Abstracts from files in info-mac/gui/icon as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX 2con-zodiac-icons.hqx **** From: ilona@cyberrealm.net Subject: IliCon_Zodiac_Icons The set contains the twelve zodiac icons. You can get the extended version of these icons from my web site. Ilona Melis e-mail: ilona@cyberrealm.net IliCon: http://cyberrealm.net/~janos Icons and other goodies! #### BINHEX 32-bit-be-icons.hqx **** From: mgreer@sirius.com Subject: 32bitBEiconsb5.sit.hqx Here are a few BE style icons redone with 32 bit color. Also included are a resource file with the icns and a modified BE Kaliedoscope scheme with these icons. mgreer@sirius.com #### BINHEX 32bit-solar-system-icons.hqx **** From: Reby Lee <rhwlee@chat.carleton.ca> Subject: 32-bit Solar System Icon Set This is another revision of the Solar System Icon Set. This set contains 51 icons of planets, their satellites, comets, the sun and asteriods (7 added). More satellites of Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter are added. Some icons have been changed . The new 16x16-pixel small icon format is added. MacOS8.5 or later is required for viewing the icons. This set is also the itemware, meaning that you need to do one of following for me: 1. a beautiful postcard of your home town or country. 2. a donation to your local charity. 3. a breathtaking picture of your country. 4. to recycle or reuse 5 items (e.g. bottles, cans, packing materials.) Reby Lee email: rhwlee@hk.super.net address: http://www.hk.super.net/~rebylee #### BINHEX 3d-contro-panels-14.hqx **** From: jms@ncweb.com Subject: 3D Control Panel Icons 1.4 3D Control Panel Icons contains fourty-one control panel icons, with a 3D Copland/MacOS 8 perspective. This version adds many control panel icons that were left out in previous versions. Jason http://www.ncweb.com/users/jms #### BINHEX 3d-floppy-maker-10.hqx **** From: Accentgra@aol.com Subject: 3D-FloppyMaker 1.0 - Freeware 3D-FloppyMaker is an AppleScript application which will replace any default or custom floppy icon with a simple and neutral 3D one. The new icon is created and supported by your system's Finder, and so will occupy -0 (zero!) bites- on your floppy disk. System requirements: - System 7.1 or better. - "File Visibility" scripting addition (freeware by Mark Alldritt) which should be placed in the "Scripting Additions" folder inside the "Extentions" folder of your "System Folder". (As soon as Mark Alldritt has authorized the free distribution of the a. m. scripting addition, it is included in this package accompanied with Mark's original ReadMe file.) For more information, please read the ReadMe file. Thanks, Pavel Bondarovski #### BINHEX 3d-hard-disk-icons-101.hqx **** From: jms@ncweb.com Subject: 3D Hard Disk Icons 1.0.1 This package contains twelve hard disk icons, all based on the upcoming MacOS 8. Most of the icons are colored in the traditional gray, while three others are dark gray(similar to the "High-Tech" theme). HD icons include: Black MacOS Disk, Black/high-tech Disk Construction Disk, Disk with Vent Documents Disk, Games Disk Gray Hard Disk, Gray MacOS Disk Happy Disk Network Disk Portable Disk, Remote Disk Version 1.0.1 Looks better in "small icon" mode #### BINHEX 3d-platinum-jaz-icons.hqx **** From: harvey@ampsc.com Subject: 3D platinum Jaz icons 3D platinum Jaz icons Love the new Platinum-look floppy-disk icons you get with MacOS 8, Aaron, or Kaleidoscope? Wish you had Platinum-look Jaz disk icons to go with the Mac’s new 3D look? Here are 21 platinum Jaz disk icons that you can paste onto your old Jaz disk icons. This icon set is provided to you as freeware. If you have Zip disks, look for my other icon set, 3D Platinum Zip Disk Icons. These icons are copyright and the creations of: Harvey Lubin: PowerWorks@ampsc.com PowerWorks Computer Graphics: http://www.ampsc.com/PowerWorks/ (Enjoy ‘em ;-) #### BINHEX 3d-platinum-zip-icons.hqx **** From: harvey@ampsc.com Subject: 3D platinum Zip icons 3D platinum Zip icons Love the new “Platinum-look” floppy-disk icons you get with MacOS 8, Aaron, or Kaleidoscope? Hate the ugly Zip disk icons that show up on your desktop? Here are 21 platinum Zip disk icons that you can paste onto your nasty looking old Zip disk icons. This icon set is provided to you as freeware. Please make sure that this ReadMe file is included with these icons any time you distribute them. These icons are copyright and the creations of: Harvey Lubin: PowerWorks@ampsc.com PowerWorks Computer Graphics: http://www.ampsc.com/PowerWorks/ (Enjoy ‘em ;-) #### BINHEX aarons-wonderful-icons-15.hqx **** From: hotchkis@cdsnet.net (Aaron Hotchkiss) Subject: Aaron's Wonderful Icons 1.5 Aaron's Wonderful icons is a package of about 40 icons of all different types. Animals, Flags, Cities, Folders, Ancient Egyptian and Miscellaneous This is my second batch. I included the first ones I made with a few modifications, and a some brand new ones. Download them, I'm sure you'll like them. #### BINHEX afl-104.hqx **** From: petermmpr@hotmail.com Subject: AFL Package 1.0.4 Hello, here is the latest version of AFL Package, a collection of icons, gifs, and clippings of team logos from the Australian Football league Changes in this version include an updated eCard, and some more desktop patterns. This version should replace any previous version you might have in your archive. For the latest information, check out my WWW site at: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/6305/afl.html Thanks! Peter J. Garlinski petermmpr@hotmail.com http://garlinski.home.ml.org/ #### BINHEX afl-package.hqx **** From: petermmpr@hotmail.com Subject: AFL Package 1.0.5 AFL Package is a large collection of icons and graphics from the Australian Football League (Aussie Rules). The newest version is now 1.0.5. Changes in this version include the removal of desktop clippings, updates on the read-me file, and updates on my personal eCard. For more information, please see the read-me file. Thank you! Peter J. Garlinski petermmpr@hotmail.com http://garlinski.home.ml.org/ P.S. This will be the last version of AFL Package unless a major update is required. #### BINHEX alchemic-blast.hqx **** From: wnosaj@flash.net Subject: Alchemic Blast Icons Title: Alchemic Blast Icons Alchemic Blast is very unique and different from my other folder icon sets. It isn't 3D, it's artistically styled after smudged paintings and exploding artwork. The icons were first inspired by Xaos Tools' Paint Alchemy, and from that point on, the pixels got an explosive mind of their own. #### BINHEX alterna-trash.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: Alternatrash icons Mac icons that provide an definite alternative to that tired metal can. Submitted by Brian Brasher e-mail: ikthusian@aol.com URL: http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX andys-3d-modern-cursor.hqx **** From: 100400.1725@compuserve.com Subject: Andy's 3D Modern Cursor v1.0 Andy's 3D ModernCursor is a fix for cursor boredom :> #### BINHEX argentinian-football-icons.hqx **** From: fejgielman@redestb.es Subject: Argentinian Football Icons Is a small collection of ten badges teams of the Argentinian Football League. Of course, these icons are freeware. I like receive your e-mail. Pequeña colección de iconos de 10 escudos de equipos del campeonato argentino de futbol. Estos íconos son, por supuesto, totalmente gratuitos....¿quién va a pagar por ellos? Sólo espero recibir vuestros e-mails con opiniones. He hecho los que creo más populares, pero si un hincha no tiene su escudo, puede escribirme solicitandomelo (a lo mejor tiene suerte...) Disfrutalos. Gabi Viva Iconos: http://www.geocities.com/Baja/8696 #### BINHEX argentinian-icons-vol-3.hqx **** From: fejgielman@redestb.es Subject: Argentinian Icons Vol .3 Viva Iconos present the Vol. 3 of Argentinian icons. Include icons of: Che Guevara, Carlos Gardel, Super Hijitus, Pucho, El Eternauta, Karadajian, Chocolatín Jack, Dulce de Leche and many others. Are free for all, and enjoy it! Gabi Viva Iconos http://www.geocities.com/Baja/8696 #### BINHEX armitages-icon-collection.hqx **** From: jonr@mc.net Subject: Armitage's Icon Collection Armitage's Icon Collection By:TheBattleAngel <SailorV@Innocent.com> This Is A Simple Collection Of Icons I Like..Nothing Else. Hope Ya Like It!:) #### BINHEX art-folders-1-10.hqx **** From: niiro@baywell.or.jp Subject: Art Folders1-10.sit This file is Macintosh icons. Name is Art Folders Series. Art Folders Series number is from 1 to 21 now. Art Folders1-10.sit System requirements: * System 7.XX or MAC OS 7.6.X,MAC OS 8.X * All Macintosh and Power MAC * 256 colors Thanks, Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Niiro Masahiro Murayama All Rights Received. Niiro Masahiro Murayama http://www.baywell.or.jp/users/niiro/ #### BINHEX art-folders-11-20.hqx **** From: niiro@baywell.or.jp Subject: Art Folders11-20.sit This file is Macintosh icons.Name is Art Folders Series. Art Folders Series number is from 1 to 21 now. Art Folders11-20.sit System requirements: * System 7.XX or MAC OS 7.6.X,MAC OS 8.X * All Macintosh and Power MAC * 256 colors Thanks, Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Niiro Masahiro Murayama All Rights Received. Niiro Masahiro Murayama http://www.baywell.or.jp/users/niiro/ #### BINHEX art-folders-21.hqx **** From: niiro@baywell.or.jp Subject: Art Folders21.sit This file is Macintosh icons.Name is Art Folders Series. Art Folders Series number is from 1 to 21 now. Art Folders21.sit System requirements: * System 7.XX or MAC OS 7.6.X,MAC OS 8.X * All Macintosh and Power MAC * 256 colors Thanks, Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Niiro Masahiro Murayama All Rights Received. Niiro Masahiro Murayama http://www.baywell.or.jp/users/niiro/ #### BINHEX baschzcons-10.hqx **** From: alex@quadrand.com Subject: BaschzCons for IconTools 1.0 BaschzCons for IconTools is a freeware collection of icons to play with! You'll have to use IconTools by RicciSoft <http://www.riccisoft.com/icontools> to stamp and customize Baschz! Have fun with Baschz and remember to put the I Love Baschz iconstickers everywhere! <http://www.quadrand.com> copyright ©1999 [Quad]Rand Baschz and I Love Baschz are trademarks of Baschz Vandewater #### BINHEX beatle-icons.hqx **** From: crowley@cgocable.net Subject: Beatle Icons Beatle icons for the Mac. Enjoy! Matthew Crowley #### BINHEX beatles.hqx **** From: stingray@webzone.net Subject: Beatles This is a set of photographic style icons of the Beatles. 21 icons in all. Works with system 7 & 8 Macs. Steve Jones stingray@webzone.net www.webzone.net/stingray #### BINHEX beavis-butthead-icons-2.hqx **** From: fejgielman@redestb.es Subject: Beavis & Butthead Icollection Vol. 2 Well, this is the second vol., I think that is better than the first. The cool faces, with folders, files, hard disks, and others icons of them. Sorry for my bad english. Gabi Viva Iconos http://www.geocities.com/Baja/8696 #### BINHEX beavis-butthead-icons.hqx **** From: fejgielman@redestb.es Subject: Beavis & Butthead Icons Cool!, here is that you are looking for. After a long time looking for Beavis & Butthead Icons, i ´ve no find cool icons of it. So i decided make it. The small collection contain icons of folders, files and Zip´s cartridges of them. I expect that you enjoy it. Sorry for my english. Gabi VIVA ICONOS #### BINHEX beexpress.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: PlugIn "BeExpress" for Custom Folder BeExpress Folder Icons by svenson ( mailto:negras@sozpsy.unizh.ch ) #### BINHEX bills-jaz-icons-21.hqx **** From: W.P.Kesler@m.cc.utah.edu Subject: Bill's Jaz Icons 2.0 Enjoy they're freeware!!!! Bill Kesler #### BINHEX bills-zip-disk-icons-30.hqx **** From: W.P.Kesler@m.cc.utah.edu Subject: Bill's Zip Disk Icons 3.0 Here they are.... I've finally decided to update the Zip Icons. I hope you like them. Thanks to all of you who wrote with your suggestions. Hope they live up to the previous versions. Bill P.S. I'm working on supplements as we speak.....so get your requests in!!!! #### BINHEX bills-zip-icons-21.hqx **** From: W.P.Kesler@m.cc.utah.edu Subject: Bill's Zip Icons 2.1 I'm posting these icon archives once again in honor of Iomega's release of the Zip Plus drives. They're freeware as they will always be, so enjoy! Bill Kesler #### BINHEX bird-dog-cat-fish.hqx **** From: Jen Maher-Bontrager <box543@eudoramail.com> Subject: Bird, Dog, Cat, Fish A freeware group of animal folder icons. Birds, Dogs, Cats and Fish in various colors. #### BINHEX blank-icons.hqx **** From: lesch@macvirus.com Subject: Blank Icons 2.1.1 Blank Icons for Drag and Drop 57 blank white icons. They can be combined like building blocks, in many different ways to make from 1 to 16 applications, documents, or folders function in the space of one icon. New in 2.1.1: Email address change. Susan G. Lesch <lesch@macvirus.com> <http://www.macvirus.com/> #### BINHEX bugs-2.hqx **** From: michar@islandnet.com Subject: icons Here is a 2nd collection of insect icons that I created on my Mac using ResEdit. They are ready for use as folders, but you can cut and paste them onto anything on you desire. I think that these ones are way better than the first collection, so download these and decorate your desktop with the best looking icons on six legs. They're e-mailware! All I ask is quick note by way of payment. Small payment for hours of work. Enjoy. System Requirements Any Mac with a colour monitor. #### BINHEX butterfly-ii-icons.hqx **** From: royerm <royerm@gate.net> Subject: Butterfly II Folder icons Enjoy this new complete collection of my butterfly folder icons.....all your old favorites are back plus a slew of new ones taken from my newest Kaleidoscope scheme, Butterfly Garden. FInd out about Kaleidoscope at http://www.kaleidoscope.net/ and See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here: http://www.kaleidoscope.net/schemes/completelisting.shtml Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there -Martha Royer #### BINHEX celtic-knot-scheme.hqx **** From: jparris6@netpath.net Subject: Celtic Knot Kaleidoscope color scheme Celtic Knot is a separate release of one of three schemes in the Fancies set. Celtic Knot has a decidedly Celtic Flair, with default folder and custom trash written-in. Shareware. Regards, Janet Parris #### BINHEX chmods-icons.hqx **** From: dare@hem.passagen.se Subject: Chmod´s Icons.sit I have made som icons. Please publicate them at Info-Mac! #### BINHEX chmods-nature-icons.hqx **** From: dare@hem.passagen.se Subject: NatureIcons Icons by David Remahl. Landvetter (09-05-97) Chmod´s NatureIcons are made by David Remahl. If you have ANYTHING to say about these icons, say it to: dare@hem.passagen.se You are allowed to give these icons to you friend, mother, father or who ever, but you have to include this "Reed Me" and keep the set intact. If you want to put them on a commercial CD/Disk please send me a nice letter and ask me first. These icons are FREEWARE!, but if you keep using them, please send me an e-mail. #### BINHEX christmas-with-ikthusian.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: Christmas with ikthusian icons Yes, Virginia, ikthusian arts presents its first ever holiday icon set: "Christmas with ikthusian" icons! After coming home from the suffering and the carnage of holiday shopping at your local Wal-Mart, boot up ye olde Apple and get cozy with these little sugar-plum pixellations. You'll have a very merry Macintosh. And the next time you're "out" (in the cyber sense of the word), why not come visit my humble iconic workshop? Brian Brasher ikthusian@aol.com http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX citidisk-icons.hqx **** From: jimoro@bio.titech.ac.jp Subject: CitiDISK Icons ver 1.0 Now, I have created a new Icon set for CitiDISK(TM). CitiDISK(TM) is a very useful hard disk drive case for 2.5inch IDE drives, with a PCMCIA card interface, that will mount onto any Mac or PC with PC card slot. For any Powerbook users who have upgraded their hard disk, they can re-use their left-over hard disk, as a very convenient hot swap-able PC card drive. I am so far unable to find such CitiDISK icons in the Info-Mac archive, so I made them myself. Could you concider uploading my set of icons to the Info-Mac archives? It is Stuffed with StuffIt 5 format, and BinHex-ed. Again, thank you very much. Junji Morokuma -------------------------------------------------- Junji Morokuma, Ph.D [ Post-Doc Research Associate ] Dept. of Life Science, Tokyo Institue of Technology 4259 Nagatsuda, Midori Ward Yokohama 226-8501 JAPAN Phone #: +81-45-924-5722 FAX #: +81-45-924-5777 E-mail : jimoro@bio.titech.ac.jp -------------------------------------------------- Abstract start here: ===================== CitiDISK Icons (Release Number 1.0, 990306) Copyright 1999 by Junji Morokuma All rights reserved Free-Ware ! Hi there! This is a set of icons I have created for 2.5inch CitiDISK(TM) hard disk drive. I am so far unable to find such CitiDISK icons in the Info-Mac archive, so I made them myself. Enjoy!!! Free-Ware ! System requirements: *A healthy Macintosh! *A CitiDISK drive! (Optional!) CitiDISK(TM) is a very useful hard disk drive case for 2.5inch IDE drives, with a PCMCIA card interface, that will mount onto any Mac or PC with PC card slot. Free-Ware ! This may be distributed freely over the internet as a package, with icons, and this read me, and may not be sold without my permission. Please send me the CD if it is included in any CD library. Comments and Suggestions to: Junji Morokuma E-Mail: jimoro@bio.titech.ac.jp #### BINHEX clip-2-icns.hqx **** From: mihai@mscape.com Subject: clip2icns 1.5.1: create & edit OS 8.5 32-bit icons clip2icns is a little utility is designed to help you create 32 bit icons (which are available under MacOS 8.5 and above). Since Apple has chosen (for the time being) not to release an editor, I've created clip2icns to fill that gap. It takes a picture from the clipboard, splits it up into the icon and mask, and either inserts it into a current file or makes a new icon. New in this version: 1.5.1 February 27 1999 - clip2icns should work again under pre 8.5 systems - an error message is now displayed if a file that's in use is opened - icons with custom IDs should be displayed properly Mihai .. #### BINHEX colours-2.hqx **** From: wnosaj@flash.net Subject: Colours II The original Colours did so well that in 1 week I got to letters requesting permission to use them in MacUser and MacFormat Magazines. So here comes Designer Icons, the sequel to Colours. With neat patterns, new abstract icons and designer letters. #### BINHEX colours.hqx **** From: wnosaj@flash.net Subject: Colours Decorate your macintosh with these lively, coloUrful icons! Deep swirls and beautiful gradients--and more! Created by Epoch Icons: http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/way/6319 with Adobe Photoshop 3.0 and the wonderful ZONKERS! #### BINHEX computer-icons-30.hqx **** From: 900685@ican.net Subject: Computer Icons 3.0 Computer Icons 3.0 Here is my collection of computer icons I have collected over the years, I made a few myself but most of them are from other people¹s archives and pictures etc. These are in compressed disk image format, you will need Apple¹s "Disk Copy" 6.1 or better. Changes in v3.0 -added ³Saul's Hard Disk Icons² ($5 Shareware) -changed the image type to Disk Copy Compressed Image (thanks for the suggestion Kevin Patfield) (saves 13 megs of diskspace) -changed to Apple's Disk Copy (needed for compressed image format) -updated ³Mikes PowerMac Icons² to ³v98² -added a lot more zip disk and zip drive icons -added a "dell1" clone icon -added "Bill's Jaz Icons 2.0" to the removables image System requirements: * System 7 * Color Macintosh Highly Recomended For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed Thanks, Aaron Dowler 900685@ican.net www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/7285/index.html #### BINHEX condorito-icons.hqx **** From: fejgielman@redestb.es Subject: Condorito Icons Nueva colección de iconos con personajes latinoamericanos. Esta vez es Condorito. De pequeño pasaban por mis manos las revistas de Condorito. Hoy, Condorito a perdurado con el paso de los años. Y es un símbolo que identifica a los chilenos. Especialmente para ellos va esta colección. He incluido los personaje sm´s importantes de la revista como: Coné, Yayita, Gargante de lata, Don Cuasimodo, Huevoduro, Pepe Cortisona, Matias, Washington, Comegato, Ungenio Gonzalez y Don Chuma. Espero sugerencias y comentarios de esta colección y para nuevos iconos. Estos íconos son, por supuesto, totalmente gratuitos. CONDORITO is a old Comic magazine, of Chile. These icons are freeware. I like receive your e-mail. Gabi Viva Iconos: http://www.geocities.com/Baja/8696 #### BINHEX cool-blue-deluxe-folder-ico.hqx **** From: davebailey@usa.net Subject: Cool Blue Deluxe Folder Icon Creator 1.6.1cb The Cool Blue Deluxe Folder Icon Creator uses the new Cool Blue icon set posted at the Icon Factory and the very nice Deluxe Folder Icon Creator utility for creating custom folder icons to allow you to create really nice looking Cool Blue custom folder icons. Yes, this is a hack. Neither the author of Deluxe Folder Icon Creator nor the author of the Cool Blue Icon Set had anything to do with the release of this little applet. The DFIC has been modified to use the Cool Blue Icon Set as its template for creating new folder icons. However, with a DFIC update not having been released in years and Cool Blue Icons being as cool as they are, it seems the natural combination. The Cool Blue folder set works quite well with the DFIC applet to create custom Cool Blue icons for your desktop! Since the Cool Blue set already has replacements for all your system folder and standard icons, this allows you to create customized folders for your other applications and/or utility sets. Check out some of the examples I have included to get ideas for your own icons. I hope you enjoy it, and that it works great for you, but since it is a hack, you use it at your own risk and no guarantees are made about the operability of the software. Don't write me or the other authors if it doesn't work. Have Fun! Dave Bailey davebailey@usa.net PS- The Icon Factory is incredible! (no, they didn't have anything to do with this applet either, so don't bother them.) http://www.iconfactory.com/ #### BINHEX cool-cat-icons-vol-1.hqx **** From: crit_raab@mindspring.com Subject: cool cat icons Vol.1 Here are some icons to be posted - hope that you enjoy them! cool cat #### BINHEX cool-cursor-31.hqx **** From: bsuss@hotmail.com Subject: Cool Cursor A very cool black and red cursor bsuss@hotmail.com http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/3019/index.html #### BINHEX country_animals.hqx **** From:Jen Maher-Bontrager <bowie@bunny.sailormoon.org> Subject:Country Animals A freeware collection of animal icons in colors inspired by the country. #### BINHEX critterz.hqx **** From: stingray@webzone.net Subject: critterz.sit Stingray's Critterz ©1997 Steve Jones & Stingray's Madness This is the first icon set that I have created using all original artwork, so I would really appreciate it if you emailed me and let me know what you think about them! Email or Postcard Ware If you download these icons and decide to keep them, please send me an email or a postcard from your corner of the galaxy and tell me what you think about them. Please remember that I spent a lot of time creating these icons and all I ask in return is for you to tell me whether or not you like them! Not a bad price in my opinion! Distribution Feel free to do whatever you like with these icons, but keep this read me with the set. If you use them on a CD Rom or a game or anything of that nature, it would be infinitly cool of you to send me a copy. New icons are added often to the website so stop by often! Contact Website: Stingray's Madness http://www.webzone.net/stingray Email: stingray@webzone.net #### BINHEX custom-company-folders.hqx **** From: RDBow@Pitnet.net Subject: CustomCompanyFolders 1.0 CustomCompanyFolders 1.0 Hello, and thank you for downloading this shareware product. I hope the name wasn't to mis-leading. I'm trying to say that with letters from the alphabet I can create a lot of custom designed initialized folders. They could be: 1. Your Name (short like Al, Ann, Joe, Pat etc.) 2. Your initials (2 to 3 with or without periods) 3. Your company logo (with initials only, like MMI, MM Inc., in-line straight or slanted) 4. Computer related folders like Inits, EXTS, Apps, Inet etc. So I've just included a set of A thru Z folders for $2 sharerware and an invitation for you to contact me with your ideas of what type of "custom" folders you might like. It's kind of like that key chain rack of names you see in gift shops when traveling............. Your standing there shuffling through to see if they have a "JIM" left that you could buy. Some suggested uses for these $2 shareware "Initial Folders" that I hope you'll purchase: Use the "A" folder on the desktop or anywhere, for aliases, or Applications. Use "C" for Cyberdog or "D" for Downloads. I think you get the picture. #### BINHEX custom-cursors-12.hqx **** From: jparris6@netpath.net Subject: Styles"Custom Cursors update (freeware) Custom Cursors is a set of 12 different-colored, 3D different-colored cursors for Macintosh. The cursors are freeware, and may be used by dropping one into the extensions folder and restarting your Mac. The update has a silver 3D cursor added to the original set. Janet Parris #### BINHEX custom-folder-30.