Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #333
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 02 Sep 99       Volume 16 : Issue 333

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#494/23-Aug-99
      [*] TidBITS#495/30-Aug-99
       [Q] Sherlock search of Info-Mac files?
      "PGPsdkKeyServer" is missing
      (A) eudora-to-browser problem
      (A) World Book CD
      630CD sees only 12MB
      [A] How to convert records to CDs
      [A] How to correctly upload MP3 files to web
      [A] How to correctly upload MP3 files to web
      [A] One ISP account - Two users
      [Q] "Welcome to.." Startup screen
      [Q] Error -39
      Boot problem (R)
      Cable modem paranoia?
      cgi's for Netpresenz
      consolidating e mail (a note)
      Easy-View for Windows, too.
      Eudora  addresses
      eudora-to-browser problem
      G3 and music CDs from vinyl or tapes 
      G3 PowerBook Coma
      How to correctly upload MP3 files to web (C)
      HyperCard stacks/Standalones as droplets?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #331
      Microtek SlimScan C6, KeySpan USB Card and Platimun G3
      Monitor won't sleep
      Motherboards which fit the Performa 6320
      MP3 now supported by Koan Mac music Plugin!
      Networked PIMs: what's best for Mac/PCs?
      PowerComputing & G3 upgrades
      Q: How to transfer files via Web?
      Source for Hard Drive
      ssh or secure telnet for Macs?
      Summary: Help with Epson Stylus Colour 900 needed
      Symbol font ignored in Mac Internet Explorer 4.5
      TV tuning on PB  G3 series
      USB drivers causing freezes
      Want old MIDI software for Mac SE
      What Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!
      What Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!
      WordPerfect to HTML
      World Book CD

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites
containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software.

Email Addresses and Instructions:
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Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna,
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The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers
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publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for
the main Info-Mac machine. <>

Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
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Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#494/23-Aug-99


Want to download commercial software for free, legally? In this issue, Matt=
 Neuburg explores the curious case of obsolete and unsupported software,=
 some of which (like the popular outliners MORE and Acta) you can have once=
 again! Also this week, Adam relates his learning experience of trying to=
 buy replacement cell phone and camcorder batteries from clueless Web sites.=
 In the news, we cover the releases of Anarchie 3.6, GoClick 3.0.1, and=
 eMerge 1.6.1.=20

    Long Day's Journey into Night of the Living Dead Software
    Finding the Power Online: Buying Batteries


[Archived as /info-mac/per/TidBITS/tidbits-494.etx; 30K]


Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#495/30-Aug-99


The world ends not with a bang, but with a kerchunking sound from a hard=
 disk. Jeff Carlson relates how DriveSavers brought his data back from the=
 dead. We also review Apple Confidential, a book packed with insider stories=
 and little-known details of Apple's tumultuous history, and note recent=
 changes in the PowerPC universe. News this week includes the release of=
 SkyLINE wireless networking and updates to Anarchie, Documents to Go, and=
 BBEdit Lite.=20

    Shifts in the PowerPC World?
    Summer Reading: Apple Confidential
    DriveSavers to the Rescue


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-495.etx; 29K]


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 05:41:52 -0400 (EDT)

Mehudi is sleeping!
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 12:20:42 +0300
From: "Dr. Peter Stoyanov" <>
Subject: why no more share/freeware submissions
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

I'm subscriber for quite a long time to info-mac and one of the part 
i enjoyed most was the submissions and short annotations of 
share/freeware software. for some time now we have only questions and 
answers. have i missed something - change of policy?

may i be updated



Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 21:09:06 -0700
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject:  [Q] Sherlock search of Info-Mac files?

David Ellis asked:

>I would like to know if there is a Sherlock plugin for the
>HyperArchive or other collection of Info-Mac files?

Yes, there is. In fact it comes as part of the complete Sherlock 
plugin collection. One place to get that complete archive is:
and click on the link that says, "Download the Entire Archive (300 
plugins)". One of the 300 is the Info-Mac plugin.



Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 20:47:20 +0200
From: Giorgio Bulgarelli <>
Subject: "PGPsdkKeyServer" is missing

I have not yet received any reply to the message I sent from Eritrea and I
am forwarding hereinbelow.

Maybe either it did not reach you or your answer went astray (my Eritrean
e-mail provider is not very reliable!).

Could anybody there help me?

Best regards,

Giorgio Bulgarelli

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 10:08:09 +0300
From: Giorgio Bulgarelli <>
Subject: "PGPsdkKeyServer" is missing

Dear Sirs,

I would like to use PGP from here (Eritrea, Horn of Africa) from where I am
not allowed to connect on-line to the Internet. Since 1997 I was trying to
get a copy and, eventually, I downloaded version 5.5.3 QU1 from the site of
Tor Vergata University in Rome in April 1998 when I was in Italy.

According to the manual, the first step (page 20) is to create a new key
pair by choosing "PGPkeys" from the 'PGPmenu'. However, instead of opening
the "PGPkeys" application I only get a message that "PGPsdkKeyServer" is

Unfortunately, such a file is neither in the folder I downloaded via the
Internet nor in the Eudora Pro 4.0 package a friend of mine sent me from
the United States. I don't know what is does mean and nobody was yet able
to tell me how to solve the inconvenience.

I re-installed the software two or three times -from either the downloaded
copy or the one bundled with Eudora Pro 4.0- but nothing changed.

PGP Technical Support was -definitely!- of no help: they only sent me from
pillar to post! The US Support firstly answered by giving me just a Web
address: I had to send them ten messages before they read one of them and
realised that I could not connect to the Internet. Then, they informed me
that, in compliance to US security legislation, they were unable to support
me. After another couple of messages they, eventually, gave me an e-mail
address in Europe. Unfortunately, nobody did ever answer my messages! After
about ten months of useless messages, I got the e-mail address
<>. Firstly, somebody there answered by giving
me another Web address. Another couple of messages and the definite answer
was as follows:

>Hash: SHA1
>Dear Sir,
>As you have seen, PGP is that much regulated that there are several
>problems to answer such simple questions as your one seems in the
>first moment.
>First of all: The freeware version you have mentioned in your fist
>emails is of cause not supported by our support team (even not for a
>special fee).
>If you have bought a version of PGP in the USA and have exported it
>from there, you have violated US laws regarding to the export of
>weapons of war. This is something I would not mentioned anywhere as
>these laws are very restrictive.
>Please understand, that Network Associates in the US is not allowed to
>support these product if you have exported it. The International
>support on the other hand could also not help you as this would be
>strictly illegal.
>Sorry, the only advice I can give you, is to buy the International
>version, than we can support you.
>Best regards
>Mike Auerbach
>Product Manager PGP International, NTS (CEUR & SEUR)
>"Who's watching your network while you are reading this mail?"
>Network Associates GmbH

The point is that, since I am not a corporate user, I am not entitled to
buy any version of PGP. I can only download freeware versions and I am not
entitled to any support for the copy I purchased bundled with Eudora Pro

The story began in 1997 and I see no end (unless somebody will -eventually-
tell me how to find that missing file named "PGPsdkKeyServer"!).

Could anybody there help me?

Thank you!

--- end forwarded text


Dr Giorgio Bulgarelli
Via Monte Gemma 2/3
I-00141 ROMA Italy

Tel./Fax: + 39-06868 95705


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 14:12:10 -0400
From: Murph Sewall <MSewall@Alumni.Princeton.Edu>
Subject: (A) eudora-to-browser problem

On 8/19/99 11:43 AM -0400, Ricardo J. Seijo wrote:

>When I receive an e-mail with a URL, the URL appears highlighted in 
>blue and underlined as it should be, but when I click on it, I get 
>the following message: "Sorry; couldn't start that application.

Hold down the option key when you click the URL and Eudora will ask 
you to identify the browser that you want to display the web page.



Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 17:40:08 -0700
From: Chuck <>
Subject: (A) World Book CD

Have you tried making disk image files (with Disk Copy) and mounting 
them on the desktop? I'm not sure how to get them to automount after 
a reboot, but it may be as simple as putting an alias to the image 
file into your startup folder.

