Abstracts from files in info-mac/comm/inet/conn as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### LINK       _PPP     ****

#### BINHEX     anar-2-html-11.hqx   ****

From: pompamagna@geocities.com
Subject: Anar2HTML 1.1 AS

Anar2HTML 1.1 by Giovanni Giusti (<pompamagna@geocities.com>)

Required OSAXen: File I/O (From the Script Tools Suite), File Commands,
Numerics, String Commands, Scripting Components (from Apple), ACME Script
Widgets (required to sort the list -- comment the relevant lines).

This applet transforms Anarchie and Fetch bookmark files into HTML files.
It saves the result as a random-named file on the desktop (if any of you
can improve on this, you are welcome).

To use, drop a bunch of Anarchie and/or Fetch bookmark files on the applet.
You can also drop a mixture of the two.

Changes since v.1.0: added support for Fetch files. Made some nicer HTML.

Duel S.p.A.
Via G. Dandini, 15
00154 Roma (ITALY)
Tel. ++39-6-5743826
Fax  ++39-6-5759368
e-mail <duel.spa@iol.it>

#### BINHEX     autodialer.hqx   ****

From: Simon Kornblith <simon_k@bigfoot.com>
Subject: AutoDialer 1.1

AutoDialer is a utility designed to automatically dial numbers at a
specified time
and say something through Speech Manager. The computer dials and speaks
through the computer's built-in speakers, eliminating the need for a modem.
Version 1.1 adds several new options when dialing, automatically converts
letters to numbers, and allows you to choose how many times to repeat the

#### BINHEX     dans-inter-slip-scripts-14.hqx   ****

From: Dan Cottler, darmok@voicenet.com
Subject: Dan's InterSLIP Scripts 1.4

"Dan's InterSLIP Scripts" is a freeware package containing various
InterSLIP scripts and detailed step-by-step installation instructions.

The "Generic Modem Driver" script fully supports just about any type
of modem.  It recognizes the basic extended result codes and will
redial when a busy signal or carrier drop occurs.  It is far superior
to InterSLIP's built-in "Hayes Compatible" setting.  The instructions
include recommended initialization commands for many modem models.

The "Generic Gateway" script fully supports a number of SL/IP hosts,
including The Internet Adapter (TIA).  It will catch carrier drops
that occur during the sign-on process, and it properly obtains and
sets the IP address assigned by the host.

- Dan Cottler <darmok@voicenet.com>
  Cherry Hill, NJ, USA.

#### BINHEX     dhnet-worker-10b.hqx   ****

From: rabba@maine.rr.com
Subject: DHNetworker 1.0b

Desktop Handler Networker 1.0b

This is a small app that will set your computers basic networking settings. It
is FREE. 

Jon's Commands & FaceSpan Extension is required. URL to download both is in
the INSTALLATION document. Very simple program worth downloading.

#### BINHEX     dnr-deleter-201.hqx   ****

From: jdempsey@ncinter.net
Subject: DNRDeleter201.hqx

For those of you who often get a corrupt MacTCP DNR file, this little
applet will delete this file every time you restart or shut down your

v2.0.1 fixes a problem with the selection of the MacTCP DNR file on some

Requires Applescript.

Jack M. Dempsey

#### BINHEX     download-macros-kq.hqx   ****

From: JMellin@pinecrest.edu (Jared Mellin)
Subject: Download Macros - Macros for Netscape

The Download Macros are a set of macros that makes downloading multiple
files from the Internet easy.  Specifically, it is a KeyQuencer macro
that allows for downloading files in Netscape without the hassle of
being at your computer.  The macro is small and simple yet can be a
great convenience to you. This is not something you want to skip over,
and at only a few k, it takes seconds to download.

Netscape 2.0 or greater
KeyQuencer 1.x or 2.0

Jared Mellin

#### BINHEX     fetch-o-matic-21.hqx   ****

From: film2@emedia.net
Subject: Fetch-O-Matic 2.1 automated website maintenance via FTP

Fetch-O-Matic (v 2.1) is a new approach to automated website maintenance
via FTP. Fetch-O-Matic allows web authors to freely create and update files
locally without needing to keep track of their work, and then automatically
catalog the alterations and update the website.

Fetch-O-Matic differs from other available synchronization and maintenance
schemes in that it does not require any local machine to have a complete
site copy. For example, one might decide to grab a few pages and change
them (and/or add some new files) from a Powerbook. Later, the site copy on
the primary machine can be quickly brought up-to-date with just two clicks
- without having to remember what was changed or open the Powerbook.

Fetch-O-Matic is extremely easy to use. Novice web authors in search of a
simple way to update a personal web page won't be intimidated by its power.
Experienced hands will find that previously dreaded operations such as
multi-file search and replace, with the subsequent headache of tracking
down and uploading scattered altered files, are rendered painless. Transfer
errors such as uploading/downloading to the wrong directory are a thing of
the past. If several people are maintaining a site they are protected from
treading on each other's updates.

Fetch-O-Matic was conceived and developed to fill a need in servicing a
large site (http://www.filmscouts.com). Uploads and downloads of thousands
of files at once have been performed with ease. But even on a site with
just a few pages, Fetch-O-Matic will ease the updating chores.

