for easier read-ability.
  86     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   English manual for /mac/util/text/editseven
  12    10/31/92    Text
   How to send mail to and from 21 email networks, with instructions
   for how to translate user names into functional mail addresses.
  52      3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MS Word doc detailing Enigma 2.5's features.
  32      4/3/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   As a developer, you know how to send the core AppleEvents to
   Microsoft Excel.  This document describes/explains the other
   groovy things you can do with AppleEvents to Excel documents. 
  28     8/19/95    Text
   A long list of mappings from DOS extensions to appropriate
   mac type and creator info.
 268     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   User manual for getting First Class client software running.
 231     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   All you ever wanted to know about FileMaker Pro *PLUS* a
   database for other faqs, as you like; includes a handy-
   dandy Eudora2FMPro script.
   3     2/28/93    Text
   Instructions on how to use ResEdit to modify the System 7.1 Finder
   to have disk sizes given in K not M, eliminate zoomrects, the rename
   delay, the message on when an application is substituted, and the
   "I'll be back" message on unmounting a partition.
 274     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Introductary user documentation in Microsoft Word
   format for First Class Client 2.6.  The actual software
   is located in /mac/util/comm/firstclassclient2.6.cpt.hqx
 218     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Contains searchable, printable, browseable database of FMP
   template sources, both shareware and commercial.
 143     4/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Everything you ever wanted to know about fontographer.
   8     7/21/97    Text

   A chart to keep track of which programs unmangle which formats.

  25     3/21/93    Text
   A long list of tips for FoxBase+/Mac programmers.
 595    1/12/95      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A list of the commands of the Generic (Platform independent) and
   Macintosh-specific versions of FrameMaker 4.x. Converted fromthe
   configuration files contained in ConfigUI, taken from ftp.frame.com.
   Frame 4 and Adobe Acrobat Format.
  20    10/31/92    Text
   A readable tutorial on how to use ftp.
  28     7/31/93    Text
   Technical notes on several common difficulties with FutureBASIC.
   Includes notes #1-#20.
  24      7/3/92    Text
   A compilation of instructions and tips for generating raw
   PostScript files on the Macintosh. Last updated 6/25/92.
 110      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Documents known gestalt selectors. Includes descriptions for
   most. Includes many previously undocumented selectors.
  82     6/30/93    Text
   Information about Compuserve's Graphic Interchange Format 
   extention 89a.
 305    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Documentation for GIFConverter 2.3.7 in PDF (Adobe Acrobat)
   format; includes bookmarks and hypertext.
  24      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Discusses how to have variables attached to a button, shared
   field, or other HyperCard object.
   2      5/2/92    Text
   A file containing information on how to modify Apple's HD SC Setup
   to recognize non-Apple drives.
   See also /mac/misc/documentation/modifyinghdscsetup.txt
  74     5/21/94    Text
   A compiled compendium of Frequently Asked Questions and Tips
   for playing the commercial game:  Hellcats Over The Pacific
   by Graphic Simulations.  Includes info on Leyte Gulf.
  10     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   How to connect non-Apple stereo or CD gear to the Mac's standard
   microphone port.
  15     3/28/94    Text
   A discussion of problems (and their solutions) that frequently
   arise with high-speed modems.
 305    11/21/92    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   A tutorial on how to make some simple modifications to programs
   using ResEdit 2.1.  Includes icon and cursor editing, saving desktop
   comments, and more.  Some topics are System 6-specific.  A good
   general introduction to ResEdit.
  53     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Apple's DOS
   Compatibility Card or Houdini (I).
  17     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Learn how to send a fax from the Internet.
  21      2/21/94    Text
   Some tips on the uses of the popular encryption program MacPGP. 
  12     1/24/95    Text
   Quite detailed instructions for setting up and using TIA, a Unix 
   program which allows TCP/IP access similar to SLIP.
   3     9/30/86    Text
   A description of the BinHex file formats by the author of BinHex,
   Yves Lempereur.
  93    10/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Everything you needed (or wanted) to know about HyperCard
   in stack form.
  25      3/2/93    Text
   Information about a do-it-yourself soldering modification to the
   motherboard of a Macintosh IIsi that increases speeds 25%
  16     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A proposal to standardize the way in which other software can obtain 
   information about software using the Gestalt Manager.
 408      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This Microsoft Word 4.0 formatted document  contains the same info
   as can be found in the HyperCard InitInfo stack, listing conflicts
   between the system and various inits (pd and otherwise)
 115     1/12/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   INSIDE FILEFLEX 1.6 contains complete programming documentation
   about the FileFlex database engine.  FileFlex is an XFCN-based
   relational database that plugs into HyperCard, SuperCard,
   Director, Authorware, and Microphone, among others.
  11     2/19/93    Text
   A short technical discussion on interleaved memory in the Centris 650 and
   Quadra 800, and how it works.
   2     7/21/92    Text
   A listing of the "in" acronyms vital to proper communication on
   the Net.
 112     1/25/95    Text
   A comprehensive list of books about the internet featuring a
   'book of the month' report.
  14     1/21/95    Text
   Frequently asked questions about sending and receiving faxes
   over the internet.

 174     2/4/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Describes the languages which are compilable on the Mac,
   and where to find these free packages; v4.5 updates
   MacMarlais, MacMindy, adds LS Fortran, Media Talk.
  45     4/13/94    Text
   Something of a Meta-FAQ, with general information about zillions of
   neat aspects of the 'Net, with pointers to more in-depth articles.
   6      6/4/95    Text
   Hints and help for InterSLIP users.
 177     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tips for the creation of desktop patterns and ppat resources.
  63     1/14/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Fifty pages of tips and macros for WordPerfect. Some from a
   year's worth of the author's posts on usenet, or from his macro
   tutorial in the WordPerfect Mac News, but many brand new.  Free.
   File written in WordPerfect format.

 208     2/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This SimpleText file tells you how to complete the game "The Journeyman
   Project". Reading it before you win the game will in all
   probability greatly diminish your enjoyment. If you have already
   won, you can see the alternate routes that you could have taken and
   go back and play some scenes over again.
  24      2/5/94    Text
   Software guide to assist parents and teachers in purchasing
   software for childrenin kindergarten through 5th grade.

3724     3/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A DOCMaker version of Kai's Power Tips, which help you to become
   an expert graphical wizard with Photoshop 2.0 or higher.  
   Amaze your friends.  But hurry, because of the HUGE size of this
   file, it's due to be removed from the archive 6/20/96.

 176     3/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The files which came with the original set of Kai's Power Tips,
   which has been re-released in DOCMaker format (and is also
   available from the misc/documentation directory).
  30     1/24/95    Text
   A walk-through of the recently released Sierra adventure game,
   King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride.
  19     7/16/94    Text
   Everything needed to finish every the game Labyrinth of Time.
  20    10/31/92    Text
   A review and comparison of large (19-21") multisync monitors.
  27     5/22/86    Text
   A commented listing of the PostScript instructions and libraries
   contained in the header that is sent to the LaserWriter during
  43     6/14/92    Text
   A summary/review of how to use a Hewlett Packard LaserJet on a
   3     4/26/92    BinHex4.0
   A PostScript utility in MSWord 4.0 format that forces your printer
   to output a sheet showing how many pages it has printed.
  25     5/22/86    Text
   A commented listing of the postscript instructions and libraries
   contained in the "Laser Prep" file that is sent to the LaserWriter
   when the laser printer is first used after power up.
  17    12/11/93    Text
   Make many magnificent modifications to the LaserWriter 8.x driver.
   Make the SETUP button in the Chooser always active, disable the
   AppleTalk requirement (use to only generate PS files), select N-up
   choices from the Print Dialog, modify N-up choices for additional/
   other layouts, disable N-up page borders, modify which fonts are
   included in PS files, disallow printing of multiple copies, avoid
   unnecessary use of the Symbol font for certain symbols
   6     5/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A configuration chart for the various LaserWriter models.listing
   ROM, RAM, Processor/Speed, Page description, PPM, ports, cassette
   capacity, and min engine life.  MacWrite II document.
  78     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Documentation for ScenarioMaker.
  90      1/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A FAQ for the 14.4 Linelink modem you just got from MacWarehouse.
  25     8/28/93    Text
   Intended to address the general confusion concerning liquid crystal
   displays (LCDs) that has arisen recently by explaining the
   technology, operation, and characteristics of these display
  12      5/2/92    Text
   How to build a low-cost LocalTalk-compatible connector.
  14     7/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Illustrated TeachText doc explaining how to connect output of
    _any_ Mac to the telephone, safely and legally,so you can 
   play sounds over a phone line. Includes easy-to-build circuit
   and RadioShack part numbers.
   8     2/12/93    Text
   A preliminary specification of an extension to the MacBinary II
   standard to allow MacBinary to incorporate a directory tree in a way
   similar to a unix tar file.  This is done by an extension to the
   standard (documented seperately).  Extension is implemented by
  22     1/22/94    Text
   A discussion of the whys and hows of swapping the timing crystal in
   your Mac for increased performance.
   14     6/4/92    Text
   Complete listing of Macintosh-related BITNET LISTSERVs, mailing
   lists and newsgroups.
  13     5/22/86    Text
   A list of C definitions and sample code for interpreting the
   contents of a MacDraw file as C data structures.
  57    11/27/95    Text
   Complete listing of everything Macintosh (hardware).  RAM, price,
   names, labels, CPU, motherboards, ports, expansion slots,
   benchmakers, etc.  Even rumored models!
  72      4/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A compendium of many ftp sites with Macintosh software in
   Text format so you can open it with any old word processor
   you want.  Of course, why would you need to go anywhere
   other than mac.archive.umich.edu?
 287     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Description of shareware software for Mac.
  31     7/16/94    Text
   Information about Macintosh Amateur Radio Software.
 143     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Processor, CPU speed, data path speed/size, MIPS rating, math
   coprocessor, memory cache, expansion slots, maximum RAM, SCSI
   transfer rate, video display, maximum color density, maximum watts,
   and date of introduction for all Macs made up to April, 1994.
  30    10/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   You knew that Apple Macintoshes are always better than IBM, but
   you've never been able to argue with authority, right?  This
   document details the differences impartially and lets you decide.
   Now contains more information on the PowerMacs and Pentiums and
   includes the latest on the Mac clones.
  77    11/17/94    Text
   URL's and html documents (for use with Mosaic) of mirrors
   of mac.archive and info-mac archives, as well as other
   ftp sites of interest to mac users.  (See also the various
   mosaic and WWW tools in /mac/util/comm)
  572     7/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This highly interactive and graphical package is designed to
   introduce folks to the Macintosh.  It's a tour of a Macintosh and
   how to use it.
  39     4/13/94    Text
   A compilation of the hidden and not-so-hidden commands and key
   equivalents that release "easter eggs" hidden in Macintosh ROMs
   and other software.
  16     9/26/93    Text
   A list of questions and (often speculative) answers about PowerPC
   and its relation to the Macintosh.
 145    11/23/94    Text
   A compilation of tips, hints, and techniques related to
   screensavers in general and to Berkeley Systems' After Dark
   in particular.

 240     3/3/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A DocMaker standalone document which describes the many(!)
   languages which you can compile with under the Macintosh
   and where on the Internet you can find these packages to use.
   5    11/17/94    Text
   A list of programs and versions whose files can be
   translated between PC and Mac, using MacLinkPlus 8.0.
  40     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A list of MacOS enhancement ideas compiled from market research
   for use to 3rd-party developers looking for another project.
   4    10/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Doc supplement for MacPPP SD version found in the 
   /mac/util/comm directory.
   4     4/25/92    Text
   A compilation of the secret names used during prerelease stages to
   refer to various Apple products. Third revision 16 April 1992
  69     3/15/93    Text
   A long document detailing how to use MacTCP effectively and
   efficiently written by someone who has used it a lot.
 268     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FAQ for Mac users of TIA consisting of html file (which should be 
   read with a WWW browser such as Mosaic), plus a few text and gif 
   8     5/14/93    Text
   Chart of every Mac that ever was (from the Original to the
   Quadra 950) with notes on CPUs, expansion, memory, etc.
 168     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A database of recent updates to Apple software, what they fix,
   where they're available from, etc.
  57     8/15/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Documentation and utilities for getting real black and white video
   signal out of a II's color card.  Requires you to build a cable
   (instructions included).
1412     4/7/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Don't know how those beautiful Mandelbrot Fractals are made?
   This is a Hypercard stack which explains the mathmatics
   and algorithms, the study of fractals and complex numbers, 
   etc.  Due to it's large size, this file is due to be deleted
  8      7/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A summary of all of the possible memory configurations for every
   Macintosh model through the Quadra 900. From Apple, last updated
 178    11/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Schematics for building your own MIDI adapters.
  24      9/6/93    Text
   A short description of some common commercial MIDI software.
   Comments culled from users, product propaganda, and reviews, 
   and where to look for other info.  This version dated 9/5/93.
 169     6/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Instructions for learning how to edit MOD files; MOD file included.
 102    10/31/92    Text
   A guide to the various protocols, manufacturers, and types of
   modems, and what they can be used for.
   3     2/12/93    Text
   How to make Apple's HDSC Setup "brain dead" so that it'll format any
   hard drive.  See also /mac/misc/documentation/hdsetuphack.txt.
   6     5/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Macintosh monitor and video matrix chart listing the various
   Macintosh models and video configurations and what bit depth/number
   of grays or colors possible for each Mac model and each monitor.
   Also lists dot pitch, resolution, power specs, refresh rate and
   other tech goodies, including the part number.
   7    11/23/94    Text
   Instructions for converting Mac QuickTime movies to Windows AVI
   movies and/or movies playable on QuickTime for Windows.
  72     8/10/93    BinHex4.0
   Directions for creating a Finale document for a music insert
   into a MS Word document. Requires MS Word5.0. The techniques
   described require Finale2.6.3 or better and PICT RipperV2.
  30    11/23/94    Text
   Frequently-asked questions and answers about Norton Utilities for
   Macintosh (NUM) 3.1.
 170     3/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Proposal submission templates for people who submit research
   proposals to the National Science Foundation; updated forms are
   current as of 2/94; requires at least MS Word 4.0 and Excel 3.0;
   also includes enhancements and bug fixes.
  34    12/26/94    Text
   A discussion of causes and solutions to telephone line noise.
   Based on data from data from engineers at both Supra & AT&T, and
  32     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Detailed instructions on how to restore OmegaSANE, a set of faster
   math routines, that was present in System 7.0.1 but removed from
   System 7.1.  Microsoft Word format.
  12      4/9/92    Text
   A compilation of information relationg to obtaining and using a
   one-handed keyboard.
 186     6/22/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   A small virtual handbook to writing English.  Click on the
   buttons to display examples and styles for punctuation, 
   grammar, and various categories like how to choose what words.
   8     8/17/93    Text
   I had no idea how to open a Duo until this document.  Step-by-step
   instructions on going through the initially tricky process.
  55     8/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Detailed instructions on how to transform your unused Classic Mac
   (Mac 128 through Classic II) into a fancy fish tank.  As described
   in the 9/92 MacUser.
   4     7/20/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Two PostScript utilities in MSWord 3.0 format: one prints out
   something much like the startup page (with how many pages have
   been printed, which version of PS it is, etc.), the other flips
   between suppresion of the startup test sheet and permission for it
   to print.
  117    2/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This file contains a Word 4.0 and a Text version of Tektronix's
   patent #5,012,334 which they claim is being infringed
   upon by nearly all multimedia software.
  34     9/25/93    Text
   How to use a hex editor to edit your Pathways Into Darkness
   characters   Edit in items, health, position in dungeon,
   proficiency and all.
 337     2/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Complete maps and infor that will help in solving Pathways Into
  16    12/11/93    Text
   A collection of hints, tips, and advice for the game Pathways
   Into Darkness.
  10     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   RTF file describing how to get the most out of your powerbook's
 406     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A compilation of powerbook repairs, upgrades, and installations;
   Adobe Acrobat Reader required to read document.
 256      5/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FAQ covers version 2.51; very comprehensive and knowledgeable.
  52     10/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A set of information  about the printing portion of QuickDraw GX.
  12     6/22/94    BinHex4.0
   Covers platforms, platform standards, and operating systems of the
   various Mac, PC, and UNIX systems on the market; CPUs covered include
   PowerPC, Intel, Sparc, MIPS, HP PA-RISC, and DEC Alpha; corrected to
   include AIX under PowerPC which had been omitted (oops).
  10    11/22/92    Text
   How to take apart your PowerBook 100.  Not for the faint of heart.
  19     4/26/92    Text
   Answers to 13 frequently-asked questions about the  Apple
  30      9/5/92    Text
   A compliation of tips on how to get the most out of your PowerBook
  33     3/23/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A list of commercial software as well as files on mac.archive
   which run natively on PowerMacs, as of December 1994.
  72    8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two maps, in EPS format, of the hierarchical relationship of the 
   Metrowerks PowerPlant classes.
  56    3/23/95    BinHex4.0
   Great report on the effects of VM (Apple and RAMDoubler) and
   caches on PMac performance.  MS Word 5.1a format.
  28     7/16/94    Text
   A detailed walkthrough for the game, Prince of Persia 2.  Details
   where you go and where the potions are, etc.; tells the alternate
   routes through the levels; gives general strategies for killing the
   various monsters; and tells how to cheat, if you are so inclined.
   4    10/13/92    Text
   PostScript file to generate a maze.  Requires a PostScript printer.
  20     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of useful PostScript code.  Generate gradient fills.
   Date-, name-, and time-stamp print jobs.  Print a fractal fern.
   Print a keyboard layout of a downloaded font.  Get a set of stats
   from the printer.  Generate a gray scale.  Generate a fractal tree.
   Do some other neat text effects.
  66     6/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Performance curves generated from 25 to 36 MHz based on benchmarks
   run on a Quadra 700 with the Variable Speed Overdrive, having
   placed pin sockets for the 50 MHz crystal.
  23      6/9/93    Text
   A technique for changing the Quadra 700 clock speed. Includes
   cooling fan installation, custom speed oscillators, thermal data,
   caveats regarding socket pins, and performance data.
  24     7/25/92    Text
   A technical overview of the built-in video capabilities of the
   Quadra 700 and 900, written by the designer himself.
   3     8/22/94    Text
   Information on how to patch Quick-GIF 1.0 so it will view Gif89a 
   type gifs.
   4     7/16/94    Text
   How to make the row of function keys on your 500-series PowerBook
   serve as PageUp, PageDown, Home, End, and Forward Delete.
   4      9/5/93    Text
   ResEdit hacks so that when you try to save a file over an existing
   file, the dialog asking "Replace Existing <filename>?" defaults to
   "OK" instead of "Cancel".
 126      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Five ResEdit projects w/ step-by-step instructions and sample
   resources to illustrate each tip: 1. make 16-x-16-, 32-x-32-, and
   64-x-64-pixel desktop patterns. 2. Create startup screens of any
   size or color 3. add  icons to files; touch up icons 4. add color
   startup  icons to old INITs so you have something to look at
   during startup 5. use TMPLs to edit new resource types.
  11    12/20/92    Text
   A list of RGB values for many standard color names.
  29    12/12/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Specifications for Microsoft's Rich Text Format for document
  20    11/11/92    Text
   Meanings of the cryptic hexadecimal "Sad Mac" system error codes.
  12     3/27/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Word document showing what the various "sad" mac codes mean.
  78     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Documentation for ScenarioMaker.
  17      2/5/94    Text
   How to build a case to hold multiple internal SCSI devices using a
   PC case. The cost is around $100 and can hold 4 or more devices.
  15     5/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An in-depth discussion of SCSI termination issues, from MicroNet.
  10     4/26/92    Text
   Documention and wiring schematics regarding the  serial ports
   (both mini-DIN-8 and DB-9) and how to do your own wiring.
  14    11/11/92    Text
   Detailed instructions on how to display images created on a Silicon
   Graphics Workstation of a Macintosh computer.
  85     2/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Looking for a new job?  Been so long that you've forgotten
   how to put togther a good resume?  This little document
   contains the common sense (and some samples) on how to
   throw together a resume.
  41      6/7/88    BinHex4.0
   MacWrite documentation describing the operations of all the
   StuffIt Utilities: Auto UnStuffIt, StuffIt1.51 Viewer DA,
   UnStuffIt DA, and the SFVol INIT.
  15     3/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Documentation for /mac/sound/midi/smfutil1.0b8.hqx
  11    11/11/92    Text
   "Translate" all manner of smilies into English :-) ;-) :->.
 170    11/11/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Documentation for the multimedia authoring tool SODAColor located in
  11     3/21/93    Text
   Information on how to get a free replacement hard drive from Apple
   if your old 20 or 40 megabyte Sony drive gets stiction problems.
  94     5/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Information files on how to build your own device to input sounds
   to the Mac.  Includes software (with source) to test your finished
 193     4/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Lists all episodes from the original series, animated series, motion
   pictures, Next Generation, and Deep Space 9.  Includes air dates, 
   star date, epsisode name, etc.
   8    10/30/93    Text
   Frequently-asked-questions on how to get startup sceens and desktop
   pictures to work properly.
   7      7/3/92    Text
   In-depth directions on how to refill StyleWriter  cartridges to
   save money.  Version 2
  12      5/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Manual for the game Susan; includes an introduction to the game
   plus basic and intermediate strategy tips.
   2    11/11/92    Text
   Interpretation of the blinking-light error codes used by Syquests.
  57     8/21/93    Text
   A list of bugs in Symantec's THINK C, THINK C++ and THINK C
   Libraries version 6.0.
 102      2/5/92    Text
   Everything you wanted to know about Modems.  Formats, high-speed
   modems, modems of the present, modems of the future, settings,
  11     8/22/85    Text
   Describes the source code for Textform.

 454     2/4/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Trouble-shooting book for Mac novices.
  24    10/31/92    Text
   A thorough guide to thirteen-inch monitors, with a lot of extra
   detail including pinouts, etc.
 296     7/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   In-depth descriptions to the TIFF format used by many graphics
   applications.  This huge PostScript document is mainly useful
   for developers.
  13     9/26/93    Text
   How turning Macs on and off affects computer lifetime.
  49     1/17/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Pointers on how to improve the performance of Total Systems'
   accelerator products.
  20     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Detailed instructions on how to connect your modem to the phone
   system in many different countries.
 272     2/26/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A compilation of 7,671 types and creator codes for Macintosh
   apps and files.
  55     3/25/95    Text
   List of many Internet related books.  Most of the books are
   of the "scholarly" nature,  Very good if you want to know
   all the history and technology that makes the net work!
 416     11/5/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Huge huge huge huge (i.e. big) resource used by Macintosh
   developers all over the world, this is volume one of the collected
   wisdom (and code) of programmers from the comp.sys.mac.programmers
   usenet group.  In Microsoft Word format.  Slightly revised (mainly
   just contact information) in 11/92.
 344    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Get the info you need to make informed decisions about when you want
   to use the Japanese language on your Mac. Very comprehensive guide.
 317      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Approximately 1200 verified vendor contact numbers.
 102    11/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A compilation of email addresses, fax, and bulletin board numbers
   for over 250 Macintosh companies.  In Microsoft Word, Microsoft
   Excel, and tab-delimited formats.
  511     2/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A pocket reference guide to commands for the UNIX editor vi.
   6     6/13/88    Text
   Escape sequences for VT100 PF Keys.
   8      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Electronics plans to build a wireless mouse for use with a WACOM's
   wireless, batteryless ART/Z digitizing board.
  88      9/6/95    Text

   Frequently Asked Questions file for Microsoft word 6.0 and up.

  56     6/22/95    Text
   A walkthrough for the game Worlds of Xeen.  Includes
   general hints and Quest info.

This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.

If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write

 580     2/4/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A spelling assistant in flashcard form; in full version,
   unlimited number of question/answer lists, allows multiple
   correct answers, scores on number and %age correct; optional
   Spanish, Cyrillic, Russian vocabularies; requires 1Mb RAM,
   1Mb disk space; demo doesn't allow editing.

  33     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Glossary of acoustics terms in a HyperCard stack.
  23     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Glossary of agriculture and related topics; requires
  91     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An exploration of algae and related topics; requires
 416     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An exploration of anthropology and related topics;
   requires HyperCard.
 180     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An exploration of archaeology and related topics; easy to read
   and an excellent review;  requires HyperCard.

 238     6/16/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A collection of quotations by/about Archimedes; requires
   a color monitor and the System Symbol font.
 397     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An exploration of biology and related topics; looks like a
   great stack for a high school student or for college review;
   requires HyperCard.
 308     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An exploration of birds and related topics; no pictures
   or illos, but good notes for a beginner birder; requires
  48     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50

   A little NoteBook app which promotes writing... it prompts the
   user with a question (e.g. "What would you do if you were your 
   teacher?") and then you have to finish with an essay.
 426      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Contains a vast amount of notes, articles, inductions,
   to teach self-hypnosis for therapy, self-help, etc.
 518    10/29/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50

   Great resource for teaching pioneer activities; students may
   write, answer, edit, complete, and save activities on the
   computer; contains 8 sub-indices, each with 2 activities;
   full version has over 50 activities.

 704     2/26/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50

   Five games for young children under one application:  WordSpell
   (drag letters from a grid and the computer will speak the word),
   ColorShapes (create pictures from various colored shapes),
   MosaicPatterns, Five-in-a-Row and PlayNotes.
 112     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Part of an insturctional package designed for use in an 
   introductory, college-level economics course.  Included
   read-me files explains how to evaluate the program and
   where to get the full documentation from.

 743    12/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MacEmatics is a Macintosh education program designed to teach basic 
   mathematics skills to children in grades K-6. The program is also 
   highly useful for evaluations of basic math skills in any non-school 
1008     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MacFlash is a flashcard editor and a quizzer for the Macintosh.
   It features two programs, an editor and a quizzer.  Decks created by
   MacFlash feature multiple cards types, including plain text 
   (your normal question and answer types), a multiple choice card, 
   a picture card, and a multiple answer card.  Fat Binary.

  62      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Rates user's memory on a 0-100 scale, offers suggestions
   for improvement; helpful for students.

 196      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Helps with designing safe, stable rockets; easy
   enough for grade school kids to use when learning
   about propulsion and stability; cool!

 277    1/14/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Program for kids 3 to 5 years of age. It offers a computer
   environment for selecting colors, shapes, numbers and letters;
   while at the same time introduces kids to the Macintosh and helps
   them develop point and click skills.

 128    10/1/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Get to know something more about Portugal.  This program includes
   printing capabilities.

 165      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Manipulate two-dimensional figures around by dragging
   their skeletons; the skins of the figures bend and twist
   automatically to keep up with the skeleton; set up
   very simple animations; requires PowerPC.
 660    12/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scholastic Challenge is a shareware SuperCard Standalone application 
   that provides educators with a fun, interactive quiz game similar
   to Je*pardy.

 3197    8/26/03    BinHex4.0,StuffIt5.0

   Create differently styled flashcards (fill-in-the-blank,
   multiple choice, true-false, etc) with multimedia and varying 
   degrees of difficulty.  This Carbonized app works in English and Spanish.
   Very thorough user manual included. 

 278     1/10/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Demo version of a program which allows one to administer a
   multiple-choice test using a computer. Determines percentages, etc
  91     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An exploration of viruses and related topics (biological,
   not computer viruses); requires HyperCard.
3146     2/12/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.51
   Animals, birds, amphibians, insects from Texas; great
   for elementary school biology; requires HyperStudio;
   due to size limitations, archive may be removed 4/1/96.

This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  87     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Complete text of Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Errors", arranged,
   formatted with glossary and other features; requires HyperCard 2.x.
 144     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Stack contains the complete text of Shakespeare's Coriolanus.
 122      1/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Archive file of "Henry VI, Part I".
 134      1/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Archive file of "Henry VI, PartII".
 129     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   The complete text of Shakespeare's Henry VIII.
 451      2/5/96        BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   Volume 1 includes A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like
   It, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Romeo and Juliet, 
   MacBeth, King Lear, King Henry IV, parts 1&2, King
   Richard III, Venus and Adonis, the Sonnets 1-154, and
   The Rape of Lucrece; includes option for notes, 
   text search, bookmarker, and more; requires HyperCard.
 134    3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The William Shakespeare play by the same name in hypercard

  92      2/5/96        BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Complete text of Shakespeare's Two Gentlemen of Verona in
   HyperCard format.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 499     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Truly exceptional phonics program; allows user/teacher
   to build word lists via text and sound, and initial,
   final and middle sounds; saves and loads last-used word
   list on startup; requires the Sound Manager, 2-3MB RAM,
   and a Mac with recording capabilities.
  72     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Learn Spanish grammar.  Requires HyperCard.
 238     4/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   About one thousand Spanish words with English translations.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 755     9/21/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Cyrillic Quiz is a version of Academic Quiz specially tailored
   for teaching the Russian language. It comes with a standard
   Macintosh Cyrillic font (Latinski) already installed. It will work
   with any Russian keyboard layout but will function without that
   software by allowing the user to write Cyrillic answers by hand and
   compare them to the correct answers.

1772     7/23/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Contains a few interactive lessons of English. Written for native
   speakers of Polish but can be easily adapted for other languages.
   Requires 'Language Toolkit Reader' program version 1.2 or higher
   which is availabe form Info-Mac mirrors.

 452    11/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Flash card program for learning foreign languages.  Comes with
   databases for German, Spanish, French, Greek (including PostScript
   font), and Hebrew (including bitmap font).
 708      7/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Special version of Word Translator which includes English to
   French and French to English bilingual dictionaries; requires
   System 7.x.
 768     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Type in an English word and it'll translate it to German.
   And vice versa.  How convienent.  

  92     2/23/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Resources (cdev, inits, ResEdit templates) that allow users of
   KanjiTalk (the Japanese operating system) to install System 7.0 on
   their machines. The manual is in Japanese, btw.
 358     4/7/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This language kit provides you with everything you need to
   use Korean on your Macintosh. Simply pull down the
   keyboards menu, choose your favorate keyboard, and begin
   typing with Han fonts.
  24     8/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Type short pieces of text from right-to-left.  Useful for Hebrew,
   Arabic, and some other language fonts.  Especially designed for
   use with the Shalom fonts stored on mac.archive as
 440    3/7/95      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Irish Accessories is a seamless set of accessories that effectively
   transform your Macintosh into an Irish keyboard, with appropriate fonts,
   currency, date, fadas, etc..
 891    11/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Study system for students of Japanese, specifically designed to
   improve the effectiveness of learning vocabulary and Kanji.  Also
   serves as a dictionary, aids students in correct grammar, and
   assists teachers in arranging and controlling course content.
 372      2/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An introduction to the Mohawk language.  Click on various parts of
   David's head and he'll say them to you in English and his native
1909     1/6/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Leger is a text editor for large files integrated with a hypertext 
   English <-> German dictionary. It  can utilize the Apple PlainTalk*  
 144     5/22/86    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Hebrew word processing DA and font.
 202      8/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A lookup program for Jim Breen's Japanese-English and Kanji
   dictionaries available at monu6.cc.monash.edu.au.  Requires
   KanjiTalk, or System 7.1 with the appropriate Japanese modules.
  36     12/5/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Converts Japanese Kanji codes to/from Shift-JIS, JIS and EUC
   formats.  Also can use Mac, Dos or unix formatted text.  If you
   can't read Japanese, it's probably not very useful.  V. 0.93.
2586     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   Displays Kanji on any Mac, but needs Japanese system
   software for input of new Kanji words which are all
   pronounced during practice; v1.02 fixes problems with
   crashes on newer Macs; requires at leasst 68020, will
   run on PowerMac but isn't native.
 465      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Design and implement personalized activities and
   interactive drills for any language.

  64    3/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A classic Modern Greek text (the introduction to the first
   edition (1859) of Dionysios Solomos'. Word 5.1a format, in
   Ismini (Greek), Symbol, Times family and Garamond family
   (Latin) fonts
   5     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Corrections to typographical errors in
1766     4/17/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Arabic text and translations (M. Pickthal, Y Ali) of Quran from the
   Islamic Computing Center, London.  Converted to Macintosh format,
   so that the Arabic can be read along with the translation (under
   System 7.x, with Arabic resources).
  38     5/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Tests your Spanish skills by asking you to translate words.

 720     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A billingual word translator.  Type in an English word and
   it'll spit back the Spanish equivalent(s).  And vice versa.
 695     2/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Learn the Thai numbering system, and how to pronounce it.
1352     2/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Learn the Thai alphabet, and how to pronounce it.

4540     7/29/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Program for editing Chinese, Japanese and Korean text.  Has built-in
   font and input support for double byte languages.  Shareware $20
1316     7/17/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Allows for spell checking in multiple langages using
   databases also found in mac.archive or elsewhere on
   the Internet (e.g. Polish, Italian, Russian, Swiss & German,
   Modern Greek, English, etc), or the databases you
   created in the "verbsandnouns" application program.

 960     7/17/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Helps you to learn inflection patterns of words by creating a 
   database of verbs or nouns in a foreign language.  Pretty well
   polished, but only lets you do 55 words until you pay the 
   shareware fee.

  28    10/16/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Flashcard-style learning utility for foreign words. Features
   search and comparisons.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 410     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A set of eight HyperCard stacks about how Indo-European languages
   have changed over time.  Requires HyperCard and MacInTalk.
 363      2/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This program will create by-character or by-word concordances for
   any text you feed it.  Searching, sorting, and other capabilities
   Yow!  Well done.
 478     3/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Categorial Grammar Laboratory.  This is a fully functional demo 
   version of a program for writing and testing grammars.
 495     3/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Definite Clause Grammar Laboratory.  This is a fully functional demo
   version of a program for writing and testing grammars.
 864     12/18/91   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This stack is an introduction to "Esperanto", a "universal"
   language designed by a linguist to be used as a second language.
   The stack contains a lot of information, including a full
   alphabet, example sentences/transactions. it talks as well.
   Also called "Esperanto KL" and "hiperkarto-stako".  Requires
 556     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   "A brief, but complete introduction to the grammar and vocabulary of
   the international language Esperanto."  Will talk if MacinTalk is
   available.  Requires HyperCard.
  60    12/23/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Fixed Fatuous Frases, which may be combined to generate a large
   number of sentences that seem to hover at the verge of meaningful-
   ness, without ever quite making sense.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  60     8/15/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Interactive hypertext tutorial on Greek verb cases.
 131     4/13/92    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   A morphological parser that processes text. Intended to be used
   with PC-KIMMO (though it is a stand-alone program).
  60     1/27/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Catalog of LSA members with email addresses, software used and
   software desired by each.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 414      2/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create and maintain a lexicon.  Many bug fixes from previous
  18     8/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Strings together sentence parts to form funny and sometimes
   nonsensical sentences.

 187     4/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Store data on linguistic variation, tabulate it in various ways,
   and perform a variable rule analysis using a version of Sankoff &
   Rousseau's Varbrul2S program.
 500    3/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Linguistics program to computerize grammar rules.
 339     5/22/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   PC-KIMMO is a program for doing computational phonology and
   morphology.  It is typically used to build morphological parsers
   for natural language processing systems.  See also ktext.
 470     12/17/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Phrase Structure Grammar Laboratory.  This is a fully functional demo
   version of a program for writing and testing grammars.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  53      6/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Get an intuitive feel for chaos on the real line.  Requires an FPU.

   9      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Like the game show, choose one of three doors; what are
   the odds of choosing the 'best' one, what's the best
   strategy? What are the probabilities of trading for the
   "right" door? Requires HyperCard or HyperCard Player.
  35      9/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Interconvert between Roman, Decimal, and Hexadecimal notations.
 640     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Randomly generate basic facts worksheets and answer keys for
   addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  98    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Teach the multiplication tables by not only asking the standard
   questions, but by also illustrating what the tables are doing.
  27      9/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Yet another life simulator.
   Life: a simulation, where based on certain rules about it's
   neighbhor, an object will change it's status.
  99     11/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An application that demonstrates the period doubling route to
   chaotic behavior.  A manual explaining what it going on, along 
   with things to do, is included.  Source code is included.

  83      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A four-way calculator that can operate in a standard or RPN entry
   mode.  Scientific: logarithmic and trigonometric functions;
   Complex: complex number mathematics; Financial: statistic and
   interest rate calculations; Conversions: from one unit measure to
 104    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Does integer arithmetic calculations and converts integer values
   to different bases between 2 and 32 (decimal, hexadecimal, binary,
   octal) or to an OSType (a sequence of four ASCII characters);
   requires System 7.
  64     2/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Fat App which calculates pi using
   pi/4 = 6 tan-1(1/8) + 2 tan-1(1/57) + tan-1(1/239)
   tan-1(x) = x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + ...
   Not too hot of an interface tho (just a console window), 
   but definitely pretty quick.  
  62     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Graphing calculator has 25 built in functions; graphs up to 5
   functions at a time, more.
  31     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Plot the chaotic behavior of a damped, driven anharmonic
 374    10/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A chi square calculator for up to 4 degrees of freedom (up to 2 x 5
   contingency tables).  Results include the partial chi squares and
   the observed and expected frequencies. 
 611      9/4/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Tutorials on Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, and
   Differential Equations.
  43     2/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Take a real number between 0 and 5 and output the percentile of
   that number from the cumulative normal distribution.
  45     11/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A handy program for exploring the dynamics of x squared, and a
   good learning tool for those just learning about chaos.  Draws 
   an orbit diagram and does graphical analysis.  Easy to use interface.  
   Requires System 7.  Fat Binary.
 976     6/19/01    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   This app allows you to explore multivariate data.  You can display
   data in parallel coordinate chart, where each data variable is
   represented by a vertical axis and each data point is represented
   by a trace drawn across all the axes.  You can do animation over
   axis values, find traces by name or ID, select traces, change
   the shade of the traces and export the image to a picture file,
   among many other features.

 308     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A tool for preparing raw data (repeated measures/within subjects)
   for statistical analysis; sorts data into appropriate conditions,
   incorporating several methods to remove outliers from any text file.
 352      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Analyzes Generalized Linear Models with spreadsheet style data
   entry, online help, example data files, Scatter and Residual
   plots; offers many features, though not as many as with GLIM.
 204     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   GPower performs high-precision statistical power analyses for 
   the most common statistical tests in behavioral research, that is, 
   t-, F-, and Chi2-tests.
 336     4/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Graf 2 is a scientific X-Y plotting and simple model
   fitting application.  It  features a fully parametric
   plotting engine that interprets TEXT data files that can
   be in fairly free form. 
  19      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert between Base 16 and Base 10 integers.
  44     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Helps w/ learning Hex multiplication and addition.  FAT.
 289     5/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple program which draws a four-dimensional "hypercube" for
   viewing from three-dimensional and four-dimensional viewpoints;
   nifty additional features (stereo and "3d" (two-colored) displays);
   requires 68020+ and an FPU (for the heavy-duty math involved).
  11     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Plot functions.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  39     5/10/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   View five different mathematical shapes (tetrahedral, pyramid,
   prism, etc.) in "3D" from a variety of perspectives (the xy axis,
   or 6 "slices"/axes, up to 25 little windows!).
  40     4/15/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator with a very small
   7      2/6/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Determine linear regressions and several other statistical terms.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  47      5/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Calculate the slope, intercept, their errors, and the correlation
   coefficient for a series of x,y data (y = mx + b).
  93     7/27/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Designed for use with the GraphMu package, allows one to compute
   distance and hierarchy.  Makes a dendogram and does inertia
   analysis.  Can create a cluster diagram, and perform computation
   of distances: Euclidean, Chi-2 and Jaccard's index.
1760     8/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 
   A collection of fact controlled addition and subtraction
   "assignments" developed for LD and SEH students.  It is a remedial, 
   "ground-up" reteach of addition and subtraction.  Requires
   ClarisWorks 2.1 or better.

1348     8/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A sequential, ground up, approach to multiplication with fact support 
   in the form of "fact bars" included on the first 3-4 pages of each 
   new fact group.  Periodic review is integrated into the program.
   Requires ClarisWorks 2.1 or better.
  28      2/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Click on a square and then click on a square one away from it
   diagonally, horizontally or vertically.  If the square hopped over
   is a factor of the first square, the number is factored out of
   the first square and the remaining value is multiplied with the
   destination square.  The idea being to get all the squares
   factored down to one.
 179      8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Scientific calculator with live scratchpad interface.  Can plug
   values into formulas for "what if" calculating.  Can also: plot
   functions and data; display arrays as images; perform vector and
   matrix operations, linear equation solving, curve fitting, linear
 119      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Grade-school-level addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
   division drills.
  13     1/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Tutor students in long division.  Minimal interface.
  45    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Designed to help elementary school teachers and parents create
   worksheets of equasions with blank spaces in them to be filled
   out by the student.
  60   10/4/95      BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Will do 1 of 2 transformations to matrices, then store the output
   to a file.  Very non-mac and non-intuitive interface (console

  35     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Simple matrix manipulator intended for use in Linear Algebra
   courses.  Handles tasks such as determinants, transpose,
   inverse, matrix of cofactors, adjoint matrix, etc.
  28     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Find any root of any number.
  80     2/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Yes, now YOU can have the same awesome mathmatical accuracy Pentium(tm)
   processors are known!  Requires a sense of humor.
  32     3/16/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Simple 2D plotting package.  It reads the values from a file and
   then immediately displays them.   
 103     3/18/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   "Create and Shape 2D/3D Graphs, Text and Graphics.  Do Function
   Plots, Simulations, Collect and Analyze Real Data."  Yucky modal
   9     3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Figures out powers of numbers in different based.  That's it!
  39    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Calculate the probability of obtaining a value from a Normal,
   Students t, Chi-Square, F, or binomial distribution that is as
   extreme or more extreme than the value entered by the user.
 261      7/27/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A quick and functional plotting program.  Takes data in ASCII
   format and creates a plot.

  39     9/11/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Find integer quotient approximations from any entered real number.
   You tell it 1.414, it tells you the square root of 2.
 558      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A fully-functioning statistics program written for grade school
   students studying statistics. Advanced routines are also adequate
   for most college users.  Includes graphing facilities for
   scatterplots, histograms, boxplots, stem and leaf diagrams, and pie
   charts, as well as probability tables (normal, inverse normal,
   t- and F-distribution, chi-square distribution) and more.
 268      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Generate spiral designs and angular patterns based on numbers
   selected by the user.  Requires Microsoft Excel 4.0.
  29     5/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Find the square root of any positive or negative integer, in either
   radical form or in a decimal approximation.  Doesn't work too well 
   for numbers larger than +/- 2^15.
  80      9/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display the dynamics of several "area preserving" mappings.  Will
   also find periodic orbits, cantori, and stable and unstable
   manifolds of any periodic orbit. 
153      3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Basically a statistics program.  Can make your own macros, etc.
  62      2/6/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display scientific data obtained from ternary systems i.e. a
   measured value is a function of three values not the usual two,
   subject to the constraint that the total  combination of the three
   variables add to 100%.  Very powerful.  Requires Color QuickDraw.

 423    12/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Given a graph - a bunch of nodes and edges that is -
   TimGA tries to draw it as "nicely" as possible by
   minimizing edge crossings among other things. The key
   feature of TimGA is its use of a genetic algorithm (GA).
  16     6/29/89    BinHex4.0
   A program that visually explores various tilings of a  plane.
  40      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Solves any SAA, SSA, SSS, SSA, ASA, SAS triangles;
   requires Microsoft Excel 4.0 or later, or a program
   which converts Excel documents.
 166    10/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A general-purpose program for playing with mathematical functions.
   Has many features, but is not meant for use in scientific analysis
   or for making presentation-type graphs and charts.
 688     7/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Documentation for yorick.  A mix of postscript and TeX files.

 334     7/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Mac version of the Unix yorick for analyzing numerical data.
   Uses a command line interface, manipulates arrays easily,
   imports/exports data in column format, has 2d drawing/graphing
   capability.  These are the data files only.  The programs are
   yorickfpu, yoricknofpu, or yorickppc, depending upon which Mac
   you use.

1025      9/3/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Mac version of the Unix yorick for analyzing numerical data.
   Uses a command line interface, manipulates arrays easily,
   imports/exports data in column format, has 2d drawing/graphing
   capability.  Requires FPU.  Needs yorickfiles.hqx.
 445     7/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A port of the Unix program gist, for printing macyorick graphics
   files from a mac.

1054      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Mac version of the Unix yorick for analyzing numerical data.
   Uses a command line interface, manipulates arrays easily,
   imports/exports data in column format, has 2d drawing/graphing
   capability.  For macs without an FPU.
1063      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Mac version of the Unix yorick for analyzing numerical data.
   Uses a command line interface, manipulates arrays easily,
   imports/exports data in column format, has 2d drawing/graphing
   capability.  For PowerMacs.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
Questions, problems, and comments specifically regarding the medical
archive should be sent to med.archivist@umich.edu.
 348     8/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Program for drawing plasmid and other genetic maps. Uses a
   user defined coordinate system.  A sequence can be associated
   with a map for the purpose of automatically drawing restriction
   enzyme sites.  Fat Binary for PowerMacs.  Shareware, $40.

 143     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Tutorial on chest xrays by a radiologist.

 474      4/9/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   This is a program designed to "play" disc-based sound, PICT and
   movie files in the order, timing and duration specified by a simple
   script (which the user creates). It was originally written for
   psychological/functional neuroimaging presentation of stimuli. This
   archive contains a fully working demonstration version whose only
   limitation is a time-limit (5-10 minutes or so).  Version 2.19 is
   a substantial re-write with several new features.  Fat Binary.

  49      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   50 structure subset of STEROIDS, a HyperCard structural
   database stack of more than 650 steroids; organized to
   emphasize structural similarities.
   8     02/06/93   BinHex4.0
   Drawing of the abdomen from T12 to the femoral heads showing the
   basic bony structure, aorta, bifurcation into the femoral arteries,
   and the major branches. Compuserve Graphics Interchange Format
   (GIF). Color.
 418     1/13/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A tutorial that explains the transmission of HIV and the
   progression of HIV to AIDS.  Intended for laypeople.  Statistics
   local to Canada.
  16      6/28/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   B&W MacPaint drawings of the 12 cranial nerves seen from three
   different sections.
 336      5/30/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Black and white line art of histological sections including bone,
   eye, GI, golgi, juxtaglomerular, meninges, etc.  MacPaint format.
  32      5/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Black and white line art of hospital symbols in MacPaint format.
  73      5/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Black and white line art anatomy of the torso. 4 views.
 221      5/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Twelve black and white illustrations of the upper extremity.
 130      5/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Icons for medicine and bioscience from Yale University,
   School of Medicine. HyperCard stack allows you to edit and
   transfer icons to other stacks.
 831      4/21/93   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Functional demo of cardiovascular, muscular, and skeletal
   systems. Very nice B&W artwork, however, this stack will not run
   properly with HyperCard 2.0.
1813     5/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Interactive demo of coursewares in Dentistry from the University
   Montreal School of Dentistry. Includes Anatomy and Anaesthesia of
   the Mandibular nerve.  Requires 8bit color, a 13" monitor, and at
   least 5 meg of RAM.
 754       8/12/94  BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   HyperCard demo - the Christine Brennan Case. Very well designed.
 489      4/21/93   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Demos of fundamentals of human embryology, functional anatomy
   of the orbit, and the ear - an audiovisual tour.
 2970     5/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Demo of Harvard Medical School's HST Cardiac Arrythmia tutor.
   Includes review and problem sets in ladder diagrams, intro to
   ECG analysis, and ectopic beats and rhythms. Full version also
   includes escape beats and rhythms, and heart blocks. Sounds and
 980       5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Demo of the Iliad information system. Useful even if you've used
   ILIAD before because it explains many of the features.
 183       5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Information search and retrieval front end for the CD-ROM version
   of medline
 630      5/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Teaches Anatomy, lung sounds, physical exam and abnormalities.
1518      6/17/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Demo of 'An Atlas of Neurologic Illness' -contains only the section 
   on Traumatic Brain Injury. Introductory atlas for medical and other 
   health professions students. Requires COLOR. Does not behave nicely
   if HyperCard is running with less than the suggested memory allocation.
2071     4/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   NeuroLab is a neural network ilibrary for Extend (graphical icon-based 
   simulation program) and is a powerful and effective tool for 
   understanding, designing and simulating artificial neural network 
   systems.  Extend demo is also included and they must run together.
 170      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Program to teach the fundamentals of pharmacology. Includes
   mechanism, class, target, therapeutic uses, adverse
   reactions, and kinetics of many common drugs. Includes diagrams
   and a charting tool.
 170      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Shows how the StakAuthor works to create interactive
   videodisc lessons with the Slice of Life laserdisc.
 949      5/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A CD ROM medical information retrieval system.
 336      5/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Excellent primer of neurophthalmology. Includes CN VI palsy,
   nystagmus, Marcus-Gunn pupil and others. For diagnostic purposes
   you can use lights or drugs. Includes anatomy. Full version also
   includes cases.
3509    12/23/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A very brightly colored, nicely done asthma education program.
   Requires a 13" monitor and is somewhat memory hungry. Nice
   performance on a Q950, so-so on a IIsi.
 203    12/28/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A animated, HyperCard-like first lesson in reading EKG waves.
   Lesson 1 - wave identification.
 233     1/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Second lesson of the EKG reading instruction program. Teaches rate
   calculation and criteria for sinus bradycardia and tachycardia.
 35      3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Teach students how to read electrocardiograms.
 16      5/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Drugs for Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Contains 20 drugs
   with brand and generic nams, indications, method of actions,
   dosage, and precautions.
  48      4/28/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A stack containing a pretty morbid looking clock listing the AIDS
   mortality figures along with the time.
 700      4/21/93   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A photographic album of AIDS issues. Well documents and
   credited. B&W.
 279      2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Information on the Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome. Well
   designed. Useful for disseminating information to patients.
 135     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   For alcohol counselors and other health care professionals who
   need to know about Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome.
  24       4/8/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Nerve stimulation simulator. A trial version of a simulated laboratory
   based on responses of a nerve to variations in stimulus duration and
  184      4/8/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A front-end interface for medical hypercard stacks. Nice graphics,
   with button links that can be customized.
 169      6/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Educational software that explores the subject of the Brain;
   demo has truncated text and no graphics; requires Hypercard 2.x.
  99     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Describes different lobes of the brain and specialized regions
   visually by clicking and highlighting areas.
 237     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Descriptions of Diabetes, Von Gierke's disease, and Alcohol. 37
   others included in full stack.  Includes page number references to
   Stryer's Biochemistry, and diagrams of pathways.
 140     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Demo of Clinical Software for Developing Countries. Four stacks
   covering Birth Control Determinations, Immunization Schedules,
   Respiratory Dx, and Intestinal Diagnosis.
 224     9/28/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   One person, two person, and infant CPR.  Beta version that will
   eventually be part of a larger first aid stack.
 206     9/28/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Nicely done CPR Hypercard stack. Includes animations and will run
   by itself if left alone.
 9        5/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Very simple 2 card hypercard stack to do the dirty work for a
   urologist to calculate creatinine clearance givine total 24hr
   urine volume, creatinine, and plasma creatinine.
  77     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Chart ones blood sugar and plot it throughout the year.  Designed
   for 1990, but shouldn't be too difficult to update.
 151     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Word, Excel, and FileMaker Pro files to organize your stock of DNA.
  99     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Explore the gross anatomy and histology of the ear.  Nicely done.
 108     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Chart children's growth patterns against a gender standard for
   patients. Includes explanations of common growth disorders.
  58     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Answer simple questions about your health habits to rank your level
   of health.
 120     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Illustrate various heart pathologies.  Sound is accompanied by a
   diagram illustrating the best area to auscultate.
  16     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep track of progress in weight training. You can graph your
 262     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A basic immunology tutorial.
  60     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Write up histories and physicals.
 506     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   System for creating and running simulated patients. During cases,
   information about cost, risk, efficiency and thoroughness is
   gathered. Users scored against a definable panel of experts.  Data
   available for analysis by other programs.  Demo has only one case: a
   12-month-old w/diarrhea.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  32     9/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Hypercard stack allows automatic importing of MEDLINE downloads 
   into database for easy compilation as medical literature.
 417     8/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three tutorials in Mendelian genetics. Includes stacks to do simple
   statistical analysis as well as T and Q testing.
 353     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Teaches neuroanatomy.
 407     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A birth control resource. How to choose a form of contraception,
   specific instructions, and related topics.  Limited demo version.
  44      2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Calculate nutrional content of breakfasts incuding protein,
   carbohydrates, fat, sodium, vitamins and minerals. Full version
   includes lunch, dinner and snacks.
 167     7/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Designed to train office staff, educate patients, and supplement
   optometry students' class notes.
  276      4/8/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Oral Radiology v3.0 (This replaces ORAD 1.1). An Oral Radiographic
   Differential Diagnosis stack. This stack will evaluate information you
   provide and compare it to data from over 130 of the most common lesions
   manifested in the maxilla or mandible giving you the most likely
   7     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Calculate body mass index given a patient's height and weight.
  21     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Database containing about 30 parasites, routes of infection,
   intermediate hose, pathophysiology, infective stages, vectors, 
   rx, and more.
  35     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Home First Aid & Poison Control Handbook for Children, listing
   basic poison control information and phone numbers.
 136     8/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   For use by molecular biologists working with restriction enzymes.
   Includes sample UWGCG restriction enzyme list.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  44      4/8/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Hand by William Stevens of Georgetown
   University. Includes anatomy and physiology, a discussion including
   diagnosis, tratement and prognosis, and a short bibliography.
 107      2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Database of vitamins and minerals. Also describes where they can
   be found, and what they are effective with.
   2     7/12/93    Text
   A listing of health science related resources available on
   the internet including DOS medical archives. Additions to
   med.archivist@umich.edu. Updated as necessary.
  43     8/13/92    Text
   A list of medical, fire/EMS, science, recovery, AIDS and disABILITY
   related bulletin board systems.  Current as of 4/1/92.
  30     7/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Predict signalase cleavage sites using the algorithm of von Heijne
   (Nucleic Acids Res, 14:4683-4690, 1986). A rather primitive
   implementation of the Macintosh GUI. Version 2.03.
  11     6/28/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Enter the quantities of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, the
   percentages in diet, and/or the total calories. It then calculates
   the missing information.
 221      1/7/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A DNA-oriented full screen editor. Can handle several sequence in
   different windows.  Has powerful search functions, which can help
   identify open reading frames, regulatory signals, consensus
   sequences, potential oligonucleotides annealing sites and any
   complex or degenerated patterns of nucleotides or aminoacids you
  11     6/28/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Draws a hemoglobin dissociation curve given pCO2, pH,
   temperature, and hemoglobin concentration.
 112     6/10/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Self extracting templates for the 5/95 revision of the NIH R01
   grant app forms (PHS398 v2.05); MS Excel and MS Word formats.
  14     6/28/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Determine the minimum number of subjects per sample needed to show
   whether a true difference of  a given magnitude (delta) at a
   significance level (alpha) is present with a given probability (P)
   that the significance will be found, if indeed it is present.
  65     5/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Magnetic Resonance Contrast Simulator.
  31     6/28/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A program to calculate the nutritive content of various foods.
   Has the capability of adding additional foods.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 254      6/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Design, analyze, and simulate experiments involving the polymerase
   chain reaction, a technique used by molecular biologists to amplify
   selected segments of DNA.
  44     7/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  9, 10, 12, 14, 18 & 24
   A colored font, very close to Courier, that is useful for nucleic acid
   sequence editors.
 221      1/7/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A DNA-oriented full screen editor. Can handle several sequence in
   different windows.  Has powerful search functions, which can help
   identify open reading frames, regulatory signals, consensus
   sequences, potential oligonucleotides annealing sites and any
   complex or degenerated patterns of nucleotides or aminoacids you

 990      2/5/96        BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A collection of utilities for editing or coloring multiple
   DNA or protein sequence alignments, performing numerous data
   conversions or analyses related to molecular systematics,
   and much more; requires HyperCard 2.x.
 162      3/3/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Animated sequences showing the two processes of DNA: Replication
   and Protein Synthesis.  Includes molecular structural diagrams of
   each component of DNA, as well as a list of possible  codons and
   the amino acids synthesized from them.
 279     7/24/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Evaluate data from native gel electrophoresis of proteins, DNA,
   viruses, vesicles, conjugated vaccines, etc.  Analysis is based on
   linear or nonlinear Ferguson plots [plot of log(mobility) vs. gel
   concentration].  Command-line interface only.
 900    1/12/95      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The Gene Construction Kit is a full color DNA manipulation, design,
   and drawing tool for molecular biologists. It allows for sequence
   based plasmid manipulation and display in an intuitive way. It is
   great for designing cloning strategies and for creating illustrations
   of cloning experiments.
 166     4/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A protein property multi-profile plot program; plots hydropathy
   profiles, biophysical characteristics, structural propensity;
   allows simultaneous plotting of two profiles selected from the 
   12 built-in amino acid property scales; scales may be exchanged 
   for adaptability.
 182     10/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   MacPDB2POV assists in the creation of photorealistic ball and
   stick images of molecules.  MacPDB2POV reads a protein data bank
   file and uses that to write a Persistence of Vision Ray (POVRay)
   ray tracer file.
 289     4/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Supplements standard programs by offering tools that can give 
   clues to the functions of newly discovered proteins; use of 
   databases formatted in the PROSITE and BLOCKS manner; v3.2 fixes 
   bug calling E.coli frequency table in error; adapted for BLOCKS
   Rel.7 (Thompson-Higgins-Gibson weighting method).
   9      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Edit and compare multiple DNA sequences conveniently.  Can import,
   export text files.  Requires HyperCard 2.0
  24     7/13/93   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Allows molecular biologists to keep track of oligonucleotides.
   You need to type in sequence and its absorbance at 260nm.
   The stack then calculates the base composition, length, and
   concentration.  Also a hot text list allowing you to jump
   to a particular card (requires Hypercard) by clicking on a list
 145       8/3/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fully functional oligonucleotide analysis program.  It calculates 
   the molecular weight and the predicted melting temp. of your oligo. 
   It can also read your oligo sequences back to you.

  21    11/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display the position of genes and restriction sites.
 880     5/8/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   SeqVu is an application for molecular biologists. It is an alignment 
   editor with analysis options that allows you to work quickly and simply 
   with multiple sequences. It is ideal for manually correcting alignments 
   produced using alignment software such as ClustalV.SeqVu goes beyond 
   simple editing and allows you to produces publication quality figures, 
   complete with outlined identity or homology. You can also shade 
   residues which are of certain types, that have identity at aposition, 
   or are homologous. You can display outlining and shading simultaneously, 
   so that you can see, for example, identity and homology simultaneously. 
   There is also a novel hydropathy display which shows hydrophobicity on 
   multiple sequences using coloured shading. Documents maybe exported to 
   graphics programs for further editing.  Fat Binary.
 156      2/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Read DNA sequences to user through the Mac's speaker.
 584     6/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Predict transmembrane segments in integral membrane proteins, 
   as well as their possible topology. 
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  17     4/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An anomaly, completely esoteric, uncategorizable, it's there and it's
   not there, therefore a bit of Schroedinger *must* be involved. *grin*
  50     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gives current windchill factor when wind speed and temperature
   are provided.
  81     2/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Interact with the phenomenon of diffraction to understand it;
   allows user to change many different parameters and observe what
 288      9/8/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Analyzes and displays how a beam reacts to loads 
   and supports.  It's relatively easy to use.
 387      6/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create and display airfoil cross-sections.  Can generate NACA 4-
   and 5- digit airfoils, as well as accept coordinates as input.
1027      2/29/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fwave IV is a 2-D electromagnetic wave equation solver, primarily 
   intended for optical waveguides. It is capable of analysing multiple 
   modes in single or coupled, linear or non-linear, guides. 
   Fat Binary.
 567      9/21/96   BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50
   Kinematic Land is a graphic simulation system of kinematic chains.
   It resolves the position, the speed and the acceleration of any point 
   and any member. You can edit closed or opened chains, using blocked 
   and movable points. Standard tools are available in a palette window 
   to make easy editing. Every member or point could have independent 
   time evolution.  Fat binary.
 157      6/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Emulate the behavior of an elastic membrane subjected to any
   combination of velocity and force conditions.  Requires an FPU, a
   68020 or better processor, and at least a portable-sized screen.
  44    10/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Interactive simulation of a vibrating string.  Change position,
   tension, gravity, flexibility, and friction.
 367      5/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Calculate aerodynamic heating for supersonic targets, then
   calculate radiometric values for that temperature.
   Includes Pascal source code.
 178     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simulate a system of bodies that move under the influence of each
   other's mass.  Has an interactive three dimensional perspective
   display to view the bodies.
  47      9/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Application to simulate distance, rate, time and gravity-type physics
  23     2/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allows you to build rubbery tinkertoy-like constructions and move
   them around dynamically.  With docs.

 446     9/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A set of Hypercard stacks containing one Engineers thought out
   reasoning on why the Theory of Special Relativity is incorrect.
   Warning:  very thick reading here, will probably incense your
   Physics-major acquaintances, and might encourage scientific
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
   8     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A SimpleText Pict file illustrating what a proper OzTeX 2.1
   folder should look like, once you have all the files.
  15     9/23/96    Text
   An explanation of OzTex, and a list of files necessary for your
   needs.  Read this before you download the OzTeX binaries, and you
   will save yourself megabytes of information that is useless to you.

1320     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   AMS-TeX and AMS-LaTeX files for use with OzTeX 2.1.
   (AMS = American Mathematics Society)  These are mostly
   packages for creating and formatting complex mathematics.
 420     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A port of BibTeX 0.99c, the bibliographic program for TeX.
   Minor bug fixes and cosmetic improvements.  Fat binary.  
  33     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Configs folder for use with OzTeX 2.1.

  84      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Print TeX dvi files on QuickDraw (non-PostScript) printers.
 153     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Support files for /mac/misc/tex/ozdvips1.1.sit.hqx.
 590     7/16/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Spell checker for LaTex docs; if parsing is turned off, it will
   spellcheck plain text files; reads text files and is smart enough
   to ignore most LaTeX/TeX commands; FAT and free!
  85     9/23/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Help files for use with OzTeX 2.1.
 363     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Manage bibliographies compatible with BibTeX, the bibliography
   system used by TeX.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 142     7/19/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This is a printer driver that allows one to print DVI files
   (DeVice Independant), such as produced by OzTeX (see below) on an
   ImageWriter.  With docs.
 175     9/23/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   User manual for OzTeX 2.1.
 338     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is a stand-alone application that creates TeX usable indices.
   This is version 1.1 of MacMakeIndex, but is really version 2.13b
   of 'real' MakeIndex with a Mac interface.  Interfaces with OxTex 2.1.
   Fat binary.
 720     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Support files for use with OzMF 1.1.
 280     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   DVIPS application for use with OzTeX.  Requires support
   files from /mac/misc/tex/dvips1.1.sit.hqx. Fat binary.

 730     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Metafont application for use with OzTeX.  Requires support
   files from /mac/misc/tex/metafont1.1.sit.hqx.  Creates
   new fonts if you don't have the right size, etc. Fat binary.
 675     9/23/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   TeX compiler and DVI file viewer for the Mac.  Compiles TeX,
   LaTeX, and LaTeX 2e input files.  Prints DVI files on any
   mac-compatible printer.  Requires several other files, see
   /mac/misc/tex/00oztexreadme.txt for details.  This archive
   contains only the OzTeX application itself.  Many new features.
   Fat Binary.
  43     9/23/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Utility for registering OzTeX 2.1.  It's shareware!

 603      10/7/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   TeX fonts, 300 dpi.
 623      10/7/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   TeX fonts, 300 dpi, Magstep half.
 680      10/7/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   TeX fonts, 300 dpi, Magstep 2.
 728     5/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   TeX fonts, 360 dpi, Magstep 2.
 720      10/7/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   TeX fonts, 300 dpi, Magstep 3.
 878      10/7/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   TeX fonts, 300 dpi.
 633      1/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   TeX fonts, 300 dpi, Magstep 4.
 774      1/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   TeX fonts, 300 dpi, Magstep 5.
 903      5/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   TeX fonts, 300 dpi, Magstep 6.

 950    9/23/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   PK-files for OzTeX 2.1.  A basic set of scaled bitmap fonts.
 290      9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PS-files for OzTeX 2.1.  A basic set of postscript fonts.
  70      10/7/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This is an input file in TeXtures format which will allow one to
   print out Polish and other Slavic diacritical marks with
 277      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A macro package for LaTeX to help authors prepare scientific papers
   for American Physical Society journals.
 135      9/5/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert RTF to  correct LaTeX in a form suitable for further
   editing after conversion.
 134    12/12/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert a document stored in Microsoft's Rich Text Format to one
   written in a format capable of being processed with a TeX
   typesetting program.  Not ment to be a panacea, but merely a good
   start at a translation.
 140     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   TeX source files for demonstrating and testing TeX capability.
   For use with OzTeX 2.1.

 440     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The TeX-fonts folder for use with OzTeX 2.1.
 725     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The TeX-formats folder for use with OzTeX 2.1.
1013     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The TeX-inputs folder for use with OzTeX 2.1.
 315     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The VF-files folder for use with OzTeX 2.1.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 110      2/2/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The MSWord 3.0, 4.0, 5.1, and 6.0 Style sheet for the formatting
   of Rackham dissertations.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
NOTE: The files in the umichlicensed directory are *commercial*
      programs available under site license for students and staff
      of the University of Michigan.  They are not available by
      anonymous ftp.  For additional information, please read
 681     9/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This program can be used on the University of Michigan's MTS system
   for e-mail, Confer conferencing, and some MTS file operations.
   You need to have a valid U-M MTS id to use this.
   v.3.1 has more reliable scripts for modem/MacTCP, and new script
   for Macintosh Duo Express Modem.
   3     6/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   MacTCP is no longer available from mac.archive.umich.edu at the 
   request of ITD.  If you are faculty, staff or a student at UM, this
   document will tell you how to obtain it through ITD.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  16     7/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   For use with 4th Dimension database; requires External
   Mover to install into 4-D databases.
 496     2/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates the Absolute Zero game from version 1.03 to 
   version 1.04 to fix a "nasty crashing bug".

 611    10/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This installer updates the Aladdin Desktop Tools 1.0 package to 
   version 1.0.1. More specifically, this updater will give you new 
   versions of the Desktop SpeedBoost, Desktop Makeover, Desktop 
   Shortcut, and Magic Menu control panels, as well as a new 
   SpeedBoost Monitor. There are no new features in the updated 
   components of Aladdin Desktop Tools, but their overall stability 
   and robustness are significantly improved.
 326    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Updates the After Dark screensaver cdev and all of the modules in
   the After Dark package from versions 3.0 to version 3.0b, fixing
   a slew of problems.
  79      7/4/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Update Alice E 2.4.2 or 2.4.3 to Alice E 2.4.4.  The most current
   version of Alice is also stored elsewhere at mac.archive.
1001      9/20/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates ALLright to version 1.0.2.
 384     12/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The Aperion game app, plus one or two other files, which can
   replace old files if you already have the package.  

  25     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Patches AppleMenuOptions v1.02 to put separation lines in the Apple
   submenus; requires System 7.51; cool!
  25     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Patch offers to put separation lines in the Apple submenus in
   version 1.01 of the AppleMenuOptions cdev; requires System 7.51.
 339      6/14/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates APS PowerTools from version 3.X to the current
   version 3.5.  Includes applications which patch 
   the application, control panel and the Audio CD driver.
 429      7/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates BBEdit and BBEdit Help versions 3.1 & 3.11 to version 3.12,
   which has Quickdraw GX Printing and some abilities to make
   use of Internet "helper" applications.  Requires commercial version. 
 277    10/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates the PowerMac version of BeachText 2.0 to version 2.01.

 117    10/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates the 68K version of BeachText 2.0 to version 2.01

 144       3/2/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates the BlackNight shareware terminal emulation and
   comm application to fix several problems with the 1.03 version.

  84      9/26/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates the application for the Blood Bath CD to version 1.6.
   Adds correct saving of high scores and options, saves games at
   any point, better password handling, volume control, fixes a
   bug that crashed PowerMacs.

 186     10/16/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Maintenance release of the Updater, not of CDU itself;
   previous version could fail while updating from v1.04a.
  95      9/2/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Update /mac/util/comm/chatnet from version 1.0 or higher to
   version 1.0.6.

1698     12/8/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates ClarisWorks from version 4.0v1 to 4.0v2, which
   fixes some problems, as well as adding some nice features
   like drag & dropping, backwards file conversion, a new filter
   for WordPerfect, etc.

  17     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates both Color Model Clock 8-bit and 24-bit to correct a
   problem with the automatic rotation of pictures in the program.
 384      1/9/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates version 3.0.x of Conflict Catcher to version 3.04,
   which fixes a bunch of things, makes some cosmetic changes,
   and recognizes the Serial Port Arbitrator.
 121     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Updates Connectix Powerbook Utilities (CPU) versions
   2.02-2.04 to 2.05.

9522    11/5/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Update older versions of Canvas 5 to Canvas 5.0.1.
   FAT Installer.
   Requires: Canvas 5 CD

  21     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fixes CodeWarrior environment to display correctly when
   custom menu colors (e.g. Greg's Buttons, Aaron, etc.) are
   present; patch contains a replacement MDEF.
   9     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates Debugger INIT for use with MW Debug/68K 1.2; corrects
   a bug in the 1.11 realease which could cause a crash when
   clearing breakpoints or quitting the debugger app.
  33     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This application patches Extensions Manager v2.0.1 to v2.0.2. It 
   enables it to work correctly with System 7.5.1 and it customizes 
   a few features.  Great if you don't like what Apple did to
   version 3.0.
 192     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates Falcon MC from 1.00 or 1.01 to 1.02, fixing a problem
   with sound on AV macs.
 348     8/23/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Will update your copy of Flight Commander 2 (version 1.0 or 1.01 
   or 1.02) to version 1.03.  Version 1.03 has several minor bug
   fixes and some significant feature enhancements.

 512     2/26/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates the U.S. version of FileMaker Pro from 3.0 to 3.0v2,
   which incorporates a bunch of enhancements and bug fixes.
 484      5/9/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Updated control panel for the CH Flightstick Pro.
  50      7/1/97    BinHex4.0
   Update fixes 2 FATAL bugs in Galaxus v1.0r3; update ASAP!!
 448     11/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates the German version of GraphikConverter (full version stored
   elsewhere on mac.archive.umich.edu) from version 2.21 to 2.22.

 448     11/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update the French version of GraphicConverter (full version stored
   elsewhere at mac.archive) from version 2.21 to version 2.22.
 448     11/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates the U.S. version of GraphicConverter (the full version 
   is stored elswhere on the archive) from version 2.21 to version
   2.22, which has a couple feature additions and bug fixes.
 328     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Color and b&w glossary templates, sample glossary, and quiz
   machine for Terminology Quiz.
 198    11/10/95    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Update /mac/graphics/graphicsutil/graphicconverter2.2de.sit.hqx
   to 2.21

 457    11/20/95    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Update /mac/graphics/graphicsutil/graphicconverter2.2fr.sit.hqx
   to 2.21

 198    11/20/95    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Update /mac/graphics/graphicsutil/graphicconverter2.2us.sit.hqx
   to 2.21

1561      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Files that'll update the CD-Rom version of Harpoon Classic to
   version 1.57i.  Includes Color Harpoon 1.57i and 
   ScenarioEditor 1.54b.

 325      1/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update FWB's Hard Drive Toolkit 1.6 and 1.6.2
   to version 1.6.3, fixing problems with powerbooks and duos.
 305      1/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update FWB's Hard Drive Toolkit 1.6 and 1.6.2, International Edition 
   to version 1.6.3, fixing problems with powerbooks and duos.
 275    8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates Inspiration 4.1 to 4.1a, fixing several problems.
 263     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates Jigsaw 2.0 to 2.1; English version.
 319     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update/patch to Jigsaw; German (Deutsch) version.
 311     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update/patch to Jigsaw; Dutch version.
 187     5/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates Koji the Frog to 1.0.2.  This is just the engine,
   Fixes a bug that prevented Koji The Frog from working on Macintosh
   Performa 4xx series and LCs.  
  26     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows users of KS Labs clock acceleration products to use
   Apple's new System 7.5 Update 1.0. Problem exists on: Pmac
   6100/66, 7100/80, 8100/100.
 187    8/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This patches your copy of Links Pro Mac 1.0 & 1.0.1 to 1.0.2.
   Fixes several bugs, including a crash on Bountiful.
  19     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates to version 2.11.
  85     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates version 2.03 to 2.1.
  15     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates Lord of the Deck v2.0.2 to v2.0.3 replacing certain
   information which was accidentally left out of v2.0.2.
 336     4/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This archive contains the LS FORTRAN.PPC 1.1a2 (aka 1.0.2) patch 
   which updates LS FORTRAN 1.0 
 433    1/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This updater will update MacSLIP version 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, or
   2.0.5 to version 2.0.6. New features in this release include bug
   fixes, automatic disconnect, Apple Event support, and a quick
   access MacSLIP menu.
 107    1/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Patches 2.02 and 2.04 to 2.06.  This is Apple's release, which 
   fixes many DNR problems, memory leaks, various bootp fixes, 
   performance tuning.  Reposted with Apple's permission.
  20      1/26/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  This fixes the MacTCP 2.0.4 to 2.0.6 patch so it doesn't give you 
  the error that DRVR resource 22 is different. Use it at your own risk
 222    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updater to version 1.1 of Bungie Software's ultra-popular
   Marathon.  Updates the mouse driver, allows 24bit color on
   fast machines (PPC), and copious bug fixes.  Requires a true
   version of Marathon 1.0.
 109     3/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Updates old versions of Marks Portfolio Manager to version 1.51
   Full version in /util/text/marksportfoliomgr1.51.cpt.hqx

 512      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Not an official update from the manufacturer; instead this
   patch fixes some minor problems with version 1.0 through 1.02
   of the Might and Magic II game, including sound quality, 
   screen fade problems, certain animations playing too fast, more.

  33      7/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   An extension which allows PowerMacs to use Microsoft
   Office (version 4.2 and 4.21), Word 6.0 and 6.01 and
   Excel 5.0 and 5.0a.  Specifically, MS Word won't cause
   other applications to crash upon launching, and you'll
   be able to print with QuickDraw GX. 
 798      5/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Resources to be used with ResEdit (or equivalent) to convert 
   Microsoft Word 4.0D to 4.0E, which can run on 68040 machines. Small 
   and FAST (if not feature laden...).
  89      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Patches 4.0D so 68040 Macs can take advantage of the speed
   built into the processor cache.

 825     7/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Update files for CodeWarrior 6.  New C/C++ project stationery,
   changes to the MathLib Libraries, and a new Pascal compiler.
 123     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Replaces the art and startup screen with other art and does
   away with the pulsing "N" in Netscape 1.1 adding some helpful
   commands; requires ResEdit to install.
  22     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   It seems there are 2 versions of Norton Utilities 2.0 in the world,
   one that's 8250 bytes long, and one which is 8251 bytes long; this
   clock patch is for the one that is --surprise!-- 8251 bytes long.
   Please note that there are now several patchs to consider: a patch
   for NU 2.06, one for the 8520-byte long NU 2.0, and now one for the
   8521-byte long NU 2.0.
  13      4/7/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Patch for Norton Utilities 2.0.6 to disable the annoying
   reminder that the clock maybe is set incorrectly; ResEdit
   required to install patch.

1770    12/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Installs demo versions of NowFolderMenus, Now Menus, Now Profile,
   Now QuickFiler, Now Save, Now SuperBoomerang, Now Scrapbook,
   Now Startup Manager and Now WYSIWYG, all version 5.01.  This same
   installer also updates your registered copies of these extensions
   and apps from version 5.0 to 5.01.

 979      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Will update Now Utilities 5.01 -> 5.02.
  18     6/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This little extension allows Conflict Catcher II to work
   with Open Sesame.
 370    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates previous versions of OptiMem RAM Charger to 2.12; 
   includes several improvements; requires original OptiMem 
   distribution and serial ID; works on any Mac running 
   System 7 or later.
 138     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates OtherMenu 1.7.4 to version 1.8.
 154      4/7/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates OtherMenu 1.7.2 or 1.7.3 to 1.7.4.
 308     10/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This patch updates the PLP driver from versions 4.0, 4.1, 4.1.1 
   and 4.1.2 to version 4.1.3. This is a patch only -you must already 
   own any of the above versions of the PLP software.  Fixes a 
   system lockup when background printing in System 7.5.

 127     2/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update to the DEMO that goes w/ BBEdit, the shareware/commerical
   text editor. Updates from v 2.4.x.
  16     4/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The utility you need to apply patches to White Knight, but not
   much use otherwise.
 616     8/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates Quicken 5 Release 2, 3, or 4 to Release 5.  Fixes
   customer-reported problems.  No new features.
  22      3/5/96    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Will patch version 1.61 of RAM Doubler so that you see a small
   light in the top left corner whenever RAM Doubler is doing it's

 192      3/5/96    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   This will update any version of RAM Doubler to version 1.62.
   Includes the symantec 8.0 patch.

  80      3/20/96   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Updates the full 1.0 through 1.2 versions of the Realmz PC editor
   to version 2.3.  Doesn't work with the demo version.

 468     11/23/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This "patch" is a new version of the application for Rebel Assault
   Macintosh. It fixes a problem that occurs on certain configurations (in
   particular Power Macintoshes) that caused a "Bad frame header id" error
   message to occur. For people using Power Macintoshes or Macintoshes with a
   PowerPC*-equipped accelerator card, version 1.06p (located in the "Power
   Mac" folder) is the native mode version, offering vastly increased
  16    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Update SaintEdit 1.1 to version 1.1.1.  The latest version of
   SaintEdit is always stored in /mac/util/text.
  41     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates Sceneriomaker 1.5 -> 1.62
  83    10/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update of STL header files for CodeWarrior 6.1.
 335    10/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This installer updates the StuffIt Deluxe and SpaceSaver 3.5 
   packages to version 3.5.1. Specifically, it gives you new versions 
   of SpaceSaver and Magic Menu. 
 875      4/1/97    Binhex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Updates Stuffit Engine and Stuffit Browser in terms of
   stability and robustness (no new features).
   Can also be used if you have the stuffit engine from other sources
   (drop stuff with Expander Enhancer, or third party products)
   Requires: Stuffit Engine or Stuffit Browser v. 4.0  

2343     8/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This update is intended for Symantec C++ for Power Macintosh 
   customers.  It contains both bug fixes and minor feature 
   enhancements, and is recommended for all users of the 8.0 
   and 8.0.1 development toolsets.
 789     7/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Update Symantec C/C++ for MPW components SCpp and SC versions
   7.0 or 7.0.1 or 7.0.2 to version 7.0.3.
  45     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Update Kiwi Screenscapes from version 1.0 to version 1.0.1.
 448     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates the 68K version of ScriptWizard from version 1.5
   to version 1.5.2, which has lots of bug fixes.

 528     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates the PPC version of ScriptWizard from version 1.5
   to version 1.5.2.

  26    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Modify the Sierra On-Line Games Leisure Suit Larry I & V, Space
   Quest I & IV, King's Quest V & VI, Freddy Pharkas, The Castle of
   Doctor Brain to fix problems with lockups after September 18, 1993.
 231      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update both the master disk and installed Speed Doubler extensions 
   from version 1.0 or 1.0.1 to version 1.0.2.  Fixes several bugs
   and compatability problems.
1034      5/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The Symantec C++ for Power Macintosh 8.0.1 update. This
   release will update your Symantec Project Manager, Symantec 
   Debugger, and PowerPC C and C++ translators to version 8.0.1.The 
   primary focus of the 8.0.1 update was to improve the stability 
   of the Symantec Project Manager and Symantec Debugger, as well as 
   to fix bugs reported to by users. The release notes contain a full 
   description of the bugs fixed in the 8.0.1 versions of the components. 
  62      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update fixes System Error 28 which may occur when
   installing FaxSTF 3.0.
  20     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Modifies Stickies 1.01 so it will run under System 7.1 
   without the system version warning alert; this does NOT 
   modify Stickies v1.0; free.
 600     12/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This updater may only be used with the StyleScript v1.0 package (Adobe
   PostScript Level 2 Interpreter for the Apple Color StyleWriter Pro) 
   from GDT Softworks Incorporated.
  73     11/5/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Update Suitcase 2.0 versions 2.0 through 2.1.4p2 to version

 203    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Update your SupraFaxModem to firmware revision 1.300-07

 320    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Update the Flash ROM code inthe SupraFAXModem 288 and
   SupraFAXModem 288PB
1425      9/4/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Correct problems with the 7.0 through 7.0.3 releases of some
   components of Symantec C++:  THINK Project Manager, THINK Debugger,
   Symantec C++ and THINK C, Visual Architect, Visual Architect Macro
   Files, THINK Class Library, and the runtime libraries.
 574      9/4/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Correct problems with the 7.0.3 releases of some components of
   Symantec C++: THINK Project Manager, THINK Debugger, Symantec C++
   and THINK C, and the runtime libraries.  This file is a subset of
 954     8/17/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Update the Symantec PowerPC C++ translator included in Power
   Macintosh CDK to version
  36     11/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update the adventure game System's Twilight from version 1.0 to
   version 1.0.1.  The latest version is stored elsewhere at
  34    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update version 1.0.1 of System's Twilight to 1.0.2.  The latest
   version of System's Twilight is stored elsewhere at mac.archive.
  62      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update version 1.0.2 of System's Twilight to 1.0.3.  The latest
   version of System's Twilight is stored elsewhere at mac.archive.
  29      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Update version 1.0.3 of System's Twilight to 1.0.4.  The latest
   version of System's Twilight is stored elsewhere at mac.archive.
  30      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Make the small line showing where text is inserted thicker
   and easier to see; user's choice of init or patch; works
   only on Microsoft Word 5.1a.
 682      5/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The Symantec Macintosh Development Tools Group would like to announce
   the availability of the latest compiler updates for the THINK Project
   Manager hosted translators. These updates will patch any previous
   version of the Symantec C++ 7.0.x and THINK C 7.0.x translators to the
   8.0 versions included in the Symantec C++ 8.0 for Power Macintosh
  20     4/15/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Patches Warcraft 1.0 so that the cursors don't look wrong when you're
   using it on PowerBook 190 and 5300 models.

 331     5/19/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Updates the White Knight terminal program  from 11.01 - 11.05.
   Requires pupdecryptor2.0.cpt.hqx
   1     5/19/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Updates the White Knight terminal program  from 11.05 - 11.06.
   Requires pupdecryptor2.0.cpt.hqx
 134     5/19/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Updates the White Knight terminal program  from 11.06 - 11.07.
   Requires pupdecryptor2.0.cpt.hqx
 156     12/5/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Updates the White Knight terminal program  from 11.07 - 11.08.
   Requires pupdecryptor2.0.cpt.hqx
 219     5/19/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Updates the White Knight terminal program  from 11.08 - 11.10.
   Requires pupdecryptor2.0.cpt.hqx
 204     5/19/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Updates the White Knight terminal program  from 11.10 - 11.11.
   Requires pupdecryptor2.0.cpt.hqx
  13     5/19/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Updates the White Knight terminal program  from 11.11 - 11.12.
   Requires pupdecryptor2.0.cpt.hqx
 341     4/25/92    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Updates the White Knight terminal program  from 11.12 - 11.13.
   Requires pupdecryptor2.0.cpt.hqx
  50     5/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Updates the White Knight terminal program  from 11.13 - 11.14.
   Requires pupdecryptor2.0.cpt.hqx
 320    12/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates the White Knight terminal program  from 12.02 - 12.04.
   Requires pupdecryptor2.0.cpt.hqx
 640    11/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Updates White Knight from version 12.03 to 12.04.  Requires
   Pupdecryptor, as always.

 336     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Updates White Knight's PPC application from 12.04 to 12.06.
   Unlike the other updaters, this patch doesn't require
   3    12/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A keyboard macro file that defines 3270/3278 terminal keys for use
   while interacting with IBM mainframes with White Knight.

  96      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates Wing Commander III to version 1.02 which fixes some
   bugs and makes some improvements.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 688     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Four versions (one for all Macs, one for PowerPC, etc.) of a program
   to calculate the band diagram for semiconductor structures.
   Can also find self-consistent solutions of both Poisson's
   and Schrodinger's equations.

 720      1/2/96    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Installs a 68K, PowerPC, or works-on-everything version of
   Brown U's TN3270 program.  This version supports the Drag
   Manager, no longer uses the config.tel file, and other nice

  48      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Replace standard buttons, radio buttons, and check boxes with
   customized 3d look-alikes.  Now fat and combined into one cdev
   instead of a cdev and an extension.

