Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #228
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 24 Oct 97       Volume 15 : Issue 228

Today's Topics:

      (A) Help/RAM for 7100/66
      (A) setting Mac's time from the internet
      512 K Mac (fwd)
      512K Mac thanks
      6200CD Freezes When Rebuild
      7Tuner 2.0.9
      ? SW 2500 & Custom Paper Size ?
      [A] setting Mac's time from the internet
      [Q] Auto-Startup on 6400
      [Q] MS office &7.6.1
      [Q] problem w seagate external disk
      Apple's future in the PC world
      At Ease sneaky with AShare passwords?
      CD/SCSI Question
      Color printing
      Color StyleWriter Pro (fwd)
      Desktop pictures control panel
      Directory Assistance II Replacement/SCSI Probe Replacement
      frames capable browser.
      Help [memory]
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #226
      Jaz drives dying...
      mac and midi
      Mac crashes
      Mac OS 8 Page Setup always reverts to A4?
      Macintosh mail-order in the UK?
      ordinary TV, high res desktop pictures using time (A1)
      OS 7.6
      OS 7.6
      Power supply socket for PowerBook 190
      Printing on a PC network
      Q: How to upgrade RAM within a PowerBook 2400?
      S. Brewster SCSI problems
      SCSIProbe alternative
      SCSIProbe alternative?
      setting Mac's time from the interne
      setting Mac's time from the internet
      setting Mac's time from the internet
      setting Mac's time from the internet (& NetBITS info)
      Stylewriter II causing freezes
      SW 2500 & Custom Paper Size
      System 8 & 68040
      Word 97 PC to Word 6 Mac - problems with PICTs

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Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 08:20:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: Al Bloom <>

On Fri, 17 Oct John McGuckin wrote

>I'm planning to upgrade the RAM in my PowerMac 7100/66 to 40Mb.  I
>understand that I need two 16Mb 72 pin 80ns chips.  My question is
>whether I can just pop them in and run like plug&play or is there some
>sort of setup procedure to follow

John, and others, the folk at Newer Technology (
know more than is decent about Macintosh and related memory, and they share
it with the world via GURU (GUide to RAM Upgrades). The latest edition is
2.5.2 dated September. I suggest everyone even thinking about RAM get a copy.

Al Bloom

Al Bloom


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 00:14:15 -0400
From: "Peter J. Paul" <>
Subject: (A) Help/RAM for 7100/66

> I'm planning to upgrade the RAM in my PowerMac 7100/66 to 40Mb.  I
> understand that I need two 16Mb 72 pin 80ns chips.  My question is
> whether I can just pop them in and run like plug&play or is there some
> sort of setup procedure to follow.  Any help you could give me would be
> great.
	I can't speak to the type of chip you should install but I upgraded
my 7100/66 to 32 Mb a few years ago and it is totally plug & play.
Peter J. Paul


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 00:21:09 -0400
From: "Peter J. Paul" <>
Subject: (A) setting Mac's time from the internet

> is there a utility/app/script/widget-of-some-sort to set the Mac's time
> from a "reference" on the internet? i know of several time
> setting/updating apps that use your modem to dial out to one of several
> locations that will then deliver the correct time to the Mac -- is there
> anything that works like that for the i-net? TIA!
	Try "Network Time" (in the archives). I've been using it for years.
Peter J. Paul


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 19:36:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Cyrus Roton <>
Subject: 512 K Mac (fwd)

On  Fri, 17 Oct 1997 Bill Stanford <> wrote

>Re: Info-Mac Digest V15 #223 : (Ian Burt)

>>Just had a call from a friend looking for a set of system disks for
>>a 512K Mac. He seems to think OS 6 will do. I doubt it. In our corner
>> of the UK. official sources have drawn a blank. Not supported anymore.
>>I'm not surprised. So can any UK Mac guru suggest anything?

>I'd say he needs System 3.2; but I threw out my own copy of this ----- 

>I've just buzzed Fetch over to and in 'older
>systems' the oldest is 6.0.3.  That would perhaps work.  (Has he 2M RAM?
>will a 512 _take_ 2M RAM?)  Though System 4.2 with its modular Control
>Panel DA might be the best compromise.  But my own copies of those went
>west at the same time as 3.2... <sigh>

No, the Mac 512K will mot take 2Mb (it takes only 512K)

I am rather sure that System 6 will not work, since it requires an 800K
disk to hold it, and the 512K mac uses a 400K disk.

Many Apple user groups have the older operating systems in their club
libraries. I have all, back to the first one.

Rather than mail a copy, I would prefer to stuff it, binhex it, and email
it. When decoded, it will be a 400K disk image, or, if prefered, just the
files in a folder. Whoever wants such stuff can contact me by email to
discuss details.
Cyrus Roton
Ridgecrest Apple User Group


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 00:15:26 +0000
From: (Ian Burt)
Subject: 512K Mac thanks

Hello again Digesters,

I would like to thank all the gang who rallied round to get my friend some
System disks for an old 512KMac, especially Adam van Gaalen who emailed me
copies of OS 4.3 and 6.0.8 which *will* run a  512K if Apple Spec is to be
believed (it is).I have tried to reply to y'all but I'm not perfect so
apologies to anyone I missed.

Thanks again,


But you who walk facing the sun,what images drawn on the earth can hold you?


