Date: Wed, 26 Feb 97 07:34:41 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #49
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest"


Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 26 Feb 97       Volume 15 : Issue 49

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Technica" Kaleidoscope Sounds
      [*] CyberAssistant 1.0
      [*] FM Export Cleaner
      [*] HTML Color Utility v1.0
      [*] last-straw-pointer
      [*] Mike's PowerMac 3D Icons v.97.3
      [*] MMDemo358.hqx (Mac Manager Demo v3.5.8)
      [*] Multi Find-Replace 1.5
      [*] NewsWatcher 2.1.6, a Usenet news client
      [*] Resource Remover 1.0.0 PPC
      [*] TidBITS#367/24-Feb-97
      [*] tiggrs-clock-13-ad.hqx
      [Q] MacIIci serial ports replacement?
      [Q] More Pb 100 questions
      [Q] Questiona about Anarchie
      Acorn Archimedes Disk Reader.
      Advice wanted on HP Deskwriter 600
      A PB 5300ce
      Apple workgroup server to WinNT?
      Forced to the Darkside?
      Frames and Pagemill 2.0
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #47
      LaserWriter NT and the PC
      Mac SE30 and SCSI drive (2 msgs)
      Paying for shareware. (2 msgs)
      Sound channel changing at startup
      Summary of "Misdiagnosis of Tech Tool?"
      Superpaint Problem

The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan,
Matt Bauer, Brian Wessels, Liam Breck

The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
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Also accessible by ftp.  Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.

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Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 10:14:30 -0700
From: Clixsounds <>
Subject: [*] "Technica" Kaleidoscope Sounds

"Technica Kaleidoscope Sounds"

You can customize the look of your Mac with you can
customize the sound, as well!  The "Technica" sounds for Greg Landweber's
Kaleidoscope is an applet that will automatically replace the "window
shade" sounds with new, technical, gadget sounds.  The sounds are short,
but unique, and contain sounds for both the "close window" and "open
window" functions.

The "Technica" sounds for Kaleidoscope can be downloaded here, or at
<HTTP://WWW.CLIXSOUNDS.COM>, along with several other sets of sounds for

This file is freeware and redistribution of the archive in its entirety
is welcome.  Instructions are included with the file for proper
installation.  Note that a portion of the file is a catalog containing
information about the Clixsounds CD-ROM.

Clixsounds can be reached at:
America Online: CLIXSOUNDS

[Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/kal-technica.hqx; 201K]


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 19:36:58 -0700
Subject: [*] CyberAssistant 1.0

I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

CyberAssistant is a Control Panel that gives your Macintosh a
personality. It takes advantage of Apple's PlainTalk=81 software, giving
your Macintosh a voice with which to speak. You can have your system
speak to you each time it is started, have your system speak to you when
it has been idle for too long, or speak the time each half-hour.
CyberAssistant is customizable, allowing you to turn on and off each
option as you see fit.

CyberAssistant is not just a voice for your computer, but also an
assistant. It can alert you at startup when your startup disk falls
below a certain amount of disk space. It can also configure certain
aspects of your system at startup so that you can more reliably count on
your system being configured a certain way. For example, CyberAssitant
can turn on or off file sharing at startup, set the color depth of you
main monitor, and empty the trash. These options are all performed at
startup, allowing you to count on your system starting up in a
consistent way (a real nice feature for those who share systems with
multiple users).

CyberAssistant is Shareware ($10).

System Requirements:
System 7.5 (with PlainTalk and scriptable Finder)


Robert Chancellor
Crystal Reality Software

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/cyber-assistant-10.hqx; 257K]


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 10:14:33 -0700
Subject: [*] FM Export Cleaner

FM Export Cleaner is a FreeWare drag & drop utility that makes FileMaker
Pro(r) text exports more readable so you don't have to do any finds &
replaces in a word processor.