  201   8/20/95   BihHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   3D Screamers is a very fast game in which a spaceship flies around
   a full "virtual" 3-D world, it shows DOOM-like situations in
   tunnels but also supports flight-simulator movements with full 6
   degres of freedom. 3D Screamers works at very high frame rates and
   features texture-mapping, shading, explosions and more, it runs on
   Macs with an FPU and has been accelerated for PowerMacs.

 107    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Create 3d surfaces from any equation.  Power Mac Only.

  69     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make an assortment of cosmetic changes to the System 7 Finder.
   Requires 256 colors or greys.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 186      4/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A FAT extension that give your desktop the 3D Copland look.
   It changes the folders, trash, windows, menus, system
   font (includes the new "Espy" font for easier readability)
   to the Copland look you've seen in all those magazine previews.
   Version 1.31 fixes even more bugs and conflicts.
 496     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A low level debugger (installed as an extension) with a graphical
   interface for PowerMacs!  Includes French and English documentation.

 536      9/7/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Lets you view, play, save and replace "snd" resources in any file
   or application.  Can convert "snd" resources to Mac sound files.
   Requires:  PowerMac, MacOS 7.1 or later, Color Monitor, 2 MB RAM.

  67      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Yearly calendar in english/german; allows user events,
   horizontal/vertical orientation, start sunday/monday,
   more; requires PowerMac, System 7 or higher, color
   recommended; free!

  19    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert PICT files to QuickTime Photo-JPEG PICT.
   Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
  23     12/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert MIDI files to QuickTime2.0 movies via drag-n-drop; requires
   System7 or later, QuickTime2.0; v1.12 is bugfix, and has fat binary
   for 68K and PowerMacs built-in; free!
1535      7/27/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An all-purpose text editor.  Fully configurable, and pre-customized
   for TeX/LaTeX, C (both Symantec and CodeWarrior), HTML, and more. 
   Includes both 680x0 and PowerMac versions. 

 402     5/11/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Calculates anagrams, even multiple words!  Fat Binary.
 672       8/3/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Anarchie is an FTP and Archie client.  It will let you browse FTP
   sites, download files, or find them using an archie server. It 
   includes a menu listing all the Archie servers, as well as FTP
   bookmarks for all the popular Macintosh FTP sites (including around
   40 mirrors to UMich and Info-Mac).  Lots of enhancements to make
   it easier to use.

 135    11/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Anti-aliases PICT files by reducing them in size 2-10x. Fat binary.

 222     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A simple card game where the object is to get all four of the aces
   lined up in a row.  Fat binary.

 207     6/18/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   'Fat' version of Ars Magna II, an anagram generating program;
   C/C++ source and project file are included.
  63     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change the resource attributes of a specific resource or of a
   whole resource family in a single pass; FAT Binary for 68K and
   PowerPC Macs.
 353     9/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Now you have an alternative to AppleCD Audio Player!  This audio
   CD interface has a few extras such as a field for the artist's name.
   Now a fat binary.
2848      4/1/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Strategy game whereby you try to defend your homeplanet, and
   attack the opposing planet. Heavily crippled until you pay $8 fee.
   Requires: 5MB RAM, '030, 2MB hard disk space

 714     7/4/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   BBEdit has gone commercial.  Demo for the commercial version of
   this popular text editor.  "Save" and "Save As..."
   have been disabled.  Otherwise fully functional.
   Some functions are PowerPC native.  Supports
   MetroWorks, QuickDraw GX, Internet integration.
 134      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   BBedit extension that sorts lines of text. LineSort has been
   tuned for maximum performance -- it is speedy, robust, and can
   sort very large documents.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerMacs.
   Includes source.
 277    10/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Updates the PowerMac version of BeachText 2.0 to version 2.01.

  95      4/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Creates hierarchical menus under the Apple Menu; fully
   revised, v3.03 gives compatibility with MasterJuggler.
   FAT binary; $10 shareware.

 420     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A port of BibTeX 0.99c, the bibliographic program for TeX.
   Minor bug fixes and cosmetic improvements.  Fat binary.
 853     10/1/95      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   This is a save-disabled version of STEIM's BigEye Video Interpreter,
   a program to map video input to midi parameters.  Requires Av capable
   Macintosh (or mac with Connectix' QuickCam), Apple midi manager and
   driver, a midi sound module (or QuickTime Musical instruments with
   'MidiQT' extension).  Fat binary.
  96     2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make folders and files invisible to the Finder, protect
   invisibility with password; requires System 7.  Version 3.0
   adds drag & drop support as well as several other features.
   Fat Binary.

 163    12/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small QuickTime player that supports many of the features included 
   with System 7.5 and Quicktime 2.0.  Fat binary for 68k and PowerMacs.
 528    10/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Correctly recognize files by their contents and set their file
   types and creators.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 348     8/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Program for drawing plasmid and other genetic maps. Uses a
   user defined coordinate system.  A sequence can be associated
   with a map for the purpose of automatically drawing restriction
   enzyme sites.  Fat Binary for PowerMacs.  Shareware, $40.

 248     4/10/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Gopher client that acts as a weather display system.  Designed to
   provide a user-friendly interface so users with a minimal
   computer background can easily obtain the information they need.
 232     2/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Fat App which does too much!  It provides two levels of simple
   password protection when the built-in screensaver kicks in, and
   provides a method for users to send short messages to other "Bug Off"
   users on their network.
  27     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tests memory access speeds on the PowerMac; requires 2600K memory
   to run, does not require L2 cache to run.
 104    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Does integer arithmetic calculations and converts integer values
   to different bases between 2 and 32 (decimal, hexadecimal, binary,
   octal) or to an OSType (a sequence of four ASCII characters);
   requires System 7.

  64     2/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Fat App which calculates pi using
   pi/4 = 6 tan-1(1/8) + 2 tan-1(1/57) + tan-1(1/239)
   tan-1(x) = x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + ...
   Not too hot of an interface tho (just a console window),
   but definitely pretty quick.

  90      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Lets you edit the entries for the AppleCD Audio Player

 297     8/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A 24-bit paint program intended for creating animation cels or
   sprites.  Fat binary.

  88   11/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Change Styled Text Colors is a free drag & drop utility that
   changes all the text colors in a styled text document.  Fat binary.

2790    11/13/95   BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   View, analyze, and print 3-dimensional molecular models.  Change
   viewing modes among wireframe, ball-and-stick, cylindrical bonds,
   and spacefilling.  Create stereo views.  Reads many chemical
   formats including Chem3D, PDB, Alchemy, Connection Table, MOPAC,
   SYBYL.  Includes several sample molecules, and can be used as a
   WWW helper application to view the thousands more at
   http://chemfinder.camsci.com.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
2078    11/13/95   BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   View, analyze and print 2-dimensional chemical structures.  
   Calculate molecular formula, molecular weight.  Perform elemental
   analyses.  Create SMILES strings.  Reads many chemical formats
   including ChemDraw, MDL MOLFile, Connection Table.  Can be used
   as a WWW helper application to view thousands of additional 
   structures at http://chemfinder.camsoft.com
   Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 264      3/5/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Simple, easy to learn, programming language--an old-fashioned
   Basic Interpreter; includes sprite graphics engine; FAT; v3.21
   is bug fix and new feature release; free.
  99     6/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Join (concatenate) the data forks of any number of files into one
   large file.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.  Req. System 7.

 903     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Chris' Puzzle transforms PICT and JPEG image files into electronic
   jigsaw puzzles. The puzzles are based on a unique grid pattern, rather
   than the traditional puzzle structure of square pieces embellished with
   hook & eye joints. Fat binary.
 221     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Changes the style of windows using a plug-in system which
   includes Windows, Motif, NeXT, IRIS and more; requires
   System 7, ColorQuickDraw, 16 color/grey display; FAT.
  11      3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   PPC Native screen capture utility.

 113     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag-n-drop file converter for software developers for text
   conversions, project and resource files for their favourite
   development environment; FAT.
 123     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Copy and save info so it can be used over and over even while new
   info is being copied to the clipboard (up to 20 cuts/copies);
   includes separate versions for 68K and PowerMacs.
 131    10/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An After Dark module that Draws animated, fractal clouds; requires
   Color QuickDraw.  Version 2.0 includes higher resolution, editable
   presets, faster drawing, better transitions, diplays heavenly bodies,
   After Dark 3.0 thumbnail, improved powerbook display and FAT code.

  32      3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Source for 68K and PPC Modal Progress boxes.
 255     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50

   A simple columns game with nifty dragons in the background watching
   their jewels bombard down the screen.
 228     3/27/95    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   This is StuffIt's nemesis and main competitor... Can decode
   archives in BinHex4.0 and StuffIt 1.5.1 formats as well as its
   own.  Can create self-extracting archives (but please don't
   upload any here!) and will automatically segment files too large
   to fit on one disk.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
   V.1.51 adds support for non-English languages.

 231     4/3/95     BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   German language version of Compact Pro.

 242     4/3/95     BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   French language version of Compact Pro.

 230     3/27/95    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Japanese language version of Compact Pro.

  16     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A pop-up showing all active control panels, including
   folders within the Control Panels folder; requires
   Control Strip.  Fat binary.

 473      2/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Generate and manipulate X-ray powder diffraction patterns.  Comes
   with a selection of example files.  Fat Binary.

 419     2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Desktop video conferencing program.  Requires MacTCP.  Includes
   both 68k and PPC versions.  Version 0.83b3 fixes several bugs
   since the 0.70b1 version.

 960     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   CrystalMaker is an intuitive, user-friendly Macintosh program to
   display and manipulate all kinds of crystal structures.  This
   demonstration opens the many included molecule files and allows
   you to manipulate them to some extent.  Fat binary.

  45     11/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A handy program for exploring the dynamics of x squared, and a
   good learning tool for those just learning about chaos.  Draws
   an orbit diagram and does graphical analysis.  Easy to use interface.
   Requires System 7.  Fat Binary.

1657     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Based on an old arcade game called Star Castle, you fly a spaceship
   around on a wrap-around screen and attack an enemy base which sits
   in the middle of the screen.  The base protects itself with three
   rotating shield rings, heat seeking mines, and a plasma cannon.
   There are shields, bonus points, challenge level and more.  Very
   spiffy graphics.  Fat binary.  Cyclone II features
   improved graphics and sound over the original.
  63      9/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Debump shrinks and smoothes graphic images.  It's great for logos and
   other on-screen graphic objects, as the resulting images appear
   much less jagged than typical bit-mapped graphics.  As an image is
   reduced, some graphic information is discarded.  Debump uses this
   information to smooth, or anti-alias, the image.  Accelerated for
   Power Macs.
 722     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Display a picture on the desktop, replacing mundane desktop
   ppats; Version 3.0 adds a Control Strip module for easy access,
   also to change the picture (PICT, JPEG, GIF, StartUp Screen) once
   in a while.  Installer can create 68K, ppc or a fat binary.

 723      9/7/97

   German language version of Decor, an extension which
   allows you to display a picture in place of your desktop.
   Installer creates 68K, ppc or a fat binary extension.

 727     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   French language version of Decor, an extension which
   allows you to display a picture in place of your desktop.
   Installer creates 68K, ppc or a fat binary extension.

 749    3/31/96     BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Japanese language version of Decor, an extension which
   allows you to display a picture in place of your desktop.
   Installer creates 68K, ppc or a fat binary extension.
 395     7/16/97    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Fast-paced color action gives opportunity to save humankind,
   destroy Zorgons, fight mutant assassins, etc...  the usual day's
   work for heroes like us (aka: Defender); requires color Mac with
   68020 or better, 16 colors/grays, PowerMac compatible.
  28      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A small floating palette from which you may set the screen depth.
   Fat Binary for 68K and Power Macs.
 138      7/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   QuickTime movie player/converter.  Some features include:
   change compressor, frame rate and movie quality, get movie
   info, multispeed play, text to speech, superimpose video or
   text, add sound tracks, direct to memory or disk recording, 
   add background picture to movie.  Requires System 7 and
   Quicktime 1.6.1 or later.  Fat binary for PowerMacs.

 314     2/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Color text editor meant for use w/ Slide movies and sounds inclusion.
   FAT Binary.
  84      4/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A QuickTime Video monitor/digitizer/subtitle maker.  Part of movie
   trilogy (graphics/quicktime/movietrilogy1.11.sit.hqx) this version now
   includes both 68K and PPC versions.

 208     3/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat binary app which allows you to edit the dictionaries used
   by the text-to-speech part of the Speech Manager; drag-n-drop
   support; change voice settings; test dictionaries with open
   text files.
1935     6/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.07

   DIMPLE provides a powerful image analysis system for Mac users.
   DIMPLE has a wide range of features including multi-spectral
   analysis, image enhancement, rectification, registration,
   resampling, classification and statistical analysis.  The
   tuturial provides a good introduction to image processing.
   Demo save/export disabled, limited running time.  Version
   for PowerMacs only.

 768    2/29/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat binary disk cataloging and management system.  Way lots of
   features, a Finder-like interface, can read into StuffIt and
   Compact Pro files, and once it's scanned your volumes, you can do
   fast searches and create your own labels.

 784     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Calculate angle, pressure and fire the round over the hill
   to hit the enemy; colorful graphics with play against the
   computer or other players; A fat application which needs to
   recognize command-keys while you're playing the game.
  32     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Easily move *any* kind of window out of the way, or bring it
   back to center or front window from out of sight or off the
   edge of the screen; v3.11 optimizes PowerMac code, adds
   graphics and contents menu to online docs.
 778   8/11/95    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

  A very impressive launcher-type utility, witch several extras.
  Installer creates a 68k, PPC or Fat binary version.  Includes
  several modules, like memory used, audio CD player and Moon Phase
 248    10/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   DragThing is an application dock designed to tidy up the icons
   littering your desktop.  It requires at least System 7.5 (or 7.1
   with Drag & Drop, AppleScript and the Scriptable Finder) and a
   Macintosh with a minimum of a Motorola 68020 or PowerPC 601
   processor. 68k and PPC versions included.
 141    10/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   You have a bottle and pills are dropping in; the object is to
   eliminate the viruses that are scattered around in the bottle;
   v2.8 runs on PowerPC Macs; 32-bit compatible.
  84      7/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

    Fast, simple, and safe file type/creator changer. 

 192     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Fast, simple, and safe file and folder renaming tool;
   Search and replace strings within filenames, insert/remove strings
   from filenames, change case, convert to MS-DOS format, etc.
   Fat binary.

 672    5/20/96    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Compress files into StuffIt format.  When used with StuffIt Expander
   3.5 (availalbe elsewhere at mac.archive), also allows expansion of
   .zip, .arc, .gz (GnuZip), .Z (Unix Compress), .uu (Uuencode),
   .pkg (AppleLink), .QWK, .tar, and .tgz archives.
   Accelerated for PowerPC Macs, too.
 63      3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

  Find meanings for System Error number codes.  For any error it will
  display the result code word and a very brief description.
  Includes Newton errors, too!
 572   10/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A small screensaver that can display the current time or graphics
   (PICT, JPEG, GIF) from a folder full of choices.  Also supports
   password protection.  Requires color-capable mac and system 7.
   Fat binary.
1290     9/21/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Remember the classic game "mastermind" you played as a kid? Imagine
   it MYST-ified and with an attitude problem! You'll have to solve a
   series of codes to unlock the Enigma Briefcase and find out what's
   inside. All the while you'll have to endure savage taunts from
   strange little people!  Extremely well done.  Fat binary.
 243     6/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Partial version of the NSA developed Data Encryption Standard
   that is the standard for commercial encryption; a fuller version
   with heavier security is available from the author.  Fat Binary
   for 68K and PowerPC Macintoshes.  Requires System 7.
 477     2/15/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   View, insert and adjust PICT preview resources within EPS files;
   supports Drag and Drop and is scriptable; includes versions for
   68K and PPC Macs.  Requires System 7.
 644     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The freeware version of Eudora, which allows you to receive and 
   send mail from your Macintosh via a POP server.  No more mainframe 
   editors or terminal emulators!  Fat binary.

 220     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Dig out and examine files from the System Folder;  change
   what is enabled or disabled; create configuration "sets";
   fat binary requires System 7; lots of new stuff and fixes.

 515     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Spelling checker for LaTex documents.  Reads text files and is
   smart enough to ignore most LaTeX/TeX commands.  Minor bug fixes
   and additional support for AMS commands.  Fat binary.

 336      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A combination of a fat binary application and a control panel
   which will run Control Strip modules in a somewhat more stable
   environment than the one Apple ships.  Includes a bunch of
   extra modules:  KeyHolder, KeyboardExtender, TrashIt,
   ProcessManager, ControlPanelsStrip, and ControlStripMenu.

 912     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   You can easily drag & drop files into other machine's virtual
   "mailboxes" (and they can be connected via AppleTalk or TCP/IP
   networks).  A fat binary package that works asynchronously and
   can send things instantly, or delayed.

  48     2/29/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

  Code to implement a Finder (tm) like progress bar and the
  "barber pole" animation.  CodeWarrior 7 project files for
  68K, PPC, and fat versions.
  63     2/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   ScreenSaver that's PowerMac native, FATBinary.  Puts fireworks on your
   screen, its an application not a cdev or extension.

 900         9/25/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A client application which will allow you to hook up (via
   AppleTalk or modem) to First Class Bulletin Board systems.
   This copy is the italian language translation.  Also includes
   all the modem strings needed for Italian lines.  Fat Binary.

2435      3/1/96    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Installs one of three different (but similar looking) packages
   from the FirstOffice suite.  GeneralLedger provides simple
   general ledger functionality.  Medium has the same functionality
   as G/L, but also includes sales & purchase ledgers, and item &
   customer & supplier registers.  Large has all the features of
   the "medium" package, but tries to go for the entire accounting
   process... from the quote to the sales payment receipt.  These
   files are fat binaries, and they change from fully enabled to
   "demo" mode after 90 days if the shareware fee isn't paid up.
 294    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   For Visual Flight Rule pilots to make VFR flight plans;
   can create and use 4 libraries: Air, COM, NAV, FIX; 
   requires System 7 and PowerMac.
 243     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Draws several different fractals; v5.0 is faster, includes
   support for both PowerMacs and 680x0 FPUs, has full-screen
   view which resizes when window size is changed, much more.

 448      1/8/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   For those of you who can't keep track of all your fonts, this fat
   application analyzes your drives, finds all the corrupt and duplicate
   fonts, fonts without Postscript files, etc.  Pay some money and
   this app will actually fix the problems, too.
 130      8/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Generate Mandelbrot set fractals.  PowerPC native-mode only.
1027      2/29/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Fwave IV is a 2-D electromagnetic wave equation solver, primarily
   intended for optical waveguides. It is capable of analysing multiple
   modes in single or coupled, linear or non-linear, guides.
   Fat Binary.

 160     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Create animated GIF files using inputs of PICT, GIF, TIFF
   or a QuickTime movie (and the output is a GIF89a file with
   multiple images).  Fat binary.

 128      8/3/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A Power Macintosh port of GNUChess 3.0.

 388    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,CompactPro1.51

   The ultimate control panel for modifying the "look and feel" of
   your mac.  All features are very customizable and can be turned on or
   off on a feature by feature basis.  Includes 3D buttons, styled
   scrolls, styled windows (from NeXt to Copland), tinting of menus,
   windows, dialogs and alerts, application specific settings, and much
   much more. FAT binary.

1612     11/6/95    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   German version of:

1579     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   French version of:

1587     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Convert almost any graphic format of Mac, PC, Unix, Atari,
   etc. into almost any other format, and edit them as well
   Fat Binary for 68K and Power Macs.

 288     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Finder utility supports multiple windows, menubar, drag-n-drop
   files to and between Browser windows, Finder commands like print,
   get info, sharing, and greater flexibility in resizing; requires
   System 7, Color QuickDraw, Thread Manager; v2.54 shows folder
   size, change names, labels of Stuffit archives, more.
 155      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   You get to define the colors for buttons, icons, menu (and other)
   windows, menubar backgrounds, alerts, etc. which make System 7
   look really cool! Requires System 7 and Color QuickDraw; v3.74
   fixes conflicts with FaxState and Code Warrior Constructor
   fully compatible with System 7.5, fat binary.

 112     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fattens your code.  Ie, it merges, under a GUI interface, the
   68K and PPC code you've produced w/o the commandline MPW and
   the ilk are known for.
  44    3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Helps w/ learning Hex multiplication and addition.  FAT.
1680      9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Produce documents written in the HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
   used by the WorldWide Web (WWW); documents are saved externally as
   ASCII text files.  Fat Binary.

 560     4/18/96   BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   A drag-and-drop Macintosh text->html converter with
   options allowing <TITLE>, <H1>, etc. choices before
   conversion; fat binary.

 908     11/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A PowerPC-native player for HyperCard stacks which provides the
   functionality of all versions of Apple's HyperCard Player up to and
   including the latest version, 2.3. So if your Mac did not come with
   HyperCard Player 2.2 or 2.3, you can use Hyper-Stack Player 2.3 instead.
   It also provides the ability to create buttons which you can link to
   your favorite stacks.  Requires Powermac.

   9    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display a fractal image.  For Power Macintoshes only.
  11     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Converts Illustrator images into greyscale from colour;
   accelerated for PPC.
 277    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A CGI utility for easy setup of a clickable WWW map on a
   Mac; requires WWW server software but should run on any
   Mac; fat.

 373     3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is the Native Demo Version of Infinite FX, 55 excellent
   special effects plugins for Adobe Illustrator from BeInfinite, Inc.
   It runs with blazing speed on both the PowerPC Macintoshes as
   well as 68K Macs.

 440     5/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An Internet Relay Chat client for the Macintosh.  With handy
   windows for multiple channels, the names of the current users on
   the channels, DCC, etc.  Fat binary runs native on both 680x0 and
   PowerPC computers running the MacOS.  $15 shareware
1366     6/25/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An Internet Relay Chat client for the Macintosh.  With handy
   windows for multiple channels, the names of the current users on
   the channels, DCC, etc. The author has assured me that this version
   is as good as a release version and has lots of new features since
   v2.5, like DCC resume, etc.
 182     9/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A multithreaded JPEG/GIF/PICT viewer (i.e. it can decompress multiple
   images at once) which uses as little RAM as possible.
 119     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A fat binary which lets you find the PowerPC native code corresponding
   to 680x0 code.
1927      8/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Japanese study aid.  Includes an AI-based vocabulary and Kanji
   study system, and a powerful multimedia Japanese-English Kanji
   dictionary.  It is also a complete dictionary authoring tool,
   which operates without KanjiTalk or the Japanese Language Kit.
   Requires System 6.0.7 or higher, is suitable for students from
   upper-level elementary to University level and beyond.
   Fat Binary for PowerMacs.

 100    12/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Interconvert files written in JIS, SJIS and EUC encodings (for
   Japanese text).  English version.  Now a fat binary for 680x0 and
 774     1/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fast, powerful image viewer for 680x0 and PowerPC Macs; can open
   images in JPEG, PICT, GIF, TIFF, BMP, MacPaint, or Startup Screen
   formats; requires System 7; version 3.3 no longer requires
   QuickTime.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.

  83     9/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Launch the program and you'll have two windows, one MandelBrot
   and one Julia.  Clicking on a spot in either of the windows
   magnifies that portion of the window, revealing some goregous
   fractals.  This fat application works best on a PowerMac.
 188      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create library of voice data for JUNO 106; record/playback using
   AppleScript.  Requires Apple MIDI Manager, System 7 and QuickTime.
   Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 393      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create library of voice data for K1; record/playback using
   AppleScript.  Requires Apple MIDI Manager, System 7 and QuickTime.
   Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.

  37      3/3/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A small fat app which hacks a copy of the Finder to remove the
   zoom-rectangles which waste time and cpu when opening and closing
   windows.  Compatible with Finder 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.5.1 and 7.5.3.

 567      9/21/96   BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Kinematic Land is a graphic simulation system of kinematic chains.
   It resolves the position, the speed and the acceleration of any point
   and any member. You can edit closed or opened chains, using blocked
   and movable points. Standard tools are available in a palette window
   to make easy editing. Every member or point could have independent
   time evolution.  Fat binary.
 129      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   If an application no longer runs because it "unexpectedly quit" or
   because the user quit it, relaunch it or restart the computer.
   Important for all kinds of server applications.  Includes versions
   for 68K and PowerMacs.
 170     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A full fledged autopilot and limited borg for Bolo 0.992.  Does
   pretty much everything a human player would do: claim bases, attack
   tanks, enemy LGM, bases, pill boxes, repair allied pill boxes,
   place pills and much more all with some degree of intelligence.
   For use on Power Macintoshes only.
 117      8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An application to upload or download data from Global
   Positioning System (GPS) handheld receivers.  FatBinary.

  14      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tell you the last time it was run.  Designed to be placed in the
   Startup Items folder.  Fat Binary for 68K and Power Macs.
  20      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Launch any application by typing its name.  Fat Binary for 68K and
   Power Macs.

  36     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Flashes the lights on your extended keyboard for floppy drive,
   modem, AppleTalk and SCSI activity.  Big bummer, it's PowerMac only.
   French and English documentation.

 420      3/9/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Lemur is a Macintosh implementation of an extended McAulay-Quatieri
   algorithm for sound analysis and synthesis.  It analyzes AIFF
   sample files to produce an intermediate representation (a Lemur analysis
   file), and uses these analysis files to synthesize AIFF sample files.
   Time scaling, frequency scaling, and frequency shifting, and magnitude
   scaling are possible. Fat Binary.

 501      4/9/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   LiSa, which stands for Life Sampling, is a real-time audio manipulation
   environment that runs on any Macintosh computer with a PowerPC (PPC)
   processor.  Plays up to 16 16-bit voices with a PPC 604.  Save functions
   disabled.  Powermac only.
 140     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Creates a text catalog of any disk, folder or doc; format-able,
   filter-able, drag-n-droppable, AppleScriptable; v2.51 has new
   option to skip the save dialogs when list is closed.
 979      10/8/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Logomation is a programming language developed to teach programming
   to novices, including children.  It is not LOGO, but it does have
   similar turtle graphics.  The package comes complete with a tutorial,
   a reference manual and many examples.  Fat binary.
 336     4/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This archive contains the LS FORTRAN.PPC 1.1a2 (aka 1.0.2) patch
   which updates LS FORTRAN 1.0

1166     3/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An colorful organizer built on the stately interface of
   Hypercard.  Ugh.  Allows you to keep track of To-Do's,
   a Celendar, a Diary, your projects, and a built-in
   Rolodex.  Needs some more tweaking, particulary when
   you move the window down to the bottom right of the screen.
   It'll open new windows off the bottom right, where you can't
   get at it.  PPC version.

 368   12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A package probably only useful for DJs who want to time
   their music, one half of this package is a "beats per
   minute" counter and the other half is a "manager" which
   compiles BPM playlists.  Fat binary.
  53      4/7/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Shows code and description for all of the Mac system errors;
   v1.21 fixes small out of memory error when used with System7.51
   on a PowerMac.
1008     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   MacFlash is a flashcard editor and a quizzer for the Macintosh.
   It features two programs, an editor and a quizzer.  Decks created by
   MacFlash feature multiple cards types, including plain text
   (your normal question and answer types), a multiple choice card,
   a picture card, and a multiple answer card.  Fat Binary.
1907    12/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Convert Fortran code to C.  A port of the AT&T program.
   As the author says, "the C code may be ugly, but it works."
   Includes THINK C source and Codewarrior projects.  Fat binary.

 234     9/27/95    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   A Mac port of GNU zip 1.2.4, the best compressor available.
   Now does folders, and will also MacBinary files for you.
   Requires System 7. FAT Binary
1249      5/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Serve hypertext documents to other World Wide Web (WWW) users;
   requires MacTCP.  Includes runtime portions of AppleScript 1.1 and
   FrontMost 1.0 for use only with MacHTTP.  FAT BINARY.
  23    11/11/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Under System 7.5, puts correct Macintosh model icon and designation
   in "About this Macintosh" dialog.  v1.1 is a fat binary for 680x0 and

1050    4/19/96     BinHex4.0,Compact1.50

   A Macintosh version of MikMod, a MOD file player which
   reads .S3M, STM, MTM, XM, ULT and MOD formatted files.
   This version is PowerPC only, not fat.
 450     3/2/95      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This shareware version can import, edit, and play standard
   4-voice Amiga SoundTracker, NoiseTracker, ProTracker, Startracker
   and IBM 4-voice FastTracker music modules, but it will not allow them
   to be played with other programs once you save them.  Registering
   the product will enable this feature.  New clearer drivers with 
   surround sound support that will run in native mode on PowerPC's.

 974      7/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat app freeware ray tracer which has a relatively friendly
   user interface (kind of hard to abort the lengthly process of
   rendering things).  Complete docs are included.
  83     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple text editor with some extra features that allow it to
   cooperate with KeyQuencer either locally or over a network.  Fat
   Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.  For use with

1226    1/17/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Ski down various courses, avoiding critters and other skiiers (and
   snow bunnies), exploding snowmen, adjustable weather conditions,
   different types of skiis, etc.  A fat binary game.
 405    12/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A fully-featured interface to the World Wide Web (WWW).  An
   alternative to NCSA Mosaic and Netscape.  Requires System
   7 and MacTCP.  PowerMac native version.
 340     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   3D engine suitable for games, etc.  Includes Fat Binary compiled
 180     9/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert mmdf and babyl mail files, and NewsWatcher save files, into
   sendmail format, suitable for use with Eudora. Will also burst
   Eudora digests (if properly formatted).  Requires System 7.
   Changes include better memory management, FATness, support for Mac MS
   mail and more.
 338     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is a stand-alone application that creates TeX usable indices.
   This is version 1.1 of MacMakeIndex, but is really version 2.13b
   of 'real' MakeIndex with a Mac interface.  Interfaces with OxTex 2.1.
   Fat binary.
 992      1/6/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat binary fractal program (pretty bloody fast, too) for
   viewing and creating.  Fractals are infinitely complex and
   colorful graphical objects. This file includes the app, an
   MS-Word manual, and 43 sample images.

 897    10/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A simple hypercard-based offline newsreader.  PPC Native.

 374      5/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An Internet audioconferencing tool.  Use your Mac's microphone
   to communicate with another person (or a group)!  Fat Binary for
   68K and PowerPC Macs.

 208    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   AfterDark module to draw pretty shapes on the screen.
   Includes a fat version, plus a version for non-FPU machines.
1087    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A 3D modeling, rendering and animation package for PowerMacs.
   Very cool.

  81      7/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Compute the size of any number of files or folders on any media,
   useful for creating CD-ROMs and other write-once disks that have
   large allocation block sizes; v1.2 recompiled for both 680x0 and

 448      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Marathon Interactive Augmentor.  Preliminary version of
   a level editor for Marathon (I).  It allows you to load a map
   file, view any of the existing levels, shuffle around their
   layouts, and modify the placement and number of objects.
   Now allows creation of original maps.  Fat binary.
 125     5/13/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Keep any kind of system exclusive data in text files; AppleScript
   recordable;  requires Apple MIDI Manager and either System 7.1, or
   System 7 plus QuickTime; v1.11 can save data in text format, open
   text file, keep multiply-divided system exclusive data in 1 window.
  29     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Lets you view the video-input on screen. Therefore you need
   either an AV Macintosh or some thirdparty video-input device
   that supports a Quicktime VDIG plus some video signal
   source, like a VCR or a camera.
3906    12/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Display electron density and atomic models.  Includes many CAD-like
   features and extensive documentation.  Exports quicktime movies
   of your models.  Fat and 68k without coprocessor versions included.
   Due to the hoggish size of this file (and the archive's limited
   disk space), it's due to be removed 3/15/96.
 194     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Image Processing program for PMacs (required). Allows many
   special effects on QuickTime movies and PICT files.
   Included: convolutions (blurs, sharpens, embosses),
   textures, a Convolution editor, and a Texture editor.
 139     3/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   MPEG Audio playing and conversion utility; requires System7 and
   68020 or better with FPU or a powermac; FAT binary.
 305     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MPEG Audio playing and conversion utility by Warner;
   requires System7 and 68020 or better with FPU; FAT.
  98     2/12/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.51
   MPEG Audio player for the PowerMac by Dreer; supports
   playback in background, drag-n-drop, etc; requires PowerMac.
2118     5/8/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THE single most comprehensive interface to the Internet.  If there
   is a way to do it, this program can.  WWW, Gopher, etc., etc., etc!
   Requires System 7 and MacTCP.  Fat Binary.
1100     10/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THE single most comprehensive interface to the Internet.  If there
   is a way to do it, this program can.  WWW, Gopher, etc., etc., etc!
   Requires System 7 and MacTCP.

  64      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A fat application which plays MPEG audio tracks.

 597     2/29/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Formerly known as FTPd, this fat app sets up your machine to be
   a Gopher, Web and FTP server (all via one application!).
   Requires System 7, MacTCP or OpenTransport, file sharing
   turned on.  Allows you to log into other AppleShare
   servers on your network, change passwords on those
   logged-in servers, initial directories for users/groups/guests,
   Gopher protocol support (your Mac as a Gopher server, imagine
   that!), remote site access restrictions, MacBinary support.
   Version 4.01 now supports CGI scripts and native Open Transport.
  65     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change the color of check boxes, radio buttons, and buttons, and
   scroll bars; v2.5 works with PowerMacs and AV models.
 880     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   You specify the NNTP News server, your SMTP mail server,
   grab/create/write into your unix-box (or standalone) .newsrc file,
   and read Usenet news groups.  Easily subscribe/unsubscribe, print,
   reply, followup, save articles, etc.  C source can be found in our
   /mac/development/source directory.  Distributed as a fat binary.
   Version 2.0 not significantly different than version 2.0b27,
   the last beta version.

 544     4/15/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A planetarium for the Macintosh.  Through its windows you can see
   where the stars are tonight, next month, or any other time.  You
   You can add, edit, and remove stars and constellations if you wish.
   Fat binary runs on PowerMacs or 68K machines with FPU installed.
 628     8/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A follow-the-leader type game in which you must repeat a numerical
   sequence punched into a telephone keypad.  Touch-tone sound effects.
   Powermac-only version.

 272      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   This 68K & PowerMac native extension (and application combo)
   listens for a finger connection and gives notification of
   new email; requires at least System 7.0, MacTCP 1.1,
   Eudora 1.4 (optional), POP account on a UNIX or VMS machine.
   v 3.0 now supports MacSLIP and Open Transport.
 369     5/10/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The standard Macintosh telnet program! Emulates vt100, vt220,
   TEK, and some hybrids. Also supports kerberos authentication with
   encryption. Also has a built-in ftp server. FAT Binary.

  16    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Draw a moving, morphing animated Julia set in real time.
   For Power Macintoshes only.

1617     8/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A non-historical strategic-level wargame based on a 1950ish army.
   You must use both military and management strategies to beat your
   opponent.  Demo limited to 12 turns.  Fat binary.
 22      3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A solitaire game where you try to arrange the face cards around
   the edge of a 4x4 square.  Now FAT Binary!
 242     12/2/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   PowerPC version of /mac/util/text/orniwell2.0.cpt.hqx a fast text
   viewer with search capabilities.
 280     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   DVIPS application for use with OzTeX.  Requires support
   files from /mac/misc/tex/dvips1.1.sit.hqx. Fat binary.

 730     9/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Metafont application for use with OzTeX.  Requires support
   files from /mac/misc/tex/metafont1.1.sit.hqx.  Creates
   new fonts if you don't have the right size, etc. Fat binary.

 675     9/23/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   TeX compiler and DVI file viewer for the Mac.  Compiles TeX,
   LaTeX, and LaTeX 2e input files.  Prints DVI files on any
   mac-compatible printer.  Requires several other files, see
   /mac/misc/tex/00oztexreadme.txt for details.  This archive
   contains only the OzTeX application itself.  Many new features.
   Fat Binary.
 415    12/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PAIGE(tm) Demo is a fully working shareware word processing
   and page layout application.  It demonstrates the capabilities
   of DataPak Software's cross-platform developer library for word
   processing, page layouts and multi-media applications.  Fat Binary.

 544    1/28/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A beta version of a freeware 3D modeller for PowerMacs.
   Completely Bezier spline based and vertex oriented, can
   use QuickDraw 3D, includes documentation in HTML format.
1174    11/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Shoot all the space nasties before they run into you.  Something
   like a cross between Centipede and Galaxian.   Requires Color
   QuickDraw.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 455      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Keep a collection of notes in a single, easy-to-use file;
   password protect the file, search it's entries, even "speak"
   the entries (with Speech Manager installed); powerful and
   flexible; supports Quickdraw GX, drag-n-drop, more; requires
   System 7.  PowerPC version.
  83     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple QuickTime movie player designed to play movies as smoothly
   as possible.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 241    10/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Speed up all built-in Photoshop functions on the Power Mac,
   such as effects, resizing, rotating, compositing, feathering,
   color conversion, all built-in filters; does NOT accelerate
   plug-in filters, nor does it affect third-party plug-ins.
  33    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Compare PICT files and find out if they are identical, or at least
   very similar. Supports all PICT files, including QuickTime
   compressed pictures.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 249      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A simple text editor that handles files larger than 32K.  Word
   wrap, search and replace, bookmarks, and more.  Insert or remove
   hard carriage returns, convert between Unix, MS/DOS, and Mac end-
   of-line conventions, convert between straight and curly quotes,
   etc.  Even incorporates a few operating system commands in a
   command-line interface.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerMacs.
 927     7/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Play and edit MOD music from the Amiga & IBM and save the files
   (with instruments, partitions, etc.); records new instruments, and
   view the music as it plays on an oscilloscope and a virtual
   keyboard; Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
1038     2/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Same as /mac/sound/soundutil/playerpro4.5.sit.hqx, but localized
   for French.

 352     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A fat binary QuickTime movie player which brags that it's
   the "smoothest movie-player" of all, including loading
   movies into RAM and movie editing.
 168     6/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Determine if a file contains PowerPC native code.  This program is
   itself Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.

 208     2/29/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat Drag & Drop text conversion utility... can replace characters
   or strings.  Supports wildcards, control characters, hexidecimal
   strings, etc.

  93     3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An emulator for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum home computer.  Exact speed,
   perfect sound, realtime tape I/O, etc.  Power Macintosh ONLY.
  55     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PowerXplorer is a small application which tests the PowerPC
   speed in native floating-point calculations.  It draws the Mandelbrot
   set and lets you explore it by zooming in and out at will.
 203     3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Several Powermac-only modules for After Dark.
  60      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Prestel terminal emulator.  Fat Binary for 68K and Power Macs.
 800       9/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Professor Phonics Find The Word v1.2 is a supplementary exercise
   based on the words and materials found in the Professor Phonics book.
   MacUser Editors Choice Award.  Requires PlainTalk.  Fat Binary.
 128      12/4/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Switch between running programs by hitting a key or two...
   You can also hide applications and exclude applications from
   being switched into.

 635    2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Prometheus is a programming language specially designed for logic,
   mathematics, and artificial intelligence.  It contains elements from C,
   Pascal, LISP, and Prolog, but has many novel features.  It is high-level
   and very weakly typed.  Fat Binary.  (Not to be confused with

1409     2/29/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat binary pre-release demo of Public Address BBS Host software.
   It supports modem connections, ADSP and TCP/IP connections.
   Everything the user sees is controlled by modules.  No limits
   on any of the features.

 165      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Manipulate two-dimensional figures around by dragging
   their skeletons; the skins of the figures bend and twist
   automatically to keep up with the skeleton; set up
   very simple animations; requires PowerPC.

  37       1/8/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Creates "modern art" (which resembles fractals, but not
   necessarily) by a special algorithm.  You can save the
   resulting artwork as a TIFF file.  Includes versions of
   the application for FPU, non-FPU 68K machines, and PowerMacs.

  68     3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quicktime 2.0 savvy movie Editor/Player.  FAT Binary.
 128     10/1/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Time-lapse and still image photography app for use with
   Connectix QuickCam; many cool features!  68k and PPC
   versions included.

 496      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An Atari 400/800 and 800XL emulator that allows you to turn
   your Macintosh into the fine Atari computers you remember
   from way back when.  Allows you to transfer files between
   the Mac hard disks and the Atari disk images.  Does not include
   the Atari OS ROM images, though.  Includes a version for PowerMacs.

 468     11/23/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This "patch" is a new version of the application for Rebel Assault
   Macintosh. It fixes a problem that occurs on certain configurations (in
   particular Power Macintoshes) that caused a "Bad frame header id" error
   message to occur. For people using Power Macintoshes or Macintoshes with a
   PowerPC*-equipped accelerator card, version 1.06p (located in the "Power
   Mac" folder) is the native mode version, offering vastly increased
 803     9/21/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Program robots and turn them loose in the arena to fight;
   features include a programming environment, icon animation
   facilities, digitized sound (enter your best in semiannual
   competitions); runs native on PowerMacs as well as 68K Macs;
   new: bug fixes, tourney winners.

 256     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Reads a set of 3-dimensional points and lines and plots them in
   a window; image can then be rotated with the mouse in real time;
   Two versions of the app:  one for 68K machines with FPU, and a 
   fat version for everybody else.

 560     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   An fat binary offline newsreader/mailer.  Knows how to deal
   with NNTP servers in addition to working with a uucp-based
   feed (i.e. which comes from something like UUCP or ToadNews).
1033     3/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat French language grammar checker.  Works with ClarisWorks,
   EudoraPro, QuarkXpress, Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, FrameMaker,
   GWrite, and Hypercard.  Demoversion only works for one global
   checking and 20 step-by-step checking, per use.

 136    10/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Records whatever is happening on your Macintosh screen into a
   movie, as well as whatever you're playing on your MID device or
   saying into your microphone.  A couple limitations tho... it
   doesn't catch zooming windows, cursor movement or menus popping down.
   One app is for 68000-based models, another app is for Power PC's.
1030     8/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A replacement for the Script Editor, with a built-in debugger.
   Fat binary.

  96    12/31/95    BinHex4.0StuffIt3.50

   A PowerMac only scheduling and appointment tracking application.
   Allows you to put in as many appointments into the included empty
   file as you want, but you can create new files only after paying
   the license fee.

  88      3/14/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Specialized Movie Effects in Real Time.  Perform special effects
   on Quicktime movies.  Requires PowerMac.
 880     5/8/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   SeqVu is an application for molecular biologists. It is an alignment
   editor with analysis options that allows you to work quickly and simply
   with multiple sequences. It is ideal for manually correcting alignments
   produced using alignment software such as ClustalV.SeqVu goes beyond
   simple editing and allows you to produces publication quality figures,
   complete with outlined identity or homology. You can also shade
   residues which are of certain types, that have identity at aposition,
   or are homologous. You can display outlining and shading simultaneously,
   so that you can see, for example, identity and homology simultaneously.
   There is also a novel hydropathy display which shows hydrophobicity on
   multiple sequences using coloured shading. Documents maybe exported to
   graphics programs for further editing.  Fat Binary.
1854     6/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Easily annotate scanned images from journals, magazines, etc.
   Supports JPEG, GIF, PICT, TIFF and more.  Fat binary.
 183      6/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A variation of paddleball/breakout; "fat binary" runs on both
   classics and powermacs; requires System 7.
  44     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A small, fast, no-frills calendar program; FAT.
 272     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A slightly confusing game (apparently based on puzzles found
   in weekly magazines) where the object is to make sure the
   numbers 1-9 appear only once in the 9 cells of each vertical
   and horizontal line, and each 3x3 matrix surrounded by a
   thicker line.  Don't get it?  Play it and maybe it can be
   figured out!  You can easily change languages between
   Japanese and English.  Fat binary.

 320    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Not necessarily a screensaver per se, snowflakes (from a flurry,
   to a blizzard) are falling on the screen and cheesy QuickTime
   MIDI music is playing in the background.  Almost makes me want
   to build a fire.  Fat binary.
 208      1/6/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Play and record SND/AU (mu-law, A-law, linear) and AIFF/AIFC
   (MACE3, MACE6) sound files.  A fat binary.

 249      8/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Plays Atari ST/Amiga MOD music files.  Supports a variety of MOD
   derivates with up to 32 voices (M.K., M!K!, FLT4/8, 5CHN-9CHN,
   10CH-32CH); Oktalyzer (a format with up to 8 voices), MED/OctaMED
   (modern MMD0/1/2 format).  Nifty interface includes a display which
   shows an oscilloscope/ sound spectrum.  Enhanced for PowerPC Macs
   with a plug-in module.

 112    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Allows you to view real-time time-wave and frequency spectrum
   info from any Macintosh sound input device.  You can record and
   playback 8-bit sound, as well.  Fat binary.
 144     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A color arcade game somewhat based on Galaxian. Nice graphics,
   animation, sound; requires at least 68020, System 6.07, color
   13" screen; v1.2 much improved, powermac compatible.
2254     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   View files in MPEG format and save them as QuickTime movies (or
   the reverse!); requires Thread Manager, QuickTime 1.6; v2.45
   is bugfix and supports QuickTime-style dithering; Fat Binary.

 354     5/15/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays the speed of your Mac with different functions (such as
   graphics, disk, etc.) on a speedometer.  Make comparisons to a
   saved list of machines.  Now Fat Binary for PowerMac native-mode
 176     1/18/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Creates those random-dot stereograms (as seen in the Magic Eye
   series... or those annoying pictures people are spending hours
   staring at in the mall).  This fat app creates 3D images from
   a grayscale PICT.  Demo only allows three patterns to be
   worked with.

 158      7/27/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Random dot generator (use a black and white picture) to make
   unusual stereograms. Wear those old 3-D movie 'glasses' you thought
   you'd never have another use for, and see things on your screen pop
   out at you. Requires Color QuickDraw.  Fat binary.

 116     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   2 applications to strip PPC code or 68K code from Fat binary
   files to make them smaller.
  58     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quick and easy mini drag-and-drop archiver; I was able to compress
   a 1128K file 13% and a 50K file 40%; includes source code and FAT
   binary which uses the IEEE compress algorithm and is compatible
   with the original StuffIt.
 823    12/16/94   BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   The shareware successor to StuffItClassic.  Many new fixes and
   features, and still just a hint of what you can get if you shell
   out for the retail version.  Requires at least 1 meg available RAM
   Now fat binary.
 820       9/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   "The Talking Spelling Bee" will couch kids letter by letter through
   the spelling of a word.  Artificial intelligence monitors all letters
   entered in so kids will be taught as they play. Parents and teachers
   will be able to quickly add their own spelling words.  Requires
   PlainTalk.  Fat Binary.
 173     7/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A plug-in replacement for the Macintosh Toolbox TextEdit package
   that can handle more than 32 K of text at a time.  THINK C source
   with a sample application compiled as Fat Binary for 68K and
   PowerPC Macs.

 368     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Quickly create, edit and print styled text documents of
   unlimited size; much more;  This fat app supports Apple's Speech
   Manager and Drag & Drop routines, fixes several bugs.
  76     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Sort out all those dangling newsgroup threads with this handy
   dandy drag-n-drop util; fat binary.
  28     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This package contains three faders for DarkSide 4.1. They are
   fat binaries.
 138     7/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The old-fashioned game in a nice graphical format; rather
   easy to beat; fat.

 672     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Shareware time-tracking app for recording time tasks.  Very useful
   for consultants, attorneys, graphic designers (i.e. people who 
   bill for time, or just to keep track of how much time is spent
   on various tasks).  Allows for listing charges and expenses.
   Lots of documentation, bells and whistles.  Fat application.
 149     7/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Do a thorough timing of all video devices.  Will time the video
   frames, VBL interrupts, reloads of whole clut, and the fraction of
   the screen that you can fill with a real-time movie shown by
   CopyBitsQuickly().  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 362     6/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A "To Do" application which allows you to leave text/voice
   reminders for yourself.  Speech Manager reads back text
   items for you to take care of.  Demo version of this fat
   app expires after 10 days.
1756      9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Evaluation copy of Symantec & CodeWarrior compatible C/C++ and
   Pascal 68K and PPC routines to simplify programming and reduce
   the time it takes to write and debug a program.  Enhances,
   automates and integrates: windows, cursors, buttons, picture
   buttons, scroll bars, fields, lists, pull-down/hier menus,
   toolbars, floating palettes, pop-ups, clipboard, etc.

 609     4/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A collection of Apple File Exchange (AFE) translators, Claris XTND
   translators and general Drag& Drop (System 7 or later) translation
   applications   Includes: (Mac to IBMpc) BMP 1.00, dBase II & III to
   CSV 1.04, EPSF (IBMpc to Mac) 2.00, TIFF (IBMpc to Mac) 2.00,
   Windows (.BMP) to PICT 1.02, WordStar to RTF 1.02, BitMapsToEPS
   3.10,PICT / BMP 1.50, ctc 1.6, EPS Preview Converter 1.50, QT Movie
   ToolBox 1.50, TEXT Converter 1.50, PC PaintBrush (PCX) - XTND 1.0,
   StartUp Screen - XTND 1.01, Windows (.BMP) - XTND 1.10.  Converters
   listed as version 1.50 are included in PowerPC native-mode
  36    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set the transparency index in GIF images.  Transparent GIF images
   are most commonly used as inline images in WWW pages, though they
   may have other uses as well.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
  26      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Indicates which for which platform a trap actually has a
   code; reports fat traps as PPC; will only work on Powermacs.
 738     6/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Another game of Canfield.  Supports different card/background
   styles, window scaling, asychronous sound and cheating (grin).
   Fat binary.

 672     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat application which shows the behavior of trusses
   while loading them down (using color intensities to show
   the force values).  Demo only limited to four trusses on

  13     9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Antialias all of your fonts.  For Power Macs only.
2806      8/8/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The shareware version of Ultima ]I[, faithful to the original version.
   Full approval from EA and Lord British.  Requires a color macintosh 
   (68020 or higher).  Fat binary.

  41    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Decode UUencoded or BinHex4 coded chunks set to newsgroups.
   Fat Binary for 68K and PowerMacs; U.S. version.
  88     3/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An URL filer/launcher utility.  It allows you to store URLs in
   files, opening the URL when the file is double clicked upon.
   Drag and Drop text containing a valid URL onto the application
   icon will open the URL.  Many more features, requires System
   7.1 and Internet Config 1.1 (available in the archives under:
   /mac/util/comm/internetconfig1.3.sit.hqx)  FAT binary.
 400    12/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MicroArchitecture Simulator models a microprogrammed processor
   similar to the one described in the book "Structured
   Computer Organization" by Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Its hardware
   components and its instruction set are fixed (not too much,
   as you will see) but its microprogram is fully editable in a
   user friendly manner. The processor has access to a 128K
   Random Access Memory (it borrows from your Mac); you can
   easily view, modify, load or save this portion of memory.
   You can run programs and debug them with a step by step
   execution. Namely, you can advance by a conventional
   instruction, by a microinstruction, and even by a clock
   subcycle observing the internal parts of the processor.
   Full C source code included. PowerPC native (FAT).
  50     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   For use with System 7 and Mac UUCP, this beta version (it's also
   a "fat" binary) allows the user to select files for transfer via
   UUCP.  Only copies data forks... looks somewhat clunky.

  99      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Yet another utility which does UUEncoding and UUDecoding.
   Handles file segmentation, multiple files (batch decoding),
   sound file conversions (mulaw, AIFF, FSSD), filetype detection
   (customizable), and type/creator assignment.  Fat binary.
  59    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fast, batch uudecoder.  Designed to work with NewsWatcher, does
   nicely as standalone.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
  80      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Compares any two files on different machines without downloading
   them by calculating checksum and CRC32 on data and resource forks;
   v1.22 has optimized 68K and PowerPC code with CodeWarrior 5.5,
   cooler online docs, graphics, and contents menu.
  49     9/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Turns an icon into a whirling black hole.  FAT, but 68k macs
   require an FPU.  Only works in 256 colors in the main monitor.

1700     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   You are a pilot of space ship 'Woden' and fly in space avoiding
   enemies and missiles. You destroy the big and hard boss and then
   clear the stage. There are 5 stages.  Requires Powermac, 5.3 MB
   free RAM.
   8      6/13/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An init that allows Wolfenstein 3D to run at 320x200 with 2x2 pixel
   replication.  Similar to VGA on a PC.  Fatbinary.  System 7.0 or greater

 312     10/1/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Display, and optionaly periodically update, a picture of earth,
   viewable from many perspectives. Able to display as a picture in a
   window, as the background, or by taking up the full screen (makes
   a neat screen-saver.) Based on xearth for X-Windows.
   Requires: An FPU, or Powermac. Experimental non-fpu version
   available from author's page.

1063      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Mac version of the Unix yorick for analyzing numerical data.
   Uses a command line interface, manipulates arrays easily,
   imports/exports data in column format, has 2d drawing/graphing
   capability.  For PowerMacs.
 504     1/10/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Compress files using the DOS-standard .zip format. Many features,
   with a standard Mac interface (wow!).  This FAT binary also
   now supports drag & dropping, as well as segmented files.
 254     10/7/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display detailed info about each active heap zone including counts
   and total sizes of free blocks, pointers, handles (including
   locked, resource, and purgeable); graphical interface; saves to
   text and/or PICT file; requires System 7.x.  Fat Binary.
 386     10/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A pretty good shareware terminal program that supports the X-,Y-,
   Yg- and Z-Modem protocols.  Allows you to dial directly from the
   program, view/manage the  built in phonebooks, print selection,
   include Kermit, 16 color ANSI, Drag Manager support, dynamic scroll
   bar, user selected fonts (including 2 byte fonts like Japanese) and
   an AutoOpen feature to allow postprocessing of downloaded files
   depending on file type.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Mac.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  23     12/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert MIDI files to QuickTime2.0 movies via drag-n-drop; requires
   System7 or later, QuickTime2.0; v1.12 is bugfix, and has fat binary
   for 68K and PowerMacs built-in; free!
  96    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Schematics for a Mac to MIDI hardware interface.

  66      8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Drag and drop a MIDI file onto Arnolds MIDI player and
   the song will start playing (of course, you need to have
   an external MIDI device... or a MIDI-to-Quicktime converter).
 256     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play any MIDI file on the Mac or on an external synthesizer;
   drag and drop to hear the song; requires at least a Mac LC
   and System 7, QuickTime (or MIDI Manager to play MIDI device).
  28      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   J. S .Bach's 15 Inventions in QuickTime MIDI Movie
   format; requires QuickTime 2.0 or newer & SimpleText.

 113      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   J.S. Bach's 24 Fugues in all major and minor keys; requires
   QuickTime 2.0 or newer, and SimpleText or MoviePlayer; nice!

 485     3/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Very powerful MIDI editor with many advanced composition tools. 
   Requires a MIDI input device and keyboard.  Demo cannot save and
   automatically quits after 10-15 min.

 985    12/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A combination of computer science and musicology, resulting
   in an object-oriented description of music and composition
   of original music according to formal rules.  Playback
   through midi.  Based on the original Bol Processor (BP1).
   (I don't understand this stuff very well, YMMV. -Pete)
  18     2/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A demo program for the MidiPascal 3.0 Drivers.  It is a
   utility that will handle up to 128k dumps from any equipment
   which can do a sysex dump via front panel command.
 242     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   MIDI utility that lets you see MIDI songs play on an on-screen keyboard,
   as well as use your mouse to send MIDI events; graphically pleasing, too.
 345     2/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A pre-release of Carnegie Mellon University's Midi Toolkit.
   It is a collection of utilities for use with a midi device,
   including a app called Adagio that "...will play a pre-existing
   score, record midi events performed live, or do both at once."
  49     5/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allows real-time playing of MIDI over a high-speed modem; jam with 
   a friend over the phone!  Play gigs from home!
 189    10/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Looks like a quick-n-dirty way to compose, play, convert,
   and accompany music. However, when I tried to play a midi
   file written in another program and saved as a midi,
   it wouldn't do it. The error message said "...we only handle
   -0 file formats now" or something to that effect. No docs.
  66     2/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This program reads and writes voice patch files in the format
   used by the Midimac Casio Patch Librarian.  It displays or prints
   the voices in either the format of Casio's "Sound Data Book" or
   in hexadecimal format.  It sends these patched to and receives
   them from the Casio synthesizer.
  59     2/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Basic Hypercard based editor for D110 rhythm parts.
 137     4/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A collection of 75 drum patterns & styles in Standard Midi File 
   (GS/GM) format.
  72      7/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Collection of drum patterns in Standard Midi File (SMF) format.

 884      7/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Demo of the commercial program Encore.  Will not save or print and
   will periodically quit.
   3     4/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Fix a bug on a small fraction of Macintoshes where the computer
   begins sending a steady stream of random MIDI data on each serial
   port as soon as the program configures the port for MIDI.
 332   2/11/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A flexible chord and scale book for all types of stringed
   instruments.  You can find any chord, scale, or interval in any
   key on any instrument in any tuning.  You can play it through
   the speaker or your MIDI instrument (you don't need MIDI to 
   use this program.)
  59      7/27/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Takes a melody from a standard MIDI file exported by another
   application (take your pick, there's lots of them out there)
   or an smus file, and creates a 4-part harmonization for it.
   Some restrictions apply (the melody should be in a major key,
   lie above middle C, and be no more than 33 notes long).
  48     2/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A well written, extensible Hypercard stack providing a bit of
   everything - dumps, recording, analysis, play-keyboard and
   programmable patch editor [DX7 version included].
  22     3/30/93    Text
   Information about the many freeware and shareware products
   available for using MIDI on a Macintosh.  Dated 3/24/93.
  81     2/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A simple midi program.  Unable to determine the features.
 112     2/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Store patches for KAWAI's K4 digital synthesizer.
  99     12/6/94    BinHex4.0
   Schematic for a Mac to MIDI interface that derives its power from
   the serial port (no external power necessary); adaptable config;
   update comments on the conceptor of the Mac to MIDI schematic.
 347     10/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Meditor is a FREE MOD Editor/Player. It features fast editor, high 
   quality music player, fullscreen player, and a new file format.  
   Meditor requires 68020 or better CPU, Color Quickdraw, System 7 
   or greater, and 32-bit addressing mode. This version features more 
   effects, smoother spectrum analyzer, quick access buttons, try-out 
   tool, big instrument import, half-Japanese extension, full MIDI note 
   range, 3D buttons, and small bug fixes.
 134     2/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This looks like a really imaginative idea.  A MIDI-based effects
   processor with a graphical patch interface.  Without time to
   explore, it's impossible to assess its value, but it comes with a
   promising looking manual and a heap of example patches.  Worth
 717      4/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Demo of the Metro MIDI Sequencing software.
  72     3/31/93  BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Record streams of MIDI data, play back any MIDI file, patch MIDI
   input thru to MIDI output so that a keyboard controller will work
   even in a non-MIDI application, and selectively play back and
   record data for one channel while ignoring data for another.
 113     4/27/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Translate MIDI data files into MusicTeX source code; C source is 
   available from the author.
  48     2/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A promising general purpose patch editor.
 142    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Changes the file type and creator of a standard MIDI file
   so it can be used by a sequencer singly or in a group by
  78     4/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Read MIDI data and display it on a keyboard graphic, allowing you
   to 'see' the chords that played.  Includes filters, channel
   selection, thru on or off 
  21     4/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   View MIDI data activity via Apple's MIDI Manager software.
   5     3/31/93  BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Eliminate conflicts between the MIDI manager and the Chooser.
   Also, you can reset the status of either serial port.
 176     4/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Universal MIDI patch librarian for the Mac.
 125     5/13/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Keep any kind of system exclusive data in text files; AppleScript
   recordable;  requires Apple MIDI Manager and either System 7.1, or
   System 7 plus QuickTime; v1.11 can save data in text format, open
   text file, keep multiply-divided system exclusive data in 1 window.
 168     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Send MIDI data over a telephone line using a modem; connection
   is bidirectional, so two may play simultaneously; allows users
   to type messages back and forth at the same time; not compatible
   with 660AV, 840AV or Power Macintosh.

 946      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A stack for those who would like to get into MIDI sequencing
   without having to wade through endless documentation.  Requires
   HyperCard 2.0.
  88     12/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Records real time MIDI streams (performances, that is) in order to
   save them to disk in MIDI format 0 files so you can transfer
   them to other software (such as a notation or sequencer program) 
   for editing.  Requires MIDI Manager and Apple's PatchBay App or DA.
  72    10/16/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Examine many aspects of your interface and keyboard(s) such as
   the actual types of tones its producing, what kind of information
   it's getting, etc.
  22     2/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Split and/or layer a MIDI keyboard, wind controller, etc. into one,
   two or more MIDI channel zones that can send pitchbend, controller
   and patch change messages or not - and can be transposed.  Requires
   System 7.0, the MIDIManager and AppleMIDIDriver.
  49     5/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert some downloaded MIDI files into a format that will actually
   be recognized as MIDI files by most MIDI applications.
 124     3/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Chord finder for MIDI keyboard _plus_ a composing tool for
   songwriters.  Requires MIDI interface.
 126     1/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A demo of a game that teaches the fundamentals of music, such as
   note names, scales, intervals, and others.  The actual version can
   also be used with a MIDI connection.
 412      10/28/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A program that will scan and recognize sheet music and attempt to put it
   into a format that Night2Demo (also available in the
   archives) can understand.
 107     2/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Public Domain MIDIBASIC Example Program for the Ensoniq ESQ-1.
   Reads and writes Bank and Sequencer files in Ensoniq's standard
  72     10/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   QuickTime MIDI Player is an application which will allow you to 
   play MIDI data through your Macintosh speakers using QuickTime 2.0 
   or later and either the MIDI Manager or the Open Music System.  
  21      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Send patch data edited/filed by "DX7 Librarian" or "JUNO Librarian"
   or "MIDI Pack'en" to your MIDI device.  AppleScript recordable.
   Requires System 7 and the Apple MIDI Manager.

 175      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A music notation program that outputs tabulature;
   v1.0b3 is bug fix and upgraded tools and frills.
  27      2/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert your generic Standard MIDI Files (SMFs) to a form that your
   Mac sequencer application can read.
  70     3/29/94    BinHex4.0
   A MIDI util which changes file type to 'Midi' and creator to
   a selected sequencer; converts General MIDI program changes, 
   drum notes to your synthesizer's configuration; you can drag
   SMF's onto the application icon to do batch conversions.
  15     3/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Documentation for /mac/sound/midi/smfutil1.0b8.hqx
  26     3/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   For mixdown, delay time calculation, etc.
 185      3/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A "patch librarian".  Demo does not save files.
 31      6/15/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   MIDI Patch Librarian utility for a Yamaha SY77 synthesizer. Allows
   you to work with all 64 voices.
 207      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Easily find music notes on a guitar fretboard; this is the
   first module in a larger midi project; free.
 707     3/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A modular synthesis and sample processing program.
 356     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Create sound synthesis and signal processing algorithms by
   connecting functional units using a graphical user interface. New
   devices can be created by the interconnection of existing devices,
   or by writing 56001 DSP code "from scratch."  Requires a MIDI
   device.  Works in conjunction with a Sound Accelerator or AudioMedia
   card available from Digidesign corporation.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 237      7/1/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Set this as your startup application and annoy your co-workers
   batty.  It SINGS that favorite road trip party song.."99 bottles
   of beer".. and counts down.  You can start at 99 by default, or
   set it up to a quadrillion.  Put it on your portable Mac and take
   it with you on trips.
  54      8/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   One Macintosh is a "conductor", the other Macs on the network
   are the "chorus members".  Together, they all play music.
   Uses AppleEvents and new Sound Manager calls, so System 7 is
   required.  Includes Think C source.
 230      8/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This virtual librarian monitors the sound level of your
   Macintosh microphone and as the noise level goes up, the
   librarian tells you to shush up louder....
  10     8/14/93    BinHex4.0
   Since the new Sound Manager correctly outputs square waves, the
   simple beep has changed. This is a sampled sound of the old
   simple beep for those who want the new Sound Manager but like the
   old beep better.
 196      1/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play a recording of the mantra "Om" in the background continuously
   until you quit the application.
 784      7/12/93   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   You can rap just like the pros do (only you have a cooler
   computer).  Scratch a Perry Como record with your mouse through
   six different styles of beats on  the "beatbox" and "bass"lines...
   effects included do chriping, hit, bells and claps.  You can even
   record your raps via your microphone!  Requires System 6.0.7.
  86     7/23/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A virtual pig that makes noise depending on it's mood,
   which you can change easily.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  96     5/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three little applications for System 6 machines which play the
   various formats of sound files that you can find in System 7.
  10     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Record and play back high-fidelity AIFF-format sound files whose
   size is limited only by your available disk space.
 536      9/7/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Lets you view, play, save and replace "snd" resources in any file
   or application.  Can convert "snd" resources to Mac sound files.
   Requires:  PowerMac, MacOS 7.1 or later, Color Monitor, 2 MB RAM.

  34     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An extension (background application) which works in System 7.
   All it does is play whatever sounds you want at startup time.
   Fixes a bug that will cause a crash if the sound is in the system
  45     3/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A faceless background application that plays a .MOD file at
   startup.  Requires System 7 and a 68020 processor.
 303     4/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This application can use "sound collections" to play random sounds like
   bird chirps or ocean surf, play looped sounds like rushing water or
   crackling flames, or semi-random loops like thunderstorms or swamp
   noises.  Ambiance comes with seven collections and instructions on how
   to make your own.  Intended to run in the background while you work.
  33      8/3/92    BinHex4.0
   First dialog box opens the Amiga IFF sound file, the second
   dialog box asks you where you want to put the new Macintosh
   "Snd" file.  That's it.
  55     7/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of programs that give your Mac asynchronous (you
   don't have to wait for them to finish) sound playing abilities.
   Requires System 7 and the Apple Sound Chip (won't work on a 68000-
   based Mac).  Includes:  Mr.Player, a background app used by the
   other programs here; Mr.Beeper cdev, to make your system beep play
   asynchronously; Mr.Dropper, a drag-and-drop sound player;
   Mr.PostOffice, an interface for the invisible Mr.Player;
   Mr.Launcher, an application to relaunch Mr.Player without
   rebooting; Mr.Switcher, an app to toggle System 7's beep-enable
   flag on and off.
 472      9/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A super simple, but "pretty" CD controller.  I.E. the 
   controller is made up of some rave-ish type bubbly 
  61     3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   "Notebook" intended to allow you to catalog your person CDs.
    Requires System 7.
 353     9/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Now you have an alternative to AppleCD Audio Player!  This audio
   CD interface has a few extras such as a field for the artist's name.
   Now a fat binary.
  28      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert ulaw-encoded audio files in the Sun standard format to Mac
   files of 'sfil' type with creator 'movr' (System 7 sound files).
  24    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert Microsoft Windows' WAVE sound files into System 7 clickable
   SND files or vice versa.
 133     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Early version of a drum machine that utilizes QuickTime for
   sound output from the Mac's internal speaker.
  27     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Record and play arbitrarily long sounds, limited only by storage.
 486    10/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Program to help children and beginner music students learn to
   read music.  Uses large 72 point music font size.  Works best
   with 640 by 480 screen size.

 191    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Import sounds in a System 7 sound file, FSSD file (with or without
   HCOM compression), 'snd ' resource, .WAV, Sound blaster .VOC, Sun
   (/NeXT) u-Law (provided they are 8 bit mono), Amiga 8SVX, or AIFF
   formats, and export them in System 7 sound file, 'snd ' resource,
   .WAV, or Sound blaster .VOC format.
  23      8/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play System 7 sound  or AIFF files synchronously, so you can
   continue to work with music in the background.  Requires the Apple
   Sound Chip (NOT the 128, 512, Plus, SE, Classic) and System 6.0.7.
  62     11/5/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Super simple, System 7 savvy Audio CD Player. No Inits/Cdevs
   necessary... launch and it auto-starts your CD.  Teeny interface
   box requires color.
  39     10/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set the Sound In and Playthrough options on your Sound Manager 3.0-
   compatible Mac.  Includes THINK C source.

  60      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Records audiotracks from an AppleCD 300 or 600 to AIFF file
   in 44kHz 16Bit stereo; many options including multi-track
   recording dialog; requires at least System 7, 68020,
   AppleCD 300 or 600.
 129     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Piano (and many other) playing program allows point-n-click
   song creation, import/export of song compositions, and the
   ability to use any 'snd' resource as an instrument; requires
   HyperCard/Player 2.2 or 2.3.
 464      1/9/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Have your Macintosh take dictation!  Nice interface and
   the larger your hard drive, the more you can record.

 132      7/5/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Very well done ditigal oscilloscope.  Takes input from
   several devices and is extremely customizable.  Includes
   oscillator and frequency displays.  Version 2.0 now supports
   two-channel sound input and 16-bit amplitude resolution.
   Requires sound input hardware, and appropriate sound driver,
   System 7 and 500K RAM.

  33     1/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Find all 'snd ' resources in selected files and copy them into a
   new folder or suitcase.  Capable of scanning entire directories and
   disks.  Requires System 7.

  21    10/31/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Learn to recognize chords, octaves, fourths, fifths, and lots of
   other important musical stuff...
 320     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Practice intervals, chords, scales on the way to perfect pitch.
  18      6/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tiny AIFF Player.  great for use w/ Web.
  48    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A background-only application to play a sound when you restart or
   shut down.
  10      2/27/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Plays all the sounds in a file when dropped on it.  Fast, small, 
   memory nice, single use application.
  130     4/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play music in the background.  Will also record sounds to RAM or disk.
   Requires also the Apple Sound Chip (NOT the 128, 512, Plus, SE,
   Classic) and System 7.
  88     7/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Captures sounds from CD-ROM player playing audio CDs.  Allows saves in 
   several formats.  Requires AppleCD300 (or better), driver version 4, 
   and System 7. 
 137      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Illustrates basic principles of additive synthesis; create
   different waveforms by summing the amplitudes of a fundamental
   frequency and of its first 13 harmonics;it contains three preset
   waveshapes (sine, square and sawtooth) and three different views;
   requires 13" or larger monitor; v1.21 is update and bug fix.
  11     7/11/86    BinHex4.0
   Electric guitar simulator, lets you make weird guitar noises with
   the mouse.  Not terribly happy about MultiFinder/System 7.
 238     6/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play "Jingle Bells" using any sampled sound in System 7
   sound file format; allows 16-bit and stereo sounds; free.
 420      3/9/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Lemur is a Macintosh implementation of an extended McAulay-Quatieri 
   algorithm for sound analysis and synthesis.  It analyzes AIFF
   sample files to produce an intermediate representation (a Lemur analysis
   file), and uses these analysis files to synthesize AIFF sample files. 
   Time scaling, frequency scaling, and frequency shifting, and magnitude
   scaling are possible. Fat Binary.
  24      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play a sound file continuously (or until quit).  Requires System 7.
 66    3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Select items to be played (AIFF files in this version) from a
  specific group of folders set up ahead of time.  This way the DJs
  don't need to navigate through folders to get to the items they
  want to play.  Bug fix version, small enhancements.
 368   12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A package probably only useful for DJs who want to time
   their music, one half of this package is a "beats per 
   minute" counter and the other half is a "manager" which
   compiles BPM playlists.  Fat binary.

1050    4/19/96     BinHex4.0,Compact1.50

   A Macintosh version of MikMod, a MOD file player which
   reads .S3M, STM, MTM, XM, ULT and MOD formatted files.
   This version is PowerPC only, not fat.
 450     3/2/95      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This shareware version can import, edit, and play standard
   4-voice Amiga SoundTracker, NoiseTracker, ProTracker, Startracker
   and IBM 4-voice FastTracker music modules, but it will not allow them
   to be played with other programs once you save them.  Registering
   the product will enable this feature.  New clearer drivers with
   surround sound support that will run in native mode on PowerPC's.
 199     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   For the easy creation and formatting of twelve-tone matrices
   (12 x 12 arrays) used in the composition and/or analysis of
   twelve-tone music; designed for use with MS Word, but may
   also work with any word processor which allows text-to-table
   conversions; fat.
  62    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Small utility for reading/hearing soundfiles, including
   in this version, AIFF/AIFF-C sound files.
 139      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   MPEG Audio playing and conversion utility; requires System7 and
   68020 or better with FPU or a powermac; FAT binary.
 305     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MPEG Audio playing and conversion utility by Warner;
   requires System7 and 68020 or better with FPU; FAT.
  98     2/12/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.51
   MPEG Audio player for the PowerMac by Dreer; supports
   playback in background, drag-n-drop, etc; requires PowerMac.
 266      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Converts MPEG audio files to/from AIFF files; no fpu required.
 172     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two programs (one is a server that "plays" the Amiga MOD files, 
   the other is an interface that allows you to control the songs).
   Includes 16-bit support.
  89    1/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Perform taperecorder functions on your mac, with continuous
   background playback of sound from hard disk; 3:1, 6:1 compress
   and many other features; miniaturized window to save deskspace.
 432     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Decodes MOD files (i.e. digital music files) and allows you to
   play 'em.  Works best with external speakers.  Requires 256 colors.

  13     8/16/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Utility to extract samples from MOD files. Shows sample names and
   waveforms, but it won't let you play them. Instead, it will export
   sounds to suitcases and resources.
  56     5/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This simple program takes two mono sounds and merges them into
   stereo sound files.  Requires  System 7.
  26     2/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Extract soundtracks from QuickTime movies.
  98     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Plays guitar tabs; requires HyperCard or Player; free!
 106      5/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Use your Mac as an oscilloscope.  Requires a sound input of some
 153    3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag N Drop sound player.  Drag a file w/ Snds onto this and
   they play. Contains no documentation!
  38     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This program listens to the sound input device and remembers
   everything it hears (that is loud enough) and then plays those
   things back in a random order.  Picks a random speaker if your Mac
   supports stereo.  Requires a sound input device, of course.
   Includes THINK C source.
 739     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,Compactt1.5
   Powerful music instrument simulation program with full music
   input/edit ability and  easy-to-use user interface; play
   music on a Mac simulating many varieties of instruments with
   realistic sound quality; v1.2 fixes compatibility problem
   with Sound Manager 3.1.
 927     7/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Play and edit MOD music from the Amiga & IBM and save the files
   (with instruments, partitions, etc.); records new instruments, and
   view the music as it plays on an oscilloscope and a virtual
   keyboard; Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.

1038     2/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Same as /mac/sound/soundutil/playerpro4.5.sit.hqx, but localized
   for French.
   7     10/15/89   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   The simplest sound (snd) player there is, according to its
   creator.  With condescending documentation.
  20    10/27/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   With a IIsi or IIlc, you can take the sound coming through the
   input jack and play it in real time through your Mac speakers...
   no need for an amplifier in your Mac workspace now...
 106     9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Creates visual effects based upon the input from your mac's sound
   input jack, such as a microphone.  Accoprding to the author, it will
   work with some CD-ROM drives in "playthrough" mode but not all of them.

  82    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Demonstrates chording for over 800 guitar chords.
  89   11/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Whimsical application which plays a random sound (from a folder of
   sounds you set up) whenever you invoke it. Includes source. Uses

1171    7/10/97     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Plays "relaxing" sounds in the background.  Only plays a bubbling
   stream until you pay the shareware fee, though.
  49     6/17/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Extract and resample sounds in any file that contains 'snd '
   resources, saving them in double-clickable sound files.
   Resampling allows the new sound file to have a different sampling
   rate and hence different size.
   7    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert a Sound Designer II file to a System 7 sound resource.
  15     7/24/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Now record sounds as long as you want.. you can even fill a hard
   disk with one huge top 40 song (why, I could never guess).  You
   need to have a way to input sound (IISI and LC have this built
   in).  A play application is also included.
  96    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Catalogue sounds, wherever they may be stored.  Collects sound
   name, size, format; folder/suitcase name; disk name.
  32     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Opens, collects and catalogs names and sizes of sounds from
   Sound Mover files and Hypercard stacks so they can be exported
   to database files; free.
  96     12/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Converts older snd files, AIFF and AIFF-C and SoundEdit
   datafiles into System 7 snd resources via Drag & Drop or
   batch operation.  Allows conversions AND extractions.  
 144    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert one format of sounds to another, downsample sounds, filter
   the sound names, and more.  Supports SoundEdit data files, System 7
   sounds, System 7 suitcases, and any file that contains 'snd '
 112    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Listen to sounds stored in SoundEdit data files, System 7.x sound
   files, .WAV or Snd suitcases.
  16     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Record sound directly into a snd suitcase (Sound Mover doc)
   in one easy step instead of having to go through Apple's
   Sound Control Panel and System file copy procedures; requires
   System7.0 or greater.
  17     4/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A collection of tiny applications that take advantage of a
   hierarchical apple menu to let you change the  speaker volume on
   your Mac almost instantly [Personally, I can think of a dozen
   better ways to do it than this].
 188      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Sound playing and conversion program; can be used with
   Mosaic, Netscape for sound playing; supports SoundCap,
   SoundEdit, System7 sound, Sun Audio, Windows WAVE,
   SoundBlasterVOC, many MODs, any '.snd' resource, more.
  64    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Record and edit sounds.  Requires System 7 and a microphone.  Can
   also import and export AIFF and VOC files.
 113     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three programs:  Matlab->Sound, Sound->Matlab, and Sound->Square,
   to convert sounds between SoundEdit and Matlab formats.
  64      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Samples and edits sound recordings; records sounds longer
   than 10 sec.; modifies most double-clickable sound files
   and sounds in games/apps; v1.2 improved color interface,
   reorganized menus, faster editing, better stability.
 375     12/19/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Record and edit sounds.  Has many features found in commercial 
  25      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   New effect modules for SoundEffects 0.9.1 or later:  QUICK MIX - a
   mixer, while waiting for the powerful one to be built in
   SoundEffects; INVERT - flips the waveform upside down; DRAW LINE -
   changes the waveform to a straight line connecting the first and
   last samples of the selection.
 438      9/1/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   SoundHack performs various soundfile manipulations that have been
   previously unavailable on the Macintosh. SoundHack includes soundfile
   type conversion, spectral mutation, spectral dynamics processing, a
   varispeed/sample rate converter, soundfile convolution, ring
   modulation, the phase vocoder, a binaural filter and an amplitude
   analysis and gain change module.  A 68020 or better is required,
   and an FPU is recommended (use the included "NF" if you don't have an
   FPU).  PowerMac native version available with shareware payment. 
 152      3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Records, plays, displays, analyzes, modifies and saves sound
   samples.  Also generates waveforms, reads 'snd' resources
   from other applications, saves sounds as System 7 sound
   files and converts sounds to and from ASCII text files.
   Adds AIFF support.
 208      1/6/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play and record SND/AU (mu-law, A-law, linear) and AIFF/AIFC
   (MACE3, MACE6) sound files.  A fat binary.
 263      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The SoundManager Package.  Includes four sound-related utilities:
   IBeep2 3.1, a cdev to assign sounds to the beep, disk eject,
   restart, and shutdown; SndControl 2.2.2, a cdev to assign sounds to
   a plethora of activities (randomly, if you wish); SoundMover 1.9,
   a program that converts to and from various sound formats and
   moves (a la Font/DA mover) sound resources around; StartupSndInit
   1.4, to play any one sound at startup.
  73     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Record and play sound files.  Requires Sound Manager 3.0.
  19      8/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert a file's data fork into a Mac Sound resource ('snd ' type
   #2).  Especially designed to understand Apple IIgs sounds.
   6     8/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple utility to record sounds with the microphone.  Recording
   length can be increased by increasing the applications memory
  10     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Create a reversed a sound file (find demonic messages?).
 338     12/20/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Sound Sculptor is a high quality color sound editing program 
   with many digital effects.  "Save" disabled until registered.
 118     5/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play 'snd ' sounds, possibly at the same time, and in background.
   Can record sounds, too.
  14     5/29/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Converts sound files (not the resources) into lower sampling rates
   and saves you space in the process.
  20    11/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small drag-and-drop utility that converts any 'snd' resources
   in files dropped on it into individual double-clickable sound
  10     6/17/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Save the soundtrack of a QuickTime movie as an AIFF file.
   Requires QuickTime 1.6.
 249      8/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Plays Atari ST/Amiga MOD music files.  Supports a variety of MOD
   derivates with up to 32 voices (M.K., M!K!, FLT4/8, 5CHN-9CHN,
   10CH-32CH); Oktalyzer (a format with up to 8 voices), MED/OctaMED
   (modern MMD0/1/2 format).  Nifty interface includes a display which
   shows an oscilloscope/ sound spectrum.  Enhanced for PowerPC Macs
   with a plug-in module.
 226      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Playback and recording demos; new version includes support for
   recording/playback direct to/from disk in stereo.

 112    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Allows you to view real-time time-wave and frequency spectrum 
   info from any Macintosh sound input device.  You can record and
   playback 8-bit sound, as well.  Fat binary.
  45      5/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Extract and listen to sounds easily in System 7 from sound
   suitcases or from an application's data fork.  Now can play the
   sounds it extracts.
 17       12/1/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A utility that allows you to changes the recording method  used by
   the "sound" control-Panel.  It's a good way to save disk space on
   those startup disks.
  20     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Type in a piece of text and have the Speech Manager's neat textPto-
   speech algorithm speak it for you.  Requires the Speech Manager.

 106      3/3/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Looks and acts like a 256-channel spectrum analyzer for any 
   normal 22-KHz Mac sound file.  You can also record new sound 
   samples, play and analyze them at your command.
   9     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Picks a random one of the installed MacinTalk III voices and speaks
   the phrase stored as a comment with that voice (which is often
   humorous, not a real comment).
  34    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Drag and drop almost anything on to this application and it will
   scan the file/application/folder/disk/whatever for sounds.  It will
   play the sounds and report what it found.  Requires System 7.

  96     6/10/97    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Create fresh, unanticipated, flowing or hectic soundfiles at the
   *click* of a button, then play them in the background throughout
   the day; isn't this great? No composing worries, no sweating 
   blood over a blank set of staves on your manuscript! *heh*
  28     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Randomly play sounds in the background while you use your computer.
   Comes with soothing bird sounds, but you can change the them.
  64     8/17/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert the 'snd ' resources of any Mac file to Sun Ulaw format
   sounds and create a double clickable Mac sound files (sfil) from
   Sun Ulaw format sound files.  Requires System 7 (for drag & drop
   support).  Includes a little app called "Ulaw Play" (requires both 
   System 7 and a 68020+) to play Sun Ulaw files and MIME headerless
   Ulaw files.
  35     4/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Record sounds whose length is limited only by available disk space.
   Requires a Macintosh with a microphone.
 458     12/4/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Works Sound Accelerator or AudioMedia cards to let user create
   sound synthesis and signal processing algorithms using graphical
   interface and create new devices by interconnecting existing ones,
   midi support added.
 365    11/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Measure the sound level at the input and output of the DSP (Digital
   Signal Processing) sections of the Macintosh AV computers.  Should
   also work with any DSP card that runs the Apple Real Time
   Architecture (ARTA).
  47     8/9/94     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Takes the noise from your sound input and translates it into 
   colorful dots, lines or LissaJous figures in a virtual
   oscilloscope.  Very fast updates in real time make this
   look realistic.
  47    3/23/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A sound recorder/editor for the Mac.  Some external modules are
   included (reverb, fader, other effects) and if you pay your
   shareware fee, the author will tell you how to write your own
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  30     4/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Program which works with Apple's PlainTalk Text-to-Speech
   technologies (required) to speak dialog boxes and menu items to you.
   Geared toward people with sight disabilites.
 208     3/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A fat binary app which allows you to edit the dictionaries used
   by the text-to-speech part of the Speech Manager; drag-n-drop 
   support; change voice settings; test dictionaries with open
   text files.
  24     4/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Cells and text can be read aloud from the menubar and from macro
   language; speed, pitch and modulation of the voice can be varied;
   Buckle's 'Excel Talk' lets you choose any installed voice, but does
   not support asynchronous speech; requires Speech Manager.
  13     3/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Excel Macro Sheet to speak the contents of cells, and much more.
   v2.1 fixed a bug which caused a Macro error at B10 if opened in
   directory other than current directory; docs more user friendly;
   Blackburne's 'ExcelTalk' supports asynchronous speech, but does
   not let you choose any installed voice.
  92      1/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Fortune displays and reads aloud a random, hopefully
   humorous adage in a small window on your screen.  It draws
   from a vast pool of more than 1.600 "fortune cookie" phrases.
 354    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Leave voice messages for friends and colleagues.
 153     9/18/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Reads numbers from the clipboard.  Useful for checking data entry.
  35    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Read text files aloud.  Requires the Speech Manager 1.1.1.
 463    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A good demo of many of the functions of the Speech Manager.  Have
   multiple voices talking at the same time, choose the voice to use
   from a menu of all the available voices, vary the pitch and rate
   and pause/stop rates, emphasis, etc.
  24     8/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Speak the text in alerts.  Requires the Speech Manager.
  31     5/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A no-frills text editor with speech capabilities which works 
   with TEXT files.  Requires Apple's Speech Manager.
  35     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Have the computer read text files for you.  Requires the Speech
   7    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Speak the contents of the clipboard.  Requires the Speech Manager.
  28     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A hack to demo the Speech Manager.  Lets you play with voices, set
   pitch and rate, etc. Includes THINK C source.  Requires the Speech
 428    10/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A 'faceless background application' that accepts and processes
   requests from other applications for text-to-speech services.
   Requires Apple's Speech Manager and System 7.0.  Includes Spiricom

 64      9/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A faceless background app that speaks the time every hour on the
   hour, and an ordinary (though small) application to configure the
   extension, much like a control panel. Small application can also
   optionally show one or more clocks in a window.  THINK C source
   code is available in the /mac/development/source
 268      1/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Teaches kids 4 years old and up to read and write numbers. The
   levels range from simple 1 digit numbers to complicated 7 digit
   numbers.  Easy enough for preschoolers and challenging enough
   for adults.  There are two modes of play:  words to numbers and
   numbers to words.
 180      9/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A minimal text editor that can read its documents aloud if
   the Speech Manager is installed.  Completely unrelated to TeX.
   7     9/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Test out all the different 'voices' of the Sound Manager.  Pick
   from all the voices installed in your system (including the new
   'PlainTalk' voices, which sound like real people!), and choose any
   phrase to be said, as well as read information on the voice, such
   as name, gender, approximate age, and author comments.
  10     7/21/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This control panel allows you to set the system default voice used by
   software such as SimpleText.
  24    12/19/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A little application that you can put into your Start Up Items
   folder and will talk (you'll need the Apple Speech Manager, btw).
   C source code included.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  21     11/8/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   68020 cpu emulation for "little" Macs such as the Classic, SE, and
   Plus.  This is a development version.
  48      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Replace standard buttons, radio buttons, and check boxes with
   customized 3d look-alikes.  Now fat and combined into one cdev
   instead of a cdev and an extension.
  56    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Allows you to perform several functions  no matter what application
   you are in (even in a modal dialog).  By holding down certain
   modifier keys and clicking anywhere, you access a pop-up menu that
   allows you to:  1) change the current process, 2) change the screen
   depth (the number of colors shown on-screen), 3) change the speaker
   volume, or 4) insert an unusual character into whatever document
   you're working in at the current insertion point.

