Abstracts from files in info-mac/app as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### LINK _Business_&_Finance **** #### LINK _Calculator **** #### LINK _Screen_Saver **** #### LINK _Time_&_Date **** #### BINHEX alchemy-13.hqx **** From: Andrew Trevorrow <andrew@trevorrow.com> Subject: Alchemy 1.3 Alchemy is a nifty little program for finding word ladders. A word ladder is a sequence of words made by changing one letter at a time; eg. LEAD LOAD GOAD GOLD. Given any two words, Alchemy will find the shortest ladder between them, or beep if none found. It can also find random ladders and longest ladders. Alchemy 1.3 is a Carbonized app that runs natively on OS X. It also runs on OS 8.6/9.x if CarbonLib 1.3 or later is installed. The shareware fee is $20. For more details see: http://www.trevorrow.com/alchemy Andrew Trevorrow (andrew@trevorrow.com) #### BINHEX amico-211-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: AMICO 2.1.1J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the AMICO package. AMICO 2.1.1J (An apple menu utility) AMICO is a utility that helps you change the order of the items that appear in the apple menu. It also lets you insert divider lines between these items. For more information read the "Read Me" file. To ensure that AMICO will function properly under Mac OS 8 and up, you need to check the "Always snap to grid" checkbox in the "View Options..." dialog box of the Apple Menu Items folder and possibly do a "Clean Up" for that folder as well. #### BINHEX artis-simplelist-120.hqx **** From: Wolfgang Ante <artis@eunet.at> Subject: ARTIS Simple List 1.2 ARTIS Simple List is an easy-to-use yet powerful list manager. It is ideal to organize your tasks and ideas, manage your shopping lists, wish lists, bug lists, you name it. Simple List has a lot of nice features like: - instant filtering while you type - drag & drop to rearrange items - Apple iApp-like appearance and user interface - auto-opening to open your everyday lists on startup - multiple documents for all your lists - lots of customization options - comfortable keyboard navigation - and so on... ARTIS Simple List is shareware, a single-user-license costs US$ 9.95 System requirements: Mac OS X 10.1 or better Website: <http://www.artissoftware.com/simplelist> Author: <mailto:wolfgang@artissoftware.com> #### BINHEX ask-guru-joe.hqx **** From: "NCBuy Development" <development@ncbuy.com> Subject: New Submission: askgurujoe.hqx The following file has been uploaded via FTP: File Uploaded: askgurujoe.hqx Product Name: Ask Guru Joe Product URL: http://enetwork.ncbuy.com/downloads/ntcaskgj.html Version: v1.1 Contact Name: Keith McLeod Contact URL: development@ncbuy.com Distribution: May be distributed freely, online or via CD-ROM providing that the software is not altered. OS Requirements: Mac OS9 Category: Fun Stuff | Astrology Abstract: Will he marry you? Will she? From questions regarding life to those curiosities at work, the Guru is in the house waiting to peer into his Ball of Mystics just for you! Just enter your question when prompted and the Guru will peer deep into his ball for the answers you seek. Sometimes their insightful, sometimes a little sketchy, just don't swear - Guru Joe isn't fond of the foul tongued knowledge seeker. #### BINHEX asset-basset-251.hqx **** From: bsharvy@efn.org Subject: Asset Basset 2.51 Asset Basset tracks investments, specializing in asset allocation. It will perform the following useful functions: 1) It tracks allocation in various asset classes (foreign/domestic, equity/bond, small-cap/large-cap, etc.). A unique feature is the ability to allocate percentage amounts within a single investment; for example, a mutual fund 60% in stock and 40% in bonds can be accurately represented in Asset Basset By enabling percentage allocations within an investment, Asset Basset lets you monitor the allocation and performance of your investments with a precision limited only by your knowledge of your own investments. 2) It lets you define portfolios using allocation criteria, e.g., "foreign" or "foreign fixed-income" and monitor the performance of the portfolio. 3) It calculates the cost-basis of each investment, using either the average-cost or first-in-first-out methods, and generates tax-reports of capital gains and distributions for any year. 4) It calculates total profit using the time-value of money, with methods such as the internal rate of return, and the discounting/compounding of cash flows. 5) It keeps track of total worth, out-of-pocket cost, and so on. "Asset Basset 2.51 app" is a standalone application (previous versions were Hypercard stacks). Asset Basset will be very slow on a 68K Mac without a math co-processor. It requires a minimum of 1.1 MB of RAM. #### BINHEX baby-monitor-10.hqx **** From: jelly@kode.net Subject: Baby monitor 1.0 for HC Baby monitor is a HyperCard stack designed to help you keep track of a young infant's bodily functions - urination, defecation, and feeding. Or, to keep things light, peeing, pooping and eating. It is designed to run on an old Mac you keep next to the baby's things, so you can leave it up all the time and use it easily as you go by. It is sized to fit a 640 by 480 screen. Baby monitor is email-ware. If you use it, I'd love to hear from you. Bug reports, suggestions and modifications are welcome. The only requirements are that, if you change anything, you keep all documentation with the new version, and send me a copy of the new version. I understand that, during those long nights, it's not too difficult to rock the baby in one arm and use the mouse with the other! Baby monitor is provided as is, with no warranty. By using it you agree that Jonathan Nigrine is not responsible for any damages caused by the program or its use or misuse. Requires HyperCard or HyperCard player 2.2. Might run on earlier versions of HC, I don't know. #### BINHEX babylonian-numerals-10.hqx **** From: pandaa@swipnet.se Subject: Babylonian Numerals 1.0 Babylonian Numerals 1.0 - Freeware Babylonian Numerals is a Macintosh program that displays numbers in the Sumerian / Babylonian number system. System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.0 or higher. Freeware by Pandaa / Mashiro na Zenshi e-mail: pandaa@swipnet.se www: http://home3.swipnet.se/~w-34826/ #### BINHEX balls.hqx **** From: Andy <foxcat@home.com> Subject: Balls! v1.0.2 Lottery Manager. Hypercard stack to manage five and six ball lottos. Optional bonus ball is also supported. Also available as a standalone application. Balls! is free! Enjoy and good luck! #### BINHEX band-aid-12.hqx **** From: Stefan Schramm <info@rootsolutions.de> Subject: BandAid 1.2 May be included in CD ROM collections BandAid 1.2 http://www.rootsolutions.de/bandaid/index.htm info@rootsolutions.de BandAid is the perfect tool to track activity of bands and musicians. Keep track of gigs dates and payments, view contact information, keep promo shots, and print lyrics and setlists. Requirements: Any Mac with FileMaker Pro 5.0 or later. Standalone applications for OS X and OS Classic available from www.rootsolutions.de #### BINHEX beermeister-20.hqx **** From: Ethan Rutter <earutter@amug.org> Subject: beermeister2.0.sit BeerMeister is the easy way to organize your homebrewing recipes. It is a full-featured database designed explicitly for the needs of brewers with import/export, printing, searching by any field, room for brewing notes, and a recipe creation guide. New to Version 2.0 + Recipe creation guide: Use the guide to help you create recipes for a variety of beer styles. + Save to file: In addition to exporting tab-delimeted recipes, you can now save a recipe set as an editable text file for use in other documents or programs. + Remembers last search/sort so the next time you start BeerMeister you're right back where you left off. + Open multiple recipe books and copy/paste between them. BeerMeister received a 4 cow rating (out of 5) from TUCOWS <www.tucows.com>. There is an OS X (Carbon) version available at the BeerMeister home page <http://amug.org/~earutter/beermeister.htm>. Ethan Rutter MR Stuff Shareware <MRStuff@kagi.com> #### BINHEX better-player.hqx **** From: MattBeedle@aol.com Subject: BetterPlayer BetterPlayer 1.0 was FTP to infomac.org as betterplayer.hqx, below is the press release that went with the file. contact: Matthew Beedle @ MattBeedle@aol.com President of Foxchange Shareware @ http://www.foxchange.com Foxchange Shareware announces BetterPlayer 1.0, the alternate QuickTime Player February 1, 2000, Battle Mountain, NV - Foxchange Shareware announces the release of BetterPlayer 1.0. BetterPlayer is a freeware open source utility that plays QuickTime movies without the clunky UN-Mac like interface that was introduced into QuickTime Player and Sherlock 2. BetterPlayer plays QuickTime movies that are either dropped onto the application or opened within. Once a QT movie has been opened, users can change the file type and creator so that the file will open with BetterPlayer by default. Other useful options that have been added are automatically play and loop options that can be applied to every file individually. This is especially cool for those that have a favorite MIDI file they like to listen too, just double click and the file will start to open. To make life easier, these settings can become default settings as well as the option to automatically change the file type and creator to that of BetterPlayer. Just as important as applying these settings, they can also be removed restoring the file to it's natural state. Since the only thing that BetterPlayer adds is a STR# to the resource fork, no data can be damaged by the application. Foxchange Shareware has released BetterPlayer as open source software so that other programmers can extend the application's functionality. Several things are planned for future releases, the ability to add a resource fork to a file that doesn't have one so BetterPlayer can work with it, sizing options, remembering window positions as well as basic editing features. BetterPlayer is the foundation for another unnamed application that Foxchange Shareware may be developing in the possible future. Currently BetterPlayer 1.0 is available for download at ftp://ftp.foxchange.com The latest version of BetterPlayer can be found at http://www.foxchange.com As well as the goal of producing high quality games for the Mac market, Foxchange Shareware is also going to be introducing utilities into the Mac market. #### BINHEX billionth-birthday.hqx **** From: Scott Lindhurst <scottl@alumni.Princeton.edu> Subject: Billionth Birthday 1.0 - compute interesting dates Did you ever wonder if you would soon be 1,000,000,000 seconds old? Whether you missed your 50,000th wedding anniversary (50,000 hours, that is)? When the Macintosh will be 900 weeks old? Now you can find out! Enter the date of some interesting event, such as your birth. Billionth Birthday will show you when you when you will next be an interesting number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks old. For example, enter the date the first Macintosh was announced: Jan 24, 1984. You will find that the Macintosh is now 518,303,291 seconds old and will be 550,000,000 seconds old on Friday, June 29, 2001. Billionth Birthday is freeware and runs on any Macintosh with System 7 or later. For more info, visit http://members.aol/.com/SokobanMac/birthday/ Scott Lindhurst ScottL@alumni.Princeton.EDU http://members.aol.com/SokobanMac/scott #### BINHEX bingo-c-caller.hqx **** From: Andy <foxcat@home.com> Subject: Bingo Caller 1.0 Bingo Caller is a Hypercard stack that lets everybody play bingo. Bingo Cards is included to generate Bingo Card sheets for your use. Great fun at parties!!! Apple's text to speech software is required. Macs like playing bingo, so there's an option to let him play along. A RIOT when Mac calls BINGO and guests don't know. Bingo Caller and Bingo Cards are freeware. Enjoy! #### BINHEX biorythms-8.hqx **** From: "Hiatus" <agr@hiatus.ndirect.co.uk> Subject: Biorythms 8 Biorhythms 8 ------------------- Our minds, bodies and emotions are governed by three natural cycles, known as biorhythms. Once we realise how we are affected, we can plan our lives accordingly, so that we take advantage of our peaks of energy and exercise special caution on "critical" days. Biorhythms 8 tracks your cycles, and those of your friends and family, computes compatibilities, searches, prints, and so much more. Version 8 is a substantial upgrade, making it the most powerful, attractive and original biorhythm program available on any platform. It has appeared in a number of Macintosh magazines. Requires: Mac OS 8.0 (other users should continue to use version 6.1c) Shareware $15 (c) Hiatus 1992-2000 #### BINHEX biorythms-9.hqx **** From: Andrew Regan <agr@hiatus-uk.com> Subject: Biorhythms 9: abstract Biorhythms 9 ------------- Our minds, bodies and emotions are governed by natural cycles, known as biorhythms. Once we realise how we are affected, we can plan our lives accordingly, so that we take advantage of our peaks of energy and exercise special caution on "critical" days. Biorhythms 9 tracks your cycles, and those of your friends and family, computes compatibility, searches, prints, and so much more. Now highly acclaimed world-wide, no competitor comes close to the power, functionality, or originality of this program. New Features ------------- * Carbon application for Mac OS 9 and OS X. * Circadian Rhythms: cycles can now be drawn by hour as well as by day (paid users only). * New 38-day Intuition cycle. * 'Advanced' / 'Simple' menu layouts for different users. * US and UK English versions, and more to follow... * New Percentages Bar. * Hour of Birth is supported. * Comparison information area is customisable. * Contextual menus in Charts, Comparisons, and Calendars. * New Calendar Menu. System Requirements -------------------- * Mac OS 9.0 or later (CarbonLib 1.0) / OS X 10.0 or later. * 10 MB of free memory (RAM). * 256-color monitor. Shareware: $24.99, with a generous discount for registered users. Please visit the Online Shop at <http://order.kagi.com/?ZC>. ------------------------------------------ Web site: <http://www.hiatus-uk.com/bio/> Email: <support@hiatus-uk.com> Copyright (c) Hiatus Software, 1992-2003. All rights reserved world-wide. #### BINHEX book-of-changes.hqx **** From: Brian Kelley <bkelley1@nycap.rr.com> Subject: The Book of Changes 3.4 The Book of Changes 3.4 This program is a version of the I Ching. For centuries, the I Ching has been used both as an oracle to predict the future, and as a source of deep wisdom. The querent asks a question, then drops three coins six times. Each drop determines one line of a hexagram, whether is solid or broken, moving or unmoving. The resulting six-lined figure is then interpreted. Even if you have no interest in divination, the I Ching can offer valuable insight into your own psyche, shedding light on how you really feel about a problem. New in version 3.4: --added a "Sound" menu for turning the soundtrack on and off Requirements: PowerPC, System 7 or later, 6Mb RAM The Book of Changes is $10 shareware. Note: this version should replace earlier versions in the archive. #### BINHEX btv.hqx **** From: Ben <benbird@softhome.net> Subject: Sofware Submission: BTV 3.0.0 BTV is an application that allows you to easily view video from any video digitising source, either full screen or in a window. It was originally written for the IXTV (TurboTV) card however it has been successfully tested with a number of video sources including various video input cards, TV cards, built-in video hardware, and even USB video sources! Features: - Full-screen video with no menu bar - Video in a window which can be dragged around the screen or resized - Automatic monitor resolution switching to the resolution of your choice (usually 640x480 or 800x600) and back to the original resolution on quit - Multiple monitor support - play full screen video on one monitor while you work on another - Can capture a PICT file, either straight to the desktop with an automatic file name or through the normal save dialog box - Can record a movie to disk using custom video and sound settings - Can black out other monitors on a multi-monitor system - Can be set to disable background processes so no interference by screensaver or powersaver - Can adjust size of picture with arrow keys - Can hide the mouse (this can be done automatically on startup) - Can spin down hard disks for less noise (this can be done automatically on startup) - Saves all video and sound settings System requirements: Any PowerMac with video digitising hardware. BTV uses 1400k of RAM, however if you never need to create PICT files you can reduce this to about 400k. Terms and conditions: This application is Shareware which means if you use it you have to pay the Shareware fee of US$15. Use the 'Register' program included with BTV to pay your registration fee and obtain a personal registration code. Alternatively, you may register online at http://order.kagi.com/?UXT Your code will unlock all future releases of BTV. Please email any comment, suggestions or bug reports to benbird@softhome.net Legal Stuff: BTV is copyright by Ben Bird. You may distribute BTV to others provided that the package remains unchanged and that you do not charge for it. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. #### DIRECTORY bus **** #### BINHEX cardsaver-201.hqx **** From: rich <rich@asmalladshop.com> Subject: CardSaver 2.01 CardSaver 2.01 is now a stand-alone application that creates a database for trading card enthusiasts to keep track of their collections. Information such as the name of the card, category, manufacturer, price paid, value, condition, and other key attributes may be entered. There is even one space per entry where a downloaded or scanned piece of photo image can be displayed. This demo version is free and will only run for 30 days until payment of the $10 registration fee is made. http://www.best.com/~shiro/savers/CardSaver #### BINHEX cd-labeler-fp3.hqx **** From: deceiver@ime.net Subject: CD labeler This is a very nicely designed CD Labeler from Tools for Educators. It is a Filemaker Pro file that will allow you to design and print CD labels using Neato CD printer labels. Also printable is a foldable CD jewel case insert. It is very easy to use because of it's clean, "no wasted motions" design. #### BINHEX character-generator.hqx **** From: <delete@softhome.net> Subject: Character Generator This generates characters from numbers, and turns numbers into characters. Its used when you want to find out the ascii values of things. "12345 abcdef" becomes "49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 32, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102" and "65-90, 32, 97-122" becomes "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz". Comes with source code. #### BINHEX chart-constructor-101.hqx **** From: Tobias Haughton <tobias@headshack.com> Subject: chartConstructor ChartConstructor is a program used to create Gantt and PERT charts. Once created these charts can be printed or exported as image files for inclusion in other documents, or on the web. System requirements: ChartConstructor should work on any computer running Mac OS 10.1 or later. ChartConstructor is shareware, a single user license costs US$30. Web: http://www.headshack.com Email: stuff@headshack.com Changes in this version * French Localization * Ability to rearrange tasks in Gantt charts added * Dependent entries in PERT charts now update their dates the same as entries in Gantt charts * All the information that could be recorded for entries in Gantt charts can be recorded for PERT entries * PERT entries can now display a longer task string * Connecting points for arrows in PERT charts are now spread out * Cursor now changes to an arrow while making connection * Pressing the delete key with a chart entry selected will now delete it * Fixed a display glitch that caused connections to be drawn on the window under certain situations *Improvements to the manual #### BINHEX charts-pro-151-fr.hqx **** From: "Christophe M. Legasse" <clegasse@adrenaline.ca> Subject: Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.5.1 Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.5 - Publishing & New Media Edition - is the most versatile tool for rapidly creating 2D and 3D professional-looking graphics, whether they are static or dynamic. With a fast interactive 3D engine, Charts Pro lets you take data from Excel, ClarisWorks or text files and create shaded charts that you can manipulate in real-time. The 1.5 release features significant improvements that make Charts Pro 1.5 an essential tool in publishing workflow, whether the target product is a printed document, a presentation or a Web page. In particular, Charts Pro 1.5 offers: - A new animation engine for use creating high-quality QuickTime build-up animations, with detailed control over effect, transition and duration. - Additional graphic elements, including walls, axis thickness control, data values and symbols. - More output formats: Charts Pro 1.5 now fits into publishing workflow more seamlessly than ever, with output to PICT, TIFF, Adobe® Photoshop®, EPSF Raster, JPEG, 3DMF, QuickTime movies and QuickTime VR. - Alpha channel support: Charts Pro 1.5 can now enable the alpha channel when exporting in the form of PICT or QuickTime files. - Optimization for PowerPC G4 with Velocity Engine. What's new in version 1.5.1: - Data values are now exported in QuickTime movies. - Data values options are not reset with new data drop. - Animation Preview now properly displays row/series option. - Bug with 31-characters filenames is resolved. #### BINHEX charts-pro-151.hqx **** From: "Christophe M. Legasse" <clegasse@adrenaline.ca> Subject: Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.5.1 Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.5 - Publishing & New Media Edition - is the most versatile tool for rapidly creating 2D and 3D professional-looking graphics, whether they are static or dynamic. With a fast interactive 3D engine, Charts Pro lets you take data from Excel, ClarisWorks or text files and create shaded charts that you can manipulate in real-time. The 1.5 release features significant improvements that make Charts Pro 1.5 an essential tool in publishing workflow, whether the target product is a printed document, a presentation or a Web page. In particular, Charts Pro 1.5 offers: - A new animation engine for use creating high-quality QuickTime build-up animations, with detailed control over effect, transition and duration. - Additional graphic elements, including walls, axis thickness control, data values and symbols. - More output formats: Charts Pro 1.5 now fits into publishing workflow more seamlessly than ever, with output to PICT, TIFF, Adobe® Photoshop®, EPSF Raster, JPEG, 3DMF, QuickTime movies and QuickTime VR. - Alpha channel support: Charts Pro 1.5 can now enable the alpha channel when exporting in the form of PICT or QuickTime files. - Optimization for PowerPC G4 with Velocity Engine. What's new in version 1.5.1: - Data values are now exported in QuickTime movies. - Data values options are not reset with new data drop. - Animation Preview now properly displays row/series option. - Bug with 31-characters filenames is resolved. #### BINHEX clips-pad-10-68k.hqx **** From: FMR@thewiredshark.com Subject: ClipsPad v1.0 68K ClipsPad v1.0 Requirements: Macintosh Computer with System 7.1 or later. (Mac OS 8.5 recommended) 2 MB of available Memory 1 MB of available disk space ClipsPad is available as PPC or 68k version. Release Date: July 18.1999 File size: 475k (68k) and 595k (PPC) Author: FMR Software URL: http://www.thewiredshark.com Looking for some storage space for all those text clips cluttering your desktop? ClipsPad v1.0 is here! Take advantage of your Favorites Folders storage space. Add a text clip to your favorites folder and ClipsPad will not only read them, but as well write to them. In style! Organize them into bins, save them as Clip, Plain Text or Read Only documents. All with a click of a button. