Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1993 02:32:16 -0800 
From: (Lance K. Chun)
Subject: MOTOROLA 68060 FACTS ! 


 From: TOERNE@RHEIN IAM UNI-BONN             Date: 05-24-93 04:33
   To: ALL                                   Msg#: 13975
Subj.: MOTOROLA 68060 FACTS !

Here it finally is:


(a really thing worth reading because this time it's not one's opinion
but pure objective information from a reliable source - ;-))

------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1

Product Brief

Forth-Generation 32-Bit Microprocessor

The  MC 68060 is a  superscalar,  high-performance,  32-bit microprocessor
providing a  low-power mode of operation.  The MC68060 is fully compatible
with all previous members of the M68000 family.  The MC68060 features dual
on-chip caches,  fully independent  demand-paged  memory  management units
(MMUs) for  both instructions and data,  dual integer execution pipelines,
on-chip floating-point unit (FPU),  and branch target cache. A high degree
of instruction execution parallelism is achieved through the use of a full
internal Havard architecture,  multiple internal buses, independent execu-
tion units,  and dual instruction  issue within  the instruction execution
controller.  Power management is also a  key part of the MC68060 architec-
ture.  The MC68060 offers a low-power mode  of operation that  is accessed
through the LPSTOP instruction,  allowing for  full power-down capability.
The MC68060  design is fully static so  that when circuits are not in use,
they do not draw power.  Each unit  can be disabled  so that the  power is
used only when the unit  is enabled and executing an instruction. Figure 1
illustrates a block diagram of the MC68060.

|Integer unit                              |                                  |
|           +----------------------------+ |                                  |
|           |Instruction fetch controller| |                                  |
|           | +------+  +--------+       | |  +----------------------------+  |
|           | |Branch|<-|   IA   |----------->| +----------+  +----------+ |  |
|           | |Cache |  |Generate|       | |  | |Intruction|->|Intruction| |  |
|           | |      |  +--------+       | |  | |   ATC    |  |   Cache  | |  |
|           | |      |->|Intruct.|<-----------| +----------+  +----------+ |  |
 | Intruct.
|           | |      |  | Fetch  |       | |  |      ^              ^      |<-|
 | Address
|           | +------+  +--------+       | |  |      |              |      |  |
|           |           | Early  |       | |  |    +------------------+    |  |
|           |           | Decode |       | |  |    |    Instruction   |    |  |
|           |           +--------+       | |  |    |       Cache      |    |  |
|           |               |            | |  |    |     Controller   |    |  |
|           |               V            | |  |    +------------------+    |  |
|           | +------------------------+ | |  +----------------------------+  |
|           | |       Instruction      | | |
|           | |          Buffer        | | |
|           | +------------------------+ | |  Diagram scribbled by
|           |        |         |         | |  Christian von Toerne            |
|           +--------|---------|---------+ |
|                    |         |           |
 |O|  Data
| +------------------|---------|---------+ |
 |N| Address
| |                  V         V         | |
| |              +--------+--------+     | |
| | +----------+ + Decode | Decode |     | |
| | | Floating | +--------+--------+     | |  +----------------------------+
| | |   Point  | |   EA   |   EA   |     | |<-|    +------------------+    |
| | |   Unit   | |Generate|Generate|     | |  |    |       Data       |    |
| | | +------+ | +--------+--------+     | |  |    |       Cache      |    |
| | | |  EA  | | |   EA   |   EA   |     | |  |    |    Controller    |    |  |
| | | | Fetch| | |  Fetch |  Fetch |     | |  |    +------------------+    |  |
| | | +------+ | +--------+--------+     | |  |      |              |      |<>|
| | | |  FP  | | |   INT  |   INT  |     | |->|      V              V      |  |
| | | | Exec | | | Execute| Execute|     | |  | +----------+  +----------+ |  |
| | | +------+ | +--------+--------+     | |  | |   Data   |->|   Data   | |  |
| | +----|-----+   Instruction           | |  | |    ATC   |  |   Cache  | |  |
| |      |    Execution Controller       | |  | +----------+  +----------+ |  |
| +------|------------|--------|---------+ |  +----------------------------+  |
 | Control
|        V            V        V           |                ^                 |
| +--------------------------------------+ |                |                 |
| |            Data available            | |                |                 |
| +--------------------------------------+ |                |                 |
| |              Write-Back              | |                |                 |
| +--------------------------------------+ |                |                 |
+------------------------------------------+                |
                     |           Operand data bus           |

                    Figure 1. MC68060 Simplified Block Diagram

(This document contains information on a product under develoment. Motoro-
la  reserves the right to  change or discontinue  this product without no-

------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2

Complete code compatibility with the M68000 family allows the designer to
draw on existing code and past experience to bring products to market
quickly. There is also a broad base of established development tools, in-
cluding real-time kernels, operating systems, languages, and applications,
to assist in product design. The functionality provided by the MC68060
makes is the ideal choice for a range of high-performance computing appli-
cations as well as many portable application that require low power and
high performance. The MC68060's high level of integration results in high
performance while reducing overall system power consumption.

