Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #56
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 04 Apr 01       Volume 18 : Issue 56

Today's Topics:

      ( C ) MacOS X first impressions
      (Q) Line-level audio into G4?
      [*] $tockóomp v1.0
      [*] ACRONYMS Update List {3}Grape (2.1->2.2)
      [*] ACRONYMS v2.2 - A Casual Round-up Of Novelties in Your Message
      [*] CuliDataBase 5.7.1 (68K)
      [*] CuliDataBase 5.7.1 (PPC)
      [*] ImageViewer 5.42  (New Version)
      [*] LockOut 3.1J for Mac OS X - Japanese Version
      [*] Mac-Site-list, Version 4.6.7
      [*] Mac500 Version 1.2
      [*] PCalc 2.2.1
      [*] PCalc F-2.2.1 (French)
      [*] Please upload Europrice 2.0
      [*] PRESS RELEASE: Hang3000 v1.02 [Macintosh]
      [*] SweetMail 2.08f14
      [*] TIM 1.7J Mac OS 8 & 9 - Japanese Version
      [*] TIM 1.7J Mac OS X - Japanese Version

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Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2001 20:54:19 -0400
From: "" <>
To: "digest info" <>
Subject: ( C ) MacOS X first impressions

Dear Digest readers,
Well most of what I have to say about MacOS X is good, I've found only three
faults.  Might as well get the faults out of the way first...First the
installation procedure in the manual given in the book doesn't take account
of people who have either upgraded to 9.1 from a previous OS, or people who
have tested MacOS X before.   Going by the book, you wouldn't know there is
an installation method that can increase speed by 5 fold!   Here it is:
1. Backup your data
2. Initialize your hard drive with Drive setup into two partitions, the
first at least 2 GB, the second at least 1 GB.
3. Clean install using a MacOS 9.1 CD onto the second partition, either the
one that came with your computer (if you have a new one), or install with
the included 9.1 CD in the MacOS package if your computer came with an older
version of MacOS.   To do this you have to boot from the MacOS 9.1 CD.
4. Open Extensions Manager and copy the base 9.1 Extension set, and use this
for your Classic startup.   Add any printer drivers as needed during later
restarts while in X.  You won't need Stuffit Engine since MacOS X has its
own carbonized version.
5. Now install MacOS X on the first paritition.

The key here is that MacOS 9.1 update doesn't include necessary extensions
which speed Classic, whereas the CD does, and that MacOS X public beta
leaves behind invisible files which can make your install have all
applications appear as folders.   The method above should fix both of those.
The only other fault was that at least on this G3/233 MacOS X itself tends
to freeze if I have Dock magnification on and I pass my cursor over certain
icons a certain way, and I still have to control-apple-reset, a force quit
won't work.  Leave Dock magnification off, and you are stable and fast as
you could ever want.

Here is the good news, printers that don't have drivers written for X yet
will work with Classic apps if they are selected by the Chooser when you
startup 9.1!.   My Lexmark Z52 works on Appleworks 5!   And what's more, my
Cardbus USB card works too!   Microsoft Office 2001 works, Photoshop 5.5
works.   Games as old as Taskmaker work.   Classic really is remarkably
compatible.   Classic can also be as fast, if not faster on the net when you
have a broadband connection than 9.1.   Amazing.   The only reason to not
switch is if you have a 3-D game you are waiting to be carbonized, or you
must use VirtualPC and don't want to have to reboot in 9.1 to get to
VirtualPC.  Alas if you have Appleworks 6, you will need to wait for Carbon
compliant printer drivers since Appleworks 6 loads into X.



Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 12:28:29 -0700
From: Paul Brians <>
Subject: (Q) Line-level audio into G4?

The G4 tower has no audio in jack, making it difficult to do tasks 
like digitizing tracks from old LPs. What's the simplest high-quality 
interface that can convert a line-level stereo signal into something 
that can be input into the Mac?
Paul Brians, Department of English
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: 3 Apr 2001
From: Dan Underhill <>
Subject: [*] $tockóomp v1.0

$tockóomp is a simple, yet effective tool for doing all kinds of backwards
calculations regarding stock purchase scenarios. It was designed to quickly
help determine all kinds of information about making or evaluating a stock
trade. It allows you to store saved setups with the click of a button and
also will retrieve stock quotes from the internet and immediately calculate
them right into the fields of interest (quotes are delayed 15 minutes).

