Date: Mon,  3 Mar 97 07:08:30 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #53
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest"


Info-Mac Digest             Mon,  3 Mar 97       Volume 15 : Issue 53

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3D-Touch-Me Textures Sampler1.1 - Professional Multimedia Deskt
      [*] Anarchie J 2.0.1
      [*] AutoHide 1.1
      [*] BB-Gun - BBEdit auto-typer
      [*] BBEdit tool for Textures
      [*] Better Edit Keys 1.0.1J  - submission to cfg/
      [*] ComputerModern.T1
      [*] ComputerModern.TT
      [*] Consecutive Four v1.0
      [*] CustoFinder 7 1.2.3 (german version)
      [*] Deep Purple
      [*] DeskBots 1.1
      [*] DeskBots Bonus Folder
      [*] DeskBots Workshop
      [*] Download Deputy 1.3.1
      [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.6.sit
      [*] El Parso's NeXT Theme
      [*] Flies 3D PPC
      [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.0
      [*] FTP LetterRip Mailing List Server
      [*] gold-pusher-14.hqx
      [*] Gradekeeper 4.4 is now available!!
      [*] Hermes II 3.5.2, a BBS
      [*] Hermes II 3.5.2 documentation in MS Word format
      [*] iNES 0.6
      [*] Internet Bolo Buddy 1.0
      [*] IPNetMonitor 1.1.1 Macintosh Internet Tools (2 msgs)
      [*] Kaleidoscope for Mac Color Scheme
      [*] Kinematic Land 1.5.1
      [*] odDateFixer 1.0
      [*] Pancake 1.0.6.sit
      [*] People Lister 1.0b20
      [*] SoundMachine 2.7
      [*] SoundMachine 2.7J - Japanese Version
      [*] SoundPhone
      [*] Trainspotters Puzzle 2.1; fitword crossword puzzles
      [*] Videobase Library
      [*] Web Devil 1.0

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Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V15 #53"


Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 09:29:34 -0700
Subject: [*] 3D-Touch-Me Textures Sampler1.1 - Professional Multimedia Deskt

AUTHOR: PRECISION DESIGN - Specializing in Computer Graphics
EQUIPMENT: Macintosh, System 7.0 and up
NEEDS: Desktop Textures Suite 2.1 - small shareware/freeware app. on
TYPE: Professional Multimedia Desktop Backgrounds > Mac/OS

3D-Touch-Me Textures - Professional Multimedia Desktop Backgrounds

I am a Graphic Designer - Specializing in Computer Graphics who thinks that
everybody who spent thousands of dollars to buy their Macintosh, (no matter
model Mac you have) deserves to have & see how great their Mac desktop can l=

* This "3D-Touch-Me Textures Sampler1.1" contains 4 High Quality Multimedia
3D-Textures. This is a quicker downlaod, to see the type & High Quality of t=
"3D-Touch-Me Textures". If you like these look for Vol1.1. All of the
textures in
the "3D-Touch-Me Textures" Volumes are all Top-Notch!!!

(these multimedia backgrounds are formated to use in "Desktop Textures
Suite 2.1"
- a great application bundle here on Info-Mac. Do a software search for "Des=
Textures 2.1" if needed)

* These "3D-Touch-Me Textures" AREN'T "extra add-on's" or "extensions or con=
Panels" to change your "Mac System" in anyway.

* They ARE just professionally designed "3D pattern pict tiles" Pict is the =
format which come with your Mac System Software. When you see the
differents with
these "3D-Touch-Me Textures", you'll be AMAZED!!!

* The "3D-Touch-Me Textures" DO NOT use any more System Memory or RAM then t=
original pattern backgrounds in the "Desktop Patterns" control panel. The
"3D-Touch-Me Textures" just look incredibility BETTER!!!

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/3d-touch-me-textures-sam-11.hqx; 267K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:30 -0700
Subject: [*] Anarchie J 2.0.1

This is the Japanese version of Anarchie 2.0.1.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/anarchie-j201.hqx; 1117K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:02 -0700
Subject: [*] AutoHide 1.1

AutoHide 1.1
By Mike Tilstra & TaDPoL Tech

This is really an extremly simple comtrol modual that just hides the control
strip(s) when the menubar is hidden. It makes for nice autohiding of your
strip(s) when you launch things like games, or any other full screen program=

To use AutoHide, just drag it into the Control Strip Modules folder in your
system folder and restart.  People with Extensions Strip won't need to resta=

AutoHide is free, but it is not in the public domain. Eventhough AutoHide is
free, I'm going to remind you to register other shareware you may use.

