Abstracts from files in info-mac/app/ss as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX 2-lava-lamps.hqx **** From: jasonrainbows@mindspring.com Subject: 2LavaLamps 2LavaLamps An AfterDark ScreenSaver Module by Jason Rainbows' Magic Theatre E-Mail: rainbow@kagi.com http://www.mindspring.com/~jasonrainbows Requires: Macintosh, AfterDark, color monitor. Two lava lamps to amuse your eyes while you and your Mac are idle. Transport your Mac back in time, to a place where there's bean-bag chairs, 8-track tapes, florescent posters, op-art wallpaper, and incense fuming in a brass holder next to the copy of "The Last Whole Earth Catalogue" while Neil Diamond sings "Lordy" from the album on the turntable. For those of you who are too young to remember those days, allow me to enlighten you... Several years ago, your ancestors (those old people you see all the time) used the lava lamp as a soothing centerpiece and powerful aphrodasiac. Combined with intoxicating beverages and the right kind of music, the lava lamp was a powerful tool in the hands of the right person. It can work for YOU too! Try it! But you'll have to get your OWN lava lamp. In the meantime, here's a nifty screensaver that you can practice with. It features, not one, but TWO lava lamps! Lava lamps in STEREO! Double the pleasure, double the fun. I can hardly contain my excitement. (NOTE TO AOL USERS: I was being sarcastic when I said "I could hardly contain my excitement", it's not really THAT exciting to watch a lava lamp) This module is made possible by "The Chicken Man of Ackron Ohio", who creates editable modules for AfterDark ScreenSaver. Thanks Tom! Look for more Goodies by Jason Rainbows Magic Theatre at the website; http://www.mindspring.com/~jasonrainbows/ Peace, -Jason Rainbows rainbow@kagi.com http://www.mindspring.com/~jasonrainbows "littera scripta manet - non omnis moriar" #### BINHEX ad-launcher-11-fr.hqx **** From: andreas@ibrium.se Subject: AD Launcher 1.1 Fr - MacDim screensaver module AD Launcher 1.1 French Version AD Launcher is a MacDim screensaver module that launches the freeware and shareware AfterDark modules. This PPC/68k stand-alone program can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 System requirements: System 7.0 or later, Color Quickdraw Main changes in v1.1: - Much quicker launch and quit - Shorter random-time if error message is shown - Displays shareware dialog - Fixed problem with moving finder icons - Some various bug fixes For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright © 1998-99 Ibrium HB ------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, Andreas Rydh Ibrium HB #### BINHEX ad-launcher-11-jp.hqx **** From: andreas@ibrium.se Subject: AD Launcher 1.1 J - MacDim screensaver module AD Launcher 1.1 Japanese Version AD Launcher is a MacDim screensaver module that launches the freeware and shareware AfterDark modules. This PPC/68k stand-alone program can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 System requirements: System 7.0 or later, Color Quickdraw Main changes in v1.1: - Much quicker launch and quit - Shorter random-time if error message is shown - Displays shareware dialog - Fixed problem with moving finder icons - Some various bug fixes For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright © 1998-99 Ibrium HB ------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, Andreas Rydh Ibrium HB #### BINHEX ad-launcher-111.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: AD Launcher 1.1.1 - MacDim screensaver module AD Launcher 1.1.1 AD Launcher is a MacDim screensaver module that launches the freeware and shareware AfterDark modules. This PPC/68k stand-alone program can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later Main changes in v1.1.1: - Fixed the bundle bit - should now appear as a real program - Now opens the present folder in the select folder dialog At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX adventure-man-2000.hqx **** From: Tom Angleberger <toma@tw1.roanoke.com> Subject: AdventureMan.sit ADVENTURE MAN Cheer on Adventure Man as he tries to save the Village, the Prime Minister, maybe even the WORLD! Daring stunts! Nailbiting action! Will he make it in time? A screensaver module with a plot! Seriously addictive! My all-time best is finally adapted for iMac, G4s and big monitors! And improvements have been made to the "classic" AdvMan for you folks using 640x480 monitors, too! For use with Darkside or Afterdark. It's Freeware from HCS. Include on any CD or other compilation. #### BINHEX blackwatch-155.hqx **** From: "Ken McLeod" <thecloud@apple.com> Subject: [FTP] BlackWatch 1.5.5 [File "blackwatch-155.sit.hqx" uploaded to <ftp://info-mac.org/>] BlackWatch is a screen saver application that provides the ability to lock your screen with password protection. It's small, quick, simple, compatible, and free. BlackWatch runs on any Macintosh (or Mac-compatible) computer capable of running System 7.0 or later. This includes everything from the Macintosh Plus to the Power Macintosh G4. The application is distributed as a "fat" binary, with native code for both 68K and PowerPC machines. It will run in 64K of RAM (128K or more is recommended). This version is a maintenance release that fixes several bugs. #### BINHEX chaos-zoom-10.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: ChaosZoom 1.0 - MacDim screensaver module ChaosZoom 1.0 ChaosZoom is a MacDim module that renders some incredible graphics on your screen. This is not a movie - it is real time, never ending calculations! ChaosZoom is a PPC stand-alone program which can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX chronos-10.hqx **** From:"Pierre-Olivier Latour" <pol@french-touch.net> Subject:Chronos 1.0 Chronos is the first high-quality real-time 3D screen saver for the Mac. Anybody knows that screen savers are not really useful, but they are nice. What about a new generation of screen savers? You're tired of seeing always the same flat 2D screen saver? You've got a brand new G3 and want a screen saver that use the power of the new Rage 128? What about having cool animations that will blow your PC friends still using the Windoze standard screen saver with that jerky 3D text animation? The answer is Chronos: Chronos is the only real-time 3D screen saver with awesome performances for the Mac. All you need is a PowerMac with 3D acceleration. And most of all, Chronos is freeware! Furthermore, you can easily create your own screen saver modules using Fusion, French Touch 3D edtiting program. The possibilities are infinite but only limited by your imagination: for example you can create a module containing an animated version of the logo of your company. Chronos may be freely distributed by online services, bulletin boards, shareware collection CDs or non-profit user groups, as long as it is not modified. This software may not be included in any commercial package without the authorization of French Touch. © French Touch Softwares 1999 #### BINHEX cosmos-clock-ppc.hqx **** From: neal@sybilmedia.com Subject: Screensaver This award winning screensaver counts the time to a user specified target date. The Cosmos Clock defaults to counting down to the year 2000. In addition to counting to a date in the future, the Cosmos Clock can also tell you the time since an event occured. Besides being a very functional screensaver, the clock is filled with 3d animated graphics of all the planets of the solar system. << Neal Desai - mailto:neal@sybilmedia.com Sybil Media 422 Lovett St, Houston, TX 77006 http://www.sybilmedia.com >> #### BINHEX cs-demo.hqx **** From: rickw@magna.com.au Subject: CyberStretch by Jazzercise: An interactive Screensaver Product: Cyberstretch by Jazzercise Version: 1.0 Demo: 30 day Abstract: CyberStretch is an innovative new software program that offers energizing stretch breaks to reduce tension and repetitive stress injuries in an easy-to-use interactive screensaver format. It consists of 26 body-specific, timed stretches (in full color illustrations) and 26 action tips (vision and relaxation breaks, posture checks and fitness tips). CyberStretch is designed to: * Allow the user to work at a computer in greater comfort. * Provide the user with needed posture, relaxation, vision and fitness breaks. * Offer body-specific, timed stretches; all stretches are physiologist-approved. * Help reduce muscle tension and the risk of a repetitive stress injury. * Improve "environ-mentality" by increasing ergonomic awareness. * Enhance the mind and body by reducing physical and mental stress. * Address workplace issues mandated by governmental agencies. * Enhance productivity. * Run on Macintosh and Windows. System requirements: * System 7.1 or better including System 8.1 * Power Macintosh or 68040 recommended * 10 MB of hard drive space * Works best with the PowerPC For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our Web page: http://www.cyberstretch.com/ ----------------------------------------- Thanks, Richard Wylie CyberStretch LLC http://www.cyberstretch.com/ #### BINHEX desktop-screensaver.hqx **** From: richlove@carnation-software.com Subject: Desktop Screen Saver Desktop Screen Saver uses your currently selected desktop picture as the screen saver picture. It will display your desktop picture after your Mac has been idle for awhile. It will also run a slide show of your Desktop Pictures. $10.00 Shareware Required Mac OS 8.5 Rich Love - Carnation Software, Inc. Terminal emulations for Macintosh. Email Checker, Carnation Desktop Pictures, Desktop Screen Saver, Index & Shutdown and QuitAll Visit our home page at: http://www.carnation-software.com #### BINHEX emeev.hqx **** From: engaging@gte.net Subject: emeev "English-EspaÒol Vocabulary" English-Español Vocabulary is a set of packs for Pairs(tm), the freeware screen saver from Engaging Media(tm), that helps you learn business-related words, names of objects, and pure cognates. Via Carlos and Catalina (Apple's Mexican-Spanish voices), Pairs can can speak the Spanish in these three packs. System requirements: * System 7.5.1+ * After Dark 3.0d+ * Pairs 1.1+ For more information about Pairs, please visit http://www.engaging.com/html/enfrpa.html . For info about more Pairs packs, please visit http://www.engaging.com/html/enfrpp.html . Thanks, Kirk Mahoney, Ph.D. Engaging Media http://www.engaging.com/ #### BINHEX emp-12-net.hqx **** From: engaging@gte.net Subject: emp12net.sit "Pairs 1.2" Pairs(tm) 1.2 is a freeware screen saver for After Dark that presents pairs of text strings in random order from a Pairs pack, displays associated images, speaks(!), comes with "101 Marketing Ideas" pack, is extensible with free packs from Engaging Media(tm), and is customizable with your logo art and packs. New features since version 1.1: * Pairs is ~2% smaller, due to recompilation with new compiler. * Logo art from EM is cleaner and appears less frequently. * "How to Configure Pairs" (.PDF/.TXT) replaces "How to Use Pairs" app, with "How to Customize Pairs" app now available in a separate download. System requirements: * System 7.5.1+ * After Dark 3.0d+ For more information about Pairs, please visit http://www.engaging.com/html/enfrpa.html . For info about more Pairs packs, please visit http://www.engaging.com/html/enfrpp.html . For info about Pairs customization, please visit http://www.engaging.com/html/ensepc.html . Thanks, Kirk Mahoney, Ph.D. Engaging Media http://www.engaging.com/ #### BINHEX emp-200.hqx **** From: engaging@gte.net Subject: Pairs 2.0.0 Pairs(tm) 2.0.0 is a freeware screen saver for After Dark that presents pairs of text strings in random order from a Pairs pack, displays associated images, speaks(!), comes with "101 Marketing Ideas" pack, is extensible with free packs from Engaging Media(tm), and is customizable with your logo art and packs. New features since version 1.2: * Pairs 2.0.0 requires 2.0-compliant Pairs packs. * Pairs Customization Kit replaces customization service. System requirements: * System 7.5.1+ * After Dark 3.0d+ For more information about Pairs, please visit http://www.engaging.com/en_so_pairs_world.html . To subscribe to the Pairs Announcements List, start at http://pairs_announcements.listbot.com/ . Thanks, Kirk Mahoney, Ph.D. Engaging Media http://www.engaging.com/ #### BINHEX emts.hqx **** Subject: FTP emts.sit "Tool Shortcuts" Sent: 2/27/98 9:48 AM Received: 2/27/98 10:10 AM From: Kirk Mahoney, Ph.D., engaging@gte.net Reply-To: kmahoney@engaging.com To: archivist@info-mac.org Dear Archivist, This file replaces the older version already in your archive in the Screen Savers directory: app/ss/emms.hqx I have checked this program for viruses with Disinfectant. I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. Abstract: Tool Shortcuts is a set of packs for Pairs(tm), the freeware screen saver from Engaging Media(tm), that helps you master the keyboard shortcuts to nearly every tool from Adobe and Macromedia. System requirements: * System 7.5.1+ * After Dark 3.0d+ * Pairs 1.1+ For more information about Pairs, please visit http://www.engaging.com/html/enfrpa.html . For info about more Pairs packs, please visit http://www.engaging.com/html/enfrpp.html . Thanks, Kirk Mahoney, Ph.D. Engaging Media http://www.engaging.com/ #### BINHEX emwc.hqx **** From: engaging@gte.net Subject: emwc.sit "World Codes" World Codes is a set of eleven packs for Pairs(tm), the freeware screen saver from Engaging Media(tm), that helps mailers, flyers, and dialers master the following topics: Airports; Area Codes (NANP); Calling Codes; Countries (ISO 3166); Currencies (ISO 4217); Languages (ISO 639); NATO Phonetic Alphabet; Secondary Unit Designators; Street Suffixesl; US 3-Digit ZIP Codes; US States+Possessions. System requirements: * System 7.5.1+ * After Dark 3.0d+ * Pairs 1.1+ For more information about Pairs, please visit http://www.engaging.com/html/enfrpa.html . For info about more Pairs packs, please visit http://www.engaging.com/html/enfrpp.html . Thanks, Kirk Mahoney, Ph.D. Engaging Media http://www.engaging.com/ #### BINHEX euclids-dream.hqx **** From: Aaron Golden <aegolden@mac.com> Subject: Euclid's Dream v1.0 Euclid's Dream v1.0 by Aaron Golden (aegolden@mac.com) This is a smooth, relaxing screen saver in which three dimensional shapes grow, shrink, and morph as they fold in between one another. The colors of the shapes fade randomly between hues as their intensities cycle between very bright and very dim. The screen saver was written with Cocoa for Mac OS X, using OpenGL for 3d rendering. #### BINHEX federation-screen-saver.hqx **** From: Power Mac User <niteowl69@mac.com> Subject: Submission "Federation Screen Saver 1.0" United Federation of Planets Star Fleet Command Screen Saver Version 1.0 Federation Screen Saver is a Mac OS X screen saver featuring a 360 degree rotating logo of the United Federation of Planets from Star Trek The Next Generation. #### BINHEX fracture-12.hqx **** From: Ben Haller <bhaller@sticksoftware.com> Subject: Fracture.dmg.gz 1.2 Fracture is a screensaver that draws fractal images. These are images created from mathematical formulas, and are often very beautiful. It can