Abstracts from files in info-mac/game/word as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     10-key-racing.hqx   ****

From: Nate Chrysler <nate@chryslergraphics.com>
Subject: 10-KeyRacing1.1.sit.hqx


This game is useful for exercising your 10-key typing skills. You must
complete a 35 character line of random numbers and decimals to finish
each race. After your qualifying round, you will race against 5 other
computer cars. The other cars’ speed are based on your past performance,
so the better you get, the better the other cars get.

#### BINHEX     abaccus-15.hqx   ****

From: pautex@lpmi.u-nancy.fr (Pautex Jean-Francois)
Subject: Abaccus 1.5

Computer think a 5 letters word, you have to discover the word.
You type your word on keybord, normaly this word is display on screen
(you can't change any letter) after 5 letters, computer chexk
the word and if some letters mach they are display in blue color.
Non in place letters are in yellow color. New 1.5 version inclued an AutoPayment
module via modem or Fax, so user can immediatly become a registred user
and Abaccus is no more in demo mode.

thanks for contribution Pautex Jean-Francois

#### BINHEX     acronyms-34.hqx   ****

From: Angela Brett <angela@acronyms.co.nz>
Subject: ACRONYMS v3.4 - A Crazy Roundup Of Nonsense You Must See

This version has 896 new acronyms. If you already have an older 
version of ACRONYMS, you can instead download Update List Indigo from 
http://acronyms.co.nz/updates/indigo.hqx to get the new acronyms.

[words and phrases in capitals are acronyms whose expansions are in the stack]
The purpose of this FREEWARE HYPERCARD STACK is to provide an 
introduction to a MIRTHFUL use of ACRONYMS on the INTERNET. Have you 
ever wished you had a better alternative to LOL? Or thought "Who 
makes up these WITTICISMs?" Well anybody can, you can! Don't say 
you're JUST TOO BUSY! and you don't want to READ A MANUAL. You can 
create an ACRONYM out of ALMOST ANYTHING! You can make them from any 
old CLICHE, use them to tell people to SHUT UP, state that THAT'S NOT 
FUNNY, tell a GIRL that she's FEMININE, SMILE a SMUG SMILE or just 

Take a DIRTY MIND, add a CHUCKLE, stir in a QUIP, and a QUANTITY of 

You can politely tell people to PISS OFF, PUT A SOCK IN IT, BE CIVIL 
or tell them THAT'S CHILDISH. You can tell people that they're 
talking BOLLOCKS! And if you're ON A ROLL, you can create a HUMDINGER 
of a reply to someone who won't TRY ONSCREEN HELP.

So who began this BIZARRE ADVENTURE through the ALPHABET? A CRAZED 
KIWI and an ABNORMAL IRISH man with a DIRTY MIND, who found 
themselves making up LAUGHTER ACRONYMS during their EPISTLES to the 
ANTIPODES - a sequence of combinations started when TONY MCCOY 
some of her SHAREWARE. They decided not to continue DOING NOTHING 
about their HILARIOUS ACRONYM stash, so they compiled them into this 
STACK, and in the process created a SUPERHERO called MACGIRL, her 

ACRONYMS is also on the WORLD WIDE WEB. Check out 
http://acronyms.co.nz to view all the acronyms - including new ones, 
download the latest update lists (which let you import new acronyms 
into the stack) and new versions of the stack, view the acronymist 
HALL OF FAME and honours list, subscribe to THE ACRONYM TIMES and 
more. You can also discuss and create acronyms on the FORUMS or FORA 
at http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/start.cgi?id=acronyms

#### BINHEX     acronyms-update-33-34.hqx   ****

From: Angela Brett <angela@acronyms.co.nz>
Subject: ACRONYMS Update List {8}Indigo (3.3->3.4)

Update List {8}Indigo can be imported into ACRONYMS 1.0 to 3.3 to add 
all the acronyms which are in version 3.4 but not in version 3.3.

If you don't have ACRONYMS, you can download the latest version of 
ACRONYMS from http://acronyms.co.nz. The latest version (currently 
3.4) already contains all the acronyms which are in this update list, 
so you won't need to download this as well.

#### BINHEX     acronyms-update-ruby.hqx   ****

From: Angela Brett <angela@apronyms.com>
Subject: ACRONYMS Update List {9}Ruby

Update List {9}Ruby can be imported into the ACRONYMS HyperCard stack 
versions 1.0 to 3.4, to add 1370 new apronyms. If you do not have 
ACRONYMS, you can download it from http://apronyms.com/stack.html.

Unlike previous update lists, the release of Update List Ruby does 
not coincide with the release of a new version of the stack 
containing the new apronyms. Even if you download the latest version 
of ACRONYMS, you will still need to import Update List Ruby to get 
the new apronyms.

The apronyms are also available at the Apronyms website: http://apronyms.com

#### BINHEX     american-hangman-202.hqx   ****

From: Ken Winograd <ken@winograd.com>
Subject: American Hangman - Presidents and States v2.02

American Hangman - Presidents and States v2.02
A Carbonized Macintosh Educational Game


Merrimack, New Hampshire, January 20, 2003: Ken Winograd and Space-Time
Associates announced today the "Carbonized" release of version 2.02 of a
fun Macintosh game called American Hangman - Presidents and States. 
American Hangman is an educational game based on the classic hangman
word guessing game we all played when we were kids. American Hangman
merges the best of our Presidents3000 and States3000 games into one
inexpensive game. American Hangman features colorful, non-violent
graphics, digitized sounds, synthesized speech, pictures and
information, and options designed especially for visually challenged

American Hangman is "secretly educational". It's played for fun, but you
can't help learning. Learn the names of the Presidents and their Vice
Presidents and First Ladies. Learn to recognize the face of each of the
Presidents. Learn their terms of office, their party affiliations, the
sequential ordering of the Presidents and more.  Learn the States, the
State Capitals, State Birds, State Flowers, State Trees, State Nicknames
and more.

Version 2.02 changes the official name of the game from 'American
Hangman' to 'American Hangman - Presidents and States' to better
differentiate this game from our more general hangman-type word-guessing
game called Hang3000. Also, added Special Web Sites menu, updated
copyright and other minor cosmetic changes. 

American Hangman requires a Macintosh (PPC-only) with screen resolution
of 800x600 (or more), and OS9 or OSX.

For more information, or to download or securely register the program,
please visit the American Hangman web page at:


Information: http://www.winograd.com
Quick Download: http://www.winograd.com/AmericanHangman.sit.hqx
Opening Screen: http://www.winograd.com/images/ah1.jpg
Mid-Game Screen: http://www.winograd.com/images/ah2.jpg

#### BINHEX     anagrams-23.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Trevorrow <andrew@trevorrow.com>
Subject: Anagrams 2.3

Anagrams is a fast and friendly anagram generator -- a handy companion
for Scrabble and crossword fans.  David Pogue wrote in Macworld:
"Meet the new champion ... polished, screamingly fast".

Anagrams 2.3 is a Carbon application that runs natively on OS X.
It also runs on OS 8.6/9.x if CarbonLib 1.3 or later is installed.

This release fixes a crash on OS X when adding words from a text file.

The shareware fee is $20.  For more details see:


Andrew Trevorrow (andrew@trevorrow.com)
aka Overt Word Warren

#### BINHEX     apronyms-092.hqx   ****

From: Angela Brett <angela@apronyms.com>
Subject: Apronyms 0.92 (OS X)

Changes in this version:

Fixed a bug with merging in new apronyms from the web site.
Changed the names of the main window and application menu from 
'Acronyms' to 'Apronyms'


Apronyms allows you to view the apronyms from the Apronyms web site 
(http://apronyms.com) without using the internet. You can also add 
your own apronyms and either keep them for your own personal 
enjoyment or submit them to be added to the web site. You can 
download new and updated apronyms from the web site at any time, 
without losing your own additions. If you want to share an apronym or 
list of apronyms with a friend, you can export apronyms to a text 

Apronyms can be browsed in their alphabetic listings, category 
listings, or through the very flexible search facility.

