Abstracts from files in info-mac/nwt/util as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX all-thumbs-2.hqx **** From: William Kearney <wkearney@access.digex.net> Subject: AllThumbs.2; a Newton utility Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 17:43:01 -0500 --========================_13547488==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" AllThumbs.2.sit.hqx A handy set of LARGE scroll arrows for reading text Thanks! Bill --========================_13547488==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="All_Thumbs_06=09.1.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="All_Thumbs_06=09.1.sit" #### BINHEX arrows.hqx **** From: Douglas Turner, doug@gala.apple.com Subject: Arrows Arrows is a Newton 2.0 floating application that allows you to move the cursor to the left or right. No more need to try to position the stylus, just click on the arrow. Takes us less than 5K. Requirements: Newton OS 2.0 or better. Freeware. #### BINHEX assistance-4.hqx **** From: William Kearney <wkearney@access.digex.net> Subject: Assistance.4; a Newton utility Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 17:42:47 -0500 --========================_13547488==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Assistance.4.sit.hqx A pop up menu for the Assist Button Thanks! Bill --========================_13547488==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Assistance.4.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Assistance.4.sit" #### BINHEX books-off-20.hqx **** From: Yosuke Suzuki <NBC02376@niftyserve.or.jp> Subject: books-off-20.hqx Date: Sat, 7 May 1994 06:23:00 JST It's a Newton Utility BooksOff can save your life from long long waiting time when you do "Find All". It add a checkbox "Don't Search in Books" on Find Dialog. Generally information you want to get exists on "Names", "Notes", "To Do" or any application specific data, not on Digital Books. BooksOff can skip searching in books, so you can get result more faster. It's easy to turn off this function, so no probrem when you really want to get information in the book. Version 2.0 : Now it's auto part. There's no icon in extras drawer. This is like Macintosh's INIT file. Freeware #### BINHEX convert-20.hqx **** From: clinton@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz (Clinton Logan) Subject: Convert!-20.hqx Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 12:22:31 NZD Convert! for the Newton Messagepad v 2.0 Just as Newton is a replacement for your diary, Convert! is a replacement for the conversion tables usually found at the front. Convert! 2.0 allows the user to enter and quickly convert between 107 common (and not so common) metric and imperial units. Once the value has been written into a field Convert! automatically calculates the corresponding units in the table. You can then simply overwrite any field with a new value and have the whole table recalculate. This new version includes: * complete rewrite from the ground up, much more efficient use of memory * user definable settings (US/UK volumes, result accuracy). * supports "whole unzit conversions" ie 300.6 cm = 3.28 yards or 3 yards, 0 ft, 10.35ins * 70 new conversions including Pressure,Energy,Time,Power,Velocity,Computing #### BINHEX dont-ask.hqx **** Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 21:07:59 -0400 From: weyer@netaxs.com (Steve Weyer) Subject: Don't Ask ("Do you want to add...") kbd utility Keywords: keyboard, prompt, source, Newt Don't Ask (Don't Tell) is a simple, tiny app (autopart) that adds a button (at lower left) in the standard Newton keyboard so that you can turn off/on the "Do you want to add..." prompt, which you may find annoying or sometimes desirable... When dot is hollow (default), words pass through to the dictionary prompt. When dot is solid, the dictionary prompt does not appear (it's blocked/overridden). This Newt source file (dontask.nwt) and the associated Newt-generated package (DontAsk.pkg) are shareware ($5) Steve Weyer weyer@netaxs.com http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer #### BINHEX elegance-124c-demo.hqx **** From: Nicolas Cianca <ncianca@lightbulb.com> Subject: Elegance-1.2.4c Elegance provides a series of shortcuts and several features designed to enhance the Newton and make it easier and more pleasant to use. Elegance installs a small, movable toolbar on the Newton's screen. This toolbar provides instant access to a set of basic features that deal with the look of text. The toolbar also allows the user to custom build additional menus that bypass the time consuming steps required to use many of the Newton's own tools. This version will work in Demo mode for about a month or if you already own Elegance you can use your existing key to register it. The enclosed user manual is in Adobe Acrobat format. Lightbulb Factory, Inc. 69 Wooster Street New York, NY 10012 support@lightbulb.com http://www.lightbulb.com #### BINHEX figgles-mac.hqx **** From: gt5052b@prism.gatech.edu Subject: figgles utilities mac version Date: Tue, 25 Jan 94 18:36:54 -0500 #### BINHEX freeback.hqx **** From: 01353.2024@compuserve.com Subject: FreeBack About "FreeBack" (OS2.x only): FreeBack is a very simple package to be used as backdrop for all peoples concerned about heap. It is nearly the most simple Newton-app posible to free as much heap as possible (heap usage significantly increases with program complexity). All FreeBack consists of, is a blank screen and an i-button