Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #326
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 22 Jul 99       Volume 16 : Issue 326

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Garden update
      [*] "Styles" Headress One for K2
      [*] "Styles" Jewels update for K2
      [*] "Styles" Willow Song K2 scheme
      [*] NetBook 1.0
      [*] NSKiosk - AppleScript to set web browser kiosk mode
      [*] OptimaHTML 1.0 68K
      [*] OptimaHTML 1.0 PPC
      [*] Optimize scripts 2.1.6
      [*] P-in-P 1.2b2
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PatchMaker 1.0
      [*] PC.TZ.DS 4.01
      [*] Periodic Table for Macintosh 1.3
      [*] PictureSnooper98 V1.2  AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off
      [*] PiPhilology 10 : A collection of Pi mnemonics in several
      [*] Pixel Toy 2.0
      [*] PlayerPRO Dev.Kit 5.2
      [*] PlayerPRO5.2.Freeware
      [*] Praxis Splasher 1.0 68K
      [*] Praxis Splasher 1.0 PPC
      [*] PUD Master PPC 1.0
      [*] QIM 1.2.3 FAT - Installer builder, compression and encoding
      [*] QuickMP3 1.4
      [*] QuoEdit 0.5
      [*] Rainbow Painter 1.0.0
      [*] RealView 2.6.6 (PPC)
      [*] Red Rhythm Desktop Pics
      [*] Refill Maker v1.0.4
      [*] Save a BNDL 1.4
      [*] Setting Sun 1.1
      [*] Sherlock plugin editor 2.0
      [*] ShockBox 1.2
      [*] Silver & Wood 1.0
      [*] Simpleslide 1.0 - It does slideshows.
      [*] SiteSearch Java Applet - Let Visitors Search Your Site
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.3.2
      [*] Sokoban 2.4.2a, classic push-the-blocks puzzle
      [*] SpaceFreaks 1.0
      [*] Squirrel Kombat 1.0
      [*] Statinator 1.2
      [*] StatistFunctions2.3 / HyperCard stack statistical PDFs and
      [*] stEPS 1.2
      [*] Style Master 1.3 68K
      [*] Style Master 1.3 PPC

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software.

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Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:34:46 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Garden update

Please include my new update of  Garden, which has
been enhanced for K2 and updated in the Recent
Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Garden is a floral scheme with flowers in the windows and scrollbars.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom 3D cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders,
pricing, and previews of my 121 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/styles-garden-k2.hqx; 161K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:34:45 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Headress One for K2

Please include my new color scheme, Headress One, which
has been enhanced for K2, in the Recent Additions
Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Headress One is a scheme which depicts one of Queen
Amidala's headresses in the scrollbars and windows.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom 3D cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders,
pricing, and previews of my 121 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/styles-headress-one-k2.hqx; 188K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:34:42 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Jewels update for K2

Please include my new update of  Jewels, which has
been enhanced for K2 and updated in the Recent
Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Jewels is a color scheme which features different gemstones
in various states of the windows and scrollbars.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom 3D cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders,
pricing, and previews of my 121 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/styles-jewels-k2.hqx; 199K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:34:40 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Willow Song K2 scheme

Please include the latest update of my K2 scheme, Willow Song,
in the Recent Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD,  etc.

Willow Song is a blue/green K2 scheme featuring
K2 windows with a landscape of willow trees, with
disclosure triangles, other K2 resources including
desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows,  colored menubar, menu, finder header,  and
also a custom cursor, all written in, along with custom
folders and trash.  A separate folder of desktop patterns is
also included with the scheme.    It can only
be used in K2.  This update also has centered title text.
PLEASE-share-ware.  See my page for freebies, new CD orders,
pricing, and other previews of my 121 hand-drawn  schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/styles-willow-song-k2.hqx; 255K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:37:06 -0700
Subject: [*] NetBook 1.0

NetBook is an easy-to-use URL manager, designed to "just be there". It
relies on Internet Config for launching bookmarks, and is extendable and

You can drop these things on a NetBook window currently:

Finder email addresses
Finder web addresses
Finder FTP addresses
Fetch bookmark files
Hotline bookmark files
Eudora address lists
Internet Explorer bookmark files
Netscape Navigator/Communicator bookmark files
NCSA Telnet/BetterTelnet bookmark files
Anarchie bookmark files
Text clippings (will be interpreted if possible, otherwise marked as
unknown content)
Bookmarks from other NetBook windows
Applications (doubleclicking will launch).


Ą Eudora address lists can now be dropped on NetBook windows.
Ą Now possible to drop whole folders with bookmarks on NetBook windows.
Ą Applications can now be dropped on NetBook windows.
Ą Option to open last window on launch.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/net-book-10.hqx; 1054K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:37:03 -0700
Subject: [*] NSKiosk - AppleScript to set web browser kiosk mode

NSKiosk is a tiny Applescript which anybody could have written, only the
people who might actually *need* it would not dare mess with anything
like scripting, so I decided to upload it to InfoMac.