Another nice feature of $tockóomp, is that it can switch between performing
LONG and SHORT position calculations at the click of the mouse.

Want to know what the target price of a stock needs to be in order to reap a
5% return? Set the target on "Total Return %", type in 5, hit your TAB key
and all the data updates telling you exactly where the price needs to be and
what the exact profit will be. If shorting a stock, you can quickly find out
exactly what your profits (or losses) are going to be in certain scenarios
by setting the TARGET switch and SOLVE switch accordingly and seeing the
result the moment you TAB.

A built-in stock fractions table lets you perform at-a-glance conversions
between dollar amount share prices and stock fractions in 1/64 increments by
simply hitting Control-F (win) or Command-F (mac). With a click of your
mouse you can copy and paste the fractions from the conversion table right
into your field of calculation. No more manually typing in the long decimal.

$tockóomp has 8 built-in "Quick Click" stored settings buttons. These
quickly allow you to save your current values for a scenario, enabling you
to input other values for perhaps another stock, yet giving you the ease of
returning quickly to your previous scenarios without having to re-input all
the data and settings again.

Apple Macintosh or compatible with a PowerPC, 68020 or greater processor,
using Mac OS 7.5 or later.
An internet connection via a modem, cable, DSL, etc. (needed only for "Quick
Quote" button) 

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/stock-comp-10.hqx; 2952 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2001
From: Angela Brett <>
Subject: [*] ACRONYMS Update List {3}Grape (2.1->2.2)

Update List {3}Grape can be imported into ACRONYMS 1.0, 1.01, 2.0 or 
2.1 so that your copy of the stack will have the 522 acronyms which 
are ACRONYMS 2.2 but not in earlier versions. It does not add any of 
the new features which are in ACRONYMS 2.2, just the 522 new acronyms.

If you don't have ACRONYMS, you can download the latest version of 
ACRONYMS from The latest version (currently 
2.2) already contains all the acronyms which are in this update list, 
so you won't need to download this as well.

Update List Grape can take a long time to import into versions 2.0 
and earlier of the stack - about 1 and a half hours on a 133MHz 603e. 
It takes less then ten minutes on a 350MHz G3, but if you have a 
slower Mac it would be better to just download ACRONYMS 2.2. I 
thought I'd fixed this problem in version 2.0, but I mistakenly 
uploaded an earlier version. ACRONYMS 2.1 and later versions import 
update lists much more quickly.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/acronyms-update-21-22.hqx; 40 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2001
From: Angela Brett <>
Subject: [*] ACRONYMS v2.2 - A Casual Round-up Of Novelties in Your Message

Changes in this version (listed in more detail at

* 522 new acronyms
* You can now 'link' to other acronyms in the stack by sirrounding 
the acronym in <angle brackets>
* There are several changes to the HTML files which the stack can generate
* When you add or import an incorrect acronym, the stack will tell 
you why it is not an acronym.
* There is an easy way of entering long alliterations if you like them.

[words and phrases in capitals are acronyms whose expansions are in the stack]
The purpose of this FREEWARE HYPERCARD STACK is to provide an 
introduction to a MIRTHFUL use of ACRONYMS on the INTERNET. Have you 
ever wished you had a better alternative to LOL? Or thought "Who 
makes up these WITTICISMs?" Well anybody can, you can! Don't say 
you're JUST TOO BUSY! and you don't want to READ A MANUAL. You can 
create an ACRONYM out of ALMOST ANYTHING! You can make them from any 
old CLICHE, use them to tell people to SHUT UP, state that THAT'S NOT 
FUNNY, tell a GIRL that she's FEMININE, SMILE a SMUG SMILE or just 

Take a DIRTY MIND, add a CHUCKLE, stir in a QUIP, and a QUANTITY of 

You can politely tell people to PISS OFF, PUT A SOCK IN IT, BE CIVIL 
or tell them THAT'S CHILDISH. You can tell people that they're 
talking BOLLOCKS! And if you're ON A ROLL, you can create a HUMDINGER 
of a reply to someone who won't TRY ONSCREEN HELP.