The 'Website' menu provides easy access to parts of the Apronyms web 
site which may be useful when you're creating an apronym.

For the uninitialised, an apronym is an a propos acronym... one which 
means something relevant to what it stands for. An example is MAC for 
My Apple Computer. Apronyms are a popular form of word play and can 
also be used as mnemonics. For more information, see 

Apronyms runs on Mac OS X 10.2 or later.
For earlier versions of Mac OS X, there is only the simple Acronym 
Checker, which can check an acronym for validity and submit it to the 
web site. For more information on Apronyms or Acronym Checker, see 
If you use Mac OS 9, use the ACRONYMS HyperCard stack instead -- see 

#### BINHEX     bet-your-booty.hqx   ****

From: Shari <gogypsy@bellsouth.net>
Subject: Bet Your Booty

Bet Your Booty

Hangman variation with betting, the ability to add word lists, and a new twist on what happens when you lose.

Shareware $19.95


#### BINHEX     chaospoetry-generator-12.hqx   ****

From: poetink@inlink.com
Subject: ChaosPoetry Generator 1.2.sit

ChaosPoetry Generator is a HyperCard based writing tool to help writers 
break through writers block. Full documentation is included within the 
stack, but a simple explanation is that ChaosPoetry Generator is a random 
string generator wherein you control the strings.

This version corrects a major bug which would not allow you to save your 
generated text. This has been fixed, and now CPG allows full text export.

We give our permission for this file to be included
on the Info-Mac CD-ROM, with our usual stipulations.

Thank you.

Matthew W. Schmeer

#### BINHEX     chocoletters-17-fr.hqx   ****

From: pierre07@kagi.com
Subject: Chocoletters 1.7 French Version

Chocoletters is a puzzle game. You have to find how the computer mixed
up 36 letters and figures in a 6 by 6 grid. To succeed you may ask for
paths leading from one letter to another. With several paths you can
deduce the positions of the letters. The score depends on the number of
paths and the time spent to finish. 

You can see examples in English or in French at:

Chocoletters should run on all of the 68020 System 7 + Quicktime
Macintoshes and later with a 640x480 color screen or more. Chocoletters
can play your own music files:
You need Quicktime 3.0 to hear good sounds in Midi files.
You need Quicktime 4.0 to play mp3 files.

What's new in version 1.7 ?
- You can ask for a path by clicking on an already played tile in the grid
- Handy buttons for the more used functions
- Some other minor changes 

Chocoletters is a $10 US shareware. Payments handled by Kagi.

ChocolettersVF 1.7 is the French version.

Pierre Durand
14 rue de Montenegro
71200 Le Creusot


#### BINHEX     chocoletters-17.hqx   ****

From: pierre07@kagi.com
Subject: Chocoletters 1.7  A puzzle Game

Chocoletters is a puzzle game. You have to find how the computer mixed
up 36 letters and figures in a 6 by 6 grid. To succeed you may ask for
paths leading from one letter to another. With several paths you can
deduce the positions of the letters. The score depends on the number of
paths and the time spent to finish. 

You can see examples at:

Chocoletters should run on all of the 68020 System 7 + Quicktime
Macintoshes and later with a 640x480 color screen or more. Chocoletters
can play your own music files:
You need Quicktime 3.0 to hear good sounds in Midi files.
You need Quicktime 4.0 to play mp3 files.

What's new in version 1.7 ?
- You can ask for a path by clicking on an already played tile in the grid
- Handy buttons for the more used functions
- Some other minor changes 

Chocoletters is a $10 US shareware. Payments handled by Kagi.

Pierre Durand
14 rue de Montenegro
71200 Le Creusot


#### BINHEX     clear-stream-108.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 21 Mar 1995 09:30:24 -0800
From: flannery@crl.com (Rachael and Bob Flannery)
Subject: Update for ClearStream

   Previous versions of ClearStream have been thoroughly groomed free of
pesky varmits (Hey, this is a poetry-writing program!)  ClearStream_108
will live up to its name.
   ClearStream-108 is a game for poets, derived from renga, a Japanese
form.  Renga's popularity  extends back  for several hundred years.  In a
computerized environment, the possibilties have opened for non-linear
variations as well as random creations.  Although poetic creation can be
solitaire, group activity sparks and sparkles!
   So... give it try!
                            - Robert Flannery

#### BINHEX     cross-puzzler.hqx   ****

From: steven@pollux.math.iastate.edu (Greg Stevenson)
Subject: CrossPuzzler
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 1994 16:56:43 +0900

Hey all you CrossWord Puzzle Maniacs!  

If you searching for the best crossword program on the market, THIS IS IT!  
CrossPuzzler is loaded with all the latest and greated features.  I've also 
got some other great news!  The creator of CrossPuzzler has now come up with a
word search puzzle maker called WordPuzzler!  So check them both out!

CrossPuzzler is a new crossword puzzle generator that far surpasses
anything on the market.  It will automatically generate a puzzle from a
list of up to 100 words.  All you need to do is provide the words and
clues.  CrossPuzzler will print your puzzle in a number of
professional-looking layouts using any Macintosh font.  CrossPuzzler will
also export your puzzle to a publishing or drawing program where you can
add your own features.  See also WordPuzzler.

Greg Stevenson
Computer Science
Iowa State University

#### BINHEX     crossword.hqx   ****

From: (E. L. Oliver) eoliver@cris.com
Subject: Crossword Puzzle Aid (PPC only)

By Erik Oliver
Version 1.0

  System Requirements:
   * PPC Based Macintosh Compatible computer
   * ample memory for the dictionary file you are using.

This program is similar in many respects to what one might use the 'grep' program
for on a UNIX box.  The idea here is to simplify the process of using a grep-like
program for crossword puzzle assistance.

You need the application, Crossword, and a text file consisting of the
words/phrases that you wish to search in.  I have included a NYTimes file which
consists of the words from a number of weeks worth of New York Times Crossword
Puzzles.  A large english language dictionary is available with the program
Anagram 1.5 in the Info-Mac archives.  (The slow speed of that program on my
PowerMac lead me to write this program.)

This is not a top notch Mac program but a quick and dirty tool to assist
crossword puzzle fans.  Thus there are no guarantees express or implied for using
this program and any use is at your own risk.  This program and the associated
dictionary file are freeware.

#### BINHEX     crozzwordz-13-x.hqx   ****

From: Steve Weyer <saweyer@comcast.net>
Subject: CrozzWord 1.3d for OS X

With CrozzWord, a user can display, fill-in and solve crossword and
cryptic puzzles. A user can use puzzles (including Samples) from the
local system, or more importantly, from an extensive categorized
collection of public sites over a network -- over 30,000 puzzles are
accessible, in six formats, including secure access to New York Times. A
user can customize application and puzzle appearance, add sites to
Favorites or other categories, selectively check/reveal answers, skip to
incomplete/incorrect guesses, and save partial games or archive remote
puzzles for later local use. Online help. Shareware registration.

CrozzWord was a recent winner in the JPDA 2002 Application Developers
Contest sponsored by Insignia Solutions, HP, Intel, Metrowerks, Sharp,
Softbank Publishing and Sun Microsystems.

