Eudora Light 3.0.1 Feature Set II

Addressing Features in PH Window
(Pro)	The Ph window provides To:, CC:, and BCC: buttons.
(Light) These buttons are not present in the Light PH window.

Expanded CheckMail Options Dialog
(Pro)	Holding down Option when choosing "Check Mail" brings up a special checkmail dialog, and the menu item changes from "Check Mail" to "Check Mail Specially".  "Send Queued Message" turns into "Send Mail Specially" as well, which displayes the same special dialog.
(Light)	The option key does not change the menu text for "Check Mail" or "Send Queued Messages", and no dialog is brought up.

Nickname AutoExpansion
(Pro)	Nickname autoexpansion allows nicknames to expand to their full glory.
(Light)	No nickname autoexpansion occurs when entered manually inserted or with the Insert Recipient command.  Also, the preference for Auto Expansion is gone.

User Configurable Toolbar
(Pro)	The toolbar is present, and there is a settings panel governing its behavior.
(Light)	No toolbar, no settings.

Folder Carbon Copy
(Pro)	From a new message, the user may choose to Fcc: to a mailbox by placing the cursor in the BCC: field.  The Transfer menu turns into the FCC menu.  FCC's may be done automatically if the prefernce is set.  Finally, by placing "Ä<mailbox name>" in the BCC: field, an FCC: to that mailbox can be done.
(Light)	Removed the Auto Fcc: to original Mailbox preference.  The Transfer menu does not turn into the FCC: menu.  Any  "Ä<mailbox name>" found in the BCC: field is treated as a bad address.

Multiple Signatures
(Pro)	The signature submenu in the Special menu allows user to create more than two signature files.  These signatures may be used in New Messages, accessible from a popup.
(Light)	The user is restricted to only the Standard and Alternate signature.  The New Signature item is gone from the signature submenu.  No sigs other than Standard and Alternate show up in a New Message window sig popup, or in the Signatures menu.

Enhanced Filters (3.0 Set - Pre 3.0 functionality is included, except Labels)
(Pro)	Enhanced filter window provides new filter functionality and a new interface from 2.1.4 
(Light)	The filter interface remains the same as Pro, but all filter actions that are new since 2.1.4 have been disabled.  There was no easy way to remove the from the menus completely, so they are dimmed and marked as Pro Only.  Valid filter actions are limited to Make Subject, Raise and Lower Priority, Transfer To, Copy To, and Skip Rest.  Further, the Change Label filter has been removed, since Labels are not included in Light.  Finally, a warning message appears the first time Light reads in a pro Filter file.

Composition of Styled Text
(Pro)	Styled text is sent out with messages if the preference is set.  The user may generate styled text with the Text menu.  Styled text may be pasted in, or dragged into windows.  Styles are retained when included in a reply, forward, etc. message.
(Light)	Styled text is never generated for sent messages.  The styled text related controls in the styled text settings panel, and the extra "Warn before send" checkbox in the extra warning panels have been removed.  Further, the Text menu has been removed.  Styled text may not be pasted or dragged into a message.  Text used in replies, forwards, etc, lose all their style information.  Finally, excerpt bars are no longer included in messages being sent out.  They are converted to plain ">" quotes.

Stationery - only double-clicking stationery works
(Pro)	The New Message With and Reply With menu items allow stationery to be used when generating new messages.  The Save As dialog provides a means of creating stationery files.
(Light)	No stationery support.  Removed the  New Message With and Reply With menu items from the Message menu.  The stationery-related controls are not availabe in the Save As dialog.  The "default" stationery is not used.

Return Read Receipt
Return Receipt
(Pro) The user may request a return-receipt with the 'RR' icon in the composition window.
(Light) The 'RR' control has been removed from new message windows in Light.  Light users may not request return-receipts, but they are still able to respond to them if they recieve a message with an RR.

Enhanced TOC for Server Status 
(Pro)	An extra column in a mailbox window displays server-related information about messages.
(Light)	This column is never displayed.  Further, the control in the Mailboxes settings panel for the "Server" column has been removed.

Sticky Sort	(Mac Only)
(Pro)	The user can click on a mailbox column header to sort that mailbox.
(Light)	The column headers in a mailbox window don't do anything special.  The sort menu must be used to sort a mailbox.

Address Book Custom Fields
(Pro)	The address book in 3.0 has new fields and supports multiple nickname files
(Light)	The user is limited to a single nickname file.  The nickname window presents only those fields that were present in 2.1.4.

Spell checking
(Pro)	The word services menu allows the user to add a spell checker.
(Light) Disabled Word Services for light.  The Add Word Service and Check Spelling menu items have been removed.

Server Maildrop Management
(Pro)	Messages that are left on the server and only partially downloaded can be fetched or deleted by clicking on the "Fetch" or "Delete" control in the message window.
(Light)	The "delete" control has been removed from the message window.

Color-coded Message Labels
(Pro)	Color labels from FInder and defined by the user can be applied to messages.
(Light)	All label related menu commands have been removed.  The Label column has been removed from the toc window.  All messages already having a label set are displayed as if they had none.  The Labels settings panel has been removed.  In short, there is no way to see or set the label of a message.

UUEncoding/Decoding of Attachments
(Pro)	UUEncode/Decode was added as another attachment encoding method.
(Light) UUEncode/Decode is not present in Light.  AppleSingle, AppleDouble, and BinHex remain.

Attachment Forwarding/Redirect
(Pro)	When forwarding or redirecting a message with attachments, the attachment is included in the new message.
(Light)	Atatchments are not included when redirecting or forwarding a message.  They must be added by hand.

Mailbox Grafting (Mac Only)
(Pro)	Other... menu item in Mailboxes and Transfer menu allow user to use mailboxes outside of the Eudora Folder.  Mailbox files may be opened with the SF Dialog as well.
(Light)	The Other... menu items have been removed.  When opening a mailbox from the finder or with the "open" command, it is opened as a plain text file.

This were disabled in previous versions of Light, but are now included for no extra charge:

Copying from the Mailbox Window
Editting of received messages
Printing Nicknames
Printing Filters
Find for Nicknames