Date: 20 Oct 1997 15:06:17 -0400
From: "Lou Casagrande" <>
Subject: 6200CD Freezes When Rebuild

A friend is having problems with her 6200CD, on which she recently installed
8.0 (over 7.6, not clean).  All of her icons are generic, so we tried
rebuilding the desktop, but the rebuild always froze about halfway through. 
Disk First Aid found "problems" but couldn't fix anything, so she got Norton. 
Booting from the CD (sys 7.6 again, and no quick way then to create a NDD sys
8 startup disk), Norton fixed a slew of problems, but couldn't fix one:

An error was found in a leaf node in the catalog b-tree.
This leaf node has a duplicate "Temporary Items" record. (node 2585, record 2)
Node #2585, Record Offset 2
Norton Utilities is unable to fix this problem.

Again, restarting and rebuilding freezes.  I tried to rebuild using TechTool
1.1.5, same results.  Also, Drive Setup 1.3.1 won't update the driver on her
hard drive.

Are there any suggestions short of performing a clean install? TIA

Lou Casagrande


Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 22:50:49 -0700
From: (morethanone)
Subject: 7Tuner 2.0.9

> From:
> Subject: [*] 7Tuner 2.0.9
> 7Tuner is an application that modifies certain resources in your System,
> Finder, and/or system enablers to change the appearances and
> functionalities of your System 7. Since all changes are modified directly
> in your system software, the changes do not require extra system memory to
> function and remain available even all extensions are turned off. Version
> 2.0.9 supports Mac(tm)OS System 7.0 to 7.6.1, 68K, Power Macintosh, and
> MacOS-compatible.

Don't consider installing this warthog if you value your time. The first
"feature" I used (a colorized menu) instantly dropped into Macsbug, then
I discovered that it had modified BOTH my system folders (on separate
HD's... and neither would boot), finally it's "Rescue" feature was
unable to recognize the presence of it's "backup" copies, which it had
somehow managed to put right where the docs said they should be.

This software is a pig, just like the icon it prominently displays. The
little it was supposedly designed to do shouldn't require expanding a
7.5.5 system file from 4.3 to 6.1 MB. Despite all the author's
disclaimers, 7Tuner behaves much more like a trojan horse than a useful
utility. I urge the moderators to deep-six this creature.

~~ Tony <> SSS MIDI Rock Mac


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 23:49:30 -0700
From: (Thom Ryan)
Subject: ? SW 2500 & Custom Paper Size ?

        I would like to create a custom paper size (4x6 inch) that would
appear in the Page Size selection when the Page Setup menu option is
selected. I would be quite happy to tweak the small envelope size if
that is easier than creating a new document size.
        I am using the Color StyleWriter 2500 chooser extension
installed by OS 8 on a PB 3400 and PM 8500. I am not using the GX
        Thanks in advance for your time to read this and any helpful
Kind regards/tr


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 09:43:21 CDT
From: "Tom Kirke (312) 413-5539" <U33515@UICVM.UIC.EDU>
Subject: [A] setting Mac's time from the internet

> is there a utility/app/script/widget-of-some-sort to set the Mac's time
> from a "reference" on the internet?

I use  VREMYA  by Kirill Levcheko.  I got this from one of the Info-Mac
mirrors ( sorry , I don't remember the path ).  In any case this small
( < 60k ) utility will set your system clock when you ask or on schedule,
and lets you choose which time server to use.

tom <>


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 05:40:17 -0500
From: "C. Posey" <>
Subject: [Q] Auto-Startup on 6400

Thu, Oct 16, 1997 / 5:21 AM CDT -0500

Does anyone know of a utility with the capabilities of the Energy Saver
control panel to auto-start a Performa 6400 at multiple times during the
day. I would like to be able to have my Mac auto-start at two different
times during the day. Currently I reset the Energy Saver control panel
twice a day to achieve this feat. Does the new version of Sleeper allow
this? Any others?



Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 11:30:30 -0400
From: NPR <>
Subject: [Q] MS office &7.6.1

Hi All,
    Trying to install MS office 4.2.1 on a PPC 7300/200 running system 7.6.1
results in a computer that will no longer boot (type 10 error). But it will
boot with all extensions off. I've downloaded two patches from MS's web
site, but they're of no help.  However, if I install it on top of the same
Mac running 7.5.5 and then update the system to 7.6.1 it works fine.  This
seems like a crazy work-around, any suggestions?
P.S.  To all who helped with my monitor problem (60 and 67hz beat wiggles),
thanks. I lost all my old mail due to a HD crash and can't reply personally.


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 14:35:52 +0100
From: (Alessandro Simonetto)
Subject: [Q] problem w seagate external disk

I'ma having a puzzling problem with a Seagate (mod ST51080N) 1GB external
hard Disk. The disk is in a universal case, which only provides power and
interface to SCSI address dial.
every now and then it appears to try to slow down and then spin up again in
1 second or so. The power light stays on, but the r/w light is off.
Shift-booting does not solve the problem. Non-periodic behaviour. The icons
do not disappear from desktop, but to access the disk one has to wait for
it to spin up again (not a surprise, really...).

Hardware: Quadra 700, 12MB RAM, 80MB internal disk, Iomega Zip (switched
off or on, does not change behaviour), Seagate disk, in this order on the
SCSI bus. Zip termination OFF, seagate termination provided with external
Seagate jumper settings:  termination disable (jumper on), Power-  from-
drive-  power- connector- and- to- SCSI- bus (jumpers on) all others
(parity enable, remote start) off (ie no jumper).

System: 7.1 (Hardware System Update 3.0) with LaserWriter 8.4 installed
(i.e. finder 7.5.1, CFM-68K Runtime Enabler 4.0) plus other extensions,
almost all from Apple, but as I said shift-booting has no effect. The
external disk is partitioned in four parts, initialized with Driver d2(TM)
4.5.0 by Software Architects Inc.

