Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #197
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 13 Sep 97       Volume 15 : Issue 197

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3D platinum Jaz icons
      [*] A Mess O' Trouble 1.8
      [*] Aaron Light 1.2
      [*] Another Fine Mess 1.8
      [*] Armitage's Icon Collection
      [*] boogaloopers v1.0
      [*] Boston University & led
      [*] Boston University & led
      [*] Bubblomania 1.4
      [*] Color (Kaleidoscope Color Scheme)
      [*] Diana's Candle for Kaleidoscope
      [*] DicomJavaViewer
      [*] Flush It! 2.0.1
      [*] font utility (shareware MAC)
      [*] Frog Mania! 2.0
      [*] Graphite 1.0.4 PPC
      [*] Greg's Browser 2.5.5
      [*] Guillotine 1.0a4
      [*] jeweltextures: desktop patterns
      [*] John's WordPerfect UltraClip 1.0.6
      [*] John's WP Auto Character Styles 1.0.2
      [*] Kaleidoscope 1.7.2
      [*] LF2CRLF 1.0 AS
      [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04b (68k)--Killer Vector Graphics for 
      [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04b (PPC)--Killer Vector Graphics for the W
      [*] MandelBrowser 3.0.sit
      [*] Niji 1.2 (Formerly OneStep)
      [*] QEdit 0.2.7a
      [*] SmoothType 1.3.1
      [*] STATsimple 1.0.0 DEMO
      [*] Twisted! 1.1
      [*] World Builder 1.2
      660AV blank screen on startup
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #196
      Is My Moniter Dying? Pull Plug or Give Medicine?
      Japanese to English OS
      Last Digest Section Always 
      List vs. Archive
      OS8 despair
      Other Mailing Lists
      Statistics and OS8
      What is this group (C-2)
      What is this group?
      What is this group?
      What is this group?

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Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:58 -0700
Subject: [*] 3D platinum Jaz icons

3D platinum Jaz icons

Love the new Platinum-look floppy-disk icons you get with MacOS 8,
Aaron, or Kaleidoscope?

Wish you had Platinum-look Jaz disk icons to go with the Mac=92s new 3D

Here are 21 platinum Jaz disk icons that you can paste onto your old Jaz
disk icons. This icon set is provided to you as freeware.

If you have Zip disks, look for my other icon set, 3D Platinum Zip Disk

These icons are copyright and the creations of:

Harvey Lubin:

PowerWorks Computer Graphics:

(Enjoy =91em ;-)

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/3d-platinum-jaz-icons.hqx; 58K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:14 -0700
Subject: [*] A Mess O' Trouble 1.8

"...if a detailed, nonlinear plot, plenty of puzzles to solve and strange
worlds to explore are what counts with you, you're in luck, because
Trouble provides that -- at a rock bottom price. Everything from the
graphics to the gameplay to the written descriptions of the rooms is of
professional quality."
    -- Mac Home Journal, October 1994

A Mess O'Trouble is a multi-layered, richly-textured graphic adventure
game that will keep you entertained for days or even weeks. (And you
don't have to know anything about the first game to play this one.)

A Mess O'Trouble keeps violence to a minimum, without being boring,
insipid or "politically correct". Even when defeating  the most
villianous creatures you will use your brain more than your gun.

A Mess O'Trouble takes place in the twisted worlds of Ray's Maze, a
multi-dimensional spacial anomaly. Explore old mines and search for lost
gold in an authentic Nevada ghost town. Learn the secrets of Techtron
artifacts in the Void. Escape from the mysterious Isle of Lucy. Battle
bureaucratic bungling in Monolith City, and discover the weirdness and
wonders of the Enchanted Forest.

The result of over 1000 hours of work, this game includes 137 sounds, 300
scenes, dozens of characters, more than 1400 objects, and some of the
best black & white graphics you've ever seen. All this AND plenty of wit
and humor too!

A Mess O' Trouble should run on any Mac OS computer running System 3 or
higher. Sounds may not work on the Macintosh XL or any AV or PowerPC Mac.

Version 1.8 fixes a major bug that prevented the game from being
completed when playing as Dawn.

The author is Ray Dunakin (, and he asks for a $10
shareware fee if you like and keep the game.

Marc Khadpe
Penn State University

[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/amot-18.hqx; 1893K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:46 -0700
Subject: [*] Aaron Light 1.2

Aaron Light 1.2 -- 5 September 1997 -- Shareware Fee: $5
by Greg Landweber (coauthor of Aaron, Kaleidoscope)

Aaron Light is an extension that makes Mac OS 8 look more like
Mac OS 8! It patches the progress bars, floating windows, dialog
box backgrounds, and menu glitches in third party applications
that are not yet Appearance-savvy to help them conform to the
Mac OS 8 Platinum interface. It also substitutes Espi Sans Bold 10
for Chicago 12, since many people prefer Espi as the system font.