draw a variety of types of fractals, and is very configurable. This is version 1.2 of Fracture. New in this version: Added an option to save every completed image Added online version checking Revised registration processing Fracture's home page: http://www.sticksoftware.com/software/Fracture.html Stick Software's home page: http://www.sticksoftware.com/ Stick Software email: support@sticksoftware.com Fracture may be included on CD-ROMs. ------------------------------------------ Ben Haller Stick Software #### BINHEX geometrix-15.hqx **** From: David Garcea <dreamflask@mac.com> Subject: GeoMetriX 1.5 - A Setting Sun Fader GeoMetrix is a plugin to a terrific program called Setting Sun. Each Setting Sun plugin, which are called Faders, are screen savers. More information as well as screen shots of GeoMetriX can be found here http://www.geocities.com/dreamflask/GeoMetriX/. Requirements: Setting Sun 1.4 available at http://www.webthing.net/settingsun/ A PowerPC processor running at least MacOS 8.1 GeoMetriX may be included on the commercially available CD-ROM of the archives. #### BINHEX gs-itmotn.hqx **** From: jonrelay@napanet.net Subject: Gammasoft ItMotN This program is a screen saver program. It will let you select a module to use as a screen saver. To activate it, launch the ItMotN Backgrounder application and leave it in the background. To select a module or change other settings, open the ItMotN Setup file. Unlike other Gammasoft programs, this file does not need the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. It has it's own runtime engine built-in. If you have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine: When you decompress this folder, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the ItMotN Backgrounder file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. #### BINHEX guts.hqx **** From: jasonrainbows@mindspring.com Subject: G.U.T.S. requires AfterDark module, "Headlines" Gonzo Utilities Tech Suggestions (G.U.T.S.) an AfterDark ScreenSaver Module by Jason Rainbows' Magic Theatre E-Mail: rainbow@kagi.com URL: http://www.mindspring.com/~jasonrainbows Requires: Any version of AfterDark Screensaver and the module "Headlines". This module will even run on the early 1-bit Macs and is highly recommended for old machines! Gonzo Utilities Tech Suggestions (G.U.T.S.) is a BAD tech-support quote randomizer. It generates random tech-support phrases. For example; "The reason why you can't get anything creative done on this beautiful machine is because somebody left a casaba behind the Root Junction Anticipator." or... "I usually charge an arm-and-a-leg for my advice, but I'll just charge the price of my vet bill as we speak." and... "If you attach the Klein Bottle Densitometer to the Excremeditator Device, your machine will have a bad hair day." A clever randomizing technique makes the phrases different each time. WARNING!! Don't take any of this ScreenSaver's advice seriously! It's an insane creation that should be kept in the corner of the room, muttering to itself, where it will do nobody any harm. If you laugh or make fun of its ranting, you'll just encourage it to be more insane, so don't waste your breath. That being said, you now know what you're getting into with this G.U.T.S. module. If you're easily offended or stupid, you might want to pass on this one. On the other hand - if you feel that you need a gentle nudge in the direction of that fine line between sanity and surreality - ...well, who am I to keep you from achieving your goals? If you're just a normal person, like me, you'll seriously doubt the sanity of the person who wrote it. Since I'm a normal person, like you, then I must be okay if I wrote it. I'm okay, you're okay. Okay? Good. -Jason Rainbows rainbow@kagi.com http://www.mindspring.com/~jasonrainbows "littera scripta manet - non omnis moriar" #### BINHEX hiswa.hqx **** From:"Hendrik-Jan van Dijk" <hendrikjan@explainerdc.com> Subject:Hiswa Screensaver A great animated screensaver with a water sports theme Watch the boats, waterskieers, speedboats and the like go by on your screen. A fun design that will certaintly entertain everybody. #### BINHEX hypnoptic-fat-201.hqx **** From: yellowsoft@iol.it Subject: Hynoptic FAT The mad, acid, savescreen of your choice, is here againg! HypnOptic becomes HypnOptic Savescreen System, a modular and customizable package that, better than before, will drive you crazy. The HypnOptic INIT automates the savescreen starting and the HypnOptic Control lets you select your favoured module, the idle time and decide whether the module should play sounds. Furthermore the Control accepts, as module, any kind of file so it may launch, after the inactivity time, the file you want: different savescreen applications, disk defragmentation utilities, the letter you're writing, since one year, to your sweetheart and so on. Modules are stand-alone applications so, if you want, you may use them also without the Control-INIT aid (just like the old HypnOptic), moreover any module is able to play sounds asynchronously. Besides INIT and Control, the HypnOptic Savescreen System package contains four modules: - HypnOptic Classic, the first, original version of the savescreen responsible for, always living, HypnOpticmania. - HypnOptic Standard, based on Classic version with some additional graphic element. It may, casually, use RGB Colors and patterns, in addition to Classic QuickDraw. - OloPpat, it use patterns for creating a simple, but nice, savescreen. - Sixties, a totally new savescreen with a psychedelic feeling... Last, but not least, you may find inside the package a SDK for developing your own savescreen application. The SDK project lets you concentrate only on the creative part of developing: the main, and more tedious, part of work is already done. Even if you're a inexperienced programmer you may easily build your own HypnOptic, stand-alone, module. The SDK contains also a fifth savescreen: HOSDK. HypnOptic Control is Internet Config and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. Author: Rocco Moliterno mailto:yellowsoft@kagi.com http://yellowsoft.tsx.org/ HypnOptic page: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/7162/hypnoptic.html What's new in 2.0.1 version Added Registrations folder. Added Support folder. Graphic inside Control window. Addresses update. Optimized code of all HypnOptic's objects. Removed registration form. #### BINHEX hypnoptic-sdk-201.hqx **** From: yellowsoft@iol.it Subject: Hynoptic SDK If you want to write savescreen, stand-alone, modules for HypnOptic Savescreen System you should use this Software Development Kit. Even if you are a beginner in programming you may build, and sell, your own savescreen application! The SDK project lets you concentrate only on the creative part of developing: the main, and more tedious, part of work is already done. You may simply change the contents of one routine to have a new savescreen. If you're more experienced, instead, you may add routines, change resources and create explosive images. HypnOptic Modules are Appearance savvy and require at least System 7 to run. New since version 2.0.0 Better project setting. Addresses update Author: Rocco Moliterno mailto:yellowsoft@geocities.com http://yellowsoft.tsx.org/ HypnOptic page: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/7162/hypnoptic.html #### BINHEX idim-10.hqx **** From: Vincent Jalby <vjalby@kagi.com> Subject: iDim 1.0, a ScreenSaver module (iDim-1.0.sit.hqx) iDim 1.0 [2000/02/29] by Vincent Jalby, vjalby@kagi.com http://members.aol.com/vjalby/ Product