Abstracts from files in info-mac/game/com/mthn as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     artemus-marathon2-secrets.hqx   ****

From: paradox@CAM.ORG (Paradox)
Subject: Marathon 2: Some Secrets

This file is a SimpleText document (with pictures) which describes secret
rooms and secret teleporters for the game Marathon 2: Durandal.

This file includes secrets from levels 6, 7, 24, 26 and 31.

This is my own work and I wasn't playing on company time... I swear :-)

Artemus Barnoz

#### BINHEX     baraka.hqx   ****

From: "Michael E. Gaines" <starman@powerpage.com>
Subject: Marathon 2 scenario 'Baraka'

  Baraka is a Marathon 2 scenario. This is a 'pre-release' version that has
one solo map and two net maps. The final version will have 10 solo/8 net maps.
  Baraka continues the Marathon 2 story. it includes working terminals,
chapter screens, and old friends. Enjoy.


#### BINHEX     betty-bobs-11.hqx   ****

From: scottm@best.com (Scott Manelis)
Subject: Betty Bobs 1.1

This is my update to iMpactt's Betty Bobs patch.

Betty Bobs 1.1 will replace both the sprites and sounds for Bob in your
original Marathon files.  Version 1.0 was mute, so a need for screams and
whimpers lodged itself in my brain.  The result is the patch you now hold
in your hands.

I hold no responsibility for damage to your Mac, social standing, or psyche.

send flames or comments to scottm@best.com

#### BINHEX     burning-of-eden-20.hqx   ****

From: bobs@saintjoe.edu (Robert Schenk)
Subject: Burning of Eden, version 2

Subject: Burning of Eden, version 2 (Marathon 1 scenario)

The Burning of Eden 2 is an 18 level scenario for Marathon 1 that has had
many hundreds of hours of youthful enthusiasm devoted to it.

BOE-2 is one of the few large scenarios to be formed for the original
Marathon (Marathon 1) engine. The Burning of Eden has everything you might
ask for. Whether you like realism, carnage, or just aesthetics, we have it
for you. Included is original artwork, an elaborate plotline, three-way
fights, puzzles, gloomy basements, and more!

Version 2 should replace the original Burning of Eden in the archives.
Version 2 adds 11 new network levels, adds many enhancements requested by
users such as more ammo, more secrets, etc., and corrects a variety of

(Note: to use this scenario you must have the commercial game Marathon 1
published by Bungie.)

MaEd (Matt & Ed Schenk)
reached at <bobs@saintjoe.edu> or via <http://ingrimayne.saintjoe.edu>

#### BINHEX     cmct-netmap-pak.hqx   ****

From: beezwax@oro.net
Subject: CMCT Netmap Pak v1.2

CMCT Netmap Pak is just that. The California Marathon Carnage Team has 
released their first official netmap pak for use with Marathon Infinity 
by Bungie Software. Includes 11 levels all designed by CMCT members, now 
for your network Marathon gaming enjoyment. Some of these levels have 
been released through the Marathon archives but some have never been 
released before.

Thank you and please send us your films to beezwax@oro.net.


Jeffrey Wood - a.k.a. Moog|e
CMCT Director

#### BINHEX     done-right-model.hqx   ****

From: simon@eagle.ca
Subject: done-right-model

Marathon Infinity "Done Right" Physics Model

This is not one of those cheapass wave-motion-cannon physics models
that make the game no fun.  This doesn't really change gameplay to the
harder or easier (well, some weapons do have a little bit more bite,
but not that much). It is highly reccomended both for solo and net
play, and while I'm a keyboarder, I'm sure the mousers will like the
three-round-burst mode and the heavy assault weapon.

#### BINHEX     dope-110.hqx   ****

From: ericb@psu.edu (Eric M. Bennett)
Subject: DOPE-110

DOPE 1.10 is a map file editor for Bungie Software's Marathon 2: Durandal.
DOPE 1.10 adds support for the commercial Marathon 2 release and fixes
minor bugs in v1.00.

#### BINHEX     excalibur-14.hqx   ****

From: merlin@catambay.com
Subject: Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge v1.4

Contains:     Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge v1.4
By:           Marathon Map Makers Guild
Spokesperson: Bill Catambay
E-mail:       merlin@catambay.com
Web site:     http://www.catambay.com/morgana

  "From the bowels of evil rises the most powerful foe to challenge you yet..."