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: Custom Folder 3.0 With Custom Folder you can change the Folder Icons in OS 8, Kaleidoscope, Aaron and BeView extension with your own ones. Enjoy Chris #### BINHEX custom-folder-32.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: Custom Folder 3.2 Custom Folder, replaces the Icons in the Aaron, Kaleidoscope, BeView, OS 8 extenstion with other Icons. If you want to have more icons, please visit my Homepage at: http://www.darkeagle.com/ #### BINHEX custom-folder-34.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: Custom Folder v.3.4.0 This Patch, replaces the Icons in the Aaron, Kaleidoscope, BeView, OS 8 extenstion with other Icons. If you want to have more icons, please visit my Homepage at: http://www.darkeagle.com/ #### BINHEX custom-folder.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: Custom Folder 3.6 This Patch, replaces the Icons in the Aaron, Kaleidoscope, BeView, OS 8 extenstion with other Icons. If you want to have more icons, please visit my Homepage at: http://www.darkeagle.com/ #### BINHEX custom-pict-icon.hqx **** From: RDBow@Pitnet.net Subject: CustomPICTiconFolders (no version) CustomPICTiconFolders (no version) Shareware. A trial baloon of custom picture icons or custom picture folders that I can make for you. The pricing of this "custom" service is from $2 to $5 if you care to order something. There is a set of A thru Z ResEdit designed folders that are FREE in any case. I'm not sure what to call it. "CustomSharewareService" maybe? Thank you! -- Regards, Royce DeBow #### BINHEX dans-bepeople-2.hqx **** From: Dan Bailey <dan.bailey@fontosaurus.com> Subject: Dan's BePeople, Vol. 2 (Icons) This is a follow-up to the old, semi-popular icon set, Dan's BePeople, Vol. 1. Believe it or not, Volume Two has been in existence for almost two years, sitting on my hard drive. I just haven't had the time to actually do anything with it. That's the curse of being out of college. You have a real job and a real life and damned little free time. Green Bay Packers fans are encouraged NOT to write me email about the Brett Favre icon. I'm a Vikings fan, dammit. This iconset is also available on my website (http://www.fontosaurus.com), and more will probably follow. (I'm learning to manage my time, so I actually can pursue these things more actively.) #### BINHEX dans-bepeople-vol-1.hqx **** From: dan.bailey@fontosaurus.com Subject: DansBePeopleVol1 Short blurb: New modifications of those little BeOS people! Icons for your Mac. Abstract: I've loved the BeOS icons since I first laid eyes on them. But, gee, there just weren't enough of those cool stylized little people, so I got an icon editor and went to work on them. Dan's Be People, Vol. 1 was born. Certainly more volumes of these little guys will come along and make life happy for everyone. Dan's Be People are freeware, you may use them for any personal application. This precludes their usage in any sort of commercial venture or endeavour that you or your company would profit from. If you need to use them in such a manner, please contact me at: dan.bailey@fontosaurus.com Examples of profitable uses include: usage of the icons as graphics on your business website, inclusion onto a CD of software for sale, or selling my icons into slavery in some Third World Nation. Despite my humor, I am serious about this. Dan's Be People are (C) Copyright 1998, by Daniel W. Bailey. All rights reserved. Be is a copyright of Be, Inc. These works should not be seen as a challenge to Be's copyrights. Support alternative operating systems! #### BINHEX daria-icons-10.hqx **** From: jane@cookie.org Subject: daria-icons.hqx daria icon pack, version 1 by jane dominguez. this file contains 28 icons and an icondropper pack. please see the readme file for more information. feel free to share these icons, but please e-mail me before including them in collections or modifying them from their icon format. they must not be sold for any reason or included in or with anything that will be sold. consider them thank-you ware. enjoy, jane dominguez jane@cookie.org #### BINHEX dark-steel.hqx **** From: wnosaj@flash.net Subject: Dark Steel Dark Steel is a cool metalic mac icon set. First when first released, the Mac OS came with those bland, blue folders. Logically icons to replace these blue miseries popped up. First came different colored versions, then we were introduced to 3D liked beveled versions. After getting bored with the limitations of folders, people progressed to shapes other than folders. When I came into the icon world I wanted to get everything out of the 2D folder concept before moving on to other areas of icon design. Since Epoch Icons was brought into this world I have been bringing all types of cool 2D and 3D folders to your desktop, but here is one of the last and finest 2D "3D" folder set. It features metallic and glass icons that are so real you can almost feel the cold, dark metal on your desktop. From pure beveled metal to distorted, eroded, cracked, and tarnished metal fantasies. The set includes a couple of mini-series: -Dark Steel -Gold -Dark Metal -Mirrors and -Misc. Metal email: wnosaj@flash.net website: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Way/6319 #### BINHEX designer-icons-i.hqx **** From: plo225@earthlink.net Subject: Designer Icons 1 Here's a set of about 30 designer "art/deco" icons I created; $5 collegeware. Self-extracting Compact Pro archive, instructions included. Adam Barisoff lytespeed@hotmail.com http://home.earthlink.net/~plo225 #### BINHEX desktop-icon-manager-11.hqx **** From: parker9@cwws.net Subject: Desktop Icon Manager 1.1 Desktop Icon Manager v1.1 is an AppleScript which records and restores all icons on the desktop perserving the relative spacing regardless of the monitor resolution. In other words, Restoring the icon positions will place the icons in the same area of the screen regardless if you're view in 640x480 or 1280 x 1024 or whatever. Requires AppleScript and scriptable Finder (MacOS 7.5 or greater). Version 1.1 does exactly what the original v1.0 does, but considerably faster. #### BINHEX dinosaur-icons.hqx **** From: h.lubin@home.com Subject: Dinosaur icons Agrapha 32-bit Dinosaur icons is a set of 12 icons that look great in MacOS 8.5 or above, but will also show up as regular 8-bit icons in earlier versions of the MacOS. Visit AGRAPHA (http://www.agrapha.com/) for ideas on designing your Web site and for free Mac graphics to download. #### BINHEX doreamon-icons.hqx **** From: Reby Lee <rhwlee@chat.carleton.ca> Subject: Doreamon Icons. This set contains a favourite children story character Doreamon, most recognized in Japan and Asia at large. MacOS8.5 or later is required for viewing the icons. This set is also the itemware, meaning that you need to do one of following for me: 1. a beautiful postcard of your home town or country. 2. a donation to your local charity. 3. a breathtaking picture of your country. 4. to recycle or reuse 5 items (e.g. bottles, cans, packing materials.) Reby Lee email: rhwlee@hk.super.net address: http://www.hk.super.net/~rebylee #### BINHEX dorians-icons-ii.hqx **** From: dorian283@geocities.com Subject: Kool Icons II This set is an update to my icons set , Kool Icons, 3D style icons some call it copland, I have added a lot more icons. Plus most of the icons are 8.5 savvy. That means there are transparency effects, and millions of colors. So, take you time and download this set, its worth it!! Cheers, Dorian Visit the Kool Page at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Campus/4784 #### BINHEX dorians-icons.hqx **** From: dorian283@geocities.com Subject: Kool Icons This is a download for two Kool sets of copland style icons. Dorian's !cons. The first set name is Dorian's Icons , second is Dorian's Icons II. This download is worth it so take a look. If you liked to visit the Kool Page the web address is http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Campus/4784/. Hope you like them. Cheers, Dorian Gorski P.S Visit the Kool Page #### BINHEX drop-icon-20.hqx **** From: jason@abbotsoftware.com Subject: DropIcon 2.0 DropIcon is an easy to use "drag & drop" utility for adding custom preview icons to image files, similar to those created by Adobe Photoshop and other image editors. DropIcon is a must-get for anyone who uses or works with graphic files. Adding custom icons to a collection of files using DropIcon couldn't be easier. The icons which DropIcon generates will save you enormous amounts of time, energy and frustration -- never again will you have to open an entire batch of images just to find the one you're looking for! New In DropIcon 2.0: - 32bit Icon Support - Contextual Menu Plug-in - QuickTime movie files support - Batch Format Conversion - and much more! DropIcon requires: - MacOS compatible, with 68020, 68030, 68040 or PowerPC chip - System 7.1 or higher - QuickTime 1.0 or higher - 2 megabytes of available RAM For more information, or to download DropIcon, visit: http://www.abbotsoftware.com/software/dropicon/dropicon.html #### BINHEX electricons.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: Electricons (Mac icon set) Utilizing high-voltage, raw Mac power, Electricons have been weilded for your clicking pleasure! A single click of each icon is sure to give you a charge in your visual cortex! ikthusian@aol.com http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX elleair-icons-vol-1.hqx **** From: inaka@tdl.com Subject: elleair-icons-vol-1 Elleair Icons are all original icons, in a 3D ³Copland-esque² style. However, unlike the other icon sets that merely place the application¹s logo onto a 3D folder, Elleair Icons are a true original. There really isn¹t a theme to this icon set at all. I simply drew icons of hardware items I saw around me. Thus, this icon set includes the following hardware items: Zip Drive (Flat View) Zip Drive (Side View) SyQuest EZ 135 Drive Apple External Hard Drive Gravis MouseStick II Nikon LS 1000 Portable CD-ROM Drive FWB Hammer PE 2GB External HD ProDirect PDC 2400 Tsunami 1280MB Hard Drive #### BINHEX epoch-original.hqx **** From: wnosaj@flash.net Subject: Epoch Original Folders First online in July 1997, Epoch Icons has been spewing out all original types and designs of icons. From Dark Matter to Colours. But my specialty is modified folders. Not those bland blue folders that your Mac originally comes with, folders that appeal to the eyes. Icons that bevel and swirl and create an enhanced personal feel on your Mac. Now, after 6 months of icon design, this is the best of the best -- folders that stand out from the rest. #### BINHEX euro-coin-icon.hqx **** From: rhwlee@chat.carleton.ca Subject: Euro Coin Icons (32 bit and 8 bits) The Euro first exists as virtual money. In light of the spirit, I made some Euro coin icons based on the coins supposedly to be introduced in 2002. There are two sets of icons - one requires MacOS 8.5 or higher. The icons are free. If you like it, give some money to the needy or the local charity. Thanks #### BINHEX european-actress-icon.hqx **** From: rhwlee@chat.carleton.ca Subject: European Actress Icon (32 bits) Here are 26 32-bit icons of my most favourite actresses: Irène Jacob Julliete Binoche Ingrid Bergman Sophie Marceau The Icons are free. However, if you use them, I will ask you to do something for the environment (e.g. recycle, reuse or reduce). MacOS 8.5 or later are required. R. Lee rebylee@hk.super.net #### BINHEX extreme-icons.hqx **** From: wnosaj@flash.net Subject: Epoch Extreme 3D Icons Extreme Icons. Icons that truly take you and your mac to higher level of 3D. With totally extreme gradients, patterns, metal, and textures makes this set a must have on your Mac desktop. #### BINHEX face-the-day-icons.hqx **** From: duncan@norwood.com.au Subject: FaceTheDayIcons v1.0 FaceTheDayIcons v1.0 Icon set of 0S8 stlye folders with different faces. Looks better than it sounds :-) Duncan Cowan Blackfish Graphics duncan@norwood.com.au #### BINHEX fairy-ring.hqx **** From: Jen Maher-Bontrager <box543@eudoramail.com> Subject: Fairy Ring A freeware collection of toadstool and fairy icons for your Mac. #### BINHEX fim-zip-disk-resources.hqx **** From: bg01699@picasso.math.swt.edu Subject: fim-zip-disk-resources.hqx Icons and File Icon Maker Resources by Brian Gipson Folder Icon Maker is Copyright 1991, 1992, 1995 by Gregory M. Robbins (Folder Icon Maker is a great utility, and it's free! He only asks that you send him a postcard.) Unmodified copies of these Zip Disk Resources may be distributed at no charge, as long as this release note is provided with them, and remains unmodified. Unmodified versions of these Folder Icon Maker Resource Files will have the latest modification date of August 16, 1997 at either 11:58 PM or 11:59 PM. This set of Folder Icon Maker Resources was created because of the desire for nicer looking Zip Disk icons. The System 8 type icon sets follow the System 8 (Copeland-Like) theme, and come in four varieties for you to enjoy. How to use these icons 1) Use the great Postcard-ware program "Folder Icon Maker" 2) Use the finder's File Info command to copy and paste the icon. Requirements System 7 or higher and/or Folder Icon Maker #### BINHEX florida-vacation.hqx **** From: jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net Subject: Icon Set -- Florida Vacation The Icons are all scenes and objects that might be encountered on a Florida vacation. Thank you, Jim Findlay jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net #### BINHEX folder-icon-maker-112-x.hqx **** From: Power Mac User <niteowl69@bak.rr.com> Subject: Folder Icon Maker v1.1 Folder Icon Maker X Version 1.1 Folder Icon Maker X is a Shareware icon utility program that can be used to combine Mac OS X Finder icons. It was written in Objective-C Cocoa and compiled on Mac OS X version 10.3. To use the program, simply drop an icon for the background onto the view in the upper left corner of the window and drop an icon for the foreground onto the view within it. The program will composite the two icons together, with the transparency intact, and allow you to write the resulting composite to a PDF file, TIFF file, .icns file or to the Finder's clipboard. From the clipboard, the icon may be pasted into any Finder icon from the Finder's "Get Info" window. If you like the program or use it frequently you may register your copy at http://www.kagi.com or contact me directly via email. The shareware fee on this utility is $5.00. The current version of Folder Icon Maker X is 1.1 and may always be downloaded at: http://homepage.mac.com/niteowl69/.cv/niteowl69/Public/Folder%20Icon%20Maker%20X%20%5Bv1.1%5D.sit-link.sit Questions, comments, bugs? Email: niteowl69@mac.com ©2004 NiteOwl Software #### BINHEX folder-icon-maker-151.hqx **** From: grobbins@null.net Subject: Folder Icon Maker 1.5.1 Folder Icon Maker 1.5.1 9-June-1998 Folder Icon Maker creates folders with custom icons. Folder Icon Maker creates attractive folders from almost any file. To use Folder Icon Maker, just drag an application, document, folder, or disk onto the FIM application. A new folder will be created in the same directory as the original item is in. Requires System 7. Some features require System 7.5. New in version 1.5.1: Updated documentation. Now free; no longer postcard-ware. Software and documentation Copyright 1991, 1992, 1995, 1998 Gregory M. Robbins Unmodified copies of Folder Icon Maker may be distributed at no charge. Folder Icon Maker may be included on CD shareware/freeware collections. Folder Icon Maker is free. Stuffit archive, 48K. Greg Robbins grobbins@null.net #### BINHEX folder-text-labeler-101-x.hqx **** From: Power Mac User <niteowl69@bak.rr.com> Subject: Folder Text Labeler X Folder Text Labeler X Version 1.0 Folder Text Labeler X is a Shareware icon utility program that can be used to composite text on top of Mac OS X Finder icons. It was written in Objective-C Cocoa and compiled on Mac OS X version 10.3. To use the program, simply drop an icon for the background onto the view in the upper left corner of the window and type text into the text entry field. The program will composite the text on top of the icon with the transparency intact, and allow you to write the resulting composite to a PDF file, TIFF file, .icns file or to the Finder's clipboard. From the clipboard, the icon may be pasted into any Finder icon from the Finder's "Get Info" window. If you like the program or use it frequently you may register your copy at http://www.kagi.com or contact me directly via email. The shareware fee on this utility is $5.00. The current version of Folder Text Labeler is 1.0 and may always be downloaded at: http://homepage.mac.com/niteowl69/.cv/niteowl69/Public/Folder%20Text%20Labeler%20X.sit-link.sit Questions, comments, bugs? Email: niteowl69@mac.com ©2004 #### BINHEX fx-kinepak-sample.hqx **** From: sherman@KineticCreations.com Subject: FX KinePak SAMPLE - animated icons for Kineticon Kinetic Creations, Inc. announces the release of the FX KinePak! This sample includes 3 of the 13 kines included in the full FX KinePak. The FX KinePak requires Kineticon, Kinetic Creations' icon-animating system extension. This sample is free to use and distribute. The full FX KinePak is $5 US. For more information, please read the enclosed READ ME file. ------------------------------end abstract----------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________________ Kinetic Creations, Inc. http://www.KineticCreations.com #### BINHEX g3-cursor.hqx **** From: bortz@palacenet.net Subject: G3 Cursor This is a new cursor in honor of the great new mac G3s that just came out! Hope you like it! #### BINHEX g3-icon.hqx **** From: rahjur@ptconnect.infi.net Subject: Rah-Jur's G3 Icon Rah-Jur's G3 Minitower Icon submission #### BINHEX garbage.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: PlugIn "Garbage" for Custom Folder Folders and Plug-In by D. Byron Teichroew mailto:umteich0@cc.umanitoba.ca #### BINHEX geo-metria-1.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: Geometria icons Mac icons with a planar perfection you'll treasure for years to come. Created by ikthusian ... http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX geometria-noir-1.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: Geometria Noir icons Mac icons even Sam Spade would love. The third in my series of Geometria icons, these are b&w geometric unidentifiables for your personal desktop intrigues. Oh so many more icons are available at my humble site. Please visit. Have a nice day. Brian Brasher ikthusian@aol.com http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX girrl-pointers.hqx **** From: artworks@garlic.com Subject: Girrl Pointers.sit Please accept these girrl hand pointers for your archive. They are made for the Mac only, and there are reports of crashes when people try to use them on a PC. Thanks!!! Jean Hanamoto #### BINHEX globo-iconz.hqx **** From: kaysha@organizedbambino.com Subject: GLOBO ICONZ by KaySha my new icon set for mac os 8.5 (32bits) -- #### BINHEX gold-plated-system-icons.hqx **** From: ilona@ilicon.com Subject: Gold Plated_System Icons The set contains 65 System Icons. This set is based on my previous "iBook System Icons" set. The only difference is the color. Using my system icons you will always be able to recognize the meaning/content of the folders and files. Enjoy! For the perfect look of your desktop, use my "Gold Plated_Desktop Picture" with this icon set. You can find it on my web site: IliCon___ http://www.ilicon.com #### BINHEX golden-eyecons.hqx **** From: wnosaj@flash.net Subject: GoldenEyecons The name's Bond, James Bond. And he's coming to your mac shaken, not stirred! All the characters from the Bond N64 game, along with some icons from the movie. Included are: Bond, Natalya, Travlyan, Ourmmov, the seductive Xenia, Oddjob (from goldfinger, or better known as Randomtask from the hit comedy Austin Powers) and MORE Over 20 Icons. #### BINHEX gone-fishin.hqx **** From: jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net Subject: Gone fishin Icon Set for Mac This file includes a set of hand drawn Macintosh Icons that depict various fish that you might find at the end of your fishing line. This Icon set is freeware and can be used as such. It is virus free. If any part of the set is to be used in any other collection, please contact the author. Jim Findlay jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net #### BINHEX gortsiconshardwareedition.hqx **** From: forrest@fwi.com Subject: Gort's Icons, Hardware Edition Gort's Icons, Hardware Edition. 