description -------------------- iDim is an application which can be used as a ScreenSaver Module, with MacDim or such utilities. It displays pictures on screen and puts the Mac into sleep mode. (The iMac DV goes into "pulse" mode!) System Requirements ------------------- iDim 1.0 requires MacOS 8.5 and later, and iMac, G3/G4 or PCI PowerMacintosh, and a ScreenSaver that supports application module, like MacDim. Shareware Fee ------------- iDim is freeware. This software may be included on the commercially available CD-ROM of the archives. #### BINHEX igs-twisted-121.hqx **** From: MaxMac@aol.com Subject: igstwisted_1.2.1.sit IGS Twisted is a MacOS X screen saver which goes in the screen saver folder. IGS Twisted is just a bunch of squares in 3D space (using OpenGL). The interesting part is the movement algorithm (independently developed). There are more than 15 different controls adapted to the "psychic vibes" surrounding your computer. Some say it synchronizes to any music playing but it may just be myth. Download and see for yourself. New versions will enable you to control the look and feel of art. New in Version 1.2.1 -Button for opening up the IGS Twisted Home page -Does not choose black as the first color -Main Monitor Only preference option -New Trails Algorithm for less CPU time -Anti-aliasing for better visualization #### BINHEX ilava.hqx **** From: Tom Angleberger <toma@tw1.roanoke.com> Subject: iLava.sit iLava My Lava Lamp screensaver is back with a more realistic setting and new and improved LAVA ACTION! For use with Darkside or Afterdark. It's Freeware from HCS. Include on any CD or other compilation. #### BINHEX ilife.hqx **** From: Tom Angleberger <toma@tw1.roanoke.com> Subject: iLife.sit iLife This colorful screensaver module pits kajillions of microbes against each other in a eye-popping, fast-chomping battle for supremacy of the Petri Dish! In this real-time simulation, you can control the variables that balance life and death * population, speed, size limit and number of microbe species. It's my wildest, fastest screensaver yet! For use with Darkside or Afterdark. It's Freeware from HCS. Include on any CD or other compilation. #### BINHEX imorph.hqx **** From: "Cece Bell" <cecebell@i-plus.net> Subject: iMorph iMorph Gore, Bush, McCain, Bradley and Ventura all get MORPHED with this iMac, G3, G4 screensaver, which randomly morphs photos on the fly. A different goofy picture every time! When you get tired of the candidates just add pictures of your friends or, better yet, your enemies. For use with Darkside or Afterdark. It's Freeware from HCS. Include on any CD or other compilation. #### BINHEX klingon-screen-saver.hqx **** From: Power Mac User <niteowl69@mac.com> Subject: Submission "Klingon Screen Saver 1.0" Klingon Screen Saver Version 1.0 This is a Mac OS X screen saver featuring a 360 degree rotating logo of the Klingon Empire. #### BINHEX le-screen-effects.hqx **** From: Andrew Lindesay <apl@kcbbs.gen.nz> Subject: le-screen-effects.hqx ---------------------------------------------------------------- LEScreenEffects A collection of Screen Effects for MacOS-X written by Andrew Lindesay of Lindesay Electric Released August 2002 http://www.lindesay.co.nz/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Copy the ".saver" bundles to the folder "~/Library/Screen Savers/". So, there should be a "Library" folder in your home folder. In that directory should be a "Screen Savers" folder. Put the ".saver" files from this distribution into there. ----------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX lenny-holiday-bash.hqx **** From: brian@macsourcery.com Subject: Lenny Loosejocks Holiday Bash Screen Saver & Game Ezone, MacSourcery, and the popular web cartoon character Lenny Loosejocks invite you to Lenny's Holiday Bash. When your computer sleeps your desktop is taken over to a by snowfall, music, and Lenny. Switch to interactive mode and turn Lenny into a snowman by mercilessly pelting him with snowballs. The screen saver was made with Cinemac For Director. Copy the Lenny Holiday Bash control panel into the "System" folder and restart your computer. If you would like to change the screen saver's settings, open the Lenny Holiday Bash control panel via the Apple Menu and make your changes. #### BINHEX lighthous-screen-saver.hqx **** #### BINHEX mac-dim-221-fr.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: MacDim 2.2.1Fr - screensaver/dimmer with many features MacDim 2.2.1 French Version MacDim is a popular freeware screensaver/dimmer for Macintosh. Features include dimming, program/module launching, energy saving, and password protection. The MacDim modules Fireballs 1.4.1Fr (shareware $5) and Blackout 1.0.3Fr are included. Main changes in v2.2.1 - Fixed and tested backlight on Powerbook - Now automatically enables program launching when a module is added - Fixed some minor bugs System requirements: System 7.0 or later At the present time these additional MacDim modules have been released: ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX mac-dim-221-jp.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: MacDim 2.2.1J - screensaver/dimmer with many features MacDim 2.2.1 Japanese Version MacDim is a popular freeware screensaver/dimmer for Macintosh. Features include dimming, program/module launching, energy saving, and password protection. The MacDim modules Fireballs 1.4.1J (shareware $5) and Blackout 1.0.3J are included. Main changes in v2.2.1 - Fixed and tested backlight on Powerbook - Now automatically enables program launching when a module is added - Fixed some minor bugs System requirements: System 7.0 or later At the present time these additional MacDim modules have been released: ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX mac-dim-221.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: MacDim 2.2.1 - screensaver/dimmer with many features MacDim version 2.2.1 MacDim is a popular freeware screensaver/dimmer for Macintosh. Features include dimming, program/module launching, energy saving, and password protection. The MacDim modules Fireballs 1.4.1 (shareware $5) and Blackout 1.0.3 are included. Main changes in v2.2.1 - Fixed and tested backlight on Powerbook - Now automatically enables program launching when a module is added - Fixed some minor bugs System requirements: System 7.0 or later At the present time these additional MacDim modules have been released: ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX mega-pak.hqx **** From: tomangleberger@yahoo.com Subject: MegaPak - Mac Screensavers Galore! Mac Screensavers Galore! My life's work in one easy-to-download package. More than 30 freeware screensaver modules for use with AfterDark or Darkside. All the classics like BigDoggie, Sock Monkey and Mother-In-Law, plus new stuff like Morphology, The Visitation, Tribute2HeeHaw, Boogaloo and HulaTime. And my best-ever, brand-new work: Adventure Man! Enjoy them as they are or customize them with your own photos. Make your own pet the star of BigDoggie! Make your boss the star of Hulatime! (I did). Morph your friends, today! tomangleberger@yahoo.com Please include on any and all shareware CDs. #### BINHEX midnight-10-68k.hqx **** From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net> Subject: Midnight 1.0 68K Midnight is a screen saver that kind of follows in the footsteps of After Dark. It has various types of screen savers, from the most boring to the most distracting. The current version includes the following: Blank: A simple black screen. Circles: Colored circle outlines at random places on