Date: Thu, 30 Jan 97 17:07:05 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #25
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 30 Jan 97       Volume 15 : Issue 25

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#363/27-Jan-97
      [A] - Looking for best extended keyboard for new Mac
      [A] ACAD 13 & Softwindows 95
      [A] MacOS Functions (?)
      [A] Multiple Cyberdog/Internet Config users on single Mac?
      [Q] HD Driver Question...
      AppleTalk over PPP
      ARA connections
      Can Windowshade do Win95 (2 msgs)
      Do MacTCP/PPP get tired?
      Downloading Stuffit Expander (3 msgs)
      email--attachments between Macs & PCs
      HP LaserJet and Appletalk
      I need help w/ mac system!
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #22 (2 msgs)
      MacTCP and a Classic...
      Mac TV OWNERS UNITE!!!
      Modem software for PB 170
      OT 1.1.2 & PowerComputing problem [Q]
      OT TCP/IP Extension
      PageNOW to mobile phone (aussie)?
      pm 8500 and cd-quality sound
      registering printerusage in a computerlab
      SCSI problems with 7.5.3 / 7.5.5
      StarMax Internal SCSI Cable?
      Upgrading internal CD-ROMS
      WWW file upload problem

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Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 21:07:06 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#363/27-Jan-97


Apple's market share is down, but what exactly does that mean? In this
issue, we explore the seemingly random statistics about sales of operating
systems. Also this week, Geoff Duncan examines pros, cons, and changes in
Apple's brand-new Mac OS 7.6, we look back to Macworld with some reader
responses, and we note new versions of NetPresenz and UserLand Frontier,
plus a significant beta release of Eudora.

    Mac OS Hardware Market Flat?
    Responses to a Macworld Newbie
    Apple Ships Mac OS 7.6


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-363.etx; 29K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 02:31:15 +1100
From: T&B Support <>
Subject: [A] - Looking for best extended keyboard for new Mac

The PowerComputing keyboards seem OK for serious work, but don't like
running shooting and turning in Marathon :-) We have to let go of all keys
to register any after the three key combo. Exactly the same keys on an
Apple keyboard work fine. Anyone else had this?


 ---- In reply to
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 13:55:56 -0600
From: "Weber, Marlin C. (Butch)" <>
List: Info-Mac Digest V15 #20
Subject: [Q[ - Looking for best extended keyboard for new Mac


I'm looking for suggestions for a good extended keyboard...
I like the Apple version, but think it's a little high-priced.  I've not
heard many good things about their other keyboard...


Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 13:28:44 CST
From: "Tom Kirke (312) 413-5539" <U33515@UICVM.UIC.EDU>
Subject: [A] ACAD 13 & Softwindows 95


I offered to summarize this thread, after a week we've had one reply.
Thanks to John for helping.


>Has anybody had any experience with ACAD R13 ( for Windows ) & Softwindows
>95?  We are contemplating running this on a P.Mac 7100 w/ 32M RAM.

It's a pig of a package at the best of times, so I'll be surprised.  I
am going to try it using a PC compatability board in my 8500/180, when
it is available.  There are some already on the market but the one I'm
after (100mz pentium) is due for sale this month, approx. $1350CAN.
I don't know if you've run ver13 on a dos box, but you may find 32megs a
bit slim.
John Buss <>


Date: Jeu, 30 Jan 97 14:03:13 +0100
From: Remmy Tourment <>
Subject: [A] MacOS Functions (?)

>Is there anyone who knows of a package that is both clear and
>concise about specific Macintosh functions specifically for use
>with CodeWarrior (by Mac specific, I am refering to functions
>for color, fonts, GUI etc..) that will list the function and
>possibly help me out with the usage of the function as well
>as the reason why the function does what it does (eg: what
>a specific reference or pointer refers to, or exact prototype)?

Inside Macintosh, available both as paper edition (a lot of paper...) or
as CD-ROM, from Apple Developpers service.


Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 02:31:00 +1100
From: T&B Support <>
Subject: [A] Multiple Cyberdog/Internet Config users on single Mac?