AutoHide is =A91997 Mike Tilstra

1.0 First Release.
1.1 Replaced my GetMenuBarHeight with the GetMBarHeight call.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/auto-hide-11.hqx; 6K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 15:47:50 -0700
Subject: [*] BB-Gun - BBEdit auto-typer


This tiny drag and drop utility should be useful to webmasters, HTML hackers,
programmers, and general BBEdit-o-philes.  It simply converts any file (or
multiple files) dropped on it into BBEdit text files.


By Jim Gelcer

BB-Gun may be included on a CD-ROM under certain specific conditions, as
described in the accompanying Readme file.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/bbe/bb-gun-bbedit-auto-typer.hqx; 9K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:37:58 -0700
Subject: [*] BBEdit tool for Textures

This is a BBEdit tool that allows files to be sent from BBEdit to
Textures for typesetting. Textures is a commercial implementation of the
TeX typesetting language. A BBEdit tool is a special type of BBEdit
extension that puts up a floating window as an interface. BBEdit tools
only work with BBEdit 3.5.2 or later, not with BBEdit Lite.

Brad Hanson

[Archived as /info-mac/text/bbe/textures-bbedit-tool.hqx; 20K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:40 -0700
Subject: [*] Better Edit Keys 1.0.1J  - submission to cfg/

Better Edit Keys 1.0.1J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi
Montalcini's original.

* Better Edit Keys is a cool system enhancement that allows you to use the
option and control keys with the arrows, delete, forward delete and clear
keys in
any standard text editing field, including basic text editors such as
 This makes it much easier to work with text without reaching the mouse.  The
following key combinations are allowed:

- shift + any arrow: extend the current selection.
- option + left/right arrow: move to the previous or next word.
- control + left/right arrow or option + up/down arrow: move to the
beginning or end of the current line.
- shift + option + any arrow: move like option + arrow while extending the
- option + delete: delete up to the beginning of the current word (or clear
- forward delete or shift + delete: delete the next character (or clear
- option + forward delete or shift + option + delete: delete up to the end
of the current word (or clear selection).
- clear: clear the current selection, if any.
- option + clear: delete the current word (or clear selection).

* The above tasks should usually be performed by applications, but many of them
don't care. Better Edit Keys implements this default behavior in all situations
where the application is not already taking care of it, but it does nothing if
the application handles the keystrokes by itself.  This means that the above
keystrokes will not work if the application already handles them.  For example
recent versions of SimpleText handle the forward delete key by themselves,
also disables the option + forward delete keystroke provided by Better Edit
 There is no safe way to override the application's own handling of the
keystrokes, so Better Edit Keys is only useful for applications that don't
them and for generic text editing fields like the ones in dialog windows.

New in version 1.0.1:
- Added a Settings dialog to selectively enable or disable the editing
keys, fixed a bug that made the control panel crash on some machines.
This is $10 shareware.  Have fun and support Alex.
The Japanese versions of Alessandro's programs are available at:
Haruka Ishi
Feb 13, 1996

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/better-edit-keys-101J.hqx; 72K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:22 -0700
Subject: [*] ComputerModern.T1

These SHAREWARE fonts for Macintosh (TrueType and PostScript Type 1) are
replicas of the TeX's Computer Modern family. Included in the set are
Computer Modern regular, italic, bold, small caps, bold small caps,
semibold regular, and
semibold italic. Besides being beautiful general-purpose fonts, these are
incredibly useful to users of TeX and LaTeX because with them you can easily
create labeled graphics in programs such as Freehand, Illustrator, etc., with a
font that matches your document's text font. The versions here are demos
only---most punctuation characters are missing, so they will be highly annoying
to use for any real work. The shareware fee is $20. Samples and instructions
purchasing are included in a Acrobat .pdf document.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/tt/computer-modern-tt.hqx; 506K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:24 -0700
Subject: [*] ComputerModern.TT

These SHAREWARE fonts for Macintosh (TrueType and PostScript Type 1) are
replicas of the TeX's Computer Modern family. Included in the set are
Computer Modern regular, italic, bold, small caps, bold small caps,
semibold regular, and
semibold italic. Besides being beautiful general-purpose fonts, these are
incredibly useful to users of TeX and LaTeX because with them you can easily
create labeled graphics in programs such as Freehand, Illustrator, etc., with a
font that matches your document's text font. The versions here are demos
only---most punctuation characters are missing, so they will be highly annoying
to use for any real work. The shareware fee is $20. Samples and instructions
purchasing are included in a Acrobat .pdf document.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/ps/computer-modern-t1.hqx; 552K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:14 -0700
From: dfiler@slate.Mines.EDU
Subject: [*] Consecutive Four v1.0

