Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #60 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Tue, 23 Jul 02 Volume 19 : Issue 60 Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#639/22-Jul-02 [*] ACRONYMS Update List (3.1->3.2) [*] ACRONYMS v3.3 - A Crazy Roundup Of Nonsense You Must See [*] iPod2iTunes 1.0.4 [*] LockOut Classic 4.4.5J - Japanese version [*] LockOut OS X 4.4.5J - Japanese version [*] 1.0.3 [*] Tattoo 1.2 - QuickTime Interactive Movie Editor - Feelorium Copying from 9.2 to X Info-Mac Digest V19 #57 System Logs onto ISP for No Apparent Reason VIRTUAL CD The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with the words subscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with the words unsubscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. * Please send administrative queries to <>. Downloading and Submitting Files from the Info-Mac Archive: * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at: <> * Search the archive via the MIT HyperArchive at: <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. * To submit files larger than 2 MB, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts" and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, Shawn Bunn, Christopher Li, Patrik Montgomery, Ed Chambers, and Chris Pepper. America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V19 #60" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 21:00:00 -0700 From: TidBITS Editors <> To:,, Subject: [*] TidBITS#639/22-Jul-02 TidBITS#639/22-Jul-02 At Macworld Expo in New York, Steve Jobs excited Mac users with things they can't yet have and services for which they now need to pay. Adam has the scoop on the new 17-inch flat-screen iMac, iTunes 3, new iPods, plus a preview of iCal, iSync, and the rest of Mac OS X 10.2 - but the biggest buzz is .Mac's $100 annual fee. We also note Entourage X's disappearing Palm conduit, Apple's financials, Adam's Mac influence ranking, and last week's spam poll results. Topics: MailBITS/22-Jul-02 iMac Expands to 17 Inches Jaguar, iCal, and iSync Appear iTunes 3 Gets Smarter New iPods Debut iTools Morphs into .Mac; Users Squawk <> <> [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-639.etx; 33K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jul 2002 From: Angela Brett <> To: Subject: [*] ACRONYMS Update List (3.1->3.2) Update List can be imported into ACRONYMS 1.0 to 3.2 to add all the acronyms which are in version 3.3 but not in version 3.2. It does not add any of the new features (see which are in ACRONYMS 3.2, just the 665 new acronyms. If you don't have ACRONYMS, you can download the latest version of ACRONYMS from The latest version (currently 3.3) already contains all the acronyms which are in this update list, so you won't need to download this as well. [Archived as /info-mac/game/word/acronyms-update-32-33.hqx; 42 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jul 2002 From: Angela Brett <> To: Subject: [*] ACRONYMS v3.3 - A Crazy Roundup Of Nonsense You Must See Main changes in this version (listed in more detail at * 665 of new original acronyms - a total of 5692 * A few bug fixes * Improvements in the web pages which the stack generates [words and phrases in capitals are acronyms whose expansions are in the stack] The purpose of this FREEWARE HYPERCARD STACK is to provide an introduction to a MIRTHFUL use of ACRONYMS on the INTERNET. Have you ever wished you had a better alternative to LOL? Or thought "Who makes up these WITTICISMs?" Well anybody can, you can! Don't say you're JUST TOO BUSY! and you don't want to READ A MANUAL. You can create an ACRONYM out of ALMOST ANYTHING! You can make them from any old CLICHE, use them to tell people to SHUT UP, state that THAT'S NOT FUNNY, tell a GIRL that she's FEMININE, SMILE a SMUG SMILE or just find FLAWS in the MEMORY of a UNIVERSITY EINSTEIN. Take a DIRTY MIND, add a CHUCKLE, stir in a QUIP, and a QUANTITY of SNORTING, stick on a DISCLAIMER, and that's THE WAY THINGS ARE! You can politely tell people to PISS OFF, PUT A SOCK IN IT, BE CIVIL or tell them THAT'S CHILDISH. You can tell people that they're talking BOLLOCKS! And if you're ON A ROLL, you can create a HUMDINGER of a reply to someone who won't TRY ONSCREEN HELP. So who began this BIZARRE ADVENTURE through the ALPHABET? A CRAZED KIWI and an ABNORMAL IRISH man with a DIRTY MIND, who found themselves making up LAUGHTER ACRONYMS during their EPISTLES to the ANTIPODES - a sequence of combinations started when TONY MCCOY O'GRADY (MAXIOGEE) sent ANGELA BRETT AN EMAIL about his SLEUTHing in some of her SHAREWARE. They decided not to continue DOING NOTHING about their HILARIOUS ACRONYM stash, so they compiled them into this STACK, and in the process created a SUPERHERO called MACGIRL, her SIDEKICK KEYBOARD, and many DASTARDly VILLAINs. ACRONYMS is also on the WORLD WIDE WEB. Check out to view all the acronyms - including new ones, download the latest update lists (which let you import new acronyms into the stack) and new versions of the stack, view the acronymist HALL OF FAME and honours list, subscribe to THE ACRONYM TIMES and more. You can also discuss and create acronyms on the FORUMS or FORA at [Archived as /info-mac/game/word/acronyms-33.hqx; 2389 K] ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jul 2002 From: cris <> To: Subject: [*] iPod2iTunes 1.0.4 *** What does it do? Within iTunes or the Finder it is not possible to transfer tracks or playlists from your iPod to your Mac(s). iPod2iTunes (i2i) is the only utility which allows you not only to copy but to synchronize tracks + playlists from your iPod(s) to your Mac(s). The synchronization ensures that you don't produce duplicate MP3 files on your disk as it is easily the case if you just copy files from the iPod via other methods. First, i2i shows you which of the tracks on the iPod are not on your Mac. You can browse through those tracks directly in iTunes. Then you select some or all of these tracks to transfer them to your Mac: - based on=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0artist/album. - based on genre/artist/album. i2i can transfer the MP3 files seamlessly into your existing MP3 collection and creates folders & subfolders as necessary. Transfer History: i2i creates for every transfer session a date&time stamped playlist which shows the tracks which you've transferred to your Mac. This makes it easy to add those tracks to existing playlists or to build new ones. i2i optionally also synchronizes the iPod playlists to iTunes. This creates the iPod playlists in iTunes with those tracks which are really on your Mac (you don't get "dead tracks" if you haven't transferred the whole iPod). This feature works also if you have used another method in the past to transfer tracks. *** Requirements Mac OS 10.1.2 - 10.1.5 iTunes 2.0.3 - 2.0.4 OS 9? Please use iPod Free File Sync for OS 9. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/ipod-2-itunes.hqx; 611 K] ------------------------------ Date: 19 Jul 2002 From: To: Subject: [*] LockOut Classic 4.4.5J - Japanese version This is the Japanese version of the LockOut package for Mac OS 8 and 9. A version for Mac OS X is also available. The British Broadcasting Corporation, Dow Jones, the Gap, and many other corporations use LockOut to help secure their Macs. You can too. Includes LockOut Admin 1.1 for system administrators. LockOut is a simple application to help keep people from using your Mac while you're away. LockOut helps keep your Mac safe from co-workers while at the office, and from your kids while at home. Once LockOut is activated, all anyone will see on your Mac is the LockOut security screen: *A valid password must first be entered to access your Mac *Messages can be left by others *Create your own custom voice warning *Easily activated with a customizable hot key *Activate automatically after a pause time *Monitor security warnings from anywhere in the world via e-mail. *And more... New for LockOut 4.4: * Activate upon wake from sleep (OS 8/9 only) (see Activate preferences) * Activate LockOut daily at a user-specified time (see Activate preferences) * Ability to choose a sound file as a warning sound -- no longer restricted to system sounds (see Warning Sound preferences) * Additional security for OS X (System Logout and other system commands circumvented) * Bug fixes [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/lockout-classic-445j-jp.hqx; 2657 K] ------------------------------ Date: 19 Jul 2002 From: To: Subject: [*] LockOut OS X 4.4.5J - Japanese version This is the Japanese version of the LockOut package for Mac OS X. A version for Mac OS 8 and 9 is also available. The British Broadcasting Corporation, Dow Jones, the Gap, and many other corporations use LockOut to help secure their Macs. You can too. Includes LockOut Admin 1.1 for system administrators. LockOut is a simple application to help keep people from using your Mac while you're away. LockOut helps keep your Mac safe from co-workers while at the office, and from your kids while at home. Once LockOut is activated, all anyone will see on your Mac is the LockOut security screen: *A valid password must first be entered to access your Mac *Messages can be left by others *Create your own custom voice warning *Easily activated with a customizable hot key *Activate automatically after a pause time *Monitor security warnings from anywhere in the world via e-mail. *And more... New for LockOut 4.4: * Activate upon wake from sleep (OS 8/9 only) (see Activate preferences) * Activate LockOut daily at a user-specified time (see Activate preferences) * Ability to choose a sound file as a warning sound -- no longer restricted to system sounds (see Warning Sound preferences) * Additional security for OS X (System Logout and other system commands circumvented) * Bug fixes [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/lockout-osx-445j-jp.hqx; 2536 K] ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jul 2002 From: To: Subject: [*] 1.0.3 The Massinova Project Broadcasting trance and electronica music to the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with live requests, a vast community network of listeners and an unrivaled web site. The project started with the desire to push the envelope of music interactivity by providing an automated request system. A custom broadcast engine was developed to interface directly with an SQL backend allowing unsurpassed web interactivity. The result, as you can see, is very cool. The Menu