1392     4/9/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   These files contain textures that you display on your desktop.  You 
   can install them with Chameleon or Texture Installer 2.0
   3      6/1/90    BinHex4.0
   Lists the ADB devices connected to your Mac.
  65     3/11/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   INIT/cdev allows you to log AppleEvent activity on your your
   system.  Different levels of logging are fully user configurable.
  98    12/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Add an extra menu of most recently used applications, documents,
   and folders.  Requires System 7.0 or later.

  99      9/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Will keep a list of aliases on disk, then when you delete a file
   this will delete all the aliases along with it.
  25     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Add menus to the Finder that work exactly like the Apple Menu.  They
   may contain any kind of items.  Menu titles can be replaced by
   icons, and many more features.  Requires System 7.
   9    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change the style in which names of System 7 Aliases are written
   from the default italics.
  41    10/27/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   "Alternative" to DoubleScroll and other such pretty programs.
   Improves your scrollbars and such. 32-bit clean and VM happy.
  53     3/1/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A new, color WDEF (not the virus, silly! A Window DEFintion, what
   the acronym originally stood for!), makes your windows look
   spiffier and different than the windows of all the other folks on
   the block.
  10     2/26/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This cdev lets you select which INITs and cdevs will be loaded the
   next time you start up your computer. Good for figuring out which
   one is causing problems.
  24     11/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This patches the hierarchic apple menu cdev in system 7.5 to
   display folders named "-" as menu separators in the submenus.
   Handy if you really like those menu separators.
  49     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make your Application Menu hierarchical, showing each application's
   open windows.  Requires System 7.
 21     7/26/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This puts an invisible menu at each end of the menu  bar that
   lists the currently running applications  (in Multifinder or
   System 7), you may then select  any one of them and switch to it
   just as if you had  selected it from the apple menu.
  72     3/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Modify an application's memory partition size as it's being
  launched.  The cdev allows you to set the "hot" key that'll invoke
  it as you launch.
  35      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Adds the choice of downloading new artwork to AOL and
   eWorld, saving time/money.
  23     6/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Customize the sound played when background applications need your
   attention (technically speaking, when they post notifications).
   Options to disable notification sound altogether, to disallow
   notification alert boxes, and to always play a sound when a
   notification is posted.
  31     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Use Apple's PlainTalk technology to speak the contents of menus and
   dialog boxes.
  33      7/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows changes to window, control, and menu bar colors of
   applications by patching resources.
 154     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Catalogs all floppies as you eject them, all that great stuff.
   A unique manner of doing it, very fast, very efficent.  This is
   the English version; French and Japanese versions should be available
   in the same directory on mac.archive.
 156     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Catalogs all floppies as you eject them, all that great stuff.  
   A unique manner of doing it, very fast, very efficent.  This is
   the French version.  autocat1.71.sit.hqx is the English version.

 165      7/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Japanese version of the fine AutoCat disk cataloging control
  35     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Configure your menus to (automatically) pop down, disappear, etc.
   without a mouse click.  Support for System 7's application and
   balloon help menus as well as menus added by other extensions.
   3    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Copy the ROM down into RAM, which may speed up things because the
   CPU on newer machines can access RAM much faster than ROM.
  11     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Turn the backlight on a PowerBook off when the mouse has been idle
   for a specified time and you are working from the battery.
   Only works on PowerBooks
  46    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Ever launch a nice large application (by mistake) and have to wait
   a while for it to load before you can quit?  Now, just hit the
   mouse button and it aborts the launch instantly (coooool).
 128     12/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A Control Panel that fades the screen to black, basically. You can
   also display a bouncing analog clock, or fade the screen to white
   (useful for a PowerBook).  Includes Think C source.
 104      9/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A version of Basic Black (the simple screen saver) localized
   to the French language.
  12      8/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays a tiny gas gauge in the menu bar of your
   PowerBook 14x/17x, showing how the battery's doing.
  95      4/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Creates hierarchical menus under the Apple Menu; fully
   revised, v3.03 gives compatibility with MasterJuggler.
   FAT binary; $10 shareware.
  72     4/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Bring up the screen image of your word processor, spreadsheet or
   the like on the press of a command key. The boss'll never again
   catch you playing games on company time!
  11      1/7/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allows you to create desktop patterns on a 2x2, 4x4, 8x8 (the
   General cdev size..), 16x16 and 32x32 grid.  Companion to
  23     1/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Logically disable screen devices.  Never lose your cursor on an
   inactive monitor again.
  21     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Put drops of blood on your desktop; drops float over windows
   behaving like holes in the screen; v2.03 adds pictures and
   a contents menu to the online docs.
  38     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.51
   Another password protection INIT.  However, this one has the
   ability to disable the shift key at startup so it can't be
   bypassed with it.  Not perfect protection, but it's free!
  12      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Add an optional text message to the standard System beep.
  27      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A keyboard-shortcut (mousesaver).  Hit the first letter of a
   button to execute it.  Hit ESC to cancel out of a box.  Includes a
   few options controllable from the control panel.  Version 1.2 now
   works on Plusses and Classics and under System 7 on any machine.
  89     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Opens font suitcases, fkeys, sound files, and keyboard layouts the
   same way Suitcase and MasterJuggler do... only this is shareware.
  55     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Instantly access audio CDs; requires System 7, Color Quickdraw; v1.31
   fixes bug that disabled keys on computers with more than one keyboard.
  14      6/1/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Tired of the same old "arrow" cursor?  You can select (and even
   ResEdit in) from a panel of new cursors here.
  20     2/22/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A cdev which "cleans up"/replaces the default  Chicago font into a
   much more aesthetically pleasing serifed font.
  20      6/29/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 
   Chimes on the hour, or "nautical" style every fifteen minutes.
  24     8/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Sets your Ownername automatically on startup (or prompts you for
   it)... you can also password protect the Owner's name (for example,
   if you want "Bill's Machine" to always appear as the name.
 221     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Changes the style of windows using a plug-in system which
   includes Windows, Motif, NeXT, IRIS and more; requires
   System 7, ColorQuickDraw, 16 color/grey display; FAT.
  34    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quickly mount server volumes from a hierarchical menu from the
   Chooser menu item and through standard file dialogs.
  13    12/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Whenever you click your mouse button, a little box appears on the
   left side of the menu bar.  Useful for Kensington Turbo Mouse or
   other mice which have "click lock" buttons.  Now works on monitors
   with greater than 8-bit color depth.
  15    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Put your portable machine to sleep when you click in one of the
   screen's corners.

 123     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Copy and save info so it can be used over and over even while new
   info is being copied to the clipboard (up to 20 cuts/copies);
   includes separate versions for 68K and PowerMacs.
  40     1/15/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Simple CDEV which will automatically adjust your clock to Daylight
   Savings Time when that time comes. No more "Spring is up and Fall
   is down, but what's up and what's down?"
  97     5/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A small utility that adds colorful icons to tedious alert boxes,
   such as "Note", "Caution", and "Stop"; choose your favorite alert
   icons from included samples or import or create others you like
   with ResEdit or another 'cicn' resourse editor; free.
  23     5/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Command-option-click to cycle through the screen depths you select.
   Requires System 7 and Color QuickDraw; no code changes in 'update',
   but doc's changed to reflect author's new address.
  39     3/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A screen depth switcher and a cursor colorizer.  Requires Color
  36    11/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Colorize your windows, buttons, and menu bars.  Requires System 7
   and Color QuickDraw.
  12      8/11/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Patches the control strip control panel to work desktop macs.
   This version of ControlStripPatcher does not modify any actual code. 
  29      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Quickly change the current speaker volume by holding down a key
   combination (that you specify) and clicking in the menubar.  A
   volume control slider will drop down allowing you to set the
   volume instantly.
  23     2/2/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change date/time format in finder and info windows; change the
   text style of alias names; display the keyboard menu; requires
   System 7.
  49    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Changes the time automatically (moves an hour ahead and an hour
   back) on the days you specify.
  28     8/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Put a floating "small bomb" icon on your desktop that generates
   user interrupt, calling MacsBug.  WARNING: will crash your computer
   if MacsBug is not installed.
  15     2/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Modify the FMAP resources so double-clicking a MacWrite file
   launches Word, for example; System7 only; v1.0a1 allows you to
   override the locking of the resource map in Finder7.13, more.
 184     9/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Set default folders for any application; System 7 required;
   v2.57 correscts one serious bug and several minor bugs.

  60     2/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A collection of useful cdevs, inits, applications, and fkeys for
   added Macintosh functionality.  Basically, a collection of David
   Sinclair's best stuff.
  18     7/15/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Easily change the screen depth (monitor colors/greys) with
   this control panel.  Also allows you to change the Sound
   volume just by hitting some keys...
  34      9/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Set what monitor bit depth and sound volume you want an application
   to be launched in as well as maintain that particular setting
   across application switches for either individual applications or
   all applications.  Requires System 7 and Color QuickDraw.
 344     3/22/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays a picture on the desktop... and also lets you do some
   manipulations (and multiple picture displays, and randomized 
   pictures, and...)  v4.01 fixes a minor registration bug in 4.0. It also
   includes DeskPicture Hanger. This lets you change the current
   desk picture using Drag-n-Drop in the Finder.
 109      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.51
   Provides features similar to Apple's ControlStrip CDEV.  Includes
   four modules:  Monitor Depth 1.0, Program List 1.0, HandyMan 1.0
   and Program Menu 1.0.3.  Requires System 7.1 and Color QuickDraw.
 113      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.51
   Provides features similar to Apple's ControlStrip CDEV.  Includes
   four modules:  Monitor Depth 1.0, Program List 1.0, HandyMan 1.0
   and Program Menu 1.0.3.  Requires System 7.1 and Color QuickDraw.
   In Japanese.
 126      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Change the appearance of directory dialogs; customized font
   and filename size, enlarge dialog box, control size of icons;
   not compatible with Norton Directory Assistance; requires
   System 7; v2.18 fixes a rare crash triggered by Aladdin
   Desktop Tools (possibly other programs too).
  18     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Place a digit at the right or your menubar indicating how many
   processes you have open.
  90      7/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Got multiple docks for your Duo?  This allows you to customize
   your finder preferences for different docks (i.e. trashcan
   in one position on one, in a far lower right corner on a 
   second dock with a larger monitor).

  56     5/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Add up and down arrows at BOTH ends of any scrollbar, adjust the
   scroll speed, scroll while dragging the thumb (box), and much more.
   Highly configurable.
  32     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Easily move *any* kind of window out of the way, or bring it
   back to center or front window from out of sight or off the
   edge of the screen; v3.2 has reduced memory requirements,
   support for INITGestalt 1.0.
  24     6/12/89    BinHex4.0
   Drag windows as semi-transparent shapes, instead of by their 
   outlines. (You can see what is in the window when you drag it.)
 171     2/17/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   You can keep track of up to four different folders for changes
   (i.e., it watches your various drop folders 'round campus, eh??).
   It alerts you if anything changes.
  32     8/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Yet another extension manager, only this one is done my friend
   Al so it's cool.  One set of extensions loads when the Duo is docked,
   another set loads when the Duo is standalone.  Works just as
   intuitively as the Apple Extensions Manager.
 165      8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Straight from the San Francisco Bay Area, a cdev which
   shakes the Mac's desktop and windows while it plays an
   earthquake sound; settable parameters (don't blame
   *me* -- it's not my fault *snicker*).
  94     5/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Assign function keys to key combinations, or you can assign key
   combinations to launch apps and DAs.  You can install an FKEY
   anywhere the disk now; no need to put them in the system file.
   Includes Flipper FKEY (switch apps while in dialog boxes).
 106     7/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Automatically learns words as you type them and recalls them
   after typing the first few characters and a user-defined hot key.

  44    10/31/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Add a menu that allows easy conversion of any number to its
   equivalent text. 123 becomes One Hundred Twenty Three, for example.
  63     11/1/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Smart quotes in dialog boxes, forces the cursor to become an
   "I beam" while in a dialog box text-edit area, provides support for
   function keys actually doing  what they say (cut, copy, paste),
   and escape out of dialog boxes (cancel) by hitting Command-period.
  62     3/12/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Hit escape or command-period in dialog boxes to cancel them.

  23      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50

   A control panel and extension combination that, when installed,
   display the loading extensions as a marching list of names
   going down the left side of the screen instead of the 
   icons going across the bottom.
  38      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Add more features to Apple's Extension Manager 3.0;
   view and control Startup Items, Shutdown Items, Apple
   Menu Items, and Fonts.

 336      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A combination of a fat binary application and a control panel
   which will run Control Strip modules in a somewhat more stable
   environment than the one Apple ships.  Includes a bunch of
   extra modules:  KeyHolder, KeyboardExtender, TrashIt,
   ProcessManager, ControlPanelsStrip, and ControlStripMenu.
  48     2/26/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Install slightly larger Arrow and I-Beam cursors.  Particularly
   useful on PowerBooks where it can be difficult to find cursors.
   Also features a "Find Cursor" function that works on any Mac.
  18      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scroll through a list of open files, inspect their various
   parameters (refNum, vrefNum, types, characteristics), close
   non-essential ones.
  15     12/6/90    BinHex4.0
   Displays a temperature-like scale that lists the  number of open
   file control blocks, and a maximum number which you can define.  V
  65     5/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Use another 'Users & Groups Data File' (on a local or remote
   volume) for System 7's Personal File Sharing.
  13     8/13/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Allows you to easily change keyboard command combinations for the
   finder... just use the Control Panel.  For System 7 and up...
  31     7/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Install command keys in Finder 7's View menu.  Requires System 7.
 107     4/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Take screendumps of any Mac screen (including ones where the menus
   are down) by installing appropriate "hotkeys" to dump the screen to
   the clipboard, to a file, straight to the printer, and more.
 20      6/20/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Just like CDEV/MOIRE, only much smaller in size and without the
   30 different varieties of Moires.
  18     5/18/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Select (from the control panel) a folder that you want to "check"
   in the morning and when you boot up again, if there's anything
   inside the folder you specify (such as work that needs to be
   done), it beeps and gets your attention.
   41     2/28/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Give yourself different title and scroll bars with the CDEFs and
   WDEFs in this cdev.
   5    12/21/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Select and set the application font.
  15    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Introduces a fractional amount of error into every calculation
   performed using SANE.  (For maximum PC compatibility, of course).
  47     12/1/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   While booting your Mac, you can hold down a combination of "hot
   keys" to load a specified set of inits/cdevs.  You can also hold
   down the space bar to select those inits/cdevs to use this time.
  77     11/2/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   FreshStart, a CDEV/INIT combination that allows one to various
   setups preconfigured for your Mac.  It allows you to set up which
   INITs,CDEVs, DAs and applications are loaded at startup just by
   setting up a configuration file.  The user of the Mac can choose
   any configuration file she or he likes at startup.
 181     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   Helps you find the cursor on the screen when it gets
   'lost', useful on powerbooks without active matrix.
   (not related to the 1988 /cdev/frontandcenter.sit.hqx)
  11     3/25/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Enters dialog boxes around your cursor. Ideal for big screens.
  24    12/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A cdev which changes the Apple in the upper left of your menu bar
   to a trashcan, band-aid, cherry, bananna, a chewed up apple, and a
   few other cute icons.  Includes instructions for adding your own.
 320    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An antiviral INIT that allows one to specify certain resources
   that should not be flagged (for programming tasks, the Font/DA
   Mover, etc.).  Includes Gatekeeper Aid, some extra apps and extensive
   documentation.  New version recognized CODE 1 and MBDF-B viruses.
  35      8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Binds windows together to move in pairs or groups;
   v4.21 has many new features and no init; source in
 388    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,CompactPro1.51

   The ultimate control panel for modifying the "look and feel" of
   your mac.  All features are very customizable and can be turned on or
   off on a feature by feature basis.  Includes 3D buttons, styled
   scrolls, styled windows (from NeXt to Copland), tinting of menus,
   windows, dialogs and alerts, application specific settings, and much
   much more. FAT Binary.

  92     2/23/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Resources (cdev, inits, res edit templates) which allow users of
   KanjiTalk (the japanese operating system) to install System 7.0 on
   their machines. The manual is in Japanese, btw.
  26     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make your mouse jump to a corner of the screen after a certain
   amount of time.
  16      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Macro utility that allows you to assign keystrokes too commonly-
   used phrases.  Useful to teachers commenting papers or anyone
   needing to repeatedly insert similar text.  32-bit clean.
  45      3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gravite 1.0 makes your Finder's icons react to earth
   gravity.  Includes English and French versions.
 155      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   You get to define the colors for buttons, icons, menu (and other)
   windows, menubar backgrounds, alerts, etc. which make System 7
   look really cool! Requires System 7 and Color QuickDraw; v3.74
   fixes conflicts with FaxState and Code Warrior Constructor
   fully compatible with System 7.5, fat binary.
  20    12/21/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A cdev which prevents you from moving files.
  48     2/13/91    BinHex4.0
   Let's you set amount of free system heap you want at the end of
   loading up inits.  Also allows you to compact and purge.
  44     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Hold down the hot keys and Baloon Help pops up for wherever your
   mouse is pops up... You can specify Help font and sizes, and now
   you can hide the Help menu entirely.
  12     7/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Written by a U-M'er, allows you to "tear off" the sub-menus in any
   application, which then get  posted on top in the regular menu bar
  10    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display any number of icons at startup.  Impress (?) your friends.
  44     6/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 
   This MacHack entry hides the custom icon on specified types
   of volumes (CD-Roms, networked volumes, floopes, and/or local
   volumes).  It doesn't remove the icon, it just doesn't show them.
   This allows you to browse through volumes faster.  Includes source.
  32     6/18/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Written by a U-M'er, choose which SND resource you want to sound
   off at start-up time.  Basically what SNDMSTR does for startup
   sounds, only this quick hack is less bulky.
  26     6/25/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Written by John Rotenstein (like CDEV/INITMGR), much  more
   flexible also.  Allows you to "avoid" starting up with inits by
   hitting the zero key, also create a "temporary" set of inits to
   boot up with.
 32      5/25/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Appropriate for use with System 7 and up, loads extensions
   (cdevs/inits) from different folders and aliases (including other
   network volumes).
  70     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Creates a text file  displaying information of each init and its
   patched traps, addresses, VBL routines, shut-down routine
   addresses, and other info.  Includes good docs.
  24     12/1/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This little gadget allows you to define a different folder other
   than the System Folder for your INITs to live in.  Very useful for
   keeping that System Folder down to a reasonable size.
  31     6/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Hit the hot key of your choice, type in the area code, and the
   state (and/or cities) will appear.
  10     4/29/92    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   A handy little cdev that lets you set the system-wide date, time,
   and units formats.
  19     12/5/90    BinHex4.0
   This puts a little blinking "icon" or scsi number in the upper
   left-hand corner which simulates the "Busy" light on a hard
   drive for everyone who has an internal drive, but doesn't have a
   light.  Useful to know that something is really happening and your
   Mac isn't just hung.  V 2.0 also has options for multiple SCSI
  35    2/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Control what random number is returned by the Macintosh System trap
   _Random.  Configure it to return a different random number for all
   thirty-two combinations of the modifier keys (command, option,
   shift, caps-lock, and control).  Influence games when and if you
 47       2/9/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Remember when you used to click on a MacWrite document, and since
   you don't use MacWrite (it's not on your hd) it gave you an
   "application busy or missing" dialogue?  This cdev allows you to
   give an "alias" to a document so when you launch it, it'll open
   up in a compatible program.
  35     7/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Install emulators for the "extra" keys present on the extended
   keyboard but absent on other keyboards (Standard keyboard,
   PowerBook, etc.).  The keys you can emulate include: F1 to F15,
   Page Up, Page Down, Home, End and Insert/Help.
  56      8/7/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Use this cdev and init combo to switch between different keyboard
   configurations (included) from DVORAK to QWERTY to US-Undead and
   so on.  UNRELATED to the INIT of the same name that lets you
   switch applications with the keyboard.
  39     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Play a very short sound whenever you press a key.  Especially
   useful for Duos or PowerBooks, where you don't have much feedback
   in typing on the keyboard.
 14       6/6/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   About one notch higher in usefulness than CDEV/NOTHING, this one
   causes the three lights (num lock, caps, & scroll) to blink on and
   off in sequence.
 457      4/9/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Macro engine designed to use very little memory while performing
   complex tasks invoked by a keystroke; view and edit from control
   panel; assign them a keystroke; can also be invoked from HyperCard
   and QuicKeys.
  20     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   "Keys!" is a control panel that allows you to navigate dialog 
   boxes almost entirely without using the mouse.  It underlines 
   the first letter of every button, checkbox, and radio button, and 
   you can type command-<letter> to simulate a click on the respective 
 39       7/3/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Simple macro-like utility, not unlike Escapade, which provides
   Button keys, Type Date, Type Time and Echo functions. For a more
   flexible "key" based utility, have a look at the Escapade control
   panel. Version 1.0.1 fixes many severe bugs.
  11      4/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Watch as the irascible Kilroy peers back at you over the top of
   your windows.
  38    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play a recording of a dripping sink whenever the system puts up the
   watch cursor.  Requires Sound Manager 3.0.
  36    10/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Force users to enter their names and to print cover sheets.
   Intended for use in a network environment where multiple users use
   Macintoshes which print to a central printing site.
 24       9/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   For sysadmins.  Hide any chooser device in any zone as well as
   hiding the system folder and password protection of the control
   panel document.

  20      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Launch any application by typing its name.  Fat Binary for 68K and
   Power Macs.

  36     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Flashes the lights on your extended keyboard for floppy drive, 
   modem, AppleTalk and SCSI activity.  Big bummer, it's PowerMac only.
   French and English documentation.

 112     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Adds a dialog after you click in the Print dialog box to place
   'PICT' files onto pages that you print out.  Useful for letterheads
   or for adding words like "DRAFT" under the text, etc.
  17      6/4/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Customize your startup sequence with animation and sound.
  9      5/10/90    BinHex4.0
   Teeny tiny initfile that requires the MacInTalk extension.  Turn on
   your Mac and it announces any message ("good morning", "stop working
   so late", "haaacker", etc) that you type into its macro buffer.
  26      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A replacement for EvenBetterBusError. Like ebbe, stuffs $50ff8001
   into address 0, thus catching all dereferences of 0. In addition,
   stuffs this magic value into 4, catching a few more bad programs.
   Includes C source.
  30     7/27/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   From one of the guys at Apple (although not an Apple product),
   this cdev lets you prevents outsiders from writing to the Startup
   volume (presumably a hard disk) even though they can still read
   from it (i.e. run software).  With some documentation.
 52      7/24/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Lock your Macintosh at startup time, also selected files, etc.
   using this complete cdev/INIT, DA and FKEY package.
  21      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Test software handling of locked volumes, local or remote.
 18      6/18/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This init/cdev tells you the bad news when you finish up using
   your Mac... how long you have been using it for (times the length
   of use from startup to finish). Useful for consultants and other
   people who work by the clock.
 15       2/1/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Two cdevs which change the format of the dates as they appear in
   the desktop/finder windows. One for long (Wednesday, January...)
   dates... One for short (1/5/91)...
   7    11/27/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Register two new serial ports with the Communications Toolbox; what
   you write to one is read in from the other.  For testing
   communications programs.
  35      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Quickly change the brightness by holding down a key
   combination (that you specify) and clicking in the menubar.
   Only works on those Macs that work with the Brightness control
   panel (Classic, Classic II).
 101     1/27/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This cdev display information about your System, Finder, CPU and
   more.  Works for everything up to, and including the
   IIci and Portable.
  20     7/29/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   When making a vcr tape of your Macintosh actions (you need a
   special cable to use this!), this Apple cdev will help clean up
   the poor resolution that comes with recording.  Appropriate for
   developers for medium quality video output.
 151     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A set of two control panels.  One saves files by time and/or number
   of keystrokes you specify.  The other saves each key you type, so
   you'll be able to retrieve your work "no matter what happens".
  18      8/1/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   You can assign various functions (floppy disk read/wiites, hard
   disk read/ writes, modem and printer ports) to the lights on the
   extended keyboard.
  68    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Write (and repeat a certain number of times) a word or a sentence
   with a single key stroke.
  24    11/29/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Save window positions and mark functions in source files in THINK C.
  55     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Is your Apple color/mono 4/8 bit monitor too small?  This useful
   control panel stretc it from 640*480 pixels to 704*512 pixels. It
   works best with the original Apple card, but give it a try.
  10     6/15/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Appropriate for all systems through 6.0.7, this cdev allows you to
   change the maximum number of open files (it used to be a default
   of 40; with System 7 it's "dynamic").
  27    11/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Puts a little graph bar at the top of your menu which says how
   much ram you are actually using.  You can also replace the Apple
   Symbol with a pie graph of the same thing.
  25     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Exceptionally silly cdev bounces a ball through the menubar;
   v2.3 fixes incompatibility with the PaperPort Extension, cleans
   up the code for "strict windows" awareness (author says anyone
   silly enough to want to leave it there deserves it); free.
  48      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make your Apple Menu hierarchical. Requires System 7.
 203     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Grab finder objects, drop them on items in the Apple menu.  The
   Finder will act as if you dropped them on the actual items.
   Includes patch for compatibility with BeHierarchic 1.05.
   The successor to Dropple.  A Must-Download!
 163     4/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Replace the names of menus with icons.  Similar to MICN.  Also lets
   you change the font used in menus.  Comes with icons for many
   popular programs.
  21    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Hold down the command key to show a template of all available
   command-key shortcuts.
  20     5/24/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Cchange several characteristics of menu and submenu operation,
   including the submenu popup delays and the scrolling delays.

  41    11/17/94  BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Replace menu names with icons on the menu bar.
   5     3/31/93  BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Eliminate conflicts between the MIDI manager and the Chooser.
   Also, you can reset the status of either serial port.
  53      9/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allows Mac II, IIx, IIcx and SE/30's to use  Standard System 7 32-
   bit addressing to access more  than eight continguous megs of real
   or virtual application memory.
  36     4/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Screen Saver cdev. Draws shapes on the screen, works on all
   Macs, multiple screens and much more. 
  53     2/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Enlarge your desktop area by 'eating away' at the borders that
   surround the usable portion of your monitor, or by scrolling off
   the edge of the screen; v1.01 fixes random icon placement bug.
   Requires Sys7.x and a compatible video card (such as the Apple
   High Resolution video card or the so-called Toby Card).
  21    11/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allow you to make an alias for every mounted AppleShare volume, so
   accessing them in the future is just a click away.
   6     6/20/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Small cdev that allows you to "turbocharge" your  mouse to twice
   it's normal speed.

 127      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Helps manage SCSI-bus and connected devices; has support
   for removable-medium devices.
  93    12/27/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Hampered by those short, undescriptive filenames in the standard
   open/save dialog boxes?  With this control panel you'll be able
   to click on a name and  see mondo more info, such as
   type/creator/full name etc.
  18     8/16/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Boot up your Mac with this installed, and the Mac will go off via
   TCP to a unix machine (some  assembly required) and retrieve a
   fortune that'll be displayed on the monitor.
 210     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set the clock on your Mac to the correct time by contacting a time
   server.  Takes into consideration the time zone and the daylight
   savings time rules.  Requires MacTCP.
  75     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set the clock on your Mac to the correct time by contacting a time
   server.  Takes into consideration the time zone and the daylight
   savings time rules.  Requires MacTCP.  In French, for French
   System Software.
  74     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set the clock on your Mac to the correct time by contacting a time
   server.  Takes into consideration the time zone and the daylight
   savings time rules.  Requires MacTCP.  In Dutch, for Dutch
   System Software.
  65     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change the color of check boxes, radio buttons, and buttons, and
   scroll bars; v2.5 works with PowerMacs and AV models.
  36     9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   Takes care of perhaps one of the most annoying things the Finder
   does: disallow the Finder from 'cleaning up' the desktop (at all,
   or when restarting) icons in just the right spot;
   disable or add confirmation to any menu item in any application.
   3     8/29/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   The most useless cdev on the face of the Earth.  Does nothing
   except make the right portion of the cdev window disappear.
   Cute hack, useful to test out the system, etc.
 117    12/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Remind you (repeatedly, if you want) about events at a certain
 488     4/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Synchronize the system clock of the Macintosh with other computers
   in a network. NTP for Macintosh is based upon the Internet standard
   Network Time Protocol, Version 2, as described in RFC 1119 and
   widely used within the TCP/IP community.
  13      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Activate the default button in a modal dialog after a preset
   time has expired.
  21      6/4/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Automatically launch documents on the FIRST start up of the day
   ONLY.  Requires System 7.
  19     8/16/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   You define the style you want, and now you can type in letters,
   numbers, etc. via the  numeric keypad (hence the name, the onehand
   cdev). Neat, huh?
  8       7/4/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Emulate the PC feature of typing a number on the keypad while
   holding down the ALT key, and getting the character whose ASCII
   code you typed.
 112    2/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Using your modem, counts how many times the phone rings,
   records caller ID info.
  43     3/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Capture the screen or any portion thereof (including menus) to a
   PICT file.
  26      1/7/91   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Choose between one of many multi-colored "large size" patterns for
   your Mac II desktop.  V 1.1 includes a "save" feature to put your
   created works-of-art from CDEV/BIGPAT in your PikAPat background
  31      6/5/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Hold down the modifier keys and hit the mouse button to bring up
   a pull-down menu (!), which allows you to change the screen depth
   (2,16,264 shades of grey or color).
  22     7/19/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Play the sound coming in through your MacUs microphone jack out
   through the speaker.  May have some problems on Macs that are not
   stereo-capable (LC, etc.)  Requires System 7 and a built-in
   microphone jack, of course.
   8      6/15/91  BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An alternative way to control the speed of your Mouse and it's
   clicks...  you can go from "very slow" to "very fast", or even do
   "custom" speed.
  61      4/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   You define the "hot corner", and when you click on it up pops a
   chart of all characters in the font set you are using in your top
   window.  In the right hand corner you can discover what the key
   combination to reach the character is.  Very handy for finding
   obscure symbols.
 136     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Define control keys for many functions of the cd player, change
   tracks (or whatever) without leaving the currently running app;
   define a control-key combination to pop-up a window with all CD
   control functions; v1.20 adds ability to record cd audio to
   disk as System 7 or AIFF files.
 134    2/27/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gives hierarchical menues in the Apple menu, the finder ("spring
   loaded folders" and the title in the title bar), and applications
   open and save dialog boxes. One can optionally show icons in the
   menus and it also supports drag and drop.  Demo version expires
   after one month.
 265    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A very attractive and functional way to organize your desktop.
   resizable window appears containing rows of buttons.  Drag file to
   unused button and it's icon appears.  Click on that button to
   launch the file.  Supports drag-n-drop, keyboard shortcuts, lots
   more.  Great.
  38      1/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Software for use with Daystar PowerCache accelerators.
  22     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Independently set the function of the two trackball buttons on a
   Powerbook Duo.
  24     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make a key combination act like the mouse button, make a key
   combination toggle the mouse button on and off, disable the "real"
   mouse button (in case it's broken), and assign graphical effects to
   mouse clicks.
  24     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Assign special functions to any corner of the screen: toggle the
   backlight on and off, spin down the harddisk, or put your Powerbook
   to sleep.  Requires a PowerBook.
 165    10/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A LAP (mdev) driver for MacTCP.  A Mac implementation of PPP, the
   Point-to-Point protocol, which allows you to use TCP/IP over asynch
   serial lines (i.e. modems!).  Allows your Mac at home to be a
   support AppleTalk over PPP, tho.
  20    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Log in a text file your connections by modem on Internet.  Requires
   System 7, and MacPPP.  Formerly NetReport.
  58      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Reset your PRAM and Extended PRAM at startup and/or shutdown to a
   default that is stored in the Control Panel.
  12      6/20/90   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Some applications (such as games) require that the ram cache be
   off (or greatly cut back) when launched.  This cdev allows you to
   alter the cache without doing it in the default settings.  One
   useful option is that you  can have it install only when you hold
   down the mouse button at startup time.
  156     4/21/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Maintains a history of documents (whether they be legal documents,
   school reports, old ResEdit  resources, whatever!) so you can
   refer back to them.  The author stresses it's not a backup utility
  35      6/15/91   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Ever get annoyed because you can't "spool" things to your
   ImageWriter (or non-LaserWriter) printer while in Multifinder?
   This isn't a spooler, but it does free up your Mac while printing
   so you can use other applications.  Works with System 7.
  32     11/13/93   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Maintain a submenu in your Apple Menu with a list of your
   frequently used printers.
  22     5/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set up a list of your frequently used printers.  If you print to
   one of these printers, it does nothing. If you try to print to a
   different printer, it puts up an alert pointing out that fact.
 128      12/4/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Switch between running programs by hitting a key or two...
   You can also hide applications and exclude applications from
   being switched into.

  18     11/26/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   In System 7, you can switch (using the keyboard) between running
   processes and show/hide background processes going along.
  23      2/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Handy control panel to control the size and compatability of
   Print-to-PostScript files. Allows you to select which fonts to
   include/exclude (with font type, such as PS or TrueType), and
   whether or not you want to append the LaserWriter header.
  15     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A file maintenence system for use with At Ease.
  45      6/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Hit the power key in System 7 and rotate forward through your open
   apps, hit the shift/power keys and go backward (or designate the 
   <ESC> key instead); a must-download for System 7; v.1.13 is a bug
   fix release to correct crash caused by keyboard activity at startup;
   file includes the FAQ v1.5.
  35      3/9/88    BinHex4.0
   An INIT and cdev that speeds up some Color QuickDraw routines for
   the Mac II.  Note: this was incorporated into System 6.0 and beyond
   and is therefore not needed if you're running the newest system.
  12     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Force the current application to redraw either the front window
   (with or without erasing it first) or the whole screen (with or
   without the menu bar). Useful to get rid of all the garbage that
   many programs leave on their windows.
  40     7/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make applications quit when their last window is closed.
  48     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This application creates a RamDisk in memory and then copies
   selected files over from a floppy into the ramdisk.  A small
   selection of icons, too.
  18      2/27/90   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This cdev creates a "floppy disk" in memory.  You can store
   programs or data files in it, and access is  as fast or faster
   than a hard drive.  You can't throw it in the trash, though (who
   would want to trash RAM, anyways?) and the icon is unique.
  33     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Customize the name and icon of your RAM disk.  Requires Color
   QuickDraw and System 7.
  13     7/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Automatically rename the RAMdisk at startup  on those computers
   (Quadras, Powerbooks, and later) that support this feature.
  92     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Perform automatic periodic backups of RAM disks.  Requires System 7.
  17      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Prevent "ghost disks" fro mshowing up on your desktop when you
   eject a disk using the Eject command.
  22     7/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Fill in the arguments for any subroutine documented in THINK
  23    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Remap the buttons in the Standard File's "Replace Existing..."
   alert, presented when a file of the same name exists.
   Also includes the INIT TeachText7.0Font1.0, which will change the
   font size used in TeachText 7.0 documents
  11      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Install a simple resume procedure in applications that don't have
   one so system error alerts (also  known as "bombs") will always
   show a "Resume" button.
  22     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 'command-shift-number'-function that turns a copy of the
   Clipboard into a file or clipping; cdev installs function.
  79     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Adds two new buttons to the standard open dialog box. "Get
   Version" and "Save Version".  You can save multiple copies of
   documents as you edit them.  The control panel is also a
   compression utility, compressing the various versions as you go.
  18       5/4/91   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Automatically save what you're working on every 2 to 30 minutes.
   9      5/24/88   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A cdev that enables you to switch font scaling (which is done for
   sizes that are not available in your System file) on and off
   Switching font scaling ON show text in its real size, OFF results
   in better readable and faster text display on screen.
  50     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Obtain information on and mount your SCSI devices.
 107     2/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Activate the arrow keys in the scrapbook; allows hotkey access to
   the scrapbook from any application.
  18     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Detects a SCSI devices version, vendor, last  initialized and
   backed up... tons of info, just from your SCSI drive/device.
  21     7/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Hit a button for whatever SCSI device you have attached, and it
   lists the number of read/write accesses, the bytes transferred
  11    6/18/90    BinHex4.0
   Use the control panel to decide which SCSI devices get "parked"
   when you shut down.
  48   12/22/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This cdev is one of the standard ways you can list out the various
   SCSI devices that are connected to your Mac.  You can update the
   list, and mount new devices but just hitting keys.
  12     9/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Like a screensaver for your hard drive this thing park the heads
   of your drive after a determined amount of time to save wear.
  35    5/16/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allows you to see which SCSI devices are currently  active and
   mount new ones without rebooting.
  33     1/15/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Connect an IBM type serial mouse to your Macintosh, and use that
   instead of the standard Macintosh mouse.  Works with Microsoft and
   Mouse Systems compatible mice.
 256    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A control panel that allows AV and Power Macs to use their 
   serial ports at 115 or 230 Kbps with any software that normally
   uses the serial ports at 57.6Kbps; now supports MacPPP, more.
   Only works for 14 days without registering.
  17    6/25/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Simple little hack that allows you to set the id number of your
   modem and printer ports on the AppleTalk network.  Includes source.
  34      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Cancel/delay a shutdown/restart command.
  44     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Dim the screen and spins down SCSI disk drives after periods of
   inactivity.  Similar to those features on PowerBooks, but designed
   for desktop Macs.
  59    12/16/90   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This one comes directly from the folks at Apple Computer, Inc.  It
   modifies the Jump-Trace routines (i.e. only on 68020 or 68030
   machines) so you can significantly slow down your Mac and look
   at/debug the drawing routines.
  42    12/13/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A sucessor to the OneSpace INIT, this is a nice cdev that uses
   the philosophy that the Mac is a  typesetting tool.  So,
   logically, it "forces" you into following typesetting conventions:
   only single spaces, em-dashes (the option-shift-hyphen type)
   instead of double hyphens, "kills" double capital letters, shifts
   punctuation, correct quotes (a la MSWord "smart" quotes).  The
   good part is that, unlike OneSpace, you can turn these features
   off and on at will and have them only active in certain
   applications AND it does most of the work for you (i.e. inserts a
   single em-dash when you type -- inserts appropriate quotes when
   you type regular ones).
  29    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Select an item from a list of the first 80 applications on your
   drive and click the launch button.  Includes an FKEY for easy
   access.  Requires System 7 and at least a Mac II.
  52     6/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Draws the Finder window updates offscreen and then "blasts" it
   onto the screen, which makes it the slothful System 7 finder
   look at lot faster.  Includes THINK C source.  From MacHack '93
  41     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Snap the cursor to the default button whenever a dialog is shown.
 125     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Capture the screen image to a PICT file, even of menus, screen
   savers, or the Macintosh startup.  Requires Color QuickDraw.
 130      8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Get more info, edit types, creators, dates, sizes, in
   the Get Info window; previews QuickTime movies, JPEGs,
   text files; extensible for other developers to expand;
   v2.01 fixes incompatibility with ClickChange 2.51, more.
 347    11/11/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Some Macs (LC, IIsi, Quadra 605, etc.) have no Floating Point
   processor and this causes many applications to bomb. This
   emulates a hardware FPU (though it's slower) and allows
   these programs to run.  Version 3.0 allows the user to enable and
   disable SoftwareFPU without restarting, adds balloon help,
   and fixes a bug that prevented Systat from working. Runs on PPC
   (register to get native version).
  64     2/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make a sound when you do different things such as:  emptying the
   trash, chimes on the hour, ejecting a disk, beepalert, shutting
   down, et. al.  Sound files are readily available from various
   sources but -> not <- mac.archive.
  48    10/13/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Hold down preset keys and press the mouse and a window pops up with
   the space used, space free, total space, and percent usage for all
   volumes on your system.
  24    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Use MacInTalk to read the icons in the finder as they are selected.
   Requires MacInTalk and System 7.

  24     8/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Speak the text in alerts.  Requires the Speech Manager.
  51     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows for multiple simultaneous sound playing (imagine 7 system
   beeps at once.), randomizing the beeps (and "weighing" your
  46    12/16/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Requires 6.0.4 or up.  Slows down your Mac significantly so that
   you can use certain programs that were designed for much slower
   machines (such as older games).  Includes user definable toggle
   keys to turn on and off SpeedChopper and sounds to notify you of
  81    11/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Toggle the 68040 cache without rebooting.
  30     6/12/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This cdev lets you select menus with Command-number, and then
   select items by typing the item number.
  29      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Records Mac startup and shutdown times and keeps a
   (saveable) log of time in use; v2.01 minor bugfixes.
  82     4/13/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This cdev lets you pick random startup screens from a folder.
   How this is different is that it allows you to set weights for various
   screens so you see some more than others.
  14    12/12/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A very very very (can I say very again) minimal security system.
   Press the correct keys at startup or the Mac won't boot.
 108      4/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   For all windows that have a grow box, this adds a border around the
   entire window that may be used to stretch the window, allowing
   stretching in any  direction.  Can also iconify windows.
  21     5/30/92    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Puts a message up on the screen at various intervals, saying
   things like "<insertyournamehere> needs a  raise" "you should say
   hi to..."  It reads the info from a text file you can customize.
  22    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert the Apple menu icon into a changing icon.
  26     4/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Install a clock in the upper right hand corner of the menu bar.
   Includes a stop watch and alarm clock.
  98     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Enables the Finder to keep the Get Info comments when the
   desktop is being rebuilt; supercedes CommentKeeper.
  15      3/9/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   For System 7 and up machines, you can flip through your apps
   by hitting your defined set of keys from this control panel.
  45     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Randomly choose a different beep sound each startup.
 165      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A control panel/extension pair that monitors the startup
   process, displaying the name and number of bytes
   of memory each system extension allocates from the System
   heap.  Also allows setting of sets of extensions to be loaded at
   startup, much like Extensions Manager.
  55    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Timer reminds user to take a break from computing once in
   a while; uses any installed sound, or can show an alert
   window or play a QuickTime movie; v1.1 is bugfix.
 105      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Installs typewriter sounds so that it sounds like a real
   typewriter; can be turned off without rebooting.
  65     9/16/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Tears off menus, titles, mini-menus, style menus, etc.
   Good for large monitors.
  71      5/6/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Removes those annoying M.S. Word temp files in your system folder
   on each startup.
  37      8/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Capture to a file virtually any text that is displayed to screen.
   Useful for saving text from programs that don't normally allow you
   to do so.  Version 1.0.1 offers greater compatibility, especially
   regarding the Mac Plus.
  85      8/3/95    BinHqx4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A control panel to speed up AppleShare of LocalTalk network
   transfers by compressing the packets.  

  33      1/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   For users of A3 Input Devices, now compatible with new Powerbooks,
   and fixes some other incompatibilities. (Useless unless you have an
   A3 mouse.)
 227    3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   TimeOff is a power saving Tool for multiple mac environments.
   3     2/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Toggles the 68020 instruction set on and off.  May be useful to
   increase compatibility with older stuff.
 112      3/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A control panel to control the Applied Engineering 1300 accelerator
  25      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Utility to record the type and number of A-Traps called in a
   given period. Good development tool and/or curio. Gives totals
   and can save the verbose results to a file.
  33     8/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Trash only those items in the trash can that you really want to.
   Bug fix since version 1.1.
  16     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Temporarily disable any monitors (except for the "main screen")
   at startup so that you can concentrate on one screen.  Requires
   more than one monitor and System 7.
  35      6/4/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Control the screen brightness.  Contains a simple screen saver and
   setting of the screen brightness via the keyboard.  Compatible with
   all Macs.
  471     6/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Puts a tiny icon in the left-hand corner of your screen from which
   you can store (using text created from a word processor) often
   used phrases, hard-to-spell words, legalese, a end-of-message
   "signature" for e-mail... ANYTHING (it also types the date, or
   time if you want).  Just point, shoot, and it acts like you're
   doing the typing!  Basically a text-only macro program:  You type
   a two-letter abbreviation, and it deletes it and replaces it with
   and entire word or phrase.
  13      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Antialias all of your fonts.  For Power Macs only.
   5    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keyboard map that allows you to cancel the CAPSLOCK key by
   pressing SHIFT.  Also includes a Resedit tip to turn on
   Apple's hidden "keyboard map" icon in the menu bar.
   3     3/18/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Changes the control panel icon list into a text list (so you don't
   have to scroll through endless icons to find the cdev application
   you want to modify).
  51     2/13/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Flash LEDs on an extended keyboard according to activity from a
   floppy drive, SCSI device (hard disk, CD-ROM drive), modem,
   printer, AppleTalk, or the keyboard.
  17      1/9/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Add functionality to the "Options..." dialog of the Monitors control
   panel, allowing you to disable the built-in display.  Only works 
   with PowerBooks.
  45      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Install cheats for various games into them when at launch time.
   Includes "modules" for Prince of Persia, Spectre, etc.
 172     11/5/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   VirusBlockade II works in conjunction with the VirusDetective DA.
   This is a "limited" (demo) version that still scans files and
  16     1/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Read static text in alert and a dialog boxes.  Requires MacinTalk.
  10     7/21/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This control panel allows you to set the system default voice used by
   software such as SimpleText.
  20      9/7/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Press the mousebutton down while holding one of the special
   user-definable keys and slide comes up in the menu bar in
   which you can set the volume.  For system 6.04 and up...
 151     4/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change your windows to look like windows on the NeXT.  Includes
   THINK C source code and the WDEF Tester application.
  19     7/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play a sound when the Macintosh is started.  Every weekday can have
   its own sound.
  24     5/14/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A cdev which displays information about your System, Finder CPU
   and more.
 174      2/1/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allows QuickTime movies to be pasted into PICT aware applications.
  31     11/2/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allows you to choose which WDEFs (Window DEFintions) your windows
   have (i.e what they look like and what properties they have).  The
   current choices are: two NeXT-lookalikes, a Smalltalkish, and a
   pretty neat one which can collapse your window into an icon in the
   corner of the screen (sorta like NeXT's Hide command).

 256     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Don't you hate it when you have an open application window buried
   under dozens of others?  This control panel/extension pair 
   pops a menu of open windows up for you to select from.
 240     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The Japanese version of WindowMenu, which displays a menu of
   open windows for you to select and bring to the front.

  28     2/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Neatly organize the position of your Finder windows.
  37    10/31/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Provide indexation on the fly to Microsoft Word users so you can
   type text without worrying about indexing words.  It will insert the
   .i. code on the fly (as invisible text) when detecting specified
   index entries.
  38     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tells you what time it is in other cities, taking into account
   Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time.  Automatically resets your clock
   at the beginning and end of Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time.
   Allows you to change the location of your computer as it is stored
   in your computer's memory and reset the clock appropriately.
  25    12/15/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Adds Christmas lights under (not behind, under) your menu bar.
   Will even do different sequences. 1.1 works on 68000 macs, and puts
   the lights behind windows. S7 only.
  16     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Makes alerts and dialog boxes easier to use by letting you use
   the keys to press buttons and controls instead of the mouse. The
   control panel can be configured to use the first letter of each
   button, with or without CMD, taking into account any text fields
   in the box. 
  24      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Reset your Parameter RAM without restarting the computer.
  64      3/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display animated icons (theirs or yours) in place of the AppleMenu
   BalloonHelp, or Multifinder icons.  Requires System 7.
  46      7/4/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Like Windowshade, it allows you to "roll up" a window, but this
   cdev stacks the rolled up title bars neatly for you on the side,
   in "groups" with "gaps" for each layer of windows from different
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  32     3/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   BroadCast is a tool for exchanging short messages between Macintoshes.
  97      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Printer drivers that work with Panasonic/Epson 9 and 24 pin
   printers and compatibles for both text and graphics.
  40     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A PPD file for use with the DecLaser 1152 printer. Provides access
   to printer specific features such as DecImage.
1298     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Take advantage of all HP DeskWriter printer features while running
   the QuickDraw GX printing extension under System 7.1 or later.
   Includes drivers for DW 510/520 GX, DW 540 GX, DW 550C GX,
  53      4/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Print any file to a PICT file on disk instead of to a printer.
 132     5/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A non-Hewlett Packard printer driver for the DeskJet and LaserJet.
  47    12/27/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A tool for transferring files between Macs using Appletalk but
   without using a file server.  This program was written before
   System 7 came out, and offers many of the benefits of System 7
   filesharing under System 6.
  21      4/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Chooser printer driver for the Panasonic 9pin printers.
 173     8/16/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Chooser printer drivers for the PLP II series of laser printers.
   Supports TrueType fonts and has a "preview" feature so you can see
   how the page will look before you print it...
  17     6/19/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Preview documents created from any application.  You can inspect
   the entire page, or zoom in and scroll through a specific section.
 234      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Print pages into PICT files. Also allows you to print into the
   clipboard as a PICT or onto the screen as a preview. Included
   extensions allow printing to MacPaint files, PICS movies, and
   "Postcards" (a standalone document viewer).  Can now also
   Print2TIFF.  Requires System 7.
  60     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Saves printed documents to TIFF files Q rather than printing to a
   device.  The TIFF files may be color seperated.
  65      8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Mount related AppleShare server volumes with a click
   of the mouse; requires System 7 or more and the Finder
   Scripting Extension; free.
  14     7/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Find and report network entities that use AppleTalk Name Binding
   Protocol (NBP).  Includes MPW C source.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
   8     10/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Apple CTB Apple Modem Tool that works in the CCL language.
  73     7/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Apple's standard Communications Toolbox extension for
   communicating with most modems.
 360      10/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   asc420/ANSI lets applications which support the CTB terminal
   manager do complete VT420, PC-ANSI  and SCO-ANSI terminal
   emulations. This allows users to extend the functionality of
   their favorite CTB communications applications with high-end
   VTxx  and ANSI terminal support. Limited demo based on connect
   time until license is purchased

 316      10/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The asc5250 CTB Terminal Tool lets 3rd party CTB applications,
   like ClarisWorks, do 5250 terminal emulation and FTP file
   transfer with IBM AS/400s. The Tool supports tn5250 telnet
   sessions over TCP/IP to connect to the AS/400 host.  Limited
   demo based on connect time until license is purchased

 259      8/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The ascMultiTransfer CTB File Transfer Tool lets 3rd party CTB
   applications, like ClarisWorks, do file transfer to and from many
   different online bulletin boards and host systems.  Limited demo 
   based on connect time until license is purchased.

 363     3/16/96    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.5

   Updated versions of the connection tools included with the Black
   Night terminal program distribution.  Allows 115K and 230K connections.
  97      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Designed to work with CCL (Communications Control Language)
   connection scripts.  Use the CCL language to connect to many
   different kinds of systems using any communication software which
   uses the Comm Toolbox.  Includes CCL scripts for Apple Vax IBX,
   FirstClass User IBX, Generic IBX, Generic Serial Tool Modem, and
   Simplest Calypso CCL.
  29     7/17/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Communication Tool that uses CCL script files (the same files
   as used by AppleTalk Remote Access) for controlling the modem,
   providing a user interface as clear and simple as it is in the ARA
   Setup control panel.
  29    11/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Connection Tool that supports the low-level CEPT-1 protocol
   used in European Videotex systems. This is a protocol module,
   not a Terminal Tool, like videotextool.cpt.hqx, which actually
   emulates a Videotek system.

 240      2/5/96        BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Implements the connection-manager interface of the CTB as a
   scriptable application; allows management of CTB-tools with
   AppleScript for remote login purpose, etc.; expiration has
   been removed!
 297     10/1/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   FTPack is a FTP Client CTB File Transfer tool. It supports the
   FTP protocol enabling file transfer to and from VMS, UNIX, IBM
   Mainframes, AS/400 and all other standard FTP servers. FTPack comes
   with FTPeek, an application that allows quick FTP access at all times
   from the finder interface.  Limited demo based on connect time until
   license is purchased
  48    10/31/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Communications Toolbox extension that allows  you to control
   your Hayes modem (or compatible)  more effectively.  You can
   modify connection  settings, modem/port/v-series/setup settings.
   You will need a program which uses connection tools if you want to
   work with this.
  59      5/4/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Implements a Kermit file transfer protocol with packet size <= 9025
   (given enough memory), 1 2, or 3 byte error checking, run
   compression, text or binary file sends, and more.
 131     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A demo of a ZModem tool. Demo lets you download but not upload.
  97     3/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Additional modem definitions for use with the Apple Modem Tool.
   Includes:  GV Modem Defs 1.0, AMT-AT&T-Dataport-144,
   AMT-PPI-14400FXSA, AMT-PPI-14400FXSA-Fast, AMT-Telelink IMS-08,
   AMT-Zyxel-1496E, AMT-Prometheus (v1.2), Supra AMT 1.5
  63     2/27/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Use the Program-to-Program Communications (PPC) manager to
   communicate over AppleTalk networks.  PPC is the service used to
   implement program linking and remote AppleEvents.
  70     7/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Use the MacTCP driver to communicate over TCP/IP networks.
   Supports synchronous and asynchronous open, close, listen, read,
   and write.  Requires System 7 and a 68020 or better.
  34      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Communications Toolbox extension that provides TELNET and
   transparent TCP connections. It allows the specification of the
   host to connect to as well as the port number on which to connect.
  58    11/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   CEPT-1 Videotex terminal emulator tool.
  48     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Communications Toolbox file transfer tool that implements YModem,
   a simple batch-sending protocol designed for 8-bit connections. 
  80      4/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A hacked up version of Apple Modem Tool 1.1 that can be used with
   the Zoom model modems.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  11     7/31/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Control AfterDark functions.
  21      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Andi`s CapsLock Sound CSM 1.0 to play a sound named "CapsLockON"
   whenever you switch to capital letters and plays a sound named
   "CapsLockOFF" when you switch back to small letters; Andi`s Clock
   CSM 1.1 (a small 24-hour-format clock; Andi`s Modem CSM 1.01, to
   show the status of the modem.
  16     3/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Lets you connect/disconnect from a ARA server.  Indicates
   when a connection is established by its ICON.
 131     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,Compact3.50
   Contains a bunch of modules implementing the controls on a 
   CD player.  Pay the shareware fee and get to use some additional
   included modules for keeping track of the audio CD track length.
   5     9/26/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Turn balloon help off/on.
  11     9/26/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Show the last-active applications, followed by a list of permanent
   9      4/7/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Control strip module displays calendar of months, navigatable
   by arrow button, holidays editable by quick hack with ResEdit;
   Control Strip software or Desktop Strip software needed.
  82     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Five control strip modules: digital clock, ExpressModem status,
   Free RAM, processor speed, and current processes.
  16     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A pop-up showing all active control panels, including
   folders within the Control Panels folder; requires
   Control Strip.  Fat binary.
   5     7/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Fetch bookmark for control strip modules, etc.
 171   10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Puts heirarchial menus of selected apps and folders on the
   ControlStrip; customizable; requires System 7 or later with
   Mac Drag-n-Drop recommended; cool! 
 336      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Puts heirarchial menus of selected apps and folders on the
   ControlStrip; customizable; requires System 7 or later with
   Mac Drag-n-Drop recommended; the German (Deutsch) version. 
  70     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Adds a clock to the Control Strip.
  13     7/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two Control Strip Modules:  Application Menu provides a list of
   active applications (including background applications) and
   switches between them.  Monitor Depth displays and allows you to
   change the color depth of the main monitor.
  18     3/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Toggles the Strip on and off, and a few FKEYs which will do
   the same thing.
  26    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Controls MacPPP (2.0.1 required); requires System 7.1 or higher;
   works with DeskTopStrip with limitations; see the README file.
   7    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Enable and disable CPU speed cycling, and set the speed at which
   the CPU operates.
  12     9/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display the time and date.
   3     5/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Anarchie and Fetch bookmarks to the shareware Control Strip
   Modules Archive
  27      3/19/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   ControlStrip module that records whatever is coming over the
   voice line.  Includes a playback applette.  Requires a
  14      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Switch your Duo 280c from 640 x 480, 256 Colours or Greys, to
   640 x 400, Thousands of Colours.  Includes Pascal source.
 114     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Contains demos of 3 modules which allow alias, copy, move
   to preselected destinations by dragging to the controlstrip.

 336      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A combination of a fat binary application and a control panel 
   which will run Control Strip modules in a somewhat more stable
   environment than the one Apple ships.  Includes a bunch of
   extra modules:  KeyHolder, KeyboardExtender, TrashIt, 
   ProcessManager, ControlPanelsStrip, and ControlStripMenu.
  22     2/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Strip that displays all your FKEYS, up to 100!!
   9      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quote or unquote any text on the clipboard.
  12      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Control strip module to display an analog clock and date
   9      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A graphic representation of the volume.
  17      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Control Strip module to control an InterSLIP connection.
   Requires InterSLIP, of course.
 130     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Nine control strip modules: Battery, Battery Time, Clock, CPU
   Speed, Sleep, Sound Volume, Temperature, Application, Apple
   Talk; some provide more functionality than Apple's modules.
  10     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Module accesses all the keys not present on the old style
   powerbooks (fkeys, clear/numlock, help, forw-del, etc.);
   v2.03 is bugfix.
  21     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Emits annoying, piercing alarm when any ADB device is
   unplugged while the Mac is running.
  14      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Acts like another finger by holding down the shift key (or
   any other modifier key).
  21     7/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Module displays a "get anything" dialog box and open it in
   the app or the Finder; v1.1 saves current directory through
   rebooting, miscellaneous other modifications.
   4     3/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   It allows to show and hide the control strip, and to toggle
   between visible and invisible states.
   8    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Show the available RAM and HD space.  Clicking on the module
   gives you a menu of the available space on all the mounted

  66      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Puts a slot machine game in your Control Strip.  Click on 
   the title (being charged one point per play) and your
   winnings depend on the outcome of the play.
  12     8/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Control strip module to shutdown, restart, and quit applications
   and the Finder. Version 1.1 adds international support, adds feature 
   to hide control strip, and can quit specific apps.
  56     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Module sorts system files into System Folder without asking
   questions; v1.3 supports preference file sorting, popup menu
   allows opening of Clipboard and other apps in System Folder,
   and occupies less RAM.
   9     10/2/94    BinHex4.0
   Control Strip module to display either the internal or battery
   temperature of a Powerbook Duo.
  47     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quits programs, including the Finder (and launches Finder);
   hides/shows powerstrip bar; engage Restart; v2.5 has drag-show
   implemented, automatic hiding of the strip during screensaver
   time; sets modifier keys to close windows, more.
  16      3/5/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Module deletes quickly without warning of busy/locked
   files/folders, even the desktop on volumes and floppies; v3.0
   drag-n-drop dialogs a choice: erase, reset, cancel; more,
   even to encouraging the user to recycle! *grin*
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  23     2/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Very much like ArtThief, but newer and with a better interface.
   Still pretty much the same functionality, though.
   Other screen snapshot capture tools: Camera, FlashIt, Scope
  89      7/4/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Brings up the whole character set of any font, so that you don't
   have to remember how to insert one of those accented characters.
   Display the font in whatever size or style you want, as well as
   print out  a page with user-definable text.
  14    12/20/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Lets you see all of the AppleTalk devices in any  zone, their AT
   numbers and socket numbers.  See everyone who's computer is on.
  34    12/18/85    BinHex4.0
   Autolog and Autolog Editor.  Automates logging onto bulletin
   boards.  The Autolog Editor edits macros that control Autolog.
  15     6/27/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Create barcodes (like those used as UPC symbols for labelling
   groceries) that you can cut/paste to  documents.  Four different
   types of barcodes are  supported and you can modify the height,
   width, and narrowness of the lines.
   6     12/1/90    BinHex4.0
   Converts a number between binary, decimal & hex while also
   converting between bases (e.g. 10, 16.. etc.)
  33      6/9/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A DA which lets you draw smooth curves and complement MacPaint and
  32      4/9/91    BinHex4.0
   Clock featuring BigBen's face.  When left in the background, it'll
   play an abbreviated version of it's famous theme on the hour.
  49     12/6/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   BinHex as a DA (another must-have for PC2-holics).  Allows you to
   encode and decode binhex documents in other applications as well
   as splitting long documents into blocks (e.g. for e-mail
   transmission, etc.)
  32     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Claculate the optimum number of blends between two shades on a
   PostScript printer, based on screen frequency and lpi.
   8      3/8/91    BinHex4.0
   Bugs Bunny's face as an analog clock. imagine that.
  70     7/25/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A perpetual calendar with facilities for attaching notes to any
   5     7/14/90    BinHex4.0
   A DA to take a snapshot of your screen after a user- specified
   amount of time.  Use to captureZmenus and such.
   Other screen snapshot tools: Artisto, FlashIt, Scope
  23     7/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An alarm clock DA with the ability to display up to 10 other
   time zones and set up to ten concurrent alarms.  Tells the time,
   too.  An oldie but still works fine under System 7.
  17     5/17/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Enter in a chemical formula and this DA computes the molecular
   mass or exact weight of a compound for you.
  63     1/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A Chooser replacement designed for use on large networks (such as
   U-M's!).  Not only do you see all the normal zones in your
   network, there's a  "V(irtual) Zone" where you can place your
   favorite devices.. also features password protection, page format
   warning suppressions, a few other optional parameters. Not System
   7.0 friendly...
 133     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A replacement for Apple's Chooser designed to work best
   when there are a large number of zones on the AppleTalk
   network; free.
 284     7/17/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Displays clipboard contents and allows you to manipulate it (very
   thoroughly).  Such as uuencoding, entering path names, puts EPSF &
   MacPaint files into the clipboard, more.
   9     1/27/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Puts up a window which contains all of the current colors (Color
   Look Up Table) and allows you to change any of the current colors.
  13     1/22/91    BinHex4.0
   The ol' standby Puzzle DA, only in fabulous tropical colors.
  12     1/27/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Another of the DA editors.  This one has many of the  same
   features as all of the previous ones, but allows 5 different
   documents to be edited at the same time (like a Super-Note Pad).
  23      7/6/90    BinHex4.0
   Use this utility to create a Desk Accessory with any text of your
   choosing inserted inside.  You can COPY the text from the DA to
   paste to a document, or you can use the text that you put in the
   DA as a reference to important commands or procedures.
  30     7/19/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Lets you install DA's into a micro application so that they can be
   treated as application under multi- finder.  Sorta like the
   capability that System 7.0 will give you, but you get it NOW.
  40      8/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A da that can read in .DBF files generated by the PC
   version of dbase and foxbase.
  27      3/8/91    BinHex4.0
   Plays one of six "charming classics" (Eidelweiss, The Sound of
   Music, etc.)... scratchy under  MultiFinder.
  14     8/21/91    BinHex4.0
   Desktop DCAD Calculator, version 3.0. Big ol' scientific
   calculator right on your desktop.. does most of those gross
   mathematic functions you tried to forget after Calculus II.
   5    12/30/90    BinHex4.0
   Here's something for the administrative crowd: an "Executive
   Decision Maker".  Click the DA and pebbles drop down, pachinko
   style, until one slot fills up and you've come to a decision.
  92     12/5/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The classic Space Invaders arcade game in a small app; requires
   ColorQuickDraw, 256 colors, 68030 or better cpu to play; update
   to older DA.
  80      7/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   DeskZap 2.0b11 is a good entry in the all around power DA game.
   This one can do the following:  set the Finder information for a
   file (including the Protect bit); remove linefeeds, control
   characters, etc. from text files; delete, rename, copy, and create
   files; move files to different HFS folders; create, delete,
   rename, and move HFS folders; and close open files.  Has nice user
   interface (ala the commercial DiskTop DA), allows you to strip
   resource forks from files.  Much more...
 461     9/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   A collection of 5 desk accessories.  Contains a file management DA,
   a calendar DA, a phone pad DA, a scientific calculator DA and an RPN
   calculator DA.

  33      6/9/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A great disk management utility from CE Software, authors of
   Mockpack, etc. It provides instant access to files of your choice,
   renames, copies, deletes, has a fast 'find file' function, erases,
   downloads laser fonts, makes startup screens, and when you send in
   your shareware money, you get Widgets, a print utility.
   6     5/22/94    BinHex4.0
   Perpetual calendar.  No notetaking abilities.
   1     10/7/89    BinHex4.0
   Sends a break to the communications port.
   5     7/27/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A random number generator which can be used to roll dice for
   dungeon/dragon games or other types of games...
  59     6/26/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Desk Top Calculator 3.3, Features: * Scientific RPN (Reverse
   Polish Notation) calculator.  * Four registers in stack and 20
   additional registers (R00-R19).  * Supports fixed, scientific and
   engineering number formats.  * Angle units: degrees, radians.
   * Saves position, registers and current settings when quiting.
   * Has key equivalents for frequently used keys on calculator.
   * Configurable keypad
 111     4/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Format and print out envelopes, including return addresses and
   postal bar codes.  Reads several address file formats.
  41     6/19/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Create an easily-accessed e-mail address list.  Allows you to open
   other "ez-mail" databases on disk as well as sorting by names.
 94     4/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A text editor available anywhere.  Import/export/print text from
   different pages. Also works as an instant notepad with 10 pages and
   a clipboard editor.
  59     3/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   View entire font in one screen (if the screen is big enough).  Get
   typeface class, family name, styles, etc.  Double-click characters
   to get width, ASCII value, keystroke, and 72 pt view.
  27     6/27/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A DA from Varityper.  Displays almost all the  information one
   could want to know about any particular installed font.  Shows
   I.D., the name of the laser- writer file, an ascii table, font
   sizes, postscript  name, FOND resource id, font ids and so on.
  63    10/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Ever download a GIF file and wonder "what in the world is this
   picture gonna look like?"  This DA allows you to view the file
   as it is downloaded.  Many improvements over earlier versions.
   5     5/24/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Hides the menu bar.  Allows you to either totally make it
   invisible or just hide it so that it's  invisible until you click
   in it.  Useful for "bare bones" screendumps.
  17     5/23/89   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Another in the 'Crabs' vein.  This one puts up a little insect
   that crawls from the bottom of your screen every time you call it.
   Not very interesting, but it does include the assembler source
   code that seems to be  well-docmented.
 411    12/20/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Put the files MMIndex and Manual in your System File and install
   the DA. You now have instant access to the definitions and
   descriptions of most system calls from a DA. Unusable (due to
   size) without a hard disk or FDHD with HD disks.  Ver. 1.2.
 203     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator application a lot like
   a Hewlett Packard calculator engineers like to carry around.
   Includes DA version.
  61     5/23/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Slightly more versatile than Mini-writer, this word- processing
   D.A. saves automatically; writes documents in M.S. Word, MacWrite,
   or other types of files;  variable spacing, an auto-format
   feature, more...
  10     3/19/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A DA for adjusting color look up table (CLUT) For color capable
   Macs only. Version 1.0
   8      1/9/91    BinHex4.0
   Guess your lucky numbers for Lotto (1-36, &  1-46), as well as a
   four digit number.
  26     2/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A color version of Rubiks Cube as a D.A...  Difficult to
   manipulate without getting used to, though.
  30     1/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A high-resolution color Macintosh Mandelbrot set generator.
   Requires Color QuickDraw and a math coprocessor.
  24     12/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A DA of the famous Mastermind (guess the order and color 
   of a bunch of pegs).  It's you versus the computer.
 270      8/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A DA that works along the same lines as DiskTop providing
   the user a little more control over the file system than the
   standard finder. Includes color and sound.
 125     4/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This is a text clipboard editor with many text manipulative
   features.  It has a large, usable text editing area that is copied
   from the clipboard when the DA is first activated and
   automatically pasted back when the DA is closed.  There are many
   extra features that are strange and unique.  There is a help
   selection in the menu, and this DA supports UNDO; very useful with
   some of its abilities.
   9     1/23/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Clicking on the vice icon in the Memoir window will purge all
   purgeable blocks in memory and compact memory, freeing as much as
   possible.  Good for seeing how much memory your application uses
   (and for a qualified guess at how much memory one needs under
  18     2/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Shows a thermometer which is proprtional to the amount of free
   memory.  Click on the bulb of the thermometer to compact memory.
  11     2/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This one allows you to dynamically add command-keys to any
   standard menu item.
  72     3/31/93  BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Record streams of MIDI data, play back any MIDI file, patch MIDI
   input thru to MIDI output so that a keyboard controller will work
   even in a non-MIDI application, and selectively play back and
   record data for one channel while ignoring data for another.
 105      7/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This file contains the DA MiniWriter, a font called ImageWriter,
   some documentation, and some templates.  This is a text editing DA
   that will show and print the file in any font and store that font
   in a resource the same as QUED or EDIT.  The ImageWriter font is
   said to equal the spacing of the ImageWriter's built in
   proportional font, so printing draft copies should print as shown
   on the screen. The two templates are for envelopes. Version 1.73
   offers speed improvements over previous versions.
  18     2/25/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Version 1.2 of this handy DA calculates molecular mass, exact
   mass, and percent composition for any molecular formula. Useful
   for matching element analysis or mass spectra chemistry.
   6     7/30/85    BinHex4.0
   Allows for the cutting and pasting between scrapbooks.  Has its
   own storage files and also can use existing scrapbooks.
  18     2/27/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Cute D.A. from Japan of a cat chasing after your cursor, which you
   can choose either a fish, bird, or mouse.
  67     5/14/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Lets you chat over an AppleTalk network.  Has lots of cute
   features like Looney Toons icons.
 102     1/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Replacement for Apple's NotePad DA.  Allows subject grouping, 
   unlimited pages, nice interface, can be placed anywhere, etc.
  15     7/19/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A replacement for the standard Notepad DA.  It has a wide
   window and the ability to group notes into topics.
 129      7/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A very powerful programmable symbolic calculator.  Comes in both a
   stand-alone application and DA model (vinyl top and bucket seats
   optional) with examples, formulas and -- most importantly --
  14      7/3/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Displays the font numbers for PostScript fonts 1-85.  Useful for
   avoiding font number conflicts.
  63      7/21/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This handy little desk accessory will allow you to send alpha/numeric 
   pages to anyone who uses a paging company that supports dialup 
   transmission of pages via the Motorla TAP protocol
   2      3/8/91    BinHex4.0
   Close to the Nothing Cdev, this one simply makes your menu bar
   disappear when you hit the "panic" button. Hit it again to make
   it reappear.
  40    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Log all your phone calls you get.  Requires a modem configured to
   actually returns the RING string when the phone rings.
 132     2/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact3.50
   Organize all your phone numbers, dials the phone.  Has categories for
   name, business, room for 3 phone #s, comments field, and ability to
   dial phone via any modem!  Has an application cousin,
 521     7/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A programmable scientific calculator with special "on-the-fly"
   numeric conversions for DTP. 16 digits, transcendental functions,
   Polar conversions, and more.  Records and saves programs, too.
  56     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   View and manipulate PICT files, including EPS files with PICT
   preview information.
  10     8/30/85    BinHex4.0
   Similar to the standard Apple Puzzle desk accessory, except this
   one uses a picture split up into 16 pieces instead of numbers.
   Very difficult if you use a complex picture!
  95     5/12/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A comprehensive, concise compendium of common and uncommon key
   combinations for commands and controls in the current PageMaker.
  75     1/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Two versions of this interesting game/da are included: one for
   color, one for b/w.  Maneuver your penguin around an ice field
   trying to get hearts into the house.  Sounds easy, you have trees
   and mountains (which you can atom-bomb) to smithereens.
  46      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PRAM-Reader reads and writes the original parameter RAM ("PRAM") data and
   the extended parameter RAM data of the Macintosh to a file on the disk. 
   You can make a backup of the content of your PRAM with PRAM-Reader and 
   rewrite this backup back to your PRAM in case the content of the PRAM is 
   lost or you would like to restore old settings in control panels. 
   9      7/4/90    BinHex4.0
   Print any PS-formatted document from this DA!
  15     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   View files in text or hex and choose which fork of the file
   to view; fast.
  34     6/30/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Reads text from Word, MacWrite, basically any file that IS text.
   Allows you to edit and save the  changes.  Find/Find Again and
   converts files  between Chinese fonts.
  44    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create a new text file from a Quicken document, containing the same
   transactions as the original exported file but in a tab-delimited
   format that can be read by most other applications.
  13     4/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Append any fixed text to each line of of text in the clipboard.
   Make email citations painlessly by appending greater-than signs.
  20      8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Put in StartUp folder to increase (to 14) fontsize
   in desktop menus; is an app rather than init/etc. so
   changes are temporary, and if another app changes
   menusizes back to 'normal', run app to override
   (keep alias in Apple Menu).
 205      8/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Personal reminder control panel/extension combo that helps keep
   those important events (anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, pay
   raises) in mind.
   9      7/3/92    BinHex4.0
   A DA which contains field type info for creating Templates
   (TMPLs) in ResEdit 2.1 and up...
 150     8/21/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Resource Manager and editor in DA form designed to handle
   simple resource management tasks that get complex in ResEdit.
   Long list of features.
  32     2/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Lets you look at resources, specifically icon-related resources,
   from within an application.
   8    3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Restarts your Macintosh.  Oh, read the README file for a good
   laugh :)
  77     4/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A multi-featured flat-flie database in a DA.  Can export, import
   to larger databases if necessary. System 7 compatible.
  25      3/8/91    BinHex4.0
   Try and predict which of five cards is next...  Discover if you
   have ESP.
  83      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A small Rolodex-like database DA that lets you keep an easily
   accessible list of names, phone number or whatever (it's
   infinitely flexible--no fields) and search it by keyword.  Useful
   for recipies, too.
  11      1/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   He looks at you... he winks.. sticks out his tounge.  At least he
   doesn't talk....
  69     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A powerful, multifunction Reverse Polish Notation calculator.
   This version dated 930407.
  23     7/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A table listing over 900 conversion factors between various
   scientific measurements.  Not without its humorous typos (did you
   know that a >>guart<< is a little less than a liter?), but still
   very useful.
  31     1/27/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Brings up a resizable window which shows a blow-up of the
   immediate area surrounding the cursor, can also do timed snapshots
   and various levels of magnification. Installs 3 resources into the
   System, one of which is a WDEF (so don't worry, it's not the
   dreaded virus). Version 1.6.
   Other screen snapshot capture tools: Artisto, FlashIt, Camera
 571     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Powerful storage and cataloging utility which will allow you
   to archive and retrieve anything you can copy to the
   clipboard, import or drag & drop; sounds, PICTures, Text,
   QuickTime movies, and lots more.
  44     2/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A replacement for the Scrapbook.  Adds features such as import/
   export, resizeable windows, partial selection, multiple scrapbooks.
   v1.3.2 bug fix release.
  50     12/12/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Print out text only documents using this DA through one of the
   two serial ports.
  15     6/20/87    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This is a DA and an INIT that set default directory paths to be
   searched whenever an unspecified file is asked for.  Up to 5 paths
   may be specified, and the DA will build them for you using the
   standard file package dialog.  This lets you put files in other
   places than System Folder or current folder and still have your
   application find them.
  68     1/27/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Yet another DA editor.  This one purports to have most of the
   greatest features of all of the others, with none of the bad ones
   (but they all do that). Neverthe less it's still a very solid
   piece of work and should not be ignored. Version 1.12
  16     11/1/87    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Smart Quotes 2.7 watches what you type and makes your application
   think you typed something else. Smart Quotes changes straight
   quotes into curly quotes, "fl" and "fi" pairs into ligatures,
   double hypens into em-dashes, and catches double capitals at the
   beginning of words.
  11    12/29/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Puts a snowstorm on your screen.  You can choose from "flake" (0
   or 1) to "blizzard" (10+).. also has Santa flying in his sleigh
   across your desktop.. and a pine/Christmas tree in another corner.
   Has an option to appear in Finder only, too.
  21      6/6/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A literal "scrapbook" for sound resources.  You can
   cut/paste/clear/copy sounds into and out of  it, as well as rename
   those resources & play them.
   8      3/8/91    BinHex4.0
   Supply the langitude and longitude, and the time zone; it will
   give you the approximate sunrise and sunset times for the day.
  53      3/9/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A Notepad DA replacement... you can use different styles, fonts,
   colors, etc... in a small, medium and large notepad file you
   create (diverse, huh?).
  36     6/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays all of the standard Apple system errors and their
  26      6/9/87    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This DA needs MacInTalk to work.  It speaks each word or letter
   that is typed and shows the letter and a picture corresponding to
   it if the two provided fonts are installed.  Speaks any selection
   of text copied to the clipboard.
  17     5/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allows you to control the Teac MT-2ST tape drive.  You can rewind,
   retension or erase tapes.. also keeps track of errors so you can
   determine when to clean the heads...
   7    12/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The classic three-body problem brought to your screen.  Watch as
   three balls orbit around each other and careen off the walls of
   the DA window.
  15     5/22/87    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Tiles the open windows in any application that allows multiple
   open windows, with a few exceptions. Packed with a text file
   describing its use.  Tiling is giving each window the maximum
   area without overlapping.  Will also function as a 'bring this
   window to front' menu, and will tile into multiple columns.
  31     1/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Maintain a list of things to do.  Small, efficient.
   This is DIFFERENT from /mac/system.extensions/da/todo3.2.cpt.hqx
  87     4/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   File "things to do" under topics, give the topics a long
   description, while prioritizing "things to do" (and their
   respective long definitions) underneath each topic.  Very well
   thought out interface.  Allows you to print the list as well as
   "check off" the things that were done.  Several enhancements since
   3.1, including compatibility with the Quadra caches.
   This is DIFFERENT from /mac/system.extensions/da/todo2.2b1.cpt.hqx.

  23      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Intended to help troubleshoot bombing Macs running System
   7.0 through 7.52; written for the novice user but may
   help all levels of users; drop it into the Apple Menu.
   9     1/15/87    BinHex4.0
   Lets you send text to an ImageWriter one line at a time.  Supports
   a complete variety of ImageWriter typestyle options.
  20     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Converts a quantity from one unit measurement system to another.
   Additional units and unit groups (quantity) can be added by ResEdit.
  45     8/26/88    BinHex4.0
   A DA which allows you to decompress non-encryped entries in
   StuffIt archives.Hogs up approx 150-180K of RAM.  Version 1.5
   3      5/9/91    BinHex4.0
   Shows you all the colors available on any type of monitor (color
   & grey scale) in a tiny window.
 206    11/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   VirusDetective is a DA for tracking down viruses (or any
   resources) in files. You specify the resource type and optionally
   its size, name, id or size range. Once the offending resource is
   found it can optionally be removed from the file (use this feature
   with caution). The user can update the search list at any time.
 341    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Database designed to hold all of the various types of URLs
   and allow user to copy/paste them between internet applications,
   and a monthly online timer with alarm for Internet connections
   all rolled into one.
  19    8/16/95    BinHqx4.0,CompactPro1.51

   A data file for the WabbitDA (also at the archive in the
   /mac/system.extensions/da/ directory).  Contains over 180 entries.