the screen. DropChar: ASCII characters of a font you select fall from the top of the screen. Flash Message: Flashes your message at random locations. Gee, Oma Tre!: Circles, lines, rectangles, text, and stuff. HyperTalk Commands: Select one of the programming languages (AppleScript, HyperTalk, or BASIC) and have its commands and functions fill the screen. Innocence: Colored dots scroll down a white screen. It just looks like it's up to something! Marquee: The standard scrolling message dealie. MegaBlox: Have your computer construct a wall of Legos. When a column gets to tall, it falls over. Melt: Choose a picture file and melt it! Ms. Morwyt's Chalkboard: Here's what Tamara Morwyt is stuck doing after school. Mylar City Genetix: An entertaining display of flashing text. NCircle, NSquare: Fill up the screen with any number of circles or rectangles. Pi-Rho: Colored dots fill up the originally blank screen. RandomText: ASCII characters fill up the screen at random locations. Stars: White dots fill up a black background. Wacky Dialog Boxes: A collection of some of the weirdest things you've seen. (C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation. http://kreativekorp.cjb.net #### BINHEX midnight-10-cbn.hqx **** From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net> Subject: Midnight 1.0 Carbon Midnight is a screen saver that kind of follows in the footsteps of After Dark. It has various types of screen savers, from the most boring to the most distracting. The current version includes the following: Blank: A simple black screen. Circles: Colored circle outlines at random places on the screen. DropChar: ASCII characters of a font you select fall from the top of the screen. Flash Message: Flashes your message at random locations. Gee, Oma Tre!: Circles, lines, rectangles, text, and stuff. HyperTalk Commands: Select one of the programming languages (AppleScript, HyperTalk, or BASIC) and have its commands and functions fill the screen. Innocence: Colored dots scroll down a white screen. It just looks like it's up to something! Marquee: The standard scrolling message dealie. MegaBlox: Have your computer construct a wall of Legos. When a column gets to tall, it falls over. Melt: Choose a picture file and melt it! Ms. Morwyt's Chalkboard: Here's what Tamara Morwyt is stuck doing after school. Mylar City Genetix: An entertaining display of flashing text. NCircle, NSquare: Fill up the screen with any number of circles or rectangles. Pi-Rho: Colored dots fill up the originally blank screen. RandomText: ASCII characters fill up the screen at random locations. Stars: White dots fill up a black background. Wacky Dialog Boxes: A collection of some of the weirdest things you've seen. (C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation. http://kreativekorp.cjb.net #### BINHEX midnight-10-ppc.hqx **** From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net> Subject: Midnight 1.0 PPC Midnight is a screen saver that kind of follows in the footsteps of After Dark. It has various types of screen savers, from the most boring to the most distracting. The current version includes the following: Blank: A simple black screen. Circles: Colored circle outlines at random places on the screen. DropChar: ASCII characters of a font you select fall from the top of the screen. Flash Message: Flashes your message at random locations. Gee, Oma Tre!: Circles, lines, rectangles, text, and stuff. HyperTalk Commands: Select one of the programming languages (AppleScript, HyperTalk, or BASIC) and have its commands and functions fill the screen. Innocence: Colored dots scroll down a white screen. It just looks like it's up to something! Marquee: The standard scrolling message dealie. MegaBlox: Have your computer construct a wall of Legos. When a column gets to tall, it falls over. Melt: Choose a picture file and melt it! Ms. Morwyt's Chalkboard: Here's what Tamara Morwyt is stuck doing after school. Mylar City Genetix: An entertaining display of flashing text. NCircle, NSquare: Fill up the screen with any number of circles or rectangles. Pi-Rho: Colored dots fill up the originally blank screen. RandomText: ASCII characters fill up the screen at random locations. Stars: White dots fill up a black background. Wacky Dialog Boxes: A collection of some of the weirdest things you've seen. (C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation. http://kreativekorp.cjb.net #### BINHEX millennium-screen-saver-01.hqx **** From: Power Mac User <niteowl69@mac.com> Subject: MillenniuM Screen Saver 0.1 Freeware MillenniuM.saver v0.1 is a freeware screen saver module for use with Mac OS X. The screen saver is based on Chris Carter's short-lived TV series MillenniuM and provides a few configurable settings for the animation. http://homepage.mac.com/niteowl69 niteowl69@mac.com #### BINHEX molecules-11-fr.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: Molecules 1.1Fr - MacDim screensaver module Molecules 1.1 French Version Molecules is a MacDim module that displays and rotates models of real protein molecules as a screensaver. The proteins are described in pdb files, created and usually used by scientists. Molecules is a PPC stand-alone program which can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later Main changes in v1.1: - Fixed the mirror error (the molecules were mirrored) - Fixed a bug in an assembler routine - Added PPC only notice for 68k users At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX molecules-11-jp.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: Molecules 1.1J - MacDim screensaver module Molecules 1.1 Japanese Version Molecules is a MacDim module that displays and rotates models of real protein molecules as a screensaver. The proteins are described in pdb files, created and usually used by scientists. Molecules is a PPC stand-alone program which can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later Main changes in v1.1: - Fixed the mirror error (the molecules were mirrored) - Fixed a bug in an assembler routine - Added PPC only notice for 68k users At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX molecules-11.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: Molecules 1.1 - MacDim screensaver module Molecules 1.1 Molecules is a MacDim module that displays and rotates models of real protein molecules as a screensaver. The proteins are described in pdb files, created and usually used by scientists. Molecules is a PPC stand-alone program which can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later Main changes in v1.1: - Fixed the mirror error (the molecules were mirrored) - Fixed a bug in an assembler routine - Added PPC only notice for 68k users At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX money-and-happiness.hqx **** From: smarty@teamsmarty.com Subject: money_and_happiness Find money_and_happiness! A handmade happy face and coins from around the world animate across your monitor(s) bringing you pleasant surprises. You control the amount of animation by pressing keys 1-9. Great gift for those who pursue money and happiness too seriously! #### BINHEX morphology.hqx **** From: chknguy@usit.net Subject: morphology.sit REAL-TIME MORPHING SCREENSAVER! You need this! Morph your friends, your dog, your boss, whatever with this freeware MAC screensaver for AfterDark or Darkside of the Mac. Fully customizable with your own pictures. DON'T MISS IT! from Human Condition Software http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/2801/index.html #### BINHEX nova-31-ppc-fr.hqx **** From: csoft-jgiles@pplus.shell11.ba.best.com