Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #90 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Wed, 31 May 00 Volume 17 : Issue 90 Today's Topics: (Q) Microphone for a G4 (Q) USB video camera for videoconferencing [*] Beyond All Date 1.1 [*] CalCountNote 1.5.1 (68k) [*] CalCountNote 1.5.1 (PPC) [*] DupliMizer 1.0.3 [*] Free Backup 1.1 [*] FTP FoldIt (light) 4.6.5 [*] HTML Optimizer 3.0.3 [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.7 [*] JanusNode-108.hqx (formerly 'McPoet') [*] Kairon219_d.sea.hqx [*] Kairon219_e.sea.hqx [*] NewCM 1.2.2J - Japanese Version [*] Panda Kaleidsocope scheme [*] Phffluugeltzs a utility for HyperTalk notation [*] PixelToy 2.1 Visual Display/Animation Generator [*] Power Menu 2.2.3J - Japanese Version [*] PowerCM 1.0J - Japanese Version [*] session timer 2.2 [*] The Book of Changes 3.3.1 [*] VSE Animation Maker 3.2.2 - GIF animation tool [Q] recommended thesaurus? MP3 URLs of type 'afp://' The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with the words subscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with the words unsubscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. * Please send administrative queries to <>. Downloading and Submitting Files from the Info-Mac Archive: * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at: <> * Search the archive via the MIT HyperArchive at: <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. * To submit files larger than 2 MB, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts" and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, Shawn Bunn, Christopher Li, Patrik Montgomery, Ed Chambers, and Chris Pepper. America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V17 #90" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 14:37:05 -0700 From: Mark Allen <> To: Subject: (Q) Microphone for a G4 It is my understanding that the new G4's are not delivered with a microphone. Does anyone have a recommendation for a USB(?) microphone for use for videoconferencing? Thanks! Mark Allen ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 21:54:52 -0700 From: Mark Allen <> To: Subject: (Q) USB video camera for videoconferencing I currently use a Logitech QuickCam Pro USB video camera for videoconferencing purposes. Unfortunately, the image generated by this device is noticeably blurry. Does anyone have a recommendation for a USB video camera--either black&white or color--that provides a sharp broadcast image? Thanks! Mark Allen ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: Bernhard Liebl <> To: Subject: [*] Beyond All Date 1.1 Beyond All Date is a flexible calendar, alarm clock and reminder. Version 1.1 introduces project managment (time tracking) functionality formerly known as "TimeLabel" and fixes a lot of bugs, especially a problem that would cause the application to not start up properly. [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/beyond-all-date.hqx; 2213 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: To: Subject: [*] CalCountNote 1.5.1 (68k) CalCountNote (CCN) now has five integrated components: * Calendar - a monthly calendar with a digital clock and an hourly chime.. * Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown to the date of your choice. Similar to my Freeware program, Y2KCD, but with the important flexibility to choose the date. * Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important ideas you want to save. * Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away. * Timer - provides a repeatable timer to remind you to take breaks or do something else. All five components emphasize small desktop size and easy click-to-use philosophy. Best....Brian Stevens [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/cal-count-note-151-68k.hqx; 407 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: To: Subject: [*] CalCountNote 1.5.1 (PPC) CalCountNote (CCN) now has five integrated components: * Calendar - a monthly calendar with a digital clock and an hourly chime.. * Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown to the date of your choice. Similar to my Freeware program, Y2KCD, but with the important flexibility to choose the date. * Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important ideas you want to save. * Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away. * Timer - provides a repeatable timer to remind you to take breaks or do something else. All five components emphasize small desktop size and easy click-to-use philosophy. Best....Brian Stevens [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/cal-count-note-151-ppc.hqx; 377 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: Ton Brand <> To: Subject: [*] DupliMizer 1.0.3 DupliMizer 1.0.3 What it is: Tool that duplicates and optimizes your entire web folder Author: Ton Brand Company: Ton's Software License: shareware US$8.00 Computer: PowerPC Required: osax 'Acme Scripting Widgets' MacOS: 8.6 or later Abstract: DupliMizer is an AppleScript program that duplicates your web folder and optimizes all the web pages contained by it. Drag your web folder to the program's icon and your whole web site is optimized in one pass! There is a limit to the hierarchical depth that DupliMizer can handle: EIGHT levels, which must be sufficient in practically all cases. So that lonely page that resides eight levels deep in a far-away sub-folder is also optimized. A detailed log with tab-delimited data is saved to DupliMizer's parent folder. DupliMizer needs on average 5 seconds to optimize one file (on a 225 MHz computer). MacOS 8.6 or later is needed because of the AppleScript Update that came with it. You also need the Scripting Addition (osax) "ACME Script Widgets". -- Ton Brand Ton's Software [Archived as /info-mac/disk/duplimizer-103.hqx; 112 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: John Rethorst <> To: Subject: [*] Free Backup 1.1 Backs up any source to any destination, using the Archive method (keeps all files) or Mirror (keeps only current material). Optional automatic timed update. Supports RAM disks which must be cleared to prevent a "Contents will be lost" warning at shutdown. New in this version: archive method, unlimited length of automatic intervals. Users say "Wow! Very slick . . . quite nice! It has a lot of safeguards in it, all of which are very good, and much more functionality than I normally need . . .this thing is great! . . . cool . . . . excellent" This should replace /disk/free-backup-101.hqx currently on Info-Mac. Free. May be distributed on AMUG and Info-Mac CDs. John Rethorst [Archived as /info-mac/disk/free-backup-11.hqx; 219 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: Jean-Claude Jesior <> To: Subject: [*] FTP FoldIt (light) 4.6.5 FoldIt_light_465.hqx 'FoldIt (light) v.4.6.5' is a molecular modelling program to visualize and manipulate protein coordinate files in the Brookhaven PDB format. The protein structure can be manipulated easily in real time with the mouse, zoomed or observed in stereo. Structure movement can also occur stepwise for a more precise control. Animations can be created. Protein structures can be analyzed. Several protein structures are included as example. Balloon and online helps are supported and a printable user manual is also included. The present version runs native on PowerPC MacOS compatible microcomputers. This application may be included on the archive's CD-ROM and distributed freely. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/fold-it-light-465.hqx; 2167 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: Ton Brand <> To: Subject: [*] HTML Optimizer 3.0.3 HTML Optimizer 3.0.3 What it is: Tool for checking and optimizing your web pages Author: Ton Brand Company: Ton's Software License: shareware US$5.00 Computer: Any Mac Required: HyperCard Player MacOS: 7.5 or later Abstract: HTML Optimizer's main function is to save space on your web pages by removing unnecessary characters and tags, making parsing the page by a browser more efficient. Three other useful functions of HTML Optimizer are: (1) Checking the so called tagged pairs, i.e. the tags that always have to appear together with their end tags. Further, IMG tags are checked for WIDTH, HEIGHT and ALT attributes. (2) Marking dangling tags and missing attributes to find them quickly. (3) Converting special characters to the &....; notation. HTML Optimizer requires Mac OS 7.5 or later and HyperCard Player 2.3 or later. -- Ton Brand Ton's Software [Archived as /info-mac/text/html/html-optimizer-303.hqx; 231 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: Ton Brand <> To: Subject: [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.7 HTML OptimizerPro 1.7 What it is: Tool to check and optimize your web pages Author: Ton Brand Company: Ton's Software License: shareware US$8.00 Computer: PowerPC MacOS: 7.5 or later Abstract: HTML OptimizerPro's main function is to save space on your web pages by removing unnecessary characters and tags, making parsing the page by a browser more efficient. Four other useful functions of HTML OptimizerPro are: (1) Checking the so called tagged pairs, i.e. the tags that always have to appear together with their end tags. Further, IMG tags are checked for WIDTH, HEIGHT and ALT attributes. ALT attributes can be added if missing, with or without string. (2) Checking the validity of the internal