Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #203 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Mon, 18 Dec 00 Volume 17 : Issue 203 Today's Topics: (A) well I'll be, 9.0.4 does work with Lexmark & Cardbus USB [*] 8-ball emulator x [*] Amadeus II 3.0 [*] Catalog Search FM 3.3, FM Pro 4-5 DB to catalog disks and folders [*] CP290 Director 1.6 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation System [*] Drop Drawers 1.5 - Versatile floating drawers [*] Eudora2FMP [*] Extension Overload v5.6 [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 Carbon English [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 Carbon Espanol [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 fat English [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 FAT Espanol [*] Goldberg 2.0 [*] Key Values 1.0 [*] LightWayText 3.2.1E - Powerful Text Editor [*] Listen&Type2.12, sound player + text editor = dictation tool [*] MacTypingTutor 4.9 [*] Okidoki Guard 2.1 [*] QMidi 1.0.1 FAT [*] QuoEdit 0.71 [*] Yahoo Mailto Handler 1.1 [Q] Zipped files unreadable on iMac Problem with Java Spell Checkers for Outlook Express 5? Sys 9.0.4 impairs Sound / Video The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with the words subscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with the words unsubscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. * Please send administrative queries to <>. Downloading and Submitting Files from the Info-Mac Archive: * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at: <> * Search the archive via the MIT HyperArchive at: <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. * To submit files larger than 2 MB, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts" and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, Shawn Bunn, Christopher Li, Patrik Montgomery, Ed Chambers, and Chris Pepper. America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V17 #203" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 09:49:15 -0500 From: "" <> To: Subject: (A) well I'll be, 9.0.4 does work with Lexmark & Cardbus USB Dear Digest readers, It took two clean reinstalls of 9.0, installing the Cardbus USB 1.4.1 drivers on 9.0 and the Lexmark Z52 drivers 1.1 on MacOS 9.0. Maybe some extension didn't get removed from the first clean install, which is weird, because I ran the clean installer from the CD. In anycase, anyone who wants my Apple System Profiler report wanting to use Cardbus USB cards to print on a Wallstreet Powerbook, I'd be happy to e-mail it over to them. One thing to note, it ended up forcing me to be unable to load any Office 98 applications. But since I have Appleworks 5.0.4 and MacLinkPlusPC it isn't such a big loss. Sincerely, -- Come visit an internet index of 14 topics and over 800 links at: All links verified monthly. ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 2000 From: To: Subject: [*] 8-ball emulator x This Mac application puts a pool table on your screen and lets you shoot the balls down the pockets. Unlike other pool table applications, you can set the table and balls to any size you wish. There are hundreds of settings available for speed and friction. The Aim Assist feature shows you which direction and how far the cue ball will go when you shoot. Shot Status information is provided, like a referee, to show whose turn it is, whether they've made a legal shot, whether a player has won the game, etc., according to rules for either 8Ball or 9Ball. To see what sets 8-Ball Emulator apart from the rest, try minimum ball size and friction settings. Full documentation is available thru the 'Save Help Text' button in the Help dialog. [Archived as /info-mac/game/8-ball-emulator-x.hqx; 257 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 2000 From: Martin Hairer <> To: Subject: [*] Amadeus II 3.0 Amadeus II is a powerful tool designed to manipulate, record, create and analyze sounds. It offers a many useful features like for example: - Very fast direct-to-disk abilities for manipulating sounds up to 2GB. - Multiple undoing and multiple scraps. - Powerful repair function that allows to search the sound for cracks and eliminate them. - Easy editing of large files achieved through the extensive use of markers. - Support of Mp3 encoding. - Real-time spectrum and oscilloscope; generation of sonograms; animated spectrum, 3D spectrum Version 3.0 includes furthermore: - High-resolution sonograms - Raw data importing and exporting - Multiband RTA - Waterfall display - Better support of different sound input devices - Unified treatment of file formats. - Dumping of real-time analysis - Improved sound repairing algorithm - Sound resampling at recording time - Support of arbitrary sampling rates up to 1000kHz - Waveform statistics and computing of average spectra More info on Requirements: MacOS 8.1, PPC processor, 10MB free RAM. MacOS 8.6 and QuickTime 4.1 are recommended. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/amadeus-ii-30.hqx; 1011 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 2000 From: To: Subject: [*] Catalog Search FM 3.3, FM Pro 4-5 DB to catalog disks and folders This FileMaker 4 (easily converted to FileMaker 5) database provides drag and drop indexing of disks and folders. It gathers information about each file, such as path, name, size, dates, type, creator etc., during indexing. Plus it has the speed and power of a relational db. Duplicate files can be determined almost instantly based on three separate criteria. The database is freeware, and has no locked layouts or password protection. Modify it as you see fit. Needs Jon's Commands free OSAX - see read me. Added a user option to catalog only files (faster) and omit folder info, or to catalog both files and folders. A version compatible with the date settings of French OSs is available by email request. [Archived as /info-mac/disk/catalog-search-fm-33.hqx; 274 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 2000 From: John Woodward <> To: Subject: [*] CP290 Director 1.6 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation System CP290 Director is Macintosh software that controls the original X10 home automation computer controlled interface, model number CP290. It completely replaces the Macintosh software that comes with the CP290, and has unique features not found in other Macintosh-based CP290 controllers such as MouseHouse and Xtension. CP290 Director does not have to be running at all times to control the CP290, since it takes advantage of the CP290'S ability to store events for later execution. In addition to the standard CP290 features, CP290 Director supports the following additional features: 1) the ability to specify that an event is to occur at sunrise or sunset (plus or minus a specified time interval); 2) the ability to specify a specific date on which an event is to occur, and optionally the interval in days thereafter that the event should be repeated; and 3) the ability to specify that the event should occur only on even days or on odd days. System requirements: * System 7 through 8.6; not tested with MacOS 9 * Macintosh with at least 4 MB of RAM Release 1.6 fixes a bug with handling ALL LIGHTS and ALL module numbers. For more information, please read the documentation enclosed, or visit the CP290 Director Web page: [Archived as /info-mac/app/cp-290-director-16.hqx; 637 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 2000 From: Gideon Greenspan <> To: Subject: [*] Drop Drawers 1.5 - Versatile floating drawers Drop Drawers is a revolutionary user-interface enhancement which provides floating pull-out, snap-shut drawers on the sides of your screen to store text, URLs, aliases, scripts, pictures, sounds, movies and anything else. Information in a clip drawer can also be worked with. For example, styled text can be edited, applications and folders can be dragged onto, URLs can be opened, scripts can accept parameters, pictures can be viewed and sounds and movies can be played. Drop Drawers works seamlessly with any Mac OS application supporting drag and drop. It can also instantly capture and insert data within any Mac OS application. It is not just another floating application launcher, although it fulfils all those functions too. Version 1.5 is a major upgrade, adding dozens of new features, including configurable grids with multiple styles and arranging options, support for scripts with built-in compilation and parameter passing and several included drawer templates. Sig Software - [Archived as /info-mac/gui/drop-drawers-15.hqx; 832 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 2000 From: MK Consulting <> To: Subject: [*] Eudora2FMP Eudora2FMP by MK Consulting is a set of templates for FileMaker Pro 5 which allow users to archive their Eudora mailboxes. The templates extract the data from the Eudora mailbox, and then parse it into the Email Archive database in FileMaker Pro. From there, users can save, store, reply, edit the mail and also export it in any format FileMaker Pro supports. Additional features include process queueing and a feature to remove HTML from the text of a message.-- MK Consulting [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/eudora-2-fmp.hqx; 91 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 2000 From: Teng Chou Ming <> To: Subject: [*] Extension Overload v5.6 Extension Overload is an extensions,control panels, control strip modules and contextual menus managementapplication. It offers detail information of 4103 extensions andcontrol panels, control strip modules and contextual menu items inyour system. It also lets you activate and deactivate them, so thatyou can always easily tailor your system to your current requirements.In addition, Extension Overload includes a useful collection ofhelpful information and tidbits. New version in 5.6 released Dec 13,2000* Contains descriptions of 2800Extensions.* Contains descriptions of 1021 ControlPanels.* Contains descriptions of 191 ControlStrip Modules.