Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #276 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Mon, 15 Dec 97 Volume 15 : Issue 276 Today's Topics: [*] PictFader 1.0 - PICT displaying fader (A) Keeping downloads active (A) Keeping downloads active SUMMARY (Q) Keeping downloads active [A] Invisible icon files... [Q] invisible icon files (additional info) [Q] Invisible Icon Files continued... [Q] Invisible icon files... [Q] Invisible icon files... [Q] Invisible icon files... [Q] ZTerm and High Speed Modems Alternative to Norton Apple Store experiences? Application won't quit ATA Flash Card AVI to QT Thanks / More Movies? Avoid Shreve Systems of Shreveport LA CD not mounted (Sys7.6.1) cleaning keyboards clone vs. the keyboards ColorSync Connecting Color Stylewriter 2200 creating a font? Freezes in Communicator 4.04 Ice Hockey Stats templates Invisible icon files... Java MRJ..the good cure Java MRJ..the good cure Looking for Twain MacWorld Expo-San Francisco Travel Tips Munged file utility Networking a Mac on a Windows NT 4.0 network Power CD-ROM Problem Printing to Epson Stylus Pro From PC Compatable.. Q: Applescript for Changing Monitor Size question on modems Taking Eudora Home Techtool Pro vs. Norton Utilities Too fast for Boot Disk? Upgrading to G3 Warning to Fastback Users - Don't Use It! Win95 Notebook on AppleTalk Ethernet? Zip failure after power cut (R) The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more information, visit the Info-Mac Web site at <>. Email Addresses and Instructions: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in the Subject line. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with unsubscribe in the Subject line. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. If that fails, try using the list maintenance form at <> before contacting us. * Please send administrative queries to <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. FTP and Web Addresses and Instructions: * To submit files larger than 800K, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at the URL below: <> * Search the archive at <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for the main Info-Mac machine. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V15 #276" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:45 -0700 From: Subject: [*] PictFader 1.0 - PICT displaying fader PictFader 1.0 is a Macintosh screen saver designed to display your favourite PICT and JPEG files. It requires a Macintosh with 68020 processor or greater or Power Macintosh running System 7.0 or greater. QuickTime 1.5 or greater is required to display JPEG files. For more information, see accompanying "About PictFader 1.0" file. [Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/pict-fader-10.hqx; 405K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 14:52:45 -0600 From: Mike Rasberry <> Subject: (A) Keeping downloads active At 08:28a -0600 97/12/10, Tristan J. Meisters wrote: > Hello Everyone! I have had some trouble recently with my ISP > dropping the connection. I have talked to them at length > about it but they have no idea what the problem is. But > anyway, I do a lot of downloading on a regulat basis and in > most cases the files are several MB or larger. So, I guess > my question is, does anoyone know of a way to keep a > download active when the connection drops? I mean so that if > the connection drops I can reconnect and continue my > download right from where I lost the connection? I recall a > ways back that netscape used to have this function in a beta > version of their browser but that feature does not seem to > be available in the latest release. Currently my downloading > is done either using Anarchie for ftp or Netscape for the > http downloads. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Fetch and NetFinder can resume interuppted downloads. NetFinder's UI is excellent, but it almost *always* "loses" a connection (though, in fact, I'm still connected) with large downloads -- at least that's my experience. Fetch's UI isn't quite as nice, but it's a more mature and (IMHO) robust app. Since you discussed the dropped connections with your ISP, you've probably covered this possibility, but... Do you have call-waiting? If so, the tone made by an incoming call when you're online can kill the connection. Call-waiting can be disabled during a particular call by prefixing the phone # with a "star code" (e.g., "*67" -- those probably aren't the right digits). -raz ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 13:41:56 -0600 (CST) From: "Tristan J. Meisters" <> Subject: (A) Keeping downloads active SUMMARY Hello Everyone! I would like to thank everyone for all of their suggestions in this matter, I would thank you all personally but there are far too many of you:-) The most common solution to my problem was to use Fetch 3.0.3 which offers download reconnection. I have Fetch and have been using it for file uploads but I guess I should start using it for downloading as well. But I really do not like the interface and prefer to use Anarchie so I am hoping that Mr. Lewis will add the feature in the next update. Another common answer was to get another FTP client called Net Finder which can also reconnect. However from alot of the people that gave this option, their general opinion was that Net Finder wass quite unreliable and tended to drop the connection at least once per download. I myself have not given it a try yet but that is what I have heard. I also received a few replies that suggested using MSIE 4.0b1 because it supposedly has the reconnect feature, but in this case its other flaws far outway the benifts. Yet another option was to look into a shell