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Frank Ryan FMR Software fmr@thewiredshark.com Box 122 520 845-2457 San Simon, AZ 85632 520 845-2548 FAX http://www.thewiredshark.com _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ #### BINHEX clips-pad-10-ppc.hqx **** From: FMR@thewiredshark.com Subject: ClipsPad v1.0 PPC ClipsPad v1.0 Requirements: Macintosh Computer with System 7.1 or later. (Mac OS 8.5 recommended) 2 MB of available Memory 1 MB of available disk space ClipsPad is available as PPC or 68k version. Release Date: July 18.1999 File size: 475k (68k) and 595k (PPC) Author: FMR Software URL: http://www.thewiredshark.com Looking for some storage space for all those text clips cluttering your desktop? ClipsPad v1.0 is here! Take advantage of your Favorites Folders storage space. Add a text clip to your favorites folder and ClipsPad will not only read them, but as well write to them. In style! Organize them into bins, save them as Clip, Plain Text or Read Only documents. All with a click of a button. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Frank Ryan FMR Software fmr@thewiredshark.com Box 122 520 845-2457 San Simon, AZ 85632 520 845-2548 FAX http://www.thewiredshark.com _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ #### BINHEX code-wizard-10.hqx **** From: Nikita Zhuk <nikita@maczsoftware.com> Subject: CodeWizard 1.0 submission CodeWizard is an application which shows ASCII codes of pressed keys, converts ASCII codes to corresponding characters, shows values in hex format, shows HTML special characters and all error codes of Macintosh operating system. Features: The user interface (UI) in CodeWizard is very self-explanatory. Application consist of only one window, where all functions are performed. The needed feature is chosen from 7 tabs. The last tab (MultiSearch) combines all CodeWizard's conversion methods in one function, but it's easier to use specific methods if you need only one type of conversion, because then you can build a list of several conversions (for example Hex code to character). CodeWizard supports Drag&Drop, so you can drag desired conversions to your desktop as text clippings. #### BINHEX conversion-master-lite.hqx **** From: Eric Rojo <gta@canadawired.com> Subject: ConversionMaster-Lite.sit ConversionMaster is a measurement unit conversion calculator for the Macintosh, containing many hundreds of metric/S.I., imperial, U.S., and other units in its database, most to 14 significant digit precision. New units can be added and unwanted ones removed. Supports ft/in/fractions, different number formats including scientific notation, and complete control of significant digits. Can also convert currencies, clock times, and many physical constants. On-line info is available on the history and development of modern measurement systems. Current version: 1.7a. Eric Rojo, Marketing Director #### BINHEX country-song-generator-101.hqx **** From: Michael Hanna <taojones@sympatico.ca> Subject: Country Song Generator 1.01 - generates amusing song lyrics I wrote Country Song Generator to give myself practice using Apple's Foundation classes(Cocoa). It is an application that will randomly-generate lyrics to a country song. It is based on ANSI C code by an unknown author. It is freeware. This is a small update to fix a display bug in the program. Product Page: http://www.siddha.ca/software/15/country-song-generator Author Email: michaelkhanna@gmail.com Requirements: Mac OS X 10.0 or later #### BINHEX cp-290-director-13-x.hqx **** From: John Woodward <jplw@theWoodwards.us> Subject: CP290 Director X 1.3 - Controls X10 CP290 Controller, with sunrise, sunset, even/odd days, improved reliability CP290 Director X is Macintosh software that controls the original X10 home automation computer controlled interface, model number CP290. It completely replaces the Macintosh software that comes with the CP290, and has unique features not found in other Macintosh-based CP290 controllers. In addition to standard CP290 features, CP290 Director X supports the following types of events stored in the CP290: sunrise and sunset events, events with specific dates and repeat intervals, and even and odd day events. X10 systems usually work reasonably reliably, turning on or off the selected module when the CP290 commands it. However, occasionally noise or interference in your wiring can cut reliability whereby a module is not turned on or off at the requested time. The best solution to this problem, if acute, is to install noise filters, signal bridges, or amplifiers. However, you may find that CP290 Director X solves the problem for you. CP290 Director X allows you to optionally specify that each "on" event should be sent more than once to the module, and/or that each "off" event should be sent more than once. Thus, if the first command to turn off doesn't work, the second or third one might. If you specify that an event should be sent more than once, it will be sent the specified number of times (two to four) at one minute intervals. System requirements: MacOS 10.1.5 or higher. For more information, visit the CP290 Director X Web page: http://theWoodwards.us/sw/CP290DirectorX Thanks, John Woodward http://theWoodwards.us/sw #### BINHEX cp-290-director-16.hqx **** From: John Woodward <jplw@softhome.net> Subject: CP290 Director 1.6 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation System CP290 Director is Macintosh software that controls the original X10 home automation computer controlled interface, model number CP290. It completely replaces the Macintosh software that comes with the CP290, and has unique features not found in other Macintosh-based CP290 controllers such as MouseHouse and Xtension. CP290 Director does not have to be running at all times to control the CP290, since it takes advantage of the CP290'S ability to store events for later execution. In addition to the standard CP290 features, CP290 Director supports the following additional features: 1) the ability to specify that an event is to occur at sunrise or sunset (plus or minus a specified time interval); 2) the ability to specify a specific date on which an event is to occur, and optionally the interval in days thereafter that the event should be repeated; and 3) the ability to specify that the event should occur only on even days or on odd days. System requirements: * System 7 through 8.6; not tested with MacOS 9 * Macintosh with at least 4 MB of RAM Release 1.6 fixes a bug with handling ALL LIGHTS and ALL module numbers. For more information, please read the documentation enclosed, or visit the CP290 Director Web page: http://homepage.mac.com/jplw/CP290Director1.6.html #### BINHEX desktop-jellies-10.hqx **** From: Paul Gronemeyer <pgrone@gmx.de> Subject: desktop-jellies-10.sit File: Desktop Jellies 1.0 Size: From: Paul Gronemeyer <pgrone@gmx.de> Desktop Jellies * cmd-F to toggle full screen mode * click to set some food * option-click to delete the food source * cmd-click to reset the jellies * caps lock key down to see the frame rate Required: PPC This application is freeware, enjoy. c2003 AntSoft #### BINHEX diet-master-30-x.hqx **** From: Ironmaan@aol.com Subject: DietMaster3.0 Submit OSX DietMaster 3.0 is an upgrade to DietMaster 2.0.5. DietMaster is a diet / nutrition program with a database of over 5000 foods from the USDA food data base. CHANGES TO DIET MASTER FOR VERSION 3.0 * Now cross platform: runs on Mac OS 8/9 and OS X, and Windows 95/98/NT/2K/ME/XP * Contains the latest updated nutritional information from the FDA, including many brand-name foods. Full color graphics, pie chart, and report printout * Increased speed in overall operation. Increased speed of "Find Food" more than 500%. * New About box and Help information * Clicking on the Intake list now displays nutritional information adjusted to intake amount * Removing a food from the intake list now requires Shift-click to avoid accidental deletion * More accurate calculation of nutrients and calories per serving * The Foods menu is now alphabetized. * Now stores custom user entries in a separate preference file. * More intuitive data entry on the RDA card. * New file icons * Requires less disk space * New email registration and program unlocking. The limited demo version now becomes fully operational immediately after registration. Enjoy! FuelingFitness.com #### BINHEX diet-master-30.hqx **** From: Ironmaan@aol.com Subject: DietMaster OS9 Submit DietMaster 3.0 is an upgrade to DietMaster 2.0.5. DietMaster is a diet / nutrition program with a database of over 5000 foods from the USDA food data base. CHANGES TO DIET MASTER FOR VERSION 3.0 * Now cross platform: runs on Mac OS 8/9 and OS X, and Windows 95/98/NT/2K/ME/XP * Contains the latest updated nutritional information from the FDA, including many brand-name foods. Full color graphics, pie chart, and report printout * Increased speed in overall operation. Increased speed of "Find Food" more than 500%. * New About box and Help information * Clicking on the Intake list now displays nutritional information adjusted to intake amount * Removing a food from the intake list now requires Shift-click to avoid accidental deletion * More accurate calculation of nutrients and calories per serving * The Foods menu is now alphabetized. * Now stores custom user entries in a separate preference file. * More intuitive data entry on the RDA card. * New file icons * Requires less disk space * New email registration and program unlocking. The limited demo version now becomes fully operational immediately after registration. Enjoy! FuelingFitness.com #### BINHEX digital-diary-305.hqx **** From: "Erc (home)" <ericrojo@telus.net> Subject: Digital Diary v3.0.5 Digital Diary v3.0.5 by Eric Rojo (ericrojo@telus.net) Digital Diary Works the Way You Do to Easily Keep Track of all the Important Decisions and Activities on all your Projects Digital Diary allows fingertip access to the activity history and current status of any project, with the added ability to view all activities on all projects on any particular day. On a complex project, there could be a dozen or more separate issues being dealt with simultaneously, each with its own distinct status and decision stream. Digital Diary helps keep track of all this by providing a convenient way of recording and automatically organizing this information. While most personal information managers focus on scheduling and contacts management, Digital Diary focuses on keeping an organized record of your activities and decisions, allowing you quick and easy retrieval of a project's history. Versatile report generation can organize your data in any manner you choose. Here are a Few of the Many Uses of Digital Diary: Business, Sales, and Consulting: - Project activities and decisions - Upcoming deadlines, meetings, and appointments - Telephone and meeting records - Discussions with suppliers, consultants, clients and co-workers - Decisions made and communicated to clients, co-workers, and subordinates - Directions received from clients, authorities, and management - Decision / activity 'streams' relating to issues within a project Academic and Scientific: - Experiment progress notes - On-going research projects Educational: - Individual student progress diary Home and Personal: - Personal projects and hobbies - Special events (weddings, holidays, family reunions, etc.) Some Unsolicited Comments from Users: "I've downloaded and am using your Digital Diary and I like it a lot." M. Sher, U.S.A. "I have just used Digital Diary. It's so wonderful. I have been searching for such a program as Digital Diary because I want to manage concurrent projects." T. Takashina, Japan "I discovered your product Digital Diary on the MacUser Internet site and since using the product, I have been ecstatic. Finally, I've found a piece of commercial software that enables me to organize my life the way I desire. Digital Diary is absoluteley wonderful." #### BINHEX displacement-es.hqx **** From: Mike Brackenridge <mike@brackenridge.org> Subject: Displacement_españQ==ol Displacement_ Versión 1.0 español_fat 23/03/2000 -- EL PROGRAMA: -Displacement es un programa para hacer el calculo de desplazamiento en -motores, el usuario tiene la opcion de poner las medidas en pulgadas o -milimetros con el resultado en pulgadas cubicas (cu in:), Litros (lts:) y -centimetros cubicos (cc:) - Displacement es un programa gratis. REQUERIMIENTO: - Displacement funcióna con una pequeña cantidad o memoria RAM, per requiere _ un sistema operativo de 7.5 o mas. TOMAÑO: - 956k Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:mail@econsoftware.com #### BINHEX displacement.hqx **** From: Mike Brackenridge <mike@brackenridge.org> Subject: Displacement Displacement_ English fat version 1.0 23/03/2000 -- The Program: - Displacement is a program for working out the displacement in engines. - Calculations are made by entering the stroke, bore and number of cylinders - in units of either inches or millimetres, calculations are output in cubic - inches, litres and cc in the entire engine and per cylinder, decimal point - output options can be changed via the preference menu. - Displacement is available in both English and Spanish versions. - Displacement is a freeware program. Requirements: - OS7.5 or above Compressed size: - 956k Enquires and questions should be directed to: mailto:mail@econsoftware.com #### BINHEX dos-mounter-98-demo.hqx **** From: TomMa@softarch.com Subject: DOS Mounter 98 demo v2.0.1 DOS Mounter 98 now includes 148 new extension mappings including mappings for Word98, Excel98 and PowerPoint98. It mounts floppies, removables, and hard drives up to 9GB and seamlessly access DOS and Windows directories and files from DOS disks. Unlike any other file interchange utility, DOS Mounter98 provides bi-directional transfer capabilities so files returned to the PC retain their Windows95 long filenames and extended Mac filenames are automatically truncated to standard 31 characters. The full version includes a formatter capable of formatting in HFS, HFS+, and DOS. You can even create multiple partitions of Mac and DOS on the same disk. The full version is available from Software Architects, Inc. at www.softarch.com. This demo is good for 21 days. Its only functional piece is a control panel. Trash it when the trial period is over. Removable media drives must use DOS Mounter's driver. Temporarily disable other driver extensions (i.e. Iomega Driver). #### BINHEX dossier-112.hqx **** From: Rob Minerick <rob@vortimac.com> Subject: Dossier 1.1.2 released Dossier 1.1.2 has been released. Dossier is a personal and workgroup information manager in the style of a journal or diary. It includes Rendezvous networking, live search, "smart" folders to organize entries based on rules, password protection and encryption, integration with Blogger and LiveJournal, export to Word, RTF, and text, and many other features. The new version adds support for inserting and editing hyperlinks, links between Dossier entries, support for "services" in other applications, and several other features and bug fixes. Dossier is $24.95 for Mac OS X 10.3. URL: http://www.vortimac.com/dossier.html Download Link: http://www.vortimac.com/Dossier.dmg Download Size: 1.1 MB #### BINHEX duck-donny.hqx **** From: Matt Ward <mward@lf.ecity.net> Subject: Duck Donny Abstract: Duck Donny Duck Donny is a small duck which sits harmlessly in the corner of your screen and yells lines from the character Donny who appeared in an episode of Just Shoot Me. The actor playing Donny is David Cross from HBO's Mr. Show. The Duck has several speeds and different heads. Provides hours of intellectual stimulation. Requirments: A sense of humor. #### BINHEX duck-gross.hqx **** From: Matt Ward <mward@lf.ecity.net> Subject: Duck Gross Abstract: Duck Gross Duck Gross is a small duck which sits harmlessly in the corner of your screen and makes gross sounds. The Duck has several speeds and different heads. Provides hours of intellectual stimulation. Requirments: A sense of humor. #### BINHEX duck-shut-up-little-man.hqx **** From: Matt Ward <mward@lf.ecity.net> Subject: Duck Shut Up Little Man Abstract: Duck Shut Up Little Man Duck Shut Up Little Man is a small duck which sits harmlessly in the corner of your screen and yells lines from the "Shut Up Little Man" series of cult underground San Fransisco audio recordings. These tapes are the actual live recordings of two drunks living in the Mission district in the early 1990's. Both men are now dead, but their drunken arguements live on. The Duck has several speeds and different heads. Provides hours of intellectual stimulation. Requirments: A sense of humor. #### BINHEX duck-timmy.hqx **** From: Matt Ward <mward@lf.ecity.net> Subject: Duck Timmy Abstract: Duck Timmy Duck Timmy is a small duck which sits harmlessly in the corner of your screen and yells lines from the South Park character Timmy. Duck Timmy has several speeds and different heads. Provides hours of intellectual stimulation. Requirments: A sense of humor. #### BINHEX duck-wassabi.hqx **** From: Matt Ward <mward@lf.ecity.net> Subject: Duck Wassabi Duck Wassabi Duck Wassabi is a small duck which sits harmlessly in the corner of your screen and yells lines from the Wassabi Budwieser commercial. The Duck has several speeds and different heads. Provides hours of intellectual stimulation. Requirments: A sense of humor. #### BINHEX edwins-power-tools.hqx **** From: eptools@netvigator.com Subject: Edwin's Power Tools 2.3 Edwin's Power Tools adds useful functions to Microsoft Excel 98 for Mac. It is the most powerful Excel Add-In for Mac and has supreme cross-platform compatibility (PC version is also available). This Mac is written on a Mac and specially for a Mac. #### BINHEX elmer-400-x.hqx **** From: Chris Smolinski <csmolinski@erols.com> Subject: Elmer OSX 4.0.0 Program URL: http://www.blackcatsystems.com/software/elmer.html Author email: cps@blackcatsystems.com Abstract: Elmer creates sample tests to help you prepare for your ham radio written examination. It contains all FCC question pools for each of the three written exams: Technician, General, and Extra Class. Elmer will grade your sample test, showing you which questions were answered incorrectly. It will also indicate if you passed the exam. Elmer keeps track of quick questions give you difficulty, and custom tailors exams to emphasize these questions. Shareware: $25 Chris Smolinski #### BINHEX elmer-400.hqx **** From: Chris Smolinski <csmolinski@erols.com> Subject: Elmer 4.0.0 Program URL: http://www.blackcatsystems.com/software/elmer.html Author email: cps@blackcatsystems.com Abstract: Elmer creates sample tests to help you prepare for your ham radio written examination. It contains all FCC question pools for each of the three written exams: Technician, General, and Extra Class. Elmer will grade your sample test, showing you which questions were answered incorrectly. It will also indicate if you passed the exam. Elmer keeps track of quick questions give you difficulty, and custom tailors exams to emphasize these questions. Shareware: $25 Chris Smolinski #### BINHEX ez-bible-13.hqx **** From: Ethan Rutter <earutter@amug.org> Subject: EZBible 1.3 Have you ever wanted to read through the Bible in a year? Were you intimidated by its size or unsure how much you'd need to read each day? EZ Bible is a simple application to help you read through the Bible in one year. The entire Bible is broken into daily readings of roughly equal size, allowing for full-context passages where possible. The text is fully searchable; search results can be saved and reloaded later. Version 1.3 adds the ability to use different translations. The King James Version is now available at <http://amug.org/~earutter/index.html> under Shareware. User can also select display font/size. #### BINHEX ez-note-20.hqx **** From: "John V. Holder" <jvholder@mail.northcoast.com> Subject: EZNote v2.0 Announcing a major upgrade of the Mac-only utility EZNote!! File name......: EZNote v2.0 Date of release: 7/10/2001 Have you ever needed to quickly jot down a note and easily find it later? While Web browsing, have you ever wanted to copy text selections for later reading, without copying and pasting between applications or saving the text to a file? EZNote accomplishes these tasks, and more, at the touch of a key or a click of a mouse--without having to leave the application you are in! Pressing another key brings EZNote to the front with a listing of all your notes, which you can edit, delete, search, replace, group in categories, print, or move from category to category, (create as many categories as you like), with ease! Another extremely handy feature allows you to select text from any note and have EZNote automatically paste the text directly into any document in any running application. And of course EZNote supports all the standard text editing goodies, including changing fonts, styles, sizes, etc. EZNote comes with many PlugIns which allow you to modify selected text in any application. Strip Line Feeds from your email, get rid of all email reply >> > characters with one PlugIn keystroke or mouseclick. Also, you can create your own PlugIns sets! Previous users will appreciate that EZNote is now an application, no longer a Control Panel. As our users have requested, you can now have multiple windows open, each note can be greater than 32k, pictures can be mixed with text, and it fully supports drag & drop. And there's lots more new features! System Requirements. Min. System..: 7 on up through OS9! Min. Hardware: Mac SE or better (has 68k and PowerPC native code) Shareware....: $20 Author.......: John V. Holder, Software email address: johnholder@aol.com Home Page....: http://www.northcoast.com/~jvholder #### BINHEX factbook-033.hqx **** From: Cantus Vetustus <cantusvetustusw@spymac.com> Subject: Factbook 0.3.3 Factbook is a neat Cocoa GUI for the CIA World Factbook. Review basic information about a