Both Eudora and CyberDog support alias resolving for their email folders.
When first using email in these programs, these folders are created:
System Folder:Eudora Folder
System Folder:Preferences:CyberDog Preferences:CyberMail

If you move this folder somewhere else (quit the app first), then place an
alias to the new location in the old location (get rid of the " alias" file
name suffix, the app will resolve the alias no worries. You can even stick
the original on an AppleShare server so you can move from one workstation
to another and still have all of your email.

To switch users, just have a few originals. To set up for a user, make an
alias to their original folder and copy that alias to the system folder
location mentioned above, replacing any existing alias.

You can simplify this process quite a bit by creating a Mail Switch folder
containing all the users' aliases, and an alias to the app's required
enclosing folder. Switching accounts then just requires option dragging
>From one folder to another. We may be coming up with a GUI applet to
simplify this further, depending on demand. If interested,


 ---- In reply to:
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 21:50:38 +0000
From: Quentin North <>
List: Info-Mac Digest V15 #20
Subject: [Q] Multiple Cyberdog/Internet Config users on single Mac?

I currently use Eudora and Nafscape for email and web browsing. By having
different prefs files/folders for me and other users of my Mac (my
girlfriend) it allows us to have seperate mail accounts etc.

I am considering using Cyberdog which uses Internet Config for prefs and
account info. Is there a convinient way that I can support multiple users
on the same machine with this set up?


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 00:20:51 -0500
From: Gordon Werner <>
Subject: [Q] HD Driver Question...

Hello there...

recently my internal HD on my mac crashed.  The only way that I was able
to restart my mac was to put a system folder on one of my external hard
drives and then reformat the internal drive.

However, it seems that the external HD has somehow gotten a driver that
tells the mac that it is the propper startup drive and the internal
drive on my mac thinks it is the secondary drive.

What I mean is that if the external drive is running at startup, it
takes over and loads the system software off of the external drive.  If
I remove the system folder from the external drive, all I get at startup
is a disk icon with a flashing question mark. (i.e. it doesn't boot.)

When I rebuilt my internal drive, I formatted it and did a clean system
install so I cannot see why it doesn't recognize itself at startup.

However...when I startup the mac with the external drive off, there is
no problem (other than a longer than usual startup delay (I assume it is
looking for the other drive's sytem folder.)

The Startup Disk cdev is set for the internal drive in both system
folders but that doesn't help either.

Anyone have any ideas?

please e-mail me at if you can be of help.

Thank you

Gordon Werner


Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 16:46:51 -0600
From: Stephen Froehlich <>
Subject: AppleTalk over PPP

I have a couple of dialin routers here that will supposedly bridge
AppleTalk over PPP.  I have also heard that something called TribePPP
( will do it on the client end.  Does anyone else know of
any other PPP clients that will do the same?  I have also heard that
Apple plans to make this possible in future versions of OT/PPP?

Stephen Froehlich                 | (512)835-3268
Applied Research Labs: UT Austin  |
PO Box 8029                       | (S222)
Austin, TX  78713-8029            |


Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 14:31:34 -0800 (PST)
From: Tim Brogdon <>
Subject: ARA connections

Hi ya'll,

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who gave me input on my new
computer. I went ahead and bought the 7200 w/ an extra 16Ms of RAM. Yeah!!!!
I'm extremely pleased!

Now I have a new question. In the past, I was connecting to the university's
LAN Rover from my home with a Powerbook 165, Sys 7.5.3, ARA v2.0.1, OT 1.1,
and an internal Powerport Mercury modem with no difficulties ever.

Presently, I have the 7200, Sys 7.5.5, ARA v2.1, OT 1.1.2, and an external
Hayes Accura 144 + Fax 144. I had to go in search of the proper script as
ARA didn't offer me choice exemplar.

When I launch ARA to connect, I get the dialtone, the call, the modem
reception on the other end, and twice out of 30 attempts I have actually
been recognized and attached. However, the line is always dropped after only
a few seconds. It appears to be failing during the handshake, but I don't
really know.

Any suggestions from any Mac Wizards?

Thanks a whole bunch well in advance!