Fetch-O-Matic requires Dartmouth's FTP client "Fetch", AppleScript, the
scripting addition Jon's Commands, and, optionally, Alessandro Levi
Montalcini's "List Files" (providing a significant speed improvement for
large sites), all of which are readily available online. Fetch-O-Matic runs
on any Mac OS machine with reasonable (8mb+) RAM running System 7 or 8. It
runs in the background. It is shareware with a single-user license fee of
$20. There is a free 30-day trial period.

The complete documentation is available online at the Fetch-O-Matic home
page, http://www.filmscouts.com/software/fom.html

Version 2.1 adds new features (most significantly, continuous unattended
operation and the ability to add to an upload in progress), and works
around a bug in Jon's Commands 2.0.3.

#### BINHEX     infnty-inter-slip-102-strip.hqx   ****

From: tgaul@apple.com (Troy Gaul)
Subject: Infinity InterSLIP 1.0.2 CSM

by Troy Gaul, Infinity Systems

Infinity InterSLIP is a module for Apple's Control Strip that allows you to
control an InterSLIP connection. In order to use this module, you must have
InterSLIP installed and have it properly configured to connect to a SLIP

Clicking on the icon will display a popup menu. The top item shows the
current status of the InterSLIP connection. The middle item allows you to
open the InterSLIP Setup application, and the bottom item allows you to
connect or disconnect from the selected SLIP host (the one that is
hilighted in the InterSLIP Setup application). The icon will also change to
display the current status of the connection.

Changes since version 1.0.1:
- Changed address and e-mail information.

#### BINHEX     inter-slip-installer-101.hqx   ****

#### TEXT       inter-slip-redial-script-20.txt   ****

From: Mark Hickenbottom <snap@netcom.com>
Subject: InterSLIPRedialScript2; InterSLIP Dialing Script for all Modems

InterSLIPRedialScript2 is a dialing script (CCL) for InterSLIP. It is far
better than the built-in script in that it works better with all modems,
displays status and error messages, hangs up properly, and redials when
busy. Version 2 adds a quick disconnect and changes the format to
SimpleText. Open the script to view the documentation and script comments.
Put in System Folder:Preferences:InterSLIP Folder:Dialing Scripts.

!Redial 2.0 © 1994-1995 Snap Systems, snap@netcom.com, on 95-07-29
!this may be freely distributed as long as copyright message not modified
!redial is a dialing script for InterSLIP written by Mark Hickenbottom

!InterSLIPRedialScript2 is a dialing script (CCL) for InterSLIP. It is far better than the built-in script in that it works better with all modems, displays status and error messages, hangs up properly, and redials when busy. Version 2 adds a quick disconnect and changes the format to SimpleText. Open the script to view the documentation and script comments. Put in System Folder:Preferences:InterSLIP Folder:Dialing Scripts.

!put in System Folder:Preferences:InterSLIP Folder:Dialing Scripts

!tip for bad modems in modem banks:
!if you hear a bad modem connection,

#### BINHEX     inter-slip-timer-151.hqx   ****

From: EricPRESTO@aol.com
Subject: InterSlIP Timer v. 1.5.1

It is a utility application to be used
with InterSLIP that allows you to keep track of how much time you spend on
your SLIP account.   InterSLIP must be installed on your computer for it to
work.  InterSLIP Timer requires System 7.0 or later.

Version 1.5.1 corrects bugs identified in the previous version.  It has a
globally floating timer window.  System 7.1 or later is required to use the
globally floating window.

Thank you,
Eric Preston

#### BINHEX     internet-logger-211-fr.hqx   ****

From: EricPRESTO@aol.com
Subject: Internet Logger v. 2.1.1FR

This is the French language version of Internet Logger v. 2.1.1 translated by
Philippe Bonnaure.

Internet Logger  v. 2.1.1 is a utility application allows you to keep track of
how much time you spend on your internet accounts.  It requires System 7 or
later.  It can also be used to track long distance telephone use or  to track
time spent on client accounts.  First, among many other potential uses,
Internet Logger will provide a convenient means to fully document your
internet connections, including:

-	Tracking session times and cumulative use time by day and month.
-  Ability to enter complex session rate structures and automatically estimate
  	and cumulative costs by day or month.
-  Ability to count down time remaining on either prepaid hours or hours
charged at a 
    flate rate.
-  Optional Log file documenting session and cumulative times and estimated
-  Optionally compute session times by rounding up to the nearest minute.
Some online
    services seem to compute times this way.  You can check it yourself.
-  Allows automatic connection via PPP, SLIP, or operation as a manual timer.
-  Allows multiple timers with individual settings.  You can keep track of use
    multiple providers conveniently.  Each can have it's own log file.
-  Compatibility with Open Transport when used with OT/PPP.  FreePPP is also

New features in version 2.1.1:

Version 2.1.1 adds support for FreePPP 2.6 or greater and allows automatic
opening of internet browser or other application when Internet Logger is

Timers created with version 1.x are not compatible with version 2.x.  Do not
try to open Timers created with version 1.x.  Instead,  keep version 2.x in
its own folder and create new timers using version 2.x.  You may continue to
use v. 1.x simultaneously if you need to time two things at once.

