Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #53
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 04 Mar 98       Volume 16 : Issue 53

Today's Topics:

      [A] MacOS 8.1 Problem
      [A] Macsbug Question
      [A] Strange file-renaming glitch
      [Q] mouse problem
      [Q] SuperMac Monitor Compatibility
      Beware of DiskEssentials
      datebook pro and ALDUS ADOBE NOW QUALCOMM software question
      Erasing "shared" Zip disks
      Eudora for multiple user accounts
      HELP for MUSTEK Scanner!!!
      Imagesetter Printing Problems
      Mpeg Player
      need help with Midi Manager and driver
      num-lock light
      Slow performance on a 6205 CD

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Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 09:39:19 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A] MacOS 8.1 Problem

Couple of suggestions:

1) Try configuring the Absolute minimum system for running Netscape.

2) Ensure your disk cache is set to at least the minimum required, click on
defaults to get this.

3) I suspect you really need more RAM, since the system is taking up at
least half of your physical RAM and maybe more. It would be well worth the
investment to get to 32M.



Date: 2 Mar 98 23:34:35 -0500
From: "Chris Gervais" <>
Subject: [A] Macsbug Question


>Question, which version of Macsbug are you all using on MacOS 8.1?

Mac OS 8.x requires Macsbug 6.5.4a3c1 or later. Check out
<> to get
the latest version of Macsbug.

Hope this helps,



Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 10:05:05 -0800
From: "C. Peter Schoenrank" <>
Subject: [A] Strange file-renaming glitch

At 15:15 -0500 Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Joseph Crowley <jcrowly@MIT.EDU> wrote:
>	When she tries to rename a file through the standard procedure of
>clicking the file name, waiting for the text to become editable, and
>editing it, the text will *stop* being editable very abruptly, while she's
>still typing.

I had the same thing happen to a user here at UVic.  Restarting with
extensions off made the problem go away.

It turns out that the user had a corrupted print document in the
PrintMonitor Documents folder (how it got there is a mystery).  Desktop
PrintMonitor didn't complain about the document at all; but when I
restarted with extensions off, the old PrintMonitor complained.

Trashing the corrupt printmonitor document and restarting solved the
problem.  Hope it works for you.


Peter Schoenrank                                   voice: (250) 721-7696
Computing User Services                              fax: (250) 721-8778
University of Victoria                          Internet: cps@UVic.CA


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 07:08:03 -0500
From: Bob Rolston <>
Subject: [Q] mouse problem

The mouse on my computer is now erratic, moving around the screen. Do I
have a problem with the mouse and need to buy a new one, or could it be an
extension problem?


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 98 11:28:19 CST
From: Mike Sisson <>
Subject: [Q] SuperMac Monitor Compatibility

I currently have a SuperMac STD9751 Dual-Mode 19" Monitor hooked up to a
Spectrum/24 Series III Nubus Video Board installed in a Mac IIfx. 

Can anyone tell me if I can use this monitor on a PCI based Mac (7500) or 
whether the monitor/card combination will work on a Nubus PowerMac (7100/66). 

Although I won't be sad to get rid of the IIfx, I would rather not get rid of 
the monitors if I can get them to work on another system we have.

Pointers to information sources will be appreciated as well. I don't even know
if SuperMac exists anymore or who owns the rights, etc...


Mike Sisson


Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 14:24:27 +0900
From: Peter Hartmann <>
Subject: Beware of DiskEssentials

Below you find a lengthy extract of a letter to TotalRecall on behalf of
my experiences with DiskEssentials. I believe it to be my duty to inform
the Macintosh community about the potential dangers involved with the
use of DiskEssential at its current state of development (v. 1.1.4).
This is my *personal* experience, maybe other users are completely
satisfied with the product and might want to share their experiences,
too, to get a balanced picture. I realize that the problems described
regarding ZIP media maybe related to the so called "click of death"
phenomenon with Iomega's ZIP technology. But that, for sure, is only a
part of the problem.