10 icons of peripherals and other computer hardware, each pixel lovingly mashed into place. Enjoy! #### BINHEX gortsiconsvolume-1.hqx **** From: forrest@fwi.com Subject: Gort's Icons, Vol. 1 Gort's Icons, Vol. 1...the collection that started it all. 45 icons, no theme, each pixel lovingly mashed into place. Enjoy! #### BINHEX gortsiconsvolume-2.hqx **** From: forrest@fwi.com Subject: Gort's Icons, Vol. 2 Gort's Icons, Vol. 2...the addiction begins. 45 icons, no theme, each pixel lovingly mashed into place. Enjoy! #### BINHEX gortsiconsvolume-3.hqx **** From: forrest@fwi.com Subject: Gort's Icons, Vol. 3 Gort's Icons, Vol. 3...there's no stopping now. 45 icons, no theme, each pixel lovingly mashed into place. Enjoy! #### BINHEX gortsiconsvolume-4.hqx **** From: forrest@fwi.com Subject: Gort's Icons, Vol. 4 Gort's Icons, Vol. 4...the beat goes on. 45 icons, no theme, each pixel lovingly mashed into place. A Pixelpalooza '99 first runner-up. Enjoy! #### BINHEX grape-flavored.hqx **** From: ilona@ilicon.com Subject: Grape Flavored The set contains 45 System icons. There was a great demand for other colors... Apple has made your wish come true. It's my turn now to give another color to my popular iMac System Icons. #### BINHEX gregs-great-icons-13.hqx **** #### BINHEX gregs-great-icons-vol-2.hqx **** From: igregs@earthlink.net Subject: Greg's Great Icons Volume 2 Greg's Great Icons Volume 2 This is a collection of over 80 stunning icons. No more colorful cows or kissing computers like my last set; this is just pure, unleashed pixel power in the form of fancy folders. These icons are the best ever and no computer is complete without them. All information regarding these icons can be found online: http://igregs.8m.com Thanks. Enjoy my icons. :) Greg Spilman E-mail: igregs@earthlink.net Webpage: http://igregs.8m.com #### BINHEX gregs-great-icons.hqx **** From: gregmail1@yahoo.com Subject: gregs-great-icons.sit Greg's Great Icons is a great icon collection and should be put in the icons folder. It has been scanned with disinfectant. I give permission for Greg's Great Icons to be included in the Info-Mac CD-ROM. Abstract: Greg's Great Icons, an icon collection for someone who has lots of free time. Someone like YOU. Colorful cows, trash, trumpets, etc. Get them or you'll be sorry you didn't. They are interesting. They are entertaining. They are FREE. System Requirements: Any Mac, any system. Read the Great Read Me for more info. Go to my great web page: www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/network/8956 Thanks. Greg of Greg's Great Mac Stuff. gregmail1@yahoo.com www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/network/8956 #### BINHEX griff-native-american.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Native American Icons Set 5 Griff's Native American Icons Set 5 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 39.5 KB These 31 icons are for my ancestors who were wiped out by the Long Knives, and Yellow Hair. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griff-set-10.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Icon Set 10 Griff's Icons Set 10 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 68.7 KB These 35 icons are for fun These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griff-set-11.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Icons Set 11 Griff's Icons Set 11 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 68.7 KB These 35 icons are for fun. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icon-set-12.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Icon Set12.sit Griff's Icons Set 12 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 20.4 KB These 26 icons are for your enjoyment and use. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icon-set-13.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Icon Set 13.sit Griff's Icons Set 13 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 62.4 KB These 26 icons are for your enjoyment and use. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the read me file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icon-set-14.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Icon Set 14.sit Griff's Icons Set 14 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 57.4 KB These 30 icons are for your enjoyment and use. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icon-set-20.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Icon Set 20.sit Griff's Icons Set #20 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 55.7 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! I now copyright all of my icons! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icon-set-23.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Icon Set 23.sit Griff's Icons Set #23 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 56 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copy righted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icon-set-25.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff'sIconSet 25.sit Griff's Icons Set #25 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 74.7 KB There are 31 icons in this set, and I hope you can make use of them. These icons are copyrighted, and shareware ($10.00) they can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icon-set-27.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griffs Icon Set27.sit Griff's Icons Set #27 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 65.8 KB There are 34 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copy righted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! I now copywriting all of my icons! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icon-set-33.hqx **** From: griff@usa.net Subject: Griff's Icons Set #33 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 60.1 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copy righted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! I now copywrite all of my icons! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icons-18.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Icons#18.sit Griff's Icons Set #18 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 56.8 KB There are 31 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copy righted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! I now copywrite all of my icons! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icons-set-16.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff'sIconsSet16.sit Griff's Icons Set #16 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 57.1 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copy righted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icons-set-21.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Icons Set #21 Griff's Icons Set #21 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 54 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copyrighted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icons-set-34.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Icons Set #34 Griff's Icons Set #34 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 65.7 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copyrighted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-icons-set-35.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Icons Set #35 Griff's Icons Set #35 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 66.4 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copyrighted and are shareware ($10.00) they can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-iconset-17.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff'sIconSet17.sit Griff's Icons Set #17 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 54.1 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copy righted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! I now copywriting all of my icons! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-iconset-19.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff'sIconSet19.sit Griff's Icons Set #19 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 55.2 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copyrighted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! I'm now copyrighting all of my icons! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-iconset-32.hqx **** From: Steve <griff@snet.net> Subject:Griff's Icons Set #32 Griff's Icons Set #32 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 68.3 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copyrighted and are shareware ($10.00) they can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-set-15.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Set 15.sit Griff's Icons Set #15 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 57.1 KB There are 31 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-set-24.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff'sSet24.sit Griff's Icons Set #24 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 57 KB There are 32 icons in this set, and I hope you like them and can them. These icons are copy righted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-set-26.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griffs Set 26 Griff's Icons Set #26 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 74.1 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copy righted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-set-28.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff'sSet28.sit Griff's Icons Set #28 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 63 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copy righted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! I now copywrite all of my icons! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-set-29.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff'sSet29.sit Griff's Icons Set # 29 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 60.4 KB There are 31 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are copy righted and are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! I now copywrite all of my icons! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-set-31.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Set31.sit Griff's Icons Set #31 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 62.7 KB There are 30 icons in this set, and I hope you can find a use for them. These icons are copywrited, and are shareware ($10.00) they can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! I now copywrite all of my icons! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-set-36.hqx **** From: Steve <griff@snet.net> Subject: Abstract Griff's Icons Set #36 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 62.7 KB There are 60 icons in this set, and I hope that they will help you spruce up your desktop. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! I now copywriting all of my icons! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-set-8.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Set 8.sit Griff's Icons Set 8 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 76.5 KB These 40 icons are for my ancestors. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX griffs-set-9.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Griff's Set9.sit Griff's Icons Set 9 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 90.8 KB There are 43 icons in this set. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX gun-icons.hqx **** From: tsuyoshi.fukuda@nifty.ne.jp Subject: Gun Icons Here's Gun Icons. Put on info-mac and CD-ROMs. Distribute freely. #### BINHEX halloween-98-icons.hqx **** From: ilona@cyberrealm.net Subject: Halloween'98_Icons It's time to be scared! With these 16 Halloween icons on your desktop, you will! :) The overall look of your desktop can be completed with the"Halloween '98" and the "Monster'98" desktop pictures, which you can find on my web site. IliCon: http://cyberrealm.net/~janos Icons with style! and other creations! #### BINHEX halloween-cursor-2.hqx **** From: bortz@palacenet.net Subject: Halloween Cursor 2 This is the sequal to my popular cursor-Halloween Cursor Hope youlike it! #### BINHEX halloweenhand-pointers.hqx **** From: artworks@garlic.com Subject: Halloween Hand Pointers HalloweenHand Pointers are extensions that provide an alternative to the standard, dull arrow or mitt pointer. They're based on a generic hand pointer from BeBox. Drop one into your System folder, restart, and enjoy! Freeware. Jean Hanamoto, 1998 artworks@garlic.com http://www.garlic.com/~artworks/ArtNGarlic/ I paint gardens and flowers with vivid colors, in a very strong, sensual style. My watercolors feel warm and welcoming, with a sense of humor, too. Garlic is a favorite subject! #### BINHEX happy.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: PlugIn "Happy" for Custom Folder Icons by Dan Schmidt. Original Icon by Boris. These icons are E-mail ware!! If you like them, write me at mailto:dan2412@aol.com. #### BINHEX hat-reasons.hqx **** From: jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net Subject: A Hat for All Reasons Icon Set for the Mac This file includes a set of hand drawn Macintosh Icons that depict various types of headgear. This Icon set is freeware and can be used as such. It is virus free. If any part of the set is to be used in any other collection, please contact the author. Jim Findlay jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net #### BINHEX haunted-halloween-icons.hqx **** From: royerm <royerm@gate.net> Subject: halloween icons Scary Halloween Folder icons to decorate your desktop. These are taken from my Haunted House Kaleidoscope schemes. Enjoy! -Martha Royer See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here: http://www.kaleidoscope.net/schemes/completelisting.shtml Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there #### BINHEX heartfolders.hqx **** From: Jen Maher-Bontrager <box543@eudoramail.com> Subject: Heart Folders A freeware group of folder icons. If you've ever visited the forums at http://www.sailormoon.org, you probably recognize these icons. They are light yellow manilla folders and each has a different colored heart on it. #### BINHEX hearts-aflutter.hqx **** From: jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net Subject: Heart's Aflutter Macintosh Icons for Valentine's Day From: James Findlay (jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net) Subject: Heart's Aflutter Icons This set of Mac Icons was developed for Valentine's Day and features 13 icons with transparent backgrounds and the same 13 icons with solid white backgrounds (32x32 pixels). The solid backgrounds can be used as buttons with any filled color background the user deems appropriate. A Read Me file is included. #### BINHEX help-to-icon-101.hqx **** From: jfoucher@ltpcm.inpg.fr Subject: Help to Icon 1.0.1 Help to Icon is a tiny extension that replaces the Mac OS 8's Help menu name with an icon like in system 7. Requirements : OS 8 or more v1.0.1 : changed the name to force loading first. That sould solve incompatibilities with extensions like Other Menu... v1.0 : initial release #### BINHEX henry-kuo-icons-21.hqx **** From: HenryKuo@aol.com Subject: Icons HenryKuoicons2 - The second set of icons for your desktop comfort from HenryKuo@aol.com. #### BINHEX henry-kuo-icons-3.hqx **** From: HenryKuo@aol.com Subject: HenryKuoicons3 and Picasso Icons The first file is called HenryKuoicons3, and as a description I would just like it to say: HenryKuoicons3 - The 3rd set of icons for your desktop comfort among which are some nice cats, a garden hose, an ashtray, a calculator watch, and a Pounce treat can icon plus 33 more. Brought to you from HenryKuo@aol.com The second file is called Picasso Icons, and as its description I would like it to say: Picasso Icons - Taken from the paintings of Picasso are these icons. You can have a little bit of Picasso displayed somewhere among your desktop. From HenryKuo@aol.com #### BINHEX henrykuo-icons-1.hqx **** From: HenryKuo@aol.com Subject: Icons HenryKuo Icons, Comfortable Icons to give your desktop a nice homey feel, from Henry Kuo at HenryKuo@aol.com. Thank you very much. -Henry Kuo, HenryKuo@aol.com #### BINHEX holiday-cons.hqx **** From: jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net Subject: HolidayCons Icon Collection This Icon Collection, HolidayCons is a collection of hand drawn icons with a Christmas motif -- angels, holly, elves, etc. I have checked this file for viruses and I give permission to use any or all of the icons in future commercial programs. Jim Findlay Washington Island, WI jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net #### BINHEX homemade-icons.hqx **** From: gianfranco.spertini@skynet.be Subject: Icons - Home made icons! These are my home made icons. Made with ResEdit. They can be used on any Macintosh. All about different themes and in different styles. For more details read the enclosed Read Me file or visit my site: http://www.fortunecity.com/westwood/rocco/475/index.html Thanks, Gianfranco Spertini Free-lance illustrator #### BINHEX hs-icon-lib-demo.hqx **** From: HSJournal@aol.com Subject: HS Icon Librarian Demo This is a demo version of HS Icon Librarian, a unique new utility for creating, converting, storing and organizing HyperStudio button icons. Cheers... Bill Lynn, Publisher HyperStudio Journal <http://www.hsj.com> #### BINHEX hti-121.hqx **** From: beastieit@geocities.com Subject: Help to Icon 1.2.1 Help to Icon lets you replace the Help menu title by an icon In standard, 8 icons are provided : OS 8 Help bulb, System 7.5 Help bulb, System 7.1 Help bulb, LiteSwitch style icon (LiteSwitch is ©Proteron www.proteron.com), 2 HTI bulbs, HiTech bulb, and a real bulb. Now in v1.2.x you can design 2 own icons.... #### BINHEX huberts-mac-icons-r9702.hqx **** From: starfury@dna.ca Subject: Hubert's M.A.C. Icons r9702 Hubert's M.A.C. Icons v3.1 r9702 Revisions: v3.1 - Feb 21, 1997 Unlike most other Mac computer icon archives, EVERY Mac model that has ever existed is included! THIS INCLUDES ALL CLONES BY POPULAR MAC CLONE MANUFACTURERS! Apple Macs in this collection also have icons for different configurations and case variations! Whatever Mac and configuration you have, there will be a matching icon. These icons also look great in virtually ANY monitor resolution (colour) setting! Permission IS HEREBY GIVEN to include this archive on any CD-ROM, commercial package, etc, provided that: 1) you inform me via e-mail (starfury@dna.ca) of your intent to do so*; 2) all files within are not altered in any way, shape or form; 3) the original archive and all components (readme files, icons, resources) are to remain with the archive to be placed in the CD/etc. lease read the file "About M.A.C. Icons" for full details - Hubert Chan, starfury@dna.ca #### BINHEX ibook-system-icons.hqx **** From: ilona@cyberrealm.net Subject: iBook System Icons The set contains 65 System Icons. If there is iMac, maybe there will be iBook too. In case if it happens you'll be ready to decorate it with this elegant system icons. I always keep in mind that the system icons must be clearly recognizable and pleasing to look at! The label colors should be supported and the icons must be pleasantly darkened if selected. This is Apple's principle of designing icons for Macintosh. I take it seriously! Using my system icons you will always be able to recognize the meaning/content of the folders and files. Enjoy! The complete look of your desktop, use my "iBook Desktop Picture"! You can find it on my web site. IliCon: http://cyberrealm.net/~janos Icons with style! and other creations! #### BINHEX icon-2-ico.hqx **** From: sexkittn@burn.demon.co.uk Subject: Icon->.ICO version 0.98b I've attached the latest version (0.98b) of the Icon->.ICO program, a drop-box application that converts Macintosh icon families into Windows .ICO files. This version fixes a bug in version 0.97b that could cause icons to appear totally black. Please replace the copy in your archives with this one. Icon->.ICO is written by me and is freeware. PPC only, requires Thread Manager. See the enclosed Read Me file for more information. #### BINHEX icon-archiver-40.hqx **** From: alm@montalcini.com Subject: Icon Archiver 4.0 - Powerful Icon Database for 8.5 The Icon Archiver is an extremely powerful database specifically designed for easy icon storage and retrieval. It can quickly scan whole disks or folders and grab all the icons they contain, including those you won't ever see in the Finder and all icon archives created by other icon utilities. It can easily export them in most graphics formats, including the ones you need for your web pages. Drag & Drop is fully supported, so you can create or stick custom icons by simply dragging them around. All icons are compressed on the fly to save memory and disk space, and archives can contain a very large number of icons (unlike all other icon utilities which are limited to a few hundreds). Advanced features include removing duplicate icons, sorting them by shape, filtering them by size or color depth, and viewing them in many different ways. The Archiver includes native PowerPC code and its icon handling routines are highly optimized for maximum speed. Even if you hate custom icons, you'll be fascinated by the number of icons that come out of a typical shareware CD-ROM like the ones that are bundled with many Mac magazines. No matter what you use your Mac for, this is guaranteed to give you countless hours of fun and entertainment as well as a