Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #109
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 08 Jul 00       Volume 17 : Issue 109

Today's Topics:

      (A) keyboard shortcuts on a G4
      (A) Mac OS 7.6 screen shot
      (A) saving web wallpapers
      [*] Billionth Birthday 1.0 - compute interesting dates
      [*] CalCountNote 1.6.0 (68k)
      [*] CalCountNote 1.6.0 (PPC)
      [*] Cast Off 1.0 Submission
      [*] Decoder 2.1
      [*] Diet Sleuth 3.0.0b10
      [*] Edible Landscaping 4.61
      [*] Glue Factory
      [*] iRemember 2.0 (68K)
      [*] iRemember 2.0 PPC
      [*] iUnit 1.1.0
      [*] Japanese Font Package 3.0
      [*] John's WP Tips & Macros 1.8
      [*] Loteria Primitiva
      [*] NameChum Pro 2.5.0; names management.
      [*] Nigiri-zushi (Japan) 1.1.1 - CULTURE INTERCHANGE Square
      [*] pads-1.0b4.sit.hqx   Pads - Note Pad/Stickies Replacement for the
      [*] ShadowKeys1.1.1.sit
      [*] ShadowKeysF-1.1.1.sit
      [*] Switch-It 3.1 - Switch Applications via the Keyboard - *Freeware*
      display problem cure
      G3/G4 upgrade for 7300

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: 6 Jul 2000 07:27:24 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
To: "Info-Mac Digest" <>
Subject: (A) keyboard shortcuts on a G4 asks:
>There is a button next to Options on the control panel that 
>allows you to map keyboard shortcuts to various applications.   Now 
>for some reason I know someone with a Beige G3 and my own Powerbook 
>G3 ADB model don't have that button next to Options, and instead just 
>have the Apple Help button (the circle with the ?).   Is this a G4 
>only feature?  Is this a USB Mac only feature?   It apparently is 
>both on MacOS 8.6 and 9.0 on the G4.  Which makes me even more 
>suspicious.   What extension does the MacOS install on the G4 gives 
>it that capability?   Or is it ingrained in the motherboard's ROM, 
>and if present in the ROM is activated by the system?   Very curious. 
>And they are using a Microsoft Natural Form Keyboard of all things! 
>Could the keyboard communicate to the Keyboard control panel that it 
>has the ability to map shortcuts?   But I thought that keyboard was 
>only meant to be programmable on PCs.    If it is an extension, will 
>it work on an ADB Mac?

It's available to Macs with built-in USB. Won't work with an add-on PCI USB
- Scott

Remove the "spamless" to return eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 09:22:36 -0400
From: Allan Hunter <>
To: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) Mac OS 7.6 screen shot

>Ken Lehmann, <> asks:
>>I have a performa 6400, which when loaded with 7.5.3, does fine with
>>taking a
>>picture of the screen, Shift + Command + 3. This puts the picture on the
>>disk, with a label "Picture l" and so on, as many pictures as desired.
>>Now my daughter  recently loaded OS 7.6, and of course, the screen shot
>>doesn't work 
>>any more. I get a copy of the screen on the 'clipboard', but can't
>>this material from the clipboard to any other file, such as a word
>  >printer, etc., and frankly I miss the Shift + Command + 3 combo from OS
>>7.5.3. Any ideas?
>I can't see why it wouldn't work. However, as a work around, try "Flash It
>3.02" by Nobu Toge from back in 1993; a screen capture utilitiy that lets
>you do all sorts of cool things with screen captures. Doesn't fare so well
>under OZS 8 and newer but it should be OK for you. I can send it if you
>can't find it.
>- Scott.

Doesn't far so well?  I use it all the time under 8.6 and haven't had 
any problems with it.  I can scarcely imagine life without Flashit! 
Wonderful utility.

Allan Hunter



Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 12:47:05 -0400
From: "" <>
Subject: (A) saving web wallpapers

Dear Digest readers,
Probably a few of you have been upset at how PC users are able to 
right click on any image on the web and save it as a wallpaper. 
Well now I have found a way that doesn't require downloading which 
will do the same on the Mac.    Click on the image till the popup 
menu appears, and "copy image."   Open the Appearance control panel 
and paste from the edit menu.   Now granted this only supports 128 x 
128 images, but that is a start.   I'd be interested to hear if 
anyone has made a contextual menu plugin that does the save wallpaper 


Check out over 800 internet sites updated monthly at:


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Scott Lindhurst <>
Subject: [*] Billionth Birthday 1.0 - compute interesting dates

Did you ever wonder if you would soon be 1,000,000,000 seconds old? 
Whether you missed your 50,000th wedding anniversary (50,000 hours, 
that is)?  When the Macintosh will be 900 weeks old?  Now you can 
find out!

