Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #103
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 26 Jun 00       Volume 17 : Issue 103

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3D Setback aka Pitch 1.2
      [*] 3D Spades Deluxe 2.2
      [*] BBTidy v1.0b6: BBEdit plugin checks and corrects HTML and XML
      [*] Beasts and monsters
      [*] Bi-Product 1.1
      [*] fileFinagler 1.0 - file properties utility
      [*] FontBuddy 2.0.1 Japanese [ftp: FontBuddy-2.0.1-J.sit.hqx]
      [*] FTP MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled ADDITION & SUBTRACTION for Special Learners, v2.9
      [*] FTP MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled MULTIPLICATION for Special Learners, v3.2
      [*] geditcom-280.hqx
      [*] glidel_411_fr
      [*] glidel_411_us
      [*] GPS Plotter 1.0
      [*] Idea Keeper 2.0 (ik2.hqx)
      [*] MacTidy v1.0b9: checks and corrects HTML and XML source
      [*] mathemania.hqx
      [*] money2mac 1.0 - financial data conversion tool
      [*] MoonMenu 1.2
      [*] Nigiri-zushi (Japan) 1.1 - CULTURE INTERCHANGE Square
      [*] PandoCalendar (68K) - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      File Synchronization
      iMac Hesitation - summary
      MacWrite Pro 1.5v3 update no longer at Claris
      OS 8.6 growing
      PowerBook CD Drive

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: "Dan 'Remy' Dickinson" <>
Subject: [*] 3D Setback aka Pitch 1.2

Setback, (or "Pitch" as it is sometimes called), is a quick card game that
mixes luck and skill to create an incredibly fun game!

In Setback aka Pitch, you get dealt 6 cards. The player who starts defines
which suit is trump and thus a quick game of Setback begins! Setback is a
team game which mixes luck and skill. Hey, you'll love it!

- Internet Play. 
- Voice Recognition.
- 3D Animated, Interchangeable, Talking Opponents
- Music menu with full MP3 player capabilities.
- Uses Freeverse Software's award-winning 3D card engine!

Requires MacOS 8.1 or later, 8 Megs of RAM, and 15 Megs of Storage.

Setback is $19.95 shareware, or $29.95 for the CD-Rom version full of extra

More information available at

Freeverse Software

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/3d-setback-pitch-12.hqx; 16975 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: "Dan 'Remy' Dickinson" <>
Subject: [*] 3D Spades Deluxe 2.2

Freeverse's 3D Spades Deluxe is the best Spades game for the Macintosh.
Solo or Net play, take a look!

Starting with the assumption that card games are as much about social
interaction as about following suit, Freeverse Software has designed an
interface that is fun, easy and remarkably social. Play against the
computer, or log-on and find a human opponent. 3D Spades Deluxe makes it
easy. Whether you're a novice or an old pro, this is the Spades game for

- Internet Play. 
- Voice Recognition.
- 3D Animated, Interchangeable, Talking Opponents
- Music menu with full MP3 player capabilities.
- Uses Freeverse Software's award-winning 3D card engine!

Requires MacOS 8.1 or later, 8 Megs of RAM, and 15 Megs of Storage.

Spades Deluxe is $19.95 shareware, or $29.95 for the CD-Rom version full of
extra opponents.

More information available at

Freeverse Software

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/3d-spades-deluxe-22.hqx; 12366 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: Terry Teague <>
Subject: [*] BBTidy v1.0b6: BBEdit plugin checks and corrects HTML and XML

When editing HTML it's easy to make mistakes. Wouldn't it be nice if there
was a simple way to fix these mistakes automatically and tidy up sloppy
editing into nicely layed out markup? Well now there is! Dave Raggett's
HTML TIDY is a free utility for doing just that. It also works great on the
atrociously hard to read markup generated by specialized HTML editors and
conversion tools, and can help you identify where you need to pay further
attention on making your pages more accessible to people with disabilities.

Tidy is able to fix up a wide range of problems and to bring to your
attention things that you need to work on yourself. Each item found is
listed with the line number and column so that you can see where the
problem lies in your markup. Tidy won't generate a cleaned up version when
there are problems that it can't be sure of how to handle. These are logged
as "errors" rather than "warnings".

BBTidy is a BBEdit (and BBEdit Lite) plugin for Mac OS designed to check
and correct HTML and XML source. It is based on the freely available "tidy"
program by Dave Raggett (<>).