Consecutive Four v1.0

Consecutive Four v1.0 resembles the ever popular game Connect Four.  Version
is completely stable and adds MANY features that have been promised since
These include: an improved AI, another AI which is impossible to beat, better
graphics, and numerous options that should make the game more enjoyable.  These
improvements leap frog the competing C4 game from Miles Michelson, once again
gaining Green Buddha Productions market dominance. ;> It requires around
1500k in 256 colors, 2000k in thousands of colors, and 2800k in millions.
I have yet to find a system that it cannot run on.

by darrin filer <
Green Buddha Productions

[Archived as /info-mac/game/consecutive-four-10.hqx; 758K]


Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 09:29:27 -0700
Subject: [*] CustoFinder 7 1.2.3 (german version)

This is the German version of CustoFinder 7 1.2.3 also available in French and
English on Info-Mac.

CustoFinder 7 is a small control panel that can customize several Finder/System

CustoFinder 7 is $5 shareware It is not yet compatible with System 7.6

It can be put on the info-mac and umich archives.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/custo-finder7-de-123.hqx; 75K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:42 -0700
Subject: [*] Deep Purple

Here is a picture that I made.  You can use it for a start up screen,
desk picture, or what ever you like.



[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/deep-purple.hqx; 1366K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:03 -0700
Subject: [*] DeskBots 1.1

DeskBots is an anti-productivity toy; a cross between the old Talking Moose =
the HAL9000. Once configured, your DeskBot will offer "helpful" advice, warn=
of impending doom, alert you to the presence of excess matter in the univers=
and generally do everything it can to distract you from getting any work
done. It has been described as "artificial artificial-intelligence" and
"riotous fun", and was even featured in the Swedish edition of MacWorld.
Give DeskBots a try today! Once you do, your Mac just won't seem the same
without it!

DeskBots is shareware ($10.00) and requires a 68030 or faster processor, Mac=
7.5 or better, Apple's PlainTalk Text-to-Speech software, and at least 1 Mb =
free RAM. Speakers and a monitor capable of displaying thousands of colors a=
recommended but not required.

Version 1.1 is primarily a bug-fix release. Although there are no new featur=
overall performance is a bit better. Current DeskBots users should download =
new version to receive their new serial number, which is automatically provi=
by the software and will be needed to activate future versions.

If you enjoy DeskBots, be sure to obtain the "DeskBots Bonus =9F" archive wh=
contains additional background sounds, personalities, and other 'bot=
 goodies. It
should be available wherever DeskBots is found or on the GL Software web
site at:


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/desk-bots-11.hqx; 520K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:06 -0700
Subject: [*] DeskBots Bonus Folder

The "DeskBots Bonus =9F" archive is a collection of 5 personality files, 13
background sounds, 20 default phrase files, and QuickPhrase/scripting exampl=
for use with DeskBots from GL Software. These files have been updated for us=
with DeskBots 1.1. If you already have DeskBots 1.0 and the "DeskBots Goodie=
Vol. 1" archive, then you do not need this file.

DeskBots is an anti-productivity toy; a cross between the old Talking Moose =
the HAL9000. Once configured, your DeskBot will offer "helpful" advice, warn=
of impending doom, alert you to the presence of excess matter in the univers=
and generally do everything it can to distract you from getting any work
done. It has been described as "artificial artificial-intelligence" and
"riotous fun", and was even featured in the Swedish edition of MacWorld.
Give DeskBots a try today! Once you do, your Mac just won't seem the same
without it!

DeskBots is shareware ($10.00) and requires a 68030 or faster processor, Mac=
7.5 or better, Apple's PlainTalk Text-to-Speech software, and at least 1 Mb =
free RAM. Speakers and a monitor capable of displaying thousands of colors a=
recommended but not required.

To find the latest info and goodies for DeskBots, please visit the GL Softwa=
web site at:


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/desk-bots-bonus.hqx; 775K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:07 -0700
Subject: [*] DeskBots Workshop

The DeskBots Workshop is an editor for use with of DeskBots from GL Software.
With the Workshop and a little creativity, you can create your own DeskBots
personality or edit existing personalities to suit your tastes.  An instruction
manual and tutorial files are included. The DeskBots Workshop requires Apple's
PlainTalk TTS software and 2Mb free RAM. It is free to registered DeskBots

DeskBots is a desktop toy, something of a robotic sidekick, with multiple
sounds, and voices, that resides inside your Mac and brings out the personality
that you always knew was there. Your DeskBot will offer "helpful" advice, warn
you of impending doom, alert you to the presence of excess matter in the
universe, and generally attempt to distract you from productivity.