Santa Clara, Calif. --June 20, 1997-- The Marathon Map Makers Guild
announces the release of Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge v1.4.


The MMMG is proud to announce the final release of Excalibur: Morgana's
Revenge, perhaps the greatest and most ambitious undertaking ever to be
unleashed on the Marathon community.  In this sequel to the MMMG's first
scenario Devil in a Blue Dress, E:MR brings you the Marathon thrill of your
life.  Battle Morgana's minions across time and space, wielding weapons and
encountering characters true to each era.

Internationally acclaimed for its talented pool of level designers,
artists, musicians, and physics designers, the Marathon Map Makers Guild
has transformed the original Marathon into a spectacular magical new world
of legend, mystery, intrigue and unmatched challenge.

E:MR features all new textures, sounds, physics, graphics, storyline, maps,
and an awesome new suite of musical scores capturing the atmosphere of each
time period.  This new story, spread across 30 solo levels, weaves a tale
of truth and honor, knighthood and bravery, darkness and treachery.  E:MR
also delivers a brand new player sprite and 20 unique network levels
allowing you to challenge your friends in environments ranging from untamed
raptor-infested jungles, to castle arenas, to war-torn streets of the

#### BINHEX     infinity-game-wimp-11.hqx   ****

From: (Wade Kamkoff) wkamkoff@alaska.net
Subject: The Infinity Game Wimp (Cheater) v1.1

Hello, I am the author of "The Infinity Game Wimp 1.1", a cheater for Bungie's Marathon 2 Demo, Marathon 2, and
the new Marthon Infinity Demo.

Wade Kamkoff.


#### BINHEX     leelas-return-105.hqx   ****

From: moritz.grund@mannheim-netz.de
Subject: Leelas Return 1.05 Marathon Scenario

Welcome to the new version of Leelas Return! New features: added a cool 
movie. Thats all ;-)
Its a 3 player single scenario for Marathon Infinity. Check it out! But 
attention: the terminal texts are in the german language!


#### BINHEX     lun.hqx   ****

From: arakasi@venus.superstore.com
Subject: Lun (a Marathon Infinity netmap)

This is a netmap based on Lunatic Fringe from Duke Nukem 3d.  It
supports Every Man for Himself and King of the Hill play.

Jason Parsons arakasi arakasi@superstore.com

#### BINHEX     map-select-10.hqx   ****

From: Stuart_Espey@khazad.apana.org.au (Stuart Espey)
Subject: MapSelect 1.0 - 4 Marathon. (Yet again)

CyberPuppy Software
6/1 - FreeWare, (c)1996 

MapSelect is a Marathon map selectorisor based on my much fuller program
MaraFun. This is a really simple and fast way to switch maps. When you want
to switch maps there's no beating MapSelect ;-)

FirstClass - Stuart Espey,blemish
Internet   - Stuart_Espey@khazad.apana.org.au

#### BINHEX     mara2-the-bob-factory-101.hqx   ****

From: olsond@erols.com (Darrell Olson)
Subject: The BOB Factory v1.0.1

A 3 level Marathon 2 solo map by Darrell Olson (author of Cookin' with 

Explore a Pfhor research station and rescue BOB colonists from being 
"assimilated" into suicidal, exploding cyborgs. 
Runs on 68k and Power Macs.  Ignore Zero Divides is NOT required for 68k 

Marathon 2 (obviously)
Recommend playing on a fast '040 or Power Macintosh

#### BINHEX     marathon-12-updt.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 28 Mar 95 11:23:35 -0500
From: knowlden@ll.mit.edu (Bob Knowlden)
Subject: Marathon updater (to 1.2)

An updater that takes v. 1.0 of Marathon (Bungie Software) to 1.2. Numerous
bug fixes, including 16 bit color on 68040 machines. Also updates the mouse
driver so that pirouettes are a little harder than with the 1.1 driver ;-)

>From ftp.amug.org (from AOL before that?).

I have no connection with Bungie, I'm just surprised that no-one has posted
the updater to Macgifts.