that can be used to launch packages using i++. FreeBack is Freeware by Thorsten Lange #### BINHEX graffiti-patch-13.hqx **** Date: Sun, 5 Mar 1995 19:40:04 -0700 From: ics@indirect.com (Tom Collins) Subject: GraffitiPatch 1.3 (update to GraffitiPatch 1.0) After getting mentioned in a "Top 10 Heap Hungry Apps" discussion on the USENET newsgroup comp.sys.newton.misc, GraffitiPatch has gone on a diet. GraffitiPatch is a small patch that enhances Palm Computing's Graffiti. It allows quick access to Graffiti from the standard Newton keyboard, as well as Personal Media. It also allows you to shrink the Graffiti window and/or drag it partially off-screen, giving you much more flexibility in placement. Palm Computing does not approve or disapprove of this enhancement. Shareware, $5 Please direct any questions about this update to ics@indirect.com. If you'd like more information about our products, connect to our WWW page at <http://www.indirect.com/ics/newton/>. #### BINHEX graffiti.hqx **** Date: Mon, 5 Dec 1994 14:41:32 +0000 From: bebb@ferndown.ate.slb.com (Malcolm Bebb) Subject: Graffiti Demo for Newton Attached is the demo/tutorial for Graffiti, "the fastest, most accurate way to enter text into your Newton" by Palm Computing. Graffiti uses an easy to learn English-like alphabet to improve Newton's handwriting recognition. Users who had to write slowly now report being able to take real-time notes on their Newt at lessons, meetings etc. (ref posts on comp.sys.newton.misc). The overwhelming majority of reports I've seen have been positive, and the learning time for the modified characters is reported at half at hour or so. Since I couldn't find it on the main archive sites, and couldn't get any connect time to its current archive at ftp.netcom.com, I'm sending it here (with Palm's permission). I am not connected with Palm Computing and unable to answer queries on the product. Try Palm at 800 881-PALM (7256) or (415) 949-9300, support@palm.com, CompuServe: 74431,1701 or America Online: PalmTech. Any errors, omissions or undue exaggeration in the above are, however, down to me. (except the bit in quotes!) Malcolm bebb@ferndown.ate.slb.com (Usual disclaimers apply) Tech Pubs bebb@embetech.demon.co.uk #### BINHEX heap-it-10.hqx **** From: "Thomas B. Collins Jr." <ics@indirect.com> Subject: RESEND of HeapIt 1.0 - Newton Memory Utility Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 17:22:44 -0700 (MST) I accidentally send HeapIt as an attachment with a MIME e-mail package. I'm resending it with the text of the BinHex archive included directly in the message. < Overview > HeapIt is a small utility for the Newton MessagePad that removes InstallScripts from the system heap. The Newton OS leaves the install scripts in the heap, even though they are only used once. We're not sure why it does this, but if you have 10-20 apps installed, that's a lot of heap space! HeapIt also provides a heap space display on the Card/Backup slip and allows you to run HeapIt from there. #### BINHEX ipp-d-14.hqx **** From: 01353.2024@compuserve.com Subject: FreeBack About "i++" - German version (OS2.x only) This is the German version of i++ that seamlessly integrates in OS2. With i++ you can open packages, rotate the screen, change default store, show a system info (includes garbage collection) and many other actions... from every OS2-i-button. The mayor improvements since i++ V1.30 are: - support of sub-menus - accessing recently used packages (if they had been selected with i++) - and new special actions and MP2000 button bar buttons. NOTES about using i++ and SCROLLMENUS - If you are a user of ScrollMenus please RESET your Newton after installing i++ V1.4 - If you use ScrollMenus 3 as included in DateMan, MoreFolders and maybe other SAI-packages and experience incompatibilities please contact StandAlone for an updated version which should be available by now (sorry - there is nothing I can do about this problem). Shareware US$10 by Thorsten Lange #### BINHEX ipp-e-14.hqx **** From: 01353.2024@compuserve.com Subject: FreeBack About "i++" - English version (OS2.x only) This is the English version of i++ that seamlessly integrates in OS2. With i++ you can open packages, rotate the screen, change default store, show a system info (includes garbage collection) and many other actions... from every OS2-i-button. The mayor improvements since i++ V1.30 are: - support of sub-menus - accessing recently used packages (if they had been selected with i++) - and new special actions and MP2000 button bar buttons. NOTES about using i++ and SCROLLMENUS - If you are a user of ScrollMenus please RESET your Newton after installing i++ V1.4 - If you use ScrollMenus 3 as included in DateMan, MoreFolders and maybe other SAI-packages and experience incompatibilities please contact StandAlone for an updated version which should be available by now (sorry - there is nothing I can do about this problem). Shareware US$10 by Thorsten Lange #### BINHEX kwik-menu.hqx **** Subject: KwikMenu(tm) 1.0; A Newton Package From: Ken Landau <kl@landware.com> KwikMenu is an extremely fast dashboard to the Newton PDA that reduces many multi-step operations to just twoŰm taps. Includes KwikText-- to store commonly-used words, addresses, phrases etc. and recall via a name you assign. KwikMenu lets you quickly: create a new meeting, note or todo, connect to your desktop computer, send/receive mail, restart, change font characteristics, create a glossary entry (KwikText) from selected text, cŰmopy/paste using multiple clipboards, connect to the Inspector (a developer's tool), type personal info (ie. nŰmame, address, phone etc.), dial a selected number, rotate the screen and more. All this functionality is available three ways: 1) From a floating palette, 2) icons on the notepad button bar or 3) hot spots below the built in Newton icons. You can configure the use of each. When you purchase KwikMenu you also get Dan Rowley's GestureLaunch Lite, Hardy Macia's ScrollingDoPopup and an optimized version of KwikMenu for the Newton 2.0 OS. With GestureLaunch Lite you can rapidly open any of your favorite packages with a single stroke, or invoke one of a list of actions. ScrollingDoPopup provides unlimited scrolling menus in the NewŰmton 1.x OS. This "Test Drive" version is fully functional and will run for 30 days. The special introductoŰmry price for the full version is $39.95 For additional information, contact: LandWare Inc. by phone at: 201 347-0031, FAX at: 201 347-0340, email to:info@landware.com or website http://www.landware.com. #### BINHEX mac-pict-to-newton.hqx **** From: Paul M Sheldon <psheldon@utdallas.edu> Subject: MacPictToNewton Though apple doesn't support pict2's on a newton, I do. The following is $5 shareware. It uses any pict file as input and outputs a slurpee text file. What is a slurpee text file, you might ask? With any ascii sending communications program on mac, the newton slurpee communications program on newton decodes a slurpee text file into a newton binary file. With these, you can get both mac text and graphics through the serial port on a newton! Now, to make the pictures, add mac shareware print2pict and you can see fully formatted in black and white on your newton anything you can printout, in sharp zoomable scrollable form, stored there as memory saving quickdraw commands (macdrawlike picts). With it you can turn Delorme maps on cd called Street Atlas USA into zoomable scrollable pictures on your newton. First, you print the map with print2pict into a mac picture. Click on the application and a minifinder dialogue shows you pict files to select for processing. It saves all quickdraw pict 2 information except the yellow backgrounds which would obscure things on the newton. I can adapt my source to other maps with other color obscuring features if you want it specialized to your map database output. Just send me a sample. When I receive your shareware fee, I shall send you a zooming scrolling newton pict-viewer program and upgrades will soon be made available, if there is sufficient such encouraging response, for a full blown gps navigational system (for an additional fee of $10). Send $5 to my address and you will enter my gps beta test community and get deals on the navigational upgrades. Paul M. Sheldon 333 Melrose Drive, Apartment 33 B Richardson, Texas 75080-4655 #### BINHEX n-crypt-lite.hqx **** From: grinch@hookup.net (Reginald Braithwaite-Lee) Subject: nCrypt Light [Newton] Date: Sat, 11 Jun 1994 14:05:20 -0400 --========================_10879548==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" nCrypt provides "strong" encryption for Newton objects including notes and names. This shareware version of nCrypt provides password protection for Newton objects and is intended for use as a personal privacy utility. nCrypt directly encrypts notes, names, and many other Newton objects. In addition to encrypting text, nCrypt can directly encrypt objects, thus it can capture styles, drawings, and other information. NOTE: To comply with ITAR regulations, this shareware version limits keys to 40 bits of effective keylength. Registered users receive an unlimited version, which provides 160 bits of effective keylength. --========================_10879548==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="nCrypt_Light_Installer" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="nCrypt_Light_Installer" #### BINHEX n-dial-03.hqx **** Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 15:01:58 -0400 From: wkearney@access.digex.net (Bill Kearney) Subject: nDial version .3 for the Newton Well, barring any really weird bugs, this should be the release version of nDial. It's a better touch-tone Dialer for the Newton. It creates louder tones than the normal Newton speaker dialer. It allows you to adjust the length of the tones. It allows you to select ANY text on the Newton and dial it as a phone number. All this and more for the shareware price of $10. As always, if you have suggestions or bugs reports, please e-mail me. Thanks! Bill #### BINHEX n-style.hqx **** Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 12:45:59 -0400 From: wkearney@access.digex.net (Bill Kearney) Subject: nStyle for the Newton Well, I finally got around to doing this one. Thanks go out to Gilbert Green at Cornell Medical School for the suggestions (and the shareware fees!). It's a replacement for the Styles app. It gives you more font, sizes, styles and pen widths. It also has some quick text functions; Uppercase, Lowercase and Capitalize. It's $15 Shareware. It's suggested than you install this app internally. It's not necessary, but it will consume a bit less heap space that way. For those of you with really overloaded MP0/100 machines, sorry if it takes too much heap space. Overriding a built-in app get's kind of tricky. Give it a try and GET BACK TO ME with bug reports and/or suggestions. Regards, Bill #### BINHEX net-poll.hqx **** From: jim@netrageous.com (Jim Lanford) Subject: NetPoll for all Newtons NetNames(tm) AppleTalk Poll is a simple to use network diagnostic utility that displays and polls named devices on AppleTalk. NetNames has been on many 'Best Newton Shareware' lists. It is useful for: - Network system administrators to troubleshoot AppleTalk networks. - Newton users trying to print or use the Connection Kit, Newton Backup Utility or the Newton Package Downloader over an unknown network. - Users setting up Wireless Network devices. v1.0 for pre 2.0 Newtons v2.0 for on 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons. Tested on a MP120 (2.0), eMate 300 and MP2000. 