much nicer desktop. New in version 4.0: - Fully supports Mac OS 8.5. - The file format has changed to make it even more efficient. Icon Archiver archives are now smaller than StuffIt files. - Supported icon types include 32-bit and 48x48 huge icons. - Additional list views and options added for the new icons. - Individual icon comments are now available. - Icons can be sorted by identity (faster) or similarity. - New commands include Trim To Selection, selective Add and Remove Sizes, smart Picture Conversion options and more. - Sorting icons now flags an archive as modified. - Icon names are no longer truncated to 24 characters. - The Archiver starts up much faster when AppleTalk is on. - The ICO plugin correctly generates 16x16 and 48x48 icons. - Many other improvements were made, including better error reporting, smarter menu commands and more... #### BINHEX icon-arranger-20.hqx **** From: Power Mac User <niteowl69@mac.com> Subject: Icon Arranger v2.0 Icon Arranger Version 2.0 Icon Arranger is a Shareware utility program that can be used to arrange Mac Desktop Finder icons in their containing windows and clean-up icon placement. Icon Arranger descends down a directory and all of it's subdirectories and arranges icons with a greater "Kind" control than the Finder provides. It was written in Objective-C Cocoa and compiled on Mac OS X version 10.3. To use the program, navigate to a folder that you wish to clean- up in the table at the left. Once you have chosen a valid folder, you can scan the folder for it's available file types with the "Scan For Available Kinds" button. This will list all the different file types inside of a folder. Drag the file types from the middle table to the table at the far right in any order of your choosing. Once you decided on the file type order you want, press the "Arrange Icons" button. Pressing the "Arrange Icons" button launches an AppleScript that will switch to the Finder and begin arranging the icons of the chosen folder in the order you specified. Tip: After arranging a folder with many subdirectories, you can close all of the windows at once in the Finder by clicking any Finder window's close button while holding down the option key. Note: Arranging a folder with more than 5000 files in it will prompt a warning and cancel the arrangement operation. Note: If you do not have write permission on a directory you wish to arrange, the script will function fine but the arrangement that takes place may not stay set, as the .DS_Store file will not be updated. If you like the program or use it frequently you may register your copy at http://www.kagi.com/. The current version of Icon Arranger is 1.3 and may always be downloaded at: http://homepage.mac.com/niteowl69/.cv/niteowl69/Public/Icon%20Arranger.sit-link.sit Questions, comments, bugs? Email: niteowl69@mac.com Release history: ¥ 2004.08.01 Version 2.0 - Complete re-write of the AppleScript to implement an improved algorithm to snap folders into their places with greater eficacy and speed. ¥ 2004.07.15 Version 1.3 - Added a button to simply open a folder and recursively descend down it's subdirectories opening each without arranging the folder's icons. - Fixed "memory leak" created when lauching the Applescript. ¥ 2004.07.01 Version 1.2 - Added built-in "Help" book with usage directions and tips on icon arrangement. - Improved Finder drag-n-drop support to launch the program in a directory or update the current directory contents. ¥ 2004.06.15 Version 1.1 - Added "File Information" and "Current Permissions" informational view to describe the current target directory or file. #### BINHEX icon-basket.hqx **** From: LouB@berksys.com Subject: Icon Basket Icon Basket - This is a simple, but cute collection of icons for your mac! By Lou Bustamante. LouB@berksys.com #### BINHEX icon-builder-201.hqx **** From: Craig Hockenberry <craig@iconfactory.com> Subject: IconBuilder - Version 2.0.1 - October 1999 The Iconfactory is proud to announce an all new tool for creating and constructing 32-bit icons for Mac OS 8.5 - IconBuilder. IconBuilder combines the power and flexibility of Adobe Photoshop(tm) with the ease of use of IconDropper to make a powerful icon creation tool for both beginner and advanced users as well as professional software developers. Written by veteran Photoshop filter author - Craig Hockenberry, IconBuilder is the first "real world" solution for creating 32-bit icons for Mac OS 8.5. Thanks to the use of layers (and their transparent properties), Photoshop makes an ideal editor to create the blended shadows, smooth outlines and translucent areas of 8.5 icons. Because it is a Photoshop plug-in filter, IconBuilder has the ability to translate any kind of transparent effect done in Photoshop layers, quickly and easily into the world of 32-bit icons for Mac OS 8.5 and beyond. "IconBuilder is the best tool a professional icon designer could ever hope for. No more futzing around in a resource editor, just do all your work where it's supposed to be done, Photoshop!" - Arlo Rose, co-creator of Kaleidoscope This release includes a small bug fix for users running Mac OS 9. #### BINHEX icon-calendar.hqx **** From: ESPEAR@aol.com Subject: 1998 Icon Calendar The Icon Calendar is a set of twelve custom folders, one for each month of the year. Within each folder are custom folders for each day of the month laid out in calendar fashion. If you have a file that will need your attention on June 12, just open the June folder and drop it in the June 12 folder where it will quietly wait until needed. Thank you. Steve Robinson #### BINHEX icon-dropper-322.hqx **** From: Craig Hockenberry <craig@iconfactory.com> Subject: IconDropper 3.2.2 IconDropper allows users to customize their Mac's icons on-the-fly through the use of Drag-n-Drop technology. Instead of having to copy and paste custom icons from tons of folders on your hard drive, IconDropper stores all icons in custom designed sets called "packs". A single click is required to update any folder's icon and see the results in real time. IconDropper (and its sister apps, IconPacker and IconDragger) let the user design and embed custom banners and background colors into the packs when saved. Packs can then be e-mailed to friends or distributed on the Internet. For more information about this exciting new piece of Macintosh shareware, or to download some cool looking icon packs, please visit us at: <http://www.iconfactory.com> Release 3.2.2 of IconDropper includes support for 32-bit custom icons in Mac OS 8.5 and later, while still being compatible with older versions of the OS. There are also many user interface updates and a bug fix for users on Mac OS 9. We've also updated our web site with 32-bit icons, so please drop by <http://www.iconfactory.com> for a look. IconDropper is available from Info-Mac as: icondropper-322.hqx (larger file compatible with Mac OS 7.5 and up) icondropper-ppc-322.hqx (smaller file for Mac OS 8.5 and later only) #### BINHEX icon-dropper-ppc-322.hqx **** From: Craig Hockenberry <craig@iconfactory.com> Subject: IconDropper - Version 3.2.2 - October 1999 IconDropper allows users to customize their Mac's icons on-the-fly through the use of Drag-n-Drop technology. Instead of having to copy and paste custom icons from tons of folders on your hard drive, IconDropper stores all icons in custom designed sets called "packs". A single click is required to update any folder's icon and see the results in real time. IconDropper (and its sister apps, IconPacker and IconDragger) let the user design and embed custom banners and background colors into the packs when saved. Packs can then be e-mailed to friends or distributed on the Internet. For more information about this exciting new piece of Macintosh shareware, or to download some cool looking icon packs, please visit us at: <http://www.iconfactory.com> Release 3.2.2 of IconDropper includes support for 32-bit custom icons in Mac OS 8.5 and later, while still being compatible with older versions of the OS. There are also many user interface updates and a bug fix for users on Mac OS 9. We've also updated our web site with 32-bit icons, so please drop by <http://www.iconfactory.com> for a look. IconDropper is available from Info-Mac as: icondropper-322.hqx (larger file compatible with Mac OS 7.5 and up) icondropper-ppc-322.hqx (smaller file for Mac OS 8.5 and later only) #### BINHEX icon-maniac-aof-2.hqx **** From: gnohc@singnet.com.sg Subject: ICONMANIAC ICONS The ICONMANIAC Art of Fighting icons were icons made from the famous NeoGeo game! You may include my files in the CD ROM. Thanks :) Regards J a s o n C h o n g ********************** I C O N M A N I A C ICONMANIAC WEB SITE: http://web.singnet.com.sg/~gnohc Jason's World: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/8760 #### BINHEX icon-maniac-bubbles.hqx **** From: gnohc@singnet.com.sg Subject: ICONMANIAC ICONS The ICONMANIAC Bubble Icons were 50 colourful icons! You may include my files in the CD ROM. Thanks :) Regards J a s o n C h o n g ********************** I C O N M A N I A C ICONMANIAC WEB SITE: http://web.singnet.com.sg/~gnohc Jason's World: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/8760 #### BINHEX icon-maniac-m1-2.hqx **** From: gnohc@singnet.com.sg Subject: ICONMANIAC ICONS The ICONMANIAC Mounted icons 1&2 Bundle includes the award winning "mounted Icons" and the 2nd set. You may include my files in the CD ROM. Thanks :) Regards J a s o n C h o n g ********************** I C O N M A N I A C ICONMANIAC WEB SITE: http://web.singnet.com.sg/~gnohc Jason's World: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/8760 #### BINHEX icon-maniac-tu.hqx **** From: gnohc@singnet.com.sg Subject: ICONMANIAC ICONS The ICONMANIAC Tiny Ultraman icons were a small cute set which fits well on any desktop! You may include my files in the CD ROM. Thanks :) Regards J a s o n C h o n g ********************** I C O N M A N I A C ICONMANIAC WEB SITE: http://web.singnet.com.sg/~gnohc Jason's World: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/8760 #### BINHEX icon-tools-16.hqx **** From: alberto@riccisoft.com Subject: Icon Tools 1.6 Icon Tools 1.6 - shareware $15 Information and downloads: http://www.riccisoft.com/icontools/ Online registrations: http://order.kagi.com/?6R Contact address: mailto:support@riccisoft.com Icon Tools, a CNET/Download.com Top Pick and Most Popular item, is an extremely innovative tool which lets users personalize their desktops by modifying any icon in many creative ways. With a single click (actually, a control-click), Icon Tools can copy, paste, rotate, flip, reduce, or apply special effects to file, folder and disk icons. It can also create thumbnail preview icons for pictures and movies of any kind! Version 1.6 not only takes advantage of the new 32-bit icons under Mac OS 8.5, but it also sports an editor for 8-bit icon masks! You will now be able to create your own translucent icons and make anti-aliased or shaded areas blend perfectly with the background. Breaking the barriers of the Finder's labels, Icon Tools provides a unique Icon Stamps feature: instantly mark your documents and applications with tags, symbols, markers, labels, widgets of any kind - more than a hundred are included in the package, but you can make your own stamps too! Even on crowded hard disks and cluttered desktops, Icon Tools will let you identify important files at a glance. Mark documents to be printed with a small printer stamp, files to be e-mailed with an e-mail symbol, tear apart the icons of obsolete documents... the possibilities are endless. Icon Tools also lets users easily add Icon Frames to any existing icon. Adding backgrounds or making folder and disk icons for your favorite applications is easier than ever. Included are frames for making custom CD-ROM or Zip disk icons with no effort! Icon Tools is a $15 shareware Contextual Menu Manager plug-in for Mac OS 8. #### BINHEX icon-tools-cmm-12.hqx **** From: alberto@riccisoft.com Subject: Icon Tools 1.2 Icon Tools 1.2 - shareware $15 Information and downloads: http://www.riccisoft.com/icontools/ Online registrations: http://order.kagi.com/?6R Contact address: mailto:support@riccisoft.com Icon Tools, a CNET/Download.com Top Pick and Most Popular item, is an extremely innovative tool which lets users personalize their desktops by modifying any icon in many creative ways. With a single click (actually, a control-click), Icon Tools can rotate, flip, reduce, or apply special effects to file, folder and disk icons. New in version 1.2 is the possibility to create thumbnail preview icons for pictures and movies of any kind. Icons' images can now be saved as pictures. Icons can be anti-aliased when minimized. When making Folder/Disk/CD icons, the small icon is now modified too. Breaking the barriers of the Finder's labels, Icon Tools provides a unique Icon Stamps feature: instantly mark your documents and applications with tags, symbols, markers, labels, widgets of any kind - more than a hundred are included in the package, but you can make your own stamps too! Even on crowded hard disks and cluttered desktops, Icon Tools will let you identify important files at a glance. Mark documents to be printed with a small printer stamp, files to be e-mailed with an e-mail symbol, tear apart the icons of obsolete documents... the possibilities are endless. Icon Tools also lets users easily add Icon Frames to any existing icon. Adding backgrounds or making folder and disk icons for your favorite applications is easier than ever. Included are frames for making custom CD-ROM or Zip disk icons with no effort! Icon Tools is a $15 shareware Contextual Menu Manager plug-in for Mac OS 8. "Icon Tools is the quick and easy way to copy, paste, and jazz up your icons." - Download.com "Icon Tools is really pretty exceptional. We've seen a bunch of icon-editing utilities over the years, but never before have we seen so much icon-hacking power crammed into such a minimalist interface." - MacAddict #### BINHEX iconalikeit-icons.hqx **** From: sgzb1@idt.net Subject: I_CON_A_LIKE_IT Icon Collection a massive icon collection by the author of the hit "kuku icon collection" (available at the info mac archive.) vol.1 you will LOVE this collection of top-quailty icons! guaranteed! LONG LIVE MAC! shareware. #### BINHEX iconeer-133-x.hqx **** From: Ancodia software <info@ancodia.com> Subject: iconeer-133x.sit Filename: iconeer-133x.sit Application Name: Iconeer Version: 1.3.3 (Mac OS X) Category: Graphics, Icons Description: Powerful, full featured Mac icon builder. Creates standard, new, and OS X icons. Iconeer is a powerful, full featured Mac icon builder. Creates standard, new, and OS X icons of all sizes and color depths. Supports 1-bit and 8-bit icon masks. Different pictures can be optionaly assigned to each icon size and depth. Features real-time preview and output in 4 formats. With Iconeezer - batch icon builder - more custom icons can be created with a click. Iconeer is an ideal tool for desktop customization,icon artists and developers. Author: Lubos Tilka (Ancodia software) Website: http://ancodia.com E-mail: info@ancodia.com #### BINHEX iconeer-133.hqx **** From: Ancodia software <info@ancodia.com> Subject: iconeer-133.sit Filename: iconeer-133.sit Application Name: Iconeer Version: 1.3.3 Category: Graphics, Icons Description: Powerful, full featured Mac icon builder. Creates standard, new, and OS X icons. Iconeer is a powerful, full featured Mac icon builder. Creates standard, new, and OS X icons of all sizes and color depths. Supports 1-bit and 8-bit icon masks. Different pictures can be optionaly assigned to each icon size and depth. Features real-time preview and output in 4 formats. With Iconeezer - batch icon builder - more custom icons can be created with a click. Iconeer is an ideal tool for desktop customization,icon artists and developers. Author: Lubos Tilka (Ancodia software) Website: http://ancodia.com E-mail: info@ancodia.com #### BINHEX iconmachine-31-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: Icon Machine 3.1J - Japanese version This is the Japanese version of the Icon Machine package. Icon Machine is a native icon editor for Mac OS X, capable of editing in all color sizes and depths. You can draw the icons yourself using the built-in array of standard tools, or import images from an application such as Adobe Photoshop. Masks are easy - if you paste from an application like Adobe Photoshop, the mask is automatically imported as well. And while you're drawing, the image and mask are automatically kept in sync. Also included is an "Edit Icon" contextual menu plugin for quickly opening files into Icon Machine from the Finder. Icon Machine is a Carbon application, compatible with Mac OS 8.6 thru OS X 10.3.x. Version 3.1 adds a preferences dialog with several customizable options. #### BINHEX iconmachine.hqx **** From: "David Catmull" <dathorc@kagi.com> Subject: Icon Machine file: iconmachine.sit.hqx Icon Machine 2.0 - now features 32-bit editing - Integrated mask editing: mask while you draw - Transparent selections, including pasting or dragging from Photoshop - Floating palettes for patterns, transparency, and colors, including RGB/HSV sliders For more information: http://www.iconmachine.com/iconmachine.html David Catmull dathorc@kagi.com ICQ: 16731215 http://www.dathorc.com/ Sent with Cyberdog: Because it's not over until we say it's over... #### BINHEX iconographer.hqx **** From: Mihai Parparita <mihai@mscape.com> Subject: Iconographer 1.0.2: 32-bit Icon Editor Iconographer is a an icon editor. It allows you to both change the icons of items, as well as edit the icon resources used by various programs. Iconographer has been created from the ground up to edit the new, Mac OS 8.5+, 32-bit icons with 8-bit masks. In addition, it allows you to work with icons from other platforms (at this moment, Windows .ico files and Mac OS X Server .tiff files). Requirements: System 7.5.3 and above Appearance Manager (included with Mac OS 8.0 and up) A Power Macintosh New : 1.0.2 - Fixed a crash with the move tool. - Fixed cosmetic issues with pre-Mac OS 8.5 systems. #### BINHEX icons-et.hqx **** From: cft1@pop.pitt.edu Subject: Icons ET With my upgrade to OS 8, some of my old custom icons now look kinda flat next to their OS 8 brethren, so I went on a search to replace them. However, I discovered there aren't any nice icons out there for the usual games, internet, sound, programming, word processing, utilities, graphics, or claris folders, so I created my own. Since I figured most other people have at least a subset of these program divisions, I decided to submit them to Info-Mac since they are of rather high quality, yet still nondistracting. Disclaimer: The small insets on these icons come from various sources, so I lay no claim on them. Contact me for a list of sources. (In general, Aldus, Apple, Claris) I give permission for this package to be distributed in any way, as long as the distributer is not making any profit off of it, and as long as I am given credit for this application. Contact me for permission otherwise. #### BINHEX icons-from-dennis-scp-97.hqx **** From: dennis.scp@multiweb.nl Subject: Icons from Dennis SCP 97 Icons from Dennis SCP 97 is a small high quality Mac OS icon collection. The collection contains some nice general icons (video,audio etc.) two Atari-logo icons and new Copland 3D icons wich you must see to believe and wich are a must have for anyone who creates Copland icons. All icons are pixelperfect in b/w, 16 and 256 colors in 32*32 or 16*16 pixels. This collection may be spread via any medium. #### BINHEX iconstop-vol-1.hqx **** From: sgzb1@idt.net Subject: IconStop Icon Collection This is a GREAT icon collection, containing over 50 icons! all kinds of traffic signs and symbols, in clear, beautifully created color mac icons. shareware. a GREAT download!! worth your download time- guaranteed! requires: mac(!), system 7 or greater. #### BINHEX iconswapper-10.hqx **** From: Halfhill@aol.com Subject: IconSwapper IconSwapper - is a Shareware utility that provides "Drag and Drop" Custom Icon creation and deletion for Macs. Drag a file onto IconSwapper to change its Icon. Option-drag files onto to grab their Icon, or use the "Grab an Icon" dialog to choose ANY Icon from any file or app. Remove custom Icons by dragging with caps lock key down. Simple, clean, effective. Recognizes and uses both ICN# and icns (8.0,8.5) format Icons. Requires OS 8 or up and a PowerPC (anything but the old 68K machines). Support: http://members.aol.com/halfhill #### BINHEX igregs-icons.hqx **** From: Greg <igregs@addr.com> Subject: iGregs Icons Hi, iGregs Icons contains 211 icons that I hope you'll love. These icons are free, but I would appreciate it if everyone would check out my web site, www.iGregs.com. These are 256 color icons that should work on any Mac. Enjoy! Greg e-mail: igregs@yahoo.com webpage: http://www.iGregs.com #### BINHEX ikinethusians-11.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: ikinethusians1.1 (for use with Kineticon) Stop fantasizing about animated desktop icons and experience startling reality! The ikinethusians1.1 icon set is for use with Kineticon 1.0.1 (available at Info-Mac or from its home page: http://www.kindground.com/kineticon). Simply drop these little packs of potential motion into the "Kines" folder, open the Kineticon "editor", make the necessary adjustments, and your desktop is crawling with life! Version 1.1 has only minor changes from the original release (but go on and update!). Iconus plethoramus and other various Mac stuff is available at my site. Brian Brasher ikthusian@aol.com http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX iks-auto-parts.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: ik's Auto Parts icons Mac icons for grease monkeys and motorheads. Submitted by Brian Brasher e-mail: ikthusian@aol.com URL: http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX iks-donut-shop.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: ik's donut shop icons Take a break from your beat with some tasty icons. Made fresh one day, these little crumpets are a sweet treat for your desktop. Other icons and such are at my web site for your perusal. ikthusian arts ikthusian@aol.com http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX ikthusiaville.