country; see its flag, map, and read a summary of recent events. Mac OS X 10.2 or later, 10.3 recommended. Freeware by CV Prods. / Cantus Vetustus www: http://www.angelfire.com/mech/cantus/ e-mail: cantusvetustusw@spymac.com #### BINHEX factoid.hqx **** From: Daniel Lewis <dano622@hotmail.com> Subject: Factoid Factoid is a fun shareware lets a user have many options as well as learn many of the important facts in life, for example what octave a fly hums at? Factoid gives a new fact a day. Email author about CD distribution. Requirements: System 7.5 or later #### BINHEX fat-tracker-40.hqx **** From: Ranny@aol.com Subject: Fat Tracker 4.0 (Mac) Fat Tracker is a diet (nutrition) and exercise planner. The program is designed for people who need to "track" the foods they eat for weight loss or health reasons. Program allows you to: 1] track calories, fat, percent fat, cholesterol, sodium and five other user-defined variables in individual foods, meals and personal recipes 2] track calories "burned" during exercises 3] generate detailed reports in three different formats regarding your diet and exercise results 4] create your own recipes and get nutritional information on each 5] plan your daily/weekly menus and create your grocery list from the required recipe ingredients Special Requirements: PowerPC with 601 processor (or higher); System 8.1 (or later); 17" monitor (800 x 600 resolution); 16 MB RAM and 24 MB hard disk space. Shareware (30-day trial period). Uploaded by the author. May be freely distributed in its original "compressed and unopened" state. ranny@aol.com http://hometown.aol.com/ranny/FatTracker/index.htm #### BINHEX filemaker-pro-403-update.hqx **** From: tom_barnum@filemaker.com Subject: FileMakerPro 40v3 Update FileMaker Pro 4.0v3 Updater will update the Worldwide English version 4.0v2 to the current release, 4.0v3. This updater will not work on versions 3.0 or earlier of FileMaker Pro and will not update any non-English versions of FileMaker Pro. This is a Y2K update which includes improved date-related functionality. Please see the read me files included with the updater for complete information. Tom Barnum FileMaker Inc. Technical Support #### BINHEX filemaker-pro-413-update.hqx **** From: tom_barnum@filemaker.com Subject: FileMakerPro 41v3 Update Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 09:35:38 -0700 FileMaker Pro 4.1v3 Updater will only update the Worldwide English version 4.1v1 to the current release, 4.1v3. This updater will not work on versions 4.0 or earlier of FileMaker Pro and will not update any non-English versions of FileMaker Pro. This is a Y2K update which includes improved date-related functionality. Please see the read me files included with the updater for complete information. Tom Barnum FileMaker Inc. Technical Support #### BINHEX fit-body-pro-50.hqx **** From: "Darwin Stephenson" <darwin@personaldatatechnologies.com> Subject: FitBody Pro v5.0 for Macintosh Personal Data Technologies, Inc. is pleased to announce the latest release of the award winning diet and workout tracking software FitBody Pro 5.0. Below please find the descriptive information per the Info-Mac.org guidelines: Product Description: FitBody Pro is a complete diet and workout management application that allows users to track a meal’s nutrition against individual dietary goals, log workouts and create nutritionally balanced recipes. Product Requirements: Macintosh OS8/9: 64MB RAM & 200MB Hard Disk Macintosh OSX: 128MB RAM & 200MB Hard Disk Screen Shot: http://www.personaldatatechnologies.com/imagery/breakfastdemo.gif Icon: http://www.personaldatatechnologies.com/imagery/fbicon.gif Demo Download URL: http://fitbodymacintosh.personaldatatechnology.com/ What's new in this version: This release adds Internet synchronization to enable users to receive content updates, maintain records in multiple locations (e.g. home/office) and share content with other FitBody Pro users (e.g. users can now share recipes, meal plans and workout plans). Key features of the program include: Compares a meal’s nutrition against their personalized diet program. Tracks 130 different nutrients across calories, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and more. Includes over 26,000 foods in an ever expanding food database. Displays meal and daily nutrition totals in the familiar FDA Food Label. Meals can be saved as repeatable meal plans so they may be added with 1-click in the future. Recipes can be profiled for nutritional content and added to the food database for meal tracking. Provides feedback on workout performance by comparing each exercise to its individual exercise goal. Workouts can be saved as repeatable workout plans so they may be added with 1-click in the future. Synchronization allows users to back up their records, access records from multiple locations and receive content updates. For more information contact: Darwin Stephenson [darwin@personaldatatechnologies.com] 949.374.1907 Personal Data Technologies, Inc. http://www.personaldatatechnologies.com #### BINHEX flip-a-coin.hqx **** From: Brian Kelley <bkelley1@nycap.rr.com> Subject: Flip a Coin 1.0 Flip A Coin 1.0 The Ultimate In Decision-Making Technology Flip a coin gives you a virtual quarter to flip on your Mac, even when you're out of change. A boon for the chronically indecisive. #### BINHEX floating-notes-11.hqx **** From: Bill Modesitt <bill@mauisoftware.com> Subject: FloatingNotes 1.1 What's the point of having notes if they're buried by other application windows and you can't see them? Sure, Stickies is free, but FloatingNotes "floats" on top of all other application windows so you can always see them. FloatingNotes uses no system extension, and best of all, FloatingNotes is a Carbon application so it works under OS X as well! FloatingNotes automatically saves all open notes when you quit or when it moves to the background. To delete a note, simply close the window. FloatingNotes requires OS X, or OS 8 or 9 and CarbonLib 1.3 or later. CarbonLib is free and can be obtained from your "Software Update" control panel. New for FloatingNotes 1.1: -- Notes auto-save as soon as FloatingNotes moves to the background. -- Edit windows and floating windows now display quicker (no more zoom effects). -- Click on a FloatingNotes floating window and FloatingNotes is brought to the front so you can edit the note. -- Maui Software info@mauisoftware.com <http://www.mauisoftware.com> #### BINHEX floating-notes-13-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: FloatingNotes 1.3J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the FloatingNotes package. 4 Cows at Tucows! What's the point of having notes if they're buried by other application windows and you can't see them? Sure, Stickies is free, but FloatingNotes "floats" on top of all other application windows so you can always see them. FloatingNotes uses no system extension, and best of all, FloatingNotes is a Carbon application so it works under OS X as well! FloatingNotes automatically saves all open notes when you quit. To delete a note, simply close the window. FloatingNotes requires OS X, or OS 8.5 or 9 and CarbonLib 1.3 or later. CarbonLib is free and can be obtained from your "Software Update" control panel. Changes: *Note window transparency can be set in the preferences (Mac OS X only). #### BINHEX flowchart-maker-68k.hqx **** From: admin@TensionSoftware.com Subject: Flowchart Maker 1.3 68k Flowchart Maker is the amazing Mac only program to realize flowcharts. Flowchart Maker has a true Mac interface, is easy to use, and has lot of powerful features. It can realize complex flowcharts and print or save them for web page usage. To realize flowcharts user can select the box type he likes from a floating palette and drag in the document where he needs to place it. Then he can select lines from the palette and use them to link boxes. Fast and easy! User can control shapes, colors, patterns, lines spessor, and aspect of internal text of boxes. Object can be manipulated in the drawing in a very easy and intuitive way, box can even be selected and copied via clipboard, pasting them and obtaining again true 'flowchart box' with full possibility to manipulate them in color, style size etc. User can also control spessor of lines, use arrows, specifying type and aspect, even specifying the angle of the arrow head. The environment offers a lot of facilities to make the work easier. A mouse grid can be defined to force allignament of boxes and lines. The preferred measure unit can be selected from pixel, mm, cm, inches. In any moment user can modify the working scale, more or less of 100 % and work in the preferred scale. Documents can be larger as the user likes. The output can be printed using any Mac printer. A fine control of the printing margin (using the selected measure unit) is provided, for a true 'What You See Is What You Get'. Using Flowchart Maker very complex flowcharts can be obtained in a short time, in full color and ready to be printed on any Mac compatible printer. This 1.3 version has lot of new features and bux fix! Furter info at the Tension Software site at <http://www.TensionSoftware.com> #### BINHEX flowchart-maker-ppc.hqx **** From: admin@TensionSoftware.com Subject: Flowchart Maker 1.3 ppc Flowchart Maker is the amazing Mac only program to realize flowcharts. Flowchart Maker has a true Mac interface, is easy to use, and has lot of powerful features. It can realize complex flowcharts and print or save them for web page usage. To realize flowcharts user can select the box type he likes from a floating palette and drag in the document where he needs to place it. Then he can select lines from the palette and use them to link boxes. Fast and easy! User can control shapes, colors, patterns, lines spessor, and aspect of internal text of boxes. Object can be manipulated in the drawing in a very easy and intuitive way, box can even be selected and copied via clipboard, pasting them and obtaining again true 'flowchart box' with full possibility to manipulate them in color, style size etc. User can also control spessor of lines, use arrows, specifying type and aspect, even specifying the angle of the arrow head. The environment offers a lot of facilities to make the work easier. A mouse grid can be defined to force allignament of boxes and lines. The preferred measure unit can be selected from pixel, mm, cm, inches. In any moment user can modify the working scale, more or less of 100 % and work in the preferred scale. Documents can be larger as the user likes. The output can be printed using any Mac printer. A fine control of the printing margin (using the selected measure unit) is provided, for a true 'What You See Is What You Get'. Using Flowchart Maker very complex flowcharts can be obtained in a short time, in full color and ready to be printed on any Mac compatible printer. This 1.3 version has lot of new features and bux fix! Furter info at the Tension Software site at <http://www.TensionSoftware.com> #### BINHEX fortune-cookie-21.hqx **** From: Brian Kelley <bkelley1@nycap.rr.com> Subject: Fortune Cookie 2.1 "Fortune Cookie" is a virtual fortune cookie: all the brief wisdom without all the little crumbly bits. Usage should be fairly self-explanatory. New in version 2.1 --new title graphic --added an Edit menu --added Font and Size menus for changing the appearance of the text Requires PowerPC, System 7 or later, 5 Mb RAM. Fortune Cookie is freeware. #### BINHEX gammasoft-office.hqx **** From: jonrelay@napanet.net Subject: Gammasoft Office Here is the latest version of Gammasoft Office, the office program made by Gammasoft Incorporated, the not-really-a-software-company owned by 12-year-olds! Read Me Welcome to Gammasoft Office. Gammasoft Office is the simpler way to office. It's the beginning of a four-dimensional, Microsoft Office-compatable, simple multi-function program. Of course, since it's in its development stages, there is no color, MSOffice compatability, or four-dimensionality involved. Gammasoft Office contains seven different programs, each with it's own functions: * Gamma Central: simple to-do list and write-only text-only word processor * GSWrite: simple word-processor with only global style settings * GS Spreads: simple spreadsheet with 7 columns and 22 rows * Pre Sents: basic presentation program * GSBase: little database with only 12 fields per record * Pict-Sure: tiny little black-and-white MacPaint-based painting program * R++: our own little version of BASIC. #### BINHEX gebuhrenrechner-50.hqx **** From: MC.Richter@t-online.de (Manfred Richter) Subject: Gebührenrechner 5.0 Auf vielfachen Wunsch habe ich die Struktur der internationalen Verbindungen geändert. Bisher wurden diese Verbindungen in Euro 1 bis Welt 4 eingeteilt. Diese Einteilung macht heute leider keinen Sinn mehr, da sich die wenigsten Anbieter an diese Einteilung halten. Nach ausführlichen Überlegungen habe ich mich entschlossen die wichtigsten Länder direkt im Popup-Menü aufzuführen. Die Auswahl eines Landes führt jetzt zu einer Berechnung der einzelnen Anbieter für dieses Land. Leider kann ich nicht alle Länder in der Liste aufnehmen, ich hoffe jedoch eine sinnvolle Auswahl getroffen zu haben. Sie können jetzt an der Farbe der Schrift erkennen, ob eine Anmeldung erforderlich ist. Selbstverständlich besteht weiterhin die Möglichkeit bestimmte Anbieter (z.B. ohne Anmeldung) auszuwählen. Auch die Tariftabelle wurde auf den neuesten Stand (26.09.99) gebracht. #### BINHEX goo-search-20-x.hqx **** From: Alexandre Leclerc <netso1415@sympatico.ca> Subject: GooSearchX.hqx Use GooSearch to search webpages, images, directories, groups listed on Google.com via one application. Translating webpages, submitting webpages, search media files and the advanced search option are some of the others features of GooSearch. GooSearch is very useful to initiate complicated or simple searches quickly without starting them from a web browser. It's like having Google on your desktop ! GooSearch 2.0 new features include the possibility to save the last window position and the last search done. For more information about the new features visit our website at: http://www16.brinkster.com/netso1415/ #### BINHEX goo-search-20.hqx **** From: Alexandre Leclerc <netso1415@sympatico.ca> Subject: GooSearch.hqx Use GooSearch to search webpages, images, directories, groups listed on Google.com via one application. Translating webpages, submitting webpages, search media files and the advanced search option are some of the others features of GooSearch. GooSearch is very useful to initiate complicated or simple searches quickly without starting them from a web browser. It's like having Google on your desktop ! GooSearch 2.0 new features include the possibility to save the last window position and the last search done. For more information about the new features visit our website at: http://www16.brinkster.com/netso1415/ #### BINHEX gps-plotter.hqx **** From: Aaron Proman <aaron@staarcom.com> Subject: GPS Plotter 1.0 GPS Plotter 1.0 GPS Plotter displays Waypoints, Routes and Tracks. GPS Plotter can also read and write data to/from a GPS receiver connected to the serial port. While tested with the Magellan GPS315, GPS Plotter can process standard NMEA data from any source, including text files. Maps can be imported for backgrounds to the plot displays. Waypoints and Routes can be edited, saved, and uploaded to a GPS receiver. GPS Plotter is a fat binary and will run on 68k and PPC machines using OS 7.0 or higher, and OpenTransport 1.1.1 or higher. The GPS Plotter disk image contains: GPS Plotter 1.0 GPS Plotter 1.0 ReadMe GPS Data File (some Waypoints and Routes) Boston Plot (a saved plot of the Boston area) Sample NMEA Data (example of data from a GPS receiver) June 15, 2000 #### BINHEX gramotki-1511-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: Gramotki 1.5.11J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Gramotki package. Gramotki is a much improved Stickies. Everything you wanted from a sticky note and exciting features that will simplify notetaking on MacOS. Gramotki may be run continuously. In addition to low memory requirements and full drag-and-drop support, Gramotki is not encumbered by the 32K limit for styled text. There are many other useful features that you will soon discover. Installation is accomplished easily without an installer to deal with. New features in recent versions: *Color menu (Text menu) *Encrypted notes (Note menu) *Export notes (File menu) *Translucent drags *Links between notes *Improved "Find in all notes" feature *Calendar Copy, that makes it easy to build calendar in a page-layout application - Happy New Year! and many more new features. Changes in this version: Contains fix for MacOS 9: ¥ visual effect in thousands and millions of colors Other fixes: ¥ improved storage repair/optimization ¥ integrated changes from 1.5.9 #### BINHEX gs-goodies.hqx **** From: jonrelay@napanet.net Subject: Gammasoft Goodies This is a collection of little programs that do little things. They haven't made it into full-blown projects. These files require the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress these files, be sure to put the folder in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put aliases of each file in the `Data folder. Make sure the aliases don't have an " alias" suffix or a space after their name. Note: If you have the developement version of HyperCard or if you have HyperCard of 2.5, you can bring up the message box (or the No Limits Message Box if you have HC of 2.5) and type "apple2" (without the quotes) in the Fonts program. In the bottom box you will see the words "Apple //e" in the center, then after a few moments you will see an Applesoft prompt with a blinking checkerboard cursor. Click the mouse button to bring the program back to normal. This works best if you select an Apple II-ish font and a size of 18. #### BINHEX gs-libsys.hqx **** From: jonrelay@napanet.net Subject: Gammasoft Libsys Here is a simple, small library automation system. It is for use on a server on a Local Area Network. Since I just put it together one day, it isn't very much. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this folder, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put aliases of the ADMIN and CLIENT files in the `Data folder. Make sure the aliases don't have an " alias" suffix or a space after their name. #### BINHEX gs-mylariamaker.hqx **** From: jonrelay@napanet.net Subject: Gammasoft MylariaMaker This program creates and reads descriptions of simple cartoon characters. Included are the character files for my own cartoon, Mylar City. There is also a MetaCard version of the program, if you want to debug and compile it. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this folder, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the MylariaMaker file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. #### BINHEX gs-runtime.hqx **** From: jonrelay@napanet.net Subject: Gammasoft Runtime Engine This archive contains the minimal amount of files needed to run some Gammasoft software products. This includes the runtime application, shared code, menu database, icon database, and main menu file. #### BINHEX gs-schematica.hqx **** From: jonrelay@napanet.net Subject: Gammasoft Schematica This lets you create little schematics. It requires the Diode font. It's also in development, so don't ask about this, either. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this file, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the Gammasoft Schematica file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. #### BINHEX gym-organizer.hqx **** From: Laurier Levesque <gestabusiness@usa.net> Subject: Gym Organizer I just sent you a file called Gym Organizer USA.sit. A text blurb (description) is included. Place that file in “Data management”. Thanks and regards Laurier Levesque #### BINHEX hcphone-203.hqx **** From: dsmuelle@ucsd.edu Subject: HCPhone 2.03 HCPhone 2.03 is a phone book program. It allows you to store names, postal and e-mail addresses, and four phone numbers for each person. Each number can be dialed through the Mac's speaker or through a modem connected to your computer's modem port. HCPhone 2.02 is replaces both HCPhone 1.05 and Internet Address Book 1.2. #### BINHEX health-tracker-202-x.hqx **** From: Chris Smolinski <csmolinski@erols.com> Subject: Health Tracker OSX 2.0.2 Program URL: http://www.blackcatsystems.com/software/healthtracker.html Author email: cps@blackcatsystems.com Abstract: Health Tracker is a simple yet powerful program which helps you keep track of and graph any health related measurement. For example, if you are diabetic you could track your blood glucose levels. For weight loss, you could track your weight, measurements for various body parts, or your % body fat. Or, if you keep track of your blood pressure, you could use Health Tracker for that. Health Tracker also keeps track of your rate of losses or gains for each measurement, and evaluates your time to goal (if a goal is entered) based on that rate, which is valuable if you are using it to track weight losses or gains. The more information entered, the more accurate the program becomes in it's estimates. Requires: Mac OS 8.6 or later Shareware: $10 Chris Smolinski Black Cat Systems #### BINHEX hemo-diluctor-10.hqx **** From: German Seckel <error@netexplora.com> To: <macgifts@info-mac.org> /sci/ Spanish version Hemodiluctor por Dr. Germán Seckel (Error), gseckel@bigfoot.com, y Funkaster, funkaster@directo.cl Este pequeño Freeware permite calcular la cantidad de sangre que se debe extraer a un paciente para Hemodiluirlo, es decir, para llevarlo desde un hematocrito inicial a uno final menor. Dr. German Seckel vU. Anestesiologia UC gseckel@bigfoot.com #### BINHEX hrm-reader.hqx **** From: "Stuart Tevendale" <stuart@octg.co.uk> Subject: HRMReaderClassic.hqx HRMReader is a Mac OS X and OS 9 application for reading data from Polar Heart Rate Monitors and displays the data in graphical or tabular form. It was inspired by the lack of Macintosh support from Polar for their devices. The software also allows you to view your Heart Rate and Speed data as a graph, a table or as a bar graph, showing the distribution of your heart rate in various zones. A Summary of the data can also be displayed, showing laptimes, etc. HRMReader requires Mac OS 8.1 - 9.2.2. Mac OS X Version is in Development #### BINHEX i-ching-10.hqx **** From: dcoshel@pobox.com Subject: I Ching 1.0 I am releasing a version of this program again, because nobody sings the simple songs any more. This is a REFERENCE EDITION of the elementary three-coin I Ching toss. This is not my personal algorithm; it is the method explicitly detailed by James Legge -- provided you can follow his tortured evasions as a Christian missionary describing heathen ritual as obscurely as possible. Doubters may find exactly the same method presented more clearly in the Wilhelm/Baynes translation published by Princeton University Press. John Blofeld's method is