2.0 Will NOT work on older Newtons, use v1.0 Both version are in the NetPoll.hqx file. NetNames: Copyright(c) 1993,1994, 1995, 1996 by DigitalInk(tm) Software. All rights reserved. NetNames w/ AppleTalk Poll is ego-ware. - If you like it and use is, you must email me tell me. - ego-ware is FreeWare but you feed the authors ego :-) - Commercial distribution restricted. Jim Lanford DigitalInk Software Inc. lanford@netcom.com NetNames may be distributed on internet sites and on-line services with the unmodified READ ME file. However, commercial shareware distributors should contact me for permission before including this program in their collections. #### BINHEX newt-case-21.hqx **** Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 21:51:16 -0700 From: ics@indirect.com (Tom Collins) Subject: NewtCase 2.1 DEMO - Newton Package Management Utility [Mac] This is an update to v2.0. We fixed a few bugs with NCK archives and updated the documentation. Demo available on CompuServe, America Online, eWorld and AppleLink by March 1st. Available at <ftp://ftp.indirect.com/pub/ics/> immediately. "nwtcse21.zip" is for Windows users, "NewtCase 2.1 (Mac).sit" is for Macintosh users. This is a demo release of NewtCase v2.1. The commercial version is distributed by PelicanWare (800/655-NEWT or 503/221-1148, bettes@teleport.com). This demo will expire 30 days after installation. An upgrade is available for registered users of previous versions, see the documentation for pricing and other information. NewtCase archives Newton packages to reduce heap memory requirements, alleviate conflicts between applications, and clean up the Extras drawer. Archived packages do not show up in the Extras drawer, but can be launched or reinstalled at any time using NewtCase. With NewtCase, you can temporarily deinstall applications without having to remove them. NewtCase can launch an archived package and, when you quit that package, automatically re-archive it. Additions since version 1.1: + Added a "NCK Archive" that is backed up by the Connection Kit. + Old style archives are now called "Quick Archives" (they are faster than NCK Archives). + Added a QuickLaunch list that lets you launch any installed or Quick Archived package without opening NewtCase. + Nine user configurable sets. + Now supports multiple-package selection for filing and routing (archive/install/remove/run). [ Tom Collins \ Innovative Computer Solutions / inLine | GNUT Top 10 ] [ (602) 970-1032 \ 1075 North Miller Rd., #142 / HeapIt | #3:NewtCase ] [ ics@indirect.com \ Scottsdale, Arizona 85257 / NewtInfo | #5:SleepAid ] <http://www.indirect.com/ics/newton/> <ftp://ftp.indirect.com/pub/ics/> #### UUENCODE newt-case-21.uu **** Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 21:51:31 -0700 From: ics@indirect.com (Tom Collins) Subject: NewtCase 2.1 DEMO - Newton Package Management Utility [Dos/Win] This is an update to v2.0. We fixed a few bugs with NCK archives and updated the documentation. Demo available on CompuServe, America Online, eWorld and AppleLink by March 1st. Available at <ftp://ftp.indirect.com/pub/ics/> immediately. "nwtcse21.zip" is for Windows users, "NewtCase 2.1 (Mac).sit" is for Macintosh users. This is a demo release of NewtCase v2.1. The commercial version is distributed by PelicanWare (800/655-NEWT or 503/221-1148, bettes@teleport.com). This demo will expire 30 days after installation. #### BINHEX newt-info-09b8.hqx **** Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 23:59:43 -0700 (MST) From: Tom Collins/Innovative Computer Solutions <ics@indirect.com> Subject: NewtInfo 0.9b8 - Newton System Profiler NewtInfo is a system profiler for the Newton MessagePad. It can display, print, fax, e-mail or serially transmit a detailed report of soups, packages, memory usage, add-on prefs and formulas, power-off handlers, idlers, find-enabled packages, and intelligent assistance packages. Users can find out what's taking up so much space on their systems, what some hot new program patches, or why software is suddenly running slower. Developers can have customers use it when calling in with technical support questions. Shareware, $15. [ Tom Collins \ Innovative Computer Solutions / inLine | GNUT Top 10 ] [ (602) 970-1032 \ 1075 North Miller Rd., #142 / HeapIt | #3:NewtCase ] [ ics@indirect.com \ Scottsdale, Arizona 85257 / NewtInfo | #5:SleepAid ] [ http://www.indirect.com/ics/newton/ # ftp://ftp.indirect.com/pub/ics/ ] #### BINHEX newtscape-13.hqx **** From: weyer@netaxs.com (Steve Weyer) Subject: Newt's Cape 1.3 (browse web, create books) Newt's Cape 1.3 (24 Nov 96): creates Newton books with text, graphics, hypertext links, tables and embedded forms from HTML (HyperText Markup Language) documents from the web (via NIE) or in your Notepad, Inbox or over a serial connection. Keywords: books, HTML, web