Enter the date of some interesting event, such as your birth. 
Billionth Birthday will show you when you when you will next be an 
interesting number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks old.

For example, enter the date the first Macintosh was announced: Jan 
24, 1984.  You will find that the Macintosh is now 518,303,291 
seconds old and will be 550,000,000 seconds old on Friday, June 29, 

Billionth Birthday is freeware and runs on any Macintosh with System 
7 or later.

For more info, visit

Scott Lindhurst

[Archived as /info-mac/app/billionth-birthday.hqx; 151 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
Subject: [*] CalCountNote 1.6.0 (68k)

CalCountNote (CCN)  now has five integrated components:

* Calendar  - a monthly calendar with a digital clock and an hourly chime..

* Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown 
to the date of your choice.  Similar to my Freeware program, Y2KCD, 
but with the important flexibility to choose the date.

* Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important 
ideas you want to save.

* Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away.
Version 1.6.0 adds a Daynotes Weekly View

* Timer - provides a repeatable timer to remind you to take breaks or 
do something else.

All five components emphasize small desktop size and easy 
click-to-use philosophy.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/cal-count-note-160-68k.hqx; 384 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
Subject: [*] CalCountNote 1.6.0 (PPC)

CalCountNote (CCN)  now has five integrated components:

* Calendar  - a monthly calendar with a digital clock and an hourly chime..

* Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown 
to the date of your choice.  Similar to my Freeware program, Y2KCD, 
but with the important flexibility to choose the date.

* Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important 
ideas you want to save.

* Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away.
Version 1.6.0 adds a Daynotes Weekly View

* Timer - provides a repeatable timer to remind you to take breaks or 
do something else.

All five components emphasize small desktop size and easy 
click-to-use philosophy.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/cal-count-note-160-ppc.hqx; 352 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Matt Ronge <>
Subject: [*] Cast Off 1.0 Submission

*Note to editor Cast Off maybe included in CD-ROMs*

Screen Shots:

What is Cast Off?
Cast Off is a new preference folder cleansing utility. All those old and
junky preferences; Cast Off will remove them. How about all those
preferences from all that shareware you download, zap them with Cast Off.
Make that mess of sometimes thousands of items into a few hundred in minutes
with Cast Off.

Why is Cast Off better then others like it?
Cast Off has been proven to be, smarter, smaller, faster and even easier to
use then others like it. Cast Off has a intelligent engine built in that
will identify files like nothing else on the market. To make your life even
easier Cast Off includes file and folder exclusions. Also, it can be set to
ignore everything except true preference files or Apple preference files.
For administrative work it allows the creation of log files for every scan.
What do the others have that Cast Off doesn't, nothing!

How much is it?
Cast Off also fits your budget. With the low price of just $10.00 it knocks
those other preference folder cleansers out of the ballpark! Order online
with the convience of the Kagi credit card processing service. Is Cast Off
easy or what.

Why should I care about my preference folder?
You don t have to care. You can let it grow till it has 7,000 items worth
over 100 megabytes. Why not keep it clean. Now with Cast Off it isn t hard
at all. Imagine all those files from those shareware applications you
launched and then threw away. Imagine how messy your preference folder could
be. If you keep other areas of your computer clutter free, why skip your
preference folder?

How does Cast Off determine what is orphaned?
Cast Off uses two methods to determine what  orphaned. First it looks in
your desktop database (were a reference to all applications are stored), if
it doesn t find anything then it moves on to the second step. During the
second step it scans your entire hard drive(s) looking for a matching file.
If any matching files/applications are found then Cast Off determines that
it isn t orphaned. If the preference fails both tests then it is considered

What are file or folder exclusions?
A file or folder exclusion is a file or folder that is ignored by Cast Off.
So if you want Cast Off to skip over a folder or preference you can set it
to in the settings dialog. Cast Off comes with a high level of customization
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/cast-off-10.hqx; 837 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: "Etresoft" <>
Subject: [*] Decoder 2.1

Decoder 2.1 - This is a drag and drop program that will decode MIME
(Base64), UUencoded, AppleSingle, MacBinary (I, II, and III), and BinHex

Just drop the files onto the application and it will determine the correct
encoding scheme and decode accordingly. Decoder 2.1 can decode even the
most corrupted MIME file. Works great with newsreaders and AOL e-mail.
Thousands of satisfied users.