* Contains descriptions of 91 ContextualMenu Items.* Total of 4103 extensions, extensions, CSMand CMM plugins.* A Control Strip Modules which allows youto luanch Extension Overload.* Dropped support for 68K and removed someunwanted resources.* Corrected some mistakes in the databaseand edited the text.* Improved the user interface forapplications with Appearance installed.* Added support for Navigation Services ifavailable.* Fixed a problem with the Apple menu itemsif FAX STF software was installed.* It inserts an item after the firstseparator that can change the order of items!* Added balloons for the new version of themain window.* Made email and web items into iconsinstead of buttons.* Added support for the DELETE key in listwindows.* Fixed but with applications wantingAppearance Lib to be installed.* Improved navigation of lists by addingsupport for PageUp PageDown HOME and END keys. You can also download Extension Overloadfrom [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/extension-overload-56.hqx; 1464 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 2000 From: Mike Brackenridge <> To: Subject: [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 Carbon English Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 Carbon English 17/12/2000 -The program Use Geometry Calculator to calculate the area of triangles, trapezoids, rectangles, squares, circles and the surface area of cubes, pyramids, prisms, and cylinders, you can use the measurements as "Non specific units" or you have the option of entering a specific unit and have the calculations converted to many other imperial and metric units. Runs as full 30 day tryout, after this time registering the program will enable it fully again. Shareware. -Changes: Fix: the small buttons on the button bar now fire Copy, Cut and Paste menu items now enabled -Requirements: Power Mac running OSX or a Power Mac running OS8.5 or above with the "CarbonLib" Extension installed -Compressed BinHex size: 940k This program can be used on CD distribution. Web: Enquires and questions should be directed to: [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/geometry-calc-151-crb.hqx; 1129 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 2000 From: Mike Brackenridge <> To: Subject: [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 Carbon Espanol Geometry Calculator 1.5 Carbon Espanol 17/12/2000 -El programa Este es un programa de calculacion y conversion, para hacer calculo en area de triangelos, rectangelos, trapezoide, circulos y superfice de cubos, pirimides, prismas, y cilindros y conversion en metrico a imperial o imperial a metrico del mismo. Shareware. -Requerimientos: Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 Version classic ( Mac OS 8.5 up) Este version funciona con min 3024k en memoria RAM ( 3424k preferido ) [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/geometry-calc-151-sp-crb.hqx; 1135 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 2000 From: Mike Brackenridge <> To: Subject: [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 fat English Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 fat English 17/12/2000 -The program Use Geometry Calculator to calculate the area of triangles, trapezoids, rectangles, squares, circles and the surface area of cubes, pyramids, prisms, and cylinders, you can use the measurements as "Non specific units" or you have the option of entering a specific unit and have the calculations converted to many other imperial and metric units. Runs as full 30 day tryout, after this time registering the program will enable it fully again. Shareware. -Changes: Copy, Cut and Paste menu items now enabled Development tweaks. -Requirements: Power Mac running OS7.6.1 to any version of OS9 Compressed BinHex size: 1020k This program can be used on CD distribution. Web: Enquires and questions should be directed to: [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/geometry-calc-151-fat.hqx; 1641 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 2000 From: Mike Brackenridge <> To: Subject: [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 FAT Espanol Geometry Calculator 1.5 FAT Espanol 17/12/2000 -El programa Este es un programa de calculacion y conversion, para hacer calculo en area de triangelos, rectangelos, trapezoide, circulos y superfice de cubos, pirimides, prismas, y cilindros y conversion en metrico a imperial o imperial a metrico del mismo. Shareware. -Requerimientos: Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 ( "fat" En ambos 68k y PPC ) Version classic ( Mac OS 7.6.1 a OS 9. whatever ) Este version funciona con min 3024k en memoria RAM ( 3424k preferido ) Este version no funciona con Max OSX. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/geometry-calc-151-sp-fat.hqx; 1643 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 2000 From: Opus Software <> To: Subject: [*] Goldberg 2.0 The application Goldberg is an images and movies viewer with some image editing capabilities such the QuickTime Effects, rotations (fixed and arbitrary), free zooming, selecting, cropping and printing. Goldberg can read several image file formats as PICT, Photoshop, JPEG, TIFF, FlashPix, GIF, PNG, Targa, BMP, SGI files and also QuickTime movie files. Goldberg supports saving and exporting image as PICT, Photoshop, JPEG and TIFF, PNG, Targa, BMP, SGI and qtif (QuickTime Image Format) files. What's New in Version 2.0 beta ****************************** Goldberg version 2.0 is a major rewrite and offers now the rotation capabilities, the free zooming, undo support and more. The video grabbing capabilities have been temporarily dropped and they will be added in a future version. Note: the beta version expires the 03/01/2001. Compatibility and System Requirements ************************************* Classic Goldberg 2.0 requires: - Mac OS 9 or later - QuickTime 4 or later Carbon Goldberg 2.0 requires: - Mac OS 9 or later - CarbonLib 1.04 or later (the version 1.1 is not recommended) - QuickTime 4 or later The Goldberg's Carbon version works fine under Mac OS X Public Preview. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/goldberg-20.hqx; 892 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Dec 2000 From: Andrew Merenbach <> To: Subject: [*] Key Values 1.0 Key Values is an AppleScript program which will convert a keyboard character into its ASCII equivalent, and vice-versa. Until the registration fee of $3.00 is paid, the program will display a dialog box every startup (that will go away after three seconds) requesting you to register; clicking on the button labeled "Register" allows you to enter your name and registration code. Registration options include (1) US Cash; (2) a money order cashable in the US; or (3) via PayPal. I much prefer the last method, as it gets the money to me more quickly, and gets the code to you quickly as well. (If you're interested in finding out about PayPal, go to <>.) Sorry, but no C.O.D.'s! [Archived as /info-mac/dev/key-values.hqx; 10 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Dec 2000 From: Michiaki Yamashita <> To: Subject: [*] LightWayText 3.2.1E - Powerful Text Editor Subject: LightWayText 3.2.1E - Powerful Text Editor LightWayText is the powerful Text Editor. Shareware (price US$25). The big text document of 32KB and more (So far as a memory permits it.) can be edited. Toolbar can do indication. Extended styles (superscript,subscript,line,net) can be set up in document. A PICT image can insert as a picture character. It copes with TSM (Text Services Manager) inline input. It copes with drag & drops. It support AppleScript scripting. It support a upper/lower character change case. It support an underline of the cursor line. (Caret Underline) Undo/Redo is being supported about the all editing operation. Undo/Redo of infinite numbers is being supported. (Multi-Undo) Ruler, Line # in the document window can do indication. Indication, editing by the paper image can be done. The page layout with columns can be set up. The view size can be larger or smaller. Keyborad operation can be customized. (Key Customize) Recent files and folders is shown to the File menu and it can open quickly. Background color of the document window can be changed. Automatic save of the text document can be done. (File Auto Save) Backup file of the text document can be made. (File Backup Save) Regular expression search of the document can be done. The 5 kinds of words can be searched at the same time. (Find Assist) Browser tool is shown the contents of the document and it can open quickly. File Search tool is can find a more than one text document file. Lots of clipboard scrap can be registered at the name. (Scrap Catalog) Lots of styles can be registered at the name. (Define Styles) Keyboard operation is recorded and a repetition carried out. (Key Macro) It can make the program of the Macro script. (Macro Editor) Ruler, Line #, invisibles mark color can be changed. (Color Variation) Further an optional color scheme can be defined. (Color Preference) At designated time, color change and reminder can set up. (Color Scheduler) Further today's schedule can be managed. (Schedule of date) It copes with Internet Config Extension. (Command + Click URL) It support Word Services Spell Checker. (Word Services) Mac OS 8.5 New Open/Save Dialog is available. ReadMeMaker utilities attach for an appendix. (ReadMeMaker) FAT to PPC 68K utilities attach for an appendix. (FAT to PPC 68K) NEW -- Version 3.2.1 Preview release of Carbonized LightWayText for Mac OS X LightWayText Environment It can be used under Mac OS from System 7.1 to Mac OS 9.X. [Archived as /info-mac/text/lightway-text-321.hqx; 1566 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Dec 2000 From: NattaWorks-Nagano <> To: Subject: [*] Listen&Type2.12, sound player + text editor = dictation tool A sound player and a text editor combined into one. Designed as a dictation tool. You can type while you are listening to a sound file. You can start and stop playing sound with a keyboard shortcut, Shift+return. Hit tab key to play back the part you have just missed, "Pardon me?" System requirements: PPC Mac like iMac. MacOS 7.5 or higher. QuickTime 3 or higher is recommended. Shareware price : U.S.