Abstracts from files in info-mac/comm/inet/web as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### LINK _CGI **** #### LINK _Netscape **** #### BINHEX a-small-business-marks-10.hqx **** From: RDBow@pitnet.net Subject: A SmallBusiness B-marks 1.0.0 A SmallBusiness B-marks 1.0.0 Shareware $15 (US) Ever want to find help starting a business? Financing a business? Want to sell to the government? Want to buy from the government? Need help from the Small Business Administration? All this and much, much more! Take it from someone with 35 years in business taking a small Midwestern company doing $250,000 and taking it to a $3-1/2 million dollar company in 25 years. I just wish all this help would have been available to me then. Thank you and don't forget to pay your $15 Shareware fee. It helps in my premature disabled condition to help in the support of my family. #### BINHEX ads-away-091.hqx **** From: mikel <mikel@tdstelme.net> Subject: ADsAway 0.91 (BUG FIX) Disregard all previous submissions. Sorry! ADsAway V. 0.91 (bug fix) corrected installer error... Ooops! This "software" will block aprox. 90% of all banner ads on the net, including hotline banners, maybe others. Not only will this elminate almost all banner ads, it should also speed-up surfing because You wont be downloading flash filled banner ads. There is also a major security feature, in that "banner tracking" will be almost eliminated, (no banner, no banner cookies) This product is relesed under the GNU public licence. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html I beg of You, if this software makes Your Mac, and web experience, a more enjoyable activity. Send Me $$$! C'mon, please! $5 is not that much to ask. Getting rid of the banner that flashes "you're a winner", or "shoot the monkey" is worth the $5 alone. Thanks!!! If You are poor, or can't afford to spare the change,forget the $5. Use this package forever, guilt free, and enjoy! The $5 can be sent to Me, in the form of a US Postal M.O. Send it to: Michael Goldsmith PO Box 131 Corinna, ME 04928 AdsAWAY- A banner, banner tracking BLOCKING pakage. Copyright (C) 2003 Michael Goldsmith This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #### BINHEX analog-30a.hqx **** From: jason@www.minbar.com Subject: Analog 3.0 - Fast, professional WWW logfile analysis Analog 3.0a: Fixed a bug that caused occasional random crashing. Now correctly handles NetPresenz "not modified" status. Faster display of error and warning messages. Analog 3.0: First official release version of Analog 3! Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish and Hungarian language files added. Analog is a web server logfile analysis program. It tells you which pages are most popular, which countries people are visiting from, which sites they tried to follow broken links from, etc. It has the following advantages over other similar programs. * It's fastŠ Very fast. Analog can uncompress and process 1.5 million logfile lines per minute (on a 266MHz G3, your milage may vary). * It's easy to install and run. * It's very flexible. The default output will be satisfactory for most people, but there are hundreds of options producing 27 different reports for those who want to do things differently. * It can output in 14 different languages, and 4 output formats. * It understands WebStar, Quid Pro Quo, Boulevard, MacHTTP, Microsoft Personal Web Server, Apple Share IP 5.0, and NetPresenz log formats as well as the common log file format, NCSA/Apache combined format, referrer log, browser log, W3 extended format, Microsoft IIS format, Netscape format, and the user can specify additional formats. * It should work on any Macintosh, and versions are also available for Windows (3, 95 & NT), DOS, lots of flavours of Unix, OS/2, VMS, Acorn RiscOS, and BeOS. * A recent survey showed that over 20% of webmasters use Analog, more than any other logfile analysis program. Try asking AltaVista for some of them. * It's free (under the conditions of the licence). * Oh, one more thing. It is Year 2000 compatible. (And so were all previous versions). This is a port of Analog 3.0 for the Macintosh. For more information about Analog check: http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/analog/ For the latest updates to the Mac version check: http://summary.net/soft/analog.html #### BINHEX analog-helper-122.hqx **** From: Gideon Greenspan <gdg@sigsoftware.com> Subject: Analog Helper 1.2.2 - Log analysis assistant Analog Helper is a graphical configuration tool for the Mac OS for Analog, which is a free program to analyze the logfiles from your web server. Analog Helper lets you control and preview the results of hundreds of settings, and means you need not touch the complex syntax of Analog's configuration files. Analog Helper can also configure Report Magic for more advanced HTML reporting, automatically configuring Analog to output data for Report Magic, writing Report Magic's config file and running Report Magic. However, you need not be aware of any of this process; simply set up your analysis as required in Analog Helper, and it will do the rest of the work. Version 1.2.x adds full support for the new reports in Analog 4 and full integration of Report Magic for advanced HTML reporting. #### BINHEX apple-tree-bookmarks-4.hqx **** From: RDBow@Pitnet.net Subject: AppleTree Bookmarks for Cyberdog Some 350+ Mac sites. For Cyberdog. Help the handicapped. Shareware $10 -- Regards, Royce DeBow #### BINHEX autothenticate-112.hqx **** From: richard@homemail.com Subject: Autothenticate v1.1.2 Autothenticate is an extension for Macintosh that notices when one of Netscape (2.0, 3.0 or 4.0) or Internet Explorer (2.0 or 2.1) visits a web site that requires authentication, and gives you the option to memorize your user ID and password (or just your user ID) and automatically enter it when you visit the web site in the future. Autothenticate is very useful for people who frequently enter password-protected web sites. Autothenticate 1.1.2 fixes some incompatabilities with Netscape Calendar. Autothenticate is shareware. Autothenticate cost US$10 (US$8 for academic use) for a single user license. For more information, please visit <http://www.slip.net/~kiss/software/>. #### BINHEX beatnik-plug-in-117.hqx **** From: kari@headspace.com Subject: Beatnik Plug-in update--version 1.1.7 The Beatnik Plug-in is a driver which manages the playback of RMF and other audio files within Web browsers. The greatest strengths of the Beatnik Plug-in are its high fidelity and its potential for interactivity. The sound quality is comparable to high-end PC wavetable sound cards even though the processing is entirely software-based. The potential for interactivity results from Beatnik's support of a comprehensive set of JavaScript functions, which allow for a richer and more personalized musical experience than other multimedia delivery solutions. Beatnik allows a Web page to play music not only on opening, but also on an event such as a "mouse click" or "mouse over." These events can also trigger individual notes, sampled voices, or sound effects; start or stop music; and change tempo, volume, pitch, or mix. This is revolutionary in that it allows and even encourages direct musical interactions with Web pages, instead of the current use of the Internet as a playback-only system. Special requirements: none. Freeware. Uploaded by the author. thank you, kari http://www.headspace.com kari@headspace.com Kari Friedman (415) 373-1155 #### BINHEX better-bookmark-msie-101.hqx **** From: schuerig@acm.org Subject: BetterBookmark in MSIE 1.0.1 Better Bookmark HTTP in MSIE 1.0.1 What is it? An "Action" for Apple Data Detectors that acts on HTTP URLs. In contrast to the action that comes with "Internet Address Detectors" this one gives you the opportunity to add your own label and a description to the URL. Also URLs you bookmark are available from the Favorites menu immediately. This version is compatible with the Dialog Director v0.7. There are no new features. If you're still using DD v0.6, please stick with version 1.0 of Better Bookmark. Requirements - Mac OS 8 or newer - Apple Data Detectors (included with Internet Address Detectors) - The free "Dialog Director" v0.7 Scripting Addition. You can get it at <http://www.hylight.demon.co.uk/>. - Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01 or newer Michael Schuerig <mailto:schuerig@acm.org> #### BINHEX big-brother-12.hqx **** From: Francois.Pottier@inria.fr Subject: Big Brother 1.2 (the WWW link checker) This is Big Brother 1.2, a shareware WWW link checker for the Macintosh. Big Brother features: - Checks documents off your hard disk or fetches them from a server - Follows links, so a whole site can be checked in one fell swoop - Blazing speed - checks dozens of links concurrently - and a lot more... Big Brother requires the Thread Manager (which is part of System 7.5). -- François Pottier Francois.Pottier@inria.fr http://pauillac.inria.fr/~fpottier/ #### BINHEX blake.hqx **** From: roussey@kantara.com Subject: Blake Technology Release 1 -- Cyberdog Bowser Blake Technology Release 1 Blake is a replacement web browser for Cyberdog designed to leverage the feature set and performance of Internet Explorer and bring it to the Cyberdog environment. #### BINHEX bm-10d6.hqx **** From: sam@elegantchaos.com Subject: bm10d6.sit Bookmark Thing is a light-weight bookmark assistant, intended to work in conjunction with Internet Config. It was designed with these two principles in mind: 1. I don't want yet another application for managing hierarchical collections of things - I've already got something called the Finder, which works quite nicely thank you very much. 2. I don't want all my bookmarks linked to any particular application - today I'm using IE4 and Anarchie; a while ago, it was Netscape and Fetch; tomorrow, who knows... Bookmark Thing requires System 7, Internet Config, and a PowerPC. bookmark thing: <http://www.elegantchaos.com/> <mailto:feedback@elegantchaos.com> internet config: <ftp://ftp.share.com/internet-configuration/> #### BINHEX bookmark-redirector.hqx **** From: Jerry Kindall <kindall@manual.com> Subject: Bookmark Redirector 1.0 Bookmark Redirector 1.0, a helper script for use with Merzwaren's Default App control panel, lets you automatically open bookmarks saved from Internet Explorer in Netscape, or vice versa -- or open bookmarks from either of these browsers in iCab or another "minority" browser. Basically, you tell Default App to open Netscape and/or IE bookmark files with Bookmark Redirector, which then tells Internet Config to open the URL using your preferred browser. A bookmark file from each browser is included to help you set up Default App. The package is freeware by Jerry Kindall. -- Manual Labor - Technical & Business Writing - "We Wrote the Book!" <http://www.manual.com> <mailto:kindall@manual.com> #### BINHEX bookmark-thing.hqx **** From: sam@elegantchaos.com Subject: Bookmark Thing 1.0b10. Bookmark Thing is a light-weight bookmark assistant, intended to work in conjunction with Internet Config and your favourite internet applications. It was designed with these two principles in mind: 1. I don't want yet another application for managing hierarchical collections of things - I've already got something called the Finder, which works quite nicely thank you very much. 2. I don't want all my bookmarks linked to any particular application - today I'm using IE4 and Anarchie; a while ago, it was Netscape and Fetch; tomorrow, who knows... More details can be found at: <http://www.elegantchaos.com/cgi-local/redirect.cgi?bm> =========================================================================== == Sam Deane Elegant Chaos sam@elegantchaos.com 5th October,1998 #### BINHEX bookmarksman-21-en2.hqx **** From: jiro <negishi@kamakuranet.ne.jp> Subject: bookmarksman21e2.sit File name : Bookmarksman2.1e-English Version Freeware Size : 4200k(Stuffed) This version is all-English including the OSX menu bar. (A) New features (1) Tab-Navigation (2) Color schemes (3) Independent pages for stashing images (4) The package contains both "OSX version" and "Classic OS version" (B) What "Bookmarksman" does: Bookmarksman, a URL management database solution, helps keep track of web browser bookmarks that tend to have the nasty habit of haphazardly accumulating into something unmanageably humongous. (1) Bookmarks can be coherently organized and utilized as a valuable source of information (2) The powerful Search feature makes it possible to retrieve relevant bookmarks that are otherwise easily misplaced. (3) Search results are displayed in list view. (4) Duplicate URLs are easily extracted and deleted at a stroke. (5) Bookmarks can be sorted in a number of ways. (6) Drag/Drop-aware. (7) You can attach notes to bookmarks, which will later be put to use as keywords in the search mode. (8) E-mail addresses as well as URLs can be stored. (9) One click opens a web page or an e-mail sheet. (10) The last-visited time/date for each bookmark is remembered and the bookmarks can be viewed as history. (11) You can "flag" your favorite bookmarks. Author : Jiro Negishi jiro@mars.dti.ne.jp http://www.kamakuranet.ne.jp/~tagoe/bookmarksman.html #### BINHEX bookmarksman-21-jp.hqx **** From: jiro <negishi@kamakuranet.ne.jp> Subject: bookmarksman21j.sit File name : Bookmarksman2.1-Japanese Version Freeware Size : 4300k(Stuffed) (A) New features (1) Tab-Navigation (2) Color schemes (3) Independent pages for stashing images (4) The package contains both "OSX version" and "Classic OS version" (B) What "Bookmarksman" does: Bookmarksman, a URL management database solution, helps keep track of web browser bookmarks that tend to have the nasty habit of haphazardly accumulating into something unmanageably humongous. (1) Bookmarks can be coherently organized and utilized as a valuable source of information (2) The powerful Search feature makes it possible to retrieve relevant bookmarks that are otherwise easily misplaced. (3) Search results are displayed in list view. (4) Duplicate URLs are easily extracted and deleted at a stroke. (5) Bookmarks can be sorted in a number of ways. (6) Drag/Drop-aware. (7) You can attach notes to bookmarks, which will later be put to use as keywords in the search mode. (8) E-mail addresses as well as URLs can be stored. (9) One click opens a web page or an e-mail sheet. (10) The last-visited time/date for each bookmark is remembered and the bookmarks can be viewed as history. (11) You can "flag" your favorite bookmarks. Author : Jiro Negishi jiro@mars.dti.ne.jp http://www.kamakuranet.ne.jp/~tagoe/bookmarksman.html #### BINHEX browser-clean-quit-31.hqx **** From: tjb@inch.com Subject: BrowserCleanQuit3.1 CleanQuit is a simple way of doing two things with one step--it will quit your web browser and then empty out the cache folder, getting rid of all those files that the browser collects while you surf the web. This has been in use by a small group of friends for some time, and I know it works well with Netscape. Since I don¹t know anyone that actually uses Internet Explorer, this hasn¹t been ³stress tested² with that browser, but I did do some basic testing. The one feature that isn¹t yet built into this script is a way of saving the Cache History file, but I find that I don¹t need to save it. If this is a concern for you, wait until I write that feature in as an option. System requirements: 1. Applescript must be installed on your system. This is a standard part of the MacOS these days, so it should be installed if you are running any version of System 7.5 or higher. 2. You must have Tanaka¹s osax installed. Tanaka¹s osax is available from Info-Mac archives or from Tanaka¹s page at http://mtlab.ecn.fpu.ac.jp/scripting/Jcode_osax.html 3. You must have Jon¹s Commands installed. Jon¹s Commands is available from Info-Mac archives or from Jon Pugh¹s page at http://www.seanet.com/~jonpugh/ For more information, visit my web page at http://www.inch.com/~tjb/scripts.html or email me at tjb@inch.com Tom Bovo http://www.inch.com/~tjb/adoor.html #### BINHEX browsing.hqx **** From: up@javanet.com Subject: browsing (256k).sit This archive contains information text/pict/GIFanim on a different way to use a web browser (Navigator in this case but should work for others). This 'way' will (may) optimize many folks' experience of the browser window experience. Try it! it's FREE and a short download. #### BINHEX centernet-ppc.hqx **** From: maxtm@moonbeam-online.com Subject: CenterNet 1.0.1 PPC CenterNet 1.0.1 PPC The fast, powerful and easy way to submit all of your web sites to the most popular search engines! $15 Shareware MoonBeam - Simply useful Mac software. http://www.moonbeam-online.com/ #### DIRECTORY cgi **** #### BINHEX change-ie-search.hqx **** From: Marc Liyanage <liyanage@access.ch> Subject: change-ie-search-1.0.sit.hqx - Change default search engine This script allows you to change the search URL in Internet Explorer. After it is changed, automatic search queries will be sent to the new search engine. You can search by typing "?" or "search" followed by your search terms into the URL text field at the top of the browser window. The "Tanaka's osax" Scripting Addition is required. Download it, unstuff and drop onto the closed "System Folder". Then just drag and drop Internet Explorer's program icon onto the icon of this script. The home page is http://www.access.ch/ml/software/applescript/ May be redistributed on CD-ROMs etc. #### BINHEX cinnamon-webmaster-suite.hqx **** From: DustynK@aol.com Subject: Cinnamon WebMaster Suite 1.4 -- Specialized HTML Editor Cinnamon WebMaster Suite is a very compact, yet highly-specialized HTML text editor for color Macs. ($10.00 shareware) Notable features include: * Smart Comments * Automatic recognition of tags and comments * Colorization of text, tags, quoted text inside tags, scripts, and comments * Automatic capitalization of tags * Automatic special character filtering & conversion to ISO-Latin codes * Insert Color feature uses Apple Color Picker and automatically converts to HTML hex codes * Smart Delete for character codes * Find & Replace system * Useful shortcut keys * and more! New features in this version: * Capitalize Tags in Selection feature * Update Comments feature which automatically translates IE 2.0 style comments into real comments * Revamped Colorize routine, works better with scripts and comments, and also colors Scripts now * New font choices * Some useful new shortcut keys * A bunch of bug fixes and internal improvements * Misc. other cool stuff CWMS is a product of Cinnamon Soft, a division of Cinnamon Computer Products Visit our website at: http://members.aol.com/dustynk/cinnamonsoft or email me at: dustynk@aol.com Please email me; I would like to hear what you think! #### BINHEX columbo.hqx **** From: louisxiv@istar.ca Subject: Columbo 2.0 Columbo's (formerly Search) practical tiny palette and its easy-to-use search site editor makes of it the most powerful internet search utility after Sherlock. You can also create links, import bookmarks from Netscape or Internet Explorer, use Sherlock plugins, and if you have Sherlock plugin editor (louisxiv.hypermart.net/SherlockPluginEditor.html), you can easily edit Sherlock plugins. Version 2.0 adds new help, Sherlock plugin support and many bug fixes. Have fun! Louis Chartrand LouisXIV@istar.ca http://louisxiv.hypermart.net #### BINHEX cookie-commander-101.hqx **** From: cainesc@woods.uml.edu (Clynton Caines) Subject: cokie-commander1.0.1 CookieCommander 1.01 - is a standalone version of NoMoreCookies. CookieCommander allows a user to select which sites can save cookies on the user's hard drive. The user also has full access and can remove unwanted data in unreadable cookie files or in history files. Enjoy your control. #### BINHEX cookie-macro.hqx **** From: abrody@smart.net Subject: QuicKey Cookie macro These are for use in Netscape Communicator 4.0.3 and Internet Explorer 4.0.1 for the PowerMac. Only those browsers with an identical menu structure those to versions of the web browsers mentioned above will work with these Macros. Keep an extra copy of the QuicKeys.Prefs file in your System Folder::Preferences::QuicKeys Folder in another folder before copying the enclosed QuicKeys.Prefs file into the same folder. Also create a Sequences and Keysets folder in the same QuicKeys Folder to keep the enclosed Sequences and Keysets. Any questions feel free to e-mail: abrody@smart.net Thank you. Sincerely, abrody@smart.net #### BINHEX cyberviewer-12-ppc.hqx **** From: jasonk@easystreet.com Subject: CyberViewer CyberViewer is an extension for Netscape Navigator that keeps a visual history of visited web pages. It displays a floating palette of visited pages, either as thumbnails or a text list. Unlike Netscape's history, entries don't disappear when Navigator is quit, aren't removed by going "back" or closing a browser window, and can be saved for a specified number of days, so the user can easily go back and find the address of a visited page. Palette entries can be double-clicked or dragged to an open browser window to reload a page. Entries may also be dragged from the floating palette to Navigator's Bookmark Window to bookmark specific web pages. In addition, CyberViewer can be configured to alert the user when web pages are done loading by playing a user-specified sound. #### BINHEX delete-web-caches-20-as.hqx **** From: buckhilo@gte.net Subject: Delete Web Caches 2.0 This is the latest AppleScript version of Delete Web Caches -- in AppleScript text format. It will empty Netscape, Internet Explorer, Anarchie, Fetch and other caches from your hard disk. Compiled as a run-only application and used with OSA Menu (available elsewhere on Info-Mac), it's convenient to use after each session on the Internet. (Users might want to disable the "empty trash" feature until they've used it a couple of times and know it won't delete any unnecessary files.) I've uploaded this in text format so that users can study the code and add or delete items to configure it to their individual systems. It's freeware, but if you like it, feel free to drop me a line of e-mail. Enjoy... -- Buck Donham <buckhilo@gte.net> Hilo, Hawaii #### BINHEX devon-agent-13.hqx **** From: Christian Grunenberg <cgrunenberg@devon-technologies.com> Subject: DEVONagent 1.3 Short description: Intelligent agent to find information on the Internet Long description: You've been looking on the Internet for that needle in the haystack for hours? Clicked on hundreds of links in Google and still found no answer to your question? Or are you visiting the same pages over and over again to see if they publish something about this or that? Let DEVONagent do the job for you! DEVONagent is a fast and flexible agent to find any kind of information on the Internet. It scans the net using a variety of searching techniques, collects hundreds or thousands of web pages and summarises them intelligently. In addition DEVONagent's crawler automatically scans through a list of pages and reports only those dealing with what you're looking for. Key features: - Automatically queries multiple search engines - Collects, analyses, weights and summarises the search results - Crawler auto-surfs your favourite web pages - Scanners look specifically for certain results like webcams or multimedia - Presents the result as a dynamic digest based on an intelligent topic list - Automatic filter eliminates junk, similar, archived or error pages - Integrated web browser based on the Safari engine - Stores results in a searchabe web page archive - Flexible plug-in and scanner architecture - Built to seamlessly integrate with Mac OS X and DEVONthink What's unique: - Comes with an intuitive user interface and is easy to use - Generates an intelligent, useful digest of the found information - Summarizes the text of retrieved pages - Highlights search words in digests, summarizations, text and HTML views - Follows multiple levels of promising links on demand - Converts RSS/RDF on the fly to HTML - Searches the web and analyses the results much faster than the competition - Is built exclusively for Mac OS X, no Java application History: NEW Proximity operator ~ to accept partial words/substrings NEW "Safari Bookmarks" and "Safari History" plugins to scan pages bookmarked in Safari and pages lately visited with Safari NEW "Multimedia" scanner splitted into "Audio (Linked)", "Video (Linked)" and "Multimedia (Embedded)" NEW "Import > Safari History" command to create a new crawler set containing the last visited pages NEW "Java Search" plugin to query Sun's Java info page Improved Updated "AltaVista (Web)", "Images", "Directories", "Reuters", "Apple Knowledge Base", "Apple Developer Connection", "Metacrawler" and "Czech Metacrawler" plugins Improved Contents inside MARQUEE tags are ignored (as these tags are quite often used for index spamming) Improved Advertisment filter Improved DEVONagent does not