Good luck.

- Chuck

At 9:23 AM -0700 8/19/99, Buzz & Mary Bennetts wrote:
>I am a (expert) volunteer at a local library that just bought its first
>iMac. They wanted to install everything from both World Book
>Encyclopedia CDs that came with the iMac onto the hard drive. They did
>not want the CDs to disappear in use by the 6- thru 12-aged users.
>I first installed the basic application; then the data from each of the
>two CDs onto the HD, and labeled them exactly the same as each CD is
>labeled. I put them into the World Book folder. I have done similar
>things with CDs many times, and they always have worked fine, but this
>application keeps calling for the appropriate CD.
>I emailed the World Book folks, who answered there is no way to make it
>work that way. I find it hard to believe. Does anyone have a suggestion?
>Buzz Bennetts


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 09:40:02 -0700
From: David L Hirschberg <>
Subject: 630CD sees only 12MB


I tried installing a 16 mb chip into a Mac640CD.  The mac only shows 
12mb after it is rebooted even though there should be 20mb (4 is on 
the motherboard).

I almost remember there was a jumper that had to be pulled so it 
would see more memory.

Can someone in the know send me the info?

Thanks, David


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 12:09:43 -0400
From: Mike Kreachbaum <>
Subject: [A] How to convert records to CDs

Jochen Haeberle <> asked:
>I would like to digitize all my old records and burn them to CDs.
>record player is connected to my G3 and working, but now for the
>software.... What can I use to process the recordings? I need to
>break up the tracks and something like denoize and declickle would be
>I have been looking around, but all the music-programs seem to be
>very expensive and aimed at professionals... is there anything in the
>Shareware area? Or what comercial products can you suggest??

On 17 Aug 99 22:15:06 -0400,  "D. Scott Beach" <>
>>I've been doing this sort of thing for a couple months but I've been
>>converting them to MP3 files. I can get around 16 LPs to a CD. To digitize
>>the sounds into .aiff files I used a shareware called "Sound Sampler" for a
>>while. Then I switched to Macromedia's "SoundEdit 16". They both allow you
>>to record directly to disk and then to fade the beginning and end in and
>>out. The added advantage of the SoundEdit 16 is that it'll pull tracks
>>directly from CD and convert those to AIFF too. There are other utilities
>>that do this so if you don't plan on doing it  frequently then save your
>>money and go with the Sound Sampler. It's interface isn't quite as nice and
>>it hasn't been updated in a couple years but it does the job.
>>To get the .aiff files onto CD you need Adaptec's "Toast" or better yet,

While converting files from LP's to MP3's saves alot of disk space, it also
forces you to play them back on your Mac. A normal CD player (Walkman,
etc.) does not recognize the MP3 format. In order to make them playable on
all CD players you have to convert them to Sound Designer II files and the
use Adaptec's Jam software to burn them. With Jam you can layout you
playlist, edit pause times between track and more. A good program for
converting any sound file is Norman Franke's freeware application SoundApp.
It is widely available, just do a search.

Mike Kreachbaum
"just an ordinary boy, playing with an extraordinary toy!"
  The box said Windows 98 or better, so I bought a Mac.


Date: 28 Aug 99 18:49:40 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: [A] How to correctly upload MP3 files to web

"Ton, Philong T" <> writes:

>I encoded some AIFF files with SoundJam 1.0, then uploaded them to our
>website using Fetch.  Fetch was set at "Automatic" file type detection. 
>When I went to the website to try to click on a MP3 file, instead of
>sound, I got a bunch of garbled text.
>The MP3 files sounded ok when I opened them up with QuickTime and other
>MP3 players locally, on my hard drive..
>Please teach me how to do this correctly.
>1. Is Fetch the problem? I also tried with Anarchie Pro without success.
>2. Are there special settings when encoding MP3 files which are to be
>uploaded on the web?
>3. Are there special settings for MP3 files during uploading?
>4. What are the correct step to upload MP3 files?