Bob Knowlden
MIT/Lincoln Lab
Lexington, MA, USA

#### BINHEX     marathon-2-guide-10.hqx   ****

From: (Frank G.) frank.gutfleisch@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de
Subject: Complete Marathon 2 Guide/DocMaker Document

Marathon ][ - Durandal - the COMPLETE guide

This archive contains the COMPLETE Marathon ][ guide ... solutions for all
the solo and network levels ... secrets where available as well as useful
hints for successful playing (... or do you know what "grenade walking"
might be?) !!!

The guide comes as a "standalone document" with a pretty cool graphical
user interface ...

- NO BROWSING of text files ...
- NOTHING needed to view and use it

simply click the desired level in the table of contents and ... voila !!

Make sure to read the enclosed "read me" file for shareware information.

ENJOY !!!! .... frank.gutfleisch@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de

#### BINHEX     marathon-carnage-cheat.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 23 Dec 1994 02:37:05 -0600 (CST)
From: Doulos <doulos@krypton.mankato.msus.edu>
Subject: Marathon Demo Cheat

The follwing file is a Saved Game file for the Marathon Demo.  The game 
was saved at the first pattern buffer on level one at the Total Carnage 
difficulty w/a few enhancements made by using Eggert's "Marathon Cheat 1.1".


Lawrence M. Gross, Jr.                |  doulos@krypton.mankato.msus.edu  

#### BINHEX     marathon-cheater-501.hqx   ****

From: (Eggert Thorlacius) eggi@itn.is
Subject: Marathon Cheater 5.0.1

Here is version 5.0.1 of the Marathon Cheater.  This version works with the
newly released Marathon Infinity Demo, as well as with all older versions
of Marathon.
Version 5.0.1 fixes a couple of small bugs.  If you have version 5.0 and
haven't noticed anything wrong, you don't need to download this one.

Eggert Thorlacius
Reykjavik, Iceland

#### BINHEX     marathon-faq-30.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 22:08:21 -0400
From: ericb@psu.edu (Eric Bennett)
Subject: Marathon FAQ 3.0

The attached file is v3.0 of the FAQ for Bungie Software's "Marathon" Game.
Uploaded by request of the author, EEKMAN@aol.com.

-Eric Bennett (ericb@psu.edu)

#### BINHEX     marathon-gravis-gamepad.hqx   ****

From: wonk@mail.magic.ca (M. Hainsworth - Admin)
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 21:44:37 EST
Subject: Gravis GamePad Controls for Marathon

I just bought the Gravis GamePad specifically to play Marathon.

Well, needless to say I was a little disappointed. First off, Gravis
doesn't incorporate a Marathon setting in their package - but I shouldn't
complain, Marathon officially was released quite recently.

However, I spent 30 minutes just trying to configure the Gravis GamePad for
this excellent adventure.

The problem is that the keyboard works very well with Marathon. If you're
running, you can turn corners and keep running. Any default-type
configuration for the GamePad doesn't work very well because the cursor pad
works single-mode. This means you can move forward, OR you can turn. You
can't move forward AND turn at the same time.

The crazy thing is that the buttons permit multiple keystrokes, but the
cursor pad doesn't.

Eventually I figured it out. To be able to run and perform other functions
at the same time, the move-forward command must be configured from a
button, not a cursor control. All other movements are okay, though backing
up and turning at the same time doesn't work in this configuration. I
decided it was more important to use the remaining buttons for other
functions. Besides, I didn't back up and turn often anyway.

So here it is.

Others may have found better configurations, and maybe I'm just not reading
the Gravis docs correctly, but this is my Gravis GamePad configuration
specifically for Marathon.

Included in this StuffIt archive is a PICT file that outlines all the
buttons and commands available via the GamePad.

Thank-you's, complaints, and "you idiot, you didn't need to do all this
work"-type messages should be sent to: wonk@magic.ca


#### BINHEX     marathon-guide-200.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 19:31:25 -0700
From: marathon@halcyon.com (Ryan Johnson)
Subject: Marathon Guide 2.00

Here is my guide to marathon. Please forward it to all of the other sites
to.  I have made sure that there are plenty of copyrights and legal stuff
and have notified the maker (bungie) about this and they have given
aproval. Thanks-Ryan

#### BINHEX     marathon-hardcore-sounds.hqx   ****

From: tt1m@flash.net
Subject: Marathon1HardCoreSounds

Please sir find attached a file called Marathon1HardCoreSounds.sit.hqx.
This a Stuffited, binhexed, alternate sound file for the game Marathon
1. (Oh yes, It's LOUD, VERY LOUD!!!) Please place it in

I would appreciate a reply just so I know it made it through.