- Java runtime support

CrozzWord versions available for:
- Zaurus (Linux w/ Jeode)
- iPaq (PocketPC w/ Jeode)
- Windows
- Macintosh Classic (8.1-9.2.2)
- Macintosh OS X

For more information:

Attached: (Mac OS X version)

#### BINHEX     crozzwordz-13.hqx   ****

From: Steve Weyer <saweyer@comcast.net>
Subject: CrozzWord 1.3d for Mac Classic (8.1-9.2.2)

With CrozzWord, a user can display, fill-in and solve crossword and
cryptic puzzles. A user can use puzzles (including Samples) from the
local system, or more importantly, from an extensive categorized
collection of public sites over a network -- over 30,000 puzzles are
accessible, in six formats, including secure access to New York Times*. A
user can customize application and puzzle appearance, add sites to
Favorites or other categories, selectively check/reveal answers, skip to
incomplete/incorrect guesses, and save partial games or archive remote
puzzles for later local use. Online help. Shareware registration.

CrozzWord was a recent winner in the JPDA 2002 Application Developers
Contest sponsored by Insignia Solutions, HP, Intel, Metrowerks, Sharp,
Softbank Publishing and Sun Microsystems.

- Java runtime support (e.g., MRJ: Macintosh Runtime for Java 2.2.5)
*Note: NYT access does not work with MRJ

CrozzWord versions available for:
- Zaurus (Linux w/ Jeode)
- iPaq (PocketPC w/ Jeode)
- Windows
- Macintosh Classic (8.1-9.2.2)
- Macintosh OS X

For more information:

#### BINHEX     cryptix-111.hqx   ****

From: hayesk@is.dal.ca (Kevin Hayes)
Subject: Cryptix 1.1.1

Cryptix is a computer version of the łCrypto-Quotes˛ puzzles
found in newspapers. A game consists of you being presented with
a phrase, but each letter is encrypted to another. For example
łHello, how are you today?˛ may be shown as łMQVVA, MAX SNQ EAP
LABSE?˛ It is your job to figure out which each letter means.

Cryptix 1.1 requires a 68020 processor or better (Macintosh II or
better), System 7.0 or newer, 384K or more RAM, and about 825K of
disk space. Cryptix is fat binary so it runs natively on both
PowerPC and 68K Macintoshes. Version 1.1.1 adds many new features 
and bug fixes over the previous (1.0) version.

Please feel free to upload Cryptix to other BBSąs, FTP archives,
or on CD-ROMs.

Kevin Hayes

#### BINHEX     cryptogrammer-112.hqx   ****

From: (Larry Snyder) linksnyd@concentric.net
Subject: Cryptogrammer v1.1.2

This is an update of Cryptogrammer v1.1.1, which is the same as the old one except that my
address for correspondence has changed.

Larry Snyder

#### BINHEX     cryptoquip-22.hqx   ****

From: eolson@MIT.EDU (Ed Olson)
Subject: Cryptoquipv2.2 - a set of programs to create and solve cryptoquips

by Ed Olson, eolson@mit.edu
Shareware, $5

This is a set of programs that allows you to create and solve the
cryptoquip puzzles often found in the crossword section in the newspaper.
The solving program is not an interactive solver; it solves the cryptoquip
by itself!

Each program is FAT, and the 68k versions do not require an FPU. In fact,
these programs should run on any system 7 macintosh.

These programs may be included on shareware CD-ROM publications.

#### BINHEX     cult-success-secrets-hc.hqx   ****

From: JAFreemyer@aol.com
Subject: Cult Leader Success Secrets

Cult Leader Success Secrets
Author: John Freemyer  (jafreemyer@aol.com)
Game, Interactive Novella, Shareware

Have you ever dreamed of being worshipped and adored?

Do you have the courage and brashness of character to lead an army of human
sheep in a religion of your own making and earn thousands, perhaps millions
of dollars? Would it delight you to be worshipped by a bevy of devotees who
would die for you, their messiah?

There's only one way to find out and it's right here in CULT LEADER SUCCESS

Check out this HyperCard stack right now!

Find out how to dominate others and make big bucks with the foolproof
fortune-telling Psychic Tutorial. This remarkably insightful tool features
more than 1,200 psychic readings at the click of a mouse, and instructions
about using them to control others.

Take aim at Trust, Fairness, Charity and Truth and shoot them dead with the
Goodness Killer.

Play the Cult Quiz and find out whether you're destined to grovel through
life as a lowly Cult Follower or bark orders from your throne as a prosperous
Cult Leader.

And uncover what happens when an imaginative young woman named Delora sets
out to seduce the world and succeeds beyond her wildest dreams!

If you hunger for games, excitement, weirdness, mind control and perverse
tales of twisted exploitation, you'll find your breakfast, lunch and dinner

It's all here and more. Don't wait. Grab this one before the censors suppress
it and religious leaders assassinate its author for divulging their most
closely guarded brainwashing secrets. Time might be running out!

#### BINHEX     deconstructor-11.hqx   ****

From: "Mike McKay" <880840M@axe.acadiau.ca>
Date: 13 Mar 93 17:48:23 AST 
Subject: Deconstructor 1.1 

   With Deconstructor you can make words, languages, secrets, and
nonsense. Similar to Dissociated Press, Deconstructor parses text
files and recreates them as mind-twisting essays, alien languages,
alternative vocabularies, and steganographically impressed secret
messages. Or, you can generate unlimited quantities of Mock Swedish.
   Deconstructor is postcardware from Lloyd Burchill.

13-Mar-93 23:26:18-GMT,55328;000000000001
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To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
From: "Mike McKay" <880840M@axe.acadiau.ca>
Date: 13 Mar 93 17:48:18 AST 
Subject: Deconstructor 1.1 
Priority: normal 
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#### BINHEX     decrypto-30.hqx   ****

From: eolson@mit.edu (Ed Olson)
Subject: Decrypto v3.0 -- a fast cryptoquip solver (FAT)

by Ed Olson, eolson@mit.edu
Shareware, $Pizza+Coke

This program will allow you to solve cryptoquip puzzles often found in the
games section in the newspaper.

The solving program is not an interactive solver; it solves the cryptoquip
by itself!

The program is FAT, and should run on 68020 and better machines (and of
course any PowerPC!). To wet your appetite, it takes an average of 10
seconds to solve a puzzle on my PowerMac 7500/100.

Version 3.0 offers a much faster, more reliable (successful) algorithm than
version 2.2.

Versions for other platforms (PC, UNIX) are available by contacting the author.

This program may not be redistributed, except as the complete archive with
absolutely NO CHARGES. For other distribution licenses, contact the author.

#### BINHEX     electric-poet-16.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 22:20:12 +0100

From: nisfrm95@student.umu.se (Niklas Frykholm)

Subject: Electric Poet 1.6

A submission to your archive!

Electric Poet 1.6


by Niklas Frykholm

Electric Poet can use an ordinary text file as a mould for creating its own

litterary works. This works best with abstract poetry where it's sometimes

hard to tell real from bogus.

This version includes a sample library that generates star wars dialogue.

No new features have been added to v. 1.6, but several quite serious bugs

have been corrected.

ElectricPoet is now also available as a CGI-program. You can find a

demonstration at:


The program is part of the Niklas Frykholm Shareware Package. The

registration fee is $5 for the entire package.

Niklas Frykholm, nisfrm95@student.umu.se


#### BINHEX     eliza-60.hqx   ****

From: TomBB@aol.com
Subject: Eliza 6.0


Enjoy a rousing conversation with your Mac.  Eliza will play the part of a
psychologist, conducting an open-ended clinical interview.  As the patient,
you can get Eliza's opinions and advice on a wide range of subjects.  Eliza
has a large vocabulary and the ability to formulate a virtually unlimited
number of responses.

...and if you have Apple's Speech Manager (PlainTalk), you can actually watch
and listen as Eliza responds, making this an excellent demonstration of the
Speech Manager's capabilities!