$15. ver 2.2: bug fixes. preferred default font settings. better support for InputMethods(applied to double byte character language) [Archived as /info-mac/gst/listen-and--type-22.hqx; 369 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Dec 2000 From: "Wm. Rogers" <> To: Subject: [*] MacTypingTutor 4.9 MacTypingTutor4.9 replaces versions ('4.5 to '4.7). MacTypingTutor now upgraded to run smoothly with Macintosh System 9 (actually System 8.6 or higher). Individuals with regular Macintoshes (or PowerMacs running System 8.5 or lower) should download MacTypingTutor4.3.1. Schools can arrange to acquire both the Power Mac version and regular Mac version for the same fee. Schools can also combine orders for MacTypingTutor (for Mac) and WinBetterTyping (for Windows 95 or higher). The MacTypingTutor programs are great for beginning typing students. They use five integrated work areas that together teach correct finger placement and memorization of the keyboard keys. Practice exercises focus on single letters, letter and number sequences, words, sentences, paragraphs, and free typing. The program offers a spelling checker, user-defined speed goals, score sheets, time tracking with rest signals, and many other helpful features. You can hide or show your typing, screen-keyboard, and feedback reports. You can adjust difficulty level from very easy to hard (this is a good feature for younger children). The program automatically remembers your work-preferences from session to session. All learning modules in the download version of MacTypingTutor work, although there are features in each module that are limited is use. Download and begin by testing current typing speed.The user can also hear what it sounds like to type on a real typewriter. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/mac-typing-tutor-49.hqx; 532 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Dec 2000 From: "Mario Gajardo Tassara" <> To: Subject: [*] Okidoki Guard 2.1 1) What is Okidoki Guard ? Okidoki is a nice and simple program designed to password-protect your Mac. 2) What is new in Okidoki Guard 2.0 ? - ยยย Now is FREEWARE !!! - More Security level .Now Okidoki Guard Shutdown the computer if an user fails 3 times in the password prompt screen. - More beautifull interface. - Some bugs killed. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/okidoki-guard-21.hqx; 442 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Dec 2000 From: "Bruno Di Gleria" <> To: Subject: [*] QMidi 1.0.1 FAT QMidi 1.0.1, (c) 2000 by Bruno Di Gleria Via Basaldella, 10 33100 UDINE - ITALY E-Mail: QMidi is the ultimate MIDI/Karaoke player for the Macintosh. It can play all kinds of MIDI files, no matter where they came from, in any order, using either the Mac OS QuickTime instruments, Opcode OMS (now USB compatible) or serial port interface. QMidi also incorporates a GS MIDI mixer. It has a complete online documentation you can access selecting the "About QMidi" item in the apple menu. *Supports Midi format 0 and 1. *Supports Karaoke format 0 and 1. *Pitch transpose, Chord transpose. *Unlimited number of play lists. *Up to 16000 files per play List. *Start from first note. *Chase events. *Chain play, loop, repeat all. *GS mixer, GS effects. *Works with QuickTime 2.5 or newer, OMS or serial port. *Full Drag & Drop support. QMidi runs on any Macintosh with System 7 or greater. It is fully OS 9 compatible. Drag & Drop requires System 7.5 or greater. QMidi is is a shareware product. This means, you may copy it freely and try it out thoroughly. As soon as you decide to use the program, you are requested to send a modest amount of money. Unregistered version has no other limitations than the annoying request at startup. Instruction on registration are into the "How to Register" text file. Thanks for your support! [Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/qmidi-101.hqx; 370 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Dec 2000 From: "Lyomei Sakai" <> To: Subject: [*] QuoEdit 0.71 QuoEdit version 0.71 is a free editor for plain (monostyled) text. It runs on System 7 or later. The archive includes PowerPC version and 68K version. PPC: QuoEdit 68K: QuoEdit.68K Before using, throw the unnecessary version away to the trash. And rename the 68K version to "QuoEdit" if you use old Mac. Features: Intended to provide quick operations with simple interface. Supports AppleScript powerfully; also your tasks can be recorded and replayed by the scripting feature. Supports regular expression search as well as multi-file search. Multiple levels of undo/redo for each document. WorldScript savvy. New features of this version: Included a utility to customize