Free for registered users of Aaron; $5 shareware for everyone else.

Version 1.2 enhances SoundApp and fixes problems with Claris
Emailer, the Global Village menu, Photoshop, and Alpha.

-- Greg Landweber

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/aaron-light-12.hqx; 102K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:12 -0700
Subject: [*] Another Fine Mess 1.8

Another Fine Mess is an adventure game for Mac OS. The tangled worlds of
Ray's Maze await you. Seek your fortune or die trying! Visit eerie moors,
a desolate battlefield, and an ancient castle. Battle bureaucrats, sand
pirates, and other horrific monsters. Challenging puzzles and fantastic
treasures abound. Another Fine Mess is multi-layered, with plots and
sub-plots, and puzzles inside of puzzles. But it is also non-linear--that
is, you don't have to finish one area before moving on to the next. Like
real life, you can move freely, discovering as you go. The initial plot
is simple: You are searching for treasure. But as you move through the
worlds of the Maze, you will become involved in a number of more complex

This is the second game in the Ray's Maze series. The game features
excellent graphics with multiple story lines. The game was created with
the World Builder adventure game creation system.

The author asks a $10 shareware fee. For more information, e-mail

The game runs on all Macs, but sound doesn't work on XL, AV, or PPC
models. It may be necessary to increase the Preferred Memory Size on
newer Macs if the game freezes when opened. To increase memory, just
single click on the Another Fine Mess icon, then select Get Info from the
File menu. Version 1.8 fixes several minor bugs, adds some new hints, and
is slightly less deadly.

Marc Khadpe
Penn State University

[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/afm-18.hqx; 1734K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:59 -0700
Subject: [*] Armitage's Icon Collection

Armitage's Icon Collection
By:TheBattleAngel <>

This Is A Simple Collection Of Icons I Like..Nothing Else.

Hope Ya Like It!:)

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/armitages-icon-collection.hqx; 6547K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:07 -0700
Subject: [*] boogaloopers v1.0


There exists a nether region, between the matter and anti-matter
universes, known as the Void.  This Void protects both universes from
colliding together and wiping everything out of existence.  The constant
shifting of the Void produces balls of energy called Boogas.  If too many
Boogas collect in a sector, they will create a rift in the Void and
collapse it.  You have been chosen to become the "boogalooper", a cross
between protector of the universe and a cosmic janitor.  Your mission is
to eliminate the destructive Boogas.  It won't be easy, because the
dastardly Spaztix and the crazy Rat Bassards are standing in your way!


Smooth gameplay at 20 frames per second.
Unlimited levels of play.
11 different denizens of the Void.
Killer graphics.
Intense 16-bit 22kHz sound.
Mind-bendin', mouse-bustin', boogaloopin' action.

CPU: PowerPC
RAM: 4MB Free
Hard Disk: 3MB
Video: 640x480 @ 256 Colors
System: MacOS 7.5.3 or later
Other: QuickTime 2.5 or later

Started in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1994, Stick Man Games develops games for
the MacOS and Windows 95.  Its founders have been active in the gaming
industry since 1986.  Previous products include Sentinels of Ceth, Chaos
Overlords, and NetherWorld.  Their company motto says it all, "Games that
will kick you in the head."
For more information, please visit out web site at

[Archived as /info-mac/game/booga-10.hqx; 2488K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Boston University & led

Attatched are my two latest Kaliedoscope schemes, "Boston University" and
"led".  Boston University is built on the BU colors (Red and Gold), and led
on the little green lights that have invaded the world.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/boston-university.hqx; 70K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:56 -0700
Subject: [*] Boston University & led

Attatched are my two latest Kaliedoscope schemes, "Boston University" and
"led".  Boston University is built on the BU colors (Red and Gold), and led
on the little green lights that have invaded the world.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/led.hqx; 26K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:10 -0700
Subject: [*] Bubblomania 1.4

Heffen, BELGIUM -- 8 Sept 1997 -- Jochen De Schepper today announced the
release of version 1.4 of Bubblomania, his fast arcade/action game for the

What is Bubblomania ?

Bubblomania is a fast arcade/action game with subtle gameplay. The player
has to move a pin on top of the screen to catch the colorful bubbles, which
are rising faster and faster. There are lots of different bubbles. Some of
them are containing bonus points, lasers, bombs, or other stuff. And
offcourse there are killer bubbles to make your life miserable! To obtain a
highscore, you need to discover some tricks and secrets. But most important:
be concentrated and keep cool!

Bubblomania is US$10 shareware. It's available from the Bubblomania Homepage
and all major Macintosh shareware ftp sites.