Tim Brogdon


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 13:12:34 -0500
From: Randy Alan Yeip <>
Subject: Can Windowshade do Win95

At 2:12 AM -0500 on 1/23/97, Nicholas Miller pounded out the following:

> I sometimes use Win95 at work and I must admit to liking one aspect of the
> interface, the bar at the bottom of the screen where the windows collect
> when they are minimized.  Windowshade has long been able to get the window
> out of the way but somehow it doesn't seem so elegant when the title bar
> just hangs out there cluttering up my desk top.  I even upgraded my Now
> Utilities (to version 6.0) because of a promise to implement this feature.
> Alas the implementation was clunky at best.  Am I the only one that likes
> my mass of windows neatly displayed on the bottom (side or top) of my
> destop or neatly tucked out of the way until time to open them?  Does
> anyone know of a utility that provides this little interface gem?
> NickM@
> Nicholas Miller
> President
> NDM Network Solutions

Try a shareware app called "Square One." It puts up a little palette of
applications you assign to the palette. It also puts up a second window
that shows all active applications. I think it only takes up about 300K. It
should be at the archives.

Randy A. Yeip


Date: Tue, 28 Jan 97 23:48:35 -0600
From: Lanny Chambers <>
Subject: Can WindowShade do Win95

>I sometimes use Win95 at work and I must admit to liking one aspect of the
>interface, the bar at the bottom of the screen where the windows collect
>when they are minimized.  Windowshade has long been able to get the window
>out of the way but somehow it doesn't seem so elegant when the title bar
>just hangs out there cluttering up my desk top.  I even upgraded my Now
>Utilities (to version 6.0) because of a promise to implement this feature.
>Alas the implementation was clunky at best.  Am I the only one that likes
>my mass of windows neatly displayed on the bottom (side or top) of my
>destop or neatly tucked out of the way until time to open them?  Does
>anyone know of a utility that provides this little interface gem?

I dunno, but here's a sort-of workaround that I find handy:

I use Malph, the freeware launcher/drag'n'drop station/buttonbar, in
small icon mode across the bottom of my screen. Any open app will show
its icon in the Malph bar. When I want to hide an app, I option-click on
another app or on the desktop (same as choosing Hide from the
Applications Menu). Clicking on the app's Malph button brings it back.
It's actually easier than WindowShade, although it does take both hands.
Malph seems not to conflict with anything--it's an application, not an

Lanny Chambers ( St. Louis, USA
Visit the Hummingbird Page: <>


Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 18:20:30 -0600 (CST)
From: (Mark Evans)
Subject: Do MacTCP/PPP get tired?

Collective wisdom:

Here's a curious one.  I notice that when my Mac has been on for several
hours, and I try to connect to the network, I get a dns error... as if the
dns part of MacTCP has frizzed out on me.  After I restart, it works fine.

What does anyone think? I use plain old PPP and MacTCP; FreePPP got buggy on



Date: Wed, 29 Jan 97 09:02:19 -0500
From: Rick Hershberger <>
Subject: Downloading Stuffit Expander

>Date: Mon, 27 Jan 97 17:00:07 -0800
>From: (Kimi Ishikawa)
>Subject: Downloading Stuffit Expander

>Is there any way to download a vanilla, uncompressed version of Stuffit
>so I can get access to other "stuffed" software?

>[I'm at a loss here -- shouldn't NS be able to download a binary version of
>the file? -Gordon]

If my memory serves, the download page at Netscape has instructions for
setting up Netscape to unbinhex .hqx files. In Netscape, under
Options/General Preferences/Helpers, select Macintosh BinHex archive,
then Edit, and select the Netscape radio button at the bottom of the
dialog box. This tells Netscape to handle binhex-ed files itself, instead
of handing off the task to Stuffit Expander. Just remember to set the
Helper back to Stuffit Expander after you successfully unbinhex Expander.

I'm foggy on whether Netscape will also handle downloading .bin binaries,
but you could test it by setting the Macintosh Binary helper preference
the same way, and see what happens.

Anyway, the Netscape web site has the details on getting Stuffit Expander
expanded if you don't already have Stuffit Expander.