Requires: System 7, Internet Config 1.2 or later, PowerPC or 68020 machine.
A Windows version is also available.

John Daniel


"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you."

Attachment Converted: "H:\info-mac in\DecoderInstaller.sea"

[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/decoder.hqx; 746 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Chris Smolinski <>
Subject: [*] Diet Sleuth 3.0.0b10

Diet Sleuth 3.0.0b10:

Diet Sleuth is a nutritional database and personal health logbook for the Macintosh.

Diet Sleuth allows you to keep track of what foods you eat each day, and their 
nutritional value. For each day, you select the foods you have eaten, and the 
number of servings of each. Diet Sleuth will automatically calculate your caloric 
intake, fat grams, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, cholesterol, along with sodium, 
potassium, and calcium.  You can select from over 5000 different foods from 21 
catagories, including fast food, lunchmeat, junk food, seafood, and baby food.  
In addition to the included food groups, you can create and edit your own foods 
in a separate catagory. You can also create a catagory of favorite foods to 
quickly access commonly used foods. A built-in Recipe Editor allows you to 
quickly enter a custom recipe, with the nutritional information automatically 
calculated, based on the ingedients. 

You may also track your weight, and estimate your percent body fat, and
calories burned, along with your projected weight loss. Graphing functions are 
also available.

The URL to download a copy of Diet Sleuth is

Shareware, $35. Evaluation copy allows 30 days of use.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/diet-sleuth-300b10.hqx; 1100 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: iBen <>
Subject: [*] Edible Landscaping 4.61

I uploaded Edible.461.sit.hqx to:,

Edible Landscaping is an encyclopedia of perennials that are worth growing
primarily for produce. Every such plant that can be grown in at least three
USDA hardiness zones (i.e., can withstand 15 F or below) is covered in the
database. It includes fruits, nuts, herbs, and even a few perennial
vegetables. Uncommon edibles such as the jujube and chayote are included,
as well as popular favorites like strawberries and walnuts. All the plants
have color photos attached, often illustrating different aspects (e.g., in
a landscape, and a closeup).

Edible Landscaping can be used in conjunction with a large archive of color
pictures.  It expects the photos to be in a folder named "EL Pictures"; it
can also be mixed with the photos in one folder. If you have difficulties
viewing the photos, try increasing the RAM (memory) available to the
program. 2500K should be plenty and 2000K will probably work too. You
allocate memory with the "Get Info..." command in the Finder.

Edible Landscaping was made with Hypercard, as a standalone application. It
does not require Hypercard, or Hypercard Player, as a separate application.
It will work on any Macintosh. It does require 2.5 MB of available RAM and
7 MB of diskspace.

Displaying the pictures may require Quicktime 2.5--I'm not sure
(Hypercard's built in commands take care of showing the pictures--it's not
something I programmed). Edible Landscaping was tested under MacOS 7.6.1
with Quicktime 3.0, and 8.1 & 9.0 with QT 4.1.

Detailed instructions are available from within the Edible Landscaping

Edible Landscaping costs $15.

Bon Apetit.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/edible-landscaping-461.hqx; 7081 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Lawrence D Q==Oliveiro <>
Subject: [*] Glue Factory

The Glue Factory is a shareware collection of MPW tools for generating
object code. This code eases the construction of various kinds of
non-application objects, including Component Manager components.

New in this update is ComponentGluePPC, a tool for easing the building of
PowerPC-native components, and for calling components from PowerPC-native

Please replace your existing file /info-mac/dev/glue-factory.hqx with this

Thank you.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/glue-factory.hqx; 298 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Administration <>
Subject: [*] iRemember 2.0 (68K)

iRemember is a completely unique application that keeps track of all 
of your web browsing history (regardless of the browser you use) and 
lets you quickly browse or search through the web pages you've 
visited in the past.  Forget to bookmark that great web page and now 
you can't find it?  Do you use Netscape Navigator and wish it kept 
your browsing history?  Do you use more than one browser (or more 
than one Macintosh) and wish there was one place you could go to find 
any page you visited?  Wish you could find more pages similar to the 
one you're looking at?  iRemember 2.0 solves all of these problems 
and more!