Very simple, just double click on it and choose whether you want your
browser to run in Kiosk mode or not. This is great for showing off
websites in exhibitions etc. because it stops people from checking their
hotmail accounts and all that.

This is freeware with no support but it comes with source code, such as
it is.

If you would like to show your appreciation, email me with fawning
admiration and/or send me $1000.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ns-kiosk-as.hqx; 6K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:37:02 -0700
Subject: [*] OptimaHTML 1.0 68K

This is the 68K version of OptimaHTML.

OptimaHTML is a premier tool for reducing the size of your web pages.
You have full control of how much do you want to optimize files, and
how much changes do you allow in optimized documents. You can choose
which tags you would like to be removed, but you don't have to know
anything about HTML-language, because OptimaHTML gives you
information about every tag.
You pages will be smaller and HTML-code will be optimized, so they
will be loaded and interpreted much faster in the browsers. You will
also save server space. OptimaHTML comes with detailed manual.
OptimaHTML requires 2Mb RAM and System 7.0 or newer. PPC-version
requires Macintosh with PowerPC processor.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/optima-html-10-68k.hqx; 604K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:59 -0700
Subject: [*] OptimaHTML 1.0 PPC

This is the PPC version of OptimaHTML.

OptimaHTML is a premier tool for reducing the size of your web pages.
You have full control of how much do you want to optimize files, and
how much changes do you allow in optimized documents. You can choose
which tags you would like to be removed, but you don't have to know
anything about HTML-language, because OptimaHTML gives you
information about every tag.
You pages will be smaller and HTML-code will be optimized, so they
will be loaded and interpreted much faster in the browsers. You will
also save server space. OptimaHTML comes with detailed manual.
OptimaHTML requires 2Mb RAM and System 7.0 or newer. PPC-version
requires Macintosh with PowerPC processor.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/optima-html-10-ppc.hqx; 738K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:58 -0700
Subject: [*] Optimize scripts 2.1.6

Optimize scripts is a small HyperCard stack which optimizes HyperCard
scripts for speed and for size.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/optimize-scripts-216.hqx; 117K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:58 -0700
Subject: [*] P-in-P 1.2b2

P-in-P contains two modules: P-in-P Moive and P-in-P Live.

P-in-P Live displays the digitized video on an always-on-top window.  So
you can watch your favorite TV or video tapes while working.

P-in-P Movie is a QuickTime movie player.  It displays the movie on an
always-on-top window.  So you can watch your favorite movie while
working.  P-in-P Movie supports drag-and-drop.  Just drag the movie file
and drop it onto its window or its icon, you'll get your movie on a
"Picture-in-Picture" window.

To start/stop the movie, click the P-in-P Movie window content.

To bring P-in-P applications to the front, double click the P-in-P
windows title bar.

To hide/show the P-in-P windows, press the hot key -- Command-Esc.

If you have any questions, comments or bug reports, you can contact me

If you like it and use it, please register.

What's New

Version 1.2b2

- Fixed a bug that P-in-P Movie can't be launched when QuickTime version
is smaller than 4.

- P-in-P will try to keep the whole window inside the screen when you
change the window size.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/p-in-p-12b2.hqx; 129K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:57 -0700
Subject: [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.

PandoCalendar is a freeware Macintosh application that places a small
customizable calendar on your desktop. The calendar may be customized by
changing the frame, background color, text color, font, and font size.
You can also attach notes to specific days for past or future events, and
have PandoCalendar automatically plot the days you work. Great for people
who don't have a Monday-Friday work schedule!

Version 4.6 - Added: daily schedules; separate fonts and sizes for the
calendar, notes, and note balloons; reminders (alarms); there can now be
more than seven weekly notes. Also when the calendar is being redrawn,
instead of flashing to white, it now erases to the calendar's background
color. Fixed a bug that would prevent the cycle information for the
current day from displaying if "Underline notes" was checked. Fixed a bug
where the cycle box for the current day could be drawn on top of the

Panda Systems

[Archived as /info-mac/app/pando-calendar-46.hqx; 837K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:56 -0700
Subject: [*] PatchMaker 1.0


Patching will never be same

What it does
PatchMaker will generate C source code for a PPC extension to patch a trap
or traps.

1) Launch PatchMaker
2) Click on the traps which you want to patch
3) Use the File Do It Menu.
4) Name the output  file "Patches.c" and place it in the same folder as the
Patch_INIT.µ folder
5) Double Click on Patch_INIT.µ to Launch CodeWarrior
6) Choose make to build your extension!


[Archived as /info-mac/dev/patch-maker-10.hqx; 1133K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:56 -0700
Subject: [*] PC.TZ.DS 4.01


PC.TZ.DS used to be PhoneCodes/TimeZones. Now added is complete Daylight
Savings Time information for all countries in the world.