Thank you.													FRANK

#### BINHEX     marathon-kit.hqx   ****

From: jamal@bronze.lcs.mit.edu (Jamal Hannah)
Subject: Marathon Kit (PICTs of Marathon Game's Maps)
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 01:11:02 -0500 (EST)

Set of Maps from the game "Marathon", with all level names, in order.
by Sean Hollick. (TATTMAN@aol.com)

#### BINHEX     marathon-lite-95-03.hqx   ****

From "ab956@detroit.freenet.org (Ben M. Chess)" Wed Mar 15 18:16:26 1995
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 21:05:17 -0500
From: ab956@detroit.freenet.org (Ben M. Chess)
Subject: Marathon Magazine LITE March '95

It's here! Marathon Magazine March '95 issue!
This LITE version does not contain any of the programs and files featured in the

A peek at the Table of Contents:

Phun Textures for your Editor

Marathon GIF

Marathon Alternate Console

Top 5 Physics Models

Letter from the editor

The Story of Marathon

Marathon Walkthrough Chapter 2: CounterAttack

Marathon Internet Sites

#### BINHEX     marathon-lvl35-patch.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 26 Feb 95 14:00 MST
From: xres@rmii.com (X Research)
Subject: Marathon Level35Patcher.sit.hqx

For everybody who's tired of the existing network levels of Mararhon here's
a quick fix.  This patches the network level "What goes up, must come down"
and gives it a very different feel without ruining the excellent settings
of that particular level.

The map was modified using Mia 0.6 by Dan Walkowski and you need a virgin
copy of the map file that comes with the *commercial* version of Marathon
from Bungie to use the patch.
Many thanks to Bungie, Dan Walkowski, AD Instruments and Metrowerks.

PS. To play the level on your own hold down command and option, select new
game and enter level 35.

 ----- Mattias Fornander ----- snutt@netaxs.com -----

#### BINHEX     marathon-map-utilities.hqx   ****

Subject: Marathon Map Utilities
From: aos@skyview.bison.mb.ca (Apple Orchard Softwar)

Enclosed you will find the Marathon Map Utilities (parts 1 & 2).  These 
utilities will aid you in the use of Marathon and third-party maps.  
Enclosed you will also find a folder with copies which you can add the 
path of YOUR Marathon folder so that the launching is easier.  See 
disclaimer below about distributing modified copies.

NOTE:  The enclosed programs REQUIRE AppleScript 1.1 or higher AND the 
Finder Scripting Extension (if you have System PRO or 7.5.x or higher, 
your fine!  :-)  ).

Marathon Map Util (1):

                When you want to open a third-party map with Marathon, 
but you don't want the hassle of renaming the Marathon Map file and 
moving the third-party map into the same folder as Marathon, you use this 
program.  Simply drag a COPY of the third-party map on top of the 
Marathon Map Util (1) program (which REQUIRES AppleScript and the Finder 
Scripting Extension) and you will be prompted for the path of the 
Marathon Folder.  Simply locate the folder, click the button at the 
bottom of the box, and your map will be opened using Marathon.

Marathon Map Util (2):

                When you want to return Marathon to its original mode in 
regards to the use of maps, use this utility.  Simply drag the 
third-party map file which is located in your Marathon Folder on top of 
the Marathon Map Util (2) program (which REQUIRES AppleScript and the 
Finder Scripting Extension) and you will be prompted for the path of the 
Marathon Folder.  Simply locate the folder, click the button at the 
bottom of the box, and your map will be deleted, and your original 
Maration map file will be renamed.

Written by Cam Giesbrecht.  (c) 1995 Apple Orchard Software.  All rights 
Modifications to the enclosed utilities is allowed so long as you agree 
that modified copies are not to be distributed unless arrangements are 
made before-hand with Apple Orchard Software.  The enclosed utilities are 
PostCard Ware.  If you like them, send me a postcard from where you are 
(or your favorate place).