   9      3/8/91    BinHex4.0
   Another one of those annoying april fools gag da's you can "give"
   to a friend.. click on the wabbit.. he don't do anything.. try and
   close or drag it.. it runs away!  The only thing you can do is
   "give up".
  54     1/31/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A no-wait control panel replacement.  Open this DA and you see
   your "favorite CDEV" first (or the last one you had open,
   depending on your  preferences).  You can also set default
   directories for DAs (not just in system folders) and change DA
   default fonts.
   9      3/8/91    BinHex4.0
   A "hangman" type game with "We Are The World" theme.  You might
   want to ResEdit phrases like  "Michael Jackson" to something else,
  18     3/23/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Grabs windows that are off the screen.  Useful for people who use
   Macs with multiple monitors.
  33     1/27/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A "BattleShip"-type game, except you don't have a human opponent,
   and you don't have your own ships.  What you DO have is a change
   from all of the puzzle-type DA games.
  17     4/10/87    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   These are 4 DAs that contain a table of various command key
   shortcuts for Word 3.0.  Install them directly into your Word
   application with Font/DA Mover.  Comes packed with a Word 3.0
   document describing them.
   6     8/23/85    BinHex4.0
   Counts words, characters, and lines in a text document. Simulates
   the Unix "wc" command.
 143     7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Very complete DA to tell time (sunrises, sunsets, etc) all across
   the world.  NICE!
   9     6/27/90    BinHex4.0
   Gives an estimate of the world's population, and updates itself
   each second.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
   9     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create a second clipboard in any application so you can copy and
   paste two things at once.
  11     1/23/91   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Three fkeys in one package... Printkey, which sends a formfeed to
   your ImageWriter I & II (also spools a blank page to the
   LaserWriter...); Memkey, which compacts memory and then tells you
   how much is free; and Specialkey, which puts all the option &
   special font characters into the clipboard.
  10     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gracefully quit all applications and restart the computer.
   2    12/10/94    BinHex4.0
   Turn Balloon Help on and off.
  14     5/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Toggle Balloon Help on and off.
   2     1/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Causes your Mac to beep.
   3     9/10/90  BinHex4.0
   Hit this Fkey in any application and blow holes in your window
   that you can actually drag/put/ manipulate things through!  To
   quit it, just click your sights on the menu bar.
   3     1/23/91  BinHex4.0
   I don't know why this was added.. but it makes a nice little tune
   when it's invoked.
   8     9/24/93  BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An FKEY designed to be used in ResEdit 2.1 or later.  It reads the
   'nrct' -4064 resource in the file being edited by ResEdit and 
   draws the corresponding control panel rectangles in the frontmost
   window (which is supposed to be a 'DITL' editor window).  Also
   shows what a Control Panel would look like under System 6.
  63    12/18/91  BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Fkey (works under 6.0 and 7.0) that shows the open resource files
   and allows you to dump them to a file.  It displays the resource
   ID, it's name, size, etc.  Includes Think Pascal  source code.
  10     4/25/89  BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Similar to the standard Control-Shift-3 Fkey, this one dumps color
   bitmaps into PICT files.  Some documentation included.
  17     5/13/95    BinHex4.0,CompactPro1.50
   Allows (THINK) Pascal programmers to reformat blocks of comments to
   wrap nicely.
   4     3/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Measure the distance in pixels between objects on the screen.
   8     1/23/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Pastes the date and/or time onto whatever document you're working
   on (as if you were typing it yourself).. Allows you to select what
   format you want the date & time to be pasted in as.
  41     4/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   See what a C declaration means, in plain English.  Tell it "int
   (*x[])()" and it tells you x is "type array[] of pointer to
   function with undefined parameters returning type int."  Based on
   the "dcl" program in section 5.12 of K&R, but, as the name implies,
   it fully understands ANSI.  Includes FKEY, BBEdit extension, and
   THINK C source for both.
  4    12/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Drop into the debugger.  Recognizes MacsBug, TMON, The Debugger,
   and ABZmon.  Will also recognize any new debuggers that follow
   Apple's debugger protocol as documented in the "MacsBug Reference
   and Debugging Guide."
   1     3/19/87    BinHex4.0
   Dudek's Defrost is an FKey that will reenable mouse interrupts
   when they have been turned off and the mouse appears frozen.  This
   will sometimes allow a shut down if the crash was not immediately
   fatal (the mouse would not normally get frozen without some sort
   of crash).
 120     7/16/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Unmount and eject any floppy disks, CD ROMs, or removable cartridges
   currently mounted on the desktop with a simple settable keystroke
   combination, and do it from whereever in Mac's system or apps you
   happen to be without having to stop and highlight it first.
  12     6/20/87    BinHex4.0
   When invoked it will let you ShutDown, go to the Finder, or
   cancel.  Lets you properly ShutDown the Mac without going back to
   the Finder.
   8     8/28/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Some drawing programs can't handle the picts  generated by Excel
   3.0.  This fkey/init combo (they don't need to be used together)
   allows Excel picts in the clipboard to be pasted  correctly into
   MacDraw II, SuperPaint, Canvas, etc.
   3      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Four FKEYS that emulate the "home", "end", "page up", and "page
   down" keys on the extended keyboard.
   6      2/2/92   BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Inverts the screen on Mac II's (i.e. white to black, black to
   white).  Looks uncannily weird in color.
  18     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   FKEY copies the embeded file comment in FirstClass/TeleFinder
   to the clipboard; when combined with TFCommenter (included), it
   creates a quick system of organizing and commenting files to be
   uploaded offline; comments are stored in the SitC resource.
   7    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Change the type, creator, "bundle" and "inited" flags of the file
   selected with the standard file dialog.
  23    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two fkeys, to quit and relaunch the Finder, and to launch a file
   selected from an Open file dialog.
   5    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quit the Finder if it is running, or launch it if it isn't.
  17     1/23/93   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An application into which you can plug FKEY resources and launch them
   (you can even launch multiple copies of this application).  Two apps
   included:  one for all Macs, and one for System 7 and up version which
   support FKEY resource drag/dropping and AppleEvents.
   3     9/18/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Store all of your FKEYs in an otherwise empty Font suitcase and 
   then drop it in the Fonts folder.  System 7 will happily keep the 
   suitcase open and the FKEYs in the file will be available for use as 
   if they were installed in the System file.
   7      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make sure that everything in your disk cache is completely saved to
   your disks Q with one keystroke.
   9     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fix the missing "Fractional Widths" problem with ImageWriters and
   5     8/17/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Teeny tiny screensaver fkey that works fine.  It draws fuzzy balls
   of random sizes all over the screen.
  26      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Show an eyedropper so you can find out what color some thing
   is.  The results are shown in Apple's standard color picker, so you
   can see what the red, green, blue, hue, saturation, and brightness
   are.  The RGB values are then placed on to the clipboard, so you
   can paste them right where you need them. 
   6     3/13/94    BinHex4.0
   List out (and/or kill) the processes running under System 7.
  16      6/6/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Lets you type in the number of the character you want inserted at
   the current cursor position, and it will be inserted.  DA/ASCII is
   a bit more useful, but this will do if you've already got a bunch
   of DAs.
   7     8/31/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Makes the active window transparent or visible (if transparent),
   window stays transparent until reconstituted.  Useful for
   screening out unwanted information (in the Finder, ResEdit, etc.).
  10      6/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Four FKEYS: ClickLoc 2.0: get screen, window, or object locations
   or sizes in pixels, FKEYList 1.0 see a list of all installed FKEYs,
   FreeRAM 1.2: display the amount of Free RAM, GrabColor 1.0: obtain
   the color of a given pixel.
   4      4/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Turn off the PowerBook Express Modem software at the touch of a
   key, without having to go into the control panel.
   4     9/26/93    BinHex4.0
   Tell you the status of file sharing and let you kill it if it's on.
   5      8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   When the look-up tables (LUTs) are damaged and the mouse is
   invisible, making it hard to correct the problem, this is
   the fkey to use--otherwise rebooting is necessary, meaning
   all work is lost; not related to the file in:
   9     3/12/92    BinHex4.0
   Prints the screen to the attached printer (Image- or LaserWriter)
  14     2/10/88    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A file locater fkey.
  72     2/13/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Dial telephone numbers by playing DTMF tones ('touch tones') via
   the Mac speaker.
 111    2/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Dial telephone numbers by playing DTMF tones ('touch tones') via
   the Mac speaker.
 156     7/27/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This is FKey Manager 3.0. It creates a menu of FKeys which which
   are currently installed in the System file, & lets you assign
   FKeys to any number key on the keyboard. (For those of you who are
   unfamiliar with FKeys, they are desk accessory-like applications
   which are assigned to Command Key combinations [like Command-
   shift-4, which prints the contents of the screen] rather than
   being installed as desk accessories. This saves your valuable desk
   accessory slots.)
  15     3/27/95    BinHqx4.0,Compact1.51
   Uses MacinTalk speech driver to say a message based on the user's
   selection in an alert.

  17      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Toggles monitor resolutions at the touch of an fkey!
  10     7/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Mount and unmount all scsi devices except the start up volume and
   CD-ROMs.  Fast and handy.
  11     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   FKEY to display a MST3K picture on the screen.
  38    11/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   FKEY for implementing 'find & replace' from the Clipboard.
   4      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Hide the cursor until the next time you move the mouse.
  77     5/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An FKEY to launch files or sets of files.  Useful also to launch
   files if you've quit the finder due to memory constraints.
   4     7/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Put your PowerBook or other battery-powered Mac to sleep
   instantly, without having to navigate dialogs or warnings.
   7     3/13/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Cycle through open applications.
   8     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This produces a list of files in a Think C 4/5 project.  It lists
   file names, object files, and segment info.  Version 1.1 fixes
   incompatibility with '040 cache on Quadras, adds per-segment totals
   to listing, and adds Caps Lock sorting option.
  10     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set your sound volume temporarily or permanently.
  12     8/4/94     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quits all your open application through apple events. 
   Requires System 7 and up. 
  14     9/24/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Hit this fkey while in System 7 and whatever application you're
   in (this is meant for the Finder) quits instantly (and if it is
   the Finder, you save a major load of memory).
   3     5/31/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A drastic way to quit any app, including the Finder.
  37     3/27/95    BinHqx4.0,Compact1.51
   Prefixes quoted email with the standard "> " at the touch of
   an fkey and reformats message text to fit.
  11     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Force a redraw of everything onscreen.  Requires System 7.
   5     5/31/92    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Moves the frontmost window, wherever it is, to right underneath
   the menu bar.  The source code is included in the intro docs.
  11    12/20/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An FKey which allows you to see all of the currently "active"
   resources and what their various attributes are without leaving
   the application.
  10      6/6/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   When you hit it, the front app moves to the "back" (appropriate
   for System 7).
  22     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 'command-shift-number'-function that turns a copy of the
   Clipboard into a file or clipping; cdev installs function.
   7     3/27/95    BinHqx4.0,Compact1.51
   Uses MacinTalk speech driver to speak contents of Clipboard.
   6      2/2/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   In any application that uses PICT resources, this little fkey
   (comes with source and a doc file) will allow you to easily copy
   the PICT resource to the scrapbook.
  20     1/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Eject any floptical disk or other SCSI device that is ejectable by
   4     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Tell the Font Manager to prefer either TrueType or bitmapped fonts
   for screen display or printing.  Useful for seeing all the
   special symbols in the TrueType Chicago font.
   8     3/27/95    BinHqx4.0,Compact1.51
   Shuts down computer with the touch of a key or key-combo.
  29     4/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Select an item from a list of applications and documents on your
   drive and click the open button.  Includes an FKEY for easy
   access.  Requires System 7 and at least a Mac II.
  13      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quickly set the sound volume with the mouse or keyboard.
   7    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Speak the contents of the clipboard.  Requires the Speech Manager.
   5     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Spin down the internal hard drive in Macs that support that
   function (such as PowerBooks).
  14      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FKeys to spin down the drive--no need to pull down menus,
   click mouse, etc.
   6     4/24/88    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This fkey lets you type in a path to a folder which you want to be
   the current folder.
  50      6/6/88    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   It lets you switch between any two monitor settings on the Mac II.
   V. 1.6.  Supports IIci built-in video.
  48     12/1/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The FKEY equivalent of SwitchARoo for sounds. You can preset two
   volume settings to toggle between.
   8    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Go through all mounted volumes and write out any outstanding
   info (by using PBFlushVol) that may still be in the cache.
  71      2/1/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A FKEY that talks time.
  16     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Add a hard-wired 8.25% to any number in the clipboard.  Includes
   Pascal source.
  15     3/27/95    BinHqx4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Copy styled text from the front window to the  clipboard. Works in
   applications like THINK Reference that do not support normal
   copying, and can even copy static text from modal dialogs.
  15    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Turn AppleTalk on and off without going to the Chooser and
   navigating through a bunch of dialogs.  Especially useful for
  39      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Lightening fast way of changing volume on the Mac... hit the fkey,
   up pops a little dialog box with 9 buttons: volume from 1-7.
   5     8/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An Init/Fkey combination that allows you to enable/disable
   emptying the trash.  Highly useful for you project developers with
   small, prying children around.
   3    10/18/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Gross little hack (five lines of code) that fix the occasional
   sound problems in a  IIsi when the sound disappears.
  11     1/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FKEY that changes the system volume via the keyboard.  Freeware.
  51     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   FKEY to change the sound volume.
  14      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Move all First Class download windows to the bottom of the screen.
   Includes THINK Pascal and MPW source.
   7     2/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Quickly draw a set of bold concentric circles of decreasing size
   onto the screen, centered on the cursor.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
1725     5/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A listing and display of shareware and freeware fonts, most of
   which are available on mac.archive.  Despite it name, is NOT a
   complete listing of fonts available by anonymous ftp from
   mac.archive.umich.edu.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
   6     1/23/91    BinHex4.0
   Size:  14
   Some bitmapped Apple toolbox icons (paintbucket, cursor, etc.)
  27     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  96
   A flowing cursive with characters that link.  Lots of curley-cues.
   8     5/23/90    BinHex4.0
   Size:  18
   The American Sign Language font.  A font with hands that spell
   out sign language.
  26     1/23/91    BinHex4.0
   Size:  12, 18, 24
   Bitmapped geometric font makes groovy patterns when you type
   them together...
  44     7/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  9, 10, 12, 14, 18 & 24
   A colored font, very close to Courier, that is useful for nucleic acid
   sequence editors.
  21     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  96
   An elegant Olde English-style font.
 128     5/20/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This is an Shareware ImageWriter font file including: Beverly
   Hills Size:  9,10,12,14,18,20,24,28,36,48 Beverly Hills Large
   Size:  36,72  and a special Modified Chicago (size 12) for
   Macs (and system files).  Comes with three doc files.
  11     6/29/90    BinHex4.0
   Size:  48
   Bitmapped font of tall white letters with a shadow behind.
   4     7/31/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  10
   Simple box-shaped letters.
  50      6/1/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Use this font on special paper to  create text that's readable
   by blind folks. Includes instructions, demo document, and a
   braille-version map of Holland.
  25     3/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10,12,14,18,24
   Symbol fonts.
  35     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72
   Uncial-style font.  Mediocre quality.
   6     6/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 9
   A modified version of Monaco with symbols for Chess annotation.
   4      7/7/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  12
   Essentially Chicago-12 with the letters being white on a black
  24      7/7/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  9,12,18,24
   Chicago font in new sizes all containing additional math symbols.
 194     6/18/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  9,10,12,14,18,20,24,28,36,40,48,72
   Also comes with Clairvaux Caps font, which is basically all caps
   large size versions for you folks without the heavy RAM for over-
   stuffed system files.  The other font file comes with
   18,20,24,36,40,48, 72.  Primarily intended as an ImageWriter font,
   this also looks very nice on a LaserWriter (slightly larger/fatter
   than New York).
   8    12/28/91    BinHex4.0
   Size:  9
   A font which looks like Monaco, monospaced, and has modified
   characters (such as a slashed 0 and a distinctive lowercase "i")
   and no invisibles.
  27     5/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 18, 24
   Geneva-style Greek font.
  86     12/7/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Five COLOR bitmapped fonts.... Embossed, size 32, bubbly letters.
   Patriot, size 34, stars, stripes.. Zebra, size 33, purple stripes.
   Vice, size 36, pastel colors Shades, size 31, modified block It's
   best to use Suitcase II with this font, but Font/DA mover wont
   copy over some resources, so read the documentation on how to use
   ResEdit if you want to add this directly to the system.
  15      7/7/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  12,24
   A font patterned after the lettering style that Apple uses on its
   Apple ][ line of computers.
   5     9/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 12
   A futuristic-looking version of The standard Chicago.  Ho, hum.
   4      7/7/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  12
   A cyrillic character set.
   4      7/7/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  12
   Another cyrillic character set.
   4      7/7/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  12
   And yet another cyrillic character set...
 114     8/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12,24
   Five bitmapped fonts chock full of math symbols.
  21     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  72
   A nice calligraphic script.
  80      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   4-Color and 16-Color "MultiBit" fonts including "Delicious", "Moss",
   "PurpleHaze", "Rainbow", "RainbowPlain", "Shadow" and "Winesap" in
   16-Color and "MenuClock" in 4-color.  All are variations on Chicago.
   9      3/29/91   BinHex4.0
   Size:  24
   Bitmapped Dingbat font...
  18    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Narrower version of Geneva 9 pt.
  40     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12,18,24,36,48
   A double outlined display typeface.  It has pointed stems which fall
   below the base line and has a medieval look about it like the
   letters are made up of sword blades.
  19     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  72
   A drop cap font with large flowers and vines w/stems behind each
   capital letter.  The letters themselves look like a large Times font
   that is outlined with a slight black shadow.
  22     4/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 12
   Similar to the Chicago included with the Macintosh, but instead of
   solid black characters, it uses a gray "desktop" fill pattern.  Can
   be used to make HyperCard buttons that appear to be disabled
   ("grayed-out") when appropriate.
  41     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  36,48,72
   3 Halloween style fonts.  "Bones" is a full Character set made of
   bones.  "Graveyard and Tombstone" are a Spooky looking font on
  17      7/7/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  12,18,20
   A Hollywood style font. The letters are thick on one side.
  75     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12
   A font containing the popular icons used by HyperCard.
  43     8/30/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  12,24
   Font set of popular icon images.
 179     6/27/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Two sets of bit-mapped fonts. First font is Book of Kells, based
   on a very ancient Celtic book housed in England.
   Size:  18,36,54,72,127. Second font is IE Cursive. Appears like
   a very stylized cursive font. Size:  18,36,54,72.
  15     2/26/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  36
   Font of puffy (best way to describe it) letters.
  32     1/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Monaco-like font that allows full diacritic construction.  Can be
   used to type in over 50 languages.
  18     6/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 9, 12
   A derivative of Monaco using the ISO-Latin-1 encoding, the 8-bit
   standard on the Internet.

 720    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Size: 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72
   A package with two fonts--Hiragana Brush and KataKana brush, in
   Type 1, Truetype and bitmapped forms, plus a folder containing
   keyboard layout diagrams in eps, jpg, pict and gif forms.
  11     10/2/91    BinHex4.0
   Size:  14
   Bitmapped script letters.
  47     11/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  30
   The different keys of both the Mac and the PC.  Great for
   presentational handouts.
  23     8/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 24, 48
   Bitmapped font based solely on the indecipherable letters in the
   Star Trek series.
  10     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 9
   Read and compose Russian email and read the Relcom newsgroups in
   Russian. Includes KOI-8 and KOI-7 keyboard layouts.
  39    12/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Korean and Hangul.  The docs are in Korean and the letters can be
   formed by key combinations and the option key.
  57      5/6/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  36, 42, 54
   Large Helvetica Fonts (good for posters, et. al.)
   9     2/25/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  72
   Large size version of the London font.
  27     6/30/90    BinHex4.0
   Size:  72
   Large New York font.
  24     3/29/91    BinHex4.0
   Size:  36.
   6     6/30/90    BinHex4.0
   Size:  36.  Bitmapped Art Deco-type uppercase font.
  11      7/7/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  12,18
   A slightly fancier New York-like font.
  75     5/22/86    BinHex4.0
   Chicago w/Hebrew Block - 12. Geneva - 9,12,18,24. Helvetica - 24.
   Monaco w/Hebrew Typewriter - 9. New York - 9,12,18,24. Rehovot -
   10,12,20,24. Troyes - 10,12,20,24. Fonts used by the MacInHebrew
   word processing DA.
   6      5/6/90    BinHex4.0
   Size:  7, 9
   Another Modified Monaco font.
  11      9/3/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  8,9,12,14
   Modified Monaco font. Has slashed zero, and prominent punctuation.
   4     4/29/94    BinHex4.0
   Size:  12
   Dash-and-dot equivalents of every character.
  12      9/9/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  12,24
   The "Mos Eisley" font--a computery futuristic style font with R2D2
   and the Enterprise thrown in for fun.
   9     6/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 12
   A font designed for basic Old Church Slavonic transcriptions.
  12     6/18/90    BinHex4.0
   Size:  24
   Ornimental Arabic bitmapped font.
   9    10/18/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9
   Bitmapped palatino for use in footnotes, headers, etc.
  18    11/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 48
   A Russian bitmapped font  which includes ResEdit resources to
   handle a  Russian keyboard.
 402     6/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  various
   23 fonts that have complete Polish alphabets. About half are
   designed to be used with a Polish System (all important characters
   are on option keys).  Includes: Augustw, Bronowice, Bytom,
   Konstancin, Kutno, Legnica, Pcim, Polish, Sopot, Wilno, Gdansk,
   Gniezno, Latin East  European, Lublin, Lublin-2, Monaco pl, Polis
   (Type 3  PostScript), Sandomierz, Sanok, Warszawa.
  24      2/1/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 24, 48
   Bitmapped font based on very old greek (circa 79 A.D... used when
   Mt. Vevisusus buried the city of Pompeii).  Pretty complete.
   7      8/1/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Size:  9,10,12
   Imbed PostScript directly into your documents.  Items set in this
   font won't print, but will be interpreted by your PostScript
   printer as code.
  90    12/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 20, 24
   A technical font that resembles Geneva. Designed by the folks at
   Princeton who wanted to have high quality technical / mathematical
  20      4/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Programmers Monaco.  Has slashed 0's, etc.  Works under System 7.
 363      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Easily include favorite road signs and warnings in text.
  41     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12,18,24,36,48
   A double outlined display typeface with a dark internal shadow which
   makes it looked carved.  It has pointed stems which fall below the
   base line and has a medieval look about it.
  12     6/30/90    BinHex4.0
   Size:  18,36
   An ImageWriterfont, like New York.
  15     5/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 12
   Kobenhavn and Reykjavik, two bitmapped fonts based on early
   Germanic and Norse runic scripts.
  10     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12,48
   Two fonts based on the runic alphabet used in JRR Tolkein's books:
   Cirth (size 48) and Elvish (size 12).
  26     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12. Eight Cyrillic fonts (all bitmap size 12):
   Kharkov, Minsk, Odessa, Prague, Sheremk, Sofia,
  14     6/18/90    BinHex4.0
   Size:  12,24
   Looks like stereotypical Army fonts (also known as M*A*S*H font).
   9     1/23/91    BinHex4.0
   Size:  24
   Looks like Geneva with upper, lower case, but also has electrical
   schematic symbols for option characters.
   5     7/31/93    BinHex4.0
   Size: 10, 20
   A very very small font.
   6     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12
   Casual bitmap font.
  49     6/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  various
   5 Japanese fonts designed to be used with the Japanese System.
   Mixed Japanese and English. Includes:  Chiyoda 1.0, Chiyoda-J 1.1,
   Chiyoda-J(Osaka), Kutsunoya 1.2, Sumpu 1.1
  12     7/30/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  14,28
   Simplified old English.  Not gothic, just sort of...different.
   4     8/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12
   Sans serif Hebrew font.
  20     7/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  36
   Two sets of "Toyland" fonts.  Bitmapped icons useful for flyers or
   for little accents to your letters.
   6      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Size: 12
   An upright smiley face font in the uppercase; the lowercase is
   looks kind of like... um... another bitmapped font.  

  17     7/22/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   The A-Z portion of this bitmapped font are Courier. The 0-9,
   however, are the bar codes that the post office uses to "zip" mail
   through the sys
  11     6/30/90    BinHex4.0
   Size:  18
   Tall black letters with a white shadow.
   4      9/3/85    BinHex4.0
   Size:  10
   Thin, clean font somewhat similar to Geneva.
  27     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 18
   A font of the Armenian alphabet.
   8     3/29/91    BinHex4.0
   Size:  18
   Bitmapped font where the numbers are the signs of the Zodiac...
   8    11/30/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12
   Uppercase font has handdrawn letters with huge slanted serifs.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 138     5/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 10
   Monospaced font similar in style to Monoco with enhanced serifs,
   overall boldfaced to print nicer on lower-resolution ink-jet and
   laser printers; extremely legible.  Includes italic version.
   Includes TrueType.

 116      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Sizes:  12, 18, 24 & 48
   A Type 1 & Truetype monoline font which looks like Art Deco (the
   descender for the capital R is way up there).

 224    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Truetype font including an entire upper and lower case alphabet
   made from mediaeval chemical symbols.
 128     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24
   A type one laser font of tall, bookman style letters...
   includes TrueType.
  63     8/13/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Type One, TrueType fonts resembling the old bitmapped Athens font.
  17     5/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   TrueType font designed to look like an alien language; letters run
   together somewhat, giving a nearly arabic look.  Comprised almost
   entirely of lines and dots.
  69     3/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Lettering similar to that on the Moby CD called Ambient. Includes TrueType.
  35    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Uncial style font.  Not much more to say.
  64    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 10, 12, 24, 72
   US Air Force Spec for A-Z with a period and the numbers from 0-9.
   Includes TrueType.

 219   4/8/96      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A Truetype and Postscript font meant for writting love letters.

  52     4/18/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  48
   TrueType font of upper case/numbers tall, 20's style letters.
   Knockoff of Letraset's Plaza typeface (formerly known as Playboy).
 157    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Modern squared-off sans serif font.  Good quality.
  15     2/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 24
   A fluent old-style and elegant font only in caps.
 108     1/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Type one and TrueType font based on 12th century "book of magick".
   Intro file includes Hebrew equivalent translation table.
  72    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Nice bold display font based on the face of the same name.
   Includes TrueType version
  70     4/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24
   TrueType version of the Architect font.
  47     1/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Art Nouveau Type One and TrueType font.  Looks similar to Irish Eire.
  38      4/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Type One and TrueType suitcase containing a upper, lower case font
   of what the author describes as  "sophisticated, probably feminine"
 165      6/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An elegant script-like typeface for brochures, invitations,
   or anything needing a touch of style; includes full set of 
   characters and punctuation symbols in Type1 and TrueType.
  27    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 48
   Very bold characters with fat square serifs.  Great for the
   'college sweatshirt look'.  Caps only.  Includes TrueType.
 343     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   A wavy, broken-serif type you might find in a hundred-year-old
   textbook. Akin to the Century faces.  Includes TrueType.
 129    11/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 48
   Classical cursive script in heavy weight.  Includes TrueType.
  97     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 18, 24, 36
   Based on the title-type for Star Trek: DS9.  All caps; shifted caps
   are bolder and heavier.  Includes TrueType.
  46    11/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Art Deco typeface much like MiamiNights with a white incised line.
 363     3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Nice font for titles.  Has a broad, swashes stroke.  Includes Type 1
   and TrueType.
 137     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12
   Upper/lower case Calligraphic letters based on a Ondine.
   Includes TrueType.
  136     9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   An art deco display face based on Capone. Has uppercase,
   lowercase, numerals, punctuation, and accent characters.
   Over 10,000 kerning pairs.  A nice sans serif font.
   Includes TrueType version.
 204    10/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Casual script-like serif TrueType font.

 105     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12,24,36,48
   A heavy script/gothic laser font.
  72     9/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24
   Type 1 and TrueType font that resembles  Old World German mixed
   with the Venice font.
 118     8/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48, 72
   Western-style font muck like Adobe's Mesquite.  Includes TrueType.
   9    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Boring white sans serif characters on a black background.
  56     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A neat handwritten style (NOT cursive) very similar to Tekton.
   Includes TrueType.
 105     4/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12
   The BoDidly font, with both type one font and TrueType suitcase.
  88     7/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 10, 11, 12, 24
   Based on Adobe's Stone Informal font, this upper/lowercase font
   set has four weights  (italic, roman, bold, bolditalic).  Sans serif.
  96      1/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Sizes 12, 14, 16, 24
   Type one and TrueType font of a very suitable-for-publishing
   sans serif typeface.
 119     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 24
   Bold sans serif font good for headlines.  Includes TrueType.
 243     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   All characters look as if stroked by a streaky paintbrush.
   Includes TrueType.
 121    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   Fancy serifed font.  Caps and small caps.  Includes TrueType.
  24     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Every character is a bullet; useful in software development for
   password entry dialogs; bitmap, truetype, postscript formats.
  65     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Very heavy, very geometric typeface.  Includes TrueType.
 233     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Block illuminated font; contains truetype.
  76     4/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 13
   Designed to resemble Gill Sans.  Full upper & lower case, some
   diacriticals, essential punctuation, and some other characters.
   Named after the Welsh town where Eric Gill built a workshop.
   Includes TrueType.

 144      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A font of 24 automobiles, viewed overhead each turning 15 degrees 
   from the last position.
  72     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Bold upper/lower case font of "handwriting you always wanted."
   Includes TrueType.
 137     9/16/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10,12,16,24,36,72 and Truetype.
   A "decorative font for the holidays (esp. New Years Eve)".
   Truly designed for the strong at stomach!
   Use this all caps font at your own risk.
 173     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 60, 72
   Eire/Old Gothic letters with a stained glass style background.
   Type one font withTrueType suitcase.
  63      9/7/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Looks like the Flintstone font but a little
   more rough.  All caps.  Includes TrueType version.
 181    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  8,10,12
   Complete set of dingbats for generating a newspaper-style TV guide.
   Includes TrueType version.
 132    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 14, 18, 24, 36
   Chancery-style calligraphic font derived from MacHumaine.
   Includes TrueType.
 104    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24, 48
   Nice cursive script with swashes.  Includes TrueType.
 185     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18
   Type three and TrueType classical Roman and Italic fonts...
 126      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Stylized representations of items found in a Classifieds section
   of a newspaper, suitable for use in such a section.  Includes
 111     3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Font family for computer lovers.  Includes a Type 1 and TrueType.
  97    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14,24
   A font designed to mimic the hand-lettered all-caps type used for
   the dialog baloons in cartoons.  Includes TrueType version.
 108     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 16, 18, 24
   An edged, sans serif text font that looks like a derivative of
   LCD style letters.  Includes TrueType.
 103     2/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Simulation of a worn-out typewriter.  Includes TrueType.
  39     1/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A full typeface (upper/lower, numbers and symbols) of small serif
   letters, placed in little cards held by a stick human figure.
 490     11/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A Type One and TrueType set of a complete Cyrillic script.  This is
   a serifed font, suitable for use as text, and comes in four
   harmonized weights (regular, italic, bold, bolditalic.
 133     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36
   Use in documentation to represent buttons on the Mac extended
   keyboard or the IBM PC.  Includes TrueType.
 423      5/30/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 72
   Davy's "other dingbats" font.  Type one symbols for energy,
   religious, snowflakes, faces, cartoon characters.  Very detailed.
   Includes TrueType version.
  93      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Bold sans serif display face with rounded stroke ends.  Roman and
   Italic.  Includes TrueType.
 171     6/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Broad, shaggy brush stroked letters looking like the font used in
   Depeche Mode's "Songs of Faith and Devotion"; truetype font included.
 312    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48, 54, 72
   Pictographic font where each character is a dinosaur.
   Includes TrueType.
  30       5/3/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Wide script letters with very detailed swashes.
 344      1/25/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three typefaces.  Enochian is an "angelic" or typeface used in
   witchcraft circa 1580. Runic-Futhark fonts contain sans serif,
   serif and a Turkish-derived script.  These two fonts are type one
   (with a separate TrueType suitcase) and bitmap sizes 9, 10, 12,
   14, 18, 24.  The third font set is Hermetic, which contains
   elementary Hebrew, Astrological, Alchemical and Magick symbols.
 292      1/25/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three fonts, Bamberg (sizes 18, 24) in upper/lower case based on
   Pfister's 36 line bible.  Bamberg Initials (size 36) which are
   uppercase only letters of black boxes with the letters cut out
   in white.  And  a Fraktur typeface (upper/lower case, sizes 18,
   24). A TrueType suitcase containing the fonts is included.
 133     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 24
   An informal hand-printing font something akin to Arctic.
   Includes TrueType.
  72     8/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 12, 18
   Inspired by the lettering used by the Great Northern Railway on their 
   passenger trains from the late 40's through the mid 60's
 178      4/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Times font includes eleven diacriticals for the transliteration
   of Greek.
  42     12/10/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Someone liked the lettering on the front of new-age artist Enya's
   album, so a typeface of this scrawl/warped calligraphy was made.
 288     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Characters that look like they were scrawled on a  chalkboard with
   a fat, crumbly chalk.  WARNING: due to the complexity of this font,
   you may have to increase you ATM cache for it to display properly.
   Includes TrueType.
 104     1/11/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36.
   Based on the all-small sans-serif outline font used on the cover of
   the Erasure albums.  Includes TrueType.
  74    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12
   Modern font in the style of an Emigre or Raygun magazine font. Has
   eroded, raged quality similar to auto-randomizing fonts.  Includes
  25      9/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Professional serifed font similar to Copperplate.
 316     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Font illuminated in 'windows'; contains truetype.
  40      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Font based on that wildly exciting and popular prime time TV show.
   Fun for the whole family!
 245     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 14, 18, 24, 36, 48
   Another collection of dingbats, with emphasis on animals and
   continents, but with lots of other stuff, too.  Includes TrueType.
 104     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Based on the font used in "New Yorker" magazine. Upper case and
   small caps.  Includes TrueType.
 224      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Classy looking serif truetype font which comes in plain, italic,
   bold and bold/italic.
  50    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24
   Fat, rounded sans serif font.  Includes TrueType.
 104     6/18/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Upper case only type one font Font resembles tall semi-gothic
   letters. Includes TrueType version.
  70     6/28/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  12,14,18,24,48
   Resembles Mos Elisley (like "1960's computer lettering"). TrueType.
  74     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48
   Bold, informal characters with slab serifs.  A "circusy" feel.
   Caps only.  Includes TrueType.
  99     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48
   A semi-script serif display font with a full set of  characters,
   numbers, punctuation, a few ligatures, and a helping of upper-
   and lower-case swash characters. Nice.  Includes TrueType.
 320      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Resembles a more well-defined version of Venice.
  84     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   An elegant Art Nouveau script. Characters are unslanted and drawn
   as with a quill pen, with thick down strokes and thin up strokes.
   Includes TrueType.
  53     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Upper/lower case font of what look like Celtic/Irish letters.
   Includes TrueType
 115     7/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Another Goudy font, based on his Bertham type face.  Full u/l
   case... very classic and elegant. Includes TrueType font.
  62     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 24
   Knock-off of Adobe's Goudy font... this version has full
   upper/lower case and punctuation, but unlike commercial versions
   is lacking special "option" characters.  Nice medival/classic
   runes, as well.  Includes TrueType.
 135     4/18/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 13, 14, 18, 24
   Nice serifed font.
  81     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A heavy modern font, based on a stencil theme, futuristic looking.
  63     8/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Sans serif display font with an angular flavor.  Mediocre quality.
   Includes TrueType.
  27    11/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Based upon the handwriting of "Simpsons" creator Matt Groening.
 267     2/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60, 72
   A very messy, scribbled character set.  Ugly (but that's the
   point).  Includes TrueType.
 227    3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scrawling cursive font.  TT and Type1 included.
 166     4/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24
   Scrawling cursive script.  Upper/lower case font.
   DIFFERENT from system.extensions/font/type1/handwriting.cpt.hqx.
   Includes TrueType.
 236     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Another caligraphic, bold-stroke font; contains truetype.
  60     4/18/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Rounded letters with descenders.
 220     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 18, 24, 36
   Fuzzed out manual typewriter letters. A little crooked.
   Looks groovy with 300+ dpi and up printers.  Includes TrueType.
 173     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An all caps typeface with the lowercase letters being smaller
   versions of the capital letters. Best larger than 24 pts.
 162     4/22/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12,14,18,24,28,36
   A script/gothic "old-German" style font.  Includes a TrueType.
  65     7/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Very nice serifed body text font with an  assortment of dingbats,
   including a complete set of chess charactacters.
  45      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Modernistic letters with a Japanese flavor, with dingbats patterned 
   after Japanese crests and design motifs. 
  85      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24
   A casual display font.  Includes TrueType.
 512      3/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Size:  12
   Type 1 and Truetype versions of a hand-printed type of font
   which has nothing to do with cows.  Really.  The bulk of
   this .sit archive goes for the massive font catalogs the
   author has included.
 128      9/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48
   Caps- and numbers-only font derived from a 19th century Victorian
   source. The tops of each character are white and the bottom black,
   with some little stripes in between. There is NO punctuation.
   Includes TrueType.
 515     3/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   These are five demonstration postscript Type 1 display fonts for the
   Macintosh, which are only produced by Hype the Type. The fonts are Angel
   Inline, Cirque, Hareline, Ovation and Achtung.  Demo fonts
   are strategically missing the letter "E".
 128    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   Squared sans serif fonts similar to those used in the Now Utilities
   advertisements.  Poor quality -- variable line width.  Includes
  93     7/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 10, 12, 14, 18 20, 24
   Slightly curved sanserif font. Clean and "informal". Includes
   TrueType font.  Was SlantInformal.
  60     9/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 24
   Squat, modern letters based on a Nordic face. Includes TrueType.
 170     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  36
   A international symbol laser font. Dingbats like male, female
   restrooms, first aid, information symbol, quite a few German
   symbols and overprint characters. Type three w/ TrueType.
 135      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   TrueType and type three versions of a italic, classic version of
   Jacksonville OldStyle..
 720    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72
   A package with two fonts--Hiragana Brush and KataKana brush, in
   Type 1, Truetype and bitmapped forms, plus a folder containing
   keyboard layout diagrams in eps, jpg, pict and gif forms.
  75    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Another font based on circles.  Why do people have this strange
   idea that fonts like this look good?  Regular, Italic, Bold, and
   BoldItalic versions.
 183      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Very fancy and intricate dropcaps.  Includes TrueType.
  40     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 18, 24
   Modern, sans serif font modeled after the typeface on the cover
   of Led Zepplin's "Houses Of The Holy."
  25     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Odd-looking non-English font from the fantasy world of Ysgarth.
  80     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Type three font (withTrueType suitcase) of the sans serif variety.
 362    11/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  10, 12, 18, 24
   Based on the type style designed for William Morris' Kelmscott
   edition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.  An ornate neo-gothic font.
   Includes TrueType.
  60     6/28/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 18, 24
   Reminds one of thin, Bodoni-style letters.  Upper/lower/numbers
   in this full typeface. TrueType.
 144     8/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24,36,48,72,96
   The indecipherable letters of Klingon (you know, those Star Trek
   protagonists/federation buddies).  Includes explanation and
   translation file.  TrueType and Type 1.
  56      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24, 36
   Type 1 and TrueType versions of what looks like woodcut letters
   knocked out to various dimensions on a slant.  Useful for headers.
  30     2/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   TrueType suitcase containing a thin, serif'ed font of slighty
   jilted/tilted elements
 129     7/24/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9
   De-facto standard for Unix and global network applications in the
   former Soviet Union.  Includes TrueType.
 104     1/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 24, 36
   Taken from the old German script used to keep records in
   eastern Germany in the 1700-1800's. Hard to read without
   practice.  Includes Truetype.
 135     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Odd Font.  Shapes mostly.  Bitmap included.
  81     6/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  13
   A font which looks an awful lot like somebody's handwriting.
   Includes Truetype.
  74     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 10, 12, 18, 24
   Type three font (with TrueType) version of London.
  48      8/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A font modeled on the first music printing with moveable type,
   by Petrucci. Each character has a length of a five-line musical
   staff with a music symbol on it. Not intended for serious musical
   notation, but very useful for a quick notation, nonetheless.
 217     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Resembles what you get when you try to write with your wrong hand.
   Contains three fonts of increasing weight: LeftyCasual, LeftyBold,
   and LeftyMarker.  Includes TrueType.
 102      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24
   A casual display font used by the Grateful Dead on some earlier
   CD releases.  Includes TrueType.
  87     8/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two TrueType fonts.  Lemiesz is modeled after Publicity Gothic,
   and looks like a bold sans serif font with rough edges; Salter is
   based on Perspective, and features black sans serif characters
   with very long, striped shadows that go off above and to the right
   of each character.  All caps plus numbers and some punctuation.
 160    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Bold sans serif font based on Lithos.  Regular, Italic (read:
   Oblique), Bold, BoldItalic, and Condensed versions.  Bold and 
   Condensed versions have inlines.
 108     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 10, 12, 14, 24; monospaced text font similar to
   IBM Selectric font; includes TrueType; v4.1c has
   better bitmaps and character outlines.
  68     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36
   Slightly tilted full typeface, as if professional calligraphy.
   A heavier version of Lilith.  Includes TrueType.
  64     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36
   Slightly tilted full typeface, as if professional calligraphy.
   Includes TrueType.
  34     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 18, 24, 36
   A stencil font.
 51      8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A selection of Christian symbols and an assortment of stars.
 131     8/13/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This laserprinter font is based on calligraphic handwriting.
   Includes TrueType suitcases.
 204    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Collections of Type 1 fonts made w/ Fontgrapher.It attempts to
   imitate the "keys" appearances for an Apple II Extended Keyboard.
   New version, looks much better.
  59      5/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A sans serif font resembling BellBottom in appearence.
 142     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 60
   A casual, "Medium Felt Tip pen" feel.  Includes TrueType.
   Version 2 offers many additional characters.
 151     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 60
   A casual, "Heavy Felt Tip Pen" feel.  Includes TrueType.
   Version 2 offers many additional characters.
 115     3/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24, 36, 48
   A casual, "Fine Felt Tip pen" feel.  Includes TrueType.
 176     3/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Informal display typeface based on someone's hand-lettering.
   Come in regular and bold weights.  Includes TrueType.
 159    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Bold sans serif font filled with diagonal-striped lines.
   Includes TrueType.
  59      5/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A sans serif font resembling BellBottom in appearence.
 105      9/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   All-caps-plus-numbers font with letters as if cut from a road map.
  28      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  48
   All caps, numerals, punctuation and some alternative characters
   for this font based on M.G.B. Patrician.  Tall, curvy letters with
   swashes at the top, bottom.
 128     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Based on the Art Nouveau font Broklin... reminds me of
   Arnold Boeklin...  Includes TrueType.
 191     9/2/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   Sizes: 12, 24
   This file contains the fonts Meduse-Normal, MesudeBis-Normal,
   MeduseTer-Normal, and MeduseQuarto-Normal.  They are used for
   converting text written on Greek IBM machines to the Macintosh.  

  68     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Sizes: 12, 24
   Macintosh type1 font that takes up the (set II) ASCII table
   for Greek IBM machines. Could be useful for tranfering texts
   composed on (Greek) IBM (and compatibles) to the Macintosh.
  99    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Designed after the "nouille"-styled signs on the Paris "Metro"
   stations. Very "Annees Folles".  Includes TrueType.
  63    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Curvy, modern letters.  "Knocked off of  the Florentene font".
   Type one font includes TrueType suitcase.
  50     4/25/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Upper lower case type one font of combination  Gaelic type font,
   thick horizontal lines and  thin vertical lines.
 110    12/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   A Tekton feel-alike, as if created by a calligraphic pen.
   Includes TrueType.
 216    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48, 72
   Complex, with a floral motif with vines twining through the
   characters.  Includes TrueType.
  23    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 48
   Very condensed, very tall font like that used for credits in motion
   picture advertisements.  Includes TrueType.

 208      1/2/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Size:  24
   Upper/lower case sans serif, slightly wide body letters.  Kind of
   modern looking.
 110     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Upp/lower case hollow serif letters based on a mid-19th century
   typeface.  Includes TrueType.
 137      6/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48
   An Early American or "Home Sweet Home" look.  Includes TrueType.
  92      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24
   A casual flowing script font.  Includes TrueType.
  91      5/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A novelty caps font with a beach in every letter.
  65     3/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 9, 10, 12, 14, 24
   A heavy text font that could be described as semi-serif, in that it
   has serifs, but they are only in certain limited positions on each
   character.  Includes TrueType.
  29     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Based on the runic writing of the ancient Celts.  Used primarily
   for inscriptions on wood and stone, and as a result had to be
   simple and geometric, much like Germanic runes.  Includes TrueType.
 207    3/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Font based on Skinny Puppy band's "SP" logo font.  Very cool
   and aggressive!  Includes TrueType.
  69    11/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  36, 48, 60, 72
   Upper/lower case informal stroke letters.  Pretty dry, but
   informal, no less.  Includes TrueType.
  97    11/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24,36,48,60, 72
   pper/lower case informal stroke letters that look like they just
   got out of the shower (dripping wet....).  Includes TrueType.
  14    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   All caps font similar to engraved Oriental writing.  Created for
   the menu of a local resturant. 
 182     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  127
   Various old-style dingbats and symbols.. looks good with Adobe's
   Wood font.  IncludesTrueType version.
 101     9/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Sizes 18, 24
   Type 1 and TrueType suitcase of letters resembling CooperBlack.
  55     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An oblique, narrow, serifed font.
 339     10/1/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 12
   A pair of fonts, PalPhon, and PalPiRoman, that between them offer
   a COMPLETE International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) character set,
   including all characters and  diacritics.  Based on Palatino.
   Includes symbols from the report of the Committee on Phonetic
   Representation of Disordered Speech as well as symbols from
   Shriberg and Kent.  Includes Truetype version and Fontographer
   source files.
  96     3/31/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 10, 12, 18, 24
   A Persian font.  Includes TrueType.
  60     9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A font that looks like it's written with a very fine-tipped pen.

 150      8/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 11, 12
   Reminds me something of Bookman.  Includes TrueType version.
   TrueType version includes italic version as well.
 107    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   These fonts contain all the phonemic symbols for the English language as
   used in Jones & Gimson's English Pronouncing Dictionary, 14th edition 
  31     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 18, 24
   A serif font of the International Phonetic Alphabet (I.P.A.).
 222      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  7,8,9,10,11,12,14,18,24,36,48,72
   TrueType, type one versions of a sleek, modern font.  No serifs.
   Uppercase and small caps.
 103     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Uppercase letters as large iron pipes and connectors, lower case is
   modeled after copper pipe.  Includes TrueType.
  76     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 36
   An all-caps font resembling Torino that has had Victorian-type
   pointing fingers, pointing right, superimposed so that the hands
   look like they are grasping the letters as well as pointing
  95     4/16/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Nice casual characters as if created with a hand-lettering brush.
  70     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   All/small caps font.  Thick letters with angled serifs.
  42     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   All-caps and picture display font with 171 characters, including
   numerals, punctuation, basic symbols, and 52 fairly unusual
   dingbats.  Two versions of all letters and numbers and some
   punctuation are included.
 166     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Two all caps alphabets, numbers, basic symbols ($,&, etc.),
   punctuation, and 52 eclectic dingbats: snails, dinosaurs, kings,
   trashcans, and much more.  Includes TrueType.
  65      8/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48
   Type one and TrueType of numcaps (plus alternative caps for a few
   letters).  '30s art deco style of thin letters (like FO/BENJCAPS).
  55      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  36,48
   Uppercase only font with letters filled with pinstripe lines.
   Includes TrueType version.
  80     5/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Modified Monaco 9 that has more-distinct characters; v1.1
   includes TrueType and Type1 outlined fonts, more.

 448     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Size:  12,18
   Complete font set (upper & lowercase, symbols, italic, bold, etc.)
   of classical, "delicate" letters which the author created with 
   fine French writers in mind.  Truetype & type 1 files included.
 117      2/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 12, 18
   A Roman font in the style of classic railroad lettering.  This font
   was primarily designed for model railroaders; however, it turned out
   to be an attractive title case for almost any document.
 438     9/25/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   TrueType versions of a few Type One fonts available on this
   archive.  The suitcase includes the TrueType and Bitmap versions
   for:  HorstCaps, BenjCaps, Carrick Caps, Green Caps,
   KlingstonCaps, and VarahCaps.
  81     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A chiseled script font.  One of the nicest script fonts in the
   archive.  Includes TrueType.
  72     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  12, 24
   This font replaces the Stalingrad font.  It appears at first to be
   comprised of runes, but on closer inspection you notice the C
   is made of a hammer and sickle; other letters are made of other
   socialist-type instruments.  Includes TrueType.
 100      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48, 72
   Uppercase only block heavy slab serif typeface, but the part you'd
   expect to be black is "white", casting a "cool" shadow in the
   background. Includes type one and TrueType resources.
  75    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Lettering that you would probably find on Chinese restaurant menus.
 191     5/4/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24, 36, 48
   Someone's (printing) handwriting, scanned in and autotraced
   (it shows) to make it into a font.  Includes TrueType.
 11      8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Bold, curvy displace face sort of like Revue.  Caps only.
  24     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Bold sans serif font where every stroke is an arc of a circle.
  52     11/9/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48
   Art Nouveau-like font that can also be described as a close
   cousin to Adobe's "Arnold Boecklin" font.  TrueType included.
  38     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Complete upper and lower case Cyrillic alphabet.
  62      4/15/91   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24
   TrueType version of the St. Francis font (also known as the San
   Francisco wacky font..)
  79     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  12, 24
   Type 1 and TrueType suitcase of all caps, wide old style Western
  81      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Bold sans serif display face with square stroke ends.  Roman and
   Italic.  Includes TrueType.
 183      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   The words "save" and "sale" in a multitude of styles, suitable for
   advertisements.  Also includes very heavy numberals.  Includes
  70      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 10, 12, 18, 24, 36
   Two sets of laser fonts (w/ SuperPaint style sheets) of
   topological symbols such as troughs, ripples, fossils, etc; with
   the other set being a set of arrows at 5 degree angles from 0 to
   355 degrees.  These are intended for stratigraphic colums as
   paleoflow indicators (whew... also appropriate for some better
   looking diagrams....)
  41    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Black slightly slanted letters with jagged edges.  Accented with
   white stripes in places.
 408    11/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 10,12,14,24
   A set of scalable IPA fonts containing the full International
   Phonetic Alphabet with 1990 Kiel revisions.  Three typefaces
   are included:  SIL Doulos (similar to Times), SIL Sophia (close
   to Helvetica) and SIL Manuscript (monowidth).  Includes TrueType
  42     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12
   Designed to resemble the Greek uncial script used in the early
   manuscript codices of the Greek New Testament.  Includes TrueType.
 101     1/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24 & 72
   A font derived from the style used on the Nine Inch Nails single
   called "Sin".  Looks post-modern deconstructionist pseudo-gothic.
   Includes other NIN logos and the TVT (NIN's old label) logo. 
   Includes Truetype.  Uppercase & small caps & some punctuation.
  54    11/25/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Size: 24, 36, 48
   A collection of, well, smiley faces.  Not ASCII smileys
   like :-), but normal faces like the "be happy" button.
   Includes TrueType.

 125     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Those uppercase brush stroke letters popular with stores and
   painted signs.  Includes TrueType.
   Version 3 offers many additional characters.

 448    12/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Size:  12
   A Type 1 and TrueType font of hand drawn letters designed
   to look like spilled milk (san serif, kind of dribbly).
  51    11/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 12
   A type one and TrueType set of uppercase letters designed to look
   like the control panel lettering used in Star Trek: The Next
   Generation.  All caps and numbers.
  88    10/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   A collection of starburst dingbats.  Includes TrueType
  11      2/1/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Cyrillic alphabet based on text fonts used at the beginning of the
 112     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24,36,48
   A font just asking for a recruiting poster.  Bold, thick
   characters:  Lowercase has capital letters with horizontal stripes
   while uppercase has the same caps with stars.  Includes TrueType.
  77    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 72
   Uppercase only font.  Reminds me of the lettering used for the
   titles of the Terminator Movies.  Includes TrueType.

 544    11/11/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Size: 13
   A complete looking classical serif font (includes all characters
   and diacritics and symbols) with italic and bold as well.  
   Suitable for printing out books with.  Includes TrueType.
  87      9/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   Complete upper and lowercase alphabet with numbers and punctuation
   used in legislative and legal documents where old language is to be
   stricken or deleted but left in the document so that one can see
   what it used to say, with lines drawn through.  Includes TrueType.
  56     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12,24
   Courier-style type 3, TrueType font.
 115     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 24
   Symbols useful for plotting data in programs like DeltaGraph.  All
   symbols constructed to cover equal area, with the center of each 
   character as the alignment point for that symbol.  Includes TrueType
   version and Fontographer source.
  50    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A heavy serifed font with a very large x-height.
 306     5/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72
   Type one and TrueType suitcase of the IPA (International Phonetic)
   symbol fonts, based on Goudy Old Style.
 136      6/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24
   The Elvish font from _Lord of the Rings_.  Includes TrueType.
 159     4/18/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  8,9,10,12,14,28,36
   "Bookman" style lettering.  Includes TrueType.
 393    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 14, 24, 48, 72
   A handwritten font similar to Tekton but with bulbous knobs at the
   end of each stroke.  Regular, Italic, Bold, and BoldItalic styles.
   Includes TrueType.
 134     8/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 12, 14, 18, 24, 48, 72
   Uppercase font and punctuation font based on the typeface used
   in Star Trek computer consoles.  Includes TrueType.
  63    1/30/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Sizes:  24
   It produces trains, that's it.  Includes TrueType.
 153    1/23/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Like trains?, like train tracks?  This IS the font for you!
   This font is so cool it made a Windoze lover say "WOW!" (no small task
   there!).  Impress your friends, its best printed on good printers (My 
   StyleWriterI worked great!)
 108     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Uppercase letters which remind me of Helvetica Narrow,
   topped/covered in a layer of snow.  Includes TrueType.
  51     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12
   Type three, TrueType versions of curvy broad letters.
  67     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Based on Tuscan Egyptian, a wood type font dating from the Hamilton
   Co. in the 1880s.  A Western-style font.  Includes TrueType.
  63    1/30/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Sizes:  24
   It produces trains, that's it.  Includes TrueType.
  40     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Based on the letters used on Trajan's Column in Rome.  Not the font
   of the same name sold by Adobe.  Includes TrueType.
 117    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   A casual handwriting style as if written with a fountain pen.
   Includes TrueType.
 166      4/18/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Various symbols, ships, etc. from Star Trek. 
  47      5/30/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Type one and TrueType font with full upper/lower  case, numbers,
   based on Helvetica Black font.
  59     3/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Font based on the recent logo of The Orb, the British techno band;
   big, round, and smoooshy; quite readable in fonts over 24 points.
 121    12/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24
   A selection of dingbats including white letters on black circles,
   black letters on white circles, and many starbursts.
   Includes TrueType.
 176     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24
   Bold serifed font suitable for headlines or body text.
   Includes TrueType.
  92    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Bold serifed font with inlines.
  26     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 24
   Twenty-seven additional symbols needed for United States Geological
   Survey maps.  Meant to be a supplement to Carta.  Includes TrueType.
  22     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A font containing all the characters of the IBM video terminal
   screen display.  Sort of defeats the purpose of TrueType in that
   the characters are designed to be jaggy at all sizes.  Hmmm...
 416     7/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Several fonts containing all the special characters needed to
   transliterate Vietnamese.  Includes two  Vietnamese  keyboard
   layouts for easier typing.  Includes:  Bietfont, Vmona, Vnvoge,
   VPrsen, Vtekno, Vtimes, Vtimes (bold), Vtimes (bold, italic),
   Vtimes (italic), Vtopia.
 194     3/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three Vietnamese fonts, BoiDiep, LocUyen, NiLienThuyen, and an
   accompanying keyboard layout.
 117     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 12, 24, 36
   Designed to closely resemble that used in the cult TV classic "The
   Prisoner."  Letterforms based on the "Albertus" typeface, with a
   few exceptions.  Includes TrueType.
 102     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A font based on the scrawly cursive of music photographer Anton
   Corbjin. Includes both Type 1 and TrueType.
 294     4/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48, 60
   People's faces developed from illustrations taken from Art Nouveau
   magazines of the 1890s and early 1900s.  There are male and female
   faces of different ages and types.  Includes TrueType.
 270     2/14/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60 & 72
   All caps/small caps font of a neo-classical design.  Nice serifs
   with nifty extensions crossing parts of the letter you wouldn't
   expect (a cross within an O, for example).  Includes Truetype.
 305    11/27/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 8, 10, 12, 14, 24
   VPSDongPhong and VPSTayPhong, two Vietnamese fonts.  Also includes
   a Vietnamese keyboard layout for easy access to the various accents
   required by that language.
 113     5/10/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48
   TrueType, type one font.  All caps typeface of 3D-ish like letters
   which look like wedges.
 149     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10,12,14,18,24,36,48
   That ol' Western font.  Includes TrueType.
 178     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Skewed bold slab serif characters with drop shadows.
   Includes TrueType.
  55     4/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Characters as if drawn by a broad paintbrush.
  84     9/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Thick, bold uppercase letters (with punctuation and numbers as
   well).  This informal typefaces distinction are slanted shadows
   which come off the bottom of the letters.  Includes TrueType.
  56     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Small caps font where the thin, stick-like letters connect
   together at their bottoms in a line formation.  Includes TrueType.
 158     4/16/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 18, 24
   Bold font based on the popular Windsor.  Includes TrueType.
 102    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 18, 24, 36
   Made to look as if it were written by a small child.  Contains
   complete double set of each letter and number, giving a more
   realistic feel when typing two of the same character side by side.
   Includes TrueType.
  97      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 10, 12, 24
   A font for the Z specification language for math symbols.  Includes
 627      5/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Zabdiel is an unusual serif typeface with elongated, curved and pointed
   serifs which give it a sort of arcane look.  It works well in small or
   large sizes for text and display purposes.
 118     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   93 designs of boxes plus an unidentified knot-object (UKO).
  52     6/13/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   51 designs of knots in a Truetype decorative font.
  59     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   63 designs of stationary articles: pens, crumpled paper, etc.

This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  34     6/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36
   All caps, punctuation and number font of letters that look like
   they've been electrified or hit with a static, albeit limp, charge.
 138     5/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 10
   Monospaced font similar in style to Monoco with enhanced serifs,
   overall boldfaced to print nicer on lower-resolution ink-jet and
   laser printers; extremely legible.  Includes italic version.
   Includes TrueType.
  54     10/7/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48
   Based on a typeface called Romana, this is a fancy cursive German
   Art Nouveau font.  Thin tall capitals, and relatively small
   lowercase letters.
 116      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Sizes:  12, 18, 24 & 48
   A Type 1 & Truetype monoline font which looks like Art Deco (the
   descender for the capital R is way up there).
 167     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24, 36, 72
   Stark, angular sans serif font.
  26     7/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   An oblique, flare-serifed font in the style of _Raiders of the
   Lost Ark_.
 128     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24
   A type one laser font of tall, bookman style letters...
   includes TrueType.
  63     8/13/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Type One, TrueType fonts resembling the old bitmapped Athens font.
  46     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A flowing face with an "Arabic" feel like the title face for Kismet.
 202     8/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 48
   Train font with letters sitting on the flatbeds so you can spell 
   words.  Why didn't I think of a font that you could do that with?
  64    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 10, 12, 24, 72
   US Air Force Spec for A-Z with a period and the numbers from 0-9.
   Includes TrueType.
  35     3/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36
   Classical font of upper, small caps: tall, broad characters.
  52     4/18/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  48
   Type one font of upper case/numbers tall, 20's style letters.
   Knockoff of Letraset's Plaza typeface (formerly known as Playboy).
 108     1/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Type one and TrueType font based on 12th century "book of magick".
   Intro file includes Hebrew equivalent translation table.
 119    12/23/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 36
   Lots of different animals; each character's different.
   Hit option and the animals face another direction.
  31      5/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 72
   The font on the cover of Pink Floyd's album, Animals.  A very
   heavy, sans serif font. Caps and small caps only.  Similar to
 214     8/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:   8, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 36
   A wide variety of animal tracks from domestic to exotic.  Most are 
   common animal tracks that one would see on a pretty mild hike.
  86     10/1/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Old Eire Uppercase letters set in straight decorative wood blocks.
   Letters were originally designed in 19th century.
  72    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Nice bold display font based on the face of the same name.
   Includes TrueType version
  53      1/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 24
   Similar to Adobe's Tekton font.  Resembles scripting done by
  24     3/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A very well done type one font, upper/lower case with some
   punctuation.  Wide letters with broad swashes.
  47     1/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Art Nouveau Type One and TrueType font.  Looks similar to Irish Eire.
  51     11/1/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24,48
   Sans serif font.  Includes Fontographer source.
  38      4/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Type one and TrueType suitcase containing a upper, lower case font
   of what the author describes as  "sophisticated, probably feminine"
 245     5/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An elegant script-like typeface for brochures, invitations,
   or anything needing a touch of style; includes full set of 
   characters and punctuation symbols in Type1 and TrueType.
  27    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 48
   Very bold characters with fat square serifs.  Great for the
   'college sweatshirt look'.  Caps only.  Includes TrueType.
 343     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   A wavy, broken-serif type you might find in a hundred-year-old
   textbook. Akin to the Century faces.  Includes TrueType.
 129    11/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 48
   Classical cursive script in heavy weight.  Includes TrueType.
  20      1/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10, 12
   A variation of Adobe's Avant Guarde font with the numerals,
   kernings fixed.
 116     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 36, 60, 72
   Based on the title-type for Star Trek: DS9.  All caps; shifted caps
   are bolder and heavier.  Includes TrueType.
 126    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18
   Resembles the Broadway font with special white accent lines
   embedded in the letters.
 363     3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Nice font for titles.  Has a broad, swashes stroke.  Includes Type 1
   and TrueType.

 355      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Three suitcases of decorative truetype fonts, reproducing details
   of the Bayeux tapestry.
 137     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12
   Upper/lower case Calligraphic letters based on a Ondine.
   Includes TrueType.
  56    12/10/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Based on a typeface called "AdLib". Reminds me of 60's Beatnikness.
  60     11/2/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Nice engraved characters suitable for dropcaps.  Caps only.
  28     7/24/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Font with upper/lower/numbers and special characters.  Looks like
   60's style bell bottom letters.
  136     9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   An art deco display face based on Capone. Has uppercase,
   lowercase, numerals, punctuation, and accent characters.
   Over 10,000 kerning pairs.  A nice sans serif font.
   Includes TrueType version.
  38     11/8/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72.
   Rounded thin outline letters. All Caps.
  31      6/6/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 24, 36
   Heavily hyperextended victorian caps letters, fleurons in the
   number keys.
  80     3/24/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72, 96
   Uppercase only font missing the letter W. Grotesque letters that,
   under closer inspection, resemble various contorted figures of
   demons, animals, people, etc.
 105     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12,24,36,48
   A heavy script/gothic laser font.
  72     9/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24
   Type 1 and TrueType font that resembles Old World German mixed
   with the Venice font.
 118     8/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48, 72
   Western-style font muck like Adobe's Mesquite.  Includes TrueType.
  56     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A neat handwritten style (NOT cursive) very similar to Tekton.
   Includes TrueType.
 153     4/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 24, 36
   An Olde English-style Gothic font.  Nice, but some minor
   inconsistencies (the ligatures are too thin, eg.)
 105     4/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12
   The BoDidly font, with both type one font and TrueType suitcase.
  92     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10,12,24
   All characters are composed of bones and bone-like shapes.  Nice.
 171      9/6/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 10, 11, 12, 24
   Based on Adobe's Stone Informal font, this upper/lowercase font
   set has three "weights"  (italic, roman, bold...).  Sans serifs.
  96      1/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Sizes 12, 14, 16, 24
   Type one and TrueType font of a very suitable-for-publishing
   sans serif typeface.
 119     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 24
   Bold sans serif font good for headlines.  Includes TrueType.
 136      3/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Truetype font of straight letters (Upper & lower case, no
   punctuation) of historic calligraphy. 
 243     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   All characters look as if stroked by a streaky paintbrush.
   Includes TrueType.
 121    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   Fancy serifed font.  Caps and small caps.  Includes TrueType.
  88     7/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 72
   Parallel lines in several weights and weight combinations,
   set up to be chained into horizontal or vertical rules by
   typing the same letter several times.
  65     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Very heavy, very geometric typeface.  Includes TrueType.
 44      6/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Popular cable and broadcast network logos put into a dingbats font.
   Mostly nationally known logos, but a few specific to Washington.
 233     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Block illuminated font; contains truetype.
 103     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36
   The classic bitmap converted to a PostScript font.
   Assorted symbols and dingbats.
  76     4/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 13
   Designed to resemble Gill Sans.  Full upper & lower case, some
   diacriticals, essential punctuation, and some other characters.
   Named after the Welsh town where Eric Gill built a workshop.
   Includes TrueType.
  72     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Bold upper/lower case font of "handwriting you always wanted."
   Includes TrueType.
 173     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 60, 72
   Eire/Old Gothic letters with a stained glass style background.
   Type one font withTrueType suitcase.
  36    11/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Thin, western-style letters. Designed to look similar to
   Adobe's "Ponderosa" font.
  29     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 10, 12
   An art deco display typeface based on Casablanca.
  48    12/10/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   All caps font of what seems to resemble old, Celtic lettering.
  95    11/11/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48
   Steep, curving cursive letters. Perfect for wedding invites.
 181    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  8,10,12
   Complete set of dingbats for generating a newspaper-style TV guide.
   Includes TrueType version.
  45     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   A classic Roman typeface.  Nice.
 115    12/21/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An assortment of chess symbols, suitable for creating any chess
   position.  This is a Type 1 font, but it  has some problems and
   only sometimes works with ATM. A later version of this font is
   now sold commercially by Adobe, but this version is freeware.
  99     12/5/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size 24
   Half-inversed letters (that can be grey masked) that are styled to
   resemble box cars of a train(!).  Includes two fonts: one is
   invoked under plain, number two can be found under "bold".
 132    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 14, 18, 24, 36
   Chancery-style calligraphic font derived from MacHumaine.
   Includes TrueType.
  31     8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  72
   Sans serif caps-only font where each letter is placed within a
   circle.  Not terribly useful.
 133     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Circular: a wild, erratic font; Weimar, a font inspired by letter-
   forms from the early impressionistic period of the Bauhaus; and
   EdenLight, based onthe 1920s narrow serifed font of the same name.
 104    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24, 48
   Nice cursive script with swashes.  Includes TrueType.
 126      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Stylized representations of items found in a Classifieds section
   of a newspaper, suitable for use in such a section.  Includes
 118    10/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 96, 127
   Big black circles with invisible (or actually white) block letters
   cut out of them....
 111     3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Font family for computer lovers.  Includes a Type 1 and TrueType.
  36    12/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Upper/lower case tall serif font.
  97    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14,24
   A font designed to mimic the hand-lettered all-caps type used for
   the dialog baloons in cartoons.  Includes TrueType version.
  74     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48, 72
   A symbolic script-like font for times when you want something to 
   take up space without actually saying anything.
  46     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12,18,24
   The typical "Hey, this is a computer!" font popularized in the '60s
   or '70s and based on MICR.  Like the font Future.
 282     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12,24
   The Computer Modern fonts used in TeX ported to the Mac and
   translated to Type 1 format.  These fonts are optimized (key
   mapping revised) for use with normal Mac applications. Includes:
   ComputerModernBX, ComputerModernMI, ComputerModernR,
   ComputerModernSS, ComputerModernTI, ComputerModernTT.
 380     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12,24
   The Computer Modern fonts used in TeX ported to the Mac and
   translated to Type 1 format.  These fonts are optimized (key
   mapping retained) for use with OzTeX.
   Includes:  Cmbx, Cmex, Cmmi, Cmmib, Cmr, Cmsy, Cmti, Cmtt.
 108     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 16, 18, 24
   An edged, sans serif text font that looks like a derivative of
   LCD style letters.  Includes TrueType.
 103     2/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Simulation of a worn-out typewriter.  Includes TrueType.
 490     11/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A Type One and TrueType set of a complete Cyrillic script.  This is
   a serifed font, suitable for use as text, and comes in four
   harmonized weights (regular, italic, bold, bolditalic.
 133     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36
   Use in documentation to represent buttons on the Mac extended
   keyboard or the IBM PC.  Includes TrueType.
 368      1/24/91   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48, 72
   Pictorial/dingbat font of cats, birds, ballerinas, fish, flags,
   some art nouveau characters.  Huge postscript file so don't
   overuse or you'll run out of LaserWriter memory...
 423      5/30/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 72
   Davy's "other dingbats" font.  Type one symbols for energy,
   religious, snowflakes, faces, cartoon characters.  Very detailed.
   Includes TrueType version.
 166      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 72
   Upper case letters imbedded into slanting ribbons... nice.

 240      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Sizes:  9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 36, 72, 144
   A Polish language font based on Bookman light.  Works excellent
   with a Polish keyboard.
  93      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Bold sans serif display face with rounded stroke ends.  Roman and
   Italic.  Includes TrueType.
 171     6/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Broad, shaggy brush stroked letters looking like the font used in
   Depeche Mode's "Songs of Faith and Devotion"; truetype font included.
  88     7/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 18, 24, 36
   Yet another font based on the tall, thin, rounded  Art Deco face
   Huxley Vertical.  Four weights: Skinny, Regular, Fatt and Obese.
 312    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48, 54, 72
   Pictographic font where each character is a dinosaur.
   Includes TrueType.
 120    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   All characters composed of bars as if created on a light-emitting
   diode (LED).
  54      3/24/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Classy oblique script font.  A frilly Art Nouveau typeface.
  42     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24,48
   Very heavy display font.
 123     12/10/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Letting that resembles old IBM type dot matrix printers.
  83     6/28/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Sans serif font with large balls at the intersection of strokes
   and other random spots.  Boring.
  32      8/13/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Upper/lower/number case font of left slanting psychadelic
   calligraphic letters.
  73      1/16/91   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Wide, script letters with very detailed swashes.  A few alt.
   characters as well.
 290     10/18/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two classical, ornate typefaces, BurtonInitials, (sizes 24, 48 and
   96) Caxton (old old English) and and "ornaments" font that looks
   like vases.
 344      1/25/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three typefaces.  Enochian is an "angelic" or typeface used in
   witchcraft circa 1580. Runic-Futhark fonts contain sans serif,
   serif and a Turkish-derived script.  These two fonts are type one
   (with a separate TrueType suitcase) and bitmap sizes 9, 10, 12,
   14, 18, 24.  The third font set is Hermetic, which contains
   elementary Hebrew, Astrological, Alchemical and Magick symbols.
 292      1/25/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three fonts, Bamberg (sizes 18, 24) in upper/lower case based on
   Pfister's 36 line bible.  Bamberg Initials (size 36) which are
   uppercase only letters of black boxes with the letters cut out
   in white.  And  a Fraktur typeface (upper/lower case, sizes 18,
   24). A TrueType suitcase containing the fonts is included.
 171      5/10/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10,12,14,18,24, 36
   Two suitcases, one "roman" and one italic, based on the Torino set
   of fonts. Looks like condensed Bodoni 'cept with  lighter strokes.
 133     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 24
   An informal hand-printing font something akin to Arctic.
   Includes TrueType.
 102     4/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24 for each of 3 weights
   A handwriting- style font, similar to the lettering in the comics
   of the 1950's (according to the author.  Comes in three weights:
   DupuyLight, DupuyREGular, and DupuyHeavy.
  36     12/12/90   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Old western style letters font.
  40     6/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   A casual, cursive script.
 130      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Commonly used elements including right and left "pyramid" arrows;
   recycled and recyclable windows, alternate trademark, copyright and
   registered symbols; and elements to create a variety of borders.
  26      3/17/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Slightly tilted, slightly old Eire- appearing Caps letters.
  32     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 72
   EileenCaps and EileenCaps-Black: two related DropCaps fonts in
   an Art Nouveau style.  All the characters are Uncial, decorated
   with vines and leaves and other greenery. Caps only.
  26       3/4/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Modern looking Irish letters.. for the most part Upper Case.
  53     4/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48
   Serifed display font with thinly etched white lines drawn through
   the characters.  Not unlike FO/KASTELLAR
  47      1/11/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48
   Font of upper/small caps.  Cartoonish shaped letters.  A white
   outline with a black shadow behind it.
 198      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Size:  9, 12, 24
   Three fonts included in this package, which is based on the 
   lettering that used to appear on Great Northern railways
   trains and boxcars.  San-Serif font is extremely modern 
   looking for its age.
 288     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Characters that look like they were scrawled on a  chalkboard with
   a fat, crumbly chalk.  WARNING: due to the complexity of this font,
   you may have to increase you ATM cache for it to display properly.
   Includes TrueType.
 104     1/11/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36.
   Based on the all-small sans-serif outline font used on the cover of 
   the Erasure albums.  Includes TrueType.
  53     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 60
   The return of Zirkle!  All characters composed solely of circles and
   straight lines.
  74    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12
   Modern font in the style of an Emigre or Raygun magazine font. Has
   eroded, raged quality similar to auto-randomizing fonts.  Includes
  90      11/3/91   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 24, 36
   Modern upper/lowercase display font. Heavy bold sans serif letters.
 316     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Font illuminated in 'windows'; contains truetype.
  68     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 60, 96
   All characters are composed of very very thin lines.  An Avant Garde
   style not suitable for small point sizes.
  54     3/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Dom Casual style letters going up in flames.  All caps plus
  88     3/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 10, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72
   Derived from the scrawl on the cover of the album _Pink Floyd The
   Wall_.  Great for angry display type. 
  60     7/24/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Two fonts designed to demonstrate the differences between Type 1
   and Type 3 fonts (type 3 being the new Adobe standard).  Capital
   letters look like San Fransisco, the lower case letters are script.
 245     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 14, 18, 24, 36, 48
   Another collection of dingbats, with emphasis on animals and
   continents, but with lots of other stuff, too.  Includes TrueType.
  30    12/18/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Upper/lower case font of tall brush strokes.
 104     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Based on the font used in "New Yorker" magazine. Upper case and
   small caps.  Includes TrueType.
 184     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  12
   View and print true fractions that match your PostScript Type 1
   fonts.  Includes fraction font companions for Times and Helvetica.
  50    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24
   Fat, rounded sans serif font.  Includes TrueType.
 104     6/18/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Upper case only type one font Font resembles tall semi-gothic
   letters. Includes TrueType version.
  74     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48
   Bold, informal characters with slab serifs.  A "circusy" feel.
   Caps only.  Includes TrueType.
  73     7/19/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size: 24
   Based on gaeilic fonts prior to the use of Roman fonts for writing
   in Gaeilic. It includes dotted consonants for aspiration.
 128     11/3/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 72
   Postscript font of the American Sign Language.
  50      1/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Modern sans serif face very loosely based on the bitmap font "Grog"
   that comes with the program Syncronicity.  Includes Fontographer
  99     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48
   A semi-script serif display font with a full set of  characters,
   numbers, punctuation, a few ligatures, and a helping of upper-
   and lower-case swash characters. Nice.  Includes TrueType.
  83     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 14, 18, 24
   Italic font you'll as the same font used in the titles of the TV
   series Star Trek:  The Next Generation.  Formerly Crillee.
 207    12/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Two Type 1 fonts, one "roman" (i.e. plain), one italic.
   This display font resembles Venice.
  54      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Character set based (loosly) on old German runes.  Very crudely
   done.  Includes Fontographer source.
  84     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   An elegant Art Nouveau script. Characters are unslanted and drawn
   as with a quill pen, with thick down strokes and thin up strokes.
   Includes TrueType.
  53     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Upper/lower case font of what look like Celtic/Irish letters.
   Includes TrueType
  71     8/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Font copied straight from Gutenberg's old typesetting set
   (i.e. very old German).  Full upper/lower case and numbers.
 115     7/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Another Goudy font, based on his Bertham type face.  Full u/l
   case... very classic and elegant. Includes TrueType font.
  62     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 24
   Knock-off of Adobe's Goudy font... this version has full
   upper/lower case and punctuation, but unlike commercial versions
   is lacking special "option" characters.  Nice medival/classic
   runes, as well.  Includes TrueType.
  59      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24,48,72
   Broad, heavy letters as if stroked by a paintbrush.
 110     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Sans serif characters with tapered stroke ends.  Each character is
   centered on a tombstone.
  36     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   A symbolic script-like font for times when you want something to 
   take up space without actually saying anything.
  29    12/10/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48
   All caps type one font of letters which have their top part
   outline, bottom part dark. The font looks like Adobe Reporter.
  63     8/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Sans serif display font with an angular flavor.  Mediocre quality.
   Includes TrueType.
 362     6/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Four type one suitcases (you can either combine them or open one
   at a time) of a huge variety of dingbats.. from ArtNouveau,
   Rennaisance, to vegetables.
 267     2/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60, 72
   A very messy, scribbled character set.  Ugly (but that's the
   point).  Includes TrueType.
 227    3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scrawling cursive font.  TT and Type1 included.
  39    12/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24, 36, 48
   Neat cursive script.  Upper/lower case font.
 166     4/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24
   Scrawling cursive script.  Upper/lower case font.
   DIFFERENT from system.extensions/font/type1/handwriting.cpt.hqx.
   Includes TrueType.
 236     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Another caligraphic, bold-stroke font; contains truetype.
  30      4/2/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10
   Letters have a "hebrew rune" look.  Upper/lower case letters,
  24     3/27/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Rounded letters with descenders.  Includes Type 1 version.
 220     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 18, 24, 36
   Fuzzed out manual typewriter letters. A little crooked.
   Looks groovy with 300+ dpi and up printers.  Includes TrueType.
 167     11/1/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24,48
   Sans serif font.  Includes Roman, Italic (actually oblique), Bold,
   and BoldItalic styles as well as Fontographer source.
  69     3/23/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Uppercase only.  Bones!!
 173     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An all caps typeface with the lowercase letters being smaller
   versions of the capital letters. Best larger than 24 pts.
  39     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A script font with connecting letters.
 134      3/7/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10
   "Cleaned up" Toulouse Lautrec.  Includes Roman, Italic, Bold, and
   Bold Italic font files.
  85      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24
   A casual display font.  Includes TrueType.
 512      3/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  12
   Type 1 and Truetype versions of a hand-printed type of font
   which has nothing to do with cows.  Really.  The bulk of
   this .sit archive goes for the massive font catalogs the
   author has included.
 128      9/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48
   Caps- and numbers-only font derived from a 19th century Victorian
   source. The tops of each character are white and the bottom black,
   with some little stripes in between. There is NO punctuation.
   Includes TrueType.
  39    10/18/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  16, 24, 36, 48, 72
   Art Nouveau script font of capital letters with extravagant curls.
  33     6/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Upper case/numbers font of puffy, rounded white letters with a
   black outline. Reminds me of Adobe's VAG Rounded.
  23     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   A bold, Bauhaus-style sans serif font.
  65     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12,24
   A casual serifed font based on a hand-lettered pen-and-ink style.
 88     7/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48, 72
   An all-caps alphabet surrounded by stained-glass designs,
   patterned after a German Art Nouveau font by Otto Eckmann.
  43     2/13/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Helvetica Narrow type letters covered by snow.  Upper case.
 128    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   Squared sans serif fonts similar to those used in the Now Utilities
   advertisements.  Poor quality -- variable line width.  Includes
  93     7/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 10, 12, 14, 18 20, 24
   Slightly curved sanserif font. Clean and "informal". Includes
   TrueType font.  Was SlantInformal.
  60     9/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 24
   Squat, modern letters based on a Nordic face. Includes TrueType.
  39     5/25/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24, 36, 48
   "Hip" '60's style typeface. Thin top and thick (bell?) bottoms for
   this upper/lower/number case font.
 88     7/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 60
   A collection of shapes and patters that may be mixed
   and matched to create snazzy logos.  Really needs a
   program that can do white-on-black text to work properly.
  30     3/24/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   All caps font.  20-30's style letters.. very rounded.
 199     3/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 48, 60, 72
   Greek font with full stress and breath marks.  Includes several
   optional keyboard layouts.
  77    10/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   A narrow, tightly-spaced fancy cursive font.
  61    10/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   A slab-serif display font.
 720    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Size: 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72
   A package with two fonts--Hiragana Brush and KataKana brush, in
   Type 1, Truetype and bitmapped forms, plus a folder containing
   keyboard layout diagrams in eps, jpg, pict and gif forms.
  86     10/1/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   The ultimate in vanity, this font's author gave himself letters
   that look like Old Eire set in uneven woodblocks.  Uppercase only.
  91     3/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 10, 12, 14, 18, 24
   Italic, serifed font for linguists who would need diacriticals for
   the transliteration of Indoeuropean languages.
  40     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Fun font with large serifs and oblique counters.
  85     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A very interesting Type 1 font. Very craggly.
  38    12/25/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Thin letters based on Adobe's wood font.  Caps, numbers and
   special characters.
 183      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Very fancy and intricate dropcaps.  Includes TrueType.
  39     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Cursive script with non-connecting characters.
  31     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Another Chinese-menu style font.
 123     1/22/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Letters replaced with the ascii numbers associated with the
   character (1 = 43, Q=109.. etc..). Helpful for programmers.
  35      8/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48
   Based on Solotype Frankenstein, this all-caps font is a set of
   spooky-looking characters.
  74     7/19/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 18, 24
   Modern, sans serif font modeled after the typeface on the cover
   of Led Zepplin's "Houses Of The Holy." Includes TrueType version.
  36    12/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  72
   Classical outline letters, elegant open font based on Kastellar.
  25      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 24
   Like the printing in the comic strip CATHY by Cathy Guisewite.
  45     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Bold cursive script with connecting characters.
 101     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 72
   Rather nice chiseled font.  Could be very nice if the author spent
   a little more time cleaning it up.
  39      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A casual cursive script with connecting letters.
 362    11/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  10, 12, 18, 24
   Based on the type style designed for William Morris' Kelmscott
   edition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.  An ornate neo-gothic font.
   Includes TrueType.
  63     10/1/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 18, 24
   Reminds one of thin, Bodoni-style letters.  Upper/lower/numbers.
  59     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Bold, italic serif font suitable for headlines.
  56     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Bold serif font suitable for headlines.
 88     7/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 18, 24
   Quirky face with large, angular serifs. Based on the font Surf.
  61     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48, 72
   The author's conception of Klingon graffiti.
 144     8/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24,36,48,72,96
   The indecipherable letters of Klingon (you know, those Star Trek
   protagonists/federation buddies).  Includes explanation and
   translation file.  TrueType and Type 1.
 129     7/24/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9
   De-facto standard for Unix and global network applications in the
   former Soviet Union.  Includes TrueType.
  29    10/11/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36
   Modern upper/lower case rounded letters.  A light typeface.
  56      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24, 36
   Type 1 and TrueType versions of what looks like woodcut letters
   knocked out to various dimensions on a slant.  Useful for headers.
  77     9/25/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Rounded modern uppercase letters.  The uppercase typeface is the
   letters cut out/outlined into an elaborately designed block.
   Lowercase version are the black letters by themselves.
 104     1/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 24, 36
   Taken from the old German script used to keep records in 
   eastern Germany in the 1700-1800's. Hard to read without 
   practice.  Includes Truetype.
  40      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Wacky, bold, serifed font.
  81     6/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  13
   A font which looks an awful lot like somebody's handwriting.
   Includes Truetype.
  33     7/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Casual cursive font as if drawn with, appropriately, a brush.
  53     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A narrowish semi-bold sans-serif font with a little of the old
   Florida Art Deco style.
  41     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A fancy script font with connecting letters.
  84    12/21/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72
   Black, block capital letters rising/zooming out of a white outline
 217     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Resembles what you get when you try to write with your wrong hand.
   Contains three fonts of increasing weight: LeftyCasual, LeftyBold,
   and LeftyMarker.  Includes TrueType.
 102      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24
   A casual display font used by the Grateful Dead on some earlier
   CD releases.  Includes TrueType.
 108     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 10, 12, 14, 24; monospaced text font similar to
   IBM Selectric font; includes TrueType; v4.1c has
   better bitmaps and character outlines.
  41     3/27/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Uppwer/lower case letters of pretty decent looking hand-cursive
  68     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36
   Slightly tilted full typeface, as if professional calligraphy.
   A heavier version of LilithLight.  Includes TrueType.
  77     3/23/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Thin uppercase script letters with vines and flowers immbedded.
  64     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36
   Slightly tilted full typeface, as if professional calligraphy.
   Includes TrueType.
  48     6/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 24, 72
   This is NOT a very useful type one font (the letters are hard to
   figure out).  Based on a seven segmented liquid crystal display.
  90     6/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   All caps and punctuation font of letters that look strangely like
 113     5/31/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Type one corporate logos for  energy (e.g. Arco, Mobil),
   technology (ATT), among others.
  41     2/13/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 48
   Uppercase letters which seem to be made up of one line, curving
   all around: shift-letters are outline fonts, "lower" case is solid
 102    10/14/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Full upper/lower case typeface of bold 3-d brush strokes, which
   look more like plywood planks.
  39     5/10/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Upper/lower case font.  Forties-style hand lettering.
  25     7/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Narrow, angular font.  Very modern design.
  65    10/11/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  9,10,12,14,16,24, 48
   All caps/num font of modern heavy curved  letters with a missing
   stripe near the top.
 204    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Collections of Type 1 fonts made w/ Fontgrapher.It attempts to
   imitate the "keys" appearances for an Apple II Extended Keyboard.
   New version, looks much better.
  27     1/26/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Based on the typeface "Machine", this is a block font. Upper case,
   numbers only.
  39     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A bold, blocky cursive font designed as a companion to MachineBlock.
 170     5/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 72
   Thin modern art deco letters.  Incluces four weights: Madrid,
   MadridItalic, MadridExpanded, MadridExpandedItalic
  35     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24, 36, 48
   Tall, thin script cursive with upper and lower case, numbers and
 159    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Bold sans serif font filled with diagonal-striped lines.
   Includes TrueType.
  45    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   All caps font.  Victorian wood-type feel.
  86     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24, 48
   A fun, informal font with lots of curley-cues.
 142     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 60
   A casual, "Medium Felt Tip pen" feel.  Includes TrueType.
   Version 2 offers many additional characters.
 151     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 60
   A casual, "Heavy Felt Tip Pen" feel.  Includes TrueType.
   Version 2 offers many additional characters.
 115     3/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24, 36, 48
   A casual, "Fine Felt Tip pen" feel.  Includes TrueType.
  60      6/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Gosh, this looks like the typeface grocery stores like to use.
 176     3/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Informal display typeface based on someone's hand-lettering.
   Come in regular and bold weights.  Includes TrueType.
  38    12/30/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   All caps, numerals, punctuation and some alternative characters
   for this font based on M.G.B. Patrician.  Tall, curvy letters with
   swashes at the top, bottom.
 128     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Based on the Art Nouveau font Broklin... reminds me of
   Arnold Boeklin...  Includes TrueType.
 103    12/16/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24
   Rough edged block letters.
  49     8/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Useful to composers and copyists to create complex and/or
   irrational time signatures for music in progreams such as Finale.
  41     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 36, 48
   ALL CAPS rendering of an Art Deco face called "Metropolis Shaded".
  99    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Designed after the "nouille"-styled signs on the Paris "Metro"
   stations. Very "Annees Folles".  Includes TrueType.
  63    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Curvy, modern letters.  "Knocked off of the Florentene font".
   Type one font includes TrueType suitcase.
  22     3/24/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Upper lower case type one font of combination Gaelic type font,
   thick horizontal lines and thin vertical lines.
  44     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A bold, blocky cursive font designed as a companion to MachineBlock.
 110    12/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   A Tekton feel-alike, as if created by a calligraphic pen.
   Includes TrueType.
 216    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48, 72
   Complex, with a floral motif with vines twining through the
   characters.  Includes TrueType.
 88     7/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 72
   Various water-related dingbats and wave patterns that can be
   chained together into borders.
  23    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 48
   Very condensed, very tall font like that used for credits in motion
   picture advertisements.  Includes TrueType.
  50     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 48
   Someone's scrawled printing.
  29    10/11/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36
   All caps Art Nouveau outline font.
 162    12/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 48
   Very delicate script cursive letters.
 110     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Upper/lower case hollow serif letters based on a mid-19th century
   typeface.  Includes TrueType.
 137      6/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48
   An Early American or "Home Sweet Home" look.  Includes TrueType.
  26     8/31/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Upper/lower/numbers font of rounded, avant garde/modern letters.
  35      9/6/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24
   Full formal serif font.  Classical round letters.
  54     2/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Classic looking serif letters.
  63      5/2/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24
   Simple bold font. Rounded edges and twists "here and there".
  92      5/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24
   A casual flowing script font.  Includes TrueType.
 135    10/18/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Modern, classical letters in a full font.
  32     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 18, 24, 36
   Designed to look like display printing on many Chinese restaurant
   menus.  Based on a font called Chopstick.
  23      3/5/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Nordic style.  Thin upper and lower case letters that go diagonal
   everyway they can...
  42     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   An informal, casual scrawl.
  69    11/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Looks like Architect lettering, but with more flair.  Upper
   case/small caps font.
  70     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Looks like someone just got Fontographer 3.5 and doesn't know how
   to use anything but the callgraphy tool.  A decent font, as far as
   it goes (not far)
  91      5/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A novelty caps font with a beach in every letter.
  65     3/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 9, 10, 12, 14, 24
   A heavy text font that could be described as semi-serif, in that it
   has serifs, but they are only in certain limited positions on each
   character.  Includes TrueType.
  29     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Based on the runic writing of the ancient Celts.  Used primarily
   for inscriptions on wood and stone, and as a result had to be
   simple and geometric, much like Germanic runes.  Includes TrueType.
  69    11/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  36, 48, 60, 72
   Upper/lower case informal stroke letters.  Pretty dry, but
   informal, no less.  Includes TrueType.
  97    11/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24,36,48,60, 72
   pper/lower case informal stroke letters that look like they just
   got out of the shower (dripping wet....).  Includes TrueType.
 182     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  127
   Various old-style dingbats and symbols.. looks good with Adobe's
   Wood font.  Includes TrueType version.
 101     9/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Sizes 18, 24
   Type 1 and TrueType suitcase of letters resembling CooperBlack.
  42     8/13/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   An uppercase outline, shadow font with irregular sizing and
   erratic baselines...
 143      1/7/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10,12,14,18,24,36,48,60, 72
   Based on Adobe's Palatino font at 110% (i.e. the letters are
   wider).  The height of the letters is slighly lower, too.
 111     2/23/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10,12,14,18, 24, 36, 48
   Indian Tamil alphabet.  Comes with keymap and intro file.
 339     10/1/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 12
   A pair of fonts, PalPhon, and PalPiRoman, that between them offer
   a COMPLETE International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) character set,
   including all characters and  diacritics.  Based on Palatino.
   Includes symbols from the report of the Committee on Phonetic
   Representation of Disordered Speech as well as symbols from
   Shriberg and Kent.  Includes Truetype version and Fontographer
   source files.
  33     1/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  14,18,24, 36
   Based on the letters that can be found in old Art Noveau Paris
   (France) Metro stations.. uppercase, numbers and punctuation.
  96     3/31/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 10, 12, 18, 24
   A Persian font.  Includes TrueType.
 250     3/24/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  7,8,10,12,14,16,21,24,30,36,42,48,63,72,90,118
   Type one patriotic font inspired by "Desert Shield". All caps,
   small caps.  All characters are composed of missles
  41    12/23/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Script/scrawl of upper/lower case  letters.
  41     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A gothic style font.
 105     6/30/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   The docs say this font is "a Cyrillic-based font." Yeah, well,
   I guess.  It's certainly NOT Cyrillic, and not terribly useful as
   a Roman font, either.
 150      8/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 11, 12
   Reminds me something of Bookman.  Includes TrueType version.
   TrueType version includes italic version as well.
 222      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  7,8,9,10,11,12,14,18,24,36,48,72
   TrueType, type one versions of a sleek, modern font.  No serifs.
   Uppercase and small caps.
  62     1/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Type one font with the uppercase letters as large iron pipes and
   connectors, lower case is modeled after copper pipe.
  53     11/8/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 48
   Like Bodoni after 10 beers, informal 1950's style uneven letters.
  38    11/26/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Nice casual characters as if created with a hand-lettering brush.
  70     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   All/small caps font.  Thick letters with angled serifs.
 166     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Two all caps alphabets, numbers, basic symbols ($,&, etc.),
   punctuation, and 52 eclectic dingbats: snails, dinosaurs, kings,
   trashcans, and much more.  Includes TrueType.
 218     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 10, 12, 24
   Print POSTNET bar coding on your mail.  Make your mail be processed
   more quickly, be eligible for significant discounts from the United
   States Postal Service.
  65      8/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48
   Type one and TrueType of numcaps (plus alternative caps for a few
   letters).  '30s art deco style of thin letters (like FO/BENJCAPS).
  48     11/1/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24,48
   A black sans serif font.  Includes Fontographer source.
   Lives up to its name.