DeskBots is shareware ($10.00) and requires Apple's PlainTalk Text-to-Speech
software, and at least 1 Mb of free RAM.

For more information, please visit the GL Software homepage at:

< >

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/desk-bots-workshop-10..hqx; 1004K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:31 -0700
Subject: [*] Download Deputy 1.3.1

Download Deputy 1.3.1 - lets you create lists of files to be batch downloaded
a later time. Why is batch downloading so important? Because it automatically
manages your downloading while you do what you want with your precious time;
don't have to babysit your Macintosh. Files are transferred one at a time, the
next transfer starting after the previous one finishes. Instead of staying with
your computer for 50 minutes while that five megabyte file comes across the
phone lines at a less than optimal 1.7 Kb/sec, you can do errands, spend
time with your kids, etc., letting Download Deputy manage the download.
When the transfer is complete, Download Deputy can quit itself, disconnect
your Internet connection, or even shut down your Mac.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/download-deputy-131.hqx; 1069K]


Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 09:29:29 -0700
Subject: [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.6.sit

Attached please find the sixth issue of Electric Broadsheet, a new publication
>From Poetry Ink Productions, publishers of Poetry Ink (ISSN 1091-0999)
electronic literary magazine.

This issue features the poem "Riding Winona" by Calvin O. Xavier.

Electric Broadsheet is free but copyright 1997 by Electric Broadsheet and
Ink Productions. Please see the enclosed Read Me file for more information.

Matthew W. Schmeer
editor & publisher
Poetry Ink Productions

[Archived as /info-mac/art/zine/electric-broadsheet-16.hqx; 162K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:09 -0700
Subject: [*] El Parso's NeXT Theme

I have just uploaded my first of several sets of Kaleidoscope Color Schemes,=
I am proud to say it looks pretty cool. If you like the look of the NeXT OS =
the BeOS mixed with a little darkness and a little Coplandesque attire, you'=
really like this scheme. It comes with a StartupScreen and Desktop Picture (=
use with Desk Picture or D=E9cor). This scheme only looks good if you have a=
DESKTOP, so remember to do so, or else it won't look as cool as it should...

Erik Sean Parsons (El Parso)

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/el-parsos-next-theme.hqx; 101K]


Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 09:29:39 -0700
Subject: [*] Flies 3D PPC

Here's Flies 3D PPC, a PPC version of flies v3.2, an after dark screensaver
Flies 3D PPC is a fast swarming/flocking screensaver, for After Dark 2.0.
It is PowerPC native, and now in 3D. Alex Vulliamy

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/flies-3d-ppc.hqx; 8K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:39 -0700
Subject: [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.0

Archive name: format-chart120.txt
category: information, help, text

This is the latest version this report and should replace the previous version
of format-chart119.txt

I am providing the format decoding/encoding chart from the Mac-FTP-list as an
aid for those who only want to know 'Which program will unmangle/uncompress
this format?'  Unlike the Mac-FTP-list this will be updated only as needed.

Must be in a monospaced font such as Monaco 9pt, Courier 10pt, or PC
equivalent to be readable.

 -------------------blurb ends, report commences---------------------------

Format-Chart Version 1.2.0
>From the Mac-FTP-list (Feb 15, 1997)

All the text in the this document must be in a monospaced font such as
Monaco 9pt, Courier 10pt, or PC equivalent to be readable.

Here's a handy chart to keep track which programs unmangle which formats:
						     unix  gzip  .uu/ .b64/
Macintosh         .cpt .sit .hqx .bin .arc .zip .tar  .Z  .gz/.z .uue .mime*
Stuffit Expander**  D    D    D    D
 w/ DSEE**          D    X    X    D    D    D    D    D     D     D
ShrinkWrap 2.1.0*^  D    D    D    D    D    D    D    D     D     D
StuffIt Lite***     D    X    X    X    {see note below}
StuffIt Deluxe***   D    X    X    X    D    D    X    X     D     X
ArcMac                                  X
BinHex 5.0                    D    X
Compact Pro 1.5.1   X   D/N   X
Decoder                                                            D    D
Extractor 1.2.1     D   D/N   D
HQXer 1.1                     X
MacCompress                                            X
MacGzip                                                D     X
MPack 1.5.1                   D                                    D    X
SunTar 2.1.0                  X    X              X                X
Tar 4.0b                                          X
UU Lite                                                            X
uucd 2.4.4                                                         X    D
UUTool                                                             X
YA-Base64 1.2.9                    D                               D    D
ZipIt 1.3.5                   D    D         X