System requirements: Any MacOS compatible computer with a PowerPC processor
running System 7.0 or later, and a color monitor with at least a 640*480
resolution at 8 bits.

What's new in Bubblomania 1.4?
First of all, much better support for fast Macs and big screens. There's
better speed regulation through extra animations (little rising and falling
bubbles). This version also features newly designed great-looking 3D
bubbles, a comprehensive preferences dialog, and a new intro-screen. Extra
backgrounds and bubbles can be added as separate files, available on the
Bubblomania Homepage.

Bubblomania 1.4 is now available for download at
<>, and very soon on all major
Mac shareware ftp sites.

Contact information:

Jochen De Schepper <>
Support & Press Contact <>
World Wide Web <>

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/bubblomania-14.hqx; 862K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:52 -0700
Subject: [*] Color (Kaleidoscope Color Scheme)

Color. A Kaleidoscope Color Scheme for MacOS: Designed by Michael Hernan.
Color is a modified Graphic User Interface. Developed from a the basic
'Grey' model are the two additional schemes: 'Blue' and 'Yellow'. The
'Color' color scheme aims to be functional and pleasant to use.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/color.hqx; 60K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Diana's Candle for Kaleidoscope

Diana's Candle was done im memory of Princess Diana; the full version has
custom system folders and trash.  The light version is without system
folders and trash.
Freeware.  BinHexed.

Janet Parris

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/dianas-candlelight.hqx; 542K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:00 -0700
Subject: [*] DicomJavaViewer

The Dicom Java Viewer , Version 1.00 alpha.

This is a Dicom program viewer which  let you view a Dicom File directly
on you MacIntosh, provided it is equipped with  the Apple Java
Implementation (MRJ).

A dicom file is the image format for medical imaging , currently known
as Dicom 3 or ACR Nema Format.

This 64 K application  takes very few memory thanks to the power of Java
and of Macintosh Runtime for Java (MRJ) and will be very fast to
download !

It's a freeware but if  you use it, please tell me what you think of it,
  e-mail me :

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/dicom-java-viewer.hqx; 45K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:21 -0700
Subject: [*] Flush It! 2.0.1

This is version 2.0.1 of Flush It!, a small disk cache management utility
application that allows you to control when and how often your RAM-based
disk cache gets written out to disk.

This version fixes a bug in the startup code which prevented certain
PPC-based machines from running the application.

The technical basis for the application, operating instructions, and
shareware information are all contained in the included Read Me file.

Flush It! 2.0.1 is $3.00 US shareware with a thirty-day free evaluation

Many thanks,
Jack Browning

Dr. Benway .................... Interzone

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/flush-it-201.hqx; 22K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:18 -0700
Subject: [*] font utility (shareware MAC)

A font printing utility that will print all fonts resident in the fonts
folder of the system folder.  Program will print one line for each font 24 on
a page.

output is as the font will look if printed in a document. Manual is included.

Another feature is a character width routine.  This helps the user select a
fonts that can be printed on a page as big as possible and not rap to the
next line, also helps working with proportional spaced fonts since they all
print differently.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/font-viewer.hqx; 72K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:09 -0700
Subject: [*] Frog Mania! 2.0

Frog Mania 2.0  Copr. 1992, 1996-97 Bruce A. Pokras

Requires HyperCard Player 2.2 or higher, or Hyper-Stack Player (any version).

A race against time to coax frogs to jump down a chute into the kitchen of
a French restaurant for dinner.  However, some of the frogs don't want to
go to dinner, and are trying to escape! It's like a computerized
Tiddly-Winks where you control the distance and direction the frog will hop
by where on its body you click it. Three skill levels.

Version 2 adds a new scoring scheme where higher scores are better (Version
1 used "golf" scoring where lower scores were better). The new scoring
allows for bonus points for speed. Version 2 also adds color capability for
registered users.

Shareware $5. May be registered worldwide through the Kagi Shareware service.

Bruce A. Pokras

[Archived as /info-mac/game/frog-mania-2-hc.hqx; 340K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:05 -0700
Subject: [*] Graphite 1.0.4 PPC

Graphite is a freehand graphite rubbing and texturizing tool for
applications which support Photoshop plugins.

With Graphite, you can select an arbitrary texture to use as your
"paper" texture.  Once a texture is selected, you can apply pencil
strokes from 9H (very hard) to 9B (very soft and black) which interact
with the paper grain.

In addition, you can turn off the pencil coloring and rub the "paper" as
if the texture were behind it.  If you have a pressure-sensitive tablet,
then you can rub lightly to get a little texture, or harder to push the
texture deeper into the "paper".