Cam Giesbrecht
Apple Orchard Software

#### BINHEX     marathon-mihas-m2-tc-files.hqx   ****

From: Naoki Yokoyama <nao@keyaki.cc.u-tokai.ac.jp>
Subject: M2-Miha-Rules-TC-Films.hqx

This is Bugie's Marathon related archive. So please handle that way.
For info-mac archive, this should be located in game/com/mthn directory.
And please name this as "M2-Miha-Rules-TC-Films.hqx" or "m2-miha-rules-tc-
Michio Hashimoto (a.k.a. Miha) did it again! He recorded films of his play at 
EVERY LEVEL of Marathon 2 in TOTAL CARNAGE. These are really TC films.
He survived in total carnage! But that is not all. He also explored almost 
every secret of every level. He played in very instructive way, how to survive 
in total carnage difficulty. Read his document and enjoy!


#### BINHEX     marathon-new-sounds.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 19 Dec 1994 11:27:14 -0500 (EST)
From: Patrick Gray <PEG1485@ritvax.isc.rit.edu>
Subject: Marathon New Sounds Patch

This is a patch I made for the Marathon Demo.  It patches the "Sounds" file and
gives you some new sounds, as well as some altered ones.  The new sounds
include the SSM Rocket Launcher fire, the SSM Rocket explosion, the alien growl
sounds, and the Alien Weapon fire.  The altered sounds include the Assault
Rifle fire, the Grenade Launcher explosion, and the handgun fire.  I felt the
sounds Bungie provided were a bit weak when it came to powerful weapons, and
the aliens didn't sound mean enough, so this patch is what I came up with. 
This is not connected with Bungie in any way, so if it doesn't work, you can
blame me, not them.  Thanks.

                                                patrick gray (peg1485@rit.edu)

#### BINHEX     marathon-patcher-and-films.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 25 Jul 95 10:51:11 JST
From: Naoki Yokoyama <nao@keyaki.cc.u-tokai.ac.jp>
Subject: Marathon Universal Patcher and TC Films

This can be included in CD-ROM. 

This archive includes Marathon Universal Patcher 1.0 and Miha's play in
Total Carnage for 21 levels in Marathon.

Marathon Universal Patcher applies such patches as you want. You can
en-rich initial weapon set and shield value. You can save game anywhere 
by just hitting function-key or command-p. You can add invincibility to 
your player if you want. Just drag and drop Marathon application onto 
this patcher. 

Replay films were recorded by vidmaster Miha (Michio Hashimoto ) in 21 
levels at Total Carnage. These films can be replayed properly only by 
patched Marathon. So the patcher is included. Enjoy his super play! 
These are amazing and highly instructive about how to survive in Total 

His super films for non-patched Marathon are in ftp://ftp.amug.org/pub/

                                             Naoki Yokoyama (nao)

#### BINHEX     marathon-phile-juggler-20b7.hqx   ****

From: (Richard Burgess) rickb@mail.intellinet.com
Subject: Marathon-Phile Juggler 2.0b7

This is a beta of the latest version of my program, Marathon-Phile Juggler.

Version 2.0 introduces a completely new drag-n-drop interface that allows
users to drag files and sets to and from the Finder.  You can now also add
comments to your files and sets.

*What is it?*
Marathon-Phile Juggler is a program designed to manage your Marathon files.
I wrote it because I was not satisfied with any of the current file
managers. One unique feature is that you have the ability to save your sets
as double-clickable icons. Another is a feature that tells Marathon where
to look for its resources-no longer will you have make copies of your files
for  each patch or combination of patches you want to apply.

#### BINHEX     marathon-physics-editor.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 31 Jan 1995 14:43:01 -0800
From: hanson@cs.stanford.edu (Michael Hanson)
Subject: Marathon Physics Model Editor 1.0

Enclosed is the Marathon Physics Model Editor 1.0.  With it, Marathon
users can customize their alien, weapon, projectile, or physics
settings.  The Editor can also create a new, 'canonical' Physics
Model, for users who do not already have a Physics Model to edit.

Full documentation is attached to the archive and can also be found on
the Web at

The Editor is free and may be distributed freely, so long as the
documentation accompanies it.

The Physics Model Editor is (c)1995 Michael Hanson, hanson@cs.stanford.edu,
and all feedback should be directed to that address.  Please mention
"Physics Model Editor" or "PME" in the subject heading of the message.
Marathon is a registered trademark of Bungie Software Product Corporation.