Does anyone have any idea? I have none left....(I'm not using any automatic
compressor or ramdoubler or the like).

Thanks in advance to all
Alessandro Simonetto


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 10:43:48 -0600
From: (Ted Logan)
Subject: Apple's future in the PC world

>Now, if I had had any strong feelings that Apple was here to stay for the
>long run, I would not have hesitated to buy a current offering. But,
>becuase of their continual fumblings and seemingly bad decisions, I have
>the sense that we're witnessing a slow-motion version of them falling on
>their sword. It saddens me greatly because I feel they had a great big lead
>with a powerful product and they have lost out to a mediocre product. Now
>everything favors that product, from an incredible range of software to
>stability of market. I hate to say the sky is falling but I think the
>clouds are getting pretty low over Mac Land.
>Ed Ver Hoef

Thomas Edison said, more than once, that he wasn't interested in inventing
anything he couldn't sell.  Apple may have invented a near-perfect desktop
computer and operating system (I use a PowerMac 7100/80 running Mac OS
7.6.1 and believe it's the best of the many systems I've owned over 20
years from CP/M through DOS and Windows) but its marketing, promotion, and
distribution are terrible.  At this time in this world there's no competing
on quality alone.  You must sell your product through an organized
distribution network through resellers who make money off your product.
You must promote your product to the end-consumer so that it is pulled
through the distribution system (resellers aren't responsible for promoting
Macintosh or Windows systems, only in keeping in stock whatever customers
want to buy).  And you must have a clearly defined, comprehensible
marketing strategy.

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, there are about twenty large Windows-PC resellers.
Only one Macintosh dealer.  Every time I turn around I see Microsoft-this
or Microsoft-that.  Virtually nothing from Macintosh.  Everyone grouses
about Microsoft's (Bill Gates's) aggressiveness.  No one complains about

I subscribe to InfoBeat, a free email information service that sends me
financial updates, including stock quotes, twice a day, in conventional
email format.  Lately their emails have included a notice suggesting that I
"upgrade" to a new form of service that will bring me my twice-daily doses
of financial news and stock quotes in the form of "graphics-rich"
Web-page-style documents, "including animation."  Turns out this is a
Windows-dependent Microsoft application available *free*, but only to
Windows users.  No Macintosh users need apply.

What this could mean to me, if I were an active stock trader or in a
financial-type business, is that by using a Macintosh computer instead of a
Windows-based system, I would be losing money.  Sticking with my Macintosh
would be placing me at a disadvantage with competitive Windows-based
businesses because the Microsoft Windows-based "Web-page-style" service
from Info Beat highlights essential information and conveys all its
information better and more effectively than the "old-fashioned" email
delivery system that I'm stuck with.

You may grumble, "Gates has struck again," and you would be right.  Gates
*has* struck again.  But the real point is that Apple *has not*.  They have
done nothing and are doing nothing to aggressively promote, efficiently
distribute, or strategically market their products in the real world.  I
have heard that a "new advertising program" will be appearing on TV "soon."
All I can say is, good luck.  Unless and until Apple hires a
take-no-prisoners/take-no-nonsense CEO like "Chainsaw Al" (or the 90s
equivalent of a Lee Iacocca), the company and its products and its
woebegone, loyal customers will continue to fall behind Microsoft and its
thriving, grateful customers.

By the way, as everyone knows, Microsoft just got a slap from the Justice
Department for using its monopoly "unfairly."  But all Microsoft really did
was push a marketing  tactic to see how far it could go.  Now they'll go
back and try something else, just as you would want them to do if you owned
their stock.  Microsoft will continue expanding its revenue base and will
continue making money for its shareholders.  Apple, meanwhile, will
continue doing what?

Ted Logan
Logan Writing, Inc.
Cleveland, Oklahoma


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 97 11:31:57 -0300
From: Thomas Fruin <>
Subject: At Ease sneaky with AShare passwords?

I've been playing with At Ease on Mac OS 8 and have noticed some curious 
(and undocumented) behaviour, and I'm not sure I like its security 

This is what happens:
1- I login as an At Ease user.
2- I click on a button that's an alias to a shared disk.
3- I go through the usual AppleShare login procedure.
4- After doing my work, I logoff and SHUT DOWN.

Now, imagine my surprise when I boot up again, login as the same At Ease 
user, and see that same shared disk, already mounted WITHOUT HAVING TYPED 

Yes, I can see you thinking "oh, he obviously saved his password when he 
logged on", but I made sure I DIDN'T! I even went so far as DISABLING 
PASSWORD SAVING competely with the new Client Setup utility that was 
recently posted to  Even so, At Ease 
still manages to mount shared disks automatically without user 

I can only conclude that At Ease is being awfully clever about 
remembering AppleShare passwords. Maybe too clever? A bit sneaky too: I 
checked the manuals and on-line help and no mention is made of this at 
all. I sorely miss a setting that will allow enabling or disabling on a 
user-by-user basis.

I guess the thinking is, if you login as an At Ease user, we will help 
you "unlock" all of the servers you had access to while you were logged 
on the last time. It's a nice idea, and probably took some clever 
programming, but all of this is assuming the At Ease user password is an 
individual password, and in my case it's not, it's a shared password. I 
can already see different people in the Library here, logging in as the 
same At Ease user, and finding other people's shared volumes mounted.

Finally, I certainly don't want some other person to login under At Ease, 
then find he's got network access to the root of the Network Admin's hard 
drive who had just been doing some maintenance there (like me!). Because 
that's currently what At Ease will do...