README file:

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/graphite-104.hqx; 1077K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:47 -0700
Subject: [*] Greg's Browser 2.5.5

Greg's Browser 2.5.5 -- 5 September 1997 -- Shareware Fee: $20

Greg's Browser is a fast and compact file navigation utility based on the
NeXT directory browser, thus giving you a preview of how the Rhapsody
Finder may look and behave. Version 2.5.5 is now compatible with
Mac OS 8 and updates the interface slightly.

Winner of the 1993 MacUser Shareware Awards (and still going strong).

-- Greg Landweber

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/gregs-browser-255.hqx; 331K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:22 -0700
Subject: [*] Guillotine 1.0a4

Guillotine is a drop box that "decapitates" those ugly all caps DOS-like
filenames. Just drop the offending files/folders on it, and the names
will become all lowercase with the first letter of each word
capitalized. Guillotine processes the complete contents of dropped
folders. To make filenames all caps or all lowercase, just choose the
appropriate item on the Options menu. Note: you will have to close and
reopen the folder for the new name(s) to appear in the Finder. (MacOS 8
does not have this problem.)

Guillotine requires System 7 or later. It is a fat binary for optimal
performance on PowerMacintoshes and 68K Macs.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/guillotine-10a4.hqx; 28K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:50 -0700
Subject: [*] jeweltextures: desktop patterns

These are some desktop patterns for use with the Desktop Patterns control

Cindy Alvarez

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/jewel-textures.hqx; 165K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:42 -0700
Subject: [*] John's WordPerfect UltraClip 1.0.6

Gives WordPerfect 50 clipboards/glossary entries, which are named and saved
to disk. Text only, any amount of text. You can name a clip, or let it be
automatically named with the first 31 characters of the text.

Version 1.0.4 improves error handling; 1.0.5 returns you to the folder you
were in if you cancel a paste, and 1.0.6 is in the correct file format.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be distributed on
Info-Mac and UMich CDs.

John Rethorst

[Archived as /info-mac/text/wp/johns-wp-ultra-clip-106.hqx; 19K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:41 -0700
Subject: [*] John's WP Auto Character Styles 1.0.2

Creates a menu of up to 25 styles that you can apply (by mouse or keyboard)
to any amount of selected text or, if no text is selected, the style will
apply to what you subsequently type. Supports all WordPerfect attributes.

Updating a style definition updates all applications of that style in all
documents, exactly like the standard paragraph styles.

Although Auto Character Styles use WordPerfect's style mechanism -
supporting automatic updating - they can still be used along with paragraph

Version 1.0.2 has clearer documentation. No change in functionality.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be distributed on
Info-Mac and UMich CDs.

John Rethorst

[Archived as /info-mac/text/wp/john-wp-auto-char-style-102.hqx; 28K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:55 -0700
Subject: [*] Kaleidoscope 1.7.2

Kaleidoscope 1.7.2 -- 5 September 1997 -- Shareware Fee: $20
  by Greg Landweber, Fred Bass, and Edward Voas

Kaleidoscope is the ultimate in user interface customization, a control
panel letting you completely overhaul your Mac's appearance using
plug in color scheme files. Kaleidoscope comes with color schemes
giving you the Mac OS 8 and BeOS interfaces, as well as three other
completely different designs. There are also hundreds of third party
color schemes available.

Version 1.7.2 fixes problems with Word, Illustrator 7, Notes, Starry
Night, and various other minor problems. It also enhances Photoshop,
Anarchie, and MT-NewsWatcher.

-- Greg Landweber

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/kaleidoscope-172.hqx; 687K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:38 -0700
Subject: [*] LF2CRLF 1.0 AS

LF2CRLF 1.0 by Giovanni Giusti (<>)
Required OSAXen: String Commands, Read/Write commands

This drag-and-drop applet adds linefeeds to your text files to make them
compatible with (ugh!) DOS text file formats. Each paragraph will thus end
with (CR-LF) instead than just CR.

OK, it's slow. I'm going to write another version in FutureBasic as soon as
I'll tackle Drag&drop there.

Duel S.p.A.
Via G. Dandini, 15
00154 Roma (ITALY)
Tel. ++39-6-5743826
Fax  ++39-6-5759368
e-mail <>

[Archived as /info-mac/text/lf-2-crlf.hqx; 9K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:01 -0700
Subject: [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04b (68k)--Killer Vector Graphics for 

LightningDraw/Web is specifically designed for creating fast-loading,
space-efficient graphics destined for the Web, and is the first product
to support compact vector media within QuickTime 3.0. Among its features
are a complete set of drawing tools, including freehand, brush, pen,
multigon, and star. You can also use Bezier curve editing and masking, a
reshaping tool that lets you mold images as if they were clay, and color
blending for Photoshop-style transparency, shading, or tinting effects.

LightningDraw/WEB purchasers receive a comprehensive electronic manual,
free unlimited technical support, automatic notification of product
updates and special discounts on other Lari products.