acceptable, but strictly speaking incorrect (he reverses the values of heads and tails tosses). This I Ching contains no graphics, and none of the explanatory text (to avoid copyright problems). Use it with any copy of the book. I use Wilhelm/Baynes' translation of the hexagram names. The program fairly represents the 3-coins method of consulting the I Ching. The random number generator is quite good -- keyboard latency ensures the coins are "flipped" by user interaction! -- and the algorithm which records the coin tosses is spot-on correct: Three coins decide a line: Heads is 3, tails is 2, and you add them up. A toss of 8 is a broken, YIN line, -- --. A toss of 7 is a solid, YANG line, -----. A toss of 9 is a CHANGING YANG line, --o--. A toss of 6 is a CHANGING YIN line, --x--. The tosses decide a hexagram from the lowest line upwards to the sixth. This is how it's done. No kidding. The fully-determined and decided hexagram is then drawn from the top down. #### BINHEX i-ching-connexion-x-311.hqx **** From: "Ed van Zon" <ed@mindsports.nl> Subject: I Ching Connexion X 3.1.1 (Carbon) I Ching Connexion X 3.1.1 The I Ching Connexion is an ever-changing but always consistently interlocking graphic representation of the way the 64 hexagrams interrelate. As such it is the key to widen and deepen the interpretation of the outcome of a divination. It features the translation James Legge made (published in 1882, England) of the Imperial Edition of the I (published in 1715, China). This alone makes the program useful for anyone interested in the I Ching. Besides that it adds two radical new views to the ancient Book of Changes: the Connexion and the Mediator. It also features an I Ching clock, a presentation of the link between the I Ching and astrology. And it allows you to calculate your natal hexagram. I Ching Connexion X v3.1.1 is carbonized: it requires a PowerPC Macintosh, at least Mac OS 8.6 with CarbonLib v1.4 installed, or Mac OS X 10.1 - it runs natively in both the Classic and the OS X environment. The program takes about 2.1 MB on your hard disk and needs 2.6 MB free RAM to run. This software is distributed as shareware (save/print disabled). Please read the enclosed 'I Ching Connexion X Read Me' for some introductory info, and 'How to Register ICC' for instructions on how to register. Changes since 3.1 - Fixed crash on new document after finding a connexion - Corrected scrollbar display glitch on OS X 10.3.4 - Changed internet address to mindsports.nl Enjoy the program, Christian Freeling Ed van Zon christian@mindsports.nl ed@mindsports.nl MindSports Home Page: http://www.mindsports.nl/ #### BINHEX i-organize-30.hqx **** From: Bruno Blondeau <contact@brunoblondeau.com> Subject: iOrganize 3.0 - Advanced NotePad, Address book, File Manager package The final version of iOrganize 3.0 has been released. iOrganize is a multipurpose organization package which features an advanced and flexible notepad able to easily store notes in multiple categories with powerful search abilities, as well as an address book and a file manager able to store aliases of commonly used files and applications. This new version introduces new text editing abilities, breaking the 32 kb per note limit, supporting multiple undos/redos, allowing mixed fonts/styles... The "AliasPad" module has been redesigned to allow Finder icons to be displayed, and iOrganize 3.0 is also now fully "TSM Aware" to better support Japanese systems. iOrganize is a $15 shareware. ********************* web site : http://www.brunoblondeau.com/iorganize download link: http://www.brunoblondeau.com/iorganize/iorganize30.sit author email: contact@brunoblondeau.com ********************* Version 3.0 Changes : ********************* - NotePad&ContactPad : NotePad notes and the ContactPad note field can now store more than 32 kb of text, only limited by memory. This version also adds a lot of keyboard shortcuts for easy navigation and edition such as triple clicks, selection using shift+arrow, option+arrow,... - NotePad : Added a Font menu, which let you edit precisely the fonts in your notes, as well as a size menu for font size selection, and a style menu (usual styles, justification and text color selection) - NotePad : Fixed a bug in the search window when text from a previous search was still displayed - NotePad : faster scrolling of the text - NotePad : Multiple Undo and Redo support (also in the ContactPad note field) - NotePad : The user is now always asked to confirm Category deletions - NotePad : iOrganize is able to use temporary memory for very long texts - NotePad : Fix : The previous note was still visible when creating a new category - AliasPad : 3 kinds of display are now available for the alias list : text, small icons, big icons - AliasPad : Finder-like appearance both for the right column - AliasPad : Up&Down arrows let you move into the list - AliasPad : Corrected some cosmetic bugs when switching from another application - AliasPad : Added an AliasPad tab in the preference dialog, with 3 options : Open AliasPad when iOrganize is launched, Remember the position of the AliasPad, Quit iOrganize when clicking on the close box - Added a "Module" menu - Reorganized the menus, so as to display only the ones relevant to the currently used module - Added Cmd-Shift-Z as keyboard equivalent to Redo - Improved the About and Register dialog to add Internet links - Minor Bug fixes and memory optimizations - iOrganize is now TSM Aware with Inline Input support (useful for Japanese systems, etc.) #### BINHEX i-organize-553.hqx **** From: Bruno Blondeau <contact@brunoblondeau.com> Subject: iOrganize 5.5.3 ****************************************************************** iOrganize 5.5.3 A powerful easy to use notepad for MacOS X http://www.iOrganizeX.com ****************************************************************** SUMMARY ======= iOrganize 5.5.3, a new version of the popular organization tool for MacOS X, has just been released. iOrganize is the perfect place to store and organize notes, ideas, text extracts and web links... you find while working daily, but without knowing exactly what to do with them. Thanks to a clean and familiar user interface, iOrganize lets you quickly and easily store what you want, while featuring a lot of special features for advanced users. This new version features several minor enhancements and fixes to the printing system, spelling system,... DESCRIPTION =========== iOrganize is the perfect application to store all the notes, ideas, text extracts, web links... you find while working daily, but without knowing exactly what to do with them. Thanks to its great user interface, iOrganize lets you quickly and easily store what you want. Advanced users can take advantage of advanced features such as the services menu or the dock menu to quickly create new notes. Its powerful search functions let you retrieve nearly instantly what you were looking for, even months after storing it. WHAT'S NEW ========== 5.5.3 - The selected category is now checked in the "Category popup" - Fixed issue with the "Duplicate note" toolbar item - Spelling suggestions are available in the contextual menu - Print Window now appears as a sheet - When faxing, the Address Book window is now fully usable FOR MORE INFORMATION ==================== Web site: http://www.iOrganizeX.com Or take a look at the Apple web site in their "Gems" section: http://www.apple.com/macosx/gems/iorganize.html Download link: http://iorganize.brunoblondeau.com/down/iorganize.dmg.sit $19.95 shareware Requirements : - MacOS X 10.2 or + iOrganize can be freely distributed (including on CD-Roms) as long as the package remains complete. #### BINHEX i-quit-11-x.hqx **** From: Peter Leonard <pleonard@emsb.qc.ca> Subject: I Quit v1.1 X I Quit X v1.1 I Quit X v1.1 for OSX is a motivational tool to help you quit smoking. Simply enter how much you smoked, what you paid for a pack of cigarettes and your quit date and I Quit X v1.1 will help you keep motivated. I Quit X is completely free to use. I wrote to help keep myself motivated after quitting on January 20th, 2004. Feel free to distribute it to whoever you like. V1.1 corrects some minor esthetic issues in v1.0 Good luck, health & longetivy. ©2004 Peter E. Leonard Pleonard@emsb.qc.ca #### BINHEX i-quit-11.hqx **** From: Peter Leonard <pleonard@emsb.qc.ca> Subject: I Quit v1.1 I Quit v1.1 I Quit v1.1 is a motivational tool to help you quit smoking. Simply enter how much you smoked, what you paid for a pack of cigarettes and your quit date and I Quit v1.0 will help you keep motivated. I Quit v1.1 is completely free to use. I wrote to help keep myself motivated after quitting on January 20th, 2004. Feel free to distribute it to whoever you like. Good luck, health & longetivy. ©2004 Peter E. Leonard Pleonard@emsb.qc.ca #### BINHEX iaddress-30.hqx **** From: Kurt Vail <kdvail@exploremaine.com> Subject: iAddress 3.0 TWIMC; I have attached the latest opdate of iAddress. Thank you. #### BINHEX idea-keeper.hqx **** From: Software from Plum Island <glenn@plumisland.com> Subject: Idea Keeper 2.0 (ik2.hqx) Idea Keeper is an Outliner, Free-Form Ddatabase & Research/Writing Tool for your Macintosh. It provides a place to do everything from storing clippings and URLs to preparing complex assemblages of documents and outlines with hypertext-like links. It can even dial your phone and remind you of important dates and times! This is a binhexed, Stuffit 5.0 archive. mailto:ideakeeper@plumisland.com http://www.plumisland.com #### BINHEX idea-knot-04.hqx **** From: Hugo Diaz - VP <stayatplay@StayAtPlay.com> Subject: Idea Knot v0.4 Product Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2.3 or higher About Idea Knot (freeware) Quickly tie ideas together is what Idea Knot does. Write documents that contain ideas written quickly at the instant inspiration hits you, then organize these ideas together into relevant groups for export via Drag & Drop. A group can have multiple copies of the same idea and you can include any idea in as many groups as you wish to explore alternatives in the flow of your narrative. It is particularly useful while meeting clients for the first time, when they are conveying their wish-list to you. StayAtPlay uses it internally to develop drafts for legal documents, use-cases for software development and brainstorming documents during meetings. Expert tips are posted on its web site. WhatÕs New in this Version 0.4 Delivers enhanced functionality in Drag & Drop, new features including updated Services and a few significant interface improvements. It has been localized for English, Swedish, Spanish and German audiences. http://www.stayatplay.com/ideaknot/ See the expert tips page on the program web site to learn about non-obvious features. #### BINHEX ihelp.hqx **** From: Rjsanddls@aol.com Subject: Submission Enclosed is iHelp, a shareware program for trouble-shooting. #### BINHEX information-manager-10.hqx **** From: Guilherme Costa <webguilhas@yahoo.com> Subject: Information Manager v1.0 Information Manager is a utility program designed to let you manage infomation you gather from text files or web pages. It enables you to organise and store information that you may then search and edit as you wish It requires: • 68k processor • 4000K ram memory • 3 mb free space • 640x480 screen or larger, supporting 256 colours/grays or more. • MacOS 7 or later. #### BINHEX insidescan-102.hqx **** From: Alessandro Maio <amaio@powersolutions.it> Subject: InsideScan 1.0.2 - FileMaker plugin for image and file handling InsideScan is an image management plug-in that lets you handle your images in a FileMaker Pro database. Since it is perfectly integrated with FileMaker Pro, InsideScan allows you to: - import images directly from TWAIN and Photoshop compliant acquisition sources (scanners, digital cameras, etc.), and choose to save them on disk or directly in your container fields; - import images in your database, by supplying their pathname; - export images from container fields, in a specified format (i.e. JPEG, TIFF, PICT, BMP, etc.); - show an image in a dedicated window, where you can zoom in/out, rotate and invert the picture; - edit an image due to a set of drawing tools that allow you to select, modify, color and erase parts; - convert images already on disk, from one format to another; - print images; - create thumbnails; - basically manage files. Minimal system requirements: * Apple Power Macintosh * Mac OS 7.6 or later * FileMaker Pro 4.x or later * QuickTime 3.0 or later (QuickTime 4 recommended) #### BINHEX iso-cow-10.hqx **** From: Jason Salisbury <jasonsalisbury@earthlink.net> Subject: ISO Cow v1.0.0 ISO Cow v1.0.0 - US$5 SHAREWARE The new Argus IG ISO Cow isn't just isometric - it's iso-MOO-tric. Comes encased in its own digital desktop veal pen so you have endless eons of enjoyment. So, get along little doggy and download your cow-py today. Requires Macintosh or Macintosh-compatible computer running System 7, with color monitor. Argus IG http://www.argusig.com/ #### BINHEX issa-11.hqx **** From: Ben Haller <bhaller@sticksoftware.com> Subject: Issa.dmg.gz.hqx This is version 1.1 of Issa. Issa is a "fridge poetry" set for your Mac. It gives you a bunch of word tiles and lets you assemble poetry using them. With the ability to configure everything from Issa's vocabulary to the font, size and color of your poems, plus facilities for sharing your poems with other users and posting them to the web, you'll never look at your fridge again... except as a source of food. A web page describing Issa may be found at http://www.sticksoftware.com/software/Issa.html. A company page for Stick Software is at http://www.sticksoftware.com/. Issa may be included on CD-ROM archives. Version 1.1 changes: Fixed an alignment problem with the virtual fridge background Fixed several bugs with editing or upgrading word lists Added localization to Spanish Added a few word lists to the release Fixed a bug with panel placement on multiple monitors Ben Haller Stick Software #### BINHEX itivuttaka-15.hqx **** From: Brian Kelley <bkelley1@nycap.rr.com> Subject: Itivuttaka 1.5 The Itivuttaka is a collection of short suttas in mixed prose and verse, covering a wide range of the Buddha's teachings in a form that is accessible, appealing, and concise. This application randomly generates one of the verses each time it is opened, making it a nice addition to the Startup Items folder. Additionally, clicking on the quotation will generate a new verse. The verses can be saved as text files, and printed from the "File" menu. If you encounter any unfamiliar terms, there is a "Useful Definitions" item under the Apple Menu. New in Version 1.5 --option to install into Startup Items folder with the click of a button --new title graphics --new icon, including 32-bit icon #### BINHEX japanese-wordmage-581.hqx **** From: Michael Wildoer <service@lavasoft.com> Subject: FTP Japanese WordMage v5.8.1 demo japanesewordmagedemo.hqx Long description: Japanese WordMage offers nine highly integrated applications in one package including a multilingual wordprocessor, a HTML web page editor / viewer, various study systems with authoring abilities (interactive storybooks, auto-revision flashcards, the ’Kanji Safari' multiplayer game and reading, aural and visual comprehension exercises), a powerful Kanji reference dictionary, a grammar library builder and a text translation aid. It does not require any Japanese O/S software to run and can be customised to most European (and other romanised) languages. MacOS, Windows 95/98/NT/2000 and Linux platforms supported. Short description: Japanese wordprocessor, multi-lingual HTML editor/viewer, dictionary, translation aid, Kanji and vocabulary flashcard study system, multiplayer ‘Kanji Safari’ game, etc. No Japanese O/S software required. Shortest description: Japanese application suite with study systems Keywords: Japanese, Kanji, Kana, language, learning, educational, wordprocessor, dictionary, translation, study, game Distribution: This demonstration software can be freely distributed, so long as all supporting files are included, no changes are made to them, and no foreign files are included. A nominal charge for distribution is permitted. #### BINHEX jmm-11b1.hqx **** From: Gerrit Polder <polder@ph.tn.tudelft.nl> Subject: JMM (Java MultiMeter) JMM is data-acquisition software for digital multimeters equipped with a rs-232 port, such as the Metex 3850 and many others. The software is very simple to use and the control is straight forward. It is written in Java, and runs on the Mac. for info: http://www.ph.tn.tudelft.nl/~polder and http://www.qsl.net/pa3bya it's in the JMM page. #### BINHEX kairon-de.hqx **** From: Kilian Sternad <Kilian@Stern.net> Subject: Kairon219_d.sea.hqx Kairon ist eine voll funktionsfähiges Macintosh Astrologie Freeware Programm mit einem beiliegenden Manual und mit zahlreichen Features und anspruchsvoller Graphik. Ausdrucke in höchster Auflösung werden genauso unterstützt wie volle Kontrolle über das errechnete Horoskop und seine Farben. Alle Berechnungen sind äußerst exact durch Verwendung der 8400 Jahres Ephemeride Placalc vom Astrodienst Zürich und durch ihre Häuserberechnungsformeln. In reinem "C" geschrieben ist Kaiorn selbst auf alten 68k Macs ein äußerst schnelles Programm und darüberhinaus für PowerMacs noch zusätzlich beschleunigt (FatBinary). Mehr Details gibt es unter http://Kilian.Stern.net/Kairon_d.htm #### BINHEX kairon.hqx **** From: Kilian Sternad <Kilian@Stern.net> Subject: Kairon219_e.sea.hqx Kairon is a fully functional Macintosh Astrology Freeware with an included manual and with many features and nice graphics. It supports highest resolution printing and allows you to have full controll over your chart and the colors as well. Calculations are highly precise using the 8400 years ephemeris placalc from Astrodienst Zürich and their house system calculation methods. Written in clean "C" Kaiorn is fast even on old 68k Macs and yet accellerated for PowerMacs as well (FatBinary). Find out more details at http://Kilian.Stern.net/Kairon_e.htm #### BINHEX keypad-101.hqx **** From: lazymountain@kagi.com Subject: Key Pad 1.0.1 keypad 1.01 - do you have a hard time remembering all those website passwords? Do you need a place to store important bank or personal information? Do you need a place to store those software registration codes? Then let Key Pad be your electronic keyring. Key Pad is an easy to use application designed to store all of your important information. Key Pad is Internet Config savvy so you have one click access to all of your password protected sites. Fast and compact, Key Pad is a perfect choice for your Apple Menu. This update fixes a bug, adds some preference options, and adds password protection to data files. #### BINHEX label-print-301.hqx **** From: Stefan Schramm <stefangs@compuserve.com> Subject: Label print 3.0 label print 3.0 © 1999-2000, Stefan Schramm rootsolutions@kagi.com Mac or Windows computer, Filemaker Pro 5.0 or later, studio system 3.0 or later. If you are using the archive module of the studio system, this version of label print allows much faster creation of media labels. label print is free for registered users of the studio system. #### BINHEX love-calculator-pro-10-x.hqx **** From: Too Funky Softwear <funkysw@ancodia.com> Subject: lovecalculatorpro-100x.sit Filename: lovecalculatorpro-100x.sit Application Name: Love Calculator Pro Version: 1.0.0 (Mac OS X) Category: Entertainment, Home Description: Love tests and match maker software. Love Calculator Pro is a serious love test and match maker tool. Based on various personality tests Love Calculator Pro performs a compatibility test of two people. It combines relationship tests from different areas such as age, biorhythms, astrology, and numerology. It can analyze and rate your relationship within few seconds. This Love Calculator's love tests includes more than just a general compatibility test. Best love test allows to find your best match in a group of people. Love Calculator Pro also calculates Timeline, short-term compatibility of a couple. It can predict baby's sex for a couple by generating baby charts of three kinds of baby tests. Love Calculator Pro is a unique match maker that helps you to find your best friend, perfect match, or even eternal love. Author: Lubos Tilka (Too Funky Softwear) Website: http://funkysw.ancodia.com E-mail: funkysw@ancodia.com #### BINHEX love-calculator-pro-10.hqx **** From: Too Funky Softwear <funkysw@ancodia.com> Subject: lovecalculatorpro-100.sit Filename: lovecalculatorpro-100.sit Application Name: Love Calculator Pro Version: 1.0.0 Category: Entertainment, Home Description: Love tests and match maker software. Love Calculator Pro is a serious love test and match maker tool. Based on various personality tests Love Calculator Pro performs a compatibility test of two people. It combines relationship tests from different areas such as age, biorhythms, astrology, and numerology. It can analyze and rate your relationship within few seconds. This Love Calculator's love tests includes more than just a general compatibility test. Best love test allows to find your best match in a group of people. Love Calculator Pro also calculates Timeline, short-term compatibility of a couple. It can predict baby's sex for a couple by generating baby charts of three kinds of baby tests. Love Calculator Pro is a unique match maker that helps you to find your best friend, perfect match, or even eternal love. Author: Lubos Tilka (Too Funky Softwear) Website: http://funkysw.ancodia.com E-mail: funkysw@ancodia.com #### BINHEX lupe-141.hqx **** From: RoboDog <robodog@geocities.co.jp> Subject: lupe-141.hqx Lupe is a real magnifier. It has a custom shape and appearance. The magnification is changed by selecting Zoom In/Out command. #### BINHEX mac-at.hqx **** From: g.hammond@garvan.unsw.edu.au Subject: MacAT v3.2 MacAT is a Windows AT/UNIX cron task scheduling application for Macintosh server administrators. It is a fat binary application that allows 22 of the most common MacOS tasks to be run daily, weekly, monthly or yearly without user intervention. These scheduled tasks include: Launching Applications, Files and AppleScripts; Quitting individual applications or alternatively quitting all currently running processes; Rename and Delete any File or Folder; Hide and Show applications, Mount remote AppleShare volumes; Copy Files or Folders to mounted AppleTalk volumes; Unmount nominated AppleShare volumes; Restart or shutdown the Macintosh, and send eMail. $39 Shareware from MacSOS, Australia http://www.garvan.unsw.edu.au/gerham/macsos/ Cheers, Dr Gerard Hammond Garvan Institute of Medical Research Create Like a God, Command Like a King, Work Like a Slave. #### BINHEX mac-habu-60-de.hqx **** From: MC.Richter@t-online.de Subject: Mac-HaBu 6.0 German Version Mac-Habu ist eine Buchhaltung sowohl fŸr den Privatmann, der seine Finanzen besser im Griff haben will; als auch fŸr Vereine und kleine Betriebe, die nicht einen Tausender fŸr Ihre Buchhaltung ausgeben mšchten. Mac-HaBu bietet alles was Sie von einer "professionellen" Buchhaltung erwarten. Neben verschiedenen Auswertungen (JahresŸbersicht, G+V, Budget, Umsatzsteuer,...) bietet es auch eine graphische Aufbereitung der Daten. Der Versionssprung von 5.3 auf 6.0 deutet schon einige Neuerungen an. Er war notwendig, da einige neue Funktionen hinzugekommen sind, die die interne Datenbank erweiterten. Bei der Ansicht der MenŸleiste fŠllt auf, da§ es einen neuen Punkt (Anzeige) gibt. Bisher waren unter "Erfassen" und "Auswertung" einige Anzeigefenster. Diese wurden jetzt in diesem neuen MenŸ zusammengefa§t. Dies war notwendig, da es unter "Erfassen" mehrere neue MenŸpunkte gibt. Unter "Erfassen" sieht man auch zwei neue Funktionen. Sie kšnnen jetzt kostenstellenabhŠngige Buchungen durchfŸhren. Dazu ist es zuerst notwendig neue Kostenstellen einzugeben. Unter "Erfassen" gibt es dafŸr entsprechende MenŸpunkte. Buchungen mit Kostenstellen haben keinen direkten Einflu§ auf die bisherigen Auswertungen. Dies bedingt aber, da§ es jetzt zwei neue Auswertungen gibt. Mit der zweiten neue Funktion kšnnen Sie eine Bilanz erstellen. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Auswertungen, kšnnen Sie diese frei zusammenstellen. Es gab schon šfters den Wunsch die Buchungen direkt an die Bank zu Ÿbergeben. Die Entwicklung einer eigene Schnittstelle fŸr alle deutschen Banken wŠre jedoch zu aufwendig gewesen. Deshalb gibt es in dieser Version eine Schnittstelle zu MacGiro. Die Wahl fiel auf MacGiro, da es alle Banken, und die Ausgabe auf Papier und Diskette unterstŸtzt. NatŸrlich wurden mir zwischenzeitlich einige Fehler und VerbesserungsvorschlŠge mitgeteilt. selbstverstŠndlich habe ich alle Fehler in dieser Version sofort behoben. Auch die meisten VerbesserungsvorschlŠge wurden umgesetzt. Einige mŸssen jedoch auf die nŠchste Version verschoben werden. Aber verschoben ist nicht aufgehoben. Die Version 6.0 ist komplett mit der Version 8.6 des MacOS kompatibel. Gleichzeitig funktioniert diese Version weiterhin auf allen anderen Rechner ab Version 7.0. #### BINHEX mac-habu-60.hqx **** From: MC.Richter@t-online.de Subject: Mac-HaBu 6.0 Mac-HaBu: Mac-HaBu is an accounting program for private users, Clubs and small companies. The results can be displayed with different exploitations (Profit+Loss, Budget, VAT,...) and with different graphics. New in Version 6.0: The number of this version shows, that there are some new features. When you start "Mac HaBu", you see that there is a new menu (Display). This was necessary, because there are several new menu-points within the menu "Enter". So I decided to create this new menu. If you look to "Enter", you see two new function, with three new menu-points for each. "Mac HaBu" can work with cost centers, now. And you get a new exploitation - Balance sheet. This is an exploitation, which can be configured by the user. Another new point is for the German users. With this version it is possible to use online banking. Therefore you need the program "MacGiro", which is only in Germany available. Also, some other features are added. And many errors were corrected. #### BINHEX mac-lesson-planner-pro-10.hqx **** From: eznetdesigns@eznetdesigns.com Subject: MacLessonPlanner Pro! 1.0 MacLessonPlanner Pro! 1.0 is a program for creating and editing lesson plans. It is a stand-alone program written for educators who yearn for an easier method of planning daily, weekly, and yearly lesson plans. The strength of MacLessonPlanner Pro! 1.0 is in handling unpleasant cycle day situations. Days of school missed during the week are properly passed over. The correct cycle days are kept in order. MacLessonPlanner Pro! 1.0 alleviates the mundane task of transcribing subjects and times of daily events from the current week's plans to next week's plans. The process of completing lesson plans is especially arduous for those using the cycle day system: snow days and holidays shift cycle days beyond what drawing arrows can help. #### BINHEX mac-minder-12b.hqx **** From: Warren Furman <wfurman@epix.net> Subject: MacMinder 1.2b MacMinder is a fun and user-friendly appointments book that will alert you with sounds or speech to upcoming appointments, birthdays, etc each time you start your computer. It also contains a securable diary, an alert to let you know when your extensions have loaded and a log for archiving old appointments. WRFdigitals furmsoft@kagi.com http://wrf-digitals.hypermart.net #### BINHEX mac-stammbaum-193.hqx **** From: sic <sicurella@onlymac.de> Subject: MacStammbaum 1.9.3 German geneology programm for PowerMac! http://www.onlymac.de #### BINHEX mac-uptime.hqx **** From: Heiko <heiko@pocnet.net> Subject: MacUptime MacUptime is a simple uptime-displaying utility as it is known from various Unixes. It runs fine with every system better 7.1. Heiko -- http://user.baden-online.de/~heiko #### BINHEX make-it-grow-24-demo.hqx **** From: spicerj@ezol.com Subject: MakeItGrow 2.4 MakeItGrow 2.4 is a garden layout package for your Macintosh. It will allow you to lay out a garden up to 200' x 200', using 96 of the most common types of vegetables, herbs, and fruits, 100 common flowers, and 44 water lillies, rushes, and grasses. Each icon is drawn in the correct scale for the spacing required for the plant. The program also supports line drawing in eight colors, for garden boundaries, etc, plus a wide selection of fill patterns and the ability to draw circles, rectangles, and rounded rectangles, as well as text entry (with support for font, size, and style selection), in either the vertical or horizontal mode. The grid is fixed at 6" per square, or 15 cm, allowing for a 200'x200', or about a 65x65 meter plot. * Zone Map * User database support for three types of data: [1] New Pests [2] New Plants [3] Result notes for each plant tried. * Note window for each plot * Importing of plants * Companion Plant checking * Zoom (Max 16:1) * Plaintalk (if installed) * Select and move items * Balloon Help * Printing (both vertical and horizontal) * Floating Palettes for selection of plants * Unlimited windows (within available memory) * Exporting of plots as either PICT or to the clipboard * Creation of Estimated Yield based on the number and type of plants in the plot * Drawing of lines, circles, rectangles with fill patterns * Creation of a text list (export all text entered in the plot) * Text entry (vertical or horizontal), with support for font, size, and styles * Live palettes - see the plant names by just passing the cursor over the buttons * Rulers displayed in either cm or inches * Information on companion planting * Information on pests and diseases * Backround information on most edible plants * Layers (8) Changes from version 2.3: Added about 50 more flowers. Added Zone Map. More information on the program can be seen at my web site, <http://www.ezol.com/~spicerj/index.html> #### BINHEX mandarin-rosary.hqx **** From: Jenuwine <jenuwine@trincomm.org> Subject: Mandarin Rosary Rosary prayers in simplified Chinese characters with synthesized voice. Click on a bead, a dot, or an object to hear the appropriate prayer and see the Chinese text for that prayer. #### BINHEX midius-project-planner-125.hqx **** From: m-arc@algonet.se Subject: Midius ProjectPlanner 1.2.5 Midius ProjectPlanner is a tool for creating Gantt charts. It is suitable for small and mediumsized projects. With the Midius ProjectPlanner you can: + create Gantt charts + customize default base week work hours + customize team membersÕ work hours + customize default and team members calendar to adapt to local holidays and team members vacations. + track slips in the time schedule You can make printouts and also export the chart in PICT, JPEG or HTML format. The Midius ProjectPlanner is only 35 USD for a single user license. System Requirements: System 7.1 or later 68020 or better Colour display More info and pictures at http://www.softsys.se/ProjectPlanner/ #### BINHEX midnight-tonight.hqx **** From: amorose@earthlink.net Subject: Midnight Tonight 1.0 Midnight Tonight is an application which sets the Finder's dates and times to 12:00 AM of the current day for any files you drop onto it. Midnight Tonight does not currently set dates and times on folders, but it will set the dates and times on any files included inside any folders dropped onto it. Midnight Tonight is freeware according to the license agreement stated in the included Read Me. #### BINHEX miles-manager-10.hqx **** From: Andrew Duncan <aduncan@splash-it.com.au> Subject: Miles Manager v1.0 Miles Manager allows you to do 4 things: 1. Track all your activities that earn you frequent flyer points with Qantas. These include flights, car hire, credit card points, telecard calls, hotel points, currency exchange etc. You can then verify that all points have been awarded when you receive your statement from Qantas. 2. Determine the possible destinations available with your current points balance. Miles Manager lets you select your starting city, preferred class and number of available points and returns a list of available cities that you can fly if you redeem your points. 3. Determine the number of days of hotel awards that you can redeem with your current point balance. 4. Determine the number of car rental awards that you can redeem with your current point balance. Modules for other airlines, such as British Airways and United Airlines, are being planned. System Requirements For Mac OS 8/9 *Power Macintosh Computer or later *32MB of RAM required *Hard Disk with 24mb free space *Monitor capableof 800*600 resolution *Supports Mac OS version 8.1 through Mac OS 9.1. For Mac OS X *Apple G3 computer or higher (excluding G3 upgrade cards) *128MB of RAM required *Hard Disk with 24mb free space *Monitor capableof 800*600 resolution *Mac OS X This database was developed using the Verdana font. You can download this font from the Microsoft Font website at: http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/default.htm #### BINHEX miles-manager-aa-10.hqx **** From: Splash IT Consulting <info@splash-it.com.au> Subject: Miles Manager (American Airlines version) v1.0 Miles Manager (American Airlines version) allows you to: 1. Track all your activities that earn you AAdvanatage points with American Airlines. These include flights, car hire, credit card points, telecard calls, hotel points, currency exchange etc. You can then verify that all points have been awarded when you receive your statement from American Airlines. 2. Determine the possible destinations available with your current points balance. Miles Manager lets you select your starting region, preferred class, type of award and number of available points and returns a list of available cities/regions that you can fly if you redeem your points. Modules for other airlines, such as British Airways and Continental, are being planned. System Requirements For Mac OS 8/9 *Power Macintosh Computer or later *32MB of RAM required *Hard Disk with 24mb free space *Monitor capable of 800*600 resolution *Supports Mac OS version 8.1 through Mac OS 9.1. For Mac OS X *Apple G3 computer or higher (excluding G3 upgrade cards) *128MB of RAM required *Hard Disk with 24mb free space *Monitor capable of 800*600 resolution *Mac OS X This database was developed using the Verdana font. You can download this font from the Microsoft Font website at: http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/default.htm #### BINHEX miles-manager-united-10.hqx **** From: Splash IT Consulting <info@splash-it.com.au> Subject: United Airlines Miles Manager v1.0 Miles Manager (United Airlines version) allows you to: 1. Track all your activities that earn you Mileage Plus points with United Airlines. These include flights, car hire, credit card points, telecard calls, hotel points, currency exchange etc. You can then verify that all points have been awarded when you receive your statement from United. 2. Determine the possible destinations available with your current points balance. Miles Manager lets you select your starting region, preferred class and number of available points and returns a list of available cities/regions that you can fly if you redeem your points. Modules for other airlines, such as British Airways and American Airlines, are being planned. System Requirements For Mac OS 8/9 *Power Macintosh Computer or later *32MB of RAM required *Hard Disk with 24mb free space *Monitor capable of 800*600 resolution *Supports Mac OS version 8.1 through Mac OS 9.1. For Mac OS X *Apple G3 computer or higher (excluding G3 upgrade cards) *128MB of RAM required *Hard Disk with 24mb free space *Monitor capable of 800*600 resolution *Mac OS X This database was developed using the Verdana font. You can download this font from the Microsoft Font website at: http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/default.htm #### BINHEX mini-book-pro-10-ppc.hqx **** From: FMR@thewiredshark.com Subject: Minibook Pro 1.0 PPC -Minibook Pro v1.0 (Shareware US $3.00) Release Date: 9/27/99 Requirements: System 7.5 or later recommended. QuickTime version 3.0 or later recommended. Memory: 4 MB of available Memory recommended What is Minibook Pro? Tired of all the cumbersome address books out there that do everything except make you a cup of coffee? Then Minibook Pro is for you! Minibook Pro allows you to have a quick and basic address book with all the necessary information on your contacts including phone numbers, emails, URLs, server info, & addresses, and a notes section for each entry. While all of your contacts are encrypted with your personal encryption key, you can create multiple Minibooks to catagorize your contact lists, you also have the option of further protection by password protecting any Minibook you create. Plus, Minibook Pro provides a fast and effecient search system to easily locate anyone on your list in seconds! #### BINHEX mouse-move-10.hqx **** From: Chris Cho <ccho@fas.harvard.edu> Subject: MouseMove 1.0 MouseMove, by Chris Cho (c)2000 March 21, 2000 v1.0 What does it do? After launched, it will move the mouse to random positions on the screen at predetermined time intervals. The program can be quit by pressing any key or clicking the mouse on the program window created. Why is it useful? Certain services such as messaging clients or X Window servers may cause you to idle out after a period of inactivity. Thus, by moving the mouse continuously, you no longer have to worry about being logged out. The program works in the foreground as well as the background. I'm guessing it could also be used as a prank. This was not the intended usage. Version 1.0 Notes: This is the first public release of this program. My knowledge of the Macintosh Toolbox has just begun to develop, please excuse any bugs that I did not find. I plan to develop this program further, so stay tuned. Bugs: I did not implement a refresh of the screen, so the program information and updates information will disappear if the program window is covered up. The program is currently PPC only because of some compatability issue that I plan to research. Please send me any reports of bugs that you find. Features in Progress: -68k compatibility -User-specified time intervals -Cleaner interface -Daemon application Contact Information: Email: ccho@fas.harvard.edu Web: http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~ccho/mm.html Disclaimer: I hereby disclaim any responsibility that this program may cause in any form. The usage of this software implies that the user accepts this responsibility. This software is provided as-is, and no guarantees will be made that the archive has been altered in any way. Please download it directly from my site to avoid corruption problems. #### BINHEX much-to-do-about-nothing-11.hqx **** From: Gordon Worley <redbird@rbisland.cx> Subject: Much To Do About Nothing 1.1 This is a simple to do program for the Mac. It offers no frills, just lets you add items, edit items, and delete items when you finish them. It was made using MacPython, and then turned into a regular Mac application. It is licensed under the GNU GPL. This version fixes the bug in the previous release that caused files to be corrupted. Also, it fixes the bug that sometimes prevented saving. Requires a PPC Mac. #### BINHEX multi-timer-pro-35.hqx **** From: KarlBunker@aol.com Subject: MultiTimer Pro 2.5 MultiTimer Pro is a utility for tracking the time spent on projects and jobs performed on a Mac. MultiTimer Pro will be an invaluable asset to graphic designers, Web designers, content creators of all types, consultants, lawyers, accountants, and anyone who uses a Mac and either bills for their time or needs to keep track of time for any other purpose. MultiTimer Pro is ideally suited to self employed individuals, large companies, and everything in between. Here are just a few of the features of MultiTimer Pro: * Track time EASILY, with a simple and intuitive interface. * Track expenses as well as time. * View a complete history of your timed sessions in a "log" window. Logs are fully editable and can be configured in a variety of ways. * Set hourly rates and have charges automatically calculated for each session. * Attach notes to any or all session and expense records. * View total times and total charges for a day, week, month, year and grand total, all at a glance. * Automatically start a timer when a selected file is opened. * Automatically open multiple files or applications when a timer is started. * Optional notification when an application quits, to remind you to turn off a timer. * Unique optional "floating window" is always visible, shows you the timer status and accumulated time. * Apply user-defined "category" labels to sessions or expenses, with attached hourly rates or charges. * Extensive Undo support in logs, and an option to make manual adjustments visible as separate records. * Unique "cross-log reports" allow you to view and sum the data from multiple projects. * Elegant, attractive design throughout, with Mac OS 8 platinum appearance. * As powerful as you need, or as simple as you want; hide the features, options and information you don't use. The full power of MultiTimer Pro can only be hinted at here, but the simplicity of the program is easier to describe: To start tracking time on a new project you make a single menu selection and type in a name for the project. Tracking the accumulated time spent on a project is accomplished by clicking a start/stop timer button. Switch between projects with a popup menu. View the log of a project by clicking a button. And so on -- everything is intuitive and easy. With MultiTimer Pro you have all the features you need in a time-tracking utility, coupled with unparalleled ease of use. This is version 3.5 of MultiTimer Pro. #### BINHEX mywill-30.hqx **** From: Robert Presender <rpresender@mail.earthlink.net> Subject: MyWill 3.0 MyWILL is a 'do it yourself' shareware program for the average person who may or may not be married, may or may not have children and whose estate may or may not be large enough to be subjected to probate costs, professional fees and taxes. Its creation provides for the distribution of your possessions, estate, property and so forth upon your death. The program walks you through all the steps of creating a Will, and generates an editable, printable copy at the end of the process. Online Help is available for each step. Upon our death, do we want the result of our labors eaten away by unnecessary court costs, professional fees and taxes? More importantly, do we want the State to distribute our property and appoint a guardian for our minor children if we don't leave a Will? Changed format to the modern look in this version. PowerPC and 68K formats are available. MyWill ReadMe contains version history. Home page: http://www.geocities.com/rpresender #### BINHEX name-finder-10.hqx **** From: cyclon@kagi.com Subject: NameFinder 1.0 - find the name for your baby NameFinder Do you expect a baby, but you have not decide for a name yet? Then NameFinder is expecially made for you. It helps you to find the right name in a unique way. NameFinder is a program that helps you to find a name for your baby (or anything else). Many different people can enter their name favourites. A lot of suggestions (top-ten names female/male from Germany, France and the USA and a variety of other name proposals) can help you to find the right name. * native Cocoa Program * over 800 name suggestions * top-ten mames from Germany, France and the USA Requirements: Mac OS X 10.3 (10.2 should work - but not tested) I hope Name Finder can also help you! Jochen Pier - www.cyclon-softworx.de #### BINHEX netflix-fanatic-114.hqx **** From: adam@info-mac.org Subject: Netflix Fanatic 1.1.4 Netflix Fanatic is a Mac OS X program for managing your Netflix Queue of movies to request. #### BINHEX new-notepad-ii-182-jp.hqx **** From: hisadon@cup.com Subject: NewNOTEPAD II 1.8.2J - Japanese Version NewNOTEPAD II 1.8.2 - Japanese Version NewNOTEPAD II is highly functional notepad software. NewNOTEPAD II supports drag and drop, so you can enter text at random and clean it up afterwards. You will find it so useful, it might be a good idea to have it on the desktop, just a click away. Features : - Each Note can have its own title and each title will appear in list view. - The Note can form a group and each group will appear in list view. - The group can have up to 32767 hierarchical levels. - A group can store up to 32767 Notes. - List view has the interface just like Finder's list view. It shows the contents of the Notepad file in outline form. You can see the contents of a Group (folder) without opening the Group in its own window. Changes in this version : * Improvements - Add Jedit version3 format to the output text format. * Fixed Bugs #0070 When system will be shutdown, cannot do quit NewNOTEPAD II application. #0071 When make new note and do 'Find Next', Seek Error occurs. #0072 In multi-monitor environment, Icon window isn't indicated to the position that should be. NewNOTEPAD II is distributed as shareware. You may try it for 30 days, after which we ask that you either delete your copy or register it by sending $20(US) or 2500 YEN. Please check web site. http://hisadon.cup.com/ #### BINHEX new-notepad-ii-182.hqx **** From: hisadon@cup.com Subject: NewNOTEPAD II 1.8.2 NewNOTEPAD II 1.8.2 - English Version NewNOTEPAD II is highly functional notepad software. NewNOTEPAD II supports drag and drop, so you can enter text at random and clean it up afterwards. You will find it so useful, it might be a good idea to have it on the desktop, just a click away. Features : - Each Note can have its own title and each title will appear in list view. - The Note can form a group and each group will appear in list view. - The group can have up to 32767 hierarchical levels. - A group can store up to 32767 Notes. - List view has the interface just like Finder's list view. It shows the contents of the Notepad file in outline form. You can see the contents of a Group (folder) without opening the Group in its own window. Changes