Version 4.01 adds many new US/Canadian area codes, and updates DST info
to reflect dates in 1999.

It is a DocMaker stand-alone application which provides all kinds of
useful information. PC.TZ.DS lets you pinpoint where an area code or
country code is located and what time it is there. Conversely, it lets
you look up area codes for major cities in the US and Canada and
international country codes for all the countries in the world.

[Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/pctzds-401.hqx; 72K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:55 -0700
Subject: [*] Periodic Table for Macintosh 1.3

This is a demo version of Synergy Creations' Periodic Table for Macintosh
software (version 1.3).  It is designed as a quick reference tool for high
school and college students in introductory chemistry courses, along with
anyone else who needs a quick periodic table reference.  To unlock all the
features, there is a $15 registration fee.

Key Features:
- Quick access to a wide variety of atomic properties (we recommend
keeping an alias to the program in your Apple menu!)
- Relative values of many atomic properties on the periodic table are
viewable as color scales. (only a few in unregistered version)
- easy switching between various unit scales (only a few in unregistered
- Quick molecular weight calculations.  (registered version)
- Clean, clear, easy to understand interface.
- User configurable--choose a table to view at startup.
- Controls and design help to emphasize relationships between elements.

System Requirements:
- PowerPC processor highly recommended
- System 7.5 or greater
- monitor capable of thousands of colors (16-bit) at 640x480 resolution

Synergy Creations(TM)
Submitted by: Brett Thornton <>

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/periodic-table-13.hqx; 2280K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:54 -0700
From: "QSys Software" <>
Subject: [*] PictureSnooper98 V1.2  AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off

Tired of waiting for pictures to download?  Searching for that perfect
ClipArt, or Raytraced Images (or other binary file), but can't stand
searching through GigaBytes of Postings?  That is why I wrote

PictureSnooper is an Application that Searches UseNet NewsGroups for binary
files, while you are having dinner, at the movies, or even sleeping.  These
binary files are usually pictures (and sometimes executables and HTML
files).   After finding a binary file, PictureSnooper downloads the file,
decodes that file, and saves that file to the directory of your choice for
later viewing.

Updates In Version 1.2:
* Increased Performance On Faster Connections.
* Added Ability To Filter The Author Download Site
* Added Balloon Help
* Main Dialog Window Is Now Resizeable
* Update Searched Messages More Often For Easier Crash Recovery
* Fixed a Problem with Certain MIME format messages being skipped
* Various Bug Fixes

New Features in PictureSnooper98:
* New Window that allows user to display the last image downloaded (for
* Added the ability to filter postings by Author
* Option to Add Subject/Author Information to the Finder's Get Info Box for
the file
* Automatic combining of segmented files
* Option to allow for files with the same file name to be stored in the
download directory
* Fixed some handling of certain server errors.
* Modified the file saving to handle PC directories in file names

* System 7.0 or Later.
* QuickTime 2.5 or Higher
* Macintosh with the Thread Manager Extension (Later System
   Versions Have ThreadManager Built In).
* Access To A News Server Through Your Internet Provider.

QSys Software

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/picture-snooper-98-12.hqx; 1237K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:54 -0700
Subject: [*] PiPhilology 10 : A collection of Pi mnemonics in several

PiPhilology is a collection of Pi mnemonics (ie. sentences to memorize
the first digits of Pi) and Pi related poems.
Pi = 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510....

Example: AEI  O  QEOS  O  MEGAS  GEWMETREI......
          3   1   4    1    5        9

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/piphilology-10.hqx; 465K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:53 -0700
Subject: [*] Pixel Toy 2.0

What IS this?
PixelToy isn't a game, nor is it a screen saver, nor a paint program --
but it has aspects of all of these. Think of it as a very interactive
lava lamp! With PixelToy you can watch an endless variety of beautiful,
mesmerizing moving images. Warp, blur, melt, and distort any picture in
your library. Create QuickTime movies out of any PixelToy display. Best
of all, if you pop in an audio CD, you can watch PixelToy's patterns
dance to the music!  Be sure to open the ŇSound SetsÓ file for sets that
are meant to react to sound input.

To get the most out of PixelToy, youŐll want to take a look at the
manual.  However, it probably wonŐt explode or bite you if you donŐt.
To start with, youŐll want to look at the premade Sets (listed in the
Sets menu, natch).

PixelToy is $15 shareware.  Registering allows you to create up to 16
text objects, up to 16 particle generators, enables creating sets, and
allows use of the color palette editor.  Additionally, created movies
have the word ŇpixeltoyÓ in the lower left corner until you register.
Finally, paying for PixelToy enables me to keep refining and improving
the program!

[Archived as /info-mac/game/pixel-toy-20.hqx; 831K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:52 -0700
Subject: [*] PlayerPRO Dev.Kit 5.2

MADlibrary is a C library for developpers to add musics to application. It
is very easy to use and free for any kind of products. Read Inside
MADLibrary Word File for complete information about functions.