Anybody can shed some light on this?

-- Thomas Fruin
   Santiago de Chile


Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 18:35:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: CD/SCSI Question

On Wed, 15 Oct Kurt Holter wrote

>I have a Mac PPC 7500/100.  I anticipate purchasing an external
>CD-Recordable (2x write/6x read) drive in the near future - most likely
>an APS unit unless someone talks me out of that choice.

I'll try to talk you out of it, Kurt. My APS CD-R drive came DOA. I sent
it back to APS. A month later it was again dead on arrival after being
fixed. I called APS again and asked for another unit. Sorry, we don't have
any more of those. We'll have to fix what you have. Wrong answer. That unit
is snakebit. Either send me a new one or give me my money back.

I love my secretary. APS insisted on charging us shipping for the doubly
defective unit. She allowed as how hell would freeze over first. She won.

I ordered a LaCie CD-R. Not only did it work out of the box, it was cheaper
and the software was better.

I no longer recommend APS.

>As matters stand, I have filled all of my logical SCSI ID's, and want to
>avoid buying a SCSI card for more.  Can I simply unplug my standard
>internal CD drive from the internal wiring and then use the vacant
>logical SCSI ID for the external CD-Recordable drive?

Oh gawd! No! Unhook the rest of your SCSI chain first.

Al Bloom


Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 18:59:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: Color printing

On Thu, 16 Oct Rodney Schmid wrote

>I am located at a large public university and am dismayed to find that
>any type of color laserwriter printing carries a very high charge. The
>central printing office on campus charges $7.00 for the first page and
>will come down to a low of $0.85 per copy for very massive quantities.
>The local Kinko's charges about $3.00 per page for their Tektronix, which
>yields questionable postscript results. Is there a service bureau
>anywhere that will accept Pagemaker files for color laserwriter output
>without color separations required (all postscripts output) and not
>charge an arm and a leg? I would appreciate the help, and replies to me
>directly will be summarized for the list. Thank you.

ECU.EDU, Rodney? Isn't that East Carolina? Large public university? No.

Michigan is a large public university. Penn State is a large public
university. Virginia Tech is a largish public university. ECU is merely
a public university. Pretty good football team, though. Y'all should
join the Big East. And great Art Ed program. Yeah, I know a bit about ECU.

Three bucks a page for a Tek print? Not bad. The supplies themselves cost
a buck or so a page. And Kinko's must amortize the printer's cost. Tek
printers are mighty fine, and they aren't cheap.

Try doing it yourself, Rodney. Buy a good color printer. Buy the stuff
it needs to work. Kinko's price will curl your toes. ECU's price is out
of hand, but universities tend to price stuff the way they want to work.
One copy? Don't bother me. A thousand copies?  Let's talk.

Lordy! Kinko's is cheap! I've a good Tek printer (not the best, mind), and
I sell prints at $5 a pop. And I don't make money at that rate.

Al Bloom


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 19:37:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Cyrus Roton <>
Subject: Color StyleWriter Pro (fwd)

On Mon, 20 Oct 1997 Julius Rahmandar wrote:

>I have an Apple Color Stylewriter Pro printer (i.e., Canon BJE-600
>series) printer has have been a constant problem for me. In the 3 years
>that I have owned it, it has probably been used to print about 100-200
>pages, and more often than not I have had to clean the heads (via the
>print utility) to get it to print. The most common message is: the
>Black/Cyan/Magenta/Yellow cartridge is missing or empty. This is never
>the case, so I know that there is something wrong with this printer.

I had a similar problem, except that mine told me only that the black was
empty or missing. I tried cleaning, etc, with no luck. I gave it to a
friend, who managed to find a replacement printhead, and now it works.

If one had to buy a new printhead, the price would be more than the
printer is worth.
Cyrus Roton
Ridgecrest Apple User Group


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 19:34:06 -0700
From: (by way of Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: Desktop pictures control panel

I have installed Mac OS 8 on my Starmax 3000/180.  The Desktop pictures
control panel is installed in the control panels folder.  When I open the
control panel, I get a message that says,"the control panel must be installed
in the control panels folder or the desktop pictures will not display...".
  I have looked at for some clues but found none.  I have looked in
some of your info-mac digests and find no reference to any problems.  Is
there an extension missing or something? Any ideas?  Thanks


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 07:49:22 +0200
From: Michael Green <>
Subject: Directory Assistance II Replacement/SCSI Probe Replacement

Directory Assistance II Replacement:

Al, I've got the answer for you.

Try ZMac's Back2TheFolder=81 II.  Available from MacUser's Sotware Library

=46reeware! 78k extension.

It's just as smart as Super Boomerang, except it lacks a Find option. You
can list files and folders for particular apps AND have global settings.


SCSI Probe Replacement:

MT Everything is much smarter.
Handles Syquest disks beautifully too.


Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 08:45:04 -0700
From: Douglas Anderson <>
Subject: frames capable browser.

Hi all,

I'm finding more and more now-a-days that when surfing the internet
that I'm getting more and more of these notices:

(Sorry, to view the C3 in its new form requires a frames capable

I use a text only BBS and Zterm, its a direct dialin BBS, and to what I
understand I can't use one of the big name browsers with a Direct
dialin BBS.

Is there anything that I can do about this?