Please post Internet Logger v. 2.1.1FR to: info-mac/comm/inet/conn/internet-
logger-211FR.hqx and please also retain the english language version currently
on the archive as:  info-mac/comm/inet/conn/internet-logger-211.hqx.

Thank you,

Eric Preston

#### BINHEX     internet-logger-211.hqx   ****

From: EricPRESTO@aol.com
Subject: Internet Logger v. 2.1.1

Internet Logger  v. 2.1.1 is a utility application allows you to keep track
of how much time you spend on your internet accounts.  It requires System 7
or later.  It can also be used to track long distance telephone use or  to
track time spent on client accounts.  First, among many other potential uses,
Internet Logger will provide a convenient means to fully document your
internet connections, including:

€	Tracking session times and cumulative use time by day and month.
€  Ability to enter complex session rate structures and automatically
estimate session
  	and cumulative costs by day or month.
€  Ability to count down time remaining on either prepaid hours or hours
charged at a 
    flate rate.
€  Optional Log file documenting session and cumulative times and estimated
€  Optionally compute session times by rounding up to the nearest minute.
 Some online
    services seem to compute times this way.  You can check it yourself.
€  Allows automatic connection via PPP, SLIP, or operation as a manual timer.
€  Allows multiple timers with individual settings.  You can keep track of
use of 
    multiple providers conveniently.  Each can have it's own log file.
€  Compatibility with Open Transport when used with OT/PPP.  FreePPP is also

New features in version 2.1.1:

Version 2.1.1 adds support for FreePPP 2.6 or greater and allows automatic
opening of internet browser or other application when Internet Logger is

Timers created with version 1.x are not compatible with version 2.x.  Do not
try to open Timers created with version 1.x.  Instead,  keep version 2.x in
its own folder and create new timers using version 2.x.  You may continue to
use v. 1.x simultaneously if you need to time two things at once.

Thank you,

Eric Preston

#### BINHEX     lil-buddy-11b1-as.hqx   ****

Subject: Lil'Buddy 1.1b1
From: runt@inch.com (World Domination Headquarters)

Picks up and expands on Lil'Buddy 1.0. 1.1b1 features the abiity to do
either/both of the following:

1) Open your PPP connection (via MacPPP Scripting Addition)
2) Launch, after opening your PPP connection, any number of
applications/scripts or what not for you. For example, upon opening my PPP
connection, Lil'Buddy launches my Talk Daemon and my Finfer Daemon then
Eudora followed by a script that checks my mail and then filters it.
Lil'Buddy requires that you have AppleScript instaslled on your machine, as
it is a prototype for a forthcoming application. Any and all comments,
suggestions, feature requests welcome as this is a nascent program.

-Sean Allen

for more goodies check out:


#### BINHEX     mac-slip-206-updt.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 16 Jan 95 19:21:13 -0600
From: info@hydepark.com (Rick Watson)
Subject: MacSLIP_2.0.6_Updater.hqx

This updater will update MacSLIP version 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, or
2.0.5 to version 2.0.6. New features in this release include bug
fixes, automatic disconnect, Apple Event support, and a quick
access MacSLIP menu.

Note to archive maintainers: This universal updater replaces older
MacSLIP updaters which updated only one minor version at a time. You
can delete all earlier MacSLIP updaters.

Rick Watson
Hyde Park Software

#### BINHEX     mac-slip-cisco-script.hqx   ****

#### TEXT       mac-slip-netcom-and-tia.txt   ****

Subject: MacSLIP scripts

Here are two MacSLIP scripts that I modified from the sample.script that
comes with MacSLIP. I have used the Netcom script (mac-slip-netcom..) for
some time now without any problems. And it is setup to start The Internet
Adapter (TIA) on a Netcom shell account. The UUNet script
(mac-slip-uunet..) is one I just modified to work on my UUNet PPP account.
So far it seems to work OK.

I hope these scripts help others get up on their accounts in less time than
it took me.

Frank E. Smith (fesmith@netcom.com soon to be fesmith@beartooth.com)

# Sample.script
# This is a generic script for logging into a SLIP/PPP server
# You may need to modify it to work with your SLIP/PPP server or
# use one of the more specific scripts.

#### BINHEX     mac-to-mac-slip-scripts.hqx   ****

From: aviola@conicit.ve (cristian)
Subject: Mac to Mac SLIP scripts

This is something I hacked up for a friend, who wanted to do CU-SEE ME over
a plain telephone connection. That is, not having to connect to an internet
provider, and definitely NOT using Apple Remote access, which would mean
loading lots of resources, and taking extra useful RAM. (Which could be
useful for running CU-SEE ME, or any other TCP/IP application). My friend
had no idea about scripting, and I did, so I found a great solution.
What this will do for you, is establish an authentic TCP/IP connection
betwwen 2 macs, using a regular telephone connection, so that you can use
all your typical TCP/IP software. I can't think of anything REALLY cool to
do with this, except for CU-SEE ME. This will only work at acceptable
speeds using a 28.8 bps modem.

I have heard lots of people wanting a macintosh SLIP host. This will almost
do that for you but obviously only 1 connection at a time will be accepted.