DO not set READ-ONLY String ON in CodeWarrior.

PowerMac Version
You need to import (weak import/soft import binding) SoundLib file
(distributed by Apple Computer) in your project.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/player-pro-50-dev-kit.hqx; 823K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:52 -0700
Subject: [*] PlayerPRO5.2.Freeware

PlayerPRO is a complete music editing program (SoundTracker). You can use it
with any Mac without any additional hardware. PlayerPRO can load and play
the following music (and sound) formats:

669, IT, ULT, XM System 7 sound, WAV, AIFF, AIFC, SoundDesignerII, MPEG,
MP3, MuLaw, ALaw, AVI, DVC, Quicktime Movies, MAC3, MAC6, IMA4, MPEG layer
I, II and III (requires QT 4.0), PAT (GUS), QDesign, RAW Data.


NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 5.2 (differences from 5.1):
    o Reset function
    o Step values for Digital Editor
    o Default values for Digital Editor
    o Propagate Plug for Digital Editor (It copies first command in all
selected commands)
    o MIDI Hardware Sync
    o Better MIDI Support
    o Better file support in Music List for multiple volumes
    o Many small bugs corrected
    o File Importers corrected : S3M, XM, IT
    o Fully Tested with Quicktime 4.0
    o You can now export only 1 pattern in AIFF
    o More volume amplitude for channels and general soft volume
    o New Fade filter
    o Support direct-to-disk reading
    o Movies reading
    o MP3 Support with QT 4.0
    o QT 4.0 savvy : bass, treble, MPEG, ...
    o Freeware version can now open S3M and XM files

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/player-pro-521.hqx; 1898K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Praxis Splasher 1.0 68K

Praxis Splasher lets toddlers have fun on the computer.  In a safe
environment, they can type away on the keyboard and click and move the

-   When they press a key, they are rewarded with a large,
    colorful representation of the letter, number, or symbol
    on a black computer screen -- as well as a musical note,
    if Apple's QuickTime is installed on your computer.

-   If they move the mouse, the letter moves around the screen.

-   If they click the mouse, the letter changes color.

Praxis Splasher gives one- to three-year-olds an opportunity to get
familiar with keyboards, mice, letters, sounds, and colors without the
chance to do your computer any serious harm (besides peanut butter on
the keyboard, of course).

For more information, see

Praxis Splasher may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/praxis-splasher-10-68k.hqx; 551K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:50 -0700
Subject: [*] Praxis Splasher 1.0 PPC

Praxis Splasher lets toddlers have fun on the computer.  In a safe
environment, they can type away on the keyboard and click and move the

-   When they press a key, they are rewarded with a large,
    colorful representation of the letter, number, or symbol
    on a black computer screen -- as well as a musical note,
    if Apple's QuickTime is installed on your computer.

-   If they move the mouse, the letter moves around the screen.

-   If they click the mouse, the letter changes color.

Praxis Splasher gives one- to three-year-olds an opportunity to get
familiar with keyboards, mice, letters, sounds, and colors without the
chance to do your computer any serious harm (besides peanut butter on
the keyboard, of course).

For more information, see

Praxis Splasher may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/praxis-splasher-10-ppc.hqx; 713K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:36:50 -0700
Subject: [*] PUD Master PPC 1.0

The PUD Master is a Macintosh application for modifying data for the
game Warcraft II by Blizzard Entertainment.  It allows for the
modification of not only the PUD custom scenario files, but also the
internal game data, such as graphics, built-in campaign levels,
animations sequences, and computer AI scripts.
Minimum of 4 MB ram-8 MB highly recommended
PPC(68k Version Available @ site above)
No warranties or guarantees are applicable with PUDMaster.  I am not
responsible for any damage, physical or mental, sustained by you or your
computer as a result of using Pud master.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/pud-master-10-ppc.hqx; 1708K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:32:22 -0700
Subject: [*] QIM 1.2.3 FAT - Installer builder, compression and encoding

QIM allows you to create straightforward an installer for distributing any
kind of file. You can build your own 68k, PPC or FAT installer application
in a very simple way, choosing many features such as: compression, target
processor, computer restarting, destination folder. The Built Installer can
show your own logo in its main window as well as a scrolling styled "Read
Me" text in its splash screen and also a scrolling styled help text. Both
texts may have embedded Picts.

QIM is able to build single self-extracting installers and installers using
external documents, for distributing your creations by using the media you

Even if you will never create an installer, QIM will be anyway useful:
becoming the archiving application of your choice, since any single
QIMDocument (QIMD) holds compressed items without limits.
QIM can also create compressed archives, BinHex and MacBinary files for a
more convenient, free, world distribution. Last, but not least, QIM can
create SEA applications.

QIM is shareware, it costs less than a small utility and anyone should
afford it. QIM requires at least System 7 to run. QIM is Internet
Config, Drag Manager and Navigation Manager aware moreover it's
Appearance savvy. Balloons available.

