We encourage the establishment of Info-Mac Archive mirrors, both partial 
mirrors that carry a subset of the archive limited by date and/or 
directory, and full mirrors that carry a complete copy of the archive. 

Mirror sites can be either public or private, and mirror all or part of the
archive.  We currently estimate that dedicated bandwidth of only an ISDN line
is needed to service a mirror.
The full archive currently occupies about 5.4 GigaBytes of disk space, and 
partial mirror sites may allocate less as they see fit. The recommended 
minimum is around 500 megabytes.

We require mirror sites to register with us. Registered mirrors receive 
support that makes their regular update process easier, and can be reached 
by us when the need arises (which isn't very often).
Please contact mirror@info-mac.org to inquire about establishing a
mirror or registering your site.
Thank you,
Info-Mac Moderators