So who began this BIZARRE ADVENTURE through the ALPHABET? A CRAZED 
KIWI and an ABNORMAL IRISH man with a DIRTY MIND, who found 
themselves making up LAUGHTER ACRONYMS during their EPISTLES to the 
ANTIPODES - a sequence of combinations started when TONY MCCOY 
some of her SHAREWARE. They decided not to continue DOING NOTHING 
about their HILARIOUS ACRONYM stash, so they compiled them into this 
STACK, and in the process created a SUPERHERO called MACGIRL, her 

ACRONYMS is also on the WORLD WIDE WEB. Check out to view all the acronyms - including new ones, 
download the latest update lists (which let you import new acronyms 
into the stack) and new versions of the stack, view the acronymist 
HALL OF FAME and honours list, subscribe to THE ACRONYM TIMES and 

[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/acronyms-22.hqx; 2064 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2001
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] CuliDataBase 5.7.1 (68K)

CuliDataBase 5.7.1 (68K)

What it is: Recipe management tool for food lovers
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: Shareware US$8
Computer: 68K Mac
MacOS: 7.0 or later
CuliDataBase is an application for managing culinary recipes, supporting
Apple Guide Help and QuickTimeü. There are PPC and 68K versions; with this
you have the 68K version.
A simple click with the mouse lets you put ingredients on a shopping list.
Recipes can be scaled up or down according to number of servings, while the
singular or plural form of the ingredients' names is taken care of as well,
so '1 bay leaf ' will become '2 bay leaves' or vice versa. This works in
English, French and Dutch.
To illustrate your recipes, you can import pictures of dishes.
Finally, you've got a list with culinary terms that you can extend yourself,
and an Internet menu that you can modify to go to your favorite sites.
An unregistered copy of CuliDataBase is fully functional, apart from the
export and print functions.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/culidatabase-571-68k.hqx; 1113 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2001
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] CuliDataBase 5.7.1 (PPC)

CuliDataBase 5.7.1 (PPC)

What it is: Recipe management tool for food lovers
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: Shareware US$8
Computer: PowerPC or iMac
MacOS: 7.5.3 or later
CuliDataBase is an application for managing culinary recipes, supporting
Apple Guide Help and QuickTimeü. There are PPC and 68K versions; with this
you have the PPC version.
A simple click with the mouse lets you put ingredients on a shopping list.
Recipes can be scaled up or down according to number of servings, while the
singular or plural form of the ingredients' names is taken care of as well,
so '1 bay leaf ' will become '2 bay leaves' or vice versa. This works in
English, French and Dutch.
To illustrate your recipes, you can import pictures of dishes.
Finally, you've got a list with culinary terms that you can extend yourself,
and an Internet menu that you can modify to go to your favorite sites.
An unregistered copy of CuliDataBase is fully functional, apart from the
export and print functions.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/culidatabase-571-ppc.hqx; 1305 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2001
From: Kevin Wleklinski <>
Subject: [*] ImageViewer 5.42  (New Version)

I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD ROM.


ImageViewer is a powerful and inexpensive Mac-first, Mac-only multimedia application, 
which provides a complete set of image viewing, cataloging, browsing, and editing capabilities.

ImageViewer supports all common image file types including animated GIF, JPEG, PICT, and TIFF, as well as movies, PNG and BMP (with QuickTime 3.0 or later). ImageViewer is great for quick and easy organization of images and movies, and includes support for image transfer from digital cameras, as well as, automated batch processing.

ImageViewer makes extensive use of QuickTime, and fully supports video effects, which 
may be used as transitions between images in a slide show, to create multimedia presentations with flair! Save transition frames to create beautiful animated images.

ImageViewer automates and greatly reduces the tedium of constructing HTML thumbnail pages ("contact sheets"). There are extensive options for creating html pages, which can be made "web ready" or used for platform independent local browsing.

System Requirements:

Any Macintosh compatible computer
32MB of RAM or more
System 8.5 or greater (8.6 or higher suggested)
QuickTime 3.0 or greater

For more information, please view help files, or visit our web page: 

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/image-viewer-542.hqx; 2918 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2001
Subject: [*] LockOut 3.1J for Mac OS X - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the LockOut package. This is the Mac OS X
version of TIM.  A Mac OS 8 &9 version is also available.

Rated 4 stars at ZDNet!
Rated 4 cows at Tucows!
Rated 5 Dudes (highest rating) by FileDudes!

LockOut is a simple application to help keep people from using your Mac
while youØre away. LockOut helps keep your Mac safe from co-workers 
while at the office, and from your kids while at home.