 448     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Size:  12,18
   Complete font set (upper & lowercase, symbols, italic, bold, etc.)
   of classical, "delicate" letters which the author created with
   fine French writers in mind.  Truetype & type 1 files included.
  41     3/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Left leaning 60's style u/l case letters.. thin at the top with
   bell bottoms!
  36     5/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   A round, bold '40's type of advertising display font whose letters
   resemble Cooper Black. Lowercase only, except for B, H, F, K and
   L, which come in an additional version far taller than the other
   characters, forming  "rabbit ear" loops at the top
 233      2/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 48
   Detailed set of freight train silhouettes.
 193      2/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72
   Depicts the heralds of various railroads.
 168     8/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 48
   Detailed set of modern passenger train silhouettes.
 186      2/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 48
   Detailed set of passenger train silhouettes.
 125     8/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72
   Collection of railroad heralds (logos).
  92     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Upper/lower case "cut up" (literally) letters... as if they came
   from newspapers and were pasted on a sheet haphazardly.  Many 
   improvements since version 1.02.
  81     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A chiseled script font.  One of the nicest script fonts in the
   archive.  Includes TrueType.
  54     1/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Finally, a type one font which does Recycle logos (the arrows
   chasing each other..)..  White arrows on a black circle, a white
   outline on a black circle, plus symbols with various chemical
   symbols underneath.
  72     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  12, 24
   This font replaces the Stalingrad font.  It appears at first to be
   comprised of runes, but on closer inspection you notice the C
   is made of a hammer and sickle; other letters are made of other
   socialist-type instruments.  Includes TrueType.
 113    10/27/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9,10,12,14,18,24, 36
   Type one font of upper/lower-case letters with long ascenders,
   low x-height and script-like serifs.
 100      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48, 72
   Uppercase only block heavy slab serif typeface, but the part you'd
   expect to be black is "white", casting a "cool" shadow in the
   background. Includes type one and TrueType resources.
 118     5/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36
   ReliefInReverse, RoundeRelief, and WhatARelief Three variations
   on a theme:  The characters  themselves are transparent, but their
   shadows are solid (except for ReliefInReverse, which is, well, the
   reverse).  Like FO/RELIEF.
  23     11/8/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36
   Tall thin 20's art deco script letters.
  19    12/16/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12
   Uppercase only (plus numerals, punctuation and a few alternates)
   based on the  typeface Huxley Vertical.  Tall thin letters.
 115    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 20, 24, 36
   Lettering that you would probably find on Chinese restaurant menus.
  47     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Characters look like they consist of rough, broad paintbrush strokes
   as you might find on a sign painted on a piece of wood in a Western
   frontier town. The font it is based on is called 'Trading Post.'
 191     5/4/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24, 36, 48
   Someone's (printing) handwriting, scanned in and autotraced
   (it shows) to make it into a font.  Includes TrueType.
 117    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 48
   Reminds one of Adobe's Revue font.  Thick bold letters.
  30      6/6/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 72
   Talllllll, thin Upper/Small caps letters.  Art deco typeface
   based on "Empire".
  34     6/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   The author calls this type one font "Art-Deco"... it looks more
   like Zirkle.  Upper/small caps w/ numbers and punctuation.
  52     11/9/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48
   Art Nouveau-like font that can also be described as a close
   cousin to Adobe's "Arnold Boecklin" font.  TrueType included.
  79     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  12, 24
   Type 1 and TrueType suitcase of all caps, wide old style Western
  81      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Bold sans serif display face with square stroke ends.  Roman and
   Italic.  Includes TrueType.
  24    12/23/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Tall art deco/curvy font.  Reminds me of BenjCaps.
  96   6/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  13
   Handwriting type display font (upper/lower case), wide letters
   with swaths.  "Good for writing letters, or for making 'Rave' type
   posters", says the $10-shareware-asking author.
  45    12/14/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  48
   Black letters coming out of a white block background.
   Very close to LeeCaps.
 183      8/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   The words "save" and "sale" in a multitude of styles, suitable for
   advertisements.  Also includes very heavy numberals.  Includes
  38      4/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Upper/lower case type one font of very bold letters. Based on
   "Glummie", resembles German woodcut.  Very bold.. quite striking.
  44     1/15/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Font of Courier letters scrambled up.  The author says you (or
   the government) can't figure out the code.  Comes with two font
   files:  one for SecretCode and one for UnSecretCode.
  98     11/1/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24,48
   A light, serifed font, for which corroded is not an inaccurate
   description.  Includes Fontographer source.
  15     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Characters that are large and rounded and very easy on the eye.
  42     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A fairly complete Hebrew typeface.  "Fancy" characters.
  44     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A fairly complete Hebrew typeface.  "Handwritten," cursive
  34     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A fairly complete Hebrew typeface.  Sans serif characters.
  54    12/14/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24
   Black slightly slanted letters with jagged edges.  Accented with
   white stripes in places.
 180     11/3/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Thin delicate serif font.  Upper and lower case based on Floreal
   Haas typeface.
  50     4/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 3, 48
   Characters that look like they are on a continuous fanfold -- some
   facing left, some facing right.
  90     3/25/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Hiragana Japanese font...
  95     1/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24,48, 72
   Ornate 19th century marquee style letters.  Uppercase only plus
  69     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12,14,18,24,36
   Musical notes and characters.
 101     3/23/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Uppercase and numbers.  Helvetica being imploded.
  24      3/4/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Block letters that resemble Chicago font meeting the Venice Font.
 408    11/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 10,12,14,24
   A set of scalable IPA fonts containing the full International
   Phonetic Alphabet with 1990 Kiel revisions.  Three typefaces
   are included:  SIL Doulos (similar to Times), SIL Sophia (close
   to Helvetica) and SIL Manuscript (monowidth).  Includes TrueType
  42     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12
   Designed to resemble the Greek uncial script used in the early
   manuscript codices of the Greek New Testament.  Includes TrueType.
 101     1/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24 & 72
   A font derived from the style used on the Nine Inch Nails single
   called "Sin".  Looks post-modern deconstructionist pseudo-gothic.
   Includes other NIN logos and the TVT (NIN's old label) logo.
   Includes Truetype.  Uppercase & small caps & some punctuation.
  90    12/14/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  8,10,12,14,16,18,20,24,30,36,72,127
   Slanted letters that slightly resemble brush strokes...
  54    11/25/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Size: 24, 36, 48
   A collection of, well, smiley faces.  Not ASCII smileys
   like :-), but normal faces like the "be happy" button.
   Includes TrueType.
 125     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Those uppercase brush stroke letters popular with stores and
   painted signs.  Includes TrueType.
   Version 3 offers many additional characters.
  48     11/1/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48
   A black, modern geometric font.  Includes Fontographer source.

 448    12/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Size:  12
   A Type 1 and TrueType font of hand drawn letters designed
   to look like spilled milk (san serif, kind of dribbly).
  57     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  36, 48, 72, 127
   Sans serif font with several dingbats in a Halloween theme.
  60     9/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Black sans serif characters with a bright light and many rays cut
   into its middle with many rays emanating from the light.
   Caps, numbers, and punctuation only.
  88    10/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   A collection of starburst dingbats.  Includes TrueType
  51    11/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 12
   A type one and TrueType set of uppercase letters designed to look
   like the control panel lettering used in Star Trek: The Next
   Generation.  All caps and numbers.
 112     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24,36,48
   A font just asking for a recruiting poster.  Bold, thick
   characters:  Lowercase has capital letters with horizontal stripes
   while uppercase has the same caps with stars.  Includes TrueType.
 128      5/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Four fonts that should satisfy even the most died-in-the-wool
   Trekker.  StarTrekClassic, Star TrekClassicMovies, StarTrekTNG
   Crille, StarTrekTNG Titles.  Pretty self-explanatory.
  77    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 72
   Uppercase only font.  Reminds me of the lettering used for the
   titles of the Terminator Movies.  Includes TrueType.

 544    11/11/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Size: 13
   A complete looking classical serif font (includes all characters
   and diacritics and symbols) with italic and bold as well.
   Suitable for printing out books with.  Includes TrueType.
  33     11/9/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12
   Styled after Adobe's "Stencil" font.  M*A*S*H type letters.
  41      1/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24
   Apple's "venerable" San Francisco font with a few more optional
   characters built in.
  87      9/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   Complete upper and lowercase alphabet with numbers and punctuation
   used in legislative and legal documents where old language is to be
   stricken or deleted but left in the document so that one can see
   what it used to say, with lines drawn through.  Includes TrueType.
  48      9/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 16, 24
   A "blend of an Optima-like base with finely pointed serifs."
   Poor quality.
  42     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   An Oriental face of Roman letters.  Great for a Chinese restaurant.
  81     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 14, 18, 24
   A condensed serif font similar to Times, Palatino, etc.  "Mini-
   family" includes a plain (roman) typeface and italic version.
  82     3/27/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Based on the very old photographs (late 1800's) by Muxbridge of
   human body studies.  This font has human figures jumping, walking,
  52     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   A bold, serifed font similar to Poster Bodoni but with large white
   Swiss cheese-type holes in each character.
  24      3/4/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 2
   Modern-appearing upper and lower case venice block.
  42     3/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   A heavy, narrow display face.
  50    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12
   Spiked, pseudo-gothic, rhune-like alphabet which approaches the
   limits of legibility.  Created utilizing the "punk" filter in Adobe
   Illustrator 5.0.
  44     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   A uncial style font, but somewhat poorly done.  No curves at all.
 115     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 24
   Symbols useful for plotting data in programs like DeltaGraph.  All
   symbols constructed to cover equal area, with the center of each 
   character as the alignment point for that symbol.  Includes TrueType
   version and Fontographer source.
 306     5/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72
   Type one and TrueType suitcase of the IPA (International Phonetic
   Alphabet) symbol fonts, based on Goudy Old Style.
  37     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Caps-only font of raised quasi-metallic letters.
 168    12/30/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Designed specifically for an application called "Professional
   Composers", this combines the fonts SHPNFLT and Tempus in a serif
   font with full upper/lower case, italics, plus many music-
   related characters.
  72    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   Eroded serif font.  Looks like a multi-generation photocopy or fax.
  63     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48
   Rough capital letters with leaves growing out of them. The letters
   themselves look like twisted branches.  Caps only.
 136      6/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24
   The Elvish font from _Lord of the Rings_.  Includes TrueType.
  23     3/17/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Upper/lower case thick Old English style letters.
 393    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 14, 24, 48, 72
   A handwritten font similar to Tekton but with bulbous knobs at the
   end of each stroke.  Regular, Italic, Bold, and BoldItalic styles.
   Includes TrueType.
  57      1/5/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10,12,14,168,18,24, 36
   Based on Times-Roman allows you to set up decent looking fractions.
 134     8/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 12, 14, 18, 24, 48, 72
   Uppercase font and punctuation font based on the typeface used
   in Star Trek computer consoles.  Includes TrueType.
 129     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 60, 72
   Sans serif characters with tapered stroke ends.  Each character is
   centered on a tombstone.  The same as Graveyard with white-on-black
 108     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Uppercase letters which remind me of Helvetica Narrow,
   topped/covered in a layer of snow.  Includes TrueType.
  67     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Based on Tuscan Egyptian, a wood type font dating from the Hamilton
   Co. in the 1880s.  A Western-style font.  Includes TrueType.
 62      8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Various train parts (engine, caboose, other cars, etc.)
   Includes TrueType and Type 1 versions
  40     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Based on the letters used on Trajan's Column in Rome.  Not the font
   of the same name sold by Adobe.  Includes TrueType.
 136     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 36, 72, 96
   Display font with "fangs" instead of serifs.
 117    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 24
   A casual handwriting style as if written with a fountain pen.
   Includes TrueType.
 166      4/18/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Various symbols, ships, etc. from Star Trek.
  68     1/24/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48
   Looks like Neuland with a  skunk-line slicing through it.  Based
   on "Newton Inline" font, you'd most likely see this typeface on
   titles for paperback mystery books.
  66      1/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 48
   Thin modern art-deco (30's) style uppercase letters
  86     3/23/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Uppercase looks goudy... lowercase is a faust-type gothic knockoff.
  56     9/25/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72
   Upper/small caps.  Slanted electric slices or slashes.
  47      5/30/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Type one and TrueType font with full upper/lower  case, numbers,
   based on Helvetica Black font.
  23      3/4/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Block venice font.
 121    12/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24
   A selection of dingbats including white letters on black circles,
   black letters on white circles, and many starbursts.
   Includes TrueType.
 176     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24
   Bold serifed font suitable for headlines or body text.
   Includes TrueType.
  26     1/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 24
   Twenty-seven additional symbols needed for United States Geological
   Survey maps.  Meant to be a supplement to Carta.  Includes TrueType.
 186    11/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72, 96, 120
   Large black letters on a background of stained glass.  Ornate.
  39     11/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18,24,36,48
   A light font with a backwards slant based on someone's handwriting.
  68     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  48
   A font containing all the special characters needed to
   transliterate Vietnamese.  Includes a Vietnamese  keyboard layout
   for easier typing.  An open, sans  serif font based on
   Fontographer's DemoFont.
 117     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size: 12, 24, 36
   Designed to closely resemble that used in the cult TV classic "The
   Prisoner."  Letterforms based on the "Albertus" typeface, with a
   few exceptions.  Includes TrueType.
  44      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   A font sort of based on a uncial style, but very rough and
   unfinished.  Looks someone else discovered Fontographer's new
   calligraphic tools.  Caps and small caps.
 102     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A font based on the scrawly cursive of music photographer Anton
   Corbjin. Includes both Type 1 and TrueType.
  50     1/15/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 24, 48
   Modern looking letters... thin vertical lines connected to wider
   looking horizontal letters. Full upper, lower case.
 294     4/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24, 48, 60
   People's faces developed from illustrations taken from Art Nouveau
   magazines of the 1890s and early 1900s.  There are male and female
   faces of different ages and types.  Includes TrueType.
 270     2/14/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60 & 72
   All caps/small caps font of a neo-classical design.  Nice serifs
   with nifty extensions crossing parts of the letter you wouldn't
   expect (a cross within an O, for example).  Includes Truetype.
  37     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  23
   Based on Geometrica, which in turn was based on the work of 16th
   century artists Geofroy Tory and Albrrer, who wrote treatises
   outlining the procedure for the geometric construction of Roman
   capitals. Each envisioned the capital letter surrounded by a box
   that contained circles, arcs and bisecting lines which follow rigid
  64     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Sans serif characters with tapered stroke ends.
  85     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   WashOut and WashOutThin, nice sans serif faces suitable for
   display or body text.

 113     5/10/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 48
   TrueType, type one font.  All caps typeface of 3D-ish like letters
   which look like wedges.
 178     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Skewed bold slab serif characters with drop shadows.
   Includes TrueType.
  84     9/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Thick, bold uppercase letters (with punctuation and numbers as
   well).  This informal typefaces distinction are slanted shadows
   which come off the bottom of the letters.  Includes TrueType.
  94     6/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 72
   A special-effect font wherein the characters look like views
   through Venetian blinds of a city skyline.
  56     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Small caps font where the thin, stick-like letters connect
   together at their bottoms in a line formation.  Includes TrueType.
 158     4/16/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 18, 24
   Bold font based on the popular Windsor.  Includes TrueType.
  92     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 24
   A heavy, fuzzy and wavy display face.
 102    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 12, 18, 24, 36
   Made to look as if it were written by a small child.  Contains
   complete double set of each letter and number, giving a more
   realistic feel when typing two of the same character side by side.
   Includes TrueType.
  42    11/20/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Thick, serified bold letters.  Resembles Ashley Crawford.
  90     10/1/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48, 72
   Flowers and vines shoot out from behind uppercase Classic (appear
   to look like Times Roman) letters. X and Y are missing in this
   drop caps set, though.
  81     12/5/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 36
   Thin letters that resemble arrows.
  97      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 10, 12, 24
   A font for the Z specification language for math symbols.  Includes
  90     12/5/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Zirkle is comprised of letters that look like an artistic Bauhaus.
   This file includes both the plain LaserWriter font file and the
   bold font file.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  29     2/23/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Type three stencil block font... stencil in that everything behind
   the font is shown inside the body of the letter.. but whatever's
   surrounding the letter is "blocked out"...
 312    10/23/90    BinHex4.0
   Size:  9,10,12,14,18,24
   This postscript font includes four LaserWriter files,
   (two for Small Caps), AFMs, and screen fonts.
  48     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   A very stylish script laser font.
  29     5/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  9, 10, 12
   Architecture script style with laser files and docs.
  54    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12,14,18,24,36,72
   Dingbats that seem to have quite a lot to do with the great
   state of Texas... Armadillos, lone stars, etc...
  68     5/27/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Belsley and Bartholomew, are 2 LaserWriter fonts. One is Serif,
   and the other is Sans Serif. Designed for technical writing.
 38       8/2/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  48, 72
   An art-deco stylish font.  With solid black lines forming the body
   of the font, with a gray backing. This is a laser font with only
   upper case characters, but looks nice at any size.
  35    11/20/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24. More dingbats, such as spades tacks, targets, fingers,
   arrows, etc.
  59    11/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  30
   Another bunch of dingbats. Laser versions of tacks, knives, other
   interesting items.
  63    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24
   A sampling of Asian fonts including Kanji, Chinese, and Hangul.
  38     8/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24,36
   A nice serifed font.  All caps.  Described in the readme as based
   on the font used on the television show M*A*S*H, but I don't know...
  36    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Modern letters, like a thin Neuland font.
  36    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24. Modern thin letters.  Laser font.
  43     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48
   Very rounded characters (but not consistent letterforms). Caps only.
   Includes Fontographer source.
  45    11/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  14, 24
   Can be compared to Chicago, but also is described as elegant.
 137     9/16/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10,12,16,24,36,72 and Truetype.
   A "decorative font for the holidays (esp. New Years Eve)".
   Truly designed for the strong at stomach!
   Use this all caps font at your own risk.
  63      9/7/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Looks like the Flintstone font but a little
   more rough.  All caps.  Includes TrueType version.
  45    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10,12,18,24, 36
   Slightly pointed, oriental- looking letters.
  57      2/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   A modern, minimalist type three typeface based on the font
   called "Pulp Modern"...
  38     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  9,10,12
   Sleek, modern artistic laser font.
  44     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  9,12,18,24
   Finally!  A laser version of the standard Macintosh font Chicago.
  28     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12
   PostScript rendering of the standby Chicago.
 185     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18
   Type three and TrueType classical Roman and Italic fonts...
  41     8/13/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  14
   Heavy classical type font.
  21    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 36, 72
   Don't know what you'd find this useful for, but this is a font
   of various Coca Cola trademarks and symbols.
  22    12/16/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 24, 48
   Bar code laser font based on the 3 of 9 standard code.
   Includes docs.
  89     8/13/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10,12,14,18,24,36,48
   Thin-lined widely spaced curvy letters.
  20     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Cheap looking "heavy metal" style font.
  35     8/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12,14,18,24
   A font composed of letters that appear to be made of graphic
  35    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 18
   Old-orthography Russian, Bulgarian, and  Serbian style letters are
   supported in this Geneva-type sans serif laser font.
  57      8/12/90   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18,24
   Font with tips that can best be described as "slight bubbles".
  24     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48
   Angular, curveless font very similar to Machine.  One of the few
   fonts in the public domain, not shareware or freeware or some such..
 100     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 18, 24
   Nice serifed font suitable for body text (if converted to Type 1).
   Includes bold weight as well.
 117      8/11/90   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36, 42, 48, 60
   Italic letters of staggered script. Resembles Zapf Chancery.
  27      8/12/90   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 14, 18, 24
   Characters for many of those Mac keyboard characters no other font
   has.  These characters are most often  needed to produce software
  74      8/13/90   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24,36,48
   Old style Western thin letters in a post script file.
  33      8/12/90   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12
   Gothic looking laser font
  41    11/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 24, 48, 72
   Font based on that wildly exciting and popular prime time TV show.
   Fun for the whole family!
  60     7/24/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Two fonts designed to demonstrate the differences between Type 1
   and Type 3 fonts (type 3 being the new Adobe standard).  Capital
   letters look like San Fransisco, the lower case letters are script.
  63     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 18, 24, 48
   Nice casual cursive script with connecting characters that looks as
   if someone was jotting notes.
  32     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Bold, block-letter font.
 101     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10,12,14,18,24,36,48
   Resembles Mos Elisley (like "1960's  computer lettering")
  33    11/18/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48
   Block letters that look like they've been smashed, mutilated,
   other bits and pieces torn out of them.  Caps only.
   9     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 48
   The GE logo and enough characters to spell "General Electric"
  27     9/17/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Bold Bauhaus font based on a "Gordon's Jewelry" logo...
  71     3/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 13, 14, 18, 24, 48
   Modified Bodoni-style font.  Upper, lower case...
  44      2/1/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 36
   Your laserprinter's Helvetica, tweaked so it's screened/greyed out.
  50    11/18/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  9,10,12,14,16,18,20,24,36
   A full greek alphabet as a laser font.
  59      2/1/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 24, 48
   Blocks of grey, going from white, tinting down to black...
  20     9/17/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 18
   Bauhaus type characters.
  86     3/24/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 36
   Two font suitcases for a plain and oblique font.  Reminds me of
   Broadway without the gaudiness.
 162     4/22/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12,14,18,24,28,36
   A script/gothic "old-German" style font.  Includes a TrueType.
  42     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 24, 30, 48
   Sans serif "mask" characters that will not print on their own, but
   which will mask out everything BUT the character if placed over a
   pattern.  Four characters missing to encourage shareware payment.
  21     2/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Sizes 9,10
   Instant super- sub-scripts to Times and Symbol fonts. You loose
   some special characters in the process, though.
  34     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 24, 36
   Sans serif "mask" characters that will not print on their own, but
   which will mask out everything BUT the character if placed over a
   pattern.  Four characters missing to encourage shareware payment.
   Characters themselves are similar to Eurostyle.
  41     8/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12,24
   The character set used on IBM-PCs. The character mapping here is
   set up the same as an IBM (some characters may be different from
   the ones you type in on a Mac.  Use keycaps DA to figure that out)
  68     9/14/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Size:  12, 24
   Two separate Indian fonts.. Kanchi (a bitmapped font with
   accompanying keymap M.S. Word document) and Tamil (a postscript).
 170     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  36
   A international symbol laser font. Dingbats like male, female
   restrooms, first aid, information symbol, quite a few German
   symbols and overprint characters. Type three w/ TrueType.
 135      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   TrueType and type three versions of a italic, classic version of
   Jacksonville OldStyle..
 101     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14
   Sans serif font in four weights.
  80     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Type three font (withTrueType suitcase) of the sans serif variety.
 103    12/16/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  48
   Somebody's 3 year old had fun scribbling out this ugly font.
   Resembles VERY under-developed handwriting.  The "About" HyperCard
   stack is flawed, btw.
 377     11/9/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  72, 96, 120
   Extremely ornate and detailed postscript fonts.  Three sets of
   font files forf the capital letters.  The PS files, when printed,
   show white letters being held in front of a muse, or nymph wearing
   a long white dress and plenty of vines and vegetation around.
   Recommend "unlimited downloadable fonts" option enabled on print
   options when you use this laser font at sizes bigger than 75 dpi.
  74     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size: 10, 12, 18, 24
   Type three font (with TrueType) version of London.
  37     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 24
   Nice heavy sans serif font.
  43     1/15/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   Two fonts:  an uppercase "majuscule" old English font and thicker
   lowercase Old English letters.
  83     8/13/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10,12,14,18,24,36,48
   Looks like handwriting.
 131     8/13/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This laserprinter font is based on calligraphic handwriting.
   Includes TrueType suitcases.
  42    11/18/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10,12,18,24
   Wide, classic-style letters.  Resembles Michelangelo font.
   All caps and numbers.
  35     8/13/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18
   Font styled after broadway lettering.
  32     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  18, 24
   Nice sans serif font with relatively narrow characters.
  44     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  9,10,12,14,18,24
   A cross of "Bookman", "Courier" styles.
  45     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24,30,36
   A light "airy" font.
  69     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12, 24
   Morbid dingbats (assorted creepy symbols such as skulls, snakes,
   spiders), astrological, I Ching, rune, and religious  symbols
   (and a smiley face, martini glass symbol) Includes laser font file.
  27     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48
   The letters N, B, and C, plus the NBC peacock, in black-and-white
   and gray-shaded versions.
  48     8/14/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  48
   Tall, thin contemporary fonts (like  the others in this "Neu" set).
  41     7/22/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24,48,72
   A very stylish bold, fat modern laser font.
  30     8/14/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  48
   Wide block version of NEUSIX.
  27     8/14/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  48
   Modern medium block letters. Postscript files included.
  36     8/14/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  48
   Styled after the modern font set of NeuTwo, but is a looks
   "drawn by hand" as opposed to block lettering.
  39     8/14/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  48
   Very contemporary modern block laser font.
  19     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Angular, futuristic, heavy sans serif deisgn.
  39     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 76
   Cursive script with connecting letters.
  18     3/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12
   The "blocky" font used by the U.S. Government for Optical
   Character Readers.  Only  upper case.
  22     9/24/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  14
   Brush-classical-like ps font.
  48     7/26/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  36
   Upper/lower case letters and numbers containing nicely laid out
   stars and stripes.
  42      2/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  11, 24
   Based on a typewriter.  Basically, Courier that didn't make it.
  33     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12, 14, 36
   Several useful items, including the No Smoking symbol and
   representations of MasterCard, Visa, etc.
  26     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Size:  24, 72
   The astronomical signs of the Zodiac, according to the readme.
   The quailty of this font is, ah, marginal at best.
 402     6/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  various
   23 fonts that have complete Polish alphabets. About half are
   designed to be used with a Polish System (all important characters
   are on option keys).  Includes: Augustw, Bronowice, Bytom,
   Konstancin, Kutno, Legnica, Pcim, Polish, Sopot, Wilno, Gdansk,
   Gniezno, Latin East  European, Lublin, Lublin-2, Monaco pl, Polis
   (Type 3  PostScript), Sandomierz, Sanok, Warszawa.
 216    12/11/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 45, 72, 96
   Haunted goo-oozing  style letters in a ps font form.
  55      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  36,48
   Uppercase only font with letters filled with pinstripe lines.
   Includes TrueType version.
  51    11/19/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 36, 48, 60, 72
   Bold blockish letters which remind me of a New Helvetica Bold.
  12     9/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9, 12, 14, 18, 48, 72
   The letters R, C, and A, plus the RCA phonograph and dog.
  28     9/30/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  14
   Narrow cursive script.
  84     9/30/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36
   A modified Army style font.. no open spaces in the characters,
   but modern lines instead.
  83     3/17/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24
   Three fonts:  Coiled Uncial, Roman Uncial and Roman Uncial Modern.
   Basically the same old Gaelic type letters; coiled has neat
   swirls. Modern has bigger caps.
  11      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  8,10,12,18,24
   Consonents-only Hebrew font.  Type 3, with several serious
   PostScript problems, but should be adequate in a pinch.
  75     8/13/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18,36
   This is the familiar (?) weird San Francisco font set.
  45     6/12/90    BinHex4.0
   Size:  18
   Very sleek font.
  63     8/13/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12,24,36
   Looks like neatly drawn, script handwriting.
  18     8/12/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24,48
   Very tall, narrow letters.
  62     9/23/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18, 24, 36
   Two sets of laser fonts (with Superpaint style sheets)
   for topological symbols such a as troughs, ripples, fossils, etc;
   with the other set being a set of arrows at 5 degree angles from
   0 to 355 degrees.  These are intended for stratigraphic colums as
   paleoflow indicators (whew... also appropriate for some better
   looking diagrams....)
  77      2/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  24, 48
   Lower case letters are all caps of zapped, quirky letters.
 128    12/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24, 48
   Oh boy!  A laser font that contains all 50 states!
  29     9/23/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  14
   Brush-script like font.
  56     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12,24
   Courier-style type 3, TrueType font.
  32     6/20/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  36
   Very wide letters with a rising or setting sun inside each.
  27     8/11/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  12
   Patterened after those gawdy theatre poster style letters.
 159     4/18/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  8,9,10,12,14,28,36
   "Bookman" style lettering.  Type three font includesTrueType.
  56     9/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  14, 18, 24
   Made for banners, headlines.
  51     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  12
   Type three, TrueType versions of curvy broad letters.
  61    11/18/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  18
   A medium weight Old English Style gothic letter.
  24     9/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  9, 12, 18, 24
   Twenty four Nordic runes, plus a few other symbols and arrows.
  26     8/11/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Size:  24
   A thin, art-deco style laser "light" font.  Mostly lower-case only.
  14      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  9,10,12,18,36
   Consonents-only Hebrew font.  Type 3, with several serious
   PostScript problems, but should be adequate in a pinch.
 149     5/30/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  10,12,14,18,24,36,48
   That ol' Western font changed into a Type Three style
 242      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Size:  48, 72, 96
   Extremely ornate "drop caps".  Two suitcases, but only a few
   letters are supported.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 186      4/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A FAT extension that give your desktop the 3D Copland look.
   It changes the folders, trash, windows, menus, system
   font (includes the new "Espy" font for easier readability)
   to the Copland look you've seen in all those magazine previews.
   Version 1.31 fixes even more bugs and conflicts.
 496     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A low level debugger (installed as an extension) with a graphical
   interface for PowerMacs!  Includes French and English documentation.

  11     7/19/91    BinHex4.0
   For System 7, create an alias by selecting whatever you want,
   hitting the control key, and dragging that something to where you
   want that something to be.
   7     8/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows System 7.1 users who have a Finder version 7.1.1 or
   later to control-drag files to destinations to make aliases.
  14    12/12/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Modifies the "This alias could not be opened because the original
   couldn't be found" dialog to provide the option to relink the alias
   with its original.
   8      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Find the original items of aliases by command-double-clicking them
   or hitting Command-R.  Requires System 7.5.
   4     10/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Download from America OnLine in the background.
   Version 1.2 fixes a few problems from version 1.1 and seems to work
   quite well with AOL 2.0.
 693    11/8/93     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A launching utility to make it easier to start up other
   programs, documents, cdevs, da's, etc.
 20     10/23/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   In both system 6 and 7, this init splits the Applemenu into
   several submenus (you know, to improve ergonomics).
  12     2/6/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   At restart or shutdown, examine the current state of AppleTalk and
   turn it on.  Wwill also save the state of AppleTalk and optionally
   restore that state when you boot up next time.  Important because 
   starting with System 7 Tuneup, AppleTalk isn't even loaded into
   memory if it is off at boot time.
  13    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make your Power Macintosh and Macintosh AV serial ports compatible
   with the GDT PowerPrint high speed serial-to-parallel converter.
   Should not affect compatibility with other applications that use
   the serial ports.
  48      6/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Automatically delete the Desktop file at preset intervals.  v1.0.3
   adds the ability to rebuild the Desktop Database at every startup.
  28     9/10/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Modify your mouse to control acceleration instead of position.
   Like the game Crystal Quest.  Not very useful, but neat.
   Includes THINK C source.
   9    12/12/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Help to prevent corrupted resource files by forcing the drive to be
   "flushed" even when your computer system crashes, is reset by the
   programmers' switch, or is turned off without shutting down.
  11    12/23/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   If guest access is available on the target machine, always log on as
   a guest without bringing up the authentication dialog box.  Requires
   System 7 and (obviously) File Sharing or AppleTalk.
  59      2/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Searches the local network for LaserWriters and selects one at
   random (also useful for PowerBooks, as it'll select the local
   printer automatically). 
   3    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Speed up the AV machines.  Speeds up most disk operations that deal
   with lots of files such as copying, moving, and deleting files.
   3    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Completely remove all _FlushFile calls from the Resource Manager in
   the AV ROMs. This makes the Resource Manager work like it did in
   the pre-AV days.
   7    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A performance improver on Quadra 840 and 660 AVs for any programs
   which use AddResource/ChangedResource a lot. (eg development
   environments especially)
   9     7/19/91    BinHex4.0
   Command Delete throws the selected file into the trash, command
   option delete instantly  deletes it.
   3     4/25/91    BinHex4.0
   Whatever volume your Mac is set for, the menu bar will flash with
   a system beep.
   8    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Replaces the beeping of the Energy Saver control panel with flashes
   of the keyboard LEDs. 
   5     9/27/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Selects a random After Dark module to be used during your session.
   Version 1.0
  44     4/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A delightful extension with which to annoy your friends.  Causes
   periodic bouts of macindigestion to manifest in a most satisfying
   auditory manner...
  17     3/17/96    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   A practical joke type extension.  Puts false screen at startup
   claiming all files are lost.  Does no damage but could give a "newbie"
   a heart attack.

  19     4/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Light the Resume button (which normally is never enabled unless
   the application has resources for it specifically) in the Bomb
   dialog sending you back to the Finder in case of a bomb.
 458    12/13/92   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display a wacky, obnoxious, or meaningful saying at startup.
   For additional startup messages, see /mac/misc/update/morebongobob.
   9     4/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Break into MacsBug on the very first instruction of the INIT code
   of ANY extension you choose.  Includes MPW C source.
   2    11/30/93    BinHex4.0
   Change the name of every button, check box, and radio button
   created by any application to the name "Bubba".
  23     2/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Works only on 68030 machines.  Two utility programs (CacheControl
   and CachesOn) as well as an init that forces the 68030 Cache on at
   4     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Finally.  An extension to deactive the Caps Lock key on
   PowerBooks! (should work on other System 7 Macs also)
   3      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Beep whenever the caps lock key is enabled or disabled.  Useful for
   PowerBook owners who are forever plagued by the caps lock key.
   7     5/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Draws the caret (the little blinking line in word processors which
   shows where the next character you type is going to appear on the
   screen) with a line two pixels think instead of one pixel.  Might
   be useful for Powerbook owners.  
 16     3/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Init that prevents the system from looking for icons on CD-ROM
  drives that use the Apple driver. Speeds up access a zillion times.
  64      3/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The CE Toolbox extensions required for use with QuickMail,
   DiskTop and a few other CE Utilities.
   9     3/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Replaces the boring black/white disk icons on the colorful System
   7 desktop into color floppy disk icons of their own.
  24   6/22/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This init creates a folder on your Desktop called "The Network", in
   which are folders representing zones, and in those... folders
   representing servers.  In the server folders are aliases to the
   volumes you can mount.  Includes source.
  11      3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PPC Native screen capture utility.
  13      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   When you select "Clean up..." from the Finder's Special menu, you
   will be asked to confirm your selection.
   9      4/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Installs a submenu to the "Cleanup" item on the "Special" menu.
   Requires Sys 7.5 and the "Script Finder Extension" to work.
 39    3/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  If you are in an Open or Save dialog, make any window open in the
  Finder your current folder simply by clicking on it.  If want to
  select the desktop, simply click on the desktop.  If the open/save
  dialog should happen to obscure the Finder, simply drag it out of
  the way by dragging it from any point along the frame!
  44     6/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This MacHack "hides" your personal file sharing so that other (obviously 
   novice) users can't see your server on the Net.  If you have this
   extension installed, you can see the other cloaked servers on the 
   3     2/10/88    BinHex4.0
   An INIT that makes your pointer color on a Mac II.
   6      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Add or remove keyboard equivalents to menu commands in any program.
  12     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Init is packaged in a font suitcase so it will *always*
   load (clever, eh?), even when all extensions are turned
   off, which means the control strip will always be there
   on the desktop ready to use; nifty and free!
  16     7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An extention that changes your windows to the new Copland style, 
   including the tab minimization to the bottom of your screen.
   22    8/28/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A small init that makes your Mac beep when it completes a file
   copy lasting more than 15 seconds.  Includes Think Pascal source.
 152     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows you to use up to six independent numbered clipboards by just 
   typing a number between 1 and 6 during the process of cut copy or 
   paste before you release the commandkey.

 192     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The Japanese version of the CopyPaste extension, includes 
   version 2.54jp of the MasterFKey utility.
   9    11/13/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   When you press the mouse button and the CMD key together while
   your cursor is in the left corner, a tiny box will appear that
   will list the  position of your cursor on the screen, releasing
   and pressing the CMD key again (all while holding the mouse)
   resets the distance counter.
  52     6/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Counts number of traps patched by your Control Panels and Extensions
   at INIT time.  Hit the mouse button to advance to the next INIT/CDEV.
   This MacHack comes with source in ThinkC 5.04. 
  28    10/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   CPCopland is a very small, simple hack:  It fools the System into 
   treating files with a type of 'APPC' as files of type 'APPL'.  In 
   other words, the System believes 'APPC' files are really applications.
   This should allow some Copland control panels to work in System 7,
   allowing a unified standard and possible software testing without
   8     11/3/91    BinHex4.0
   Makes the Chicago font in the menu bar a bit smaller, and better
  15    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Cause your mouse to move at an angle 45 degrees counterclockwise
   from the angle it should be moving.
   7      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Replace selected cursors with user-configurable  substitutes.
   Especially useful for keeping the I-beam curson on the PowerBooks
   6    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Use the function keys (F1 to F10) to select views in Chuck Yeager's
   Air Combat
  19    11/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Cause your Macintosh to quickly fade all attached screens to black
   and back when it beeps.
  20    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Amaze your friends, become the envy at parties of all comers!  Ok, this
   little da lets you know how many days til some date you set.
   5      4/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   On System 7 machines, this extension deletes the unused Desktop
   file from the boot volume.  Includes MPW C 3.2 source code...
  11     3/23/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Hold down the keys to rebuild your desktop and this extension
   deletes the original Desktop files, forcing a complete, total,
  23     4/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Force the Finder to display beautiful full-color icons in place of
   the black and white floppy disk icons when you are in 16 color mode
   or greater.  Requires System 7.
   4   6/22/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A seriously sick hack that causes the monitor's gamma (i.e. 
   brightness) to modulate with sounds played through the 
   speaker.  Any sound.  Requires Sound Manager 3.0.
   7     4/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Immediately ejects any disk inserted, for greater security.
   7    12/12/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Reimplement the System 6 command-option-e command to eject and
   unmount floppy disks in the internal and external floppy drives.
   Also introduces new commands to eject and dismount just the internal
   drive or just the external drive.
   7     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   Add nifty gray divider lines to divide the Apple Menu
   into subunits-of-choice; v1.0 has neato new icon and
   includes version number, functionality not changed.
  48     6/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This MacHack allows your personal file sharing to tell the difference
   between Data (which you share) and Audio CDs (which you don't want to
   share or have locked up).  Includes source.
  14     7/13/91    BinHex4.0
   An startup document to scare your friends with. Where did that C
   prompt come from???
   9      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   When you click on the title bar of a window to drag it to a new
   position, you will not see just the outline, but the full window
   (with its contents) instead.
   6     7/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Hit shift in the application's document title bar, it's window
   shrinks to a document-sized icon.. now, drop THAT into an open
   finder window.  It saves.  NEAT.  A bit buggy, tho.
   6    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make your menus behave just like Windows!  One click to drop the
   menu, another click to select the menu item.
  13     7/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays at startup all the icons it can find in its resource fork.
   Includes THINK C source.
   9      6/4/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make your Duo DockUs mouse will act like a normal mouse in terms of
   maximum speed and acceleration.
  10     8/16/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Places a spinning globe where you expect to see the Apple in the
   menu bar. Version 1.1 features System 7 friendliness and color!
1322     7/21/97    BinHex4.0
   Allows Mac apps to show Chinese/Japanese/Korean text without 
   language kits or localized MacOS; major useage for surfing
   WWW in foreign languages with Netscape.
   5     1/31/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Disarm a potentially fatal bug in System 7.1  This patch is useful
   only on systems that requires a special System Enabler to function;
   it is inactive under all other setups.
   3    12/30/90    BinHex4.0
   Causes your popdown menus to appear in very  unexpected places...
  18     5/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This init, System 7 compatible, blocks attacks onto files by the
   WDEF virus.  Version 1.2
 12      8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays a small rectangle in the lower left hand corner
   of your main screen, showing the name of the last event
   (MouseUp/MouseDown/KeyDown/Update, etc), the amount of free
   memory, and the mouse position.
   8     8/28/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Some drawing programs can't handle the picts  generated by Excel
   3.0.  This fkey/init combo (they don't need to be used together)
   allows Excel picts in the clipboard to be pasted correctly into
   MacDraw II, SuperPaint, Canvas, etc.

  23      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50

   A control panel and extension combination that, when installed,
   display the loading extensions as a marching list of names
   going down the left side of the screen instead of the
   icons going across the bottom.
  11     3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   ResEdit templates for modifying resources in extensions manager. 
   These resources are used by extensions manager to determine
   which folders it controls items in and which file types to
  18     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Fade your computer to black on restart and shutdown.  Requires a
   Mac with gamma monitors (which, includes all color Macs except
   color Powerbooks).
   3      4/9/91    BinHex4.0
   Allows you to use cmd-1 through cmd-0 as an alternative to the F1
   through F10 keys for you folks without an extended keyboard.
   9     6/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Bring up a Standard Open dialog when you double-click a file in the
   Finder while holding the shift key.  Choose which app you want to
   launch to read the file.
  27     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Give a quote on shutdown, and give you a final chance to change
   your mind about shutting down your Macintosh.
   3     8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   When you hold down the control key and click the mouse, the cursor
   turns into a thick-bordered box.  Useful for PowerBook users who
   can't find their cursor.
  15    12/16/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A System 7 extension that scans your hard disk for all the
   applications and builds a menu that appears in the Finder menu bar
   for you to easily launch them with.  Version 1.1.1 fixes a few bugs.
  22     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Easily copy the full path (i.e. Hard Drive:System Folder:System,
   not just System) of any file(s) selected in the finder to the
   9      7/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   From Finder, issue command to launch the AppleScript file 'Find
   Original from Alias'; requires a powermac, System 7.x, Code 
   Fragment and AppleScript managers; free.
  33    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Add a menu to the Finder to directly open specific folders without
   opening multiple windows.  Requires System 7
  12     2/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows you to switch between Systems 5, 6, & 7
   3     4/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Fix a bug on a small fraction of Macintoshes where the computer
   begins sending a steady stream of random MIDI data on each serial
   port as soon as the program configures the port for MIDI.
   9    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Help the Finder resolve aliases under certain situations.
  66     4/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Automatically reset PRAM, very helpful for maintaining control in
   a lab setting where assistants may not be very technically oriented.
   5     6/14/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An init (written by a U-M student) that mounts all disks before
   any other inits or cdevs load (this is useful for programs such as
   Suitcase II et al.)
  12      6/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Fool ResEdit into editing the data forks of files.
   8     3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Activate the forward-delete key to delete the character (or word,
   even) to the right of the cursor.  Works in any TextEdit field.
  11     6/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Dim the screen of your RGB monitor (not sure if it'll work on
   a grayscale or Powerbook version) after three minutes (or
   whatever number you specify by changing a string with ResEdit)
   or if the mouse is in the upper left-hand corner.  Rather simple.
   8      6/8/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Restart/shut-down animation of a bomb with a fuse burning down.
 320    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An antiviral INIT that allows one to specify certain resources
   that should not be flagged (for programming tasks, the Font/DA
   Mover, etc.).  Includes Gatekeeper Aid, some extra apps and extensive
   documentation.  New version recognized CODE 1 and MBDF-B viruses.
   8     4/25/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A little extension that lets you optionally view the type and
   creator of a file instead of its Finder comments in the Get Info
  14    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Cause your mouse to disappear when you stop moving it.
  57     11/6/94    BinHqx4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Puts a trio of poltergeists into your Mac.
  37     6/15/96    Binhex4.0,Comptact1.51

   French version of /mac/system.extensions/init/glidel3.0us.cpt.hqx

  38     6/15/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Drag & Drop icons on Apple, File, or Application Menu items to open
   documents or perform file menu actions.  Requires System 7.
  16    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Cause your mouse to occasionally be overcome by gravity.
  56     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Yup, that infamous, er, irrepressible creator of Buttons and
   Browser has come up with a new hack: it anti-aliases all text
   on the Mac's screen, which makes tiny text legible and large
   text smoother; requires either Postscript or TrueType fonts and
   a monitor capable of showing at least 16 grays.
  16     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Extension that logs each boot of the Mac it's installed on to
   a file called BootLog's Log of Boots.
   6     11/7/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Use the caps lock key to turn help balloons on and off.
   4     5/28/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This tiny extension (INIT) requires System 7 and an ADB Extended
   keyboard with control and Help keys.  Basically, you can press
   control-Help to toggle Balloon Help on and off! Now, instead of
   leaving BH on or off all the time, you can normally leave it off;
   when you want help about something, point at it and then press
   control-Help to see a balloon.  Press control-Help again, its off.
   Message rjc@um.cc.umich.edu with any problems.
   5      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Under the System 7 Finder, if you hold down the command key as you
   click on the title of a folder window, a pop-up menu appears
   containing the folder's parents. Hierarchy does away with the need
   to hold down the command key.
  13     2/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gives menu on the apps menu for quiting, etc applications.
  26     2/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Automate many repetitive aspects of writing HyperCard scripts.
  21     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Adds to the standard Open File dialog a display of the icon of the
   file/folder currently selected.
  12    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change your windows to have small title bars and small borders.
   They also will have an extra button in the title bar, next to the
   close button, which "iconifies" the window when you click on it.
   Formerly IconWDEF.
  30      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Cause startup ICONs to wrap when they reach the edge of the screen.
  29    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make the action taken by the capslock key obsolete for all the
   alphabetic characters.  This might sound strange, but a lot of
   European Powerbook users will be happy to have this extension.
   Some keyboard (e.g. AZERTY) have numbers on the top row which are
   only accessible through the shift key.
   5     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Speed up IIsi Macs only, by preventing use of the 1Mb RAM bank for
   anything other than screen or Macsbug.
  74      5/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Got a pesky glitch that you think is caused by an init/ cdev
   incomatability?  This init creates a text document which lists
   patches, globals, vbl tags, drivers and shutdown code changes.
   Now compatible with System 7.  Not without it's bugs/glitches, but
   very useful on the whole.
   8    11/22/90   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Rapidly & repeatedly reverses the "You May Turn Off Your Mac
   Safely" screen (where most screensavers don't work) to remind you
   to shut your Mac down before you leave.
   2    11/16/91    BinHex4.0
   Patches up the Irwin Magnetic XL 20/25 accellerator so your SE
   will realize it really does have an FPU.
   31     7/21/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A program to play sounds over a network on a remote machine.
   Along the same practical-joke lines as NetBunny.  Includes
   8     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Miss being able to use System 6 and single-click on the
   application menu icon to switch in-between layers when using
   System 7? This INIT re-introduces the feature. (Requires System 7)
  23     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   View a list of all active applications and switch to any
   application using only the keyboard   UNRELATED to the cdev of
   the same name used to change the current keyboard layout.
  26     7/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   When you print to a non-available LaserWriter (turned off, not
   connected to the correct network), the document will be delayed
   indefinately in the PrintMonitor Documents folder.
  34      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This init keeps track of what applications are launched when, and
   for how long.  Useful if you need to bill your time or just for
   recordkeeping.  Highly configurable, extensive docs.
   6     9/10/92    BinHex4.0
   Tiny little INIT to make your cursor point in the other direction.
  23      6/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Ensure that all Macintoshes in a zone have their clocks set
   correctly (and identically).

1809     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A free extension from Farallon which allows you to use one
   of Timbuktu Pro's finer features, you can view what's going
   on another machine's screen.  Works as a standalone applet or
   as a Netscape plug-in.
  23    11/11/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Under System 7.5, puts correct Macintosh model icon and designation
   in "About this Macintosh" dialog.  v1.1 is a fat binary for 680x0 and
  40     5/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A heavily patched version of MacPPP 2.01 which adds a lot of
   useful functionality, such as the ability to work in the
   backgorund, ask for userid and password, indicator for how
   many dial attempts have been made, putting the status box
   in a more intuitive position, etc.
  27      6/20/90   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Your Mac makes a very loud regurgitation when you eject your disk.
  48      7/1/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The driver for use with the MacRecorder sound recording system.
 119    3/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
  Automatically swap in a MacTCP Prep file from a group of pre-configured
  prep files, eliminating the hassle of swapping in different
  versions of the prep file when you move your Mac from location to
  66    2/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows you to use Mac Cut n' Paste more elegantly w/ online services.
   Rather than getting character overflow, you'll be allowed to paste
   regularly (doesn't presever format).  Very useful for email and
   3     3/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Moves each item in the menu bar over to the left a few pixels
   (hardly noticeable), but gives you more room for SuperClock, and
   other icons in the right side.
  74     1/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Written by Matt Slot (fperfect@umich.edu), it gives you a nice window
   w/ memory info.  Also a buf fix to Sys 7.1 (required).
  14     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Select ANY menu item, even disabled ones.
   3     3/11/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Here's another little INIT I wrote that has been lurking in my
   System Folder for a while. All it does it allow events during menu
   drags/selections. No noticeable problems, although if you have a
   program in the background doing animation, it will probably
   overwrite (overdraw?) menus.
   8     6/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Increase the menu and window title font size to 14 points.
  36     5/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display the current moon phase at the screen bottom at startup 
  35     9/15/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This init, once installed, will keep track of the number of MILES
   your mouse has travelled on screen. It's an init/application
   package, so launch the application (which works just fine under
   Multifinder) to use.  The top odometer shows how far you've gone
   since Mouse Odometer installation, the bottom shows how far you've
   gone since booting up.
  80     1/23/92    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Pick up a window and if you are blind (or faking it), your Mac
   will voice off a most useful declaration.
  12     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Waits for Apple Events targeted at Think Reference, and
   resends them to QuickView/Toolbox Assistant.  Only reroutes
   'REF ' and 'TMPL'.
  30      6/7/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Displays a different Murphy's Law at start-up time.
   9     9/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows you to type in a name (instead of having "empty folder")
   when you click on NEW FOLDER in the finder; for System7.
   5     7/24/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Allows you to type in a name (instead of having "empty folder")
   when you click on NEW FOLDER in the finder.
  71     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Causes the display from the built-in video appear narrower at the
   normal 21 inch resolution of 1152 x 810.  Designed to work with
   E-Machines 1611 monitor (and others).  Uses less memory & cpu time,
   no patched traps, and works on newer Macs...
  45     7/14/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This one's called "Net Bunny 2.5, The Smell of Lawsuit".  Includes
   the init and a  little "Energizer" application, which you should
   only launch in a secluded room somewhere.
  16     4/15/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An extension designed to work with Netscape.  Now you can print
   (or save) PART of a document from the Browser instead of having
   to Print/Save the entire thing.

   6     8/21/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Permits keyboard juggling of windows and  applications in system
   7.  Command Tab rotates windows, Command-Option Tab rotates apps.
  13      4/3/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Restart your computer instead of shutting it down when you select
   "Shut Down" from the Finder.  For labs where the Macs should be on
   all the time.
   9     9/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Remove the Help menu from the menu bar.
   9      8/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Speed up the closing of windows in the Finder.
   7      8/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Prevents accidental erasure of disks in the Finder; "Erase disk"
   command in the Special menu appears dimmed, unless you hold down
   a "hot key"  while pulling down the menu; requires System7; free.
   8    11/20/90    BinHex4.0
   Show what you think of Big Blue in this startup icon/ screen.
  23      7/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Frustrated with downer dialog boxes?  This extension changes
   all the negative dialogs to  positives and then puts a "Not" into
   the OK button position.  Wayne and Garth would be proud.
 272      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This 68K & PowerMac native extension (and application combo) 
   listens for a finger connection and gives notification of
   new email; requires at least System 7.0, MacTCP 1.1,
   Eudora 1.4 (optional), POP account on a UNIX or VMS machine.
   v 3.0 now supports MacSLIP and Open Transport.
   4      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Prevent programs from recognizing RAM doubler as virtual memory.
   32     5/9/91    BinHex4.0
   Keep the volume down with this one... and/or install in your Mac
   to attract attention.  Every 10 - 20 minutes, you'll hear a
   bloodcurdling scream.
 336      1/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Add keyboard shortcuts for actions normally done with the mouse:
   switch applications, activate, hide, move, zoom windows, and more.
   Includes an application for customizing the features of the 
   6     3/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Navigate through folders in the Finder more easily.  When not
   renaming something, hitting the space bar opens the currently
   selected item.  When renaming, the space bar acts normally.
   5     7/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Hit a modifier key when you select balloon help... now, when you
   point with the modifier key hit down, you see it's balloon.
  15     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Hold down the option key and the scroll bar works backwards.
   You have to move the mouse to change scrolling direction.
  14     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Close windows by dragging them outside the desktop screen;
   useful for closing a window which is not the front window.
  22     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is a small System Extension that will automatically open a 
   floating windoid whenever you open a MacPPP connection.  
   The PPPfloater windoid has two functions: it will provide you 
   with a button that will "soft close" the connection ("hard close" 
   if you option+click the button), and it willso display the amount 
   of time you have been online since the connection was last opened.
  24     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Iconic system menu (like the Help menu) that appears on the right
   side of the menu bar, with scripts as menu items: choose an item
   from the menu and the script will run. Some commands are always
   available, and some are only available within particular apps.
   Uses scripts from any OSA compliant scripting language
   (AppleScript, Userland Frontier, QuicKeys 3, tclScript, etc.).
 373    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create a system-wide hierarchical menu somewhat like the
   Apple menu; launch apps and docs, do things such as Restart,
   Delete, File Info, execute FKEYs, use the menu to select a
   file or folder; 1.8 changes: more scriptability, bugs fixed;
   requires System 7, has some PowerPC code.
  89      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep track of applications and desk accessories that are open.
   When processes are quit, it writes to a file, showing info on when
   each process was started, the total time it ran, and the average
   CPU usage of the process.  Optionally record all keystrokes.
  59     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   It picks a secret word, and if you type the word in any program,
   your Mac will yell at you.  For viewers of Pee Wee's Playhouse.
  34    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Place in the Clipboard a 'PICT' screenshot representing the actual
   elements drawn, rather than a bitmap (raster) image.
   8     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Pledge is a simple extension that removes user-specified files
   whenever your Mac starts up, to keep your desktop Shiny Clean
   (and Lemon-Fresh).
  42     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   When you unplug the PowerBook (Portable, Duo, etc.), it will show a
   message alerting that the plug has been removed.
   3     10/3/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Drop into the debugger by pressing control-escape.  Useful for
   Powerbooks, which don't have either a power key or an interrupt
 124     8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   You know the diner scene in _When Harry Met Sally_?  This init
   makes your PowerBook play the audio from that scene when you plug
   in the battery charger.  Is this sexual harassment?  DON'T ask
   on comp.sys.mac.system...
  60     4/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple utility that allows monitoring of several printers and
   their status.
  10     5/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Monitor the progress of the PrintMonitor application, and display
   an alert box when the PrintMonitor has completed sending the
   current print job to the printer.
  14     9/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Print the entire screen or a portion thereof.
  56     5/10/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep a log of a Mac's printing.  This init creates a text document
   that lists document names, time/date, pages, etc.  The fields are
   tab delimtied.
  44     2/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   At your command, hide all the files and folders on your startup
   disk.  Later, also on your command, unhide them again.
  24      4/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An init/fkey combination that makes those Prodigy sessions a bit
   easier.  Allows access to unlimited files during a session, allows
   upload of TEXT files for bulletins/mesages, more.
   4      7/4/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Every programmers friend, this init turns the normally useless
   Power key into a powerful function key.  Hit Cmd-Pkey to
   Interrupt, or Cmd-Shift-Pkey to Reset.  Two other combinations, as
   5     4/10/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Open and close icons in the Finder by pressing return and delete.
  23      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Jot down notes you can later read with any text editor.
   Requires System 7.
  25     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep PowerBooks from making the usual chime at startup.
   9     1/16/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Enhance the performance of floating point calculations if your
   Macintosh is equipped with a 68881 or 68882 co-processor.
  14      7/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep your RAM Disk in sync with a folder on your hard disk.
   Requires: System 7.0 and a RAM Disk capable Mac.
   8    11/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Here's a nifty little system extension that uses the LEDs on the 
   Apple Extended Keyboard to display memory usage.
  19     4/13/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This INIT allows you to have a randomly selected startup screen,
   startup sound, and more.

  50      8/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A System 7 only extension which randomly chooses full and
   empty icons to substitute for the trashcan, and it does
   this without mucking around with the System file.
   7     3/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Version 1.0 allows you to drag window bitmaps instead of merely
   window outlines.  Hold down the option key for outline dragging.
   Cute, although not perfect; overwrites background and doesn't
   refresh window if dragged off then back on screen.  Freeware.
  12      4/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make THINK Reference 2.0 easier to use if you have System 7.
   Control-option-double-click on a word in a text editor or word
   processor, and the word will be looked up in THINK Reference 2.0.
   7     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make Replace the default button when saving a file to the same
   name as another file.
   3     2/10/90    BinHex4.0
   Flips the screen colors on B/W Macs so that people who like more
   white-on-black lettering (such as those who have 'converted') can
   have it.  DOESN'T WORK ON COLOR MACS (so, nyaa). Actually, it
   looks like it's just impotent on color Macs, when I tried it on a
   IIx, there was no appreciable change.
  30    10/18/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Sound input driver that allows serially connected microphones to
   input sound.  Works with 6.07 and up.
   7     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Blank the screen and requests a password whenever a sleeping Mac is
   awakened.  Only runs on PowerBooks (and Portables).
  16      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Cut down on the excessive hard disk hits experienced in some
   circumstances on AV Macs.
   6      9/8/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A terrific little Extension that makes the Finder's Get Info command
   much more useful. For applications, it will display an icon showing how
   System 7 savvy an application is and whether or not it's 32-bit clean.
   How did we ever live without it?
  15     10/3/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Hold down the spacebar when you start up and this init will
   immediately display a dialog to the effect that it loaded and then
   will shut your computer down.  Designed to get you through airport
   security faster.
   7     7/26/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Suprise!  Change the screen depth (how many colors can your
   monitor display) by hitting the control key, doing a mousedown and
   selecting from the pop-up menu.
  11     2/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Randomly select a startup screen from a folder called "Screens" in
   your System Folder and make it the next startup screen.
  19    11/10/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set of INITs that patch the SCSI drivers to make the  Mac access
   hard disks faster by waiting for the disk  less.  Works ONLY on
   Mac Plusses!  Comes with docs.  Works only with systems BEFORE
   System 7
  17     7/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Set of INITs that patch the SCSI drivers to make the  Mac access
   hard disks faster by waiting for the disk  less.  Works ONLY on
   Mac Plusses!  Comes with docs.  Works only with System 7 or later.
  51    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Allow open windows to be seen when viewing the Desktop from any of
   the standard file dialogs (open, save, etc).
   9     4/27/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Add a popup menu (containing the names of all the windows open in
   the Finder) to "Open" and "Save As..." dialogs.
   3     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Disable the software that makes the PowerBook go click whenever
   sound is used. After the first click, it will never click again.
   7     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Hold down the shift key while throwing files in the trash to
   immediately delete them.
  42      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Hold down the 'end' key during startup to cause your Mac to shut
   down immediately.  Includes THINK C source.
   6    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Cause all attached screens to fade to black at shutdown.
  31     4/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Picks a random effect from 16 built-in effects to clear your screen
   at shutdown. Works on all types of monitors, on all types of Macs.
  19     6/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play a movie when you Shutdown and/or Restart.  All you need is 
   QuickTime, System 7, this extension, and your favorite movie
   in the System Folder.  One can be named "ShutDownMovie", another
   can be named "RestartMovie".
  27      7/4/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Display just about any picture (PICT format) just as you restart
   or shutdown.
  21     3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quickens the dragging and resizing of windows.

  16    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Keep AppleTalk turned on without actually needing any real 
   physical network connection.
  21    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Clear the screen with a cool graphic effect when your Mac goes to
  11     8/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   View your desktop by small icon, name, kind, or type; not very
   practical with System7 since it forces the desktop to be viewed
   by Icon on startup.
 151     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A personal reminderpackage that lets you set up to 1600 alarms,
   each with its own message.  Formerly commercial, now freeware.
  16     6/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Draws a number on a folder's generic icon (doesn't draw over custom
   icons) representing the number of files within the folder.
  35     3/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make the computer sniff and cough descretely every now and then.
   It makes a great subtle practical joke!
   5     2/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Fix a problem when using Timbuktu Pro 1.0 to control a Mac that
   does not have a monitor attached (a "headless server").
  12     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Control the volume level of your Mac at any time by using hotkeys.
  3     10/18/91    BinHex4.0
   Disks that have had bad sectors zeroed out with System 7
   initialization now appear with a little bandaid (works with 6.05,
   6.07 and System 7...)
   8      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Use the Speech Manager to say the contents of notification boxes.
  16     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Cause your mouse to move at twice its normal speed.
   9    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Check all of the currently mounted drives for a Desktop file that
   is older than 15 days.  If one is found, it will bring up a dialog,
   telling you how old the Desktop file is and ask you if you would
   like it rebuilt.
   5     3/13/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Deactivate the System Beep.  Different from setting the Sound level
   to 0 -- there is no flashing menu bar, no beep, nothing.  Includes
   THINK C source.
  4      7/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Increase the size of the System stack on 68000-based machines
   (Plus, SE, Classic, etc.) from 8K to 24K. May reduce frequency of
   System Error #28, if that is a problem for you.  Version 0.9
   4     7/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   You can shift-select (mulitple) documents now while in the
   standard get file dialog box.  For System 7 and up Macs...
  25     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Activate and deactivate fonts at startup in a manner similar to
   Extensions Manager.  REQUIRES System 7.1.  Many improvements since
   version 1.0.0.
   9      3/9/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Plays a QuickTime movie on startup time.  For System 6.0.7 and up.
  18    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play a sound over and over until all other extensions have loaded
   and the Finder comes out.
  11     9/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Have a random startup screen (displayed when you start up your
   Macintosh while system extensions are loading).
  10     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Simulate having a "lock" button on your mouse.  By quickly clicking
   in the menubar, the Macintosh will be made to think that the mouse
   button is still down.  Release the button by clicking again.  Useful
   for navigating neeply-nested hierarchival menus, for example.
   3    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A tiny little INIT that enables FKEYs even while the mouse is down.
   Useful for taking screen snapshots with menus pulled down.
  23    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Cause your mouse to move discretely instead of continuously.
   5     7/26/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Logs startup and shutdown times in a file.
  40      1/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Extension intended to be used as a practical joke on someone's mac.
   Basically, it continuously restarts the mac. Includes instructions
   on how to install it the normal way, as well as how to install it
   so that it cannot be bypassed with the shift key (and of course how
   to remove it).
 297     1/30/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   On the outside, it seems a lot like colorfinder... it puts color
   icons on your desktop.  Only this one uses ICL8 resources (which
   is what System 7.0 will be using) It also allows you to colorize
   the pointer & watch cursors to your liking.
   5      9/6/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Patches the menu bar code to fix problems with the  handling of
   menu bar updates by certain programs. With documentation.
  87    10/1/95     BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Will save your keystrokes to a file, in case of crash,
   or other unexpected thing that prevents your keystrokes from
   being saved normaly (ie- you forget to save your ClarisWorks

  29    12/10/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An init (comes with an application which does the same thing, as
   well) that shows how the memory "heap" is distributed among the
   applications and system. Various colors/patterns are for
   free/locked/purgable space.
  32     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Select which drive to boot from at startup time.
 165      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A control panel/extension pair that monitors the startup 
   process, displaying the name and number of bytes
   of memory each system extension allocates from the System
   heap.  Also allows setting of sets of extensions to be loaded at
   startup, much like Extensions Manager.
  28      5/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   If a system error is encountered, your Macintosh will beep three
   times and then go to the Finder; v1.2 records time/date/ID number
   of error (as promised!).
   9     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Logs the date, time, remark to a file when Mac is powered-up, -down.
  29      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Switch between running processes using the keyboard.
   7     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Patch TextEdit so that triple-clicking selects entire lines.
   Includes assembly source.
   8     3/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This init redefines and refines what happens when you double-click
   while editing text.  The old way, when you double click on a file
   name or word, the whole word is highlighted.. with this init, it
   finds "boundaries".. such as periods or other symbols, and
   highlights to that point.
  19     4/10/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Fix a minor cosmetic bug in TextEdit.
  69     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   TCP/IP connectivity for the TeleFinder/User and TeleFinder Pro
   client software.
  25    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Add a Chooser name to the Mac a user is working on.  The idea is
   that print banner page will have a real name on it, instead of a
   generic name.
  30      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Make the small line showing where text is inserted thicker
   and easier to see; user's choice of init or patch; works
   only on Microsoft Word 5.1a.
  14     7/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Put your THINK C or THINK Pascal compiles into the background
   under System 7.
  58     3/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Add features to Symantec's Project Manager 6.0 and 6.0.1.
   Extendable by writing your own externals.
 109      1/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Plays one of two soundclips when you Mac boots up, but ONLY on
   Thursday!  Cute, eh?
 180     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make your Mac speak the time using a digitized voice.  Requires
   System 7 and uses the Sound Manager 3.0 if present.
   Includes THINK Pascal source.
  36      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Turns the titlebar of a window into a pop-up menu.
  44     5/25/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Tear off menus in any application.  Can tear  hierarchials as
   well.  Great for large monitors.  Now compatible with System 7
  15     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A duplicate of Apple's default  Ethernet LAP that implements
   loopback properly and installs a Gestalt selector that allows
   application programs to perform Raw IP writes and filter all
   incoming IP packets.
   6     8/14/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Designed for use with those init/cdev managers that  change the
   creator/file types of inits to xini or  another name.  Maintains
   icons and info (in the info box).
   6    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Changes your cursor into a TNG, DS9, or Voyager type
   commbadge.  Based on the original Color Cursor!
   3     9/18/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An init which fixes some bugs that might occur with the Kensington
   Turbo Mouse and Apple System Software (version 6.05).
  28     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Randomly play sounds in the background while you use your computer.
   Comes with soothing bird sounds, but you can change the them.
 186      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Give CodeWarrior a new menu containing tools with easy-to-
   write resources; v4.0 has nices Finder, fixes, works through
   multi-environment problems.
  11     9/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fade your screen after inactivity.  Requires System 7.0 and a
   monitor that can be gamma-faded.
   8      7/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A MacHack to place random accents over every vowel. Includes MPW C
   8      6/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Provides a means to cusomize the way the  System 7 Finder opens
   documents (what the default application is).
  17     6/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play a movie as your System Beep; requires System 7 and QuickTime;
   v1.1 cleaned up code and fixed a few bugs; removed expiration code.
  20     4/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play with the lights on the Apple Extended Keyboard, bouncing them
   back and forth.
   3     3/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Here's a little INIT I tossed together one night a few months ago
   that will "warp" (move) the arrow cursor to the default button
   (usually OK or Cancel) of a dialog box when it shows.  Patches the
   ModalDialog trap, so won't work with non-standard dialogs (such as
   Microsofts).  Shouldn't cause any problems, though.
  16     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An extension that recognizes MSDOS disks when inserted and raises a
   modified dialog.  No more "This is not a Macintosh disk.  Erase?"
  23    12/31/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Use the keyboard to switch between all of the windows you've
   opened, across all the application programs youUre using.

 256     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Don't you hate it when you have an open application window buried
   under dozens of others?  This control panel/extension pair
   pops a menu of open windows up for you to select from.

 240     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The Japanese version of WindowMenu, which displays a menu of
   open windows for you to select and bring to the front.
   8    11/18/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Hit CMD/mouse button while the cursor is on a  windowbar title and
   a list of all the open windows appears.  You can click on the
   window name and  it comes to the top.
  35    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Add a new menu to bring any window in any application to the front.
  18     2/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Neatly stack your open windows to leaf through them more easily.
  46     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Click the title bar of any window (with the appropriate modifier
   keys) and get a pop-up menu that allows you to activate any
   window in any open application.
   8      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Change the view in a Finder window by clicking on the appropriate
   portion of the window, just like in System 7.  Works only with
   System 6.
   6    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change the view in a Finder window from 'by icon' to 'by name' by
   clicking in an appropriate part of the window.  Requires System 7.
  11      1/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make your font menus list your fonts in their actual typefaces.
   Even works with Microsoft applications...wow!
   8      6/13/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An init that allows Wolfenstein 3D to run at 320x200 with 2x2 pixel
   replication.  Similar to VGA on a PC.  Fatbinary.  System 7.0 or greater
   5     5/23/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Fixes a problem with Microsoft Word (versions 4 & up) with
   TrueType fonts and quickdraw-based printers (such as StyleWriter
   and Personal LaserWriter LS).
  12     1/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tiny INIT that makes your cursor wrap around the screen if it goes
   off the edge.  Works with multiple monitors, reqruies System 7.
   6     4/10/94    BinHex4.0
   Speed up disk access by disabling the cache on writes of 1K or
  16     5/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   When you Restart or Shutdown, the same applications will be running
   when you start up again.  Requires System 7.
 164     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Speed up your Mac's window opening routine up to 600%.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 720      1/2/96    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   Installs a 68K, PowerPC, or works-on-everything version of
   Brown U's TN3270 program.  This version supports the Drag
   Manager, no longer uses the config.tel file, and other nice

  40    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Converts alpha phone numbers such as 800-SO-APPL into their
   nuimeric equivalent.  Shareware, $5

1727     8/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Demo Fidonet gateway, compression and mailer software for
   Macintosh BBS systems.
 672       8/3/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Anarchie is an FTP and Archie client.  It will let you browse FTP
   sites, download files, or find them using an archie server. It 
   includes a menu listing all the Archie servers, as well as FTP
   bookmarks for all the popular Macintosh FTP sites (including around
   40 mirrors to UMich and Info-Mac).  Lots of enhancements to make
   it easier to use.
  22      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Changes the look of Anarchie 1.6's FTP windows to be exactly
   the same size as the Archie windows; free.
  79     3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Control Panel and directions to have your Macintosh
   automatically startup when you receive a FAX.  Requires a
   Macintosh w/ a Soft Power Switch and the Apres Control

 241    6/15/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   This allows you to use your AOR AR8000 wide band receiver and
   computer interface to do neat things.  Shareware $30.
  69    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display a status bar showing the state of AppleTalk Remote Access
   with a way to control this state: if your are connected to a remote
   host, you have a "Disconnect" button on the right of the status
   bar, else you have a popup of connection files.
  55    12/16/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Query an Archie server to find files that are available via
   anonymous ftp.  Requires MacTCP.

  34     5/10/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   NCSA Telnet plugin (for versions 2.7b4 and higher) that will allow
   one to encrypt and/or authenticate to certain telnet hosts using
   Kerberos. Requires the Auth Man program, unavailable from the Mac
 170     7/24/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Dial up one of 7 time servers worldwide to set your Mac's time
   precisely. This version fixes some bugs, especially with Australian
   time servers.
  30     3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Changes your signature in Eudora. You can drag and drop a text
   file onto Autograph and it'll change your Eudora signature to
   that. If you tell it to make a TEXT file into a signature, the
   next time you double-click on the file, the signature in Eudora
   will be changed to it; now you can have *random* sigs!
  48      9/8/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Same thing as Autograph (which changes your signature in
   Eudora), only this app has been localized to the Sweedish language.
  12     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Automagically sends file(s) to a pre-determined e-mail address.
   A Eudora script.  Can be used for mailing groups.

 198      7/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A utility for the MailShare package (also available on the archive).
   With this package, you can have an auto-response system for e-mail,
   vacation mail and a listserver.  Text and HTML documentation
   is included.
  80     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Script for Peter Lewis' Anarchie program which allows a user
   to batch-download a list of files from an FTP server; is
   customizable, integrated with Anarchie's bookmarks, uses
  10     2/20/85    BinHex2.0
   Converts Macintosh files of any kind into a text file which can then
   be uploaded to MTS.  That text file contains all the information
   necessary in order to reconstruct the original file.  Use this
   program to convert any files of type "BinHex4.0" (listed in this
   !INDEX) back into their original Macintosh form. CO/BINHEX4 is
   version 4.0 of BinHex, however it is encoded in BinHex2.0 format so
   that those with the older version can upgrade to 4.0.  Version 4.0
   is required in order to decompress 4.0 files.  Version 2.0 will not
   work on any files other than CO/BINHEX4.

 588     2/4/96      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A VT100/VT220 terminal emulator which includes support for
   AppleScript; xmodem, ymodem, zmodem file transfers.  Looks
   pretty slick.
 512      2/29/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   BulkRate is an offline reader for FirstClass BBSs that runs on the 
   Macintosh.  It can capture messages for offline reading and replying, 
   and can automatically retrieve attached files for you.
 747      1/28/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   CallerID Remote allows any Macintosh user, with a SupraModem capable
   of callerID reception, to maintain a database of incoming calls,
   displayed with the caller's name, phone number, time of call, and date
   of call.  CIDR also allows a pager user to have some or all
   callerID data transmitted to his or her pager.  Requires 2MB RAM,
   SupraModem with CallerID feature, CallerID service from local
   phone company.
  90       9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Serve as a primitive IRC (Internet Relay Chat) host for
   multiple online discussions; requires MacTCP.
 357      9/2/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Transfer messages and files between networked Macs.  Free for 3
   users.  Can also create chat rooms as in online services.  

 198       9/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Send real time text messages to other computers running Chatter
   on an AppleTalk network.  Includes an extension which notifies you
   of connection requests when Chatter isn't running.
1007      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   An application (which looks and acts remarkably like Hypercard)
   which provides a "rolodex" like way to access communications
   services (like Telnet, ftp, etc.).  Allows AppleScripting,
   drag & dropping between windows, multiple protocols, etc.
   Can be "locked" to allow novice users a headache free way
   to navigate into where you want them to be.  Includes a bunch
   of Comm Toolbox tools and a couple fonts.

   3     5/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Anarchie and Fetch bookmarks to the shareware Control Strip
   Modules Archive.
  44     3/10/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   CTerm allows your Mac to talk to IBM mainframes as if your Mac was
   a 3270 Terminal.  You need System 7 or the Communications Toolbox
 237    10/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A TCP based version of the Un*x "finger" command.  Check login
   status, address, etc. of people on remote machines.
 611     8/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   DALgate.acgi is an acgi (Asynchronous Common Gateway Interface) 
   to be used with WebSTAR 1.2 or later.  DALgate connects WebSTAR 
   to a the Butler SQL server and returns results on-screen or by 
   sending mail with Eudora.
 368      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This submission contains the distribution of dataComet, a
   Telnet application for the Mac derived from Comet.   
   dataComet4.1.7A works well with Open Transport, providing an 
   upgrade path for users of Comet. 
 391    2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A serial interface for the mac explicitly for communication to 
   the PK-232.  It's target is (amateur radio operators) who need a 
   free packet interface.  DogXRay utilizes the communications 
   toolbox and requires the Apple Serial tool is required (not included).
 584   10/27/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Exchange files between any two macs *anywhere* on the Internet;
   easy to set up, easy to use. Requires System 7 and MacTCP; much
   like FTP, but for Macs.  Includes Drag & Drop utility to transfer
   files easily to the remote Mac, and compresses files "on the fly"
 61      8/3/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PPP 'watchdog' monitors unexpected or too long PPP
   connections and allows user intervention to continue,
   close, or choose a time delay; if no one is 'home',
   then it will perform a PPP hard close, update a log
   and open it for viewing at next user session.
 354      7/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create personalized greeting cards and attach them to out-going
   email; recipient opens the 'card' by clicking on the attached file;
   will pass through any on-line system, according to author.
 33     9/26/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A HyperCard stack that reads messages contained in Eudora mailboxes
   into a single tab- delimited field, return-delimited record file,
   ready for importing into a spreadsheet or database.
 18     3/19/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Eudora applescript that uses PlainTalk voice extension to
  announce arrival of new mail.  Requires Jon's Commands OSAX,
  Eudora 1.5.1 or better, AppleScript, Speech Manager.
  48     3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Makes connecting w/ Eudora AppleScripted.
  13     8/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Creates a file in which you can put lines that you want included
   in your Eudora email headers.

 644     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The freeware version of Eudora, which allows you to receive
   and send mail from your Macintosh via a POP server.
   No more mainframe editors or terminal emulators!  Fat binary.
 156     8/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scripts to integrate pgp into eudora.  Requires PGP and Eudora.
  49      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   AppleScripts to integrate MacPGP into Euudora.  Requires PGP and
   Eudora Pro.
   4     8/19/95    BinHex4.0
   Allows you to change the character you use when quoting other 
   people. All you have to do is drop it in your Eudora Folder and 
   then go to the "Settings"

   7     6/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

  A Eudora settings file that allows you to change the "From:" line
  in the header. Includes minor bug fixes.
  87     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Utility imports several file formats into Claris Emailer; can
   be used to burst digests in Emailer; supported formats include
   Eudora, Z-Mail, Pine, rmail, vm, techmail, and NewsWatcher.
  60    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Takes the currently selected message in EasyView, copies
   it, parses it to extract headers/body, creating a Eudora 
   reply message with quotes; requires EasyView 2.6 or more,
   EudoraLite or Pro, Jon's Commands, Regular Expressions,
   and Tokenize.
   4    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Works with the "Fast MAC V.34" modem to get around the
   problem of it not supporting MNP 10 compression; works
   with ARA 1.0 and 2.0.
 208    10/23/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Lets you read and reply to email brought in by the Unix to Unix
   Copy Protocol (uucp)
   Requires at least a uucp connection of some sort.

1715     5/22/02   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   MacOS FTP client that works under System 7 up to OS X.  You can
   move files between Macintoshes, remote UNIX or Windows machines.
   Handles scripting, URL's, resuming downloads, etc.
  72    11/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Show lists of running processes and open files on a Mac when
   queried from a UNIX host.
 506     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A client application which will allow you to hook up (via
   AppleTalk or modem) to First Class Bulletin Board systems.
   Version 2.6 includes the ability to connect over TCP/IP if
   if the remote server supports TCP/IP.
 900     9/25/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A client application which will allow you to hook up (via
   AppleTalk or modem) to First Class Bulletin Board systems.
   This copy is the italian language translation.  Also includes
   all the modem strings needed for Italian lines.  Fat Binary.

 528     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Communications module for BBS programs.  Replaces TabbyNet and Call
   modules for Tabby and Copernicus.  Also can be used with CounterPoint,
   MacWoof, Alice, Aeolus and Pizza.  Demo expires after 11/96, allows
   sessions no longer than 15 minutes, and only one call per event.

 576     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Communications module which improves performance of a FidoNet
   point.  It can be used as a replacement for the Call module
   of Copernicus, and also can be used with CounterPoint, MacWoof,
   Alice and Pizza.  The demo stops working 30 days after it's first
   used, sessions can't be longer than 15 minutes, and the program
   expires after November of 1996, regardless.

 384     5/21/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   The latest *release* version of FreePPP, it is a non-Merit/UM 
   version of the Point to Point Protocol program (PPP) which 
   allows connections to a TCP/IP network (such as the internet) 
   using a modem.  Once connected to the net, you may use all
   TCP/IP-aware programs like Fetch, Netscape, Eudora, etc.
   Supports Open Transport and many other goodies.  Unfourtunately, 
   it won't safely use most things written for earlier versions.
  33    11/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An application which replaces the Config PPP control panel
   in FreePPP, resulting in improved reliability.

 332      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows Microphone II (version 5.x) users to take better 
   advantage of GEnie (that fading-fast online service).  Allows
   you to retrieve bulletin board and e-mail messages automatically
   to be read off-line, as well as lots of navigation helps and
  17      7/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An extension for EasyView or BBEdit which calls 
   MacWeb or Anarchie to decode and retrieve files
   or directory listings using URLs.
   8      8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Modification of the "GetURL" and "GetURL/Netscape" extensions;
   instead of displaying a page saying "Click here to get that
   URL", will load the page automatically; requires Netscape1.1
   or higher.
  75     8/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   When used with MacHTTP, will allow server to send animated sequences
   of GIF images.
 329     8/11/95    BinHqx4.0,CompactPro1.51

   Display Global Positioning System (GPS) data on your mac.  
   Requires a Sony IPS-3000 GPS Module to use.  Inculdes instructions 
   on how to make the Mac to IPS-3000 interface.