The following is a list of primary features for the MC68060:

- 100% User-Mode Compatible with MC68040

- Three Times the Performance of a 25-MHz MC68040

- Superscalar Implementation of M68000 Architecture

- Dual Integer Instruction Execution Improves Performance

- IEEE-Compatible On-Chip FPU

- Branch Target Cache Minimizes Branch Latency

- Independent Instruction and Data MMUs

- Dual 8-Kbyte On-Chip Caches

  -- Seperate Data and Instruction Caches

  -- Simultaneous Access

- Bus Snooping

- Full 32-Bit Nonmultiplexed Address and Data Bus

  -- 32-Bit Bus Maximizes Data Throughput

  -- Nonmultiplexed Bus Simplifies Design

  -- Four-Deep Write Buffer to Maximize Write Bandwidth

  -- MC68040-Compatible Bus Provides Simple Hardware Migration Path

- Concurrent  Operation of  Integer Unit,  MMUs,  Caches,  Bus Controller,
  Integer Pipelines, an FPU Provides High Performance

- Power Consumption Control

  -- Static HCMOS Technology Reduces Power in Normal Operation

  -- Low-Voltage Operation at 3.3 V

  -- LPSTOP Provides an Idle State for Lowest Standby Current

- 50 MHz and 66 MHz

- Packaging

  -- Ceramic Pin Grid Array (PGA)

  -- Ceramic Quad Flat Pack (CQFP)

------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
                           MC68060 Signals

Processor   ---- _CDIS --> |             | ---- _BR ---->
Control     ---- _MDIS --> |             | <--- _BG -----  Bus Arbitration
                           |             | <--- _BB ---->  Control
Snoop                      |             | <--- _BGR ----
Control     ---- SNOOP --> |             | <--- _BTT --->
                           |             |
            <--- TT0 ----> |             | ---- PST0 --->
            <--- TT1 ----> |             | ---- PST1 --->  Processor
            <--- TM0 ----- |             | ---- PST2 --->  Status
            <--- TM1 ----- |             | ---- PST3 --->
            <--- TM2 ----- |             | ---- PST4 --->
            <--- TLN0 ---- |             |
            <--- TLN1 ---- |             | <--- _IPL0 ---
            <--- UPA0 ---- |             | <--- IPL1 ----
            <--- UPA1 ---- |             | <--- _IPL2 ---  Interrupt
Transfer    <--- R/_W ---- |   MC68060   | ---- _IPEND ->  Control
Attributes  <--- SIZ0 ---- |             | <--- _AVEC ---
            <--- SIZ1 ---- |             |
            <--- _LOCK --- |             | <--- CLK -----  Clock and
            <--- _LOCKE -- |             | <--- _CLKEN --  Control
            <--- _CIOUT -- |             |
            <--- _BS0 ---- |             | ---- _RSTO -->  Reset
            <--- _BS1 ---- |             | <--- _RSTI ---
            <--- _BS2 ---- |             |
            <--- _BS3 ---- |             | // A31      \\  Address Port
                           |             | \\     - A0 //  and Control
Master      <--- _TS ----> |             | <--- _CLA ----
Transfer    <--- _TIP ---- |             |
Control     <--- _SAS ---- |             | // D31      \\  Data Port
                           |             | \\     - D0 //
Slave       ---- _TA ----> |             |
Transfer    ---- _TEA ---> |             | <-/- TEST ----  Test Interface
Control     ---- _TCI ---> |             |
            ---- _TRA ---> |             | <-/- Vcc -----  Power and
                           |             | <-/- GND -----  Ground

                   Figure 2. Funtional Signal Groups

                            INTEGER UNIT

The MC68060's integer unit carries out logical  and arithmetic operations.
The integer unit  contains an instruction  fetch controller,  an execution
controller,  and  a branch  target cache.  The superscalar  design  of the
MC68060  provides  dual execution  pipelines in  the intruction  execution
controller, providing simultaneous execution.