Doug Anderson


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 18:12:17 -0400
From: Squirrelly <>
Subject: Help

At 15:38 -0400 10/17/97, McGuckin, John J Might Have Wrote This Mess:

>I'm planning to upgrade the RAM in my PowerMac 7100/66 to 40Mb.  I
>understand that I need two 16Mb 72 pin 80ns chips.  My question is
>whether I can just pop them in and run like plug&play or is there some
>sort of setup procedure to follow.  Any help you could give me would be
>Thanks in advance,
>John J. McGuckin

There is no setup proceedure like in DosBoxes (older ones that is). Just
put them in, and you are set. One word of caution, make sure the Mac is
off, BUT LEAVE IT PLUGGED IN. Now, Before touching the insides of the Mac
and taking the SIMMS out of the anti-Static Packaging, Put your hand on the
power supply to discharge static electricity. It can destroy SIMMs ;-(.
Make sure they seat well, and click in place. They go in only one way.
Notice the notch on the SIMM near one side of the contacts. There is a stop
in the slot that wont let them go in backwards. If the Mac refuses to
start, or acts funny, then pull them back out and reseat them. You shouldnt
have to put a whole lot of force on them to get them in, but it may be a
little stubborn.
Enjoy the benefits of 40. I just upped my 6100 a month ago, and things are
better with it. :-)

Semper Mac,


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 10:07:32 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Help [memory]

At 3:38 PM -0400 10/17/97, McGuckin, John J wrote:
>My question is
>whether I can just pop them in and run like plug&play

Yep.  just pop them in and off you go.  No software setup necessary.

chazl            -  10.21.1997  -  


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 12:40:04 -0700
From: David Snow <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #226

>Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 13:34:27 -0400
>From: "Heard, Mark" <>
>Subject: setting Mac's time from the internet
>is there a utility/app/script/widget-of-some-sort to set the Mac's time
>from a "reference" on the internet?

Go to:
and your questions will be answered!


David Snow
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
David Snow Design       Phone/Fax: 760/471-6732 or 619/793-6083


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 19:35:09 -0700
From: Mephistophilis <> (by way of Info-Mac
Subject: Jaz drives dying...

I have recently had two sucessive Jaz drives die
on me. No Mac connected to these drives will boot
and I am informed that the drive interface has
been damaged in some way. Clearly the two
incidents must have a common cause and I am
anxious to discover what this is before a third
drive goes the way of the other two.  My local
sources of technical help are baffled so I hope
that there is someone out there in the Mac
community who has had a similar experience and
can enlighten me.

Of necessity the description which follows is a
bit long - so thanks in advance for reading
through it. I have already posted to some Mac
newsgroups so let me make it clear at this point
what the problem is NOT: (a) At least in its
final form it is not cartridge-related -
attaching the *empty* drive, whether powered up
or not, to a Mac prevents boot up. (b) SCSI cable
trouble or Jaz power supply - two separate drives
with two separate power supplies and SCSI cables
failed in exactly the same way. (c) SCSI ID
conflicts - all devices have different numbers.
(d) Conflicts with external SCSI devices - there
were none. (e) Termination problems: The Jaz
drive was initially set for automatic termination
and the indicator light was on. Altering the
setting to 'on' or 'off' had no effect. (f)
Problems with mains power - this is at least
tentatively eliminated by the fact that two Macs
attached to the same mains outlet at the same
time showed no problems then or since.

Background: Power Mac 8200 with two internal HDs
- 1G and 130M - formatted and tested with FWBs
Hard Disk Toolkit 2.0.6. Up to recently I have
been using S7.5.5 on all bootable disks *and my
Jaz drive has co-existed happily with this
machine and various combinations of other
external drives for about eight months*.

A week prior to the problems I upgraded both
internal disks to S7.6.1 -  S7.6 installed by
copying installer images (from a CD loaned by a
friend) onto the smaller disk and mounting them
with ShrinkWrap 2.1, then using the 7.6.1 updater
downloaded from the net. I did a low-level
reformat/test on the 1G disk with HDTK before
installing S7.6.1 and then reversed the process
to install the system on the smaller disk. My Jaz
disks were also formatted with HDTK and tested at
the 'Better' setting. (1 G Jaz disks are among
the devices supported by HDTK 2.0.6). I have no
shareware INITS on my machines except PopChar
Lite and all other software has been in use for
at least a year without problems.

The Jaz drive was connected to the PM (no other
SCSI devices present except the internal disks,
no ID conflicts, automatic termination light OK)
and installed S7.6.1 on a Jaz 1G cartridge using
the installer images on my 1G internal drive
mounted by ShrinkWrap. I then copied over a
variety of disk tools and installer images.
Following this the Jaz drive was transferred to a
Performa 460 (both machines switched off) and
used to boot the latter. A copy of HDTK on the
Jaz drive was used to format the internal drive
of the Performa which was then left testing
overnight - no problems. System 7.6.1 was now
installed on the Performa from the Jaz drive
(ShrinkWrap images again) followed by various
items of software. After this the Performa booted
from its internal HD and behaved properly - still
does, in fact.

At this point I realised that I had forgotten to
install some item of necessary s/w on the Jaz
disk so I reconnected it to the PM (normal
precautions), copied the item, then moved the
drive back to the Performa (normal precautions) -
and got the dreaded floppy-? icon. Disconnecting
the drive from the SCSI cable allowed the machine
to boot properly but it refused to do so when the
drive was attached - irrespective of whether the
drive was switched on or off or had a disk in and
spinning or not. Connecting the drive to my PM
produced exactly the same effect - and so did
connecting it to a Performa which had had no
previous involvement in the affair.