Once LockOut is activated, all anyone will see on your Mac is the LockOut
security screen:

*A valid password must first be entered to access your Mac 
*Messages can be left by others 
*Create your own custom voice warning 
*Easily activated with a customizable hot key 
*Activate automatically after a pause time 
*Monitor security warnings from anywhere in the world via e-mail.
*And more... 

New for LockOut 3.1:
*Power Manager. Now you can have LockOut spin down the hard disk when it
goes into Lockout mode, or even schedule a daily shut down.  Great for
conserving energyü\especially important if you live in California!  See
the LockOut Settings to activate these new settings.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/lockout-osx-31-jp.hqx; 480 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2001
From: Bruce Grubb <>
Subject: [*] Mac-Site-list, Version 4.6.7

This is the latest edition (Mar 31, 2001) of the Mac-site-list and should
replace version 4.6.5 of the Mac-Site-list.

The Mac-Site-list lists over 120 mac anonymous ftp sites (some with notes),
over 100 Mac web pages, and contains some instructions on how to use anonymous
ftp and find files as well a format chart showing which programs decompress
and decode which files.  Also there is a section on how to use certain files.

This Stuffit Deluxe 6.0 archive contains both the text and html versions of
the Mac-Site-list.

To ensure that the columns in the Format Chart section line up correctly the
document's text must be in a monospaced font such as Courier 10pt, Monaco 9pt,
or a PC equivalent.

Permission is given for this program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

Changes: None;

Added sites/URLs:;;

Defunct sites/URLs: None;

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mac-site-list-467.hqx; 68 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2001
From: David Risvold <>
Subject: [*] Mac500 Version 1.2

Mac500 is a Macintosh version of the popular card game Five Hundred.
You and a computer partner play against two computer opponents.  Mac500
allows you to choose some of the most popular variations of the rules of
Five Hundred, and it keeps a history of games and bids won and lost by
you and your opponents.  You can name your players and change the
bidding styles of the computer players.  If you are new to the game, you
can have Mac500 suggest bids and cards to play.

Version 1.2:

Ñ improves the bidding and playing of the computer players

Ñ adds a concede/lay down option when one player has all trump and his 
or her opponents are out of trump

Ñ adds an option to go to the next trick using a time delay or the 
space bar rather than the continue button

Ñ moves the "Show Suggestions" options to the Options Panel in the 
Preferences Window, and other enhancements.

The registration fee is $10 US.  If unregistered, the program quits
after 15 minutes each time you use it, and preference settings are not

Mac500 will run on a 68030 Mac with Mac OS 7.1  A PowerPC is

David J. Risvold

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/mac-500-12.hqx; 1853 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2001
From: James Thomson <>
Subject: [*] PCalc 2.2.1

PCalc 2.2.1, the latest version of my veteran scientific 
calculator application.

It's a fully featured scientific calculator with support for 
hexadecimal and binary calculations, that works on Mac OS 8 and later, 
including Mac OS X.

2.2.1 adds a Reverse Polish Notation mode, support for octal numbers, 
and an improved Aqua interface on OS X, and more.

It ships with a Carbon version for Mac OS X and CarbonLib 1.0.4, and
a Classic version for Mac OS 8 and later in PPC and 68K flavours.

This release of PCalc is shareware, that means you can download it and 
try it out for free, but if you like it and continue to use it you 
should pay the US $10 registration fee.

For more information, check out the official PCalc website at:


[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/pcalc-221.hqx; 1472 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2001
From: James Thomson <>
Subject: [*] PCalc F-2.2.1 (French)

PCalc F-2.2.1 is the French-language version of my calculator
application PCalc 2.2.1, kindly translated by Philippe Bonnaure.

For more information, check out the official PCalc website at:


and Philippe's translation site at:


[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/pcalc-221-fr.hqx; 1482 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2001
From: Marco Tenuti <>
Subject: [*] Please upload Europrice 2.0

Europrice 2.0 is a carbonized application that lets you convert any 
European national currency value in Euro and viceversa. It calculates 
even possible rounded values for market prices. You can use Europrice 
2.0 with MacOS 8.1 or newer and MacOS X.

What's new:

- updated some cross rates
- updated source to support also MacOS X
- better manner to add other currencies
- splash dialog revamped
- save the position of the window

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/europrice-20.hqx; 450 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2001
From: Ken Winograd <>
Subject: [*] PRESS RELEASE: Hang3000 v1.02 [Macintosh]

Hang3000 v1.02 Released!