filter pages with identical HTML code anymore if a scanner is active Improved Modifications to "Standard" set of Query windows are now persistent Improved URLs and strings (containing URLs) can be pasted into Crawler sets Improved "DEVONthink > Add..." commands look for DEVONthink Pro first Improved Contextual menus of Web views provide "Open Frame In New Window" and "Add Frame To Crawler" commands. In addition, the commands "Open Link/Page In Browser" have been renamed to "Open Link/Page In New Window". Improved URL of links under the mouse cursor is temporarily displayed in the URL field of Preview/Browser windows Improved Toolbars of Preview/Browser windows default to text-only Improved Back/Forward handling of Preview/Browser windows Improved HTML parser supports UTF-7 encoding and treats more wrong HTML code correct Improved Retrieval of topics and calculation of relevance of search results are much faster Improved Optimized DEVONfoundation framework increases the overall performance (e.g. HTML/RSS parsing, digest creation, archive search etc.) Improved German shortcuts of "Web > Back/Forward" commands changed to Cmd-…/€ Improved Updated Dutch localization Improved DEVONagent uses application- and user-specific temporary directories Improved DEVONagent forces Mac OS X to flush its disk cache (including file system data) after writing the archive back to disk. Improved Cocoa and XML plugin interfaces Fixed DEVONagent displayed a wrong title for RSS feeds and sometimes unnecessarily followed the first link after the TITLE tag. In addition, the "Follow Links" option now usually follows less links reducing the duration of a scan. Fixed Handling of BASE tag of HTML pages was buggy and therefore following links did not work under sometimes Fixed Under some rare circumstances no relevance was displayed for all results in the "Pages" tab of Query/Crawler windows Fixed XML plugins using incomplete URLs could crash the application Fixed Title of Preview windows was sometimes incorrect after going back/forward Fixed Some results of Ask Jeeves (accessed by "Metacrawler" plugin) were ignored Fixed Crawler sets now support user names/password containing a @ character and a user interface glitch preventing the usage of this feature has been fixed Fixed Minor user interface glitches License: Commercial/Trial (US $35) Author: DEVONtechnologies System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2.x and Safari 1.x or Mac OS X 10.3.x, 256 Kbps or faster Internet connection Shop: https://www.devon-technologies.com/shop.php Product Page: http://www.devon-technologies.com/products/devonagent.php http://www.devon-technologies.com/files/screenshots/Browser_Science.jpg Download: 2.4 MB, 2408 KB, 2466045 bytes http://www.devon-technologies.com/download.php http://www.devon-technologies.com/files/DEVONagent.dmg.gz #### BINHEX dl1er-ppc.hqx **** From: kdvail@exploremaine.com Subject: DL1er DownLog E/R - a utility designed to track where all those downloads on your machine are coming from. DownLog is available as a stand-alone application or as a logging extension/reader application combination. Either way DownLog lets you know where you got what you did. To use DownLog simply drop the DownLog extension onto your system folder or in the extensions folder and restart. (Upon restart DownLog may request you locate your browser.) Once your Netscape browser is launched DownLog will monitor all traffic. When it detects downloading of files it will log the actual download URL, the referring URL and system date/time of download. #### BINHEX downlog-10.hqx **** From: kdvail@exploremaine.com Subject: DownLog1 download tracking - utility from DOVA-K Software. If you need or want to keep a record of downloads then DownLog is the answer. Works completely in the background. Automatically logs all downloads. Stamps each record with the system date and time of actual download. Great for "blind" downloads. Saves both the download URL and the referrring page's URL. View downloads chronologically or alphabetically. Built-in search function. Re-download file or return to referring page with a single click. Minimum requirements; System 7.5 or later. #### BINHEX electrifier-pro-10.hqx **** From: support@electrifier.com Subject: ElectrifierPro1.0.sit For the first time, electrify your site with an amazing range of content--images, bitmap and vector animation, digitized sound, synthesized music (MIDI), video, 3D, VR, and over 150 special effects--to produce a truly compelling web experience. Electrifier Pro is the ultimate tool for creating streaming, interactive rich media demanded by web users. Its powerful features, drag-and-drop authoring and seamless integration with popular tools, make it a must-have product for every web professional. Best of all, use Electrifier Pro to deliver rich media consistently as industry-standard QuickTime or animated GIF on both Navigator and Internet Explorer, at any connection speed‹from 28.8K to cable modems. Electrifier Pro requires a PowerPC-based Macintosh or Mac OS compatible. -Stephen Sample Electrifier, Inc. #### BINHEX explorer-301-romanian.hqx **** From: april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: explorer-301-romanian.hqx Internet Explorer 3.01 supports Central/East European languages with the exception of Romanian. Use this patch to modify Internet Explorer 3.01 so that you can read Romanian web pages as well. ResEdit is required. Andreas Prilop #### BINHEX explorer-301-ukrainian.hqx **** From: april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: explorer-301-ukrainian.hqx Internet Explorer 3.01 supports only the Russian character set KOI8-R but not the complete Cyrillic character set ISO-IR-111. Use this patch to modify Internet Explorer 3.01 so that you can read Ukrainian web pages also. ResEdit is required. Andreas Prilop #### BINHEX favorites-from-bookmarks.hqx **** From: Etrax@koyote.com Subject: FavoritesfromBookmarks Do you ever wish that your Internet Explorer favorites were the same as your Netscape bookmarks? I did. I usually run Netscape Navigator but occasionally use MS Internet Explorer but didn't have the bookmarks available that I was accustomed to using. Running this Applescript will replace your Internet Explorer "Favorites" file with your Netscape Navigator "Bookmarks" file on your hard drive. When started, it gives you a choice to backup your old favorites file or delete it. Backups are given a random number filename and stored in a newly created folder, "Backups of Favorites." The next time you start Internet Explorer, it will recognize this new Favorites file and convert it to its own format. All the Netscape bookmarks, including folders, remain intact. Explorer 4.0 adds its own formatting and icons automatically. Software and Hardware Requirements: Internet Explorer 3 (or above); Netscape Navigator 3 (or above); Applescript extension; System 7 (or higher); and any Mac that can run the above software. #### BINHEX flash-stats-131.hqx **** From: info@maximized.com Subject: FlashStats 1.3.1; Log File Analysis CGI Attached is FlashStats 1.3.1, a Web server log file analyzer. FlashStats generates statistics from any Web server log file. Web masters who use FlashStats know who is accessing their site, what pages these users are viewing, and when they're viewing them. Even better, Web masters using FlashStats can quickly detect and eliminate bad links and other problems on their own site or other sites. The twelve different reports FlashStats provides include: Summary Report -- shows the total number of hits and bytes transferred Top Pages -- list the hits for each page on your site Top Referrers -- see where users come from; who has links to your site? Search Phrases -- find out how people search for your site Most Common Browsers -- discover the capabilities users have User Domain Analysis -- see where users are coming from Types of Domains -- show total users from .com, .org, .jp, etc. Daily Totals -- see hits over a long period of time Hits Per Day of Week and Hits Per Hour -- see when your site is busiest Bad URLs -- are users trying to access pages that don't exist? Bad Referrers -- do other sites have bad links to your site? FlashStats can show statistics for a whole site or just a portion of the site, using one or more log files for input. The Mac version is preconfigured for use with WebSTAR or QuidProQuo, but a few quick changes can set it up for any log file format. It's an asynchronous cgi program, so it can be used locally or remotely; security features are included. FlashStats is $99; the attached file is a 30-day free trial. More info is available from: <http://www.maximized.com/products/flashstats/> #### BINHEX funnel-web-30.hqx **** From: d.williams@activeconcepts.com Subject: Funnel Web 3.0 Funnel Web provides detailed statistical analysis and profiling of Web site usage from any Web Server and Operating System. It combines detailed statistical analysis and charting with an intuitive user interface and extensive filtering capabilities. Funnel Web 3.0 introduces some major new features such as the new streaming analysis engine, platform independent remote control, and event messaging and notification as well as some minor bug fixes. The new Streaming Analysis engine has been specifically designed for RAM-efficient processing that continuously monitors Web sites in a finite amount of RAM. Platform independent remote control has also been introduced to make it possible to run a copy of Funnel Web on any server and remotely control the Funnel Web application from any desktop machine regardless of platform. New event messaging and notification allows organizations to continually monitor their Web site for specific events, such as user accesses and download limits. These new features are in addition to an already powerful featureset which includes multilingual support, log archiving and compression, automated FTP upload and download, support for multiple graphics formats and report output. This demo version expires 30 days after installation. Cheers, darren #### BINHEX getweb-12.hqx **** From: shiba@nnet.ne.jp Subject: GetWeb1.2 #Requirements -Macintosh / Power Macintosh (FAT) -MacOS 7.5.5 or later -OpenTransport-Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer GetWeb is a utility for downloading your favorite web pages and its links to your Macintosh automatically. Even in your absence for a trip, GetWeb starts download on appointed date and time. You can view downloaded web pages on of fline. You can choose link depth to reach in the web page. In the same way, the lin ks to other web site can be downloaded. GetWeb can download web pages and its linked pages including graphic images (GIF, JPEG, etc.). GetWeb can check the web pages periodically, for example, everyday, every Mo nday, only weekday or every time at launch, appointed time etc. If you need, GetWeb will close PPP connection, quite GetWeb and shutdown you r Macintosh automatically after download web pages. Downloaded web pages are ready to view on offline with your favorite web bro wser, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. >From either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, you can enter bookmarks into GetWeb easily. GetWeb shows the date and time of the last download. If the pages have been modified after you checked it last time, the date and time of update will be shown in the Information window. ------------------------------------ Hirokazu Shibamoto URL http://www.nnet.ne.jp/~shiba #### BINHEX gif-scan-221.hqx **** From: marcb@dircon.co.uk Subject: GifScan 2.2.1 Attached please find version 2.2.1 of GifScan. This version is a bug fix of the version I sent to Info-Mac a few weeks ago. GifScan is a freeware image defining utility as I saw it defined somewhere. You can use it to generate IMG tags for GIF, JPEG and PNG files as well as HREF tags for any other file. This will be copied to the clipboard or saved to a HTML file. Alternatively, you can use it to extract colour information, the number of images, the comments etc. from GIF files. Marc mailto:marcb@dircon.co.uk - http://www.usersdircon.co.uk/~marcb #### BINHEX hello-wurld-111.hqx **** From: SoftHarbor@aol.com Subject: Hello wURLd 1.1.1 Hello wURLd 1.11 - if you visit a number of web pages every day, Hello wURLd can save you time. Just tell Hello wURLd the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of each of your favorite web sites, and it will open them in separate windows in your web browser while you get some coffee. When you return, the pages will be loaded and ready for you to view. Dave McCarthy SoftHarbor Solutions #### BINHEX helloworld-205.hqx **** From: vanlon@dad.be Subject: HELLOWORLD-205 HELLOWORLD 2.0.5 Helloworld implements a chat server for your web site. It provides live conversation within a graphical context through any standard web browser without requiring any browser-side plug-in. HelloWorld gives you the ability to manage this chat-room on a Macintosh server. Helloworld is a plug-in application that is specially dedicated for WebStar and Quid Pro Quo or any other server application that uses the Webstar's WSAPI 2.1 plug-in technology. FEATURES abstract: € Ready and easy to use. € Can handle a maximum of 40 participants. € Users don't need to disable the browser's cache. € Individual colors. € Individual avatars. € Private messages. € Smileys. € Publicized archive. € Messages displayed from the top of the messages board. € HelloWorld entities provide real-time informations. € Complete user customization. € Anti-lurker and ghost connections tracker. € Kicking, allowing and denying. € user HTML handling and error messages reply system. € Periodical server messages for possible ad or information needs. € Fast. € No cookies, no javascript. € The notebook lets people leave persistent messages. Requirements: PowerPC Server app. that handles WebStar API 1.2 plug-in technology Web site: http://www.lemidi.com/Helloworld/default.htm #### BINHEX html-colors-11.hqx **** From: richard@homemail.com Subject: HTML Colors v1.1 HTML Colors will help you design a visually pleasing color scheme for your web page, allowing you complete control over the text color, link color, visited link color, active link color, and background color. You choose the colors using the Apple color picker, HTML Colors automatically converts them to hexadecimal, and you can then instantly see the results in a preview window -- without launching a browser. You can optionally restrict colors to the 216 web-safe colors. After you've found a color scheme you like, you just press the "copy" button and paste the text into your favorite HTML editor, such as BBEdit. The BODY tag appears with all of your color choices in hex format. You can also copy the BODY tag from an existing HTML document and paste it into HTML Colors. Poof! HTML Colors will parse the tag and display your colors in the preview window, ready for editing! Invaluable, small, and quick. This one goes in your Apple Menu. :) HTML Colors is US$10 shareware for commercial use. It is ABSOLUTELY FREE for personal use. For more information on HTML Colors, please visit http://www.slip.net/~kiss/software/ #### BINHEX http-bench-mark-12.hqx **** From: "Stanley C. R. Roche Busk" <stanley@roche.org> Subject: HTTP Benchmark v1.2 HTTP Benchmark v1.2 (For Mac 68k and PPC) ========================================= HTTP BenchMark is an easy-to-use tool for checking web servers Bandwith from client side. It can serves several purposes, for example, it allows to compare several web hosting providers in order to know wich one has the best bandwith. It comes with 10 web hosting providers URL. #### BINHEX http-benchmark-132.hqx **** From: Maxprog <stanley@maxprog.com> Subject: HTTP Benchmark v1.3.2 HTTP Benchmark v1.3.2 (For Mac 68k and PPC) - March 2001 ======================================================== HTTP BenchMark is an easy-to-use tool for benchmarking web servers Bandwidth from client side. It can serves several purposes, for example, it allows to compare several web hosting providers in order to know wich one has the best Bandwidth. It comes with 10 web hosting providers URL. (This software is intended to make benchmarking, not to measure individual Bandwidths!) You can get it at : http://www.maxprog.com/freeware/HTTPBenchMark.sit What's new ? ------------ - Calculate average rate processing individual rates. - Ignore small files (under 2 KB). - Only check files under requested Domain. - New interface with more data and errors display. - Now shows main index html file rate. - Detailed results pane. - Server response Log. #### BINHEX huu-10-68k.hqx **** From: micono@tky.3web.ne.jp Subject: huu-1.0.0 "Hyper-text Update Day Updater" is automatic utility to manage it renewal day of home page. Because the name is long, call it "Huu" ! Don't you forget renewal of renewal day of home page? It is troublesome to search renewal day of link file in it. "Huu" edites those renewal day by drag & drop automatically. #### BINHEX huu-10-ppc.hqx **** From: micono@tky.3web.ne.jp Subject: huu-1.0.0 "Hyper-text Update Day Updater" is automatic utility to manage it renewal day of home page. Because the name is long, call it "Huu" ! Don't you forget renewal of renewal day of home page? It is troublesome to search renewal day of link file in it. "Huu" edites those renewal day by drag & drop automatically. #### BINHEX i-me-miner-13-x.hqx **** From: Brian Risk <brian@geneffects.com> Subject: iMeMiner 1.3 homepage: http://www.geneffects.com/ page URL: http://www.geneffects.com/imeminer/index.html download: http://www.geneffects.com/imeminer/iMeMiner-OSX.zip screensh: http://www.geneffects.com/imeminer/pics/ss1_small.jpg filesize: 207k system : OSX 10.1.3 or higher Automates downloading pictures, music, and video from the web. The internet is filled with media - from images, to movies, to music, to games. With iMeMiner, you can automate the download of any conceivable media type. Download galleries or even museums of data. iMeMiner makes it a simple matter to extract the links from a museum page, select which galleries you wish to download, and set the computer to its task! iMeMiner displays images as thumbnails or as an expanded image, creating a slideshow as the images are downloaded. Intelligently sort links so that the media you want most is downloaded first! #### BINHEX i-scooper-11.hqx **** From: John Casasanta <johnred@inventive.us> Subject: iScooper 1.1 - an automatic media download application Enjoy automatic media downloading and browsing with this powerful new application for Mac OS X iScooper is an application that enables you to automatically download and browse batches of pictures much faster and much more conveniently than you can with conventional web browsers. iScooper is designed to work with web pages that contain many links to pictures--for example, a celebrity web page that contains several links to photos of the celebrity. iScooper can take a web page like this and automatically download all the linked photos on it. Once they've been downloaded, you can easily view them in a full-screen slideshow right from within iScooper. iScooper will benefit you greatly, as you no longer have to browse web sites like this by clicking on a link to an individual photo...waiting for it to download...clicking on the web browser's back button...and then repeating the process for the other links on the page you're browsing. It's easy to see that iScooper can save you much time and effort, and can help you eliminate a lot of monotonous mouse clicking. iScooper is available as $19.95 shareware for Mac OS X v10.1 or later. This version contains several enhancements and bug fixes (see the release notes for more details). This file may be freely distributed. Inventive, Inc. http://inventive.us info@inventive.us #### BINHEX ibacom-security-10fc1.hqx **** From: kef_list@ibacom.es Subject: Ibacom Security plugin fc1 This is the "final candidate" beta release of IbacomSecurity plugin. This software consists of a WebSTAR¨ compatible plug-in to help solve some issues pertaining to security. Many CGIs (or plug-ins) allow the user too much access to the server. Most, if not all, current CGIs do not allow a folder by folder configuration, and therefore any user that has FTP access to a WebSTAR server, has complete access to any installed CGI or plugin. Please remember that no single product is a complete security solution, but rather part of an overall strategy. What IbacomSecurity does is to limit the execution of a particular CGI to a certain number of folders, although once a folder is cleared for access, the CGI has full control of the machine. This plugin does not limit what any CGI can do, but only limits which URLs can be executed. #### BINHEX ie-301-autosearch-changer.hqx **** From: mwilson@teleport.com Subject: IE 3.01 AutoSearch Changer - Change the engine in Internet Expl With the release of the final version of Internet Explorer 3.01 for the Mac, Microsoft has included a nice batch of very useful enhancements to make browsing the web easier. One of these features is called 'AutoSearch.' In the location bar, where you would type an address to visit, you can also type a question mark (?), followed by a space, then followed by the words that you wish to search for. However, you were stuck with using the default Microsoft/Yahoo search engine that is coded into Internet Explorer. With IE 3.01 AutoSearch Changer, you can change the AutoSearch engine to any of the popular engines. *I would advise that you only use this program on a COPY of Internet Explorer since it actually changes the program itself* Also, THIS WILL ONLY WITH WITH THE FINAL, RELEASED VERSION OF INTERNET EXPLORER 3.01 This may be included on the Info-Mac CD without any objection from myself. MRW Matthew Software Productions mwilson@teleport.com #### BINHEX ie-cache-trasher-10.hqx **** From: "J. Badger" <pineapplesw@yahoo.ca> Subject: IE Cache Trasher 1.0 Here it is! Version 1.0. IE Cache Trasher deletes a file called "download cache" which can get quite big if you do not watch it. This file stores incomplete and complete downloads (the latter only if you set IE to remember your last completed downloads). It can grow to enormous proportions; mine was 119 MB the first time I checked! #### BINHEX ie-cache-trasher.hqx **** From: "J. Badger" <pineapplesw@yahoo.ca> Subject: IE Cache Trasher Abstract IE Cache Trasher 1.0 Pineapple Software IE Cache Trasher deletes a file called "download cache" which can get quite big if you do not watch it. This file stores incomplete and complete downloads (the latter only if you set IE to remember your last completed downloads). It can grow to enormous proportions; mine was 119 MB the first time I checked! What¹s New? IE Cache Trasher has been known in the past as IE Download Cache Cleaner, an earlier version with fewer options. In this version, it not only deletes the download cache, but also displays a dialog telling you that the download cache isn¹t present if it isn¹t in its regular place! Requirements Internet Explorer (IE) 5.0 Apple Script, newest vesion preferably A Macintosh Installation Put IE Cache Trasher wherever you want, and run it from anywhere you want. It has no requirements for where it must be. Cost: Absolutely nothing! Freeware lives on! Contact Info: Pineapple Software http://pineapplesw.cjb.net Email: pineapplesw@yahoo.ca December 2nd, 2001 IE Cache Trasher may be distributed freely as long as there is no change in the name, code, or read me (this file), and all of these things must be intact in the package. Any additional items are acceptable, but are not endorsed in anyway by Pineapple Software or by me. #### BINHEX ie-googlebar-patch.hqx **** From: Alexandre Leclerc <netso1415@sympatico.ca> Subject: IE Google Bar Patch =?ISO-8859-1?B?nw==?=.hqx You've always wanted to search Google from your address bar in Internet Explorer ? Now your dream come true with IE Google Bar Patch from NetsoWork, the makers of GooSearch. Simply open IE Google Bar Patch, select Internet Explorer to patch and that's it ! Type ? then your search query and press the Return key. The results will be automaticly displayed in the window. Requirements: Internet Explorer 5 Note: Not compatible with MacOs X. #### BINHEX image-mapper-30.hqx **** From: snaddosg@dcs.gla.ac.uk Subject: imagemapper-v3.0-FAT.hqx.gz ImageMapper takes all the hassle out of coding imagemaps for your web pages. Create complex, maintainable maps in a fraction of the time it would take by hand, with the ease of use and advanced features which have come to be associated with the macintosh's most popular imagemapper. New features in v3.0: Plug-ins provide integration with PageSpinner and BBEdit Fully HTML 4.0 compliant New, improved interface sporting fully editable 'docking toolbars' Support for AppleScripting Improved highlighted imagemap Java applet More stable codebase, with all-round enhancements Contact: mailto:lauchlgd@dcs.gla.ac.uk Updates: http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~snaddosg/Creations/ #### BINHEX internet-launcher-105.hqx **** From: gabriel@ventix.com Subject: Internet Launcher 1.0.5 Internet Launcher is a replacement for the Apple ³Connect To...