Abstracts from files in info-mac/per/mip as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX mac-in-play-96-01-it.hqx **** From: freedom@mbox.vol.it (Roberto Cattaneo) Subject: MacInPlay ITA January 1996 MacInPlay is a free e-zine in Italian and in English about Macintosh video games. This e-zine has been created by Roberto Cattaneo and Marco Silvestri with the help of Attilio Tarabusi, Carlo Volpi, Alberto Porcu and Augusto Pirovano. MIP is out every month and it's on Info-Mac mirrors. The English version will be out starting from Jan 96 after the Italian version. It's also available on a FirstClass BBS in the north of Italy (Freedom +1139 2 70638075). In January issue we talk about: - Marathon 2 - Dungeon Master II - Curse of Dragor - Full Throttle solution If you want to send comments and letters, please use freedom@mbox.vol.it Next week I will post on Info-Mac the English version. The translation will be made by me and Fabrizio Re Garbagnati. Game Over! #### BINHEX mac-in-play-96-01.hqx **** From: freedom@mbox.vol.it (Roberto Cattaneo) Subject: MacInPlay January 1996 USA version MacInPlay is a free e-zine in Italian and in English about Macintosh video games. This e-zine has been created by Roberto Cattaneo and Marco Silvestri with the help of Attilio Tarabusi, Carlo Volpi, Alberto Porcu, Augusto Pirovano and Fabrizio Re Garbagnati. MIP is out every month and it's on Info-Mac mirrors. The English version will be out 10 days after the Italian version. It's also available on a FirstClass BBS in the north of Italy (Freedom +1139 2 70638075). In January issue we talk about: - Marathon 2 - Dungeon Master II - Curse of Dragor - Full Throttle solution If you want to send comments and letters, please use freedom@mbox.vol.it The translation to English was made by Fabrizio Re Garbagnati and Roberto Cattaneo. Game Over! #### BINHEX mac-in-play-96-03-it.hqx **** From: Roberto Cattaneo, freedom@mbox.vol.it Subject: MIP Feb/March 1996 (ITA) MacInPlay is a free e-zine in Italian and in English about Macintosh video games. This e-zine is directed by Roberto Cattaneo with the help of Marco Silvestri, Attilio Tarabusi, Carlo Volpi, Alberto Porcu and Augusto Pirovano. MIP is out every month and it's on Info-Mac mirrors. The English version will be out one week after the Italian version. In February/March issue we talk about: - Interview: Bill Dugan, MacPlay - System Update 2.0 - Havoc - International Tennis Open - Comanche Mac - Tips&Tricks If you want to send comments and letters, please use freedom@mbox.vol.it Game Over! #### BINHEX mac-in-play-96-03.hqx **** From: Roberto Cattaneo, freedom@mbox.vol.it Subject: MIP Feb/March 1996 (USA) MacInPlay is a free e-zine in Italian and in English about Macintosh video games. This e-zine is directed by Roberto Cattaneo with the help of Marco Silvestri, Attilio Tarabusi, Carlo Volpi, Alberto Porcu and Augusto Pirovano. MIP is out every month and it's on Info-Mac mirrors. The English version will be out one week after the Italian version. In February/March issue we talk about: - Interview: Bill Dugan, MacPlay - System Update 2.0 - Havoc - International Tennis Open - Comanche Mac - Tips&Tricks If you want to send comments and letters, please use freedom@mbox.vol.it The translation to English was made by Fabrizio Re Garbagnati and Roberto Cattaneo. Game Over! #### BINHEX mac-in-play-96-04-05.hqx **** From: Roberto Cattaneo <freedom@mbox.vol.it> Subject: MIP Apr/May 1996 (USA) MacInPlay is a free e-zine in Italian and in English about Macintosh video games. This e-zine is directed by Roberto Cattaneo with the help of Marco Silvestri, Augusto Pirovano and Barbara Gasco. MIP is a bimonthly e-zine and it's on Info-Mac mirrors. The English version will be out two weeks after the Italian version. In April/May issue we talk about: - Interview: Eric Klein Jr., Bungie Software - News from LucasArts - X-Wing Collector - Endorfun - Barrack - Diamonds 3D - Tips&Tricks If you want to send comments and letters, please use freedom@mbox.vol.it The translation to English has been made by Antonio Negrini. Game Over! #### BINHEX mac-in-play-96-05-it.hqx **** From: (Roberto Cattaneo) freedom@mbox.vol.it Subject: MIP Apr/May 1996 (ITA) MacInPlay is a free e-zine in Italian and in English about Macintosh video games. This e-zine is directed by Roberto Cattaneo with the help of Marco Silvestri, Augusto Pirovano and Barbara Gasco. MIP is a bimonthly e-zine and it's on Info-Mac mirrors. The English version will be out two weeks after the Italian version. In April/May issue we talk about: - Interview: Eric Klein Jr., Bungie Software - News from LucasArts - X-Wing Collector - Endorfun - Barrack - Diamonds 3D - Tips&Tricks If you want to send comments and letters, please use freedom@mbox.vol.it Game Over!