in this version : * Improvements - Add Jedit version3 format to the output text format. * Fixed Bugs #0070 When system will be shutdown, cannot do quit NewNOTEPAD II application. #0071 When make new note and do 'Find Next', Seek Error occurs. #0072 In multi-monitor environment, Icon window isn't indicated to the position that should be. NewNOTEPAD II is distributed as shareware. You may try it for 30 days, after which we ask that you either delete your copy or register it by sending $20(US) or 2500 YEN. Please check web site. http://hisadon.cup.com/ #### BINHEX note-worthy-12.hqx **** From: IntelliGents Sales <sales@intelli-gents.com> Subject: NoteWorthy Virtual Notecards 1.2 Update NoteWorthy Virtual Notecards 1.2 Update (update to commercial $89 product, 45-day trial available) This file contains version 1.2 of NoteWorthy Virtual Notecards(tm) from IntelliGents. (http://www.intelli-gents.com) It contains ONLY the update of the application, and NOT the full installer with documentation and plug-ins. (This installer is too large for the info-mac site guidelines, and can be downloaded from the developer's site, or from tucows.com or cnet.com.) NoteWorthy is a relational database for notes, quotes and bibliographic references. It is an essential tool for students, teachers, or anyone whose work requires keeping a database of research notes. Version 1.2 contains significant additions to interface and functionality, including resizable windows, an Import/Export Wizard for exchanging information with other databases, and an Append function that directly inserts bibliographic information into a note or quote. (Bug fixes are detailed in the Read Me file.) website: http://www.intelli-gents.com contact: sales@intelli-gents.com requirements: Power PC running OS 8.6 or later #### BINHEX one-app-address-book-361-it.hqx **** From: OneApp <email@oneappsoftware.com> Subject: OneApp Address Book 3.6.1 Italian Version OneApp Address Book, a practical address book application with password protection. OneApp Address Book is a practical telephone and address program for Mac that allows you to quickly and easily manage addresses, phone numbers, URLs and Email addresses. All this information, previously scattered on notes, notepads, diaries, phone books and also in various Email programs, Internet browsers and databases, is now stored in a single place. With OneApp Address Book you can quickly find what you are looking for. The program is really simple to use and let you protect your data with a password. OneApp Address Book helps you in your daily work at the office or at home and can follow you everywhere in your PowerBook. System Requirements: Macintosh, PowerBook, Power Macintosh or iMac. Ê OneApp Address Book is shareware. OneApp Software Home Page: <http://www.oneappsoftware.com/> #### BINHEX one-app-address-book-364.hqx **** From: OneApp <email@oneappsoftware.com> Subject: OneApp Address Book 3.6.4 - address book with passwordprotection OneApp Address Book, a practical address book application with password protection. OneApp Address Book is a practical telephone and address program for Mac that allows you to quickly and easily manage addresses, phone numbers, URLs and Email addresses. All this information, previously scattered on notes, notepads, diaries, phone books and also in various Email programs, Internet browsers and databases, is now stored in a single place. With OneApp Address Book you can quickly find what you are looking for. The program is really simple to use and let you protect your data with a password. OneApp Address Book helps you in your daily work at the office or at home and can follow you everywhere in your PowerBook. System Requirements: Macintosh, PowerBook, Power Macintosh or iMac. Ê OneApp Address Book is shareware. OneApp Software Home Page: <http://www.oneappsoftware.com/> #### BINHEX oneapp-address-book-22-de.hqx **** From: support@oneappsoftware.com Subject: OneApp Address Book 2.2 German Version OneApp Address Book 2.2 German Version What is OneApp Address Book? OneApp Address Book is a practical telephone and address program for Mac OS that allows you to quickly and easily manage addresses, phone numbers, URLs and Email addresses. All this information, previously scattered on notes, notepads, diaries, phone books and also in various Email programs, Internet browsers and databases, is now stored in a single place. With OneApp Address Book you can quickly find what you are looking for. OneApp Address Book helps you in your daily work at the office or at home and can follow you everywhere in your PowerBook. OneApp Address Book is integrated with the Internet, allowing you to connect with Web pages and send Email using your favourite Email and browser software. The program also helps you to dial phone numbers by reading them out loud (through the speaker) and has a most useful calendar that appears in a small separate window. OneApp Address Book lets you easily import addresses from the principal Email clients, like Claris Emailer, Eudora Light, Eudora Pro, Microsoft Outlook Express and from text files exported from Claris Works, Microsoft Works and FileMaker Pro. In addition you can export the whole OneApp Address Book database or selected parts of it. #### BINHEX organizer-283.hqx **** From: sgandy <steve@stevegandy.com> Subject: Organizer 2.8.3 for 2000 This is the 2000 version of the Organizer. It is a calendar, notebook, to do list, phone book, memo maker etc. The notepad page is "smart" it can automatically insert your name, fax # etc. The Organizer is shareware. The cost is $10. The cost for a school site license is the same. #### BINHEX organizer-x-10.hqx **** From: niteowl69@mac.com Subject: Submission "Organizer X v1.0" Organizer X Contacts, Calendar, Day Planner Version 1.0 Organizer X is a shareware organizer program for Mac OS X. It features an address book fully integrated with the built-in Address Book Framework on Mac OS X 10.2 along with a icon oriented calendar and day planner. #### BINHEX organizer-x-11.hqx **** From: niteowl69@mac.com Subject: Organizer X Version 1.1 Organizer X is a simplified shareware personal information management program for Mac OS X. It features an address book fully integrated with the built-in Address Book Framework 'introduced with Mac OS v10.2 and up along with a icon oriented calendar and day planner. The address book works as a replacement or in conjunction with Apple's own AddressBook program. Use the address book to manage and search contacts information. Organizer X features printing of the address book by entry, primary phone number list, or as Avery 8160 labels. Organizer X was compiled on Mac OS X version 10.3 using Objective-C Cocoa. The Shareware fee on Organizer X is $7.50. To register, please visit: www.kagi.com System Requirements: Mac OS X v10.3 or greater The current version of this program may always be downloaded at: http://homepage.mac.com/niteowl69/.cv/niteowl69/Public/ Organizer%20X.sit-link.sit Revision History: 2004.07.15 Version 1.1 - Added "This is Company" menu item to classify records as company or individual. - Fixed search capability feature on the contacts pane. - Standardized "About Panel". - Minor code tweaks for improved performance (c) 2004 NiteOwl Software #### BINHEX pdf-pen-201-jp.hqx **** From: greg@smileonmymac.com Subject: PDFpen 2.0.1 - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the PDFpen package. PDFpen 2.0.1 (released 15-Feb-2005) SmileOnMyMac updates PDF editing and form-filling utility PDFpen with form display & editing improvements and additional fixes. PDFpen 2.0.1 (30-day free demo, $49.95; free upgrade for 1.X and 2.X users) requires Mac OS X 10.2.5 or later. PDFpen enables you to take control of your PDFs, featuring: - Show PDFs in single, facing-page, multi-page, and multiple facing-page views - Fill out and save PDF forms - Re-order pages in a PDF by drag & drop - Insert pages from one PDF into another (drag & drop or copy/paste) - Remove pages from a PDF - Overlay text and images onto PDF (for example, sign purchase orders by applying signature image) - Use with pagesender for a complete fax turn-around solution - Automate PDF manipulations with AppleScript System Requirements: - Mac OS X 10.2.5 (Jaguar) or later You can find the latest version of PDFpen and technical support at: http://www.smileonmymac.com/PDFpen PDFpen costs US $49.95 and may be purchased from itself or from: http://order.kagi.com/?5ZU PDFpen is produced by: SmileOnMyMac, LLC PMB 281 25 NW 23rd Place, Suite 6 Portland, OR 97210-5599 We welcome your inquiries and feedback at: support@pdfpen.com #### BINHEX pdf-pen-201.hqx **** From: greg@smileonmymac.com Subject: PDFpen 2.0.1 - fixes and performance & stability improvements PDFpen 2.0.1 (released 15-Feb-2005) SmileOnMyMac updates PDF editing and form-filling utility PDFpen with form display & editing improvements and additional fixes. PDFpen 2.0.1 (30-day free demo, $49.95; free upgrade for 1.X and 2.X users) requires Mac OS X 10.2.5 or later. PDFpen enables you to take control of your PDFs, featuring: - Show PDFs in single, facing-page, multi-page, and multiple facing-page views - Fill out and save PDF forms - Re-order pages in a PDF by drag & drop - Insert pages from one PDF into another (drag & drop or copy/paste) - Remove pages from a PDF - Overlay text and images onto PDF (for example, sign purchase orders by applying signature image) - Use with pagesender for a complete fax turn-around solution - Automate PDF manipulations with AppleScript System Requirements: - Mac OS X 10.2.5 (Jaguar) or later You can find the latest version of PDFpen and technical support at: http://www.smileonmymac.com/PDFpen PDFpen costs US $49.95 and may be purchased from itself or from: http://order.kagi.com/?5ZU PDFpen is produced by: SmileOnMyMac, LLC PMB 281 25 NW 23rd Place, Suite 6 Portland, OR 97210-5599 We welcome your inquiries and feedback at: support@pdfpen.com #### BINHEX pdf-pen-pro-201-jp.hqx **** From: greg@smileonmymac.com Subject: PDFpenPro 2.0.1 - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the PDFpenPro package. PDFpenPro 2.0.1 (released 15-Feb-2005) SmileOnMyMac updates PDF editing, form-filling, and form-creating utility PDFpenPro with form display & editing improvements and additional fixes. PDFpenPro 2.0.1 (30-day free demo, $94.95; upgrade for PDFpen users, $45; free upgrade for PDFpenPro 2.X users) requires Mac OS X 10.2.5 or later. PDFpenPro enables you to take control of your PDFs, featuring: - Show PDFs in single, facing-page, multi-page, and multiple facing-page views - Fill out and save PDF forms - Create cross-platform fillable PDF forms - Re-order pages in a PDF by drag & drop - Insert pages from one PDF into another (drag & drop or copy/paste) - Remove pages from a PDF - Overlay text and images onto PDF (for example, sign purchase orders by applying signature image) - Use with pagesender for a complete fax turn-around solution - Automate PDF manipulations with AppleScript System Requirements: - Mac OS X 10.2.5 (Jaguar) or later You can find the latest version of PDFpenPro and technical support at: http://www.smileonmymac.com/PDFpen PDFpenPro costs US $94.95 and may be purchased from itself or from: http://order.kagi.com/?5ZU Upgrades to PDFpenPro from PDFpen cost US $45. PDFpenPro is produced by: SmileOnMyMac, LLC PMB 281 25 NW 23rd Place, Suite 6 Portland, OR 97210-5599 We welcome your inquiries and feedback at: support@pdfpen.com #### BINHEX pdf-pen-pro-201.hqx **** From: greg@smileonmymac.com Subject: PDFpenPro 2.0.1 - fixes and performance & stability improvements PDFpenPro 2.0.1 (released 15-Feb-2005) SmileOnMyMac updates PDF editing, form-filling, and form-creating utility PDFpenPro with form display & editing improvements and additional fixes. PDFpenPro 2.0.1 (30-day free demo, $94.95; upgrade for PDFpen users, $45; free upgrade for PDFpenPro 2.X users) requires Mac OS X 10.2.5 or later. PDFpenPro enables you to take control of your PDFs, featuring: - Show PDFs in single, facing-page, multi-page, and multiple facing-page views - Fill out and save PDF forms - Create cross-platform fillable PDF forms - Re-order pages in a PDF by drag & drop - Insert pages from one PDF into another (drag & drop or copy/paste) - Remove pages from a PDF - Overlay text and images onto PDF (for example, sign purchase orders by applying signature image) - Use with pagesender for a complete fax turn-around solution - Automate PDF manipulations with AppleScript System Requirements: - Mac OS X 10.2.5 (Jaguar) or later You can find the latest version of PDFpenPro and technical support at: http://www.smileonmymac.com/PDFpen PDFpenPro costs US $94.95 and may be purchased from itself or from: http://order.kagi.com/?5ZU Upgrades to PDFpenPro from PDFpen cost US $45. PDFpenPro is produced by: SmileOnMyMac, LLC PMB 281 25 NW 23rd Place, Suite 6 Portland, OR 97210-5599 We welcome your inquiries and feedback at: support@pdfpen.com #### BINHEX people-25.hqx **** From: Brewster Software <support@brewstersoftware.com> Subject: People 2.5 Organize your addresses, calendar & messages with People(tm). People(tm) is the popular and powerful, full-featured personal information manager (PIM) for Macintosh that makes organizing client, personal and calendar information easy. It's an integrated address book, calendar and more. This friendly organizer offers lots of room for details, has loads of intuitively placed contact management features and delivers total Internet integration (e-mail, Web links, etc.). It's no wonder beginners rave about People's simplicity and experts like its depth of features. Some advanced features include: receive and send email within contact cards (with attachments); e-mail merge; easily build email address lists from received emails; fax from contact cards (with attachments); mail merge using print, fax or email; link other application's documents to contact cards, create street maps and driving directions for contacts and upload contact information to Palm devices. Get started today! Try the fully-functioning version free for 30 days! http://www.brewstersoftware.com #### BINHEX people-lister-11-de.hqx **** From: cwatson@CAM.ORG Subject: People Lister 1.1 (German) - An addressbook People Lister 1.1 (German) - An addressbook that remembers birthdays People Lister 1.1 - is an easy-to-use addressbook that helps you remember everything about the people you know: phone numbers, birthdays, email addresses, or anything else. It automatically reminds you when someone has a birthday coming up, so you'll never forget a birthday again! People Lister also makes it easy to send email to anyone, and can export to text files. People Lister is available in English, French, Italian, Swedish, and German. More info is available at: <http://www.cam.org/~cwatson/people_lister.html> If you have trouble remembering birthdays and phone numbers, then People Lister can help you out! People Lister is shareware, and needs System 7 or better, and a 68020 or better (or any PPC). #### BINHEX people-lister-11-en.hqx **** From: cwatson@CAM.ORG Subject: People Lister 1.1 (English) - An addressbook People Lister 1.1 (English) - An addressbook that remembers birthdays People Lister 1.1 - is an easy-to-use addressbook that helps you remember everything about the people you know: phone numbers, birthdays, email addresses, or anything else. It automatically reminds you when someone has a birthday coming up, so you'll never forget a birthday again! People Lister also makes it easy to send email to anyone, and can export to text files. People Lister is available in English, French, Italian, Swedish, and German. More info is available at: <http://www.cam.org/~cwatson/people_lister.html> If you have trouble remembering birthdays and phone numbers, then People Lister can help you out! People Lister is shareware, and needs System 7 or better, and a 68020 or better (or any PPC). #### BINHEX people-lister-11-it.hqx **** From: cwatson@CAM.ORG Subject: People Lister 1.1 (Italian) - An addressbook People Lister 1.1 (Italian) - An addressbook that remembers birthdays People Lister 1.1 - is an easy-to-use addressbook that helps you remember everything about the people you know: phone numbers, birthdays, email addresses, or anything else. It automatically reminds you when someone has a birthday coming up, so you'll never forget a birthday again! People Lister also makes it easy to send email to anyone, and can export to text files. People Lister is available in English, French, Italian, Swedish, and German. More info is available at: <http://www.cam.org/~cwatson/people_lister.html> If you have trouble remembering birthdays and phone numbers, then People Lister can help you out! People Lister is shareware, and needs System 7 or better, and a 68020 or better (or any PPC). #### BINHEX people-lister-11-sv.hqx **** From: cwatson@CAM.ORG Subject: People Lister 1.1 (Swedish) - An addressbook that remembers bir People Lister 1.1 (Swedish) - An addressbook that remembers birthdays People Lister 1.1 - is an easy-to-use addressbook that helps you remember everything about the people you know: phone numbers, birthdays, email addresses, or anything else. It automatically reminds you when someone has a birthday coming up, so you'll never forget a birthday again! People Lister also makes it easy to send email to anyone, and can export to text files. People Lister is available in English, French, Italian, Swedish, and German. More info is available at: <http://www.cam.org/~cwatson/people_lister.html> If you have trouble remembering birthdays and phone numbers, then People Lister can help you out! People Lister is shareware, and needs System 7 or better, and a 68020 or better (or any PPC). #### BINHEX planet-earth-203.hqx **** From: mgiger@lunarsoft.com Subject: planet-earth-2.0.3 Planet Earth is an innovative Earth simulation that combines an easy to navigate 3 dimensional globe with realtime cloud images to produce unprecedented realism. The screen saver option lets it take over your desktop with a gorgeous image when you are away from your computer. Great as an educational tool, a must have for avid weather watchers! Requirements: PowerPC processor 6 MB RAM 4 MB Disk #### BINHEX player-pro-53-g4.hqx **** From: rossetantoine@bluewin.ch Subject: PlayerPRO 5.3 - G4 ONLY - Freeware Player PRO 5.3 G4 ******* G4 ONLY Version ******** This version has been specially optimized for G4 with Altivec technology. It will not work on other PowerMac or iMac. (Version for all PowerMacs is available at www.quadmation.com/pphome.htm) NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 5.3 (differences from 5.2): PlayerPRO is now PowerPC only! If you want the 680x0 version, email to rossetantoine@bluewin.ch Sample length function Play selected instrument/sample in Instrument List window PlayerPRO 500 $ US Prize now debuts ! PlayerPRO is now ready for NNA, available in 5.4 Fully tested with MacOS 9 Fully tested with Quicktime 4.01 Bug correction for MP3, windows and in the sound driver A new Internet menu Possibility to keep previous Mixer Window settings (Don't settings from music files) Speed & Pitch values extended to 16000 values #### BINHEX power-20-221.hqx **** From: Roland Lieger <rlieger@auto.tuwien.ac.at> Subject: Power20 2.2.1 Power20 2.2.1 - Commodore VIC-20 Emulator Enjoy your favorite Commodore VIC-20 games on your Power Macintosh! Visit the Power20 homepage at: http://www.infinite-loop.at/Power20/index.html Power20 2.2.1 emulates all parts of a VIC-20 at highest precision for optimal compatiblity: Power20 emulates all important features of a real VIC-20 such as: - MOS 6502 CPU Emulation (incl. Illegal Opcodes) - VIC (Video/SoundIC) Emulation (Scanline-Based, incl. all Video Modes, Full Sound Emulation) - VIA Emulation (incl. Timers, Interrupts) - Optional Original VIC-20 Keyboard or Macintosh Keyboard Layout - Joystick (both via real ADB Joysticks and Keyboard mapping), Paddles and Lightpen emulated - ROM Cartridge files - CPU Level 1541 Floppy Disk Emulation. Can handle most fast-loaders and special floppy tricks. - ROM Level 1541 Disk Drive emulated (*.D64, *.X64 and ZipCode files supported) for fast and easy disk access. - Direct Access to Macintosh File System (both *.C64 and *.P00 files supported) - Tape Drive (Datasette) emulated (*.T64 and Lynx files) - TapeDisk: *.T64 and Lynx files can also be used on disk drives - Power20 can write GZ compressed tape and disk files, saving space on the Mac HD. - Printer Emulation (Text only) For maximal ease of use, Power20 features: - Dialogs and Dokumentation in English and German - Drag & Drop mounting of Disks. - Drag & Drop copying of files between drives. - View the Directory of a Disk or Tape Drive. Load and run games with a simple double-click. No more typing BASIC commands. - Transparent access to ZIP and GZ compressed disk and tape images - View the Directory of a Disk or Tape Drive. Load and run games with a simple double-click. No more typing BASIC commands. - Built in Monitor/Debugger for an inside view of VIC-20 code. - Cut & Paste makes it easy to 'type' long listings into the VIC-20. - Optional hidden menubar for maximal VIC-20 feeling - Run several VIC-20's at once - Balloon Help for all menus and dialogs - Navigation Services for easy file selection #### BINHEX power-64-321.hqx **** From: Roland Lieger <rlieger@auto.tuwien.ac.at> Subject: Power64 3.2.1 Power64 3.2.1 - Commodore C64 Emulator Enjoy your favorite Commodore C64 games on your Power Macintosh! Power64 3.2.1 emulates all parts of a C64 at highest precision for optimal compatiblity: .) Full MOS 6510 CPU Emulation (incl. Illegal Opcodes) .) VIC (VideoIC) Emulation (nearly Cycle-Exact, or Scanline-based, incl. all Video Modes, Sprites, Soft-Scrolling, Raster Interrupts, Sprite Collision, Open Top/Bottom/Left/Right Borders) .) Antialiased Video to resemble the blur of a TV-screen .) SID (SoundID) Emulation (incl. Waveforms, Envelopes (ADSR), Ring-Modulation, Synchronisation, Filters, Resonance, Samples) .) CIA Emulation (incl. Timers, Interrupts, Time of Day, Alarm) .) Optional Original C64 Keyboard Layout or Macintosh Keyboard Layout .) Joysticks (both via real USB/ADB Joysticks and Keyboard mapping), Paddles and Lightpen emulated .) C1541 Disk Drive emulated (*.D64, *.X64, ZipCoded and *.G41 files supported - Mount GZ, ZIP or LHA compressed files without manual decompression) .) Direct Access to Macintosh File System (both *.C64 and *.P00 files (also GZ, ZIP or LHA compressed) supported) .) Tape Drive (Datasette) emulated (*.T64, Lynx and *.TAP files) .) Power64 can write GZ compressed tape and disk files, saving lots of space on the Mac HD. .) Printer Emulation (Text only) For maximal ease of use, Power64 features: .) Dialogs and Dokumentation in English, German, French and Spanish. .) Drag & Drop mounting of Disks. .) Drag & Drop copying of files between drives. .) View the Directory of a Disk or Tape Drive. Load and run games with a simple double-click. No more typing BASIC commands. .) Built in Monitor/Debugger for an inside view of C64 code. .) Cut & Paste or Drag & Drop makes it easy to 'type' long listings into the C64. .) Special Optimisations for GEOS 2.0. (faster disk access, custom printer driver, etc.) .) Optional hidden menubar for maximal C64 feeling .) Power64 can show the current keyboard layout in window. This makes it easy to find graphic characters on the Mac keyboard. .) Run several C64's at once .) Balloon Help for all menus and dialogs #### BINHEX power-contact-11.hqx **** From: Ancodia software <info@ancodia.com> Subject: Power Contact 1.1.0 Powerful address book and communicator in one. Sends SMS, E-mails, ICQ messages.. Powerful address book and easy to use communicator in one. Organizer and manager for all your contacts. Sends SMS (free of charge), E-mails, and ICQ messages. Dials phone numbers using speaker or modem. Supports locations and customizable list views. Includes easy to use search function. Secures stored data with a password and extends security with file encryption. Allows printing and data export/import in different formats. Cross-platform ready.a Author: Lubos Tilka (Ancodia software) Website: http://www.ancodia.com E-mail: info@ancodia.com #### BINHEX ppf-148.hqx **** From: RBId1@aol.com Subject: Password Protect Folders v 1.4.8 demo Password Protect Folders v 1.4.8 demo Have you ever wanted to make sure that your most personal folders are kept from prying eyes? Then this AppleScript is for you! Password Protect Folders (PPF) is designed to passsword protect personal folders on local or remote disks. One or more folders are dragged and dropped onto the AppleScript, assigned a user defined password and then made invisble. Folders are re-made visible by relaunching the application, selecting one or more folders in a single dialog box and then entering the correct password. A text file is maintained to keep track of the locations of all currently hidden folders. Offers a level of security sufficient for most home or business uses. Version 1.4.8 fixes a bug which allowed users to hide disks. Also, in PPF 1.4.8, only currently hidden folders are now (correctly) listed in the text file. #### BINHEX quote-of-the-day-10.hqx **** From: The Norths <ozaffair@zeta.org.au> Subject: Quote of the Day 1.0 Quote of the Day is a simple shareware program that, when placed in your Startup Items folder inside your System Folder, will greet you each day with a random quote from a list including humorous, motivational, famous and business quotes. The quote list in version 1.0 is contains over 100 quotes, but by registering you are entitled to free updates that will contain many more quotes. Perpetual Notion Software #### BINHEX random-password-12.hqx **** From: "David C. Oshel" <dcoshel@pobox.com> Subject: RandomPassword 1.2 history ------- 1.2 December 8, 1999 - Bug fix, alert position on main screen not set. 1.1 December 4, 1999 - Added BNDL, not released. 