account which would allow you to use to server to download the file to it and then you could go on and download it locally right from your server. I am checking into this option. A suggestion from the same fellow also pointed out that it is a good practice to only run your download program while you are downloaded as the Mac OS is not multithreaded as is the UNIX OS and thus tends to handle such conflicts poorly. I am going to give Net Finder a try in the next couple of days and also check to see if my ISP offers a shell account but for the time being I am going to switch over to Fetch for my downloads. Thanks a lot for all of the help, it is greatly appreciated. cheers Tristan ___________________________ Tristan J. Meisters mailto:rmeister@MTS.Net The Soaring homepage can be found at: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 16:16:45 +1100 From: Kai Howells <> Subject: (Q) Keeping downloads active >Hello Everyone! I have had some trouble recently with my ISP dropping the >connection. I have talked to them at length about it but they have no idea >what the problem is. But anyway, I do a lot of downloading on a regulat >basis and in most cases the files are several MB or larger. So, I guess my >question is, does anoyone know of a way to keep a download active when the >connection drops? I mean so that if the connection drops I can reconnect >and continue my download right from where I lost the connection? I recall a >ways back that netscape used to have this function in a beta version of >their browser but that feature does not seem to be available in the latest >release. Currently my downloading is done either using Anarchie for ftp or >Netscape for the http downloads. Any help would be greatly appreciated. a solution to being able to resume a dropped-out download is to use the excellent shareware ftp client NetFinder. The software has a resume feature, where it can resume any dropped ftp session, quite easily and painlessly. I think the following url is where it can be found... good luck! kai -- Photolith Pty Ltd | tel +61 3 6234 8700 | 25 Watchorn Street | fax +61 3 6234 8560 | Hobart TAS 7000 | isdn +62 3 6232 7110 | ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 14:53:11 -0600 From: Mike Rasberry <> Subject: [A] Invisible icon files... At 10:01p -0800 97/12/10, mark hurty wrote: > I am plagued by hundreds of the invisible "Icon" that OS8 > litters about the file system. I can find them, but I can't > get rid of them. "Invisible files cannot be deleted," says > my Mac, when asked to get rid of the pesky buggers. They > can't be moved, either, Mac says. So...what do I do? The best solution (IMHO) is to use something like DiskTop (by PrairieSoft) to find and delete the files. FileBuddy might also be able to delete invisible files. Less fun for a large number of files is to find them with Find File and for each one found, select it and then... 1. select the enclosing folder (the last folder in the bottom pane of the window (this folder will be called "TEF") 2. type Cmd-E (goes to the Finder, opens the folder enclosing TEF, and selects TEF) 3. type Cmd-I (opens the Get Info window) 4. select the icon in the upper left of the Get Info window 5. press the delete key (deletes the icon file and unsets the use custom icon bit for TEF) -raz ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 10:47:47 -0800 From: mark hurty <> Subject: [Q] invisible icon files (additional info) I posted a question yesterday, and had several helpful responses. I failed to elaborate fully my concerns in my original post: > I am plagued by hundreds of the invisible "Icon" that OS8 litters about > the file system. I can find them, but I can't get rid of them. > "Invisible files cannot be deleted," says my Mac, when asked to get rid > of the pesky buggers. They can't be moved, either, Mac says. So...what > do I do? > Several email responses pointed me to tools to deal with this problem. Thanks for that! Your thoughtful responses raise other questions and deserve my clarification. Here is additional illustration that is the reason for my query: Example: I have an empty folder on my hard drive. This is a generic folder, no custom icon. A search for invisible files on my hard drive named "icon" yeilds 495 hits. Among these 495 invisible icon files (each one using a block of space on the hard this case it's a big hard drive, single partition, so the file size is 32K) is an "Icon" file for this generic empty folder. Is there a reason for this file? I wouldn't care at all about the existence of this file, except that when I upload a directory to a web server, using fetch and its slick "put folders and files" feature, there is always a copy of this "icon" file on the remote site. This never happened under 7.x. I understand (as most of the respondents to my orginal message stated) that these files are supposed to be invisible. My underlying question is: Why are these files necessary for generic folders? Mark Hurty ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 22:44:17 -0800 From: mark hurty <> Subject: [Q] Invisible Icon Files continued... First off, thanks to all of you who took time to answer my first plea... An additional piece of information that I failed to mention regarding the 495 invisible icon files living on my hard drive. Each time I restart my machine there is a "rescued items from ---" folder in the trash. The contents of the folder consists of a single visible file named --- anyone? --- anyone? --- "Icon." Okay. I hear the keys clicking. " must have just turned off the power without shutting down, or the system was locked up and you forced a re-boot." Humor me. I've thought of the obvious stuff. I turn to