Abstracts from files in info-mac/art as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### LINK _Book **** #### LINK _Graphic **** #### LINK _Magazine **** #### LINK _Movie **** #### LINK _Screen_Saver **** #### LINK _Sound **** #### BINHEX aeaea-11.hqx **** From: muhenry@eastnet.educ.ecu.edu Subject: aeaea-11 AEAEA-11.hqx is an algorithmic stand-alone music application, it plays lush music and cycles mystic pictures of Circe's island, Aeaea (Malta), where Odysseus' sailors were enchanted. Can be used as an artistic-mystic background while you chill out. YOU NEED: Apple's Quicktime (2.5) and Sound Manager, System 7.+ DETAILS: AEAEA-11 was realized on a Mac 8500 PPC (system 7.5.5, QT 2.5) using Opcode System's MAX 3.0. program. Virus checked.Compressed with Stuffit Lite. AVAILABILITY: AEAEA-11 is free to individuals for their private enjoyment. Distribution by CD Rom and other means: OK, please notify by e-mail. **************** ***************** *********** QuickStart: Double-click on the Aeaea.11.app in the Program Folder. Hit the SPACE BAR to start and stop. The music plays on the Mac's internal speakers. If possible, hook your computer's audio output into your HiFi system. Do not remove the AEAEA-11.app from its folder; it is an APPLICATION, so close by opening the Apple control bar File menu and selecting "QUIT". Notes: According to Homer's epic, The Odyessy, when Odysseus (Ulyssus) and his men reached the mysterious island of Aeaea, they were enchanted by the sorceress Circe. Malta, a small 15-by-17 mile island off the coast of Sicily in the Med. seems to be the likely place for this encounter. Homer's description of the landing in a fair bay (St. Paul's bay) and the promentory from which a temple in the middle of the island was seen all seem to reinforce this idea. Also important is the discovery of Minoan- era temple ruins with bull figures and oracle whispering holes. Malta has a long history of occupation by many cultures: Romans, Arabs, The Knights of St. John, Napoleon, the English etc. Although totally Catholic in religion, they speak an Arabic-based language which is written using the Roman alphabet. Malta became an independent nation shortly after WW II and the entire island was given the George Cross for its valiant role during that struggle (hence the initials after the name: Malta, G.C.) I spent 6 weeks in Malta during the summer of 1972 (mainly in the small fishing village of Marsasloxx) and took many slides and pictures of the curious landscapes, churches and bells. All the time I was there - and ever as I remember or dream of it - Malta was a rich, exciting enchanted island full of wonderful loving people to whom a smile, a joke and a drink with one's companions were the best things in life. However, their way of life and sense of time was very different. Most people seemed to get up very early and go to bed shortly after sunset. Malta, a very densely populated island, seemed totally deserted by late afternoon just when the sun was so right for taking pictures, and so many of my color slides were landscapes without people in them. #### BINHEX african-music-machine-11.hqx **** From: Otto Henry <muhenry@greenvillenc.com> Subject: AfricanMusicMachine.11.hqx From: muhenry@greenvillenc.com Otto Henry Subject: AfricanMusicMachine-11.hqx : make your own African percussion music! Suggested Directory/ art AfricanMusicMachine-11.hqx is an algorithmic stand-alone music application that allows you to program and play a colorful African drum and idiophone ensemble. Or, let it program/play itself according to random settings you select. Learn about African traditional music as you select and cross different rhythms and instruments. YOU NEED: Apple's Quicktime 3.0 and Sound Manager 3.0 (+) System 7.+ DETAILS: AfricanMusicMachine-11.hqx was realized on a Mac 8500 PPC (system 8.5, QT 3.0) using Opcode System's MAX 3.0. program. Virus checked.Compressed with Stuffit Delux. AVAILABILITY: AfricanMusicMachine-11 is free to individuals for their private enjoyment. Distribution by CD Rom and other means: OK, please notify by e-mail. **************** ***************** *********** QUICKSTART: Locate the AfricanMusicMachine .app in the program folder and double click on it. Hit the space bar to start and stop. The music plays on the Mac's internal speakers. Hook your computer's audio output into your HiFi system, if possible. NO SOUND?: 1). turn on your computer's internal speaker 2). select a pattern underneath an instrument. CLIPPING and/orIRREGULAR