Version 6.0 allows you to choose the gender of your therapist (male or female
"talking head").  I say "Eliza" sounds like a male name, however the rest of
the English-speaking world disagrees.  You decide.

Also, this version features several significant improvements in the response

Eliza can function as a bare bones text editor.  (For a full-featured text
editor, try my program Tex-Edit Plus!)

Please notify me (TomBB) if you find any bugs or have suggestions for
improvements.  Eliza is ShareWare.  The registration fee is $5.

The source code is available to registered users.  (See the enclosed
documentation or the 'About...' dialog box.)

#### BINHEX     fortune-hangman-10.hqx   ****

From: cparker@vt.edu (Chris Parker)
Subject: fortunehangman10.cpt.hqx
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 1994 16:09:58 -0800

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Fortune Hangman v1.0
------- ------- ----

Fortune Hangman is a game that plays the classic hangman game with the
phrases in a UNIX fortune file.  It comes with a fortune file that has
about 650 fortunes.  You can add your own or totally replace the one I have
included with one of your own.  The only catch is that all fortunes must be
less than 84 characters.  I think its pretty habit forming.  I could play
it all day.

Fortune Hangman is System 7 dependant (I think).  I give permission to
include this submission on any CD-ROM produced by the Info-mac moderators.

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Fortune_Hangman.cpt"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Fortune_Hangman.cpt"

#### BINHEX     guessword-15.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 13:37:26 +0000 (GMT)
From: Miguel Frias <l41467@ci.ist.utl.pt>
Subject: Guessword game

by Miguel Frias

My first game. Try to guess a word that another person entered
as you do in MasterMind. If you want, you can even play alone,
since the game will give you words for you to guess.

#### BINHEX     guesswords-102-hc.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1993 22:04:14 -0700 
From: Scot Bickell <bickell@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>
Subject: guesswords1.02.cpt.hqx 

Dear Moderators,                                                        
Enclosed is guesswords1.02.cpt.hqx,  a Hypercard 2.0 game stack that      
resembles the game of MasterMind, except it uses five-letter words     
instead of colored pegs. It is a Compact Pro archive.  83K uncompressed.
GuessWords is "Compassionware" and "postcardware"                         
Please replace version 1.0.1 with 1.0.2                                

Version 1.0.2 fixes some problems discovered in 1.0.1.  Thanks to Rick Lee
of Ottawa for alerting me to these problems and making suggestions for
fixing them. Also, thanks to his wife for sending the first postcard!!!
Comments welcome and appreciated...
                  --Scot Bickell    bickell@ucsu.Colorado.EDU

#### BINHEX     hang-3000-208.hqx   ****

From: Ken Winograd <ken@winograd.com>
Subject: Hang3000 v2.08 : An Educational Word-Guessing Game [Macintosh]


Hang3000 v2.08: An Educational Word-Guessing Game!

What's New: Updated the Best Actors, Best Actresses and Best Pictures categories.

A free update for registered users.


Information: http://www.winograd.com
Quick Download: http://www.winograd.com/Hang3000.sit.hqx

#### BINHEX     hang-man-141.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 16:12:24 +0100
From: Ola.Montan@malmo.trab.se (Ola Montan)
Subject: HangMan 1.4.1

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

This computer game playes the famous game of "Hang man". It can speak
different langugages, in version 1.4 it talkes Swedish, Spanish, Irish and
English. More languages can be added.

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="HangMan1.4.1.cpt"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="HangMan1.4.1.cpt"

#### BINHEX     hang-man-bible.hqx   ****

From: Ken Winograd <ken911@winograd.com> 
Subject: [PR]: Hangman Bible - A Word-Guessing Game for Mac & Windows


Hangman Bible - A Religious-Themed Word-Guessing Game for Macintosh and


Merrimack, New Hampshire, February 8, 2005: Ken Winograd and Space-Time
Associates announced today the simultaneous release of a new game called
Hangman Bible for both Macintosh and Windows.  Hangman Bible is a
religious-themed, fun, non-violent, word-guessing game featuring
colorful graphics, digitized sounds and ease-of-use. Hangman Bible is an
educational family game, and suitable for use in Sunday Schools.

Hangman Bible is played for fun, but educational as well. Hangman Bible
often displays information associated with the just guessed word or
phrase. If the word chosen is from the Saints category, for example,
Hangman Bible will display information about the Saint just guessed.

Hangman Bible includes categories such as Apostles, Bible Stories, Books
of the Old Testament, Books of the New Testament, Christmas, Jewish
Months, Prophets in the Koran, Prophets in the Old Testament, Religious
Words and Phrases, Sacraments, Saints, Women in the Bible and more.

Hangman Bible is available now for Macintosh and Windows.

For more information, or to download or securely register the program,
please visit the Hangman Bible web page at:


Main Web Site Info: http://www.winograd.com Macintosh Download:
http://www.winograd.com/HangmanBible.sit Windows Download:  
http://www.winograd.com/HangmanBible-Setup.exe ScreenShot#1:      
http://www.winograd.com/images/hb1.jpg ScreenShot#2:      

Contact: Ken Winograd (Ken911 [at] Winograd.com)

#### BINHEX     hang-man-pro-203.hqx   ****

From: Ken Winograd <ken911@winograd.com>
Subject: [PR]: Hangman Pro v2.0.3: The Classic Word Game [Macintosh]


Hangman Pro v2.0.3: The Classic Word Game for Macintosh

(Windows version also available)


Merrimack, New Hampshire, February 28, 2005: Ken Winograd and Space-Time
Associates are very pleased to announce the release of a new Macintosh
word game called Hangman Pro.

Hangman Pro (the successor to Hang3000) is a colorful, educational,
non-violent word-guessing game, with dozens of built-in categories of
words, unlimited custom word lists, hinting, digitized sounds, speech,
timed games, a new photo feature, and much more.

Hangman Pro now features fully 70 categories of words including Anatomy,
Animals, Artists, Astronauts, Astronomy, Authors, Baseball Teams,
Basketball Teams, Best Actors, Best Actresses, Best Pictures, Birds,
Books, Canada, Cars, Cartoons & Comics, Chess, Christmas, Cities,
Clothing, Colors, Composers, Computer Buzzwords, Constellations,
Cosmetics Aisle, Cosmology, Countries, Country Music, Desserts,
Dinosaurs, Dogs, Elements, First Ladies, Football Teams, Fruits, Hard
Words, Hockey Teams, Insects, Islands, Jazz, Jewelry, Jobs, Magazines,
Mars, Monsters, Musical Instruments, Mythology, Olympic Events, Operas,
Planets, Presidents, Religion, Rock & Roll, Rocks and Minerals,
Scientists, Shakespeare, Shakespearean Phrases, Star Trek, States, State
Capitals, Street Signs, Television Shows, Tools, Toys and Games, Trees,
Universities, Vegetables, Vice Presidents, Weather, and Women in
History. Truly something for everyone! 

Note to International Users: Hangman Pro supports the entry and display
of words in Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, Flemish, French, German,
Italian, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish.  

Version 2.0.3 - Updated the Best Actors, Best Actresses, and Best
Pictures categories with the results of the latest Oscars.

Hangman Pro requires a PPC Macintosh and a screen resolution of 800x600
(or more). Hangman Pro runs natively in both OS9 and OSX. (A Windows
version is also available.)