Other                                                unix  gzip  .uu/ .b64/
computers         .cpt .sit .hqx .bin .arc .zip .tar  .Z  .gz/.z .uue .mime*
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/format-chart-120.txt; 8K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:36 -0700
Subject: [*] FTP LetterRip Mailing List Server

LetterRip is a Macintosh mailing list server. You can use LetterRip for
discussion lists, moderated lists, or announcement lists. LetterRip can manage
lists with 10's to 10's of thousands of subscribers.

Setting up and administering LetterRip is amazingly simple. It's honestly
possible to be up and running in less than 10 minutes. Features like digests
as easy as clicking a checkbox.

The client/server design allows full control over the server from a remote
location. Using TCP/IP, the LetterRip Administrator lets you set up and
monitor a
LetterRip Server anywhere on the Internet or a local intranet.

Although very easy to set up and administer, LetterRip is an extremely powerful
mailing list server. It contains an integrated SMTP server optimized for
the high volumes of mail that mailing lists can generate.

Features include:

* PowerPC (PPC) native for maximum performance on PowerMacs.
* Full multi-threading using the Macintosh Thread Manager.
* Configurable number of incoming and outgoing connections.
* Native Open Transport support.
* Bounced mail management.
* Optional mail routing via an SMTP mail server.
* Unlimited number of lists.
* Unlimited number of subscribers per list.
* Outgoing messages are sorted by domain.
* Messages retain MIME formatting.
* Easily modified custom responses for each mailing list.
* Lists can be private.
* Import and export subscriber lists.
* Operates behind firewalls using domain aliases.
* Mac OS 7.0 or later. Mac OS 7.5 or later is recommended.
* 68030 or later processor including PPC processors.
* 2 MB of free random-access memory (RAM).
* 10 MB or more of free disk space.
* Open Transport (OT) 1.1 or later.
* A full time Internet connection or an office intranet.
This is the full version of LetterRip. After installation, LetterRip will
run for 30 days without a registration number. You must purchase a
license and registration number to continue using LetterRip past 30 days.
Full documentation is included.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/letter-rip-102.hqx; 2091K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:20 -0700
Subject: [*] gold-pusher-14.hqx

GoldPusher 1.4 - GoldPusher is a game with a mixture of puzzles, strategy and
action. The game is freeware. However, to enable the "Show Solution" feature
have to obtain a registration code (see below). Features - *207* rooms with
action, strategy and difficult puzzles. Make your own rooms with the graphical
editor. "Show solution" feature . "Record solution" feature (above room 20 only
when registered). Choose your own order to complete the puzzle- and arcade
rooms. Save feature remembers which rooms you have completed. Snapshot
feature takes you back into the middle of a difficult puzzle topscore. Fast
color animation and very fast BW-animation for old-mac users, and much

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/gold-pusher-14.hqx; 798K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:26 -0700
Subject: [*] Gradekeeper 4.4 is now available!!

Version 4.4 of Gradekeeper is now available!

Gradekeeper is a powerful gradebook program for the Macintosh. With
Gradekeeper teachers can:

   + Record scores and attendance for 48 students
   + Excuse individual assignments for any student
   + Group assignments into 10 different categories
   + Drop the "worst" score in one or more categories
   + Compute grades based on total points or category weights
   + Divide the school year into two, three, four, or six terms
   + Assign letter grades based on their own letter grade cutoffs
   + Have final exams contribute to term, semester, or final grades

Gradekeeper is also very easy to use. The default options allow teachers to
entering students, assignments, and scores immediately. Setting up categories,
letter grade cutoffs, and grading options is as easy as clicking the mouse.

Version 4.4 includes the following improvements:

   + An attendance grid is now available
   + Many improvements in various reports
   + User's guide is expanded and improved

Gradekeeper is distributed as shareware. Teachers can download Gradekeeper from
my web site and try it for 30 days. The registration fee is $20 for an
license and $100 for a site license. You may distribute Gradekeeper to anyone.
You may include it on a CD-ROM or include it with any online shareware
you maintain. Please include all files in the Gradekeeper folder. You may not
modify the program in any way.