LightningDraw/WEB's Export as QuickTime 3.0 command will be activated
when QuickTime 3.0 ships. Until then, users can save in any of the other
formats supported.

Visit <> for information, updates, and a
gallery of artwork created with LightningDraw/WEB.

LightningDraw/WEB requires Mac OS 7.5 or later.

This package should replace LightningDraw/WEB 1.0.4b,

     -Stephen Sample
      Technical Support
      Lari Software Inc.

      Stephen Sample
      Lari Software Technical Support

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/lightningdraw-web-104b-68k.hqx; 4886K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:03 -0700
Subject: [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04b (PPC)--Killer Vector Graphics for the W

LightningDraw/Web is specifically designed for creating fast-loading,
space-efficient graphics destined for the Web, and is the first product
to support compact vector media within QuickTime 3.0. Among its features
are a complete set of drawing tools, including freehand, brush, pen,
multigon, and star. You can also use Bezier curve editing and masking, a
reshaping tool that lets you mold images as if they were clay, and color
blending for Photoshop-style transparency, shading, or tinting effects.

LightningDraw/WEB purchasers receive a comprehensive electronic manual,
free unlimited technical support, automatic notification of product
updates and special discounts on other Lari products.

LightningDraw/WEB's Export as QuickTime 3.0 command will be activated
when QuickTime 3.0 ships. Until then, users can save in any of the other
formats supported.

Visit <> for information, updates, and a
gallery of artwork created with LightningDraw/WEB.

LightningDraw/WEB requires Mac OS 7.5 or later.

     -Stephen Sample
      Technical Support
      Lari Software Inc.

      Stephen Sample
      Lari Software Technical Support

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/lightningdraw-web-104b-ppc.hqx; 4943K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:04 -0700
Subject: [*] MandelBrowser 3.0.sit

MandelBrowser is a fractal program for PowerMacs. Fractals are infinitely
complex and colorful graphical objects. This file includes MandelBrowser
3.0, an MS-Word manual, and 61 sample images. MandelBrowser's features

* Multiple fractal windows, limited only by memory.
* Support for 75 different fractal types.
* Uses thousands or millions of colors.
* Supports 32, 64, and 128-bit math (for deeper zooms).
* Multi-level undo/redo.
* Palettes can be of any size. Colors are formed by interpolating between
  colors in the palette.
* Files are saved as PICTs.
* Reads Fractint par files.
* Has 16 different ways to draw the outside of the fractal and 10 ways to
  draw the interior of the fractal.
* Palettes can be imported, saved, and randomized.

The version 3.0 changes are:

* Completely rewritten to be much cleaner and to use Raven instead of
* Added support for more than just the Mandelbrot Set.
* Added support for 128-bit math. (This uses a C++ library so it should
  get faster if MetroWerks ever gets around to supporting it in their
* Added multi-level undo/redo for all applicable commands.
* Added balloon help to all the menus and most of the dialogs.
* Added context menus to all the windows.
* Scrolling the fractal on the complex place (via the menus or arrow keys)
  causes only the newly exposed region to be re-rendered.
* Added the very cool Show Julia command.
* The FractInt par importer now shows the par comments (it also imports
  most of FractInt's built in fractals).
* Selections in the fractal window can now be dragged onto other apps.
* Made source code available. See:
   < 3.0 Source.sit>

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/mandel-browser-30.hqx; 1904K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:48 -0700
Subject: [*] Niji 1.2 (Formerly OneStep)

Objective Software announces the new release of Niji 1.2 System extension
(formerly OneStep), which is now fully compatible with Mac OS 8. The new
software is already available on our web site at the address below, and
will soon be available on info-mac and its mirrors.

Program:   Niji 1.2
Support:   Objective Software <>
Author:    Harry Alloul, Bernard Frangoulis and
           Alessandro Levi Montalcini
Price:     $15 (shareware, see docs for more info)

Niji is a cool system extension that changes your Mac's user interface.
Features include custom windows, menus, pop-ups, scroll bars, buttons,
icons, and more.

Niji comes with several predefined appearances, such as "True NeXT" (a
genuine NeXT-like interface), "Jump to Eight" (for System 7 users), "Back
To Seven" (for nostalgic MacOS 8 users), "Grand Prix", "Waves", etc. Just
try them out! Each interface is stored in a separate Appearance file.
Advanced users can design and distribute their own customized Appearance

Niji requires System 7.0 or later, and is fully compatible with Mac OS 8.

What's new in version 1.2?
- new name,
- full Mac OS 8 compatibility,
- new Appearance files,
- several minor fixes.