How often have you had to bookmark a page just because you aren't 
sure if you might want to revisit it later?  iRemember lets you 
return to any page you ever visited just by typing a couple of words 
that describe the page!   Instead of cluttering up your bookmarks 
with pages you might never visit again, you can use bookmarks for 
your favorite pages and use iRemember to revisit all the rest. 
iRemember works by indexing all of the words in every web page you 
visit using the Apple Information Access Toolkit (the same engine 
used by Sherlock).  Later, when you want to revisit any page that 
you've ever seen in the past, you only need to type in a couple of 
words that describe that page to quickly return to it.

iRemember also keeps an easy to use history by date and time for all 
of the pages that you visited, regardless of which browser you used 
to visit them.  Now, even if you use a browser like Netscape 
Communicator that doesn't keep track of your browsing history, or you 
switch between multiple browsers, you have one place to go to easily 
look for a web page you visited on a particular day.  iRemember also 
organizes the pages you've visited by web site, making it easy to 
return to a particular page at some company, or to just see which 
sites you spend the most time at.

To make it easy to search your browsing history, the Internet or your 
local hard disk, iRemember will also (optionally) install a 
system-wide menu that lets you quickly switch to iRemember or 
Sherlock from any application.  This menu also adds new functionality 
to Sherlock, letting you instantly search for web pages similar to 
the one you're currently looking at or search for pages that contain 
the currently selected text with a single click.  The global 
iRemember menu will totally change the way you work with Sherlock.

Version 2.0 of iRemember adds new commands to find similar pages, 
view of all the web pages you've ever visited by web site, delete 
selected pages, and to rescan all the pages you've visited to find 
any that have disappeared and easily update the indexed content of 
the rest.  iRemember 2.0 also adds the ability to merge indices from 
multiple Macs so that you can quickly find a page that you once 
visited regardless of whether you were browsing at home or in the 
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/iremember-68k.hqx; 1301 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Administration <>
Subject: [*] iRemember 2.0 PPC

iRemember is a completely unique application that keeps track of all 
of your web browsing history (regardless of the browser you use) and 
lets you quickly browse or search through the web pages you've 
visited in the past.  Forget to bookmark that great web page and now 
you can't find it?  Do you use Netscape Navigator and wish it kept 
your browsing history?  Do you use more than one browser (or more 
than one Macintosh) and wish there was one place you could go to find 
any page you visited?  Wish you could find more pages similar to the 
one you're looking at?  iRemember 2.0 solves all of these problems 
and more!

How often have you had to bookmark a page just because you aren't 
sure if you might want to revisit it later?  iRemember lets you 
return to any page you ever visited just by typing a couple of words 
that describe the page!   Instead of cluttering up your bookmarks 
with pages you might never visit again, you can use bookmarks for 
your favorite pages and use iRemember to revisit all the rest. 
iRemember works by indexing all of the words in every web page you 
visit using the Apple Information Access Toolkit (the same engine 
used by Sherlock).  Later, when you want to revisit any page that 
you've ever seen in the past, you only need to type in a couple of 
words that describe that page to quickly return to it.

iRemember also keeps an easy to use history by date and time for all 
of the pages that you visited, regardless of which browser you used 
to visit them.  Now, even if you use a browser like Netscape 
Communicator that doesn't keep track of your browsing history, or you 
switch between multiple browsers, you have one place to go to easily 
look for a web page you visited on a particular day.  iRemember also 
organizes the pages you've visited by web site, making it easy to 
return to a particular page at some company, or to just see which 
sites you spend the most time at.

To make it easy to search your browsing history, the Internet or your 
local hard disk, iRemember will also (optionally) install a 
system-wide menu that lets you quickly switch to iRemember or 
Sherlock from any application.  This menu also adds new functionality 
to Sherlock, letting you instantly search for web pages similar to 
the one you're currently looking at or search for pages that contain 
the currently selected text with a single click.  The global 
iRemember menu will totally change the way you work with Sherlock.