² program bundled with Mac OS 8. Internet Launcher operates faster and provides the option to create an Internet Shortcut, i.e. a double-clickable document that will automatically launch a URL without having to enter it over and over again. 1.0.5 - The application correctly quits if the launch dialog is closed. #### BINHEX interworks-25.hqx **** From: Mouthfiles@aol.com Subject: InterWorks v2.5 InterWorks v2.5 is an application for helping you make sure your web surfing is fast and safe. Whether you have 1, 2, 3 or even 4 different browsers, InterWorks 2.5 allows you to accomplish an otherwise tedious task, browser-wide. The shareware fee is a cheap $5.00, and file size of 8k! Find out more below. Security This feature allows you to make sure that what you do on the web is not being tracked, and seen by webmasters, or other computer users that might want it. InterWorks deletes the cookie, and history files for your browser(s) with one click. With Internet Explorer, it deletes the "downloads.html" file that keeps a record of everything you have downloaded with that browser, but not cookies, because it has its' own way to handle them. Cache The cache feature in InterWorks v2.5 will delete your browser(s) cache, which can take up a lot of space on your hard drive. It can also be opened by people who want to find out what pages you've been to, and places you've seen. InterWorks makes sure that doesn't happen. Once running InterWorks, you can clear your browser(s) cache with just one click, an otherwise long and boring task. support for more browsers. InterWorks now supports Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, America Online, and Cyberdog. #### BINHEX iremember-68k.hqx **** From: Administration <admin@seracsoftware.com> Subject: iRemember 2.0 (68K) iRemember is a completely unique application that keeps track of all of your web browsing history (regardless of the browser you use) and lets you quickly browse or search through the web pages you've visited in the past. Forget to bookmark that great web page and now you can't find it? Do you use Netscape Navigator and wish it kept your browsing history? Do you use more than one browser (or more than one Macintosh) and wish there was one place you could go to find any page you visited? Wish you could find more pages similar to the one you're looking at? iRemember 2.0 solves all of these problems and more! How often have you had to bookmark a page just because you aren't sure if you might want to revisit it later? iRemember lets you return to any page you ever visited just by typing a couple of words that describe the page! Instead of cluttering up your bookmarks with pages you might never visit again, you can use bookmarks for your favorite pages and use iRemember to revisit all the rest. iRemember works by indexing all of the words in every web page you visit using the Apple Information Access Toolkit (the same engine used by Sherlock). Later, when you want to revisit any page that you've ever seen in the past, you only need to type in a couple of words that describe that page to quickly return to it. iRemember also keeps an easy to use history by date and time for all of the pages that you visited, regardless of which browser you used to visit them. Now, even if you use a browser like Netscape Communicator that doesn't keep track of your browsing history, or you switch between multiple browsers, you have one place to go to easily look for a web page you visited on a particular day. iRemember also organizes the pages you've visited by web site, making it easy to return to a particular page at some company, or to just see which sites you spend the most time at. To make it easy to search your browsing history, the Internet or your local hard disk, iRemember will also (optionally) install a system-wide menu that lets you quickly switch to iRemember or Sherlock from any application. This menu also adds new functionality to Sherlock, letting you instantly search for web pages similar to the one you're currently looking at or search for pages that contain the currently selected text with a single click. The global iRemember menu will totally change the way you work with Sherlock. Version 2.0 of iRemember adds new commands to find similar pages, view of all the web pages you've ever visited by web site, delete selected pages, and to rescan all the pages you've visited to find any that have disappeared and easily update the indexed content of the rest. iRemember 2.0 also adds the ability to merge indices from multiple Macs so that you can quickly find a page that you once visited regardless of whether you were browsing at home or in the office. iRemember 2.0 now parses the html in the pages you're visiting for better content indexing and also properly handles all single-byte languages. You can get more information on iRemember and our other shareware products at: http://www.seracsoftware.com/ iRemember is shareware and costs just $25 if you decide to keep it. #### BINHEX iremember-ppc.hqx **** From: Administration <admin@seracsoftware.com> Subject: iRemember 2.0 PPC iRemember is a completely unique application that keeps track of all of your web browsing history (regardless of the browser you use) and lets you quickly browse or search through the web pages you've visited in the past. Forget to bookmark that great web page and now you can't find it? Do you use Netscape Navigator and wish it kept your browsing history? Do you use more than one browser (or more than one Macintosh) and wish there was one place you could go to find any page you visited? Wish you could find more pages similar to the one you're looking at? iRemember 2.0 solves all of these problems and more! How often have you had to bookmark a page just because you aren't sure if you might want to revisit it later? iRemember lets you return to any page you ever visited just by typing a couple of words that describe the page! Instead of cluttering up your bookmarks with pages you might never visit again, you can use bookmarks for your favorite pages and use iRemember to revisit all the rest. iRemember works by indexing all of the words in every web page you visit using the Apple Information Access Toolkit (the same engine used by Sherlock). Later, when you want to revisit any page that you've ever seen in the past, you only need to type in a couple of words that describe that page to quickly return to it. iRemember also keeps an easy to use history by date and time for all of the pages that you visited, regardless of which browser you used to visit them. Now, even if you use a browser like Netscape Communicator that doesn't keep track of your browsing history, or you switch between multiple browsers, you have one place to go to easily look for a web page you visited on a particular day. iRemember also organizes the pages you've visited by web site, making it easy to return to a particular page at some company, or to just see which sites you spend the most time at. To make it easy to search your browsing history, the Internet or your local hard disk, iRemember will also (optionally) install a system-wide menu that lets you quickly switch to iRemember or Sherlock from any application. This menu also adds new functionality to Sherlock, letting you instantly search for web pages similar to the one you're currently looking at or search for pages that contain the currently selected text with a single click. The global iRemember menu will totally change the way you work with Sherlock. Version 2.0 of iRemember adds new commands to find similar pages, view of all the web pages you've ever visited by web site, delete selected pages, and to rescan all the pages you've visited to find any that have disappeared and easily update the indexed content of the rest. iRemember 2.0 also adds the ability to merge indices from multiple Macs so that you can quickly find a page that you once visited regardless of whether you were browsing at home or in the office. iRemember 2.0 now parses the html in the pages you're visiting for better content indexing and also properly handles all single-byte languages. You can get more information on iRemember and our other shareware products at: http://www.seracsoftware.com/ iRemember is shareware and costs just $25 if you decide to keep it. #### BINHEX joes-smart-proxy-102.hqx **** From: Joseph Chen <joseph@nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de> Subject: Joe's SmartProxy 1.02 Hi, Joe's SmartProxy (JSP) is a personal web proxy, or http cache, for Macintosh. JSP stores your every HTTP request in local index databases and the contents of the web pages on your hard disk. If you ever had problem finding a URL which you've just visited a week ago but had a pretty clear memory of what the page is about, JSP's 'Search in Cache' function is just for you. JSP is not a usual URLs bookmark manager. JSP index all your web visits by content. It is much easier for us to keep fresh memory of the contents we read instead of the cryptic URLs, which might be deeply burried somewhere in our long bookmarks file. If you are using a dial-up modem to connect to the Internet and are constantly worried about your telephone bill --- like many of us in continental Europe --- you can use JSP to surf the pages which you have visited even when you are disconnected. You should notice no difference after you install JSP correctly as you surf. JSP need PowerMacintosh and Mac OS 8. #### BINHEX jorge-mac-bookmarks.hqx **** From: jsalas@mci2000.com Subject: JorgeMacBookmarks_v4.0 JorgeMacBookmars_v4.0 Jorge's Mac Bookmarks is a great bookmark file (about 675 links) formatted very nicely for Netscape Navigator/Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. It comes as a self extracting archive for easy expansion. The collection includes a comprehensive Mac links list. All links have been checked and are good! This file is freeware. Contact author at --jsalas@mci2000.com-- with questions or feedback. Or visit the homepage at www.lovett.org/jsp/jbc/home.htm #### BINHEX jorges-bookmarks-39.hqx **** From: jsalas@peachnet.campus.mci.net Subject: Jorge's_Bookmarks_v.3.9 Jorge's_Bookmarks_v.3.9 Jorge's Bookmark Collection is a great bookmark file (about 675 links) formatted very nicely for Netscape Navigator/Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. It comes in an installer for easy expansion of only the files you need. The collection includes a comprehensive Mac links list. All links have been checked and are good! This file is freeware. Contact author at --jsalas@peachnet.campus.mci.net-- with questions or feedback. Or visit the homepage at www.lovett.org/jsp/jbc/home.htm ********************************* --->Jorge Salas Orchestra Director The Lovett School GA 30327 (404)262-3032 --->jsalas@peachnet.campus.mci.net --->www.lovett.org/jsp/jsp.html --->www.lovett.org/jsp/search.html ********************************* #### BINHEX kevpp-10.hqx **** From: hayesk@is.dal.ca Subject: Kev's PreProcessor 1.0 Kev's PreProcessor 1.0 - 300K Kev's PreProcessor 1.0 is a WebSTAR Plug-in that allows multiple index files to be used in WebSTAR. It also can restrict CGI programs from executing unless they are in folders you specify. More info available at <http://acsweb.ucis.dal.ca/hayesk/kevpp.html> Kev's PreProcessor requires WebSTAR 1.3.2 or greater. It contains code for both PowerPC and 68K processors. Kevin Hayes Kevin.Hayes@Kagi.Com #### BINHEX kids-gogogo.hqx **** From: "MAKI Enterprise Inc." <makienterprise@crosswinds.net> Subject: Kids GoGoGo 2.7 *Ability of restriction is fortified with. Concretely, a feature of analogical word restriction for European porn site has improved. *Time setting is featured. You can set different hours for restriction on each days of a week. *Opera browser TP3 is supported in addition to Netscape, Internet Explorer and iCab. Kids GoGoGo is the most cost-effective tool and has simplest interface. Trial period is 14 days. For more information about Kids GoGoGo, please contact to MAKI. #### BINHEX kill-cache-10.hqx **** From: jeffrey@zeldman.com Subject: Kill_All_Caches!v.1 Kill All Caches! v.1 8/97 For those who use more than one web browser (site designers, especially), this script automates an otherwise tedious chore. With a click, "Kill All Caches!" empties both your Netscape disk cache and your Internet Explorer disk cache. In this way, you are always viewing freshly updated files, rather than old ones. Freeware. 18k. Applescript, requires MacOS computers and System 7.5 or higher. May be reuploaded to any online service, BBS, FTP site, or website, as long as it remains intact. Jeffrey Zeldman Presents http://www.zeldman.com/ "A genius with too much time on his hands." -- Magellan, 4 Stars #### BINHEX kill-cookie-10-as.hqx **** From: g.giusti@area.it Subject: KillCookie 1.0 AS KillCookie by Giovanni Giusti (<g.giusti@area.it>) Required OSAXen: "Choose File", "Display Dialog" (included in the standard Applescript release) Other requirements: Scriptable Finder This script moves your Netscape cookies file to the trash, but does not delete it outright. If you use Internet Explorer, edit the script to include its cookies' file type. #### BINHEX link-gurl-handler.hqx **** From: niklasf@cs.umu.se Subject: Link GURL Handler --- Open files and applications with Internet Link GURL Handler freeware by Niklas Frykholm The Link GURL Handler is a program intended to be used together with Internet Config. It allows you to link together documents and applications using the same syntax as the URL-links found on home pages. When the Link GURL Handler is used together with Internet Config you can launch applications and open documents by clicking a link on a web page or in a text document. The links might look something like this: link:/HD/Documents/My+file CONTACT ME You can contact me using one of my e-mail addresses r2d2@acc.umu.se nisfrm95@student.umu.se niklasf@cs.umu.se Or by visiting my web page http://www.acc.umu.se/~r2d2/ // Niklas #### BINHEX linkpad-10-68k.hqx **** From: cabel@cybersight.com Subject: LinkPad 1.0: Free, Indespensable Link Scratchpad LinkPad is a free, indespensable scratchpad for links! Use LinkPad for web sites and URLs much like you use stickies for notes -- just drag and drop links to the LinkPad window to store them. When you're ready to visit the site, drag them back out of LinkPad and onto Netscape. A very easy-to-use lifesaver -- no more cluttered desktops, forgotten links, or tiny E-Mails pointing to URLs. Requirements: Any Macintosh w/ System 7.5 (or system w/drag and drop) More Info: http://www.panic.com -- join the LinkPad mailing list, or learn about Panic's other Macintosh programs! -Cabel Sasser Panic #### BINHEX linkpad-10-ppc.hqx **** From: cabel@cybersight.com Subject: LinkPad 1.0: Free, Indespensable Link Scratchpad LinkPad is a free, indespensable scratchpad for links! Use LinkPad for web sites and URLs much like you use stickies for notes -- just drag and drop links to the LinkPad window to store them. When you're ready to visit the site, drag them back out of LinkPad and onto Netscape. A very easy-to-use lifesaver -- no more cluttered desktops, forgotten links, or tiny E-Mails pointing to URLs. Requirements: Any Macintosh w/ System 7.5 (or system w/drag and drop) More Info: http://www.panic.com -- join the LinkPad mailing list, or learn about Panic's other Macintosh programs! -Cabel Sasser Panic #### BINHEX living-album-pro-98.hqx **** From: andy@livingmedia.com Subject: Living Album Pro 98 Submission Living Album Pro 98 is Living Media's latest multimedia photo album software for Macintosh. The award-winning Living Album software has the easiest and most powerful features for archiving, organizing, presenting, publishing, and sharing photos and multimedia data. Living Album is the first and only available program that supports associating all media types (i.e., text, text-to-speech, photo, sound, video, and Internet links) to a single entity in an intuitive and familiar photo album interface. Living Album is multimedia rich and integrated seamlessly with the Internet. You can run impressive multimedia slide show with photos, text-to-speech, sound, video, and customized transition effects. You can also effortlessly publish and share multimedia web pages. #### BINHEX log-watcher-114-68k.hqx **** From: mc5230@mclink.it Subject: Log Watcher 1.1.4 68k (Server utility) Log Watcher is a useful utility for everyone running a Macintosh Server. Log Watcher shows the logs generated by your server displaying them continuously and updating them on the last version saved without manual action. In this way you can have always on screen the last info. Without Log Watcher, using a common text processor, you should re-open the file every time the server appends new info. Furthermore Log Watcher can read and show only the last desired portion of logs, doing a very fast work. It can automatically scroll the window to the bottom and can use desired font/size to show logs. Logs are always opened as read-only without interfering with server read-write operations. Log Watcher uses Apple Guide Technology to provide help to users. This version 1.1.4 was stress tested to eliminate bugs. Available both for 68K Mac and Power Mac. Inclusion in CD allowed. Full info at http://www.kagi.com/panetta #### BINHEX log-watcher-114-ppc.hqx **** From: mc5230@mclink.it Subject: Log Watcher 1.1.4 PPC (Server utility) Log Watcher is a useful utility for everyone running a Macintosh Server. Log Watcher shows the logs generated by your server displaying them continuously and updating them on the last version saved without manual action. In this way you can have always on screen the last info. Without Log Watcher, using a common text processor, you should re-open the file every time the server appends new info. Furthermore Log Watcher can read and show only the last desired portion of logs, doing a very fast work. It can automatically scroll the window to the bottom and can use desired font/size to show logs. Logs are always opened as read-only without interfering with server read-write operations. Log Watcher uses Apple Guide Technology to provide help to users. This version 1.1.4 was stress tested to eliminate bugs. Available both for 68K Mac and Power Mac. Inclusion in CD allowed. Full info at http://www.kagi.com/panetta #### BINHEX m3u-drop-downloader-20.hqx **** From: Dan Klein <dmacman2000@yahoo.com> Subject: M3U Drop Downloader 2.0 Have you been bugged out when your peecee friends can download those awesome MP3s they beamed to MP3.com? Do you want to keep just a small file pointing to an MP3 online? M3U Drop Downloader may be your solution! REQUIREMENTS Any Mac that can run Mac OS 9* QuickTime 4.1** NEW IN VERSION 2.0 -- Now that QuickTime 4.1 is scriptable, you have the option to open the MP3 in either your web browser (for systems not upgraded to 4.1) or QT Player 4.1. -- You can now switch between QT 4.1 Player/Web Browser by double-clicking M3U Drop Downloader's icon! -- Worked on this documentation a bit. COST/DISTRIBUTION M3U Drop Downloader is FREEWARE! Please distribute, modify, decompile, or otherwise mutilate for your own pleasure. If you wish to include M3U Drop Downloader on a commercial CD, please notify me before you do and send me a complementary copy. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR Please contact me with any bugs/suggestions for this program. My e-mail address is <dmacman2000@yahoo.com>. UPDATES I will send updates to the INFO-MAC server as well as upload to my iDisk! My login is dmacman2000. Have fun! LEGAL Yeah, all that legal stuff applies too. In other words, you can't sue me for anything over the amount you paid ($0.00) or blame me if your Mac explodes. Although I try to make this as bug-free as possible, there is always an anomaly in every piece of computer software. ______________________________ *M3U Drop Downloader was compiled in and is optimized for Mac OS 9, however it may work under older versions of the Mac OS. **Not necessary, but only if you want to play directly from the QuickTime Player #### BINHEX mac-washer-102.hqx **** From: "noeskimo" <noeskimo@hawaiian.net> Subject: MacWasher 1.0.2 Many people do not realize that Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape, NeoPlanet and America Online) as well as many other software products store information about what they have been doing on a computer system. This includes which documents they have used, which pictures they have viewed, which web sites they have visited, and various other activities they have performed. Anyone can simply turn on your system and see a history of what you have been doing on your computer. Not only does this infringe on your privacy, but the tracks that are left behind can take up large quantities of valuable hard drive space. Recovering this space can be very beneficial by improving the overall speed and performance of a computer. Cleaning up the history of your activities can be a tedious chore of manually removing each history file or entry. If privacy and disk space are to be maintained, this process must be performed every time you use your computer. MacWasher can automatically clean up your browser's cache, cookies, history, recent document list, and much more! MacWasher can run in the background and clean up your tracks when you are done surfing the Internet or any other time you choose. #### BINHEX mac-web-pack.hqx **** From: R..Pelletier@worldnet.att.net Subject: MacinService's MacWebPack MacinService's MacWebPack This folder contains the following items: Crescendo 2.0 Applicatons that clean up the Desktop and empty the trash at once. Example AppleScript scripts HTML examples Volume control panal (control the volume of sound files) LockHD (locks the hard drive) Free Space (tells how much free space you have) Please E-Mail us at: macinweb@usa.net Visit the site at: http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/6255 The site has much more! #### BINHEX mondriaan-11-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: Mondriaan 1.1J - Japanese Version This package includes the Japanese versions of the Mondriaan menu extra and control strip module for URL Manager Pro. Mondriaan is a menu extra or 'menulet'. It appears as an icon in the upper right corner of your Mac OS X menu bar. On Mac OS 9, Mondriaan is a Control Strip Module and appears in your Control Strip. Mondriaan is freeware for use with URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for Mac OS X and Mac OS 9. Mondriaan has five sets of bookmarks that you configure from the Favorites Window (Edit menu of URL Manager Pro). The five sets are: Favorites, Explore, Friends, FTPs and Daily. Mondriaan is ideal when you need to access some web sites quickly and don't want to launch the URL Manager Pro application. New in version 1.1: * Added support for Safari * Added support for modifier keys #### BINHEX mtm-ppc.hqx **** From: Christopher@yav.com Subject: MTM_PPCinstaller.hqx (abstract) This is the PPC installer for Meta Tag Manager version 1.0.3 from YAV Interactive Media (http://www.yav.com), the first and only software of its kind for the Macintosh. Meta Tag Manager ($30) is the ultimate tool for fine-tuning and optimizing a document's meta tags. This process can enhance a page's search engine relevancy ranking and assure that queries that should find a particular page, do in fact find that page. Anyone creating webpages should be using Meta Tag Manager. Meta tags are usually not visible in a browser but are used by search engine "spiders" to index and rank a website or homepage. Every search engine has its own approach to handling on-line documents and even their utilization of meta tags varies widely. Rather than leave the fate of a meticulously crafted web presence to a spider's often overly generalized methods, Meta Tag Manager lets the individual take control. By providing dozens of options to automate the management of meta tags, Meta Tag Manager makes it easy to analyze and maximize the important meta tags of an entire website or a single html document. Meta Tag Manager provides ongoing feedback about how a document's meta tags will be treated by up to ten search engines (including the top seven). Meta Tag Manager generates custom advice in easy-to-understand English. One click of the "Update" button can add ten meta tags auto-formatted in optimum syntax to a document. And Meta Tag Manager can conditionally add, append, prepend, or merge tags to a whole group of files with a single press of the "Batch" button. Collect all keywords from a website. Analyze the interaction between keywords, headings, and body text. Designate often used material to be added automatically to important tags. "Carry over" tags from one file to another. Strip unwanted meta tags. Create "Tag Reports" and much more. ---------------------------- This file may be included on the commercially available CD-ROM of the archives. #### BINHEX myrmidon-201-update.hqx **** From: tmorse@terrymorse.com Subject: Myrmidon-201-update Myrmidon-201-update - The enclosed installer will update commercial Myrmidon 1.0.2-2.0 to Terry Morse Myrmidon 2.0.1. If a commercial version of Myrmidon is currently installed on your startup disk, simply launch the installer and follow the instructions. #### BINHEX net-book-10.hqx **** From: netbook@spectrografx.com Subject: NetBook 1.0 NetBook is an easy-to-use URL manager, designed to "just be there". It relies on Internet Config for launching bookmarks, and is extendable and customizable. You can drop these things on a NetBook window currently: Finder email addresses Finder web addresses Finder FTP addresses Fetch bookmark files Hotline bookmark files Eudora address lists Internet Explorer bookmark files Netscape Navigator/Communicator bookmark files NCSA Telnet/BetterTelnet bookmark files Anarchie bookmark files Text clippings (will be interpreted if possible, otherwise marked as unknown content) Bookmarks from other NetBook windows Applications (doubleclicking will launch). 