The drive was still under guarrantee so I
returned it to my dealer and borrowed another
which gave no problems when connected to my PM.
Testing the quondam Jaz tools disk showed bad
blocks so I reformatted it with HDTK, after which
it passed all tests without difficulty. I
re-installed S7.6.1 and then began copying files
onto the disk - only to get 'disk damaged or not
functioning correctly' messages. When I tried to
test the Jaz disk with Norton Utilities 3.1 the
disk kept spinning-down, then up again during the
test and again was reported as showing bad
blocks. Figuring that the disk was permanently
trashed in some way I took another Jaz disk,
formatted it with HDTK and tested it overnight -
no errors reported. However this disk
subsequently behaved even more erratically than
the first - again the first indication was copy
errors. The disk then failed virtually all of the
TechTool Pro drive tests - but subsequently
passed one cycle of HDTK 'better' tests without
errors! I took both drive and disk to a friend's
machine where he reformatted the disk with the
Iomega s/w using the 'surface verify' option. No
problems. I returned to my PM, reconnected the
drive - and got the dreaded floppy-? icon again.
The second drive now behaved exactly like the
first - it blocked boot-up of any machine to
which it is connected.

I now started to look critically at my PM. Disk
First Aid reported no problems but Apple Personal
Diagnostics said that the directory structure was
damaged and not repairable. I booted from a 500 M
external disk that still had S7.5.5 on it and
re-ran the tests using s/w on the latter disk.
This found no directory problems - but MacTools
Pro found corrupted finder preferences files on
both of the internal S7.6.1 disks. This was not
cured by trashing the finder preferences file,
rebooting from each of the disks in turn, then
booting from the external drive and testing again
- the new preferences files were found to be
corrupted too. This at least suggested that there
was something amiss with the version of S7.6.1
that I was using - so I have now reverted pro
tem. to S7.5.5 via a clean install.

All that I have been able to establish,
therefore, is that I may have been operating a
corrupted version of S7.6.1 when the Jaz drives
failed but I have since been informed that
MacTools Pro 4.0.4 does not work with S7.6x so
this may not actually be the case. Even if the
system *was* corrupted is not clear to me (or to
anyone that I have talked to) how that could have
induced what seems like a hardware failure in the
two Jaz drives.  I cannot rule out the
possibility that I connected or disconnected one
of the drives to or from a powered-up machine
(though I've never done that in several years of
handling external drives) but I certainly didn't
do it twice. The only other recent untoward
incident that I can recall is that my monitor
occasionally flashes a pinkish-purple colour over
the entire screen but, again, I believe that this
a relatively common problem which originates in
the monitor.  I have had no problems whatever
working with my external 500 M drive or with a
SyQuest 200 M drive either before or after this

As I said at the beginning I dread the
possibility that my replacement Jaz drive will go
belly-up in the same way as the other two - but I
am damned if I can see what was going on here.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Fergus Lalor


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 14:07:18 -0500
From: dead nancy <>
Subject: mac and midi

hi, everybody.

i'm looking for a couple midithings for my crippled studio:

1. software that will accept the contents of my yamaha su(ck)-10 sampler
as a midi dump;

2. software that will let my nitendo miracle(!) keyboard trigger
samples, and

3. anything that can talk to a casio rz-1 drum machine.

m. fletcher
see you in hell!


Date: Thu, 23 Oct 97 09:13:30 -0800
From: "Rhonda K. Aronwald"<>
Subject: Mac crashes

When I used Mac's pre-networks and pre-browsers, I never had a problem with
them.  Both Mac's I have had at two separate workplaces which have been on
networks crash routinely.  Being a Web author, I use Netscape quite a bit which
seems to cause a multitude of problems (especially Communicator and Composer). 
It is enough to make PC's seem appealing.  Do other people experience these
problems?  What is being done to make Mac's more compatible with networks?




Date: Wed, 22 Oct 97 11:05:38 -0300
From: Thomas Fruin <>
Subject: Mac OS 8 Page Setup always reverts to A4?

When using a couple of programs (like Emailer 2.0, Netscape 4.01, etc.) 
and using the LaserWriter driver that comes with Mac OS 8, I've noticed 
that the Page Setup tends to revert back to size A4. This is not what we 
use here (US letter). I've tried the "Save Settings" button, but that's 
in the Print dialog, and it doesn't help. (All it did was save my 
settings for 30 copies from a previous print job, and you can imagine 
what fun I had with that...)

So... what's happening, and what can I do?

-- Thomas Fruin
   Santiago de Chile


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 22:16:30 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Fiske <>
Subject: Macintosh mail-order in the UK?

I am in NEED of some WEBSITE URLs of Mac mail-order warehouses in the UK.
Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.



Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 18:24:01 -0500
From: "Paul M. Sheldon" <>
Subject: ordinary TV, high res desktop pictures using time (A1)

	Jonathan Rynd wrote me :
	Yes, it's doable, in fact the Imaging department here at Cornell's
CS department does exactly this. ... Does not produce much of an
improvement in quality -- when an image is in motion, people notice the
motion rather than the graininess.
	I write :
	I'm suggesting tracking out this motion like they did in small ccd
helicopter binoculars and current digital cameras.
	Jonathan Rynd wrote me :
	Requires tons of CPU horsepower
	I write :
	It won't take a Cray from Apple or Cornell to do this, though we
need not justify the computers at Cornell with only this bid.