Subject: NOVA-31-Fr-PPC NOVA v3.1 Merci de votre intérêt pour NOVA 3.1! NOVA a 3 fonctions: (1) empêcher l’usure prématurée de votre écran causée par l’affichage prolongé de la même image, (2) fournir un contrôle de l’accès à votre ordinateur, et (3) vous distraire et vous amuser. $20 pour un seul utilisateur Pour nous contacter: http://www.chaoticsoftware.com/ chaotic@kagi.com. #### BINHEX nova-31-ppc.hqx **** From: csoft-jgiles@pplus.shell11.ba.best.com Subject: NOVA-31-PPC.hqx' NOVA Version 3.1 NOVA was originally written with the intent of creating a stable, application based screen saver environment. Most of the screen savers available do a lot of system trap patching via extensions, which introduce a factor of uncertainty in your system. NOVA does not patch any OS routines, but instead is completely application driven -- when it is appropriate (based on user settings), NOVA will launch it's "Saverlet" applications that will do the screen saving. NOVA provides three main services to the user: (1) eliminates the potential for phosphor screen burn-in, (2) security for your system via password entry, and (3) entertainment for yourself and those who work around you. One last boastful note: NOVA is one of the only screen saver applications that can utilize multiple monitor setups-- and when we say "utilize", we mean that drawing occurs on ALL monitors, not just the menubar screen. Take that After Dark! Version 3.1 adds several new features and enhancements. A partial list: - Holding down the "Control" key and putting the mouse in the NOVA Now or Never corner causes the NOVA Settings application to reveal itself in the finder. This is handy for when you want to quickly find your NOVA installation on disk. - The entire NOVA package was reduced in size by using the Code Fragment Manager. - Rearrangement of some of the NOVA Settings control panel, and better support for the Appearance Manager. - Optimizations in NOVA Launcher. - The Fortune Cookie Saverlet is back, and better than ever. Drawing is much smoother and slower, so you can actually read the fortunes! ;-) Requirements: Any PowerPC Macintosh with System 7 or higher. (68K users can use version 3.0.2) Cost: $20/user shareware. For more information: http://www.chaoticsoftware.com chaotic@kagi.com #### BINHEX ouroboros-screen-saver-10.hqx **** From: niteowl69@mac.com Subject: Ouroboros Screen Saver 1.0 Rotating Ouroboros Screen Saver Version 1.0 This is a Mac OS X screen saver featuring a 360 degree rotating Ouroboros. niteowl69@mac.com(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :'NpeFQpLEh*[Fb"6Bh*PC@iJ8f&fCA)ZFfPd!&0*9$96593K!*!$&'f4!*!%lBP 6G(9QCNPd)#KM+6%j16FY-M!`-L""E'&NC'PZ)&0jFh4PEA-X)%PZBbiX)'KdG(! k,bphN!-ZB@aKC'4TER0jFbjMEfd[8h4eCQC*G#m0#KS!"4!!&'f4!*!$FJ!"!*! $FM#0$D@P8Q9cCA*fC@5PT3#PN!3"!!"'!%#kfQZPZYTVX`#3$4DmPJ!!!3`!*EG $!"4XY3!#6h9bEf*[FQpc)&0MFQ9PEL"6BACPFJ!3SYN!N"L!!*!(TC!%!3!!-!" !!!"cB!!!Ff!!&'X`!*!(FJ!!lh(rN!3!N!UPN!3"!!!r!%#k[#GbZV`RHJ#3!h) !&'X`!*!$FJ!23M-!!!'I!#@ce!!8DF%!!NpeFQpLEh*[FbjcBACPFJ!3GkX!N!J %!*!2J!#3"k@3"!%!!$!!3!!!Ff!!!(0J!"4H0J#3"J%-!!!5"Iq3"!#3#U@3"!% !!$J!3,Um*h+k[#Gc!!!"$!!8AMB!!!%-!!LiXJ!!!LX!*@2-!"4F1`!%3fpZG'9 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PictFader18-An image playing screensaver latest release PictFader is an application/screensaver that displays slideshows of PICT, JPEG ( PICT in JPEG type), GIF files, Quicktime movie and MPEG movie files. It has relatively low memory requirements considering the high standard of display that is achieved. See the "About PictFader 1.8" document for more details. Requirements A Macintosh/ Mac-Compatible with at least the following features: * 68020 processor or greater * System 7.1 or greater * Quicktime 1.5 ( Quicktime 2.0 or more preferable ) for JPEG pictures. * 350 to 800 K Ram and 650 K disk space New features and bug fixes: - Option for multiple level folder searches. - option to hide cursor upon fade. #### BINHEX pixel-gallery-10-fr.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: PixelGallery 1.0Fr - MacDim screensaver module PixelGallery 1.0 French Version PixelGallery is a MacDim module that works as an image viewer. When launched (by MacDim) it randomly displays images, one at a time, with some fading in between. Smooth! PixelGallery is a PPC/68k stand-alone program can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later, Quicktime 2.5 or later At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX pixel-gallery-10-jp.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: PixelGallery 1.0J - MacDim screensaver module PixelGallery 1.0 Japanese Version PixelGallery is a MacDim module that works as an image viewer. When launched (by MacDim) it randomly displays images, one at a time, with some fading in between. Smooth! PixelGallery is a PPC/68k stand-alone program can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later, Quicktime 2.5 or later At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX pixel-gallery-10.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: PixelGallery 1.0 - MacDim screensaver module PixelGallery 1.0 PixelGallery is a MacDim module that works as an image viewer. When launched (by MacDim) it randomly displays images, one at a time, with some fading in between. Smooth! PixelGallery is a PPC/68k stand-alone program can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later, Quicktime 2.5 or later At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX rects-module.hqx **** T947747220 0 962962517 0 T952601880 0 962962517 0 C0664 4645331 warp-save-rings.hqx From: "Jason Sidwell" <spacedjase@hotmail.com> Subject: Warp Save 1.0 Rings Plug-in Ring warper Warp Save 1.0 plug-in from Euphorian Design Are you sick of all those boring screen savers...? Take a ride with us because we know how to trip !!!!!!! www.euphorians.com spacedjase@hotmail.com #### BINHEX redpill-141.hqx **** From: meta@pobox.com Subject: Red Pill 1.4.1 Red Pill is a free screensaver for Mac OS X. It displays strips of green alien code which slowly draw themselves on the screen as they sweep towards you in 3D. This release fixes a problem which caused spurious error messages in the system log, and replaces the glyphs with redrawn ones based on official sample artwork. This is the binary-only release, for those who just want to run the screen saver. The source code is available under the GNU Public License. #### BINHEX redpill-sources-14.hqx **** From: meta@pobox.com Subject: Red Pill 1.4 source code release Red Pill is a free screensaver for Mac OS X. It displays strips of green alien code which slowly draw themselves on the screen as they sweep towards you in 3D. It may bear a certain resemblance to graphics seen in a popular Sci Fi movie trilogy. Unlike other similar screensavers, this one is true 3D with depth fogging and motion trails. It was written in Cocoa specifically for the Mac and uses OpenGL. As of version 1.4, Red Pill is open source software, released under the GNU General Public License. This means you are free to use any or all of the source code to Red Pill to create your own screen savers, and you can distribute the results free of charge, so long as you also distribute the source code. A separate binary-only release is being submitted to info-mac for those who just want to run the screen saver. Also new in this version: Bug fixes for dual-monitor setups, GL driver error workarounds, and Japanese localization. Red Pill was written for Mac OS X 10.2, but people have reported success running it on OS X 10.1. Because of OpenGL bugs, the latest version of