Peter Hartmann
Visiting Scholar
Ritsumeikan University
Kyoto, Japan

*******My letter to Total Recall on behalf of DiskEssentials********

Returning DiskEssentials and Request for Refund

Dear Sir or Madam,

I hereby return the above mentioned DiskEssentials package and request
the refund of the entire amount paid. Please cancel my registration.
[...] I was asked by your support to try the updates for DE. I did so
but without any success. [...]
The reason for the return is that I don't see any perspective that the
problems with this product I outlined in my original e-mail to your
company around mid of December 1997 (see appendix below) will be solved
in the near future. I have the problems described also with DE
and 1.1.4: DE report corrupted folder structures on my hard disk,
although both DiskFirstAid and Nortons Utilities find no problems. After
DE apply the "fix", both DiskFirstAid and Nortons Utilities report
severe damages, and luckily Norton Utilities are able to fix them and
again both DiskFirstAid and Nortons Utilities report everything to be
OK. Never has a media verification been done by DE.
The experiences I had with the updated versions demonstrate even more
clearly than my initial report that DE for me causes problems instead of
solving them.


Peter Hartmann

P.S. As already outlined in an other e-mail, I received the update for
DE in a mechanically severly damaged state, due to insufficent
packaging. Furthermore, the URL given on the pamphlet which was
enclosed, seems not to be correct. After a week of trying to log in
without even a response from your alleged server, I found the updater to
DE 1.1.4 on your main URL.


The day before yesterday I received the DiskEssentials 1.1 package I had
ordered directly from you.
Frankly, I feel betrayed. In my experience this package is one of the
most unreliable pieces of software I have ever come across. From this
experience I feel that not only DiskEssentials is in no respect 綟
ssentialモ but on the contrary seems to be a piece of software that one
would least want to give custody of one's hard disk. 
This is my experience:

・ The Environment:
A stand-alone (no network connection) UMAX Apus 2000/200 PPC system,
i.e. Machine ID 58, with a internal 1,5 MB ATA (FUJITSU M1623TAU, rev.
5245) and a single ZIP drive on the external SCSI bus (standard driver
5.0.3). The system is a German MacOS 8 with the updated JLK 1.2
installed, the drive was low level formatted, and the driver updated
with Drive Setup 1.3.1 six weeks ago before installation of MAC OS 8. (I
do not use the HDT driver that came with the machine.) The harddisk is
partitioned into three equally sized volumes (v. 3.07), the first
partition being used as the startup volume. I don't have any problems
with the machine, both from my subjective impression and as far as
reports by various testing tools (TechtoolPro 1.0.5 etc.) are concerned.
I bought DiskEssentials in order to prevent troubles I earlier had under
system 7.5.5, because of the rumors about NortonUtilities' compatibility
problems with MAC OS 8 and because of favorable opinions on your
product. At least the latter seem to be rather unfounded.

・ The Problems:
(1) First, I never saw the media verification window that should be
displayed after DiskRX is launched. Not once media verification has been
done by DiskRX.

(2) Just for a tryout I started the machine from the startup floppy, but
it froze when trying to start DiskEssentials from a previously inserted
ZIP medium. What do people do that don't have an external drive? It
seems that the complete design of the product is problematic, since even
if you were able to use DiskRX on a startup floppy there is no way to
fit DiskEssentials and DiskRX, which cannot be used independently, on a
single floppy. Even having a drive partitioned into three volumes does
not help, since DiskRX refuses to repair anything if a single file on
the disk, i.e. on any of the volumes is open: E. g. you obviously can
not start from an external drive or a floppy and launch DiskRX from
partition 2 to check on partition 1 of the same drive.