 * Asst. Prof. of Biology * CARLOW COLLEGE * Pittsburgh PA 15213 *
 * *


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 09:54:21 -0500
Subject: Downloading Stuffit Expander

>[...snip...]Is there any way to
>download a vanilla, uncompressed version of Stuffit Expander so I can get
>access to other "stuffed" software?
>[I'm at a loss here -- shouldn't NS be able to download a binary version of
>the file? -Gordon]

You need to get the .sea (self-opening) version of Stuffit Expander.
One site where that lives:



Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 10:05:57 -0600
From: John Adams <>
Subject: Downloading Stuffit Expander wrote:

> I'm new to this -- just logged in to Netscape from my classroom 20 minutes
> ago.  I was looking at downloadable software.  I tried to download CoolTalk
> but it's unreadable since I don't have Stuffit Expander.  So I found Stuffit
> Expander and tried to download it, but it also said it required Stuffit
> Expander to read it!  Other versions said they needed something like
> II or something which I also apparantly don't have.  Is there any way to
> download a vanilla, uncompressed version of Stuffit Expander so I can get
> access to other "stuffed" software?
> [I'm at a loss here -- shouldn't NS be able to download a binary version of
> the file? -Gordon]

Check out the following Alladin Systems page for various solutions to
this problem:

Gordon is right:  Netscape will download binaries, but you have change
the settings in your helper apps prefs to make it work.  The following
is taken directly from the above mentioned web page:

If you have Netscape Navigator 3.0 for the Macintosh, Expander should be
included with your software! If you have Netscape Navigator 2.0 for the
Macintosh, then do the following:

1. Go into Netscape General Preferences, Helper Apps pane
2. Change the preference for application/mac-binhex40 from "Launch
Application StuffItExpander" to "Use Netscape as Viewer"
3. Download the binhex encoded version of StuffIt Expander(BinHex, 272

Note: Netscape Navigator will automatically do the BinHex decoding.

4. Change the preference for application/mac-binhex40 back to "Launch
Application StuffItExpander"
5. Run the StuffIt Expander installer



Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 09:01:18 -0800
From: Kathy Brunetti <>
Subject: email--attachments between Macs & PCs

 Diane & Keith <> wrote:
>hello! don't know if I've found the right place for this question, but here
>am taking an online course...all us students use PCs, teacher is on a Mac.
>We have no problem receiving email from him, but his attachments go absolutely
>>nutty and no one has been able to open one. He's been trying to send
>>graphs and
>spreadsheets. Any ideas?

I frequently send and receive attachments to and from PCs.  A lot depends
on what e-mail programs each system is using and how the files are
processed for sending.  (E.g., are they Binhexed?) There is a great
discussion of e-mail and attachments on page 125 of the February 1997 issue
of MacUser.  The title is "Foolproof File Enclosures".  It has a nice chart
matching e-mail programs and how to send attachments between them.  You can
also find the article (with an expanded chart) at their Web site at  I've been
referring to the article a lot since it came out and I think it will be
more useful than anything I could write to you.

Much also depends on what applications created the files that are being
transferred.  I can't live without MacLink Plus to translate files from Mac
to PC and back.  Even Excel files which are supposed to be transparent
across platforms seem to do  better if formally translated

Kathy Brunetti, Agriculture Program Supervisor
California Department of Pesticide Regulation
1020 N Street Room 161,  Sacramento, California, USA 95814-5624
voice (916) 324-4100,  FAX (916) 324-4088,
Our Web site:


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 00:14:17 +0000
From: Aaron Lynch <>
Subject: HP LaserJet and Appletalk

>Dr. Sprecher Wrote:
> why does hp laserjet 5mp (software version 8.2.1) require appletalk?
> a major pain when I want to use my quickcam, I essentially have to
> restart the computer to free up the printer port completely. quickcam
> seems particularly sensitive to anything else on the printer port.
> suggestions?
> Robert C. Sprecher, M.D.
> Assistant Professor Pediatric Otolaryngology and Pediatrics
> Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH

There's a simple extension called "remote" that lets you use apple talk
without tying up a port.  it's part of "open transport extras" which can
be downloaded from apple in their networking/open_transport area.

You can run Webstar, _AND_ have a modem too!

Uh, What's Otolaryngology?

HTH -Aaron


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 20:00:11 +0000
From: Tom Ball <>
Subject: I need help w/ mac system!