links. (3) Marking dangling tags and missing attributes to find them quickly. (4) Converting special characters to the &....; notation. HTML OptimizerPro optimizes very fast: a few seconds for an average file. New in this update is that optimizing and checking hyperlinks works more efficient. HTML OptimizerPro is a PPC application and requires Mac OS 7.5 or later. -- Ton Brand Ton's Software [Archived as /info-mac/text/html/html-optimizer-pro-17.hqx; 1072 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: Chris Westbury <> To: Subject: [*] JanusNode-108.hqx (formerly 'McPoet') A JanusNode is a software robot (descended from an earlier, simpler application called 'McPoet') that is designed for text generation and text morphing: that is, for writing computer-generated and computer-assisted poetry and prose. JanusNodes use their own simple language to allow the text-generation rules (called 'TextDNA') to be completely user-configurable. It is easy for users to write their own TextDNA even if they know nothing about programming the Mac. Users can also use the large set of built-in rules, or the automatic TextDNA-generating function which can turn ordinary texts into executable TextDNA. The text morphing features include an automatic version of Tristan Tzara's original Dadaist formula for creating poetry from text (and many variations on it), an eecummingsfication feature for imitating the style of the great poet ee cummings, multiple forms of Markov chaining and much more. JanusNodes are highly user-configurable, and can be massively expanded by the end-user. JanusNodes are uncopyrighted and free. They may be freely redistributed. They require at least 15 megabytes of free disk space, at least 5 megabytes of available RAM, and a PowerPC processor. Version 1.08 fixes numerous minor bugs, adds new functionality (including user-configurable pluralization and tense markers) and includes several new external resources. [Archived as /info-mac/text/janus-node-108.hqx; 2444 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: Kilian Sternad <> To: Subject: [*] Kairon219_d.sea.hqx Kairon ist eine voll funktionsf„higes Macintosh Astrologie Freeware Programm mit einem beiliegenden Manual und mit zahlreichen Features und anspruchsvoller Graphik. Ausdrucke in h÷chster Aufl÷sung werden genauso unterst’tzt wie volle Kontrolle ’ber das errechnete Horoskop und seine Farben. Alle Berechnungen sind „užerst exact durch Verwendung der 8400 Jahres Ephemeride Placalc vom Astrodienst Z’rich und durch ihre H„userberechnungsformeln. In reinem "C" geschrieben ist Kaiorn selbst auf alten 68k Macs ein „užerst schnelles Programm und dar’berhinaus f’r PowerMacs noch zus„tzlich beschleunigt (FatBinary). Mehr Details gibt es unter [Archived as /info-mac/app/kairon-de.hqx; 981 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: Kilian Sternad <> To: Subject: [*] Kairon219_e.sea.hqx Kairon is a fully functional Macintosh Astrology Freeware with an included manual and with many features and nice graphics. It supports highest resolution printing and allows you to have full controll over your chart and the colors as well. Calculations are highly precise using the 8400 years ephemeris placalc from Astrodienst Z’rich and their house system calculation methods. Written in clean "C" Kaiorn is fast even on old 68k Macs and yet accellerated for PowerMacs as well (FatBinary). Find out more details at [Archived as /info-mac/app/kairon.hqx; 972 K] ------------------------------ Date: 26 May 2000 From: To: Subject: [*] NewCM 1.2.2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the NewCM package. NewCM is a contextual menu plugin that makes it easy to make new documents in a specific location. After configuring it by putting commonly used file types in a "NewCM Items" folder, you can control-click in a Finder folder window and select one of those types from a submenu. NewCM then creates the file and opens it. There is also a "NewCM Applications" folder, which you can use to specify alternate applications for opening the new files. You can even use this feature to run scripts! Nifty changes in version 1.2.2 - NewCM no longer requires Mac OS Easy Open to run. If you have MOSEO turned off, NewCM's menus will always display the file names instead of the types. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/cmm/newcm-122-jp.hqx; 199 K] ------------------------------ Date: 26 May 2000 From: royerm <> To: Subject: [*] Panda Kaleidsocope scheme Panda is a lighthearted Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme with little cartoon panda bears frolicking on your desktop.It will brighten your day! -Martha Royer See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here: Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/panda-ks.hqx; 938 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: "Heikki O. Tuomi" <> To: Subject: [*] Phffluugeltzs a utility for HyperTalk notation Phffluugeltzsilla voit kirjoittaa vaikeata HyperTalk-nuotinnusta naytolla nakyvan pianon koskettimilla, mika on paljon helpompaa kuin kirjoittaa nuotit kasin. Suomenkieliset ohjeet. With Phffluugeltzs you can do dificult HyperTalk-notation of music with an on screen piano without having to type the notes manually. Instructions in English. Tekijanoikeus / Copyright Heikki O. Tuomi. Ilmainen / Freeware. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/phffluugeltzs.hqx; 7 K] ------------------------------ Date: 26 May 2000 From: Leon McNeill <> To: Subject: [*] PixelToy 2.1 Visual Display/Animation Generator PixelToy isn't a game, nor is it a screen saver, nor a paint program -- but it has aspects of all of these. With PixelToy you can generate an endless variety of beautiful, mesmerizing moving images. You can have PixelToy's display dance to live sound input, and generate QuickTime movies of spectacular visual effects with it. PixelToy may be fun, but it's not just a toy! Dance clubs and cafes around the world dazzle audiences with PixelToy's live visual effects. What's more, visual artists have added PixelToy to their arsenal of video effects generation software, using QuickTime movies from PixelToy in non-linear video editors such as iMovie and Adobe After Effects. Features new to version 2.1: o Optional real-time QuickTime export mode o Control windows for actions, filters, colors, sets, and options o AutoPilot feature to randomly change parameters over time o User-configurable smooth color palette transitions o Audio input gain control o Frames-per-second display o Plus lots more! PixelToy 2.1 requires a PowerPC processor, QuickTime and Appearance Manager (QuickTime and Appearance Manager are part of Mac OS 8.0 and later). [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pixel-toy-21.hqx; 1116 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: To: Subject: [*] Power Menu 2.2.3J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the PowerMenu package. PowerMenu is a utility that adds powerful commands to your contextual menu if you are running MacOS 8 or better. If you are running the older Macintosh System 7, PowerMenu adds a contextual menu to your system so you can still use this innovative feature without upgrading to MacOS 8. PowerMenu's contextual menu commands let you do all these operations with a single click: *Open files straight into any application. If the application you want to use isn't running, PowerMenu automatically launches it for you. *Move, copy or make an alias of files straight into target folders of your choosing. *Quickly open commonly used files or launch any application. PowerMenu also provides these handy features: *"File Copy and Paste", a unique feature that makes manipulating files much easier. With File Copy and Paste, you can "pick up" files and "drop" them into another folder without dragging and dropping. You can even "gather" many files from different locations and copy or move them all to a single target folder with just a few clicks or keystrokes! *A pop-up menu, accessible from any application, that lets you quickly open or launch your commonly used files and applications with a single click. PowerMenu gets the job done faster with: *Fully hierarchical menus to allow you to group items into submenus for even faster access. *Multithreaded operation; PowerMenu rebuilds your menus in the background while you work, so even very large menus appear instantly. *Takes full advantage of MacOS 8 features, but is still fully compatible with System 7! Changes in version 2.2.3J: Corrects a startup bug and greatly accelerates the drawing of custom icons under MacOS 8.5. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/powermenu-223-jp.hqx; 478 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: To: Subject: [*] PowerCM 1.0J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the PowerCM package. The Japanese version of this freeware utility is provided as a free service of Bridge 1 Software. What is it? PowerCM is a contextual menu plugin that adds Sleep, Restart, and Shut Down commands when you control-click on the Desktop. Requirements: Mac OS 8 and a PowerPC-based computer [Archived as /info-mac/gui/power-cm-10-jp.hqx; 15 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: Stefan Schramm <> To: Subject: [*] session timer 2.2 session timer 2.2 (c) 1999-2000, Stefan Schramm System requirements: Mac or Windows computer, Filemaker Pro 3.0 or