To use FM Export Cleaner, drop a Tab-Separated Text export file created
by FileMaker Pro onto FM Export Cleaner's icon.  The file's text will be
converted to a more readable format.  Warning: the contents of the file
are changed without user interaction.

FM Export Cleaner can also be double-clicked and then operated using its
File menu.  Limited balloon help is available.  FM Export Cleaner is
Apple Event aware and works with FileMaker Pro's scripting.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/export-cleaner-100-fm.hqx; 27K]


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 19:36:50 -0700
From: (Mike O'Bryan)
Subject: [*] HTML Color Utility v1.0

HTML Color Utility
Version 1.0

This HyperCard-based utility is designed to save you lots of time and
effort by calculating the correct hex numbers for the color you select.
The hex number along with the symbol # is then placed on the Clipboard,
ready to paste where you want it.

It is very useful for coding HTML as well as for the editing of some
Macintosh resources which require hexadecimal values for colors.

Shareware $5.00. Please click the "?" button in the application for

Jeffrey Martin

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/html-color-utility-15-hc.hqx; 62K]


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 19:37:01 -0700
From: (Mike O'Bryan)
Subject: [*] last-straw-pointer

All right... you're probably wondering about the title.  It's because I've
had it Up To Here with the lame pointers out there that are uploaded all of
the time that slightly change the color or thickness of the original lame
pointer.  They are all of course artistic variations on the wonderful
extension by Mattias Ulrich (no relation).  So I did one for myself a long
time ago.  I never uploaded it because:

(1) I don't have color & was simply guessing what the colors might be while
I focused on making the black & white one look good.
(2) Loading up Info-Mac directories with slight little variations on
something like a pointer seemed silly.

but then two things happened that made me do it:

(1) I went back to America for Christmas & helped a friend get on-line.  I
threw my pointer on a disk & fixed the colors.
(2) At the Mac Interface Home Page it was stated that BeBox Windows was
worth the download just because of the cool hand pointer.  Well, mine's a
hand pointer, too... but I think much better.

That was the Last Straw. I didn't care how silly it seemed, I was going to
give this thing that I had been hiding on my Mac to the public.  It's a
hand pointery kind of thing... actually similar to some but much better if
you ask me.  Give it a shot and see why I was compelled to do it.

It's free just EMail whether you liked it or not.  If not, tell me I'm an

Dave Ulrich Wacked Wares

Legal Issues: Although there's no reason why it would... I take no
responsibility for and problems that may occur when you use this software.
It is free, but not public domain.  The artwork is copyrighted to me.  It
may be uploaded anywhere and included on any CD-Rom, as long as it remains
unaltered and the ReadMe file is included.  The original extension was
written by Mattias Ulrich whom the whole Mac community owes a large thanks.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/last-straw-pointer.hqx; 9K]


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 19:37:04 -0700
From: (Mike O'Bryan)
Subject: [*] Mike's PowerMac 3D Icons v.97.3

=A9 1995=D11997 Michael Irwin,
			Version: '97r3
			A comprehensive set of Mac & clone machine icons.

This file of Macintosh machine icons should replace all previous versions in
various archives. They are emailware....FREE but email me to let me know how=
like 'em or to suggest improvements. Please note that they are not public do=
however. In other words, feel free to use or include them in any non-commerc=
collection, but please retain this acknowledgment file and notify me of thei=
inclusion. Permission is expressedly NOT granted to duplicate these files
as part
of some other uploaded file at info-mac. In addtion, NO permission is given =
inclusion in commercial distributions unless specifically granted (as on
the AMUG
and other CD-ROMs).     Thanks.