1.0 December 1, 1999 - first version to InfoMac. It's hard to think up a password. Here's a random password generator based on the old diceware idea, but I use a PRNG to pick out candidates from the vocabulary list. Using dice to select one of 7776 words is perfectly random, but awfully tedious. This method gives you an instant password that looks exactly like you used diceware, with essentially the same level of "random"-ness. The program asks you to select a file using Standard Get File. Choose a file at least 64 megabytes in length, with randomized content. For example, a large encrypted Stuffit archive, or a large PGP Disk volume. Internally, both of these kinds of files look random -- in fact, they can't be compressed, usually a great indicator that their bit patterns are unavailable for analysis. The file is used to initialize a small additive congruential generator (see Knuth), which is used to select five words from Beale's vocabulary, the alternative list distributed at www.diceware.com. The program shows you the password in an Alert (speaking it aloud if you've allowed OS 8.5 to speak), and also puts it in the clipboard for you to paste into another application. Notice the kicker? The file you select as an entropy source can be on a CD-ROM, offline. And the "entropy" of its bit pattern depends on the random contents of whatever you've been shoving into the underlying archive for the past year or so. A fine kettle of fish! Source is included, support is not. Enjoy. David C. Oshel Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 1 December 1999 #### BINHEX random-wisdom-12.hqx **** From: bkelley1@nycap.rr.com Subject: Random Wisdom 1.2 Random Wisdom For Short Attention Spans This is a little freeware app I made for my own amusement. It's like a virtual fortune cookie: open it up and find little bits of "wisdom" inside. Changes in version 1.2: --Appearance Manager support --PowerPC native This version should replace any earlier versions in the archive. Brian Kelley bkelley1@nycap.rr.com CompleatMac Software http://home.nycap.rr.com/compleatmac/ #### BINHEX relax-214.hqx **** From: pr@sperspect.com Subject: Relax 2.1.4 Relax 2.1.4 contains support for our new Summer Thunder Pro environment and support for the Navigation Services in Mac OS 8. Relax is a soothing environment simulator which plays calming environments as you work on your Macintosh. Requires a Power Macintosh. #### BINHEX scrapbook-x-11.hqx **** From: jonrelay@napanet.net Subject: Scrapbook X 1.1 Since the days of System 1.0, the Macintosh operating system had these things called Desk Accessories. In System 7.0, they were moved from the System file to the Apple menu. Starting with System 7.5 and MacOS 7.6, they gradually turned into applications. One that was always there, from System 1.0 to MacOS 9.2.2, was the Scrapbook. When MacOS X came out, the Scrapbook was scrapped. Well, now it's back. And it's better. The scrapbook holds text, pictures, movies, or nearly anything you want. The Scrapbook File that comes with SBX includes 11 items to start things off. You can, of course, add more items, or even create more scrapbooks. Scrapbook X is (c) 2003 Kreative Software. #### BINHEX script-timer-22.hqx **** From: don@appsandmore.com Subject: Script Timer 2.2 - script and application scheduling software Script Timer will run your AppleScript, perl, or shell scripts, as well as applications, at set times of the day, week, month, or year as well as at regular time intervals ranging from one minute to any number of weeks with specifiable start and stop times. You can also use the program to invoke actions when the computer enters or leaves an idle state. Using a feature called Dynamic Scheduling, you can arrange for an AppleScript script to schedule any other script or application on the fly at a time of its choice. Script Timer has two modules, a scheduling engine with an extremely small memory footprint that is designed to run unobtrusively in the background, and an Editor with drag and drop graphical user interface for creating and manipulating scheduling data files. The scheduling engine runs in the user domain, which allows it to be easily controlled by a Start/Stop button in the GUI program, and provides for greater security. A log file records each action, including error messages and optional messages returned from a script, allowing for easy troubleshooting and script results recording. The application comes with several sample scripts that illustrate its use, including examples of Finder and third party application scripting, and the use of parameterized scripts. Also included is Track Timer, a script that provides an interface between Script Timer and iTunes for automatic music play. System Requirements Mac OS X Version 10.1 and higher Pricing and Availability Script Timer 2.2 is trialware. Unregistered copies are fully functional for 30 days after first use. The application is available for download at <http://www.appsandmore.com>. Just click on the Script Timer button. For more information visit the above web site or write to <info@appsandmore.com>. Registration fees for Script Timer 2.2 are US$12 for a single copy, US$300 for a site license, and $US120 for an academic site license. This version is free for all registered users of version 2.0 or later. Registered users of a previous (1.x) version of Script Timer are eligible for a free upgrade if they have registered at any time on or before July 28, 2004. Registered users are eligible for free email support and receive at least four additional useful scripts upon registration. #### BINHEX scruffle-11.hqx **** From: lee@scruffle.com Subject: Scruffle.1.1 Scruffle's main dialogue window randomizes isolated wordpairs in adjacent text windows. The list dialogue window allows the user to input up to 100 wordpairs and up to 50 questions in saveable lists. Scruffle comes with 5 complete lists pre-configured. The scroll arrows allow (left or right) independent column or (center) locked wordpair scrolling. By observing the randomly generated wordpairs one pair at a time, new ideas are generated which can be entered in the notes window and later copied to a wordprocessing document. Similarly, the questions prompt new idea answers. Scruffle is fully functional shareware. You should send me $10 so I can create new programs and inform you of upgrades to Scruffle.1.1. Please send payment to: Lee Clarke 54 Wickey Ave. Westbury, NY 11590 #### BINHEX sessions-11.hqx **** From: kole@semp.net Subject: Sessions1.1.hqx In this update to Sessions 1.1b, there have been improvements to the functionality of the program. Among these: Better memory management, single and multi-task ability has been added to the Add Client function, and an Activity Report feature has been added. #### BINHEX simple-diary-16-68k.hqx **** From: Tae-Won Ha <taewon@web.de> Subject: 68k version of Simple Diary 1.6 Hi! The 68k version of Simple Diary 1.6 -- Tae-Won Ha ¥ http://www.taewon.de/ ¥ =) #### BINHEX simple-diary-16-ppc.hqx **** From: Tae-Won Ha <taewon@web.de> Subject: PPC version of Simple Diary 1.6 Hi! The PPC version of Simple Diary 1.6 -- Tae-Won Ha ¥ http://www.taewon.de/ ¥ =) #### BINHEX simple-list-2-ppc.hqx **** From: braden@intell-agent.com Subject: Simple List 2.0 PPC Announcing Simple List 2.0 Created by Braden Burton 1999 braden@intell-agent.com Simple List is an application that is designed to keep notes, information and general to do memos all in one simple place. The information is in a Hierarchy structure for easy management. Types of information currently avaliable for storage are Internet addresses, contacts, to do's, books, music, videos, notes, extended notes (larger that 255 characters). Simple List 2.0 is fully internet integrated with links to web sites, people, books, music, videos and DVD's Web Site: http://www.intell-agent.com/ Mail: mailto:braden@intell-agent.com New to Simple List 2.0: Major Upgrade. Document based - you can now have multiple lists open Specific item types - Different items can hold different types of information. Internet enhanced - most types of information can link directly to the internet Interface Enhancements Can now drag and drop as sub items properly. Uses Navigation Services Download File Name: SimpleList2PPC.hqx -- - Braden Burton. --> The Truth is Out There <-- - - - Simple List: http://www.intell-agent.com/ #### BINHEX simple-to-do-201.hqx **** From: Henry Carstens <carstens@verticalsolutions.com> Subject: Simple To Do 2.0.1 Simple To Do is a list manager. Use it for making to do lists, managing small projects, outlining, or simply organizing your thoughts. Includes a status bar for visual feedback, accepts drags from e-mail, generates status reports and can suggest the next item to work on. Version 2.0.1 can export lists as web pages helping users share information and coordinate projects. Mac 68k or PPC, requires System 7.1 or later. Vertical Solutions http://www.simpletodo.com #### BINHEX snag-window-101.hqx **** From: snagglepuss@earthlink.net Subject: SnagWindow 1.0.1 SnagWindow 1.0.1 is an Applescript application that automates the capture window command (caps lock-command-shift-4) in MacOS. The user can select how many window caps to make and at what interval. Requires Applescript. Freeware. #### BINHEX snow-24-fr.hqx **** From: Bernard Desgagne <bernard.desgagne@videotron.ca> Subject: French version of Snow 2.4 (freeware) Snow 2.4 by Dave Warker (French Version) Snow is a small, FREE application for the Mac that drifts snowflakes down the screen accompanied by the gentle sound of sleigh bells and music! New in this version: ¥ With Quicktime 4.0 or later Snow will now play MP3 audio files in the Snow Tunes folder. ¥ Added a few more flake image sets (courtesy of Matt Bowmer.) ¥ Internal change to make life easier for language localizers. ¥ Fixed a memory leak involving aliases in the Snow Tunes folder. The basic flakes and sleigh bells should work on any Mac. Music requires QuickTime(tm) 2.0 or later, though QuickTime 3 or later is highly recommended. Quicktime 4 or later is required to play MP3 audio files. Automatic wake up requires System 7 or later. Includes QuickTime music files of jazzed up holiday favorites. Being musically inept, I didn't create them, I found them on the Net. Snow is *FREE*. I do request prior approval to include it in any mass distribution such as a CDROM or book. I would also appreciate a copy of each such distribution if possible. See the "About Snow" menu item in the Snow application for additional information. dave@warker.com http://www.warker.com #### BINHEX social-styles-assessment.hqx **** From: Clark Crouch <cecrouch@owt.com> Subject: Social Styles Assessment What is your preferred style...driver, expressive, amiable, or analytical? Knowledge of your social style can help you to success in your personal and business relationships. Knowledge of your competitors's social style can give you the edge! Designed in FileMaker Pro 3/4, this template provides an individual assessment and a means of collecting the data for everyone in your organization. Users have access to every feature of the template except for designing or changing layouts, editing scripts, defining value lists, printing, and exporting. These features may be accessed after registration. If requested by registered users before December 1, 2000, we will e-mail a FREE .PDF document containing four interpretive pages: backup behavior styles, conflict behavior styles, sales styles, and style characteristics. #### BINHEX software-hardware-tracker.hqx **** From: DXoft Technical Support <support@dxoft.com> Subject: Software & Hardware Tracker 3.6 Software & Hardware Tracker 3.6 by DXoft <mailto:support@dxoft.com> <http://www.dxoft.com> June 21st, 2000. Version 3.6 of Software & Hardware Tracker is now available. Main changes in version 3.6: - Software & Hardware Tracker now informs you when it finds records with IDs longer than 60 characters so that you can try to shorten them. - Fixed several buttons which didn't invoke the correct scripts. - Fixed a field in the Purchase Tracker, the type of which had been switched to "time" by mistake. - Fixed two fields in the Company Tracker which didn't call upon the right relationships. - Fixed two "Omit" scripts so that they really omit all the records they are supposed to. - Added fields to let Software & Hardware Tracker 3.6 find long IDs. - Added a few more fields to help version 4 import version 3.6 records directly. It means you must upgrade to version 3.6 (3.5 lacks a few important fields) to be able to restore your records into the upcoming version 4 automatically. All Software & Hardware Tracker 3.x users should download and install this free update. ## About Software & Hardware Tracker ## A CNET/Download.com "Premiere" and "Top Pick" and a BizProWeb "Pick of the Day", Software & Hardware Tracker is a collection of FileMaker Pro 3.0/4.0 relational database which will help you collect, store and organize useful information (such as registration codes, serial numbers, product notes, etc.) about all your computer products (hardware and software). Relying on the standard Internet Config system, Software & Hardware Tracker is perfectly integrated with your other Internet software. It also keeps track of all your contact information for software and hardware developers, distributors and places of purchase, turning it into a powerful contact and Internet bookmark manager. Software & Hardware Tracker 3 is compatible with FileMaker Pro 5 once converted to the new version's file format. The conversion happens automatically when one opens Software & Hardware Tracker using FileMaker Pro 5 or later. Software & Hardware Tracker is being distributed as shareware. Several registration and upgrade options are available. Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware. Thanks for your support! +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ DXoft Technical Support <mailto:support@dxoft.com> <http://www.dxoft.com> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #### BINHEX speakable-contacts.hqx **** From: "Alex Mcknight" <Alex@prepshop.net> Subject: Speakable Contacts Speakable Contacts, is a Macintosh contact management software, that allows you to make each contact speakable. You can command the application to send email, visit WebPages, or just display information, all with your own voice. No voice training required. OS Requirements: No earlier then Mac OS 7.6 Other Requirements: Microphone, Mac Speech Recognition Library, Mac Sound Library. Functionality Limitations : Only 5 Addresses are allowed, Import address option is disabled. Price for Full Version: $15.00 For more info visit http://www.prepshop.net/contentpages/speakaddress.html The demo may be download from here http://www.prepshop.net/SpeakAddress.sea.bin This binary may be included on the commercially available CD-ROM of the archives. #### DIRECTORY ss **** #### BINHEX subway-passport-10.hqx **** From: thomaz@subwaynetwork.com Subject: Subway Passport 1.0 Subway Passport is a personal content guide for the Macintosh. We optimized the Subway Passport so that it is fast, simple to use and has the Mac look and feel that you have come to expect from Macintosh applications. In addition to that, the Passport has a built-in RealAudio player so that you can listen to audio streams without a browser or the RealPlayer, support for a great variety of external plug-ins and a lot more. Minimum System Requirements ? MacOS 8.1 ? Any PowerPC-based Macintosh ? 16MB of RAM ? 5MB of Hard Disk Space ? Internet connection Our web site is located at http://www.subwaynetwork.com Questions ? Email us at info@subwaynetwork.com #### BINHEX t-minus-ten-22.hqx **** From: MK Software <mksoftware@mac.com> Subject: T-Minus Ten 2.2 T-Minus Ten lets users turn frequently-used or repetitive actions into tasks that can be automatically run by a schedule, launched by a keystroke, when the mouse is positioned over a designated hot spot on the screen, or put into action when your computer becomes idle. Using T-Minus Ten, you can create hot keys and hot spots to drive applications, scripts and documents. The handy timer function puts your Macintosh on auto-pilot during off-hours, running back-up scripts, creating customizable sets of file launches and more. Anything that can be scripted with AppleScript or opened by the Finder can be turned into an automated task. MAJOR NEW FEATURES AND CHANGES - Tasks for displaying reminders and for inserting keystrokes. - Tasks can now be triggered to run at Sleep and Wake Up time. - Tasks can be linked together to form a sequence. - Faster loading. - Mac OS 9 compatibility, in particular, support for multiple users. Mark Krenek MK Software #### BINHEX tabead-explorer-15.hqx **** From: kdvail@exploremaine.com Subject: Tab e Add 1.5 - Internet Explorer Version Note, there is a distinct version for both Netscape and Microsoft browsers. Thank you for trying Tab e Add (Tabbed electronic Address Book) from DOVA-K Software. The full featured address book that won't eat you out of wallet or Ram. Features: ¥ Operates comfortably in half/meg of RAM*. ¥ When browser is active, URL and Title of current page is automatically entered in NewRecords. ¥ Can be used as Bookmark Manager. ¥ One click connect to URL addresses. ¥ One click to pre-addressed message in eMail client. ¥ Virtually invisible primary user interface. ¥ Auto copy of records to clipboard for easy pasting. * Tests were run on a Power Macintosh 8500/120 with virtual memory on. Test database contained 175 records. -- Kurt Vail DOVA-K Software 24 Hall Lane Norway, ME 04268 #### BINHEX tabead-netscape-15.hqx **** From: kdvail@exploremaine.com Subject: Tab e Add 1.5 - Netscape Version Note, there is a distinct version for both Netscape and Microsoft browsers. Thank you for trying Tab e Add (Tabbed electronic Address Book) from DOVA-K Software. The full featured address book that won't eat you out of wallet or Ram. Features: ¥ Operates comfortably in half/meg of RAM*. ¥ When browser is active, URL and Title of current page is automatically entered in NewRecords. ¥ Can be used as Bookmark Manager. ¥ One click connect to URL addresses. ¥ One click to pre-addressed message in eMail client. ¥ Virtually invisible primary user interface. ¥ Auto copy of records to clipboard for easy pasting. * Tests were run on a Power Macintosh 8500/120 with virtual memory on. Test database contained 175 records. -- Kurt Vail DOVA-K Software 24 Hall Lane Norway, ME 04268 #### BINHEX tao-te-ching-10.hqx **** From: Brian Kelley <bkelley1@nycap.rr.com> Subject: Tao Te Ching 1.0 The Tao Te Ching is Lao Tzu's classic text of ancient Chinese philosophical poetry. This application generates one of its chapters each time the application is opened, making it a nice addition to the Startup Items folder. The chapters can be saved as text files, and printed from the "File" menu. Also from the "File" menu, you can install an alias of Tao Te Ching into your Startup Items folder, so you can read a new chapter each time your Macintosh starts up. Tao Te Ching is freeware. #### BINHEX target-date-x-103.hqx **** From: fswill@swbell.net Subject: TargetDate 1.0.3 TargetDate 1.0.3 is a small utility to track the progress of your pregnancy. It is an easy way to see how far you have come and how much longer you have to go. You can use it to determine Due Date, Conception Date, Last Menstrual Period, etc... . There is a Milestone feature that is customized to your pregnancy that shows key dates and development stages of your baby's growth. The Milestones data can be saved to a text file to be printed, emailed or shared. You can modify "Today's Date" to see how far along you are on any given date. The number of days left are displayed in the dock for OS X users. TargetDate will update the days left information if left running without you having to update the current date. There is even a progress bar to visually track your pregnancy! What's New: Version 1.0.3 Fixed bug that would not update dock icon if the main window was closed. Now correctly resets dock icon on quit. Requirements: Mac OS 8.6 or later, CarbonLib. #### BINHEX