For more information, or to download or securely register the program,
please visit:


Information: http://www.winograd.com
Mac Download: http://www.winograd.com/HangmanPro.sit

For help, contact: Ken Winograd (Ken911 [at] Winograd.com)

#### BINHEX     hangaroo.hqx   ****

From: "NCBuy Development" <development@ncbuy.com>
Subject: New Submission: hangaroo.hqx

The following file has been uploaded via FTP:

File Uploaded:	hangaroo.hqx
Product Name:	HangARoo
Product URL:	http://enetwork.ncbuy.com/downloads/ntchanga.html
Version:	v1.1
Contact Name:	Keith McLeod
Contact URL:	development@ncbuy.com

Distribution: May be distributed freely, online or via CD-ROM providing that
the software is not altered.

OS Requirements: Mac OS9

Category: Games | Puzzles | Word Games

Abstract: Guess the phrases by selecting letters to fill in the slots. If
you make too many errors, you know what happens next - the cute Kangaroo
will be earning his wings. Luckily, even if you do send the 'roo to the
outback in the sky, you won't feel too guilty. His quick wit and smart
tongue will have you begging to kill him off. Fun filled game with hilarious
audio, 35 different categories and 4,500+ terms and phrases.

Keith McLeod,
NCBuy Development

#### BINHEX     hoops-10.hqx   ****

From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net>
Subject: Hoops 1.0

    Children of all ages can score points by reading the 700 most used
words in English or by solving basic addition, subtraction,
multiplication, or division facts.

#### BINHEX     hyper-glot-gobbledygook-hc.hqx   ****

From: poetink@inlink.com (Matthew W. Schmeer)
Subject: HyperGlot Gobbledygook-HC.sit

HGG generates hundreds of insults at the click of a button and also 
allows for a modicum of customization.

HGG requires version 2.1 or higher of HyperCard or the HyperCard Player. 
It has been tested under System 7.1, 7.5.3, and 7.5.5 on a Macintosh 
Color Classic, a Centris 610, a PowerBook 520, and various PowerPC-based 
Performas with no undue side effects. However, we do not warrant this 
software to be totally devoid of bugs, so use at your own risk. So 
"Caveat emptor" and "Ventis secundis, tene cursum."

HyperGlot Gobbledygook is free but copyright 1997 by Poetry Ink 
Productions. Please see the enclosed Read Me file for more information.

We give our permission for this file to be included on the info-mac 

Thank you. Matthew W. Schmeer editor & publisher Poetry Ink Productions

#### BINHEX     iconcentration.hqx   ****

From: Brian Kelley <bkelley1@nycap.rr.com>
Subject: iConcentration 1.1

iConcentration is a simple (but endlessly diverting) game to test your 
memory.  To play, match the pictures of the various flavors of iMacs, 
iBooks, and other Macs.

iConcentration is freeware.

Version 1.1 increases the default RAM allocation to 6 Mb to avoid "out of 
memory" errors.

#### BINHEX     jotto-ii-12.hqx   ****

From: f8dy@netaxs.com
Subject: Jotto ][ 1.2; a word game
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 00:15:54 -0500 (EST)

Jotto ][ 1.2 is a word game based on logic and frustration.  The computer
picks a random word (5 or 6 letters) and you have fifteen tries to guess it.
Similar to Mastermind, only with words.  Improvements in version 1.2:
improved the note pad, fixed several obscure bugs, many technical
improvements.  Copyright (C) 1993-4, Mark Pilgrim.  Free, distributed
under the GNU General Public License.  System 7.0 or later.

#### BINHEX     karma-manager.hqx   ****

Subject: submission 
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 93 12:04:24 EST 
From: Thomas Pusateri <pusateri@cs.duke.edu>

Karma Manager v 1.0 anagramming program

Once upon a time there was a program called ARS MAGNA by Michael Morton
which created anagrams.  Alas, it didn't run on my system, so undaunted,
I decided to write my own.  It has a reasonable (if sparse) Mac interface,
and it runs in the background under System 7.

Karma Manager is a program which takes a word or phrase and rearranges
the letters into other words or phrases.  For example, if you take the
phrase "Anagram Maker" you can rearrange the letters to get "Karma Manager."

Karma Manager comes with a dictionary of words which it will use to create
anagrams, or you can supply your own dictionary or dictionaries.  It will
also read the ARS MAGNA dictionaries so you can still use those if you have
them (and paid for them :-).

The output is dumped by default to a resizable window and it can optionally
capture the output in a text file.

Karma Manager is Shareware and costs $7.

Chuck Grissom


#### BINHEX     letter-rally-10-68k.hqx   ****

From: gbergero@teluq.uquebec.ca
Subject: Letter Rally 1.0 for Mac

         LETTER RALLY 1.0 for Mac

Date  :  March 13, 1998
Email :  gilles@nrj.qc.ca
URL   :  http://www.nrj.qc.ca/nrj/lr/index.html

System 7.0 or higher
A 68030 processor
A 256 colors, 640 x 480 monitor
8 Mb RAM

LETTER RALLY is a unique concept in word puzzle games.
You play with letters and words in original games
in order to find the names of 30 world capitals.
It offers a collection of 30+ word & logic puzzles,
plus several surprises.
It is a unique mix of word puzzles and action games.

Thank you for supporting shareware, and ... have fun !

© Copyright 1998, Gilles Bergeron.  All rights reserved.

#### BINHEX     letter-rally-10-ppc.hqx   ****

From: gbergero@teluq.uquebec.ca
Subject: Letter Rally 1.0 for Mac

         LETTER RALLY 1.0 for Mac

Date  :  March 13, 1998
Email :  gilles@nrj.qc.ca
URL   :  http://www.nrj.qc.ca/nrj/lr/index.html

System 7.0 or higher
PPC processor
A 256 colors, 640 x 480 monitor
8 Mb RAM

LETTER RALLY is a unique concept in word puzzle games.
You play with letters and words in original games
in order to find the names of 30 world capitals.
It offers a collection of 30+ word & logic puzzles,
plus several surprises.
It is a unique mix of word puzzles and action games.

Thank you for supporting shareware, and ... have fun !

© Copyright 1998, Gilles Bergeron.  All rights reserved.

#### BINHEX     mac-crypt-10.hqx   ****

From: Paul Dobbs <dobbsp@home.com>
Subject: MacCrypt 1.0

MacCrypt is a program which creates cryptograms from a text file and
challenges the user to solve them. Its features include a list of available
letters (those not yet used in solving the cryptogram), the ability to enter
the plain text by either typing the letters or by dragging the letters from
the available list, the giving of hints, a game timer, multiple levels of
difficulty and the ability to select from multiple files of puzzles.

#### BINHEX     mac-pc.hqx   ****

From: dbronson@rny.com (dbronson)
Subject: MacPC - the politically correct product label generator

MacPC - the politically correct product label generator.  Tired of 
thinking up touchy-feely, new-age blurbs for your products?  Let MacPC 
end your drudgery.

#### BINHEX     mindscopes-word-trilogy-10.hqx   ****

From: mindscope@ashtonservices.com
Subject: Mindscope's Word Trilogy©1998,1999 Mindscope Software.

Mindscope's Word Trilogy©1998,1999 Mindscope Software.

License: Shareware $20

Mindscope's Word Trilogy is 3 fun word games in one! Form words out of
scrambled letter tiles, catch colorful bonus blocks, and time spinning
letters in each of the games to achieve victory! The first game is
'Scrolling Challenge', where the player has to get as many words as
possible while they fall faster and faster! The second game is 'Under
the Red', for those who like the slower, more strategic games. 'Under
the Red' asks the player to empty all of the tiles on screen until there
are none left above the red line.. don't get caught without words! The
third game in the trilogy is the hectic, fast paced 'Red Line Fever'.
Every word you score pushes a descending red bar upward, keeping you
above the line of defeat! Don't get mental block!

CD-ROM/Magazine companies must notify me before including this program
in their media.