OneStep And Niji
Niji is the new name for our former OneStep software. We had to change
the name because OneStep was already a trademark, and the trademark owner
asked us not to use it. OneStep was designed to give the Mac a true NeXT
look. Niji has a broader scope: it lets you change your Mac's user
interface at will, choosing from a variety of Appearance files or even
creating your own.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/niji-12.hqx; 829K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:39 -0700
Subject: [*] QEdit 0.2.7a

Program: QEdit 0.2.7a
Author:  Lyomei Sakai

QEdit is a simple monostyled text editor that runs on the System 7 or
later versions of Mac OS. It was supposed to provide "quick"
manipurations, so named QEdit.
QEdit is AppleScript aware (scriptable and recordable).
QEdit is a freeware.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/qedit-027a.hqx; 184K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:19 -0700
Subject: [*] SmoothType 1.3.1

SmoothType 1.3.1 -- 5 September 1997 -- Shareware Fee: $5
by Greg Landweber (coauthor of Aaron, Kaleidoscope)

SmoothType is an extension that effectively doubles the resolution of
fonts on the screen. It blurs the jagged edges of bitmap fonts using
shades of gray, a technique called anti-aliasing. It makes a web page
look like a printed page! Version 1.3.1 fixes problems with BBEdit,
the Apple System Profiler, and the Twin Turbo video card software.

-- Greg Landweber

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/smooth-type-131.hqx; 80K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:29:44 -0700
Subject: [*] STATsimple 1.0.0 DEMO

Statistics program with:

 - Discriptive Stats
 - Histogram Plots
 - Student's t-Test
 - Linear Regression

Minimum requirements:

 - Mac Plus with 512K available RAM
 - System 6.0.4 or higher

DEMO is free
Registered program is $20 Canadian

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/stat-simple-10-demo.hqx; 101K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:15 -0700
Subject: [*] Twisted! 1.1

"Twisted!" is an all-new adventure from Ray Dunakin, the creator of "A
Mess O' Trouble" and "Another Fine Mess." In this exciting game, you
begin as a storm chaser tracking tornadoes. The sky is dark and ominous,
and you've got a job to do...

Before too long you end up in the Land of Ooz, a bizarre fantasy world
filled with strange creatures, fascinating puzzles and intriguing plot
twists. There's treasure to find, problems to solve, and civilizations to
save! Along the way you'll find plenty of humor, horrendous puns, and
some political satire that might just make you think.

You'll encounter Mushkins, Woggles, a Pumpkin Village, Zirconium City and
more in this amazing game. The result of months of full-time work, this
game includes hundreds of sounds, dozens of characters, and some of the
best black & white graphics you've ever seen.

This game will work on any Mac or PowerBook. Sounds may not work on the
Mac XL, PowerMacs, or AV Macs.

NOTE: For a PowerPC you may need to increase the memory partition to run
this (or any other World Builder game).  Suggest increasing memory
partition to 1024K by single clicking the Twisted application, selecting
Get Info from the file menu and increasing "Preferred Size"

The author asks a $15 shareware fee if you like and keep the game. The
author can be contacted by e-mail at

Marc Khadpe
Penn State University

[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/twisted.hqx; 1509K]


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:17 -0700
Subject: [*] World Builder 1.2

World Builder is Bill Appleton's famous graphic adventure game creation
program. Originally a commercial program published by Silicon Beach
Software, it was out of print for many years. Then in August of 1995 Bill
graciously released it into the public domain.

World Builder is an easy-to-use, easy-to-learn application for creating
adventure games with sound and black and white graphics. It is free, and
you may sell or distribute any games you make with it, royalty-free.

The following components are included in this package:
* World Builder 1.2
* Sound Converter 1.1
* Sound Library #1
* Ray's World Builder Demo 1.0
* World Template 1.0
* Ray's World Builder Template 1.1
* Ray's Documentation

World Builder requires Mac OS 3 or later. Sound may not work on the
Macintosh XL or any AV or PowerPC computer.

World Builder is Public Domain; however, William C. Appleton retains the
copyright on the name, code, and ideas. This program is no longer being
developed or supported, but comments and questions regarding World
Builder may be sent to Ray Dunakin (

Version 1.2 adds 32-bit compatibility and additional supporting files.

Marc Khadpe
Penn State University

[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/world-builder-12.hqx; 1075K]


Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 15:43:22 -0700
From: Dan Hofferth <>
Subject: 660AV blank screen on startup

OK... This goes back a bit, but I'm relatively certain 
this problem was common back in the 660AV days.  I've
searched for old articles on this, but came up empty:

A co-worker has a 660AV that he hasn't used in months.  
He turned it on last night, and was surprised to find 
his screen remained completely blank... as if it were
off... but the power indicator light was on.  He 
turned it all off, then was careful to turn the monitor
on first, followed by the CPU.  Same result.