I have no relation to Hyde Park Software. In fact, I don't even use MacSLIP.
It seems to be that something like this cannot be done with InterSLIP due
to it's lack of scripting facilities. If you think it can be done, e-mail

I am the author of these scripts and I think they are pretty ingenious.
All I ask if you use them, is to e-mail me and tell me if you liked them,
or even send me a postcard (yeah, I have one already, but keep them
coming!) Also, tell me if you find any other uses for it, apart from
Feel free to distribute these scripts, but include the READ ME file. Do not
distibute modified versions. I want to get feedback on bugs and problems,
and keep an updated version on the archives.
Do NOT include on CD ROMS without my consent.

My e-mail is:

#### BINHEX     mactcp-206-updt.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1994 23:33:16 -0800
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: MacTCP 2.0.x to 2.0.6 updaters, full set

This archive contains, along with the readme and the release notes, four
updaters. Two are for AdminTCP and two are for plain old MacTCP (for those
who don't know administrators can use AdminTCP to set MacTCP and lock those
settings so users cannot change them).

What's important about these updaters is that one set takes AdminTCP or
MacTCP from version 2.0.2 directly to version 2.0.6, and the other set
takes AdminTCP or MacTCP from version 2.0.4 to version 2.0.6. In other
words, the updaters contained in this archive ought to hold you, no matter
what version of MacTCP or AdminTCP 2.0.x you have. You can also get these
updaters from Apple directly at:


If you've already updated your copy of MacTCP, don't bother downloading
this file; there's nothing that's actually different in the resulting

Finally, I cannot stress highly enough that these updaters work only on a
CLEAN copy of MacTCP or AdminTCP that's never been opened or otherwise
modified. You MUST get a copy from your original disk to update (or attempt
the not-guaranteed ResEdit hack that we reported on in TidBITS#256):


Please, please don't complain to me if you can't figure out how to get a
clean copy of MacTCP. There's basically nothing I can do to help you other
than provide the information above, in TidBITS#256, and (for people who
have MacTCP from Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh), my Web site (and I'm
getting way too much email these days :-)).


cheers ... -Adam

Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor -- ace@tidbits.com -- info@tidbits.com
    Author of Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh -- iskm@tidbits.com
             Internet Explorer Kit for Macintosh --  iek@tidbits.com
                Internet Starter Kit for Windows -- iskw@tidbits.com

#### BINHEX     mactcp-netswitch-20.hqx   ****

From: david walton <dwalton1@darwin.cc.nd.edu>
Subject: MacTCP Netswitch 2.0
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 20:32:48 -0500 (EST)

MacTCP Netswitch 2.0
Copyright 1994-1995, University of Notre Dame, Office of 
University Computing; written by David Walton (David.Walton.10@nd.edu)

MacTCP Netswitch is a Macintosh control panel designed to automati-
cally reconfigure MacTCP for those who move their Macintoshes from 
network to network.  Netswitch uses information about your AppleTalk 
connection to swap in a MacTCP prep file from a group of pre-
configured prep files.  It selects a file based on a) whether a net-
work is connected; b) the name of the AppleTalk zone you are in; 
c) the AppleTalk network link specified in the Network control panel.  

Netswitch will resolve any aliases to a file server, making it pos-
sible to store some prep files on a centrally-maintained file server; 
aliases may be mixed with actual files, allowing a single set of prep 
files for both on- and off-network configurations.  Although written 
for PowerBook users, it is potentially useful for anyone who moves a 
machine from location to location.  Since it can use aliases to a cen-
tral file server, it can also be used to configure an entire group of 
machines by distributing an alias to a central collection of prep 
files (provided dynamic or server-based addressing is used).  For more
information, read the guide that is distributed with this package.

Version 2.0 is a significant update to earlier versions.  Users of 
earlier versions are encouraged to upgrade.  The price is still free.  

Netswitch 2.0 requires System 7.0 or later.  

This package includes three items:

1.  This README file.
2.  The MacTCP Netswitch control panel.
3.  The MacTCP Netswitch Guide, in Microsoft Word format.

This software is free of charge, and you may re-distribute it, but 
please read the distribution restrictions in the accompanying guide 
before you do so.

3 January 1995

#### BINHEX     mactcp-retransmit-patch.hqx   ****

From "igorl@uiuc.edu (Igor Livshits)" Tue Aug 24 18:03:30 1993
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1993 11:30:09 -0500
From: igorl@uiuc.edu (Igor Livshits)
Subject: MacTCP patch

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


This is a little application that will alter the MacTCP driver to
incorporate Peter Lewis' patch.  You will need a virgin copy of MacTCP,
version 1.1.1 for this process.  MacTCP 1.1.1 is not included in this
upload -- it is a commercial product.  I also understand that this problem
is fixed in MacTCP 2.03 and the upcoming MacTCP 3.

Please report any problems to igorl@uiuc.edu.  Many thanks to Peter for
providing the patch information in the first place and Michael Hecht for
the splendid utility ResCompare that compiled this patch.