#### BINHEX     name-generator-11.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:11:16 +0800
From: TIM NORTH <TNORTHTJ@cc.curtin.edu.au>
Subject: Name Generator 1.1 -- a game utility

This is version 1.1 of Name Generator, a quick hack to generate
random names for use in role playing games or your next novel.
Version 1.1 improves the quality of words generated.

This utility is freeware. If you like it send me a postcard.
It MAY NOT be distributed on commercial disks or CDs or used
in any commercial venture whatsoever. So there! :-)

Tim North.
    _--_|\   | Dept Computer Engineering, Curtin University of Technology
   /      \  | Perth. Western Australia. 6102.      Phone: (+61 9) 351 7908
-->\_.--._/  | Internet: North_TJ@cc.curtin.edu.au  FAX:   (+61 9) 351 2584

#### BINHEX     numerarium.hqx   ****

From: bos@psych.stanford.edu (Edwin Bos)
Subject: Numerarium: shareware game

Numerarium is a challenging number game that involves Roman numerals.
It is a fun game for anybody interested in math puzzles. The target age
group is age 10 and up. Grad students of mathematics will enjoy this
Students who have to learn the Roman numeral system are provided with a
motivation to really wanting to know what LII, CXC, DLXXXIX etc. stand
for. People who think they know the Roman numeral system will probably
found out they are not so fluent as they thought they were.
An all-time high score is kept, and represented, of course, in Roman
The game works as follows: 
- you are given 6 numbers
- you are given 1 target number
Your task is to combine the 6 numbers, using addition, multiplication,
subtraction and division, and get to the target number. You don't have
to use all 6, but each number you can only use once.
For example, try to make 431 with the numbers 8  10  25  2  75  6.
Now imagine all numbers are represented in Roman numerals...
The game has two complexity levels and generates thousands and thousands
of problems.
The puzzles can be solved at your own pace or you can race against the
clock. You can also earn extra bonus points if you opt to compete
against the machine and beat it.
After you have solved a puzzle you can check how the computer would have
solved it, and delight in its ingenuity, or sometimes, in your own
ingenuity and its stupidity.

Version 1.1
MacOS System 7 (PowerMac not required)
Description: challenging number game with Roman numerals
Categories: Games, Educational
Author: Edwin Bos, SOS Nijmegen
Address: Weybroekweg 36, 6546 VB Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Email: bos@fidalgo.stanford.edu
Shareware: $ 5

#### BINHEX     oic.hqx   ****

Subject: [*] O I C

"Oh I See" is an unusual word puzzle game in which you try to 
discover patterns among groups of letters. Each game is comprised 
of 10 different puzzles, the solutions for each puzzle being 
presented at the end of each game. Color support. Shareware: $10.00.

Part of the August 1993 Home & School Mac collection.  StuffIt 3.0 archive.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/oic.hqx; 97K]

#### BINHEX     prefix-game-10-hc.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 10 Jul 1994 13:16:48 -0700
From: kdunham@ednet1.osl.or.gov (Ken Dunham)
Subject: HyperCard prefix game for educators

Description:  Learn prefixes, or create your own, while playing Prefix
Game 1.0.

You have my permission to include this binary in your CD-ROM package.

#### BINHEX     random-insults-10-hc.hqx   ****

From: JWILLDEN@cc.weber.edu
Subject: submission description
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 93 18:08 MST

Random Insults 1.0
Random Insults combines random phrases from several lists of
adjectives, adverbs and nouns to create insults.  Sometimes this
results in hillarious combinations.  With the lists provided and
the randomization factor, there are over a million possible
insults in this little HyperCard stack.
Here are a few of the possibilities:
    You low-budget shovel-full of second-hand foot fungus!
    You cantankerous heap of foreign horse livers!
    You pathetic pile of defective toad tumors!
    You revolting load of stenchy walrus blubber!
    You slovenly excuse for contaminated bug parts!
    You insignificant tub of freeze-dried maggot brains!
    You contemptible mass of crumby muskox droppings!
    You insignificant toilet-full of moldy frog fat!
    You obnoxious bag of rotting camel flops!
    You repulsive crock of fly-covered mule froth!
    You assinine toilet-full of stenchy goat carcasses!
    You blundering glob of sloshy navel lint!
    You insignificant mass of stenchy hogwash!
    You slovenly shovel-full of contaminated muskox droppings!
    You cantankerous stack of decaying goat carcasses!
    You indescribable toilet-full of imitation armpit hairs!
I got the idea from a list I found.  IUm not sure where.
This stack is free.  It is designed for fun, but use these
insults at your own risk!  I am not responsible if you are
disowned, dismembered, or disliked for using these insults.
Have fun.

12-Dec-93  1:11:35-GMT,9253;000000000001
Return-Path: <backmod>
Received: by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
	id AA26235; Sat, 11 Dec 93 17:11:34 PST
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 93 17:11:34 PST
From: backmod (Backup Moderator)
Full-Name: Backup Moderator
Message-Id: <9312120111.AA26235@CAMIS.Stanford.EDU>
To: backmod

From: JWILLDEN@cc.weber.edu
Subject: random-insults-10.hqx
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 93 18:09 MST

#### BINHEX     right-41.hqx   ****

From: Ton_Brand@spidernet.nl
Subject: Right! 4.1

Right! 4.1

What it is: Word game for one player or two players in an internal network
Author:     Ton Brand
License:    shareware
Computer:   PowerPC
Mac OS:     7.5 or later

Right! 4.1 is a shareware word game that resembles a popular game on Dutch
television. It's meant for both adults and children.
Purpose of playing Right! is to find the 5-letter words (in English) of which
Right! presents the first letter. You can either play alone or against an
opponent, on the same machine or via an internal network. There's also a
factor of luck that makes Right! even more attractive, which has to do with
'drawing balls' and achieving the word 'RIGHT' as column, row or diagonal.
Further, there are 'red balls' to change the course of the game.
Right! 4.1 can only be used on PowerMacs (for 68K Macs there is a Right! 3.4
as HyperCard stack).

Ton Brand
Ton's Software

#### BINHEX     right-word-104-68k.hqx   ****

To: Info-Mac <macgifts@info-mac.org>
Subject: RightWord 1.0.4 (68K)

RightWord is a word game that resembles a popular game on Dutch television.
There are PPC and 68K versions; with this you have the 68K version. It's
meant for both adults and children. The fun of playing RightWord is to find
the 5-letter words (in English) of which RightWord presents the first
letter. You can either play alone or against an opponent, on the same
machine or via an internal network. There's also a factor of luck that makes
RightWord even more attractive, which has to do with 'drawing balls' and
achieving the word 'RIGHT' as column, row or diagonal in a colored bingo
board. Further, there are 'red balls' to change the course of the game.
Version 1.0.4 fixes a startup problem when used with Mac OS 7.0 or 7.1.

#### BINHEX     right-word-111.hqx   ****

From: info@tonbrand.nl
Subject: RightWord 1.1.1
RightWord is a word game and also a learning aid for children.
The fun of playing RightWord is to find the 5-letter words (in English) of
which RightWord presents the first letter. You can either play alone or
against an opponent, on the same machine or via an internal network. There's
also a factor of luck that makes RightWord even more attractive, which has
to do with 'drawing balls' and achieving the word 'RIGHT' as column, row or
diagonal in a colored bingo board. Further, there are 'red balls' to change
the course of the game.
There are PPC and 68K versions; with this you have the PPC version.
Version 1.1.1 (PPC) is compatible with the Classic environment of Jaguar.

#### BINHEX     search-designer-10.hqx   ****

From: Ben Apollonio <pray@mint.net>
Subject: Search Designer 1.0

Search Designer is a program which makes what are commonly referred to
as word searches or word finds.  These, if these terms aren't familiar
to you, are grids of random letters with words hidden in them in various
directions (up, down, back, front).