Version 2.0 of iRemember adds new commands to find similar pages, 
view of all the web pages you've ever visited by web site, delete 
selected pages, and to rescan all the pages you've visited to find 
any that have disappeared and easily update the indexed content of 
the rest.  iRemember 2.0 also adds the ability to merge indices from 
multiple Macs so that you can quickly find a page that you once 
visited regardless of whether you were browsing at home or in the 
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/iremember-ppc.hqx; 1449 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Chris Smolinski <>
Subject: [*] iUnit 1.1.0

iUnit is a powerful unit conversion utility. It converts between over 300
different units of distance, mass, volume, velocity, density, and other
types of units.

iUnit is shareware, with a $20.00 registration fee. The download version is
fully functional, and not crippled in any way.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/iunit-11.hqx; 217 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Mike McGee <>
Subject: [*] Japanese Font Package 3.0

What is the Japanese Font Package?

The Japanese Font Package is a collection of Hiragana, Katakana and some 
special characters that are unique to Japanese. The use of these 
characters is made possible through a keyboard layout similar to those 
used in Japan. Rather than using Romanji, each character can be written 
with the push of a button!

The Japanese Font Package includes pictures of the entire Japanese 
keyboard which have been provided in various graphics formats. (PICT, GIF 
and JPEG)  It is recommended that you print out the keyboard layout and 
use it to determine which Japanese characters you wish to type.

Each key is given a special Japanese character as it's output.  The 
character to the right of the standard letter, is the hiragana or 
katakana key that will be printed when entered.

What files are included with this font package?

The Japanese Font Package includes essentially four things:

1.  Hiragana Textbook font.  This font comes complete with a bitmapped 
version, a TrueType version, and a PostScript Type 1 version  (for use 
with ATM).

2.  Katakana Textbook font.  This font also comes complete with a 
bitmapped version, a TrueType version, and a PostScript Type 1 version  
(for use with ATM).

3.  Keyboard Layout Folder.  Inside this folder there are 3 images of the 
hiragana and katakana layout you will use.  These files are all 
identical, however they have been converted into different graphics 
formats for easy viewing/printing.  These formats are, PICT, GIF and 
JPEG.  Use your favorite graphics program to print out the    layout for 
use with typing in Japanese.

4.  This manual!  This manual should answer all of your questions, 
however if you still have questions or comments, you can send email to:

PRICE: Just $15 US. (Shareware)

For More Information on The Japanese Font Pack, please check the Inaka 
Software Web Site at:

Or send email to:

********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/_Font/tt/japanese-font-package-30.hqx; 669 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: John Rethorst <>
Subject: [*] John's WP Tips & Macros 1.8

Over 60 pages of tips and short scripts (WP macros, AppleScripts,
KeyQuencer macros and PostScript) covering every aspect of WordPerfect for
the Mac. Helpful for any user of the program.

New in this version: powerful new macros for data management. Complete
descriptions of WP program version numbers and what needs patching, to
address questions often posted to mailing lists and newsgroups. Many other
additions and updates.

Free. May be included on AMUG and Info-Mac CDs.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/wp/johns-wp-tips-and-macros-18.hqx; 239 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Baara-Soft <>
Subject: [*] Loteria Primitiva

Games Lotto
HyperCard. Spanish Version

Loteria Primitiva.
Juega a la Loteria Primitiva.
Pila HyperCard.

Autor:Joan Grabuleda

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/lotteria-primitiva.hqx; 228 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Yellowsoft <>
Subject: [*] NameChum Pro 2.5.0; names management.

NameChum Pro is an application for changing the name of files, folders and disks. It is useful for normal desktop usage, but becomes cool when works, fine, fast and in background, with thousands of files.
NameChum Pro can modify the name of objects by using one of offered options:
 - Rename. Also NameChum automatically add a progressive number, as prefix or suffix, to changed names.
 - Rename with numbers. NameChum rename your objects by using progressive numbers. You may select the starting number. You may also add custom prefix or suffix, to changed names.
 - Custom prefix and/or suffix.
 - Date. As prefix and/or suffix.
 - Time. As prefix and/or suffix.
 - Progressive number. As prefix and/or suffix.

Moreover NameChum Pro has other cool features for working on names:
 - searches/replaces characters,
 - removes any number of characters starting from whatever position into names,
 - truncates start and/or end of names.