Questions and comments can be addressed to me at:

[Archived as /info-mac/data/gradekeeper-44.hqx; 235K]


Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 09:29:25 -0700
Subject: [*] Hermes II 3.5.2, a BBS

Hermes II is a full-featured general purpose Macintosh BBS.  It allows
simultaneous operation of 10 dial-in, network or local connections.  It will
operate on all CPU types from a Mac Plus to a Power Mac running System 6.0.5 or
newer.  Hermes general configuration consists of message conferences, file
transfer sections, E-Mail, a general text library and provisions for external
applications.  No special client software is required for users to connect to
Hermes, and communications applications from virtually any computer type can
connect to the BBS.

This is the complete Hermes II v3.5.2 application & updater This archive may be
distributed freely so long as it is not modified from it's original state
and all older Hermes applications are removed. Copyright 1997 - Arachnoware

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/hermes-ii-352.hqx; 532K]


Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 09:29:21 -0700
Subject: [*] Hermes II 3.5.2 documentation in MS Word format

Documentation for the Hermes II 3.5.2 BBS in Microsoft word format.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/hermes-ii-352-docs-word.hqx; 337K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:16 -0700
Subject: [*] iNES 0.6

iNES 0.6 is a fully-featured emulator for the Nintendo Entertainment
System. Yes, you can now play Nintendo games like Super Mario Bros, Mega
Man and Castlevania on your Macintosh!

A PowerPC computer is definitely recommended, but iNES works on 68040
machines as well.


[Archived as /info-mac/game/ines.hqx; 336K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:19 -0700
Subject: [*] Internet Bolo Buddy 1.0

Attached is release 1.0 of Internet Bolo Buddy, a utility for finding and
joining Bolo games on the internet.  Features include:

  -  Configurable pop-up menu for choosing Bolo trackers.
  -  Auto-launching of Bolo with all fields filled in when a game is
  -  Tracker header info can be hidden so only the game info is shown.
  -  Open Transport savvy.  Runs under MacTCP, as well.
  -  FAT binary.  Runs native on both PowerPC and 680x0 machines.
  -  Balloon Help for anything and everything.
  -  Fully user-configurable via the Preferences dialog.

This program should reside in the /game/bolo/ directory.  A ReadMe file is
also included.  Questions and comments should be directed to me:

Kevin Whitty

[Archived as /info-mac/game/bolo/internet-bolo-buddy-10.hqx; 128K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:33 -0700
Subject: [*] IPNetMonitor 1.1.1 Macintosh Internet Tools

IPNetMonitor provides six useful Internet tools:

  1) Test Connectivity (Ping)
  2) Trace Route
  3) DNS lookup and reverse lookup
  4) Who Is
  5) Monitor (like MacTCP Monitor but for Open Transport)
  6) Subnet Calculator (to simplify working with IP addresses and masks)

What's different, or why use IPNetMonitor when there are other
similar tools?

IPNetMonitor Features:
 * A complete basic Internet toolkit (ping, traceroute, nslookup, whois).
 * Unique OT native Monitor tool provides an accurate view of network
   throughput and responsiveness.
 * Full Macintosh user interface makes these tools more accessible.
 * Asynchronous DNS lookups make trace route quick and easy.
 * Tight design uses screen space efficiently.
   Drag-&-Drop, or edit in place.
 * Superior integration.
   Automatically transfers corresponding data from one tool to another.
   Supports GURL Apple Event.

The well organized displays and integrated design allow both new and
Internet users to see how the net is working, and quickly identify and report
common problems.

The full version of IPNetMonitor ("IPNLink") will add Internet Protocol routing
when multi-homing is supported in Open Transport 1.5 . Registered users of the
internet tools version (IPNetMonitor) will receive purchase price credit toward
the full version (IPNLink) when it becomes available.

IPNetMonitor 1.1.1 requires MacOS 7.5.3 and Open Transport 1.1.1 or later. It
available as shareware, US$10.  Version 1.1.1 is a free upgrade to all
registered users.

Peter Sichel

IPNetMonitor 1.1.1 Copyright 1996-97 Sustainable Softworks

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/ip-net-monitor-111.hqx; 510K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:34 -0700
Subject: [*] IPNetMonitor 1.1.1 Macintosh Internet Tools

IPNetMonitor provides six useful Internet tools:

  1) Test Connectivity (Ping)
  2) Trace Route
  3) DNS lookup and reverse lookup
  4) Who Is
  5) Monitor (like MacTCP Monitor but for Open Transport)
  6) Subnet Calculator (to simplify working with IP addresses and masks)

What's different, or why use IPNetMonitor when there are other
similar tools?