  19     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Anarchie bookmarks; v.2.01b has a few more sites and a couple
   of corrected addresses.
  28    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Send messages to other users on a network.
 208        9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   ICScriptor is a collection of pieces which allow one to access
   the Internet Config preferences from an OSA compliant scripting
   language.  If the previous sentence doesn't make any sense to you,
   then  you do NOT need ICScriptor!
 200      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A mailer application for use by Radio Amateurs in a TCP/IP
   environment.  To be used with /mac/util/comm/netmac.
  68      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Anarchie bookmarks for Info-Mac sites; contains complete
   directory structure of main site. (Should I say something
   here about there being no need for these when you have
   the great mac.archive around? *grin*)
  19    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Diary for WWW and FTP addresses; v1.1 has new card manager,
   manages URL format, more.
 111     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keep track of time spent on internet accounts; useful for
   tracking long distance phone use or time spent on client
   accounts; tracks cumulative use and day and month use,
   automatically estimates session and cumulative costs, much
   more; requires System 7 or later.
 114     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   German language version of of Internet Logger (see description
   at /mac/util/comm/internetlogger1.02.sit.hqx .
  12    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 3Com Terminal Server InterSLIP script. for use with InterSLIP.
  21      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two InterSLIP scripts:  The "Generic Modem Driver" script supports
   just about any type of modem and is superior to InterSLIP's built-
   in "Hayes Compatible" setting.  The "Generic Gateway" script
   supports a number of SL/IP hosts, including The Internet Adapter
   5      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Dialing script (CCL) for InterSLIP. Better than built-in script
   in that it works better with all modems, displays status and error
   messages, hangs up properly, and redials when busy.
  80      3/3/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A small application that works w/ InterSLIP (required) to keep
   track of how much time you spend on your SLIP account.
  40    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays the current IP network address on desktop; 
   requires System 7 and an IP network driver such as MacTCP
   or OpenTransport; scriptable, with examples included.
 440     5/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An Internet Relay Chat client for the Macintosh.  With handy
   windows for multiple channels, the names of the current users on
   the channels, DCC, etc.  Fat binary runs native on both 680x0 and
   PowerPC computers running the MacOS.  $15 shareware
1366     6/25/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An Internet Relay Chat client for the Macintosh.  With handy
   windows for multiple channels, the names of the current users on
   the channels, DCC, etc. The author has assured me that this version
   is as good as a release version and has lots of new features since
   v2.5, like DCC resume, etc.
  27    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Installs a driver which simulates a serial port and an
   attached modem using either an Apple ISDN Nubus card or
   Euronis Planet ISDN Nubus card; connection script for 
   ARA is included.
 784     8/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Sends messages from a Macintosh with a modem to alphanumeric
   pagers using Motorola protocols.  Some features include: Group
   paging, messsage archiving, printed receipts, segmented long
   messages, and online help.  Requires System 6.07 or later, Hayes
   compatible modem.  Some incompatability with Teleport Gold II

 257     2/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Terminal emulator that supports Kermit-protocol file transfer.

 117      8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An application to upload or download data from Global
   Positioning System (GPS) handheld receivers.  FatBinary.
  53     1/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Notify a Mac user when new email comes in on their UN?X account.
 297     9/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows you to get Caller ID information from your Mac, provided that
   you have a modem with Caller ID support and that you subscribe to the
   phone company's Caller ID service.
  46     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An FSP client for the Macintosh.
 276     5/16/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Macintosh port of the GNU UUCP code.  Useful to send and receive
   electronic mail directly from a Macintosh to colleagues on USENET
   and the Internet. Requires a direct Mac-mainframe connection.
1249      5/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Serve hypertext documents to other World Wide Web (WWW) users;
   requires MacTCP.  Includes runtime portions of AppleScript 1.1 and
   FrontMost 1.0 for use only with MacHTTP.  FAT BINARY.
  36      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact3.50
   Communicate with and control an Icom radio. The radio must have a
   CI-V interface port. This is usually obtained with a UX-14 option.
 476     11/22/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A file transfer program with error checking.  Kermit is an error-
   checked file transfer protocol available for the Mac that is
   supported by MTS.  MacKermit is not as elegant as many other
   terminal emulators that support Kermit (Red Ryder, VersaTerm,
   etc.), but it does support "Kermit Server" mode.  It's a beta
   version, but then again, it's been that way for 6 years. 
 199      6/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   UNIX-Mac program to allow multiple shell windows over serial links.
   Includes its own simple terminal program. You need to get the shell
   archive (.shar) file from our util/unix directory and compile it on
   your UNIX system, then fire up this Mac program.
  43      2/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert a UNIX mail file into a series of individual text files,
   each containing one message.

 170    10/4/95     BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Allows you to query, and (if possible) log into a ph server. Comes
   with a long list of ph servers, and can even update it.

  91     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A (non-Merit) version of MacPPP bundled with many useful hacks
   by many programmers; includes improved windows, extended 
   password functionality/background operation, better icons,
   high speed hacks, display of modem connect info; v2.20a fixes
   bug in high-speed port hack, fixes typos.
  99     7/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A version of MacPPP (not an official Merit release, by the way)
   which "bundles" a bunch of additions and modifications that
   people have put together.  Including improved windows, icons,
   extended password functionality and background operation, 
   high speed hacks and display of modem connect info.
  12     7/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   AppleScript Addition allows opening and closing PPP as
   well as checking its status; requires AppleScript.
  84      4/9/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   MacPPP Timer is a utility application to be used with MacPPP that 
   allows you to keep track of how much time you spend on your PPP 
   account. It also has a floating palette that will always be in front 
   of other windows and is a very handy way of controlling both the
   timing features and your connection. 

  17     9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A little program which makes it easy to save and quickly restore
   multiple MacTCP configurations.  This is very useful for PowerBook
   users who carry their computers around and use them in different
   network connections (e.g. SLIP at home and LocalTalk or Ethernet at
   work).  Requires System 7.0 or up.
 386    10/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Find, retrieve, and intelligently process information via the WAIS
   protocol.  Is also EINet-authentication savvy, so is capable of
   communicating with EINet-secured WAIS servers; requires MacTCP.
 117      9/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Connect to an internet weather server and get current weather
   information/forcasts for a specified city; requires MacPlus or
   higher w/System7.0 and MacTCP.
  43     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HyperCard mail notification program for use with UUPC 3.1.
 180      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert mmdf and babyl mail files, and NewsWatcher save files, into
   sendmail format, suitable for use with Eudora. Will also burst
   Eudora digests (if properly formatted).  Requires System 7.
   Changes include better memory management, FATness, support for Mac MS
   mail and more.
 105      6/6/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Internet (SMTP and POP3) mail server for the Macintosh.
   Requires System 7 or later, MacTCP and a Mac Plus or later.
 374      5/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An Internet audioconferencing tool.  Use your Mac's microphone
   to communicate with another person (or a group)!  Fat Binary for
   68K and PowerPC Macs.

 563     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   X.500 Directory client used to get information on people (including
   email addresses) from organizations across the Internet.  Requires
   MacTCP; for use at the University of Michigan only.
 429     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   X.500 Directory client used to get information on people (including
   email addresses) from organizations across the Internet.  Requires
   MacTCP; for use everywhere EXCEPT the University of Michigan.
2744    11/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The MaxTF Combo Package is an integrated Telefinder BBS enhancer 
   system.  The  package includes TF NNTP/FTP Client (allows FTP 
   requests from local dial-up users), Renewal TF (provides caller 
   log display and hourly quotes, etc), Itsy SitC Citer (generates 
   ALLFILES, NEWFILES, and Daily new files lists), File Search Engine 
   (allows fast searches of file descriptions), and the GoodNews NNTP 
   Server!  Due to large size, scheduled for removal 2/12/95.
 168     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Send MIDI data over a telephone line using a modem; connection
   is bidirectional, so two may play simultaneously; allows users
   to type messages back and forth at the same time; not compatible
   with 660AV, 840AV or Power Macintosh.

  33      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An application which allows you to run multiple BBS systems
   with just one phone line (or more).  When users connect to your
   modem, they can be presented with a menu of sites that you run.
   You can also add more nodes to your existing BBS without buying
   a Hurdler card.
  54     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Mpack is a program designed to pack and unpack files into MIME
   (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) standard electronic mail
 236      4/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Provides interactive access from a Macintosh to telnet hosts on
   TCP/IP networks.  Implements DARPA standard telnet.  Allows
   simultaneous connections to many computers across the network, and
   includes a standard FTP server to allow you to transfer files. Full
   featured.  Includes SLIP support.
 369     5/10/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The standard Macintosh telnet program! Emulates vt100, vt220,
   TEK, and some hybrids. Also supports kerberos authentication with
   encryption. Also has a built-in ftp server. FAT Binary.

 384     4/14/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Created for ham-radio operators to use to hook a Macintosh to
   the 'packet-radio' wireless network.  Net/Mac supports TCP/IP
   protocol.  To use it, you'll need a) a ham-radio license,
   b)  a transceiver connected to an antenna, and c) a TNC
   that supports the KISS protocol.

 597     2/29/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Formerly known as FTPd, this fat app sets up your machine to be 
   a Gopher, Web and FTP server (all via one application!).
   Requires System 7, MacTCP or OpenTransport, file sharing
   turned on.  Allows you to log into other AppleShare
   servers on your network, change passwords on those
   logged-in servers, initial directories for users/groups/guests,
   Gopher protocol support (your Mac as a Gopher server, imagine
   that!), remote site access restrictions, MacBinary support.
   Version 4.01 now supports CGI scripts and native Open Transport.
 160     1/18/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An expansion on Chat 2.0.4, with many added features that make it
   suitable for playing RPG's over the Internet.  
  75     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A HyperCard stack to download news articles from a NNTP server and
   save them into digest text files.

 272      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   This 68K & PowerMac native extension (and application combo)
   listens for a finger connection and gives notification of
   new email; requires at least System 7.0, MacTCP 1.1,
   Eudora 1.4 (optional), POP account on a UNIX or VMS machine.
   v 3.0 now supports MacSLIP and Open Transport.

  63      7/21/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This handy little desk accessory will allow you to send alpha/numeric
   pages to anyone who uses a paging company that supports dialup
   transmission of pages via the Motorla TAP protocol
 351    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A BBS system that supports Serial and TCP/IP (telnet in or out) logins,
   usenet capabilities, uucp mail and news, finger daemon in and out,
   and mail (via uucp, smtp or pop); many new features, bug fixes.
  67      8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Takes Pagemaker files, sucks out the text, and makes a slew of
   HTML documents for the web; isn't that neat? Requires at least
   System7.0, HyperCard/Player2.2, AppleScript1.1, ProgressBar1.01,
 293    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An SMTP- (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and POP2/POP3/IMAP2-
   (Post Office Protocol) based electronic mail application.
   Requires MacTCP
 165    10/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A LAP (mdev) driver for MacTCP.  A Mac implementation of PPP, the
   Point-to-Point protocol, which allows you to use TCP/IP over asynch
   serial lines (i.e. modems!).  Allows your Mac at home to be a
   host on the Internet, so you can Telnet, FTP, Gopher, etc.  Doesn't
   support AppleTalk over PPP, tho.

  28   10/27/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Patch and Applescript that will help to insure your PPP
   connection stays up.
   Requires: MacPPP 2.0.1, MacTCP, and AppleScript 1.1.1

  96    11/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Puts up a little button window and the button brings PPP up or
   takes it down without having to run the Config PPP control panel;
   requires the installation of MacPPP2.01 (or better); Version 1.3.2 
   is adapted for use with FreePPP 1.01, has some new features and
   fixes some significant bugs since 1.3.
  52    10/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quickly determines whether a phone call is LOCAL or long
   distance; locates STATE and CITY of a phone number; v1.10
   includes db for parts of northern CA and San Diego region,
   more; requires System 7 or better.
  60      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Prestel terminal emulator.  Fat Binary for 68K and Power Macs.

1409     2/29/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat binary pre-release demo of Public Address BBS Host software.
   It supports modem connections, ADSP and TCP/IP connections.  
   Everything the user sees is controlled by modules.  No limits
   on any of the features.
 163     12/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The only (so far as this archiver knows) DNS server for the Mac.
   Is a cache-only DNS server, though (will perform the lookup, then
   store the address)
   Handy for a network with little bandwidth. DEMO version
   Requires MacTCP, and a dedicated IP address

  16      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An acgi applet for use with WebSTAR to lock access to specified
   pages on the WebSTAR site by examining the IP address/Domain name
   of the client making the request and to log the actions of clients
   accessing pages at the site.
   9     1/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Flip the creator & type fields of an ARAP script file to ttxt &
   TEXT, allowing easy manipulation of the file with any text editor.
  52      7/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A demon-dialer.  Start at a given phone number, then dial number
   after number looking for modems.
 169     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows AV and Power Macs to use their serial ports at
   115Kbps or 230Kbps with any software that normally uses
   the serial ports at 57.6Kbps; now supports MacPPP, more.
 594      9/16/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A client mac-like interface for (french ???) SIAM servers
   reachable by phone net, mainly, the Apple France's server 
   (but it is not the only one here).  All software and docs
   in French.
 118      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A collection of Screaming Technologies latest modules for
   the Public Address BBS package; for use with Public
   Address v0.9b15 and later.
  81      7/1/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Yes... it's about time.  A Talk client for the Macintosh.  Now
   you can communicate like those Un*X geeks, provided you have
   MacTCP, of course.
  52     2/18/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Uses the Communications ToolBox to connect to another mac running
   it, and allows you to send messages and send/draw pictures on
   eachother's screens. Will work over a 14.4, and the InterNet! Neat!

1243     8/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Attached is the current version of SpiderIsland's mac software 
   client for accessing TeleFinder bulletin boards. This version 
   integrates tcp support for connecting with TF boards over the 
   internet. Mail messaging has been improved as well.
 913     9/21/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   TextTerm+Graphics is a VT100 and Tektronix terminal emulator and
   supports Apple's Communication Toolbox tools for modem, serial, and
   internet connections.  
 117     7/30/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Quickly converts text or RTF files dropped onto its icon into
   HTML format; when converting multiple text at once, it also
   creates an HTML index file linking the files (complete with
   graphical bullets if necessary); automatically links images.
  20     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Macintosh TFTP (Trivial File Transport Protocol) server. (Has
   nothing to do with normal FTP.) Requires MacTCP.

 285     2/18/96     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   "The Ideal Mac Mailreader".  An offline mailreader for QWK mail
   BBS systems. Requires: /mac/util/compression/zipit1.35.cpt.hqx

  50     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   For use with System 7 and Mac UUCP, this beta version (it's also
   a "fat" binary) allows the user to select files for transfer via
   UUCP.  Only copies data forks... looks somewhat clunky.
  83      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Pair of small apps: 1 that allows you to use Eudora as a UUCP
   gateway and 1 that will sit in background a monitor for
   incoming UUCP mail.
 189    10/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Allows your Macintosh to communicate using the unix-to
   unix copy (uucp) protocols, allowing it to exchange files
   and e-mail with other uucp sites.  Allows in and out-bound
   phone calls and an automatic call scheduler.  Includes PCMail 3.0.
  34     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An interactive and automated guide to correctly set up UUPC 3.0,
   ToadNews, and rnMac.
 741    8/12/95    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Fax software to send and receive faxes via your faxmodem.
 248     9/26/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   VideoMail is a marriage of multimedia and the Internet. It uses 
   audio and video capturing equipment to produce QuickTime movies. 
   These movies can then be sent to one or more people using Simple 
   Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). 

 341    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Database designed to hold all of the various types of URLs
   and allow user to copy/paste them between internet applications,
   and a monthly online timer with alarm for Internet connections
   all rolled into one.

 167     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Lay out the "rect", "circle", and "poly" elements for an html image
   map, for use with World Wide Web software.
 556      8/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Prerelease version of a WYSIWYG html editor.  Supports HTML 2.0
   standard; user cannot create a non-comforming document.
 524       2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Web viewer for 3DMF or VRML models created by Enright and
   Louch; requires QuickDraw 3D and a PowerMac; v1.0d6 allows
   viewing of 3DMF and VRML models from varied camera positions,
   jumps to other Web sites (warning: 16MB RAM required for
   viewing graphics files).
 150      3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   For those of us who don't have unlimited checkbooks or charge
   cards, this application counts the number of minutes you've
   been connected to an online service and tells you how much you're
   paying for the session (has a menu for the various services, such
   as Compu$erve, Prodigy and Genie).  Comes with a Filemaker
   template so you can do some accounting, as well.
 386     10/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A pretty good shareware terminal program that supports the X-,Y-,
   Yg- and Z-Modem protocols.  Allows you to dial directly from the
   program, view/manage the  built in phonebooks, print selection,
   include Kermit, 16 color ANSI, Drag Manager support, dynamic scroll
   bar, user selected fonts (including 2 byte fonts like Japanese) and
   an AutoOpen feature to allow postprocessing of downloaded files
   depending on file type.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
   3     1/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the US Robotics Courier
   V.32terbo, 19.2K max (no error control) Modem.
   24    6/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   ARA CCL for the Zoom 28.8K (v.fast) modem. May also work with
   Magic 28.8K modems too.
   5     3/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for all AT&T DataPort Modems.
   4     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the AT&T Paradyne Comsphere
   3810 Modem.
  30     7/22/94    BinHex4.0
   A set of ARA scripts written for the U of Rochester's ROLM/PBX Wide
   Area Network and associated modem pools. Although they can only be
   used by UR community members, they illustrate some unusual CCL and
   ARA tricks that other PBX users may find interesting.
  20     7/22/94    BinHex4.0
   This ARA script allows call origination from most any standard V.22
   bis, v.32, or V.32 bis Hayes modem. With modification of a single
   label reference it will also answer for any of the above modems.

  17      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An ARA script for a Comsphere 3820 Plus modem.  
  11     4/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   ARA (Apple Remote Access) scripts written for the AVTEK modems sold
   in Australia.

   9    11/10/92    BinHex4.0
   ARA script for the Dataplex (OSI 8196) modem.
  11    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Digicom Scout+ Modem.
   3     4/22/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for Direct Connection (i.e.
   a direct serial link or other links with PortConnector installed)
   4     3/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Focus Enhancements
   FAXmodem 14.4 modem.
  12     3/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for Global Village Teleport
   Gold and PowerPort Gold and Silver modems, allowing the user to
   choose the maximum speed that they wish to communication at.
   8     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Allows user to choose speed of communication; used with
   AppleTalk Remote Access 2.0x and Global Village modems.
  16    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Five ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) scriptsthat support slower-than-
   usual connections for the Global Village TelePort modems.  Useful
   when using noisy lines.  Includes GV TelePort Gold 12000,
   GV TelePort Gold 7200, GV TelePort Serial 2400,
   GV TelePort Serial 4800, GV TelePort Serial 9600
  11    10/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) scripts for the Hayes Optima/Accura
   144, Hayes Ultra 144, Hayes/Shiva LRL & Optima 14400, and
   Hayes/Shiva LRL & Ultra 144 modems.
  12    10/13/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) scripts for the Intel 9600EX and
   14.4EX modems.
   3      8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Modem link based on Avtek CD950/960.
   5     9/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) scripts for the Maestro 96M (Also
   known as the V32 Super Executive), Maestro 144M, and the Maestro
   144FM modems.
  28     3/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
    Magnum 28.8 ARA script.
   4     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA CCL Script to simplify the use of the Megahertz A2144 modem
   with Apple Remote Access
  36     4/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   ARA (Apple Remote Access) scripts written for the NetComm modems
   sold in Australia. Support for all modems including the new vFast
   modem (SmartModem M11F)
   7      7/5/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the PowerUser 14.4 kbps
  15    10/16/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) scripts for the high-speed (14.4K)
   Practical Peripherals modems.
   4     7/11/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Practical
   Peripherals 9600SA modem.  This version corrects incompatibilities
   with Quadras experienced by users of the version shipped with ARA.
   3      2/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Prometheus ProModem
   Ultima Home Office Modems.
   5    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Selic Modem 240.
   2    10/26/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the US Robotics Sportster
  17     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   CCL files for all Supra modems to date. Work with ARA v1.0.
  11     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   CCL files for many Supra modems. Work with ARA v2.0.
  11    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Telebit QBlazer Modem.
   3    10/27/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Telebit Trailblazer 2500.
  11    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Telebit
   T3000/WorldBlazer Modem (V.32bis).
   3    12/16/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Twincom 14.4k
   V.32/V.42bis modems.
  15     9/14/94    BinHex4.0
   ARA scripts can be used with all US Robotics modems, including all
   9600, 14400, and 28800 bps modems.
  14     7/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Telebit WorldBlazer
   Modem with Turbo-PEP.
  13     7/18/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Telebit WorldBlazer
   Modem with V.32bis.
   3     8/30/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) scripts for all ZOOM Telephonics
   V.32 modems.
   3    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) scripts for ZOOM Telephonics V.32bis
  13     7/25/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Zoom TurboModem with
   V.32.  Extensively commented.
   4    10/13/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Zyxel modem.
   7    10/13/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the ZyXEL U-1496 modem.
   5      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the ZyXEL U-1496e modem,
   supporting 19,600 bps connections.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 208      4/4/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Unique gopher client acting as a weather display system.  Designed to
   provide an extremely user-friendly interface so that users with a minimal
   computer background can easily obtain the information they need.
 248     4/10/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Gopher client that acts as a weather display system.  Designed to
   provide a user-friendly interface so users with a minimal
   computer background can easily obtain the information they need.
 478    10/23/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   MacTCP-based gopher+ client with slightly different interface
   from TurboGopher.
 364    10/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Gopher client for the Macintosh.  The interface is distinctly
   different from TurboGopher, but it allows you to read text
   files and retrieve files from Gopher servers around the Internet;
   requires MacTCP.
 306      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Enhanced Gopher client with many interface and protocol
   improvements; v2.03 fixes a bug in resolving URLs; requires
   System 7.0 or better, Thread Manager and MacTCP.
   5    10/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Turbogopher bookmark file that allows direct access to all
   directories at mac.archive.umich.edu, saving the hassle and
   sometimes rather long wait in getting all the parent directories of
   the file you are interested in.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
SIZE          DATE
 165     10/1/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   Save all your internet configuration (servers, addresses,
   helper programs, etc.) in one place and make it all available
   to IC-aware applications.  Source and developer tools also
 594     4/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Another Mac-based USENET News reader.  Requires MacTCP.
 202     3/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
    MacSOUP is an offline news and mail reader for the Macintosh.  
    WARNING:  This is a development program, it might not be
    stable in all instances.  The author warns to have MacsBug
 117      2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple hypercard-based offline newsreader; v2.0b has new
   GUI, download and sort catagories, new import system, more.
 897    10/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple hypercard-based offline newsreader.  PPC Native.
 111     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Consists of 3 apps: NetNews Grazer, which interacts with an NNTP news
   server; NNG Prefs, a FaceSpan app which allows user specifications
   for any of several variables; and a newsreader, another FaceSpan app
   patterned after the Dartmouth news reader.
  83     10/4/95      BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   NetSnagger is a free Internet application that works with Internet 
   Config to simplify two internet related tasks: 1. Retrieving files 
   from archive digests (like our new files list) and 2. Creating double 
   clickable desktop URLs which will utilize Internet Config to launch 
   the requested URL.  Requires System 7.5 or 7.1 with Drag Manager and
   Internet Config 1.1.
 880     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   You specify the NNTP News server, your SMTP mail server,
   grab/create/write into your unix-box (or standalone) .newsrc file,
   and read Usenet news groups.  Easily subscribe/unsubscribe, print,
   reply, followup, save articles, etc.  THINK C source in our
   /mac/development/source directory.  Distributed as a fat binary.
   Version 2.0 not significantly different than version 2.0b27,
   the last beta version.
 120      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This patch modifies the program "NewsWatcher 2.0 (final)"
   as follows: enables it to read and write the articles or messages
   in Japanese Kanji characters, and Properly Wraps and Unwraps the 
   paragraphs including Kanji characters.
  17    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Have all the items from certain newsgroups downloaded as text files
   automatically and periodically, so you don't miss any news.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  44     12/2/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Will transfer newsgroups to your hard disk, ready to be sorted
   by another program (like Pancake's Newsgroups Sorter)
   Added features include getting only one copy of crossposted
   articles, and multiple connections, which speeds things up.
1067     5/12/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A thread-based newsreader that uses the NNTP connections.
   Requires System 7 and MacTCP.  Interacts with Netscape and
   Anarchie to allow a hyperlink to web and ftp sites.  This
   version reduces the amount of memory that each article needs.
 560     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An fat binary offline newsreader/mailer.  Knows how to deal
   with NNTP servers in addition to working with a uucp-based
   feed (i.e. which comes from something like UUCP or ToadNews).
  12    12/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An AppleScript that you can drag and drop files onto and
   it will login to your Unix host, send the dropped files
   as news articles, and disconnect.  For use with
   AppleScript and SITcomm.
 349      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   News reader; requires MacTCP, UUCP and ToadNews, or the
   CommToolBox (for modem); minor enhancement release.
  76     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Sort out all those dangling newsgroup threads with this handy
   dandy drag-n-drop util; fat binary.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.

If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write

2882     8/17/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   Builds WWW pages without necessity of knowing HTML coding;
   WYSIWYG approach to create, drag-n-drop to link, image map
   tools, more; free!

  26    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A small CGI useful in debugging that translates data received
   from a HTTP server into an HTML page and then sends it back
   to the server/client.

 337      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A graphical access counter--displays in the form of a gif
   the number of 'hits' the user's web page has received;
   fat binary optimized for 601, 603, and 604 PowerPC chips.
 658     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Turns the Finder into a database for internet Web sites with the
   touch of special command keys; cool! Requires System 7 Pro or more
   with Scriptable Finder (7.5 recommended); free.
  12     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Merge a database with an html template file to create an html file
   for every record in a database, just like a mail merge; creates an
   index html file with hyperlinks to each html file created; requires
 228     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Makes HTML files from info-mac digest files.
  32     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Netscape bookmarks designed for easy navigation on the Web.
  24      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Convert Hotlists (from NCSA Mosaic, MacWeb, or TurboGopher) into a
   .html page, which you can put anywhere and make available your "hot
   pages" for yourself or for friends.  Requires HyperCard 2.0.

 638     5/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   High Tea is an easy to use HTML editor supporting many of the
   latest HTML extensions.

  49     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Prompts user to fill in info to build a personal home
   page, adding html tags to the info making a ready-to-use
   file for a webserver; v1.0b8 has better layout, variable
   text size, colors; requires Hypercard 2.0; free.

 192     10/16/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50

   Converts an NCSA Mosaic hotlist into a SimpleText file
   (and vice versa), listing the menu title and the URL.

 101     10/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Writes HTML docs when used with Netscape Navigator choosing
   background picts, text and background color, link color, etc;
   v1.35 has new preview window plus other features.

  41       8/8/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   Assigns the HTML3.0 color code to any color you can pick using Apple's
   color picker.

  89    9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   Converts any colour selected from the Colour Picker to the
   HEX values needed to assign colours to the background, text
   and link attributes of a Web Page.

1680      9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Produce documents written in the HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
   used by the WorldWide Web (WWW); documents are saved externally as
   ASCII text files.  Fat Binary.

 544    11/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A semi-WYSIWYG editor for an HTML document; requires a Mac with
   68020-compatible CPU, System 7+, at least 2 Mb RAM, for 16 bit
   color, more for millions of colors.

  38     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Removes HTML tags from text file so downloaded file is
   easier to read or print.

 560     4/18/96   BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   A drag-and-drop Macintosh text->html converter with
   options allowing <TITLE>, <H1>, etc. choices before
   conversion; fat binary.

 131     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Edit HTML documents on the Mac; uses two windows, one for/with
   source and one showing the formatted text; simple and smooth!

  13     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   Quickly converts data from spreadsheets or databases to
   HTML-tagged files that produce tables with the web browser
   Netscape; v1.12 saves large tables directly to a file and
   automatically tags images.

  38     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   HTML editing tool uses menu commands to act on selected
   text; creates two menus for performing these operations.

 309      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A low-memory hypertext viewer for people without access to a 
   full-featured browser web browser, for HTML authors; v1.22 
   supports forms and their corresponding CGIs.
1131     6/15/96    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Powerful editor for web pages and is easy and quick to use
   Will turn any text document into HTML by a 'select and tag' method.
   Fully functional demo of the shareware version.
  65    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An fba (Faceless Background Application) that implements a
   minimal http server for the World Wide Web.
  19      7/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small utility which converts plain text files into bare-bones
   HTML, including translating 8-bit characters into appropriate
   7-bit characters or official HTML escape codes, makes sure output
   lines are not too long, creates title tag from input filename,
   more; free!
 277    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A CGI utility for easy setup of a clickable WWW map on a
   Mac; requires WWW server software but should run on any
   Mac; fat.

  25     7/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Takes a Unix ImageMap file (used with gifs on WWW) and
   translates the document into an AppleScript text file ready
   to be compiled with the Script Editor into a CGI or ACGI;

  92      3/5/96    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Will check over your html for mistakes and errors.
   Is a Macintosh port of the weblint perl script.
   Requires: MacPerl5

 400      3/31/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Converts documents you created in MTX format (using 
   any word processor or text editor that saves in 
   ASCII format) to HTML documents for the World Wide Web. 
   Includes a guide in both formats.  Requires HyperCard.

  40      1/10/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Allows you to "Surf the web" without being online.
   Copies your netscape cache files into another folder, and then
   brings up netscape with an index of all of them.
   Can only show portions of the web you've already seen.

  80     4/15/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Two update applications which patch your Netscape Navigator 2.01
   application to replace the "Net Search" button with 
   buttons that'll take you to the AltaVista search engine
   (regular or advanced query, you decide which choice when you patch).

 128     4/15/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   This patch adds Baltic and Cyrillic capabilities to Netscape 
   Navigator 2.0, allowing you to read pages and post/receive
   e-mail in Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian and Ukrainian; without
   having to install KO18 fonts.

  35     2/18/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An Applescript that will convert a tab separated textfile
   (exportable from most database programs) into an HTML table file.
   Requires: AppleScript, a forms-compatible WWW browser (to view it)

  64      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HTML FORM tool to be used with WWW 'mailto' URLs to send form
   data via email to 'unconvolute' the data reforming it in the
   proper format for importing to spreadsheed or word processor;
   v1.71 now processes files from the following e-mail clients:
   Eudora, Netscape, Claris Emailer, AOL, can translate URL
   characters using ASCII or ISO Latin 1, more.
  88     3/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An URL filer/launcher utility.  It allows you to store URLs in
   files, opening the URL when the file is double clicked upon.
   Drag and Drop text containing a valid URL onto the application
   icon will open the URL.  Many more features, requires System
   7.1 and Internet Config 1.1 (available in the archives under:
   /mac/util/comm/internetconfig1.3.sit.hqx)  FAT binary.
 110     3/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A repository for your favorite Internet addresses or URLs.
   Allows you to organize and collect URLs in a hierarchical structure.
   Supports Drag & Drop. Drag HyperText links from your Web browser to 
   URL Manager to add a URL. To access a URL on the Web, Drag & Drop 
   a bookmark to the window of a Web browser. Supports Internet Config. 
   URL Manager is shareware.
 272     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A Hypercard program for creating WWW pages without any
   knowledge of HTML coding.  Allows you to publish them
   automatically through a WebDoor account with
   Open Door Networks.
1257     1/18/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An HTML editor for easily creating web pages.  A fat binary, although
   it looks and acts suspiciously like Hypercard.  

 270    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Creates icons on desktop which point to actual web site
   thereby making web access as easy as point-n-click; can
   utilize all popular web browsers.
  67      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A program to summarize MacHTTP transmission statistics.
 127      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Mac app to summarize PC WWW server's log file (WinHTTP);
   includes apps to be used with both MacHTTP and WinHTTP,
   plus source code; modified from P.Harvey's WebStat.
 638     9/21/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Use a hypercard-like interface to create web pages.
 210      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   URL organizer and launcher with drag-n-drop compatability;
   requires 680x0 and Internet Config 1.1 or better; free.

 524       2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Web viewer for 3DMF or VRML models created by Enright and
   Louch; requires QuickDraw 3D and a PowerMac; v1.0d6 allows
   viewing of 3DMF and VRML models from varied camera positions,
   jumps to other Web sites (warning: 16MB RAM required for
   viewing graphics files).
  73      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A CGI application that can be used with MacHTTP or WebSTAR.
   You can use it to log how often links are followed.

1424      3/3/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A pretty complete looking page creator/editor program.  Requires
   a browser (Netscape, Mosaic, etc.) as a "helper" with which to
   view the pages you created, as well as the tutorial and help
 128      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A Microsoft Excel Add-In with which you can create HTML tables from
   within Excel 5.0 (or later).  Allows formatting, table borders,
   preserves column widths and special characters.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  63    12/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   BinHex any file  Includes THINK C source.
   7     6/1/90     MacBinary
    The MacBinary version of BinHex4.0.  Must be downloaded in
    MacBinary format.
 228     3/27/95    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   This is StuffIt's nemesis and main competitor... Can decode
   archives in BinHex4.0 and StuffIt 1.5.1 formats as well as its
   own.  Can create self-extracting archives (but please don't
   upload any here!) and will automatically segment files too large
   to fit on one disk.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
   V.1.51 adds support for non-English languages.
 231     4/3/95     BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   German language version of Compact Pro.
 242     4/3/95     BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   French language version of Compact Pro.
 230     3/27/95    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   Japanese language version of Compact Pro.
 180    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   Extract (expand) files created by DiskDoubler and AutoDoubler.
  39     7/31/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Designate a folder (or heck, you can do a file too), and this
   utility will un-BinHex the whole thing in the background (or the
   foreground, if you don't have multifinder).
  32     6/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   System7 savvy app strips self-extracting code from Compactor,
   StuffIt, DiskDoubler, and NOW Compress archives, gaining useful
   KB's of space; v1.5  adds support background-only operation, more.
  61     1/23/93    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   Read and use files and applications that have been compressed by
   More Disk Space.  Does not offer any new compression

  61      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Converts file types; will also convert to/from stationery,
   into/out-of visibility, lock or unlock, and can install a
   custom 'vers'#2 resource into any file, much more.
 672    5/20/96    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Compress files into StuffIt format.  When used with StuffIt Expander
   3.5 (availalbe elsewhere at mac.archive), also allows expansion of
   .zip, .arc, .gz (GnuZip), .Z (Unix Compress), .uu (Uuencode),
   .pkg (AppleLink), .QWK, .tar, and .tgz archives.
   Accelerated for PowerPC Macs, too.
 110     7/13/93    BinHex4.0
   Expand files compressed with Now Compress.
  50    10/1/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This program allows your PC-Clone (DOS) to decompress
   CompactPro 1.50 documents.  (Must be decoded/decompressed
   on a mac first, then copied to a PC.)
  54    12/24/94    BinHex4.0
   A simple extractor for files created by Compact Pro.
  43     5/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Compress GIF files by an average of >25% without loss of data!
  50    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Encode or extract BinHex 4.0 archives 
 23      7/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Decode files that are in LPunch format, which includes a number of
  23     5/18/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Compress/decomprss resource files using the LZW method. Handy for
  27      7/6/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Utility for the conversion of straight binary files (such as those
   created by ftp) into MacBinary files, which are ususally more
   useful in the Macintosh world.
  26     10/7/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Apple File Exchange translators to turn normal Macintosh files
   into MacBinary formats and back.
  26     3/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Expand MacBinary-encoded files, or encode items using a newly-
   proposed addition (which includes folder information) to the
   MacBinary II standard.  Encoded files are backwards-compatible with
   the MacBinary II format.  Requires System 7.
  26      9/8/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
    Utility to handle .zoo and other peculiar archive formats on your Mac.
  75    12/14/92    BinHex4.0
   Encode and decode files in the standard UNIX Compress (.Z) format.
  24     3/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A quick and dirty CPIO archive creator generates a CPIO archive
   which can be uncompacted on a Unix machine.
 234     9/27/95    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   A Mac port of GNU zip 1.2.4, the best compressor available.
   Now does folders, and will also MacBinary files for you.
   Requires System 7. FAT Binary
  65     1/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Work with archives in LHa/LHarc, LArc, and lzh formats.
   Documentation in Japanese and English.
  96    11/21/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Compress files using the PC-standard ZIP format.  Very unintuitive
   modal interface.
  27      6/1/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Translates ZOO archives (MS-DOS).  You can convert from UNIX/VMS
   to text documents also.
  27     3/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag and drop .image files to automagically mount them onto your
   Desktop.  Uses the MountImage control panel.
  39    11/11/86    BinHex4.0
   PackIt III is PackIt II with encryption and graphs that show data
   compression and progress in packing/unpacking files.
  66     9/26/95    Uuencode,Zip
   A version of BinHex in .EXE form, which runs on IBM & it's clones
  16     4/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The utility you need to apply patches to White Knight, but not
   much use otherwise.
  35    11/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   List and read disk images created on a Sinclair QL filesystem.
  18     3/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A tiny application that can replace the UnStuffIt utility.  Click
   on a StuffIt document and it'll automatically unstuff.
  26      8/1/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This utility converts StuffIt files to Compactor files (which in
   turn, has a higher compression ratio, which can add up to lots of
   new extra disk space on the HD).
  58     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quick and easy mini drag-and-drop archiver; I was able to compress
   a 1128K file 13% and a 50K file 40%; includes source code and FAT
   binary which uses the IEEE compress algorithm and is compatible
   with the original StuffIt.
  24      2/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drop a folder or a file onto this application and it'll stuff 
   and BinHex 'em for you.  Requires the StuffIt Engine, which
   comes with the SitComm, StuffitDeluxe or SpaceSaver packages.
  24    10/16/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Converts a multitude of archive formats to StuffIt Deluxe format.
   Drag-and-drop operation for System 7 users.
 199     5/20/96    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Same as stuffitexpander4.01.sea.hqx, except that it is stored
   in MacBinary format.
 272     5/20/96    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Utility that decompresses the four most common compression
   and encoding formats, which are StuffIt and Compact Pro archives
   (.sit, .sea, and .cpt) , BinHex (.hqx) , and MacBinary (.bin).
   Will work with even more formats if you install DropStuff with
   Expander Enhancer also available in this directory.  Freeware

 480    6/15/96    Uuencode

   Will decompress: Zip, Arj, Arc, Gzip, Uuencode, Binhex, Macbinary,
   and Stuffit compressed files on your PC or PC compatible computer.
   Requires Windows 3.1 or higher.

1670     5/21/93    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   Create Product Installers (with built-in StuffIt compression) so
   your customers can easily install your software.  Can install 68K
   or PowerPC-native (or Fat) installers.  Please do NOT submit
   InstallerMaker files for archiving at mac.archive.umich.edu!
 823    12/16/94   BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   The shareware successor to StuffItClassic.  Many new fixes and
   features, and still just a hint of what you can get if you shell
   out for the retail version.  Requires at least 1 meg available RAM
   Now fat binary.
  48     1/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   *VERY* useful set of drop utils that exploits the StuffIt engine
   (required).  Has a drop util to Stuff, BinHex, or Both!
 175    12/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Got an FDHD?  Use this application to trade files between the Mac
   and a UNIX workstation on 720 K or 1.4 meg floppy disks.  Reads
   and writes floppy disk files formatted by "tar".  It works with
   three Mac formats:  MacBinary, MacBinary II and ASCII and
   also knows how to manipulate .hqx (BinHex) files.
  41      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Read and write UNIX-style TAR archives.  Now includes partial
   support for SCSI tape drives.
  64     7/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A very minimal (no interface at all) of the DOS unarj program
   version 2.2.1.
  19      4/9/92    BinHex4.0
   A utility to translate MacBinary-encoded files. Useful if you must
   download through a non-Mac system.
  22      9/4/86    BinHex4.0
   This program is a public domain utility that is compatible with
   PackIt, in CO/PACKIT.  However, it will also unpack compressed
   packit files that are generated by the shareware programs PackIt
   II or III. Some of the files on PC2: are of type
   "BinHex4.0,PackIt."  These files must be first run through
   BinHex4.0 and then run through this Unpit utility in order to
   construct the original individual files.
 141     9/27/95    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   The Mac port of the unix shar utility.  Includes C source.
   Requires System 7, is PPC native
 119     10/2/93    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   Decompress StuffIt archives or join segments created with any
   version of StuffIt from 1.5.1 up to StuffIt Deluxe 3.0.7.
 110     3/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Unstuff StuffIt 1.5 - 3.0 files on your IBM or compatible P.C!
   To get this file, download it to your Mac and unstuff it (there's
   a small readme file in TeachText format), then transfer the PC .EXE
   self extracting archive to your non-Macintosh machine.
  41    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Decode UUencoded or BinHex4 coded chunks set to newsgroups.
   Fat Binary for 68K and PowerMacs; U.S. version.
  41     8/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Merge multiple segments of a segmented uuencoded document into
   one big file, stripping any headers and signatures along the way.
 49      9/2/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  UUencoding/UUdecoding utility.  Has automatic mapping for the
  likes of .GIF, .TFF, .JPG, and more.  Adds files mappings,
  improved interface and speed, and many fixes.
 308     4/22/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A utility which does makes UUEncoding and UUDecoding simple.
   Includes massive help files... and an built in tutorial on how to
   read news (rn) and extract files such as gifs.  Includes UUPrepare
   v2.0.3, a program designed to simplify the task of downloading
   Usenet graphics files for users of America Online.
  90     5/15/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Extract uuencoded files.  Can handle multiple-part files, including
   files with extraneous header info on each part.
  99      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Yet another utility which does UUEncoding and UUDecoding.
   Handles file segmentation, multiple files (batch decoding),
   sound file conversions (mulaw, AIFF, FSSD), filetype detection
   (customizable), and type/creator assignment.  Fat binary.
  59    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fast, batch uudecoder.  Designed to work with NewsWatcher, does
   nicely as standalone.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
  35      8/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Extract uuencoded files that can be segmented.  Requires System 7.
 504     1/10/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Compress files using the DOS-standard .zip format. Many features,
   with a standard Mac interface (wow!).  This FAT binary also
   now supports drag & dropping, as well as segmented files.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  50      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Extracts commonly used resources (icons, text, sounds, etc.) from files;
   the more memory it gets, the more files may be extracted at once via
   drag-n-drop; requires System 7. 
  25     3/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Tell you "everything" (read: not much at all) you would ever want
   to know about your Macintosh.
 504    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A set of C++ classes.  The ABox can be used to display a set of modal
   boxes including  Topics and Slides, which makes it useful for tasks
   such as enhanced about boxes, online reference, help, etc.

 496     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A low level debugger (installed as an extension) with a graphical 
   interface for PowerMacs!  Includes French and English documentation.

  43     9/22/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display a text description of any AppleEvent sent to the program.
  45      9/7/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   AppleScript function that checks for the existance of a file or
   folder within another folder. The optional creation flag allows the
   creation of a folder if there is no such object in the folder.

   7     3/26/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   "Hides" an application from the Finder.  Handy for cases where
   you have two apps which share the same creator (e.g. SimpleText
   and TeachText) and you want the document to be opened with
   the app you want.  Few enhancements.
 862      6/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A beta release of the freebie Userland Frontier scripting 
   program.  Includes the app, the beta object database, and
   a page which will allow you to access the website to
   get the most up-to-date info.
  63     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change the resource attributes of a specific resource or of a
   whole resource family in a single pass; FAT Binary for 68K and
   PowerPC Macs.
 128    12/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   You can now use Codewarrior to compile text file descriptions of
   menu and dialog balloon help into appropriate resources (i.e.
   "hmnu", "hdlg", etc.) so your apps can have Balloon Help.

 124     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two utils allowing the programmer to compress and decompress
   files from within the program, reducing the size of the data;
   can be used on any daya type (sound, graphics, code, etc.);
   requires System 7 or more and is 680x0 compatible.
 436     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Hex file editor allows viewing and editing of contents of either
   data or resource fork of a file in hex code; opens multiple file
   forks simultaneously, creates new forks, search/replaces forward
   and back, more.
  17     2/12/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Resources which help you to create your own After Dark modules
   Includes interface code, base & subbase routines, and an example
 412     6/16/97    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Pocket Forth code for creating CGI's and forms handlers for
   WebSTAR/MacHTTP; Pocket Forth 6.5 is included with manual and
  12      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Changes the integer number in the resource of type 'pVer'
   of the project to 1. It should be 1 for version 1.0 and 2
   for version 1.1. This allows you to compile project created
   for 1.1 (CW4) under and 1.0 (CW4) compiler.
 113     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag-n-drop file converter for software developers for text
   conversions, project and resource files for their favourite
   development environment; FAT.
  17     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Removes the names of all resources of a file when file is dropped
   on application's icon; runs on any Mac using System 7.
   9      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Zero the resource fork of any file.  DANGEROUS -- This  will trash
   any application, but is useful for cleaning up MPW interface files
   and clearing documents that store settings (and ONLY settings!)
   in resource forks.
   6     3/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Test the integrity of your clock chip.
 332     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A set of files to compile the Think Class Library version 2.0 with
   the Metrowerks CodeWarrior 68K and PowerPC compilers. 
  38    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert C-style comments to C++-style comments, and vice versa.
  13     5/10/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Resources for three various CDEF controls.  Thumbwheel (tiny
   arrows, like the kind you see in general control panel), On&Off
   Toggles, and a TriState box.
  22    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Host a Control Strip module for debugging purposes so that you
   don't have to reboot to try out new modules or test new code.
  77     9/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert THINK C or Pascal projects to CodeWarrior projects.
  21     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fixes CodeWarrior environment to display correctly when
   custom menu colors (e.g. Greg's Buttons, Aaron, etc.) are
   present; patch contains a replacement MDEF.
  33     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An aid for converting C source code into Pascal.  Takes care of the
   easily translated bits of C and leaves the more "interesting"
   conversions for the programmer to deal with.
 113     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Edit the data fork of any file using ResEdit.  Any type of resource
   can be used as a template for reading the data fork's contents.
  42     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Track what programs are run on your Mac.  If you have several users,
   you can see what applications they use.  Perfect for the paranoid.
  90     2/2/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Drag-n-drop app that changes MPSR resource (font, font size,
   window position) as well as file creator.  Handy if you look
   at source code written by other people.  Includes source.
 63      3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Find meanings for System Error number codes.  For any error it will
  display the result code word and a very brief description.
  Includes Newton errors, too!
  44      8/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   This add-on to the Think or Code Warrior environments adds an "Edit
   Comment..." item to the Edit menu. When you choose it, it will
   present an editing window which shows the revision comment of the
   front window's file (and other source control information).  Of
   course, the file must be under source control (Projector ,
   SourceServer, or SourceSafe).
  49     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Edit the alert and welcome messages in the System file.
  19    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A ResEdit editor for creating, and sample code for using "canonical
   formats."  With these formats and the Script Manager, you can
   easily format 80-bit floating point values in an internationally
   correct fashion.
   2    12/10/91    BinHex4.0
   FMNU resource template for ResEdit 2.1.
 127     3/19/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Converts Forth code to Latex format for nice printing.
   Includes source. Very simple interface.
  47     5/15/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display the values of the Gestalt parameters (in Systems newer
   than 6.0.4).  You'll have to figure out what they mean yourself.
  13      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Search for an hexadecimal or character string in all the resources
   of a file.
  47     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Check the data of Low Memory Global Variables with its meaning,
   address and data length. Data is shown in Hex format, but if it is
   a Pascas String, it's shown in ASCII.

 112     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Fattens your code.  It merges, under a GUI interface, the
   68K and PPC code you've produced w/o the commandline MPW and
   the ilk are known for.

  32     4/27/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A graphical representation of where processes are in memory along
   with process statistics.  Includes THINK C source.

  50     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   HexKey is a number conversion tool. This is actually a
   programmer's tool, but it may be useful to other power
   users. Converts Decimal or Hexadecimal numbers to 10 other
   common Macintosh formats. If you don't know a Fixed from a
   Fract, you don't need it.

 848      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.07

   Demo version of a commercial Apple Guide Authoring Tool,
   Guide Composer from StepUp Software. Guide Composer lets
   any Mac user develop Apple Guide files for any new or
   existing application, with an easy point-and-click
   interface.  Demo limits number of topics.
 110     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A hexdump viewer and editor that works similarly to the hex editor
   in ResEdit.  It allows you to edit either the data fork or the
   resource fork of a file.  Supports drag & drop and editing files
   up to, and maybe past, 200 MB.
  24    12/10/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Resources for ResEdit 2.1+ to edit baloon help resources.
   3    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An aete resource for Hypercard 2.1, allowing you to send
   AppleScripts to HyperCard and to view HyperCard's syntax with the
   Script Editor dictionary browser.
   9    11/11/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Imbed small icons into folder icons, much like the System Folder.
 122     4/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create ICN#, ics#, icl8, ics8, icl4, ics4, cicn, and PICT resources
   from a cicn or icl8, or PICT resource.
  65     2/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Translate into English the cryptic numbers and bits/bytes detailing
   hardware and software information generated by the Gestalt Manager.
  88      9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A free drag & drop utility that displays the INITGestalt table 
   returned by INITGestalt-aware extensions, control panels and 
  89    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A 4D external package which gives developers access to 
   low-level TCP/IP and UDP using MacTCP,  DNS (name to IP 
   and IP to name), control of the state of MacPPP, Internet
   Config preferences, other utility features, more; requires
   ITK license.
 119     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A fat binary which lets you find the PowerPC native code corresponding 
   to 680x0 code. 
 102     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Sources and samples for ICN# Pushbutton, Date & Time, and Number
   Picker CDEFs.
  33     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keywords is a simple program to convert the colored keyword
   list from a MetroWerks CW5 project to a text file and to turn
   a text file into a MW CW5 keyword list.
  12      7/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A MacHack MPW tool that animates the balloon icon when you have no
   balloons on the screen.  Includes MPW C source.
  53      4/7/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Shows code and description for all of the Mac system errors;
   v1.21 fixes small out of memory error when used with System7.51
   on a PowerMac.
1907    12/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert Fortran code to C.  A port of the AT&T program.
   As the author says, "the C code may be ugly, but it works."
   Includes THINK C source and Codewarrior projects.  Fat binary.
  30     6/18/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Grep (that fascinating Unix pseudo-language/editing utility)
   implemented under a very un-Mac like console.  Includes source.
 216      3/5/96    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Is a shell very like tcsh, which performs some very Unix-like
   activities on your Mac (like I/O redirecting, scripting, etc)
   Also allows you to execute external programs (requires a compiler)

  28     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Graphically show the location of various system structures in RAM
   and where they are in relation to each other.
  41    11/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Examine each MENU resource in a file and reconcile the resource ID
   against the internal menu ID.
  81     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An installer script for creating a minimal System 7 floppy startup
   disk. Will remove 300-400K from the System file.  Version 1.01 works
   with Installer 3.4 and compresses several additional extensions.
  34      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   See the level of activity taking place on your computer.
   Graphically presents several types of information ranging from
   CPU utilization to disk space availability.  Requires System 7.
  41     6/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag and drop any file to look and see the data fork of the file;
   displays info in windows which can be paged through in the fashion
   of the 'more' command in Unix; nifty! 

 149     7/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A MPW tool version of BYacc 1.9, a LALR(1) parser generator
   for C and C++.  Includes the source code as well.
 226    10/15/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Around 30 different scripts and tools for use with MPW.  Scripts
   such as CommentLine, GetInfo, and tools like FilePost and fAccess.

 347     7/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A MPW Tool for Flex, a fast lexical analyzer generator.  Includes
   C source code.
  16     9/16/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Execute MacsBug commands from your MPW  shell: type in "DebugStr"
   and then the command and it'll spit back what MacsBug would normally
   do.  Includes source.
  61     8/23/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A NewFind and NewReplace tool for MPW.  Has all the features of
   the old tools ('cept wraparound finds) and a few more.  Source
  28     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An MPW tool to download PostScript files to a printer and let you
   communicate to a postscript printer directly from the worksheet.
   Includes MPW C source.

 149     7/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A MPW Tool that will apply a "diff" file to an original.  It'll
   read a file created by Unix or Mac versions of diff and apply the
   file differences to the original files.
  24     1/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An AppleScript MPW tool.  It compiles, it decompiles, it executes
   and it returns results.
  17      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Determine whether a program contains 68K code, PowerPC code, or
   both.  Requires System 7.

   4      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   It looks like an application, but what it really is are resources
   that you can add to your PowerPC-only application that will display
   a nice "sorry, this only runs on a PowerPC" dialog box on 680X0-based
 402      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A shell programming environment that complements the Macintosh user
   interface, allowing you to deal directly with your system.
  13    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A version of the Un*x cookie command.  Includes THINK C source.
   For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell.
  27     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Command to report free disk space on volumes.  For use with
  37    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two commands to increment or decrement a variable.  Includes
   THINK C source.  For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell.
  32    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Type matching lines to standard output.  Includes
   THINK C source.  For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell.
 313     1/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   CodeWarrior source for several nShell commands.  Requires the
   programmers guide stored as /mac/util/developer/nshellprog.
  32    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Sample code for the nShell(tm) programming environment.
   Includes both THINK C and CodeWarrior versions.  Included
   are samples for "date", "hello", and "delay" commands.
  39    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Sample code for the nShell(tm) programming environment.
   Includes THINK Pascal source for "date", "delay", and
   "hello" comands.
  75    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The programming guide for the nShell(tm) programming
   environment.  nShell examples are available in
  37     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THINK Pascal source for several nShell commands.  Requires the
   programmers guide stored as /mac/development/source/nshellprog.
  60     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   How to write command resources for the nShell.  Includes source
   code examples and a hypertext Programmer's Guide to the nShell.
   For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell.
  36     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   One command to read input and store in variables, another to shift
   variables.  For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell
  43    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two commands to pop standard get and put file dialogs.  Includes
   THINK C source.  For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell.
 113     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Eight sample AppleScript Scripting Additions with C source code:
   Font Info, PassWord, PassWord2, PassWord3, PassWord4, Font Info2,
   ScriptIt OSAX, Font Info3.
 389    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Write externals for the Pancake BBS System.
  69    3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Pascal to C translator. Will only produce correct output if
   your pascal program conforms to ISO level 0 pascal. If your
   input file does not conform to this standard.
 314     7/16/97    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A process watcher; get info about active apps via Process Manager,
   which can be analyzed and manipulated; create CPU history windows;
   logging windows show changing free memory as well.
   7    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A new OSAX command for AppleScript:  play sound.  Play a sound in
   resource format.  Includes THINK C source.
  50    11/5/94     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Parse the C, Pascal, Asm, and Rez languages, and object-oriented
   versions too.  For use with THINK C, MPW, SADE, BBEdit.  Demo
   disables itself after 15-20 uses.
 132     5/15/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Cross-disassembler targeted for PowerPC 601 (and higher) and
   running on 680x0 Macintosh computers.
 162     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Save the PRAM and extended PRAM and restore it on start-up.
   Includes THINK C source.
 178     7/29/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Print out C source files.  Scan for files with various functions and
   also specify what kind of font & style you want them to be printed
   in.  Includes an INIT that to print in Pretty C from THINK C.

 384      1/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An editing utility for generating and editing profiles (used by any
   machine that captures, displays or processes images... which is 
   designed to guarantee consistency of colors over a range of devices).
   This version can be used on 680x0 machines without FPU's.

  42      2/5/96        BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Drag-n-drop app which will prototype C/C++ source files;
   processes files of the type 'TEXT' which end in .c or .cp;
   will process items within folders when folder is dropped
   on it; v1.3 is fixup release.
 191     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Everything (mostly) you need to port existing THINK C/C++ code that
   uses the THINK Class Library to other, pointer-based, C++ compilers
   using the new Universal Headers (such as the Metroworks environment
   and the Apple PPC SDK).
  81      3/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Translate a QuickBASIC source code file saved in TEXT format into a
   source code TEXT file FutureBASIC can use.  Includes source.
  12    10/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag-n-drop a file on this icon to quickly change the file's name,
   type, and creator info; neat tool!
   5     1/15/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An extension of AppleScript to read and write resources into 
   AppleScript data.
  18    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Use a parameter file to govern the order and type of operations
   performed during the THINK C build process.  Requires AppleScript
   Script Tools 1.3.
  16     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A series of AppleScripts to recompile the precompiled headers in
   Symantec C++ 7.0 if you're upgrading from v6.0x.
 122     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Highly customizable programmerUs utility, which, when given a
   resource file, generates a C source code listing of all named
   resources in the file; v1.2 is faster, has spinning cursor
   class, more; includes source.
 124    10/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   List all resources within a file or compare differences between
   files.  Useful for tracking versions and updates. Can also create
   patch files for updating.
   4      6/6/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An assortment of (mostly incomplete) ResEdit TMPLs: fmap, fmnu,
   card, mst#, mstr, rtt#, fdmn, flst, fAni, RECT, and fval.  Also
   includes pickers for kcs#, kcs4, and kcs8
   6     3/21/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Add to ResEdit the resources for a handy Animated Cursor "Picker."
 117     8/10/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A CODE editor (which shows a disassembly of the file's code) and a
   KCS editor for ResEdit.
  5       9/5/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Reset your ABD ports.  Useful if your mouse or keyboard (but not
   both, obviously) get stuck.
  20     1/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create an image of your ROM as a straight binary file using the
   Gestalt Manager (or SysEnvirons if Gestalt is unavailable) to
   determine ROM size and location in memory.
  26     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Examines the ROM in your Macintosh, then creates three files: a text
   file listing all resources (type, id, name, size), a ResEdit file
   with copies of all ROM resources, and a dump of the entire ROM
  20     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Find the total power on time of your Mac; that is, the total number
   of hours and minutes that your Mac has been turned on EVER.  May
   not work with older Macs.
  12     8/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An MPW tool that reads standard input and converts it to spoken
   text using the Speech Manager.
  27     11/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An AppleScript OSA build program which compiles, decompiles, 
   executes and returns results.  It is best used with other 
   editors (such as MPW) which can handle more than 32K.
 230    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   Designed for developers who distribute software, clip art, stacks,
   databases/etc. on floppy disk.  This installer provides a way to
   distribute data in a compressed format to reduce the number of
   disks required.  Uses the same compression scheme as Compact Pro.
  14     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Show the boundaries of one or more smaller screens on a sufficiently
   large screen.  Useful for testing whether something would fit on a
   small screen.  Does not SIMULATE a small screen, but only demarks
   its boundaries.
 354     5/15/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays the speed of your Mac with different functions (such as
   graphics, disk, etc.) on a speedometer.  Make comparisons to a
   saved list of machines.  Now Fat Binary for PowerMac native-mode
   9     11/12/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A record file for Speedometer with information on many different
   PowerMac configurations, including emulation and native mode.
  27    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A record file for Speedometer 3.1 that has information on a large
   variety of Macs.  Contains 73 Speedometer records, including new
   machines, non-standard configurations, and even PowerPC prerelease
  16     2/11/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Saves code resource into s-records suitable for downloading, 
   saving the records in a text file.
  23     8/16/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Track how long it takes another application's tasks to get done.
  14     7/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three utilities which remove the datafork, resource fork, or names 
   from resources within files.

 363      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Checks STR, STR#, DITL, MENU, TEXT and CNTL resources for
   spelling errors.  It also checks for DebugStr, Debugger traps
   and MacsBugs labels in the CODE resources.  
   9     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ResEdit templates for: flst (Font Family List), cbnd, fbnd, tbnd
   (Comm Toolbox Resource Bundles), caps, faps, taps (Connection,
   File Transfer, and Terminal Tool Capabilities List), hmnu, hdlg,
   hfdr (Help Balloon Resource for Menus, Dialogs, and Finder Icons),
   hrct (Help Balloon Rectangle List), hovr (Help Balloon Override
   List), aedt (Apple Events Template), dflg (ddev Flags), eppc
   (EPP Configuration), gmcd ("Guard Mechanism for Compression/
   Decompression"), mppc (MPP Configuration), mitq (Default Queue Sizes
   for MakeITable), pslt (Nubus Psuedo-slot mapping resource).
  55    11/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An updated version of the System Errors DA, only now's its an
   application.  Great for the Apple Menu Items in System 7.0.  This
   includes all of the System 7 errors codes as well.
  36     6/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays all the standard Apple system errors and their definitions.
  46     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Have multiple System Folders and specify which to use.
 549      7/27/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Find out more about your mac than you ever needed to know.  Gives
   details on hardware, software, extensions, traps, and a lot more.

  77      2/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Perform screen tests (circles, contrasts, widths, etc.), printer
   and sound tests.  Has an interesting help section on how to open
   Mac Pluses and Mac XL's.
 165     3/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Bookbinder-based HyperCard (2.0 or later) tutorial on object-
   oriented programming (uses a subset of C++); examples compatible
   with Symantec ThinkC 5 (or later) and any C++ compiler; also serves
   as on-line C reference.
  40     2/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   AppleScript droplets for Think C/C++ 6.  (THINK Bring Up to Date,
   THINK Bring Up to Date & Shut, THINK Compact Projects, THINK Remove
   Objects, THINK Set Options
   5     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Helps avoid a conflict between Think Project Manager 7.0 and
   AppleScript 1.1.
   8      5/9/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A dcmd (Macsbug command) which displays info relative to the way
   the PMMU will translate virtual addresses into physical addresses.
  29     3/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Inspects all documented toolbox and operating system traps and
   tell whether they are implemented as native PowerPC code or as
   680x0 code.  Great when used in conjunction with TattleTale to see
   which INITs are patching the traps!
 186      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Give CodeWarrior a new menu containing tools with easy-to-
   write resources; v4.0 has nices Finder, fixes, works through
   multi-environment problems.
 165      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create standalone apps to update other applications and related
   documents for you.
  35     6/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An external database for developers on MacroMind Director applications
   HyperCard, and other third party developing tools; fast, easy to use.
 254     10/7/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display detailed info about each active heap zone including counts
   and total sizes of free blocks, pointers, handles (including
   locked, resource, and purgeable); graphical interface; saves to
   text and/or PICT file; requires System 7.x.  Fat Binary.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  17      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Format a high density disk to give you more than 1430K free instead
   of the usual 1415K. CAUTION: bypasses System 7 bad-sector check.
  28      3/27/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Remove the 68k code resources of a Fat Binary application, freeing
   up anywhere from zero to dozens of Megabytes per application.
   V1.1 does not remove 68k resource if no PPC resource exists.
  69     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make an assortment of cosmetic changes to the System 7 Finder.
   Requires 256 colors or greys.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
  57     3/11/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays the number of devices attached to your Mac; in times of
   trouble you can use ADB Scan to reset your Apple Desktop Bus.
  15     3/22/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   When you rebuild your desktop, an alias to an application on a
   different volume loses its ability to support drag-and-drop.  This
   application fixes the problem.
  12      4/3/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Cause the Finder to display files wherever they may be.  Can
   optionally display Get Info information.
  16     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Create an alias of any file(s) drag-and-dropped on it.
   Requires System 7.
 102     6/16/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create aliases via drag-n-drop, putting them where they are wanted
   without the 'alias' attached to the filename; FAT.
 203     7/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An all-purpose alias-management utility.  Requires System 7.  Allows
   you to repoint aliases, scan for the lost item an alias used to
   point to, a bunch of other alias related things; v2.05 adds support
   for PowerTalk (System7Pro), and supports drag-n-dropping to reconnect
   aliases to new or moved files.
  34    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Remove the personalization info from programs (like Word and Excel)
   that store the info (and ONLY the info) in the data fork.
 693    11/8/93     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A launching utility to make it easier to start up other
   programs, documents, cdevs, da's, etc.

  33     7/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A System 7-specific RAMdisk application with a configurable auto
   save feature.
  19     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Modify Apple's HD SC Setup 7.2.2 to recognize (and format) all
   brands of hard drives.
  34     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Modify Apple's HD SC Setup 7.3.1 to recognize (and format) all
   brands of hard drives.
  34     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Modify Apple's HD SC Setup 7.3.2 to recognize (and format) all
   brands of hard drives.
  41     8/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Automate the process of placing a file in the Apple Menu.  Funny,
   I didn't think it was that hard to start with...
 222     1/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Locate, launch, open, and print applications and documents on your
   hard drive.
 120      9/7/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A little utility for switching applications in the finder.  Clicking
   under the menu bar produces a pop-up menu from which you can switch
   between active applications.  Freeware.
 162      3/18/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Using an AppleServer File server, this program will take a
   folder on the server and make sure Macintoshes on the
   network hooked to it have an identical HD.  great for Lab
   situations when you don't want stray files clogging the HDs.

 162      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Create and edit virtual disks for Atari 8-bit computers on your
   Mac.  These virtual disks can be used with the Rainbow emulator
   for the Mac, or PCXFormer, a PC Atari 8-bit emulator. 

1560     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Designed to work with older versions of At Ease, this app allows 
   users to do basic disk operations (erase and eject floppies, 
   rename & delete files -- all of these on the floppy disk, not on the
   hard drive).  Most of this app's big size comes from the embedded
   sound resources.
 128     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Drag/drop files onto this app to change file attributes (locked,
   creator, type, etc).  Can work on batches.  Requires System 7.
   6     6/20/87    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Automatically deletes certain files when run, then optionally
   destroys itself. Especially useful with RAMdisk programs that
   automatically copy a default folder over at startup.
  43      9/6/89    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A hard disk backup utility that allows wildcards.
  96     2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make folders and files invisible to the Finder, protect
   invisibility with password; requires System 7.  Version 3.0
   adds drag & drop support as well as several other features.
   Fat Binary.

 528    10/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Correctly recognize files by their contents and set their file
   types and creators.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 665     8/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Blitz is a program for cataloguing removable storage volumes.
   Cataloguing a 650MB CD-ROM requires lesss than 60K of hard
   drive space. Ideal for use with CD-ROM's, Zip Drives, and
   Syquest EZ135.

  20     1/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Drag/drop your application/file onto this utility and its BNDL
   (icon, comments, etc) info will be "slammed" into the Volume Desktop
   database.  When you reboot, you'll see your updated icons.
   Requires System 7.
  92     6/28/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Change the type and creator of one or many files. Supports drag-
   and-drop.  Requires System 7.
   4     7/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A quick and easy way to add icons to "orphaned" files.
  57     7/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Find all the invisible files and folders in a disk. Search
   entire disk at once, or file by file.  Can make invisible
   files visible.

  27     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tests memory access speeds on the PowerMac; requires 2600K memory
   to run, does not require L2 cache to run.
 192     10/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Catalog your disks, hard drives, CD ROMs so you can browse the
  contents of them without having to remount the disk; search
  and report; print labels.  Bug fix version.
  81      3/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Plays discs in the CompactDisc+Graphics format (regular CD audio
   discs that have 16-color graphics encoded in the subchannel of the
   disc); requires a (fast) color Mac and an Apple CD300 or compatible
   drive, such as the Sony CDU-561.
  16     6/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag-and-drop app that uses AppleEvents to change the type and
   creator of a file.
  28     8/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A drag and drop utility to tell you whether a file is open or
 372     2/12/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.51
   Calculate file checksums; most checksum algorithms
   supported, even those on other systems, like Unix sum,
   POSIX.2 cksum, and RSA MD5 checksums.
 153     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Join (concatenate) the data forks of any number of files into one
   large file; FAT; requires System 7.
  12      7/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Converts a Microsft Windows .ICO file to a Macintosh icon.

  24    11/21/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Find the differences between two files, searching either fork and
   displaying the results in ASCII or in hex.
  42     8/4/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Queues up copies in a small palette until you choose to perform them.
   Useful for ARA users.  Supports the Drag Manager.  Requires System7.
  14     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Identifies what CPU is running; useful for those with PowerMac
   Upgrade cards who find themselves switching between differing
   processors frequently.
 125     2/2/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small application that converts the Creator and Type of files.
   It operates by opening the target file and changing the Creator
   and Type so that the application can open the file.
 127     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Executes commands at specified dates and times according to
   instructions; runs as app in background; similar to UNIX cron
   function;  Different from /mac/util/diskfile/cron1.10.
  46    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Clock daemon for Mac; executes commands at specified dates and
   times according to instructions; runs as app in background;
   similar to Unix cron function.
  31     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An X10 controller (CP290) program to be used with Chris
   Johnson's cron utility (/mac/util/diskfile/cron1.0d13).  Controls
   X10 modules to turn on and off appliances, lights, thermostats, and
   anything else that can be controlled by X10 devices.  Requires a
   model CP290 X10 computer interface along with the appropriate
   modules for the devices you wish to control.
  27     7/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Easily remove the custom icon from one or several items at once.
   Requires System 7.
 658     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Turns the Finder into a database for internet Web sites with the
   touch of special command keys; cool! Requires System 7 Pro or more
   with Scriptable Finder (7.5 recommended); free.
  22      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Turn desk accessories into stand-alone applications that also
   support drag 'n drop. Since a converted DA will have its own
   application heap, you can keep problematic DAs from crashing the
   system by adjusting their individual heap setting using Get Info...
   as you do for applications.
  39     2/1/96    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.5

   Drag-n-drop util combines files and folders to fit on
   1.4MB disks.
  27     7/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Easily assign a blank icon to one or several items at once so
   only the name is visible, even in icon view.  Requires System 7.
  45     2/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Collection of applications for handling suitcases and resource
198     3/17/96    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Delayed Startup Items waits until your computer is idle for a few seconds 
   and then runs any programs that are in a folder called "Delayed Startup
   Items".   This allows you to bypass the very long startup times of having
   lots of applications in the "Startup Items" folder.

  36     7/5/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert DiskCopy, DART, and Norton Floppier images to DiskDup+
   images.  Require System 7.

   7     11/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Remove the invisible Desktop file from your disks.  Big whoop.
  20     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Simple application to delete (for a full rebuild) the desktop
   files in System 7.x.
   21     7/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Eradicate the data fork of a file, which will also zap the
   personalization on some programs.  Exactly the same as Anonymity.
  50    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display full path trees for all files on all volumes.  Includes
   THINK C source.  Please note that it has been reported to us that
   this file is incompatible with Syquest removeable disks and may
   cause crashes to the catalog of said disks.
  78     10/13/92   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drop volumes, files, or folders into this application and
   it will create a list of all the files enclosed.  Requires System 7.
   5    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Modify Ambrosia Software's freeare Discolour to colorize the Apple
   IIe partition on your hard drive.
  28      8/8/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   MacUser's disk benchmark tester, version 1.1.  Use this to try out
   your drives.  It tests out the number of read/write calls for
   multiple blocks/kbytes per file.
 190     3/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Find out if you are likely to suffer from a bug in the Macintosh
   disk check routine that could keep your disk from mounting.
 151     7/10/97   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Format disks and map out bad sectors better than Apple's default
   tester in System 7; works in earlier System versions; optionally,
   if Thread Manager is installed (included in System 7.5), erasing
   can be done in background. Now supports zip disks.
 70    10/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Duplicate a master disk to other disks, with options to verify,
   initialize always/with prompt, and warn before writing over valid
   data.  Can also mount image files created with Apple's Disk Copy.
 228      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Scan multiple disks/folders for identical files, invisible files,
   empty folders, a sequence of characters, etc.  Can also modify file
   attributes, remove deleted file traces, and more.
 144     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Apply a software lock to a floppy or hard disk so that files may
   be read, but not written.
  19     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Examine some attributes of your disk relating to the Finder info and
   correct them.  No user interaction required (or possible).
  69      5/23/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Monitor all open volumes (servers, disks, hd's, etc.) and show the
   freespace available, percentage used, etc.
  20    12/19/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This simple utility frees up space used by an unncessarily large
   desktop file on a floppy disk.  Useful for situations like when
   you put a used, empty floppy disk in the drive and it has 
   space being taken up because of the desktop file. 

 768    2/29/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat binary disk cataloging and management system.  Way lots of 
   features, a Finder-like interface, can read into StuffIt and 
   Compact Pro files, and once it's scanned your volumes, you can do 
   fast searches and create your own labels.
  87    3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Smooth, comprehensive disk cataloguing utility including a
   small auto-cataloging companion INIT; v.2.0 is complete 
   rewrite from the older version.
  87    10/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Smooth, comprehensive disk cataloguing utility; v1.03 fixes bug
   which caused a crash when scanning disks if the application had
   never been run before; also is more friendly with small screens.
   French version.
  57     1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Opens any file type by means of an alternative app, and/or
   links any app to a key, or can directly open any file;
 141     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A secure deletion utility using DoD guidelines on the secure
   removal of data from a hard disk.
  25     6/19/01     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Will show the free space on all mounted drives, along with
   a red mark if any of them are > 90% full.  PPC Only.

  30     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   View the amount of free space on all drives.
  84      7/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

    Fast, simple, and safe file type/creator changer. 

  19    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Hide or show icons in the Finder.  Requires System 7.
  27      7/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Puts the path of one or more files dropped on in onto
   the clipboard.

 222     7/21/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fast, safe file and folder renaming tool will search/replace/
   insert/remove strings within filenames, change cases, convert to
   MS-DOS, etc; v3.5 supports editing Renamelets; FAT.
 126      7/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag-and-drop *anything* onto this app and choose through a
   standard SFOpen dialog which program to use to open the file
   with.  This is supposed to simplify things... Formerly LaunchPad.

  50     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scan the resident drive for all file types (or creators), create a
   new text file, and writes those types in a sorted list, with the
   quantity of those types adjacent to them.  Includes THINK C source.
  93     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Disk labeling application for 3.5" diskettes; v2.01 fixes bugs with
   backspace key and picture deletions; comes in French, English, German.
 220     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Dig out and examine files from the System Folder;  change
   what is enabled or disabled; create configuration "sets";
   fat binary requires System 7; lots of new stuff and fixes.
  36    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Batch lock, unlock, or change the type/creator or many files.
   Requires System 7.
   9      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Unfragment your hard drive to improve performance.
  22     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Remove the Data Fork of a file (the part containing data and native
   PowerPC code), to remove the PowerPC code, saving lot of disk
   space.  Requires System 7.
  32     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag-n-drop util repairs custom icons and bundles of files
   damaged by FirstClass.
 723     7/16/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Extensive Get Info options for files, folders; makes better
   custom icons than the Finder, simplifies changes to file types,
   creator signatures; cleans empty icon files, makes aliases;
   much more. 
 314     8/13/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Very nifty file cataloger maintains, displays, sorts, finds, and 
   exports info about disks and files; v 1.0b21 fixes a few minor bugs,
   and is a major upgrade; free!
  64     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A Drag & Drop applet which locks and unlocks files.
  71     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays a standard file dialog box; records file name, volume
   name, and data fork size.
 214     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Searches for files, just like Apple's Find File in Sys 7.5
   but even MORE powerful!
  32      3/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Open files with the program of your choice, even ones which cannot
   be done with aliases; manage desktop space more efficiently; use it
   to drag-n-drop files, folders, volumes to be sent to any open or
   closed apps; supports drag-n-drop printing also.
  86     1/10/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Splits a text file into smaller files at the points which you can

  13    2/27/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tiny application that changes file type and creators.
 374     9/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   "Watch" files or folders on your hard drive, or on other people's
   hard drives over a network to perform actions on items involved in
   specific changes to files or folders.  AppleScriptable.
  34     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change file type, file creator, and Finder flags of a file
   or a set of files; changes files icon on the fly as type is
   changed; drag-n-droppable; free.
 188     7/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Drag & drop application to set type, creator, or Finder flags for
   files and folders; includes MakeAutoTyper, a utility for creation
   of drag&drop applications which change the settings on matching
  14    10/13/92   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set a file's type/creator/various finder flags. Works in both
   System 6 and System 7.
  11    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Three patched replacements for the default Finder Preferences file
   for System 7, which has been altered to provide a wider name field
   for Finder list views.
  83    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Great applette.  Tiny, powerful, fast, memory-sensitive!  Finds all
   occurances of a text string on specified disks, in files, etc.
  17      7/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The Quadra 660av and 840av have a bug which prevents Gamma
   corrections from working under certain conditions; this app,
   run at startup, corrects that; now the AV users can create the
   same kinds of neat color effects as all the rest of us! Free.
 157    11/14/92   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Install and manage FKEYs.  The interface is similar to that of
   Font/DA Mover.
  11     6/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Flips the BNDL bits (i.e. makes all the icons of whatever file you
   drop on it upside down)!!.  Doesn't touch the file's resources, it
   just does the thing on the Desktop file.
 102       8/3/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Utility to keep track of all the "stuff" you have on floppies or
   other media (including CD-ROM and hard drives). 

  99    11/25/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Recover files from damaged Macintosh diskettes.  So old it can't
   even recognize high density disks, but it is one of few freely
   distributable programs of its type.
  98     10/4/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A public domain disk recovery utility written by Miguel Cruz It
   allows you to recovery damaged files or disks.  Version 0.94a 
   is now compatible with System 7.
  55      8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Small utility which creates custom folder icons based on other files's
   icons; drag-n-drop easy; requires System7 and works best with apps/files
   which have a full complement of icons, especially ics4.  Not tp be confused
   with "foldericonmaker1.3" which is also at the archive.
  51     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Removes custom icons from folders, deletes the hidden Icon file,
   and updates the Use Custom Icon attribute.  Requires System 7.

  56     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Creates folders with custom icons with drag-n-drop ease;
   requires System 7 (some features require System 7.5);
   scriptable and recordable and compatible with System 7.5;
   v1.4 displays current custom folder icon, scripts and
   drop-launch key can force standard system icon to be used
   instead of custom, problem selecting files via menus fixed.
  80     3/13/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A faceless background application that watches folders on your Mac
   or remote Macintosh or server, posting a notice and/or writing to a
   log whenever the contents of any of the folders change.
  30     6/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Erase the data and/or resource forks of a file.
  28    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays a window showing the free space of all mounted volumes.
  47     3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Harddrive data for use w/ FWB's HardDisk ToolKit (required).
 134      7/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Utility disables and re-enables the interfaces for chooser drivers,
   which is different from Extension Manager in that it doesn't remove
   the extensions from the extensions folder, but simply prevents users
   from accessing drivers in the Chooser, which (in most cases) allows
   the driver(s) to continue to function in the manner last configured. 
 284      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The UNIX file comparer, with an AppleEvent interface.  Includes
   C source.
 288     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Finder utility supports multiple windows, menubar, drag-n-drop
   files to and between Browser windows, Finder commands like print,
   get info, sharing, and greater flexibility in resizing; requires
   System 7, Color QuickDraw, Thread Manager; v2.54 shows folder
   size, change names, labels of Stuffit archives, more.
  27     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Duplicates files, combining the Finder functions Duplicate
   (CMD-D) and Option-Copy in one very fast utility.  An
   Amanuensis duplicate is an exact copy of the original.
 195     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Robust file attributes editor. Changes Type and Creator, of
   course, but also permits editing of all Finder flags. Adds
   or removes custom icons. Removes BNDLs from PostScript
   fonts. Changes the Created/Modified dates and times of
   files. Permits bulk renaming, including renaming by means of
   Search & Replace masks (like (ick!) DOS and UNIX, only
  10     5/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set your Mac's hard drive timeout value -- the amount of time the
   Mac pauses at startup to allow the hard drive to spin up.
   14     5/3/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Nuke the folder from hell (the ones you can't trash because, even
   though it's empty, the directory is corrupted and thinks there's
   something in there). Simple dialog box asks "which folder to
   kill", then reboots.

  30      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Drag-and-drop application to hide folders (and can make
   them again visible; includes a simple password protection.
  32     1/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Replace your system icons without a resource editor and while your
   system is running (remember, however, to keep an unsullied backup!);
   v1.0d3 opens two times as many icons as before, password protect off.
  65     3/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   General purpose color icon editor.  Requires System 7.
  76      7/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   "Fixes" a cosmetic "feature" caused by DriveSetup which can cause
   custom icons for partitions to appear improperly, by modifying the
   creation dates on the drives to assure all are slightly different.
  29     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   IDE Benchmark is a utility that will determine if your system
   would benefit from the use of Disk Manager Mac's( driver for
   IDE devices.  Requires ATA Manager.
 124     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fully functional Apple //e emulator that supports all of the
   graphics mode, all of the Apple //e keyboard keys, and almost
   all of the currently available Apple II disk image formats;
   requires System 7 and Thread Manager; will perform on 68K
   Macs, but poorly; includes instructions for obtaining //e ROMs.

5170     7/23/97    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive

   Creates installation programs for the distribution of software.
   It is simple enough to for novice developers, but it's powerful
   enough that companies such: as Adobe, Microsoft, and Metrowerks use
   Installer VISE to deliver their products.  Fully functional demo.

  22      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Initialize disks in the shortest possible time -- 1 to 3 seconds.
   7      9/2/95    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50
   Will read PC portion, which is usualy inaccessable, of
   "special" CDs which are formatted to work on either a Mac of PC.
   Incompatible with AccessPC.

 129      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   If an application no longer runs because it "unexpectedly quit" or
   because the user quit it, relaunch it or restart the computer.
   Important for all kinds of server applications.  Includes versions
   for 68K and PowerMacs.
  37      3/3/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A small fat app which hacks a copy of the Finder to remove the
   zoom-rectangles which waste time and cpu when opening and closing
   windows.  Compatible with Finder 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.5.1 and 7.5.3.
  21     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Schedules times to launch applications (to check email,
   perform periodic maintenance, etc.)
 116     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Creates a text catalog of any disk, folder or doc you drop on it;
   AppleScriptable.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
   60   11/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   LoadADrive is a simple utility to mount a CD-ROM that
   wasn't switched on at startup without restarting your Macintosh.
  16    11/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Scan volumes for applications, startup documents (INIT), control
   panels (cdev) and stacks. Used primarily by auditors to make sure
   that the machine has only registered software.
  18     3/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Shows the current creator and file type and asks for a new set.
   Supports drag-and-drop.  Requires System 7.
  29    12/23/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A DOS Utility (you get it onto your PC by using AppleFileExchange or
   something compatible) that allows your IBM to read Macintosh
   1.44 Meg disks.  Requires a PC with a 3 1/2" High Density drive.

 102      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Easily performs file operations (lock, change type, etc.)
   on large numbers of files at once.
  10    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Purges the System Software memory getting rid of useless
   junk clogging memory; v1.01 has better helps, some powerpc
   code, changes shift-key to cmd-key.
 220      9/16/95    MS-DOS Zip
   A DOS/Windows Utility (similar to Apple File Exchange) which allows 
   DOS compatibles to transfer files to and from Mac HD disks. Also
   can decode BinHex and MacBinary files on the DOS machine directly
   to a Mac-readable disk.  (very handy for those without Mac net
   access!)  Demo version limited to 16kB files, can't format Mac disks,
   can't modify Mac resources.  Must be downloaded in "Binary" mode,
   and decompressed on a DOS machine using "pkunzip", a common DOS
   utility found elsewhere.  Requires 3.5" High Density floppy drive.
  73    12/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A sector-level File/Volume editor.  Similar to ResEdit, but works
   with data forks, too.
  36      2/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows UUencoding on the Macintosh, some _very_ nice features to deal
   w/ UNIX mailer conflicts. Simple interface.
  54     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   When double-clicking Macwrite files, make sure that MacWrite II
   launches instead.
 653     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An alternate operating system for the Mac.
 158    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create aliases that can:  play a sound, open or print every item in
   the target folder, open some other item (document, application,
   folder, or whatever) first, send an Apple event to another program,
   or make a startup item optional.
  86     1/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Compute the size of any number of files or folders on any media,
   useful for creating CD-ROMs and other write-once disks that have
   large allocation block sizes; v1.2 recompiled for both 680x0 and
   8     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Formats large groups of disks; v1.03b offers faster formatting, 
   minor bug fix.
  24     8/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An application which allows you to mount DiskCopy image files
   (the files Apple typically distributes updates with) as disk icons.
  77     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A handy utility to give files with DOS extensions valid
   type/creator codes, and "fix" mac filenames so that they export
   easily to DOS and Unix systems.  Also performs spell checks and
   search-and-replace functions on filenames.
  20     1/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   INIT trash your floppy 'driver'?  COMMAND-E is toast!?  Use this
   to force your Mac into ejecting that floppy, period!
   4      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small ResEdit hack corrects System Information Box to show a
   PowerMac 7200/7500 icon as well as the proper System Name;
   requires ResEdit and a New PowerMac.
 118      9/4/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create mini icons (the size of icons in Small Icon view) for the
   aliases of files.
 168     6/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Determine if a file contains PowerPC native code.  This program is
   itself Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
 488     1/26/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Scan your disks for files (lets you filter file types/creators),
   find duplicate files, autoscan floppies, and more.  Nice interface.
   Supports the Thread Manager.  Requires System 7.
  40     4/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Search your System 7 Preferences Folder for "orphaned" preferences
   (preferences with no apparent owner) and delete them.
  85     3/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Remove the resource fork of any file.
  21    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Put files in folders based on types and creators, much like the
   System 7 Finder puts System-specific files in special folders.
   Configurable.  Requires System 7.
  12     3/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Format floppy disks more quickly than in the Finder.
 100     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Assign "Hotkeys" to up to thirty (30) Apple Menu Items,
   control panels, apps, FKEYs, documents, monitor depth,
   speaker volume settings; pop up a menu anywhere on the
  71     2/27/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Search for words or sentences in documents.  The search can be done
   inside one or more documents, in one or more folders and in one or
   more disk.
   6     11/6/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Quit all your applications at once, no questions asked, just like
   when you select Restart/ShutDown; option to quit the Finder, also.
   Requires System7.
 197      2/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A collection of various locomotives, heralds and rail cars to
   spice up your desk top.  Color and black & white, large and small
   icons are provided.  It even includes a couple of ppats.
  28     6/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Randomly chooses a file from a selected folder and then sends an 
   AppleEvent to the Finder to open it.  Good for things like 
   playing a random sound, or choosing a random Bolo map, or maybe
   something useful!
  23     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Reset the Desktop Databases (DTDBs) on each mounted volume.
   Something like the Desktop Reset INIT, but as an application.
   Includes THINK C source.
  17      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Delete the resource fork of any file.
   9     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Find text strings in the resource forks of your files.
  17     2/22/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Now your System 7.0 Finder will recognize new/modified icons
   without rebuilding or rebooting when you drop the files onto this
 486     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create batch files (a la UNIX Shell Scripts) to automate complex
   tasks on your Mac.
  45     5/19/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Evaluate the performance of your various SCSI hard drives
   (read/writes, verify, etc.).
  24     8/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A generic SCSI disk formatter.  Requires DETAILED knowledge of
   your SCSI device.  For experienced users only.
  28     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Search within any folder for a text string that might appear in any
   file.  With System 7, you can then click on the string and its file
   name and the file opens.
   7      4/3/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set the type and creator of input files to 'BIN '/'A/UX',
   permitting binary files downloaded to a Mac partition to be copied
   to an A/UX unix partition without invoking A/UX's automatic
   carriage-return-to-newlines conversion, which can cause file
  15    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An alternative to the "Startup Device" control panel, you can
   change your startup disk to a disk that isn't even currently 
   mounted on the desktop.  You can also select the "Ram Disk/High 
   SCSI" option, to boot off the RAM disk (very handy for PowerBook
   owners as it saves battery).
  42     1/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create multiple Macintosh partitions on a disk formatted with
   Apple's HD SC Setup.
 150     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays HFS volumes as a series of folders (like in the Finder),
   shows percentage of disk each folder uses (bar chart or text),
   shows "wasted" space (difference between physical and logical
   size), even displays a folder tree.
 116     7/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Create or mount disk images by drag-n-drop floppy icons onto
   the app's icon; free.

