Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #269
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 09 Dec 97       Volume 15 : Issue 269

Today's Topics:

      (Q)Finder Preferences File Damage
      [Q] Problems installing Netcaster using Communicator??
      [Wanted]: Good archival compression util
      Attaching files to email for Win95?
      Checkbook Software
      Eudora addresses
      FileMaker Pro Question
      FileMaker Pro Question
      H. P. DeskWriter540 printing problems...
      MacOS 8.0 "Clean up"
      PCMCIA modems and price differences
      Problem with FTP uploads

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Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 09:22:21 -0400
From: Laurence Hawkins <>
Subject: (Q)Finder Preferences File Damage

As result of running Tech Tools (and subsequenty Norton Utilities) on my
PowerMac 6500/225 with OS 7.6.1, I discovered that I have a damaged Finder
Preferences File, which "should be replaced with a back-up copy". This
would explain why new settings in the "Views" control panel only worked
until the system was restarted, when everything reverted to default.

Question: how do I do this? If I throw it away, will a new one be
automatically set up? After a recent HD crash and the painful rebuild of
all data, I am a little scared to play around!

Laurence Hawkins


Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 13:52:58 +0100
From: "Dr. A. D'Emanuele" <>
Subject: [Q] Problems installing Netcaster using Communicator??


Has anyone been successful in getting Netcaster installed into Communicator

I have downloaded the relevant file, nc11b1.jar, but apparently I need to
use Smartupdate to get Netcaster installed onto the Mac (anyone know what
to do with a .jar file???). I have tried several times to register on
SmartUpdate but Communicator crashes when it gets to the Customer Survey
form. Anyone had similar problems or know a simpler way to get Netcaster

I am using a PB3400c with 80MB RAm and 20MB allocated to Netscape.


Tony D'Emanuele


Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 05:36:49 -0800 (PST)
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: [Wanted]: Good archival compression util

Mike Cook wrote,

>I'd like to be able to archive some large files on my Mac (System 7.3).
>At this time, I don't have a Zip or other backup system except to backup to
>floppies via a backup program.  I'd like to save on floppies by first
>compressing the files more than the backup program probably does.
>Of course, I'd like to be able to uncompress them later.
>Quicktime movies are among those files I'd like to compress.
>What free/cheap utils will do this, and where would they be found?

I'm not sure how cheap it is, but I consider StuffIt Deluxe (along with
Retrospect and Norton Utilities) to be indispensable and worth paying for.
With StuffIt Deluxe you get "Drop Segment" which lets you stuff and segment
files into "bit-size" portions that will fit on to floppies, but then put
themselves back together into one large file when you decompress them.
Perhaps there is shareware that does that, but someone else would have to
tell you what it is. Anyway, possibly searching on "segmenting" will help
you find the function you are looking for.


				Daly Jessup


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 97 14:30:22 -0600
From: James Atkinson <>
Subject: Attaching files to email for Win95?

On 12/04/1997 04:48 PM Christian F Buser said:

>"Daren R. Gray" <> asked
>> I'm having difficulty with my recipients' ability  (who use Windows 95)
>> to decompress and view .gif files sent as email attachments with Claris
>> Emailer 2.0.  I've tried sending the attachments as Binhex encoded, 
>> non-encoded, "Service default", and still no luck.

     Try encoding attachments using Base64, which is somewhat of a 
standard in the Windows world.  UUEncode should also work, provided that 
the recipient has a way to uudecode.

     If you want to learn more, join the Claris Emailer discussion 
list---they're a lively bunch and very much over-informed about most 
email topics...very helpful.  Get details from the Claris web site 
<> or from the Fog City web site <>.

    James Atkinson


Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 08:10:18 -0600
From: Butch Kemper <>
Subject: Checkbook Software

I am looking for software that I can use to keep my checkbook.  I want to
do on the computer what I do using the ledger in my checkbook.

I appreciate any pointers to appropriate software.




Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 13:37:41 +0800
From: Tony Stanton <>
Subject: Eudora addresses

I've just started using Eudora instead of Netscape for e-mail and I have
a couple of questions I hope someone can help me with.

1) Is it possible to import an address book from Netscape 3 to Eudora 3?

2) How do you set up Eudora t deal with multiple mail accounts, without
manually changing the settings file each time.

TIA and hope someone can help


Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 07:26:43 -0500
From: Allan Hunter <>
Subject: FileMaker Pro Question

> Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 12:39:46 -0500 From: "Edward W. Ver Hoef"
> <> Subject: FileMaker Pro Question
> I have been helping a non-profit group with their Mac-related
> problems. (They characterize themselves as technologically challenged
> - they're simply users.) Their current problem which has me stumped
> for a good answer is that they have a very large data base past donors
> that they use for their mailing list. They would like to create a new
> copy of the data base each year containing the data necessary for
> mailings but without the history of past donations. This means
> clearing out the values in several fields within each record but doing
> nothing to destroy the record structure, i.e., the fields will all
> continue to exist, they will simply be empty. I can't think of a neat,
> non-brute-force way to do this. I suspect that a script might be the
> answer but I confess I am not very familiar with the use of scripts.
> Any help from the wizard Info-Mac community would be much appreciated.
> Ed Ver Hoef

Create a file that will contain the fields for itemizing donations for any
given year.  Let's call it "Donations Current Year".  It should contain one
field which is matched to one in the main file, which will only contain
permanent information about each donor, some sort of unique record ID field
(e.g., Social Security Number, or your own internally created serial
number).  Any fields in Donations Current Year that carry over data from
the main database file should be set up  as lookups.  Now save a clone of
this file to use next year.  Every year, the old (full) copies of Donations
Current Year are renamed Donations98 or whatever, and tossed in an archives
folder, and the clone is duplicated and the duplicate renamed "Donations
Current Year".  Create a script in the main database file and set it to
execute whenever the file is opened, which automatically opens Donations
Current Year.  Use scripts and buttons to move your end users seamlessly
between the two files, depending on which data they need to see.

Allan Hunter

Allan Hunter <>


Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 05:36:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: FileMaker Pro Question

Edward W. Ver Hoef wrote:

>I have been helping a non-profit group with their Mac-related problems.
>(They characterize themselves as technologically challenged - they're
>simply users.) Their current problem which has me stumped for a good answer
>is that they have a very large data base past donors that they use for
>their mailing list. They would like to create a new copy of the data base
>each year containing the data necessary for mailings but without the
>history of past donations. This means clearing out the values in several
>fields within each record but doing nothing to destroy the record
>structure, i.e., the fields will all continue to exist, they will simply be
>empty. I can't think of a neat, non-brute-force way to do this. I suspect
>that a script might be the answer but I confess I am not very familiar with
>the use of scripts. Any help from the wizard Info-Mac community would be
>much appreciated.

It is too easy. Open the data base you want to copy, and choose "Save a
Copy As" from the File menu. At the bottom of the save window, you can
choose the format. One of the formats is "Clone - no records" - which makes
a complete duplicate of the data base but leaves all fields empty. Sounds
like just what you want to do.


				Daly Jessup


Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 09:36:25 -0500
From: Vincent Cordisco <>
Subject: H. P. DeskWriter540 printing problems...

We have a HP DeskWriter 540 (with color kit installed) printer problem.

The facts:
Power Macintosh 6100/66 with DOS Compatible card installed.  (16 MB RAM;
System 7.5.5).
HP DeskWriter 540 (with color kit installed).
HP DW Series 6.0.3 driver installed in the Chooser.
Serial Port used for the printer.
Appletalk turned OFF.
Virtual Memory turned ON (16 MB of physical RAM, 17 MB of Virtual Memory.
Total=33 MB)
Modern Memory Manager turned ON.
Disk Cache set to 512k.
No network or file sharing in use.