The superscalar operation of the integer unit can be disabled in software,
turning off the second executionpipeline for debugging. Disabling the
superscalar operation also lowers power consumption.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4

The intruction fetch controller contains an instruction fetch pipeline and
the logic that  interfaces to  the branch  target cache.  The  instruction
fetch pipeline consists  of four stages, providing the ability to prefetch
instructions in advance of their actual use  in the instruction cache con-
troller. The continous fetching of  instructions kepps the instruction ex-
excution controller busy for the greatest possible performance.  Every in-
struction  passes through each of the four  stages before entering the in-
struction execution controller.  The four stages in the  instruction fetch
pipeline are:

1.  Instruction Address Calculation -- The virtual address of the instruc-
    tion is determined.

2.  Instruction Fetch -- The instruction is fetched from memory.

3.  Early Decode -- The instruction  is pre-decoded  for pipeline  control

4.  Instruction Buffer -- The instruction and  its pipeline control infor-
    mation are buffered until the  integer execution pipeline is  ready to
    process the instruction.


The branch target cache plays the major role  in achieving the performance
levels of the MC68060.  The concept of  the branch target cache is to pro-
vide a mechanism that allows the instruction  fetch pipeline to detect and
change the instruction stream  before the change of flow  affects the  in-
struction execution controller.

The branch target  cache is examined for a valid  branch entry  after each
instruction fetch address is  generated in the intruction  fetch pipeline.
If a hit does not occur  in the branch target cache, the instruction fetch
pipeline continues to fetch instructions sequentially.  If a hit occurs in
the branch target cache,  indicating a branch taken instruction,  the cur-
rent  instruction  stream is  discarded  and a new  instruction stream  is
fetched starting at the location indicated by the branch target cache.


The instruction execution controller contains dual integer execution pipe-
lines,  interface logic to the FPU,  and control logic for data written to
the data cache and MMU.  The superscalar design of the dual integer execu-
tion pipeline provide for simultaneous instruction execution, which allows
the processing more than one  instruction during each machine clock cycle.
The net effect of this  is a software  invisible pipeline capable  of sus-
tained execution rates of less than on machine clock cycle per instruction
for the MC68060 instruction set.

The instruction execution  controller's control logic  pulls an intruction
pair from the instruction buffer every machine clock cycle,  stopping only
if the instruction information is not available or if an integer execution
hold condition exists.  The six stages in the dual integer execution pipe-
lines are:

1.  Instruction decode -- The instruction is fully decoded.

2.  Effective address calculation -- If  the  instruction  calls for  data
    from memory, the location of the data is calculated.

3.  Effective address fetch -- Data is fetched from the memory location.

4.  Integer execution -- The data is manipulated during the execution.

5.  Data available -- The result is available.

6.  Write-Back -- The resulting data  is written back to on-chip caches or
    external memory.

The MC68060 if optimized for most  integer instructions  to execute in one
machine clock cycle.  If during the instruction decode stage, the instruc-
tion  is determined to  be a floating-point instruction, it will be passed
to the  FPU after  the  effective address  fetch stage.  If data  is to be
written to either the on-chip caches or external  memory after instruction

------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
execution,  the write-back  stage holds the data  until memory is ready to
receive it. Temporarily holding data  in the write-back  stage adds to the
overall  performance of  the  MC68060 by not slowing  down pipeline opera-

                            FLOATING-POINT UNIT

Floating-point is  distinguished from  integer math, which deals only with
whole  numbers  and fixed  decimal  point locations.  The  IEEE-compatible
MC68060's FPU computes numeric  calculations with a variable decimal point
locationThe MC68060 features a built-in FPU that is MC68040 and MC68881/82
compatible. Consolidating this  important function on-chip speeds up over-
all processing and eliminates interfacing overhead  associated with exter-
nal accelerators.  The MC68060's FPU operates in parallel with the integer
unit.  The FPU performs numeric calculations while the integer unit conti-
nues integer processing.

The FPU has been optimized  for the most frequently  used instructions and
data types to  provide the highest possible performance.  The FPU can also
be disabled in software to reduce system power consumption.