 164     1/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Back up new and changed files. Can use DiskDoubler to make
   compressed backups and to optimize speed.   Requires System 7.
   Bug Fix version.
 279     5/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Back up your hard disks, servers, shared network disks, and other
   disk volumes to tape, DAT, WORM, optical disks, removable hard
   disks, floppy diskettes, fixed hard disks, servers, or other shared
   volumes on a network. 
  62     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Get a report of the essential parts of your Mac, including active
   control panels and extensions.
 121    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change the color of System 7.5 Stickies by using colorwheel
   or drag-n-drop from another note.
  28    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A simple tape backup program.  No interface to speak of.
  90      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small MiniFinder and desktop utility processes management,
   formats/initialized disks, launches apps, copies in background,
   and more; v1.60 has a plethora of new features.
  72      8/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   This is a simple and straightforward floppy duplication program.  
   It has several features, such as estimated copy time, number of 
   copies to make, single-pass copy & formatting, and diskette 
   autoloader capability for mass duplications.  Several features 
   are disabled until registered.   Will create and read DiskCopy images.  
   Works with all Mac and DOS floppies.
 255     2/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Synchronise two folders so that both have the most recent versions
   of their files.  Can be used as a backup program.
  59      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Rule-based folder backup and synchronization program.
   Fixes a few bugs.
 259    2/1/96    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.5

   Easily rebuild the desktop and zap the PRAM of your Mac, in a way
   more effective than the standard methods built into the System.
   Will also display (and restore after zapping the PRAM) the
   manufacture date and hours in use; v1.09 tests the system files
   more reliably.

  19     9/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert TeachText documents between editable and read-only formats.
  26    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Concatenate files.  Many options.  Requires System 7.
  19     7/31/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Completely removes desktop files for clean desktop rebuild.
  67      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   A drag-and-drop app which allows inspection and modification
   of the type and creator or any file, document, or application.
   6      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A drag'n'drop utility to add (or remove) color icons from floppies.
   Requires System 7.
   4     2/18/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Will change the last modification time to now of files dropped on it.
   Similer to the Unix "touch" command (hence the name)

  64     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Update a folder's modification date to reflect the most recently
   modified file within it.  Requires System 7.
 609     4/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A collection of Apple File Exchange (AFE) translators, Claris XTND
   translators and general Drag& Drop (System 7 or later) translation
   applications   Includes: (Mac to IBMpc) BMP 1.00, dBase II & III to
   CSV 1.04, EPSF (IBMpc to Mac) 2.00, TIFF (IBMpc to Mac) 2.00,
   Windows (.BMP) to PICT 1.02, WordStar to RTF 1.02, BitMapsToEPS
   3.10,PICT / BMP 1.50, ctc 1.6, EPS Preview Converter 1.50, QT Movie
   ToolBox 1.50, TEXT Converter 1.50, PC PaintBrush (PCX) - XTND 1.0,
   StartUp Screen - XTND 1.01, Windows (.BMP) - XTND 1.10.  Converters
   listed as version 1.50 are included in PowerPC native-mode
  39      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Inspects all documented toolbox, operating system traps,
   tells if implemented as native PowerPC or 680x0 code (perfect
   to use in conjunction with TattleTale to see which INITs are
   patching which traps!
  26      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Indicates which for which platform a trap actually has a
   code; reports fat traps as PPC; will only work on Powermacs.
 161     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Folder cleanup util rearranges and cleans folder windows of
   selected directory trees or whole disks; configurable, preview
   mode, multi-screen support.
  11     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Drag-and-drop application to change the type and creator of any
   file.  Requires System 7.
   7    10/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Change the type and creator of multiple files.
  36     4/17/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Change types and creators of files based on their filenames (.txt
   becomes a TeachText file, for example.  Requires System 7.
  15     3/25/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A quick hack to recover files on 3.5" Apple Pascal disks for
   Apple II machines.
  41     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Icon collections which can be overlapped to form composite images.
   Allows drag-and-drop to any of several locations at once.
 435    2/1/96    Binhex4.0,Compact1.51

   A smooth and powerful File Scanner utility specially developed for
   System 7 that can quickly find specific files or groups of related
   files, and move, open, copy, label, examine, backup and/or
   remove them).  Search by Name, Date, Label, Size, Creator, Type,
   Contents, etc. Look inside files of any kind and examine the raw data.
  23     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Cure the dreaded 'Name-Locked Hard Drive' issue that occurs after
   having a System 6 user log onto the System 7 File Sharing server
   and in other circumstances.
 124      7/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep multiple, distributed copies of documents up to date by
   tracking changes in linked files or folders and telling you when
   files have changed, deleted, or new files have been created.
 128      7/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep multiple, distributed copies of documents up to date by
   tracking changes in linked files or folders and telling you when
   files have changed, deleted, or new files have been created.
   Portuguese version.
  80      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Compares any two files on different machines without downloading
   them by calculating checksum and CRC32 on data and resource forks;
   v1.22 has optimized 68K and PowerPC code with CodeWarrior 5.5,
   cooler online docs, graphics, and contents menu.
 63      8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Generate a report of the versions of all the files on your drive,
   and compare those versions to the current versions.
  42     8/14/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   drag and drop application that appends version numbers (as found in
   the 'vers' resources) to files.  "FooWriter" --> "FooWriter 1.2"
 218     5/15/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Organize, clean up, and stagger all of the windows of all the
   folders on whatever volume you want it to.  Requires System 7.5 or
   System 7.1, Applescript 1.1, and the Finder Scripting addition.
 168    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A utility and an extension for all types of Macs, all types of
   monitors; 160K of memory makes your desktop as big as you want
   with easy access via scrollbars, doors, miniaturization,
   pushing or key combos; v1.8 adds door options for launching
   and color switching, more customization; free!
  40    10/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Select new, colorful icons for your disks under System 7.
  54     3/13/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A "no frills" file viewer.  It allows you to view raw data (in
   hex or ascii format) of either the data or resource fork of a 
   file.  You can't edit any of the info, but you can change the type
   and creator of the file and modify the length (EOF) of either fork.
   Source is available in the archive's source directory.
  49     9/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Turns an icon into a whirling black hole.  FAT, but 68k macs
   require an FPU.  Only works in 256 colors in the main monitor.

  44    10/18/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Edit the "Welcome to Macintosh." message displayed at startup.
  87    10/27/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Catalogs volumes or folders.  You can export the listing as a text
   file, view the path, print it out, etc.
  95     2/14/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This app reads in ZX Spectrum (an ancient computer) files stored
   on cassette tapes through the Macintosh audio input and saves
   them as "tape files" on the hard drive.  Designed to work in
   with the ZX Spectrum emulator.  Comes with source code which
   builds a German version of the program.
  19     7/16/92   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A file synchronization package that copies files between your
   Powerbook and a desktop computer.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 463    12/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Filemaker Pro 2.x templates designed to catalogue albums, CDs,
   DAT, cassettes and other music media as well as song lyrics;
   print collection lists and custom tape cassette inserts; more
   buttons, scripts, graphics, special extras and neat tricks.

 249    10/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep track of financial accounts: bank, loan payments, credit
   card purchases, etc., up to 5 accounts; supports automatic
   transactions, European date format; requires FileMakerPro.
 200     7/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Financial account keeper and database; generate monthly reports
   for any or all accounts; requires FileMakerPro.

 122      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Balances and reconciles bank, investment and credit card
   accounts; tracks assets, liabilities and capital.  Even tho
   it runs on a Mac, it also runs on the Windows version of FileMaker.

 132     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A freeware database (to be used with FileMaker Pro) that 
   can be shared/browsed over the network for keeping track of
   meetings and schedules, printing monthly calendars, keeping
   a lesson plan, school (or event) calendar, etc.  Ideal for
   academic and/or conference room and lab scheduling.
 450     2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Music collection tracker with lots of features and
   a nifty interface; this is the next step up from
   CD Tracker Pro (and by the same author, so you see:
   it's an <*tah-dah*> 'Authorized' version! *heh*duck*).
  29     8/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Applies barcodes to standard mailing lists imported into FileMaker.
   Neither PostScript nor special fonts are required.  Freeware!
 400     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A database of drink recipes; choose from almost 775 classic
   recipes; if the bar isn't fully stocked, search out those
   drinks which use the available supplies; requires 256 colors.
1368     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Database with most (all?) major leagues accounted for;
   unlimited flexibility in adapting db to user needs; cool!
1056     8/17/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This is a baseball statistics database for FileMaker Pro. 
   It includes pointers to places on the WWW to get current stats, 
   techniques to parse the stats, import them, and then sort & display 
   them in various useful ways.
  50     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Database generates footnotes & bibliographical references
   according to type of source; output flagged for formatting
   by a word processor.
  18     1/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Manage bibliographic information and put it into BibTex format so
   you can use the data with Tex/LaTex.  Requires FileMaker 2.0.
 365     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A database for bibliographic references; demo restricts access to
   3 of 13 entry types, and specifically disallows Abstract, ISBN,
   and Annotation.
 243     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Fantasy Football database.
 195     12/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Database to keep track of gigs and bookings, organize tours, promote
   concerts; customizable; requires FileMakerPro2.1 or more.
  34      4/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FileMaker Pro 2.0 database for business and personal contacts.
  96     1/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A daily planning database.  Requires FileMaker 2.0.

 336     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Keep a record of your car repairs, the cost and hours spent.
   Also maintains the specs of your car and information about
   the service stations you take your car to.
 119    11/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FileMaker Pro document for catloging compact discs allows
   search, print, and report generation; v1.2 includes a number
   of field changes and some changes in user interface.
  66     2/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Are you one of those people who likes to send in a penny
   to a CD Club and get back 10 CDs?  Here are three templates
   for you... one for the BMG Music Club (BMG Wantlist),
   another for Columbia House (ColumbiaHouseWantlist) and a 
   third for Disc Club Account Info (where you can track how
   much you've saved, or spent, so far).  Includes FAQ and WWW
   page for the real junkies.
 134     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Catalogs CDs; requires FileMakerPro 2.1 or greater; search,
   print, generate reports; v1.3 has track numbers for each song,
   smart sorting (ie: ignores 'the'), and more.
  46     10/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keep track of your valuable CD collection  Requires FileMaker 2.0.
  42     5/30/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A library archive for musical compact discs created in
   FileMaker Pro; printing is disabled in demo.
 292     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple database catalogs CD's for those who don't want or need
   a lot of superfluous info in their databases; requires FMPro2.1.
 330     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Variation of CDelux/Lite, but more in line with the needs
   of a classical cd collector; requires FilemakerPro; v1.1
   has many new features and a user manual; free.
 502     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Contains CDLite and CDLite Pro, cd cataloging databases; require
   FileMakerPro2.1 and 1.4MB to run; free.
 303      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FilemakerPro template for managing CD collections; requires
   FileMaker Pro 3.0 or better to run, and uses the Espy Sans
   font extensively in input screens.
 451     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Nifty CD organizer; cool graphic interface tracks by
   artist/album, title/song/label, more; imports and exports;
   requires a 13" color monitor and FileMakerPro2.1 or later;
   v3.02 contains many new features and user requested changes.
  40     6/10/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Perform CHN calculations on organic compounds; allows varying 
   of the mole concentration of an impurity (solvent) and obtains
   an on-the-fly CHN calculation of the results; v1.6 corrects an
   error in the %N field.
 185     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FileMaker Pro (2.0+) templates which can used for planning
   simple sailing trips or extended "round-robin" flights.  Position
   information (i.e. latitudes and longitudes) for 194 locations
   in North America are listed.
 475      2/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This filemaker template will allow you to conveniently view, print, 
   sort, file, organize and save your cooking recipes.
 416     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A attractive, easy-to-use and interactive cookbook. 
   Allows the user to quickly enter and view recipes.  
 157     12/5/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Five year electronic daily planner weekly, daily,  yearly views with
   point-n-click ease of access; new update includes revised address
   book with fields for fax, email addresses, birthdays, etc.; requires
   FileMaker Pro v2.0 or later.
 154    8/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Filemaker template for extensive logging of dives.  Computes
   air consumption, surface interval, dive profile, residual
   nitrogen groups based on one of several dive tables, decompression
   stops, and min. time to fly.  Registration enables all features.

 151     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Word, Excel, and FileMaker Pro files to organize your stock of DNA.
 158      1/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Prints standard size dive log binders; voice log entry option
   and standard written comments; nice interface, easy to use;
   requires FileMakerPro 2.1; free.
  77    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Automatically prints out two address books: one current and one
   archival (or local, foreign, etc.), as well as mailing labels, etc.
 348     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Template contains the SF-171 and OF-612 federal job applications;
   new form, the OF-612, is accepted in place of SF-171 for most job
   openings; templates available for ClarisWorks format.
 417     8/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Faster sourcing, lots of new features for using over networked Macs.
 231     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   All you ever wanted to know about FileMaker Pro *PLUS* a
   database for other faqs, as you like; includes a handy-
   dandy Eudora2FMPro script.
  92     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Enter and track student fines of whatever variety;
   requires FileMakerPro 2.x.
 108     3/19/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Requires FileMaker to create this well-done Flight Log Book.
   Calculates all the stats when you plug in the numbers,
 218     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Contains searchable, printable, browseable database of FMP
   template sources, both shareware and commercial.
  16    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A FileMaker a graphic notebook with layouts for both text and
   graphics, predefined layout for hardcopy (suitable for 3-ring
   binders, keyword entry, and is not password protected.
  63     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Maintain a complete record of your posessions.
   6     3/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Shows how to verify the integrity of an ISBN using calculated
   fields; useful in conjunction with Personal Librarian.
 290      7/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   For organizing and cataloging Jyhad cards, a trading card game 
   created and marketed by Wizards of the Coast.
  26     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Database of Lemmings codes for those who lost their
   Lemmings manuals (it won't do anyone else any good);
   requires FileMakerPro.
 168      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scripting app which massages data retrieved as lists by sorting,
   archiving, deleting lines in FileMakerPro's repeating fields;
   requires AppleScript 1.1, Script Editor 1.1, Filemaker Pro 2.1v3.
 187    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Gives system info on all Macs from the 128K to the PowerMacs and
 142    3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FileMaker database containing the latest MacFTPList sites and
   a bunch of other stuff.  Awesome interface!
 138     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   FileMaker databases for a stamp inventory and cataloging package.
 256    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A set of two databases which help you keep track of a small library
   of items on loan (be it tapes, videos, or books - hence the name)
 344     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FileMakerPro database archives data about your CDs, LPs, DATs, CD
   Video, etc.
  29    10/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   56 mutual funds, sorted by  category and performance, in
   FileMakerPro format.
  41    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Database for mailing list maintenance tracks subscribers,
   subscription info.
 119     8/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   In preparation for the 10/10/95 changeover of phone numbers in
   the Netherlands, this is for people who have lots of Dutch phone
   numbers; template and datafile convert phone numbers, lists of
   numbers from other apps, and FMP database phone number fields
   to spare the user annoying 'you got it wrong' recorded messages;
   pro version is a complete rewrite.
   9     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   FileMaker database to convert numerals ("23") to text strings
   ("twenty three").
 259      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Demo sampling of online WWW database listing which contains 489
   operas by 171 composers; demo has only 73 of them in random
   sampling; requires FileMaker Pro 2.1 or better.
  22      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Address & phone number book in FileMakerPro format.

  60    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A FileMaker Pro 2.0 database designed to help you keep track of your
   personal library; has reporting/searching capabilities; requires 13"
   or greater monitor; includes new values in Binding and Printing, total
   volume and value calc, inventory; v2.0 has color! (and more).
 127     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Prepares mail for bulk rates using user's database; it
   creates complete banding, sacking, labeling instructions;
   computes postage for USPS paperwork; shows what post office
   to use for best rates, and figures discounts; more. SLOW!
 644     8/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   With ProBirthdays 2.1s, you can: Keep track of the birthdays of 
   your family, friends and business associates; Record gifts, given 
   and received, for birthdays, weddings, christenings etc.; Print the 
   gift record plus interests & hobbies, to take gift shopping with you;
   Print personalised certificates and birthday cards for everyone;
   Perform fascinating calculations on ages & birthdates and then 
   print the results.
  65      6/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A nifty tool (with resources!) which helps manage and access various
   buttons for use with FileMaker Pro (means no more searching through
   ResEdit and Paint files for those buttons you need!); requires
   FileMaker Pro 2.x; free!
  35     3/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Psychic Kindergarten Cards are a tool for giving psychic readings.
   These cards answer the question: Tarot or to set the sails?
   This software requires FileMaker Pro for Windows, 
   or FileMaker Pro 2.0 or greater for Macintosh.
  24     3/11/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A FileMaker 2.0 database designed to keep track of Amateur Radio
   repeaters.  Lists name, frequency, location, etc.  You need
   to pay the shareware fee to customize it, though.
1871    8/23/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Filemaker database designed to handle all records for any size
   troop.  Each scout has over 120 fields of data.  Includes
   demo Filemaker Pro engine.

 398    3/7/95      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Script Pilot maintains a database of your AppleScript or Frontier
   script files (or aliases) and allows you to run any of them from 
   the main window or from an external FileMaker Pro menu.
 175    10/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Need to fill out Federal job app SF171? This handy-dandy
   form makes it all very easy; requires FileMakerPro.
 215     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A statistics database for use with filemaker pro.
 139    11/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Set of FileMaker Pro 2.0 templates to keep track of a store's
   sales, inventory, accounting, expenses, purchases, and payroll.
  50     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Makes lables for Video tapes made off TV stations.  English version.
   /mac/util/filemaker/tapelabels2.4de.sit.hqx is the German
  50     1/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Makes labels for Video tapes made off TV stations.  German version.
   /mac/util/filemaker/tapelabels2.4.sit.hqx is the English
 178    3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FileMaker Pro database template that's suppose to make
   tracking items like how much time staff spends in computer
   classes and other items.
  73     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep track of your flight time on various aircraft in various
   conditions.  Requires FileMaker Pro.
   8     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   FileMaker Pro database with fields to determine the time
   differences between a period before and after midnight.
   8     2/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Filemaker Pro database that allows the user to input the Face
   value, serial number, ssn, purchase date, purchase price, and series
   of bonds, E or EE. It will then do it's best to calculate the
   current value of the bond.
  34      1/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Database used at regional tv station keeps track of tapes and
   prints labels for them.
  34      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Database used at regional tv station keeps track of tapes and
   prints labels for them; German version.
  99     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Maintain info on videotape collections; includes one-click
   backup of data; requires FilemakerPro 2.0.
   7     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FileMakerPro video library database template.
  38     1/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A FileMaker Pro database to electronically store and retrieve text
   notes.  Produce simple notebooks or export 'properly annotated
   notes' into other software.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  52     9/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create bitmaps of any size from the appropriate Type 1 or TrueType
   font file.
 108      4/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Design and print out pictures of chess boards (with pieces).
  10     1/17/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create empty font suitcases and within those suitcases you can 
   group your fonts according to any subject you choose.  Quite 
   useful since the advent of System 7.1.
  9      4/18/91    BinHex4.0
   Shows outline fonts at sizes larger than 127 points. (Useful when
   testing ATM/Truetype fonts).  Also allows you to open suitcases
   and test fonts.
 151     11/7/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Print a full character sheet showing all fonts, or  a column-type
   report showing the name of all fonts in the system along with
   their font number and whether they are TrueType, Type 1, etc.
   Many new features, including conversion of Mac TrueType to Windows
   format, creation of empty suitcases (for organization), expert font
   information and more.
  17      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create "ghost fonts" that reference fonts by name, and which
   SuperATM can then make a virtual versions of.
  20      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A window with a pop-up menu containing a list of all the fonts
   currently installed on your system.  When you select a font from
   the pop-up menu, sample text in that font will be drawn in the
   window and the pop-up's font changes accordingly.   You can also
   scroll through all available fonts by pressing  the space bar.
  64     7/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Prints out a document containing all of your fonts in their own
   typeface, in whatever format you specify.  You can also open 
   suitcases from within the application and work with them.
  95    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Scan all installed fonts and display an example of each.

 368     2/29/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   An application which masquerades in the Control Panels folder,
   it's functionally equivalent to the Extensions Manager, only
   here there's no INIT code used... just AppleScripts to disable
   and enable fonts.  The interface is kind of clunky (you can change
   colors by means of a menu of numbers in the title bar?) and 

  60     6/17/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
    List and display examples of all fonts online.
  57      3/7/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Converts FONT resources to the new NFNT resources with the same
   resource ID, equivalent resources and name.  Includes C source
  29     6/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A front end for FontGeist (which gives you access to all of the
   "Ghost Fonts" available in the SuperATM database).
  54     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag n Drop application that will reveal every last detail of
   the fonts in a suitcase dropped on it.
  38     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Writes a list of font names to a file of type TEXT.
  13     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Report on the number of fonts currently open on your Mac.
  32     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is a bulk debundler.  Takes a long time, read the
   readme.  I advise grabbing gsustpdemo.sit.hqx and reading
   its README before using this.
  30     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Pairing Knife does an unbiased kerning pair frequency
   analysis of files of type TEXT.  Only works w/ System 7.x
   and up, totally incompatible w/ System 6!  Basically, if you
   don't know what kerning is, don't get this.
  35     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Diagnoses your font library to tell you if you have FOND or
   NFNT I.D. conflicts.
  14     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   At startup time, it deletes the Adobe Type Reunion file named
   "Type Reunion Data".
  49     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Generate various Japanese character sets.  Supports Shift-JIS, EUC,
   New-JIS, Old-JIS, and NEC-JIS codes for output.
   Includes C source.  Very minimal interface.
  37     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A general-purpose Japanese code inspection tool.  Includes C
   source.  Very minimal interface.
  40     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A tool for converting the Japanese code of Japanese textfiles
   between different electronic formats for Japanese.
   Supports Shift-JIS, EUC, New-JIS, Old-JIS, and NEC-JIS for both
   input and output.  Includes C source.  Very minimal interface.
 119     5/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Graphical representations of the Apple Keyboard II showing what
   character will be typed when in standard mode or in combination
   with Shift-Option, Option and Shift; two layout/style sheets, one
   in Quark Xpress3.3 and one in Aldus PageMaker5, which can be adapted
   for various fonts.
  65     7/16/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Adds, deletes, changes, renames those links between font families
   and their Postscript (tm.) files. Also allows you to change the 15
   or so laser printer bits associated with each font file.  Works
   with System 7 and up ONLY.
  32    10/23/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Converts a type one font (in text format, such as those used by
   NeXT machines) to a laserprinter downloadable document.  Use
   Fontgrapher then to create the bitmaps (and send them out
   direction). Includes Think C 4.0 source code.
  82     3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Shows all the typefaces on a drive or in selected parts of a
   8    11/24/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Creates DA/Font Suitcases (good for System 7, where there's no
   easy way to do it now).  Put this in the Apple Menu items folder
   and it's a handy DA.
  14    10/27/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Can't stand the way you can't create Font/DA  suitcases easily in
   System 7?  This app creates them for you....  Version 1.0...
  51    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A utility that converts Macintosh-format TrueType fonts into .TTF
   format for use under Windows 3.1 on an IBM.  Also does the opposite
  15     1/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display a character set for any installed font.  Can print an
   extended example of the font for use in a font catalog.  Can also be
   used to print typespecs for all your installed fonts at once.
  12     8/29/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Converts a type one font as a laserprinter downloadable document
   to a text format, such as those used by NeXT machines).
 117      1/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Combines Varityper's DA's into one application. Fontmaster, Font
   Wizard, PSFontFinder, and Font Conflict.  You can list out fonts,
   character  sets, almost anything to do with a font set, you can
   list here.  It also recognizes the new SNFT outline font resource.
  23     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   View all installed fonts in three ways: ascii characters,
   user-definable sentence, option-characters.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 107      8/4/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Process monitor similar to the System 7 Finder's 
   "About This Macintosh" display.  Alows you to interact with
   your processes and get information on them, monitor background-only
   processes, view CPU load, create an "icon pallette" of your favorite
   applications, find a running application's location on disk,
   and force other processes to quit.  About can also maintain a 
   log of application activity. 

 108     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   German version of the "About" process monitor.
 107      4/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Same program as /mac/util/multifinder/about1.03.sit.hqx, except
   this version has been localized for Japanese.
 187      9/7/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Alias Arranger provides a quick, simple way to create aliases to
   files or folders you often use. Includes drag and drop interface.

   5    12/23/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   In System 7, you can launch another application, go back to the
   Finder, launch this one, and the Finder will quit, freeing up a
   lot of space.
 120      9/7/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A little utility for switching applications in the finder.  Clicking
   under the menu bar produces a pop-up menu from which you can switch
   between active applications.  Freeware.

  45    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A digital clock with intentionally few features.  Displays the hour
   and minute;  doesn't display seconds or the date or ring chimes or
   display movies or pictures or animations.  Just the time.
 292     3/27/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A scientific calculator that you program it with expressions in
   C, Pascal, Fortran and BASIC. Useful for those that need to evaluate
   expressions and equations in these languages without going through
   the hassle of testing them out in a real program.
  35     9/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A simple calculator with decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal
  23     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Just another app that displays the time.  Requires Color QuickDraw.
 102     5/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Color calculator with some scientific functions (log, sin, cos, 
   etc);  has a "ticker tape" window for copying results to another 
   app; v1.5 fixes bugs.
 227      4/7/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Nice scientific calculator with 3d interface, RPN mode,
   scientific/binary math functions, printable, constants/
   conversions, many more features; easy-to-use, customizable;
   major upgrade (was procalc1.30).
 492     8/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Try to catch the dancing icons.  Every time you move the
   mouse onto any finder icon, the icon jumps to somewhere else
   on the screen.

   3     1/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Counts how many system ticks 10,000 GetNextEvents takes.
 159     6/4/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drop the application Clinton Countdown into your Startup Folder.
   Each time you restart your Mac, you'll be reminded of how many days
   left until Slick Willie goes home...(Quote from author)
  19    11/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Allows user to copy any clipping file to the Clipboard in one
   easy drag-n-drop step; operates in reverse, also; free.
  50     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Manages multiple clipboards on the Mac.
  99      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Interesting StartUp application which displays a scary looking
   "1984"-style quote while your extensions are marching... uh.. 
   loading across the screen.
 214     8/12/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Utility that allows you to create Finder aliases for World Wide
   Web URL's.  Simply click on the icon and your web browser will
   open the URL.  Works best with Netscape v1.1.  Shareware, $20.

  38      8/7/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Round (as in: a round window), resizable face with customizable
   font type and size, face markings, very little CPU power needed,
   and full color. Unlike INIT clocks, it does not patch anything, and
   its memory is reclaimable simply by quitting the application.
  14    10/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   So far as this archivist can tell, this app has no redeeming social
   value... perhaps that's why it's so, uh, 'charming'. *heh* It certainly
   will take a bite out of your curser! (What a rascal!)
   29    8/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A command line interface application.  Make your Macintosh act like
   a DOS PC (gag).  Allows copying, listing, deleting, and other things
   from the prompt (except launching).
  59    2/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Series of very small applications.  Applettes: Change file type &
   creator, show invisibles, erase, lock, make alias, add a prefix or
   suffix.  Requires Drap&Drop and System 7 or higher.
 248    10/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   DragThing is an application dock designed to tidy up the icons 
   littering your desktop.  It requires at least System 7.5 (or 7.1 
   with Drag & Drop, AppleScript and the Scriptable Finder) and a 
   Macintosh with a minimum of a Motorola 68020 or PowerPC 601 
   processor. 68k and PPC versions included.
101     3/19/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Application to provide eased access for the utilization impaired.
   Meant for labs w/ scientific programs you wish to limit.
  50     3/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays a set of eyeballs that track the movement of the mouse
   cursor.  Also displays time and date.
  21      6/6/94    BinHex4.0
   A cute background running program that uses the TSM to display the 
   time and date in a floating window; put it anywhere you want, but 
   make sure it's in an out-of-the-way place since the clock floats 
   *over* any Finder window...; requires System 7.1 or greater.
  14    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Track and display the approximate amount of free ram you have
   available.  If you are using RAM Doubler, virtual memory, or an
   equivalent, RamFree will reflect that value.  System 7+ only.
  19     6/30/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A shifting graph/plot of the load your Macintosh CPU is taking.
  50     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator based on the Hewlett
   Packard model 15-C.
  21    3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag any document or application onto this program and it
   creates a folder containing all of its Finder icons as
   individual documents.
 203     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator application a lot like
   a Hewlett Packard calculator engineers like to carry around.
   Includes DA version.
 272      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Audibly announce the time between the hours you choose every hour,
   half-hour, or quarter-hour as you prefer at the volume you decide.
   This version has a female voice.
 253      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Audibly announce the time between the hours you choose every hour,
   half-hour, or quarter-hour as you prefer at the volume you decide.
   This version has a male voice.
 188      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Additional sounds for use with Invisible Clock.
 165      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Additional sounds for use with Invisible Clock.
  30     3/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Turn off the zoom rect animation for Finder 7.5.1 in addition
   to the previously modifiable versions.
  33     8/21/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A fast application launcher that keeps a database of your
   applications, then launches the one matching a substring that
   you type.
 209     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   App quickly launches files, folders via mouse *or* keyboard; uses
   an FKEY to launch; supports drag-n-drop; v1.11 has many new features.
  30      6/1/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An analog clock with adjustable colors.
  56      4/1/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An adjustable, color analog clock.  DIFFERENT from 
  11     6/10/90    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Two eyeballs appear on screen and watch your mouse as you move it 
 17      9/8/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Show you how much your Mac is doing.  Reminiscent of Xload.
 96     11/11/95    BinHex4.0StuffIt3.50
   Create a floating palette that shows the active running application
   which lets you switch apps, launch installed frequently used
   applications, and launch files by drag-and-drop.
  30      6/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An analog clock with adjustable colors, resizable, and remembers
   its position on the desktop.
  66     7/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An eeny-weeny menubar block that appears either on either side
   of the Menu bar.  Since it's an app, there's no patches or 
   no conflicts ('cept maybe with other icons vying for space in
   either top corner).  Requires Color Quickdraw.
 293      1/13/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Save and sort text for cut&paste.
  57      1/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   RAM management tool which allows you to reduce or increase
   the memory requirements for application programs.
  45    2/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Collection of 6k mini applications that peform common tasks, similar
   to all pervasive extensions; however, 0 conflicts.  Most require
   System 7. Freeware
  29      8/9/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three cool little "drop and launch" utilities for your System 7
   desktop.  Lockit locks or unlocks files and folders, Groupit finds
   the physical sizes of all the dropped files... and Snd2Sys
   extracts the sound resources from the dropped files and creates a
   system beep suitcase for you.
  28      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small application that displays a digital clock.
  62      4/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A countdown-style timer.

  99      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A little application which allows you to select between
   clipboards you want to use (something tells me this application
   has been done before).  The nice difference for this package
   is that it includes an FKEY that allows you to select clipboards
   you're cut/pasting with...
   6     1/31/91    BinHex4.0
   A small black bar with the date, day and time on the line.
  14     1/31/91    BinHex4.0
   Put a ruler on your screen in points, picas, and inches.  Can also
   change the cursor to a line to aid in measuring.
  66     1/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   You *are* being watched, every movement you make, no atter what, we
   can see you!  Okay, just places a pair of eyes in your menu bar, follows
   the cursor, blinks, in color!  great help (ballon), customizable,
   fixes some bugs!
  22     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A small analog clock program.  Includes Think Pascal source.
  28     8/21/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Patches the System 7.5 update to disable the shutdown function
   of the power key.
  29      4/3/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Analog clock in a circular window.
  22     8/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Large digital clock that sits in a corner.  Freeware.
  36     8/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Drop a folder onto the program icon and select an icon which
   resides in that folder to copy.

 220      2/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Nice scientific calculator with 3d interface, includes RPN mode and
   many more features. If you are looking for a good overall calculator,
   check this one out.
  65      9/7/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Get information on the various background processes going on in your
   Macintosh, such as it's serial number, file types/creators, time
   launched.  Also kill any process.  Requires System 7.
  35     8/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display a "quote" from its internal file, as well as the last two
   times your Mac was started up.
  18    10/16/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Nifty startup application for Quadra and PowerBook users.
   Decide what you want to keep on a RAM Disk and it will copy
   everything over on startup.  Actually makes a RAM Disk useful!
 129     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Draws the percentage use of the dedicated Real Time Processor found
   in AV Macs only.
  17    12/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Reverse Polish Notation calculator.  Limited feature set.
 52     10/25/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A useful little "application" which should be useful to those who often
   forget to change certain settings for programs....such as  32 bit
   addressing, monitor depth, quadra cache settings.  You should be unafraid
   of ResEdit as there is some editing required.
  99    11/14/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A  color calculator with a few scientific functions (log, sin, cos,
   etc.) and easy-to-read.
 218     10/25/94  BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An application similar to the finder but much smaller.  It can launch
   programs, kill programs and a few other basic needs.  Useful for 
   games which require a great deal of cpu time or memory.
 278     1/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An application that waits in the background and shuts down
   your mac at a preset time.
 144      1/8/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Launches apps and play whatever sounds you want when you shut down
   your Mac along with auto shutdown. Requires System 7.

 160     4/15/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Miss the ol' "Alarm Clock" desk accessory?  This app is designed
   to blast alarms out the speaker at your specified time.  
  30     1/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Does so much it'd take too long to write.  Try it, but BE CAREFUL
   TO READ THE HELP!  Can act as a Finder replacement for a 'boot' disk.
  28     8/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display the icons of all of the currently-running programs in a
   small window.  Double-clicking on an icon will switch to that
   program's layer.  Requies System 7.
  36      7/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Using MacTCP, this application contacts a weather server (is there
   one in your area), finds out the temperature and then displays it
   on a thermometer. Think C source included.
 154     7/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Places a tile on the desktop for each open app including the
   Finder; clicking the tile brings the app to the front; v3.1
   has several new features including a way to keep it from
   coming to the front when it's not needed; requires System 7
   or later, System 7.5 recommended; formerly known as
  76     12/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Three clocks: One alarm clock, one analog clock, and one with many
   features (stopwatch, etc).

  99     6/28/96    Binhex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A neat little calculator that does calculations in four bases 
   (decimal, hex, octal, and binary) and even figures out the best stamps 
   to use given what you have and the amount of postage needed.

  27    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small and simple alarm clock.
  36     2/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A simple alarm clock.
  18     2/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Handy when placed into the Startup Items folder, it'll bring up a
   current month calendar, the time, and the phases of the moon
   graphically placed on various points on the calendar.
  12    12/28/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Bring an application you specify to foreground.  Useful for StartUp
   items folder when you want to have something started up and put in
   the foreground.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 127     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Voice communication software uses the microphone and speaker
   of your Mac; allows you to talk to another user with a Mac
   connected through AppleTalk over LAN, WAN or Wireless; requires
   LocalTalk or EtherTalk, at least 500k memory; LC, LC II, IIvx,
   Performa 400 and 600 do not allow full-duplex communication.
 137     4/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Remotely monitor processes and memory use on networked systems,
   providing data similar to the About This Macintosh dialog.
 124    10/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A small bridge between AIMS and Eudora.  It is used to allow users
   on a LocalTalk network to use Eudora in UUCP mode and then have
   MailShare send out the mail via SMTP.  Includes ALB Monitor, a
   background only application which monitors a Eudora in-file
   (or other mail inbox).  It posts a notification when the file it is
   monitoring has mail in it.

  83     3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Application and System extension (init) pair that allows you
   to seen messages (audio and text) over a AppleTalk Network.
   Requires AppleTalk v48 or higher.  *VERY* complete, well
   written help, great fit n' finish.
  59    12/14/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Look into network devices operating all over your "internet".  You
   can tell what network processes are behind which Mac (i.e.
   "Broadcast", "AFP Server", etc.)
  49    10/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Provides a gateway mechanism for users to make their AppleSearch
   information sources available to others on the World Wide Web;
   requires MacHTTP 1.31b1 or later and the "Search Doc" AppleEvent.
 220     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This QuickMail(tm) 3.04 patch will alter key internal routines
   of QuickMail to allow asynchronous (background) operation.  This
   means that you won't have to wait and watch the beach-ball roll. 
   Note: this is not an "official" CE modification.
 230    10/24/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Will shutdown local Mac by timeout, user command; supports
   remote power-on; quit any app, local or remote, high event
   aware; saves unsaved work first, works in background.
  72      2/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Useful in large student computer labs where many workstations
   have similar configurations and a relatively generic system
   folder, this app obtains the IP address from MacTCP and the
   DNS name for the workstation.  From this info, it'll i
   configure the AppleShare Macintosh name.
  72     10/11/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Synchronize the clocks of two Macintoshes on a network.
   The only difference from version 0.90 is a new mailing address
   for the author.
 288     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The CommuniGator application is the client part of the CommuniGate
   integrated messaging system.  It allows you to work with all your
   messages: e-mail, fax, voice, pager, etc.  It also allows you to
   administrate the Communicate Server.  Requires CommuniGate
   Server (found elsewhere in this directory) running on a mac on 
   the same network.  Version 1.8 fixes a bunch of little bugs.
  63     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The FaxGate is a CommuniGate communication module supporting fax
   messaging. It converts messages to the fax format and sends them to
   remote fax machines. The module can receive incoming faxes and route
   them as messages to the recipient(s).  The module is multi-line, 
   i.e. it can support several fax lines simultaneously.  When installed 
   together with the Voice Gate, FaxGate can route incoming faxes to any 
   recipient (locally or over e-mail), it can implement fax-on-demand and 
   other fax-center features.  This version of FaxGate supports Class 2 
   fax modems connected via serial ports.  Requires Communigate Client 
   and Server.
  80     1/28/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FaxSender is the print (Chooser) driver to be used with CommuniGate.
   It employs the same Address Book panel as the CommuniGator application,
   and it can be used with any application that supports printing. When
   "FaxSender" is selected in the Chooser, using the Print command in any
   application results in "printing" the open document on a remote fax
   machine.  Requires Communigate Client, Server, and FaxGate.
  30     1/28/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The PagerGate is a CommuniGate communication module supporting 
   wireless paging. It calls host computers of paging service 
   companies and transfers the messages along with the recipients' 
   pager IDs. The host computers then deliver the messages to the 
   recipients' pagers.  The PagerGate module supports the TAP protocol 
   (used by US paging services), it is multi-line,  and it supports 
   connections with several paging hosts.  Requires CommuniGate Client 
   and Server and a modem.

  42     1/28/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   POPGate is a module for use with CommuniGate client that allows for 
   transfering e-mail using the POP Internet protocol over TCP/IP.
   You can retrieve messages from several remote mailboxes simultaneously,
   as well as provide access to CommuniGate user mailboxes for other
   remote users.
  33    10/19/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   PrintGate is a CommuniGate communication module implementing 
   message printing. You can use PrintGate to print incoming fax 
   messages, to print notes on your office printer over Internet or 
   other e-mail services, etc.  Requires CommuniGate Client and Server.
 108     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The kernel part of the CommuniGate integrated messaging system is the
   CommuniGate Server. When installed, it runs in the background and
   manages the CommuniGate modules.  Supports dial-up TCP/IP communications.
   Requires Communigate Client.
  41     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The SMTPGate is a CommuniGate communication module supporting 
   e-mail message transfer using the SMTP Internet protocol (RFC821) 
   via TCP/IP network.  The SMTPGate module supports multi-stream 
   communications and can send messages to and receive messages from 
   several other hosts simultaneously.  The SMTPGate module can work 
   together with UUCPGate module providing both TCP/IP and UUCP Internet 
   e-mail.  Requires Communigate client and server.  Version 1.2
   supports dial-up links and ip addresses. 
  24    11/6/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This set of SimpleText documents explains how you can install and 
   configure the CommuniGate System to use all the features of the 
   CommuniGate integrated messaging environment.
  25     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This set of SimpleText documents explains how you can use the 
   CommuniGator application to: compose and send e-mail, fax, pager 
   and voice messages; receive and view incoming messages; create and 
   fill mailboxes; process messages in mailboxes; operate with address 
   books; and more...
  61     11/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   The UUCPGate is a CommuniGate communication module supporting e-mail
   message transfer using the uucp protocol and  regular modem 
   connections.  The UUCPGate module supports multi-line communications 
   and can support connections with several other uucp systems (so your 
   CommuniGate system can be a network provider for other uucp e-mail 
   systems).  The UUCPGate module can work together with SMTP module 
   providing both TCP/IP and UUCP Internet e-mail.  Version 1.5 offers
   improved uucp features.  Requires Communigate client and server.
  83    10/19/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The VoiceGate is a CommuniGate communication module that can deliver 
   messages via phone. It can also receive voice messages, route them to 
   various addresses (local and remote), can cooperate with other modules 
   implementing fax-on-demand, e-mail on demand, telemarketing and other 
   communication systems.  No user manual for this release.  This version 
   supports ZyXEL voice modems only, but the built-in microphone and 
   speaker can be used for debugging scripts.
 419     2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Desktop video conferencing program.  Requires MacTCP.  Includes
   both 68k and PPC versions.  Version 0.83b3 fixes several bugs
   since the 0.70b1 version.

  31    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A general TCP server, implementing several simple unix daemons,
   namely Finger, Whois, Ident, Daytime and NTP (time).  Runs as a
   background only application, and answers queries to those services
 228     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Makes HTML files from info-mac digest files.
  28     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   EZChat is a System 6 and 7 compatible server based chatting 
   program that works over multiple zone appletalk networks that is 
   extraordinarily easy to setup and use.
 134    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple, intuitive program for building family trees;
   source code is included.
 135    4/9/96      BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Euphoria! is designed to help out anybody who has to administer 
   a network and is using Eudora as their Internet e-mail solution. 
   Euphoria! allows a user to set their real name, and their account 
   id, and it will make up a new Eudora Folder using these settings 
   that the user can use to check their mail.

 912     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   You can easily drag & drop files into other machine's virtual
   "mailboxes" (and they can be connected via AppleTalk or TCP/IP
   networks).  A fat binary package that works asynchronously and 
   can send things instantly, or delayed.

  26     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two little utilities, one to turn file sharing on, the other to turn
   it off.  Save yourself that arduous trip to the control panel.
  92     11/6/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Macintosh implementation of the Un*x Finger protocol that allows
   you to finger anyone in the world.  AppleScriptable and Recordable.
  98    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Search the AppleTalk network for volumes you have access to, and
   mount them; requires System7, AppleTalk network, Phase2 zones.

  13      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Butler SQL server to use with Frontier; if you don't
   have/use Frontier, you don't need this.
  26      7/16/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Displays your node number, net number, chooser name, zone name,
   ethernet address, and even IP addresses with TC & MacTCP.  Allows
   you to save these values to a file (presumably for
   databases/cataloging of computers). Minor Update.
  55    3/20/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small appellette that sends messages between "Peer-to-Peer"
   Macintoshes.  Only peer-to-peer.
  52      7/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Monitors and logs activity on AppleShare servers and some versions
   of File Sharing.
  100   8/20/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   This is a very basic web page generator.  It will create the HTML
   code for a generic web page, containing little more than your name,
   email address, favorite links and a paragraph about yourself.  Great
   for someone who knows no HTML and wnats a web page of their own,
   lousy for real HTML editing.

 139    3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HyperCard 2.2 stack that was created for electronic
   communications within local Macintosh networks.  Allows the
   networked users to read and post text messages to a central
   message stack.
 227    1/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Internet Site and Collection forms supplement PowerTalk's
   basic forms; allow save and edit of info about Internet resources,
   and access resources directly from the form.
  31     7/21/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A program to play sounds over a network on a remote machine.
   Along the same practical-joke lines as NetBunny.  Includes
 413     4/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
  View, monitor, and graphically map your AppleTalk network and its
  devices; System7 required; fixed problem on some configs where mac
  it was running on was invisible to it, added recognizers for Power
  Macs and PowerBooks, etc.
  86     7/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A benchmark test program for AppleShare-compatible fileservers.
   Tests throughput, primarily.
  14      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Launch an application on a remote machine.  Requires System 7.
  11     9/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert a unix .mailrc-style text file into LeeMail aliases and
   vice versa.
 235     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Mac client for MUDs of the MOO and MOOSE type only; requires MacTCP
   and System7; free.
 112      9/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display the internal data of MacTCP.  Shows the Mac's IP, DNS name,
   and all the internal information that MacTCP provides.  Allows you
   to test MacTCP and your network, using the ICMP Ping protocol, the
   UDP, and TCP.  Includes a MacTCP info document also stored
   separately as /mac/misc/documentation/mactcpinfo1.2.txt.
 345    12/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A fully-featured interface to the World Wide Web (WWW).  An
   alternative to NCSA Mosaic and Netscape.  Requires System
   7 and MacTCP.  680x0 version.
 405    12/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A fully-featured interface to the World Wide Web (WWW).  An
   alternative to NCSA Mosaic and Netscape.  Requires System
   7 and MacTCP.  PowerMac native version.
  96     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Uses AppleTalk network to connect Macintoshes together (parallel
   processing!) to build a Mandel image.
  42    12/4/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scan your network for other Macs, build list of usernames; use it to
   add to your Users&Groups; Sys7 filesharing, AppleSare3.0; v1.11 fixes
   startup error, buffer overflow problem and password lookup problems.
  65    10/23/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Control other apps on the network by 'grabbing' copies of their 
   menubars; when an item is selected from a grabbed menubar, an 
   AppleEvent is sent to the target app simulating a menu selection
   in that app; cool! and free.
 142     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Stack allows networked users to read and post both text and
   audio messages to a central message stack; requires local Mac
   network, HyperCard/Player2.2, and Audio Help stack.
2118     5/8/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   THE single most comprehensive interface to the Internet.  If there
   is a way to do it, this program can.  WWW, Gopher, etc., etc., etc!
   Requires System 7 and MacTCP.  Fat Binary.
  75     10/7/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Requires System 7 and Program Linking turned on, informs you with
   noise or messages as things get pasted into the clipboard
   remotely. Version 1.0
  15    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays named AppleTalk devices for Network system admins
   and Newton users trying to print or use the connection kit over
   an unknown network; now looks better on different sized 
   screens and is System 7.5 compatable.
  17      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Add network functionality to Apple's "Stickies" application in
   System 7.5. You can send and receive stickies from other users that
   have NetStickies installed, or send clipboard text.
 664     9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Network Scout will monitor devices on a TCP/IP network and an 
   AppleTalk network, and notify administrators of their changing 
   status through a comprehensive set of alert options.
 656      4/1/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Tool for net admins to check the security of their networks. Will
   scan zones and test each server for: guest access, net-programs
   with weaknesses, and bad passwords. Shareware version limited
   to scanning 3 servers per zone.

  17     3/13/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Turn normal applications into "shareable" applications so that
   multiple users can use it at the same time.
  46     6/17/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
    Control the amount of CPU time allocated to System 7 File Sharing.
  90     8/17/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Dump AppleShare file permissions. Useful for when backing up
   AppleShare volumes to and from other systems:  dump permissions
   before the backup, restore them afterwards.
  86     7/15/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Application which broadcasts complete contents of files, folders
   or disks across the localtalk network.  You can use this to
   update many machines at once.
  84     3/13/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   If QuickMail thinks you have mail, it keeps the icon from flashing.
   Instead, indicates whether you have mail by displaying one of two
   pictures (which you can select).  Like the UNIX biff command.
  84      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   A collection of forms and templates to be used with QuickMail.
 121     4/10/93    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   A collection of forms and templates to be used with QuickMail.
  22      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Radiation INIT and Trigger application, a pair of little hacks that
   put up mysterious error dialogs, containing any message you like,
   on someone else's computer across a network.
  21      8/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Allows owner of a Macintosh file server to control that server
   (you can turn it on or off) from another Macintosh on the
  34    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Generates pacing chart for marathon or 1/2 marathon and predicts
   race time for middle and long distance runners.
 314    10/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Watch the AppleTalk network and record info about packets going by.
 126      6/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A modem-based, offline reader program for the CIX online service
   in the UK; also works, although in a more limited way, with the BIX
   online service in the U.S.

 231      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Analyzes log files from GopherSurfer, MacHTTP and WebStar and
   reports connection statistics in ASCII and HTML formats.

  73      3/6/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Supplement System 7's file sharing by displaying an icon in the
   menu bar indicating the current state of file sharing.
  19     2/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Restart or shut down a Macintosh over the network.
 126     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Monitors space on disks and RAM; creates a bar which displays info;
   runs in the background; recommends 68020 or better, System7, 95K RAM
   and SpaceServer program to use network features.
  64     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Lets network clients find free space on a server without having to
   mount its volumes first; runs in background; recommends 68020 or 
   better, System7, 50K RAM, a network, SpaceAlert program.
  84    3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Program allowing UNIX like talk requesting on AppleTalk
  69      6/4/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make your Mac an intercom, allowing you to talk by voice in real
   time to all connected Macs. Also works as an answering machine,
   recording incoming messages.  Requires System 7, a microphone (if
   you want to talk), and Program Linking turned on.
  19     9/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   TCP2Serial is a simple background only application that allows you to
   connect via TCP to a port on your mac and then automatically routes any
   data to/from the serial port.
  17      6/4/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Provide an alert to the local user when an item is added to a
   folder shared over the network.  Requires System 7.
  99     5/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Selectively scan an AppleTalk internet and produce a pictorial view
   of the network with the devices and services found represented as
   icons.  Requires System 7.
  31      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Send a message to all users connected to your file server.
   Requires System 7.5.1.
  40     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   AppleScript addition (osax) allows manipulation of Users and
   Groups data file; supports adding, changing and deleting users,
   authenticating users and altering system-wide U&G parameters.
 111      4/2/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   This utility from Cayman allows you to watch packets (or summaries
   of, like a net "sniffer") as they go across your network.  It
   allows you to filter out various types of information.  Very handy
   for developers working on large networks (like U-M's)
  83     3/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Detect a new, mounted volume and see what's new on it, see how
   to use it; selected document may be a text document about what's
   new on the volume, display the volume's message of the day, etc.
  36     6/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An applet which allows people to click on a special link on a page 
   that you own, and once you "accept" the call, your video or audio 
   conferencing software (such as CUSeeMe or NetPhone) will be launched.
  32     8/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A small "chat" application that uses System 7  AppleEvents for its
   communication. Not a lot of bells and whistles, but runs in only
   30K of memory. Includes Think C source.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 640    2/29/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   Helps employees with 401(k) retirement plans make decisions
   about how much to invest in their accounts; calculates exactly
   how much money will be in the account when they retire, based
   on current balance, number of years until then, etc.
  48      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Makes choosing items from a list in 4th Dimension somewhat easier.
   Has a programming interface that allows the area to adapt to 
   just about any look and feel the designer wishes.  Requires 
   System 7 and 4th Dimension 3.25 or up.
  63      2/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This package of 4D externals allows you to "bundle" an arbitrary
   sequence of data into a picture variable and later retrieve them.
  82     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Selectively enable and disable ADB devices.
  30      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Tiny applette that scans your ADB (Apple DataBus) and returns all
  connected devices.
  58    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A drag-and-drop util for helping people manage addictions
   to computer games by self-restricting access to the games when
   they should be working and not playing; free. (Sounds good,
   though I can't imagine that I'd need it... Much. *heh*)
 471     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keep track of just about everything associated with a name;
   builds a database with alternate access using a DA; includes
   some manipulation utilities as well; v3.70 includes better
   printer interfaces, better PICT resolution, more.

  182      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Holds unlimited addresses and birthdays in notebook form;
   prints envelopes and labels, dials phone, more; not
   compatible with MacPlus or SE; demo limited to 25 entries.
 352     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Take a GEDCOM that was created by the LDS "Ancestral File" program
   and "clean" it up by translating the little inconsistencies where
   Mac PAF and AF disagree on what a GEDCOM file ought to look like.
  71      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Flexible accounting system with many features of the commercial
   packages; requires Excel 5.x; v5.3 is bugfix.
  43     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Move and resize the windows for nested folders so that they have
   the same shape as their parent folder and are neatly tiled.

  64      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Yearly calendar in english/german; allows user events,
   horizontal/vertical orientation, start sunday/monday,
   more; requires 68020 or higher CPU, System 7 or higher,
   color recommended; free!

  67      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Yearly calendar in english/german; allows user events,
   horizontal/vertical orientation, start sunday/monday,
   more; requires PowerMac, System 7 or higher, color
   recommended; free!

1934      7/18/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Relational database for organizing music and video titles.  Includes
   searches by name, artist, duration, keyword, and more.  Features
   include catalogue printing, playlist, custom menus.  Shareware $30
  87      9/26/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A reminder application.  Allows you to remind yourself of important
   things to do each day (it runs on startup... with System 7, you put
   it in the StartUp items folder, with System 6 use "set startup...")
   Displays reminder, calendar, warning date & event time.
 376      8/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Put up random shapes and plays random sounds when your kid smashes
   on the keyboard.  Not very intellectual, but it'll keep him busy...
   7     5/20/93    BinHex4.0
   A simple utility that blacks out the desktop in order to eliminate
   slow screen redraws.
1368     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Database with most (all?) major leagues accounted for;
   unlimited flexibility in adapting db to user needs; cool!
  83      9/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Set the background to any solid color you want, covering up the 
   Finder background.
   Requires System 7 or later.

  75    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small, fast text scanner which searches for interesting
   birthdays; edit the .data file to enter other birthdays,
   then drop an alias into the Startup Folder.

 248    3/17/96    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   A database application of sorts that provides recipes 
   for different brews of beer.  Ingredient proportions can be
   adjusted by ounces or pounds.
  56     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Excel spreadsheet calculates what size tires to buy when
   upgrading to larger rims and/or wider tires; v1.1 works
   on B&W Macs, is easier to use; requires Excel 4.0 or more.
  30      3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display Gregorian and Standard Broadcast calendars for any year
   between 1926 (when television was invented) and 2076.  The standard
   broadcast calendar is widely used in the television, radio, and
   advertising industries.

  66     3/17/96    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Very simple program to record typical budget information.
 161      1/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Import text file data to PowerTalk business cards; creates
   addresses compatible with most gateways.

  46      3/26/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
    BusinessPlan NoteBook is a basic guide for creating a
    Business Plan for a small business.
  37      4/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tiny application that displays a calendar, any year/month.

 422      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Displays a monthly calendar; requires System 7.0 or
   better, compatible with 680x0 and PowerMacs; rather
   large for what it does...

 391     3/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Helps you, your business, school, church or office easily 
   and quickly create professional calendars for all uses.  An 
   easy to use and well designed program with easy access to any 
   calendar, a helpful tool palette to use common features, a new 
   Auto Updater feature, special shortcuts and built in help.
  96     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Excel 3.0 spreadsheets for '95 Canadian income taxes.  Includes 
   T1 General and Schedule 1 - tax calculation for NewFoundland, 
   Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba
   or British Columbia.
  72     3/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make text files from the audio CD info written by the CD Remote DA.
 169      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Lets you edit and export the entries for the AppleCD Audio
   Player application.
  72      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Slows down the loading speed of the file from the hard disk,
   network volume, MO or CDROM; data rates are user-set-able.
  72     3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scans designated folder, etc for a desginated resource type,
   file/creator type.  Useful to keep your HDs clean.  If you
   do not know what any of that means, don't download this.
 624     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keeps a list of bank account transactions; computes
   current balance; sorts by anything; AppleScript-able;
   PowerMac and 680x0 compatable; free.
1194    10/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This program produces bank data centre acceptable cheques on a 
   laser printer, which when used with the correct supplies, are 
   readable by any bank data centre in the world which reads the ANSI 
   approved E-13B MICR type font.
  11     5/30/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays musical chords on a piano keyboard and on a guitar neck
   quite well; useful for when you're stumped or just learning; is
   part of a larger (unpublished/unfinished) work and as such, some
   functions (like sound) don't yet work.
 270     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   4D database for a church office; includes members, prayer requests,
   pledges, account numbers, ledger pages, much more, including db
   security for confidentiality; requires 4D or 4D Runtime.

 188    1/14/96    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   A program for general flowcharting or organizational purposes.
   Fast with a friendly interface. The accompanying manual includes
   a tutorial on Macintosh basics.
 135      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Coffee Break is a simple application that is designed to force you
   to take periodic breaks, so that you can reduce your chances of
   getting a Repetetive Stress Injury.  You may set an amount of "work time",
   during which Coffee Break sits in the background with a timer displayed,
   and an amount of "break time", or "sleep time", during which you are
   forced to take a break from the computer.
  17     1/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Customize the color of any program's window, dialog, control,
   menubar, etc.  Requires Color QuickDraw.
  28     9/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag and drop utility allows you to change MacsBug's debugging
   display from the boring old black and white into stylish color;
   requires ColorQuickDraw.
  20     1/10/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Will count down the time (or days) until a preset time and date.

   6     3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A template for ClarisWorks that allows to catalog your CDs.
   Nicely done.
  25      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Count the days between today and a specified date.
  28      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A small floating palette from which you may set the screen depth.
   Fat Binary for 68K and Power Macs.
  12    10/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   End desktop clutter forever; drag-n-drop utility moves, deletes,
   shreds or aliases files dropped on it; Apple Event aware.
 228     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Makes HTML files from info-mac digest files.
  86     8/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A little application for QuicKeys to automate processing of files via
   drag and drop and executing corresponding QuicKeys scripts. 
   9    3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Dvorak keyboard layout w/ picture.
  16    7/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Dvorak keyboard layouts for right, left and both hands.
 242    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Intuitive, nice-handling gradebook for teachers; computes grades
   in many choosable ways; tracks multiple projects; looks/feels like
   an "old-fashioned" gradebook.
 644     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An educational music game where a chorus of animals sings
   notes and the players try to repeat the sequences.  Can be
   made to be very easy (i.e. suitable for pre-schoolers)
   or very not-so-easy (i.e. for people who are looking for
   pitch training).
  42      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Excel spreadsheet calculates the value of U. S. Series EE 
   Savings Bonds, bought in the past and future; requires 
   Excel 4.x.
 335     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   Fully functional demo but with only 4 ergonomic exercises
   (full version has 16); gives friendly reminders with 
   exercises (demonstrated by the Ergo-Dudes) for your 
   ergonomic comfort and health.
  10      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Excel add-in that lets you make sure that everything in your disk
   cache is completely saved to your disks. You call it from Excel
   macro language.
  16      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Excel macro changes the header and footer information on all
   selected sheets at once; requires Microsoft Excel 5.
   7     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Excel add-in that gives you the capability of "nudging" graphic
   objects to change their position slightly.
  28     8/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Command-click to access the System 7 Application Menu at any time,
   from any part of the desktop.
  82     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display continuously updating time counters for important times and
   dates you configure. Will show the length of time until or since
   each event in a variety of formats.
  56      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A teensy replacement for the standard Finder.  Should work under
   just about any System version.
  95     4/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert film footage values to various kinds of SMPTE time codes,
   and vice versa.  Supports: SMPTE Time Codes for NTSC (29.97 fps,
   Drop Frame); SMPTE Time Codes for NTSC (29.97 fps, Non Drop Frame);
   SMPTE Time Codes for PAL / SECAM (25 fps); 35mm (16 frames / ft);
   16mm (40 frames / ft; Sequential frame number

 298    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   For Visual Flight Rule pilots to make VFR flight plans;
   can create and use 4 libraries: Air, COM, NAV, FIX;
   requires System 7 and 680x0 Mac.
 294    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   For Visual Flight Rule pilots to make VFR flight plans;
   can create and use 4 libraries: Air, COM, NAV, FIX;
   requires System 7 and PowerMac.
 567     4/25/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Forgotten E-Mail is an app designed to make tracking E-Mail 
   addresses easier and less time consuming. It also provides a 
   place to keep your favorite addresses to Web pages, Gopher and 
   FTP sites.  
 171     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   A one-day-at-a-time "empowerment guide"; not compatible with
   a MacPlus.
  32     9/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simple application that displays a window to the user with whatever
   text you choose.  If placed in the Startup Items folder of a Mac,
   the message would be shown to the user upon every system startup.
 856      9/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Family history database and family tree generator.
   Gene is also capable of handling very complicated databases with 
   thousands of names, multiple marriages and divorces, adoptions, 
   illegitimate children, and intermarriage between relatives.
  64     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Translate between two map coordinate systems, longitude/latitude
   and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Uses the Clarke 1866
   spheroid, which has been adopted by Canada and the U.S.
  11     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keyboard layout for the German version of the DVORAK deyboard.
  27     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows window manipulation in 4D database package; requires
   4th Dimension (4D).
  23      2/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Calculates a person's grade point average given their class
   grades and the credits that the classes were worth.  Includes
   an Excel template and accompanying macros sheet, along with
   an instruction file.
  27    9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Give it your grades, it gives you your GPA! (college only)
   Allows one to store other information about a course as well.
   Somewhat non-mac interface (all output comes up in one window)

 850    10/31/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keeps track of student grades.  Including support for weighting,
   letter and number grades, GPAs, multiple classes.   Req. 2 meg
   RAM, 12" color, '020 or better.  Version 1.7 has load and dump of 
   class results data, new Popquiz page generator for each student,
   large classrooms can now be segmented into sections, import grade 
   information from other applications, and a Missed Exams report.
  63     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Records and computes grades for up to 40 students with up 
   to 40 projects each; demo projects 'please pay' alerts to
   screen regularly when viewing, and cannot be personalized.
 325      7/1/97    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Cool string finder quickly searches from specified starting folder 
   for file types, strings in files, etc., displays results as list
   which allows found text files to be opened with Grapple or the
   parent app, can save search results for later, summarizes stats 
   of searches, and indexes multiple search windows on Menu Bar.
 288     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Finder utility supports multiple windows, menubar, drag-n-drop
   files to and between Browser windows, Finder commands like print,
   get info, sharing, and greater flexibility in resizing; requires
   System 7, Color QuickDraw, Thread Manager; v2.54 shows folder
   size, change names, labels of Stuffit archives, more.
  58      1/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Read genealogy data bases in GEDCOM version 2 format and produce
   files in the data comparison Tiny Tafel 1.6 format.
  54     3/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Play your guitar into your Mac's microphone and find out if you've
   tuned it well.
 352      5/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This is the PIM for slobs. No more bureaucratic forms to fill out 
   for each phone number you want to store. Just type in your info, 
   and let Guy Friday figure it out. Use its free-form structure to 
   store names, numbers, to-do lists, etc. Also features smart alarms 
   and a phone dialer. Requires System 7. Now Digital Money Compatible.
 809     8/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Practice taking the tests for the Novice, Technician,
   General, Advanced, and Extra HAM radio licenses.
   The program contains the entire question pools.
   Each time you practice a test, it randomly selects
   the correct number of questions for you to answer.
   You can also browse the entire question pools.
 101    10/23/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Help server similar in appearance and use to the help facility
   in Disinfectant; offers online context-sensitive help to all
   the AWOL programs (PictPocket, MenuEvents, MenuGrabber, Maybe,
   VirtualDesktop), and it's free!
 736      3/31/96  BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   A genealogical program featuring free-form biographical notes,
   photo display, tracking, 3 types of chartings, interrelational
   displays, etc.
  26     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Press a hot-key and cycle through processes, to select a new one to
   bring to the front.  Very similar to Microsoft Window's alt-tab
 122      12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Floating palette showing all open apps allows switching among
   them with a click of the mouse (quasi-launcher-like); much more;
   requires Sys 7.1 with Drag & Drop or Sys 7.5.
 122     10/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Floating palette showing all open apps allows switching among
   them with a click of the mouse (quasi-launcher-like); much more.
   Requires Sys 7.1 with Drag & Drop or Sys 7.5.
   7     10/9/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A set of QuicKeys for (mostly) automated ftp downloads from both
   mac.archive and info-mac. Requires QuicKeys 3.0, BBEdit, and Fetch.
 436      9/1/95    BinHex4.0, StuffIt3.5

   This is a date conversion, calendar comparison and holiday
   calculation utility.  It recognizes the Julian, Gregorian, "Western
   Historical", Jewish, Islamic, Elliott Super and French Revolutionary
   Calendars.  It is not a daily appointment calendar.  Intended for
   16-inch monitors, but works with smaller monitors.  Requires System 6
   or later.

  33     8/13/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keyboard layouts for 20 different countries, ranging from Britain
   to Yugoslavia... you can use the Keyboard Switcher cdev to move
   back and forth between settings.
 496       9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An application that allows you to organize all of your Internet 
   addresses. Including FTP, WWW, Gopher, E-mail, and newsgroup 
   addresses. Has full copy and paste, a sort function, find function, 
   and save to text function.
  19      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Show the corresponding Jewish calendar, complete with holidays, for
   any Western month in the first three millenia in the Common Era.
 538     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A daily calendar for journal entries; easy to use; demo quits
   'after a reasonable time', according to author.
   6      6/1/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Four ResEdit templates to change the keyboard layouts on your Mac.
   ANSI Dvorak, NoCaps Lock, Shift Comma, and U.S. Undead.
 352     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is a game for babies who like to sit at their parent's 
   Mac and bang the keyboard. Keywack prevents babies from accidentally 
   opening most programs or documents, and makes banging even more fun 
   by drawing shapes and playing random sounds as the keys are wacked.
  46     4/11/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Puts a oddly shaped fishbowl/window onto your screen in which a 
   large pink cartoon fish bounces around and twirls and generally
   looks goofy. This software is provided through the efforts of
   some good folks over in Japan.
  54     1/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Macintosh version of Philip Schneider's X11 Black Cat Clock.
   Its neat.  Oh, watch for those "About" Easter Eggs. :)
   3     2/19/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A keyboard script for use with System 7.1.  Will enact the New
   Zealand date/number/etc format.
  14      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tell you the last time it was run.  Designed to be placed in the
   Startup Items folder.  Fat Binary for 68K and Power Macs.
  17     9/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep a scrolling list of all your launchable software. Select an
   item to launch and click the launch button.  This version runs
   under System 6 as well as 7.
  35      1/9/87    BinHex4.0
   This application lets you graphically edit the LAYO resource in
   the Finder that controls the layout of your desktop.  Also certain
   flags controlled by the LAYO can be set on or off, such as the one
   that controls whether the Finder asking for confirmation of APPLs
   and folders being put into the Trash.
  10     6/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Keyboard layouts that provide lower-case characters when both the
   Shift and Caps Lock keys are pressed.  Includes standard and DVORAK
  10     1/31/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A pair of keyboard layouts for typing with a left-handed Dvorak
   keyboard arrangement.
  66     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A time logging and bill generation app.
1579     3/20/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An colorful organizer built on the stately interface of
   Hypercard.  Ugh.  Allows you to keep track of To-Do's, 
   a Celendar, a Diary, your projects, and a built-in
   Rolodex.  Needs some more tweaking, particulary when
   you move the window down to the bottom right of the screen.
   It'll open new windows off the bottom right, where you can't
   get at it.  PPC version.

  23    10/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Put messages for either you or someone else into a box, where the
   letters will constantly keep moving. Neat-o way to pass messages
   to other users of the same machine (stick it in the startup folder)
   Also- makes a neat background if you enlarge the box to the screen

 336     3/31/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   For those of us who have kids and don't know how to organize
   child care, this program will maintain that important list of
   babysitters, a list of emergency contacts, a list of your 
   favorite destinations, addresses and phone numbers (and print
   out that list so the babysitter won't freak out when something
   goes wrong... like baby flushing a wallet down the toilet).
  39    11/12/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A set of QuicKeys to communicate between QuicKeys and MacPPP.
   Allow QuicKeys to open and close MacPPP and test whether it is open
   or closed, doing a decision or jump on the outcome.  Version 3.1 adds 
   compatibility with FreePPP and Open Transport.
  83      7/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   A simple database (which looks like a logbook on the screen) which
   allows you to keep track of shortwave radio broadcasts (time,
   country, station, frequencies).  If you have radio control
   software installed, you can click on the entry in the database and
   your radio will go to that frequency.

   5     3/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Display the pictures hidden in the ROM of the SE.
 136      8/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k home computer emulator.  Allows you to
   load and run RAM images for the Spectrum.  Requires System 7.
 233    11/6/94       BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Input and analysis tool designed for use with opinion surveys
   that have no more than 150 closed-end types of questions.
   questions. All questions can have up to 10 response choices
   from which only one choice can be made.  Generates form and
   crosstab analysis reports.
  72     4/22/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Generate (encode) VCR+ codes given the show time and length.
   Also can decode VCR+ codes to give channel, start time, and length.
   Includes C source for the algorithms.
  38     7/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Dump any one of these files into your System (just like sounds
   or fonts) and you have additional keyboard layouts for your
   Macintosh.  24 files in all, ranging from Austrailian to
   Dvorak, French, Turkish and Swedish, among others.
 101     3/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
    Microsoft Excel 4.0 (required) application that will help the
    user keep track of equity investments.
  45      9/4/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   When used in conjunction with RAM Doubler, allow you to have as
   much as  SIX times your physical RAM.  Also display an indicator in
   the menu bar that will flash when RAM Doubler is used.  Compatible
   with RAM Doubler 1.0 through 1.0.4.
 339     9/4/95    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   Track the movement of hurricanes from the information that the
   weather-man gives you. Displays graphical map of whereever you
   want to see. Requires 2 megs free RAM

 314     7/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Designed for office workers who are too frazzled to make decisions
   on where to go out for lunch, this cheesy app flashes a bunch
   of restaurant selections from a text file (that you make) and
   makes the decision for you.

  45      4/3/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Simulation of a mechanical metronome, used primarily for setting
   the tempo when playing music.

 149     7/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A well put together checkbook balancer, writes checks onto
   Quicken forms, and signs them with your digitized signature.
   5      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Put up a black screen with cross hairs so you can adjust the
   convergence of your monitor.
  44     7/17/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Convert text files to audible Morse code.
  58     3/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert text files to audible Morse code.  Will also generate random
   Morse code.
 128    10/29/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Learn Morse code with this morse code tutor.
  31     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Add 'dctb' resources to the Word application for the Standard File
   Open and Save dialog boxes that Word uses.

 174      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Tracks time spent on any projects, tasks, jobs, or
   pasttimes performed on the Mac; simple and easy to
   use; this is a major upgrade.
 111     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Collection of Microsoft Excel templates and macros for
   creating and maintaining mutual fund records and generating
   Schedule D tax information from these records.
 113     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allows Managing You Money (tm) to export to Quicken.
  57    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Program that provides pages to write your thoughts on.  Very
  88      7/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A MacHack AppleTalk coffee mug controller.  Hardware (a small
   coffee mug warmer with an phonenet connector) not included.
   Includes MPW C source.
  39    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Change the icon families and add a 3D color effect to the rulers of
   Nisus 3.4.
   9    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create locked aliases on the Desktop, without icons.  Perfect for
   "drop launching".  Unrelated to the ZMac Exclusive of the same
 154     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Manages office pool wagers for the NCAA basketball tournament.

 292    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Manage calendar, addressbook, todo list, any other records
   all in one neat package.
   9    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Turn File Sharing on (or off).  For use with
1448     9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A program for designing dog agility courses.
 141     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,CompactPro1.51

   This is an archive of 12 professionally designed resume
   templates for PageMaker 5.0.  Also includes an envelope template.  

   7     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Keyboard Layout (add to your System file) that swaps the Escape
   key with the `~ key.  Designed for PowerBooks, but useful on any
 227    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Organizes phone numbers, dials via any modem; v3.01 fixes
   some minor bugs and adds back dialing via speaker.
  51    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Figure out enlargement and reduction ratios for scaled photographs.
 116    10/12/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Handles all those sets of plug-ins for various apps, en-/disabling
   them with a click; also launches apps from inside the main window.
  36     7/29/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Converts between inches, millimeters and points.
 728     2/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Perform many of the same tasks that the real Newton does.
  29    10/17/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create an "alias" that points to up to five applications, then
   choose the application to launch when you double-click on it.
 449     3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   System 7 Desktop Launching Agent designed to allow easy access to
   applications and other documents without having to navigate several
   "Finder Windows" or through a hierarchical Apple Menu. 
  93     3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An emulator for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum home computer.  Exact speed,
   perfect sound, realtime tape I/O, etc.  Power Macintosh ONLY.
  64     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays available space on your hard drive, available RAM, the
   speed of the CPU, and the on/off state of AppleTalk in a
   configurable thin strip at the top and/or bottom of your screen.
   On powerbooks, tracks the elapsed time of battery, AC-charging
   sessions, on/off state of the internal modem, if any.
  24    3/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Very simple program that reads your PRAM.  If you don't know
   what that is you likely won't find this useful.
 132     8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A numerology program.  (Like astrology, but with numbers.)
  41     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple program to find prime numbers. Works between 2 and
  29      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Activate a selected process or application at a specified interval.
   5     4/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A DVORAK keyboard layout with "improvements."
  13     4/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Quit all open applications.  Requires System 7.
   6     7/19/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Verify the hardware integrity of your RAM chips.  Only tests the
   first 8 megabytes.
  17    10/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Patch RAM Doubler versions 1.0.4, 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 to allow
   up to 16x RAM "doubling".
  10     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Select a random Screen and/or Sound at startup time.
   5     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Show the Total Power-On Time of your Mac, i.e. the total time your
   Mac has been on EVER (older types of Macs don't keep track of the
   power-on time and the Total Power-On Time for these macs is zero);
   v1.03 is a bugfix; free!
 139      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Complete meal management system includes recipe database,
   Daily Meal planner, grocery list planner, editable calorie
   chart, import/export, more; slick interface.
   7      2/5/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Force the Mac to redraw the entire display area.  Usefull for
   programs like Ars Magna and Moving Finger, which are so simple that
   the forget to tell the Mac to redraw the screen. 
  17    3/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Permits you to estimate how long your  retirement savings
   will last.  Requires Excel.

  75      1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Turns your PowerMac (your 7200, 7500, 8500 and 9500 or newer) on 
   at a specified time and sounds an alarm.
  43     1/16/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display pithy (or any other kind) quotes in a dialog box.
  61     7/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A vocabulary tester.  Includes the SAT.dat data file with the
   entire Barron's high frequency word list, and can easily be taught
   additional words.  Includes C source.
   7     10/7/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Graphic views of over 50 scales as they appear on a standard-tuned
   guitar neck.
  51     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Three QuicKeys extensions that communicate between QuicKeys and
   After Dark (and other screen savers which follow the Gestalt
   interface instituted by Berkeley Systems) to control the screen
   saver and test the state the screen saver is in (asleep, awake,
   etc), doing a decision or jump on the outcome.

  96    12/31/95    BinHex4.0StuffIt3.50

   A PowerMac only scheduling and appointment tracking application.
   Allows you to put in as many appointments into the included empty
   file as you want, but you can create new files only after paying
   the license fee.
 117      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An application launcher for those who prefer to avoid using the
   Finder; works from a configurable window, temporarily replacing
   the Finder; includes an AfterDark module; requires System 7.x,
   is 32-bin compatible.
  32    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This program will call (if you have a modem) Virginia, Canada, or
   Colorado and connect to a Master Clock Driver referenced to an
   atomic standard.  It will set the clock on your Mac to within one
   second of the correct time.
   9     4/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Shut down your Mac at a specified time.
  15      7/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Set a time-delayed shutdown of your Mac.  CAUTION: all unsaved
   changes at the time of shutdown will be lost.
  68      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Similar to HyperCard, but a simpler way to create multimedia
   applications incorporating sound and graphics.
  44     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A small, fast, no-frills calendar program; FAT.
  29     4/11/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Print multiple copies of the same label (for return address labels,
   for example).  Comes with several label templates.  Customizable.
  78     9/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   List directories of files with discriptions taken from the SitC = 0
   resource, used by StuffIt Deluxe, TeleFinder, FirstClass, and
   NovaLink Professional.
  83     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   A personal calendar utility for keeping track of coming events;
   handles one-time and monthly/weekly events; includes on-line help
   and balloon help; requires System6.05 or later.
  29     4/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Select an item from a list of applications and documents on your
   drive and click the open button.  Includes an FKEY for easy
   access.  Requires System 7 and at least a Mac II.
  15      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Take a snapshot of a folder and, at a later date, restore the
   position of the icons within the folder from the snapshot.
 140     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A little app which displays moonphases, sun rise & sun sets, and
   twilight hours for your location.
  17     3/13/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A keyboard layout (KCHR) that approximates the keyboard used in
1452    10/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Square One is a utility that puts all your programs and files in a 
   single, handy icon palette. Requires 4MB RAM, system 7.
  26    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Calculate stock commissions for investors at Charles Schwab.
 116     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   2 applications to strip PPC code or 68K code from Fat binary
   files to make them smaller.
 129     10/17/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Modify many aspects of the System 7 Finder:  Increase copy speed,
   change command keys, add links between applications and documents,
   remove a couple of superfluous dialogs, change menu names, add a
   Quit menu option, remove ZoomRects, reduce or remmove the rename
   delay, change the alias suffix, and more.  Not much you can't do
   with ResEdit, but it puts a nice interface on it.
  27       6/6/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Bless the System Folder of your choice.  Useful when changing
   between System 6 and System 7 or when using multiple Systems.
  97     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Reminder program designed to get people to take periodic breaks
   and stretches so as to avoid RSI or OOS caused by excessive use
   of the keyboard; free.
 547     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Contains a Calculator, Who/What Address and Phonebook, Clock
   with Reminder function, Calendar, and Note Pad; demo limited
   to 5 entries and 5 nags.
 263      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Very good organizer of students' grades; demo version is limited
   to 5 assignments.
 682     7/16/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Works with PageMaker to index yearbooks automatically, even (in 
   most cases) those which have had no previous preparation.
  44     3/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Just like on TV?  Clap your hands twice and your Mac will shut
   itself down.  Requires a Mac with a microphone.
  78    10/24/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A little program that will track your time in different occupations
   Work, Business, Home, Pleasure, etc., Limited.
  48     8/17/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Calculate and manipulate the time codes on videos.  Supports
   multiple frames-per-second on both input and output times, 
   including NTSC drop frame, PAL, and 24-frames-per-second film.
 672     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Shareware time-tracking app for recording time tasks.  Very useful
   for consultants, attorneys, graphic designers (i.e. people who
   bill for time, or just to keep track of how much time is spent
   on various tasks).  Allows for listing charges and expenses.
   Lots of documentation, bells and whistles.  Fat application.

 149     7/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Do a thorough timing of all video devices.  Will time the video
   frames, VBL interrupts, reloads of whole clut, and the fraction of
   the screen that you can fill with a real-time movie shown by
   CopyBitsQuickly().  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.
  34      1/10/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Copies the text of textfiles, or the picture of pict files onto
   the clipboard.
 384    3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Utility for processing text files typically captured from
   mainframe or database reports. Processes files of any size,
   chops and cleans columns with spaces so that they are tab
   delimited for spreadsheet import, removes unwanted banner
   pages and headings, does multiple search and replace pairs,
   converts case, converts EBCDC files, includes a built-in
   scripting language for complex jobs if required.
   8     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   When run, prompts you to unlock your PowerTalk keychain. Useful
   for a Startup Items folder.
  29      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Determine the status of a serial-connected Universal Power Supply.
   7    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A keyboard file that gives a numeric keypad whenever you engage
   'caps lock'.  Useful for Powerbooks and other computers that lack
   a regular numeric keypad.
  17    1/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Partial list of US zipcodes with complete list available for fee.
   6      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A keyboard layout that remaps the lower right-hand arrow keys on a
   standard keyboard from their usual left, right, up, down to left,
   down, up, right.  For those who live and die in vi.
  58      4/7/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Very simplistic template for keeping track of videotapes.
 199     1/10/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An X-Windows type utility that places a small window on your desktop
   you to create virtual layers of windows. Allows easy switching between

6062     4/10/98    BinHex4.0,DropStuff4.0
   World Championship Checkers -- shareware version.
   Power Mac only, displays "feature info" from the manual as
   a "nice reminder" to register once in a while, otherwise 
   fully enabled.  Strongest program of its kind.  
   PC version, other info, Email: EdTrice@infiniteloop.org
   More info:  http://www.infiniteloop.org/checkers.html
1257     1/18/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An HTML editor for easily creating web pages.  A fat binary, although
   it looks and acts suspiciously like Hypercard.

  11     7/19/91    BinHex4.0
   Tell you the day of the week for any date back to the 1700's.
  35    3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Gives the "About this Macintosh..." box back its knowledge
  about what type of Macintosh you are using.
   6    2/1/96    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.5

   Replicates how it truly feels to use Windows 95 by displaying the
   start button with a twist. (Joke program)

  31      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tiny application that adds up your "session" time.  Good for people 
   using the internet on a budget.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  23     9/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Turn the backlight on a PowerBook off when the mouse has been idle
   for a specified time and you are working from the battery.
   Only works on PowerBooks
 104     7/26/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Fully discharge a nickel-cadmium (NiCad) battery or
   Nickel-Hydride (NiHy) battery to eliminate the "memory
   effect" that can reduce the battery's storage capacity.

  12      8/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays a tiny gas gauge in the menu bar of your
   PowerBook 14x/17x, showing how the battery's doing.
  77      2/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Perform many battery-related actions:  adjust backlight brightness
   and contrast, toggle backlight between preset values depending on
   charger status, force AppleTalk to load at startup, so that it is
   always available, make quiet the startup sound, toggle AppleTalk,
   sound and modem on and off with button control, monitor battery
   voltage (on all PowerBooks) and watts (on Duo or later), predict
   battery life with count up and count down timers, user selectable
   status information conveniently displayed in menu, change screen
   color depth via BatteryMinder menu, open PowerBook Control Panel
   from menu or an option-click in BatteryMinder window, put your
   PowerBook to sleep with a double-click in BatteryMinder window, and
  66     11/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   CanIt! is a utility which allows you to instantly trash all 
   selected files and folders in a Finder window by pressing a 
   command-key shortcut of your choice. 