browsing, forms, NewtonScript. Feature Summary - browse web text and graphics via TCP (Newton Internet Enabler (NIE) on NOS 2.0 - compatible with 1.x and 2.0 Newtons (and 2.1: MessagePad2000 and eMate300) - create Newton books (portrait on 1.x; portrait or landscape on 2.0) - save books as packages with NewtPack plugin - process HTML source documents from Notepad, Paperback, Personal Media, Inbox, or serial/ADSP connection - customize appearance of many tags via Preferences - links work within books, between books, and can retrieve URLs via NIE or WebMail - Go and Back navigation link controls added to book controls - create forms with text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, images, pickers and buttons - use NewtonScript to provide custom behavior for links and forms - create tables that contain text or graphics - include bitmap and scrollable PICT graphics in books - convert graphics: GIF directly from the web; or on Mac (GIF,PICT)/Windows(GIF,BMP) with Newt's Cape Graphics Converter (NCGC) utility - extract the text of any Newton book, along with some automatic HTML markup - combine multiple, smaller books into a large book - documentation available as HTML or Newton books Newt's Cape, along with associated documents and tools, is shareware ($35) -- registered users receive additional documentation, examples, tools and support. Newt's Cape 1.3 and the files listed here are Copyright 1995-96. S. Weyer and G. Simon, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Steve weyer@netaxs.com http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/releases.html http://www.teleport.com/~gaia #### BINHEX newtscape-books-13.hqx **** From: weyer@netaxs.com (Steve Weyer) Subject: Newt's Cape 1.3 (docs in Newton book format) Newt's Cape 1.3 (24 Nov 96): creates Newton books with text, graphics, hypertext links, tables and embedded forms from HTML (HyperText Markup Language) documents from the web (via NIE) or in your Notepad, Inbox or over a serial connection. The release file (newtscape-13.hqx) contains the Newton applications and documentation in HTML format. This file (newtscape-books-13.hqx) contains just the documentation in Newton book format (created by Newt's Cape). Steve Weyer: weyer@netaxs.com Greg Simon: grs124@psu.edu America Online: SteveWeyer Compuserve(CIS): 74603,2051 http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/newtscape.html #### BINHEX pda-package-downloader-15.hqx **** From: kaas@newton.knoware.nl (Peter Kaas) Subject: PDA Package Downloader 1.5 Date: Fri, 6 May 1994 00:43:29 +0100 --========================_3272452==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May 5, 1994 - Lunatech Research announced the immediate release of the "PDA Package Downloader 1.5" for Apple Computer's family of Newton and Macintosh products. The "PDA Package Downloader 1.5" (PPD) is the follow-up to the successful "Newton Package Downloader 1.0" (NPD). The PPD is a simple utility which allows the user to download Newton Packages or Newton Updates from a Macintosh into a Newton. PPD now supports serial connections, as well as AppleTalk, between a Macintosh and a Newton. Further, PPD offers "background listening" operation: it will remain in the background, silently listening for connections initiated by the Newton. Some features in short: - Drag and Drop installing of Newton Packages and Newton Updates; - Support for AppleTalk and serial connections; - Works in the background; - No need to activate, will listen for connections all the time; - Requires a minimum of disk and memory space; - Will run on any Macintosh equipped with System 7 (or higher); - Documentation in a stand-alone application. The "PDA Package Downloader 1.5" is $20 shareware for one user. This small fee encourages us to continue the development of PPD and other affordable shareware utilities for the Newton. PPD licenses are also available. PPD 1.5 will be available shortly through the newton.uiowa.edu, sumex-aim, umich archives, compuserve, applelink, and other online services. --- Peter Kaas (email: kaas@knoware.nl) Lunatech Research disclaimers: Apple and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Newton and the Newton logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Lunatech and the Lunatech logo are trademarks of Lunatech Research. --========================_3272452==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="PDA_Package_Downloader_1.5.sea" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="PDA_Package_Downloader_1.5.sea" #### BINHEX phone-memo-ii.hqx **** From: (Scott Jenson) jenson@newton.apple.com Subject: Submission for PhoneMemo II NotePad Stationery for Newton 2.0 systems. PhoneMemo II helps you manage your phone calls. It adds an additional item in the "New" menu in the NotePad that creates notes especially setup to handle phone calls. I hear you ask, "Why have stationery when you can use the Calls Application?" Good Question. Here are my answers: - Most of my time is in the NotePad and wanted something integrated with it. - I wanted alarms to remind me to call someone. - I wanted to jump to the person's Name card quickly. - I wanted new people to be added into the Names app for me. PhoneMemo II is an update to the original PhoneMemo. It adds several new features in addition to a few important bug fixes. #### BINHEX pkgi-10d2.hqx **** From: weyer@kagi.com Subject: Crypto 1.0 PkgInfo 1.0 Select package(s) in Extras, select "Pkg Info" in action