Why to say more about QIM? Any technical analysis would be very prosy:
you'd better try it.

Author: Rocco Moliterno
QIM page:

What's new in 1.2.3 version
Only one, low cost, shareware license type. Navigation Manager aware. Fixed
a little, not-critical, bug. Better alerts. Better error infos. Better
error checking. Improved Modal Dialog filters. Linked with Internet Config
2.0. Linked with MoreFiles 1.4.9. Linked with Appearance SDK 1.03.
Recompiled with Interfaces-Libraries 3.2. Recompiled by using the newest
compiler. Addresses update. Improved Internet menu. Minor changes.

[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/qim-123.hqx; 447K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:32:20 -0700
Subject: [*] QuickMP3 1.4

QuickMP3 requires a Power Macintosh computer with QuickTime 4 (although
it is compatible with earlier versions of QuickTime). QuickMP3 works
best under MacOS 8.6 (thanks to improved multitasking).

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/quick-mp3-14.hqx; 807K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:32:18 -0700
Subject: [*] QuoEdit 0.5

A text editor for plain (monostyled) text that runs on System 7 or later.
QuoEdit 0.5 is Free.

  Intended to provide quick operations and to be as simple as possible.
  Supports AppleScript -- can even record, run and save tasks without
  the Script Editor!
  Multiple levels of undo and redo for each document.
  WorldScript savvy.
    and so forth.

 Significant Change in AppleScript features
  This time, two terms "length" and "offset" were re-defined according
  to "AppleScript Language Guide". This can be problem of compatibility
  of scripts in 2-byte languages (Japanese, Chinese and Korean). If you
  write scripts, please check the description in manual.

Lyomei Sakai

[Archived as /info-mac/text/quo-edit-05.hqx; 790K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:32:10 -0700
Subject: [*] Rainbow Painter 1.0.0

New user interface features:
*Fullscreen mode for the windows ("Blow Up Window").
*Hotkeys assigned to "Blow Up Window" and "Rotate Contents".
*Changing between the 3 studios can now be done using hotkeys.
*Tutorial added (accessible from the main menu). Manual and Quick Help
*The mouse pointer changes to "busy", when performing operations etc on a

New image editing features:
*New picture tools: "Fill", "Lighten", "Darken", "Blur", "Sharpen",
*New picture effects: "Set", "Tint".
*New mask tool: "Magic Wand".
*"Reset Zoom".
*The mask operation "Bluescreen" and the layer operation "Copy" have been

Killed bugs:
*Lots of bug fixes done, see 'News.TXT' in the archive for more info.

Rainbow Painter is a brand new painting and photo retouching program for
the PowerPC Macintosh!
It's an image editing software that, among many other things, supports 8
image layers with alpha channels and a mask layer.
It's shareware and the fee is only 12 US. Dollars.

Computer: A MacOS compatible computer with a PowerPC processor.
Colors: Thousands (15bits) or millions (24bits).
10+ MB of free hard disk space.

Rainbow Painter is copyright 1999 Addiction Interactive HB.
You are allowed to put the unregistered version of the program on any
media you like, including CD-ROM and FTP etc.

Home Page:

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/rainbow-painter-10.hqx; 249K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:59 -0700
Subject: [*] RealView 2.6.6 (PPC)

RealView 2.6.6 abstract (Release date July 6, 1999)New in version
2.6.6:* Drag and Drop support for text and picture clippings as well as
files.* Printer driver dependency removed.* Improved support for Pict2
files.* Numerous bug fixes.General Description:RealView is a Text and
Image File ViewerRealView can open ANY FILE of ANY SIZE.RealView has
three display modes:* PLAIN TEXT - plain text with a choice of font and
size.* HEXADECIMAL - plain text with a choice of font and size,
alongside ahexadecimal view of the text.* ORIGINAL - text or image in
optimal (original) display.With QuickTimeŞ installed (version 2.5 or
better) RealView can openvirtually any kind of image file. Including
PICT, Photoshop, GIF,JPEG,BMP, TIFF and more.RealView is very fast. Up
to 6 times faster than Simple Text!System Requirements:* Power Macintosh
Computer (For PPC version)* Mac II with System 7 or better (68k
version)* (Recommended) QuickTimeŞ 2.5 or better for image files
viewingPossible uses for RealView:Viewing text files, viewing image
files (Including PICT, Photoshop,GIF,JPEG, BMP, TIFF and more), HTML
files off-line, PICT files, Viewing'non regular' text files and Viewing
'Invisible' and 'Busy' files.shareware fee is $25.Contact

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/real-view-226-ppc.hqx; 264K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:58 -0700
Subject: [*] Red Rhythm Desktop Pics

Original 1024x768 desktop pics from the World/Fusion/Jazz group Red Rhythm.
Visit our site at for other pics, patterns,
sysex files and more. This archive may be included on all non-commercial

