Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #203
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 18 Sep 97       Volume 15 : Issue 203

Today's Topics:

      (A) Decoding Base  64 attachments
      [A] Battery Ran Out
      [A] Battery ran out
      battery run out
      Decoding base 64 attachments
      HP Scanner driver download stops, help
      Info-Mac post
      Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network?
      LCIII and 2GB internal HD
      OT/PPP and PB5300cs
      Other Nac Lists
      PB150 Beeps and fails to boot
      Problem with Apple Video Player
      Q: Colour printing
      Some internet clients do not work....(IIcx con't)

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Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 08:15:24 -0600
From: Robert Zimmerman <>
Subject: (A) Decoding Base  64 attachments

On Wed, 17 Sep 1997 10:26:09 +0100 Trevor Harris <> wrote:

>I have recently received several attachments embedded in email messages and
>have been unable to decode them. How do I decode a base 64 encoded
>'attachment' that is embedded in a mail message? Up to now I have had to
>forward the complete message to a PC based network administrator who has
>returned the attachment as a seperate file which is what I require. I am
>using Eudora Light 3.11 and have Uuundo 1.0b1 and uucd 2.4.4 as well as
>stuffit expander 4.0.2. Any help appreciated.

Try Mpack 1.5, which I believe is available on Info-Mac.  I also remeber
reading that Stuffit 4.5 will support base64 decoding, though I haven't
upgraded yet to verify this.



Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 15:51:53 -0700
From: John Withers <>
Subject: [A] Battery Ran Out

I had to do the same thing to mine about a year and a half ago.  I was
skeptical, but it really isn't very hard to do.  The battery is not very
common, but you should be able to get one.

1) Remove the cover on the LCII
2) Locate the battery.  It should be on the fron edge of the system
board on the left      side as you look at the system from the front.
3) I can't remember how the battery is held in, but I think there was a
black cover that
   slipped off to expose the battery.  Remove the battery, you'll need
the type number
   that's imprinted on it.
4) Search for a new battery.  I had to buy mine from a 'battery
specialty shop' (a store 
   that only sells batteries).  You could also try a local electronics

John Withers

Jan Weijers <> writes:
>Hi Guys,
>The battery on my LC 2 ran out. Well, that is the only explanation I can
>think of for the fact that the clock is set back to noon 1957 and the
>start-up disk switches from external to internal every time I switch off
>(or on) my Mac. And the highlight colour changes back to the default black.
>Can anyone recommend a good place to get a new battery in the UK?
>Is there any part number or anything I should know?
>Can someone who is screwdriver-literate (but couldn't solder to save his
>life) replace a battery in an LC 2?
>Jan Weijers


Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 16:38:56 -0700
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <mmcneil@BBN.COM>
Subject: [A] Battery ran out

>Can someone who is screwdriver-literate (but couldn't solder to save his
>life) replace a battery in an LC 2?
In an LC, no soldering required, just pops out and back in.



Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 12:02:50 +0100
From: (Michael J. Sackin)
Subject: battery run out

> Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 21:11:03 +0100
> From: Jan Weijers <>
> Subject: [Q] Battery ran out
> The battery on my LC 2 ran out. Well, that is the only explanation I can
> think of for the fact that the clock is set back to noon 1957 and the
> start-up disk switches from external to internal every time I switch off
> (or on) my Mac. And the highlight colour changes back to the default black.
> Etc.
> Can anyone recommend a good place to get a new battery in the UK?

Yes, RS, tel. 01536 444101 (huge catalogue).   You need a 1/2 AA size
battery, 3.6 volts.   They arre about an inch long.

> Can someone who is screwdriver-literate (but couldn't solder to save his
> life) replace a battery in an LC 2?

Yes, definitely.   The LC series are a doddle to open up - you don't evern
need a screwdriver, though the battery case doesn't always come out so
easily.   However, I've changed a lot and always got there in the end.  
For more details have a look at

Michael Sackin.


Date: Wed, 17 Sep 97 18:31:53 -0600
From: James Atkinson <>
Subject: Decoding base 64 attachments

On 09/17/1997 03:26 AM Trevor Harris said:

>I have recently received several attachments embedded in email messages and
>have been unable to decode them. How do I decode a base 64 encoded
>'attachment' that is embedded in a mail message? Up to now I have had to
>forward the complete message to a PC based network administrator who has
>returned the attachment as a seperate file which is what I require. I am
>using Eudora Light 3.11 and have Uuundo 1.0b1 and uucd 2.4.4 as well as
>stuffit expander 4.0.2. Any help appreciated.

I believe that Eudora Pro will handle base64 "on the fly," and I know 
that Claris Emailer 2.x will.  Check out the free demo download of 
Emailer: .

In other words, I think the short answer to your question may be 

James Atkinson


Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 22:17:11 -0700
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: HP Scanner driver download stops, help

Bill Fuller wrote:

>At 11:57 PM -0500 9/16/97, Daly Jessup babbled something resembling:
>>        Does anyone have any idea why Fetch might produce an unusable file
>>and Netscape wouldn't, in a case like this?