Through preferences you may decide:
 - the default action,
 - the default job method,
 - whether NameChum Pro should scan directories,
 - whether it should change names of directories,
 - whether it should restart the progressive number at each session,
 - whether it should try to set the extensions of names following the Internet Config "File Mapping" setting,
 - whether it should set the extensions of names following only the Internet Config File Mapping" setting,
 - up to four file type to ignore during the renaming,
 - up to four file type to rename, ignoring the other ones.

Internet Config has a great Database containing extension: NameChum Pro allows you to use it, when you should insert a new suffix. You may easily modify this Database...

By using hot keys you may skip the "request" dialog and changing, on the fly, by using the default action. Moreover there's a key for setting the preferences before work.
After all you may use the enclosed Contextual Menu Extension for asking NameChum Pro to rename your selection.

NameChum Pro is Internet Config, Drag Manager and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 to run.

Author: Rocco Moliterno
NameChum Pro page:

What's new in 2.5.0 version
Rename option. Rename with numbers option. Contextal Menu extension. Extensions Database. NameChum Pro ignore, now, invisible files. Better Appearance dialogs. New About Box. Removed registration form from About Box. Added Registrations folder. Added Support folder. Recompiled with Interfaces-Libraries 3.3.2. Internet Menu changed. Linked with MoreFiles 1.5. Linked with Appearance SDK 1.04. Linked with Internet Config 2.0.2. Recompiled by using the newest compiler. Addresses update. Minor bug, saving window position, fixed. A bug in Navigation routines fixed. Pro version.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/name-chum-pro-25.hqx; 356 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Fuminori Takeda <>
Subject: [*] Nigiri-zushi (Japan) 1.1.1 - CULTURE INTERCHANGE Square

        Welcome to CULTURE INTERCHANGE Square and thank you for your interest
in nigiri-zushi in Japan. 
	This is the updated version. 

        This program will introduce you nigiri-zushi, a popular Japanese dish.
More than 40 nigiri-zushi in my homeland are introduced with their
ingredients by using color images and illustrations. I ported the content to a
Hypercard stack.

         Incidentally, if you're making culture introductory/interchange programs
to post on the InfoMac archives, would you name your program's subject line
with a title that conforms to the "title (your country, province, or state) -
For more details, please read the "CULTURE INTERCHANGE Square ?" document.

        This program may be copied and distributed as long as it isn't altered and
is distributed at no charge, but it may not be included in any commercial
package. I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you,
Fuminori Takeda

[Archived as /info-mac/data/nigri-zushi-111.hqx; 4185 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: "Dennis C. De Mars" <>
Subject: [*] pads-1.0b4.sit.hqx   Pads - Note Pad/Stickies Replacement for the

Pads v1.0b4
Pads is a simple replacement for the standard Note Pad and Stickies

Pads is as simple to use as either Note Pad or Stickies, yet provides
significant new features. Pads gives users the ability to organize your
notes and use them more effectively.

- Notes can be given titles.
- Notes can be categorized.
- Pages can be "torn off" so that multiple pages can be viewed at
  once (like Stickies). These tear-off pages can be closed later
  without destroying the original notes.
- Standard Macintosh features such as styled text and drag-and-drop
  editing are supported.
This is a beta release. Comments from users are requested on the interface
and feature set, as well as bug reports, of course.

Pads is a shareware program. It is not restricted in features or
time-limited in any way. The fee for a single user license is $15.

The Pads web site is at:


Inquiries and feedback should be directed to: or

The author of Pads is Dennis C. De Mars, who also created Fractal Domains,
a popular shareware fractal program for the Macintosh.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/pads-10b4.hqx; 775 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Opus Software <>
Subject: [*] ShadowKeys1.1.1.sit

The extension ShadowKeys provides missing keys for the Apple USB 
Keyboard and iBook/PowerBook built-in keyboard.

Mainly the version 1.1.1 fixes the problem with PowerBook G3 Series 
(particularly on WallStreet) and some minor problems with Multiple 
Users cdev (under Mac OS 9).

New features in version 1.1:


- The built-in keyboard has a new right-hand virtual
   Command key replacing the Enter key, close to Space bar.

- The Forward Delete key code can be created with the key combination
   Shift+Delete or Option+Delete.

iMac, G3, and G4 with an Apple USB Keyboard

- In addition to the Num Lock key providing the Forward Delete key
   code, now the Forward Delete key code can be created with the key
   combination Shift+Delete or Option+Delete.