IPNetMonitor Features:
 * A complete basic Internet toolkit (ping, traceroute, nslookup, whois).
 * Unique OT native Monitor tool provides an accurate view of network
   throughput and responsiveness.
 * Full Macintosh user interface makes these tools more accessible.
 * Asynchronous DNS lookups make trace route quick and easy.
 * Tight design uses screen space efficiently.
   Drag-&-Drop, or edit in place.
 * Superior integration.
   Automatically transfers corresponding data from one tool to another.
   Supports GURL Apple Event.

The well organized displays and integrated design allow both new and
Internet users to see how the net is working, and quickly identify and report
common problems.

The full version of IPNetMonitor ("IPNLink") will add Internet Protocol routing
when multi-homing is supported in Open Transport 1.5 . Registered users of the
internet tools version (IPNetMonitor) will receive purchase price credit toward
the full version (IPNLink) when it becomes available.

IPNetMonitor 1.1.1 requires MacOS 7.5.3 and Open Transport 1.1.1 or later. It
available as shareware, US$10.  Version 1.1.1 is a free upgrade to all
registered users.

Peter Sichel

IPNetMonitor 1.1.1 Copyright 1996-97 Sustainable Softworks

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/ip-net-monitor-68K-111.hqx; 480K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:10 -0700
Subject: [*] Kaleidoscope for Mac Color Scheme

A new Kaleidoscope color scheme.

Requires any Macintosh Color Computer and Kaleidoscope 1.0.1 Control Panel.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/mac-xt-10.hqx; 31K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:00 -0700
Subject: [*] Kinematic Land 1.5.1

Kinematic Land is a graphic simulation system of kinematic chains for Macintosh
and accelerated for PowerMacintosh. It resolves the position, the speed and the
acceleration of any point and any member. You can edit closed or opened chains,
using blocked and movable points. Standard tools are available in a palette
window to make easy editing. Every member or point could have indipendent time
evolution. You control any kinematic quantity through an unlimited number of
control windows adjustable on your screen. Some examples are bundled, like the
model of a rod & crank in internal combustion engines, the core mechanism of a
textile machine, the principle of motion-picture projectors. Help system is
integrated with an AppleGuide.

What's new in release 1.5.1 ?

- PDF tutorial documentation added.
- PDF reference documentation started, only for registered users.
- serious bug removed that prevented 680x0 application to open PowerPC
- other minor bugs removed.

Kinematic Land 1.5.1 is shareware and the 15$ registration is handled by
Kagi Shareware.

Marco Tenuti

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/kinematic-land-151.hqx; 745K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:25 -0700
Subject: [*] odDateFixer 1.0

ModDateFixer is a simple utility that will search through all files and folders
dropped on it for files with modification dates that are later than today's
date, or with creation dates that are later than the modification date, and
"fix" all such bad dates.

This is especially useful for programmers with projects that keep wanting to
re-compile, despite not having any headers changed, but might help ordinary
users who want to have a "clean" desktop; it may also be helpful for users
of certain backup programs.

Usage: drop files and folders on the icon. It will run through all the contents
(without multitasking - hey, it's free :-) and touch only the files that need
fixing. Please make sure that your clock is correctly set before using :-)

Freeware. Use at your own risk only.
Comments to:

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/mod-date-fixer-10.hqx; 34K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:37 -0700
Subject: [*] Pancake 1.0.6.sit

Pancake is a macintosh shareware BBS system that supports Serial, ADSP, and
Telnet logins! It has usenet capabilities (via UUCP, and NNTP Sucker), and mail
(via UUCP, SMTP out and POP in). Also supports Telnet Out, and Finger In
and Out.
CTB File Transfer Tools are also supported, with an internal ZModem protocol.
Please report any bugs you find to The pancake web page is, it announces new versions, and has info about
other programs (such as NNTP Sucker).

New in this version is a full featured file section, along with many other

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/pancake-106.hqx; 361K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:28 -0700
Subject: [*] People Lister 1.0b20

People Lister is an application that helps you store information about people.
You can use it to look up someone's phone number, e-mail address, birthday, or
anything else you need to know.  In fact, it automatically searches for people
with birthdays approaching, and reminds you of when those birthdays are.  And
you need to send someone an e-mail, you can do it with just one click. If you
have trouble remembering birthdays and phone numbers, then People Lister
can help you out!

Requirements: MacOS 7.0 or better.  68k or PPC.

Note: Please do no include this on "the commercially available CD-ROM of the
archives" as it is still in beta form.