I'm a teacher with a ppc 5400 as my machine.  I also have LCIII and LCII
machines networked with ethernet, also running RAM doubler.  What is the
most efficient OS version for my situation?

Please reply to:

I appreciate any guidance in this matter.


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 97 00:44:17 -0800
From: Dave Chilson <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #22

Here's a suggestion for you: Instead of using the "Open Location" or
"Open" box, just type your URL into current URL area where Netscape
displays the URL you are sitting at. After you type in the URL you want
just hit return and Netscape loads it up for you. No dialog boxes, etc to
mess with. And if (God forbid) you have a type-o you can change it
without have to retype it. Also if you should catch your type-o before
Netscape can look it up, you can hit cmd-. to stop Netscape and fix it.



>Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 08:22:57 -0800
>From: Ken Workman <>
>Subject: The "OPEN" box in Netscape doesn't retain the URL
>Not so long ago - it may have been with Netscape 2.0.1 - if I clicked on
>the "OPEN" box at the top of theNetscape  screen a large empty rectangle
>would open and you could type in the URL you wanted to connect to. If you
>mistyped and received "URL not found" message you could reopen the rectanle
>and the (incorrect) URL would still be there. You could then easily modify
>the Locator.
>Nowadays, when I reopen the rectangle it's blank and I have to retype the
>entire URL. That's not too bad in most cases, but have you ever seen some
>of Apple's URLs?
>Question: I'm now running Netscape 3.0.1. Is the disappearing URL a
>"feature" <g> of 3.0.1? BTW: I had the same situation with Version 3.0.
>I've carefully looked in all the Options settings and cant find anything
>that I can chage to make the URL remain the the box.
>Any suggestions or comments?


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 97 01:02:19 -0800
From: Dave Chilson <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #22

Hey Zoila,

A stuck serial port can usually be remidied by zapping you PRAM. If you
don't know how to do this follow the below instructions. One: shut down
your computer, two hold down these keys: command, option, p and r. Next
turn on your computer (or if both you hands are full holding down keys,
have a friend do it! :) ). The computer will chime normally however after
that, the screen will blank and the computer will chime again. Now, I've
heard a mutiltude of opinions on how many times to let the computer
chime, anywhere from 1 to 6 times. I don't know which answer to believe
(maybe someone on this list will) but I let it go five or six times. It
can't hurt the computer.

WORD OF WARNING: Zapping PRAM will set all you control panel settings
back to factory defaults. This means that your montiors control panel
will set back to probably 256 colors or black and white, virtual memory
will be turned off etc. So if you've changed them, either remember what
you did or make notes.

If Zapping PRAM doesn't work you probably have an extensions conflict.
(Yuk!) If you have a current version of the extensions manager try
turning of all the extensions but Apple's. Then try printing. If that
doesn't work try turning them all off, but the printing ones. If that
doesn't work, besides system coruption I don't know what to tell ya.

BTW there is one issue that comes to mind and that is if you have a Duo
and an internal modem, you have to configure your control panels special,
you can find that article in Apple's Tech Info Library (TIL, Apple has it
on their Web Page). Search for Duo and print and you'll find it.

Hope it helps,


>Date: 27 Jan 1997 20:07:10 GMT
>From: Dale Bricker <>
>Subject: Serial Port Liberation!!!
>The following problem has been bugging me for many
>months and I cannot seem to resolve it. At this moment
>I am trying to print a Microsoft Word document, but
>giving a print command just results in repeatedly getting
>"the serial port is currently in use by another application,
>please quit that application and print again." But I have
>no other applications open! Is there some freeware or
>shareware product that can force quit mysterious serial-
>port hogging applications? By the way, sometimes I'm
>using GX and sometimes I'm not, but I seem to get this
>problem notewithstanding, with the only solution I've
>devised yet far being to just do an annoying restart.


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 22:04:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Chris Mcvay <>
Subject: MacTCP and a Classic...