For more information on "tidy", visit the author's web site at

Visit <> for the
latest version of BBTidy.

04 Jun 00: v1.0b6

Updated to latest "tidy" source of 30 Apr 00.

System Requirements: (Any Macintosh with a 68020 or better processor, any
version of System software (although it has NOT been tested on anything
earlier than 7.0). Also requires BBEdit or BBEdit Lite.

Regards, Terry Teague

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/bb-tidy-10b6.hqx; 812 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: Sebastian Brytting <>
Subject: [*] Beasts and monsters

Beasts & monsters is a very old black and white
game... I think it runs on any working macintosh with
a monitor. It's freeware... (Of course...)

[Archived as /info-mac/game/beasts-and-monsters.hqx; 1315 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: kotka <>
Subject: [*] Bi-Product 1.1

Please replace the application Bi-Product.hqx with this upgraded one.
Bi-Product a freeware application for programers or anyone interested in 
computer math conversions. 
It converters Characters or ASCII# into Hex, Octal and Binary.
If you find it useful please email me.

James Kotka

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, 
would it?"
----Albert Einstein----

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/bi-product-11.hqx; 1065 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: "Bruce A. Pokras" <>
Subject: [*] fileFinagler 1.0 - file properties utility

Permission granted to include on Info-Mac CD-ROM.

fileFinagler(TM) 1.0
Copr. 2000 Bruce A. Pokras All rights reserved worldwide

FileFinagler allows you to finagle (play around with) the files and folders
on your Mac:

1) Make files or entire folders invisible to keep them from prying eyes.

2) Make the invisible files or folders on your Mac visible to see what they
are hiding.

3) Copy invisible files from read-only media to your hard drive so that you
can make them visible.

4) Open your sensitive invisible files for editing without having to make
them visible first (that way you won't have to remember to make them
invisible again after you finish editing them).

5) Change the application that starts when you double-click a file from the
Finder by changing the file's CREATOR code. Build a list of often-used
CREATOR codes that you can access from a pop-up button. FileFinagler allows
you to easily change the CREATOR code for an entire folder full of files
with a single mouse click.

6) Change a file's TYPE code if it does not have one (such as can happen
with files downloaded from the Web) or if the TYPE is incorrect. Build a
list of often-used TYPE codes that you can access from a pop-up button.
FileFinagler allows you to easily change the TYPE code for an entire folder
full of files with a single mouse click.

Requires: HyperCard(R) Player 2.3 or higher (or equivalent); for Macs
having System 8.6 or higher pre-installed, the Player is found on the
System CD-ROM in the Apple Extras folder (simply drag the HyperCard folder
to your hard drive). A Mac having a 68030 processor or faster is preferred.

License fee: $10
Initially in free, limited evaluation mode. May be licensed worldwide
through the Kagi payment service

Brought to you by the Mac-Stacks Emporium:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/file-finagler-10.hqx; 548 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: Vincent Jalby <>
Subject: [*] FontBuddy 2.0.1 Japanese [ftp: FontBuddy-2.0.1-J.sit.hqx]

FontBuddy 2.0.1 J [2000/06/19]
by Vincent Jalby,

Japanese translation: Yoshi Sakuma,

Product description

FontBuddy 2 is a Font Viewer.
It shows all the characters of any font.
It provides keystroke(s), ASCII and Unicode for any characters.
It can print samples of both installed and uninstalled fonts.
It is easy to use and MacOS 9 savvy.

New in this version
FontBuddy 2 is the new version of FontBuddy. It was almost completely
rewritten. There are many new features and improvements, including:

 New user interface, New online help
 New font browser to view and print uninstalled fonts
 Better font information
 New "Font Inspector" to track duplicate fonts
 Support for ATM/Suitcase, Japanese 2-byte fonts, drag and drop,
 Support for any keyboard
 English, French and Japanese versions
 Localized printout in 10 languages
 And much more...

System Requirements
FontBuddy 2 requires a Power Macintosh with MacOS 8.1 and later.

Shareware Fee
FontBuddy is distributed as Shareware.
A license for a single user will cost $20
($100 for a Site License, $200 for a WorldWide License).

