Executive summary for the time challenged:
(Although, we _strongly_ encourage you to read all our guidelines)

To submit messages for the Info-Mac digest:<mailto:digest@info-mac.org>

To submit files to the archive by email:   <mailto:macgifts@info-mac.org>

To submit files via FTP:                <ftp://macgifts:macgifts@info-mac.org/>
            and email abstracts to      <mailto:archivist@info-mac.org>

To report problems with any file submission:

To report any other problem pertaining to Info-Mac:

*** When in doubt, read this entire document. If that fails, send any questions
*** to <moderator@info-mac.org>


Info-Mac guidelines

o We do not accept commercial announcements of products or services.
  We also do not accept password protected packages as we are not an appropriate
  distribution site for your profit making ventures. However, we welcome
  demonstration copies of all such products.

o Please do not submit materials that are sexually explicit or may otherwise be
  deemed as for adults only. The Info-Mac archive is NOT for adults only.

o Do not post files or messages to the Info-Mac Archive via comp.sys.mac.digest.
  it will cause you and us headaches -- FTP and email are much more reliable.

o Do not send your files to each of the different MacGifts addresses as they all
  point to the same distribution list. For example, files sent to
  and to macgifts@umich will result in two copies arriving at Info-Mac and 
  at UMich. We will also automatically forward all files left in our FTP drop
  box to the rest of the MacGifts distribution list; so, please do not send
  files to MacGifts and also FTP it to us.

o Please do not include other complete programs within your submission. For
  example, there is no need to send BBEdit or Adobe Acrobat Reader again as we
  already have these programs at Info-Mac. A simple pointer to these already
  archived programs would be best.

o Whenever appropriate, please indicate the hardware requirements for submitted
  applications. For example, indicate if the program expects an FPU or the PPC

o If you submit something and later decide to retract it (or replace it with
  another message), you must send a note to
  Do NOT mail to info-mac because we usually read that file in chronological
  order and will likely miss your subsequent correction.

o Please keep signatures to a minimum. Long ones are frustrating to those
  of us on slow modem connections! 80 characters is our preferred
  limit, although 160 characters is fine if the signature is just the facts.

o Please do not prepend [*] to your subject lines -- we will do that for you.

o To send us a binary, first compress and BinHex your file, and then write
  a text blurb to be put in the digests announcing your file. Send the text
  and the BinHexed file to us as ONE message, if at all possible.  Remember,
  use a compression program to help us save on disk space. Note that text files
  smaller than 32KB do not need to be compressed or binhexed. Also, please send
  only one attachment per email message. As some programs will automatically
  binhex or otherwise encode an attachment, please take care not to encode your
  files twice.

o Describe your binary posting accurately, but be concise. More detailed
  information belongs in a document included with your posting. We may edit
  descriptions longer than 20 lines, and we will certainly curtail those that
  are longer than 50 lines. Binaries that do not include a description
  will not be accepted in most cases.

o To submit a file greater than 800K, or to avoid submitting by (and
  segmenting for) email, send email describing the file to
  <mailto:archivist@info-mac.org> and upload it to
  As with emailed submissions, non-text files must be binhexed.

o Please don't be cute with the "(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)"
  line. If you change the words, it messes up everyone's software.

o Use version numbers to keep binary updates in order. If you are posting
  a minor update to a very large file, consider using the UpdateMaker program
  (in /disk) to create a small update document instead of making people
  download the whole thing over again. However, if the resulting update
  file's size is a significant percentage of the size of the original,
  say over 25%, please just send a complete new package.

o Choose a name for your binary - the shorter, the better. This name should
  be the Subject: of your mailing. If it's not obvious, tell us which
  directory you think it should go in. And don't make the subject line
  too long; keep it less than 50 characters or so. If possible, also include
  a three to five word description in the subject line.

o Don't assume a reader is familiar with a binary.  Updates still
  should contain a short description of what a program does.

o Please post programs only if you feel they are of general benefit to
  the Macintosh community.  This will help reduce the load on our end.

o Check your binaries for problems before sending them.  Make sure that
  they are complete and virus-free. Use the latest version of Disinfectant to
  check for the known types of infection. Disinfectant is located in our vir/

o If possible, specify whether your binary may be included on the
  commercially available CD-ROM of the archives. Contact us for further
  information about these CD-ROMs.

Thank you for your interest and help,

The Info-Mac Moderators