1.0 ¥ Eudora address lists can now be dropped on NetBook windows. ¥ Now possible to drop whole folders with bookmarks on NetBook windows. ¥ Applications can now be dropped on NetBook windows. ¥ Option to open last window on launch. #### BINHEX net-strip-10.hqx **** From: fabian.lidman@swipnet.se Subject: NetStrip 1.0 - minimalist bookmark handler The NetStrip is an extremely simple and nice-looking bookmark/e-mail address handling utility. Created by Fabian Lidman, homepage at http://www.kagi.com/fabian/. Uncrippled shareware. #### BINHEX no-more-cookies-20.hqx **** From: cainesc@woods.uml.edu Subject: no_more_cookies This is the latest release of NoMoreCookies (ver. 2.0) which is now Freeware. Go to "http://www.chelmsford.com/home/star/liquid/" for update information and more. NMC is an applescript application that deletes a cookie/history file at user-defined intervals. This version completely replaces NMC1.1.1. Thanks to all who supported the Shareware version. Clynton Caines Clynton Caines Ife Alexander cainesc@woods.uml.edu #### BINHEX ns-kiosk-as.hqx **** From: brennan@young.net Subject: NSKiosk - AppleScript to set web browser kiosk mode NSKiosk is a tiny Applescript which anybody could have written, only the people who might actually *need* it would not dare mess with anything like scripting, so I decided to upload it to InfoMac. Very simple, just double click on it and choose whether you want your browser to run in Kiosk mode or not. This is great for showing off websites in exhibitions etc. because it stops people from checking their hotmail accounts and all that. This is freeware with no support but it comes with source code, such as it is. If you would like to show your appreciation, email me with fawning admiration and/or send me $1000. mailto:brennan@young.net #### DIRECTORY ntscp **** #### BINHEX page-charmer-15.hqx **** From: lance@mstay.com Subject: PageCharmer 1.5 PageCharmer Designer Applets 1.5 - is a set of customizable, interactive Java applets designed to enhance your Web pages. Whether your Web site is already up and running or you're designing one now, PageCharmer gives you the power to make it stand out from the crowd with personalized applets that can fit most any need. With millions of display combinations that can be set with point-and-click ease, PageCharmer Designer Applets provide a truly unique style. PageCharmer gives you the ability to add live text and graphic marquees with animated frames. And live multi-media buttons that highlight and play sounds when clicked. #### BINHEX pagesucker-mac-104.hqx **** From: support.crmm@crpht.lu Subject: PageSucker 1.0.4 PageSucker 1.0.4 - is a small utility that allows entire Web page hierarchies to be downloaded automatically. The pages will thereby be modified in such a way that they can then be viewed off-line. Main Features: Strong URL filters to restrict the downloads to only the desired files. Automatic rebuilding of the server's file system hierarchy on the client side. Option to download only pages up to a certain recursion depth. Multithreaded. More than one connection to a server can be opened at a time. The names of the downloaded files are adapted to the local filesystem. Written entirely in Java. There's a Macintosh and Windows 95/NT version. #### BINHEX ping-reporter-13.hqx **** From: grinch@pobox.com Subject: PingReporter1.3.sit PingReporter 1.3 This is a little application started out as a quick hack to save myself a lot of hassle when it came time to sift through the large log files, created by ICMP Logger during a ping attack, pulling IP numbers and other data out and to organize it in a neat and legible sort of way before sending it off to my local ISP. It has now become a useful MacOS application. Comes in two flavours: 68K and PPC! What's New: - Added recognition of log file date stamps & midnight hour roll-overs. (It now organizes the data by date as well) - Turfed the Unix console style interface and replaced it with a proper MacOS UI. "Hey, it's free-ware!" #### BINHEX player-pro-plugin-21.hqx **** From: Rosset Antoine <rossetantoine@bluewin.ch> Subject: PlayerPRO Plugin 2.1 PlayerPRO Plugin is an extension for your Netscape Communicator (tm) or Internet Explorer software. It will allow you to include, control and play music files. It supports soundtracker files : MOD, S3M, MADx, IT and XM. For more informations about these music files, download the PlayerPRO application, a full music editor (http://www.quadmation.com/pphome.htm). Version 2.1 - Now supports MDZ files zip compressed - Supports MacOS 8.1 and higher #### BINHEX playerpro-plugin-10.hqx **** From: rosset@dial.eunet.ch Subject: PlayerPRO Internet PlugIn 1.0 Player PRO Netscape Plugin 1.0 PlayerPRO Netscape Plugin is an extension for your Netscape Communicator software. It will allow you to include, control and play music files. It supports soundtracker files : MOD, S3M, MADx and XM. For more informations about these music files, download the PlayerPRO application, a full music editor (http://www.quadmation.com/pphome.htm). How to use it Simply drag "PlayerPRO Plugin" file in your "Plug-ins" folder in Netscape. Example in HTML: <EMBED src="music.mad" HEIGHT=125 WIDTH=199> Actually, there are no specific parameters... they will be compatible with MODLUG Thanks This plugin is developped with the help of: - CodeWarrior - PowerPlant - PlayerPRO C Library - Netscape Communicator 4 Sincerely, Antoine #### BINHEX postcard-10.hqx **** From: cj@netdreams.com Subject: Postcard plug-in for WebSTAR Postcard is a web server plug-in that allows your users to send customized postcards. The user select a graphic, enters some text and a destination email address on a normal HTML form. The text is written onto the selected graphic, which is then emailed directly to the desired address. This eliminates the need for any kind of "pick-up" procedure normally associated with web postcards. Postcard will work on PowerPC web servers running WebSTAR 1.3.2 and higher, or other W*API 1.1 compliant servers. It is fast, and does not require any additional helper applications (such as Eudora) to handle the email or the graphic manipulation. Permission is granted to include Postcard on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. The latest version is always available at <http://www.netdreams.com/software/>. cjh #### BINHEX power-get.hqx **** From: shine@ticino.edu Subject: PowerGet 1.01 PowerGet 1.5 is an update for PowerGet 1.0. This app lets you download an http address as many times as you want: it's useful for counter updates and "hacks" like this. That's freeware, but you have to register (registering costs 0$ :) PowerGet 1.5 is © 1998 by Gemjm inc. #### BINHEX power-ticker-211.hqx **** From: Roy Schulze <roy@galleon.com> Subject: PowerTicker 2.1.1 -- The stock market on your desktop PowerTicker is a specialized web browser that queries financial websites around the world and reformats the information it receives as an animated stock ticker and a collection of concise reports. The built-in portfolio manager uses the latest available stock quotes to calculate the current value of your investments; even your international holdings are automatically converted at the current exchange rate and tallied in your currency of choice. One integrated package lets you monitor how much your holdings gain or lose over time, recognize buying opportunities, spot problem areas before they start costing your money, even built experimental portfolios to test the water without risking your savings. EVALUATING POWERTICKER When you first install PowerTicker, it is configured to run in demonstration mode until you enter a valid serial number. An unregistered copy of PowerTicker runs for fifteen minutes before it quits, but otherwise lets you evaluate all of PowerTicker's features before you decide to purchase a serial number. UPDATING FROM AN EARLIER VERSION OF POWERTICKER PowerTicker 2.1.1 is a free upgrade to registered customers. The PowerTicker installer installs a new PowerTicker folder, upgrades the PowerTicker components installed in your System Folder, and automatically recognizes your serial number. #### BINHEX pre-lister-303.hqx **** From: support@blackmagik.com Subject: Pre-Lister 3.0.3 Pre-Lister - is a aucyion lister assistant. QuickCat menu provides easier access to frequently used categories. Preferences for payment and shipping terms. eBay-specific data (HTML, categories) can now be updated by the user. Text and HTML export options. Printing of listings allows for paper record keeping. #### BINHEX relational-gurl-friday.hqx **** From: bucky@luckypro.com Subject: GURL Friday - URL manager Welcome to GURL Friday - the terrific one-stop URL manager. Try this and you'll never look at another manager again. Grab, categorise with several different hierarchical systems, including Dewey Decimal, surf, e-mail, create HTML hotlists...name it, you do it with GURL Friday. Requires FileMaker Pro v3 (v2 compliant version at the web site) and AppleScript. http://www.charm.net/!bucky/gurl/gurl.html #### BINHEX ringsys-web-monitor-111.hqx **** From: Elian Carsenat <elian.carsenat@websitewatchers.co.uk> Subject: Ringsys WebMonitor 1.1.1 Program Name: Ringsys WebMonitor Version: 1.1.1 Resource url: http://www.websitewatchers.co.uk/products/webmonitor_1_1_x/webmonitor_1_1_x.html Description: Do you know if your web site is running properly? WebMonitor does! WebMonitor will check your site every few minutes. I will alert you immediately if if your site doesn't work properly. With the web front end, setting up the web monitor has never been easier. Also, thanks to the alert escalation, you won't miss another important event on your site: someone else in your team will pick it up and do something about it. MacOS http://www.ringsys.co.uk/webmonitor/try/InstData/MacOS/NoVM/wm11inst.bin (Inludes JVM: 8.8mb) http://www.ringsys.co.uk/webmonitor/try/InstData/MacOS/VM/wm11inst.bin (Requires JVM 1.1.6+: 1.6mb) Screenshot: http://www.websitewatchers.com/wm11_screenshot.gif #### BINHEX rkds-bookmarks-11.hqx **** From: RDBow@Pitnet.net Subject: RKD's Bookmarks v. 1.1 New Version "RKD's Bookmarks v. 1.1" Thank you for downloading the SHAREWARE list of "RKD's Bookmarks". Now you too can be a MacHead without the mess and fuss of visiting all those sites to bookmark them. And NO hassles having the SAME set of BOOKMARKS for different browsers. The file will work with all 3 major browsers. NetScape, Internet Explorer, and Cyberdog. $5 SHAREWARE 1001++ Bookmarks Apple oriented. I would like to quickly tell you why this is a SHAREWARE product. 5 years ago I was diagnosed with a rare spinal cord disease called SYRINGOMYELIA (SAH-RINGO-MY-E-LEE-AH). A progressive nerve disease that slowly "shuts down" nerves and feeling to the entire body. In the first 3 years I had 8 spinal cord operations trying to halt the collecting and thus the swelling of the spinal fluid that shuts off the nerves to the body. Please read the READ ME Or Else! file in with the download. It explains my predicament and what I'm trying to accomplish. THANK YOU! And the some 4,00 who downloaded the file im 2 weeks on MacWorld's DL site. -- Royce K. DeBow Sr. MyShare Publishing Company 3619 Summer Drive Cedarburg, Wisconsin 53012-9436 USA (414)-677-3501 #### BINHEX sawmill-trial-406.hqx **** From: sawmill@flowerfire.com Subject: Sawmill 4.0.6 trial version Sawmill is a powerful, hierarchical log analysis tool. With Sawmill, you can find out who has been visiting your web site, where they came from, what they've done there, and much more. Sawmill includes advanced data slicing features, a built-in web server, and a web-based HTML interface. Versions exist for every major platform. #### BINHEX se-20.hqx **** From: info@sfs-software.com Subject: SiteEater 2.0 SiteEater is the most powerful cross-platform offline browsing, site mirroring, and file-retrieving tool on the Internet. SiteEater runs fully automated, multithreaded, and link-following. It is able to retrieve all the files you want from any part of the Internet.Create an exact duplicate, or mirror of a Web site, complete with subdirectory structure and all required files. SiteEater now has project management, can continue interrupted downloads, and is able to work with your proxy server. A command-line version is integrated too. Best regards, Dirk Schlenzig dirk@sfs-software.com #### BINHEX search-center.hqx **** From: cybersense@cybersense.com Subject: CyberSense Search Center 3.0 CyberSense Search Center gives you centralized, one-click access to more than a dozen search engines, letting you quickly and easily search the Internet. Since search forms for all the popular search engines are integrated into one package that works from within your web browser, you don't have to waste time visiting dozens of search engines or loading a separate "search" program just to find what you are looking for. You can simply load your browser, bring up the Search Center, and get right to work. It's fast, easy and effective. The Search Center is freeware and requires at least Navigator 3.0 or Internet Explorer 4.0. Web: http://www.cybersense.com/ E-mail: cybersense@cybersense.com #### BINHEX search.hqx **** From: louisxiv@istar.ca Subject: Search 1.0.1 Search is a shareware that helps you to search the internet. Choose a search site with the popup menu, type your search in the field next to it, click search, and you will see the result in your favorite browser. You can also import your favorite links from netscape or internet explorer, or create new ones. All this and much more for only 5$. Louis Chartrand LouisXIV@istar.ca #### BINHEX shout-3d-102.hqx **** From: "Eric Anschutz" <eric@shoutinteractive.com> Subject: Shout3D 1.0.2 Publish interactive 3D applications online without plugins. Here is a long description of that file: Shout3D is a combination of Java-based playback and authoring technologies that enable any standard Web client with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to display interactive 3D graphics without the need for special plugins or downloads. Web clients with JVMs are presently found a wide variety of information appliances, including handheld computers, set top boxes, PCs and computer workstations. Developed by Shout Interactive, the highly optimized 3D rendering engine found at the core of Shout3D is written in pure Java (1.02) and comes complete with keyframed animation, physics and full extensibility via a set of robust APIs. #### BINHEX small-business-b-marks-10.hqx **** From: RDBow@Pitnet.net Subject: SmallBusiness B-marks v. 1.0.0 A SmallBusiness™ B-marks 1.0.0 Thank you for downloading our product. Shareware $15 WHAT IS IT? They are REVIEWED NetScape Internet bookmarks for Small Business and consequently can be imported into most major browsers. Import instructions may be found in the text file labeled "Import Instructions." Why ? Because the small business person, or person to be, doesn't have time on their own behalf to search, download and otherwise determine which information is deemed appropriate to begin or continue a business. Those decisions have been made for you. Made in the way of a foundation of information for you to build on. What do they include? A wealth of information. There are links to "How to start a business", "How and where to obtain financing", "Leads you can use NOW!", "Advice", "Small Business Administration help", "How to SELL the government", "How to BUY from the government", "IRS tax help", "How to get on the bidders list to sell the government", plus much, much more. $15 Check, cash or money order. Send payments to: #### BINHEX smart-map-11.hqx **** From: chrisp@digitalprairie.com Subject: SmartMap 1.1 File Name : SmartMap11.sit.hqx Product Name : SmartMap Product Vers.: 1.1 Author : Digital Prairie, Inc. Home Page : http://www.digitalprairie.com/ Shareware Fee: US$20 Requires : W*API 1.1-compatible MacOS web server This update to SmartMap adds the following new features and fixes: - user can configure SmartMap to use HTTP redirection or to translate HTTP requests, - SMARTMAP-FILTER action supports PIXO, - reads extra client-side <AREA> tag attributes from server-side map file comments, - no longer relies on QuickDraw for hotspot hit-testing, - smarter NCSA circle hotspot support - many bug fixes (see the Read Me file...) Description : Yet another imagemap plug-in for WebSTAR, but it has features available nowhere else. Automatic recognition of both NCSA and CERN map file formats, support for rectangles, polygons, circles, ovals, points, and default hotspots, and it returns local target files without HTTP redirection. It even filters HTML files to convert server-side imagemaps to client-side imagemaps automatically! #### BINHEX snap-cam-10.hqx **** From: David McDonald <diablote@yahoo.com> Subject: SnapCam 1.0 SnapCam 1.0 is a simple yet powerful freeware webcam utility written purely in AppleScript. It requires ReelEyes, the software distributed with the Irez KritterCam. For more information, please read the Read Me file. #### BINHEX solid-apple-b-marks-12.hqx **** From: RDBow@Pitnet.net Subject: Solid Apple Bookmarks v. 1.2 New Version "Solid Apple Bookmarks v. 1.2" Thank you for downloading the SHAREWARE list of "Solid Apple Bookmarks". Now you too can be a MacHead without the mess and fuss of visiting all those sites to bookmark them. And NO hassles having the SAME set of BOOKMARKS for different browsers. The file will work with all 3 major browsers. NetScape, Internet Explorer, and Cyberdog. $2 SHAREWARE 270+ Bookmarks Apple oriented. I would like to quickly tell you why this is a SHAREWARE product. 5 years ago I was diagnosed with a rare spinal cord disease called SYRINGOMYELIA (SAH-RINGO-MY-E-LEE-AH). A progressive nerve disease that slowly "shuts down" nerves and feeling to the entire body. In the first 3 years I had 8 spinal cord operations trying to halt the collecting and thus the swelling of the spinal fluid that shuts off the nerves to the body. Please read the READ ME Or Else! file in with the download. It explains my predicament and what I'm trying to accomplish. THANK YOU! And the some 4,00 who downloaded the file im 2 weeks on MacWorld's DL site. -- Royce K. DeBow Sr. MyShare Publishing Company 3619 Summer Drive Cedarburg, Wisconsin 53012-9436 USA (414)-677-3501 #### BINHEX spy-101-osx.hqx **** From: mike@silvernetwork.net Subject: Spy OS X v1.0.1 Spy OS X (for Mac OS 10.1.5 and up) allows you to run a small server on your Mac, that when accessed by any normal web browser, allows people to see your screen, as well as information about your Macintosh. But it doesn't stop there - they can look at a normal static image, or they can look at your screen, live, in real-time. You can also choose which image format you want to use - JPEG or PNG. Not only that, but the user can choose what picture quality they want by manually specifying their desired quality and scale in the picture.jpg or picture.png request. Other features include 2 built-in layouts and custom layout support, and a Live Connection manager that lets you see everyone that is viewing your desktop live as well as disconnect any of those users. Best of all, Spy is totally free. Spy v1.0.1 lets you turn off Live, limit the number of people who can view Live, and has several other small changes. #### BINHEX spy-101-ppc.hqx **** From: mike@silvernetwork.net Subject: Spy PPC v1.0.1 Spy PPC (for Mac OS 7.6 - 9.2.2) allows you to run a small server on your Mac, that when accessed by any normal web browser, allows people to see your screen, as well as information about your Macintosh. But it doesn't stop there - they can look at a normal static image, or they can look at your screen, live, in real-time. You can also choose which image format you want to use - JPEG or PNG. Not only that, but the user can choose what picture quality they want by manually specifying their desired quality and scale in the picture.jpg or picture.png request. Other features include 2 built-in layouts and custom layout support, and a Live Connection manager that lets you see everyone that is viewing your desktop live as well as disconnect any of those users. Best of all, Spy is totally free. Spy v1.0.1 lets you turn off Live, limit the number of people who can view Live, and has several other small changes. #### BINHEX ssi-parser.hqx **** From: Ian Goldby <Ian@iangoldby.free-online.co.uk> Subject: SSIParser SSIParser version 0.1 Freeware Should work with System 7 onwards, 68k or PPC. Only tested with System 7.5 on an LC475. Abstract ======== SSIParser is a quick and dirty application to help web developers who use Server Side Includes on their web site. It enables you to test your pages before uploading them to the web server, by parsing the special SSI instructions in the file and generating a new file representing what the server would actually send to the client. As far as I know, this is the only freeware program available for the Mac OS that will do this. I wrote it for my own use, so it is not a polished product, although it is straightforward to use. There is no guarantee that the behaviour will be exactly the same as obtained on your web server, but it is a useful preliminary check before uploading. Use at your own risk. I hope you find it useful. Ian Goldby <http://www.iangoldby.free-online.net> #### BINHEX start-a-business-b-marks.hqx **** From: RDBow@Pitnet.net Subject: Start-A-Business 1.0 A SmallBusiness™ B-marks 1.0.0 Thank you for downloading our $15 shareware product. WHAT IS IT? They are REVIEWED NetScape Internet bookmarks for Small Business and consequently can be imported into most major browsers. Import instructions may be found in the text file labeled "Import Instructions." Why ? Because the small business person, or person to be, doesn't have time on their own behalf to search, download and otherwise determine which information is deemed appropriate to begin or continue a business. Those decisions have been made for you. Made in the way of a foundation of information for you to build on. What do they include? A wealth of information. Hand picked and reviewed by someone with 35 year of small business knowledge, taking a company to $3-1/2 million in sales. There are links to "How to start a business", "How and where to obtain financing", "Leads you can use NOW!", "Advice", "Small Business Administration help", "How to SELL the government", "How to BUY from the government", "IRS tax help", "How to get on the bidders list to sell the government", plus much, much more. Try it today, BUY it tomorrow. Thank you. #### BINHEX student-resources-10.hqx **** From: rkral@bellsouth.net Subject: Student Resources WWW Student Resources v1.0 ©1998 is a collection of bookmarks intended to help students access information on the internet to help them with their studies. There are also sites of interest to teachers. The files can be accessed two different ways. The HTML files can be opened in a browser and there are also 2 bookmark files, one for Netscape Navigator and one for Internet Explorer, that can be imported to your browser to add these sites to your bookmark or favorites files. Please send any comments or suggestions to: rkral@bellsouth.net with the subject: Student Reference Manual. This product is shareware. Please send $10 for a single user or $50 for a site license to: Ron Kralevich PO Box 21256 Owensboro, KY 42301 For you Macintosh people that have URL Manager it is also available as a URL Manager file. #### BINHEX summary-102.hqx **** From: jason@www.minbar.com Subject: Summary 1.0.2 Summary 1.0.2 - The log analyzer that tells you