you, oh great Mac wizards because I can't explain this simple, troubling, miniscule problem. I don't lose sleep over it. I continue to work, steadily, each day, without much interruption. But I want to know why! WHY are they there? I know that there must be at least one other person out there who has this same little problem. And if there is one, perhaps he or she can answer my cries. Can commiserate and comfort me. Please? Mark Hurty ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 13:23:24 +0100 From: Bo Bjulen <> Subject: [Q] Invisible icon files... At 22.01 -0800 1997-12-10, mark hurty wrote: >I am plagued by hundreds of the invisible "Icon" that OS8 litters about >the file system. I can find them, but I can't get rid of them. >"Invisible files cannot be deleted," says my Mac, when asked to get rid >of the pesky buggers. They can't be moved, either, Mac says. So...what >do I do? The invisible icon files contains the icon information for the enclosing folder so you probably don't want to get rid of them. Without them the folder would show a generic folder icon. On the other hand, it is possible to delete invisible file: make them visible first. You can use a utility like Snitch (probably the easiest way), ResEdit, Norton Utilitie's Fast Find or FileBuddy. -- Bo Bjulen ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 10:39:23 -0600 (CST) From: Chaz Larson <> Subject: [Q] Invisible icon files... At 10:01 PM -0800 12/10/97, mark hurty wrote: >I am plagued by hundreds of the invisible "Icon" that OS8 litters about >the file system. I can find them, but I can't get rid of them. These files contain custom icons for folders; for example, the custom icon for the folder "Disk:Folder:" is stored in "Disk:Folder:Icon". These are not unique to MacOS 8. System 7 custom icons have always worked like this. The best way to get rid of them would be to go through your disk and remove the custom icons from every folder that has one. [Get Info, click in icon, Clear] You could use a tool like AppleScript or Frontier to write a script to delete all these files in an automated fashion. Such a script would have to delete the icon file, then clear the custom icon bit on the folder it belonged to, or all those folders will end up with generic dog-ear icons. chazl - 12.12.1997 - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 05:15:07 -0500 From: Squirrelly <> Subject: [Q] Invisible icon files... At 22:01 -0800 12/10/97, mark hurty Might Have Wrote This Mess: >I am plagued by hundreds of the invisible "Icon" that OS8 litters about >the file system. I can find them, but I can't get rid of them. >"Invisible files cannot be deleted," says my Mac, when asked to get rid >of the pesky buggers. They can't be moved, either, Mac says. So...what >do I do? you dont get rid of em. All the things on your Mac have an Icon, and the invisible Icon file holds its info. If you get rid of them, any custom icon it has will be gone, and you will be stuck with generic icons until the next desktop rebuild, (for most of em) and they will come back. They are supposed to be invisible. You can use a program like Snitch to make them all visible, and throw em away, but they are supposed to be there. If they are visible, then they need to be made invisible again. Dont trash em. Get Snitch and use it to fix them, and/or rebuild the desktop. Semper Mac, Squirrelly ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 14:16:48 +0600 From: Fletcher Moore <> Subject: [Q] ZTerm and High Speed Modems The reason is that (most) serial ports operate at 57,600. Nothing really illogical about it... that is simply the max speed, unless you have a GeoPort adapter or (I think) a fairly new machine. Of course, you want to set the serial port as high as possible (i.e. 57,600) so that it doesn't present a bottleneck to the modem, but above an beyond the modem speed is really just empty headroom. In other words, if you have a 14.4 modem, it probably won't make much difference if you set the serial port to 28.8 or 57.6 or anything in between -- your throughput won't be more than 14.4 (not counting compression, of course). The modem will *tell* you that you have connected at 57.6 or whatever, but it is just talking about the serial port speed. Beyond that, you are correct... he should set his port speed to 57,600. >It's confusing and apparently illogical, but you can't set your serial port > to more than 57,600. I have a USRobotics 56k and made the same mistake. > At one time I could explain why you can't set serial port speeds at the old > 4:1 rate with these new modems, but it's all a jumble now. > > Fletcher Moore ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 22:34:39 -0500 From: (chazzz) Subject: Alternative to Norton Norton 3.5.1 is optimized for the Power Mac and I believe 3.3.1 will not accurately describe some problems. Disk Essentials is the ONLY other choice as a diagnostic utility and, I might say, is pretty damn good. (nope, don't work for 'em) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 09:07:40 -0500 From: "Paul J. Schinder" <> Subject: Apple Store experiences? At 4:32 AM -0500 12/12/97, Info-Mac wrote: } Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 18:13:55 -0800 } From: "Adam C. Engst" <> } Subject: Apple Store experiences? } } Out of curiousity, has anyone here purchased anything from the Apple Store } online? How did it go? What was your overall experience? Oddly enough, I } haven't seen much discussion of this at all online. I bought a Newton Message Pad 2100 from the Apple Store last Friday, and it arrived Tuesday. There are only two troublesome aspects to the experience. First, you can't use Apple Store at all unless you