From: "Brian S. Kendig" <bskendig@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Date: Thu, 16 Apr 92 20:24:11 EDT Subject: The Macintosh Secret Code-Name List The latest revision of The Macintosh Secret Code-Name List, a list of the names Macs had before they had names. -----8<----- cut here -----8<----- -----8<----- cut here -----8<----- The Macintosh Secret Code-Name List compiled by Brian Kendig (bskendig@phoenix.Princeton.EDU) Third revision, 16 April 1992. Please report corrections to me, no matter how insignificant! You may (of course!) distribute this information freely, but please keep my name on this list if you pass it around whole. New info about codenames will be attributed and very much appreciated. "Code-name" is my term for the names that machines and software get before they are released with `official' names. A special subdivision of Apple has the sole responsibility of naming everything Apple makes, but until they make up their minds, the developer engineers have to call their gizmos _something_ while they're working on them... These names really aren't that important any more, but some of the names are amusing and interesting, and they might help you think up a pet name for your new Macintosh. Apple III: Sara Apple IIGS: Cortland Macintosh Plus: Mr. T Macintosh SE: Z^2, PlusPlus, Aladdin, Freeport, Maui, Chablis Macintosh SE/30: Green Jade Macintosh Classic: X.O. Macintosh Classic II: Montana, Apollo Macintosh LC: Elsie Macintosh LC II: Foster Farms Macintosh II: Milwaukee, Ikki, Reno, Becks, Paris, Cabernet, Jonathon Macintosh IIx: Spock Macintosh IIsi: Erickson (sp?), Raffica, Raffika Macintosh IIcx: Aurora I, Atlantic (in an aborted 16-MHz configuration) Macintosh IIci: Aurora II, Pacific Macintosh IIfx: F-16, Stealth, F-19, Blackbird, Zone 5 Macintosh Portable: Esprit, Malibu, Laguna Portable w/backlight: Aruba PowerBook 100: Asahi, Derringer, Rosebud PowerBook 140: TIM LC, TIM Lite PowerBook 170: TIM Quadra 700: Shadow (shadow of 900), Spike (gonna spike NeXT), IIce Quadra 900: Darwin, Eclipse (going to eclipse the NeXT), IIex RISC machine: Roman, Zorro [not released yet] Finder: Furnishings 2000 (a defunct bay area furniture store) Multifinder: Juggler, Twitcher System 6.0.4: Antares System 6.0.5: Big Deal System 7: Big Bang, M80, Pleiades System 7.0.1: Road Warrior (in reference to PowerBooks), Beta Cheese 32-bit Quickdraw: Jackson Pollack Edition Manager: Diet Coke Layer Manager: Glass Plus Data Access Manager: SnarfMan AppleScript: Cheez Whiz [not released yet] Sound Manager: DJ, Party Line TrueType: Bass (for Bass-o-matic) QuickTime: Project Warhol (an early version, the `warhol' init, had the icon of a Campbell's soup can) AppleShare 3.0: Holy Hand Grenade (The System 7 File Sharing Extension's creator is 'hhgg', which might be from this but also seems to refer to the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".) FileShare: Killer Rabbit (Lots of Python fans work for Apple...) ATalk Remote Access: 976 speech recognition: Casper [not released yet] text retrieval: Reporter [not released yet] pen-based computer: Newton [not released yet] Apple IIGS video cards: Gumby, Pokey (one of these became the Video Overlay Card) Macintosh Plus keybd: Nimitz Apple Extended keybd: Saratoga (because it's the size of an aircraft carrier; prototypes were adorned with small model aircraft) Apple 400Mb hard drive: Eagle StyleWriter: Tabasco LaserWriter LS: Nike LaserWriter IIf: Kirin Dry LaserWriter IIg: Kirin Apple Two-Page Display: Kong Apple OneScanner: HalfDome Apple ISDN NuBus Card: CarCraft Apple File Exchange: Renault HyperCard: WildCard (hence the creator code 'WILD') HyperCard 2.0: Snow ??? Red Jade ??? Blue Jade ??? Gold Jade something in the Unix group: Tylenol Macintosh 128k ROMs (in the Plus and below) had chip codes which began with the letters L and H and were therefore nicknamed appropriately (for example, "Lonely Hearts"), while the chip codes of the 32-bit-wide CPUs use the letters A, B, C, D ("Ala Baster Can Delabra"). The Apple Developer CD's also have interesting names: Volume 1: Phil and Dave's Excellent CD Volume 2: Phil and Dave's Excellent CD (Release Version) Volume 3: A Disc Called Wanda Volume 4: Discy Business (The Real One) Volume 5: Night of the Living Disc Volume 6: Gorillas in the Disc Volume 7: Lord of the Files Thanks to J. D. Sterling Babcock, Chris Barrus, John Cavallino, Philip Craig, Christopher Davis, Jeff Fritz, Pascal Gosselin, John Kono, Benjamin Kuo, Mark Lanett, Michael Newbery, Alberto Ricci, Matthew Russotto, Mike Steiner, Ed Tecot,, Evan Torrie, Mark Wilkins, and Dean Yu for the information here.