more! Summary is a web server log analysis program. With over sixty reports, you can find out more about your visitors, connection bandwidth, referrers, and all aspects of your website, than with any other tool. Many unique reports including: search words used to find your site in major search engines, periods when the server was down, most commonly used entry points into your site, visitors connection (modem) speed. Summary 1.0.2 - Fixed a parsing problems in WebSTAR logs with agent string as first field. Now treats "::index.html" and "//index.html" the same as ":index.html" or "/index.html". Summary 1.0.1 - Fixed a crash caused by requests ending in "/.". For more information and the latest updates check: http://summary.net/summary/ jason@summary.net #### BINHEX surfer-201.hqx **** From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@earthlink.net> Subject: Surfer 2.0.1 Load any number of URLs, daily and weekday-specific, from a list in a text file. Drop any other list to load that one instead of the default. Supports all major browsers. Users say: "Cool! . . . excellent . . . Top Download [Version Tracker]. . . Popular [ZDNet.com] . . . I love your scripts . . . I really like Surfer . . . Thank you!!! . . . I really enjoy it . . . It's a great script :-) . . . works well . . . it's great. Really! . . . works quite well . . . nice program . . . handy . . . thanks very much for providing this useful script! . . . I like it a lot" Free. New in 2.0.1: bug fixes. Requires OS 7.5 through 9x and two scripting additions: Akua Sweets 1.4.3 and Dialog Director 0.7, both free for personal use. Thank you, John Rethorst #### BINHEX tape-measure.hqx **** From: colleen@nervecel.com Subject: Tape Measure.sit- macshareware & web tool Tape Measure is a drag & drop application designed to make the creation of html image tags easier. Specifically, it can automatically include the width and height of an image, which makes a page appear to load faster in certain browsers. I created this application in the early days of the web, before programs like Pagemill™ and Dreamweaver™ existed, which take care of image tags automatically. Tape Measure is still useful for quick tweaks when you’re editing HTML by hand and you don’t want to have to launch a big program just to get the width and height of an image. How to Use It: Simply drag a GIF or JPEG image file onto Tape Measure’s icon. Tape Measure will copy an image tag (including the image’s width and height) to the clipboard, which you can paste into your html document from any text editor. Dragging multiple image files onto Tape Measure will open a list window containing the names of these images. Double-clicking on an image name copies its html tag to the clipboard. You can also use the arrow keys to move up and down the list and hit enter or cmd-c to copy the tag. -- Gunnar T. Proppé 58 Buena Vista Ave. Fairfax, CA 94930 gunnar@nervecel.com #### BINHEX telstra-dot-com-toolbar.hqx **** From: "Edward Hartman" <ed.hartman@amicus.net> Subject: Telstra.com toolbar Freeware MacOS 8 and up The telstra.com Toolbar sits on your PC or Macintosh desktop, and provides hot links straight through to the best areas within telstra.com. For example, click on News, Music, Movies or Games, and go straight there. What's more, if you're not connected to the Internet at that moment, the telstra.com Toolbar will automatically connect you to telstra.com. It will even launch your web browser automatically! Use the telstra.com Toolbar for quick and easy access to your telstra.com #### BINHEX the-mac-channel-68k-10b4.hqx **** From: info@macchannel.com Subject: The Mac Channel 1.0b4 68k The Mac Channel 1.0b4 The Mac Channel is an information delivery system for the Macintosh. It allows you to receive the latest news, reviews, and articles about the Macintosh world. It requires about 2MB of RAM and 1MB of HD space. It works with both PPC and 68K Macs. If you want to learn more information be sure to visit our web site at http://www.macchannel.com. Thank you for using our software. The Mac Channel Team. #### BINHEX the-mac-channel-ppc-10b4.hqx **** From: info@macchannel.com Subject: The Mac Channel 1.0b4 PPC The Mac Channel 1.0b4 The Mac Channel is an information delivery system for the Macintosh. It allows you to receive the latest news, reviews, and articles about the Macintosh world. It requires about 2MB of RAM and 1MB of HD space. It works with both PPC and 68K Macs. If you want to learn more information be sure to visit our web site at http://www.macchannel.com. Thank you for using our software. The Mac Channel Team. #### BINHEX theseus-11.hqx **** From: grinder@matterform.com Subject: theseus 1.1.sit File: theseus_1.1.sit Software: Theseus Version: 1.1 Platform: Macintosh Category: internet/web-things Freeware and Shareware Description: Theseus is an HTML link validator for Macintosh that checks your Web site for broken links, missing images, bad HTML syntax, orphaned files, and other common problems. Named for the hero who navigated the labyrinth, of course. Visit http://www.matterform.com/ for more info. #### BINHEX ttidy-10b1.hqx **** From: ken195@forfree.at Subject: TTidy 1.0b1 TTidy 1.0b1-Freeware TTidy is a straight UNIX port of the Tidy HTML parser. I created this port after looking at the two Macintosh tidy ports already in existance (written by Terry Teague) I decided that neither of these ports fit my needs as a webmaster for my high school, Homestead High School. I needed a port of Tidy that could scan multiple files, overwriting the original files with the correct HTML code after scanning them. I visited the W3C Tidy site, downloaded the source code and with the help of the DropUNIX library, I created a rudimentary Tidy port. TTidy isn't a speed deamon, nor is it a very flexible port. The DropUNIX library doesn't support command line parameters, so I wired a couple of defaults into the program. The default behavior is to overwrite the original file, to force tags to uppercase, and to indent tags. These are equivalent to the -i, -c, -u, and -m options. TTidy does not support XML parsing because it doesn't support command-line parameters. To use TTidy, drag one or more HTML documents onto its icon, or double-click it's icon and choose Select File... from the File menu. If you choose to run additional batches after the first, quit TTidy between batches. You will be presented with a dialog box asking whether you want to save your ERROR REPORT--NOT YOUR MODIFIED HTML DOCUMENTS. Your modified HTML files are automatically saved as TTidy runs. Known Bugs: *TTidy only accepts a few files at a time dropped on it. I've been able to do twenty to thirty at a time, but the web site I tested it on has a couple hundred HTML files. *TTidy occasionally hits an infinite loop. If TTidy appears to be attempting to correct the same error IN THE SAME PLACE over and over again, choose Quit from the File menu. You may save changes to your error log. The file causing the loop (and all those after it, alphabetically) will be left untouched for you to try again. TTidy will cause an infinite loop again if you attempt to run a file that caused this type of behavior through it again without modification. *TTidy suffers from slow screen display. Ken Bloom -- ken195@forfree.at #### BINHEX typhoon-201.hqx **** From: johnh@pacific-coast.com Subject: Typhoon 2.01 Typhoon is a CGI that is compatible with all standard Macintosh Web servers. The product has many functions based upon the WebDNA language found in Pacific Coast Software's commerce product WebCatalog. In particular, Typhoon can create dynamic page content like placing the current date and time, showing the IP address of the current visitor, or hiding and showing portions of a page based on the current visitor. Typhoon also provides page level password protection that can easily handle hundreds of thousands of users and groups. It can handle form submissions and initiate outgoing emails. Lastly, Typhoon includes the ability to include full database solutions, such as a contact database for your Web server, using the same lightning fast database technology found in WebCatalog. Custom database solutions for remotely administering ListSTAR mailing lists and Rumpus FTP user lists are also included. More information on Typhoon can be found at http://www.pacific-coast.com/typhoon/ John. John A. Hill Pacific Coast Software 11770 Bernardo Plaza Ct. #453 * Web tools for Macintosh and WinNT * San Diego, CA 92128 http://www.pacific-coast.com #### BINHEX ubb-writer-20.hqx **** From: J-Gar@eskimo.com Subject: UBB Writer 2.0 UBB Writer 2.0 (freeware) is an Ultimate Bulletin Board code editor that allows the user to add function and style to posts at forums like MacAddict, MacFixIt and MacNN. It is designed to allow users who have no experience with UBB code to take advantage of all the features of UBB code with the click of a button. For experienced UBB code writers, UBB Writer makes enhancing your posts simpler, quicker and more fun. #### BINHEX ultra-mac-bookmarks-2001.hqx **** From: "Royce K. DeBow Sr." <RDBow@Pitnet.net> Subject: UltraMacBookmarks 2001 Thank you for downloading the SHAREWARE list of the " UltraMacBookmarks' Now you too can be a MacHead without the mess and fuss of visiting all those sites to bookmark them. The file will work with both Int ernet Explorer and Netscape1s Communicator 4.5x up. Although not tested the bookmarks should work with all versions 4.0..x and up. Let me know when you try them. This update has several NEW folders for quick surfing without opening the larger MacHead's set. Many new listings. $12 SHAREWARE 1500+ Bookmarks Apple oriented. NEW!! NEW!!! Included with this download are some Alert Sounds for your pleasure. these can be put into your close system folder (instructions included) and then activated for use in your regular Apple Alert Sounds or better yet use in your Browser. They include such sayings as You've Got Mail, and Goodbye and other such familiar ones. There is no charge for these recordings. I know you'll enjoy them. #### BINHEX url-extractor-68k.hqx **** From: mc5230@mclink.it Subject: URL Extractor 1.0.0 68k URL Extractor is a Macintosh utility to extract (manually or automatically) urls as email address, web address and ftp address from text files (web pages included). URL Extractor differs from other utilities (which are usually 'drag and drop tools' more similar to UNIX tools than to Macintosh applications) thanks to its true Macintosh interface. URL Extractor is not a port from other platforms, it's a true Mac application realized using our own Mac code. URL Extractor can be fully configured using its preference dialog panel, no code or cryptic instructions to digit, it's a true native Macintosh program. You can configure it to have 'full control' of the URL extraction operations. You can open large files in 'document windows' and URL Extractor will let you collect URLs one by one or, if you like, yes, opposite, you can drop a folder on it and have the URLs collected in all the files in the folder, also deeply nested inside other folders. You can save them automatically inside the file you selected erasing previous saved urls or appending them to the file (without erasing the previous data) and, if you like, when the program has finished its work can also quit automatically. You can even run it unattended on a server and it will do all its work. In short URL Extractor let you extract urls from files in the way you like, from a interactive way to a totally automatic way, letting you have full control of the operations. It can work using the full power of your Mac or at idle time. In this way, you can switch it on the background while it is working and use other programs. If you want to extract URLs from file to import them in database or use tem to buld web pages URL extractor is the utility for you. Further info at the Tension Software web page at <http://www.pair.com/tnet/tensionsw/> Available both for ppc and for 68k. This is the 68k version. Inclusion in CD-ROM allowed. #### BINHEX url-extractor-ppc.hqx **** From: mc5230@mclink.it Subject: URL Extractor 1.0.0 PPC URL Extractor is a Macintosh utility to extract (manually or automatically) urls as email address, web address and ftp address from text files (web pages included). URL Extractor differs from other utilities (which are usually 'drag and drop tools' more similar to UNIX tools than to Macintosh applications) thanks to its true Macintosh interface. URL Extractor is not a port from other platforms, it's a true Mac application realized using our own Mac code. URL Extractor can be fully configured using its preference dialog panel, no code or cryptic instructions to digit, it's a true native Macintosh program. You can configure it to have 'full control' of the URL extraction operations. You can open large files in 'document windows' and URL Extractor will let you collect URLs one by one or, if you like, yes, opposite, you can drop a folder on it and have the URLs collected in all the files in the folder, also deeply nested inside other folders. You can save them automatically inside the file you selected erasing previous saved urls or appending them to the file (without erasing the previous data) and, if you like, when the program has finished its work can also quit automatically. You can even run it unattended on a server and it will do all its work. In short URL Extractor let you extract urls from files in the way you like, from a interactive way to a totally automatic way, letting you have full control of the operations. It can work using the full power of your Mac or at idle time. In this way, you can switch it on the background while it is working and use other programs. If you want to extract URLs from file to import them in database or use tem to buld web pages URL extractor is the utility for you. Further info at the Tension Software web page at <http://www.pair.com/tnet/tensionsw/> Available both for ppc and for 68k. This is the PPC version. Inclusion in CD-ROM allowed. #### BINHEX url-manager-pro-251-it.hqx **** From: alco@xs4all.nl Subject: URL Manager Pro 2.5.1 (Italian Version) URL Manager Pro 2.5 is an Apple Macintosh program for managing Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), the universal address format of the Internet. URL Manager Pro is a full-featured, standalone Macintosh application that allows users to create a single, highly flexible repository for maintaining URLs. In particular, URL Manager Pro offers tight integration with Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Claris Emailer and Eudora for effortless management of Internet addresses. URL Manager Pro 2.5 supports the new Mac OS 8.5. It features the new Appearance Look and Feel, Contextual Menus and works with Apple's Sherlock, Internet Location Files and Navigation Services. This new version of URL Manager Pro offers a substantial number of new features, including printing bookmarks, improved Shared Menus, and an unlimited number of hierarchical bookmark menus. URL Manager Pro has garnered many glowing accolades in the Macintosh press, including TidBits and MacMagazin, and featured in Guy Kawasaki's keynote at the MacWorld Expo in Boston. "URL Manager is fast, slick, and easy." says Adam C. Engst, Tidbits. URL Manager Pro is a Kagi Top 10 application. URL Manager Pro is $25 shareware. The Home Page of URL Manager Pro is: <http://www.url-manager.com> Contact Alco Blom: <mailto:alco@xs4all.nl> _______________________________________________________________________ Alco Blom <mailto:alco@xs4all.nl> URL Manager Pro (latest release: 2.5.1) <http://www.url-manager.com> Web Confidential <http://www.web-confidential.com> (latest release: 1.2) _______________________________________________________________________ #### BINHEX url-manager-pro-26-se.hqx **** From: moj <feelgood@ramona.nu> Subject: URL Manager 2.6-SE Dr. Feelgood <http://www.feelgood.se> slŠpper nu den ultimata internethjŠlredan URL Manager Pro 2.6-SE i svensk version. Programmet Šr nu kompatibelt med system 9 URL Manager Šr en upplagsplats fšr dina favoriter bland Internet-adresser och URLar (Uniform Resource Locators). URL Manager lŒter dig organisera och samla URLar i en hierarkisk struktur. Att organisera bokmŠrken mellan och inom mappar Šr enkelt med Dra & SlŠppfunktionen. Dra HyperText-lŠnkar frŒn din webblŠsare till fšnstret i URL Manager fšr att lŠgga en URL pŒ upplagsplatsen. Fšr att komma till en URL pŒ webben, Dra & SlŠpp ett bokmŠrke till fšnstret i en webblŠsare eller dubbelklicka. URL Manager fšrstŒr Internet Config. URL Manager Pro lŠgger till tŠt integration med Navigator, Explorer, Anarchie, Fetch, Claris Emailer och Eudora. Med URL Manager Pro kan du lŠgga till bokmŠrksmenyer till dessa programs menyrad. Dessutom lŠgger URL Manager Pro till URL Managers delade ikonmeny till menyraden. Med denna meny kan du skapa bokmŠrken fšr webbsidor frŒn --inuti--Navigator/Explorer, lŠgga till anteckningar, greppa alla URLar pŒ en webbsida eller i ett e-postmeddelande, utforska Internet med en fšrinstŠlld samling sškmotorer eller starta din PPP-session med menykommandot …ppna PPP. Nyheter i version 2.6 #### BINHEX url-manager-pro-311-de.hqx **** From: alco@url-manager.com Subject: URL Manager Pro 3.1.1 (German version) URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh for use with Safari, Explorer, OmniWeb , Mozilla, Netscape, iCab, and Camino gives users a more convenient way to manage bookmarks, Email addresses and news groups. URL Manager Pro 3.1 adds a global bookmarks menu in the upper right corner of the menu bar in any application and the Finder on Mac OS X, while URL Manager Pro is running and a bookmark file is open. This is especially handy while using Safari. Version 3.1 also adds standard Mac OS X features like a customizable Toolbar, a standard Window Menu and Font Panel. This version also adds Shared Menu capability to Safari, Mozilla and Netscape. Thirdly, when you add a bookmark you can now specify the bookmark file you want the bookmark be added to. Its main features are: * Integration : You have access to your bookmarks from your browser's menu bar and from the Mac OS X Dock. * Document Storage : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro bookmark documents, which you can store and manipulate in the normal Macintosh way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in preferences folders of browsers. You can make automatic periodic saves and make copies of bookmark documents on backup devices on each save. * History : You can surf the web using several different browsers while URL Manager Pro will keep recording the History of each. * Importing and exporting bookmarks : The File menu gives you a list of all of the browsers that URL Manager Pro can import from and export to. It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by scanning HTML and text files for bookmarks and URLs. * It lets you edit and organize bookmarks fast : You can use inline editing, label and color your bookmarks. * Tap Sherlock power : You can index your bookmark file and tap the power of Sherlock to look for words in your bookmark files. URL Manager Pro is available in English, Japanese, German, French, Italian and Spanish. URL Manager Pro is 25 Euros shareware. Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9 with CarbonLib 1.1. Home Page: http://www.url-manager.com Email: mailto:support@url-manager.com #### BINHEX url-manager-pro-311-es.hqx **** From: alco@url-manager.com Subject: URL Manager Pro 3.1.1 (Spanish version) URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh for use with Safari, Explorer, OmniWeb , Mozilla, Netscape, iCab, and Camino gives users a more convenient way to manage bookmarks, Email addresses and news groups. URL Manager Pro 3.1 adds a global bookmarks menu in the upper right corner of the menu bar in any application and the Finder on Mac OS X, while URL Manager Pro is running and a bookmark file is open. This is especially handy while using Safari. Version 3.1 also adds standard Mac OS X features like a customizable Toolbar, a standard Window Menu and Font Panel. This version also adds Shared Menu capability to Safari, Mozilla and Netscape. Thirdly, when you add a bookmark you can now specify the bookmark file you want the bookmark be added to. Its main features are: * Integration : You have access to your bookmarks from your browser's menu bar and from the Mac OS X Dock. * Document Storage : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro bookmark documents, which you can store and manipulate in the normal Macintosh way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in preferences folders of browsers. You can make automatic periodic saves and make copies of bookmark documents on backup devices on each save. * History : You can surf the web using several different browsers while URL Manager Pro will keep recording the History of each. * Importing and exporting bookmarks : The File menu gives you a list of all of the browsers that URL Manager Pro can import from and export to. It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by scanning HTML and text files for bookmarks and URLs. * It lets you edit and organize bookmarks fast : You can use inline editing, label and color your bookmarks. * Tap Sherlock power : You can index your bookmark file and tap the power of Sherlock to look for words in your bookmark files. URL Manager Pro is available in English, Japanese, German, French, Italian and Spanish. URL Manager Pro is 25 Euros shareware. Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9 with CarbonLib 1.1. Home Page: http://www.url-manager.com Email: mailto:support@url-manager.com #### BINHEX url-manager-pro-311-fr.hqx **** From: alco@url-manager.com Subject: URL Manager Pro 3.1.1 (French version) URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh for use with Safari, Explorer, OmniWeb , Mozilla, Netscape, iCab, and Camino gives users a more convenient way to manage bookmarks, Email addresses and news groups. URL Manager Pro 3.1 adds a global bookmarks menu in the upper right corner of the menu bar in any application and the Finder on Mac OS X, while URL Manager Pro is running and a bookmark file is open. This is especially handy while using Safari. Version 3.1 also adds standard Mac OS X features like a customizable Toolbar, a standard Window Menu and Font Panel. This version also adds Shared Menu capability to Safari, Mozilla and Netscape. Thirdly, when you add a bookmark you can now specify the bookmark file you want the bookmark be added to. Its main features are: * Integration : You have access to your bookmarks from your browser's menu bar and from the Mac OS X Dock. * Document Storage : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro bookmark documents, which you can store and manipulate in the normal Macintosh way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in preferences folders of browsers. You can make automatic periodic saves and make copies of bookmark documents on backup devices on each save. * History : You can surf the web using several different browsers while URL Manager Pro will keep recording the History of each. * Importing and exporting bookmarks : The File menu gives you a list of all of the browsers that URL Manager Pro can import from and export to. It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by scanning HTML and text files for bookmarks and URLs. * It lets you edit and organize bookmarks fast : You can use inline editing, label and color your bookmarks. * Tap Sherlock power : You can index your bookmark file and tap the power of Sherlock to look for words in your bookmark files. URL Manager Pro is available in English, Japanese, German, French, Italian and Spanish. URL Manager Pro is 25 Euros shareware. Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9 with CarbonLib 1.1. Home Page: http://www.url-manager.com Email: mailto:support@url-manager.com #### BINHEX url-manager-pro-311-it.hqx **** From: alco@url-manager.com Subject: URL Manager Pro 3.1.1 (Italian version) URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh for use with Safari, Explorer, OmniWeb , Mozilla, Netscape, iCab, and Camino gives users a more convenient way to manage bookmarks, Email addresses and news groups. URL Manager Pro 3.1 adds a global bookmarks menu in the upper right corner of the menu bar in any application and the Finder on Mac OS X, while URL Manager Pro is running and a bookmark file is open. This is especially handy while using Safari. Version 3.1 also adds standard Mac OS X features like a customizable Toolbar, a standard Window Menu and Font Panel. This version also adds Shared Menu capability to Safari, Mozilla and Netscape. Thirdly, when you add a bookmark you can now specify the bookmark file you want the bookmark be added to. Its main features are: * Integration : You have access to your bookmarks from your browser's menu bar and from the Mac OS X Dock. * Document Storage : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro bookmark documents, which you can store and manipulate in the normal Macintosh way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in preferences folders of browsers. You can make automatic periodic saves and make copies of bookmark documents on backup devices on each save. * History : You can surf the web using several different browsers while URL Manager Pro will keep recording the History of each. * Importing and exporting bookmarks : The File menu gives you a list of all of the browsers that URL Manager Pro can import from and export to. It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by scanning HTML and text files for bookmarks and URLs. * It lets you edit and organize bookmarks fast : You can use inline editing, label and color your bookmarks. * Tap Sherlock power : You can index your bookmark file and tap the power of Sherlock to look for words in your bookmark files. URL Manager Pro is available in English, Japanese, German, French, Italian and Spanish. URL Manager Pro is 25 Euros shareware. Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9 with CarbonLib 1.1. Home Page: http://www.url-manager.com Email: mailto:support@url-manager.com #### BINHEX url-manager-pro-311.hqx **** From: alco@url-manager.com Subject: URL Manager Pro 3.1.1 URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh for use with Safari, Explorer, OmniWeb , Mozilla, Netscape, iCab, and Camino gives users a more convenient way to manage bookmarks, Email addresses and news groups. URL Manager Pro 3.1 adds a global bookmarks menu in the upper right corner of the menu bar in any application and the Finder on Mac OS X, while URL Manager Pro is running and a bookmark file is open. This is especially handy while using Safari. Version 3.1 also adds standard Mac OS X features like a customizable Toolbar, a standard Window Menu and Font Panel. This version also adds Shared Menu capability to Safari, Mozilla and Netscape. Thirdly, when you add a bookmark you can now specify the bookmark file you want the bookmark be added to. Its main features are: * Integration : You have access to your bookmarks from your browser's menu bar and from the Mac OS X Dock. * Document Storage : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro bookmark documents, which you can store and manipulate in the normal Macintosh way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in preferences folders of browsers. You can make automatic periodic saves and make copies of bookmark documents on backup devices on each save. * History : You can surf the web using several different browsers while URL Manager Pro will keep recording the History of each. * Importing and exporting bookmarks : The File menu gives you a list of all of the browsers that URL Manager Pro can import from and export to. It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by scanning HTML and text files for bookmarks and URLs. * It lets you edit and organize bookmarks fast : You can use inline editing, label and color your bookmarks. * Tap Sherlock power : You can index your bookmark file and tap the power of Sherlock to look for words in your bookmark files. URL Manager Pro is available in English, Japanese, German, French, Italian and Spanish. URL Manager Pro is 25 Euros shareware. Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9 with CarbonLib 1.1. Home Page: http://www.url-manager.com Email: mailto:support@url-manager.com #### BINHEX url-manager-pro-33.hqx **** From: support@url-manager.com Subject: URL Manager Pro 3.3 URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh for use with Safari, Explorer, OmniWeb , Mozilla, Netscape, iCab, Camino and Firefox gives users a more convenient way to manage bookmarks, Email addresses and news groups. URL Manager Pro 3.3 adds a new Search Bar, using Drawer Windows for search results in bookmarks. It adds support for the new bookmark file formats of Camino 0.8 and Firefox 0.9. It also adds a feature where you can let LaunchBar and History Hound index your URL Manager Pro bookmark files. URL Manager Pro's main features include: * System-Wide Access : You can access your bookmarks in any application through a system menu.Ä * Accessible : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro bookmark files, which you can store and manipulate in an intuitive way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in browser preferences folders. You can set the app to automatically save at certain intervals as well as backup copies of bookmark files to external devices on each save. * History : You can surf the web using several different browsers, and URL Manager Pro will keep a History record of each. * Validate : URL Manager Pro can validate your bookmarks and mark URLs as broken, moved or being duplicates. * Import and Export : URL Manager Pro can import from and export to Safari, Explorer, OmniWeb, Firefox, Camino, iCab, Mozilla and Netscape. It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by importing XML (XBEL), HTML and text files for bookmarks and URLs. URL Manager Pro is $25 USD shareware. URL Manager Pro 3.3 is again a free upgrade for all 3.x users. Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2 or later. URL Manager Pro 3.3 is localized in English, Japanese, German, French, Italian and Spanish. Home Page: <http://www.url-manager.com> Release Notes: <http://www.url-manager.com/version330.html> #### BINHEX url-manager-pro-341-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: URL Manager Pro 3.4.1J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the URL Manager Pro package. How many bookmarks do you have by now? With the ongoing exponential growth of the Internet, many people are finding that the built-in bookmark capabilities of today's browsers are just not good at handling the number of URLs that most people want to maintain. URL Manager Pro solves many of the problems of keeping track of your bookmarks. URL Manager Pro offers you an array of powerful features for collecting, manipulating, and using very large collections of URLs. Not just URLs of Web pages, but also the URLs of email addresses, newservers, FTP sites, Telnet hosts, and more. icon * System-Wide Access : You can access your bookmarks in any application through a Menu Extra. * Integration : You can access your bookmarks from the browser's menu bar and from the Dock. * Accessible : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro bookmark files, which you can store and manipulate in an intuitive way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in browser preferences folders. You can set the app to automatically save at certain intervals as well as backup copies of bookmark documents to external devices on each save. * History : You can surf the web using several different browsers, and URL Manager Pro will keep a History record of each. * Import and Export : URL Manager Pro can import from and export to Safari, Explorer, OmniWeb, Firefox, Camino, iCab, Mozilla and Netscape. It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by importing XML (XBEL), HTML and text files for bookmarks and URLs. * Mac OS X app : Customizable toolbar, standard Window Menu and Fonts Panel, Font Smoothing, Sheets and Drawer Windows and Cocoa Status Item. What's new in 3.4/3.4.1 * Notes of up to 64K bytes * Integration with iDisk * Adds an Open in Tabs item in the Bookmark Menu * Create a folder while adding bookmarks * Bookmark files now use file extensions * Support for the Shiira web browser * Sorting puts folders at the top * Disclosure triangles' position is like in the Finder #### BINHEX url-relayer.hqx **** From: madrau@kagi.com Subject: URLRelyer 1.0 You probably know that the new MacOS 8.5 introduced new files: the Internet Location files. If you double-click on them, your browser will be launched with the correct URL. URLRelayer is a simple application that will map these new files on older versions of the MacOS. People who don't have MacOS 8.5 will be able to use this feature too. It's very short, it's freeware, but I think it's useful for everybody who cannot or does not want to use 8.5 This program will need that you have InternetConfig installed and configured. Of course, it will also work under MacOS 8.5, but then it's completely useless... Stéphane #### BINHEX urlm-pro-306-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: URL Manager Pro 3.0.6J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the URL Manager Pro package. URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh for use with Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape, iCab, OmniWeb and Camino gives users a more convenient way to manage bookmarks, Email addresses and news groups. Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9. URL Manager Pro 3.0.6 adds a global bookmarks menu in the upper right corner of the menu bar in any application and the Finder on Mac OS X, while URL Manager Pro is running and a bookmark file is open. This is especially handy while using Safari. Secondly, URL Manager Pro now supports Linux bookmark files. It supports reading and writing bookmark files in the XML Bookmark Exchange Language (XBEL). Its main features are: * Integration : You have access to your bookmarks from your browser's menu bar and from the Mac OS X Dock. * Document Storage : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro bookmark documents, which you can store and manipulate in the normal Macintosh way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in preferences folders of browsers. You can make automatic periodic saves and make copies of bookmark documents on backup devices on each save. * History : You can surf the web using several different browsers while URL Manager Pro will keep recording the History of each. * Importing and exporting bookmarks : The File menu gives you a list of all of the browsers that URL Manager Pro can import from and export to. It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by scanning HTML and text files for bookmarks and URLs. * It lets you edit and organize bookmarks fast : You can use inline editing, label and color your bookmarks. * Tap Sherlock power : You can index your bookmark file and tap the power of Sherlock to look for words in your bookmark files. URL Manager Pro is available in English, Japanese, German, French, Italian and Spanish. URL Manager Pro is shareware. #### BINHEX urlmpro28fc-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: URL Manager Pro 2.8fcJ - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the URL Manager Pro package. "In the shareware arena, my pick is URL Manager" - Adam C. Engst "You have got me addicted" - Henry Norr, San Francisco Chronicle "A must have for serious Web users" - Tucows rating: 5 out of 5 "It's a polished, professional-standard application packed with useful features, neat shortcuts and quality design. Brilliant." - MacFormat UK. URL Manager Pro is a repository for your favorite Internet addresses or URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). URL Manager Pro allows you to organize and collect URLs in a hierarchical structure. Organizing bookmarks between and within folders is easy with Drag & Drop. Drag HyperText links from your Web Browser to the URL Manager Pro window to add a URL to the repository. To go to a URL, Drag & Drop a bookmark to the window of a Web Browser or double click. URL Manager Pro adds tight integration with Navigator, Explorer, iCab, Anarchie, Fetch, NetFinder, Claris Emailer, Outlook Express and Eudora. With URL Manager Pro you can add bookmark menus to the menu bar of these applications. Also, URL Manager Pro adds the URL Manager shared icon menu to the menu bar. With this menu you can create bookmarks for Web Pages from --within-- Navigator, Explorer, iCab, Add Notes, Grab All URLs on a Web Page or in an E-Mail message, and explore the Internet with a predefined set of Search Engines. What's New in 2.8 URL Manager Pro 2.8 is an update of the popular bookmark manager. In particular, the audience of this version is Mac OS 8 users. Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X users are advised to start using URL Manager Pro 3.0, which is a Carbon application. URL Manager Pro 3.0 requires Mac OS 9 and therefore Mac OS 8 users can not use it. URL Manager Pro 2.8 makes sure that Mac OS 8 users still can profit from the improvements made to URL Manager Pro's code as we move along to Mac OS X. URL Manager Pro 2.8 fixes bugs, but also adds new features (see below). URL Manager Pro 2.8 requires Mac OS 8.1 or higher. If you are still running Mac OS 8.0, you should have no problem downloading the Mac OS 8.1 update from Apple. #### BINHEX urlologist-10.hqx **** From: kdvail@exploremaine.com Subject: URLologist 1.0 URLologist - is a drag'n'drop URL/e'mail address extraction utility. URLologist will extract addresses from most text file formats including those pesky read-only, "Read Me" files that accompany almost every program ever written. Addresses can be extracted 3 ways; dragging and dropping text files on URLologist's icon, using the standard 'Open File' dialog box or from text which has been copied to the Clipboard which is especially useful on pages chock-full-o-links. Simply view source, copy all, extract addresses. That's it. No more clicking "back." #### BINHEX via-http-176.hqx **** From: Navdeep Bains <bains@mac.com> Subject: ViaHTTP 1.7.6 ViaHTTP lets you start/resume HTTP & FTP downloads. 1.7.6 adds a queue, etc... 1.7.6 - Added a real queue - Added a Time Remaining field - Fixed another FTP bug(last one hopefully) - Fixed a bug with browser protocols - The transfer window no longer looks like the Finder copy windows, all irrelevant fields have been removed #### BINHEX vse-be-found-16.hqx **** From: VSE Customer Support <support@vse-online.com> Subject: VSE Be Found 1.6 - Web Site Promotion Tool This is VSE Be Found 1.6, a new version of the award-winning web site promotion tool for Macintosh computers. The program automatically submits web site URLs to up to 178 search engines, analyzes web pages, manages META tags and features a built-in FTP client. The new version improves the analysis of web pages and decides whether they are search engine ready or not. The automatic keyword proposal has been improved. Some user suggestions have been added and minor bugs have been fixed. Further Information: http://vse-online.com/submit-website/index.html Awards: - MacAddict 11/99, Shareware Pick of the Month - MacFormat 7/99, Best on Test, 92 % - Tucows, 5 out of 5 - AppleLinks, 5 out of 5 - FileDudes, 5 out of 5 - MacPool, Best of Selection System Requirements: - 5 MB RAM - System 7.5.5 or higher #### BINHEX vse-link-tester-25.hqx **** From: "Johannes Selbach" <selbach@vse-online.com> Subject: VSE Link Tester 2.5 - Comprehensive link checker for Mac VSE Link Tester is a link checker that fixes broken links and locates missing resources. Webmasters know that one of the biggest problems associated with maintaining your web site is keeping all the hyperlinks updated and free of errors. Bad links and malfunctioning site features cost page impressions, customers and respect. VSE Link Tester helps users to fix these errors before they harm their online business. System Requirements: - System 7.5 or later (no problems with Mac OS 8 or 9) - 4 MB of free RAM The new version now finds links in JavaScript code and can filter out URL's which shouldn't be tested. Also, local links testing is now faster, the interface has been improved and all reported bugs have been fixed. #### BINHEX wabbit-pwo.hqx **** From: mel@intergate.bc.ca Subject: WabbitPwo - Shareware URL Manager WabbitPwo is the second generation in the Wabbit family. Most of the original concepts of WabbitDA are implemented in WabbitPwo, but the program has been further enhanced to simplify managing your bookmarks. WabbitPwo makes navigation and housekeeping easy by using an already familiar "Finder" format to store each of the unique address types available on the internet. You can create specific items/topic folders for URLs that reference a topic. And since WabbitPwo mimics the Finder you can expect to already know how much of it works. Any of your data stored in WabbitPwo is available from ANY application, even if you are not immediately connected to the Internet. WabbitPwo is mostly stand alone, but he is primarily designed to work in conjunction with Internet Config. By installing Internet Config, you can simply CMD click any URL entry in WabbitPwo's database and he will either launch the selected helper application or if it's already running, bring it to the front and pass it the URL. Navigation made simple! Internet Config aware (advised for full functionality) Drag and Drop savvy OS8 Compatible (System 7 or newer) Time online sessions Simple interface operation Of course WabbitPwo is not your garden variety book marker.... WabbitPwo is shareware ($10) and may be included on any CDROMs. Demo version is limited to 250 URL's. Registering your version removes this limitation. http://www.intergate.bc.ca/business/mel/ mailto:mel@intergate.bc.ca OR mel@kagi.com #### BINHEX wallaby.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: Wallaby version 1.2.2 Wallaby is a very easy to use HTML Editor for the Macintosh. It is designed for both the experienced web designer and the beginner. It combines a very handy user interface with lots of features. #### BINHEX watcher-84-13.hqx **** From: contact@brunoblondeau.com Subject: Watcher'84 v1.3 - Smart automated web page watcher Tired of always looking at the same web sites all day long for updated information? Watcher'84 is the perfect software to automate this task! Watcher'84 monitors your list of favorites web pages and notifies you when something gets updated on one of them. Thanks to very smart algorithms, Watcher'84 focuses on the real page content only, bypassing advertisements, counters, and other unneeded elements which would otherwise trigger unwanted notifications. Watcher'84 is also very easy to use. No plugin, no special complex URLs to enter. Just enter the address of the web page you want to monitor, and everything works immediately. Thanks to its smart design, Watcher'84 also works with virtually all web sites. Being fully MacOS X-native, Watcher'84 is well integrated to your favorite OS. It for example features a service menu to quickly create a new watcher from other applications such as Safari. ******************************************************* CONTACT: Bruno Blondeau -------- contact @ brunoblondeau . com ******************************************************* Watcher'84 is distributed online as a $14.95 shareware. It can be freely copied on any medium, including magazine CDs, provided the package is kept complete. ******************************************************* #### BINHEX wccache-cleaner.hqx **** From: dscott@whitecrest.com Subject: WCCacheCleaner v1.8 - Fast Netscape Cache Utility WCCacheCleaner v1.8 deletes the cache files produced by Netscape Navigator and Netscape Communicator. Options for cleaning Global History, Netscape History and MagicCookie files are also available. Because it is not an AppleScript, WCCacheCleaner is extremely fast, deleting files at up to 295 files per second. Compatible with Netscape Navigator/Communicator versions 2.0 thru 4.5. Requires system 7.1 or greater. 68K and PowerPC versions. For more information and the WCCC FAQ, visit our web site at http://www.whitecrest.com #### BINHEX web-album-wizard-10.hqx **** From: griffin@twcny.rr.com Subject: Web Album Wizard 1.0 Web Album Wizard is an easy to use, step-by-step application that allows users to put their digital photographs (GIF or JPEG image files) on the internet in neatly arranged "thumbnail gallery" format with a minimum of fuss. Web Album Wizard includes three different layout and captioning options and requires no understanding of web page design to use. If you can upload a folder to your ISP or hosting service using your FTP software, then you have all of the knowledge you need to use Web Album Wizard. Web Album Wizard is priced at $19.95 and a trial version is available for download from the Black Magik Website at: http://www.blackmagik.com/albumwiz.html Web Album Wizard requires an Apple Macintosh Computer running Mac OS 8.0 or higher, QuickTime 3 or higher, 6 Mb of available memory (RAM), JPEG or GIF images and an ISP or web hosting service for online use of created albums. Web Auction Wizard may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. #### BINHEX web-buttons-10.hqx **** To: archivist@info-mac.org From: 3AM Coffee Software <amcoffee@3am.pair.com> Subject: WebButtons 1.0, a beveled button and banner creator 3AM Coffee Software (http://www.3am.pair.com) is proud to announce the release of WebButtons 1.0. WebButtons is an easy to use beveled button and banner creator for web graphics and multimedia presentations. Version 1.0 provides several bug fixes and brings WebButtons to release status. Note: WebButtons 1.0 requires MacOS 8.5 or better. WebButtons is shareware. It will function for 30 days, after which a US$15 shareware fee must be paid. Use of WebButtons buttons in a public forum (such as a web site) also requires payment of the shareware fee. Features include: o Intuitive graphical interface for button & banner creation o Three-dimensional button effects; all colors user selectable o Text, pictures, and background textures o Powerful batch language for easy creation of entire web site's worth of buttons o Allows dithering to web-safe color palette o Allows anti-aliasing of text o JPEG and PICT file formats Derrick Bass & Ian Sammis 3AM Coffee Software http://www.3am.pair.com amcoffee@3am.pair.com #### BINHEX web-cat-102-hc.hqx **** From: Francois.Le-Ralle@inforoute.cgs.fr Subject: WebCat 1.02 HyperCard URL Catalog French WebCat is an HyperCard Stack that allows to store URL and that interacts with Netscape (1.2, 2.x, 3.x) using AppleEvents. This is a free stack with many URL related to HyperCard stored within it. Webcat is updated with all information sent to the Hypercard List. All comments are in French. So This would be very useful for every French stack scripters around the world. New version : Now works correctly with Hypercard Player. More URL, some scripts updated. Requirements : HyperCard 2.3 or player, System 7.1 or greater. Francois.Le-Ralle@inforoute.cgs.fr (Le Ralle) http://www.inforoute.cgs.fr/leralle/ #### BINHEX web-catalog-301.hqx **** From: johnh@pacific-coast.com Subject: WebCatalog WebCatalog is a CGI application that works will all major Macintosh and Windows web servers to provide eCommerce, database, and dynamic page rendering capabilities to any site. Here is a short list of features: -Extensible WebDNA scripting language used to create your site -Extremely fast internal database uses standard tab delim text files -ODBC/SQL database connectivity -Include data from any TCP/IP source -Electronic shopping cart capabilities built-in -Integrate CyberCash, MacAuthorize, ICVerify using WebMerchant More information can be found at http://www.pacific-coast.com or info@pacific-coast.com. John A. Hill, V.P. Marketing Pacific Coast Software eCommerce / Web Developer Tools http://www.pacific-coast.com #### BINHEX web-checker-121.hqx **** From: jbkezer@ix.netcom.com Subject: WebChecker 1.2.1 Author's email address: jbkezer@kagi.com Do you have web pages you check frequently? WebChecker will help you! WebChecker is a utility program designed to help you manage web pages you check frequently. It will check to see if a web page has been modified, and will notify you - or even automatically launch your favorite web browser - when it detects any changes. WebChecker then monitors the web pages you visit with your browser, and marks them as "Visited" if they're part of WebChecker's list. WebChecker requires Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer and an internet connection using either Open Transport or "Classic" Mac TCP/IP. Version 1.2.1 has the following changes: - Turn on extended page checking by default. - Better error handling if there's not enough memory for the web browser. - Enhance extended page checking for better accuracy. Shareware; $15 registration fee suggested. #### BINHEX web-collector-101.hqx **** From: shiba@nnet.ne.jp (Shiba) Subject: WebCollector1.0.1 #Requirements -Macintosh / Power Macintosh -MacOS 8.1 or later WebCollector is a utility for the collection of picture, movie and sound files. You can get them from web pages only putting URL and type of files(JPEG,GIF, MPEG,QT Movie,AVI,AIFF,WAV,MIDI,MP3),Another useful functions are; -Downloaded files are shown in the preview window. -By clicking preview, pictures are shown in the original size, movie and sound start to play. -Pictures can be shown one by one using slide show. -By setting "Link Level", you can choose link depth to reach in the webpages. -It is able