Michael Hanson

#### BINHEX     marathon-prefs-delete.hqx   ****

From: Heathen@aol.com
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 11:25:00 -0500
Subject: Marathon Prefs Delete; a utilty for the game

Marathon is a great game!  Unfortunately, its preferences can become corrupt
so easily!  This apparently has been around for quite awhile.  I remember
reading about people with the illegal beta copy that they were complaining
about preferences being corrupt.  This was also an issue when the demo was
released, and now, finally, the released version itself. What a pain it is to
have to dig through the Preference Folder (even with PopUpFolder!) to delete
the unwanted prefs.  Me and a friend came up with a small hack that does
nothing but delete the preferences to Marathon, nothing more.  Just
Double-Click on the apps, and WHAM!, your corrupted preferences are gone!
 Now all you have to do is launch Marathon and re-enter in your serial
number.  HINT:  Keep a folder handy that has been named the actual serial
number, and you can do a "Copy" before you launch Marathon, and "Paste" in
the serial number upon request.  If you find this utility handy, just drop me
email at Heathen@aol.com to let me know if it is some value to you.
 Otherwise, it is FREEWARE.  I take no responsibility for lost data  caused
by using this utility, nor any lost sleep playing Marathon.   Enjoy!

William H. Waits III

#### BINHEX     marathon-screen-shots.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 21:41:50 -0500
From: jonke@gsfc.nasa.gov (Stephen Jonke)
Subject: Marathon screen shots

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Enclosed are a collage of screen shots from Bungie Software's upcoming 3D
action game, Marathon.  Pulled from America Online.


Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Marathon_ScreenShots_Folder.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Marathon_ScreenShots_Folder.sit"

#### BINHEX     marathon-shooting-sounds.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 10:24:29 -0600
From: BriDurand@aol.com (Brian Durand)
Subject: Marathon shooting sounds

These are some modified shooting sounds for the game Marathon.  They
include the addition of shell casings hitting the floor and a more powerful
sounding MA-75.  You will need ResEdit to install them.

#### BINHEX     marathon-shot-shells-sounds.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 10:47:27 -0500
From: BriDurand@aol.com (Brian Durand)
Subject: Marathon Shot & Shell Sounds

These are some modified shooting sounds for the game Marathon by Bungie
Software.  They include the addition of shell casings hitting the floor and
a more powerful sounding MA-75.

#### BINHEX     marathon-snd-transport-101.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 15 Apr 1995 16:24:09 -0500
From: bdurand@artic.edu (Brian Durand)
Subject: Marathon Sound Transporter 1.0.1

This is a nice little program to help the multitudes out there who want to
make and distribute customized sounds for the game Marathon by Bungie

Basically, it lets you select a resource file, select the sounds from that
file that you want to distibute, and then make a little self-running
installer program which you can distribute which will install the sounds in
the Marathon Sounds file.  No more trying to explain in 25 words or less
where to get or how to use ResEdit.  The installer programs you make have
the ability to let the user select only certain sounds to be installed,
play the sounds before they get installed, and even play the original sound
from the Marathon Sounds file they will be patching.

This version will not allow you to create sound installers that don't
contain any sounds (that was appearing to be a problem).

#### BINHEX     marathon-sounds-2.hqx   ****

From: tedebair@geocities.com
Subject: MarathonSounds2.sit

This the Marathon Sounds v2.0 for MacOS 8.5, using Sounds from the classic
game Marathon to liven up your Mac.
This file is in no way supported by bungie, heck, I doubt they even know
about it!

#### BINHEX     marathon-spoiler-guide-20b3.hqx   ****

From: Michael Neylon <mneylon@engin.umich.edu>
Subject: Marathon Spoiler Guide 2.0b3

This is version 2.0b3 of the Marathon Spoiler Guide.  It contains
tips and hints for the game Marathon as well as the demo of
Marathon II.  The guide will come out of beta once the full version
of Marathon II is released.

Note that due to the nature of this material, by reading this material
you will be SPOILED!  I taken no responsibility for any disappointment
that you feel after reading this.