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/red-rhythm-pics.hqx; 335K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:58 -0700
Subject: [*] Refill Maker v1.0.4

Do you buy dated refill every year? Don't you feel them expensive? With
ŇRefill MakerÓ, there's no need to buy them any more!
Refill Maker is an application for the Macintosh which allows you to
print these 14 kind refills for 6-hole bible-size binder :

 - Calendar 1 : 1 year  / 1 page
 - Calendar 2 : 3 years / 1 page
 -     Yearly : 1 year  / 1 page
 -  Monthly 1 : 1 month / 2 pages (Calendar Type)
 -  Monthly 2 : 1 month / 2 pages (Column Type)
 -  Monthly 3 : 1 month / 2 pages (Mono-width Calendar Type with
vertical scedule)
 -   Weekly 1 : 1 week  / 2 pages (Notes on right pages)
 -   Weekly 2 : 2 week  / 2 pages
 -   Weekly 3 : 1 week  / 2 pages
 -      Notes : Notes
 -    Section : 5mm Section
 -      Score : for music score
 -    Address : 6 guys  / 1 page
 -      To Do : 16 pcs  / 1 page

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/refill-maker-104.hqx; 384K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:55 -0700
Subject: [*] Save a BNDL 1.4

Save a BNDL 1.4 © 1992-1999 - Michael S. Engber - All Rights Reserved

(1.4 revision due to Thomas Tempelmann,

Save a BNDL gets the Finder to recognize changes in a file's BNDL
resource without requiring rebuilding the Desktop or rebooting.
It only runs under System 7.0 and later.

Save a BNDL is freeware. Share it freely. Please include this
documentation if you redistribute it.  Send comments & bugs to:

Michael S. Engber
 3486 Golden State Drive
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Complete documentation is included in this archive.
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/save-a-bndl-14.hqx; 15K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Setting Sun 1.1

What is Setting Sun?

Setting Sun is a Mac OS screen saver, which uses plug-ins to draw
interesting images when your computer is idle. Although screen savers
are not strictly necessary (since most modern monitors can turn
themselves off when idle), they still provide a nice distraction from a
blank screen.

Setting Sun requires QuickTime and a PowerPC based Mac, running System
7.5 or later.

Setting Sun runs as a normal Mac OS application - it does not require
any Control Panels, Extensions, or Background Applications.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/setting-sun-11.hqx; 1513K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:53 -0700
Subject: [*] Sherlock plugin editor 2.0

Sherlock plugin editor is on its 2nd release! This must-have update to
this popular shareware adds tons of features. For more infos, check out
its web site:

Louis Chartrand

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/sherlock-plugin-editor-20.hqx; 623K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:52 -0700
Subject: [*] ShockBox 1.2

ShockBox(SB) is an Internet and desktop "audio" browser. SB allows the
playback of Shockwave and MP3 "streaming" audio from custom SB Servers
and from FTP sites located on the Internet. Build your own SB Server!
SB's desktop area allows the playback of SWA, MP3, MP2, MPG, MOV, AIF,
WAV, AU, AVI, MIDI and DV files off of your hard drive. Build, shuffle,
save, and load custom playlists.

New in Version 1.2:

* FTP Browser area allows you to playback MP3/SWA audio located
on FTP sites
* Any image labeled "cd.jpg" in a FTP audio directory will be displayed
during playback
* Save bookmarks to your favorite sites in the FTP & Web playback area
* Pulldown menus allow you to select your saved bookmarks
* Build, shuffle, save, and load playlists under FTP playback area
* Infinite folder in folder search when locating audio files in desktop
playback area
* Cut, copy, paste, and select all now supported in editable fields
* Hyperlink to website added in beginning credits
* Cancel button added in connection sequence
* Macintosh PPC version available *now*
* Win95/98/NT version will be available soon

System Requirements:

* PowerPC Macintosh (100mhz) with 6MB memory
* or Windows 95/98/NT (100mhz) with 6MB memory
* 56k modem connection or higher
* Quicktime 4 required

Visit for the latest version of

ShockBox for Macintosh PPC & WIN95/98/NT

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/shock-box-12.hqx; 3803K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:52 -0700
Subject: [*] Silver & Wood 1.0

Silver&Wood is a nice thinking game for the Macintosh. It runs on 68k
and PowerPC Macs, needs only little memory and is fun to play! Try it

[Archived as /info-mac/game/silver-and-wood-10.hqx; 1273K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Simpleslide 1.0 - It does slideshows.