Upgrade from previous version costs $10.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/font-buddy-201-jp.hqx; 1139 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: macsteve <>
Subject: [*] FTP MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled ADDITION & SUBTRACTION for Special Learners, v2.9


MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled ADDITION & SUBTRACTION for Special 
Learners, v 2.9
NEEDS:  Acrobat Reader 3.0 or better
¨1995-2000 Steven L. Wood

MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled ADDITION & SUBTRACTION for Special 
Learners is a remedial, "ground-up" reteach of addition and subtraction. 
Addition & subtraction facts are presented in "Clusters," including the 
fact and its complement. Practice problems are controlled, or limited, to 
the clusters shown on each page, allowing for review of the facts, a 
prompt for unknown facts, and, most importantly, allowing the student to 
progress operationally even though facts are not mastered.

MD2:FCA&SfSpL is unique in that it is published as a series of Adobe PDF 
computer documents, and in that it supplies comprehensive fact support. 
Educators can now have a complete addition & subtraction workbook on 
their computer hard drive and run as many copies as needed. Students who 
have not, or can not, master their facts can continue learning the 
processes of addition and subtraction with fact control.

MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled ADDITION & SUBTRACTION for Special 
Learners consists of 52 blackline worksheets and answer keys, color 
masters, flashcard masters, and no fact pages. Blackline master and 
answer key pages 1-26 are available for preview. The remaining blacklines 
and answer keys, along with the color masters, small flashcard masters, 
and no fact pages are password protected. Passwords are provided upon 

Contact: Steve Wood

Steve Wood

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/fcas-29.hqx; 3392 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: macsteve <>
Subject: [*] FTP MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled MULTIPLICATION for Special Learners, v3.2


MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled MULTIPLICATION for Special Learners v3.2
NEEDS:  Acrobat Reader
¨1995-2000 Steven L. Wood

MATH DITTOS 2:  Fact Controlled MULTIPLICATION for Special Learners is a 
unique tool for teaching multiplication computation. Based on a thorough 
and logical task analysis of the steps in multiplication, it is a 
sequential, ground up, alternative approach to teaching multiplication. 
Fact Controlled MULTIPLICATION uses fact support, much like a controlled 
vocabulary in reading. Each page includes fact bars which present only 
the facts to be used on the page. Both special learners and regular 
education students benefit from its thorough and systematic approach.

Ninety-nine blackline masters comprise the basic package. Each page 
contains a factstrip or factbar presenting and previewing the facts to be 
used on the page. Worksheets follow a logical and thorough progression 
through the operation of multiplication computation. A similar number of 
complete answer sheets is included. Sub-answers are always included, for 
easy grading and diagnosis of error patterns.

Presented in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), the MATH DITTOS 2 
series features fast and easy navigation throughout the documents. 
Additional support pages include:

"No Fact" pages--still with restricted facts, but no fact bars. These are 
an essential item for checking mastery after specific fact sections in 
the regular masters are completed.

Speed Drill Worksheets--twenty-one pages of fact drill pages include 
single and multiple-fact pages that parallel the fact progression in MD2.

Small flashcard masters--just the right size to fit in a student's 
pocket. They stand at least a 50-50 chance of actually making it home 
with your students.

Large flashcard masters--ideal for in-front-of-the-class drill.

Shareware fee: $10

Steve Wood

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/fcm-32.hqx; 2608 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: John Nairn <>
Subject: [*] geditcom-280.hqx

GEDitCOM 2.8 is a customizable genealogy application for the Power 
Macintosh for viewing and editing GEDCOM files. GEDCOM is a genealogy 
data base standard that stands for GEnealogical Data COMmunication 
files. All genealogy applications can read and write GEDCOM files and 
most genealogy files on the Internet use the GEDCOM format. With 
GEDitCOM, you can tap 100% of GEDCOM's features and all aspects of 
the viewing/editing interface are customizable by the user. No one 
has to settle for the rigid forms and data entry methods provided by 
typical commercial packages. You can create your own genealogy 
interface and you can even switch interfaces at will depending on 
your needs that day. Although you can customize GEDitCOM as much as 
you want, it comes equipped with several powerful user interfaces and 
many genealogy features. Some prominent features are customizable 
family trees, printing of books from genealogy files, and Internet 
features that let you access genealogy web sites or create links from 
your genealogy data to web sites.