Babble?  BABBLE??

>OK, I'll take a shot at this. I had a similar problem a couple of weeks ago
>before I upgraded the Memory on my StarMax 300/180. With only 16 megs
>installed, VM set to 32 megs under OS 8, a download would often appear as
>if it had completed but Stuffit Expander would be unable to decode it
>claiming that it was not a complete file.

I recognize what you're talking about from occasional incidents on the Mac
at work. But I have a L - O - T of RAM, and that isn't it. Besides, it
downloaded perfectly with Netscape 4.0.3 and not with Fetch, in the same 5
minutes on the same machine. And when I downloaded with Fetch, only Fetch
and Eudora were running. And when I downloaded with Netscape, that added
another simultaneous application, so I doubt the memory theory in this
particular case. I have looked around in Fetch to see if there's a funny
setting, but I don't see any.

Any other ideas why Fetch 3.0.3 would repeatedly and consistently hose a
file that ftp in Netscape 4.0.3 could deal with easily?


				Daly Jessup


Date: Wed, 17 Sep 97 10:57:32 +0100
From: Dan Frakes <>
Subject: Info-Mac post

On 9/15/97 3:00 AM, Derek Phillips wrote:

>Hello Dan,
>I just read your post in Info-Mac Digest V15 #194 about the other more
>informative, mailing lists that answer questions and so on. You mentioned
>Mac-Info, IO-MUG, PowerList, MacPCI... and I wonder if you would be so kind
>as to e-mail me the addresses of these lists and tell me how to subscribe
>to them or any others that you didn't mention that are very good. I
>understand the basic system of typing "subscribe" in the subject box but I
>think other instructions sometimes are also required . Or if that is too
>much to ask, could you point me in a direction to find these lists and I'll
>gladly take it from there.\

Several people have emailed me about how to subscribe to the lists I 
mentioned last week; here is the info:

Macintosh News and Information List:
send SUBSCRIBE MAC-L "your_name"  (without the quote marks) to: 

IO-MUG List:
Go to and follow the links to subscribe

Power List (for PowerBooks):
Go to and follow the links to subscribe



Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 16:34:19 -0600
From: Rick VanDerveer <>
Subject: Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network?

>People of a small organization (25 persons) have asked me as a general
>trouble-shooting guy to implement some kind of internal e-mail system
>over the AppleTalk-network.
>Untill now, they are using a series of folders for every person on the
>server, using aliases of these folders on their personal macs. This
>didn't work, because people didn't take te effort to actually look in it.
>There should be some kind of notifying to make this work.
>I was never confronted with these matters. Maybe there is an
>shareware-program that will do the job. Can somebody throw me some advice
>about some options and caveats ?

Although I admit I've never used it myself, Snapmail by Casady & Greene is
supposed to be fast and easy to use, and is designed for small networks. A
demo is even available:

Hope this helps...


'Networkable Mac Games' -- Your source for multiplayer gaming on the Mac.


Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 16:35:32 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: LCIII and 2GB internal HD

At 11:16 PM +0200 9/15/97, Matthew Daillie wrote:
>I am thinking of changing the internal HD of my LCIII
>I have been told that I can fit a 2GB
>hard disk into the space presently taken up by the original internal HD.

The LCIII can accept any third-height drive.  You can probably find a >2Gb
drive that will fit, if you wish.

>Has anybody had any experience with such a  modification.

Couldn't be easier.

1. Back up the internal drive.
2. Set up the external drive so you can boot from it. [install a System, if
3. Shut down your LCIII and open up the case.
4. Remove the existing HD [front left, shiny rectangular thing] by
disconnecting the two cables that are attached to it and lifting it out;
there are a couple "clips" holding it in place.
5. Remove the metal "sled" from the bottom of the old disk [4 screws]
6. Set the new disk to SCSI ID 0; the method of doing this will be
discussed either on the drive itself [data sticker] or the data sheet that
came with it.
7. Mount the "sled" to the new disk; it goes on just like the old disk.
8. Put the new disk into the case, just like the old one was.
9. Connect the two cables to the new disk.
10. Close it up and power up.

Now, you just need to format the new disk and then restore from the backup.

To format, you'll probably need to use a non-Apple tool like Anubis or Hard
Disk Toolkit.

chazl            -  9.17.1997  -  


Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 22:26:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: OT/PPP and PB5300cs

A puzzlement. I tried installing AT&T Worldnet's update this evening. It said
I needed OT/PPP 1.0, and I authorized the install. It failed. I went to the
Apple web site and got OT/PPP 1.0 and it failed to install, too.

OK, it isn't an (obvious) AT&T problem.