menus. Fixed several bugs. [Archived as /info-mac/text/quo-edit-071.hqx; 895 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Dec 2000 From: Daniel Shockley <> To: Subject: [*] Yahoo Mailto Handler 1.1 Yahoo Mailto Handler Version 1.1 new in Version 1.1 -- It now works with all the Yahoo Mail servers (I didn't realize how there were different sub-domains). Users would get "Re-Login" errors, since it was trying to go to, which is not what everyone uses. -- It has a Prefs setting when run directly that lets you reset it automatically, or manually This little AppleScript applet can be used to handle mailto URLs. So, when you click on an email address on a web page, it opens a New Window in Internet Explorer, and goes to the Yahoo web mail Send Message page, with the email address filled in. If there are other parts, they will also be filled in (subject, cc, bcc, body, and perhaps other) You will need to open the Internet control panel and select this as your Email Application at the bottom of the Email tab. It could be modified to handle multiple web browsers and multiple web-mail accounts. I plan on extending it to work with other major webmail sites, as long as they support sending mail by adding text to a URL. Let me know if you'd like to work on it. Most useful utilities out there only help people who use stand-alone POP/SMTP clients, not us web-mail users. Daniel A. Shockley or I got some information that was helpful about this from: Kirk Klingbiel - the "open location" part of AppleScript Cory S. Moll - the webPath for Yahoo that works independently of which us.f** server you are on [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/yahoo-mailto-handler-11.hqx; 27 K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 07:16:57 -0800 From: Laurence Hawkins <> To: Subject: [Q] Zipped files unreadable on iMac I am trying to transfer applications and files from a PowerMac 6500/225 running OS 7.6.1 via a Zip Drive to an iMacDV+ with OS 9.0.4, but the iMac refuses to accept any files, protesting "The item "XYZ" cannot be read, because a disk error occurred. Do you want to continue". Occasionally, the odd file and application does get read and transferred, but very rarely. However, all these files on the Zip disk can be opened from the zip disk itself by double clicking on them, when the appropriate application on the iMac opens with no problem, displaying the file contents. What is holding me up in this simple procedure? Laurence Hawkins ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 15:09:24 -0800 From: Andrew Merenbach <> To: <> Subject: Problem with Java A few days ago, I submitted an inquiry regarding a problem I've been having with Internet Explorer and Java. Apparently, the problem is deeper than I thought it was; recently, I downloaded InstallAnywhere Now! and Hot Java, both of which use the InstallAnywhere installer; neither of them work; the InstallAnywhere installer tells me that MRJ may not be installed correctly, and the Hot Java installer tells me that there was a problem opening a file. I've reinstalled MRJ, but it hasn't helped. Anybody know what's wrong? -- Andrew Merenbach ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 15:07:41 -0500 From: Jack Countryman <> To: <> Subject: Spell Checkers for Outlook Express 5? They've recently gotten us on the web at work, and put OE 5 on all the macs for email. However, in contrast to my home macs where OE has always had spell check capabilities, the work mac refuses to acknowledge or use any of the spell checkers I've tried. I've used the spell checker from Office 98 on one mac here at home, and it seems to use Spell Catcher on another. However on the school mac, v5 of OE refuses to use SpellTools from Newer Tech (even after building the link) or any of the others I've tried (I don't have office or Spell Catcher on that mac). Anyone know if there are other spell checkers it will use, if so which and how to get them installed? Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 08:10:36 +0200 From: "Michael S. Silverstein" <> To: Info-mac <> Subject: Sys 9.0.4 impairs Sound / Video I recently upgraded from System 9 to System 9.0.4 on a G4 400 MHz and discovered that suddenly my CD drive was not recognized, my computer speaker (or external speakers) did not receive any input, my webcam (Philips, with the Philips extension) was not working properly. Everything was working 100% for about a year before I upgraded to 9.0.4. I then upgraded the DVD software to 2.2, but this did not help. I then removed all extensions beginning with DVD, and this helped somewhat, the sound works sporadically on restart and the video less often. Any advice out there on what could be causing this problem? My temporary solution has neutralized the DVD capability and I would like to have DVD, CD and webcam working.... Thanks in advance for all your help! Michael Silverstein Materials Engineering Technion -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************