What is it?
     After a bit of searching, I failed to find a simple, no-frills
application capable of presenting graphic files in a sequential
slideshow, which did nothing else.  I had always meant to sit down and
learn how to use RealBasic anyway, so I figured this was my opportunity.
Except for a few minor glitches and quirks, everything went rather well.
SimpleSlide is the result.  It does slideshows.  ThatŐs all it does.
There are a few options, but only a few.  You give it a folder, it scans
it and all subfolders for GIF, TIFF, PICT or JPEG files, and then it
flashes them on the screen one after another until you ask it to stop,
your computer explodes, or the world ends.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/simple-slide-10.hqx; 1054K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:50 -0700
From: "David Faden" <>
Subject: [*] SiteSearch Java Applet - Let Visitors Search Your Site

A simple Java applet which allows visitors to search your web site.
It is based on JDK 1.02 so it should run on all Java-enabled browsers
(Netscape 3.+) and is multithreaded.

SiteSearch is distributed as linkware for The Gilbert Post

I give permission to include this program on all CDs, commercial or non.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/site-searcher-jv.hqx; 20K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:49 -0700
Subject: [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.3.2

Software & Hardware Tracker 3.3.2
by DXoft

A CNET/ "Premiere" and "Top Pick" and a BizProWeb "Pick of the
Software & Hardware Tracker is a collection of FileMaker Pro 3.0/4.0 relational
databases which will help you collect, store and organize useful information
(such as registration codes, serial numbers, product notes, etc.) about all
computer products (hardware and software). Relying on the standard Internet
Config system, Software & Hardware Tracker is perfectly integrated with your
other Internet software. It also keeps track of all your contact
information for
software and hardware developers, distributors and places of purchase, turning
it into a powerful contact and Internet bookmark manager.

It's being distributed as shareware. Several registration and upgrade options
are available. Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware.

For the latest versions of DXoft shareware, visit our home page located at

Thanks for supporting shareware!

(Software & Hardware Tracker may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM and on the
AMUG "BBS in a box". It has been checked with NAV 5.0.3)

[Archived as /info-mac/data/soft-hard-tracker-332.hqx; 2771K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:48 -0700
From: Scott Lindhurst <scottl@alumni.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: [*] Sokoban 2.4.2a, classic push-the-blocks puzzle

Sokoban is an amazingly addictive puzzle game requiring logical thinking
and puzzle-solving, not lightning-fast reflexes.  The goal is to push boxes
through a twisty, crowded maze to their correct destinations.  The
challenge comes in having to plan ahead: in the process of moving the first
box, you might accidently push another one into a corner where you can't
get it out.  Or you might push the second box next to a third box, then
later realize you can't push the third box without pushing the second one
into a corner.  And so on....

Levels can be easy enough for a child or difficult enough to keep an expert
puzzled for hours.  Fortunately, you can skip the hard levels and come back
to them later.

New features since version 2.4 include:
- Updated my address.
- Removed Boxxle and IQ Carrier levels because they are
    copyrighted and still being sold in Japan.
- Included some other levels that are freely distributable
- Fixed some bugs in high score display and updating

Other features:
- Several hundred levels, separated into collections.  Most are challenging
for adults, but one collection is designed for young children.
- Infinite undo
- Easy-to-use movement controls eliminate tedious parts of a level, letting
you dedicate your energy to the interesting parts.
- Can make your own levels and share them easily
- Color and monochrome graphics with optional sound
- Free!

For more info and even more levels, visit <>

System 7 or higher (including MacOS 8) is recommended, but Sokoban also
works with system 6.

This is an update to the file game/sokoban-24.hqx

Scott Lindhurst <>

[Archived as /info-mac/game/sokoban-242a.hqx; 221K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:47 -0700
Subject: [*] SpaceFreaks 1.0

Thanks for downloading SpaceFreaks, the hot, new, cool action-arcade
game from Pegasus Software, a one-man software development company.
SpaceFreaks is DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE, and the only price I ask is
comments by e-mail to :

SpaceFreaks is a simple shoot'em-up game in the spirit of Space
Invaders.  The object of the game is to survive as long as possible, for
death is inevitable.  You get casualties every time an alien freak
passes out of reach.  The game ends once you get too many casualties.
The controls are explained in the intro screen.

Aliens can be destroyed either by shooting them or colliding into them.
Bombs also destroy enemies.  The same goes for asteroids and comets.

You go up a level every one minute.  Every time this happens, you loose
all of your current turrets.  The super turret takes 60 seconds to
recharge, and can then be fired once.

Minimum Requirements :

- Power Macintosh
- 3MB of RAM
- Color Monitor
- 1.3MB of HD space

Credits :

SpaceFreaks was created using the C - libraries of the Sprite Animation
Toolkit by Ingemar Ragnemalm and the excellent Metrowerks Codewarrior

Stuff that rules :

Bruce Dickinson, pianos, PowerMacs, Fender Strats, Braveheart,
astronomy, Monty Python,  power chords, dobsons, money.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/space-freaks-10.hqx; 921K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:47 -0700
Subject: [*] Squirrel Kombat 1.0

Squirrel Kombat is the BEST Mac fighting game out there! Below are some of
this fast-paced action game's features:

-4 modes of play: one-on-one, practice, tournament, and two-on-two!
-A point system to takes competition to the next level!
-5 fully-interactive fight scenes!
-11 non-secret characters!
-Great graphics and sounds!
-4 normal moves, 4 combo moves, and 4 unique special moves per character!
-Fantastic in-game tutorial to teach you the basics, making the learning
curve nonexistent.
-Great AI opponents!
-Three levels of difficulty!
-Real-time physics!
-We promise, no bugs!
-Real-time blood-letting! (optional)
-2-player team play! (2 on 2)
-Over 1000 different frames of animation!
-Way cool music and hilarious sound effects!