I seem to recall that a dead battery could cause this.
Is my memory failing me here?  Wasn't there a temporary
work-around for this?  (Pull power cord for a bit?  
Zap PRAM?)

Any other common/possible causes he could check?

((What monitor?  He doesn't know... came with the CPU))

(remove the "@anti.spam" and convert "_at_" to "@".)
(Sorry... I hate junk email.)


Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 07:39:31 -0400
From: Anthony Lalande <jiggs@CAM.ORG>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #196

> On several of the machines that I have installed OS8 (including my own), 
> the "Monitors & Sounds" control panel "forgets" its setting from startup 
> to startup. This means that in order to play an audio CD, the user 
> (including myself) has to go into the control panel, change the input 
> from "microphone" to "internal cd." When the computer is restarted, it 
> reverts back to microphone. This happens on my Power PC 8100AV, a 7100 
> and several Performa 6115. Any ideas on why this does this and how the 
> control panel can be set to remember the settings? Thanks.
> Charles Pearce (

Sounds like the problem lies within a corrupted Preference file. Try
trashing Monitor & Sound's preference file (it will make a new one) and try
everything again. If the problem persists, you should probable try disable
all sound-related extensions, just to be sure an extension isn't causing the

        ~ ~
        @ @
|    Anthony L.   |
|  |


Date: 13 Sep 1997 11:36:34 GMT
From: (Paul Kramer)
Subject: Is My Moniter Dying? Pull Plug or Give Medicine?

All,                                                                 9/13/97

   I¹ve a old ApplePlus moniter that came with a Performa 405. The screen
pops into varying degrees of fuzziness; i.e., it might start out clear,
but will snap to an out-of-focus fuzziness and sometimes jump to a second
level of fuzziness. Occaissionally it¹ll snap back to clarity.

   Anything worthwhile that can be done? Give it to me straight, doc, I
can take it.

                           Paul Kramer

"One, two, one two, and through and through,
His vorpal sword went snicker snack!"


Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 09:55:13 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Japanese to English OS

At 10:28 PM -0500 9/9/97, Michael Busha wrote:
>The problem is that the dealer here in Tokyo where I bought my computer
>says that the processor is different in the machine I bought (Apple
>8500/120/48) and an English OS cannot be used. I doubt that but have no
>other information.  Does anyone know?

He is incorrect.  I have gone back and forth between KanjiTalk and US
systems [and Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, and Korean, for that
matter] on the same machine many many times.

In fact, I have had one machine set up with five disks attached, each with
one of the above on it.  Changing the startup disk and rebooting switched
from one to another.

>Is there a difference? As far as
>I know I can do a clean install of OS8 after maybe reformatting the HD.
>I did it for my LC 575 and had no problem.

You are correct.

chazl            -  9.12.1997  -  


Date: 12 Sep 1997 13:46:37 -0400
From: "Lou Casagrande" <>
Subject: Last Digest Section Always 

I have a strange, persistent problem reading the Info-Mac digests using Easy
View.  I'm using the Info-Mac Digest files which is bundled with EV, and for
every chapter (digest), the final section is unavailable in the section
selection window, although it is listed in the topics.  Opening the diegest in
Word reveals that the section is present, and the digest is complete.  I have
played around with the preferences and configurations, to no avail.  Oh--one
more piece of info.  This happens only on my 8500/120 at work.  On my 660AV at
home there is no problem.  

Does anyone have any ideas, or has anyone else seen this?

Lou Casagrande


Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 08:46:27 -0500
From: Eric Jennings <>
Subject: List vs. Archive

I would love to see the archive split in two: File Archives and Discussion

Eric Jennings


Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 09:17:41 +1000
From: Ian Davis <>
Subject: OS8 despair

Well, I'm just about ready to admit defeat.  I'm a beaten, broken man.

Firstly, it's sooo sloooooow.  Takes 10 seconds or more to open a window
or even a menu.

Secondly, OT/PPP: can't get it working.  I can connect in a terminal
window using OT/PPP but it won't let me establish a connection with my
username.  It will let me do it with someone else's.  FreePPP will still
let me do it with mine but neither of them recognise the server, so I
can't run telnet, netscape, emailer, or anything else.  Never had a
problem with FreePPP under 7.5.5.

Thirdly, unstable: I've had several crashes.  One occurred last night
just trying to eject a floppy.  It wouldn't eject after being dragged to
the trash, so I did a cmd-e (yes, I know cmd-y is better), and the whole
thing locked up.

I'm running a Performa 6300CD, 32meg RAM.  OS8 was a dirty install since
I didn't feel quite happy enough to overwrite everything.  Took an hour
just to work out how to boot from the CD (see previous posts).

Any suggestions?  If I can't get something at least usable ie able to
open a *menu* before dying of old age, I'm going back to 7.5.5, licking
my wounds, and chalking it up to experience.