(3) After installing a minimal system on the ZIP medium, I was finally
able to launch DiskRX to scan the startup volume. DiskRX found a minor
problem and reported to have fixed it successfully (I don't remember
exactly what the problem was, but it had not been reported by
DiskFirstAid right before the examination by DiskRX). *After* the volume
had been remounted I chose Quit from the menu, and the system froze. As
it turned out, I now had two volumes with severely corrupted directory
structures. Please keep in mind that I started with a clean minimal
system, so extension conflicts are to be excluded as the reason for the
- During the examination process I wondered about the continuous access
to the ZIP medium, towards the end of the process accompanied by rather
untypical noise. Of course I had to choose the ZIP medium for the
storage of the volume backup file (see the statement above). As it
turned out, the 4MB that were free before, had been reduced to zero K.
It seems that Disk Essentials continued to write to the disk without
realizing that it was already full! Of course, I cannot exclude the
possibility that the medium was corrupted from the start as a reason for
this unreasonable behavior since I did not check the medium immediately
after the installation of the minimal startup system. But again, this
too has to be considered a major conceptual flaw: Norton, for instance,
does not write to a disk and therefore is not adversely influenced by
problems on the disk it is launched from. With DiskEssentials under a
single drive situation, however, you cannot escape from the
hen-and-egg-like problem, that you are forced to check the disk you want
to launch DiskEssentials from before you actually install DiskEssentials
in the first place! Probably, your users should consider buying Norton
to check on the disk before installing your product. The essence is,
that DiskEssentials seems to have crashed due to writing a corrupted
file (or writing a file in a corrupted directory structure) and probably
was not able to close it properly. But the real surprise was still to
- I used DiskFirstAid to repair the problems that were produced by the
system crash on the startup volume (these were obviously different from
the problems that DiskEssentials had claimed to have fixed earlier) and
used the copy of DiskEssentials I had previously installed on the (now
repaired) startup volume to fix the problems on the ZIP medium (which
were reported by DiskFirstAid). Interestingly, DiskEssentials, using
scan for trees, did not report a single problem! After I repaired the
ZIP medium using DiskFirstAid (an invalid B-Tree header was reported), a
matter of seconds by the way, again about 4MB were reported to be free
on the medium. So quite obviously and without any doubt, DiskEssentials
was not only of no use, but also at least contributed to the directory
corruption on a disk, if not on both.

(4) I systematically used DiskRX to check on my 15 and more ZIP media:
There was one more case, were DiskRX did not report a problem, but both
Norton Utilities and DiskFirstAid reported a problem with keys in the
B-Tree out of order and Norton was able to fix it. After the fix also
DiskFirstAid reported the medium to be OK. I am, furthermore, not sure
if on one occasion a problem reported by DiskFirstAid did not actually
result from a fix applied by DiskRX. I can not but doubt the validity of
DiskRX's analysis.

(5) When previously a type error -47 was reported, one of the three
volumes - one that was not under examination - was no longer visible on
the desktop, i.e. dismounted, so I had to restart to get it back onto
the desktop.

(6) Furthermore, when launching Data Recovery Toolkit the three volumes
are displayed three times each in the first dialog, i.e. nine volumes
are displayed (plus the volume in the Zip drive). I have serious doubts
that Disk Essentials is capable to deal with at least partitioned IDE
drives properly.

(7) When just for curiosity trying to recover data from a ZIP medium
that I knew to be severely damaged long ago and which had already
experienced several unsuccessful attempts to be low level formatted,
Data Recovery Toolkit took several minutes to create a master directory
block without a single disk access but reported it to be 100% completed!
In reality nothing had happened at all. Error checking does not seem to
be one of DiskEssentials strong points.

***********End of extracted quote*************


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 15:44:46 EST
From: Luskin <>
Subject: datebook pro and ALDUS ADOBE NOW QUALCOMM software question

I recently got a Mac II that had a NYMUG software collection on it.  I am
interested in� a program called DATEBOOK PRO, but was unable to get through
the registration process.

The program is old and was published by Aldus.  I tracked down Aldus, and
found that Aldus had been sold to Adobe.  And Adobe sold datebook pro and
touchstone (whatever it is) to NOW software.  I tracked down NOW.  NOW was
bought by Qualcomm

So I called Qualcomm software.  I was told by their tech support group that
datebook pro is not now sold or supported, and, from their point of view "does
not exist".  Their words.  They told me I can do whatever I like with the
program, but there is no one there to help me.  And they have no passwords to
give me.

So, does anyone have a password for the datebook pro registration process.  As
far as Qualcomm is concerned I don't have to pay for it, and they don't have
the passwords anymore.  I would love to try this out.

Thank you for the help.

Michael B. Luskin


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 08:13:06 -0600 (CST)
From: (Jerome Peirick)
Subject: Erasing "shared" Zip disks

Last week we upgraded a server running 4D from an old slow machine running
System 7.5 to a new fast machine running System 7.5.5.  We do automatic
daily backups to a Zip disk, and a very non-technical person is in charge
of swapping out the backed up disk, inserting the next backup disk and
erasing it.  If we were to add any more steps to this process, I'm afraid 
that I'd end up hiking over to the machine daily to do it.