The Problem:
The DeskWriter 540 prints/functions great while OFFline.
It crashes the Mac with an Error -11 while trying to print while ONline.
No matter what app we're using ONline (Eudora 3.0, Netscape 4.0.3, etc.) it
crashes if we try to print while ONline.
Data saved while online will print fine AFTER we go OFFline.

Thanks in advance for any help readers may offer!


Date: 09 Dec 97 09:48:08 -0500
From: Bill Waits <>
Subject: MacOS 8.0 "Clean up"

Is there any preference setting (that I may be overlooking), Extension,
ResEdit Hack, Indian dance, magic potion, or Voo-Doo Witchcraft that is/may
be available to allow System 8.0 Clean Up option to behave more like the
System 7.x's Clean Up Window option?  I don't know what algorithm Apple
used with System 8.0, but I would hope that they would revert back to the
System 7.x's method.

I can't stand System 8.0 alway re-arranging everything if I am trying to
position just one file.

Another thing that I would like to adjust is the "intolerance" of System
8.0 of having a file adjacent to it (when using the Clean Up option) in
the next "spot" with more than say 5 characters in its name.  At least
System 7.x would "tolerate" a name long enough until the names of two adjacent
files were just barely reached each other if both were highlighted.

If anyone knows of a ResEdit hack, could you please share it?  If anyone
can come up with an Extension, I will *GLADLY* pay most any reasonable
shareware fee (the only other cavet is that it must be stable and not crash
my system....).  I would be eternally grateful.

Thanks...Bill Waits


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 12:22:58 -0800 (PST)
From: "Dr. Peter Stoyanov" <>
Subject: PCMCIA modems and price differences

>Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 03:02:58 EST
>From: Solo 0 <>
>Subject: PCMCIA modems and price differences
> I've been shopping for a PCMCIA card modem for my pb1400,
>and I've been frustrated by the price differential between mac and pc
>modems.  For instance, why is a Mac Global Village 56k card ~$280 US,
>while the PC version of the same card is only $180 US.  Is there any
>reason why I shouldn't just purchase the PC version to use on my mac?



Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 22:59:43 -0700
From: Richard Austin <>
Subject: Problem with FTP uploads

I have developed a problem in uploading files from my Mac to a remote host
via FTP.  Here's my configuration:

PowerMac 7300/200
MacOS 8.0
OT 1.2
OT/PPP 1.0.1
GV Teleport x2 modem

News, email, and telnet sessions seem to work fine.  Downloading files to
my Mac works fine--no worries.  Uploading a file from my Mac will
occasionally succeed, but more often gets hung up just before the transfer
is complete.  This is true for a variety of FTP tools:

Fetch 3.0.3: After transferring 99% of the file, usually with 1 second
remaining, the transfer gets stuck, and I have to quit Fetch.  This also
makes the PPP session unusable--I can't make any new connections, and DNS
is no longer available.

NCSA Telnet 2.7 and BetterTelnet: If I initiate the transfer from the
remote end, i.e. telnet to a host and type "ftp <my Mac's IP address>" and
attempt to get the file, the transfer again almost succeeds, but then I
get an error:

150 Opening connection
netin: Connection reset by peer
226 Transfer complete

and the transfer really isn't complete, because the last part of the file
was never received.

Netscape Navigator 4.03: Sometimes can transfer the file using "Upload
file..." (albeit in binary mode), but when it hangs, I have to force quit

NetFinder: Transfers OK until the very end, then stops.  Quitting drops the
connection and gave a type 12 error--reboot.

I've tried reinstalling OT/PPP from my MacOS 8 CD, but I fear I may have
missed some of the preferences files.  I'm pretty sure the problem is at
my end, because I have the same problem with 2 different ISP's.

Apple Telephone Support recommended a disk scan with a utility like Norton
Disk Doctor, but that did not find anything.  Three others have told me
they have seen the same problem.  I'm pretty sure that I did not have this
problem initially, so I fear something has become corrupted.  Any ideas on
what the problem is or how to track down the faulty component??

Thanks for any help!
-- Richard



End of Info-Mac Digest