The purpose of Search Designer is to simplify the construction of these
word searches to increase efficiency and time to work on ideas rather
than coming up with random letters.  It is extremely useful for school,
as word searches with good clues to the words can have educational
value, and Search Designer makes construction of these simple.

Reading all of the Documentation is recommended before using this

Search Designer is Shareware and costs a mere $15.00.

System Requirements:
System 7.1 or later; MacOS 8 or later
1MB Available RAM
1MB Available Disk Space
640X480 or larger monitor recommended
Printer (optional)

#### BINHEX     six-mots.hqx   ****

From: Serge Louvet <serge.louvet@win.be>
Subject: 6Mots

A very simple game, available in french and english : search for a word
of 6 to 9 letters with a limited number of tries and under some
adjustable time pressure.
Non registered version is limited to words of 6 letters, but you can use
it for your whole life.

contact : slouvet@kagi.com
home page : http://users.win.be/W0079163/

CPU : PowerMac only
Memory  : the program requires 4Mbytes
OS : Tested on MacOs8.6
Registration via Kagi

Software is shareware / no limitation in time for the non registered

#### BINHEX     spectre-smart-25-hc.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 4 Dec 1994 21:52:04 -0500 (EST)
From: Justin Higgins <jhiggins@cap.gwu.edu>
Subject: SpectreSmart v2.5

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

This is the latest version of Spectral Design's Artificial Intelligence
HyperCard stack SpectreSmart.  You can have a conversation with Spectre. 
SpectreSmart includes an imbedded speech driver to speak what it says so
you don't have to worry about having MacinTalk or the Speech manager
installed.  This new version includes ever more understanding, a bigger
vocabulary, and the ability to control the sound level of Spectre's voice.

Justin Higgins * * * Spectral Design
"Memo to myself;Do the dumb things I gotta do. Touch the puppet head"
       -Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head
       -They Might Be Giants

Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="spectresmart.v2.5.sit.hqx"
Content-ID: <Pine.3.07.9412042108.F25938@cap.gwu.edu>

#### BINHEX     string-up-steve-20.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 13 Sep 1994 00:19:32 +0059 (EDT)
From: Peanut Software <PeanutSW@world.std.com>
Subject: String Up Steve Release 2.0 for the Macintosh

String Up Steve 2.0 is the latest release of the outrageously
animated variation on the classic game of hangman, where
guessing wrong can absolutely ruin Steve's day.

The object of the game is to guess the word without stringing
up Steve by selecting letters from the bottom of the screen.
If you guess right, the results are displayed.  If you guess
wrong...well, Steve gains a body part. If Steve is complete
before the word is complete, you (and Steve) lose the round.
But stringing up Steve is fun.  So it's okay to lose... and
lose lots. (Don't tell Steve Chapin...)

String Up Steve comes complete with an internal dictionary
containing over 10,000 words.

[Systems 6 and 7, shareware $10]

...Jeff Strobel                      jstrobel@world.std.com

----------------------Cut Here---------------------

#### BINHEX     tongue-twisters.hqx   ****

From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net>
Subject: Tongue Twisters

     "Tongue Twisters" is a HyperCard freeware program that allows
children of all ages to hear the computer say over 80 tongue twisters.
Then the child can write his/her own tongue twister and the computer
will say it.

#### BINHEX     trainspotters-puzzle-21.hqx   ****

From: merdem@online.no
Subject: Trainspotters Puzzle 2.1; fitword crossword puzzles

Trainspotters Puzzle makes fitword crossword puzzles from a chosen source of
words; for example a text file or computer generated 'license plates'. You can
now solve the fitwords puzzles on the screen. Registered users get access to
complete crossword solutions, and they can use the program as a tool for making
traditional crosswords. You can print out the puzzles in SimpleText. A fitword
puzzle is a type of crossword where you get all the solution words and it's your
task to fit the words into the grid. The program is 'fat'; it runs native on
PowerMacs and also on 68K Macs. It requires System 7 or later.

New in version 2.1: You can now save a wordlist as a text file by choosing 'Save
Wordlist' in the main dialog. Words in the crosswords can now consist of both
letters and numbers.

You can get more info and see examples of crosswords generated by Trainspotters
Puzzle at:


The attached file should replace

Cheers, Tore M.

#### BINHEX     tug-of-word-25-hc.hqx   ****

From: garner29@potsdam.edu (Jan Garner)
Subject: Tug-of-Word 2.5

Tug-of-Word follows the rules of hangman, but with a tug-of-war game theme.
Multiple play levels.  Wordlists are simple text files and can easily be
added by the user.  In fact, a fun use of this program is competing with
friends to make up wordlists.  This program is free for school or home use.

#### BINHEX     vinco-bingo.hqx   ****

From: LCCURRAN@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu
Subject: Vinco Bingo program

Copyright 1995 Leo C. Curran
Uploaded 10/13/95

With Vinco Bingo your own list of words (e.g., vocabulary, grammatical forms,
cultural items, etc.) can be automatically made into sets of "bingo" cards in
the language of your choice. Each card of the set will be different, containing
a different random selection of your words arranged in a random location in the
boxes on the card. Included with the set of cards is a sheet with all of your
words listed in random order; you can use this sheet to call out the
definitions of your words when you play the game with your students.

This archive contains the application file and the documentation file.

Vinco Bingo is shareware ($20) by Leo C. Curran, 4317 Harlem Road, Snyder, NY
14226. Email: lccurran@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu

#### BINHEX     wheel-of-fortune.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 13 Sep 1994 11:25:00 -0300
Subject: GAme submission

A fellow from around here wrote this a couple of years ago.
I keep meaning to send it in....and now I have. It's
a Wheel of Fortune game....nicely done.

Stuart Watson                       DALNEWS@AC.DAL.CA
Staff Specialist                    SWATSON@ADM.DAL.CA 
Public Relations                    (902) 494-1323 (voice)
Dalhousie University                (902) 494-1472 (fax)
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada        (902) 835-4513 (home) 

#### BINHEX     word-hider-10.hqx   ****

From: (Richard McDonald) mcdonald@iosphere.net
Subject: WordHider 1.0

WordHider 1.0 is a program to create word-search puzzles from a vocabulary
you supply. With no built-in vocabulary, it is not a program for puzzle
fans to generate their own puzzles.  It also does not *solve* puzzles for
you, just creates them.

It is intended for parents and teachers to generate puzzles for educational
purposes.  (I use it for my daughter's spelling lists, and a friend uses it
for teaching English.)

It includes faclities for laying out the generated puzzle, the word list,
and other layout items, on a printed page.  It allows unused puzzle cells
to be filled with random text or with a "hidden message" and can print a
fill-in-the-blanks area to receive the message.

It's freeware.  I retain the copyright and owner rights, but you are free
to use it and redistribute it without charge.  No warranty.

The program, a document in Microsoft Word 5.1 format, and this README file
are enclosed in this self-extracting archive.

This is a 68020+ version.  It's been tested on system 7.1 and system 7.5,
on a 7100, 2-si, and 540.  Needs about 3MB of disk, and 3MB of free RAM to
run.  A PPC version will follow. (On request, I could generate a 68000
version, but cannot test it, and I suspect the program might be too heavy
for very old Macs.)


#### BINHEX     word-puzzler.hqx   ****

From: steven@pollux.math.iastate.edu (Greg Stevenson)
Subject: WordPuzzler
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 15:55:27 +0900

Hey all you WordSearch Puzzle Maniacs!  

Well, here is the wordsearch puzzle creator I was talking about!  If you
enjoy the crossword puzzle creator CrossPuzzler, then you'll enjoy
WordPuzzler!  Like CrossPuzzler, WordPuzzler is loaded with all the latest
and greated features.  So check them both out!