1. I expect that instead of choosing "automatic" in Fetch you should choose
2. No, I don't think so. The only settings are the bitrate. A lower bitrate
will mean a smaller files and faster download but poorer quality.
3. No.
4. See 1.
- Scott

Remove the "spamless" to return eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 13:46:08 +0200
From: Matti Haveri <>
Subject: [A] How to correctly upload MP3 files to web

>From: "Ton, Philong T" <>
>Problem: Uploaded MP3 files don't work (no sound, just text)
>I encoded some AIFF files with SoundJam 1.0, then uploaded them to our
>website using Fetch.  Fetch was set at "Automatic" file type detection.

Try to use binary "raw" upload in Fetch. You may also define this as the
default in the preferences.

Raw mode uploads just the data fork in binary mode. This is the preferred
way to upload platform-independent files such as .tif, .jpg, .mov etc.

Matti Haveri <> <>


Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 07:43:33 -0400
From: Keith E Gatling <>
Subject: [A] One ISP account - Two users

Back in June , Rafi Saar wrote about a problem he was having with Eudora:

   |  I could set up a filter to catch her e-mail
   |  address, but that might also catch my own e-mail if
   |  my wife's also a recipient of that same e-mail.

I was having this same problem, but didn't want to resort to two copies of
Eudora, or two settings files, having to have each person in the house load
their own copy, etc. And I got to thinking if only there were some way to
filter the mail into separate boxes by whose account it came from.

Then last night it hit me! Check the headers...the LONG see
what the differences were between mail coming to me and mail coming to my
wife. After all, even when we were both recipients of the same message, our
copies would come from different server locations before being downloaded
to our Mac.

Bingo! The "Received:" header is where the difference is. The filters
should look something like this:

   User 1: If header Received contains for <user1@isp> transfer to User1 Box

   User 2: If header Received contains for <user2@isp> transfer to User2 Box

Works like a charm for us!

Of course, if one of you is the dominant user and the other is secondary,
you could just make a filter for user2, and assume that everything else
would go straight to the In box.

Hope this was helpful.


* mailto:// *


Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 14:35:43 -0700
From: Julius Friede <>
Subject: [Q] "Welcome to.." Startup screen

Hello all,

I used to know, but have since forgotten, where the "Welcome to Mac OS"
startup text string is located. Can anyone remind me in which resource this
is located? TIA for your reply.



Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 20:37:01 +0200
From: "J=?ISO-8859-1?B?/A==?=rgen" <>
Subject: [Q] Error -39

Is there a way to recover files that can't start because of Error -39? (This
happened to a large number of very important files after I had burnt them on
CD. The seem to be lost now, which is terrible!)


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 17:53:09 +0200
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: Boot problem (R)

At 15:34 -0400 20.08.1999, Patty and Art Werschulz <> wrote:

>After the usual startup sound, there is a pause of a few seconds (during
>which the Mac makes what seems to be the usual disk noises).  But then I
>hear (for lack of a better description) the sound of breaking glass
>(from the speaker).  Nothing else happens.

There is a problem somewhere - probably a physical one. Check 
wehether all RAM modules and all expansion cards sit tightly in their 
slots, and that your SCSI chain is properly terminated  and with 
reasonable (=short) cable lengths. Also, you may want to change one 
SCSI cable after the other to find out whether one of them is bad.

>I'm now having to do the boot cycle three or more times (as a rule) to
>get the Mac to successfully boot.

This supports my assumption that something is loose, but not totally 
disconnected. Of course, bad RAM modules have the same result, so you 
may also want to take them out one after the other and try to start.

Good luck, Christian.

Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>
"Ich weiss nicht, was ich will - aber ich will es JETZT!"  


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 13:12:02 -0700
From: Frank Ripp <>
Subject: Cable modem paranoia?

I just got my PowerCenter 166 hooked up to a cable modem.
This Mac is not part of a network, and I don't have File Sharing 
turned on. I now have a fixed IP address, as opposed to a dynamic
address that changed every time I used to make a dial-up connection. 

Should I be worried about firewalls and intruders trying to
access my Mac? I read somewhere about people being able to 
access their neighbor's Macs and Printers via the Chooser.