TEMPO? Turn off virtual memory and re- boot: MAX hates it! You do need SoundManager 3.0 + if you want all 10 voices to sound. Otherwise you might notice some of the instruments "robbing" others. DO NOT REMOVE the AfricanMusicMachine .app from it's folder (make an alias?). Close by selecting "QUIT" from the Apple control bar file menu. #### BINHEX ancient-faces-12.hqx **** From: muhenry@greenvillenc.com Otto Henry Subject: ancient-faces.12.hqx: mystic art show with music . ancient-faces.12.hqx Multimedia show, plays mystic music while morphing life-like portraits from the 3rd cent. A.D. Fayoum collection of Roman art. YOU NEED: OS 7 +, - 9 Quicktime, Sound Manager Realized on a Mac 8500 PPC (system 7.5.2). Virus checked. Compressed with Stuffit Lite. Free to individuals for their private enjoyment. Distribution by CD Rom and other means OK . Please notify by e-mail. The Fayoum Poraits are Roman in origin and were painted with oil on wood in Egypt ca. 200-250 A.D. They were face-boards bound over the heads of mummified corpses and intended to not only preserves the effigies of the dead, but also to help them "see" from the afterlife. They are amazingly life-like and modern, painted with a sense of reality, dimention and perspective that vanished from Europe during the Dark Ages, not to re-appear until the Renaissance. The individual personalities in the paintings seem to project themselves across the ages with a vivid presence. The portraits themselves are scattered among a dozen or so museums. View and learn about the portraits on the web at <http://bergerfoundation.ch/wat3/frame1.pl?babel=english>, the World Art Treasures URL. The portraits are used here with the kind permission from Dr. Jean Berger of the J.P.Berger Foundation. QUICKSTART: locate the ancient-faces.12 app. in the program folder and double-click to load it. To start and stop, press the space bar. You may have to hit the space bar several times to stop if you catch it between notes, so to speak. Sometimes spooky aftertones occur!! Do not remove the application from its original folder as it operates with hidden folders. The music plays on the Mac's internal speakers, Close by selecting "QUIT"from the Apple bar file. Type "s" to scroll the 19 portraits. Type"x" to turn the sound on and off. What you see: the images have been made into a move within a MAX patch and they are cycled back and forth at different rates until one is selected by a random process. This creates a kind of morphing effect of faces changing and growing as the frames flip by. Eventually all 19 portraits will be shown. What you hear: The music is derived from the numbers used to cycle the pictures, only they are interrupted and randomly skewed in a different fashion. The process is akin to an algorithm because there are "basins of attraction" created by interconnections that produce recognizable musical and rhythmic patterns. I used 3 sound samples, a flute, a kind of brass bass and a tamborine stroke. Howzitdone?: Max (Opcode- but, no longer supported by this co.) is an object-oriented program builder, you patch functional modules together in a kind of circuit, like the old Moog Synthesizer. The circuit patchers are hidden behind the black .pict background. #### BINHEX apple-art.hqx **** From: "Marc Cardwell" <marcc@netside.com> Subject: apple.art.sit.hqx for your art/grf directory: vector clip art, created in adobe ilustrator v. 8, saved as eps. this image is of an apple,it has a good gradient w/ some spots and is close to photographic, one of many that i will send here. use is unlimited, artist retains copyright. this file may be included on any cd rom. marc cardwell http://www.logicsouth.com/~marcc/index.shtml #### BINHEX archimedean-80.hqx **** From: xpolakis@hol.gr Subject: Archimedean v. 8.0 (New version) Archimedean 8.0: This is a DocMaker format stand-alone document containing stuff related to great Archimedes. (quotations, poems etc). Antreas P. Hatzipolakis xpolakis@prometheus.hol.gr http://users.hol.gr/~xpolakis/ #### DIRECTORY book **** #### BINHEX click-music-03.hqx **** From: muhenry@eastnet.educ.ecu.edu Subject: click-music-03.hqx: electronic music show with flashy graphics. click-music-03.hqx: is an Electronic Music Show algorithmic stand-alone application, it plays active electronic sounds while flashing psychodellic pictures. Can be used as an artistic-mystic background while you chill out. YOU NEED: Apple's Quicktime (2.5) and Sound Manager, System 7.