In the near future, I will release a DocMaker version of the MSG, as well
as a new set of web pages.  Currently, the MSG resides at
or at

 Michael K. Neylon, Graduate Student           | "Pausing only to reconstruct
 Dept. of ChE, Univ. of Michigan               |   the whole of integral 
 mneylon@engin.umich.edu                       |   mathematics, he continues
 http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~mneylon/ |   on..."    Marvin - tHGttG

#### BINHEX     marathon-stroke.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1994 10:43:43 -0600
From: jboehme@students.wisc.edu (Janko Boehme)
Subject: Marathon Demo Stroke; Thrustmaster Stroke file for Marathon

#### BINHEX     marathon-tournament-replays.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 11 Feb 1995 16:10:53 -0500
From: stonewal@clark.net (Stonewall Jackson)
Subject: Marathon Tournament Replays.sit

These are the movies of the Marathon tournament held by Bungie at the last

#### BINHEX     marathon-univ-patcher-21.hqx   ****

From: Naoki Yokoyama, nao@hawk.ru.u-tokai.ac.jp
Subject: Marathon Universal Patcher 2.1

This is a updated version of my Marathon Universal Patcher 2.1.
You can patch/add various features to Marathon and Marathon 2
application. Please read docs and enjoy!

Naoki Yokoyama

#### BINHEX     meta-warrior-11b1.hqx   ****

From: norwood@Lanl.GOV (Fusion)
Subject: Map-Meta_Warrior1.1b

This is a marathon map that is basically Waldo World Arena and some whacky
floating in space polygons and funked up teleporters that make the level a
whole lot more interesting.

#### BINHEX     mia-10b19.hqx   ****

From: walkowsk@taurus.apple.com (Dan Walkowski)
Subject: Mia 1.0b19

Well, folks, here it is, finally.

This is the last version (barring a huge bug) of Mia to be released for
Marathon 1.  There is a bunch of changes to the palettes and stuff, the
most important being the addition of POPUP MENUS FOR TEXTURES, which I'm
sure you will all be happy to see.
I have stopped working on this version so that I can get a version up and
running with Marathon 2 maps.  I already have it mostly working, I hope to
have it ready soon.

I will enclose the archive with the next letter, so that this one will get
through to everybody.


Dan Walkowski
Apple Computer

#### BINHEX     more-tc-films.hqx   ****

From: Naoki Yokoyama <nao@hawk.ru.u-tokai.ac.jp>
Subject: Marathon 1 Total Carnage Films

This is a collection of original marathon Total Carnage Films played 
by Vid-Master Miha and his friend DEGU. Following description was
posted to alt.games.marathon by Nobuhiko Yoshida. This time it was
posted to macgifts.

These films are new and different from ones posted on AMUG before.

He started each levels on Total Carnage with just fist and a pistol by
command-option-new game cheat.  You'll be very impressed by his
incredible fights.  He is beyond vid master reaching the level of a real
cyborg! This is really MUST-BE-SEEN films.  I promise you'll never
disappointed. Never....

It contains the following levels:
Arrival (0)
Bigger Guns Nearby (1)
Never Burn Money (2)
Defend THIS! (3) 
Couch Fishing (4)
The Rose (5)
Smells Like Napalm, Tastes Like Chicken! (6)
G4 Sunbathing (8)
Blaspheme Quarantine (9)
Bob-B-Q (10)
Shake Before Using... (11)
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! (12)
Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap (13)
Neither High Nor Low (15)
Pfhor Your Eyes Only (16)
No Artificial Colors... (17)
Two Times Two Equals... (19)
Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones (20)
Pfhoraphobia (22)
Ain't Got Time Pfhor This... (23)
Welcome to the Revolution... (24)
Try Again (25)

#### BINHEX     multiheathen-10.hqx   ****

From: adrian@dcs.qmw.ac.uk (A.M.Fowler)
Subject: marathon-multiheathen (level for marathon)

This is version 1 of my level for Bungie's game Marathon
It's a multiplayer game which I think can also be played
solo if you just want to go about killing and maiming.
More details in the readme file

any feedback etc.. would be welcome at ac4047@qmw.ac.uk

This file can be included in any umic/info-mac cd-rom

#### BINHEX     ope-14.hqx   ****

From: ericb@psu.edu (Eric M. Bennett)
Subject: OPEv1.4

OPE 1.4 may be included on the InfoMac CDROM.