GEDitCOM is available free as a GEDCOM browser. The browser download 
is also a demo of the full shareware GEDCOM editor. GEDitCOM requires 
a Power Macintosh with a color monitor. You can visit the GEDitCOM 
home page at <> for more information and 
various downloads.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/geditcom-28.hqx; 1393 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: Berkovitch <>
Subject: [*] glidel_411_fr

        Glidel est une extension qui sert, € partir de la s‰lection du Finder, € :

- d‰clencher les actions correspondants aux articles du menu Fichier ;
- ouvrir des documents par des applications ne les ayant pas cr‰‰s ;
- mouvoir ou copier la s‰lection ;
- cr‰er des alias de la s‰lection.
        Nouveaut‰s de la version 4.1.1 :

- Meilleure compatibilit‰ avec le menu pomme hi‰rarchique de FinderPop (merci Turlough O'Connor) ;
- Meilleure compatibilit‰ avec Option menu Pomme (merci Peter Mulderry) ;
- Remplacement du pointill‰ par 3 points dans A propos de Glidel... (merci Mark Nagata).

        Glidel 4.1.1 est disponible €

        Meilleures salutations.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/glidel-411-fr.hqx; 207 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: Berkovitch <>
Subject: [*] glidel_411_us

        Here is the announcement of the release of Glidel 4.1.1.

        Glidel is a system extension that extends the Finder's drag-and-drop abilities within System 7 and later. You can select any icon currently visible, either on your Desktop or in an open folder, and drag it to:

* The Open, Print, Get Info, Sharing..., Duplicate, Make Alias, Put Away options (Reveal Original starting with system 7.5) on  the File menu;
* Any application or folder in the Apple menu, including those accessible via a third-party hierarchical menu utility such as BeHierarchic, NowMenus, Apple Menu Options, or OtherMenu;
* Any currently running application, via the Application menu on the right-hand side of the menu bar.
        New in version 4.1.1:

- Better compatibility with FinderPop (thanks to Turlough O'Connor);
- Better compatibility with Apple Menu Options (thanks to Peter Mulderry);
- Substitution of the ellipsis by 3 periods in About Glidelè (thanks to Mark Nagata).

        Glidel 4.1.1 is available at

        Best regards.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/glidel-411.hqx; 214 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: Aaron Proman <>
Subject: [*] GPS Plotter 1.0

GPS Plotter 1.0

GPS Plotter displays Waypoints, Routes and Tracks.  GPS Plotter can also read and write data to/from a GPS receiver connected to the serial port.  While tested with the Magellan GPS315, GPS Plotter can process standard NMEA data from any source, including text files. Maps can be imported for backgrounds to the plot displays.  Waypoints and Routes can be edited, saved, and uploaded to a GPS receiver.

GPS Plotter is a fat binary and will run on 68k and PPC machines using
OS 7.0 or higher, and OpenTransport 1.1.1 or higher.

The GPS Plotter disk image contains:
     GPS Plotter 1.0
     GPS Plotter 1.0 ReadMe
     GPS Data File (some Waypoints and Routes)
     Boston Plot (a saved plot of the Boston area)
     Sample NMEA Data (example of data from a GPS receiver)

June 15, 2000

[Archived as /info-mac/app/gps-plotter.hqx; 569 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: Software from Plum Island <>
Subject: [*] Idea Keeper 2.0 (ik2.hqx)

Idea Keeper is an Outliner, Free-Form Ddatabase & Research/Writing Tool for
your Macintosh.  It provides a place to do everything from storing clippings
and URLs to preparing complex assemblages of documents and outlines with
hypertext-like links.  It can even dial your phone and remind you of
important dates and times!

This is a binhexed, Stuffit 5.0 archive.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/idea-keeper.hqx; 3151 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: Terry Teague <>
Subject: [*] MacTidy v1.0b9: checks and corrects HTML and XML source

When editing HTML it's easy to make mistakes. Wouldn't it be nice if there
was a simple way to fix these mistakes automatically and tidy up sloppy
editing into nicely layed out markup? Well now there is! Dave Raggett's
HTML TIDY is a free utility for doing just that. It also works great on the
atrociously hard to read markup generated by specialized HTML editors and
conversion tools, and can help you identify where you need to pay further
attention on making your pages more accessible to people with disabilities.

Tidy is able to fix up a wide range of problems and to bring to your
attention things that you need to work on yourself. Each item found is
listed with the line number and column so that you can see where the
problem lies in your markup. Tidy won't generate a cleaned up version when
there are problems that it can't be sure of how to handle. These are logged
as "errors" rather than "warnings".