Anyway, after the upgrade, I've found that the Zip disks always seem to be
shared whether I want them to be or not.  With System 7.5, if a Zip was in
the drive at boot, it was shared by default, but wasn't shared if the Zip
drive was empty on boot.  With System 7.5.5 this seems to not be the case, and
any Zip disks inserted into the drive are shared.  This wouldn't be a problem,
except the OS won't let you erase a shared disk.  However, you *can* move
all of the files on the Zip into the Trash and then empty the Trash.  I find
this quite confusing my own self, and would rather not ask someone who it
accustomed to the routine described above to add the step of learning the
difference between erasing and deleting files.

So, my question is, can I somehow make the Zip disks not be shared, or
alternatively, can I convince the OS to let me erase the Zip disks?  As an
aside, is this a known difference between 7.5 and 7.5.5?  Thanks for any


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 16:11:39 -0500
From: Mel Martinez <>
Subject: Eudora for multiple user accounts

>On 3/2/98 abrody said:
>Dear Digest readers,
>I am looking for a Eudora compatible POP3/SMTP e-mailer that supports
>multiple e-mail usernames and passwords without having to go into the
>settings dialog box everytime I want to switch users.   It should be able
>to read Eudora folders and files, as well as create ones that Eudora is
>capable of reading.  I am using Eudora Pro 2.1.3 and can't upgrade.  I
>would prefer it, if it had frames where I could simply switch between
>folders and user inboxes.   Cyberdog did it, but then again it doesn't
>create Eudora compatible mailboxes, it only can read them.
>If at all possible, it should be freeware, and PowerMac native.

You can do this very simply with Eudora itself.  For each user account,
make a copy of the Eudora Settings file which is in the Eudora Folder.
Rename the settings file appropriately for each account.  Open each in turn
in Eudora by double-clicking it or using Open.. in Eudora and edit the
settings to point it to the apropriate user account.  Put an alias to each
settings file in the apple menu, or in a Now Utilities menu or on a launch
pad or Quickeys shortcut or whatever you use.  Now, to switch between
accounts, simply select the appropriate user settings alias.  No need to
keep editing the settings of the same file at all.  Switching settings
files will switch the account settings and also switch to the folder
heirarchy containing that settings file (if different).

This leads to two types of strategies.

For the single user, with multiple accounts, such that you want to keep
using the same set of mail folders and the same In box for all your
accounts, put all the settings files in the same Eudora Folder (Note - you
can rename this folder and move it out of the System folder at any time -
it will always be the folder used when you open a settings file within
it.).  This way, you can switch between accounts and all mail will be
retrieved to the same In box.

For multiple users who want to keep their mail separate, make copies of the
entire Eudora Folder (renaming each folder appropriately).  The appropriate
settings file for each account should be in it's own folder.  Now, when you
switch to an account by opening it's settings file, new mail will be
retrieved to the In box in that particular folder.  This strategy is very
useful when multiple people use the same mac.

The key points to remember are that, once you start up Eudora for the very
first time, by launching the application directly, you should not do so
ever again.  Each time Eudora is launched directly, it looks for a Eudora
Folder in the System Folder and if it doesn't find one, it creates one.
Once you have such a folder, drag it out o the System folder, rename it
appropriately and always then on start Eudora by opening the "Settings"
file instead.

If this seems strange, think of it as similar to opening a word processor
application.  If you launch the application directly, most by default will
create a new 'Untitled' document.  If you launch it by opening an existing
file, it simply opens that file.

I hope this is a clear enough explanation.


Dr. Mel Martinez
FUSE Science Software Developer
The Johns Hopkins University
Dept. of Physics


Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 22:33:30 -0800
From: Chris Schram <>
Subject: HELP for MUSTEK Scanner!!!

Recently, "Mirko Lalli" <> wrote:
>One of my friends has give to me a old MUSTEK PARAGON 1200CX scanner (three
>pass, SCSI). But WHITOUT any software or drivers...
>So, can anyone help me to connect to my Mac68K and make working this scanner?
>(i.e. by sending information where and what software I must catch or -
>better! -
You'll need an ordinary SCSI cable and possibly an external SCSI
terminator. For driver software try <> or
<>. The last time (September) I went
looking for driver software, the "europe" site was the only one that
had anything that would run on a Mac. Go figure.