have image loading on. No problem from work, but from home I usually have image loading off. The second weirdness was that when you go to their "secure ordering form", the little blue key on (Unix 3.0) Netscape doesn't come on. I went ahead and finished the order anyway. Later on I went back to the Apple Store and read some of the on-line documentation; apparently this is a known problem having to do with their use of frames, and according to Apple, the actual credit card number transaction is secure. I also bought a desktop G3/266 for my wife for Christmas (don't worry, she doesn't read this list), and deliberately *didn't* buy it from Apple Store. The reason is that I wanted a UPS to go with the machine, and Apple Store doesn't sell anything but Apple products. I didn't want to pick and choose machine components, so I just ordered everything I wanted from Mac Warehouse instead. } } cheers... -Adam } } -- } Adam C. Engst <> --- <> } "Eudora for Windows & Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide" available! --- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 17:17:05 -0600 From: Gene Huebner <> Subject: Application won't quit Have been using a Motorola StarMax PowerPC for the last year. Utilizing System 7.6. The problem I am describing below did not start happening until about 3 months ago. I had installed nothing new, it just sort of began. About every other (not exactly, but about every other) time I shut down, my shut-down folder items perform as they should, but then I get a dialog box which says "Cannot complete shutdown - unknown application will not quit". I check under the finder, and the finder is the only thing loaded. No applications are open. Does not do this without extensions loaded. It is more annoying than anything else. I have lost no data, but since I just have to turn the computer off in order to shut down, I have to go through the embarassment of having my computer tell me I performed an illegal shutdown operation upon restart. Any suggestions? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 97 19:35:22 +0100 From: Riccardo Canetta <> Subject: ATA Flash Card I've bought an ATA Flash Card from MacMall and I'm trying to use it in my Powerbook 1400cs. When I first inserted it, it mounted but it was initialized for PCs. So I launched DriveSetup 131 and tried to initialize it again, but it failed - I also tried in the Finder, but it crashed, also when no extensions were loaded. The problem seems to be recognizing the card, since DriveSetup says the dimension is 100 Mb instead of 16: any idea of what software can I use for initializing? TIA, Riccardo ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:38:02 -0800 From: Rich de Gout <> Subject: AVI to QT Thanks / More Movies? Hello Info-Mac World, Where can I find more movies like the Snowman / Dancing Baby movies? Tim, I received the Snowman movie a couple of weeks ago and it is hilarious. I've also received a movie with a Dancing Baby grooving to Ooogahh Chaakaah and another with a Drunk Baby. If you're interested I can send these to you. They are totally twisted, but fun. Rich >Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 19:23:33 +0000 >From: Tim Brogdon <> >Subject: AVI to QT Thanks > >Yippee! and thanks to one and all who came to my recent rescue! > >By the way, the movies ARE hilarious! Some little kid on his way thru the >yard gets swallowed up by a seemingly innocent snowman. I feel so >liberated!!!! (I do suppose this wasn't THAT big of a deal, shucks). > >Thanks again, > >Tim > ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 13:55:56 -0500 From: Subject: Avoid Shreve Systems of Shreveport LA I purchased a PAS 16 bit sound card from Shreve Systems for my LCIII. Both the catalog and sales rep assured me that it would work fine with the LCIII so I ordered it and looked forward to getting 16bit sound on my LC (I'm a musician working with MIDI so this is very important). When the card came I eagerly went home and installed it. The problem was that it wouldn't' fit into the machine! I called Shreve Systems and they admitted that it wouldn't infact work with the LCIII. I talked with them to see if there was a work-around (I really wanted it to work) like using a spacer to get the card higher in the machine but nothing would work. I was very disappointed to have to return it. Then Shreve Systems told me they wouldn't refund my money! I said I would have understood if I just changed my mind, but the product wouldn't work as advertised (it does work with LC's and LCIII's). But they refused. So, I would avoid Shreve Systems like the plauge, less of course you want to throw your money away. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 14:59:20 +0000 From: iain macleod <> Subject: CD not mounted (Sys7.6.1) Greetings Info-mac fellow readers. I have a problem since installing System 7.6.1; I know something of the kind has been reported for Sys8, but this happened to me a few days ago. Installed from a magazine 7.6.1 upgrade. Everything fine, apart from the fact that my (newly second-hand bought) Powerwave 604/120 will no longer mount CD-A and CD-Rom from my internal xm-5301 4x Toshiba CD. It seems that Hdt toolbox should have been delated, as it is no longer present, but i'm quite far from where I bought the "Mac", so it's difficoult for me to retrieve it from the original diskette. I am not certain this is the right driver, nor the only one that should be present. I tried to contact FWB; they have only upgrades, tried downloading them and installed on the mac, but the no file to be upgraded present, as imagined, appeared. They had also a new version, but I do not know the serial number of the old disk, which