Extra The Massinova Menu Extra is an extension of The Massinova Project allowing listeners running Mac OS X to interface directly with the broadcast database. It sits in the Mac OS X Menu Bar providing useful information such as the current song playing and recently requested songs. Additionally, it allows a listener to place requests for songs in the request list, and directly connect to the broadcast. Languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Brazilian-Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese Requirements: Mac OS X 10.1 A broadband connection to the Internet (DSL, Cable, T1+) Version 1.0.3 *Listen Now menu now works with iTunes 3é»’possibly other players that previously wouldn't work. Version 1.0.2 *Ability to request DJ sets on DJ Day. *Add DJ sets to your favorites on DJ Day. *Favorites list will now show only DJ sets on DJ Day and DJ sets will not show up any other day. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/massinova-menu-103.hqx; 431 K] ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jul 2002 From: FEELORIUM <> To: Subject: [*] Tattoo 1.2 - QuickTime Interactive Movie Editor - Feelorium Tattoo 1.2 (c) Copyright 2002 Feelorium Limited, All Rights Reserved. You can use Tattoo to add media skin and interactive buttons on to QuickTime movies. Tattoo enables you to give your audience an unique viewing experience by creating custom shaped media skin on your movies. You can use Tattoo to create different kinds of movies, for example, multimedia greeting cards with your company logo, or photo album slide show with your favorite picture frame. A greeting card sample is available on Simply drag and drop your prepared movie and skin image files on to Tattoo' s window, it will then create a movie file that can be played by QuickTime Player on your skin image frame. You can also add buttons on your movies to control various functions. Besides, you can custom-make the control buttons with your own images. What's New - This version adds a new special button action -- Slider. There are 5 types of variable for you to choose from: Movie Volume, Movie Time, Pan Angle, Tilt Angle, and Zoom Power. - This version enables you to set the window mask and/or the drag mask to your own images. So that you can have total control on the window shape and the dragging area of the exported movie. - This version lets you to not create the media skin, in case you want to display the final movie in a ordinary rectangular window, or embed the movie in an HTML page. System Requirements - Mac OS X 10.1 Feelorium Limited [Archived as /info-mac/gst/tattoo-120.hqx; 317 K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 20:39:34 -0700 From: Paul Brians <> To:, Subject: Copying from 9.2 to X I've found that copying text from an application running in System 9.2 (specifically Word 98) and pasting into an application running in System X (specifically Eudora) results in an intolerably long period of beach-ball spinning, and often crashes System 9.2. However, drag-and-drop seems to work fine. I can drag from Word to Eudora with no problems. Somebody else might find this a good work-around. -- Paul Brians, Department of English Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164-5020 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 22:30:13 -0400 From: Allan Hunter <> To: "Stephen Bostrom" <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #57 At 10:49 PM -0500 7/16/02, Stephen Bostrom wrote: >I'm new. > >Where do I find Info-Mac Digest V19 #57? How/where can I access it? Welcome aboard! Here is one place where they are archived: -- Allan Hunter <> <> ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 08:14:58 -0400 From: Larry <> To: Subject: System Logs onto ISP for No Apparent Reason I have a Powerbook G4 running OS X with an Airport. The Airport is connected to the phone line and via Ethernet to our other Macs. Sometimes when I boot up the Powerbook I find that it has dialed my ISP for no apparent reason. Also, when I connect to another machine on the Ethernet, the system will often connect to the ISP. Note that I have Software Update set to manual. Can someone please give me some idea of how to stop this abberant behavior? Larry ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 22:34:55 -0400 From: Allan Hunter <> To: Kimball Kramer <> Subject: VIRTUAL CD Sure -- just drag a CDROM onto the Disk Copy program and when Disk Copy prompts you to do so, indicate where you want the disk image to be saved. You will also be asked whether or not you want it to go ahead and mount on the Desktop as a drive at this point. At 12:30 AM -0400 7/18/02, Kimball Kramer wrote: >A friend who is a PC user showed me a program called "Virtual CD". It >enables one to store the full contents of a CD-ROM disk (or several >disks) as virtual disks on the computer system hard drive. This way >the CD-ROM contents can be accessed quickly and without inserting >anything into the drive. > >Is there a program for the Mac which will do this? I realize that >there is some say to do this for floppy disks, but I don't know what >will work for a CD-ROM. > >Thank you, > >Kimball Kramer > > >-- -- Allan Hunter <> <> -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************