PowerMac Icons 97r3
- Added the Performa 5420, a Japan-only model.
- Added the @world or "Pippen"
- Added Pippin.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/mikes-powermac-icons-973.hqx; 98K]


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 10:14:26 -0700
Subject: [*] MMDemo358.hqx (Mac Manager Demo v3.5.8)

Mac Manager provides desktop security, accountability, personal folder
management with disk quota, e-mail, screen saver with screen lock, and
virus protection all in one package. Users are limited to launching and
using applications, documents, control panels, and Apple Menu Items made
available through customized setups. Users can be restricted on Open and
Save actions to a floppy disk, personal folder, drop folders, open only
folders, and public folders. Mac Manager's interface totally emulates
=46inder.  Users can set custom desktop styles such as 3-D, Hi-Tech, or
Kids, and can perform multiple simultaneous file-copy operations.

Mac Manager is easy to use and simple to set up using guided
step-by-step on screen instructions. Mac Manager can control a user's
daily time, printer pages, inserting of floppy disks, and the ejecting
of CDs. A detailed log tracks ALL user activity, including time on
applications. A hard disk encryption utility restricts all access if
booting from another System disk.

Mac Manager is the perfect solution for homes, businesses, and schools
where computers are shared. Private files and data can be kept secure
and away from prying eyes. No more loss of data, resetting control
panels or chooser settings, reinstalling system software or trying to
find files.

Mac Manager is compatible with System 7.0-7.6 and is Accelerated for the
Power Macintosh. Site license editions support and take full advantage
of all Macintosh networks, and include a complete set of network
management tools provided by the application Net Manager=81.  Tools to
control all networked computers from any workstation include shutdown,
restart, launch, quit, copy, delete, rebuild desktop, mount, unmount,
empty trash, set clock, lock keyboard, login, logoff, and more.

Demo Differences:
1)      The demo only runs for one hour each day. At the end of the
hour, the demo automatically quits and returns to Finder. Other running
applications are unaffected. 2)      The demo does not use Mac Manager's
disk protection features that prevent users from booting with another
system disk or holding down the Shift key to bypass extensions. 3)
Each group is limited to five users and only six groups are allowed. 4)
    The hard disk encryption option is not included. 5)      Network
management tools (included with all site license versions) are not
included. 6)      Mail Manager is not included.

ELS,Inc.                    5200 NW 43rd Street, Suite 102-323          Gainesville, FL 32606
     (352) 375-0558 Voice  (352) 375-5679 FAX

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/mac-manager-demo-358.hqx; 1801K]


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 18:34:44 -0600
From: (Gaspard Gendreau)
Subject: [*] Multi Find-Replace 1.5

Multi Find-Replace (MFR) is a free FKEY that rapidly performs a succession
of "Find and Replace" operations on the current Clipboard contents. As
shipped, MFR will operate on the Clipboard if it contains TEXT.

The package contains pre-defined MFR definition files:
"DOS <-> Mac text conversion"
"Softwrap / ASCIIfy"
"UPPERcase / lowercase"
"Quote / UnQuote email"

Currently, you use ResEdit to create or modify MFR definition files.

Version 1.5 mainly fixes problems found in 1.4. It has been tested on
various systems versions up to 7.5.5.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/multi-find-replace-15.hqx; 51K]


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 19:37:17 -0700
Subject: [*] NewsWatcher 2.1.6, a Usenet news client

NewsWatcher 2.1.6 is a minor upgrade that fixes the following bug:

Posting did not work properly with authenticating Netscape news servers.
When you tried to post, NewsWatcher properly asked you to enter your
username and password, but then sent a garbled posting to the server.
The result was a server error message complaining about a missing
required Subject header line. Fixed.

NewsWatcher did not work with at least some DNEWS servers. The symptom
was garbage group names in the full group list. Fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/newswatcher-216.hqx; 891K]


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 19:37:09 -0700
Subject: [*] Resource Remover 1.0.0 PPC

Resource Remover is a small utility to optimize files for web use. Files
don't need the resource fork to be correctly displayed by web server.
Using the simple drag-and-drop interface, dragging files on the Resource
Remover icon, the resource fork of the files will be istantly removed.
Using this method is possible to save up to 50 % of space on the web
server hard disk. Resource Remover is a usefull tool for every web page

Further info at Roberto Panetta shareware page:

Available both in 68k version and PPC *Inclusion in CD-ROM permitted*

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/resource-remover-ppc.hqx; 97K]


Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 20:09:06 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#367/24-Feb-97


Ever wondered what motivates sales people at large consumer electronics
stores? Money! Read about Ian Gregson's experiences over the last holiday
shopping season. Also in this issue, info on beta releases of Emailer 2.0
and Apple's CFM-68K Runtime Enabler, Mark Anbinder looks at the WebTV, and
Stuart Cheshire examines in detail how latency brings your super-fast new
modem to its knees.