I need a reality check here - is any of this paranoia justified?

Any info will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Frank (


Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 08:46:48 -0600
From: sgandy <>
Subject: cgi's for Netpresenz

Does anyone know of a source for some simple cgi's that would work with a 
Mac server using Netpresenz? I just need a search and a counter.

Steve Gandy
Technology Coordinator - Mountain View Elementary School
Adams 12 Five Star Schools
12401 N. Perry St.
Broomfield, CO 80020
ph: 303.466.1791
fax: 303.465.6851


Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 12:48:46 -0500
From: "Paul M. Sheldon" <>
Subject: consolidating e mail (a note)

	I've gotten netscape mail thru ethernet to eudora folders. Here's
why and how I did it.
	I just sleep my portable and like to get e mail on it.
	Both netscape mail and eudora mail have the format of unix mail
folders. That suggested a trick. Eudora must "learn" about the alias folder
by being launched when the alias is "appletalk connected".
	I put an alias netscape's mail folder from mac portable in a mac
tower's eudora folder for transfer thru ethernet when I boot up my tower
mac, connect to my portable and launch eudora.


Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 11:03:23 +0100
From: (Vittorio Barabino)
Subject: Easy-View for Windows, too.

Dear List,

I've collected a bunch of mailing digests, and I use Easy-View to browse

Now I'd like to pass them to a PC-owner of mine, that shares this field
of interests... I've heard in some old backissues of TidBITS that
somebody developed a Windows 3.1 version of Easy-View... but the link to
A.C.E's ftp site is empty, "because the program are wildly outdated"...

I've asked personally to A.C.E, but apparently he doesn't own a copy
anymore :-((

as a matter of fact, the Windows 3.1 version would be very convenient
for my friend -- Does anybody still have a copy of it?

Thanks !!!

Ciao,        \+----------+    email:
   Vittorio --| : )    o | 
             /+----------+  - = = -


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 13:40:31 +0200
From: Matti Haveri <>
Subject: Eudora  addresses

>From: "Norman R. Friedman" <>
>When updating my system, I found that my address book in Eudora was wiped
>out. When I then re-entered all the addresses, lo and behold all the old
>list was listed, along with the new addresses, not in the address book, but
>under the Message list. Whenever I try to send a New Message or Forward, I
>have to try to pick which is the active address. I cannot seem to find a
>way to erase the names from the Message listing. Any help. Thanks in

Try this:

1. Make a copy of the relevant "Eudora Settings" file (this is the default
name but it may be named otherwise because Eudora can be launched from
given a settings file).

2. Open this settings file with ResEdit and delete the MENU resource.


3. Put this edited settings file into the same folder as the mailboxes.

4. Launch Eudora from the edited settings file. If everything is now OK you
may change the edited settings file's name to what it used to be, if you

BTW, you can name "Eudora Folder" whatever you like and move it where ever
you like - just launch Eudora from its settings file (which can be named
whatever you like). You can have multiple settings files for different POP
accounts in the same folder.

Matti Haveri <> <>


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 20:56:27 -0700
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: eudora-to-browser problem

Ricardo J. Seijo wrote:

>I am having a problem clicking on URL's that appear in e-mail messages.  I
>recently set up a new iMac and I had never had the problem before.  When I
>receive an e-mail with a URL, the URL appears highlighted in blue and
>underlined as it should be, but when I click on it, I get the following
>	"Sorry; couldn't start that application.
>		-39, {url:283}"
>Theoretically, it should just open the default browser and go to the
>particular site automatically.  Does anyone have any input?

Have you Option-Command-clicked on the link to the URL? That ought to 
bring up a dialog where you can choose what application to use for 
that type of URL. Maybe your preference got messed up and needs to be 



Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 21:11:17 -0700
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: 

Philong Ton wrote:

>Problem: Uploaded MP3 files don't work (no sound, just text)
>I encoded some AIFF files with SoundJam 1.0, then uploaded them to 
>our website using Fetch.  Fetch was set at "Automatic" file type 
>detection.  When I went to the website to try to click on a MP3 
>file, instead of hearing sound, I got a bunch of garbled text.
>The MP3 files sounded ok when I opened them up with QuickTime and 
>other MP3 players locally, on my hard drive..
>Please teach me how to do this correctly.
>1. Is Fetch the problem? I also tried with Anarchie Pro without success.
>2. Are there special settings when encoding MP3 files which are to 
>be uploaded on the web?
>3. Are there special settings for MP3 files during uploading?
>4. What are the correct step to upload MP3 files?