WordPuzzler is a new word search puzzle generator that far surpasses
anything on the market.  It will automatically generate a puzzle from a
list of up to 100 words.  All you need to do is provide the words and
clues.  WordPuzzler will print your puzzle in a number of
professional-looking layouts using any Macintosh font.  WordPuzzler will
also export your puzzle to a publishing or drawing program where you can
add your own features.  See also CrossPuzzler.

Greg Stevenson
Computer Science
Iowa State University

#### BINHEX     word-scramble-111-hc.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 95 22:08:52 PDT
From: trautman@smartdocs.com (Allan Trautman)
Subject: WordScramble! 1.1.1

WordScramble! is a word game for ages seven to adult in which users try to
unscramble words from 8 different categories.  The categories include
Animals, People, Transportation, Foods, Science, Body Parts, Geography and
Things, or users may design a custom list containing words of up to 7
letters. Each list contains dozens of words ranging from the extremely
simple ("cat") to the remarkably bizarre ("quokka").

Version 1.1 improved gameplay by taking words out of the rotation when
unscrambled, so that words won't repeat in the same session, and by making
sure that the random-scrambling of the letters in the words doesn't
accidentally put them back into their original order.

Version 1.1.1 fixes a bug which prevented the game from working on certain
machines without an FPU.

Please note that you need to set HyperCard's preferred memory size to 2300K
in order to see all the colors and pictures and hear all the sounds.

WordScramble! 1.1: It scrambles 'em; you unscramble 'em. Lots of
entertaining sounds keep it interesting. Enjoy!

Allan Trautman

AOL: ATrautman
eWorld: Trautman
Internet: trautman@smartdocs.com

#### BINHEX     word-scramble-111.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 95 22:08:52 PDT
From: trautman@smartdocs.com (Allan Trautman)
Subject: WordScramble! 1.1.1

WordScramble! is a word game for ages seven to adult in which users try to
unscramble words from 8 different categories.  The categories include
Animals, People, Transportation, Foods, Science, Body Parts, Geography and
Things, or users may design a custom list containing words of up to 7
letters. Each list contains dozens of words ranging from the extremely
simple ("cat") to the remarkably bizarre ("quokka").

Version 1.1 improved gameplay by taking words out of the rotation when
unscrambled, so that words won't repeat in the same session, and by making
sure that the random-scrambling of the letters in the words doesn't
accidentally put them back into their original order.

Version 1.1.1 fixes a bug which prevented the game from working on certain
machines without an FPU.

Please note that you need to set HyperCard's preferred memory size to 2300K
in order to see all the colors and pictures and hear all the sounds.

WordScramble! 1.1: It scrambles 'em; you unscramble 'em. Lots of
entertaining sounds keep it interesting. Enjoy!

Allan Trautman

AOL: ATrautman
eWorld: Trautman
Internet: trautman@smartdocs.com

#### BINHEX     word-search-creator.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 08:00:04 +0000
From: pcarter@lincoln.gpsemi.com (Paul Andrew Carter)
Subject: Word Search Creator

A well documented application that will create those word search puzzles

#### BINHEX     word-square-builder-32.hqx   ****

From: scattersoft <scattersoft@kagi.com>
Subject: Word Square Builder 3.2 : word search puzzle builder

Word Square Builder is a PPC Mac program for building word search puzzles
where interlocking words are hidden in a grid of letters. It allows the user
to enter, save and reuse word lists, control the size and shape of the
puzzle, flow the puzzle around irregularly shaped pictures, control the font
and letter spacing, select the characters that may appear in the puzzle,
select the directions in which words are permitted to run, print puzzles and
puzzle solutions, and export puzzles as graphics files for use in DTP or on
the web.

Version 3.2 (21 August 2001) adds several new features to the program,
including the ability to enter and print clues, hidden text and fixed

The software is shareware and may be distributed (unregistered) on CD-ROM.
The software is for Mac OS 7.5 or higher and QuickTime 3.0 or better. Some
functions are not available without QuickTime 4.0 or better.

#### BINHEX     word-sword-10.hqx   ****

From: rob@robsteward.com
Subject: wordSword 1.0
wordSword is a powerful word tool. It allows you to generate anagram words
and phrases, find crossword solutions and lookup words and synonyms.

The anagram generator can also be used to solved jumbled word puzzles. Both
the anagram generator and the crossword solver allow for certain "wildcard"
searches, making them more powerful still.

wordSword is shareware, $25 US.

wordSword may be included on Info-Mac CD-ROM archives.

System Requirements:  Mac OS 10.2 or higher

Product Webpage: http://www.robsteward.com/shareware.htm
Support email: rob@robsteward.com

#### BINHEX     words-hc.hqx   ****

From: swenski@mail.albany.net (Richard Sweeny)
Subject: Words Hypercard game

         Words is a very graphic oriented guessing game, in the tradition
of Hangman. There are eight categories, with seventy-five words in each
category. You have eight chances to guess the word, and a description of
the word is given in the end of each round.
      I have used this stack on a variety of macs from a IIci to a Power
Mac 9500, without any problems. The only problem I have had is running it
with Hypercard player. It is a colorful stack with placed graphics, and
none of this would show up using the player. So for best results, if you
can use Hypercard 2.3, this is what I made it with.

Richard Sweeny

#### BINHEX     x-words-deluxe-12.hqx   ****

From: ian@freeverse.com
Subject: X-Words Deluxe v.1.2

NEW YORK- Freeverse Software today announced the release of version 1.2 
of X-Words Deluxe, a crosswords game for the Macintosh by Andrew 

X-Words Deluxe, MacWorld Online's highest rated SCRABBLE playing game, 
has enthralled thousands of users with its combination of traditional and 
innovative features. These include ten different skill settings to 
provide competition for beginning or advanced players, numerous word 
lists including ones for kids and ones in foreign languages, a selection 
of playing boards, and more. The versatility of X-Words Deluxe also 
allows you to add or delete words from the dictionary as well as the 
ability to create totally original boards for endless variety.
X-Words Deluxe 1.2 is US$19.95 shareware and $29.95 for a CD-ROM version 
that includes additional computer opponents, word lists and boards. The 
update is free for previously registered users of X-Words Deluxe. It is 
available from WWW.FREEVERSE.COM or wherever better shareware is found.
System Requirements: Any Apple Macintosh or other computer running MacOS 
System 6.0! thru System 8.0
Andrew Trevorrow is the author of the new game, CrossCards, also from 
Freeverse Software, as well as Anagrams for Macintosh and the scientific 
typesetting system, OzTeX.
Freeverse Software is a leading developer and publisher of shareware 
computer games for the Macintosh. Freeverse is the recipient of numerous 
industry awards, most recently the 1997 Ziff/Davis MacUser Shareware 
Award for their game Enigma. Other games from Freeverse include:

HEARTS DELUXE - The shareware classic.
REVERSI: The Eclipse - The best Othello game on any platform.
CROSSCARDS - An original mix of poker and Scrabble.
and the forthcoming BURNING MONKEY SOLITAIRE, (don't ask :-)
Freeverse is also the maker of the popular anti-productivity suites 
"JARED: Butcher of Song" and SimStapler '97.
For More Information Contact:

Colin Lynch Smith
(212) 929-3549

#### BINHEX     zebi-hc.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 6 Sep 1994 21:22:24 -0500
From: Simon Hayes <sima@well.sf.ca.us>
Subject: ZEBI; a game

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi. Hope I'm getting this right.  Enclosed should be my hypercard game ZEBI.

Hope it makes it.  I'll also send mail to the other addresses.  Thanks!

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="ZEBI-hc-1"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ZEBI-hc-1"