    Selling Performas at the Front Lines
    An Internet for the TV Generation
    Bandwidth and Latency: It's the Latency, Stupid (Part 1)


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-367.etx; 30K]


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 10:14:35 -0700
Subject: [*] tiggrs-clock-13-ad.hqx

Tiggr's Clock 1.3, for After Dark

A friend of mine, called Tiggr <>, originally
wrote this rather nice clock for his NeXT machine. So he deserves the
creative credit. This clock is an arc ranging from the hour-hand to the
minute-hand. I didn't look into Tiggr's source, but I figure that with
Display PostScript the code was much neater that mine, I use Regions to
create smooth drawing (instead of off-screen drawing) which is fast and
results in a nice 'Multiple' colour effect.

Anyways, have fun! This is freeware.

Changes since version 1.2:
* Included a delay so that the disappearance of the Control Strip does
  not interfere with the module (in After Dark 3.0).
* Included code to avoid Out of Memory errors with After Dark 3.0 and
  After Dark 4.0.
* Removed a bug in memory-allocation code causing the module to
  sometimes use a defective handle.
* Improved the code to use less regions and poligons, improving speed
  and memory usage.
* Updated my Email-address.  /

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/tiggrs-clock-13-ad.hqx; 10K]


Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 16:42:39 -0400
From: Andre Renaud<>
Subject: [Q] MacIIci serial ports replacement?

The 2 serial ports on my MacIIci are fried. I am told that this can't be
repaired, and that my only choices are to replace the mother board ($300),
or to buy a nubus card with serial ports ($400).

Are there cheaper solutions? Does anyone know where to find old nubus cards
with serial ports? (minimum of 2, preferably with 3 serial ports)

Thanks for the help!
Andre Renaud
McGill University


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 10:39:40 +0100
From: Peter Peldan <>
Subject: [Q] More Pb 100 questions

Here are two more PowerBook 100 questions (thanks for answering my
previous ones):

1. Since new batteries nowadays are very expensive i bought a different
3.4 Ah lead-acid battery and soldered wires to the battery connectors. I
then noticed that the Pb stops charging to early for the battery to be
fully charged. When the voltage reaches approx 7.3 V it goes over to
trickle charging at approx 6.6 V. I would like it to go on charging at
max voltage for a few more hours.
Is that possible? Are there PowerManager Traps available for changing
the charging procedures?

2. If the external battery and the power supply are disconnected for
just a few secs, my Pb loses its memory (PRAM). The clock and date, the
memory settings and the energy saving settings are all examples of
settings that are lost.
YES, i have replaced all Lithium batteries: didnt help. Are there any
other reparable reasons for this to happen.



Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 09:22:25 +0000
From: (Antony D'Emanuele)
Subject: [Q] Questiona about Anarchie


I have a question regarding version 2 of Anarchie. In previous versions of
Anarchie, when you were uploading a file to a remote site, the window
showing the progress of the transfer used to have the name of the file
being transferred on the window title bar. Version 2 has the name of the
site being transferred to. The problem with this is that if you are
transferring several files at once and one fails, how do you figure out
which one it is so that you can retry??

Tony D'Emanuele


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 13:03:49 -0800
From: Alastair Montgomery <>
Subject: Acorn Archimedes Disk Reader.