+ DETAILS: click-music-03.hqx was realized on a Mac 8500 PPC (system 7.5.2) using Opcode System's MAX 3.0. program. Virus checked.Compressed with Stuffit Delux AVAILABILITY: Intermittencies-03.hqx is free to individuals for their private enjoyment.Distribution by CD Rom and other means-OK. please notify by E-mail. #### BINHEX crooked-sky-11.hqx **** From: muhenry@eastnet.educ.ecu.edu Subject: crooked-sky-11.sit crooked-sky-11.hqx is an algorithmic stand-alone graphic/music multimedia composition, it plays Big Sky music and alternates panoramas of Western landscapes. Can be used as an artistic-mystic background while you chill out. YOU NEED: Apple's Quicktime (2.5 at least) and Sound Manager, System 7.+ DETAILS: CrookedSky was realized on a Mac 8500 PPC (system 7.5.5) using Opcode System's MAX 3.0. program. Virus checked.Compressed with Stuffit Lite. AVAILABILITY: crooked-sky-11 is free to individuals for their private enjoyment. Distribution by CD Rom and other means-OK. please notify by E-mail if possible. #### BINHEX disturbance-11.hqx **** From: Paul Gronemeyer <pgrone@gmx.de> Subject: disturbance1.1.sit.hqx Abstract for art & info / [disturbance] .sit.hqx ___digital art | utopia | imagination | transformation | philosophy ___transition | structures | exploration | m@trix_design | 1997-2002 this is a multimedial meditation about a poem of the french writer gaston bachelard. a hypercard stack combining graphical experiences, interactivibility and musical fragments in a way which hopefully is more than the sum of its parts. you need hypercard or the hypercard player to run this software. the latest hypercard version is 2.4.1, version 2.3 is required for the sounds to play properly. this is version 1.1 that fixes some bugs and add new features to the first version that came out in 1997. e-mail any comments to pgrone@gmx.de #### BINHEX fibonacci-blues-02.hqx **** From: muhenry@eastnet.educ.ecu.edu Subject: FibonacciBlues.02.hqx FibonacciBlues.02 is an aleatoric-algorithmic music application, it plays plesant, abstract bluesy music based on the Fibonacci math series while flashing the numbers over a portrait of Fibonacci. Can be used as an artistic-mystic screen-saver. Make a tape for your car stereo or your Mother-in-law. YOU NEED: Apple's Quicktime, Sound Manager, System 7.+ DETAILS: FibonacciBlues.02 was realized on a Mac 8500 PPC (system 7.5.2) as an application, using Opcode System Inc's MAX 3.0. program (<http://www.opcode.com/>). More in Readme folder. Compressed with Stuffit Lite. Virus free checked. AVAILABILITY: FibonacciBlues.02 is free to individuals for their private enjoyment. Distribution by CD Rom and other means: OK, but please notify. #### BINHEX green-music-12.hqx **** From: muhenry@eastnet.educ.ecu.edu Subject: green-music-12 GREEN-MUSIC.hqx is an algorithmic stand-alone music and picture application. Pleasant summer music accompanies unusual full-screen self-simular photos of flowers and folage. Can be used as an artistic-mystic background while you chill out. YOU NEED: Apple's Quicktime (2.5) and Sound Manager, System 7.+ DETAILS: GREEN-MUSIC was realized on a Mac 8500 PPC (system 7.5.5, QT 2.5) using Opcode System's MAX 3.0. program. Virus checked. Compressed with Stuffit Lite. AVAILABILITY: GREEN-MUSIC is free to individuals for their private enjoyment. Distribution by CD Rom and other means: OK, please notify by e-mail. #### DIRECTORY grf **** #### BINHEX hand.hqx **** From: tiwi@lino.com Subject: Have a nice day HAND Hi! I have downloaded and stuffed all the numbers of Have a nice day, a journal of great jokes. All the numbers were not in the Info-Mac archives, so I went to the WWW. It is more convenient having all the numbers in one file for those who do not have any numbers, since this is a rather small file. This is in plain text. Louis Louis Bergeron C.P. 936 Rouyn Rouyn-Noranda Qc Canada J9X 5C8 Téléphone-Phone (819) 764-3862 Télécopieur-Fax (819) 764-3758 #### BINHEX image-in-engine-102-demo.hqx **** From: spicerj@bellatlantic.net Subject: Image-In Engine 1.0.2 A Macintosh "Picture Robot". ____________________________________________________ John Spicer H: (302) 730-8836 W: (302) 678-8100x114 ____________________________________________________ <http://members.bellatlantic.net/~spicerj> <http://members.bellatlantic.net/~spicerj/macbillman.html> <http://members.bellatlantic.net/~spicerj/co-swap.html> <mailto:spicerj@bellatlantic.net> ____________________________________________________ Author: MakeItGrow, MacLotto, TiCalendar, MacBillman, Image-In Engine If you want to work