   4     6/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Finally.. An extension to deactive the Caps Lock key on
   PowerBooks! (should work on other System 7 Macs also)
   3      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Beep whenever the caps lock key is enabled or disabled.  Useful for
   PowerBook owners who are forever plagued by the caps lock key.
  15     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Miss the old-fashioned mouse? Finger itchy for a *real* click?
   Now PB500 owners can click by tapping on the TrackPad (the
   'long' description alone is worth the download! *heh*).
  15    12/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Put your portable machine to sleep when you click in one of the
   screen's corners.
   7      4/9/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Replace selected cursors with user-configurable  substitutes.
   Especially useful for keeping the I-beam curson on the PowerBooks
  95     5/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Provide recommended maintenance on your Powerbook or Duo by deep
   discharging the internal NiCad battery safely and more quickly
   than otherwise possible.
  90      7/5/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Got multiple docks for your Duo?  This allows you to customize
   your finder preferences for different docks (i.e. trashcan
   in one position on one, in a far lower right corner on a
   second dock with a larger monitor).
  14      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Switch your Duo 280c from 640 x 480, 256 Colours or Greys, to
   640 x 400, Thousands of Colours.  Includes Pascal source.
   9      6/4/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make your Duo Dock's mouse will act like a normal mouse in terms of
   maximum speed and acceleration.
  36     9/18/93    Text
   A compilation of questions frequently raised about Powerbook Duos.
   This version dated 9/14/93.
  41     1/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Display a plethora of battery info using the extended Power
   Manager, currently only found in the Powerbook Duo computers.
  72     9/16/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays a miniscule window that displays battery voltage,
   cpu speed, ac adapter plugged in or not, charging state
   (hi or trickle), and two timers which display the time
   since you last had your Portable/Powerbook plugged in
   (in real time and powered-on time).
  32     8/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Yet another extension manager, only this one is done my friend
   Al so it's cool.  One set of extensions loads when the Duo is docked,
   another set loads when the Duo is standalone.  Works just as
   intuitively as the Apple Extensions Manager.
 182      8/3/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PB500-series "smart" batteries sometimes aren't: if the
   battery's microprocessor cannot see or recognise the 2nd
   (left) battery this dandy util will reset it and fix the
   charging problem; v2.0 adds a probe to tell more about 
   the battery, automatic serialization for tracking, more.
   3      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Four FKEYS that emulate the "home", "end", "page up", and "page
   down" keys on the extended keyboard.
  19     9/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Battery status monitoring software; v1.2: icon shows the amount
   of battery life left.
  48     2/26/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Install slightly larger Arrow and I-Beam cursors.  Particularly
   useful on PowerBooks where it can be difficult to find cursors.
   Also features a "Find Cursor" function that works on any Mac.
   3     8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   When you hold down the control key and click the mouse, the cursor
   turns into a thick-bordered box.  Useful for PowerBook users who
   can't find their cursor.
  40   6/22/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Put your PowerBook to sleep and the screen rotates/flips/folds up and
   goes dark.  Wake it up and it does the opposite.  Doesn't require
   a PowerBook to demonstrate.
  90     6/23/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Program up to fifty wakeup events: send faxes at 1:00am, send
   electronic mail an hour later, etc.; requires a PowerBook which
   can wake itself up (Macintosh Portable, PowerBook 100s, 500s,
   or Duos); v1.03a contains author's new address.
  35     7/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Install emulators for the "extra" keys present on the extended
   keyboard but absent on other keyboards (Standard keyboard,
   PowerBook, etc.).  The keys you can emulate include: F1 to F15,
   Page Up, Page Down, Home, End and Insert/Help.
 132     6/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Another battery monitor.  Shows voltages and status (charging,
   idle, etc.) and a good estimate of how much juice you have left,
   based on YOUR usage.  Much, much more. Minor bug fix.
  20     3/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Verify that the correct type of memory is installed in your
   PowerBook 180 or 165c.
  17     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Cycle between black-white-red-green-blue to test the active matrix
   screen for bad pixels.  Includes THINK C source.
   7     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Keyboard Layout (add to your System file) that swaps the Escape
   key with the `~ key.  Designed for PowerBooks, but useful on any
  13    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Manage battery usage.  Puts up a clock and battery voltage readout
   in the upper right corner of the screen.  When the power supply is
   unplugged, the clock changes to a timer of how long it has been
   running on battery power.
 406     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A compilation of powerbook repairs, upgrades, and installations;
   Adobe Acrobat Reader required to read document.
   8      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Find any voided or burnt-out pixels on active-matrix liquid-crystal
   displays (LCDs).  Flips the screen from black to white with each
   click of the mouse.
  17      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play a sound when your PowerBook goes to sleep.  Includes a YAWN
   sound, appropriately.  Application and INIT versions provided.
  90      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Gives 500 series powerbooks more control over power conversion
   settings; v1.03a contains the author's new mailing address, but
   is functionally the same as version 1.03.
  42     7/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   When you unplug the PowerBook (Portable, Duo, etc.), it will show a
   message alerting that the plug has been removed.
  11      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Link the serial ports on a Macintosh, to use a PowerBook as an
   external modem, for example.
  10    11/22/92    Text
   How to take apart your PowerBook 100.  Not for the faint of heart.
  18     8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Install an XCMD in the Home stack to correct problems
   between internal PowerBook modems and HyperCard 2.x.
  19     4/26/92    Text
   Answers to 13 frequently-asked questions about the  Apple
  12     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   For PowerBooks 140,145,145B,160,165,165c,170,180 & 180c only!!!!
   Help prevent your computer from going to sleep on its own. Can be
   useful if you wish to drain battery energy (more than if you let
   your computer go to sleep on its own) to help prevent 'battery-
  11     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two little applications: one to disable the rest mode on the
   PowerBooks, another to reenable it.
  30      9/5/92    Text
   A compliation of tips on how to get the most out of your PowerBook.
 129     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Define power conservation settings on a per-application basis;
   only works on 500-series (or newer) PowerBooks; v1.02 fixes
   a bug that could prevent processor cycling from being turned off
   when switching applications, and fixed a bug that could flicker
   the backlighting if the backlight time is set to 15 seconds.
   3     10/3/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Drop into the debugger by pressing control-escape.  Useful for
   Powerbooks, which don't have either a power key or an interrupt
  22     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Independently set the function of the two trackball buttons on a
   PowerBook Duo.
  24     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Assign special functions to any corner of the screen: toggle the
   backlight on and off, spin down the harddisk, or put your Powerbook
   to sleep.  Requires a PowerBook.
 124     8/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   You know the diner scene in _When Harry Met Sally_?  This init
   makes your PowerBook play the audio from that scene when you plug
   in the battery charger.  Is this sexual harassment?  DON'T ask
   on comp.sys.mac.system...
    4     7/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Put your PowerBook or other battery-powered Mac to sleep
   instantly, without having to navigate dialogs or warnings.
  44     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A temlate (in several formats) that when printed produces a "frame"
   for your PowerBook screen -- a place for you to jot notes.
  25     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep PowerBooks from making the usual chime at startup.
  92     2/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Perform automatic periodic backups of RAM disks.  Requires System 7.
  21     6/21/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Powerbook background app that senses when you are plugged into
   the battery charger, at which time it  puts you in non-rest mode
   and sets the timer for System and hard drive sleep for 15 minutes.
   When you aren't plugged in, the timer reverts to the Portable's
   settings.  Think C source included.
   7     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Blank the screen and requests a password whenever a sleeping Mac is
   awakened.  Only runs on PowerBooks (and Portables).
   3     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Disable the software that makes the PowerBook go click whenever
   sound is used. After the first click, it will never click again.
 153     6/22/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Just before your luggable PowerBook falls asleep, it yawns.  When
   it wakes up, it yells at you. MPW-C source included.
   5     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Spin down the internal hard drive in Macs that support that
   function (such as PowerBooks).
  14      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   FKeys to spin down the drive--no need to pull down menus,
   click mouse, etc.
 255     2/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Synchronise two folders so that both have the most recent versions
   of their files.  Can be used as a backup program.
 778   8/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

  A very impressive launcher-type utility, witch several extras.  
  Installer creates a 68k, PPC or Fat binary version.  Includes 
  several modules, like memory used, audio CD player and Moon Phase 
 560    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Commercial software with a twist.  A fully featured file
   synchronization package, distributed on the net w/ features
   disabled. Pay a fee and get ALL the features.
   Includes automatic sync at floppy insert, logging, error tracing,
   conflicts logging, etc.  Fat binary.
 592     12/31/95   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Backup and synchronization utility designed for
   file server mirroring and complex data management tasks.
   Basic features fully functional, advanced features work on
   files up to 400kB if unregistered.  Fat binary.
  28     8/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Uses the Duo's Power Manager to tell you the temperature (i.e. 
   degrees) of inside the Duo, or inside the battery pack.
 120     11/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Adjust the voltages at which low-battery warnings occur.
 124      7/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep multiple, distributed copies of documents up to date by
   tracking changes in linked files or folders and telling you when
   files have changed, deleted, or new files have been created.
 128      7/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Keep multiple, distributed copies of documents up to date by
   tracking changes in linked files or folders and telling you when
   files have changed, deleted, or new files have been created.
   Portuguese version.
   7    11/11/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A keyboard file that gives a numeric keypad whenever you engage
   'caps lock'.  Useful for Powerbooks and other computers that lack
   a regular numeric keypad.
  17      1/9/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Add functionality to the "Options..." dialog of the Monitors control
   panel, allowing you to disable the built-in display.  Only works 
   with PowerBooks.
  28      4/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Indicate voltage and power status on Mac Portables and PowerBooks.
   Shows actual voltages, not just a time indicator as with the
   System Battery.
  11      6/22/94    BinHex4.0
   A draggable window which will tell you how long you have been operating
   on batteries--but only how long you have been awake, it subtracts
   sleeping time.  (And resets on relaunch, but who reboots?)
   7     2/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Quickly draw a set of bold concentric circles of decreasing size
   onto the screen, centered on the cursor.
  19     7/16/92   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A file synchronization package that copies files between your
   PowerBook and a desktop computer.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  42     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Download PostScript files to any PostScript printer connected to
   the AppleTalk network.  Requires System 7.
  14    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A printing extension for use with QuickDraw GX, to make it easier
   to print double-sided pages on printers that only print one side of
   the paper at a time.
1224     9/1095    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   The Epson Stylus Color driver installer, which installs
   the driver, some utilities and other useful goodies.
  34    3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Driver for the Brother HJ-400 printer. Fixes many probs.
  32     9/13/93    BinHex4.0
   The up-til-now hard to find PPD file for the HP LaserJet 4SI
   printer, with which you can use with your LaserWriter 8.0 drivers.
  59     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Prints C/C++ source code but you can also use it to print any
   file of type "TEXT." Kodex allows you to stylize the source
   code by printing C/C++ keywords and comments in a special
   style. Kodex also gives you many other options to stylize
   the output.
  11     8/20/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This Photoshop 3.0 printing ink setup dramatically improves color
   saturation and accuracy on the Epson Stylus Color printer. This 
   only works while printing with Photoshop. It does not improve 
   color accuracy in other applications.
  38      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A patch for LaserWriter 8.1.1 that eliminates the annoying and
   toner wasting border that is printed when using the 2-UP and 4-UP
   Layout choices in the page-setup dialog box.
 170       8/3/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Enhances Apple's LaserWriter driver, 8.2.2/8.2.2f/8.3.  Allows 
   for selecting PDFs when no printers are online, places "Layout" 
   menu in Print dailog (allowing n-up w/o going to Page Setup), 
   adding 6, 8, 9, and 16 Up choices to Layout menu.
   7      7/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   PostScript code to set the LaserWriter Pro to go into "sleep" mode
   after a specified period of inactivity.
 43      1/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Parse PostScript dumps, enabling you to extract particular
   pages/plates. Extracted matter is stored in a new downloadable file.
 73    3/21/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
  Transmit files from Unix hosts through your Mac (which acts as a
  server), to be printed on LaserWriters on the Macintosh netw  Includes 
  LPR 1.0.1, an lpDaemon client that submits jobs to a
  (UNIX) printer queue.  Both require MacTCP.  Different from
 65      1/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Print Mac files to a Unix lpd daemon (printing daemon, that is).  The
   files can be formatted by the Macintosh, or by the remote lpd daemon.
   Requires MacTCP.
  12     5/14/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Additional ppd files for use with Apple LaserWriter IIf, Apple
   LaserWriter IIg and Tektronix Phaser PX printers. Used by
   PageMaker, Canvas, and others.
  14     3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   PostScript(R) Printer Description File for NeWSprinter20
  43     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   If you haven't yet got a QuickDraw GX-compatible driver for your
   printer, you can use Old Printing as an interim solution, while you
   pester your printer vendor for an update.
 308     10/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   This patch updates the PLP driver from versions 4.0, 4.1, 4.1.1
   and 4.1.2 to version 4.1.3. This is a patch only -you must already
   own any of the above versions of the PLP software.  Fixes a
   system lockup when background printing in System 7.5.
  16      7/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Converts Adobe PostScript Printer Definition files from UNIX or
   MS-DOS formats or naming conventions to the style used by Apple's
   LaserWriter 8.0.  Also gives them an icon of their own.
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
  56     9/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Modify the default settings in printer drivers. Minor update.
   3     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Control an ImageWriter's page and line feeds from your Mac.
  31     3/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display one or more unix lpr queues on a Mac by running a UNIX
   script to get the status of the selected printers.  Requires MacTCP
  11      1/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Print MacPaint format drawings on the HP DeskWriter.  Necessary
   because MacPaint doesn't use the same method of spooling a file to
   disk then printing it as do most other Macintosh applications.
  94     3/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An extension for Print2Pict that enables you to "print" directly
   to a QuickTime movie, one page per frame.. Requires Print2Pict 3.x
   and QuickTime 1.5 or greater.
  34      2/4/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Monitor the number of pages printed on your QuickDraw printer and warn
   when the ink cartridge is close to running out.  Requires System 7.
  39     8/13/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Cool program prints out text documents in side by side format
   or four pages to a page format, conserving paper; add a Pict into
   the background, too, for effect.
  50    10/11/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Written by Adobe Systems, the owners of PostScript, SendPS
   downloads postscript to LaserWriters over AppleTalk.  It will also
   list a TEXT file to the printer, check the printer's status, get
   the printer's font directory, and reboot the printer.
  47     5/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Transmit PostScript docs to your laser printer in the background.
   Will print the contents of the Clipboard, too.  Formerly MacLPR.
  93     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scriptable viewer for Portable Digital Documents (PDDs) under 
   QuickDraw GX; prerelease version available for opinions on what
   should be in such a program.
  26    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Disable the "Clean Print Head" option in the StyleWriter II driver,
   which will destroy the print cartridge when used with the original
   StyleWriter. Also removes references to the StyleWriter II in the
   help boxes and changes the printer/file icons.
  12     8/28/95    BinHex4.0,CStuffIt3.50
   All PPD's for the Accel-A-Writer 4000.
  12     8/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   All PPD's for the Accel-A-Writer 8000.
  36     8/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   All PPD's for the Accel-A-Writer 8100.
  11     8/21/95    BinHex4.0
   A ppd file for the Xante Accela-a-Writer I upgrade board.  Fixes
   cut-off text in some applications.
  32     8/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   All PPD's for the Accel-A-Writer 8000.
  22     8/21/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A modifier application to make Apple's LaserWriter 8.x
   printer driver work with the Xante Accela-a-Writer I upgrade board.
   The hack works for modifying Apple LW 8.0, 8.1.1 and 8.2 driver 
   and their "Adobe" equivalents. According to Xante, you can NOT 
   use LW 8.2.2 with this product.
  11     8/21/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Some PostScript utility files which were provided by Xante for use
   with their products. Send them to your Accel-a-Writer with a utility 
   like "DropOff PS" by Tim Endres (Freeware), or any other utility 
   that can send PostScript files to a PS-printer.

This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  17     9/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Calculate altitude and types of clouds.
 103  10/18/95    BinHex4.0, StuffIt3.5

   This program demonstrates several simple visual illusions, some of
   which are caused by 'faults' in the biological structure of the retina
   or by 'limitations' in the brain's visual center.  Each includes a
   short background.

 245      2/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A multi-purpose program that includes an extensive unit conversion
   utility, a powerful material property and constants database, and
   a flexible formula database.
 272   8/18/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   From the README file: Flight Dynamics provides an interactive, real
   time simulation of aircraft handling qualities.  This is an
   engineering-level simulation of the flight characteristics of the
   Cessna 172.  It is intended as a source of entertainment and
   education for those who are interested in how an airplane behaves.

 474      4/9/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   This is a program designed to "play" disc-based sound, PICT and
   movie files in the order, timing and duration specified by a simple
   script (which the user creates). It was originally written for
   psychological/functional neuroimaging presentation of stimuli. This
   archive contains a fully working demonstration version whose only
   limitation is a time-limit (5-10 minutes or so).  Version 2.19 is
   a substantial re-write with several new features.  Fat Binary.

  68    3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Saves and restores waypoints and routes, and capture track
   logs, using my Macintosh computer with a Garmin GPS 45.
   Note:  this program doesn't crash in any way we can see;
   however, not owning a Garmin 45 myself, I could start
   pumping input into it.

 158    2/1/96    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.5

   Will connect to your Global Positioning System, and tell you where you
   are (hopefully)
   Requires a cable to go from your Mac to the GPS system
   Beta version of /mac/util/science/macgps450.1.sit.hqx
 263     4/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor; ported from the
   UNIX application.
 106      4/3/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Phase D is a program which will make phase diagrams such as 
   those used in neurophysiology papers.  It allows limited manipulation
   of the graphs within the program and will nicely print them, or
   you can export the graph to a drawing program for further work.
 119     2/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Connect your Mac to a shortwave radio and tune in to a weather fax 
   station; receives weather faximile messages via the sound input 
   jack; source available which requires ThinkC5.0 and TCL to compile.
 480      6/4/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Digitize and analyze  multiple channels of data using digitizing
   boards from National Instruments or GW Instruments, or using a
   sound digitizer such as the microphone input.  Allows flexible
   viewing of the digitized data on the screen, does a variety of
   analyses on the data, and has nice features for making publication-
   quality figures from this data.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 128     12/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A Control Panel that fades the screen to black, basically. You can
   also display a bouncing analog clock, or fade the screen to white
   (useful for a PowerBook).  Includes Think C source.
 104      9/9/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A version of Basic Black (the simple screen saver) localized
   to the French language.
 232     2/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Fat App which does too much!  It provides two levels of simple
   password protection when the built-in screensaver kicks in, and
   provides a method for users to send short messages to other "Bug Off"
   users on their network.
 572   10/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A small screensaver that can display the current time or graphics
   (PICT, JPEG, GIF) from a folder full of choices.  Also supports
   password protection.  Requires color-capable mac and system 7.
   Fat binary.
  63    2/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ScreenSaver that's PowerMac native, FATBinary.  Puts fireworks on your
   screen, its an application not a cdev or extension.
  20     8/6/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5
   Display eye-bending colored patterns (and this is supposed to
   SAVE your screen?!! *snicker*).
  12     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small screensaver runs as application, paints the screen black.
  37      1/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Efficient screensaver which slowly fades the screen to
   black.  Requires Color Quickdraw.

  80     2/26/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Meant as a replacement for RAM hogging screensavers, all this app
   does is draw line patterns on the screen.

 320    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Not necessarily a screensaver per se, snowflakes (from a flurry,
   to a blizzard) are falling on the screen and cheesy QuickTime 
   MIDI music is playing in the background.  Almost makes me want
   to build a fire.  Fat binary.
  92    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   18 user-selectable screen saver modules in an application, not
   an INIT.
  10    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A very small (4k) screen saver that only uses 17k or RAM.
  66     9/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A very minimal screensaver as a background-only application, 
   You can configure it to go black, white, and display the time.

  50      7/10/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A package of three applications which together, somehow, work
   as a screensaver.  It displays PICT files that you drop onto it.

  7      2/5/96        BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A small, memorysaving alternative to the expensive memory-
   hogging commercial ones; free.
  55     10/25/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Not a screensaver in itself, but an app to turn your screensaver
   OFF if it detects a noise using the microphone.

This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  36      7/3/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Colored balls (and their shadows) bounce around a  3D box.  MPW
   Pascal source included.
   4     5/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   AfterDark Module resembling WarpFactor.
 105     1/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Seven new modules for the commercial screensaver, After Dark.
   BowTie, Spinning BowTie, Crabs, Maze, Polygons, etc...
 248      9/22/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Screen saver module for After Dark. The module is a simulation of
   an air traffic control radar console.  Requires 8-bit color.
  56     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   "Aquarium Kit ][" contains 63 new enhancements to that great After
   Dark module, Fish! Greatly improved over the original Aquarium
   Kit. Requires 256 colors.
   4     1/11/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Puts randomly placed, randomly colored lines, of user-specified
   thickness on the screen.  It clears the screen and starts over
   periodically.  Yup... it's simple.
  48     7/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays The Aurora Borealis. Can control your Latitude.
   7     3/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Simulate three kinds of 1-bit cellular automaton.  Life is John
   Conway's game of life, and Anneal and Majority are simple neighbor-
   counting rules that result in interesting images.
   5     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Vibrating pixels in a display of Brownian Motion.
 160     11/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Blow and burn that ever-so-lovable idol of the toddler set into little
   purple smithereens.
  56     10/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Like the Spotlight module, but with the Bat Signal...
  12     4/25/92    BinHex4.0
   Plots a graph of the Macintosh CPU usage.
  20      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two modules: Twisture warps, rotates, skews, and twists all over
   the screen any PICT supplied.  Blur makes your screen increasingly
   blurry over time.
 224     2/25/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Random shapes (triangle, square, circle) punch out of your
   screen and bounce off the bottom edge.  There's also
   an annoying (for your co-workers) Monty Python option.
   4     5/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   AfterDark module of colorful bouncing balls. Options include
   elasticity, velocity and decay.
   7     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Control the type and speed of a polygon bouncing around the screen.
   Requires 256 colors.
  40      9/5/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Depicts exactly what would happen if a bungee jumper's cord
   suddenly snapped.  Several other settings, too, including a
   successful bounce.
 363    10/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Goldfish and birdies and ants, OH MY! Also displays wasps, moths, and
   flies, all of which swarm about, occasionally attracted by light,
   jelly, or a putrid piece of...something *yuck*; requires color
   quickdraw, works better on a fast machine; compatible with
   Darkside; v1.4 includes significant speed increases; free!
 100      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fill your screen with all things feline.
  29      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Fill your screen with all things feline.  Black-and-white only.
 129    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An After Dark module that Draws animated, fractal clouds; requires
   Color QuickDraw; v2.01 won't crash when displaying stars
   with 'please wake up' message, stars twinkle.

 512     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Displays any selected picture you want onto the screen, and
   then dabs (or swaths) pieces of the desktop behind it all over
   the picture.  
 151     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Screensaver module with animated crayons.
  90      4/18/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Small (but heroic) cybertank engages in an unrelenting effort
   to clear geometric objects from screen; has sound, 16-bit color
   graphics (but will use 8-, 4-, or even 1-bit color!); requires 
   32-bit QuickDraw; runs nicely with DarkSide.
   6     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays the time left until the year 2000.
   7     2/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays the time left until the year 2001.
   3     2/28/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Nothing fancy, it slowly overwrites the screen with black pixels.
   6      6/1/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Bouncing boxes line up in sequence across the screen, eventually
   making some interesting patterns.
  87    10/19/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two eyeballs float around the screen, open up periodically and
   look around...  requires AfterDark and it's PICT player.
  10      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays a bouncing, spinning earth.  Works in black and white, but
   you really want color.
  12      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays a bouncing, spinning earth that splashes into the screen
   bottom.  Works in black and white, but you really want color.
   6     9/23/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Draws colorful (or b/w) symmetrical Spirograph patterns on the screen.
   You can define the parameters it uses.
  60     2/3/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Is a fully-functional demo uses beam up, melt, pixel build, zoom, to
   to display the faces; select a theme or not; requires a color Mac
   running System7.
  20     5/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Screensaver module generates random Chernoff faces.
   4    10/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
    AfterDark module that fills your screen with the little glows of
  56     4/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Module based on the xlock "flame" module, a "recursive fractal
   flames" module; works with multiple monitors and even works on
   B&W Macs; can be run with DarkSide; fixed crash-causing bug.
   4      6/1/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   After Dark module demonstrating a flocking/swarming
  8     11/29/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
    An After Dark module that flips sections of your screen.
  51     7/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display and generate fractal patterns with After Dark..
  23     1/23/92    BinHex4.0
   Muted fractal rectangles appear randomly in this AfterDark module.
  11      2/2/92    BinHex4.0
   Uses a form of video feedback to produce fractal-like patterns
   that resembles paint hitting spinning paper.
 124      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Take out your frustations!  Pick yer weapons and send virtual
   bullets into the face of your Mac...
  28    11/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Displays outlandish "headlines" on the screen.  Includes
   instructions on how to change the random headlines.
 402     2/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Wonderfully romantic AfterDark module...*heavy sigh* I'm smitten!
   v2.1 fixes crash problems with randomizer and multimodule.
   8      2/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An After Dark module which draws hexagonals in various colors and
   sizes.  Requires Color QuickDraw.
  12     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Attempt to reconcile the paradox of the sofa stuck in the staircase
   as detailed in "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency".  Displays
   a crude, spinning, 3-D sofa.
   9    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display a fractal image.  For Power Macintoshes only.
   8     10/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Dims the screen to a designated level and starts inverting the
   screen colors into various patterns.  Includes THINK C source.
  24   8/18/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   When your screensaver turns on, your friends and co-workers actually
   think you're doing heavy duty work with the "best debugger in the 
  44     4/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An After Dark module which simulates sophisticated fireworks.  You
   can also define your own 'works via ResEdit.
  29      3/6/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An admittedly political screen-saver; it displays some statistics
   on the uses (both good and bad) of guns, and quotes our Founding
   Fathers on the right to keep and bear arms; works with Darkside and
   other modular screensavers, too.
  97     12/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Puts the moon on the screen the way it looks out the window;
   accurate to within an hour.
  18     5/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays fractal images onscreen.  Requires Color QuickDraw.
   Comes with a version that takes advantage of a math coprocessor.
   Previously named Wallpaper.
 208    12/31/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   AfterDark module to draw pretty shapes on the screen.  
   Includes a fat version, plus a version for non-FPU machines.
   6     7/31/93    BinHex4.0
   Module runs great in black and white. Exposes random lines 
   of text from random text documents existing on your drive.
   So, if you don't want anyone to see it someday... *grin*
  23    12/27/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Four modules not included with After Dark 2.0. Moire 3.10, Hopper,
   Crystal, and TacTiles.
   7    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display the current world population.
  12     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Additional graphics for the Fish! module, including ones with
   Christmas and Halloween themes.  Rather poor quality, though.
   8      1/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This After Dark module plays QuickTime movies that you've put into
   a special folder inside the  AfterDark folder.
  12     6/15/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Play QuickTime movies from within AfterDark.
  10     7/27/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Tiny patterned rectangles move around the screens in weird
   patterns.  Now includes color and black and white versions.
   1     12/5/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A cool after dark module feature the enterprise of Star Trek:The
   Next Generation.
  12      2/7/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A very slow (on purpose) module which builds up a field of
   stars and neubulas.  Looks best with millions of colors.
  12     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Like Gengi and Boris, watch as a cat chases a butterfly or mouse
   around the screen.  Number of cats is adjustable.
  40     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Module produces fractals based on the Newton Iteration
   Method.  Saves pictures when you exit AfterDark.
  16    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Draw a moving, morphing animated Julia set in real time.
   For Power Macintoshes only.
  28     1/10/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Blanks the screen, shows the Sad Mac icon, and plays the "fatal
   error" tones.  A practical joke...
  20    10/17/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The classic three-body problem brought to your screen.  Watch as
   three balls orbit around each other and careen off the walls of an
   imaginary box.
  13      4/9/92    BinHex4.0
   A cool After Dark module that displays QuickTime files.
  15     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Sends a variety of feet across your monitor(s).
 694     11/2/93   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Faces and characters pop up (large & literally) and make a little
   noise. Includes source and directions on customization.
 110     3/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   50 new fish for your fish tank, some new sea grass, and a clump
   of coral; requires ResEdit if you wish to change sea floors.
  23      1/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Blacks out the screen, and then, after a specified amount of
   time, shuts your Mac down.
 203     3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Several Powermac-only modules for After Dark.
  23      4/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create a near-endless variety of visuals based exclusively on real-
   time plotting of mathematical functions.  Requries a 68020 and FPU.
  64     3/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Little white on black icon outlines of smiley faces, computers, cats
   bounce around until they come to a halt on the bottom of your screen;
   disillusioning to find the unit called 'Squish' (which, one would
   hope, would squish the smiley face) doesn't. *bloodthirsty sigh*
   4     8/23/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Displays the contents of your RAM one page at a time.
  19     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   The ultimate joke to play on someone.  This module displays a
   System Bomb alert until you move the mouse.
 353     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A set of After Dark modules that are sensitive to the noise
   level around your Mac (i.e. you need a microphone).  Various
   modules such as graphs, radio-bars, fireflies, etc.
   Results probably vary with each Mac.
  86     7/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Repeatedly saw a strip from the bottom of the screen until the
   screen is blank.  Includes an optional power saw sound.
 23     3/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
  ScreenFlip performs 'animated' horizontal and vertical flips
  of your screen's contents. Silly, no?
  32     11/11/91   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   An After Dark module involving Chinese poetry although you can
   substitute the text or your choice.
  19      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Produce the fractal named Sierpenski's Gasket/Triangle.  Version 
   1.1 offers color control.
  58      7/21/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Simulate acid trips on your very own mac. 
   9     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A circle or rectangle bounces around the screen, leaving a trail...
  11    10/23/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   After Dark Module which has slices of red, green and blue
   slithering across the screen.. when they get close, they produce
   9    11/23/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   After Dark Module based on Flippy.. This flips tiled sections of your
   screen in 3D.
   5     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   The screen erodes under the influence of a sparkler and its numerous
   sparks.  Neat effect.  Includes Pascal source.
 174     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A ScreamSaver module compatable with AfterDark featuring
   animated characters from the world of Stephen Blickenstaff.
  13     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   A MultiModule that combines a PICT for the Enterprise from Star
   Trek: The Next Generation with the Warp module.
 146     2/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Neat little module for After Dark.  Requires After Dark.
  24    10/15/91    BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe
   Finally, an After Dark module worth downloading. Draws fractal
   landscapes with rivers, snow-capped mountains, and.. if you want..
  33      6/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Module in which a number of small yellow line segments (the bees)
   make a beeline (*heh*) after the queen bee (kind of appropriate for
   spring fever time!); requires Color QuickDraw; works with Darkside;
   v1.1 has color-changing over time.
  10     5/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Analog clock as an AfterDark module.
 244      2/7/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A wierd wierd module.  Certainly not just the graphics, which is
   a character (who looks like Van Gogh) staggering across the
   screen.  Also has a internal MOD player which plays kooky music.
   8    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display Lissajous figures.
  68     6/22/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Run After Dark modules in this application's window.  Not
   necessarily a screensaver, you can switch out of it and 
   work in other applications while this thing is displaying
   in the background.  Requires some resources from After Dark
   to be pasted into the resource fork in order to run certain
   modules (the ones shipped with After Dark).  Includes source.
  20     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Watch different shapes made up of balls bounce around a 3D box in
   your screen.  Change the shapes, colors, and speed of the bouncing.
  11     5/29/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An AfterDark module that wakes up when the volume on your Mac's
   attached microphone goes over a  certain level.  It dims the
   screen, but it can be used with the multi-module feature in After
   8      3/3/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Like the traditional warping starfield, but you can change
   the perspective you're looking at from the "ship".  You can
   also change the colors of the stars or make them random (and
   they can streak into multiple colors, much like the effect you've
   seen on a popular syndicated science fiction show).
 118     11/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A cool geometric (looks like it is weaving webs) screensaver for 
   7      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Randomly scroll your screen image.  Requires System 7.
  27    11/30/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A worm with googly eyes that has some very wild coloration--sort of
   cute and psychadellic.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
SIZE          DATE
 363    10/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Goldfish and birdies and ants, OH MY! Also displays wasps, moths, and
   flies, all of which swarm about, occasionally attracted by light,
   jelly, or a putrid piece of...something *yuck*; requires color
   quickdraw, works better on a fast machine; compatible with
   Darkside; v1.4 includes significant speed increases; free!
  11     10/6/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Turn off your Mac after a few idle minutes.  A module for use with
   Darkside 4.0.
1019     8/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A screensaver program that runs in the Background. Includes
   extensive documentation and a gaggle of modules such as "Channel
   3", Galaxy, City, Fireworks, Stars.. even a Flowfazer like "mutating
   colors" module.  Runs as an application in the background.
   This version now runs After Dark modules.
  12     6/17/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Display zooming rectangles.  A module for use with DarkSide.
 131     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Is a fully-functional demo uses beam up, melt, pixel build, zoom, to
   to display the faces; select a theme or not; requires a color Mac
   running System7.
   6     1/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Draw a series of centred circles, then make them appear to flow in
   or out of the the screen.  A module for use with DarkSide.
   7     1/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Draw colorful spline curves.  A module for use with DarkSide.
  28     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This package contains three faders for DarkSide 4.1. They are
   fat binaries.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
 710     9/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   AppleScript extensions for text and list manipulation:  
   commands for searching and replacing text, trimming unwanted
   characters from strings, sorting, tools for working with
   FileMaker Pro records. A "Message Window" utility is 
   included, allowing text to be displayed via AppleEvents.

 710     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   AppleScript additions for text and list manipulation;
   commands for parsing HTML form arguments passed from
   MacWeb servers to CGIs; bugfix upgrade with same v.#.
   6    10/16/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   AppleScript commands to invoke the functions of the top three items
   in the application menu from a script.
  24     1/21/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An AppleScript extension which gives Scriptors the ability to
   play mounted audio CD's.  Includes an example script which
   shows just about everything you can do.
  14     2/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  An AppleScript OSAX to simulate user keystrokes.
   7    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Frontier scripts to reposition icons jumbled after switching
   resolutions on a multiple scan monitor.
  18     5/21/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two AppleScript droplets that will make all the CodeWarrior project
   files in any folder you drop onto them.
   5    10/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Use these scripts with InterSLIP and TIA (The Internet Adapter);
  18     3/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scripting addition that adds some useful date and time functions to
   3     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An AppleScript OSAX to return the number of seconds that have
   elapsed since January 1st, 1904.
  81     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Script automates much of the process of converting
   PageMaker5.0 docs to HTML.
   6     6/16/97    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Brings the desktop 'layer' to the front by choosing 'Desktop' from
   the process menu.
  87     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Appendix A (Quick Reference) of "Danny Goodman's AppleScript
   Handbook," Apple Guide format; requires System 7.5 and Jon's
   Commands (available in: /mac/util/script/jonscommands1.36.sit.hqx).
  47     1/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A new OSAX command for AppleScript:  display text.  Display text
   blocks or PICTS in a separate window.
  36    3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Using EasyView (/util/text/) reply instantly to "Digest"
   posts.  Requies AppleScript 1.1, hates OSA Menu.
  61     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PPP 'watchdog' monitors unexpected or too long PPP
   connections and allows user intervention to continue,
   close, or choose a time delay; if no one is 'home',
   then it will perform a PPP hard close, update a log
   and open it for viewing at next user session.
  19      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Handle HTML data sent to you via e-mail from WWW forms.
   6      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Set your Eurora signature to a "quote of the day".
  13     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An AppleScript script for Eudora 1.4 that allows one to select a
   file on a disk that will be automagically attached to an autoreply
   to messages whose "Subject:" field matches some user-specified
 231     2/12/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   All you ever wanted to know about FileMaker Pro *PLUS* a
   database for other faqs, as you like; includes a handy-
   dandy Eudora2FMPro script.
   6    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A new OSAX command for AppleScript:  find document.  Locate any
   file, folder, or application by a variety of criteria.
  47     7/31/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A Script Editor document with full sources, an alternative to the
   FinderLib provided with AppleScript. Gives AppleScript access to
   the full Finder (7.0, 7.1) Apple Events suite, does not require an
   aete resource for recompilation, and has a very low memory
  31      6/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Scan any folder or disk you drop on it and make a list of all
   THINK C projects larger than 15K.
  32     9/29/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Applescript command that takes a partial name will return the 
   complete path to all matching files and/or folders.
  66     6/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   ACGI script to handle forms on a web server.  Also see 
   formsaverppc1.41.sit.hqx in /mac/powermac.

  10     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Automates Anarchie downloads which is nice when the
   server is very busy; employs drag-n-drop.
 249     5/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Several new commands for AppleScript:  Add Picture, Add Resource,
   Add String List, Address of, Append aete, Application Info, Audio
   CD, Available Dialects, Choose Address, Choose From List, Choose
   Link, Current Date in Seconds, Current Dialect, Date String for,
   Depth, Does Font Exist, Does Monitor Support, Extract Number from,
   Extract Picture, Extract Resource, Extract String List, Font
   Information for, Format Number, Front Application, Get User, Index
   Of, Is Application Running, List Applications, List Fonts, List
   Links, List Nodes, List Resource Types in, List Zones, Mail To,
   Make Alias, Number of Monitors, Number of Resources in, Number of
   Sounds, Object Database, Offsets of, Omit, Play Movie in, Play
   Sound, Record Sound to, Relocate, Remove, Rename, Request
   Attention, Set Depth to, Set Printer to, Sharing Information, Sort,
   Sound, Record Sound to, Relocate, Remove, Rename, Request
   Attention, Set Depth to, Set Printer to, Sharing Information, Sort,
   StringToPSN, Switch To Launcher, This Application, Time String for,
   Version of.
  17    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An enhanced AppleScript dictionary for HyperCard, including many
   common shortcuts (bg cd for background card, for example).
 208       9/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ICScriptor is a collection of pieces which allow one to access 
   the Internet Config preferences from an OSA compliant scripting
   language.  If the previous sentence doesn't make any sense to you, 
   then you do NOT need ICScriptor!
  42      8/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Several new commands for AppleScript:  deleteFile - delete a file 
   or files, renameFile - rename a file, moveFile - move a file or 
   files to a different folder, copyFile - copy a file or list of 
   files, sound volume - get the volume setting, set sound volume to - 
   set the volume setting, clipboard info - get a list of data on the 
   clipboard, set the clipboard to - put data on the clipboard, the 
   clipboard - get data from the clipboard, execute FKEY - run an FKEY 
   resource, screen list - describe the monitor configuration, finder 
   selection - return the FinderUs selection, keys pressed - get a 
   list of pressed keys, machine environment - get info about the 
   machine, play sound - play sound resources, files and descriptors, 
   run script resource - run an 'Scpt' or 'scpt' resource, free memory 
   - return the free memory available, the ticks - return the current 
   value of tickCount, walk folders - walk folders and run a script on 
   each file, set cursor to - provide feedback with the cursor, AE 
   user interaction level - control the interaction level
   Version 1.36 fixes several bugs in previous versions.
  12     6/10/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Open a PPP connection (via MacPPP Scripting Addition) and 
   launch apps/scripts/etc.; requires AppleScript.
   11    1/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Elementary AppleScipt application that locks or unlocks all files in
   a chosen folder.  Mainly a learning experience for beginning scripters.
   Illustrates use of subroutines and error trapping.  Requires
   scriptable Finder (and AppleScript).
  12     7/30/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   AppleScript Addition allows opening and closing PPP as
   well as checking its status; requires AppleScript.

   3     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An AppleScript OSAX to create a folder from a specified path.
   5      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An AppleScript to more conviently interface with the Menu Commands
   Extension stored elsewhere at mac.archive.
  55    10/23/94   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Make most apps controllable through their menu commands
   especially of non-scriptable apps; v1.2 adds AppleScript
   addition and sample.
   9      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Frontier suite that constructs a verb table for an application to
   control it through it's Menu commands.  Requires Menu Events 1.2.
  24     1/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An AppleScript MPW tool.  It compiles, it decompiles, it executes
   and it returns results.
  24     5/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Iconic system menu (like the Help menu) that appears on the right
   side of the menu bar, with scripts as menu items: choose an item
   from the menu and the script will run. Some commands are always
   available, and some are only available within particular apps.
   Uses scripts from any OSA compliant scripting language
   (AppleScript, Userland Frontier, QuicKeys 3, tclScript, etc.).
  18      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Decode, parse, and access the HTML form information that is passed
   in to an AppleScript CGI program by MacHTTP. It is meant to replace
   the use of the "DePlus," "Decode URL," and "Tokenize" OSAXen to
   handle incoming HTML forms and field data. In addition, it provides
   a streamlined interface that is specifically designed for CGI
   7    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A new OSAX command for AppleScript:  play sound.  Paly a sound in
   resource format.  Includes THINK C source.
   6    12/10/94    BinHex4.0
   Randomly select a new desktop pattern. Requires System 7.5.
   6    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Randomly select a new desktop pattern. Requires System 7.5.
  11     9/14/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A hypercard stack and an applescript that will generate any number
   of random text strings that can be used as passwords.  Allows you
   to set the length and the number of passwords to generate.
  17    2/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Pair of scripts that alter DOS .xxx extensions to something else and/or
   back.  Very slick, batch processing included.  Requires Jon's Command   
   OSAX jonscommands1.31.sit.hqx.
   6    3/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Automates downloading of files from the Info-Mac archives and
   is designed to be used with EasyView and Anarchie. How about
   a UMICH one?
 142   6/19/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Automates encryption, decryption, and clear signing of MacPGP messages.
   Requires a MacPGP AppleScript aware version. 
   5     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Two new commands for AppleScript to save or read data from disk.
  41      2/1/96    Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.5

   Allows you to rapidly change the screen depth and resolution of
   your monitor. Requires a multiscan monitor to be useful

 335     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Searches through a folder or volume for applications that can be
   scripted through AppleScript.
 108     3/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  Allows you to telnet to your Mac and enter AppleScript
  commands.  Only the owner can log in.
1030     8/10/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A replacement for the Script Editor, with a built-in debugger.
   Fat binary.
  12     3/24/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Sends (a) file/files to a TeleFinder BBS with TeleFinder
  55     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   ScriptKey is an FKEY for executing AppleScript scripts.
  22    11/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Makes applications "attachable", i.e. automatically launches
   applications, opens files, or runs scripts when specific apps
   launch or quit; requires System7+, doesn't require AppleScript.
 119      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   AppleScript additions to add functionality to the AppleScript
   language.  Adds the following new commands to AppleScript:  Choose
   Folder, Choose New File, Choose Several Files, Choose Several
   Folders, Get Default Folder, Set Default Folder, Shutdown, Compile
   Regular Expression, Match Regular Expression, Substitute Regular
   Expression, Open File, Close File, Create File, Create Folder,
   Delete File, Rename File, Exchange File, Move File, Read File,
   Write File, Get File Length, Lengthen File, Get File Position,
   Position File, List Processes, Get Process,, Get Foreground
   Process, Get Current Process, List Screens, Speak, List Voices, Get
   Voice, Get Gestalt.
  15     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This AppleScript parses the mail in your in box in Eudora and sends
   a file in reply to those messages whose Subject: line matches a
   certain text.
  12    12/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An AppleScript that you can drag and drop files onto and
   it will login to your Unix host, send the dropped files
   as news articles, and disconnect.  For use with
   AppleScript and SITcomm.
  15     3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   AppleScript that picks a signature file at random and copies
   its contents to the clipboard (sorry, you still have to
   paste it yourself).  Slow moving.
  21    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Suite of Scripts that control the GeoPort and your AV
   Macintosh.  Requires PlaintTalk(tm).
  10    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Designed for use in Mac labs, script  replaces the Netscape
   prefs file with a default version, will close open windows,
   clean up Desktop, empty trash, and in general, ready the Mac
   for the next user.
1027     11/5/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Allow Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) scripts Q like AppleScript
   scripts Q to execute commands related to TCP/IP.  TCP/IP, which
   stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, is the
   standard network communications method used on the Internet.
   Apple's implementation of TCP/IP on the Macintosh is MacTCP.
   7     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Droplet to change Microsoft Word files so that a double-click will
   launch WordPerfect, and vice versa.
  40     2/16/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   AppleScript droplets for Think C/C++ 6.  (THINK Bring Up to Date,
   THINK Bring Up to Date & Shut, THINK Compact Projects, THINK Remove
   Objects, THINK Set Options
   8    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Toggle your MacPPP connection between open and closed. If closed,
   the script will open it and record the date and time; If open, it
   will close it, record the ending time, calculate minutes connected,
   and write a log entry to a tab-deliminated text file.  Requires:
   MacPPP Control 1.2 osax and the Read/Write Commands 1.1.1 osax.
  12     7/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   AppleScript to remove old messages from your Eudora mailbox.
  66     6/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   AppleScript to directly handle GURL events for handing off a URL to an 
   application to use it.

  42    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An AppleScript scripting addition for manipulating users and groups
   3     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An AppleScript OSAX to return the volume name, vRefNum, and
   FreeBytes for a given volume number.
  71     1/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A new OSAX command for AppleScript:  wild.  Expand wildcarded file
   And folder names.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  50      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quits the Finder, locking any target application (such as a kid's
   game) into the foreground.  Includes a special alias maker, a shell
   mode for launching other apps, and menus to control monitor and
   sound settings.
 232     2/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A Fat App which does too much!  It provides two levels of simple
   password protection when the built-in screensaver kicks in, and
   provides a method for users to send short messages to other "Bug Off"
   users on their network.
  92      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Prevents undelete utilities from recovering data; features
   multi-pass erasure, user-selected and random erase patterns,
   free disk space erasure; drag-n-drop interface; v2.2 adds
   folder selection, speed, redesigned user interface; free!
  55    11/25/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Encrypt text files up to 32K in size.
  54    10/13/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Plug in a invertable matrix into the "encrypt" boxes, and then
   you'll be able to transform a line of letters/words into
   indecipherable gibberish.  Saves/loads text from a file too.
   Several bug fixes in version 1.2.3
 299    11/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Encryption program to ensure private communications.
  38     2/13/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Encode and decode up to 512 text characters.
   6      6/9/87    BinHex4.0
   Delete a file and zero it, making it permanently unrecoverable;
   useful for security reasons.
  20    12/18/85    BinHex4.0
   Encodes and decodes files using the Data Encryption Standard
   (DES).  Will encode both data and resource forks.
  44     9/30/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Use your Official Electronic Elvis Secret Decoder Ring to encrypt
   and decrypt secret messages with another Elvis fan! Cool, man!
 243     6/12/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Partial version of the NSA developed Data Encryption Standard
   that is the standard for commercial encryption; a fuller version
   with heavier security is available from the author.  Fat Binary
   for 68K and PowerPC Macintoshes.  Requires System 7.
 704      4/3/94   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Set all your copyrighted applications to invisible (using ResEdit
   or any favorite Finder-bit-changer) and this little app/Hypercard
   stack combo will keep people from finding and copying the files
   they're only supposed to be using. 
  28     9/13/93   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Completely erase files and folders, and disks. Fight against snoops
   with "un-delete" utilities that which can read files even after
   you've emptied the Trash.  Requires System 7.
  18     4/15/91   BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Use the software lock/unlock feature of floppies.
   5     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Put up a window with the time of your computer's last (not the most
   recent, current) restart.  Nice idea; too bad it gave me a
   completely wrong date...
  27      2/2/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This utility encrypts and saves files in either  binary or ascii
   using keys that you (or the Mac  randomly) defines.  Also has an
   option to "shred" files you want to overwrite (totally trash).
  33      4/8/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Block people from playing games or trashing your Mac's hard disk
   when you're not around. Keeps a log of all usage and allows up to
   20 names and passwords.
  44     5/14/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Use the Data Encryption Standard (DES) to encrypt files with a
   user-supplied password. 

 656      4/1/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Tool for net admins to check the security of their networks. Will
   scan zones and test each server for: guest access, net-programs
   with weaknesses, and bad passwords. Shareware version limited
   to scanning 3 servers per zone.
  30     4/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Drag/drop files onto this app and they're shredded. Totally
   unrecoverable, dude.
  30      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Generate a valid 6-character password given two keywords: a master
   keyword and a username.
 374     7/22/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   When your Macintosh starts up, you are then given up to three
   attempts at the password  After three unsuccessful attempts, your
   Macintosh is shut down. Much much more.
  67    12/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Encrypt files with a (possibly different) user-definable key for
  22     3/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Force the user to enter a password upon startup of the Mac; the
   only way to bypass it is to startup from a different System file.
 115     9/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Encrypts, decrypts, slices, dices, pures... Andrew Sinclair strikes
   again w/ another gem program.  Compact, memory nice, compatible w/

  50      7/5/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert the current clipboard into a ROT-13'ed version, or vice
   versa.  Also works with drag-and-dropped files.
   9      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Secure your screen from any tampering while you are away.
  65    11/25/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Three ways to protect your files: toggle the invisible bit,
   encrypt the file using DES encoding, or completely erase it by
   overwriting it with zeroes.
  58     12/6/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Write-protect a disk in software alone.  The software lock is part
   of the Macintosh operating system, and is analogous to sliding the
   write-protect tab on a floppy disk.
  15    10/26/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Startup Application that will keep a log of when you use your Mac.
   Probably most useful for home offices that need to record how they
   use their Mac for business.
 266    12/12/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Embed data in, and retrieve data from, Macintosh PICT format files,
   without changing the appearance or size of the PICT file.
  33      3/3/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Hide applications from the casual user.  Configure a copy of Tonto
   for each application to hide then make the application invisible
   (using ResEdit, for example).  Tonto remains visible, with the
   application's icon, and launches the original when double-clicked.
   Includes THINK C source.
 244   1/28/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Monitor when and how long applications are used and the overal
   usage of your computer on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis.
   Very complete and unobtrusive.  Requires installing of an included

This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  14     3/13/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Converts $0A characters (UNIX carriage return) to $0D characters
   (ASCII carriage return).
 336      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Prepare text files (especially those created on other machines) to
   be typographically suitable for use in desktop publishing.  Filter
   noise characters, Make ellipses, Make em dashes, Make ligatures,
   Strip trailing spaces, Fix quotes & apostrophes, remap characters,

  22      2/26/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Macros to help in translating text in Al-Kaatib format to Nisus
   (WorldScript) format.  You can convert entire files, or files 
   with Al-Kaatib text pasted in.
1535      7/27/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   An all-purpose text editor.  Fully configurable, and pre-customized
   for TeX/LaTeX, C (both Symantec and CodeWarrior), HTML, and more. 
   Includes both 680x0 and PowerMac versions. 

 402     5/11/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Calculates anagrams, even multiple words!  Fat Binary.
  33     11/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Text editor with several filtering options; v1.6 solves
   68040 compatibility problems and graceless exiting.
 191	    5/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Converts Finale EPS files to Illustrator format; edit music
   in graphic format, add color, move notes, etc.; v3.21b compatible
   with Finale 3.21 for PowerMacs and Allegro, adds drag-n-drop,
   native execution on the PowerMac.
  14     1/23/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A BBEdit extension for assigning command keys to other extensions.
   Includes THINK C source.  For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.
  12     8/28/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A BBEdit extension to convert characters from/to the Mac charset
   to/from ISO-Latin-1 and to/from 7-bit Scandinavian (which is still
   largely used in Scandinavian unix machines!).  For use with
   /mac/util/text/bbedit.  Includes THINK C source.
  13     8/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A modified version of the orginal BBEdit "Prefix/Suffix Lines"
   extension.  Primary added functionality is to allow simultaneous or
   independent insertions of distinct prefix and suffix strings --
   such as one would want to block comment out program code.
   Includes THINK C source.  For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.
  20    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A BBEdit extension transmogrifies English text in various
   entertaining ways.  For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.
  10      5/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   An inside-joke BBEdit extension that affects your document's
   capitalization.  For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.
   Includes THINK C source.
 102     7/24/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   All the information necessary to write drop-in code modules to
   extend BBEdit versions 2.2 and later (including BBEdit Lite).
   Includes extensions: 827, Concatenate, Copy Lines Containing,
   Cut Lines Containing, Educate Quotes, Hello World, Pascal Hello
   World, Pascal Prefix/Suffix Line, Prefix/Suffix Line.
   8     2/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This extension calls Anarchie to get a file or dir listing. 
   Just place the insertion point on any URL that begins with
   ftp: and choose the extension from the menu. Works best
   with BBX-Keys of Jamie R. McCarthy. 
  11     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A BBEdit extension to allow BBEdit to take advantage of the Claris
   XTND System and any available XTND translators.  For use with
  39     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A BBEdit extension that puts a tab at the current insertion point
   in every line of the file.  For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.
   Includes THINK C source.
   9    3/26/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Two BBEdit extensions to insert the current date and time.  For use
   with /mac/util/text/bbedit.  Now supports "Undo."
 134      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   BBedit extension that sorts lines of text. LineSort has been
   tuned for maximum performance -- it is speedy, robust, and can
   sort very large documents.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerMacs.
   Includes source.
 473    12/1/95     Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.5

   A newer and better release of the greatest text editor around.
   Some of the neater things include: find and replace option which
   will accept grep-like options, user definable "extensions", that
   can do what you want them to (and which are available in large
   numbers), ability to search many files in a find, and the fact
   that almost everything is user-changeable.
   6     7/16/94    BinHex4.0
   A BBEdit extension to translate characters from/to the Macintosh
   charset to/from ISO-Latin-1.  For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.
  14     3/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Calls Eudora to make a reply to the current mail item.
   8     4/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   BBEdit extensions to go to the next or previous section (or
   subsection, or subsubsection) of a LaTeX document and highlight the
   section heading.  For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.
  11      9/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Compile the active BBedit window using Andrew Trevorrow's OzTeX
   application.  Includes C++ source.
  22      1/9/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A BBEdit extension for doing a ROT13 on selected text in BBEdit.
   ROT13 is a very simple encryption method used in Usenet groups such
   as rec.humor.funny.)  For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.
   Includes THINK C source.
   6     6/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A BBEdit extension that sends a message to another user with
   ISIS Notes(tm). For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.
   Includes C source.
  16     5/26/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A BBEdit extension that sends the contents of the front editing
   window as PostScript to a network-connected PostScript printer.
  10    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A BBEdit extension for sending DoScript (dosc) Apple Events 
   comprised of the text in the current window.
   For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.
  17     5/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   BBEdit extension to add the ability to sort lines, much like
   the Unix utility RsortS.
  37     3/21/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A BBEdit extension that replaces all spaces with a tab character.
   For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.  Includes THINK C source.
  17     3/16/96    BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   An updated version of a previous BBEdit extension that allows the
   use of the Apple Speech Manager to speak text from within BBEdit.
  55    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert the Windows and IBM 866 Cyrillic table to Mac AND vice-
   versa.  Includes THINK C source.
   9    12/13/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A BBEdit extension that displays the number of paragraphs,
   sentences, nonblank lines, words and characters in the current
   BBEdit window.  For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.

  83     1/8/96     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A set of BBEdit extensions to assist HTML (HyperText Markup
   Language) documents edition.  Allows you to update your web
   pages from within BBEdit.  For use with /mac/util/text/bbedit.
  78    3/26/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
    Braille text editor.  Can be used as a brailler-style
    typewriter (with six keys and a space bar), or you can type
    in English and Brailler will translate your text into grade
    1 or 2 American Standard Braille as you type.  Adds support
    for Drag Manager and inversion to Type 1 & 2 braille. Source
    available separately as "braillersrc0.61b.cpt.hqx".
  66     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A tool for creating interactive text; easy to use; free.
  36      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Combine any number of text files within a selected folder into a
   single new text document.
 128     3/29/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  CC converter is a utility that converts information downloaded
  from the online CAUL Current Contents database in Australia into
  Refer/BibIX format so it can be imported by bibliographic programs
  such as EndNote and ProCite.
  88   11/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Change Styled Text Colors is a free drag & drop utility that
   changes all the text colors in a styled text document.  Fat binary.
  66    2/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A series of macros that makes doing superscript, subscript, and
   degrees (ie, chem formula writing) in ClarisWorks (tm) simple!
  26    2/11/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A XTND translator for HTML.  By following certain conventions in type,
   this translator, when used w/ Save As..., will automatically Export a   
   HTML.  Support inline pictures, but only as PICT, and can even do
   hotlinks!  By two UMICH students, it works w/ CW and most XTND capable
   7    11/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Show the number of characters in a TEXT on the Clipboard.

  16     12/8/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A BBEdit extension (with source code for CodeWarrior included)
   which allows you to insert a tab or space into every line of the
   document at the insertion point.  
 293    10/26/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Utility (with Drag&Drop operating under System 7) that will
   concatenate multiple text files into one. Useful for quickly
   merging files and putting together those pieces of files you find
   on USENET.

  33      7/9/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   Six macros to go with the French version of a concordance
   application called LeConcordeur (the demo is also available
   on mac.archive).
  30     2/27/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Interconvert CR(Mac), LF(Unix) and CRLF(PC) format text files.
   Requires System 7.
  53      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert data from mainframe (or any fixed-field format) databases
   into something that can be read in and used on Macs.
 144     9/14/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   This package contains two apps:  TextSplitter and TextMerge,
   both of which allow you to manipulate text files that you
   would probably use from having to deal with e-mail size limits.
   Recognizes e-mail headers, filenames and dates, lots of
 314     2/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
    Color text editor meant for use w/ Slide movies and sounds inclusion.
    FAT Binary.
  41     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A general text conversion utility to pass text through a "dialect"
   filter of your choice.  Version 1.1 supports RTF files and fixes
   several bugs.  Includes the following dialects: Chef, Fudd,
   WAREZ, Ubby (underwater), and Olde (Middle English).  Supports drag
   and drop of any number of text files of any length.  C source code
   also available. 
 170     1/16/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Display your Info-Mac digests easily in this splitscreen viewer.
   The top screen shows the sender of the article, the bottom part
   shows the text.  Hierarchial so it's pretty well organized.
   Several bug fixes/enhancements over previous versions.  Requires
   System 7.  Includes THINK C source.
 510     1/8/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create stand-alone info files that do not require a word processor
   to be viewed--the ultimate in compatibility; include pictures,
   sounds, WWW page links, buttons that link to other pages in the
   document,  QuickTime movies and more.
  37     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Simplifies reading structured text files by dividing them into
   chapters and subchapters.
  34     6/28/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag-and-drop program to convert a multitude of text files between
   Mac (or Apple II), MS-DOS, and Unix singly or en masse into target
   text type; requires System 7.0 or later; free.
  23     1/22/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Determine the best location to end each line in a text file,
   inserting carriage returns (and optional linefeeds) in the proper
  39     5/13/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Performs text character conversions (uppercase to lower, strips
   and/or adds accents, etc.) with design/edit filters; v3.1 partly
   scriptable/recordable, uses Prefs to keep filters.
237     3/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
  A nifty little program to index/merge many files in one large
  file formatted for easy browsing.  Good for viewing and archiving
  TidBits digests, for example.
  43     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A nifty little program to index/merge many files in one large
   file formatted for easy browsing; good to view and archive
   TidBits digests, for example; v2.62 is bugfix for Info-Mac
 116     8/19/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Another text editor.  Includes basic AppleEvents support, allows
   more than one document to be open at once, find/replace text, and
   other features.
  99     3/16/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Edit II is an alternative to the standard "Edit" application, this
   one allows you to perform searches using "find/replace", you can
   have multiple documents open at once.  The numeric lock button
   is enabled so you can use the keypad for either cursor movement or
  98       1/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Package contains Chooser extension which saves documents
   as eDOCs which can be read without the original application.
   They can be read or printed using eDOC Reader, the second
   component in the eDOC Package.
 886    6/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is Novell's free distributable Envoy Viewer. It can view files 
   created by the Macintosh and Windows versions of Envoy.
 333     4/16/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Index groups of text files for a fast search; v1.3 has faster
   memory allocation, shows found word in context, is drag-n-drop
   easy, gets rid of 32K work limit, more.
 127     3/19/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Converts Forth code to Latex format for nice printing.
   Includes source. Very simple interface.
  24    12/26/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Add a word or words to your FullWrite 2.0 user dictionary without
   manually adding each word. This provides a  Z convenient way to add
   a group of foreign or specialized words all at once. 
  17   10/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.5

   Drop box which 'decapitates' those ugly all-caps filenames; drop
   the file on it and the letters all become lowercase.
 377      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An editor designed to facilitate the writing and formatting of C
   and C++ code for MPW.
   7     4/11/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Install these resources (using ResEdit) into Add/Strip (also
   available in this util/text directory) and you'll be able to
   convert between a number of Greek fonts (such as Ismini->AppleGr,
   SuperGreek->Ismini, etc).
  96    3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   XTND Translator that takes your specifically formatted
   documents and makes them HTML masterpieces.  Not bad
   translation, still requires human intervention.
 131     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Edit HTML documents on the Mac; uses two windows, one for/with
   source and one showing the formatted text; simple and smooth!
  10     8/3/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50 
   Creates basic html docs for the Web--no knowledge of
   html coding is required.
  81    10/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HC stack helps user to combine text and paint programs.
 126     1/24/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A multi-purpose utility to format data to be used in the Macintosh.
   Place all fields of a record in order on one line, separate them
   with tabs, strip control characters, strip leading and/or trailing
   spaces, insert information for missing data, remove any unwanted
   data, and set the file CREATOR so that the data can be loaded
   directly into an application, combine and split files, and more.
  54    10/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   When run, sprouts complete TodayFiles, NewFiles, AllFiles 
   description listings (which begs all sorts of 'what're-sprouts'
   questions); intended for all BBSs which use the SitC
   resource for file descriptions.
 100    12/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Interconvert files written in JIS, SJIS and EUC encodings (for
   Japanese text).  English version.  Now a fat binary for 680x0 and
  54     6/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Interconvert files written in JIS, SJIS and EUC encodings (for
   Japanese text).  Japanese version.
  11    8/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This is a set of macros that let WordPerfect users set up to 
   ten bookmarks in any document, identified by whatever text they 
   selected before setting the bookmark, plus the page number that 
   text is on. You go to any bookmark from a menu showing both the 
   page number and the text selection. Installation and use is 
   transparently easy.
  23    3/17/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Series of WordPerfect 3.x macros for character styling,
   incredibly useful.
  22    8/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   These macros provide an easy and elegant glossary feature for 
   WordPerfect 3.x for the Macintosh. Up to 26 glossary entries 
   are available.
  25     9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   WordPerfect 3.x macro to display all footnotes or endnotes in
   one window.
  48     6/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Outlining macros for WordPerfect 3.x giving you many features
   of those powerful and expensive standalone applications.
   Only a single file in which the macros are embedded.
  17    1/14/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   This is a set of five macros for WordPerfect 3.x. File written
   in WordPerfect format.

 195     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Generates endless amounts of pseudo-Kantian gibberish (or
   generate self-made modules to generate anything at all);
   sample mods are included; v1.31 adds scripting support,
   Speech Manager support, background music, more.
1909     1/6/95     BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Leger is a text editor for large files integrated with a hypertext 
   English <-> German dictionary. It  can utilize the Apple PlainTalk*  
  22     8/8/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Nifty utility which enhances typing ability, estimates
   number-of-errors to number-of-characters-typed, and
   keeps pushing the wrongly-typed characters; requires
   ColorQuickDraw; demo allows only homekeys practice and
   settings are not saved; very nice!
  56      5/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Count lines of code in any text file, with a configurable option
   to ignore commented lines.
  79      8/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A simple text editor with some extra features that allow it to
   cooperate with KeyQuencer either locally or over a network.  Fat
   Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs.  For use with
   8      4/3/94    BinHex4.0
   Copy some Rot-13 (used to scramble text on Usenet postings)
   into the clipboard and this little app will display it 
   unscrambled for you.
  26     2/20/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Translate ASCII Macintosh files (type 'TEXT') into ISO Latin-1
   files, allowing documents containing international characters
   to be translated and sent to a UNIX gopher server where they can be
   seen properly with any ISO Latin-1 compliant gopher client like
  55     12/5/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Interconvert text files in Apple Standard, KOI-7 (Cyrillic) and
   Glasnost 7 (Cyrillic) character encodings.
  35     5/15/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Analyses a text file and lists all the character groups
   contained therein, generates a new pseudorandom text
   based on language specific character frequencies.
 130     3/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Open files containing UNIX-style email, with threading
   of the subject and of the sender and easy navigation through the
   mails.  Requires System 7.

 116     6/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

  Simple program to make muliple chapter stand-alone manuals.  No user 
  interface, must read intsructions to understand use.  Simple but works 
  exactly as advertised.

  65     4/11/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A bunch of AppleScripts:  Replace in Text Editor (adds a "Replace"
   feature to any scriptable text editor), Dial Number (dial a phone
   number from your computer via the modem, or the low-tech holding-
   the-microphone-next-to-the-telephone-handset method), Number Lines
   which numbers the paragraphs in any scriptable text editor, and
   Get Item Info.
   8     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This BBEdit extension translates characters from/to the
   Macintosh charset to/from ISO-Latin-1 or DOS.
 158     3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Standalone document maker.  Similar to DocMaker 4.1, but
   requires a more expert touch (resource editting!).  Produces
   some outstanding results.
 110      1/30/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Moo!  Moo!  Umm.. SillyWare, download if you like cows. *ROTFL*
  53      5/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An editor for small (< 32K chars) text files that can have styled
   text.  Also compatible with text in multiple scripts.
  53     8/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create stand-alone documents that can incorporate text, graphics,
   and sounds.
  10      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert between Mac, DOS and UNIX text file formats.
  40     7/24/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Bare-bones program to dump a text file to screen.  Includes 
   THINK C source.
   6      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Macro for Nisus to convert Arabic numerals from 1 to 3,888 to
   Roman numerals.
   4     10/1/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) macros for Nisus.
  16     5/25/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Macros for printing large diagonal grey text across a page and for
   framing a page with a rounded-rectangle box.  Requires Nisus and a
   PostScript printer.
  53     3/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Largely undocumented tips and tricks for Nisus.
  20     8/22/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Store text in its Balloon Help balloon.  Requires System 7.
   DIFFERENT from /mac/util/text/note1.1.hqx
   6    10/23/91    BinHex4.0
   Simple "Post It" note application which allows you to put yellow
   windows with text (you can cut/copy/paste in and out) on your
   desktop window.  DIFFERENT from /mac/util/text/note.cpt.hqx
 183     1/24/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create a notebook from a text file; easy to browse and
   search; add graphics to topics; v1.3 allows inconizing of
   notebooks when in background, can have 3D buttons, and can
   Add Topics directly into notebook apps.
  31      4/8/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Create tiny documents that contain small notes.
 131     3/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Researchers applying for grants from the National Science
   Foundation may wish to be aware of these computer-based
   replicas of the NSF grant application forms. MS Word and
   Excel required.
 243     12/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   An extremly fast text viewer. Has text-searching capabilities,
   and "unique" memory handling capabilities (if you don't give it
   enough memory, it just goes into the rest of it and steals)

 242     12/2/95     BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   PowerPC version of /mac/util/text/orniwell2.0.cpt.hqx
  13     2/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Modify TeachText to get it to display files in Monaco 9.
 22      9/5/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Seeks out several things typical of word-processed textfiles and
   converts them to a more widely acceptable typographic format:
   Insert Quotes, Insert Apostrophes, Insert Em Dashes, Insert En
   Dashes, Lowercase L to #1, Use Available Ligatures, Remove Hard
   Hyphens, Remove Extra Spaces, Remove Indents, Strip Carriage
 415    12/18/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   PAIGE(tm) Demo is a fully working shareware word processing 
   and page layout application.  It demonstrates the capabilities 
   of DataPak Software's cross-platform developer library for word 
   processing, page layouts and multi-media applications.  Fat Binary.
 105     3/20/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   BBEdit extension and MPW tool that check the current editable
   (assumed to contain C source code) for mismatched parentheses,
   square brackets, curly brackets, /* */ comments, and single or
   double quotes. Is smart enough to recoginize and deal with escaped
   quotes, braces within comments or quotes, etc. Includes Metrowerks
   CodeWarrior source.  Requires System 7.
  29      1/1/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Move the cursor with you when you hit the Page Up or Page Down
   keys.  For use with the THINK text editor; may work with others.
  29     9/10/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Perform multiple find-and-replace operations in parallel on a text
 249      9/2/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A simple text editor that handles files larger than 32K.  Word
   wrap, search and replace, bookmarks, and more.  Insert or remove
   hard carriage returns, convert between Unix, MS/DOS, and Mac end-
   of-line conventions, convert between straight and curly quotes,
   etc.  Even incorporates a few operating system commands in a
   command-line interface.  Fat Binary for 68K and PowerMacs.
  67      8/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Takes Pagemaker files, sucks out the text, and makes a slew of
   HTML documents for the web; isn't that neat? Requires at least
   System7.0, HyperCard/Player2.2, AppleScript1.1, ProgressBar1.01,

 208     2/29/96   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A fat Drag & Drop text conversion utility... can replace characters
   or strings.  Supports wildcards, control characters, hexidecimal
   strings, etc. 
 252    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Text editor handles up to 32k; saves as text or macro file
   with menu access or stand-alone doc; lots more features.
 668    3/23/95   BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Converts single page, true Adobe postrscript files to EPS
   files and more.
 183    1/12/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Open, read and display any file in a manner similar to the TYPE
   command available on DOS systems.  Convert from any file type to
   text format, but formatting is not always retained.
  71     2/27/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Search for words or sentences in documents.  The search can be done
   inside one or more documents, in one or more folders and in one or
   more disk.
 176    12/20/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A text viewer which will open the data fork on any file and allow
   you to read it as text, or a combination of hex and text values.

  74     3/23/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Converts RTF (Rich Text Format) documents, which can be produced
   by many word processors, to HTML format.  HTML (HyperText Markup 
   Language) is used to represent WWW (World Wide Web) documents.
   No documentation, minimal interface.  See also the BBedit
   extension bbedithtmlextensions8.0.sit.hqx.
 174     6/28/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Word processor is slick and not very expensive; registered
   version has spellchecker.
  29     3/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A generic "mail merge" to replace variables in text files. 
 68     9/29/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   SimpleText Color Menu is a free drag & drop utility that installs 
   a Color menu and a Goodies menu inside Apple's SimpleText text 
   editor versions 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2 and 1.3; v2.1 adds more colors 
   and support for SimpleText 1.3.
  75      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   French translation of Alessandro Levi Montalcini's utility
   for colorizing SimpleText.
  31     5/20/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A no-frills text editor with speech capabilities which works 
   with TEXT files.  Requires Apple's Speech Manager.
   8    12/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Alternative notepad DA has an infinite number of scrolling pages,
   uses any font, size or style, prints or saves it to text file.
 219      3/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Text Editor and Word Processor supporting RTF output and >32K
   files; requires HyperCard 2.0; much improved version includes
   spell checker with 46,000 word dictionary.
  25      9/2/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Type or paste in text, and let the computer speak it. Can also
   convert to phonemes, and modify these.
  28    12/26/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Split text files into 32K chunks.  Requires System 7.
  18      9/3/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Split text files into a specified number of segments. Useful for
   uploading files to a system that has a K-per-file limit.
 255      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Convert modern English into the language of the street-smart
  58      8/8/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   A unix "vi" clone that allows you to edit and manipulate text
   files just like on the big machines.
  32    12/20/92    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Strip or add line feeds from files.  Useful when transferring files
   to other platforms.  Requires System 7.
 210      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create, edit and print styled text (maximum 32K) documents.
   Includes: Multi-window editor, Support for XTND technology,
   Ability to make stand-alone documents.
 155    10/21/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Create, edit and print styled text (maximum 32K) documents.
   Includes: Multi-window editor, Support for XTND technology,
   Ability to make stand-alone documents.
  38      3/9/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Adds STYL resources to Text only documents (i.e. boring Text
   documents become BOLD, bright, Italic, etc.).
   9      4/9/94    BinHex4.0
   Extract "Subject:" lines from a text file. Drag-and-drop Usenet
   news feed to make a summary file of subjects.  Requires System 7.
 109     1/14/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   View documents saved in Glue format. 
 108     10/3/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A text file comparison utility that generates a difference (diff)
   file for a given source file.  The diff file can be used to update
   an older version of the source file stored on another computer.
   Based on the freeware program Xdiff.  Requires System 7.
  50     3/20/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Make TeachText documents containing graphics without using ResEdit.
  37     4/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A set of windows that contain user-enterable notes.  Support for
   voice recording in any note.
 368     1/28/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Quickly create, edit and print styled text documents of
   unlimited size; much more;  This fat app supports Apple's Speech
   Manager and Drag & Drop routines, fixes several bugs.
 180      9/9/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A minimal text editor that can read its documents aloud if
   the Speech Manager is installed.  Completely unrelated to TeX.
  32     11/6/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Adds some nice, maybe desirable features to text editors like 
   Think C and BBEdit.  Page Up/Down, word wrapping, balanced
   parenths/brackets.  There's also a "windows" menu that you
   can patch into just about every app out there, even the Finder.
 107      7/4/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Text documents editor for HyperCard features length
   of up to 30,000 characters, opens multiple documents,
   reads Teach- SimpleText, more.
   8     2/18/92    BinHex4.0
   Drop any number of TEXT documents (2-255) on this app and it'll
   combine them into one big  TEXT file.  Requires System 7.
  25    10/17/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   Converts TEXT files to a HyperCard book format; includes
   bookmarking/referencing tools and online help.
  22     10/6/93   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Convert the end-of-line code of text files between Macintosh,
   MS-DOS, and UNIX formats.  Requires System 7.
  81    1/14/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Bulk search and replace utility for standard text files of many
   types; you can save the search and replace strings for repeated
   use; great desktop pubbing utility.

 392    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Text conversion utility; v1.2 can run in background, uses
   drag-n-drop to convert, has integrated text editor, more;
   requires System 7.0; FAT; free.
  99      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Tool for generating Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF)
   files from QuickDraw GX Portable Digital Documents (PDDs);
   public beta to solicit comments.

4540     7/29/97    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Program for editing Chinese, Japanese and Korean text.  Has built-in
   font and input support for double byte languages.  Shareware $20
  24     2/27/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Text editor supporting a single font face and the common point
   sizes.  Designed to cooperate with Nuntius, as well as to give a
   monospaced editor occupying less memory than even TeachText.
 421    10/29/94    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Text- and list-editor with a wide variety of features and gimmicks.
  12      5/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   UNIX vi-like editor for Microsoft Word--keyboard shortcuts
   for faster text editing than using the mouse; for use with
   CE Software's QuicKeys.
 226     1/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drop several text files and/or custom MS-Word dictionaries
   onto the wordlistmaker icon to create a single wordlist or
   dictionary; option to exclude arbitrary words from output;
   requires System 7; v1.51 is bugfix.
 332     5/14/92   BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Apple File Exchange translators to convert Word Perfect PC version
   4.x, 5.0, and 5.1 files into RTF format, which can be read by
   virtually every Macintosh word processor.
 545       9/23/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Word Translator is a natural language word translation software 
   for the Macintosh. Word Translator allows you to look up 
   translations to words and phrases quickly and easily. 
   Currently there are over 30 dictionaries available for Word 
   Translator with up to 120.000 entries
 704      9/16/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   This file contains a collection of bilingual dictionaries for Word 
   Translator, a word translation application for the Mac. To use the 
   dictionaries drop them into the same folder as the application and 
   launch Word Translator. Includes files for Croatian-, Danish-,
   French-, German-, Norwegian-, Polish-, Portuguese-, and 
   Russian-English translation.
  11     8/30/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Apple File Exchange document that converts Apple II AppleWorks
   file.  Of course, only if your AppleWorks files are on a 5 1/4" disk.
  17     9/25/95    BinHex4.0

   A macro for Word Perfect which allows you to count (and display
   a prompt listing it) above the application's limit of 32,767.

  39     3/25/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Provides definitions of WordPerfect terms, and Macintosh
   terms applicable to WordPerfect use, current to system 7.5
   and WordPerfect 3.1

  17    9/24/95    Binhex4.0

   A document with a Word Perfect macro embedded in it which 
   searches selected text for numbers followed by right parenths
   i.e. ")", and then renumbers them sequentially, starting
   with a number specified by you.  
  40    6/22/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Small [free!] utility that's great to word-wrap (and strip headers)
   from all those text files you'll find on the net.
  18     10/2/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Allow XTND-capable applications to read regular TeachText files, as
   well as TeachText Stationery and Read-Only ("Newspaper") documents.
   Can also write TeachText regular and Read-Only documents.  Also
   supports SimpleText styled text documents.
  86     9/2/95     Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50

   A document creator/viewer which can: include a bunch of docs within
   the same viewer, and include a pict, sound,  styled text, and a file
   in each doc. Requires handiness in ResEdit in order to create docs.

This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  43      3/2/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Drag-and-drop a volume on this icon and empty the trash.
   Optionally overwrites trashed files so that they are PERMANENTLY
   deleted.  Requires System 7.
   8     7/20/91    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Empty the trash every five seconds.

  50      8/2/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   A System 7 only extension which randomly chooses full and
   empty icons to substitute for the trashcan, and it does
   this without mucking around with the System file.
  52     1/10/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Will erase everything dropped on it, and will even "securely"
   erase files by overwritting them a user-settable number of times
   6      6/1/91    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   A System 7 appropriate "startup" application.  It deletes all the
   files in the trash at  power-up/restart time; and, if you create
   an alias to the file and place it next to the real trash can,
   provides an "insta-delete" feature. Version 2.0.
 137     9/25/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Use with System 7... it scans and empties the trashcan upon
   startup, or every few minutes (which you define).  You can also
   delete  trashed files after a certain age.  Put a volumes' icon on
   the application and the "trashed" files in that volume get
   deleted.  Three different  files (a "front end" application, a
   control panel, and a background app/extension) help make this a
   most coordinated way to manage your Mac waste.
  65     4/25/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Monitor your trash and automatically empty specified files.
   Requires System 7. Can set frequency of trash emptying, what sorts
   of files are deleted, define  keys so that trash always empties
   items placed in it.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  93     7/18/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   A library allowing conversion from console app with no real
   interface to at least be drag-n-drop; v1.1 is bugfix.
  29     10/5/92    UnixShar
   A UNIX-based Eudora reader for those that want/need to use Eudora,
   but don't have access to TCP/IP services.
   6     10/3/93    Text
   An interface for getting files from mac.archive.umich.edu.
  27      9/8/92    UnixShar
   A supplementary package for automated ftp'ing that requires
  90     8/16/92    Uuencode,UnixCompress
   UNIX package to automate FTPing chores such as retrieving all new
   files on mac.archive or sumex. Quite flexible.
  65    12/26/93    Text
   Attempt an ftp connection at each mirror of mac.archive.umich.edu
   sequentially until a connection is established.
   9     7/24/93    UnixShar
   A shell script to get the files you want from mac.archive, starting
   with a list in the format of our periodic New Files mailings or
   index file.
  10     8/3/92     UnixShar
   UNIX program to assemble the results of UT/UNSIT files into a
   downloadable MacBinary file.
  23      2/1/93    Uuencode
   Initialize High Density Macintosh disks on Unix-compatible hosts.
 182      6/9/93    UnixShar
   The source for what you need on your Unix account to use 
  45      8/3/92    UnixShar
   UNIX utility to unmangle those stubborn Macintosh PostScript files
   So they'll print properly. Full docs included, but you need a copy
   of your LaserPrep file on your UNIX box.
  47    8/16/92     Uuencode,UnixCompress
   UNIX utility to allow the inclusion of Macintosh PostScript files
   in LaTeX and OzTeX documents.
 405      8/3/92    UnixShar
   UNIX package to do various manipulations with Macintosh files on
   your UNIX box. Includes binary manipulation utilities, binhex
   utilities and uncompacting program for .cpt files.
  33      9/8/92    Uuencode,UnixCompress
   UNIX utility to convert MacWrite (compatible) files into ASCII text.
 153    11/23/94    UnixShar
   UNIX utility to handle BinHexed files (to and from) and MacBinary
   files (translations for up/downloads).
   4     10/3/93    Text
   A front-end script for reading new mac.archive file listings.
   9      2/6/93    Text
   A perl script to "beautify" the listings periodically published in
   comp.archvies of new files at mac.archive.umich.edu.
  48      2/1/93    UnixShar
   UNIX utility to convert PostScript (.ps) files to Encapsulated
   PostScript with embedded PICT previews. The results are useful in
   Word 5, OzTeX and Kaleidagraph, or any program that can read EPS.
   Requires GhostScript and the PBMPlus package.  Version 1.3 adds
   color support.
  22    12/16/92    UnixShar
   UNIX utility to create StuffIt archives.  Useful to save downloading
  42     8/16/92    UnixShar
   Handy UNIX package that strips the font definitions from Mac
   generated PostScript files for error-free printing on UNIX systems.
   If you need a program on the Mac side, have a look at PS Trimmer.
   (/mac/system.extensions/cdev/pstrimmer1.01.cpt.hqx) or the Mac
   version of StripFonts (/mac/util/print/stripfonts1.2b0.sit.hqx)
   5      8/8/93    Text
   Convert Sun u-law encoded audio files to linear sound data files,
   which can then be read by SoundMover ("Open any" mode) and
   converted to Mac snd resources.  C source.
  14     4/10/94    Uuencode,UnixCompress,UnixTar
   View setext-encoded text files
  46      8/9/92    UnixShar
   This utility will convert self-extracting archives (.sea files)
   into "normal" archives (StuffIt and Compact Pro). Accomplishes the
   same thing under UNIX as DeSEA does on the Mac.
  40      8/3/92    UnixShar
   UNIX utility to unstuff StuffIt 1.5.1-compatible archives. Creates
   three files which require the macbin program (macbin.shar)
   to assemble into a MacBinary file ready for downloading.
   Not elegant, but it saves you the hassle of having to do it on your
   Mac and lets your nice, fast UNIX system do all the work.
This list is intended to include all and only the files within this
directory.  You may find that some of the paths listed here do not
point to this directory.  That is ok; the physical paths are given here
but there may be a link in another location.
If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the
descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write
  18      2/7/93    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Adds a checksum (and code to check the checksum) to almost any
   program.  A way to check the spread of viruses, but not compatible
   with everything.
  56     5/19/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   HyperCard anti-virus stack that will check your stacks for the 
   MerryXMas virus and lets you install protection on your Home stack to 
   automatically detect and remove this virus.  Requires HyperCard 2.1 
   or better.
 247      7/9/97    BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive
   An excellent virus removal utility.  This is a must have.  Removes
   all currently known viruses (7/97) such as the variants of the
   MBDF viruses, nVIR B, etc.  Includes a built-in installer
   for a virus-detecting extension.
 320    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   An antiviral INIT that allows one to specify certain resources
   that should not be flagged (for programming tasks, the Font/DA
   Mover, etc.).  Includes Gatekeeper Aid, some extra apps and extensive
   documentation.  New version recognized CODE 1 and MBDF-B viruses.
  10    11/27/95    BinHex4.0,Compact1.50
   HyperGatekeeper is an anti-virus stack for all known HyperCard script 
   viruses.  It attempts to detect unknown viruses as well, but whether 
   that will work or not depends on the individual viruses.
  13    11/13/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Virus definitions that allow Central Point's MacTools version 2.0
   to recognize the MBDF-B and CODE-1 viruses.
  20    3/21/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Finds and cleans off the NVP Trojan Horse.  Requires
   MacTools, a commercial software package.
  8     4/27/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Eliminate a script-based virus called "merryxmas."
   Requires HyperCard 2.0.
 149      9/9/95    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Elimintes the script-based viruses called "merryxmas"
   and "Pickle".
   3     4/15/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
   Virus definitions that allow Central Point's Rival Anti-Virus
   program to recognize and neutralize the INIT 17 virus.
  19     1/28/93    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Virus definitions that allow Central Point's Rival Anti-Virus program
   to recognize and neutralize viruses up to the CPro1.41 trojan.
  12     1/15/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Alternate installer scripts for SAM that will install it even if
   you have replaced the original Virus Definition file on the master
  49     5/15/94    BinHex4.0
   Virus definitions that allow Symantic AntiVirus for the Mac (SAM)
   3.0 and 3.5 to recognize and neutralize viruses up to the
   INIT-29-B virus (4/2/94).
   8     7/17/93    Text
   A list of viruses detected by all versions of Virex since 1.0.
   Also lists UDV codes for viruses discovered since version 3.5.
 206    11/21/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   VirusDetective is a DA for tracking down viruses (or any
   resources) in files. You specify the resource type and optionally
   its size, name, id or size range. Once the offending resource is
   found it can optionally be removed from the file (use this feature
   with caution). The user can update the search list at any time.
  8     7/18/92    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51
   Virus definitions that allow Virus Detective to recognize and
   neutralize viruses up to the T4 virus and ChinaTalk trojan.
  58     4/19/96    BinHex4.0,Compact1.51

   An online database of Macintosh viruses and trojan horses.
   Requires HyperCard 2.1.
  56     3/10/94    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50
   Japanese version of the Virus Reference hypercard stack.
   Requires Japanese Mac OS or the Japanese Language Kit
   (also known as WorldScript II). 

 144      3/2/96    BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50

   Detects and disinfects Hypercard stacks infected with the
   "Merry XMas" virus.  You can also install active virus 
   protection in your home stack.