The  MC68060 implements the most  frequently  M68000 family floating-point
instructions,  data-types, and  data formats  in hardware  for the highest
performance. T he remaining instructions are emulated in software with the
M68060FPSP  to provide  complete IEEE  compatibility. The MC68060FPSP pro-
vides the following features:

- Arithmetic and Transcendental Instructions

- IEEE-Compliant Exception Handlers

- Unimplemented Data Type and Data Format Handlers

                          MEMORY MANAGEMENT UNITS

The MC68060 contains independent instruction and data MMUs.  Each MMU con-
tains a cache memory called the address translation cache (ATC).  The full
addressing range  of the MC68060 is  4 Gbytes (4,294,967,296 bytes).  Even
though most  MC68060 systems  implement a much smaller physical memory, by
using virtual  memory techniques,  the system can  appear to have a full 4
Gbytes of physical memory  available to each user program.  Each MMU fully
supports demand-paged  virtual-memory  systems  with  either 4- or 8-Kbyte
page sizes.  Each MMU protects supervisor areas from accesses by user pro-
grams and provides write-protection  on a page-by-page basis.  For maximum
efficiency, each MMU operates in parallel with other processor activities.
The MMUs can be disabled for emulator and debugging support.


The 64-entry, four-way,  set-associative ATCs store recently used logical-
to-physical  address translation  information as  page descriptors for in-
struction and data accesses.  Each MMU  initiates address  translation  by
searching for a descriptor containing the  address translation information
in the ATC. If the descriptor does not reside in the ATC, the MMU performs
external bus cycles through  the bus controller to  search the translation
tables in  physical memory.  After being located,  the page  descriptor is
loaded  into the ATC,  and the address is correctly translated for the ac-

------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
                       INSTRUCTION AND DATA CACHES

Studies have  shown that  typical programs  spend much of their  execution
time in a few main routines of tight loops.  Earlier members of the M68000
family took advantage of  this locality-of-reference phenomenon to varying
degrees.  The MC68060 takes further advantage of cache technology with its
two, independent,  on-chip  physical chaches,  one for instruction and one
for data.  The caches reduce the processor's external bus activity and in-
crease CPU throughput by lowering the effective memory access time.  For a
typical system designm  the large  caches of the MC68060 yield a hery high
hit rate, providing a substantial increase in system performance.

The  autonomous nature  of the  caches allows  intruction-stream  fetches,
data-stream fetches,  and external  accesses to occur  simultaneously with
instruction execution.  For example,  if the MC68060 requires  both an in-
struction access  and an external peripheral access and if the instruction
is resident in the in-chip cache,  the periphal access  proceeds umimpeded
rather than being queued behind the  instruction fetch.  If a data operand
is also  required and it is resident in the data cache, it can be accessed
without hindering  either the instruction  access or the external periphal
access.  The parallelism inherent  on the MC68060 also allows multiple in-
structions  that do not  require any  external accesses to execute concur-
rently while the processor is performing an external access for a previous

Each MC68060 cache is 8 Kbytes,  accessed by physical addresses.  The data
can be configured as  write-through or deferred  copyback on a page-basis.
This choice  allows for optimizing the system  design for the high perfor-
mance if deferred copyback is used.

Cachability of data  in each memory page is  controlled by two bits in the
page descriptor.  Cachable pages  can be either write-through or copyback,
with no write-allocate for misses to write-through pages.

The MC68060  implements a  four-entry write buffer  that maximizes  system
performance by  decoupling the  integer pipeline from the  external system
bus.  When needed, the write buffer allows the pipeline to generate writes
every clock cycle,  even if the system bus runs at a slower speed than the


The instruction and  data caches are each organized  as 4-way set associa-
tive, with 16-bite lines.  Each line of data has associated with it an ad-
dress tag and  state information  that shows the  line's validity.  In the
data cache,  the state  information indicates  wheter the line is invalid,
valid, or dirty.


The MC68060 has the ability to watch or  snoop the external bus during ac-
cesses by other bus masters,  maintaining coherency  between the MC68060's
caches and external memory systems.  External bus cycles can be flagged on
the bus as snoopable or nonsnoopable.  When an external cycle is marked as
snopable,  the bus snooper checks the caches  and invalidates the matching
data.  Although the  integer execution  units and the  bus snooper circuit
have access to the on-chip caches, the snooper has priority over the exec-
ution units.

                              BUS CONTROLLER

The bus  is implemented as  a nonmultiplexed,  fully synchronous  protocol
that is clocked off the rising edge of the input clock. The bus controller
operates  concurrently with  all other functional  units of the MC68060 to
maximize system throughput. The timing of the bus is fully configurable to
match external memory requirements.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7
                            IEEE 1149.1 TEST

To aid the system diagnostics, the MC68060 includes dedicated user-access-
ible test logic  that is fully compliant with the IEEE 1149.1 standard for
boundary scan testablility,  ofter referred to as Joint Test  Action Group


The  MC68060 is  very power  efficient due to  the static logic  and power
management designed into the basic architecture. Each stage of the integer
unit pipelines and the  FPU pipeline  draws power only when an instruction
is executing, and the cache arrays draw power only when an access is made.
The FPU,  secondary integer execution pipeline,  branch target cache,  and
instruction  and data  caches can  be disabled to reduce overall power us-
age.  The 3.3-V power  supply reduces  current consumption  by 40-60% over
that of microprocessors using a 5-V power supply.