later. Drag-and-drop convert the timer to run it with Filemaker 5.0 or later. The session timer is a handy tool for logging time on your computer. It is not affected by accidentally closing the timer, quitting Filemaker, or even a system crash. [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/session-timer-22.hqx; 23 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: Brian Kelley <> To: Subject: [*] The Book of Changes 3.3.1 The Book of Changes 3.3.1 This program is a version of the I Ching. For centuries, the I Ching has been used both as an oracle to predict the future, and as a source of deep wisdom. The querent asks a question, then drops three coins six times. Each drop determines one line of a hexagram, whether is solid or broken, moving or unmoving. The resulting six-lined figure is then interpreted. Even if you have no interest in divination, the I Ching can offer valuable insight into your own psyche, shedding light on how you really feel about a problem. New in version 3.3.1 --updated to use Navigation Services --new title graphics The Book of Changes is $10 shareware. [Archived as /info-mac/app/book-of-changes-331.hqx; 1163 K] ------------------------------ Date: 27 May 2000 From: Andre Voget <> To: Subject: [*] VSE Animation Maker 3.2.2 - GIF animation tool This is VSE Animation Maker 3.2.2, a new version of the award-winning GIF animation tool. The award-winning shareware application VSE Animation Maker is used by thousands of users world-wide. It allows absolute precise timing of any animation frame, direct support of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer color palettes and it offers many tools for image editing. VSE Animation Maker is ideal for web designers, online-agencies, multimedia authors, computer game designers, teachers, pupils and anyone who likes to have fun with animated pictures. The new version fixes a minor bug with a special hardware configuration. System requirements: All Macintosh computers since System 7.0 2 MB free RAM [Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/animation-maker-322.hqx; 809 K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 17:23:15 -0400 From: Ken Laskey <> To: Subject: [Q] recommended thesaurus? For years, I have used an ancient version of Microlytics' Word Finder as my thesaurus. It shows up in the menu of every application, making it readily available and easy to use. Recently, I found that whatever WF does to get onto the menu bar is conflicting with a number of other programs and, although the program itself still works, I think it might be time to replace it before I have real problems. Suggestions? -- Ken Laskey ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 18:45:12 +0100 From: Ezra Nathan & Penny Lane <> To: Info-Mac digest <> Subject: MP3 Is Quicktime 4 an MP3 player? Can anyone put me onto an idiot's guide to what is MP3 and how to download sound files? Is MP3 free? What would I need to have the whole caboodle so that I can download tracks and put them onto tape for the car? Thanks, > Ezra Nathan ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 13:40:33 -0400 (EDT) From: Lee Dickey <> To: Subject: URLs of type 'afp://' Hello, I am having some trouble with my new OS9. I have a machine at the office and a machine at home, both running MacOS9. Both have full time net connections. Of course I want to connect them over the net. On my office machine, is named I said yes to file sharing, and have a directory called "pub" with sharing turned on. From home, I opened "Chooser", clicked on AppleShare, (Appletalk is on), and clicked on "Server IP address". I was invited to "Enter the Server Address", and typed this in afp:// After I pressed return, a moment or two passed and then I got the message Couldn't find the server "afp://mathmac44.math.uwaterloo." What I see here is a character string with 31 characters. I am wondering if the reason that my server could not be found is that the limit for the length of a file name is also the limit for the URL. I am sure that I will want to set up the same file sharing in reverse, with my machie at home being the server. If there is a problem with the lenght of the string, I am really out of luck, because the pathname there is even longer. You might be thinking that I should use the numbers, and not the name. I tried that, and again, it did not work.o Am I doing something wrong, or am I dealing with limited software? Lee Dickey -- Prof. Leroy J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, U of Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1 ljdickey@math.UWaterloo.CA 1-519-888-4567, ext 5559 -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************