Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #113
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 23 May 98       Volume 16 : Issue 113

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Styles" Elegance Argent for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2
      [*] "Styles" Elegance Hunter for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2
      [*] Baroque Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] CopyPaste 4.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] FinderPop1.6.2F
      [*] GenKey Version 1.9
      [*] HTML Table Macros 2.0 for Nisus Writer
      [*] John's WP GREP 1.1.4
      [*] John's WP Scripting Guide
      [*] MiniMandelbrot Applet: bite-sized fractal explorer for the Net
      [*] Mystic Textures II
      [*] Prime Desktop Patterns
      [*] quit open apps 1.0
      [*] YP Reflection 1.0.2
      [*] YP Reflexion 1.0.2 F (french version)

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Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:31 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Elegance Argent for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2

Elegance has silver embossing on a dark background.  The update
has added disclosure triangles, ticked checkboxes and buttons,
tabbed pop-up windows, and an additional folder.  Custom folders
and trash are written into the scheme and desktop patterns
are also included in the folder.  Shareware.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/elegance-argent.hqx; 95K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:33 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Elegance Hunter for Kaleidoscope 1.8.2

Elegance Hunter has gold embossing on a hunter background.  The update
has added disclosure triangles, ticked checkboxes and buttons,
tabbed pop-up windows, and an additional folder.  Custom folders
and trash are written into the scheme and desktop patterns
are also included in the folder.  Shareware.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/elegance-hunter.hqx; 57K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:29 -0700
Subject: [*] Baroque Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Baroque for Kaleidoscope on your recent addititons page.
-Martha Royer
"If you have it, you don't need anything else,
 and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter what else you have."
Sir James M. Barrie on Love

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/baroque-for-kaleidoscope.hqx; 208K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:18 -0700
Subject: [*] CopyPaste 4.2J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the CopyPaste package.

MacUser Utility of the Year 1996 and America Online's Mac Utility 1996
Shareware Award Winner and Shareware Junkies Mac Program of the Year 1997

*MacOS 8 compatible!
**Full Drag & Drop compatibility!
***Use up to 100 independent clipboards!
****New pop-up palette function!

One of the early wonders of the Mac was its revolutionary ability to do
copy and paste across various applications. Unlike other areas in the Mac's
system software that have changed and progressed over the years, copying
and pasting has not evolved. How many times have you found yourself going
back and forth copying in one application and pasting in a different
application, wishing to yourself that you could copy 5-10 items at a time,
then go to another application and paste each of these items. Now you can
with a vengeance!

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/copy-paste-42-jp.hqx; 693K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:20 -0700
Subject: [*] FinderPop1.6.2F

This is the french version of FinderPop.
If you're looking for the english version and haven't found it here, check

=46inderPop est un gratuiciel qui rehausse les menus contextuels du MacOS 8.
Il permet entre autres l'apparition des menus contextuels sans l'aide de la
touche controle.

De plus, il integre dans les menus contextuels, l'equivalent du menu
"Applications",l'espace memoire disponible, donne acces au contenu du
Bureau, des dossiers ou des disques, etc.

Il permet aussi une navigation par menus hi=E9rarchiques au travers des
dossiers du Finder, soit =E0 partir des zones de dialogue Ouvrir/Enregistrer
ou directement dans le Finder.

Gracieusete de Turlough O'Connor (
Version francaise par Fawzi Dormeyer d'ImaGiciel (

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/finder-pop-122-fr.hqx; 214K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:08 -0700
Subject: [*] GenKey Version 1.9

GenKey Version 1.9 is a major upgrade to earlier versions of a program
which may be used to create hypertext family trees and place them on the
wide world web.  Previous versions merely enabled users to create the
trees.  This version now supports hard copy printing of the entire family
tree and also creates an html file with links to every leaf in the tree.
The user interface has also been enhanced.

GenKey is a Java application; it can not only be used on Macintoshes, but
can be used on other computers with Java Virtual Machines installed.  This
upload contains the GenKey application along with the Java source files and
rudimentary documentation.

The most current version of GenKey is generally available on the GenKey
home page at

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/genkey.hqx; 74K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:12 -0700
Subject: [*] HTML Table Macros 2.0 for Nisus Writer

This Nisus Writer macro file includes a macro for creating HTML tables from
tab-delimited records (a feature missing in Adobe PageMill 2.0). Additional
macros for formatting tables are also included.

The formatting macros operate on non-contiguous selections, too;
non-contiguous selections are restored after each macro is run, so you can
perform additional formatting changes to the same selections if necessary.

If you don't have Nisus Writer, you can still use these macros with the
demo version of the program, available at:

George Maschke <>
Graduate Student, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, UCLA
Translator, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, The Hague
Home Page: <>
PGP Public Key: <>

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
- Thomas Jefferson

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/nisus-html-table-20.hqx; 18K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:04 -0700
Subject: [*] John's WP GREP 1.1.4

This AppleScript and WordPerfect macro add GREP (regular expression search)
capability to WordPerfect 3.5 and later. Dramatically enhances your ability
to find information in documents.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be included on Info-Mac,
AMUG and UMich CDs.

John Rethorst

[Archived as /info-mac/text/wp/johns-wp-grep-114.hqx; 26K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:06 -0700
Subject: [*] John's WP Scripting Guide

A complete learning guide for writing WordPerfect macros and Applescripts.
52,000 words, 1700 lines of sample code, 50 illustrations.