I have a Mac Classic that I am essentially using as an e-mail machine.  I
can get mail from my freenet dial-up shell, but I cannot make MacTCP open
up to configure so I can use my PPP account.  Every time I double click on
MacTCP it freezes up and I have to force a quit.
Any ideas would be helpful.
If you want please reply personally at:
TIA for the help...
Chris McVay


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 12:33:52 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Fiske <>
Subject: Mac TV OWNERS UNITE!!!

I'd be interested in getting private e-mails from all you Mac TV owners
out there.  I'm curious as to how you all have handled things...



Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 11:37:37 -0600
From: (John D. Sample)
Subject: Modem software for PB 170

Can someone tell me what software is currently required to use the built in
modem on a PB170?  The software has changed since I bought it and I have
loaded the express modem SW so I can send faxes...I simply don't know how
to call and log onto another computer.



Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 18:32:27 +0100
From: "Edward C Hoenkamp, NICI" <>
Subject: OT 1.1.2 & PowerComputing problem [Q]

After installing OT 1.1.2, my PowerCenter 132 complains "failed to get
local IP address" (and "cannot open the TCP stream"). OT 1.1 ran fine.


Date: 30 Jan 1997 17:08:20 -0500
From: "Marc Leroux" <>
Subject: OT TCP/IP Extension

I have OT 1.1.2 on my Powerbook 540c and I need to switch between my direct
TCP/IP connection at work and my PPP connection while travelling. It works
OK, except that some settings (IP Address, subnet mask and router) are never
retained when I switch back from PPP to TCP/IP.

Any ideas how to correct this?


marc leroux


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 17:16:53 -0800
From: (Brian Hall)
Subject: PageNOW to mobile phone (aussie)?

>In Australia our main mobile/cellular phone company Telstra Mobilenet has
>software called MobileNetMail (for PC) allowing you to send short text
>messages to GSM digital phones that are SMS capable, from your PC. I have
>found a mac program called PageNOW that says it enables you to send short
>text messages to alphanumeric pagers.

Sure does. We also now have a Newton version, as well as Web and e-mail
gateways. We released a Windows version last November.

>My question is this: can I use pageNOW to send short text messages to a
>mobile phone here in Australia? The MobileNetMail seems to treat the
>phone as a pager, so this may work. Telstra said "just give it a go."

Chances are, it should work. Most English speaking countries use the TAP
protocol, even when sending to GSM phones. Here in the US for example, you
can use PageNOW! to send messages to PCS digital phones (our equiv to GSM)
such as Sprint, VoiceStream, etc.

As long as Telstra uses the TAP protocol (also known as IXO or PET), you
should  fine. An easy way to test is to call the access # with a terminal
program and hit return a few times. If you can get it to emit "ID=", it
speaks TAP. Most of the time you need to connect at 300-2400 baud, 7E1,
with correction/compression disabled (VERY IMPORTANT). Some (very few)
systems will also work at 8N1.

We have also added some new protocols to the upcoming Mac 1.6 release which
are specifically for SMS/GSM systems in Europe. These are UCP, EMI, and
Citiruf, which we added primarily for use in Sweden, Germany, France, and
UK, but may also be of use in Oz.

There is a public beta demo version of 1.6 at our web site  which supports
these protocols (as well as numeric paging - finally!). It is at:


We also run a mailing list for discussing Mac PageNOW!, and we post news of
new versions, public betas, etc there first. Send email to
"" to sign up.

We also have an 8 page catalog which we can mail out, but most of the
information (and a great deal more) can be found at our web site. We even
have a live link to our PageNOW!/Web gateway so you can send us messages
via the web.

If for some reason Telstra doesn't use any of the above protocols, we'd be
happy to work with them to add support for whatever protocol they do use.

Brian Hall
Mark/Space Softworks


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 10:02:23 -0500
From: matt fletcher <>
Subject: pm 8500 and cd-quality sound

hi, everybody.

i'm looking to take analog sound from tape, suck it into a mac, and
write it to compact disc. apple specs say my powermac 8500 can record at
44.1khz in 16-bit stereo, which is what i need for cd. so:

can i record at cd quality through the 1/8" stereo input jack, or only
through the av rca-style sound inputs?

is there shareware that will let me record at cd quality? file size
would need to be dependent only on free ram and hard drive space.

also, if anyone can recommend a decent multi-track sound editor, let me


m. fletcher
see you in hell!


Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 11:38:25 +0100 (MET)
From: C.Baarda@FKA.HRO.NL
Subject: registering printerusage in a computerlab

dear info-mac readers,

I'm a systems administrator at the Rotterdam Academy of Art & Design.
I have the following problem:
The institute owns about 100 Macintoshes of different kinds running at least
system 7.1.
We have one network with most of the computers hooked and six different
2 Accel-A-Writer 8200, 1 Accel-A-Writer 8300, 1 optra C, 1 LaserWriter IIg, 1
Phaser 300i. The network also contains a Novell Netware 3.12 server incuding
Mac-support. All the Mac's can also be Novell clients.

The management of the institute wants to charge students for the cost of
printing on any
printer. I'm aware that all the students (about 600) have to log in to a
computer to be
able to log any kind of printing.

Here's my question:
Is there any software capable of registering what a student prints ? (on which
which papersize, how many pages ????) Do I need a dedicated computer for that
purpose or
can the Novell fileserver perform this task (i have not found anything about
that in the
manuals of netware)??

Please respond to me personally,
Cees Baarda (systems administrator)
Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Rotterdam
Blaak 10, NL 3011 TA  Rotterdam,
phone       : (+10) 241 47 89
fax         : (+10) 241 47 51
email   werk:


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 09:50:39 -0500
From: John Buss <>
Subject: SCSI problems with 7.5.3 / 7.5.5

I too have the same problem with my 8500/180 on 7.5.3.  In addition to
the flakey nature described below, I can no longer have more than one
SCSI device on the chain.  On my Quadra 900 with 7.2 something, I can
run 4 with no problem.
I've tried the fixes below and even reformatted a drive, but to no
avail.What gives?

>From:  Tom Fortmann[]
>Sent:   January 23, 1997 14:53
>Subject:       SCSI problems with 7.5.3 / 7.5.5
>I have some problems that might be related.
>Last month I bought a new PowerMac 8500/150 with 7.5.3, subsequently
>upgraded to 7.5.5.  I have a LaCie/Iomega Jaz drive, an older LaCie ZFP
>120MB drive, and a Relax Technologies 88 MB Syquest drive on the external
>SCSI bus.  All those plus the 2GB internal drive are formatted with LaCie
>Silverlining software.  I also run the Now Utilities, version 6.5, and
>Norton's FileSaver.
>Before putting the Jaz on the PowerMac, I had it on my old IIci for file
>transfer and it made frequent data transfer errors no matter how I set up
>and terminated the SCSI bus.  I thought perhaps it was just too fast for
>the old CPU.
>On the PowerMac I don't get data transfer errors but the whole system acts
>flaky.  Sometimes it can't access the ZFP disk at boot time and locks it
>out.  Sometimes the system crashes just as the finder is starting (removing
>an init often fixes that, but which init is at fault seems to be random).
>Files get corrupted -- eg, Norton reports damaged resource forks in
>applications.  One of the Jaz volumes can't be dismounted any more (error
>numbers -58 and -410).
>It's driving me crazy.  I have reordered the bus, tried active and passive
>termination, swapped cables, etc. to no avail.  If anyone can shed any
>light on this, I'll be very grateful.
>Tom Fortmann
>Original posting:
> ----------------
>From: (Trevor Harris)
>Subject: SCSI problems with 7.5.3 / 7.5.5
>We have a JVC archiver CD-ROM backup facility running on a PowerMac
>7100/66. It has an AV rated hard drive and has always worked well under
>system 7.1.2. Since upgrading the system to 7.5.3 and then to 7.5.5,
>however, the drive appears to be unable to keep up with the required
>transfer rate and the software reports an error "Drive ran out of data
>because hard disc could not keep up with requests. Your source must be fast
>enough to keep up with WCD-ROM drive". Having reinstalled 7.1.2 on the AV
>drive and used that as the boot volume the archiver works flawlessly again.
>Has anyone a clue as to what is going on? Does 7.5.3 / 7.5.5 need a SCSI or
>other extension to enable the SCSI chain to work efficiently?


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 97 10:44
Subject: StarMax Internal SCSI Cable?