tech-tracker-pro-11.hqx **** From: Kurt Christensen <kchristensen@techtracker.com> Subject: TechTracker Pro 1.1 - Software Update Monitoring Client Introducing TechTracker Pro, the latest way to keep your software up-to-date and your computer systems running smoothly. Now you can personalize VersionTracker.com's software support information and create tracking lists for the software that you care about. On the Web or on your desktop, TechTracker Pro lets you track customized software lists for up to three machines. The service is two distinct pieces that work together: the VersionTracker.com Pro tab and TechTracker Pro desktop client. Each piece can work independently but their true potential is revealed when they are used in conjunction. The Desktop Client will be able to check for out of date applications, extensions, and control panels. It can keep track of applications on up to three machines and, you will receive proactive notification when any of the applications you have installed on your machine are out of date.You can, from the VersionTracker Pro tab, track the status of all three machines in a single place. Additionally, you can track applications you are interested in that are not installed on your computers by adding them to your list manually (this can be done via the Pro tab ) Requires Mac OS 8.6 - 9.2 #### BINHEX tech-tracker-pro-osx-12.hqx **** From: Kurt Christensen <kchristensen@techtracker.com> Subject: TechTracker Pro for OS X 1.2 - Software Update Monitoring Client Welcome to TechTracker Pro! TechTracker Pro is a new application from TechTracker that integrates the power of the VersionTracker.com web site with an exciting new application for tracking your installed software. With this release, you can now keep all of your Mac OS X software up to date. Running as a Carbon app, TechTracker Pro automatically creates a list of your installed software, and proactively notifies you when software on your list is updated. Using TechTracker Pro, you can then connect to VersionTracker's Web site and find out more about updates you need or download updates directly to your hard drive. TechTracker Pro for OS X will track updates for Carbon/Cocoa appliations, as well as for all of your Classic applications, control panels, and extensions. TechTracker Pro is not installed as a login item. You will need to set TechTracker Pro to launch at system startup manually. To do this: Open the System Preferences Application Click on the Login icon Click the add button and add TechTracker Pro to your login items Requires: Mac OS X 10.0 or higher #### BINHEX texas-fastpicker-10.hqx **** From: admin@rebeltechs.net Subject: Texas FastPicker 1.0 Texas FastPicker is a simple, small application you can use to generate random numbers for play in one of the Texas state lotteries. It will generate the correct amount of numbers in the correct range for each of the different Texas lottery games. You can then copy the numbers into the clipboard and paste them into another application or document. Requirements Mac OS 8.6 or later, CarbonLib. #### BINHEX things-to-do-10.hqx **** From: songe@agate.plala.or.jp Subject: Things to Do 1.0 (c) 2004 by Jonathan Scott Sometimes it just seems like everyone needs a little order in order to get their lives working efficiently. Here's something to help provide you with some of that order. What this software will do for you is to give you an accurate list of all the things you need to do each day according to the information that you provide. The list will only be as complete as the information you supply it with, so, learn how to use it and it will help you well. It's easy to learn and even easier to use! Enjoy! Thank you. Jon & Sayuri's Software (http://www.JonandSayuri.com) #### BINHEX tide-stamp-australia-202.hqx **** From: Brian C Burke <briancburke@home.com> Subject: Tide Stamp Australia 2.0.2 Tide Stamp is a tide and current predictor. Tide Stamp Australia 2.0.2 calculates tides or currents for 393 locations in or near Australia for the year 2001. Tide Stamp will run on any Mac with System 7 or later. #### BINHEX tide-stamp-canada-202.hqx **** From: Brian C Burke <briancburke@home.com> Subject: Tide Stamp Canada 2.0.2 Tide Stamp is a tide and current predictor. Tide Stamp Canada 2.0.2 calculates tides or currents for over 1000 Canadian locations for the year 2001. Tide Stamp will run on any Mac with System 7 or later. #### BINHEX tide-stamp-northamerica-202.hqx **** From: Brian C Burke <briancburke@home.com> Subject: Tide Stamp North America 2.0.2 Tide Stamp is a tide and current predictor. Tide Stamp North America 2.0.2 calculates tides or currents for 900 locations in or near North America for the year 2001. Tide Stamp will run on any Mac with System 7 or later. #### BINHEX tide-stamp-world-202.hqx **** From: Brian C Burke <briancburke@home.com> Subject: Tide Stamp World 2.0.2 Tide Stamp is a tide and current predictor. Tide Stamp World 2.0.2 calculates tides or currents for 880 locations world wide (not including North America locations) for the year 2001. Tide Stamp will run on any Mac with System 7 or later. #### DIRECTORY time **** #### BINHEX tiny-pim-131.hqx **** From: Ethan Rutter <earutter@amug.org> Subject: TinyPIM 1.3.1 Tiny PIM is a simple address book and calendar application with some nice features: + Address, phone, internet and date storage + Hot buttons for instant URL and email access + Address searches by any combination of fields + Configurable event calendar which can be exported as graphics files + An importable set of events (American holidays) for the calendar + Flexible import/export of addresses and events + Event/date reminder application + Print an entire address book or just the results of a search + Interface windows and calendar have (separate) custom color controls Version 1.3.1 fixes a couple small bugs related to address searches. There is a 68K version available at the MR Stuff home page <http://amug.org/~earutter/index.html>. #### BINHEX tnt-nag-123.hqx **** From: M.C.Tully@durham.ac.uk Subject: TNT Nag! 1.23 TNT Nag! 1.23 by Mark Tully & TNT Software TNT Nag! is a quick & very easy to use reminder utility for the Macintosh with many features found in commercial products. Appointments can be set which you do not wish to forget about and Nag! will remind you of them at the proper time. Custom sounds and pictures can be chosen to appear with your message and messages can be grouped and edited with ease and set to reoccur regularly; you will never miss your favourite TV program again! Nag! has a very small memory footprint and runs in the continuously in the background. It is an application so it does not cause any extension conflicts like some time managment products and whenever you need an extra 200k of ram you can quit it. As part of the Nag! package there is also a control panel called "Quick Nag!". You can use this to set up hot keys for creating messages from inside any application, making Nag! even quicker to use. Quick Nag! is NOT required for Nag! to function. System Requirements: - System 7 or greater - 250k free ram For more information see the enclosed manuals. Thanks, Mark Tully TNT Software #### BINHEX tudoo.hqx **** From: "Smith,Nathan" <natesmith@neo.rr.com> Subject: Tudoo NateCo Tudoo is a simple to-do list allowing the user to create to-do lists of their days important tasks, favorite web addresses to visit, etc... Tudoo can print your list as well as launch web addresses. Tudoo requires MacOS 7.5, and 2MB of memory. Tudoo is freeware. For more information, please visit http://www.nateco.com #### BINHEX udana-14.hqx **** From: Brian Kelley <bkelley1@nycap.rr.com> Subject: Udana 1.4 The Udana is a collection of short suttas, each culminating in a short verse uttered by the Buddha. "Udana -- Exclamations of Buddha" randomly generates one of those verses each time it is opened, making it a nice addition to the Startup Items folder. Additionally, clicking on the quotation will generate a new verse. The verses can be saved as text files, and printed from the "File" menu. "Udana -- Exclamations of Buddha" is made available for free, as a gift of Dhamma. #### BINHEX update-agent-81.hqx **** From: Bernadette Ryan <bryan@insidersoftware.com> Subject: UpdateAgent 8.1 - Update all your software with just two clicks! UpdateAgent 8.1 - Update all your software with just two clicks! Nothing ruins the stability and performance of your Macintosh more than old software. With just two button clicks, UpdateAgent automatically brings all your Macintosh System Software, Control Panels, Extensions, Applications, and Utilities up-to-the-minute and works forever to keep them that way. It fixes bugs, adds new features and eliminates crashes and lock-ups. Download UpdateAgent now and get a Free Check-Up. The Free Check-Up will report how many updaters you need and will also update your Macintosh System software. To update all your third party applications, Control Panels, Extensions, and Utilities obtain an Access Code and enter it into the Free Check-Up. Version 8.1 integrates Aladdin StuffIt version 5 resulting in 20% faster downloading and faster decompression, and improves error messages which assist in pinpointing problems. Visit www.insidersoftware.com for more information. Insider Software Inc 6412 Merlin Drive, Suite 700 Carlsbad CA 92009 sales: 800-700-6340 support: 760-804-9900 eMail: updateagent@insidersoftware.com #### BINHEX update-agent-x.hqx **** From: Bernadette Ryan <bryan@insidersoftware.com> Subject: UpdateAgent X - Update all your software with just two clicks! Love OS X? Can't wait for more OS X applications? Getting ready to move to OS X? Then get UpdateAgent X, your personal assistant in the search for new and improved OS X applications. UpdateAgent X informs you whenever there is a new version of whatever Operating System, Control Panels, Extensions, Applications and Utilities are installed on your Mac. UpdateAgent X can run automatically every day, once a week or in manual mode, and can even automatically expand compressed downloads. But UpdateAgent X doesn't stop there. Insider Software, developers of UpdateAgent X, maintain copies of the updates and upgrades you need on their own secure high-speed servers. No need to navigate through dozens of company web sites to stay up to date. Just select what you want, and UpdateAgent X gets the files and puts them in a folder you specify. UpdateAgent X even keeps track of the updates you have downloaded, those you've skipped and any downloads that may have failed. Want to check out an upgrade or update before downloading it? UpdateAgent X's interface provides time-saving links that takes your browser directly to the software developers web page describing any update or upgrade UpdateAgent X finds. Let UpdateAgent X go to work for you and get the latest insanely great OS X software as soon as it is available anywhere. Visit http://www.insidersoftware.com for more information. Insider Software Inc 6412 Merlin Drive, Suite 700 Carlsbad CA 92009 sales: 800-700-6340 support: 760-804-9900 eMail: updateagent@insidersoftware.com #### BINHEX verses-of-the-elders-11.hqx **** From: Brian Kelley <bkelley1@nycap.rr.com> Subject: Verses of the Elders 1.1 "Verses of the Elders" contains inspirational verses from the early Buddhist monks and nuns. This application randomly generates one of the verses each time it is opened, making it a nice addition to the Startup Items folder. Additionally, clicking on the quotation will generate a new verse. The verses can be saved as text files, and printed from the "File" menu. The Theragatha and Therigatha contain stories in verse form in which the early monks (bhikkhus) and nuns (bhikkhunis) recount their struggles and accomplishments along the road to enlightenment. These stories are told with an often heart-breaking honesty and beauty which reveal the human side of these extraordinary men and women and serve as inspiring reminders of our own potential to follow in their footsteps. New in version 1.1 --option to install into Startup Items folder with the click of a button #### BINHEX version-finder-25.hqx **** From: wtudor@nycap.rr.com Subject: VersionFinder 2.5 Version Finder is a Mac OS Application that keeps track of the current version numbers of all your Applications, Extensions, Control Panels, Drivers, etc. on your hard disk. You can quickly determine which version of a program you have by consulting Version Finder. If you have internet access and a web browser, you can use Version Finder to help search various internet sites for possible updates to your files. If you have MacOS 8.5 or later, Version Finder can use Sherlock to help find items on the internet. Version Finder has many other useful features such as the ability to display the full pathname of items in its list, open Finder "Get Info" windows for any of the items in its list, open the folder containing an item in the list, and opening (launching) any item in the list. You can also restrict the display to show only duplicate items, which can aid in cleaning up duplicates on your disks. New for version 2.5 - Additional and updated internet search web sites ____________________________________ William H. Tudor email: wtudor@nycap.rr.com Web : http://home.nycap.rr.com/tudor Voice: (518) 428-4575 #### BINHEX version-loader-10a2.hqx **** From: "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller" <hns@computer.org> Subject: VersionLoader 1.0a2 (MacOS X version) * VersionLoader is a Client application for the VersionTracker (http://www.versiontracker.com) database to keep the overview of what is new - comparable to the Apple Software Download Agent. * System requirements: MacOS X 10.1 (requires "curl" shell command) Disclaimer: This release is an experiment (or demo) to show core functionality. This release is Freeware but the right to change this for future releases is reserved. Any and all trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners. They are used in this document only for reference/descriptive purposes. #### BINHEX version-master-20.hqx **** Subject: Version Master 2.0 - Software Version Notification From: tom@scottsdale.com (Tom Reahard) Version Master is a client application which shows which software on a Macintosh is out-of-date and where on the internet users may find updates, patches, and upgrades. Version Master compiles a list of all of the software on a Mac. Users download the current version numbers and update locations from the Version Master server. The Version Master server currently tracks over 60,000 software titles from 50 countries. Version Master keeps track of 680xx, PowerPC and FAT versions of software. It also tracks beta versions of software independently from release versions of the same software. Software is also categorized by "country code" so localized versions may be tracked. As an added bonus, users may indicate that they would like to receive e-mail notification whenever a newer version of some specific software becomes available. The e-mail feature requires payment of the annual subscription fee. Version Master 2.0 includes eight languages selected from a menu: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, Japanese, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish. Version Master requires System 7 or greater, 2M RAM, 3M Hard Disk Space. Tom Reahard Symmetry Software Corporation <http://www.scottsdale.com/> <mailto:tom@scottsdale.com> #### BINHEX vse-update-finder-21.hqx **** From: VSE Customer Support <support@vse-online.com> Subject: VSE Update Finder 2.1 - Free tool to find updates VSE Update Finder is a new version of the freeware utility for locating software updates listed among 15 well-known Internet databases. The new version updates some search scripts, recognizes applications better and fixes a bug where the rebuilding of the application list did not work. Further information about VSE Update Finder: http://vse-online.com/update-finder/index.html System Requirements: System 7.5 or later, 5 MB RAM #### BINHEX weight-a-minute-110.hqx **** From: Anthony J Lambert <ajl@lambert-rubicon.co.uk> Subject: Weight a'Minute 1.1.0 - Weight Tracking Tool Weight a'Minute is a shareware tool that enables you to monitor your weight over time. It records your weight, calculates your body mass index and graphically represents your progress against a target that you define. It also has a full on-line help. The binary package contains the Weight a'Minute application, a comprehensive user manual, a text "read me" file and a program for registering the application. #### BINHEX weight-ok-12.hqx **** From: Ton Brand <ton_brand@spidernet.nl> Subject: Weight OK? 1.2 Weight OK? 1.2 What it is: Tool to check your weight and comment on it. Author: Ton Brand Company: Ton's Software License: Freeware Computer: any Mac Mac OS: 7.0 or later plus HyperCard Player Abstract: Weight OK? is a freeware HyperCard color stack that checks your weight and comments on it. Enter your weight and height to have your Body Mass Index calculated. Your Ideal Weight within its limits is also given. If your weight exceeds those limits, you will get good advice. The program works with both metric and non-metric input. #### BINHEX weight-tracker-11.hqx **** From: Chris Smolinski <csmolinski@erols.com> Subject: Weight Tracker 1.1.0 Weight Tracker is a simple program which helps you track your weight losses or gains. It allows you to graph any measurement (weight, waist, hips, etc) you desire, and graphs them. It also keeps track of your rate of loss or gain, and evaluates your time to goal based on that rate. The more information entered, the more accurate the program becomes. Requires: Color Mac Shareware: $10 Chris Smolinski Black Cat Systems #### BINHEX welcome-startup-10.hqx **** From: "Stephen R. Gross" <sgross@worldweb.net> Subject: WelcomeStartup Application, Utility and Source Code WelcomeStartup issues an appropriate startup greeting depending on the time of day. The time periods are defined as: Morning : 5 AM - Noon MidDay : Noon - 8 PM Evening : 8 PM - 5 AM and can not be changed without recompilation. (source code is included). WelcomeStartup is eMailWare. All I want to know is where you are and which site enticed you to download WelcomeStartup. Any other feedback is also welcome - Positive or negative. Place WelcomeStartup in your Startup Items Folder in your System Folder or doubleclick on the application and sit back, it doesn't take long. It requires no other user action. WelcomeStartup comes with a bonus WelcomeStartupUtility Application which can be used to change the embedded greetings. #### BINHEX x-shelf-10.hqx **** From: khsu@mac.com Subject: XShelf 1.0 for MacOS X enhances drag and drop XShelf 1.0 has been released on 02/25/03. XShelf is an application that enhances Drag and Drop operations in MacOS X by providing a shelf where Drag and Dropped items (such as files, text, or URLs) can be stored for later use. Thus, not only can Drag and Drop operations be "paused", multiple operations can be in flight at once. XShelf is freeware, and requires MacOS X 10.2. More information about XShelf can be found at http://homepage.mac.com/khsu/XShelf/XShelf.html Suggestions or queries can be sent to khsu@mac.com #### BINHEX xy-digitizer-10.hqx **** From: Gary Westfall <garywestfall@mac.com> Subject: XY Digitizer 1.0 XY Digitizer is designed to extract information from graphs and movies. XY Digitizer allows the user to extract data from graphs and save that information in a file suitable for a spreadsheet or graphics program. XY Digitizer can handle linear or logarithmic scales. XY Digitizer allows the extraction of data including error bars. XY Digitizer also allows the extraction of information from movies. XY Digitizer is a fat application. XY Digitizer is fully functional shareware. Gary Westfall garywestfall@mac.com #### BINHEX y2k-app-checker-104.hqx **** From: "Daniel C. Kueng" <studio@blueline-studios.com> Subject: Y2K App Checker 1.0.4 Switzerland--October 25, 1999--Blue Line Studios today announced the release of "Y2K App Checker", an utility to check Macintosh applications for year 2000 compliance. Y2K App Checker checks your installed software according to the database from Macnologist.com <http://www.macnologist.com>, the currently most complete resource available regarding applications with y2K issues. If Y2K App Checker finds any programs on any mounted volume that have a known year 2000 incompatibility, it lists the programs' names, their specific problems, and the recommended solutions. "The development and testing took us much longer than we originally anticipated," Dan C. Kueng, president of Blue Line Studios said, "but now we have to offer quite a useful tool for the Mac community. And best of all, it's completely free!" "While is is widely known that the Mac hardware and operating systems are safe," Richard Barron, president of Macnologist.com, explained, "many people don't think about their applications as having problems with internal date handling. Macnologist.com has been compiling information on the not-so-compliant Mac applications in order to help spread the word about checking your Mac for compliance--and hopefully avoiding any embarrassing situations without y2K ready machines come January first. We see this venture with Blue Line Studios as another large step in spreading the word about Mac y2K issues before they turn into problems." "Rich has done a great job to help us implement his database." Dan said, "Why don't you check your Mac right away and see if Y2K App Checker finds something. You bet it does!" Y2K App Checker is freeware. It can be downloaded free-of-charge from Blue Line Studios' web site <http://www.blueline-studios.com>. The home page of Y2K App Checker is at <http://www.blueline-studios.com/ykMain.html>. Interface screenshots and a description of the program's features is available at <http://www.blueline-studios.com/ykIntrfc.html>. System requirements are any Macintosh or Mac clone, 4 MB of available RAM, and system 7 or above. It is Mac-ony; no PC version is available or planned. #### BINHEX yellow-card-10.hqx **** From: keitaf@m14.alpha-net.ne.jp (keita senda) Subject: YellowCard1.0E AddressBook MacPPC 8.1-9.0.4 http://www.alpha-net.ne.jp/users2/keitaf keita #### BINHEX zip-calc-mac-101.hqx **** From: Hal Gumbert <hal@campsoftware.com> Subject: ZipCalc 1.0.1 ZipCalc 1.0.1 has been released. ZipCalc is an application that measures distance between zipcodes and finds other zipcodes in a given radius. This is a new application available for both Macintosh and Windows. Features: Latitude Logitude Distance Calculator, Calculate distance in miles from one set of Latitude Longitude coordinates to another set. Zipcode Distance Calculator, Calculate distance in miles from one zipcode to another zipcode. Find Zipcodes with in a given radius, Find zipcode within a given number of miles from a central zipcode. Short Description: ZipCalc measures zipcode distances and finds other zips in a given radius. Cost $50. <http://www.campsoftware.com>