The MC68060 has additional methods for  dynamically controlling power con-
sumption during operation. Running a special LPSTOP instruction shuts down
the active circuits in the processor,  halting intruction execution. Power
consumption in this standby mode is greatly reduced.  Processing and power
consumption can be resumed by  resetting the processor or by generating an
interrupt.  The frequency of operation  can  be lowered to reduce  current
consumtion while the device is in LPSTOP mode.


The MC68060  will be available  as 50 MHz and 66 MHz versions,  with 3.3-V
supply voltage, an in ceramic PGA and CQFP packaging configurations.

The documents listed  in the following table  contain detailed information
on the MC68060.  These documents  may be obtained  from the Literature Di-
stribution Centers at the addresses listed on the back page.

| Document title             | Order Number  | Contents                  |
| MC68060 User's manual      | MC68060UM/AD* | Detailed information for  |
|                            |               | Design                    |
| M68000 Damily Programmer's | M68000PM/AD   | M68000 Family Instruction |
| Reference Manual           |               | Set                       |
| The 68K source             | BR729/D       | Independent Vendor Listing|
|                            |               | Supporting Software and   |
|                            |               | Development Tools         |
  * Estimated availability is 3Q93.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8

| Motorola reserves the  right to make changes  without furter notice to |
| any  products herein.  Motorola  makes no warranty,  representation or |
| guarantee regarding the suitability if its products for any particular |
| purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the ap- |
| plication or  use of any product  or circuit,  and specially disclaims |
| any and all liability,  including without  limitation consequential or |
| incidential damages. "Typical" parameters can and do vary in different |
| applications.  All operating parameters,  including "Typicals" must be |
| validated  for each customer  application by customer's  technical ex- |
| perts.  Motorola does  not convey any  license under its patent rights |
| nor  the rights of others.  Motorola  products are  not designed,  in- |
| tended,  or authorized  for use as components  in systems intended for |
| surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to sup- |
| port or sustain life,  or for any other application in which the fail- |
| ure of the  Motorola product  could create a situation  where personal |
| injury or death may occur.  Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola pro- |
| ducts for any such unintended or unauthorized application, buyer shall |
| indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, |
| affilates, and distributers  harmless against all claims,  costs, dam- |
| ages,  and expenses,  and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, di- |
| rectly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death assosiated |
| with such  unintended or unauthorized use,  even if such claim alleges |
| the Motorola  was neglient regarding  the design or manufacture of the |
| part.  Motorola and ____ are registered  trademarks of  Motorola, Inc. |
| Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer.  |

Literature Distribution Centers:

USA: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 20912, Arizona 85036.

EUROPE: Motorola LTD.;  European  Literature  Center;  88  Tanners  Drive,
        Blakelands, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BP, England.

JAPAN: Nippon Motorola Ltd.; 4-32-1,  Nishi-Gotanda,  Shinagawa-ku,  Tokyo
       141 Japan.

ASIA-PACIFIC: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.;  Silicon Harbour  Center,
              No. 2  Dai King Street,  Tai Po  Industrial Estate,  Tai Po,
              N.T., Hong Kong.

Information sheets hacked in on 23rd of May, 1993 by Christian von Toerne.

-- cut here -- cut here -- cut here -- cut here -- cut here -- cut here --

That was the COMPLETE information on the MC68060. Nothing's been changed
by me nor by any other person. Please, if you spread this file, don't kill
the notice that this file was written by me. It took me 3 hrs. of enormous
work, because my friend's scanner wasn't able to cope with the figures and
the different text sizes.

Comments, spelling mistakes a.s.o. to the list or to my personal account.

Much fun reading this sheet,

Christian von Toerne

PS: In Figure 2 (Functional signal groups), _xxx means: ___
                                                        xxx   ... OK ?
PPS: It may be that Figure 1 is too wide ... well I cannot help it !

| Christian von Toerne                | "Ich bin einer, der viel |
| SMail: Am Burggraben 78, 53121 Bonn |  gegruebelt, aber nichts |
| VMail: +49-(0)228-616523            |  gelernt hat!"           |
| EMail: |                          |
| -> Everything located in Germany <- |          Albert Einstein |