Installation failed at various points. All within the "modem" descriptor
part. Net install (PB accessing either the AT&T CD or the "Net Install" folder
that I downloaded from Apple) failed early. If I copied the installer folder
to the PB (either AT&T's or Apple's) failure occurred about midway through the
progress bar.

No, it did not reliably fail at any given modem description. Gee, I hate that.
makes diagnosis a bear.

In all cases I turned off all but Apple extensions. System 7.6 (all) was as
useless as System 7.6 (base). The install failed under each option.

I've been hesitant to install Sys8 on the PB because I don't know how it'll
affect AT&T Worldnet, which keys to FreePPP. I was looking forward to the
update that switched to OT/PPP. Maybe even AT&T can be modern.

Fortunately, the failed OT/PPP install did not affect the PB's ability to
reach out and touch someone via Worldnet. FreePPP was still in place and set
to connect with various AT&T numbers. I'm not at all hobbled.

But I do wonder what the problem is. And I wonder if it will affect me down
the line.

Al Bloom


Date: Wed, 17 Sep 97 15:37:25 +0100
From: Dan Frakes <>
Subject: Other Nac Lists

"Edward B. Hanna" <> wrote:

>>there are plenty of other, more informative, mailing lists that 
>>answer questions, act as a "community" etc. for Mac Users. Mac-Info, 
>>IO-MUG, PowerList, MacPCI... 
>How can they be contacted?

Several people have emailed me about how to subscribe to the lists I 
mentioned last week; here is the info:

Macintosh News and Information List:
send SUBSCRIBE MAC-L "your_name"  (without the quote marks) to: 

IO-MUG List:
Go to and follow the links to subscribe

Power List (for PowerBooks):
Go to and follow the links to subscribe



Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 10:09:10 -0400
From: (Ron Earnest)
Subject: PB150 Beeps and fails to boot

   Just that. A couple of weeks ago the machine started to 'beep' clearly.
Now it 'beeps' and then shows a question-mark mac. The computer will boot
off of a diskette or another drive. When I boot from a diskette, the
internal hard drive does not show up either with disk first aid or
Norton's Disk Doctor.

   Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, Ron


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 08:59:55 -0600
From: Bruce Carter <>
Subject: Problem with Apple Video Player

I haven't used this little application much, so I don't know when this
problem started, but I can't get audio through Apple Video Player anymore.
I have the sound set for microphone and playthrough, and have the correct
cables hooked up.  It works fine in Premiere, which is what I usually use.
I can even hear the audio when AVP is not running.  As soon as I run it,
though, the picture comes up and the audio cuts out.  No adjustments of the
slider or settings in AVP seem to help unless I'm missing something.  I've
clicked the little speaker to turn mute on and off to no avail.  This is
all on an 8100av system running OS8.  Help!

Bruce Carter, Boise State Univ., Boise, ID 83725


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 15:33:06 +0000
From: "Markus Winter" <>
Subject: Q: Colour printing

Hi everyone!

I need a bit of help with colour printing. I am on a novel network 
using a PowerMac 8200. Printing is to a Tektronix phaser 340. I have 
Apple Colour Sync 2.01 and the appropriate colour sync profiles for 
both the monitor and the printer.

The problem:  People printing from Unix workstation have beautiful 
printouts (presumably using postscript). I am using Excel 5 and Word 
6 for my thesis, and when I print something in colour, areas look 
rather grainy, e.g. a gray area is not just gray, but dotted with 
little darker spots. And a light green colour on screen arives as 
neon-green on paper.

Any idea how to get solid area printing? Can Word & Excel use Colour 

Thanks in advance, and please answer straight to me (deadline is the 
30. Sept)



Date: Wed, 17 Sep 97 14:10:15 -0800
From: "B.J. Major" <>
Subject: Some internet clients do not work....(IIcx con't)

Thanks to all who wrote me about getting the right video card and monitor 
for my "new" Mac IIcx which was bought at a local thrift store.  Now that 
I have THAT problem taken care of, there is still one more, however.

I loaded and am running System 7.1 on this machine.  I have MacSlip, 
MacTCP, and all my favorite internet clients brought over onto this hard 
disk from my other Macs.  My connection is FINE (and speedy).  I can send 
and receive mail with no problem (Emailer).  I can read and post to 
Usenet (YA-Newswatcher) with no problem.  What I CAN'T do is use either 
Fetch or Anarchie or a web browser.  Fetch and Anarchie complain that no 
such server address exists when I click on a known-working bookmark to 
open (no matter which one).  Netscape or MacWeb both complain that there 
is no DNS entry available (and it is a good address) OR nothing loads at 
all, the logos are moving and it APPEARS that a page is on its way, but 
nothing ever happens, and I am forced to stop the loading and quit the 

I have checked and double checked my MacTCP configurations.  Everything 
is in order there, and if it wasn't, I obviously would not be able to use 
either email or usenet.  There must be something else wrong, but I am 
stumped.  Any suggestions??!  Thanks in advance.



End of Info-Mac Digest