This is a substantial expansion of my columns for the WP Mac News.
Extensively edited by a top-notch programmer and consultant. New chapters
on advanced Applescript and math in macros.

It's also a nice example of book-length formatting in WordPerfect, with
extensive use of style sheets and automatic lists.

Free. May be included on AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CD's.

John Rethorst

[Archived as /info-mac/text/wp/johns-wp-scripting-guide.hqx; 548K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:09 -0700
Subject: [*] MiniMandelbrot Applet: bite-sized fractal explorer for the Net

     The MiniMandelbrot Set Applet is a free fractal explorer which will
add interest and interactive appeal to your web pages.  Simply
cut-and-paste the required code, upload the .class file to your web
page's directory, and there'll you'll have it.  All that is asked of you
is to link to The Gilbert Post [].
     To view the applet you will need either a Java(tm)-enabled browser
(Netscape 3.x +) or the Applet Viewer from Sun or Apple.

Disinfectant 3.7.1 found the files to virus free.
Permission is granted to include this applet in any archive or CD,
commercial or not.  If you do so, however, please send an explanatory
message to [].

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/mini-mandelbrot.hqx; 12K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:23 -0700
Subject: [*] Mystic Textures II

Here is another volume of unique digital art textures that can be viewed
with Desktop Installer 2.1 which is included with Desktop Textures III
suite. This is a stand-alone  application that allows you to install
desktop patterns on MacOS Systems 6 through 8 and is especially useful
for older Macs that do not have the desktop patterns control panel. This
is the 2nd volume of textures in a series of ten by Melinda Fawver.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/mystic-textures-ii.hqx; 697K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:26 -0700
Subject: [*] Prime Desktop Patterns

Functional Art for the Macintosh desktop . . .
Since the user desktop is such a visible part of the operating system,
the desktop pattern is an important element for those of us who enjoy a
personalized Mac. Thus, I have been creating this series of quality
patterns for individuals who like change and variety. Enjoy this 8th
collection in a series of 20 by Melinda Fawver.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/prime-desktop-patterns.hqx; 497K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:21 -0700
Subject: [*] quit open apps 1.0

quit open apps

This handy little script allows you to quit all (excluding background)
Version 1.0 (May 18, 1998)

Brian Beeler

- AppleScript 1.1 or newer.

Other information:
- Changes:  Feel free to change for your personal needs.  All I ask is that
you don't distribute those changes.  If you email me I'll try to
incorporate them in the next update (and will give the proper credit).
- Distribution:  Go ahead and feel free to electronicly distribute this
script so long as it contains this "read me" file (uneditted).  You may
also include this on a CD if you notify me before distribution.
- Questions & Comments: Send them to the below address.  Don't expect a lot
of support but I'll try to help when I can.
- Cost: Free for personal use.  Companies can write for written permission
(don't worry, it's still free).

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/quit-open-apps.hqx; 7K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:14 -0700
Subject: [*] YP Reflection 1.0.2

YP Reflection 1.0.2

Simulates the reflection of a laser ray on plane mirrors.

Updated: May 1998

Author:  Yves Pelletier
         Email:     or

Price (Shareware):  $15 US

Keywords:  Physics teaching, sciences,  geometrical optics, ray optics,
mirrors, light, laser, reflection, normal.

Program description:
YP Reflection  is designed to assist teachers and students when they study
the laws of reflection in geometrical optics.  The program provides the
user with a laser source that can be moved and rotated, and with a large
quantity of mirrors that can be moved and rotated.  The normal to the
mirror, the angle of incidence, the angle of reflection and the direction
of propagation are displayed.  The obtained diagram may be printed, copied
to the clipboard, or  saved as a PICT file.

Bugs fixed in this version:
- Older versions required too much RAM when they were used on big screens
(larger than 15 inches).  This bug has been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/yp-reflection-102.hqx; 214K]


Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:07:16 -0700
Subject: [*] YP Reflexion 1.0.2 F (french version)

(This is the french version of YP Reflection 1.0.2).

YP Reflexion 1.0.2F

Simule la reflexion d'un rayon laser sur des miroirs plans.

Mise a Jour: Mai 1998

Auteur:  Yves Pelletier
         Email:    ou

Prix (Shareware):  $15 US

Mots-Clefs:  Enseignement de la physique, sciences,  optique geometrique,
miroirs, lumiere, laser, reflexion, normale.

Description du logiciel:
YP Reflexion est un didacticiel concu pour l'apprentissage des
lois de la reflexion en optique geometrique. L'utilisateur
dispose d'une source laser pouvant etre deplacee et reorientee
a volonte, et d'une quantite presque illimitee de miroirs pouvant etre
deplaces et reorientes a volonte.  Il est possible d'afficher la normale de
chaque  miroir, ainsi que l'angle entre le rayon laser et chaque normale.
Le schema obtenu peut etre copie, imprime ou sauvegarde sous la forme d'un
fichier PICT.

Bugs corriges dans cette version:
- Un bug qui necessitait une quantite excessive de memoire RAM lorsque le
programme etait utilise sur un tres grand ecran (plus de 15 pouces) a ete

Yves Pelletier

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/yp-reflexion-102-fr.hqx; 224K]



End of Info-Mac Digest