You can use the driver software in any application that accepts
Photoshop-type plug-ins. (Color-It and Debabelizer are a couple that I

My Mustek scanner is not the same model as yours, but one problem I
have experienced is that my computer refuses to boot if the scanner is
turned ON. Again go figure.

I would not buy another product from Mustek. YMMV.

Chris Schram -- --‾schram


Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 20:19:56 -0500
From: Frank Williams <>
Subject: Imagesetter Printing Problems

I am having a printing problem. I'll give you a little back ground info
in case it might help. I am using a Power Mac 9500 with OS 8.1 and am
printing to an Agfa AccuSet 1000 & Lino-Hell Hurkules. The mac is on a
ethernet network with a Unix and NT based servers with OPI swap
Now, here is the problem, when I output from Quark XPress 3.32 to either
imagesetter, for no reason, and with no warning, one plate will print
low resolution. Even If I put the Hires version in, it still prints one
plate lores. Has anyone had a problem like this? Any help would be
greatly appreciated.

Frank Williams


Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 22:49:30 -0800
From: Dan Frakes <>
Subject: Mpeg Player

Dave Rudance <> wrote:
>    Is there any application that will play Mpeg movies with sound.

If you have the QuickTime MPEG extension installed, you can use the 
VideoPlayer application that came with your Mac.



Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 14:56:17 -0600
From: Astrolabe <>
Subject: need help with Midi Manager and driver

	hello all
i need some help with midi manager. ive installed apple midi manager into
my extensions folder, but what folder do i place the Apple Midi Driver and
my Korg Driver....i cant seem to get it o work. it worked up untill i had
a hard drive crash and reinstalled the system softwear. is there a
compatibility problem with MAC os8 and Midi manager?? i istalled the Midi
manager whn i had sysem 7 before the crash and it worked fine, even when i
nstalled system 8 it worked up untill the crash. only after the crash it
doesnt work. any help or suggestions???

you can send email dirctly to my account

thank you



Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 09:50:46 -0800
From: Douglas Anderson <>
Subject: num-lock light

Hello, my Mac Friends :-)

Does anyone know what it means when the (num-lock light) on the KeyBoard
comes on when I startup a program? (It doesn't happen with all my programs
just one or two).


Doug Anderson


Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 18:11:06 -0800 (PST)
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Slow performance on a 6205 CD

	I have a client with a problem I haven't been able to solve, and
I'm writing here and to Mac-L and IO-MUG in hopes of some insight.
	She has a 6205CD Performa with 24 MB of RAM and a 1 GB hard drive,
not half full. She is running System 8.0. The System uses 10.1 MB of RAM.
She mainly uses Word. She has several peripherals attached, including a Zip
drive, a PaperPort VX, an HP Deskwriter 540 printer and a Global Village
TelePort Platinum modem.
	When she first got the computer it ran very fast. After installing
System 8, it still ran almost as fast as it originally did. She was a happy
camper. Some time in the last couple of months, it started running very
slowly. It takes many seconds to display a window, and it is very easy to
type faster than it will display letters. The slowness is in the Finder and
in applications.
	I have done all the usual things: I ran Norton Disk Doctor from the
CD (and found many errors, including a media error). I ran it several times
until there were no more errors showing up. I ran Speed Disk. I threw out
the Desktop DB and Desktop DF and the Finder preferences, and rebuilt
desktop twice, once with MacEasyOpen only and once with a regular set.
Virtual memory is off, the cache is one notch above the default.
	I examined system for extensions and control panels, and turned off
her AOL Scheduler and her Expresso Notifier. I ran Process Watcher and saw
nothing out of line. She isn't running any other unusual or background
processes. I zapped the PRAM.
	I'm out of ideas. Now that I think of it, I suppose I could replace
the Finder on general principles, though Norton is showing nothing wrong
with it. She says she has added nothing to the system, and I'm inclined to
believe her, because she really doesn't know how, and besides, her
extension sets had not changed at all, which tells me that she hadn't been
messing around with anything.
	Does anyone have any other ideas what could cause the system to
slow down like that, or have any ideas of what to do about it? Do you think
I should do a "dirty resinstall" or a clean one, of the system? It's
behaving fine otherwise, except it has trouble keeping its printer settings
(trouble finding the printer - she has to order the print several times,
even after resetting the printer icon in the Chooser).
	Any ideas welcome!




End of Info-Mac Digest