Version 2.0b13 

September 14, 1994.

There is yet another bad error in NewsWatcher versions 2.0b10, 2.0b11, and

When you extracted binaries with one of these versions, NewsWatcher could crash.
Even worse, when you extracted binaries, the program damaged some of your
preferences (even if it didn't crash). This stupid error is fixed.

If you used one of these three beta versions of NewsWatcher which were released
earlier this week to extract any binary files, you should definitely open the
Preferences dialog, go through all the topics, check all the options, and fix any
that are wrong. Or trash your NewsWatcher Prefs file and start over from scratch.
Or restore an older NewsWatcher Prefs file from your backups (2.0b9 or earlier
should be OK).

This is all pretty horrible, of course, and I apologize again for my crummy code.
The only good news about this current screwup is that if you haven't extracted
any binaries this week, your prefs should still be OK.

Maybe 13 will be my lucky number.