Ian Davis
Deeply disillusioned.


Date: Fri, 12 Sep 97 14:12:59 -0700
From: Dan Frakes <>
Subject: Other Mailing Lists

KrishnaMohan & Bhuvaneswari <> wrote:

>I think that Info-Mac as two separate lists would be a great idea. Although
>there are some lists at [which are subject
>specific] , almost all the other lists are run by inividuals and people
>would feel much comfortable with a Community like  atmosphere here &
>problems would be discussed in a global perspective on a wider subject
>spectrum  in Info-Mac than other lists run by individuals.

The Macintosh News & Information List and the Internet-Only Mac User 
Group List are two great info lists which exist with such a "community" 
atmostphere. I don't have the subscription info handy, though... sorry! 
In addition, if you have a PowerBook, the Power List (sign up at is similarly useful..



Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 15:05:05 +0200
From: Thomas H Eberhard <>
Subject: Statistics and OS8

Try Prism 2.0 a excellent statistics program aiming at scientists (that use
statistics without being statisticans). I have it on a Mac but there is a
almost identical PC version of the program (file compatible). have info and demos.

Thomas H Eberhard
Klinisk Mikrobiologi    VOX     08-5177 49 72
Karolinska Sjukhuset    FAX     08-5177 58 50
S 171 76 Stockholm      E-M

Windows, a kind of unhealthy overDOSe.


Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 20:45:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: What is this group (C-2)

I'm glad I started a bit of discussion on what this group is. If I
have no other skill, I can put a burr under someone's saddle.

But lordy! The newsgroups are maybe better for questions and comments
than I-M is? Oh please. Been there. Done that. What are the hot topics
on comp/sys/mac/system tonite? The list:

   Why Windows Machines Suck
   Rhapsody supercedes CHRP
   ALL Apple Cloning DIED Today: It's OFFICIAL
   I have a theory... the future of Apple

I know maybe two I-M people over the past several years who would
be that publicly stupid more than once. I'm one.

I'm sorry. I tried the newsgroups. They're mostly dolts. Of a hundred or
more messages per night, I see maybe six worth my attention. Of those I
can maybe contribute to three. At least one of my contributions will be
stomped on by a dolt. That doesn't happen in I-M generally.

Not that I haven't been stomped on by my I-M colleagues. Those stomps
were invariably because I was a dolt.

Over the years I-M has seen the big kids in the Macintosh world. Not the
unwashed masses of comp/sys/mac/system. Please pardon my un-PC elitism.
It is not an exclusive elitism. I welcome smart informed people of any
persuasion. As I welcome those who would become so.

I would very much like I-M to be home to the big kids. And for those of
you who aren't yet, I hope I-M will be a welcoming place to get answers.

Al Bloom


Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 10:29:57 -0400
From: John Buss <>
Subject: What is this group?

I missed the original posting by Al Bloom, but what I have read posted
as parts of follow-ups I tend to agree with.  I suspect that the
participants are changing as a consequence of the content.  Or is it the
other way around?  I say this because "some while ago" when I had a Mac
problem, the response from the community was overwhelming.  Recently,
however, I posted a plea for help with some real problems that just
shouldn't be and recieved one response.  I guess everyone else was
downloading utilities.
Anyway, I have no great problem with people posting that sort of stuff
in this forum, it may well be usful to various people at various times.
I just wish some of the old collective spirit would return.
Cheers all,
John Buss


Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 21:32:34 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Paolo Bartoli <>
Subject: What is this group?

Personally I think of Info_Mac as a source of informations about the Mac.
Whenever I've got something going wrong, I post a message, and like to
share my (little) knowledge with the friends on the list!

I must admit that I go thru the message quickly only to find some message
interesting... but for instance, it's my only way to know about bugs and
new shareware applications.

**  Arch. Paolo Bartoli              **
**                                            **


Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 22:14:11 -0700
From: "Adam C. Engst" <>
Subject: What is this group?

>One thing that might be interesting to think about is having INFO-MAC (or a
>derivant of it) provide a "digest digest." That is, as many people point
>out, there are many sources of information these days. Some of it mailing
>list based, some of it web based. In any event, having one source that
>would mail out summary information from all (or at least many) of these
>sources would be great.
>I know there's a web site that does some of this for web sites and that
>there are some commercial services too. However, sending out even just the
>TOC from the various digests could be useful, especially if INFO-MAC
>archived the digests as well.

Interesting thought. I don't believe we moderators would be up to the work
of setting up new systems for collecting this information, but if lots of
people like this idea, they'd be willing to collect the information and
forward it on for publication in Info-Mac.

cheers... -Adam

Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Publisher/Info-Mac Moderator --



End of Info-Mac Digest