seems to have vanished. Every utility used 'sees' the cd rom, which regurarly spins at startup, and one actually reads the size and eventual CD name; they just ddon't mount it any longer. After the cd drive spind down. I can Eject,and insert no problem. Just doesn't visualize on the desk top. Tried asking tech support at Toshiba, and still waiting Any suggestions? Go out and upgrade to 8.0? Still not completely happy on how it works, waiting for new upgrade, they're safer ;-) Thanks In Advance iain antony (and no iain is not a mistake it's Scottish for ian) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 10:39:45 -0600 (CST) From: Chaz Larson <> Subject: cleaning keyboards At 9:44 AM +0000 12/11/97, m. fletcher wrote: >fyi: correct procedure for cleaning your quality original apple keyboard >when you spill large amounts of questionable fluids and resins into it >is to submerge for an hour in distilled water and drip dry for a day (or >so i read.) I've actually had better luck disassembling the keyboard and running it under hot water for several minutes, then letting it drip dry for a couple days. The hot water dissolves and carries away the gunk very well; better than I would expect standing water to. This has worked to clean Coke out of an Apple Extended II on two occasions. chazl - 12.12.1997 - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 97 02:15:52 +1100 From: Mr Stux <> Subject: clone vs. the keyboards >so: when i found my starmax clone couldn't see basic startup key presses >(like extensions off) from the cheap performantz keyboard i'd been using >with my old 7100, i replaced it with the cheap bundled motorola keyboard >that came with it. now i find that the moto keyboard doesn't send >certain key combinations. i wouldn't have noticed, but in marathon i >suddenly can't run fast while making a right turn. the apple keyboard >had no problems. i didn't check the performantz. Perhaps it has something to do with: The macintosh keyboard is only capable of detecting (flawed memory warning ;) ) 2 keys plus any of the modifier keys at once. This is why games use cmd, cntrl, option, shift etc. BUT maybe a cheap (sorry) keyboard doesn't do that right, maybe it detects only 3 keys at once, be they modifiers or otherwise! This is conjecture :) Oh btw, apple original Extended Keyboard and the one with the raising base were the best keyboards ever built. By ANYONE! That last bit isn't conjecture... If you can trade in your performantz for a good second hand one... The one where the capslock stay down... ;) CYA STUX =`B^) *_ The Land Downunder _* ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 11:25:57 -0600 From: (Ted Logan) Subject: ColorSync Have installed ColorSync 2.1.1 hoping its new set of monitor profiles will give me a clue how best to match my Magnavox Magnascan/15. But it's still all just Apple brandname monitors only. When I called Magnavox a couple of years ago, they told me, "It's not our software; call Apple." When I called Apple, they said, "It's not our monitor, call Magnavox." When I called Tulsa's one and lonely Macintosh dealer, they said, with refreshing candor, "We don't know." Advice welcomed. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 03:53:22 -0500 From: Marlon Deason <> Subject: Connecting Color Stylewriter 2200 I have a SW2200 and a PB5300. I don't know the pinouts for PC serial cables, but I have a cable that should do the trick.It is a Newton print pack cable, PC serial on one end and Mac serial on the other. You may be able to pick this pack up cheap if you find a retailer that has it in stock but no longer stocks the Newton. Alternatively, you could get a simular cable with the PowerPrint=99 software for Mac. Be aware though that this is just a hardware solution. You would still need to find a suitable driver, the Cannon BJ-30 is the Dark Empire's Evil Twin of the Apple SW2200. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 10:58:49 -0600 (CST) From: Chaz Larson <> Subject: creating a font? At 9:59 PM +0000 12/10/97, Jack Countryman wrote: >...can anyone tell me how I >could create such a font... Here are step-by-step instructions for creating a font using Illustrator, Photoshop, and Fontographer; written by the inimitable Chank Diesel <>. <> chazl - 12.12.1997 - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 97 08:49:05 -0700 From: Charles Keller <> Subject: Freezes in Communicator 4.04 I have recently upgraded to OS8 and have been experiencing the following problem: When I encounter web pages with Java, my system will freeze. Communicator 4.04 will inform me that it is starting Java, it then says Java is done and the page will continue to load. It is during this time that my system will freeze. Initially the system would freeze while loading Java but since I increased ram to Communicator 4.04 (to 10 meg), Java appears to load successfully. I had never run into this problem under OS 7.6 with an earlier version of Communicator(4.0) and less ram (6 meg). I am currently Using a 6400/180 with OS8, 88 megs of ram (90 with virtual memory enabled). Any help resolving this problem would be appreciated. Thanks, Chuck ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 12:20:46 +0100 From: Subject: Ice Hockey Stats templates Hello Mac fan's, I've been looking for quite a long time for useable hockey stat templates in either Excel or FMPro. I've seen some annoucement on any other sports templates under CW 4.0 but not on Excel or FMPro. Does any one know of good ones or shareware ones ? Thanks in advance ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 04:00:41 -0500 From: Marlon Deason <> Subject: Invisible icon files... Hey man don't you have anything better to worry about?! Just kidding. The MacOS keeps track of custom file icons by storing them as invisible 'icon' files. Ever 'paste' a custom icon on an app and then months later get tired of it and 'cut' it off? The old icon reappears! That is the purpose of the invisible icon file. They are perfectly normal but annoying, no wonder they are kept invisible! If you are truely nosey you can open these files in ResEdit and see that they only contain icon resources. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 14:35:38 -0800 From: Perry Morse <> Subject: Java MRJ..the good cure This is the first I have heard that Navigator 4.0.4 permits you to use someone else's implementation of JAVA. Thanks for the heads up. I have also used MRJ 1.5.1 with MSIE 3.01 and agree that it is wonderfully stable. Alas, Navigator 4.0.4 refuses to run on my machine. I am using v4.0.3 which does not seem to offer me the option of using MRJ for handling JAVA. Perry Morse > I discovered an interesting cure for Netscape freeze-ups which I >have been having along with, I might add, Explorer freeze-ups as well. I >installed the new JAVA files from Apple MRJ 1.5 and its needed updater 1.51 >and Lo! The problems just vanished to the point that Netscape 4.04 is now >running without a glitch for the first time and I mean running...faster, >cleaner ,and for a very long time...At the moment I have run it ragged for >the past six hours without a freeze up and that is a record on my machine, >of that I can assure you! Previous best case was just two hours. Just in >case you want to know, it is a PowerPC 7100/80 av. > >"Just three rusty strands of barbed wire from the North Pole" > > Professor Neil Fiertel > FAB-3-98 > Department of Art and Design > University of Alberta > Edmonton, Alberta > Canada T6G-2C9 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 09:18:05 -0500 From: "Fraser J. Goodmurphy" <> Subject: Java MRJ..the good cure At 11:54 PM -0700 12/10/97, Neil Fiertel wrote: > I discovered an interesting cure for Netscape freeze-ups which I >have been having along with, I might add, Explorer freeze-ups as well. I >installed the new JAVA files from Apple MRJ 1.5 and its needed updater 1.51 >and Lo! The problems just vanished to the point that Netscape 4.04 is now >running without a glitch for the first time and I mean running...faster, >cleaner ,and for a very long time...At the moment I have run it ragged for >the past six hours without a freeze up and that is a record on my machine, >of that I can assure you! Previous best case was just two hours. Just in >case you want to know, it is a PowerPC 7100/80 av. On the Applejava site, I read that versions of Navigator previous to 4.04 were hard-wired for Netscape's blend. Has this changed? Will Navigator use MRJ? I know that MSIE 3.01 allows a choice (how un-MS!), but is MRJ less buggy and/or faster than the Metrowerks/MS JIT compiler that ships with IE? Fraser ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 13:40:41 +0100 From: Hans de Wolf <> Subject: Looking for Twain In Info-Mac Digest #270, Douglas Anderson ( asked about a TWAIN driver for the UMAX Astra 1200S. I had the same problem, because Adobe Acrobat's Capture module requires a TWAIN driver, which is not supplied with this scanner. An e-mail message to UMAX support provided me with a good suggestion: from the UMAX web site you can download the MagicScan Driver for the more expensive UMAX scanners. This driver does support TWAIN. Although UMAX states that they do not support this driver for the Astra 1200S, it does work with it. Now I can use the MagicScan in stead of the VistaScan driver from within Acrobat Capture, but also from within other software. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 97 13:10:33 -0800 From: Jim Yarrow <> Subject: MacWorld Expo-San Francisco Travel Tips After attending MacWorld Expo for a few years, I realized I've learned a lot of things about traveling to San Francisco (and one is that you spend a *lot* of money). I'd like to invite any of you who might be going to MacWorld Expo next month to view my 6-page series on Traveling to MacWorld Expo 98. It's full of tips I picked up during my past trips that I'm sure will save you money, some time and perhaps even some aggravation. While the tips are oriented toward staying in San Francisco, the principles can be applied to business travel almost anywhere. The URL is, however some may prefer the easier URL of The information will be updated as new information becomes available up to one week before the Expo. Feel free to let anyone you know who's going to the Expo about this page, as I'm sure it will benefit them. Hope to see you there! Jim Yarrow (a.k.a., The Maccimizer) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 22:34:38 -0500 From: (chazzz) Subject: Munged file utility RescueTxt or Disk Essentials will perform the tasks you require. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 18:57:03 -0500 From: David Harsch <> Subject: Networking a Mac on a Windows NT 4.0 network My office just installed a network with a Windows NT 4.0 server. I have a Mac clone (StarMax 3240) with an ethernet card which is connected to the network. I am using a Mac client program called DAVE by Thrusby Software Systems ( The program works OK for my needs. What I want to know is what other client programs are available to act as a client for the Mac on a Windows NT server? I want to evaulate other programs before I upgrade to the next version which is due in January 1998. David Harsch, P.Eng. K. Smart Associates Limited ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 19:38:37 -0500 (EST) From: Al Bloom <> Subject: Power CD-ROM Problem I need a bit of help folk. Leslye's new Powertower Pro 225 came with a 24x Matsushita CD-ROM drive and FWB's CR-ROM Toolkit 232. Something in that three-way combo doesn't work worth a naughtyword. Don't ask me about FWB. I mailed them the registration/upgrade card in mid October. It took several November e-mails to determine that they "never got it." So I faxed a copy to them on December 1. Yes, they got it. No, I haven't yet become a real person in FWB's eyes. Yes, I'm irrigated. Let's see if some of you I-M experts can help. The problem: Leslye asked that I archive some her objets d'art to CD. Sure. I brought home the LaCie CDR burner from the office (Remember that I warned you off against the APS product that didn't work after two trips to the shop and that the LaCie unit was cheaper and operable? Probably not) and made a bunch of CDR "sessions" out of the folders she wanted me to archive. According to my vanilla 7300/180 it worked like a charm. According to the clone, nothing past the first session existed. At best. I had to turn off a whole lot of useful stuff to even get that clone to recognize *anything* on that CDR. I've seen a few items on comp/sys/mac/system about what driver versions work with what drives in what clones. Nuthin so far related to my problem. Yes, I asked. I suspect I'll have to trash Leslye's Matsushita drive and buy an Apple CD drive. When the grad stoonts leave for winter break, I'll swipe a vanilla Apple drive from one of their boxes and see if it solves The Problem. That'll be a week or so from now. An eternity when one's wife is annoyed. Any of y'all have an insight or two? Al Bloom ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 16:46:57 -0500 (EST) From: Joshua Hart <> Subject: Printing to Epson Stylus Pro From PC Compatable.. I have a PowerMac 7200 series of computer (7200/120 PC Compatible to be specific.) I am trying to print from the PC side (Win 95) to the Stylus Pro printer (on the mac side). I have recently updated to PC setup version 1.6.4 (from the apple info software archives). Before the 1.6.4 update I was unable to get any response from the PC Spooler when I would print from the PC side (the job would spool, but the PC print spooler would never spool the job, or acknowledge that a job had come over from the PC side. Now I get a response, however it sure it strange.. I get out some pages, but they just have big black boxes on them. As if the type face somehow became 1000 point (an exaggeration to be sure) or something like that. On the PC side, I have Windows 95, and installed the Epson Printer Driver that came with the printer Version 2.1BE. On the Mac side the driver version is V2.5AA. (which also came with the Printer) I did check out at the epson website, and it would seem that these are the most recent drivers... My guess is that it is the PC print spooler which is messing the print job up. Is there anyone out there who knows what the preferences for the PC print spooler should be? I see a few options... Of course Postscript should not be specified (since the printer is not a PS printer... Should the spooler be set on "Printer Specific" or "Epson"? And if it is on "Epson" should I have it assume no gaps in-between the pages? (there are a few extra options if "epson" is specified....) On the PC side, I left the options in the printer driver alone.. The only thing deliberately specified is the fact that it is a Stylus Pro. (Perhaps something needs to be specified differently in the Windows driver as well?) Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks, Joshua <> ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 10:20:32 -0500 From: (Lori Collins) Subject: Q: Applescript for Changing Monitor Size Is there a way to use Applescript to change the monitor resolution from *say* 832x624 to 640x480? I've yet to be able to solve this one. I'm running 7.5.5. Thanks! Lori ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 05:51:18 -0600 From: "Dennis L. Davis" <> Subject: question on modems At 23:22 -0600 12/06/97, Charles P. Crawford wittily wrote: > I'm having a little trouble trying to decide on a new modem. > > I currently have a Performa 6200CD, and am using the Global Village 14.4 > that came with it. I really want to up my speed to 33.6, but can't find any > info on modems of that speed anymore - no reviews, ratings etc.. Lots of > sources have great prices. How can I decide between a FastMac V.24 from > Boca only $70 compared to US Robotics Sportster V.34 for $120? Some > comments or recommendations are appreciated. I'm not really interested in > $160 for Global Village 56K. Although I'm very happy with the Gobal Village > I have now. > > Charlie C. I have a Global Village 33.6 Platinum Internet Edition {or whatever it is called} that I use with OT and I have been very happy with it. I did get the latest updates from the Global Village BBS, I think that they also have these on their Web site and their FTP site. If you do get one of the Global Village 33.6 fax/modems be sure to get the updates. I would check and see if you can find a Global Village 33.6. You might check around for one at various places. Unknown: "People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs." <> ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 09:15:18 -0500 From: "Norman R. Friedman" <> Subject: Taking Eudora Home A friend has asked - he receives much mail during the day which he is unable to read and would like to know if there is a way to put his mail onto a floppy to take home with him so he could read the mail at home. He has Eudora Pro at work but not at home, so would probably need to put his mail somehow into word processing. Copying each letter