Merrimack, New Hampshire, March 26, 2001: Ken Winograd and Space-Time Associates announced today the release of a new Macintosh(tm) shareware game called Hang3000.  Hang3000 is a word guessing game for the NEXT millennium. Hang3000 features colorful, non-violent graphics, digitized sounds, synthesized speech, dozens of built-in word categories, thousands of words, unlimited lists of your own words, options especially designed for visually challenged users, hinting and more. Hang3000 is optimized for the PowerPC.

Version 1.02 of Hang3000 updates Oscar-related categories: Best Pictures, Best Actors and Best Actresses. Other minor changes.

Hang3000 requires a PPC Macintosh and a screen resolution of 800 by 600 (or more). A version of Hang3000 for Windows(tm) is also available.

Hang3000 is available now.  For more information, or to download or securely register the program, please visit the Hang3000 web page at:


[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/hang-3000-102.hqx; 1115 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2001
Subject: [*] SweetMail 2.08f14

SweetMail is an internet e-mail client for Macintosh that provides
most powerful features with sweet interface. SweetMail has
multiple POP3 accounts, very fast searching, thread-view,
filtering, templates, auto-wrap and many useful functions.

System Requirements:
* System 7.1 or later. (PPC/68K, including MacOSX)
* 4MB of Memory.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/sweet-mail-208f14.hqx; 2141 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2001
Subject: [*] TIM 1.7J Mac OS 8 & 9 - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the TIM package. This is the Mac OS 8 &9
version of TIM.  A Mac OS X version is also available.

TIM for the Macintosh: Time Information Management

TIM is a simple shareware time-tracking and billing application.
Use it to track and record your time while working on your Mac.
Automatically calculated billing based on your Project, Activity,
or Client hourly rates!

Who uses TIM?

*Anyone who needs to keep accurate track of their time
*Anyone who bills clients based on their time

Key Features of TIM

*Easy to use 
*Mac OS 8.1 and above (Mac OS X compatible) 
*Export time data for use in FileMaker Pro or any database 
application (template included) 
*Assign Projects, Activities and Clients 
*Much More... 

New for TIM 1.7:
*Enhancement: Exporting TIM data, when "Export data in compatible
format" is checked, the dates have a 4 digit year.  This format is
required for importing into most databases such as FileMaker Pro.
*New: Proxy icons in the window menu bar.  Now you can command-click the
TIM window menu bar and get a pop-up menu of the file's location, just
like you can in the Finder.
*New: The TIM file password can now be linked to the KeyChain Control
*New: Set a Budget, with a separate Budget window.  Select Budget from
the TIM File menu.
*Bug fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/tim-classic-17-jp.hqx; 837 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2001
Subject: [*] TIM 1.7J Mac OS X - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the TIM package. This is the Mac OS X
version of TIM.  A Mac OS 8 &9 version is also available.

TIM for the Macintosh: Time Information Management

TIM is a simple shareware time-tracking and billing application.
Use it to track and record your time while working on your Mac.
Automatically calculated billing based on your Project, Activity,
or Client hourly rates!

Who uses TIM?

*Anyone who needs to keep accurate track of their time
*Anyone who bills clients based on their time

Key Features of TIM

*Easy to use 
*Mac OS 8.1 and above (Mac OS X compatible) 
*Export time data for use in FileMaker Pro or any database 
application (template included) 
*Assign Projects, Activities and Clients 
*Much More... 

New for TIM 1.7:
*Enhancement: Exporting TIM data, when "Export data in compatible
format" is checked, the dates have a 4 digit year.  This format is
required for importing into most databases such as FileMaker Pro.
*New: Proxy icons in the window menu bar.  Now you can command-click the
TIM window menu bar and get a pop-up menu of the file's location, just
like you can in the Finder.
*New: The TIM file password can now be linked to the KeyChain Control
*New: Set a Budget, with a separate Budget window.  Select Budget from
the TIM File menu.
*Bug fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/tim-osx-17-jp.hqx; 835 K]


Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 17:20:10 +0200
From: "Michael S. Silverstein" <>
To: Info-mac <>
Subject: divX

How does one view divX on a Mac?


Michael Silverstein
Materials Engineering



End of Info-Mac Digest