on your computer, buy an IBM. If you want to DO work on your computer, buy a Mac. ____________________________________________________ #### BINHEX loshu-music-02.hqx **** From: muhenry@eastnet.educ.ecu.edu Subject: LoShuMusic.02 THIS POSTING updates LoShuMusic-max.hqx of 07/12/97. Several bugs were fixed and an entirely new graphic display added. LoShuMusic.02 is an aleatoric-algorithmic music application, it plays plesant, abstract music based on the ancient Chinese Lo Shu "magic square" with a graphic display that alternates between Chinese and Arabic numerals. Music from math. Learn the Chinese characters for 1- 9! Make a tape for your car stereo or your Mother-in-law, etc. YOU NEED: Apple's Quicktime, Sound Manager, System 7.+ DETAILS: LoShuMusic.02 was realized on a Mac 8500 PPC (system 7.5.2) as an application, using Opcode System's MAX 3.0. program (<http://www.opcode.com/>) More in Readme folder. Virus free checked. Compressed by Stuffit Lite. AVAILABILITY: LoShuMusic.02 is free to individuals for their private enjoyment, but please don't rip out the graphics and samples and re-distribute elsewhere. Distribution by CD Rom and other means: OK, please notify by e-mail. My boss likes to know! #### BINHEX macburger-helper.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: MacburgerHelper Perhaps your web site is jam-packed with a heap o' powerful HTML, but you realize it's next to naked without some equally strong art. Or maybe your latest bit of Mac app programming is certainly an offering worthy of mega shareware bucks, but it lacks that graphic je ne sais quois. If this is your dilemna, then you need MacburgerHelper in your creative kitchen. Put simply, MacburgerHelper is a set of buttons and patterns presented in a convenient Mac icon format. Peruse the little artsies, pick, choose, and stick your choices into your next project. You'll feel better. You'll look better. Mac users will thank you (and maybe pay you). A lot of other Mac stuff, especially icons, await your acquisition at my web site. Brian Brasher ikthusian@aol.com http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX math-eg-80.hqx **** From: xpolakis@hol.gr Subject: MathEg v. 8.0 (10-March-98) MathEg v. 8.0 : This is a DocMaker format stand-alone document containing a collection of mathematicians epigrams. Antreas P. Hatzipolakis xpolakis@prometheus.hol.gr http://users.hol.gr/~xpolakis #### DIRECTORY mov **** #### BINHEX odyssey-14.hqx **** From: muhenry@eastnet.educ.ecu.edu Subject: Odyssey-14 Odyssey-14 is an algorithmic stand-alone music application, it plays mystic, archaic music while flashing Greek-Minoan images. Can be used as an artistic-mystic background during break time! YOU NEED: Apple's Quicktime, Sound Manager, System 7.+ DETAILS: Odyssey-14 was realized on a Mac 8500 PPC (system 7.5.2) as an application, using Opcode System's MAX 3.0. program.Virus checked. Compressed with Stuffit Lite. AVAILABILITY: Odyssey-14 is free to individuals for their private enjoyment. Distribution by CD Rom and other means: OK, please notify by e-mail. (The Odyssey is an ancient Greek epic poem about the 10-year voyage of Odysseus [Ulysses]). #### BINHEX on-line-joke-book-30.hqx **** From: egossaim@neca.com Subject: On-Line Joke Book Volume 3 The On-Line Joke Book Volume 3 is a collection of jokes and stories sent to me. The OLJB V3.0 is created in DOCMaker format and can be read by any Macintosh using System 6.08 or later.Updated twice yearly with all-new jokes, you can join a mailing list for future editions. Thanks - Edward Goss - egossaim@neca.com #### BINHEX parade.hqx **** From: muhenry@eastnet.educ.ecu.edu Subject: parade-11 parade-11.hqx is a stand-alone algorithmic music and graphics application, it plays pleasant pan-diatonic American parade music while scrolling panoramic self-simular march pictures. Can be used as an artistic-musical background while you chill out. YOU NEED: Apple's Quicktime (2.5) and Sound Manager, System 7.+ DETAILS: realized on a Mac 8500 PPC (system 7.5.5) using Opcode System's MAX 3.5 program.Virus checked.Compressed with Stuffit Lite. AVAILABILITY: free to individuals for their private enjoyment. Distribution by CD Rom and other means-OK. please notify by E-mail. #### BINHEX redskymusic-07.hqx **** From: muhenry@greenvillenc.com Subject: RedSkyMusic-07 RedSkyMusic-07.hqx is an algorithmic stand-alone music application, it plays lush music and cycles mystic pictures made with Bryce3D. From and old NC Outer Banks saying : "Red sky at morning, Sailors take warning!" Can be used as an artistic-mystic background while you chill out. YOU NEED: Apple's Quicktime (2.5) and Sound Manager, System 7.