Does anyone know of a util that lets you look at 800K 3.5" disks
formatted on an Acorn Archimedes {UK computer powered by the ARM chip}
on the Mac?
I have a number of text documents and graphics I wish to transfer across
to my Performa 475.
Something along the lines of PC Exchange or Apple File Exchange utils
would be ideal.
At the moment I am having to transfer the files to MSDOS disks then to
my Mac, but this take is taking too long and involves changing the file
names, etc.

Thanks in advance,
Email :
WWW   :


Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 20:21:27 -0500
From: (Jon Stewart)
Subject: Advice wanted on HP Deskwriter 600

Just got the most recent MacWarehouse catalog today and saw the HP
Deskwriter 600 listed for $149.95 plus $39.95 for the color attachment.  At
this price, it's tough to pass up having a personal color printer, even if
it is on the slow side.  My main interest would be printing transparencies,
probably <10 / week.  Before I spend my hard-earned grant money, though, I
would like to hear from others who might have some direct experience.  I am
interested in both hardware and software experiences.  One especially
important question:  does the printer require a direct serial connection or
can it live on my existing LocalTalk network?  Specifics:  Performa 6218 (8
MB / 1 GB) running system 7.5.1 with a LocalTalk network in place that
connects to a LaserWriter 630.  Thanks in advance for your advice and


Jon Stewart
Department of Chemistry, University of Florida

Jon Stewart
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
University of Florida
Phone (352) 846-0743
Fax (352) 846-2095


Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 19:49:40 -0500
From: "Christopher Root - 'rOotboy'" <>
Subject: A PB 5300ce

I recently got a PB 5300ce and I have two questions that this learned group
might be able to help me with.

1.) What are any suggestions/thoughts people have as to Apple OS software
to install.... or not. Meaning, the PB comes with Mac OS 7.5.2, yet the
current release is 7.6. OT is not installed nor is QDGX or QD3D. Any reason
I shouldn't upgrade all the way to 7.6 and install these components. Also,
are there any special drivers/extensions that I should be very aware of for
the PB 5300ce.

2.) I added a Hayes Optima 33.6 PCMCIA PC Card data/fax modem to the PB.
All _seems_ to be running fine, but I was wondering if there were any
special drivers or suggestions anyone had to optimize this hardware
configuration? The prime On-Line use of the Mac is to contact Compuserve,
but I would like to install ARA as well. (This is part of the reason I am
curious about OT in the question above.)

If anyone has any thoughts/suggestions/ideas about these things, or where
to look to find some answers, I would be very grateful. Please feel free to
email me directly at

Thanks in advance!
christopher root

 Technical Support Manager           
 Magnet Interactive Communications             voice: (202) 471-5868


Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 22:06:43 -0500
From: (Fritz Mills)
Subject: Apple workgroup server to WinNT?

On Mon. Feb 17, G. Paul Savage wrote:

>I work in a mixed Mac/PC environment and we are considering purchasing a
>server to server files (obviously), do backups, run a Web server, and other
>stuff. My clear preference is for an Apple workgroup server but there are
>some who are pushing for a WinNT server. One argument goes that NT can
>speak appletalk so it could transfer files between the Macs and the PCs
>(running NT) and that there could be transparent file sharing. I am told
>that the Mac server can't do this. Is this true or Windoze propaganda? Any
>URLs pointing to the definitive word on file serving would be appreciated.

My experience is that, yes, NT can speak AppleTalk, but not the other way
around. However, the most flexible arrangement I've discovered is to run
W95 on the PC's, and install PC MacLAN on the PC's. With that arrangement,
you have 2-way peer-to-peer AppleTalk sharing between the Macs and PC's,
just like an all-Mac network. You don't need to install anything on the
Macs. You can even share AppleTalk printers (postscript only) with the PC's.


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 23:57:00 -0600
From: Mark Geerdes <>
Subject: Forced to the Darkside?