	Professor Neil Fiertel,
	Department of Art and Design, University of Alberta,
	wrote me :
	I have gone to using still cameras and scanning via a
negative/positive Poloroid scanner
	I write :
	I did something like this with a scene from "Hook" the movie.
	As I study the theoretical physics of time, I wanted a blown-up
high resolution picture (for myself, not for profit, as a "mascot" picture)
of Pan (Robin Williams) looking in a clock at Tinkerbell (Julia Roberts)
who had just thrown a fit because he was in love with Moira. With time
exposure shots of the movie film and a lot of wasted shots, I picked up
this one good scene for myself. I have also tried time exposure from star
wars TV imagery.
	Summary so far :
	I imagine that a high resolution expensive ccd digital camera with
tracking could already take a time exposure of a TV image removing both
motion and grain in a panned shot and produce this interpixelation.
	It is not clear that you need such special purpose and expensive
high res hardware outside the macintosh, since it is clear that we are
wanting to do something that is the reverse of what is already done in
codecs on the mac.
	This might already be being done somewhat by codecs, because my
8500 mac TV image looks higher resolution than my normal TV image. I have
experimented with video in a store with a larger monitor than my home
monitor, though, and found Apple put a limit you could zoom the window big.
That may bode ill, don't know.
	It is bad to think "If it hasn't been done, it can't be done." To
so think stops thinking about new things that could be done.


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 11:45:06 +0000
From: "Jerry J. Grillo" <>
Subject: OS 7.6

I have encounted another problem has been notice this morning with OS

My external hard drie will not start up. I get a message that another
extension is using SCSI No. 1 where the external drive has always been

I Have  removed all Apple CD info since I do not have an internal drive
by Apple.

Is there a way to change the No 1 to No3. That is normally where the
Internal Apple Drive would be.

Any Suggestions will be appreciated.


Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 19:07:48 -0400 (EDT)
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: OS 7.6

On Wed, 15 Oct Jerry J. Grill wrote

>All of my System and Application Folders are locked and I can not unlock
>them. The General control shows that tey are not marked for protection.
>The files inside of the folders can be deleted but the folders can not
>be moved or trashed.

Jerry, boot with your System Tools floppy. Then delete what you want.

If the files maintain they are locked, press the OPTION key while you
request emptying the trash.

Al Bloom


Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 22:39:57 +0200
From: Arild Eugen Johansen <>
Subject: Power supply socket for PowerBook 190

Does anyone know where I can get a socket for the power supply (replacement
for a broken one) for a PowerBook 190? The one that is soldered on the main
circuit board at the back?

Someone forced a wrong plug into mine and I need to replace it with a new
one. Most likely it is a standard part but it would be easier to know the
part #.



Date: Tue, 21 Oct 97 15:51:59 -0500
From: Chris Gervais <>
Subject: Printing on a PC network

I currently connect my Macintosh to our Windows 95 peer-to-peer network 
via PC-MacLAN. We have a couple of printers on our network, but alas, 
they're not PostScript (there all HP LaserJet 4+). Does anyone know of a 
way to print to a non-PostScript printer over a network? Is such a thing 
possible? Would those GDT PowerPrint drivers help at?




Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 19:23:03 -0400
From: "Michael E. Mauel" <>
Subject: Q: How to upgrade RAM within a PowerBook 2400?

I would like to upgrade the RAM within my new PowerBook 2400c.

As usual, Apple recommends installation of RAM upgrades by
authorized personnel.

Has anyone tried (and succeeded) in performing the RAM upgrade
without "authorized" assistance? If so, I would very much like
to learn of your experience and advice.

Thank you in advance.

-Mike Mauel
 Columbia University


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 19:34:18 -0700
From: Max <> (by way of Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: S. Brewster SCSI problems

APS's Power Tools is an effective substitute for SCSI Probe.


Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 19:16:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: SCSIProbe alternative

On Wed, 15 Oct S. Brewster wrote

>Hi again; just a quick question about SCSIProbe.  Is there a quick mounter
>program available as an alternative?  I've got a stubborn drive that
>occasionally after Mac shutdown refuses to start up again unless powered
>off completely and turned back on again.  SCSIProbe is a major pain to get
>to recognize external SCSI chain devices and it's like four steps.  I
>needed quick easy access to all my devices in one list, perhaps
>appleScriptable.  Any suggestions?

What version of SCSI Probe, Scott?

A while ago an I-M colleague dressed me down for talking about 3.5 when
4.3 was the latest. So I got the latest. It didn't work worth a naughtyword.

I'm glad I'm a packrat. I recovered to 3.5 quickly.

But not before 4.3 bent my head something fierce.

Al Bloom


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 08:50:30 -0700
From: daddaadda <>
Subject: SCSIProbe alternative?

The best results that I have ever had for mounting Syquests


Unfortunately it _ONLY_ works with Syquest type drives.

- dadda


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 01:42:06 +0200
From: "W.N. Meulensteen" <>
Subject: setting Mac's time from the interne

>is there a utility/app/script/widget-of-some-sort to set the Mac's time
>from a "reference" on the internet? 

Vremya by Kirill Levchenko does just that.
<> is where you get it.



Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 09:44:31 -0600
From: (Ted Logan)
Subject: setting Mac's time from the internet

>is there a utility/app/script/widget-of-some-sort to set the Mac's time
>from a "reference" on the internet? i know of several time
>setting/updating apps that use your modem to dial out to one of several
>locations that will then deliver the correct time to the Mac -- is there
>anything that works like that for the i-net? TIA!