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: ikthusiaville icons Mac icons inspired by Icon Town* that encourage users to build a better world. Submitted by Brian Brasher e-mail: ikthusian@aol.com URL: http://members.aol.com/ikthusian *Iocn Town is located at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/bernd_ho/icontown.htm #### BINHEX ili-alphabet-icons.hqx **** From: janosm@gate.net Subject: Ili's Alphabet Icons These sets contain the 26 letters of the alphabet in two different colors. Each of the letters are with a little dude named Picur. Picur means a sort of tiny in Hungarian. The bonus folder contains a pair of Picurized trash and hard disk icons. The appropriate ResEdit files for trash icons are also included if you know how to use them. I'm not responsible for any damage caused by misused ResEdit. Ilona Melis janosm@gate.net #### BINHEX ilicon-flower3-icons.hqx **** From: ilona@cyberrealm.net Subject: IliCon_Flower3_Icons The set contains 30 flower icons, the third set in the series. Ilona Melis e-mail: ilona@cyberrealm.net IliCon: http://cyberrealm.net/~janos Icons and other goodies! #### BINHEX ilicon-hd-trash-icons.hqx **** From: ilona@cyberrealm.net Subject: IliCon HD&Trash Icons The set contains 61 icons:Hard Disk icons with their matching Trash icons in six different colors in four groups, Plain, Technoish, Glassy and Other. Good for hard disk partitions or stand alone. The appropriate ResEdit files are also included if you know how to use them. Ilona Melis Email: ilona@cyberrealm.net IliCon: http://www.cyberrealm.net/~janos #### BINHEX ilicon-icon-electronics.hqx **** From: ilona@cyberrealm.net Subject: IliCon_IconElectronics The set contains 63 icons, featuring the basic electronic components and tools. Dedicated to all those people who make wonders with electronics! IliCon: http://cyberrealm.net/~janos Icons with style! and other creations! #### BINHEX ilis-christmas-icons.hqx **** From: janosm@gate.net Subject: Ili's Christmas Icons These Christmas icons are freeware, but please, if you have time, e-mail me, let me know what you think. These collection is for personal use, however you may distribute this icon collection (including commercial CD-ROMs, putting them on a server, web pages, etc.) but you must keep the set intact, including this read me file and do not charge or request fees or compensation of any kind. Ilona Melis janosm@gate.net #### BINHEX ilis-cute-icons.hqx **** From: janosm@gate.net Subject: Ili's Cute Icons These collection of icons are freeware, but please, if you have time, email me, let me know what you think. These collection is for personal use, however you may distribute this icon collection (including commercial CD-ROMs, putting them on a server, web pages, etc.) but you must keep the set intact, including this read me file and do not charge, request fees or compensation of any kind. Ilona Melis janosm@gate.net #### BINHEX ilis-fantasy-square-icons.hqx **** From: janosm@gate.net Subject: Ili's Fantasy Square Icons These set contains 53 geometric looking icons which are changing when selected and stand out beautifully on almost any desktop pattern. These icons are freeware, but please, if you have time, e-mail me, let me know what you think. Ilona Melis janosm@gate.net #### BINHEX ilis-flower-icons-1.hqx **** From: janosm@gate.net Subject: Ili's Flower Icons-1 These collection of flower icons are freeware, but please, if you have time, email me, let me know what you think. These collection is for personal use, however you may distribute this icon collection (including commercial CD-ROMs, putting them on a server, web pages, etc.) but you must keep the set intact, including this read me file and do not charge, request fees or compensation of any kind. Ilona Melis janosm@gate.net #### BINHEX ilis-flower-icons-2.hqx **** From: janosm@gate.net Subject: Ili's Flower Icons-2 These collection of flower icons are freeware, but please, if you have time, email me, let me know what you think. These collection is for personal use, however you may distribute this icon collection (including commercial CD-ROMs, putting them on a server, web pages, etc.) but you must keep the set intact, including this read me file and do not charge, request fees or compensation of any kind. Ilona Melis janosm@gate.net #### BINHEX ilis-halloween-icons.hqx **** From: janosm@gate.net Subject: Ili's Halloween Icons These collection of Halloween icons are freeware, but please, if you have time,email me, let me know what you think. These collection is for personal use, however you may distribute this icon collection but you must keep the set intact, including this read me file and do not charge or request fees or compensation of any kind. Ilona Melis janosm@gate.net #### BINHEX ilis-system-icons.hqx **** From: janosm@gate.net Subject: Ili's System Icons These System Replacement Icons have a very new look yet familiar and easy to recognize. This was my entry to Pixelpalooza'98. You'll be the real judges of it. Ilona Melis janosm@gate.net #### BINHEX imac-cursor.hqx **** From: bortz@palacenet.net Subject: iMac Cursor This is my newest cursor that I have made in honor of the great new iMac! Bryan Bortz #### BINHEX imac-icons-imade.hqx **** From: tsuyoshi.fukuda@nifty.ne.jp Subject: iMaciConsiMade@niftyserve.or.jp iMaciConsiMade is iMac icons I made:-) Use these icons to make your mac like iMac, untill iMac to be released in August. #### BINHEX imac-ikcon.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: iMACikCON icon set Maybe you're reading this from the comfort of a new iMac. Or perhaps you seethe with envy and disappointment while you hunch over an old Plus. Whichever it may be, you can still enjoy iMac icons. And you can also opt to have this set. Yes, my friends, it's a parcel of icons that have little or nothing to do with the iMac, and yet don't they? Since they're freeware, why not take a gander and perhaps you'll join the scores of other Mac users worldwide who are saying, "Don't it make my brown eyes bondi blue." #### BINHEX imac-selecticon.hqx **** From: jasonrainbows@mindspring.com Subject: iMacSelectIcons - Finest quality custom iMac icons!!! iMacSelectIcons Vol.001 by Jason Rainbows' Magic Theatre Art and Design 1998 http://www.mindspring.com/~jasonrainbows rainbow@kagi.com A gift for all you new iMac owners (and anyone else who appreciates quality design and icons). Since you have the coolest looking Mac on the market, why not have the coolest looking Mac desktop in the world? Complete with simple instructions on "How to Change Your Icons" to customize your Mac's desktop. These icons are lovingly hand-drawn, one pixel at a time, with great attention paid to detail. Our special "SelectIcon" color palette technique allows surprise hidden elements to appear when the icon is "selected" - They look great when "selected" and "unselected"! These are my gift to YOU in celebration of the iMac and the Mac OS in general. The ONLY OS that STILL smiles when you turn it on! Have fun! Try not to hurt anyone with these beautiful creations and, always remember to be "at one with your surroundings". Peace, Jason Rainbows rainbow@kagi.com #### BINHEX imac-system-icons-20.hqx **** From: ilona@cyberrealm.net Subject: iMac System Icons 2 More system icons for the cute iMac. If you liked the first set, you would love this second one which contains 43 icons. IliCon: http://cyberrealm.net/~janos Icons with style! and other creations! #### BINHEX imac-system-icons.hqx **** From: ilona@cyberrealm.net Subject: iMac System Icons This set contains 40 System Icons for iMac. When I saw iMac, my first reaction was how unique and cute this thing is. Well, I was inspired by the look of Apple's new computer and here is the result! There is just one little problem: no iMac yet! But you are prepared!!! An enlarged edition of this set can be found on my web site! Ilona Melis e-mail: ilona@cyberrealm.net IliCon: http://cyberrealm.net/~janos Icons and other goodies! #### BINHEX imac.hqx **** From: dave@iconfactory.com Subject: iMac iCon by Pixelhaus! 67k This is the newly updated and more accurate version of the very first iCon of Apple's new iMac design. It also includes two bonus iMac icons, one "turned on" and one featuring an iMac running Apple's eWorld... well... one can dream, can't one? :-) Please note: This pixelhaus iMac icon is freeware, but it is *not* in the public domain. pixelhaus maintains all rights in perpetuity. You are free to use this icon on your personal computer or on non-revenue-generating personal websites, but it cannot be used commercially or re-distributed in any way without express permission. Permission is granted for inclusion on the commercially available Info-Mac CD-ROM, as long as the entire file, ReadMe and all, is included with the icon. This includes incorporation into third party software and use in Kaleidoscope Color Schemes. The best idea is to ask us beforehand. We are usually fairly flexible. If you do not know how to customize the icons on your Mac, there is a wonderful tutorial on the the subject at the Iconfactory's website at: www.iconfactory.com Please enjoy the icons and visit the pixelhaus often. #### BINHEX imaciconsimade-2.hqx **** From: tsuyos-f@air.linkclub.or.jp Subject: iMaciConsiMade vol.2 Please post this icon set on info-mac archive. They are translucent icons of iMac. Need MacOS 8.5 or later. Best Regards, Tsuyoshi Fukuda mailto:tsuyos-f@air.linkclub.or.jp HomePage URL http://www.linkclub.or.jp/~tsuyos-f/ http://member.nifty.ne.jp/~tsuyoshi/ #### BINHEX imaciconsimade-vol2.hqx **** From: tsuyos-f@ascii.co.jp Subject: iMaciConsiMade vol.2. This is Tsuyoshi Fukuda. I have uploaded iMaciConsiMade vol.2.sit to info-mac.org. Please distribute those icon sets. You may include them on info-mac software archive cd-rom. Thank you. Best Regards, Tsuyoshi Fukuda tsuyos-f@ascii.co.jp ASCII HyperLib magazine Tel:+81-3-5351-8100 Fax:+81-3-5351-8102 ***********// Newton Never Dies //*********** #### BINHEX insecticons-vol-211-pack.hqx **** From: nday@zoo.co.uk Subject: Insecticons Vol I V2.1.1 colourful insect icons. Volume I of a collection of high-quality icons mainly based on real and imaginary insects, some very realistic, for the Mac OS. Designed to complement the 'Industrial Textures' desktop patterns. May be included on CD-ROM. Now contains sixty-three icons. 5 Pounds UK or $5 US shareware, Volume II sent to registered users. Version 2.1.1 (no new icons) now compatible with OS8. nday@zoo.co.uk http://www.zoo.co.uk/~aqueduct -- a collection of odd facts and interesting puzzles. #### BINHEX intensive-matter.hqx **** From: wnosaj@flash.net Subject: Dark Matter 2: Intensive Matter Get your FREE mac icons here! With the success of the multi award-winnng Dark Matter, here is an all new expansion to that fantastic set. Along with all new matter, including Gold Matters, and Texture Matters, come the icons from 1.0 enhanced with Photoshops distortion filters. Also included is a preview for the upcoming set, Dark Matter 2.1 Brought to you by Epoch Icons: http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/way/6319 #### BINHEX ircrsr-101.hqx **** From: akramx0f@zajil.net Subject: iRCrsr 1.0.1 iRCrsr is an extension which replaces your normal cursor with an iMac mouse and the watch with a rotating iMac. You can distribute iRCrsr freely, provided that you don't modify it and that it is always accompanied by the other files within this folder. iRCrsr is not free, it is shareware with a fee of $5. Please read the enclosed ReadMe document for more information. iRCrsr is the first project of my Mac programming. I am 14 & own an iMac. and I always THINK DIFFERENT. Please feel free to contact me if you have any problems, or questions or any thing. Muzamil Akram akramx0f@zajil.net #### BINHEX japanese-folder-icons.hqx **** From: anderson@winter.try-net.or.jp Subject: Japanese Folder Icons Studying Japanese? Or want to learn? Then these are the icons for you. These folder icons have Japanese Kanji (Chinese characters) in a variety of topics. Some examples are Homework, School, Work, Travel, Cooking, Exercise, E-mail, etc.. In all there are 17 icons. Thanks, Dave Anderson #### BINHEX jasons-icons-1.hqx **** From: gilgamesh@sprynet.com Subject: Jason's Kanga Icons v1.0 Jason's Kanga Icon Collection v1.0 Here are some really nice Classic Kanga icons that I made for my girlfriend back in the day. These are really cute. I hope that you like them. Jason Ellis gilgamesh@sprynet.com http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/4740/ #### BINHEX jasons-icons-10.hqx **** #### BINHEX jens-animal-icons.hqx **** From: box543@concentric.net Subject: Jens_Animal_Icons.hqx A freeware collection of animal icons for your Mac. #### BINHEX jens-birdie-icons-2.hqx **** From: bowie@sailormoon.org Subject: Jens_Birdie_Icons_2.hqx Another freeware collection of "birdie" icons for your Mac. #### BINHEX jens-birdie-icons.hqx **** From: bowie@sailormoon.org Subject: Jens_Birdie_Icons A freeware collection of "birdie" icons for your Mac. #### BINHEX jens-blue-cat.hqx **** From: box543@concentric.net Subject: Jens_blue_cat.hqx A freeware collection of special Blue Cat icons for your Mac. #### BINHEX kidcons.hqx **** From: GedeonM@aol.com Subject: kidcons.hqx, space icons, World of Copland:2 The enclosed folder contains over 60 custom Kidcon icons for children of all ages. This fun and playful set was drawn by hand utilizing bold lines and striking colors to bring out the kid in everyone. There are Kidcon replacements for the standard Mas OS items like blank folders and the trash can as well as scores of toys and objects that are sure to loosen up any Macintosh. Whether your eight or eighty, we're sure you'll enjoy the Kidcon Icon Collection as long as you're young at heart! System requirements: * System 7.5.3 or greater * Works best with a color Macintosh For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our Web page: http://www.iconfactory.com #### BINHEX kineticon-203-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: Kineticon 2.0.3J - animated icons on your desktop! (Japanese Version) This is the Japanese version of the Kineticon package. Kineticon brings your Mac's motionless icons to life! Kineticon replaces normal, static icons on your Macintosh's desktop and in its windows with chosen animated icons Kineticon is fully configurable, allowing you to choose which icons should animate simply by enabling them Kineticon allows you to create custom animations which can be made to appear in place of any icon displayed by your Macintosh With Kineticon you will have THE COOLEST hard drive icon on your block! With Kineticon you will have THE CUTEST trash can icon in your neighborhood! And remember, if you don't like the included animations, you can easily make your own or download any of hundreds available at our web site! Changes in version 2.0.3 from 1.7.2: * Kineticon Editor has be renamed to, simply, "Kineticon" * Kineticon (Editor)'s user interface has been greatly simplified * It is no longer necessary to copy and paste icons in the Finder - Kineticon now handles this for you * Got rid of the "Kines (Disabled)" folder. All kines are now stored in the "Kines" folder, whether enabled or not * Other minor bug fixes System requirements: * 68K and PowerPC Macs supported * System 7.5 or higher (not Mac OS X - please be patient, it's a big job) * Color * Free RAM: at least 300K. More RAM is needed depending on how many animating icons are enabled * 2 MB of hard drive space (for the extension, Kineticon and animating icon files) License: This is a fully-working, 14-day, trial version which is converted to the full version with a license code For more information, please read the enclosed READ ME file. #### BINHEX kineticon-203.hqx **** From: Sherman Uitzetter <sherman@KineticCreations.com> Subject: Kineticon 2.0.3 - animated icons on your desktop! Kineticon brings your Mac's motionless icons to life! Kineticon replaces normal, static icons on your Macintosh's desktop and in its windows with chosen animated icons Kineticon is fully configurable, allowing you to choose which icons should animate simply by enabling them Kineticon allows you to create custom animations which can be made to appear in place of any icon displayed by your Macintosh With Kineticon you will have THE COOLEST hard drive icon on your block! With Kineticon you will have THE CUTEST trash can icon in your neighborhood! And remember, if you don't like the included animations, you can easily make your own or download any of hundreds available at our web site! Changes in version 2.0.3 from 1.7.2: * Kineticon Editor has be renamed to, simply, "Kineticon" * Kineticon (Editor)'s user interface has been greatly simplified * It is no longer necessary to copy and paste icons in the Finder - Kineticon now handles this for you * Got rid of the "Kines (Disabled)" folder. All kines are now stored in the "Kines" folder, whether enabled or not * Other minor bug fixes System requirements: * 68K and PowerPC Macs supported * System 7.5 or higher (not Mac OS X - please be patient, it's a big job) * Color * Free RAM: at least 300K. More RAM is needed depending on how many animating icons are enabled * 2 MB of hard drive space (for the extension, Kineticon and animating icon files) License: This is a fully-working, 14-day, trial version which is converted to the full version with a license code For more information, please read the enclosed READ ME file. #### BINHEX kml-icons.hqx **** From: Erik Richard Sørensen <kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk> Subject: New Utility: KML Color Icons 1.022 Author: Erik Richard Soerensen (kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk) Type of submission: New Utility Operating System: ppc/68k Suggested Category: Utilities / Icons Application name: KML Color Icons Application location: --- Version Number: 1.011 Release Date: 09/02/2000 Cost: US$10.00 File size: 386,973kb Evaluation period: 30 days (beta version) License type: Shareware Comments: Colorful icons for the Mac - Especially suitable for visual impaired and others that want real colorful icons on the Macintosh computers. The icons are based on the classic icons, but the colors have been made, so that they can be seen of all - hopefully also the colorblind people. Have a look and enjoy! Features: 1) Helpful 2) Colorful 3) Usable Key Words: Icons #### BINHEX kool-icons-ii.hqx **** From: dorian283@geocities.com Subject: Kool Icons II This is an update to Kool Icons by me, Dorian Gorski. There are several new icons, plus some old icons. Most icons are compatible with 8.5, meaning millions of colors, plus transparency effects. Thanks for your time. Sincerely, Dorian Gorski #### BINHEX kurti-krazy-ikons.hqx **** From: kurt.erben@magnet.at Subject: Kurti's Krazy Ikons Dear Editor, please put the enclosed file on your server. Thank you ! #### BINHEX kurtis-kolorful-icons-40.hqx **** From: kurt.erben@magnet.at (Kurt Erben) Subject: Kurti's Kolourful Ikons 4.0 Enclosed my new files submission. Please put it on your server. Thank you ! #### BINHEX kurtis-kool-ikons-20.hqx **** From: kurt.erben@magnet.at Subject: Kurti's Kool Ikons 2.0 Hello, enclosed my new icon-set. Hope you like it. Please put it on your server and/or CD. Thank you, Kurt #### BINHEX laser-green-system-icons.hqx **** From: normac@tamarack.nt.ca Subject: Laser Green System Icons Laser Green System Icons are replacements icons for Mac OS8 Appearance Extension that will really spice up you Mac! They can also be used on System 7+ by copying them to the System file. Once you install them they will transform your plain Mac icons to brilliant Laser Green. These icons are shareware for $5.00 Canadian or whatever you think they are worth. Norman Keenainak normac@tamarack.nt.ca #### BINHEX left-custom-cursors-11.hqx **** From: jparris6@netpath.net Subject: "Styles" Left-Handed Custom Cursors Left-Handed Custom Cursors is a set of 12 different-colored, 3D cursors especially for lefties, and was done by request. The cursors are freeware, and may be used by dropping one into the extensions folder and restarting your Mac. This update has a black 3D cursor added to the set. Janet Parris #### BINHEX left-handed-custom-cursors.hqx **** From: jparris6@netpath.net Subject: Left-handed Custom Cursors Left-handed Custom Cursors is a set of 11 different-colored, 3D cursors especially for lefties, and was done by request. The cursors are freeware, and may be used by dropping one into the extensions folder and restarting your Mac. Thanks, Janet #### BINHEX loveletters.hqx **** From: Jen Maher-Bontrager <box543@eudoramail.com> Subject: Loveletters A freeware group of folder icons. If you've ever visited the forums at http://www.sailormoon.org, you probably recognize these icons. I find these icons to be an easy way to organize my personal files. -Maybe they'll work for you too! :) #### BINHEX mac-dudes.hqx **** From: ilona@ilicon.com Subject: Mac_Dudes 16 Mac icons with attitude! Visit IliCon for more goodies __ http://www.ilicon.com #### BINHEX maccentric-icons-10.hqx **** From: eating@earthlink.net Subject: MacCentric Icons v.1.0 Description: MacCentric Icons v 1.0 is a neat little freeware collection of icons including cartoon icons of some popular iron.- CA Welsh #### BINHEX macmania.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: MacMania icons If you're wondering if you really want this icon set, ask yourself these questions: Am I enamoured with the Mac OS to the point of being annoying? Must my desktop pay eternal homage the Apple, center of the computing universe? Can I ever realy get enough icons? ... If you answered "yes" to any or all, download. Other icons and such are at my web site for your perusal. ikthusian arts ikthusian@aol.com http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX macos-8-icon-update-10.hqx **** From: dennis.scp@multiweb.nl Subject: MacOS8IconUpdate1.0 Mac OS 8 Icon Update containes more than 50 high quality icons which supplement the 3D style icons in Mac OS 8. It also contains icon resources to replace the outdated icons in Mac OS 8, SimpleText, MoviePlayer and Kaleidoscope 1.8 using Apple's free ResEdit (not included). Don't be scared an easy steps guide is included and remember you don't have to install the resources to enjoy the icons, it's an option to make your computer look even beter. Mac OS 8.1 and QuickTime 3 compatible. This complete collection may be included on archive or magazine CD-ROMs. Looking good, feeling good, greetings Dennis SCP. <Enclosure: MacOS8IconUpdate1.0.sit> #### BINHEX makis-icons.hqx **** From: maki.bubby@usa.net Subject: Maki's Icons These icons are all trialware for evaluation use only. But you may distribute the icons freely. Contact me about additional use permissions. #### BINHEX manic-apple-1.