A friend of mine just got a job promotion to design web pages for our
organization, however there is a catch, they are researching the idea of
giving him a PC instead of the Mac that he is using now, he would like any
and all information regarding the statistics of how many people currently
use the Mac over the PC for web page design, as well as related
graphics/sound editing that might go with the web design.

Please send e-mail to <mailto://>  He would like
this information as soon as possible, so anyone who can help, please

Mark Geerdes
Chief Audio Engineer BPEFC
Video Tape Duplication and Audio Engineer  BGEA
Send e-mail to <mailto://>
Life is one situation you'll never get out of alive!


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 18:07:51 -0500
From: David Roche <>
Subject: Frames and Pagemill 2.0


Does anyone know of a definitive web page which gives wonderful
instructions on how to create frames for a WYSIWYG page authoring program
such as PageMill 2.0 ?

Also, how can I create a table with each intersection of the table
potentially of a different size? I would prefer this over having to create
a generic 3 by 3 table, with each intersection exactly the same size... In
one space, I might simply have a digit entered, whereas another may have a
long name... so saving space is essential...

any leads would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

David Roche
Email :
Home Page :


Date: Mon, 24 Feb 97 20:53:05 -0600
From: Lanny Chambers <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #47

>I just bought the Kodak DC50 and have had zero problems with it or the
>PhotoEnhancer software.  I'm using it on a Power Mac 7100/80 running System
>7.5.5.  Have you tried reinstalling the software?

One of my clients keeps bringing me his DC20 to get the photos out of it
and onto disk, since he has so much trouble with the Windoze version of
PhotoEnhancer (methinks it's pilot error, but he'd rather pay me than
fool with it). I discovered a Photoshop plug-in on the Kodak CD that's a
lot less hassle than the somewhat Micky Mouse PhotoEnhancer, assuming you
already have Photoshop, and includes all the camera-related
functions--even triggering the shutter from its dialog. I'd guess it
would work with the DC50 as well.

Lanny Chambers ( St. Louis, USA
Visit the Hummingbird Page: <>


Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 16:54:55 -0800
From: Harriet Lord <>
Subject: LaserWriter NT and the PC

A few weeks ago, I posted a question about how to connect a PC to my  Apple
Personal LaserWriter NT. I'd like to thank those of you who sent solutions
to this problem. The complete solution appears below. However, there is one
problem. The printing under this arrangement takes an extremely large
amount of time. Perhaps this is due to the age of the printer; maybe newer
printers are more efficient. In any case, the connection of the PC to the
Apple Personal LaserWriter NT should be seen as an interim solution until
one can buy a faster printer.

The solution that worked is to connect the external com port to the serial
port on the printer with a the null modem adapter installed, with a card
installed in the PC so that this com port, which is a 9-pin port
masqerading as a 25-pin port, acts as a 25-pin port. The pin setting on the
back of the printer must be set at 5.


Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 20:05:31 -0400
From: (Leo)
Subject: Mac SE30 and SCSI drive

My son's Mac SE30 does not recognize SCSI devices anymore. Upon startup,
the computer now requests a system diskette by showing a diskette with a
question mark on the screen. If one inserts a diskette with a system, it
works perfectly well but it is completely blind to the internal or any
external SCSI hard drive.

If you can offer any help, he would certainly appreciate it very much.

Does anyone have any old SE30 motherboards collecting dust?

Please reply directly to me at:

Thanks in advance.



Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 20:09:49 -0400
From: (Leo G. Leduc)
Subject: Mac SE30 and SCSI drive

My son's Mac SE30 does not recognize SCSI devices anymore. Upon startup,
the computer now requests a system diskette by showing a diskette with a
question mark on the screen. If one inserts a diskette with a system, it
works perfectly well but it is completely blind to the internal or any
external SCSI hard drive.

If you can offer any help, he would certainly appreciate it very much.

Does anyone have any old SE30 motherboards collecting dust?

Please reply directly to me at:

Thanks in advance.

Leo G. Leduc


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 18:47:29 +0100
From: Federico Giacanelli <>
Subject: Paying for shareware.