MacTidy is a standalone application for Mac OS designed to check and
correct HTML and XML source. It is based on the freely available "tidy"
program by Dave Raggett (<>), but has a graphical user
interface (GUI).

For more information on "tidy", visit the author's web site at

Visit <> for the
latest version of MacTidy.

04 Jun 00: v1.0b9

Updated to latest "tidy" source of 30 Apr 00. This version will use
Temporary Memory if there is less than 250 KB of memory left available to
the MacTidy application. This is the first version that has been
"Carbonized" - it will run with Mac OS 8.1 and later using CarbonLib 1.0.x;
or Mac OS 8.6 and later using CarbonLib 1.1; or Mac OS X. Limited testing
has been done - primarily Mac OS 9.0.4 with CarbonLib 1.0.4, Mac OS 9.0.4
with CarbonLib 1.1d9, and Mac OS X (DP4). Some crashes have been observed
with Mac OS X. The dialog layout spacing was improved a little so that the
Aqua interface displays correctly.

System Requirements: (Any Macintosh with a 68020 or better processor, any
version of System software (although it has NOT been tested on anything
earlier than 7.0).

Regards, Terry Teague

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/mactidy-10b9.hqx; 847 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: Dennis Levesque <>
Subject: [*] mathemania.hqx

Mathemania is an easy-to-use application designed to allow teachers to
quickly make timed math practice sheets. You simply enter the types of
problems you want (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), the
range of numbers to cover, and how many per page. Mathemania will randomly
generate a sheet for you! Every sheet will be different!

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/mathemania.hqx; 1197 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: "Bruce A. Pokras" <>
Subject: [*] money2mac 1.0 - financial data conversion tool

money2mac(TM) 1.0
Copr. 2000 Bruce A. Pokras All rights reserved worldwide

Money2mac converts monetary transaction information that you download from
your online banking service into a spreadsheet-ready file. You can easily
open this file on your Mac with any spreadsheet or "works" program.  Once
you have your monetary transactions in a spreadsheet, you can use all of
your spreadsheet's functions (such as sorting, summing, etc.) to analyze
your transactions.

The files that money2mac uses are  ".ofc" files that are compatible with
MICROSOFT MONEY. Many banks provide the option of downloading your monetary
transactions in .ofc format, so now you can use them even though MICROSOFT
MONEY is not available for the Mac.

Requires: HyperCard(R) Player 2.3 or higher (or equivalent);a Mac having a
68030 processor or faster is preferred

Shareware $5
May be registered worldwide through the Kagi payment service

Brought to you by the Mac-Stacks Emporium:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/money-2-mac.hqx; 366 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: "Sanford H. Selznick" <>
Subject: [*] MoonMenu 1.2

MoonMenu is an extension that adds a small moon in the current lunar 
phase to the right side of your menubar.  It serves as a subtle, 
unobtrusive reminder that there's an entire universe out there, even 
without your web browser.

MoonMenuü also comes with an application that can compute the lunar 
data for any given date.

We also had an "out of this world" time writing it, and we hope you like it.

MoonMenu has been tested extensively on old and new Macintoshes with 
MacOS 8.1 or later.  It uses a minimum of your computer's CPU power 
so it won't slow your machine down.

Be sure to visit <> for more information!

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/moon-menu-12.hqx; 767 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: Fuminori Takeda <>
Subject: [*] Nigiri-zushi (Japan) 1.1 - CULTURE INTERCHANGE Square

 	Welcome to CULTURE INTERCHANGE Square and thank you for your interest 
in nigiri-zushi in Japan. This is the updated version.

	This program will introduce you nigiri-zushi, a popular Japanese dish.
More than 40 nigiri-zushi in my homeland are introduced with their
ingredients by using color images and illustrations. I ported the content to a
Hypercard stack.

	 Incidentally, if you're making culture introductory/interchange programs 
to post on the InfoMac archives, would you name your program's subject line
with a title that conforms to the "title (your country, province, or state) -
For more details, please read the "CULTURE INTERCHANGE Square ?" document.

	This program may be copied and distributed as long as it isn't altered and 
is distributed at no charge, but it may not be included in any commercial
package. I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you,
Fuminori Takeda

[Archived as /info-mac/data/nigiri-zushi-11-jp.hqx; 4185 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2000
From: Panda Systems <>
Subject: [*] PandoCalendar (68K) - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.

