Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #127
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 10 Aug 00       Volume 17 : Issue 127

Today's Topics:

      (Q) how good is NAT as a firewall?
      [*] NetFinder 2.1.2J / - Japanese Version
      Eudora: random signatures
      Internet Explorer 5.0 & Central European texts
      Personal LaserWriter NTR
      USB Floppy with Orange PC with a MAC without FD drive?
      Which name server is a DHCP server giving?

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 19:45:47 -0400
From: "" <>
Subject: (Q) how good is NAT as a firewall?

Dear Digest readers,
I got Net Barrier after my DSL provider told me that they don't have 
a firewall per se.   They use Network Address Translation which 
happens to filter some FTPing unless you specify the port on some FTP 
servers.   This sounds to me like a sort of firewall.   What can't 
Network Address Translation do that Net Barrier can?


Come visit my mini Yahoo at.   All links verified monthly:


Date: 10 Aug 2000
Subject: [*] NetFinder 2.1.2J / - Japanese Version

NetFinder v2.1.2 makes browsing on the Internet another step easier. The
award winning NetFinder 1.x which was developed during the MacOS 7.x
days, made users feel right at home by having an interface just like the

Version 2.1.2 not only has an updated interface to reflect the MacOS 8.x/9.x
theme, it also adds support for HTTP, improved Firewall / Proxy support,
secure storage of passwords using Apple's Keychain Manager, support for
SSL FTP, ICI Script, previewing of Movies, MP3's and even Shockwave
files, improved integration with BBEdit and much much more... 

Why not just download a copy of NetFinder for FREE and try it out for yourself?
You have nothing to lose.

MacUser - 1997 Best Shareware - Best Internet Face-Lift.
Tucows - 5 cow rating.
MacDownload - 5 mice.
MacWelt (German MacWorld) - 5 mice.
FileDudes - 5 dude rating & Dude Approved!

Changes in Version 2.1.2:

* improved speed of listings. 
* added option to specify what mode to download for Edit in BBEdit. 
* added a popup to select the editor to use for Edit in BBEdit command.
Requires new versions of certain editors that may not be released yet.
* fixed a strange bug in mirroring that would cause multi levels of
folders to not get uploaded properly. 
* fixed a bug in mirroring code that would cause "remaining" files to 
be deleted when an error is hit. 
* fixed a memory leak when viewing certain media in the View as
Graphic/Media window. 
* fixed a bug in Transfer Jobs Window. 
* fixed a memory corruption bug. This may have caused some machines to crash for
no apparent reason. 
* fixed a few bugs in the ICI script exported NF routines. 
* fixed a bad memory leak when getting a listing via ICI script. 
* fixed a bug that may have caused odd bahaviour and possible crashing.
* fixed a bug in GetURL AE that would cause NF to "hang" and do nothing when 2 AE
come in too quickly. 
* nav manager dialog now recognizes partially downloaded files as partial files. 
* updated OpenSSLLib to v0.9.5a of the OpenSSL source. This update should
make things even more secure.
* added plug-in for Japanese SunOS.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/net-finder-212-jp.hqx; 4211 K]


Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 09:41:17 +1200
From: Ian Orchard <>
Subject: Eudora: random signatures

At 4:35 AM -0400 8/8/00, Remmy Tourment <> wrote:
>Is it possible to have Eudora choose a random signature among all the
>signatures that are in the list ?
>Claris emailer had this feature and I miss it in Eudora. Maybe I just
>didn't find the option ?

I prefer to use the rubber stamp feature in SpellTools. I've loaded 
it with a big selection of sigs but would hate them to be dumped onto 
my emails randomly. There are too many situations where, for example, 
a particular sig would be witty in an email to a Mac bastion like 
info-mac, but outright abusive if emailed to a collegue or newspaper 
editor. It's much better to be able to select the appropriate sig.