Thank you,

Sean A. McBride

[Archived as /info-mac/data/people-lister-10b20.hqx; 194K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:12 -0700
Subject: [*] SoundMachine 2.7

Version 2.7

SoundMachine is a user friendly sound file player for common audio formats such
as m-law (mu-law), AIFF and WAVE. It supports a simple interface and is well
suited to Web browsers or as a stand-alone application. It has been accelerated
for PowerPC and can be run on the 68K range of Macintoshes (it is a
so-called Fat Binary). However, depending on the sound format being played
the performance of SoundMachine is limited by the speed of the Macintosh.
It is $10 Shareware; the enclosed "Register" application facilitates easy
payment through Kagi Shareware.


* Support for Sound Designer II format
* Bugs fixes (particularly the progress bar and timer when
looping sounds).
* New web site and contact information on Splash Screen.

System Requirements

SoundMachine requires System 7. The most recent version of Apple's Sound
(part of the System software) is recommended (currently version 3.2). QuickTime
2.1 or later is also recommended.

Rod Kennedy
14 February 1997

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/sound-machine-270.hqx; 426K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:13 -0700
Subject: [*] SoundMachine 2.7J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the SoundMachine package.

SoundMachine is a user friendly sound file player for common audio formats such
as m-law (mu-law), AIFF, SDII and WAVE. It supports a simple interface and is
well suited to Web browsers or as a stand-alone application. It has been
accelerated for PowerPC and can be run on the 68K range of Macintoshes (it is a
so-called Fat Binary). However, depending on the sound format being played the
performance of SoundMachine is limited by the speed of the Macintosh.

Changes for version 2.7

A bug when looping has been fixed.
Support for Sound Designer II format has been added.
Support for SoundEdit files has been added.
Support for NeXT format has been added.

Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English to Japanese Online Software Localization and Management

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/soundmachine-271J.hqx; 471K]


Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 09:29:31 -0700
Subject: [*] SoundPhone

by Niklas Frykholm

SoundPhone is a collection of sounds and customized icons that make up a simple
tone dial phone. If you put your mouthpiece next to the speaker you can use
it to dial numbers.

People who only have pulse-dial phones can use it when they need tone dialing,
for example when coummunicating with automated answering systems. It is also
possible to create AppleScripts that dial phone numbers. A sample script is

SoundPhone is freeware and a part of the Niklas Frykholm Shareware Package.

Niklas Frykholm,

[Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/sound-phone.hqx; 43K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:38:17 -0700
Subject: [*] Trainspotters Puzzle 2.1; fitword crossword puzzles

Trainspotters Puzzle makes fitword crossword puzzles from a chosen source of
words; for example a text file or computer generated 'license plates'. You can
now solve the fitwords puzzles on the screen. Registered users get access to
complete crossword solutions, and they can use the program as a tool for making
traditional crosswords. You can print out the puzzles in SimpleText. A fitword
puzzle is a type of crossword where you get all the solution words and it's
task to fit the words into the grid. The program is 'fat'; it runs native on
PowerMacs and also on 68K Macs. It requires System 7 or later.

New in version 2.1: You can now save a wordlist as a text file by choosing
Wordlist' in the main dialog. Words in the crosswords can now consist of both
letters and numbers.

You can get more info and see examples of crosswords generated by Trainspotters
Puzzle at:

The attached file should replace

Cheers, Tore M.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/trainspotters-puzzle-21.hqx; 231K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:57:43 -0700
Subject: [*] Videobase Library

VideoBase Library 1.3 - is a Filemaker Pro 3.0 movie/TV show database.  While
this is the first version released to the public, I've been working on this
database for a long time. This database provides many automation features for
helping with a large video collection.  Also this is an active project.
Ideas/suggestions on improvements are welcome. The folder containing the
database should also contain the following print database, getstring
applescript, Lookup database. While not required this database was designed
with the Bajoran font. It looks fine without this font installed, just a
little plain. This VideoBase Libarary is shareware.  While it is usable in
the limited access mode,  for $5 US I will send you a password which will
allow you full access to the database layout and scripts.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/videobase-library-13.hqx; 280K]


Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:45:21 -0700
Subject: [*] Web Devil 1.0

Web Devil is a tool for downloading web pages and their associated images,
textures, and links quickly and easily. Give it a URL and it will download all
the items on that web page. It has an easy to use interface, is scriptable and
recordable, and is fully multi-threaded so it won't hog the CPU. $10
For more information, send mail to

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-devil-10.hqx; 490K]



End of Info-Mac Digest