menu. Displays information about an application, book or autopart(extension) [not storage or built-in apps]: - package name - version - store name: size in bytes (and compressed size if applicable) - creation date and time - developer copyright Freeware. NOS 2.x-only. Steve weyer@kagi.com weyer@netaxs.com http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/releases.html http://www.kagi.com/authors/weyer/ http://www.gaia.com/ #### BINHEX pop-extras-20.hqx **** From: (Gavin Maxwell) gkm@magna.com.au Subject: PopExtras 2.0 What is PopExtras? PopExtras consists of two parts, the first being a button which is attached to the status bar of the background application (eg Notepad). Tapping this button will present you with a pop-up menu containing a user definable list of apps installed on the Newton. Tapping an app name will open that app! The second part of PopExtras is the utility that is used to select which apps will be displayed in the popup button. This utility consists of a scrolling list which contains the apps installed on the Newton. Tapping on an item in the list will place a check to the left of the app name, tapping again will remove the check. Simple. There is also a Clear button which will uncheck all items. Next to the Clear button is an Open button which can be used to open the selected app (whether it is checked or not). Checking and unchecking items will be immediately reflected in the popup menu (only visible if you close the Extras Drawer after opening PopExtras). Some Important Information PopExtras will create a union soup called łPopExtras:comet˛, at install time, on your Newton. This soup is used to store the items that will be displayed in the popup. I have tested PopExtras rigorously to ensure it does not incur the wrath of the ŚGrip-O-Deathą god. This is not a guarantee, just a fair amount of reassurance ;-) It should also be noted that this version of PopExtras will only run on Newton 2.0 devices. Version Log: 2.0 € Whoa...big step, NOS 2.0 complience...only took a few hours to get it running nicely under 2.0. No functional changes. Some code tidying. I'm not using quite so many undocumented features now! There are still a couple - but I won't tell if you don't! Added registration scheme to save sending out personalised copies everytime someone registered... #### BINHEX prefs-patch-12.hqx **** Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 00:00:38 -0700 (MST) From: Tom Collins/Innovative Computer Solutions <ics@indirect.com> Subject: PrefsPatch 1.2 - Newton Pref/Formula Patch PrefsPatch is a patch for the MessagePad which corrects an annoying user interface "feature." Namely, that you have to tap twice to exit the Prefs or Formulas rolls. When you install PrefsPatch, it replaces the close box in these rolls with one that works PROPERLY, requiring only one click to close the roll. You can still click on the overview button to get back to the overview. PrefsPatch also places a dual-function button on the notepad status bar for one tap access to the Formulas and Prefs rolls. Freeware. [ Tom Collins \ Innovative Computer Solutions / inLine | GNUT Top 10 ] [ (602) 970-1032 \ 1075 North Miller Rd., #142 / HeapIt | #3:NewtCase ] [ ics@indirect.com \ Scottsdale, Arizona 85257 / NewtInfo | #5:SleepAid ] [ http://www.indirect.com/ics/newton/ # ftp://ftp.indirect.com/pub/ics/ ] #### BINHEX quick-press-10.hqx **** From: avanti@kagi.com Subject: QuickPress 1.0 This program is $10 shareware. QuickPress is a small Macintosh application that lets you drag'n drop text from any application on your Desktop onto the Notepad on your Newton platform. It's also possible to paste text from an application that doesn't support Drag'n Drop. You simply mark and copy the text you want to move and paste it over the QuickPress window. That's all you have to do! Simple and powerful! QuickPress communicates with the Shuffler protocol. You have to have either the QuickPress Server, Shuffler Server or any other Shuffler protocol compatible application installed on your Newton. Swedish users: För registrering i Sverige är det naturligtvis lättare att betala motsvarande summa (70kr) via postgiro. Det är viktigt att tydligt ange namn och email adress pĺ blanketten för alla man vill registrera. Det är ocksĺ bra att skicka oss ett email samma dag som man betalar in eftersom det tar ca 5 bankdagar för postgirot att behandla betalningen. Vi svarar med en kod via email sĺ fort som möjligt. Pĺ postgiro inbetalningen skall man ange namn pĺ alla man registrerar och räkna ut totalkostnaden. Postgiro nr är 611 67 77-1, skicka gärna ett Email om ni har nĺgon frĺga om detta till:hgus6@hgus.gu.se. Glöm inte att stödja svensk mjukvara utveckling, och främja tillväxten av Newton i Sverige. Det är enbart genom att fĺ en stor användarskara som vi kan fĺ Apple att översätta NewtonOS till svenska... Have fun! #### BINHEX revelar-connect-utility-13.hqx **** Date: 3 Jul 1995 09:07:09 -0700 From: "Tony Jacobs" <tony_jacobs@ced.utah.edu> Subject: New Revelar Connection Util New Revelar Connection Utility for Newton This is a new release of the Revelar Connection Utility for the Newton (version 1.3). It fixes a couple of bugs and has been renamed to make Apple happy. It has been scanned by Disinfectant 3.6 and shown free from problems by it. Enjoy. #### BINHEX rncu-11.hqx **** Date: 16 May 1995 17:22:10 -0700 From: "Tony Jacobs" <tony_jacobs@ced.utah.edu> Subject: RNCU1.1 WHAT IS THE REVELAR NEWTON CONNECTION UTILITY (RNCU)? It is an alternative to Apple's Newton Connection Kit (NCK), and permits you to have a real time connection to the basic features of your Newton. It works with the Original MessagePad* (OMP), MP100, MP110, and MP120. If you are tired of the Newton's cumbersome handwriting recognition input, this program lets you link your Macintosh to the Newton and type in your Notes, Names, Dates, and To Do items. You can also delete or modify any of them as well. Furthermore, you can import tab-delimited text files (i.e. spreadsheet) into Notes, Names, and Dates. It's a real no-brainer. The RNCU Help file takes you through step-by-step. The contents of this archive and the self extracting archive itself was scanned with Disinfectant 3.6. For further information contact: Revelar Software Sales & Support (800) 669-5191 Office (801) 485-3291 Fax (801) 485-3296 AppleLink: REVELAR America Online: REVELAR CompuServe: 72143,1374 Internet: revelar@AOL.com #### BINHEX road-show-101.hqx **** Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 15:29:29 -0500 From: FARWEST@applelink.apple.com (FarWest Software, G Kratz,CAS) Subject: RoadShow v1.0.1; a Newton settings utility --========================_12445589==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" RoadShow v1.0.1 is a free Newton app for setting - volume - sound effects - sleep time - default system beep depending on whether you are "on the road" (on batteries) or "at home" (plugged into an AC adapter). The package includes a user's guide in Word format. Version 1.0.1 fixes a bug found in newer Newton models. In version 1.0, RoadShow would crash when the user attempted to change the default system beep. Enjoy! --========================_12445589==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="RoadShow_v1.0.1.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="RoadShow_v1.0.1.sit" #### BINHEX runewt-25.hqx **** Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 11:16:37 -0500 From: weyer@netaxs.com (Steve Weyer) Subject: RUNewt 2.5: runs and installs native applications created by Newt 2.5 or beamed/mailed from RUNewt. Keywords: native Newton application delivery and transfer, run-time library, Newt. RUNewt is freeware to end-users, licensable to developers or others who wish to distribute it. See RUNewt.txt for further info. For Newt, see newt-devenv-25.sit.hqx. Copyright 1994, 1995, S. Weyer, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. RUNewt serves as an installer (for Newt applications), launcher (similar to Extras) and a run-time library. You can use it to run applications you obtain from another Newt user, or to save applications that you are developing. runewt25.sit.hqx contains: - RUNewt25.pkg -- complete version - RUNwt25L.pkg -- RUNewt lite omits protoEndpoint, most extra platform functions, Beam/Email commands, install functionality (~40K smaller) - RUNewt.1st -- this file - RUNewt.txt -- a longer readme file (Mac format text files in .sit archive) Changes in version 2.5 (1/30/95): - checkboxes show/control installed apps (Install/DeInstall commands removed) - installs applications more cleanly, generally ("installScripts", "autoParts") - fixes bug in saving arrays (this affected helpBooks) Steve Weyer Internet: weyer@netaxs.com America Online/eWorld/NewtonMail: SteveWeyer Compuserve: 74603,2051 AppleLink: WEYER.S #### BINHEX serial-key-102.hqx **** From: OmniaSL@eworld.com Subject: SerialKey 1.02 SerialKey 1.02 This package allows the use of PC/Macintosh keyboards with the newton. To use this program yo need a serial cable to connect the newton to your computer and a standard communication program. You need to configure the communication program with the following setings: 9600 bauds, 8 bits data, 1 stop bit. To use the keyboard: tap on the SerialKey icon in the extras drawer, tap on any entry area and star typing, also you can drag the program window to any location, the program remember the location for the next time that you use it. Guillermo Zaballa #### BINHEX sleep-aid-13.hqx **** Date: Sun, 5 Mar 1995 19:39:55 -0700 From: ics@indirect.com (Tom Collins) Subject: SleepAid 1.3 (update to SleepAid 1.2) After getting mentioned in a "Top 10 Heap Hungry Apps" discussion on the USENET newsgroup comp.sys.newton.misc, SleepAid has gone on a diet. SleepAid covers all aspects of power management. It replaces the default "Sleep" preferences allowing you to set two sleep times - one for battery and one for AC. It lets you reboot or sleep your Newton even if some errant application wants it to stay awake. And finally, it adds a SleepAidNow corner for one tap sleep and a HeapStatus corner for an instant reading of free heap space. Update reduces heap memory requirements. Shareware, $5. Please direct any questions about this update to ics@indirect.com. If you'd like more information about our products, connect to our WWW page at <http://www.indirect.com/ics/newton/>. #### BINHEX sloup-21.hqx **** From: sweyer@bellatlantic.net Subject: Sloup 2.1 (uploaded: sloup-21.sit.hqx) Sloup 2.1 (9 Jan 98) transfers paragraphs or tab-delimited text between a text file and Newton soup entries via a terminal emulator and serial connection; type via keyboard to Newton fields, and print values and errors to terminal Keywords: data and text transfer, soup utility, keyboard, Inspector, terminal emulator, NewtDevEnv, Newt's Cape Feature Summary: - transfer desktop text to/from Notes (and Outlines and Checklists on NOS 2.x) and NewtWorks (2.x) - import/export Names (examples provided) - import/export tab-delimited data via your desktop terminal emulator - use your desktop keyboard to enter text on your Newton - transfer graphics for applications in Newt Development Environment and books in Newt's Cape - upload 2.x packages to Unix - versions for 1.x and 2.x Newtons; German version avail Recent changes: - 2.x: NewtWorks support - misc. transfer fixes for Notes, binary objects, packages(2.x) Sloup is shareware ($10). Registered users receive access to versions with faster transfer options, priority for answers and new features, help in testing custom soup and entry spec definitions. (Sloup is free to registered users of Newt Development Environment or Newt's Cape. Sloup source available to Newt users). Steve Weyer Internet: weyer@kagi.com America Online, Compuserve: SteveWeyer http://members.bellatlantic.net/~sweyer/newton/index.htm #### BINHEX slurpee-19.hqx **** From: weyer@netaxs.com (Steve Weyer) Subject: Slurpee 1.9 (desktop/Newton text/data transfer) Slurpee 1.9 (24 Nov 96) transfers paragraphs or tab-delimited text between a text file and Newton soup entries via a terminal emulator and serial connection; type via keyboard to Newton fields, and print values and errors to terminal Keywords: data and text transfer, soup utility, keyboard, Inspector, terminal emulator, Newt, Newt's Cape Feature Summary: - transfer desktop text to/from Notes (and Outlines and Checklists on NOS 2.0) - import/export Names (examples provided) - import/export tab-delimited data via your desktop terminal emulator - use your desktop keyboard to enter text on your Newton - transfer graphics for applications in Newt Development Environment and books in Newt's Cape Recent changes: - info button and about box (URLs are active if Newt's Cape is installed) - "connected"/"disconnected" status immediately below Paste - convertUnicode option in slurpee spec - EVAL! command evaluates arbitrary NewtonScript expressions, e.g., EVAL!3+4 - DUMP can list all soups - added "dateTimeSpecs:..." for more flexible date/time output - added pseudo-title field for Notes DUMP - many bug fixes, internal cleanup - compatible with 1.x and 2.0 Newtons (and 2.1: MessagePad2000 and eMate300) Slurpee is shareware ($10). Registered users receive access to versions with faster transfer options, priority for answers and new features, help in testing custom soup and entry spec definitions. (Slurpee is free to registered users of Newt Development Environment or Newt's Cape. Slurpee source available to Newt users). Steve Weyer Internet: weyer@netaxs.com weyer@kagi.com, SteveWeyer@acm.org America Online: SteveWeyer Compuserve: 74603,2051 http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/releases.html Steve weyer@netaxs.com http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/releases.html http://www.teleport.com/~gaia #### BINHEX time-stamp.hqx **** From: (Scott Jenson) jenson@newton.apple.com Subject: TimeStamp - Insert time/date anywhere on Newton Time Stamp allows you to insert the date and or time into any text field in the Newton. It replaces the standard popup menu of punctuation characters with one that includes two new new icons, one which inserts the date and one which inserts the time. There is a Preference panel added to the "Prefs" application (this can be found in the "Setup" folder in the Extras drawer). This panel will let you choose which date and time format you prefer. Time Stamp is free but all rights are reserved by Scott Jenson. It can also be freely distributed as long as this read me file is included with the TimeStamp.pkg file. If you use it, please feed the programmer: send him email at jenson@apple.com Don't worry, bugs and comments accepted equally. TimeStamp only works on Newton 2.0 or later. #### BINHEX uni-code-101.hqx **** From: William Kearney <wkearney@access.digex.net> Subject: uniCode1.01; a Newton utility Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 17:42:40 -0500 --========================_13547488==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" uniCode1.01.sit.hqx A uniCode font chart app Thanks! Bill --========================_13547488==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="uniCode_1.01.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="uniCode_1.01.sit" #### BINHEX x-master-20.hqx **** Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 18:44:49 -0700 From: rguerra@leland.stanford.edu (Rich Guerra) Subject: X-Master 2.0 for Newton --========================_14259970==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" X-Master 2.0 is a Newton utility which allows you to quickly and easily launch applets, books, and built-in functions without ever opening the Extras drawer. It is unobtrusive and easy to use. It installs popdown menus of the BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS and USER INSTALLED applets and Newton Books. Selecting an item from the list will open that app or book. The X-Master menus can ALSO be popped down by tapping on the Extras Button. X-Master can list ANY NUMBER of items that have been installed in the X-tras drawer using MultiMenus! Shareware: $12 US. Ricardo Guerra Impossible Dreams 2711 Brighton Place Fullerton, CA 92633 USA. Electronic Mail Addresses: NewtonMail/eWorld: rguerra; CIS: 71041,1371; AppleLink: IMPOSSDREAMS; InterNet: rguerra@eWorld.com --========================_14259970==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="X-Master_2.0.sit"