~ Ian O


Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 08:18:43 +0200
From: Wladyslaw Los <>
To: "Kazik Stys" <>,
Subject: Internet Explorer 5.0 & Central European texts

At 23:15 -0400 8-08-00, Kazik Stys wrote:
>I would like to read Polish texts (ie fonts displayed properly) using Internet
>Explorer 5.0 & Outlook Express 4.5. My attempts to set the browsers have been
>that far unsuccessful. What do I need and how to set up the browsers to read
>Central European texts.
>I am using Mac G3 with OS 8.5.1. I would appreciate help to set up 
>my browsers.
>Kazik Stys

What you need is some font sets with central european characters 
installed in your system.  Preferably you should have at least three 
of them: a fixed-width font, like Monaco CE, a proportional  font 
like Geneva CE and a font for printing, like Courier CE.   Then you 
can choose this fonts as default for central european character sets 
in the preferences panel of Explorer (menu Edit, submenu 
Preferences,  then select position Web Browser -- Language/Fonts in 
the left-hand part of preferences panel.)   You may set "Central 
European (Latin 2)" as  your default character set, if you are 
visiting Polish sites a lot.  You may also uncheck "Allow page to 
specify fonts" in the window Web Content of the preferences panel, 
for those pages that use defined central european fonts not installed 
in your system, usually Windows typefaces.
Nonetheless you might have sometimes to manually choose a proper font 
for certain poorly written pages, which don't use the ISO-8859-2 
(Latin 2) encodings, (eg. Window encodings) and don't have the proper 
infomation in their headers. Use menu View, subm. Character Set to 
choose the best encoding.

There is a similar window for matching fonts and languages in the 
Outlook Express -- select a tab "General" in the Preferences panel.  
I am afraid, that in order to use CE characters in Outlook, you have 
to have Central European language script installed in your system 
file.   This script (together with some CE fonts) is included with OS 
9 (make custom installation), but with the previous  versions of 
MacOS you must install it manually. Try to find Andreas Prilop's  
"Eudora CE tables" in the info-mac archives.   These tables are neded 
to use CE fonts in Eudora, there   is no use for them in Outlook, but 
the package includes also Central European script and some CE fonts.

Wladyslaw Los
Wladyslaw Los



Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 21:07:00 +1000
From: Len Whyte <>
Subject: Personal LaserWriter NTR

>Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 23:29:29 -0500
>From: "Erica W. Hunter" <>
>Subject: Personal LaserWriter NTR
>I just received a Personal LaserWriter NTR about which I know very
>Among my questions:
>     1. Can it be used with a straight serial connection, or do you have
>to use Localtalk?

I have an NT, which has a different processor board (yours is better 
and is RISC based), but I assume they are similar.  Mine has RS232 
(DB25), as well as RS422 Localtalk.  There's a push wheel switch 
which sets it  to either Appletalk or Serial.  If yours is the same, 
I can send you the gory details

>     2. What printer driver do you use? Will the older LaserWriter driver
>work, or do you have to use a specialized driver?

I use LaserWriter 8.3.2 with my NT.  It even works with the LW 
drivers that come with System 9, but I choose not to use those for 
other reasons.

>     3. Do you have to have any special control panels or extensions
>loaded to work with it?

Nope, just select the printer with the Chooser.

>I was planning on using it on a Localtalk network, but thought I might
>use it straight also.
>My computers include a Mac Plus, SE, SE/30, LC, Performa 550, Quadra
>650, and Duo 2300.
>They are all on an Appletalk network.
>Thanks in advance for any help available.
>Sam M. Hunter



   Len Whyte (and Sue Terry)           __  /\
                                      /  \/  \
    +61  2 6267 2140 (w)             /        \    18 Buntine Cres
    +61  2 6286 8336 (h)            /         /    ISAACS  ACT
    +61  2 6251 9291 (fax)          \   __  */     AUSTRALIA 2607
                                     `-'  \_/                   o



Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 23:21:12 +0200
From: (Prof. Baczko)
Subject: USB Floppy with Orange PC with a MAC without FD drive?

Dies ist eine mehrteilige Nachricht im MIME-Format.
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has anyone used successfully USB Floppy with Orange PC with a MAC
without FD drive?
I have tried an TEAC and an Imitation Superdrive none works with W98. Message
something like "drive not ready".  
OS MAC 8.6
OPC version 3.4.2
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Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 08:00:23 -0400
From: Vincent Cayenne <>
To: The Info-Mac Network <>
Subject: Which name server is a DHCP server giving?

I'm interested in finding out the DNS name server information sent 
when I am granted a lease by my ISP. When I check the TCP/IP Control 
Panel, IP address, subnet mask and router are loaded with info, but 
the name servers box is not. Is there any tool which will tell me the 
name server(s) I've been assigned?

I can't seem to find this info via OT Tool, MacPing, AGNetTools, 
IPNetMonitor, WhatRoute or MacTCP Watcher. I can test DNS to find out 
whether name resolution is successfully taking place but I can't see 
the address(es) of the name server(s).

'tis as said. [Reality is defined by being described]



End of Info-Mac Digest