Find out more at ""!

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/squirrel-kombat-10.hqx; 3353K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:46 -0700
Subject: [*] Statinator 1.2

Description: For those involved in academic competition at the middle
school, high school, or collegiate level, this program was designed to
simplify statistic keeping. It avoids the pitfalls of another available
stat spreadsheet in that it does not use an Excel macro. The spreadsheet is
best suited for competition using the toss-up/bonus format used at the
collegiate level by NAQT, ACF, and College Bowl; spreadsheets for other
formats can be written upon request. The spreadsheet is designed for a
tournament with a maximum of 64 teams and 8 players per team. This
spreadsheet was written for Claris/AppleWorks 5, but can be modified for
ClarisWorks 2 through 4 upon request.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/statinator-12.hqx; 129K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:45 -0700
Subject: [*] StatistFunctions2.3 / HyperCard stack statistical PDFs and

StatistFunctions version 2.3
This HyperCard stack by Oscar van Vlijmen computes many statistical
functions with high accuracy.
Combinatorial functions: draws, permutations (and factorials even for large
numbers!), variations, combinations.
Probability density functions: hypergeometric (Lucky 10, Lotto), binomial
(football toto), negative binomial, multinomial, Poisson, normal.
Cumulative distribution functions: standard normal and inverse, binomial,
negative binomial, negative exponential, Erlang, gamma, beta, chi square,
F, T, Cauchy, Rayleigh, extreme value, Pareto, logistic, Weibull,
Tukey-Lambda, Von Mises, Wakeby.
Special functions: gamma, incomplete gamma, beta, incomplete beta, error,
factorial, modified Bessel of first kind.
Just for free I've thrown in an Erlang B/C traffic calculator. Can also be
used for very large traffic units and number of trunks.
Many functions are clearly explained, although this stack is not a course
in statistics.
Emphasis is on statistical usefulness and accuracy, even for big numbers,
not on frills.

New in version 2.3:
* Restructured the cards with draws, due to errors in the text and a
meaningless computation.
* Small changes in some dialogs to make them clearer.
* Small changes in some texts and some scripts.
* Distributions added: Wakeby, generalized gamma CDF, Pareto (standard and
generalized), extreme value (type 1, 2, generalized), Weibull, generalized
* Implemented a more accurate modified Bessel function, for series of
(non)-integer orders.

Freeware; not to be used for commercial applications; not on CD-ROM?s.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/statistfunctions-23-hc.hqx; 124K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:31:43 -0700
Subject: [*] stEPS 1.2

Excourse stEPS serves to optimize output time for PostScript jobs containing
multiple copies of the same illustration (also known as step and repeat

stEPS uses PostScript Level 2 features to avoid file size increase, make
page layout tasks more efficient and improve network and RIP performance.
stEPS was developed as a solution for those who involved in
packaging/labeling production as well as individuals printing personal
business cards and postal labels.

How it works
stEPS works with images in EPS format. Source EPS file could be created in
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe PhotoShop or any other application that supports
export in this format. stEPS creates another EPS file that contains all
source file data and additional PostScript code with step and repeat
functionality. Exported from stEPS EPS file (with image repeated any number
times) doesn't have significant file size increase over original EPS file.
Resulting EPS file could be downloaded directly to PostScript RIP or placed
into any page layout application, just like regular EPS file.

Hardware and software requirements
Ą Macintosh with PowerPC processor
Ą 16MB physical RAM
Ą MacOS 7.5 or higher
Ą PostScript Level 2 software RIP or PostScript printer

Demo limitations
Until you register, stEPS works in Demo mode. The difference from registered
version is that all images in exported step and repeat set are crossed by
thin black lines making it useless for real production purposes. Demo mode
allows you to test stEPS output with your PostScript devices.

[Archived as /info-mac/prn/steps-12.hqx; 1041K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:34:48 -0700
Subject: [*] Style Master 1.3 68K

This is Style Master, our cascading style sheet editor for the
Macintosh and windows 95, 98 and NT.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/style-master-13.hqx; 1966K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:34:47 -0700
Subject: [*] Style Master 1.3 PPC

This is Style Master, our cascading style sheet editor for the
 Macintosh and windows 95, 98 and NT.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/style-master-13r-ppc.hqx; 2026K]



End of Info-Mac Digest