Patch Description
(Stolen and edited from a recent discussion on Nuntius-L)

>Here's how to make the hack:
>Make a copy of MacTCP
>Open the original with ResEdit
>Double click the DRVR icon
>click the entry, and choose Open using Hex Editor (*** HEX EDITOR! ***)
>choose Find Hex (cmd-F I think)
>Enter: 3542 0210 E34A D441 302A 021A B440 6A04 3400 600A
>Find the 302A 021A in the middle, select that, and type 303C 0BB8
>save and close all the windows
>Grab a copy of MacTCP Watcher, and make sure its not doing too much
>retransmission.  Too much is defined as more than about 5 or 10% probably.
>   Peter.
>It is supposed to fix the retransmit bug that has been bothering users with
>"slow" serial lines, usually via modem. It has worked fine for me, although
>it is hard to tell when something suddenly works as expected :-)
>Good luck,

Cheers, Igor

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="MacTCP=_patch"

#### BINHEX     mactcp-switcher-11.hqx   ****

From: John Norstad <j-norstad@nwu.edu>
Subject: MacTCP Switcher 1.1

MacTCP Switcher is a very simple little program that makes it easy to save
and quickly restore multiple MacTCP configurations. This is especially
useful for PowerBook users who carry their PowerBooks around and regularly
use them with different network connections (e.g., SLIP at home and
LocalTalk or Ethernet at work).

Version 1.1 release notes
Fix the "unexpected error -39" error reported by several users. Detect and
report damaged settings files and damaged MacTCP files. Flush volumes after
writing files to prevent file damage caused by susequent unrelated system
crashes. Improve error messages. Switch from Think C to CodeWarrior and the
universal header files.

#### BINHEX     net-mac-2-3-67.hqx   ****

From: vanGaalen@caiw.nl
Subject: NET/Mac 2.3.67

NET/Mac v2.3.67 was born...

For those who don't know NET/Mac...   NET/Mac is the application that
supports TCP/IP over packet-radio, which means, that hamradio operators
can use NET/Mac for their wireless TCP/IP network...

In this version of NET/Mac the following mods/features were implemented:

- Made the 'rebootonbaddate' command more realistic

- Added support for ethernet
  (see: the version.c file and the online HELP for the 'attach' command)

- NET/Mac does NOT support the new Buckmaster CD-ROM's HAMCALL
  database yet... I am trying to convince Buckmaster that I need
  the new data-encryption-method, but as of yet they are not ready
  to release a description of the encoding-algorithm...
  The old CD-ROM's remain fully supported...

The latest version of NET/Mac can be downloaded from my homepage:

#### BINHEX     ot-configs-as.hqx   ****

From: kurita@tky0.attnet.or.jp
Subject: OTConfigs - AppleScript addition to configure OT

- OTConfigs is an AppleScript scripting addition.
- It allows you to switch configurations of OpenTransport without having
to open the Control Panels, such as TCP/IP, and PPP.
  For instance, if you have a configration "HyperNet" defined in your
TCP/IP control panel, you can write a script like this:

 change config of OT_TCP to "HyperNet"

  When you execute the above script, TCP/IP configuration gets changed
to the one named "HyperNet".

- The package contains sample AppleScripts, so you can start using it by
just entering the names of configurations you defined in your
OpenTransport Control Panels.
- Very useful if you are a client of mulptiple PPP connections because
you can change TCP/IP and PPP configurations, and then start initiating
a PPP connection by just one action.
- $10 shareware.  (payable online)

Changes from the last version:
No code change.  Mior changes in ReadMe files.

System requirements:
- AppleScript
- OpenTransport

Kurita Yosuke  <kurita@kagi.com>

#### BINHEX     pagoo-40.hqx   ****

From: "Pagoo.com" <mac@pagoo.com>
Subject: Pagoo Call Catcher

Missing calls while on-line? Pagoo Call Catcher is the solution. With Pagoo
Call Catcher, friends just call you as usual and Pagoo records a voice
message that you can listen to on your computer a few seconds later. You
know instantly who called and why, and you decide whether to call them back
or keep surfing the Net. You can save, delete or forward the message to any
email address. You can also record a personal greeting for your callers so
they dont even know youre on-line!

Download the software (requires MacOS 7.6 and above) and sign-up for a free
30 day unlimited trial of Pagoo. After the 30 day free trial you have the
option to purchase the service for $3.95 per month (for a 1 yr.
subscriptions) or $4.95 per month (for a 6-month subscription).

* Version 4.0
* Release date: November 29,1999
* File size: 513Kb
* Minimum requirements: Macintosh 7.6 and above, 16MB RAM, Internet account

#### BINHEX     peacekeeper-68k.hqx   ****

From: nstewart@ican.net
Subject: PeaceKeeper v2.0b1

PeaceKeeper is software that will disconnect your PPP connection at a
specific time.  Useful for anyone who engages in all-night downloads while
sharing a phoneline with family or roommates.
Noah J. Stewart
Biped Design Co.

#### BINHEX     peacekeeper-ppc.hqx   ****

From: nstewart@ican.net
Subject: PeaceKeeper v2.0b1

PeaceKeeper is software that will disconnect your PPP connection at a
specific time.  Useful for anyone who engages in all-night downloads while
sharing a phoneline with family or roommates.
Noah J. Stewart
Biped Design Co.