- The missing function keys F13 to F14 can be created with the key
   combinations Control+Shift+Help, Control+Shift+Home and
   Control+Shift+PageUp respectively for F13, F14 and F15.

Other PowerBook and Power Macintosh with an ADB keyboard

  - The Forward Delete key functionality has been implemented using
    the key combination Shift+Delete or Option+Delete.

ShadowKeys version 1.1 can be downloaded at

Daniel Muller
Opus Software

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/shadow-keys-111.hqx; 440 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Opus Software <>
Subject: [*] ShadowKeysF-1.1.1.sit

ShadowKeys (Les Touches FantŸmes) donne accˆs € certaines touches 
manquantes du clavier USB d'Apple et du clavier int‰gr‰ des iBook et 

La version 1.1.1 rˆgle principalement une incompatibilit‰ avec les 
PowerBook G3 Series (particuliˆrement avec le modˆde WallStreet).

Nouveaut‰s de la version 1.1:


- La touche Entr‰e € droite de la barre d'espace peut Štre utilis‰e comme
   une touche Commande.

- La touche d'effacement € droite du curseur (Forward Delete) est accessible
   par la combinaison de touches Maj+Effacer ou Option+Effacer.

iMac, G3 et G4 avec un clavier USB d'Apple

- En plus de la touche Num Lock, la combinaison de touches Maj+Effacer
   ou Option+Effacer permet d'effacer € droite du curseur (Forward Delete) .

- Les touches de fonction F13 € F14 sont accessibles par les combinaisons
   des touches ContrŸle+Maj+Aide, ContrŸle+Maj+D‰but et
   ContrŸle+Maj+PagePr‰c‰dente respectivement pour les touches
   F13, F14 et F15.

Autres PowerBook et Power Macintosh avec une clavier ADB

- La touche d'effacement € droite du curseur (Forward Delete)
   est accessible par la combinaison de touches Maj+Effacer ou Option+Effacer.

ShadowKeys peut Štre t‰l‰charg‰ sur le site:

ou directement pour la version fran‡aise:

Daniel Muller
Opus Software

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/shadow-keys-111-fr.hqx; 442 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Mikaeru <>
Subject: [*] Switch-It 3.1 - Switch Applications via the Keyboard - *Freeware*

Switch-It 3.1 - Switch Applications via the Keyboard - *Freeware*

Switch-It is *yet another* keyboard-based application switcher. It is
user-friendly, fast, responsive, reliable, simple yet powerful... ^_^

Requires Mac OS System 7.0 or later (System 7.5 or newer is recommended).
Compatible with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

"What's New since Version 3.0"

*  Added more extra keys:

-  Switch to the next application (standard and auto-hide) in launch order.
-  Switch to the next application (standard and auto-hide) in alphabetical
-  Switch to the next application (standard and auto-hide) in front to back

*  Simplified the user interface: the Quit and Show/Hide features are now
always enabled.

*  Added a menu command in the control panel, to turn on and off the Mac OS
8.5 built-in Application Switcher (previously a stand-alone application
called "Toggle Application Switcher").

*  Included an "unpolished" Japanese version.

Mikaeru Software: <>

	--Michel MARIANI (a.k.a. Mikaeru)

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/switch-it-31.hqx; 480 K]


Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 09:23:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Robert Meade <>
Subject: display problem cure

Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 15:30:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: Robert Meade <>
Subject: Studio display problem

About two days ago my 17 in Studio Display suddenly developed a mind of its
own.  When turned on the screen remains dark until it is turned off and
then on again.  I've done the usual things, rebuilt the PRAM etc.  Any
Solved my own problem by removing all power to computer and display for a
few seconds.


Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 10:22:16 +0800
From: "Tony Stanton" <>
To: <>
Subject: G3/G4 upgrade for 7300

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I've heard that it is possible to install a G3 or G4 motherboard in a older
Mac, like our 7200 and 7300s. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I
would go about this, and whether it is practical to attempt such a thing.


Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><SPAN class=3D424531602-07072000>I've =
heard that it=20
is possible to install a G3 or G4 motherboard in a older Mac, like our =
7200 and=20
7300s. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I would go about this, =
whether it is practical to attempt such a thing.</SPAN></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><SPAN=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><SPAN=20




End of Info-Mac Digest