OPE is a simple map file object placement editor for Bungie Software's
Marathon game.  Version 1.4 is faster and fixes some minor bugs.  Requires
a Marathon map file and enough free RAM to load the map file.  Does not
work with Marathon 2.  Freeware.

#### BINHEX     phile-juggler-grey-screen.hqx   ****

From: moritz.grund@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de (zed)
Subject: phile-juggle-greyscreen

Do you use the Phile Juggler? And you like it?
Do you use Aaron? And you like it too? But when you use aaron the phile 
juggler looks terrible: this patch changes the color resources of the 
phile juggler to grey for aaron.
Try it!

(c) Moritz Grund
G-ware Inc. 1996

#### BINHEX     sight-patch-111.hqx   ****

From: sjoos@ifi.unizh.ch (Stefan Joos)
Subject: Marathon Sight Patch 1.1.1

#### BINHEX     stoner-stoner-lite-m2.hqx   ****

From: robert@digisys.net
Subject: Marathon Physics Model

This is a  Physics Model for the game,  Marathon 2.  Please post accordingly if
possible.  Great page and archive.

Robert A.M. Stephens,  SEAL Team 3,  US Navy, Reserves.

#### BINHEX     the-elements-of-map-making.hqx   ****

From: arakasi@superstore.com
Subject: The Elements of Map-Making Style

The foreword to the guide best states what it is:

  Soon after playing Marathon I became interested in designing maps for it.
I picked up a copy of Pfhorte and M.I.A. There were guides written that
explained how to make polygons, platforms, lights, etc., but nothing about
what makes a map fun. The situation is analogous to trying to make a cake
knowing the ingredients, but not the quantities. After years of studying
others' maps and designing my own, I have arrived at guidelines for

  What makes a map "good" or "fun?" Opinions vary, but there are certain
constants involved such as physics, monsters, textures, etc., when
designing maps. Taking these into account while following the guidelines
will tend to increase the fun factor of your maps. However, the guidelines
are not formulas in  which you enter values for X and Y and always equal
good map. No, these are guidelines to follow or not to follow, if they do
not coincide with what you are trying to accomplish with a particular map.
Understand the guidelines and ignore them if you need to, but not out of

  While this piece is focused on Marathon map-making, nearly all of it is
applicable to other games in the genre like Dark Forces, Doom, Quake, Duke
Nukem 3d, et al.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD -- all others, please contact
me first.

Jason Parsons

#### BINHEX     the-real-bob-oo-patch-10d.hqx   ****

From: moritz.grund@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de (Moritz Grund)
Subject: REAL Bob ƒ Patch 1.0d

What is the REAL Bob ƒ Patch?
This is a patch created in Anvil for Marathon 2 / Marathon ƒ. The BOBs
(not the VacoBOBs) will change to a real person (made with the
QuickCam). Sorry, but I haven´t realized the different color tables. So
you can´t see if it the BOB is green or blue. I will fix it. Okay?

How I can install it?
You need Anvil (enclosed in Marathon ƒ CD) to install it. Open a fresh
copy of your Shapes file with Anvil and then select "Import >From Patch
File...". Then save the file. Thats all!

What is Pfhors House .ƒ Demo Map?
A simple map for Marathon ƒ only. It demonstrate the new BOBs. Check it

Whats you email adress?
Check my ecard or look at this:


(c) Moritz Grund
G-ware, Inc. 1996

#### BINHEX     valior.hqx   ****

From: bobs@saintjoe.edu (Robert Schenk)
Subject: Valior - 3 level solo map for Marathon 2

Valior is a 3 level solo map for Marathon 2 (from Bungie). To use this map,
one must have a full, working copy of Marathon 2 Valior was created by
Matthew Schenk using Pfhorte2.0a13/14.

Please send any bug reports, comments, or suggestions to bobs@saintjoe.edu

I appreciate any e-mail and will try to write back (if you include your
e-mail address, or if you want me to respond). And if you want to send some
money, that will not be refused.  ;-)

Matt Schenk

#### BINHEX     weird-marathon2-icons.hqx   ****

From: (Ilkka Koski) ilkka@clinet.fi
Subject: WeirdMarathonIcons I

A free Marathon2-icon collection.