#### DIRECTORY  ppp   ****

#### BINHEX     pro-link-isdn-scripts-10.hqx   ****

From: SPantke@NetzService.de (Stefan W. Pantke)
Subject: ProLink-scripts

This archive is a collection of three modem scripts to use the
ISDN terminal adapter TKR ProLink (== ELSA MicroLink ISDN/TL V.34)
for communication with OpenTransport/PPP your Mac.

Modem scripts for the following modes are included:
	* Analog mode (V.34)
	* ISDN V.120 mode
	* ISDN X.75 mode

Have fun,

stefan [ SPantke@NetzService.DE  ]

#### BINHEX     quic-config-bitsurfr-106.hqx   ****

From: brad@quicomm.com (Brad Bennett)
Subject: BitSURFR QuicConfig v1.0.5

Quicomm's BitSURFR QuicConfig application provides you with the easiest way
to get your BitSURFR Pro up & running with your Macintosh!

Why struggle through all the parameter settings of your BitSURFR Pro
through AT Commands when you can simply select settings through popup
menus and edit boxes? Save settings in profile documents. Build protocol
setup strings with the Protocol Window.  And upgrading your BitSURFR
Pro's firmware is a breeze with QuicConfig's built-in Y-Modem G
function. We even provide you with the link to Motorola's site where you
can immediately download the latest firmware!

You don't even have to set the port configuration.  Just launch QuicConfig
and it will automatically find your BitSURFR Pro and download the current
switch and protocol configurations.

QuicConfig can be run in demonstration mode before choosing to register.

System requirements:
* System 7.0 or later
* Any Macintosh (680x0 or PowerPC)
* 1 MB free RAM
* Motorola BitSURFR Pro ISDN Modem

For screen shots of QuicConfig, please visit Quicomm's Web site at


Brad Bennett

P.S.  BitSURFR is not a typo.  That is Motorola's name for their ISDN
Terminal Adapter.

We give permission for our program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     radio-net-mac-2-3-65.hqx   ****

From: adam@iag.tno.nl
Subject: NET/Mac2.3.65.sea.hqx

NET/Mac v2.3.65 was born...

For those who don't know NET/Mac...   NET/Mac is the application that
supports TCP/IP over packet-radio, which means, that hamradio operators
can use NET/Mac for their wireless TCP/IP network...

In this version of NET/Mac the following mods/features were implemented:

- For those that want to override the Macintosh-type that NET/Mac has
  reported, there is now a new command: mactype

- NET/Mac does NOT support the new Buckmaster CD-ROM's HAMCALL
  database yet... I am trying to convince Buckmaster that I need
  the new data-encryption-method, but as of yet they are not ready
  to release a description of the encoding-algorithm...
  The old CD-ROM's remain fully supported...

The latest version of NET/Mac can be downloaded from my homepage:
This version obsoletes all versions of info-mac/comm/inet/conn/radio-net-mac
in the Sumex-Aim.stanford.edu (and it's mirror-) archives.
It also replaces /pub/mac/_communicatie/_internet/radio_net_mac_23xx.hqx
on ftp.idg.nl.

The new NET/Mac has (hopefully) been uploaded to:

 - oak.oakland.edu, to the directory /pub/hamradio/mac/digital
 - ftp.ucsd.edu, to directory /hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming.
   If it's not there (anymore), then look at /hamradio/packet/tcpip/mac.
 - hamster.business.uwo.ca, to directory /pub/amsoft
 - wa2zkd mirrors UCSD's incoming on his Landline BBS. Ham's w/o ftp
   can call 716-544-1863 or 2645.

NET/Mac will be uploaded to PI1HVH.AMPR.ORG, directory c:/public/mac.

Adam PA2AGA e-mail: a.vangaalen@nitg.tno.nl    for mail to my office
                or: adam@caiw.nl               for private or hamradio mail

#### BINHEX     scr-annex-itg.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     scr-annex-mark-verber.hqx   ****

#### TEXT       scr-annex-notes.txt   ****

Greetings.  These scripts have been kindly donated by various and
sundry denizens of the net.  There is no guarantee by anyone that they
will work in your situation; however, better to start with something
that works for somebody somewhere than to start completely in the dark.


Extension     File is                    Transfer As
---------     -------                    -----------
.bin          MacBinary                  MacBinary
.hqx          BinHex'd                   Ascii
.image        Disk Image                 MacBinary
.sea          Self-Extracting Archive    MacBinary
.sit          StuffIt                    MacBinary
.txt          Text                       Ascii

MacBinary files should be transferred in Binary mode between any
intervening systems and in MacBinary when transferred to a Macintosh
(eg Binary transfer from ftp.intercon.com to gateway.foo.com; MacBinary
transfer from gateway.foo.com to mac.foo.com).