OS X is highly recommended. The screensaver should work adequately on a 350MHz G4 with a Rage 128 graphics card using the default settings. #### BINHEX rock-n-roll.hqx **** From: jasonrainbows@mindspring.com Subject: Rock'n Roll Heaven for AfterDark Rock'n Roll Heaven by Jason Rainbows' Magic Theatre E-Mail: rainbow@kagi.com URL: http://www.mindspring.com/~jasonrainbows Requirements: AfterDark ScreenSaver, color Mac. ________________________________________________ Imagine this... Hendrix, Janis, Morrison, Lennon, Zappa, and more! ...gathering in a crowd on your computer screen! Forget Woodstock! This is where it's at, baby! Yeah! Peace, -Jason Rainbows rainbow@kagi.com http://www.mindspring.com/~jasonrainbows "littera scripta manet - non omnis moriar" #### BINHEX screen-gear-31.hqx **** From: lhagans@kuentos.guam.net Subject: Screen_Gear3.1 Screen Gear is a shareware ($15) screen saver and simple presentation application. Screen Gear takes a folder of images(JPEG, PICT), movies(QuickTime, AVI) and sound(AIFF) files and turns them into an elegant slide show fading one file into the next while playing narration, music or both. It's simple to use! System requirements: * Macintosh computer running System 7 or newer * QuickTime 3.0 recommended ( So you can take advantage of WAV and AVI file types ) * Sound Manager 3.0 or newer * Minimum 600k of free RAM * Minimum 1 MB of free hard disk space. For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit my Web page: http://www.screengear.com.gu/ Regards, Lance D. Hagans DigiWerks lhagans@kuentos.guam.net http://www.screengear.com.gu/ #### BINHEX seti-at-home-10.hqx **** From: setiathome@ssl.berkeley.edu Subject: SETI@home With your help and the help of hundreds of thousands of other computer users like you, we increase the odds of detecting signs of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. SETI@home actually runs in two ways: The ÒapplicationÓ and the ÒscreensaverÓ. It can do its work in either of these modes: it downloads blocks of data from through the Internet, performs the number crunching on that data (looking for orderly patterns that might originate in outer space), returns the results, and gets another block of data. The application is represented by a green radio telescope icon in the Menu Bar (normally at the upper right of your screen). You can open the application window by selecting Launch from this icon. The screensaver program runs when you havenÕt used your keyboard or mouse for a while. It displays color pictures showing the data analysis process. Normally the application processes data only when the screensaver is running. Optionally, you can have the application process data at any time by launching the application. #### BINHEX setting-sun-14.hqx **** From: Dair Grant <dair@webthing.net> Subject: Setting Sun 1.4 I'm pleased to announce a new release of Setting Sun, our high-end screen saver featuring many 3D modules. Setting Sun requires Mac OS 8.1 or later, with QuickDraw 3D and OpenGL recommended. It is available from: <http://www.webthing.net/settingsun/>. Version 1.4 includes six exciting new modules, which are: - Flag (real-time cloth simulation) - Slide Show (hypnotic slide show) - Plasma (warping flowing colours - Image Cube (bouncing image display) - RotoZoom (classic demo effect) - Atlantis (deep sea dive) Other changes include: - Example photos for image based faders - Faders can now be run on any monitor - Simplified registration process - Several minor bug fixes #### BINHEX shade-cluster-111-fr.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: ShadeCluster 1.1.1Fr - MacDim screensaver module ShadeCluster 1.1.1 French Version ShadeCluster is a MacDim screensaver module that renders realtime shaded 3D clusters on your screen. ShadeCluster is a PPC/68k stand-alone program which can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later Main changes in v1.1.1: - Fixed the bundle bit - should now appear as a real program - Fixed a bug in an assembler routine - Modified the program icons At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX shade-cluster-111-jp.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: ShadeCluster 1.1.1J - MacDim screensaver module ShadeCluster 1.1.1 Japanese Version ShadeCluster is a MacDim screensaver module that renders realtime shaded 3D clusters on your screen. ShadeCluster is a PPC/68k stand-alone program which can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later Main changes in v1.1.1: - Fixed the bundle bit - should now appear as a real program - Fixed a bug in an assembler routine - Modified the program icons At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX shade-cluster-111.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: ShadeCluster 1.1.1 - MacDim screensaver module ShadeCluster 1.1.1 ShadeCluster is a MacDim screensaver module that renders realtime shaded 3D clusters on your screen. ShadeCluster is a PPC/68k stand-alone program which can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later Main changes in v1.1.1: - Fixed the bundle bit - should now appear as a real program - Fixed a bug in an assembler routine - Modified the program icons At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX skully-demo.hqx **** From: Mondo Ltd <info@mondo.co.uk> Subject: Skully Skully - Skully's eyes follow an unsuspecting burger as it dances randomly around the screen. If the burger gets too close the greedy skull gobbles it up. This unique screensaver includes a variety of disguises for Skully as well as recording the survival rate of each burger that Skully eats. #### BINHEX snoddasthe-snake.hqx **** From: zorkar@yahoo.com Subject: Snoddas The Snake Hi, everyone out there! Here's a little so-called-screensaver. It's not a real screensaver, but read the readme file and you'll know what I mean. To see the snake eat the mice, you need to have a 640x480 color monitor, and about 4 MB free RAM. Snoddas The Snake! ©1999 by Sebastian Brytting Do whatever you want with this program, as long as my name is included. "Whatever" includes adding the game on a CD, mentioning it in a magazine or anything! #### BINHEX snow-saver-11b2.hqx **** From: meta@pobox.com Subject: SnowSaver 1.1b2 - falling snow screensaver for OS X SnowSaver is a Cocoa OpenGL screensaver. It's modeled on the pretty falling snowflakes animation that Apple have been running on an iMac in the window of the local Apple store. (Theirs is actually a QuickTime movie, and not available to customers. People have asked.) Requires: Mac OS X 10.1, video card with plenty of texture memory. (Works fine on Sawtooth G4 350MHz or anything more recent.) Some video card OpenGL drivers have cosmetic texture-handling bugs; there's nothing I can do to fix that. Apparently many of the bugs were fixed in OS X 10.2.4. #### BINHEX spin-show-10.hqx **** From: "Sumi (Saumil B)" <sumi@spinvisuals.com> Subject: SpinShow2000 v1.0 An HTML Holiday/Millennium slide show which acts like a screen saver and greeting center. Includes xmas, 2000, santa and snowman gifs. Runs in any browser on Mac/PC/Unix and does not require any plug-ins. A user can pause the slide show- and send html greetings from the browser (mail sizes are about 5K) or a user can drag the picture to the desktop or to an email window. This collection is freeware and can be distributed on CD-ROM or posted on other archives Thanks Sumi http://www.spinvisuals.com #### BINHEX star-drive-358.hqx **** From: kevharris@sperspect.com Subject: StarDrive 3.5.8 With a colorful splash of stars, StarDrive warps your Mac into space