I have a StarMax 4000/200. I swapped out the IDE hard drive that
comes with it and swapped in a SCSI drive, and discovered to my
dismay that the single SCSI plug on the motherboard contains a
single ribbon cable going to the single external SCSI port. So I
either plug in the internal SCSI hard drive and have no external
devices, or vice versa, but not both.

What I need is either (1) a Y-adapter with a female 50-pin SCSI
plug on one side and two 50-pin SCSI plugs on the other side, at
least one of which is MALE, not female; or (2) a 50-pin
male-to-male gender changer. I hope I'm not being politically

Have any of you found either of these things, or thought of
another solution?  The electronics stores around me seem to have
everything but what I need.


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 12:31:33 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Fiske <>
Subject: Tempo...

I would think that Tempo would only update the system of a computer
running 7.6, but if I'm wrong FOR GOD'S SAKE E-MAIL ME!!!  I have an 030
that I just ordered 7.6 for, but I'll cancel it if I don't need it to
install Tempo...

please get back to me,
Mark Fiske (


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 20:10:23 -0800
From: (Jenny Tenlen)
Subject: Upgrading internal CD-ROMS

I apologize if this seems a basic question, but after trying to navigate
all of Apple's tech support web page, I'm still clueless.  I have a
Performa 6116CD which I bought 1.5 years ago, with an internal 2x CD-ROM
drive.  Is it possible to upgrade the internal drive to 8X, for example,
or do I have to buy an external CD-ROM to achieve higher speeds?  TIA!


Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 18:20:24 -0600 (CST)
From: (Mark Evans)
Subject: WWW file upload problem

Collective wisdom:

I am supporting a client who is having ftp upload problems.  She is an
educator, uploading web pages for school students.  The school runs
powermacs (7200's I think), and she is using Fetch.  When she uploads the
html, the gifs get about half transferred and are viewable as half image,
half gray/black bars.  Animated gifs don't go at all, and lengthy pages are
cut off abut halfway thru (the text doesn't completely transfer.  when the
teacher takes the Zip disks home, uploads them from her home Mac thru
another server, they work fine, but she wants to do it with ehr students.
She also has some Netscape freezes. (a clue?)  Her machines have very
little else on them.

I think it might be a PPP thing.  She uses FreePPP.  any suggestions? mail
to the lsit or to me personally.


Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 08:55:12 -0500
From: "John A. Cooper" <>

> Subject: Can WindowShade do Win95
> I sometimes use Win95 at work and I must admit to liking one aspect of the
> interface, the bar at the bottom of the screen where the windows collect
> when they are minimized.  Windowshade has long been able to get the window
> out of the way but somehow it doesn't seem so elegant when the title bar
> just hangs out there cluttering up my desk top.  I even upgraded my Now
> Utilities (to version 6.0) because of a promise to implement this feature.
> Alas the implementation was clunky at best.  Am I the only one that likes
> my mass of windows neatly displayed on the bottom (side or top) of my
> destop or neatly tucked out of the way until time to open them?  Does
> anyone know of a utility that provides this little interface gem?
> NickM@
> Nicholas Miller
> President
> NDM Network Solutions

I like Applicon and TileSwitcher for this.

John Cooper


Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 20:34:22 -0800
From: Ross Nelson <>

>Hello friends!  My brother is a 4th grade teacher with a Mac in the
>classroom.  He'd like to teach his kids a little bit about computers and get
>the point across to them that computers can be controlled by them (i.e.
>they're not magic!).  He is interested in having them do some very basic
>programming.  Are there compilers or educational software for the Mac that
>allow for this sort of introduction to programming?   I'd rather not
>recommend anything so comprehensive as Metrowerks CodeWarrior or so confusing
>as C++ (don't want to scare these kids or my brother away from computers
>forever!).  Please email me directly if you have any suggestions for software
>he could use (commercial or freeware).  Thanks!
>Mike Castle

Check out for a programming product that doesn't
require least, no syntax, text editing and so on.  The
version there is a demo version, but fully functional.  The release product
is still under development and will be out probably late this summer.

-- ross

Ross Nelson                                When evolution is outlawed,                 only outlaws will evolve.



End of Info-Mac Digest