#### BINHEX     scr-annex-ucberkeley.hqx   ****

#### TEXT       scr-cisco-script.txt   ****

! InterSLIP gateway script for Cisco terminal server
! Label 99 is the general purpose error handler, which beeps
! and pauses long enough for the user to read the message.
! First, we wait for the user name prompt
note "Waiting for prompt"
matchstr 1 1 "Username: "
matchread 50
note "No username prompt"
jump 99
! Now, send the user name and wait for the password prompt
@label 1
note "Sending user name"

#### TEXT       scr-express-modem-bd.txt   ****

! "Express Modem AppleTalk Remote Access Script - 12/10/92 - V1.0"
! Modified by Bill Dickson for InterSLIP dialup, 09/26/93
!      o Allow activation of compression and error correction
!      o Decrease @LABEL18 delay before exit to facilitate gateway login script
! first recall the factory configuration
settries 0
matchstr 1 3 "OK\13\10"
write "AT&F\13"
matchread 30
iftries 2 59

#### TEXT       scr-freds-zen-interslip-script.txt   ****

! (c) copyright 1994, Fred Morris, Seattle, WA. You may post this file
! to your favorite ftp site or on-line service one time, provided
! that you e-mail me telling me where.  You may share this file with
! your friends or clients provided that you do not charge them for it
! per se. Exceptions: Elliotte Harold, you have to ask before you
! even use it;  Adam Engst, you can do anything you want with it;
! InterConn, you can include this script with InterSLIP if you wish.
! Contact me via e-mail at m3047@halcyon.com,  or finger that account
! for additional information.  Yeah, I am a guru, but I believe in the
! cult of experience and I don't suffer fools;  you've been warned,
! think carefully before importuning me with questions that you could
! have answered on your own in the time it takes you to compose e-mail
! and me to answer it.
! Fred's zen way InterSLIP dialing script.  It's simple.  It's easy to
! understand.  It won't cook your breakfast.  It does what it does
! and that's it.  Retry on busy was added at Adam Engst's request.
! Written as a reaction to the pompous and intricate-to-the-point-of
! -fragility crap that modem manufacturers and Apple itself ship.
! Your modem must be configured to send CONNECT and BUSY responses for

#### BINHEX     scr-gv-teleport-gold-bd.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     scr-gv-teleport-mercury.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 26 Feb 1994 16:44:14 -1000
To: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
From: rscross@halcyon.halcyon.com (Richard S. Cross)
Subject: Re: GV Teleport Mercury

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>Yes please! Just send it along via email and I'll post it.
>cheers ... -Adam
O.K. Adam

Here it is:-)

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="GV_Mercury_(SLIP)"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="GV_Mercury_(SLIP)"

#### BINHEX     scr-ids-world-network.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 02:08:35 -0500

From: billpr@ids.net (Bill J. Parker)

Subject: InterSLIP Gateway for the IDS World Network


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

 The attatched file is an InterSLIP Gateway Script I've written for the IDS

World Network ( I wrote some instructions at the top of the

script, to explain it a little. The script works with the current IDS

Gateway (July 1994), and will be updated as the gateway changes.

 The file has been checked with Disinfectant 3.5

Please post to the archives.


Content-Type: text/plain; name="scr-IDS-BJP.hqx"; charset="us-ascii"

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="scr-IDS-BJP.hqx"

#### TEXT       scr-ids-world-network.txt   ****

Date: Fri, 4 Nov 1994 17:46:24 -0600
From: billpr@ids.net (Bill J. Parker)
Subject: comm/tcp/scr-ids-world-network

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

 The attatched file is an InterSLIP Gateway Script I've written for the IDS
World Network ( I wrote some instructions at the top of the
script, to explain it a little. The script works with the current IDS
Gateway (July 1994), and will be updated as the gateway changes.
 The file has been checked with Disinfectant 3.5

Please post to the archives.


#### BINHEX     scr-interslip-tia-netcom.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 26 Mar 1995 16:55:42 -0800
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: InterSLIP script for TIA on Netcom

This is a script written by Steve Michel for use with InterSLIP and TIA on
Netcom. Drop it in your Gateway Scripts folder in the InterSLIP folder
inside the Preferences folder, and relaunch InterSLIP before trying to
select it in the Gateway popup menu.

#### TEXT       scr-minimal-dialing-script.txt   ****

! Original script by Fred Morris
! Modifications and comments by Adam C. Engst
! 21-Feb-94 = Added redial feature (ACE)

! Initialize mode from string in InterSLIP configuration
note "Initializing modem"
write "^4\13"
pause 20
! Dial modem from number in InterSLIP configuration
note "Dialing ^1"
write "atdt^1\13"
! Check only for BUSY or CONNECT, then redial or connect
matchstr 1 10 "BUSY"
matchstr 2 20 "CONNECT"
matchread 500

@label 10
! The line is busy, so let's redial the modem indefinitely
! This will also redial after the (matchread 500) timeout if you get endless rings

#### TEXT       scr-northwest-nexus.txt   ****

! InterSLIP gateway script for Morthwest Nexus
! 01-Nov-93: Increased all matchread statements to 500
note "Waiting for prompt"
matchstr 1 1 "login:"
matchread 500
note "Gateway not responding!"
exit -1
@label 1
note "Sending user name"
write "^5\13"
matchstr 1 2 "Password:"
matchread 500
note "Gateway not responding!"