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: Manic Apple icons Mac icons good for what ails most Mac addiction sufferers. Created by ikthusian ... http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX mario-kart-64.hqx **** From: wnosaj@flash.net Subject: Mario Kart 64 Icons Break your fastest time with these high quality icons! Choose from all the drivers, and courses, equip yourself with all the items! With a total of 40+ icons, this set is a must have for N64 lovers. Other N64 sets: Star Fox 64 Brought to you by Epoch Icons: www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/way/6319 #### BINHEX marthas-custom.hqx **** From: royerm@gate.net Subject: Martha's Custom Folder icons Martha's custom icon folders contained 6 sets of folder icons extracted from my kaleidoscope schemes...Hokkaido, Kowloon, Kitty,kitty, Arf, arf, Easter Morning, and Greenery. They are compressed with Icon Archiver. See my read-me for details on usage. Please post of the recent additions page. -Martha Royer See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here: http://www.kaleidoscope.net/schemes/authors/martharoyer.shtml http://www.kaleidoscope.net/schemes/authors/martharoyer2.shtml http://www.kaleidoscope.net/schemes/authors/martharoyer3.shtml #### BINHEX marthas-folder-icons-2.hqx **** From: royerm@gate.net Subject: Martha's Folder Icons II This is the second collection of folder icons sifted out of my Kaleidoscope schemes. They are compacted with Icon Archiver. Please enjoy. And visit my scheme site at www.gate.net/royerm -Martha Royer #### BINHEX marthas-folder-icons-3.hqx **** From: royerm <royerm@gate.net> Subject: Martha's Folder Icons III Martha's Folder Icons III is my third set of freeware icons sifted from some of my Kaleidoscope schemes. Enjoy and try out my schemes! See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here: http://www.kaleidoscope.net/schemes/completelisting.shtml Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there #### BINHEX maxs-icon-pack.hqx **** From: RainMan36@aol.com Subject: Max's Custom 3D Icon Pack Welcome to Max's Custom 3D Icon Pack! Included are special icons for 15 popular applications. Each icon has been carefully edited to give it a subtle 3D shade. Once you use Max's Custom 3D Icons, you'll never want to go back to the old ones! WARNING: Some knowledge of ResEdit is required. Always make a backup copy of the application! Open the application whose icons you want to change, and the corresponding resource file. Select all the resources in the resource file (Ý-A) and copy (Ý-C) them to the clipboard. Paste (Ý-V) the resources into the application. When ResEdit asks if you would like to replace resources with conflicting IDs, click Yes. Save the application. Repeat as necesary for all the applications that you want to change. When done, restart your computer, and rebuild the desktop (Hold Ý and option at startup). When the rebuilding is done, you should see your new icons. Bonus! In the Bonus! folder, there are 3D folder icons from 16 popular applications. To copy the icon to your own folders, Get Info (Ý-I) on the custom icon folder, select the icon, and copy (Ý-C) it. Then, select the destination folder, Get Info on it, select its icon, and paste (Ý-V). Max Kaganov 2801 NE 183rd St #901 Aventura, Fl. 33160 Questions? Comments? E-mail me at maxk22@earthlink.net or, AOL users, e-mail me at: #### BINHEX mbs-bug-icons.hqx **** From: michar@islandnet.com Subject: MB's Entomylogical Icons The Icons Here is a small collection of insect icons that I created on my Mac using ResEdit. Not only will they make your Mac look trés cool, they will will also provide limitless opportunities for bad puns about “bugs” in your system. They're Freeware! They are absolutely free. Gratis. No charge. Send no money. However, I would like to receive an e-mail if you use them. This is my first experiment in freeware distribution and I'm interested to see where these things end up; so if you give them away to others, please include this Read Me. A Final Note Next time you find an insect in your house or see one outside, take a close look at it and think twice before smashing it into pulp. Once you start looking closly at insects, you will be amazed by their infinite variety. Trust me, bugs are cool. System requirements: * Any Mac with a colour monitor Michael Barnes michar@islandnet.com #### BINHEX merry-christmas-icons.hqx **** From: OneApp <email@oneappsoftware.com> Subject: The Merry Christmas Icons Collection Hi, The Merry Christmas Icons Collection is a freeware collection of Icons to bring the Christmas spirit to our cherished Macs. ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThanks and Merry Christmas to all! ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe OneApp Software Team. -- OneApp Software http://www.oneappsoftware.com/ #### BINHEX micaic-10.hqx **** From: Scott <scishop@pacbell.net> Subject: Micaic: creates mosaics from icons Micaic 1.0.0 Scott FR Description: Micaic is a powerful program that creates mosaics out of icons. Micaic scans your Hard Drive for icons, and then turns those icons into a beautiful mosaic of a picture of your choosing. Micaic is very easy to use, and the mosaics it creates are stunning. System Requirements: Micaic should work on any PowerPC or 68k Macintosh running system 7.5.5 or later. Pricing: Micaic is a $15 shareware program. None of it's features are disabled in the unregistered version. Micaic Webpage: http://www.kagi.com/micaic/ Micaic Email: micaic@kagi.com Use of Micaic: You may include Micaic on commercially available CD-ROMs, as long as long as the Micaic program and it's related files are not edited in any way. #### BINHEX mika-folders-pro.hqx **** From: Michele Bugliaro <mikawares@hotmail.com> Subject: MikaFolders Item: folder icons (freeware) Requirements: any color Mac There are many folder icons in many styles. The readme is in DocMaker format. --Michele Bugliaro #### BINHEX mika-icons-pro.hqx **** From: Michele Bugliaro <mikawares@hotmail.com> Subject: Mikaicons Item: icons (freeware) Requirements: any color Mac There are very many system icons as other ones. The readme is in DocMaker format. --Michele Bugliaro #### BINHEX mikes-powermac-icons-98r2.hqx **** From: mirwin@tiac.net Subject: Mikes PowerMac Icons v98r2 Mike's PowerMac 3D Icons: © 1995-1998 Michael Irwin, mirwin@tiac.net Version: 98 rev2 A comprehensive set of Mac & clone machine icons. This file of Macintosh machine icons should replace all previous versions in various archives. To use, simply copy and paste from the Get Info icon window. They are emailware....FREE but email me to let me know how you like 'em or to suggest improvements. You can also request to be put on the update list by simply emailing me. Please note that the icons are not public domain. In other words, feel free to use or include them in any non-commercial collection, but please retain this acknowledgment file and notify me of their inclusion. Permission is expressedly NOT granted to duplicate these files as part of some other uploaded file at info-mac. In addition, NO permission is given for inclusion in commercial distributions unless specifically granted (as on the AMUG and other CD-ROMs). Thanks much. VERSION HISTORY: PowerMac Icons 98r2 - Added Wallstreet G3 Powerbook. - Added the iMac #### BINHEX mister-bean-icons.hqx **** From: fejgielman@redestb.es Subject: Mister Bean icons I like very much the Mister Bean´s t.v. shows. So I decided to make icons of Mister Bean. Yes, is a small collection, but have the face of Mister Bean with the basics things on the computer (folder, Hard disk, file...). I hope enjoy it. Sorry for my english. Well, that´s all. Gabi Viva Iconos http://www.geocities.com/Baja/8696/ #### BINHEX mo-disk-icons-12.hqx **** From: jimoro@bio.titech.ac.jp Subject: mo-disk-icons MO Disk Icons (Release Number 1.2, 981024) Copyright 1998 by Junji Morokuma All rights reserved Free-Ware ! Hi there! This is a set of icons I have created for 3.5 inch (90mm) Magneto-Optic (MO) disks. I am so far unable to find such MO disk icons in the Info-Mac archive, so I made them myself. Enjoy!!! Free-Ware ! System requirements: *A healthy Macintosh! An MO disk drive! (Optional) Any MO disk to put my icons on! (Also optional. It can be put on anything!) *And optionally, an icon utility called "Folder Icon Maker" , written by Gregory M. Robbins, USA (The latest is Ver 1.5.1, I think. Very useful!), for those who want to stick custom icons based on my icons onto their MO disks. New features since version 1.2 : *All MO disk sizes (128MB, 230MB, 540MB, 640MB) together with or without COLORs and LABELs, and See-throughs! *Additional files for the "Folder Icon Maker". *Plus, a collection of MO disk Icons I've found surfing the NET. Free-Ware ! This may be distributed freely over the internet as a package, with icons, and this read me, and may not be sold without my permission. Please send me the CD if it is included in any CD library. Comments, Suggestions & Things to: Junji Morokuma E-Mail: jimoro@bio.titech.ac.jp Love & Peace to All! Junji Morokuma ---Ends here--- Thank you very much. Junji Morokuma -------------------------------------------------- Junji Morokuma, Ph.D [ Post-Doc Research Associate ] Dept. of Life Science Tokyo Institue of Technology 4259 Nagatsuda, Midori Ward Yokohama 226-8501 JAPAN Phone #: +81-45-924-5722 FAX #: +81-45-924-5777 E-mail : jimoro@bio.titech.ac.jp -------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX monster-10.hqx **** From: dude@groupz.net Subject: Monster!_1.0 Monster! 1.0 - is a freeware desktop theme designed to make your Macintosh into a really cool monster for Halloween - or anytime of the year for that matter. This set is relatively small but contains very high quality work in the form of icons, desktop patterns and a few sounds that are actually short enough to USE as alert sounds. Robert Steel - dude@groupz.net #### BINHEX more-custom-cursors-11.hqx **** From: jparris6@netpath.net Subject: Styles" More Custom Cursors (freeware) More Custom Cursors is an additional set of 12 different- colored, 3D cursors especially for Macintosh users. The cursors are freeware, and may be used by dropping one into the extensions folder and restarting your Mac. This update has a silver 3D cursor added to the set. Janet Parris #### BINHEX moreleft-custom-cursors.hqx **** From: jparris6@netpath.net Subject: "Styles" More Left Cursors (freeware) More Left-Handed Custom Cursors is a set of 12 different-colored, 3D cursors especially for lefties, and was done by request. The cursors are freeware, and may be used by dropping one into the extensions folder and restarting your Mac. This update has a silver 3D cursor added to the set. Janet Parris #### BINHEX my-butterfly-icons.hqx **** From: royerm@icanect.net Subject: My Butterfly Icons Please post "My Butterfly Icons" on your recent additions page. They are 16 colorful butterfly shaped icons. -Martha Royer #### BINHEX mylar-city-icons.hqx **** From: jonrelay@napanet.net (Jon Bettencourt) Subject: Mylar City Icons Mylar City Icons is a collection of icons of six characters from the cartoon Mylar City. Mylar City Icons was created by Kelly's Software, a subdivision of Kreative Korporation. Kreative Korporation's web page can be found at http://kreativeentertainment.cjb.net. Permission is given to include Mylar City Icons on any Info-Mac CD. #### BINHEX native-american-icons-2.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Steve's Native American Icons Set 2 Steve's Native American Icons Set 2 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 48 KB These 25 icons are for my ancestors. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX native-american-icons.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Steve's Native American Icons Steve's Native American Icons System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 79 KB These 43 icons are to honor my ancestors. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX native-american-set-3.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Native American Set 3.sit Steve's Native American Icons System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 49 KB These 26 icons are for my ancestors. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX native-american-set-4.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Steve's Native American Icons Set 4 Steve's Native American Icons System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 53 KB These 25 icons are for my ancestors and others. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX nautical-but-nice.hqx **** From: jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net Subject: Nautical, but nice Icon Collection This collection contains 14 Mac Icons all based on a nautical theme -- ships, sailboats, ship's wheels, anchors, etc, thus the name "Nautical, but nice." I give permission for anyone to use these Icons for any future programs. Thank you, Jim Findlay #### BINHEX nhl-20.hqx **** From: BoMcCarty@aol.com Subject: Bo's NHL Icons 2.0 Bo's NHL Icons 2.0 includes icons for every NHL team for the 97/98 season. Also included are all 4 of the new expansion teams' icons and a retro NHL icon archive. Enjoy! System requirements: A mac with at least System 7 Please visit McCarty Creation's web site at: http://members.aol.com/bomccarty Thanks, Bo McCarty McCarty Creations #### BINHEX nicer-trash-icons.hqx **** From: Ovid Boyd <ovid@earthling.net> Subject: Nicer Trash Icons These are replacement trash can icons. They are in color and 32 bit and look much better than the MacOS default ones. You will need ResEdit and MacOS 8.5 or later to use them. #### BINHEX nix-icons-22.hqx **** From: Nick Longrich <nrlongri@midway.uchicago.edu> Subject: NixIcons v2.2 Nix Icons v2.2 is the latest and perhaps final installment of a series of icons under continuous development since 1994. It includes about 175 icons of animals, plants, protists, smiley faces, fungi, and a set of aliens. It contains the entire set of icons found in versions of NixIcons2.0 and 2.1, and includes various new icons including a set of dinosaur icons. updates can be found at: http://home.uchicago.edu/~nrlongri/icon.html #### BINHEX nova-ikona-95.hqx **** From: nez@geocities.com Subject: Nova Ikona 95 Designed for users of Apple Macintosh, Nova Ikona 95 Icons is a series of custom-made icons which are suited for use under the Macintosh System 7 mainly, with their 2-D look, but can also help you organize or customize your documents (and more) in any MacOs System, System 6, 8 and hopefully Rhapsody. All of the images in Nova Ikona 95 have been created by me, by drawing or modifying old or other icons, (exceptions have been noted). All of the images and characters are (c) and (tm) of whoever holds the rights to them. Nova Ikona is "postcardware", which means it is free; only thing, if you use it and you like it let me know by sending me a postcard ( address witheld here ). Nova Ikona is (c) and (r) Nicola D'Agostino. This is NOT a commercial product, it is for anyone to enjoy and help ease your work and entertainment but anyone needing some kind of custom icom (docs, applications, folders, cdevs, inits, whatever) is welcome to contact me via Internet (nez@geocities.com or at the Nova Ikona home page http://www.metro.it/nezmar/mac/) or by snail mail. Enjoy :) Nicola D'Agostino nez@geocities.com #### BINHEX odd-icons-vol-1.hqx **** From: mfauve@icx.net Subject: Odd Icons Vol. 1 Yep, they're weird! Here are some unusual icons for MacOS by Melinda Fawver. Enjoy! #### BINHEX p2-imac-icon.hqx **** From: dbx@ichp.edu Subject: iMac iCon by Pixelhaus! Pixelhaus is proud to bring you the (hopefully) very first iCon of Apple's new iMac design! Please note: This pixelhaus icon is freeware, but it are *not* in the public domain. pixelhaus maintains all rights in perpetuity. You are free to use this icon on your personal computer or on non-revenue-generating personal websites, but it cannot be used commercially or re-distributed in any way without express permission. Permission is granted for inclusion on the commercially available Info-Mac CD-ROM, as long as the entire file, ReadMe and all, is included with the icon. This includes incorporation into third party software and use in Kaleidoscope Color Schemes. The best idea is to ask us beforehand. We are usually fairly flexible. If you do not know how to customize the icons on your Mac, there is a wonderful tutorial on the the subject at the Iconfactory's website at: www.iconfactory.com Please enjoy the icons and visit the pixelhaus often. ___________________________________________________________ the pixelhaus is located at: http://www.gdn.net/~dbx email: dbx@gdn.net Think different! #### BINHEX paleo-icons-10.hqx **** From: jwagener@aibs.org Subject: PaleoIcons Included in this small package you will find five (5) Icons offered as free-ware to those interested in pre-humans and paleoanthropolgy. They are suitable for use on Macintosh computers which show a minimum of 16 colors. Enjoy, JDW (jwagener@aibs.org) #### BINHEX paurian-autumn-icons.hqx **** From: bgipson@wsp1.wspice.com Subject: Paurian-autumn-icons Paurian icons is happy to release our first official icon theme package just in time for Thanksgiving. This is a collection of icons of autumn leaves and acorns with a few background patterns that feel festive. You may distribute unmodified archives (.sit or .hqx files) of the icon collection. This means that you may not remove from, add to, or modify the contents of this package - including this letter. If you like these icons, please donate a gift of $5 or more to your local charity drive, or give it to the next beggar you meet. - Bri Gipson bgipson@wsp1.wspice.com #### BINHEX pinky-the-brain-icons.hqx **** From: flohead@bga.com Subject: Pinky_&_TheBrain_Icons.sit.hqx Howdy, Here is my collection of 4 icons from the Animated Cartoon show, Pinky and The Brain. Binhexed and Stuffed. Please place in the Icons directory of the User Interface directory. Thanks, Buz Zoller flohead@bga.com #### BINHEX pizza-cursor.hqx **** From: bortz@palacenet.net Subject: Pizza Cursor This is a spinoff of my watermelon cursor. Real small,and don't take much RAM! Hope you like it! #### BINHEX platinum-cd-player-patch.hqx **** From: efo@bellatlantic.net Subject: Platinum_CD_Player_patch.hqx Blurb This is a ResCompare Patch that will patch the AppleCD Audio Player version 2.2 to fit the Mac OS Platinum look of the 8.x OSes #### BINHEX platinum-jaz-icons.hqx **** From: agrapha@agrapha.com Subject: Platinum Jaz Icons, a set of 21 custom-designed Jaz disk icons Platinum Jaz Icons is a set of 21 custom-designed Jaz disk icons that you can copy and paste onto the standard flat-looking Jaz disk icons that show up on your desktop. These icons have the 3D “Platinum-look” that is similar to MacOS 8’s built-in system icons. You may use and distribute this file freely, as long as the entire folder and contents are kept together, and this "Read Me" file is included in the distribution. This package can be freely distributed in electronic form on computer networks. It cannot, however, be distributed by other means (such as printed form, on magnetic media, or on CD-ROM) without permission from the author. Visit AGRAPHA (http://www.agrapha.com/) for ideas on designing your Web site and for free graphics to download. #### BINHEX platinum-zip-icons.hqx **** From: agrapha@agrapha.com Subject: Platinum Zip Icons, a set of 21 custom-designed Zip disk icons Platinum Zip Icons is a set of 21 custom-designed Zip disk icons that you can copy and paste onto the standard flat-looking Zip disk icons that show up on your desktop. These icons have the 3D “Platinum-look” that is similar to MacOS 8’s built-in system icons. You may use and distribute this file freely, as long as the entire folder and contents are kept together, and this "Read Me" file is included in the distribution. This package can be freely distributed in electronic form on computer networks. It cannot, however, be distributed by other means (such as printed form, on magnetic media, or on CD-ROM) without permission from the author. Visit AGRAPHA (http://www.agrapha.com/) for ideas on designing your Web site and for free graphics to download. #### BINHEX poisons-naicons.hqx **** From: Poison64@aol.com Subject: Poison's Native American icons If you are looking for Native American icons for your Mac, here they are. This set contains 56 Native American icons, including my award winning set. System Requirements: System 7 or later 256 colors For more information please see the enclosed "Read Me" file or visit my web site: http://members.aol.com/poison64/ Thank you, Sonny Del Castillo Poison's Icons http://members.aol.com/poison64/ #### BINHEX powermac.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: PlugIn "Powermac" for Custom Folder Powermac 8500 Icons by Svenson ( mailto:negras@sozpsy.unizh.ch ) #### BINHEX presto.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: Presto! icons Abracadabra! Hocus Pocus! A la peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Download this set of Mac icons and before your very eyes will materialize genuine pixellated sleights of hand! As a kid I wanted to grow up and be a magician, but as far as I ever got was these icons. Now your desktop can share in my shattered dreams. Oh so many more icons and other Mac miscellania is available at my humble site. Brian Brasher ikthusian@aol.com http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX queen-icons.hqx **** From: fejgielman@redestb.es Subject: Queen icons When I was 14 or 15 years old I was a big fan of Queen. I loved some of yours discs. Specially Queen II. They make some of the most important songs in the rock history like Bohemian Rhapsody, We Are The Champions, We Will Rock you, The March Of the Black Queen, Tie Your Mother Down, Killer Queen, Another One Bites The Dust and many others. So, now long time after I make this collection of icons that remembering these days. I expect you enjoy them. I hope you send me a e-mail with your commentaries. Gabi VIVA ICONOS http://www.geocities.com/Baja/8696/ Cuando tenía 14 o 15 años fuí un fanatico de Queen. Amé varios de sus discos. Especialmente Queen II. Ellos han hecho algunas de las más canciones más importantes de la historia del rock como: Bohemian Rhapsody, We Are The Champions, We Will Rock you, The March Of the Black Queen, Tie Your Mother Down, Killer Queen, Another One Bites The Dust y varias más. Entonces, despues de tanto tiempo, he hecho esta colección de iconos recordando aquellos dias. Espero que te gusten. Me agradaría recibir tu e-mail comentadome tus opiniones. Gabi VIVA ICONOS http://www.geocities.com/Baja/8696/ #### BINHEX quick-time-25-icon-patch.hqx **** From: kcross@gwi.net Subject: Quick Time 2.5 Icon Patch. About this patchŠ This patch cannot work properly while virus detection software is running. Please make sure that you have disabled any virus detectors before applying the patch. Tell me what you think! E-mail me at kcross@gwi.net! Original icon designs by Apple Computer, Inc. Variatons ©1996 Jake Cross. Apple Computer, Inc. is in no way associated or connected with this patch or the icons included. This patch application was made with ResCompare, a free resource comparison and patch generation utility. ResCompare can be FTP¹ed from most Macintosh archive sites. Send e-mail inquiries regarding ResCompare to Michael_Hecht@mac.sas.com. #### BINHEX raw.