to download at launching your macintosh or at appointed time automaticaly. #### BINHEX web-con-palm-14-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: Web Confidential for Palm 1.4J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Web Confidential for Palm OS package (Mac OS version). "Web Confidential is easy to use, secure, and well-integrated" - Adam C. Engst, TidBITS (Web Confidential for Mac review) Web Confidential is an intuitive, easy-to-use program for managing user IDs, passwords, registration numbers, and the like. While Web Confidential is suitable for a wide variety of personal data, from credit card numbers to serial numbers, Alco Blom designed Web Confidential particularly for the World Wide Web in mind. "Increasing numbers of Web sites maintain some form of user registration," points out Blom. "You may not realize it, but in the course of time you may registered at a couple of dozen sites. Do you remember the passwords you entered for all of them?" Web Confidential allows Web surfers to store URLs, user IDs, and passwords in one secure location. To ensure the personal information stored in Web Confidential remains confidential, the program's password files can be encrypted using state-of-the-art encryption technology. Web Confidential for Palm is a solution to keep your data secure while you travel with your Palm and need access to your confidential data. Web Confidential for Palm is supplied with a Macintosh Conduit, so that you can synchronize your data with your Mac. Version 1.4 * Added hires icons for Palm OS 5 devices. * Tested on the Palm OS 5 Tungsten T. * Splashed a bug where a device would crash during a HotSync if encryption would take more than about two seconds. * Corrected a display problem with selected records in the List View. * Added left handed support. * The catogory "online banking" had wrong field labels. #### BINHEX web-con-palm-14.hqx **** From: alco@url-manager.com Subject: Web Confidential for Palm 1.4 Web Confidential for Palm is a solution to keep your data secure while you travel with your Palm and need access to your confidential data. It uses an intuitive, easy-to-use card file metaphor which will enable even novice users to get up to speed in no time. Web Confidential for Palm is supplied with a Macintosh Conduit, so that you can synchronize your data with your Mac. Last but not least, Web Confidential permits you to encrypt your password files, protecting this sensitive information from prying eyes, using a state-of-the-art encryption algorithm. Your key can be up to 448 bits in length. A Windows version is also available. Features: * Small, fast and stable. * Easy to use, similar to Palm OS Address application. * Windows and Macintosh desktop version available. * Conduit for automatic synchronization with desktop application. * Well thought out categories to quickly organize your data. * Field names adapt to selected category. * Notes can be attached to any record for any additional information. * Key button to transfer password to another application like your Web browser * Autolock, never forget to lock your passwords anymore. * Hide password option, don't let someone prying over your shoulder see your passwords. * Beam password to other Palm OS device. * Generate password. * Lookup, quickly jump to a record. * Find button, find text in any field. * Available in English, French, German and Japanese. * State-of-the-art encryption algorithm Blowfish to keep your data secure. * Key can be up to 448 bits long. Web Confidential for Palm is shareware and costs $15. Home Page: <http://www.web-confidential.com> Email: <mailto:sales@web-confidential.com> #### BINHEX web-conf-palm-111-de.hqx **** From: Rene Laterveer <laterveer@mac.com> Subject: Web Confidential for Palm 1.1.1 - Deutsch Web Confidential for Macintosh, Palm and Windows. The most powerful password manager around. This version is localized in German. Web Confidential for Palm is a solution to keep your data secure while you travel with your Palm and need access to your confidential data. It uses an intuitive, easy-to-use cardfile metaphor which will enable even novice users to get up to speed in no time. Web Confidential for Palm is supplied with a Macintosh Conduit, so that you can synchronize your data with your Mac. Last but not least, Web Confidential permits you to encrypt your password files, protecting this sensitive information from prying eyes, using a state-of-the-art encryption algorithm. Your key can be up to 448 bits in length. Features: * Small, fast and stable. * Easy to use, similar to Palm OS Address application. * Windows and Macintosh desktop version available. * Conduit for automatic synchronization with Macintosh desktop application. * Well thought out categories to quickly organize your data. * Field names adapt to selected category. * Notes can be attached to any record for any additional information. * Key button to transfer password to another application like your Web browser * Autolock, never forget to lock your passwords anymore. * Hide password option, don't let someone prying over your shoulder see your passwords. * Lookup, quickly jump to a record. * Find button, find text in any field. * Available in English, French, German and Japanese. * State-of-the-art encryption algorithm Blowfish to keep your data secure. * Key can be up to 448 bits long. #### BINHEX web-conf-palm-111-fr.hqx **** From: palm-support@web-confidential.com Subject: Web Confidential for Palm 1.1.1 - French Web Confidential for Macintosh, Palm and Windows. The most powerful password manager around. This version is localized in French. Web Confidential for Palm is a solution to keep your data secure while you travel with your Palm and need access to your confidential data. It uses an intuitive, easy-to-use cardfile metaphor which will enable even novice users to get up to speed in no time. Web Confidential for Palm is supplied with a Macintosh Conduit, so that you can synchronize your data with your Mac. Last but not least, Web Confidential permits you to encrypt your password files, protecting this sensitive information from prying eyes, using a state-of-the-art encryption algorithm. Your key can be up to 448 bits in length. Features: * Small, fast and stable. * Easy to use, similar to Palm OS Address application. * Windows and Macintosh desktop version available. * Conduit for automatic synchronization with Macintosh desktop application. * Well thought out categories to quickly organize your data. * Field names adapt to selected category. * Notes can be attached to any record for any additional information. * Key button to transfer password to another application like your Web browser * Autolock, never forget to lock your passwords anymore. * Hide password option, don't let someone prying over your shoulder see your passwords. * Lookup, quickly jump to a record. * Find button, find text in any field. * Available in English, French, German and Japanese. * State-of-the-art encryption algorithm Blowfish to keep your data secure. * Key can be up to 448 bits long. #### BINHEX web-confidential-21-se.hqx **** From: Mats-Ola Jonsson <moj@ramona.nu> Subject: WebConfidential 2.1-SE Ramona Shareware <http://ramona.nu> slapper nu den ultimata hjalredan Web Confidential 2.1-SE. Med Web Confidential kan du organisera och spara alla dina losenord, kontonamn, anvandarnamn, mjukvarunycklar, serienummer, PIN-koder, mm pa ett oversiktligt stalle. Du kan sedan skydda data med stark kryptering. Web Confidential anvander Blowfish-algoritmen for att skydda dina uppgifter. Nyckeln kan vara upp till 448 bitar lang. Blowfish ar snabb och mycket saker. Web Confidential kraver System 7 eller senare. Web Confidential stoder Mac OS 9 och Kaleidoscope. Web Confidential stoder utskrift. Web Confidential kraver bara 1 MB RAM. Programmets storlek ar runt 500K. Tillsammans med dokumentationen kravs cirka 1 MB harddiskutrymme. Nyheter i version 2.1 En mycket onskad funktion i denna version: Mojligheten att latt kunna flytta ett kort till en annan kategori. Du kan gora detta pa nagot av dessa tva satt: * Anvand undermenyn "Skicka till" i menyn Kort. * Hall ner alternativ-tangenten nar du valjer kategori i popup-menyn for kategorier. Kortet flyttas direkt till den valda kategorin. Oversattning: Kjell Olausson Ramona Shareware Pris: 230:- Som alla Ramona Shareware program ar det latt att registrera via postgirot eller ett vanligt inbetalningskort pa posten. Ladda ner fran Ramona Shareware http://ramona.nu eller MacNytt http://www.macnytt.com #### BINHEX web-confidential-30-it.hqx **** From: Alco Blom <alco@url-manager.com> Subject: Web Confidential 3.0.5 - Italian version Web Confidential 3.0.5 for Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 - Italian version Web Confidential is the most powerful password manager on the Mac today. It organizes passwords and protects them with industrial strength encryption. It is also available for Windows and Palm operating systems. These are the main features of Web Confidential for Mac: Encryption : Industrial strength encryption (using BlowFish) Automation : Automatic entry of WWW Forms and automatic HTTP Authentication Integration : Access to your passwords in your browser and from the Dock Synchronization : Synchronization with your Palm via a Conduit Cross-platform : Binary compatible with Web Confidential for Windows Other new features: Password Generator : Generate random passwords and WEP keys easily Dock Menus : Have access to all your passwords via the Mac OS X Dock Help Book : A full reference manual right onder the Help menu Web Confidential is 22 Euro shareware. Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9. For more information about Web Confidential, please visit: <http://www.web-confidential.com> Translation: <mailto:max.rotunno@kagi.com> Localizzazione e Software in italiano per MacOS. <http://www.italiaware.net/> Contact: <mailto:support@web-confidential.com> #### BINHEX web-confidential-305-es.hqx **** From: Alco Blom <alco@url-manager.com> Subject: Web Confidential 3.0.5 - Spanish version Web Confidential 3.0.5 for Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 - Spanish version Web Confidential is the most powerful password manager on the Mac today. It organizes passwords and protects them with industrial strength encryption. It is also available for Windows and Palm operating systems. These are the main features of Web Confidential for Mac: Encryption : Industrial strength encryption (using BlowFish) Automation : Automatic entry of WWW Forms and automatic HTTP Authentication Integration : Access to your passwords in your browser and from the Dock Synchronization : Synchronization with your Palm via a Conduit Cross-platform : Binary compatible with Web Confidential for Windows Other new features: Password Generator : Generate random passwords and WEP keys easily Dock Menus : Have access to all your passwords via the Mac OS X Dock Help Book : A full reference manual right onder the Help menu Web Confidential is 22 Euro shareware. Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9. For more information about Web Confidential, please visit: <http://www.web-confidential.com> #### BINHEX web-confidential-361-de.hqx **** From: alco@url-manager.com Subject: Web Confidential 3.6.1 - German version Web Confidential for Macintosh 3.6.1 - German version Web Confidential 3.6 adds support for printing on Mac OS X and adds an iTunes-like List View. Automatic Version Checking is now also supported. Web Confidential is an intuitive, easy-to-use program for managing user IDs, passwords, registration numbers, and the like. For opening pages containing personal account information at commercial sites, Web Confidential allows you to automatically fill in WWW Forms with user ID and password fields. To ensure the personal information stored in Web Confidential remains confidential, the program's password files can be encrypted using state-of-the-art encryption technology. Alco Blom has released Web Confidential as shareware. After a trial period of thirty days, users are encouraged to register the program for 20 Euros. The Home Page of Web Confidential is: <http://www.web-confidential.com> Release Notes: <http://www.web-confidential.com/notes36.html> Contact Alco Blom at: <mailto:support@web-confidential.com> #### BINHEX web-confidential-361-fr.hqx **** From: alco@url-manager.com Subject: Web Confidential 3.6.1 - French version Web Confidential for Macintosh 3.6.1 - French version Web Confidential 3.6 adds support for printing on Mac OS X and adds an iTunes-like List View. Automatic Version Checking is now also supported. Web Confidential is an intuitive, easy-to-use program for managing user IDs, passwords, registration numbers, and the like. For opening pages containing personal account information at commercial sites, Web Confidential allows you to automatically fill in WWW Forms with user ID and password fields. To ensure the personal information stored in Web Confidential remains confidential, the program's password files can be encrypted using state-of-the-art encryption technology. Alco Blom has released Web Confidential as shareware. After a trial period of thirty days, users are encouraged to register the program for 20 Euros. The Home Page of Web Confidential is: <http://www.web-confidential.com> Release Notes: <http://www.web-confidential.com/notes36.html> Contact Alco Blom at: <mailto:support@web-confidential.com> #### BINHEX web-confidential-361.hqx **** From: alco@url-manager.com Subject: Web Confidential 3.6.1 Web Confidential for Macintosh 3.6.1 Web Confidential 3.6 adds support for printing on Mac OS X and adds an iTunes-like List View. Automatic Version Checking is now also supported. Web Confidential is an intuitive, easy-to-use program for managing user IDs, passwords, registration numbers, and the like. For opening pages containing personal account information at commercial sites, Web Confidential allows you to automatically fill in WWW Forms with user ID and password fields. To ensure the personal information stored in Web Confidential remains confidential, the program's password files can be encrypted using state-of-the-art encryption technology. Alco Blom has released Web Confidential as shareware. After a trial period of thirty days, users are encouraged to register the program for $20 (USD) or 20 Euros. The Home Page of Web Confidential is: <http://www.web-confidential.com> Release Notes: <http://www.web-confidential.com/notes36.html> Contact Alco Blom at: <mailto:support@web-confidential.com> #### BINHEX web-confidential-363-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: Web Confidential 3.6.3J - Japanese Version Web Confidential for Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 - Japanese version Web Confidential is the most powerful password manager on the Mac today. It organizes passwords and protects them with industrial strength encryption. It is also available for Windows and Palm operating systems. "Version 3 is the best release of Web Confidential so far. It runs fully native on Mac OS X and Mac OS 9. I never thought that I could port Shared Menus to Mac OS X, but thanks to Apple's outstanding support of the Component Manager on Mac OS X, it prooved possible. This means that thanks to Shared Menus, you have access to your passwords via a Shared Menu right in your browser's menu bar.", said Alco Blom. These are the main features of Web Confidential for Mac: Encryption : Industrial strength encryption (using BlowFish) Automation : Automatic entry of WWW Forms and automatic HTTP Authentication Integration : Access to your passwords in your browser and from the Dock Synchronization : Synchronization with your Palm via a Conduit Cross-platform : Binary compatible with Web Confidential for Windows The List View requires Mac OS X or Mac OS 9 with CarbonLib 1.3 or higher. The configurable Mac OS X toolbar requires Jaguar. Web Confidential is shareware. Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9. For more information about Web Confidential Japanese, please visit: http://www.bridge1.com #### BINHEX web-confidential-375-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: Web Confidential 3.7.5J - Japanese Version This is the Japaense version of the Web Confidential package. Web Confidential 3.7.5 adds Panther powers. Web Confidential 3.7 adds a powerful Search toolbar item and Action toolbar item, a new Panther look, a system-wide window for generating passwords, and other changes. Type in queries to find your passwords using the Search toolbar item and Web Confidential returns search results in the list window below. Web Confidential 3.7 is Mach-O native and is localized in English, Japanese, Spanish, German, French, Italian and Dutch. Web Confidential manages passwords, user IDs, registration numbers, and similar info, and integrates with major web browsers for filling in web forms. To ensure the personal information stored in Web Confidential remains confidential, the program's password files can be encrypted using state-of-the-art encryption technology. Web Confidential for Mac syncs with Web Confidential for Palm using a Palm Conduit and its file format is binary cross platform with Web Confidential for Windows. All programs are shareware and are available from the Web Confidential web site. Web Confidential is shareware. After a trial period of thirty days, users are encouraged to register the program. Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2 or higher. Changes in version 3.7.5: * Added a keyboard shortcut (Shift-Cmd-O) to easily open the startup password file * Added menu item command 'Copy User ID' (Cmd-U) to the Edit menu * The Cancel button of the Search bar only erases the search field * Automatically selects first item in search results * The Auto Lock feature will now OK Add Card or Modify Card Sheet Windows * Fixed a bug in the Cabinet submenu of the Dock menu * Fixed a bug in the Quick Open submenu of the Japanse version The Home Page of Web Confidential Japanese is: <http://www.bridge1.com> #### BINHEX web-confidential-375.hqx **** From: support@url-manager.com Subject: Web Confidential 3.7.5 Web Confidential 3.7.5 adds Panther powers. Web Confidential 3.7 adds a powerful Search toolbar item and Action toolbar item, a new Panther look, a system-wide window for generating passwords, and other changes. Type in queries to find your passwords using the Search toolbar item and Web Confidential returns search results in the list window below. Web Confidential 3.7 is Mach-O native and is localized in English, Japanese, Spanish, German, French, Italian and Dutch. Web Confidential manages passwords, user IDs, registration numbers, and similar info, and integrates with major web browsers for filling in web forms. To ensure the personal information stored in Web Confidential remains confidential, the program's password files can be encrypted using state-of-the-art encryption technology. Web Confidential for Mac syncs with Web Confidential for Palm using a Palm Conduit and its file format is binary cross platform with Web Confidential for Windows. All programs are shareware and are available from the Web Confidential web site. Web Confidential is shareware. After a trial period of thirty days, users are encouraged to register the program for $20 USD or 20 Euro. Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2 or higher. Changes in version 3.7.5: * Added a keyboard shortcut (Shift-Cmd-O) to easily open the startup password file * Added menu item command 'Copy User ID' (Cmd-U) to the Edit menu * The Cancel button of the Search bar only erases the search field * Automatically selects first item in search results * The Auto Lock feature will now OK Add Card or Modify Card Sheet Windows * Fixed a bug in the Cabinet submenu of the Dock menu * Fixed a bug in the Quick Open submenu of the Japanse version The Home Page of Web Confidential is: <http://www.web-confidential.com> #### BINHEX web-devil-35.hqx **** From: SouthSide@kagi.com Subject: Web Devil 3.5 Web Devil is a tool for downloading web pages and their associated images, textures, and links quickly and easily. Give it a URL and it will download all the items on that web page. It has an easy to use interface, is scriptable and recordable, and is fully multi-threaded so it won't hog the CPU. It does recursive downloads, saves the URL in the Finder comments, and optionally creates the entire folder hierarchy of a site. And more... Version 3.5 adds a bookmark management system, per-window download preferences, improves stability and performance, and fixes problems with MacTCP. $10 Shareware. For more information, check out our web site at <www.chaoticsoftware.com>. #### BINHEX web-dumper-21.hqx **** From: support@maxprog.com Subject: Web Dumper 2.1 Maxprog is proud to present another update of its web tool product named 'Web Dumper' a full featured internet tool that allows users to download web sites for offline browsing. Available in English, French Italian and Spanish. (Macintosh and Windows) What's new in this release? - "%20" and other '%' hex codes enhanced support. - Relinking failure in given situations. - HTML tag parser failure when no separator used to surround links. - Winsows version now includes a standard toolbar with most used functions. > Overview If you are viewing a Web site with your browser and you decide that you would like to make a copy of it on your hard drive, you have to manually save each page as you view it along with embedded pictures, sounds and so on. This can be a very long and tedious process, and in many cases it's more trouble than it's worth. It doesn't have to be that way, however, as Web Dumper makes this whole process very fast and easy. With Web Dumper you can download entire Web sites off of the Internet, and save them on your hard drive for later offline browsing. Downloaded Web sites are saved on your hard drive with their directory structure intact. Web Dumper automatically downloads HTML documents along with their embedded pictures, sounds, movies and so on while it screens them to look for any enclosed links to other documents. Web Dumper lets you select which kinds of file you want to be dumped between more than 60 available standard types, the folder depth level, how links must be processed and if it must re-link your HTML documents for offline browsing. > Features - Multi-thread with user definable time-out. - High-speed downloading with bandwidth selector. - Smart definable spider engine including across Web Sites. - Include/Exclude Filters with more than 60 standard MIME file types. - Duplicate file database and duplicate rejection. - Links Explorer with definable depth level. - Re-Link documents locally for offline browsing. - Complete HTTP error and link checking and handling. - Detailed file download monitoring. 