faster than light. An application based screensaver so you're not having to worry about conflicts---and with a small memory footprint, it won't get in the way of larger, memory hungry applications. Version 3.5.8 contains Mac OS 8.6 compatibility fixes and bug fixes. #### BINHEX start-thing-105.hqx **** From: objectivesw@kagi.com Subject: StartThing 1.0.5 - simple and powerful Objective Software announces the maintenance release of StartThing 1.0.5. * Version 1.0.5 (98/01/31) - Added a checkbox that activates or deactivates the hot spot corner. - The Launcher Mode now deactivates the standard screen-saver Gestalt selectors 'SAVR'/'SAVC' for running both StartThing and a screen-saver such as AfterDark. StartThing is a very cool, simple and powerful screen-saver. Install the control panel, choose the delay before the saver starts up at idle time and the application to launch. That's it! The application to launch can be a Macromedia Director Projector, a SuperCard project, a Quark-Immedia Presentation, an Applet or any other application... Tips: - You can easily create your own screen saver by choosing the "QuickShow" application (by David Howel) as the startup application. QuickShow is a freeware utility that shows all pictures, jpeg, QuickTime movies, etc. from a folder. - There are also a lot of tools to convert a QuickTime movie into an application. Support: mailto:objectivesw@kagi.com Author: Harry Alloul Price: $10 (shareware, see docs for more info) Site license: $100 (shareware, see docs for more info) Register: http://order.kagi.com/?HL&S Info: http://www.planete.net/~objectiv/ A site license of StartThing... what for? If you intend to use StartThing on a single computer, the site license is not for you: you only need to get a $10 single-user license. #### BINHEX timeballz-231.hqx **** From: travis@xscreensavers.com Subject: Time Ballz 2.3.1 Time Ballz is a screen saver module for Mac OS X that displays a clock. The current time is displayed in "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS" format. Each digit is composed of a matrix of small 3D shapes which rotate to form numerals. New in this version: *Fixed multiple-monitors bugs REQUIRES: Mac OS X LICENSE: Shareware US$2. #### BINHEX tunnel-vision-111-fr.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: Tunnelvision 1.1.1Fr - MacDim screensaver module Tunnelvision 1.1.1 French Version Tunnelvision is a MacDim screensaver module that renders a variant of the classical demo tunnel object on your screen. Tunnelvision is a PPC stand-alone program which can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later Main changes in v1.1.1: - Fixed a bug in an assembler routine - Added PPC only notice for 68k users At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX tunnel-vision-111-jp.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: Tunnelvision 1.1.1J - MacDim screensaver module Tunnelvision 1.1.1 Japanese Version Tunnelvision is a MacDim screensaver module that renders a variant of the classical demo tunnel object on your screen. Tunnelvision is a PPC stand-alone program which can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later Main changes in v1.1.1: - Fixed a bug in an assembler routine - Added PPC only notice for 68k users At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX tunnel-vision-111.hqx **** From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se> Subject: Tunnelvision 1.1.1 - MacDim screensaver module Tunnelvision 1.1.1 Tunnelvision is a MacDim screensaver module that renders a variant of the classical demo tunnel object on your screen. Tunnelvision is a PPC stand-alone program which can communicate with the freeware control panel MacDim. Shareware $5 (or $20 for all our MacDim modules) System requirements: System 7.0 or later Main changes in v1.1.1: - Fixed a bug in an assembler routine - Added PPC only notice for 68k users At the present time these MacDim modules have been released: Fireballs, Blackout, ShadeCluster, Tunnelvision, AD Launcher, Molecules, ChaosZoom and PixelGallery. They can all be downloaded at: http://www.ibrium.se/macdim/modules.html For more information, please visit our web-pages at: http://www.ibrium.se/ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ibrium HB #### BINHEX warp-save-10.hqx **** From: spacedjase@hotmail.com Subject: Warp Save 1.0 from Euphorian Design Warp Save 1.0 from Euphorian Design The instructions are simple. Drop the Control Planel and Extension in the appropriate system folders and restart. Use the control panel to configure the plug-in and waiting time.... This is a demo version. The full version costs $5 and includes all of the six plug-ins currently available.... Please note that due to archive file size restrictions this demo version uses 16bit graphics. The full version uses 32 bit graphics... If you wish to purchase please make use of Kagi's on-line payment system at www.kagi.com. Enjoy, Jason Sidwell Euphorian Design spacedjase@hotmail.com #### BINHEX warp-save-electric.hqx **** From: spacedjase@hotmail.com Subject: Electric warper Electric warper Warp Save 1.0 plug-in from Euphorian Design Are you sick of all those boring screen savers...? Take a ride with us because we know how to trip !!!!!!! The instructions are simple. Drop the plug-in in the Warp Save plugins folder and then select it within the control panel to activate... This is a demo version. The full version costs $5 and includes all of the six plug-ins currently available.... If you wish to purchase please make use of Kagi's on-line payment system at www.kagi.com. Enjoy, Jason Sidwell Euphorian Design spacedjase@hotmail.com #### BINHEX warp-save-fire.hqx **** From: spacedjase@hotmail.com Subject: Fire warper, Warp Save 1.0 plug-in Fire warper Warp Save 1.0 plug-in from Euphorian Design Are you sick of all those boring screen savers...? Take a ride with us because we know how to trip !!!!!!! The instructions are simple. Drop the plug-in in the Warp Save plugins folder and then select it within the control panel to activate... This is a demo version. The full version costs $5 and includes all of the six plug-ins currently available.... If you wish to purchase please make use of Kagi's on-line payment system at www.kagi.com. Enjoy, Jason Sidwell Euphorian Design spacedjase@hotmail.com #### BINHEX warp-save-rings.hqx **** From: "Jason Sidwell" <spacedjase@hotmail.com> Subject: Warp Save 1.0 Rings Plug-in Ring warper Warp Save 1.0 plug-in from Euphorian Design Are you sick of all those boring screen savers...? Take a ride with us because we know how to trip !!!!!!! www.euphorians.com spacedjase@hotmail.com #### BINHEX xmas98-crew.hqx **** From: rock@pandora.com.sg Subject: Christmas Screensaver 98 Hi, Last year, we were glad that our screensaver warm a lot of hearts, so this year we decided to put new ones, attached, please find two of our latest screensavers. Merry Christmas! Pete #### BINHEX xmas98-signature.hqx **** From: rock@pandora.com.sg Subject: Christmas Screensaver 98 Hi, Last year, we were glad that our screensaver warm a lot of hearts, so this year we decided to put new ones, attached, please find two of our latest screensavers. Merry Christmas! Pete #### BINHEX xmasdemom.hqx **** From: Mondo Ltd <info@mondo.co.uk> Subject: White Christmas White Christmas - Dreaming of a white Christmas? Well dream no more. Not only does snow fall inside this virtual snow shaker, it even settles on the ground! This festive screensaver combines snow, sleigh bells and twinkling fairy lights to bring the spirit of Christmas direct to your desktop.