> The documentation (July 1993) asks for $5 but before I send any $$s by post
> I like to verify with the author that I have the current address. In this
> instance there is no email address. Does someone have an email for the
> author whose details are listed below?
> Alessandro Levi Montalcini
> Re Umberto 10
> 10121 Torino
> Italy


Here's the ALM's e-mail:

I know that Alessandro it's always very busy so he'll answer you in a
couple of days at least.

Federico Giacanelli


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 21:45:06 +0100
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: Paying for shareware. (Peter Grundy) wrote:

> From recommendation(s) in the Digest I tracked down *Shutdown Delay 2.01*
> The documentation (July 1993) asks for $5 but before I send any $$s by post
> I like to verify with the author that I have the current address. In this
> instance there is no email address. Does someone have an email for the
> author whose details are listed below?

> Alessandro Levi Montalcini
> Re Umberto 10
> 10121 Torino
> Italy

The Email address is:

   < (Alessandro Levi Montalcini)>

as of January 1997. Sorry, now you've got no excuse not to pay ;-)))

Don't know whether the physical address is still valid, but he may tell
you if you ask him by email...

Best wishes, Christian.

<> -- <>


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 97 19:05:07 -0000
From: <>
Subject: Sound channel changing at startup

Recently I disconnected the amplified speakers from my PowerMac 7500's
headset-port, since neighbors were complaining about the base band's
To calm down the atmosphere, the internal speaker was reactivated but my
Mac is not willing to agree :-(
With every startup the internal speaker becomes muted, while the headset
output is activated again (though nothing is connected).
I tried a clean reinstall of the system software, I zapped the PRAM (with
Techtool) and reinstalled the desktop database but all without success.

Now I've put an alias of the sound-CDEV in the startup folder, to rectify
sound output manually after restart. Unfortunately, this CDEV is not
Anyone who can help me tracking down the problem or having a better
solution for startup?

(I'm running System 7.5.5)


Klaus Schnathmeier  <>


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 97 14:54:58 -0800
From: "B.J. Major & Dennis J. Gorin" <>
Subject: Summary of "Misdiagnosis of Tech Tool?"

Thanks to all who sent in suggestions, etc. for the problem of Tech Tool
(version 1.1.2) giving the erroneous message of "System File
damaged--replace with a fresh copy" after installing a clean System File
on a PowerBook 160 running System 7.5.

Many pointed me to MacFixit & other web pages that mentioned problems
with System 7.6 & Tech Tool.  Many said I should upgrade to Tech Tool
1.1.3.  I took the time to download it, but it gives the same results.
And because I am not running System 7.6, I've gone back to Tech Tool

The best advice I received was from England.  I was told by my friend
there that this utility is not to be taken as gospel--after all, it is a
free utility and should not be depended on to give you the same diagnoses
as MacTools or Norton for which you pay.  Point taken.  Interestingly
enough, it also tells him that his System file is damaged (when it is
not).....!  So I think I shall stop worrying about this and use my
PowerBook as normal.  From now on, I'll only use Tech Tool to zap pram or
rebuild the desktop.


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 11:38:19 -0800
From: (Wil Clarke)
Subject: Superpaint Problem

>ClarisDraw is your best bet, it is like SuperPaint, and MacDraw Pro mixed
>togethe, I use it all the time, go get it!
>>Now that Superpaint is no longer really being supported, I was in the
>>market for something equivalent. I'm looking for a program that allows both
>>paint (pixel manipulation) and draw (object manipulation) layers. Any
>>Thanks for any input provided!

ClarisDraw does many of the draw features of SuperPaint. It does not do the
paint features of SuperPaint. It won't even open a PICT file.

Wil Clarke


Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 04:49:38 +0100
From: muki pakesch <>

ciao paolo!

in info-mac digest you wrote:
>Does anybody knows about a Form Z mailing list or newsgroup?

here's one:
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muki pakesch <>



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