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Available in English, French Italian and Spanish. (Macintosh and Windows) What's new in this release? - "%20" and other '%' hex codes enhanced support. - Relinking failure in given situations. - HTML tag parser failure when no separator used to surround links. - Winsows version now includes a standard toolbar with most used functions. > Overview If you are viewing a Web site with your browser and you decide that you would like to make a copy of it on your hard drive, you have to manually save each page as you view it along with embedded pictures, sounds and so on. This can be a very long and tedious process, and in many cases it's more trouble than it's worth. It doesn't have to be that way, however, as Web Dumper makes this whole process very fast and easy. With Web Dumper you can download entire Web sites off of the Internet, and save them on your hard drive for later offline browsing. Downloaded Web sites are saved on your hard drive with their directory structure intact. Web Dumper automatically downloads HTML documents along with their embedded pictures, sounds, movies and so on while it screens them to look for any enclosed links to other documents. Web Dumper lets you select which kinds of file you want to be dumped between more than 60 available standard types, the folder depth level, how links must be processed and if it must re-link your HTML documents for offline browsing. > Features - Multi-thread with user definable time-out. - High-speed downloading with bandwidth selector. - Smart definable spider engine including across Web Sites. - Include/Exclude Filters with more than 60 standard MIME file types. - Duplicate file database and duplicate rejection. - Links Explorer with definable depth level. - Re-Link documents locally for offline browsing. - Complete HTTP error and link checking and handling. - Detailed file download monitoring. #### BINHEX web-event-322.hqx **** From: James <help@WebEvent.com> Subject: WebEvent 3.22 Here is a copy of our Macintosh web-based calendar and scheduling software. It runs on MacOS 8.0+ with the WebTen server software from Tenon Intersystems (www.tenon.com). We also have a MacOS X Server version that runs without any additional requirements. #### BINHEX web-feedback-20.hqx **** From: "Daniel Veuillet - cyberware-neotek.com"<daniel.veuillet@cyberware-neotek.com> Subject: webfeedback version 2.0 for macintosh webfeedback is a 3D log analyzer and Web decision support system which allows you to easily survey an entire Web site in a map-like structure. The program lets you import the server log files associated with all the Web pages of a given Web site, and generate a unique 3D image which can be exported to and printed in HTML format. With a single mouse click, you can view a 3D image map depicting the traffic associated with each link, the time spent on each page, and where visitors entered and left the site. Almost any type of log file can be processed, including CLF, ECLF and W3C. Broken, bad, or dead links are also displayed, with the ability to quickly correct them. #### BINHEX web-finder-3.hqx **** From: rhow@pa.ausom.net.au Subject: Web Finder V3.0 - Simplify Internet searching Web Finder is a utility that uses Internet search engines to find anything you like on the net, giving you your result in the front most window of your favorite Web browser. With little or no effort you can search the net on the fly getting results in about a quater of the time it would take with the normal hassling approach. Web Finder currently ships with the following Internet topic search engines: *World Wide Web *News *UseNet *Macintosh File Archives *MPEG layer 3 And with the new Web Finder Factory you can add other search engines to Web Finder quickly and easily. System Requirements: *Apple script 1.1.2 or later. It comes with MacOS 8.0 and later. So if you have OS 8 be fine. If not you can download it from a site linked to Apple's Applescript page. *A MacOS compatible computer. Preferably running MacOS 8 or later. Web Finder has only been tested on MacOS 8 and up. It is unknown whether it will work on earlier system versions. Scripting Additions: *The 'Internet scripting', 'File Commands', 'Display Dialog', and 'Dialog Director V0.6' scripting additions must be installed in the Scripting additions folder inside your system folder. The first three are part of Applescript 1.1.2 and are installed under MacOS 8, Dialog Director comes with Web Finder. *Approx. 750kb of disk space. *400kb of Free RAM. 600kb Recommended. #### BINHEX web-free-11.hqx **** From: stevef@falken.net Subject: WebFree 1.1 WebFree 1.1 is a tool that works with existing web browsers to let you take control over what you see when you visit web sites. WebFree allows you to be the editor for the web sites you visit. You can use it to screen out advertisements, unwanted images or links, and web cookies. The goal of WebFree is to make your web surfing more productive. WebFree is a single Control Panel that works with your existing Internet connection and browser software. Both MacTCP and Open Transport are supported, and WebFree is designed to work with all major Macintosh web browsers, including Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Cyberdog. Version 1.1 adds regular expression support, Kagi shareware registration, bug fixes, and more comprehensive advertisement blocking. WebFree is Shareware. See the documentation and Control Panel for more information. The author can be contacted at stevef@falken.net. The home page for WebFree is located at: http://www.falken.net/webfree/ -steve falkenburg WebFree Author mailto:stevef@falken.net mailto:stevef@kagi.com http://www.falken.net/webfree/ #### BINHEX web-life-13.hqx **** From: caudron@netinfo.fr Subject: WebLife1.3 WebLife is building or updating HTML pages and replacing some tokens by data. Example of served pages and more info at http://w3.dunkerque.com/weblife/ This background app is useful for such kind of data that are not changing all the time (or from time to time only), a good example is the list of recently modified/created pages, the date, advertising, picture, links, sentences, number of days left before 1st jan 2000, emails, list of personal home pages...so that it's better to create automaticaly, every day a page with the actual date or datas. The web server will always serve the same page without needing CGI or plug-in. Online User Manual. If not registered, it works as a lite freeware version only limited by the number of served pages. Works with WebStar, Netpresenz and any MacOS web server. AIMS, EIMS, ListStar Can be used for email features Let's feel free to distribute Weblife on any media. thanks Philippe Caudron - <Caudron@netinfo.fr> #### BINHEX web-link-pro-101.hqx **** From: develop@mac.com Subject: WebLinkPro 1.0.1 for Mac OS X Many web sites link to one another in order to attract more visitors. As the number of partner sites increases, it becomes more and more difficult for webmasters to manage and verify their links. WebLinkPro is a tool that helps webmasters create and manage links pages. It provides many time-saving features, such as automatic link exchange verification, template-based e-mail communication, automatic HTML code generation and much more. WebLinkPro is very easy to learn and it can be used to manage any number of web sites. Release Date: July 22, 2004 Author: Artistic Techworks (contact@artistictechworks.com) Product URL: http://www.artistictechworks.com/weblinkpro System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.3 or later License: Shareware $30 #### BINHEX web-man-beta.hqx **** From: stellarprod@earthlink.net Subject: WebMan - The HTML Editor WebMan is a new, powerful, easy to use HTML editor for Macintosh. It is perfect for beginner or intermediate web authors and allows you to quickly create simple or complex web pages. Its extensive features, full support for HTML 2.0, 3.0, and 3.2 tags, incredible ease of use and friendly Macintosh interface will soon make it your HTML editor of choice. Note: This is the beta version of WebMan. Aside from several not-available features it is completely operational. Those who register this version of WebMan will receive a 20% discount off the normal registration price, and will get the official release of WebMan as well as ALL future versions of WebMan absolutely free. This special Beta Version offer will expire immediately upon the official release of WebMan, so download WebMan Beta today! Features: Text style tags, format tags, font tags, link, image, head editor, text editor, anchors, e-mail links, custom tags, full drag-and-drop capability for all text documents, page info, find and replace, automatic insertion of time, date, your personal signature and a "Made with WebMan" graphic link, one-click previews of your page in the web browser of your choice, and WebMan's exclusive Auto-Page function which lets you enter vital information for your page and automatically creates your page for you. #### BINHEX web-media-finder.hqx **** Subject: *Web Media Finder 1.0 - updated text Sent: 8/25/98 7:26 AM Received: 8/25/98 7:41 AM From: Bill Kane, bill@edrive.com To: archivist@info-mac.org From: (Bill Kane) bill@edrive.com Subject: Web Media Finder 1.0 Dear Archivist, I have FTP'd to info-mac the Web Media Finder 1.0. I have checked this program for viruses with the latest (August '98) definitions of Norton Anti-Virus. I give permission for this program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. Abstract: The Web Media Finder 1.0 automatically searches any Internet Web site for multimedia files. Input an Internet address and the Web Media Finder searches for QT, MOV, AVI, MPG and MPEG movies, still images in GIF, BMP, JPEG, JPG, PICT and PNG formats, QTVR Panoramas and Object movies, as well as WAV and AIFF sound files. With an elegant, easy-to-use interface, this program features Immediate or Deferred Downloads, Image Captures from movies, built in Viewers for all file formats supported, Volume Control and Context Sensitive help. The Web Media Finder is all you need to search, download and view your favorite movie clips, pictures and sounds from the Internet. Only $20. Try before you buy! Full functioning 30 day Shareware. Features: • Automatically finds multi-media files on Internet Web sites • Supports downloads from both HTTP and FTP connections • Selectable searches for Movies, Images or Sound files in any combination • Elegant, Easy User Interface • Immediate or Time Deferred downloads • Views / Plays all file formats supported • Image Captures from movies • Volume Control • Context Sensitive Help System Requirements: Mac OS 7.5.1 or later QT 2.1 or later (QT 3.0 or later recommended) Internet connectivity For more information visit our web page: www.movieviewer.com Thanks, Bill Kane Entertainment Drive www.eDrive.com #### BINHEX web-scanner-15.hqx **** From: psto@kagi.com Subject: WebScanner 1.5 WebScanner 1.5 - Personal Realtime Search-Engine WebScanner is a next-generation personal search engine that sits on the desktop side-by-side with Netscape and Explorer, and brings multiple search engines and news sites together in one place. New features: MediaScan news headline scanner - Sigmund site keyword analyzer - BrainStorm permutation query - remote control interface - similarity search and teachable search profiles based on documents - K-Liner and SiteMaster editors - top100 search engine support - free co-branding scheme - email collection bots removed - shareware for the Mac MediaScan Technologies http://macinsearch.com/users/webscanner/ #### BINHEX web-timer-10.hqx **** From: jgiles@apldbio.com Subject: WebTimer 1.0 WebTimer can be used to continually download a SINGLE URL from the internet, most useful in situations where you want to monitor "Web-Cams". In fact, it was written expressly with this in mind (apparently there aren't any Mac apps that do this!), but there might be other reasons you would want to use this software. IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot run this software without Apple MRJ 2.0! Download it now or you will have little success at using this product AT ALL! Apple MRJ can be downloded for FREE at the following location: http://applejava.apple.com. Minimum Requirements: PowerPC or 68040 Macintosh MacOS 8.0 or higher (although MRJ is rumored to work w/7.6.1) Macintosh Runtime for Java (MRJ) v2.0 or later Internet connection WebTimer, as with all Chaotic Software products, may be freely added to any NON-COMMERCIAL distribution. Please write for further information on distribution rights. Contact information: Chaotic Software, Ltd. www.chaoticsoftware.com chaotic@kagi.com #### BINHEX web-watch-10b5.hqx **** From: elephant@activsupport.com Subject: Webwatch WebWatch is a software tool which allows you to automatically retrieve information from any Web server, process it and send it to a given recipient by e-mail. WebWatch can perform several different tasks at different times you program in advance. WebWatch is a stand-alone Control Panel application and is very easy to use. Offers on-line balloon help. Supports up to 4 different tasks*. A task can be tested immediately. A task can be scheduled up to 32 times a day. Supports 224-character URLs. Supports download of up to 128-KB* text pages. Skip any specified number of characters or lines. Filter HTML commands. Return any specified number of characters or lines. Supports 56-character e-mail addresses. Runs on any Macintosh with Open Transport. ActivSupport, Inc. http://www.activsupport.com #### BINHEX web-works-20.hqx **** From: MouthBlazt@aol.com Subject: Web Works 2.0 Web Works 2.0 is now available for downloading. A new feature like support for more then one browser to accomplish a certain task, all in one application is a great addition. The rewritten code makes Web Works 2.0 twice as fast as previous versions for certain features. The cache, and security features are pre-configured to tailor to your browser(s). Netscape, Internet Explorer, and America Online browsers are supported. Here's an example: If you have all three browsers mentioned above, and you want to clear all their caches at fast, you can select "Cache" in the Web Works application and have it delete all their caches at once. The same goes for the security feature. The best part about Web Works 2.0 is the price--$5.00 for a registered version! The Mouth Blazt Software site is at: <http://members.aol.com/mouthblazt> -David DeParolesa Mouth Blazt Software #### BINHEX webcon-222-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: Web Confidential for Mac 2.2.2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Web Confidential for Mac OS package. Web Confidential is an intuitive, easy-to-use program for managing user IDs, passwords, registration numbers, and the like. While Web Confidential is suitable for a wide variety of personal data, from credit card numbers to serial numbers, Alco Blom designed Web Confidential particularly for the World Wide Web in mind. "Increasing numbers of Web sites maintain some form of user registration," points out Blom. "You may not realize it, but in the course of time you may registered at a couple of dozen sites. Do you remember the passwords you entered for all of them?" Web Confidential allows Web surfers to store URLs, user IDs, and passwords in one secure location. Web Confidential can automate the process of logging into a password-secured Web page by automatically passing URL, user ID, and password to your Web browser. For opening pages containing personal account information at commercial sites, Web Confidential allows you to automatically fill in WWW Forms with user ID and password fields. To ensure the personal information stored in Web Confidential remains confidential, the program's password files can be encrypted using state-of-the-art encryption technology. Changes in version 2.2.2 Included is a new version of the Conduit which fixes the occurrence of duplicate records, which would appear when synching your handheld with two different Macs. These items are new in the application: *Shortcut Command-Backspace for the Delete Card command. *Added an 'Encrypt' command to the File menu. *Minor bug fixes. *Web Confidential files are now binary-cross platform with the Windows application. *Import command. You can import tab delimited text files. *A new preference to show the passwords as text instead of bullets. *The Conduit for use with the Palm application has been rewritten to accomodate the new file format. #### BINHEX webfinder-401le.hqx **** From: rhowell@webtime.com.au Subject: WebFinder401LE.sea Web Finder V 4.0.1 LE Web Finder is a web searching utility for the Macintosh. Quickly and easily Web Finder allows you to access a vast amount of search engines, returning your results in the browser of your choice, or downloading them to a file. This is the freeware Lite Edition of Web Finder that can still access over 20 search engines. V 4.0.1 corrects a bug that prevented Web Finder LE from working on MacOS 8.5. Minimum System Requirements: * MacOS 7.5 or later * 700k of free RAM * AppleScript * A Web browser: Netscape Navigator V2.0 or later Microsoft Internet Explorer V2.0 or later Apple Cyberdog V2.0 or later #### BINHEX webformation.hqx **** From: beatrix.willius@kagi.com Subject: WEBFormation What's in a Bookmark Manager The basic way to store an URL is as a browser bookmark. This gives you a single list containing the URL and its name, but no additional information. You can comfortably store up to 20 URLs this way, though you probably will remember each of them after a while. Another way of storing URLs are hierarchical Bookmark Managers. For instance with the Favorites Menu of System 8.5 you can at least group some URLs together. More sophisticated tools offer more information for an URL like date of last visit, a comment or a rating. 200 - 300 URLs can be stored, before you lose track of them. The third type of Bookmark Manager is the linear list. Those do not necessarily contain more information than the hierarchical list, but sorting URLs by different fields is an added bonus. Around 500 URLs is the maximum for the linear list, before things start getting messy. And that is all? In the last few years we have seen the development from handcoding html to sophisticated WYSIWYG tools like Dreamweaver and GoLive. Bookmark Managers, however, have seen no development at all. I see the following two areas, in which a Bookmark Manager needs to be improved (meaning, what WEBformation offers): More information for a single URL Very important is the possibility to store more text than a simple sentence as a comment. Then there are: date, when URL was entered; has URL been visited yet; date of last visit; number of visits; when do you want to visit again; frequency of planned visits; was URL downloaded; levels of download; validation; date of validation and so on. Data management tools In a linear list you can sort the URLs, find text in one URL and at most you can find exact duplicates. WEBformation offers four methods of finding similar URLs (automatically marking them). Then there are: finding predefined URL sets like URLs to download; sophisticated searching capabilities including adding to a find or finding subsets; integrated URL downloading, URL validating and so on. System Requirements WEBformation is a Filemaker 4 template, not a standalone program. The font Trebuchet MS is installed with System 8.5 as part of Internet Explorer. WebPalette, a floating window for the browser, needs System 8.5. The Scripting Addition Sigma's Addition is necessary. To validate your URLs Big Brother is used and WebDevil or Anarchy for directly downloading URLs. Sigma's Addition and BigBrother are enclosed. I have included the full documentation of BigBrother. It is now public domain and no longer shareware, but the author has not changed the documenation. #### BINHEX webmarker-10-us.hqx **** From: svilla@easynet.fr Subject: WebMarker_10_Us WebMarker, a graphic tool to manage your WEB links Save all your bookmarks . Group all information in documents. Send mail or go to your URL with a click. Create "control panels" for your WEB applications. Search data in your bookmarks. Export yours WEB links as html files. Is fast and don't need a large amount of memory. Cheers, Serge VILLA mailto:svilla@easynet.fr http://www.chez.com/svs #### BINHEX webmender-101.hqx **** From: RobertG@NewAgeQuest.com Subject: WebMender 1.0.1 WebMender 1.0.1 - is a 100% Java shareware utility for quickly checking external webpage URLs and bookmark URL links. It displays the results and also writes a report of OK and BAD links to a TEXT file. In DEMO mode it checks the first 10 links, in full function it checks all links. It is very fast, and depending on network variables, can check 100 links in one minute. ALL user and installation documentation (as well as program downloads) are on the website: http://www.newagequest.com/WM/wm.html. WebMender runs on Macintosh with OS 7.6 and up with TCP/IP. For questions or problems, email RobertG@newagequest.com #### BINHEX webminer-101.hqx **** From: dschwarz@tiac.net Subject: WebMiner 1.0.1 WebMiner is a a scriptable application for Macintosh and Power Macintosh computers. WebMiner provides complete two-way interactivity with the World Wide Web: AppleScripts can open web pages, download content, submit forms and retrieve results. This powerful technology makes it easy to integrate Web data with existing Macintosh applications. Sample scripts included with WebMiner will download stock quotes, send pager messages via Web pager gateways, display satellite weather images, and much more. Compatible with MacOS 7.5 and later versions of MacOS, including MacOS 8.5. New Features in version 1.0.1: * Fixes a crash bug in WebMiner 1.0 - now handles improperly defined HTML tables correctly WebMiner is distributed as shareware with a 14 day free trial period. Single user licenses are priced at US $39.00; site licenses are also available. Registration is convenient and quick via web, email, postal mail or fax. For more information, visit the Brookline Software web site: <http://www.brooklinesw.com/>. #### BINHEX webpalet.hqx **** From: jcabello@giga.com Subject: WebPalet I'm sending a utility that I make, WebPalet. It really is a web page that shows you all the colors that are web-safe, the colors that remain consistent across different monitors, operative systems and web browsers. Jorge L. Cabello #### BINHEX webstar-ssi-nestpatch.hqx **** From: akua@bluewin.ch Subject: WebStar SSI 301 Depth Patch - More SSI Levels This patch enables 33 levels of nested <!-- #include...> style commands instead of the standard 3 that WebStar 3.01 has built (and locked) in. Why no preference? Short SSI note - Netscape's <!--#include virtual="inc/include" --> is equivalent to WS's file="..." format. I could not get the opposite form to work for the servers. #### BINHEX welcome-112e.hqx **** From: pardeike@comcon.de Subject: Pardeikes Welcome Plugin Name of Software: "Pardeikes Welcome Plugin" Filename : "welcome112.sit.hqx" (incl. HTML Documentation) Size : 409 KB (the hqx version) Current Version : 1.1.2 Author : Andreas Pardeike Email of Author : pardeike@bigfoot.com Web-Site of Product : http://www.kagi.com/pardeike Where to put : Webserver Plugins (and/or Tools for Webmasters/Internet) and if possible onto the CD-ROM too One of the less expensive virtual hosting solutions for MacOS Webservers. Version 1.1.2 adds support for almost any WSAPI compatible Webserver and the advantages are: - $20 shareware - virtual hosting for up to 10000 hosts - support for older browsers and search engines - easy setup and full remote administration for any feature - dynamic URL manipulations via "Rules" - an unique feature not found in any other plugin (GREP like search/replace) - redirects based on many parameters (done by Rules) - fix outdated links or even a bunch of links with one single rule - colorized hit statistics either in a window or as a JPEG remotely - support for easy realtime 1x1 pixel color gifs generation - fast support via mailing list Greetings from Frankfurt/Germany, Andreas Pardeike - pardeike@bigfoot.com #### BINHEX whats-new-assistant-157-ppc.hqx **** From: micono@tky.3web.ne.jp Subject: wna-1.5.7 What's New Assistant (WNA).WNA helps What's New page of your home page. WNA searches the modify day of your html files, then Automaticaly making What's New page with linking to the html files. #### BINHEX whats-new-assistant-157.hqx **** From: micono@tky.3web.ne.jp Subject: wna-1.5.7 What's New Assistant (WNA).WNA helps What's New page of your home page. WNA searches the modify day of your html files, then Automaticaly making What's New page with linking to the html files. #### BINHEX www-sites-211.hqx **** From: sgandy <steve@stevegandy.com> Subject: WWW Sites 2.1.1 WWW Sites is a simple database for keeping track of Internet URL's outside of the browser's bookmark list. It will keep, sort, print, and launch URL's that are entered. There is room for notes on the addresses and it will publish an html file with all the addresses and notes ready for clicking. WWW Sites is a HyperCard stack thus it requires HyperCard or HyperCard Player to be installed. WWW Sites is shareware. The cost is $5. The price is the same for school site licenses. #### BINHEX www-stat-4-mac-161.hqx **** From: phardman@sunserver.ssci.liv.ac.uk Subject: WWWStat4Mac-161.hqx Processes WebStar and Common Log Format logs faster than ever. Features: automatic and incremental processing for upto the minute statistics, multiple simultaneous DNS lookups and data caching for high performance, templates and multiple prefs files for highly customizable output and much more. Shareware. From $20-$50. Comment/Queries to redpoint@kagi.com More Info: http://sodium.ch.man.ac.uk/pages/wwwstat4mac.html #### BINHEX www-where-com-21.hqx **** From: francois.leralle@capway.com Subject: WWW.Where.com 2.01 Netscape Global History Stack WWW.Where .com is an Hypercard stack that can read the Netscape Global History file to extract all the url that it contains, and then store them, classified by site. So you can remind any visited URL even if you did not bookmark it. Once stored, the URL can be activated by a simple click that tell Netscape to open them. Many improvements in V2 (speed x5, manage more than 30000 char by site, filtering,...). Some bug corrections and new features in V2.1 : auto execution, ... It is distributed as shareware, with both English/French interface. Requirements : HyperCard 2.3 or player, System 7.1 or greater. --------------------------------------------------------------- François Le Ralle (Near Paris-France-Europe-Earth-Solar system) Hobby : Macintosh, HyperCard, Glossarys, Web publishing $Job : Intranet, Messaging systems, X.500, X.400, Gateways E-mail : mailto:francois.leralle@capway.com Home Page : http://www.inforoute.capway.com/leralle/ ----------------------------------------------------------------