#### BINHEX     scr-supra-v32bis-script-ah.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     scr-suprafax-v32bis-cf.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     server-bot-12r1.hqx   ****

From: tjb@inch.com
Subject: ServerBot 1.2r1

     Welcome to Server Bot. This application is intended to help internet 
based servers using Open Transport and OT/PPP to stay connected to the 
internet. The Bot will watch the state of your PPP connection, and if it 
finds that the connection is idle, it will quit the server, reconnect 
PPP, and reboot the server. This application is intended to replace my 
other server based Bot applications(WebStarBot, HotlineServerBot) with 
one that will work with any kind of server application.
     This Bot is a simple script application which stays open in the 
background. It does this without a real interface of any kind. While the 
Bot is running, if your PPP connection is idle (or dropped), it will 
attempt to log on to your ISP. If you are connected, it will wait 
patiently for 15, 30, or 60 seconds before checking again. It is designed 
to act without any dialogs that require the user to be present, so if you 
want to maintain an active PPP connection while you are away, or asleep, 
or whatever...
     This release is a simple bug fix. I have, hopefully, eliminated the 
need to double tell the Bot where the server application is. Once should 
be enough. Second, I have found the "can't set item name" problem and 
eliminated that. I also changed the dialog text very slightly in two of 
the dialogs. These were all minor problems, but they annoyed me greatly.

System requirements:
     1. AppleScript must be installed on your system. This is a standard 
part of the MacOS these days, so it should be installed if you are 
running any version of System 7.5 or higher including OS8. I will try to 
keep it working for as long as Apple supports OT/PPP and AppleScript. The 
standard install of AppleScript includes a set of osaxen (scripting 
additions). I rely on the standard osaxen, and they must be installed on 
your system.
     2. You must be running OT/PPP, not FreePPP. In addition, you must 
have the PPP Commands Osax installed in your scripting additions folder. 
If you did a standard install of OT/PPP, then this scripting addition is 
already installed for you.
     3. You must have Sändi's Additions installed. Sändi's Additions is a 
free Osax, available from the usual sources (InfoMac, UMich, the 
AppleScript resource sites), or from my scripting page at 
     4. You must have Jon¹s Commands installed. Jon¹s Commands is 
available from Info-Mac archives or from Jon Pugh¹s page at 

For more information, visit my web page at 
or email me at tjb@inch.com

Tom Bovo

#### BINHEX     tcp-cc-11.hqx   ****

From: tkelly@sc.edu (Tim Kelly)
Subject: TCP CC 1.1

TCP CC 1.1 replaces TCP CC 1.0.2 (nee TCP Switcher) which is on the
mirrors. OT/PPP CC 1.1 and Modem CC 1.1 are brand new.

This simple control strip module is for use with Open Transport and allows
one to change between TCP/IP configurations without going through the
control panel.  If you have more than one way to connect to the Internet
with your Mac (like PPP and Ethernet), you should make configurations for
each method and switch between configurations instead of changing the
setting in the default configuration. In order to use TCP Configuration
Changer (TCP CC) to make changing configurations easy, first set up the
configurations you would like to use through TCP/IP. Use the Configurations
option under the File menu in TCP/IP to set up each configuration. This
module will recognize them immediately. The handy Open... feature allows
one to open TCP/IP from the module if changes are desired to the

TCP Configuration Changer is buckware. If you like the product, send me a
buck. I think that there is room for a new form of software consisting of
small utilities such as this that would go under the category "buckware".
Pay a buck, add a nifty gadget that makes life a little easier.

TCP CC requires Open Transport.

#### BINHEX     tcp-ip-switcher-10b1.hqx   ****

Subject: TCP/IP Switcher 1.0b1
From: runt@inch.com (World Domination Headquarters)

[F]ixes a bug in the previous version. This program is MacTCP
Switcher for Macintoshes running open transport.

-Sean Allen

for more goodies check out:


#### BINHEX     x-timer-196.hqx   ****

From: 72764.1072@compuserve.com (Eric Long)
Subject: XTimer v1.9.6

(This release is the v1.9.6 release, but with a much smaller
installer size than the intial 1.9.6 release.)

No timer tracks like XTimer! FreePPP/MacPPP tracking. Open/Close
PPP connections. AOL & CompuServe tracking-- and TRACKS WITH
CLARIS EMAILER! Automatic Rate and Log management. Detailed
Session Logging. Auto-Launcher. And Much more! Req. System 7.
68000 compatible. Minor fix in update. Lower reg. fee: $10
(Kagi Avail.) Removed shareware splash screen.

#### BINHEX     zap-tcp-12.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 11:38:02 -0600 
From: mlbizer@bongo.cc.utexas.edu (Marc Bizer)
Subject: ZapTCP 1.2 

Dear Moderators,
        I'm enclosing a heavily-demanded TCP utility extension which does
the following:

>The INIT works by installing a system-wide patch which takes control when 
>an application quits (or is quit by a forced MacsBug "es").  When it runs, 
>the code scans through all of the currently open MacTCP streams and 
>connections, looking for those that have their stream buffers allocated 
>within the heap that is about to disappear.  When ZapTCP finds a stream 
>whose buffers are about to become no-man's land, it forces the connection 
>closed and releases the stream, posting a notification to the user.

        Yours truly,