indivdually would be huge. Thanks to all in advance. I will pass on to my friend Help to ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 18:22:38 -0500 From: Brian White <> Subject: Techtool Pro vs. Norton Utilities I need to purchase one of these programs for my new G3 Mac. Can anyone shed some light on which of these two products would be best? Although they do have some different features, they both basically serve the same function, right? TIA Brian White ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 97 14:18:29 -0000 From: (Scott L. Horton) Subject: Too fast for Boot Disk? Sorry for the length, but I feel that it's necessary. Does anyone understand this problem? I just bought a Quantum Fireball ST6.44S OFOC hard disk (external, SCSI, 6+ gig) for my 68LC040 Mac (Performa 476), OS8, 20Mb RAM to use as a boot disk, bypassing the internal hard disk. The Quantum is formatted with Hard Disk Tool Kit 2.0.6 full edition, is automountable and bootable, one HFS partition. No matter what I have tried, I cannot get the new hard disk to boot the Mac. The startup disk control panel won't do it, nor will the apple-option-shift-delete combination. The best I can do is get the flashing question mark that won't go away until I release the keyboard and then the internal drive boots the Mac. Other external disks will boot the Mac just fine (diskette, zip, and jaz). There is no SCSI ID conflict, and the new disk is closest in the chain to the Mac. Disconnecting all other devices doesn't help. Except for not being able to boot the Mac, the new disk is just fine. I've done a new system Mac os8 install on it as well and the system is "blessed." Apple tech. doesn't really know what the problem is, but is willing to agree with the disk vendor (ProDirect in this case- very good about tech support by the way) that the new drive is essentially "too fast" for the Mac to use as a boot disk and the problem cannot be solved. FWB tech. also feels that the disk being too fast is likely to be the problem. I have never heard of this, but I guess my Mac is showing it's age. Does anyone know whether or not there might be another explanation for this behavior? Any answers would be appreciated. Feel free to mail them to me at <> Thanks, Scott Horton ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 12:55:31 EST From: Stanley110 <> Subject: Upgrading to G3 I would like to buy a cheap Mac clone and do the following: step one: add the Adaptec SCSI card and Seagate Cheetah 4Gb, 10K rpm hard drive, and the IX Micro Twin Turbo 128M4 video card step two: upgrade to G3 It seems to me this is the least expensive way to get to a fast and well- equipped G3 Macintosh. Can someone recommend the Mac clone to begin with? Were there (are there) Mac clones that came with any of the items in step one so as to make the step one upgrade less expensive? I would need one that has several PCI slots to make this all happen. Stan Alekman <> ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 12:26:34 -0700 From: (Ted Logan) Subject: Warning to Fastback Users - Don't Use It! >I have heard about many serious problems with recent versions of Norton >Utilities for a while now. >Is there any reason why I can't continue using my old version 3.1.3 on my >PowerMac? I have never had any problems with any of the utilities. >What is the best alternative if not? As I've told Info-Mac more than once and as others have reported here and there, Norton's Fastback backup utility for Macintosh became dangerous somewhere in its 3.x development. One day, without warning, it erased my entire hard disk *instead of* backing it up. I can't say it was 3.1.3 specifically; I only remember that my disaster occurred between one and two years ago, a few versions before the release of NUM 3.5. Symantec's tech support at first insisted my experience was unique, then admitted it wasn't. NUM 3.5 no longer includes Fastback and appears to want to pretend it never existed. The Symantec tech guy whispered to me one day, "Never use Fastback again. Use Retrospect by Dantz." I did that immediately and have never looked back. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 13:21:27 -0500 From: "C. Kurt Holter" <> Subject: Win95 Notebook on AppleTalk Ethernet? I am an experienced Mac user, but a novice in the world of Windows95. I'm interested in putting an IBM ThinkPad 365XD notebook computer on an AppleTalk 10base-T network in my home/office. I assume I'll need the appropriate PCMCIA ethernet card for the notebook machine to accomplish the physical connection, but am interested in the best route to take software-wise? While my primary need is for file transfer to and from the Macs, I'd also like to be able to access an HP LaserJet 4ML printer which will ultimately be on the network as well. >From what I've read it looks like Timbuktu all the way around might be an option (except for the printer), but I wondered if there is a simpler and more transparent solution. Many thanks in advance for any help! Best, C. Kurt Holter The Electronic Picture Show: The DC120 Diary: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 16:51:19 -0800 From: kee nethery <> Subject: Zip failure after power cut (R) At 10:26 AM -0800 12/11/97, Mel Martinez wrote: >Also, the 'outer' shell of the >connector should be at 'ground' and the inner tube should be at +5 (if >memory serves me - someone please correct me if this is backwards). If >these are backwards when you have finished splicing, then you need to redo >the repair and flip the wires. My voltage meter confirms, outer ring is ground (0 volts) and inner tube is +5 volts DC. Kee Nethery Kagi -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************