I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

PandoCalendar is a useful Mac-only program places a fully functional 
calendar on your desktop. The look is completely customizable. You 
can change the calendar font and its size, and the calendar's 
background color; you can center the current week (so you are always 
able to look back and ahead a full month at a time), display the 
numerical number of the weeks of the year, display the calendar with 
European style weeks (Monday being the first day and Sunday being the 
last), assign notes to any day of the year by clicking on the day in 
the calendar, and set alarms to remind you of time sensitive events. 
You can also have PandoCalendar automatically plot the days you work. 
Great for people who don't have a Monday-Friday work schedule!

Version 5.5.1 - Added support for Weekend and Weekday to the Day of 
week type of recurring note. Resolved a conflict with Kaleidoscope 
that could cause a crash when opening the Recurring Notes window. 
Fixed a bug that could cause the calendar not to redraw when using a 
QuickView corner with Hide calendar in background enabled. Fixed a 
bug that could cause a Day of month type of recurring note to display 
in a month with fewer days than necessary if Adjust for day of week 
was enabled.

Panda Systems

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/pando-calendar-68k.hqx; 850 K]


Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 12:59:17 -0400
From: "Scott L. Horton" <>
To: <>, Info- Mac <>
Subject: File Synchronization

I haven't been following the thread (sorry), but I use a piece of
shareware called Synchcronize! and it works very well, is highly
customizeable and automatable and, best of all, is highly reliable.

You can check it out and get a demo from

Good luck,


Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 10:15:40 +1000
From: Geoffrey Heard <>
Subject: iMac Hesitation - summary

At 8:32 PM -0400 21/6/00, "Quattlebaum.Bill" <> wrote:
>My thanks to every suggestion that came in about the hesitating iMacs.
>I will list several of the comments but the first one turned out to have
>been the solution I had overlooked at the Apple support site.
>	In September 1999 Apple released a CD ROM Update that fixed a
>10-second pause cause when no CD was in the ROM Drive. This appears to have
>fixed every iMac the patch has been applied to.  See:

That's interesting, Bill. As I said, I had been having pauses on my 
G3 266, beige, OS9.0.4. This iMac patch doesn't appear to apply.

I tried removing the energy saver control panel, and I haven't had a 
pause since then. I have heard my HD spinning up at apparently odd 
times, though.

cheers, geoff

Geoffrey Heard - GH&A Public Relations
Demand Indonesia return the 100,000 East Timorese held in limbo in 
West Timor. <>
Demand Indonesia pay reparations to East Timor. 


Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 12:17:25 -0500
From: Lewis Anderson <>
Subject: MacWrite Pro 1.5v3 update no longer at Claris

The Claris web site no longer is posting the update for MacWrite Pro 1.5v3.
I know it's old, but it's still the cleanest word processor around. 

Does anyone know where else to find the updater?


Lewis Anderson


Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 12:08:18 -0700
From: John Fitzgerrel <>
Subject: OS 8.6 growing

I recently bought a (floor model) Blue and White G3. It came with 64MB RAM.
When operating with that size of RAM the OS 8.6 showed a size of about 19MB.
We installed an additional 256MB RAM bringing the total to 320MB (my 
wife uses Photoshop which is a RAM hog). Now with virtual memory off 
(the much preferred mode when using Photoshop) the system boots at 35 
MB and with virtual memory off it boots at 27 MB. Worse, as we use 
applications the RAM used by MACOS 8.6 grows. I have seen it at 42 
MB. Am I missing something in the control panels?
The system has an Adaptec 2906 SCSI card (DAT, disk drive, Zip, 
Scanner, and Alps printer on the SCSI chain), and a Global Village 
modem. I have turned off a few extensions, mostly Apple printers, 
which bought about a MB. Any advice?

John Fitzgerrel


Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 17:36:03 +0200
From: Jean-Philippe Pellet <>
To: Info-Mac Digest <>
Subject: PowerBook CD Drive


I have a PowerBook G3 and I use DVD drive that comes with it. My problem is
that, when I access information on a CD, the drive spins down after about 15
seconds inactivity (it is probably designed to use few battery power). So,
if I don't have to read from the CD for a while, it spins down -- and then I
have to wait again till it spins up to read from it again.

What I would like to do is set the spin-down time to a few minutes, so that
I can avoid this annoying waiting time. Is it possible to do so?





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