+ DETAILS: RedSkyMusic-07 was realized on a Mac 8500 PPC (system 8.5, QT 3.0) using Opcode System's MAX 3.0. program and Metacreation's Bryce 3D.3.1. Virus checked.Compressed with Stuffit Lite. AVAILABILITY: RedSkyMusic-07 is free to individuals for their private enjoyment. Distribution by CD Rom and other means: OK, please notify by e-mail. #### BINHEX rtu-demo.hqx **** From: eflouret@anagrama.com.ar Subject: RTUDEMO RTU€3D Type Effects is a collection of high quality high resolution clip art This demo comes with assorted letters exctracted from the complete collection. Each letter comes with it's own clipping path so as to place it as an EPS in your illustration application. You can also cut each letter and make a composition in your paint program RTU€3D Type Effects comes with three volumes: Plastics, Metals and Stones. Each volume brings you the complete alphabet (A-Z uppercase and 0-9). Requirements ------------- Macintosh with System 7.0 or higher Thousands of colors Any software capable of reading JPEG files with clipping paths. #### DIRECTORY snd **** #### BINHEX squirt-21.hqx **** From: rmraines@erols.com Subject: Squirt 3.1 Remember Squirt 3? Now here is Squirt 3.1!!! It has the added feature of sounds!!! Squirt 3.1 is an animation that is over 800 frames! It now features tons of sound effects making the animation great! If you have seen the other Squirt animations then your in for a treat! Watch as Squi #### BINHEX think-snail-02.hqx **** From: thinksnail@yahoo.com Subject: musical portraits of Pentium Snails/Powe ThinkSnail.02 is an aleatoric-algorithmic music application, it plays mystic, abstract music while morphing selected Pentium Snail portraits with Power Macs from the amazing G3 collection, followed by images of a rare PieFaced Gates. A new multimedia art form. What you see: the ancient Pentium Snail images have been combined with modern PowerMac G3 images and a rare PieFaced Gates. This was made into a QuickTime movie within the MAX patch and then cycled back and forth at about 36 Hz. until one is selected by a random process. This creates a kind of morphing effect of images changing and growing as the frames flip by. Eventually all 20 portraits will be shown, although the process will stop at the same images from time to time. What you hear: The music is derived from the numbers that are used to cycle the pictures, only they are interrupted and randomly skewed in a different fashion. The process is akin to an algorithm and I like to think of this music as algorithmic music because there are "basins of attraction" created by many of the interconnections that produce recognizable musical and rhythmic patterns. I used 3 sound samples, a wild eep, a kind of deep blue indigo and a litigious sosumi. Howzitdone?: Max is an object-oriented program builder, you patch functional modules together in a kind of circuit, like the old Moog Synthesizer. The circuit patchers are hidden behind the black .pict background. Notes: The Pentium II Chip shown on the back of the snail is Intel in origin and was created in Silicon Valley ca. 1996-1997 A.D. It is amazingly life-like and modern, considering that it was created during the Dark Ages of computing, when Wintel Boxes claimed most marketshare. The PowerMac G3, however, has a sense of reality, dimension and perspective that indicates a new Mac Renaissance. The rare PieFaced Gates is the work of a fellow prankster, and came out the same week as the Snail Ads, forever tying these images together in the minds of Mac Users worldwide. The final Mac Logo with the ìThink Differentî phrase seems to project itself across the ages with a vivid presence. #### BINHEX time-machine-music-11.hqx **** From: muhenry@eastnet.educ.ecu.edu Subject: time-machine-music-11 time-machine-music-11.hqx is an algorithmic stand-alone application with H.G.Wells story text, self-simular panoramic landscapes and electronic music. An artistic-mystic literary story teller. YOU NEED: Apple's Quicktime (2.5), Sound Manager, System 7.+ DETAILS: time-machine-music-10.hqx was realized on a Mac 8500 PPC (system 7.5.2, QT 2.5) using Opcode System's MAX 3.0. program AVAILABILITY: time-machine-music-11.hqx is free to individuals for their private enjoyment. Distribution by CD Rom and other means: OK, please notify by e-mail. The music, sounds and graphics were created by me. #### DIRECTORY zine ****