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: RAW icons Are those itty, well-drawn, smooth and pretty icons you mostly see about the net just too dainty for you? Are you mean and tough and eat tiny, sissy icons for breakfast? RAW icons are just the interface edge you're looking for: jagged, gritty, mean and other tough descriptive words. If you're man enough, or a tough lady, download them. ikthusian@aol.com http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX revenge-of-manic-apple-1.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: Revenge of Manic Apple icons Mass Mac psychosis continues with the third set of Manic Apple icons! You wish you could stop the madness, but instead you will helplessly download these Apple-ish pixellations! Is there no cure? Oh so many more icons are available at my humble site. Please visit. Have a nice day. Brian Brasher ikthusian@aol.com http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX reverse-system.hqx **** From: ilona@ilicon.com Subject: Reverse System 96 System Replacement icons and some more, plus three desktop patterns. As you know, usually on System icons, tiny symbols are placed on generic folders! In my Reverse System set, the symbols are the ones getting the leading roles and tiny folders/files are placed on them as "symbols". Ilona Melis _________________________ IliCon____ http://www.ilicon.com #### BINHEX rhapsody-home-icon-r1.hqx **** From: info@crankedup.com Subject: Phapsody home directory icon for Mac OS 8 This is a standard Mac OS icon (32x32, 8 bit) that looks like a Phapsody home directory icon. The original 24 bit image is included. Send comments to: Art Wallace icon@crankedup.com #### BINHEX rock-blade.hqx **** From: wnosaj@flash.net Subject: Rock Blade Rock Blade takes icons to a whole new level. Magical 3-D folders that looked like they were dipped in liquid metal, or in some cases, molten lava. Awesome gradients and cracked originals, this set was created with Adobe Photoshop and the wonderfull filter Blade (hence the name). Get more icons at: http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/way/6319 Decorate YOUR mac with Epoch Icons! #### BINHEX rune-icons.hqx **** From: feorag@antipope.org Subject: Rune Icons This is a set of 32-bit runic icons. Freeware, MacOS 8.5 required. #### BINHEX sailormoon-icon.hqx **** From: bowie@prysm.net Subject: SailorMoon character icons 1.0 This is a very large collection of SailorMoon character icons - over 60 icons total. It includes the faces of all the senshi, many of their friends and may villians also. These icons are freeware. Although I created this icons, I do not lay claim to any of Sailor Moon. All of Sailor Moon (images and whatnot) belong to their respective copyright holders. #### BINHEX sams-eudora-icons.hqx **** From: sam@bagism.com Subject: Sam's Eudora Icons -- replaces the arrow icons in Eudora 4 Sam's Eudora Icons version 1.0 April 8, 1998 Beginning with version 4.0, Eudora Pro uses arbitrary arrow icons in the first column of mailbox windows to indicate messages that have been replied to, forwarded, or redirected. Previous versions of Eudora used the single letters R, F, and D, respectively to represent the same thing. Sam's Eudora Icons replaces the arrow icons with the appropriate letters to return Eudora to its previous behavior. Sam Choukri sam@bagism.com http://www.bagism.com/ #### BINHEX santa-folder-icons.hqx **** From: royerm@icanect.net Subject: Santa Folder icons Please post Santa's folder icons on your recent additions page. -Martha Royer -- #### BINHEX sauls-hard-disk-icons.hqx **** From: sbryan@eclipse.net.au Subject: Saul's Hard Disk Icons 1.3.0 A set of 85 icons to replace the boring, standard black and white "Macintosh HD" disk icon. These icons feature a 3D greyscale look and are very suitable for multiple disks or partitions. In addition, most of the icons have the feature of being easy to distinguish on the desktop from the icon outline alone, which is important if you have folders open. All icons are defined in 256, 16, B&W colours and in the large and small format. See included "Read Me" for more details. These icons are Shareware $5. #### BINHEX select-drive-icons.hqx **** From: rainbow@q-net.net (Jason Rainbows) Subject: SelectDriveIcons - Unique identities for your Mac! The "Select" series of icons are unlike any others! These icons actually look good when selected! Some even have hidden messages that appear when selected! This collection contains some icons for your main drive and other computers. I also threw in a bunch of Special Occasion folder icons and a Thank You disk icon. These are great for making an impression on anyone that you swap files with! Hope you enjoy these babies. I had a good time creating them and there's a lotta good vibes in 'em. Here's the list of icons in this collection: *-----SelectDriveIcons----- DRIVES: Welcome (rainbow monitor) HuggaMac (happy computer) SchoolBoard (for the teacher) ThePaper (for you publishers) Ser-Ver (for the Server) MacPurr (for cat people) HelloMac (inside the monitor) DangerMac (flying scull Mac) UFM (unidentified flying Mac) LeftHanded (roF uoY seitfeL) GoodMac (for J.C.) BadMac (for fallen angels) OTHERS: X-Rayed (for the nurse) FreeFolder (a gift!) GoodFolder (see GoodMac) BadFolder (see BadMac, but with flames!) LightsOut (for the guys) Ladie'sNight (for the ladies) Valentine (for love) While I'm Gone (vacation folder) Birthday (have a happy) Congratulations! (YES!) Thanks! (you're welcome) ThankfulDisk (for when a thank-you folder ain't enough) Jason Rainbows rainbow@q-net.net #### BINHEX select-request-icons.hqx **** From: rainbow@q-net.net Subject: SelectRequestIcons - They change when selected! SelectRequestIcons 1997 Jason Rainbows' Magic Theatre Art and Design Requires System 7, 256 colors The Select*Icon Series has gotten tremendous response. Thanks for all your ideas and inspirations. In gratitude, I've gone through the Requests List and put together this collection of the Two Dozen Most Requested Icons! My apologies to all my friends on Evangelist - I didn't do the anti Microsloth images I promised. Maybe next time. I'm just not the kinda person to hold a grudge. I'm sure Bill G. will be calling me any day now to apologize for what Internet Exploder did to my internet configuration. But I digress... For those of you unfamiliar with the Select*Icons Series, you are in for a real treat! These are real masterpieces of icon design (if I DO say so, myself). Of course, like all icons in the Select* series, they do some interesting things when you select them. Select*Icons are all lovingly hand crafted by PixelMaster, Jason Rainbows. The most unique and strikingly beautiful icons available anywhere, each an individual jewel of icon design. Please enjoy them for their artistic value, and don't foist animosity upon me for some of the subjects included. Remember, these are what YOU - the general public - requested and I am, after all, your humble servant. I ask nothing but to please. Have a good time and try not to hurt anybody with these icons, okay? Peace, -Jason Rainbows rainbow@kagi.com #### BINHEX select-xmas-icons.hqx **** From: rainbow@q-net.net Subject: SelectXmasIcons - and MagicXmasCursor! SelectXmasIcons and MagicXmasCursor! 1997 Jason Rainbows' Magic Theatre Art and Design Requires System 7, 256 colors "Come with me / and you'll see / a Land of Pure Imagination..." -Willie Wonka "SelectXmasIcons" is the most recent addition to the "SelectIcon" series of award winning icons! These exquisite jewels are an elegant addition to even the most discriminating desktop environment. Destined to become "hand-me-down heirlooms" in your Icon Archives for years to come, these delicate keepsakes and treasures are an undeniable testimonial to your appreciation of the finest quality products available. Included in this set is a unique string of folders that, when strung together on your desktop, become Santa's sleigh - complete with elf, Christmas gifts and 12 tiny reindeers! When selected, the words "MERRY CHRISTMAS" magically appear! If you have never experienced the stunning "SelectIcon" effect, you are in for a real treat! A hallmark of icon design, these beautiful gems are an exquisite addition to any desktop environment. Creative and functional, they will bring years of enjoyment and use for you and your friends. Also, included is a special Christmas gift - from me to you. It's a small extension that changes your normal arrow cursor into a cleverly animated transparent color-changing Christmas Tree Light Bulb Cursor! It's a hard visual to describe, you'll just have to experience it for yourself. To use "MagicXmasCursor", simply drop it into your Extensions folder and restart. It's that easy. Enjoy! -Jason Rainbows rainbow@kagi.com #### BINHEX selectikines-vol-001.hqx **** From: jasonrainbows@mindspring.com Subject: SelectiKines StarterSet - ANIMATED Icons for use with Kineticon SelectiKines StarterSet Jason Rainbows' Magic Theatre Art and Design 1998 http://www.mindspring.com/~jasonrainbows rainbow@kagi.com SelectiKines Starter Set is a complete collection of Animated Icons for use with Sherman Uitzetter's amazing "Kineticon" which can be found at; http://www.KineticCreations.com Kineticon takes the art of the icon to the next level - animation! - it's the greatest advancement in icon design and implimentation since the introduction of the Mac! But "SelectiKines" are more than just animated icons. These little jewels are created using our special "SelectIcon" technique that allows hidden features to appear when selected! These icons appear just as attractive in their "selected" state as they do in their "normal" (unselected) mode. No more ugly grayed icons! Included in this volume; ~ HuggaKineMac - is a nice animation of a person who loves his/her Macintosh. ~ KineHello - is another pleasant one. A character sticks his/her head out of a monitor and waves hello at set intervals. ~ UpKineDown - A folder flips and drops a character out, who then proceeds to right the folder and crawl back in. He/she'll do this all day long without food or sleep. ~ KineAlien - It's alive and growing inside that folder. When you least expect it - it jumps out and SNARLS at you in a menacing manner - just like in the movies. If it were a real monster, it would jump out and bite you on the nose! ~ LavaKine - I'm not groovy enough to describe this one to you. You'll just have to use your imagination here. ~ AdelaKine - This is me and my friend Adela. Just thought you'd like to meet us. She's a certified SpaceCadet too! ~ SmoKine - Perpetual Smoke Break! "Smoke 'em if you gott'em!" Note to children: Wait till you're old enough to join the army and kill other people before you start smoking cigarettes. ~ KinelyReadMe - This one is used on this ReadMe file. A simple little text file that has an unusual condition - IT'S GROWN AN EYE!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! ...No - wait a minute. It's not THAT scary. ~ KineHotFolder - For Hot Items! Don't try this at home - I'm a trained pixelpyrotechnician. Keep away from flammable material such as MicroslothWord documents. ~ KineWIP - Work in progress. The opposite of the "SmoKine". This little character is ALWAYS working! Putting this icon on your desktop will raise your work-ethic rating at least 4 points! Kineticon is great! Go get it! Everyone should be able to enjoy quality animated icons on their desktops! Peace, -Jason Rainbows rainbow@kagi.com http://www.mindspring.com/~jasonrainbows #### BINHEX serenas-stuff.hqx **** From: Jen Maher-Bontrager <bowie@sailormoon.org> Subject: Serena's Stuff A freeware collection of icons that relate to Usagi/Serena of the show Sailor Moon. #### BINHEX sharis-u2-icons.hqx **** From: poza@gol.com Subject: Info-Mac submission This compressed file contains 16 icons of the members of the rock group U2. Instructions for using the icons are also included. This is freeware. #### BINHEX she-sells-sea-shell.hqx **** From: jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net Subject: She sells sea shells Icon Set for Mac This file includes a set of hand drawn Macintosh Icons that depict creatures that you might find on the shore -- shells, sand dollars, crabs, etc. This Icon set is freeware and can be used as such. It is virus free. If any part of the set is to be used in any other collection, please contact the author. Jim Findlay jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net #### BINHEX sherlock-holmes-icons.hqx **** From: rklak@junction.net Subject: Sherlock Holmes Icons Sherlock Holmes inspired Icon Set #### BINHEX silver-two-tab-3d-rsrcs-5.hqx **** From: greyland@continet.com Subject: SilverTwoTab3DRsrcs_v5.sit Tired of the 'factory' installed Blue 3D folders that Apple stuck you with? Don't particularly care for the Blue 3D folders available for downloading? Don't care to run Kaleidoscope? Then perhaps you'd like these folders instead. The "Silver Two-Tab 3D Folders" is a set of ResEdit resources and a few ready made folders to enhance the look of your Macintosh. The ResEdit resources are designed to replace the 'factory' installed Blue folders with Silver Two-Tab 3D style folders. The included 'ready made' folders are designed to enhance the effect by enabling you to place custom folders onto those folders that normally do not have a custom icon in your System Folder. Included in the archive is a "Folder Icon Maker" (version 1.5) resource file so you can get started making your own Silver Two-Tab 3D custom folders right away. Folder Icon Maker v1.5 itself is included in this archive by permission of the author, Gregory M. Robbins. This is in the form of an original StuffIt archive as downloaded from America Online. This set works best with Mac OS 8 or later. For System Software (Mac OS) versions earlier than OS 8 please look for "SilverTwoTabCoplandRsrcs_v3" at your favorite info-mac archive. Please see the included "Two-Tab 3D Read Me" file for more information and instructions for installation. Don't forget to look for the "SilverTwo-Tab3D" folder series as well. Each archive/series contains 100 custom "ready made" folders for your enjoyment. Commercial usage of, or commercial distribution of, the contents of this archive and/or the concept thereof, requires written permission from the author. The actual contents and intellectual concept of the "Silver Two-Tab 3D" folders is Copyright of Steve Ebener, all rights reserved. Contact information: Steve Ebener: Greyland - greyland@continet.com 541/744-0568 - Fax: 541/744-0250 Macintosh Consulting & Troubleshooting #### BINHEX solar-system-icon-32-bit.hqx **** From: rhwlee@chat.carleton.ca Subject: 32-bit Solar System Icon Set This is another revision of the Solar System Icon Set. This set contains 51 icons of planets, their satellites, comets, the sun and asteriods (7 added). More satellites of Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter are added. Some icons have been changed . The new 16x16-pixel small icon format is added. MacOS8.5 or later is required for viewing the icons. This set is also the itemware, meaning that you need to do one of following for me: 1. a beautiful postcard of your home town or country. 2. a donation to your local charity. 3. a breathtaking picture of your country. 4. to recycle or reuse 5 items (e.g. bottles, cans, packing materials.) Reby Lee email: rhwlee@hk.super.net address: http://www.hk.super.net/~rebylee #### BINHEX solar-system.hqx **** From: rdroe@usa.net Subject: Solar System Icons, volume 1 A new archive of 32-bit icons depicting Earth and its neighbors. Requires Mac OS 8.5. rdroe@usa.net http://www.crosswinds.net/champaign/~rdroe/icons.html #### BINHEX son-of-manic-apple.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: Son Of Manic Apple icons The tribute contines. The addiction worsens. Mac icons for Mac maniacs. Submitted by Brian Brasher e-mail: ikthusian@aol.com URL: http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX space-critters.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: Spacecritters icons Mac icons of varmits from our universe's farthest, furriest reaches. Submitted bt Brian Brasher e-mail: ikthusian@aol.com URL: http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX space-icons.hqx **** From: GedeonM@aol.com Subject: space icons Abstract for Space Icons: The enclosed folder contains 62 hand-drawn Space Icons. The Space Icon collection provides students, educators and people with a love for space, a way to put part of the solar system on their desktops. Every planet in the solar system as well as most of the major satellites are represented. In addition, many of NASA's space vehicles including Voyager, Pioneer, and the latest entry, the Sojourner Rover have a place in the collection. If you have an affinity for space, an interest in the planets or NASA then Space Icons are for you. This icon set is dedicated to all the people at NASA, JPL and particularly the Johnson Space Center who have been in a bitter fight to keep their beloved Macs. These little pictures are to say thank-you for doing everything I always wanted but couldn't because I hated math! You all have very good reason to be proud of your accomplishments and I for one applaud you, bravo! System requirements: * System 7.5.3 or greater * Works best with a color Macintosh For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our Web page: http://www.iconfactory.com #### BINHEX spooky-cons-3.hqx **** From: nmjb@ix.netcom.com Subject: SPOOKYcons 3 Hello!! Heres the third set of"SPOOKYcons"made for my favorite time of year HALLOWEEN...There FREE so enjoy and spread them around!!..Intrested in my artwork? send me a note..Have a safe and Happy HALLOWEEN!!! #### BINHEX spooky-cons-4.hqx **** From: nmjb@mindspring.com Subject: SPOOKYcons4 HI! Here's a set of Icons that could'nt wait for Halloween!!..Actually I have a new e-mail address and wanted to keep up to date..There FREE!so spread them around and enjoy!..Send me a note,tell me what you think..John Beckwith #### BINHEX spooky-cons-5.hqx **** From: John-n-Nancy <nmjb@mindspring.com> Subject: SPOOKYcons5 Have a safe and Happy Halloween!!send me a note if you download these icons!! #### BINHEX spookycons-2.hqx **** From: nmjb@ix.netcom.com Subject: SPOOKYcons2 Here's a second set of SPOOKYicons..I got so much response from the first set..let loose last Halloween..I decided to release a sequel..There *Freeware* so spread them around!! -John Beckwith- nmjb@ix.netcom.com #### BINHEX spookycons.hqx **** From: nmjb@ix.netcom.com Subject: Halloween Icons Happy Halloween!! Heres set of Icons I made for my favorite time of year..Spooky Ya!!! spread them around..John #### BINHEX sports-kine-pak-sample.hqx **** From: Sherman Uitzetter <sherman@KineticCreations.com> Subject: Sports KinePak SAMPLE - animated icons for Kineticon Kinetic Creations, Inc. announces the release of the Sports KinePak! This sample includes 3 of the 13 kines included in the full Sports KinePak. The Sports KinePak requires Kineticon, Kinetic Creations' icon-animating system extension. This sample is free to use and distribute. The full Sports KinePak is $5 US. For more information, please read the enclosed READ ME file. #### BINHEX spring-flower-icons.hqx **** From: royerm <royerm@gate.net> Subject: Spring FLower Icons Please enjoy this set of delightful flowery icons to decorate your desktop. They are taken from Spring Meadow kaleidoscope scheme.-Martha Royer See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here: http://www.kaleidoscope.net/schemes/completelisting.shtml Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there #### BINHEX spwn-icns.hqx **** From: stingray@webzone.net Subject: Spawn icons The latest set of system 7+ icons from Stingray's Madness. Featuring charachters from the comic book and upcoming movie : Spawn Virus scanned with disinfectant. May be included on info-mac cd rom-just let me know. Steve Jones Stingray's Madness "http://www.webzone.net/stingray" #### BINHEX squeaky-clean.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: Squeaky Clean icons Clean up your act, or at least your desktop, with a few of these icons. They're as fresh as daisies, and they've remebered to wash behind their pixels. Other icons and such are at my web site for your perusal. ikthusian arts ikthusian@aol.com http://members.aol.com/ikthusian #### BINHEX squiggle-icons-preview.hqx **** From: sgzb1@idt.net Subject: Squiggle Icons v1.0 Here are some GREAT mac icons. If your contemplating whether to download this or not, just download it, and you'll thank yourself a dozen times! permission is granted to place this on info-mac's CD, (and others) but i want a free copy of any CD upon which this appears. Issamar Ginzberg Iconman@HotMaiL.com Graphic designer #### BINHEX starr-report-icons.hqx **** From: Ikthusian@aol.com Subject: StarrReport icon set Do you think that you've heard just about as much as you can stomach about this big mess in the good ol' U.S.? Well, here's more. And it's Mac icons, even. have a nice day ... ik ---> brought to you by the Eschatalogical Art Carnival and Travelling College of Postmodern Magnetic Healing f | e | e | l | b | e | t | t | e | r | s | e | e | t | h | e | e | n | d now featuring shameless commercialismo de host <--- http://members.aol.com/ikthusian ikthusian@aol.com #### BINHEX steves-icon-set-5.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Steve's Icon Set5 Steve's Icons Set 5 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 73 KB These 40 icons are for my ancestors. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX steves-icon-set-6.