I use Set Clock v3.5.1, which dials up a "master" timekeeper in Colorado
and resets your computer automatically.  Just what you want.  If it's not
still in Info-Mac Archives, send an email to the developer, Jim Leitch
( or to me ( *or*


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 12:52:02 +0200
From: Bo Bjulen <>
Subject: setting Mac's time from the internet

At 13.34 -0400 1997-10-20, Heard, Mark wrote:

>is there a utility/app/script/widget-of-some-sort to set the Mac's time
>from a "reference" on the internet? i know of several time
>setting/updating apps that use your modem to dial out to one of several
>locations that will then deliver the correct time to the Mac -- is there
>anything that works like that for the i-net?

Vremya will do what you want. It's an application and works flawlessly
for me:


Bo Bjulen


Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 10:33:26 -0700
From: "Adam C. Engst" <>
Subject: setting Mac's time from the internet (& NetBITS info)

>is there a utility/app/script/widget-of-some-sort to set the Mac's time
>from a "reference" on the internet? i know of several time
>setting/updating apps that use your modem to dial out to one of several
>locations that will then deliver the correct time to the Mac -- is there
>anything that works like that for the i-net? TIA!

Sure, Network Time and Vremya, both of which are in the Info-Mac HyperArchive.


Check NetBITS 004 for a more complete discussion of the Network Time
Protocol and links to sites that explain the subject in detail.


For those that haven't heard about it, NetBITS is a new publication from
the same people who do TidBITS, namely me, Tonya, Geoff Duncan, and Jeff
Carlson. Where TidBITS focuses on Mac stuff, NetBITS instead concentrates
on Internet topics, with the aim of providing practical information to
individuals who use the Internet regularly. NetBITS looks like TidBITS, is
free like TidBITS, and frankly, will probably read almost exactly like
TidBITS since many of the articles are things we might have written for
TidBITS if we'd had the space. For instance, the last two issues had a good
bit about how to deal with spam

You can check our Web site at the URL below, and you can subscribe to
NetBITS via email by sending a message to <>.


We also send NetBITS out via email in HTML, but only subscribe to it that
way if you're SURE that your email client (like Netscape 3.0 or higher)
supports HTML well. (Eudora does not, currently.) To subscribe to the HTML
version in email, send a message to <>. To be
honest, HTML in email is still pretty flaky.

cheers... -Adam

Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Publisher/Info-Mac Moderator --


Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 17:25:31 -0400
From: Curtis Wilcox <>
Subject: Stylewriter II causing freezes

I've set up a 6500/250 (system 7.5.5) with an old Stylewriter II printer.
Unfortunately, most of the time when I try to print something, it freezes
the system. Sometimes it freezes at the "Identifying printer" stage and
sometimes it begins to print the document (maybe 25% of a page) then stops
and is frozen, only restarting gets out of it.

This occurs with background printing is on or off. I've tried using the
"Stylewriter II" driver and "Stylewriter 1500" driver but it happens with
both. I have not tried dragging and dropping to start print jobs, only
using the Print dialog. It occurs when printing from different applications
(Emailer, Netscape, Word). The printer continues to work properly when
connected to the older computer, a PowerBook 160 running system 7.1. There
is no problem printing to a LaserWriter from the 6500.

Would the most current Stylewriter driver (at least the most current
Canon-based model) be the best one to use with *any* Stylewriter? I think
the 2500 is the last of the Canon-based inkjets.

Are there known problems with old Stylewriters and new Macs? I haven't
found anything concrete in TIL or at MacFixIt. Should I dump the desktop
printing extensions? I have OS 8 but haven't installed it. Would 8 make a


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 23:45:21 +0200
From: (HJ vd Ven)
Subject: SW 2500 & Custom Paper Size

>Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 22:24:20 -0700
>From: (Thom Ryan)
>Subject: ? SW 2500 & Custom Paper Size ?

>        I would like to create a custom paper size (4x6 inch) that would
>appear in the Page Size selection when the Page Setup menu option is
>selected. I would be quite happy to tweak the small envelope size if
>that is easier than creating a new document size.
>        I am using the Color StyleWriter 2500 chooser extension
>installed by OS 8 on a PB 3400 and PM 8500. I am not using the GX
>version. I am familiar with ResEdit but unsure of what resources
>(PREC? to edit.
Y're close: open PREC --> open 3 --> Edit. Use a copy!

mvg,   HJ van de Ven


Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 18:20:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: System 8 & 68040

On Tue, 14 Oct Christopher Heard wrote

>I use a PowerBook 190/33 with 24MB RAM (physical). Is it worth my while to
>upgrade to MacOS 8?

Hard to say, Christopher. Sys8 will work on an 040 box, but is it worth the
powder it takes to blow its nose? I don't know for sure. I've about finished
upgrading home and office toys to PPC boxes.

I suspect the answer is to upgrade if you have problems related to Sys761, but
bag it if 761 is doing fine for you.

If you need OT/PPP, I'd suggest goiving Sys8 a look.

Sys8 is large enough that I'd suggest doing a full backup of your HD before
installing it. Try it out. If it is no improvement, restore from backup. 24M
isn't going to do it under Sys8 if you multiprocess much.

I've 32M on my PB5300cs and 48M on my desktop 7300's. I can run out of memory
real quick under Sys8.

Al Bloom


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 10:36:02 +0300
From: "Michael S. Silverstein" <>
Subject: Word 97 PC to Word 6 Mac - problems with PICTs

How does one translate Word 97 PC to Word 6 Mac properly?

I have a Word 97 file with an embedded graph as a PICT and when I open the
file in Word 6 the vertical axis is turned 90 degrees to horizontal.

I seem to remember someone mentioning such a problem for Word 6 PC to Word
6 Mac as well.

Any solutions?

Thanks in advance!!

Michael Silverstein
Materials Engineering



End of Info-Mac Digest