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Steve's Icons Set 6 Steve's Icons Set 6 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 93 KB These 45 icons are for my ancestors. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX steves-icons-set-1.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Icons Steve's Icons Set 1 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 129K There are 50 icons of various types. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD or archive as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX steves-icons-set-3.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Steve's Icon Set 3 Steve's Icons Set 3 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 94 KB There are 51 icons in set 3. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet #### BINHEX steves-next-folders-set-6.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Steve's NeXT Folders Set #6 + More Steve's NexXT Folders Set #6 + More System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 602.2 KB These 143 icons are to simulate the look of NeXT folders. Which were inspired by Michael's NeXT folders. I got tired of looking at the same old folders and decided to make some of my own to enhance the look of my desk top. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included! If you have any questions direct them to my email address: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX steves-next-folders-set-7.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Steve's NeXT Folders Set #7 Steve's NexXT Folders Set #7 + More System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 460.1 KB These 151 icons are to simulate the look of NeXT folders. Which were inspired by Michael's NeXT folders. I got tired of looking at the same old folders and decided to make some of my own to enhance the look of my desk top. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included! If you have any questions direct them to my email address: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX steves-next-folders-set-8.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Steve's NeXT Folders Set 8 + More Steve's NexXT Folders Set #8 + More System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 460.1 KB These 151 icons are to simulate the look of NeXT folders. Which were inspired by Michael's NeXT folders. I got tired of looking at the same old folders and decided to make some of my own to enhance the look of my desk top. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included! If you have any questions direct them to my email address: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX steves-next-folders-set-9.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Steve's NeXT Folders Set #9 + More Steve's NeXT Folders Set #9 + More System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 583 KB These 150 icons are to simulate the look of NeXT folders and others. Which were inspired by Michael's NeXT folders. I got tired of looking at the same old folders and decided to make some of my own to enhance the look of my desk top. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included! If you have any questions direct them to my email address: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX steves-set-2.hqx **** From: griff@snet.net Subject: Steve's Icon Set 2 for Info Mac Arc Steve's Icons Set 2 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 95K There are 45 icons of various types. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD or archive as long as the readme file is included and you send me notification of its being included! If you have any questions direct them to: griff@snet.net #### BINHEX sunrise-sunset.hqx **** From: jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net Subject: Sunrise, sunset Icon Set for the Mac This file includes a set of hand drawn Macintosh Icons that depict sunsets and sunrises with a stained glass look to them. This Icon set is freeware and can be used as such. It is virus free. If any part of the set is to be used in any other collection, please contact the author. Jim Findlay jfindlay@mail.wiscnet.net #### BINHEX super-3d-blue.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: PlugIn "Super 3D Blue" for Custom Folder © 1997 - Alfred Millington Yes, I made this and I hope you like it. I'm only 15 so don't expect anything super high-tech. Look for more stuff that I may make. It's free too. #### BINHEX super-3d-gray.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: PlugIn "Super 3D Gray" for Custom Folder © 1997 - Alfred Millington Yes, I made this and I hope you like it. I'm only 15 so don't expect anything super high-tech. Look for more stuff that I may make. It's free too. #### BINHEX system-77.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: PlugIn "System 7.7" for Custom Folder System 7.7. Tempo Icons sent by svenson ( mailto:negras@sozpsy.unizh.ch ) #### BINHEX system-apples.hqx **** From: ilona@ilicon.com Subject: System Apples Icon Set This definitive set of System Replacement Icons will be the only ones your Macintosh will ever need. 93 System Replacement Icons and 20 attractive folders guarantee you the Ultimate desktop! Use the included desktop pattern clipping file to enhance the look of your window backgrounds or use the System Apples Kaleidoscope scheme, also available at: http://www.ilicon.com #### BINHEX systema-animalia.hqx **** From: sara.roner@helsingborg.mail.telia.com Subject: systema-animalia.sit.hqx - Icons for your desktop! This updated icon set includes 80 desktop icons of metazoan animals provided from Steve and Sara's Icon Parade. No special software needed. New version corrected some errors. Sara Rönér #### BINHEX taste-test.hqx **** From: burton@sinesurf.co.nz Subject: Taste Test These Icons are just a quick taste test. They are a few that didn't make the cut for my collection. If you like these ones then keep an eye out for my next ones to come out( "Hand Carved Ÿ" and also "Metaphorical Ÿ"), they are really cool and I have put allot of work into them. Hand Carved Ÿ is a set of Misc. folders and aplication folders. Metaphorical Ÿ is one I really like, it is well using folders in a metaphorical sense, as the name suggests. I'll leave it at that, but if you see any of these sets around get them. Oh, I'll also mention my PowerBook Icons ("Hand Carved Books"). Enjoy this set of Icons. They are all crafted in Photoshop. #### BINHEX tecnosphere-sphere-20.hqx **** From: wnosaj@flash.net Subject: Sphere 2.0: Tecno Sphere Enter the new world of SPHERE! This set of 80+ icons is a great expansion to the Sphere series, which includes Drop Shadowed Spheres, Marbles and much MUCH more! Visit the Sphere web page at: http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/way/6319/sphere.html Tecno Sphere is the beggining of a new Sphere era...download now to start the fun on your MACINTOSH! Epoch Icons: http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/way/6319/ Epoch Icons is home to Sphere, Dark Matter, N64 icons, and Star Wars icons. Visit today! #### BINHEX teddy-icons.hqx **** From: royerm@icanect.net Subject: Teddy Bear Icons Please post Teddy Bear icons on your recent additions page -Martha Royer -- #### BINHEX temple-bar-10.hqx **** From: gdesimone@geocities.com Subject: Temple Bar 1.0 Temple Bar is a collection of icons to be used with Mac OS versions 7 or later. The icons are provided on individual folders. #### BINHEX tetsubinstamp-151.hqx **** From: fujiwara@cs.meiji.ac.jp Subject: TetsubinStamp1.5.1 TetsubinStamp version 1.5.1 by Katsuya Fujiwara. English version - translated by Todo. TetsubinStamp is a simple utility software which stamps onto icons. The operation is simple. Just drag an icon onto TetsubinStamp, and choose a stamp. It can be stamped onto everything can stick custom icons such as folders, documents, applications or disks. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS TetsubinStamp requires MacOS 7.5 or later. (or MacOS 7.1.2 with Scriptable Finder). NEW FEATURES - Supported enhanced Open and Save panels (Navigation Services) that are the new function of MacOS 8.5. - Suppoted 32-bit color icons. http://www.vector.co.jp/authors/VA008942/library/tetsubinstamp/index-e.html -- Katsuya Fujiwara http://www.vector.co.jp/authors/VA008942/ #### BINHEX the-big-ten.hqx **** From: bhumes@johnson-rauhoff.com Subject: Big Ten Football Icons Download these Big Ten Football Helmet Icons for your Mac. Even includes Penn State and the Big Ten Conference Logo! Enjoy! #### BINHEX the-fc3-icons-museum-10.hqx **** From: nonoche@club-internet.fr Subject: the FC3 Icon Museum The French Computers, Consoles & Cartridges icons' Museum. This icon collection is the first release of a collection of icons for various computers, consoles, and cartridges. It is a compilation of two collections; one by MacFada <azoulai@imaginet.fr> and the other by Nonoche <nonoche@club-internet.fr>. Comments are welcome. The aim was to represent some old C3 (Computers, consoles, and cartridges) as icons, as a museum of a kind. The fact that there are similar "museums" on the web with pictures and technical details were an inspiration in the design of these icons. I personally enjoyed making these icons because it helped me to rediscover some old computers and consoles which I had long forgotten. Therefore I decided to make these icons - including: - Cartridges which I own (mainly from my SNES) - Computers & Consoles - mainly from the 70's and 80's. There are over 100 icons, and some of them are unfinished. They did, however, seem to fill a gap - and they certainly pleased me. Most of you will recognise some of Nonoche's icons - which are used in some famous Macintosh emulators. I hope you will enjoy them. Cordially, MacFada, the 25th of June 1998 These icons are free. (C3 means in franglais "C'est free" = "it's free" ;-). You can distribute them as you wish, provided they are kept together with this read me file and are not modified and kept free. You should however ask the author's permission if you want to include them in a program of any kind. #### BINHEX the-flower-garden.hqx **** From: mimiwang@cheerful.com Subject: The Flower Garden-A large Set of Floral Icons This is my 2nd set of icons. There are 118 photographic icons in folder format including single flowers, a bunch of flowers, leaves, leaves and flowers, potted flowers, flower vases, baskets and other arrangements. Looks best in 256 colors. Email me if you rather have the icons in an archive in a document of an icon archiving application. <mimiw_97@yahoo.com> #### BINHEX tile-it-icons-270.hqx **** From: appajt@nbnet.nb.ca (appajt) Subject: Tile-iT 2.7.0 Tile-iT Icons is an application that use the custom Icons of System 7.X to display pictures or text on the desktop or in any windows. Tile-iT takes any PICT from the clipboard, break it into 'Tiles', convert those tiles to icons, assign those icons to documents and finally arrange those documents so that they touch each other. In other words, a Tile-iT frame of 3 x 3 icons is composed of 9 documents each having a custom icon representing a portion of the original picture. Version 2.7 introduce auto masking and gradual transparency. These two options are close to magic. There easy to setup and are very user friendly. You can also apply a transparent filter globally on ALL the tiles produced. Tile-it use 32 bits 'icns' resources so that you can display pictures in thousand and millions of colors. Tile-it is also the most userfriendly of these kind of application. **No other applications in its class is as easy to use **. You must try it to believe it. The perfect companion for CD burners and shareware developers or just for the fun of it. This is a major update and a lot of bugs have been fixed. There is a rebuild option available in case you loose the alignment of the tiles. This has been tested up to PowerPc G4 running MacOS 9.1. It needs MacOS 7.1 to run properly. #### BINHEX tin-tin-in-icons.hqx **** From: michielb@globalxs.nl (Michiel van den Broeke) Subject: Tintin Icon collection Hi there After following the icon-factory for quite some time now, I decided to make a collection on my own. I made one based on the Tintin comic books. I have attached the collection to this email. It's shareware so feel free to distribute the collection to others. Thanks Michiel van den Broeke http://www.globalxs.nl/home/m/michielb #### BINHEX title-free-13.hqx **** From: Launay Software <Launay_Soft@hotmail.com> Subject: Title Free V1.3 TitleFree is a MacOS application designed to create and use icons in the Finder without any title (file name). Finder icons free of file names! With it you can get rid of any icon name: under the trash, any hard disk or cd-roms, or any other icon in the finder. And itÕs easy to use! USAGE: ¥ First: With this new version, to show or hide any name under any icon you just have to use the provided ÒTitle FreeÓ contextual menu. ¥ Show icon name: Show the names under the selected icons in the finder (this option will appear disappear on purpose). ¥ Hide icon name: Hide the names under the selected icons in the finder (this option will appear disappear on purpose). ¥ Deactivate/Activate Title Free: To temporary activate or deactivate any Title Free effect (any hidden name will then be visible). ¥ Reset: To reset ÒTitle FreeÓ, this can not be undone. N.B.: Title Free does not change anything in the file (not even itÕs name!). ¥ Second: Title Free will also hide any name ending by an under score Ò_Ó, such as ÒTmp_Ó, or Òmy folder_Ó. This is a supported trick to quickly create clean alias panels in the finder. #### BINHEX tobias-gold-pack-1.hqx **** From: tobiastornblom@hotmail.com Subject: tobias plat..golden pack 1-2 tobias icons (all collections Here is my collection of icons i have mad during my spare time there 3d and shadowed in the apple platinum look and some is silver or hitech hope you like them.. the icons are stored in icondropper packs and kaleidoscope schemes For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed Thanks, Tobias T–rnblom #### BINHEX toored-sys-icons.hqx **** From: ilona@ilicon.com Subject: TooRed_Sys.Icons The set contains 83 System icons. Those of you who don't have Kaleidoscope, here are all the system icons which will come with the Too Red K-scheme. Why Is it Too Red? Well, I found it way too red so I gave the appropriate name to it. IliCon: http://www.ilicon.com #### BINHEX touch-of-red-system-icons.hqx **** From: ilona@cyberrealm.net Subject: A touch of Red_System Icons The ste contains 60 System Icons in 3D style. I call it "A touch of Red" because the meaning of the folders and files are shown in red color, making the set quite pleasing to look at. I always keep in mind in my design that a system icon set must be clear to recognise and should support the label colors somewhat. Using my system icons you will never confuse what is the meaning/content of the folders and files. Enjoy! #### BINHEX traffic-icons.hqx **** From: sgzb1@idt.net Subject: GREAT TRAFFIC SIGNS ICONS A GREAT COLLECTION OF TRAFFIC-SIGN AND RELATED ICONS. These icons are $2.00 shareware. If you like these icons, please register them. Otherwise, throw them out. Much time and effort went into making these authentic-looking icons. This may be placed on a CD-ROM, etc. if and only if i get a free copy. DO NOT PLACE THESE ON A WEB SITE AS GRAPHICS OR USE COMMERCIALLY WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION. Please mail your E-mail address and shareware payment (cash, wrapped in a piece of paper, please) to: I. Ginzber 1066 East 23rd Street #68Q Brooklyn NY 11210 #### BINHEX trilobite-icons.hqx **** From: rhwlee@chat.carleton.ca Subject: Trilobite Icons The Trilobites Icons contain 53 icons (32-bit) of extinct organism trilobites. The first trilobite appeared in the Lower Cambrian and became extinct by the end of Permian. In their 350 million years of existence, trilobites evolved into diverse forms adapting to different marine environments. Trilobites are among the first to have developed the highly sophisticated visual organs. MacOS8.5 or later is required for viewing the icons. This set is also the itemware, meaning that you need to do one of following for me: 1. a beautiful postcard of your home town or country. 2. a donation to your local charity. 3. a breathtaking picture of your country. 4. to recycle or reuse 5 items (e.g. bottles, cans, packing materials.) Reby Lee email: rhwlee@hk.super.net address: http://www.hk.super.net/~rebylee #### BINHEX twisted-checkerboards-10.hqx **** From: 900685@ican.net Subject: Twisted Checkboards 1.0 Twisted Checkerboards Icons 1.0 simply some icons of checkerboards twisted out of shape, comes in multiple colors! Thanks, Aaron Dowler 900685@ican.net http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/lagoon/7285/index.html #### BINHEX ultimate-nfl-202.hqx **** From: petermmpr@hotmail.com Subject: Ultimate NHL Package 2.0.2 Hello, here is the latest version of Ultimate NHL Package. It should replace any previous versions of Ultimate NHL Package you might have in your archives! The current version is 2.0.2 To see what's new, please read the "Read-Me" file! All updates and info will be posted to my WWW site first at: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/6305/nhl.html Thanks! Peter J. Garlinski petermmpr@hotmail.com http://garlinski.home.ml.org/ <- My Homepage!!! #### BINHEX ultimate-nhl-package.hqx **** From: petermmpr@hotmail.com Subject: Ultimate NHL Package 3.0 Ultimate NHL Package is a collection of National Hockey League team icons and logos, plus player icons. Also included are icons for harddrives, and a background. 3.0 brings about a lot of changes. I removed a lot of the stuff to make the download smaller. Please see the read-me for exact changes! Thanks! Peter J. Garlinski petermmpr@hotmail.com http://garlinski.home.ml.org/ #### BINHEX ultimate.hqx **** From: petermmpr@hotmail.com Subject: Ultimate NHL Package 2.0.4 Hello, here is the latest version of Ultimate NHL Package, a large collection of NHL team logos in ICON, GIF and Desktop Clipping format, plus patterns, and player icons! Changes in this version include my updated eCard, a new "ESPN" icon, reorganized icon placement, removal of the IHL icons (I wasn't too happy with them at all), and two new desktop patterns. This version should replace any previous version you might have in your archives. For the latest information, visit my WWW site at: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/6305/nhl.html Thanks! Peter J. Garlinski petermmpr@hotmail.com http://garlinski.home.ml.org/ #### BINHEX watermelon-cursor.hqx **** From: bortz@palacenet.net Subject: Watermelon Cursor This is the newest cursor from me Bryan Bortz :+)! Hope you like it! bortz@palacenet.net #### BINHEX witchy.hqx **** From: box543@eudoramail.com Subject: Witchy Icons Thanks for downloading my witchy icons. MAKE SURE TO LOOK IN ALL THE FOLDERS! If you enjoy them, please drop me an email. I have more Macintosh downloads at my website... This is freeware and may be included on any CD, archive or collection as long as this read me is included and as long as you send me an email first. However, I usually ask for a copy of the media (magazine, CD, etc.) in which my icons are included. Have fun! Jen Maher-Bontrager box543@eudoramail.com http://www.sailormoon.org/~bowie/ #### BINHEX woc-2.hqx **** From: GedeonM@aol.com Subject: World of Copland:2 Abstract for World of Copland Vol. 2: The enclosed folder contains 41 icons based on the now infamous and defunct Mac OS code named Copland. While the OS will never be released in its original form, some aspects of Copland will be used in Mac OS 8 due in July of 1997. Keeping with that theme and expanding upon what came before in volume 1, we've create more every day objects, techno/computer objects and just plain fun stuff. We hope you like the icons and we're sure you'll put them to good use. System requirements: * System 7.5.3 or greater * Works best with a color Macintosh For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our Web page: http://www.iconfactory.com Thanks, Gedeon Maheux Digital Media Designer http://www.iconfactory.com #### BINHEX women-icons-vol-1.hqx **** From: support@hoticons.com Subject: Beautiful Women Icons Vol. 1 Sizzling Macintosh icons of beautiful women. Careful attention is given to color and detail. Youll agree these are some of the best icons you've seen. Each icon features support for all bit depths and both large and small formats (icl8, icl4, ics8, ics4). #### BINHEX world-flags.hqx **** From: baird@bu.edu Subject: World Flag Icons Attatched is a collection of "kines". These animated icons, for use with Kineticon include the flags for most of the developed nations. Haven't you always wanted the flag of your native homeland waving like crazy on your desktop?? Now your dreams have come true. -Peter Baird #### BINHEX xmas-98-icons.hqx **** From: ilona@ilicon.com Subject: Xmas'98_icons Here are 23 icons for Christmas. Winter landscapes, candles, elves, snowman etc. Have a wonderful holidays! #### BINHEX yoshicons.hqx **** From: epoch@oakwood.org : Yoshi's Story Icon Collection Yoshi's Story Icon Collection Even though the game is very childish, Nintendo did an unbelievable job on Yoshi's Story's art. I had to make them into icons. Included are Foes, Friends, and Items. I hope you like them. #### BINHEX yppah.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: PlugIn "yppaH" for Custom Folder For those of you who want something REALLY different. These icons are E-mail ware!! If you like them, write me at mailto:dan2412@aol.com #### BINHEX zip-six-icons.hqx **** From: fejgielman@redestb.es Subject: Zip-Six icons Six cool icons for Zip´s disks. Enjoy it. #### BINHEX zipcons-10.hqx **** From: roger@quadrand.com Subject: ZipCons 1.0 for IconTools ZipCons 1.0 is a collection of 17 icons to enhance the DollyDots for Kaleidoscope Experience brought to you by [Quad]Rand <www.quadrand.com> and free for you to use! It is actually a part of the DollyCons 1.0 icon collection, which consists of 75 icons, with which you can make hundreds of custom icons! DollyCons 1.0 is free for registered users of DollyDots for Kaleidoscope <www.quadrand.com/DollyDots>, so register your copy of DollyDots for Kaleidoscope!!! Customize the zip icons with IconTools by RicciSoft <www.riccisoft.com>. ‹For information on how to customize the icons, please read the document included with IconTools! Use it and experience DollyDots for Kaleidoscope even better!!!