I believe that all you need to do is set Fetch to upload the files as 
"Raw Data" and they should go okay. I hope someone will correct me if 
I'm wrong. Typically, I set Fetch to upload text (including html) 
files as "Text" and others as Raw Data. If that dfoesn't work for 
you, let us know, and we'll look further into it.



Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 11:54:33 +1200
From: "Nigel Stanger" <>
Subject: G3 and music CDs from vinyl or tapes 

On Friday, 20 August 1999 11:09:38 AM, Charles Myers wrote:

>  I am currently considering buying a Mac G3 and I had a couple questions.
> One of the tasks I definitely want to do is convert my old records onto
> CD. How do you do this?

Aha! I knew I had something about this somewhere -- Sherlock comes to the
rescue again. I don't know if this link still works, but check out


>From memory it has quite a bit of useful info about exactly this topic from
someone who's done it already.

Nigel Stanger,     
Dept Information Science,  
University of Otago, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND.


Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 08:59:49 -0700
From: Paul Brians <>
Subject: G3 PowerBook Coma

I have one of the original G3 PowerBooks which lately has refused to start
up when its power button is pressed. Our departmental techie solved the
mystery when he noted that although the "sleep" light was not lit, the
PowerBook was still emitting a faint hum. Forcing a "reboot" using
"option-command-powerkey" brought the PB back to life when nothing else

My guess is that when I shut down and the screen goes blank, the PB is not
completely off yet. When I close the lid too abruptly, it goes into some
weird variant of sleep mode--call it coma mode--from which it cannot be
reawakened by a forced reboot.

Anybody else encountered this problem, or is it peculiar to my machine?

Paul Brians, Department of English
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 21:02:47 +0200
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: How to correctly upload MP3 files to web (C)

"Ton, Philong T" <> wrote:

> Problem: Uploaded MP3 files don't work (no sound, just text)
> I encoded some AIFF files with SoundJam 1.0, then uploaded them to our
> website using Fetch.  Fetch was set at "Automatic" file type detection.
> When I went to the website to try to click on a MP3 file, instead of
> hearing sound, I got a bunch of garbled text. The MP3 files sounded ok
> when I opened them up with QuickTime and other MP3 players locally, on my
> hard drive..

I don't think it's a problem with the ftp software, although using
"text" or "binary" transfer could be worth a try.

I rather think that either the server or the browser don't know what to
do with the MP3 file. Does the file have the correct extension? The
server and the browser decide based on the extension what to do with the
data arriving.

Hope this helps. Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser, Casa Luscheina, 7151 Schluein (Switzerland)
Look at <> 
"Ich weiss nicht, was ich will - aber ich will es JETZT!" 


Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 20:34:59 +0200
From: "J=?ISO-8859-1?B?/A==?=rgen" <>
Subject: HyperCard stacks/Standalones as droplets?

Is there a way to turn a stack or a standalone made with HyperCard into a
drop-launching thing? I want to be able to drop a folder on it and let
HyperCard launch to do whatever with it (like get the contents of the folder
or read in the textfile). If there is no way: I already downloaded
"dropshell", which adds this ability to spplications that you program, but I
only got it in C and really need it in Pascal to make something out of it.


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 21:12:32 -0500
From: Brian Teutsch <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #331

Robert Dalton wrote to Brian Teutsch about:

>Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 21:55:00 -0400
>From: Robert Dalton <>
>Subject: open a PM 6500?
>Anybody know how to open a PowerMac 6500? No, we don't need to get at 
>the logic board, we need to remove a Zip Drive (click of death) for 
>repair (to ship to Iomega).

The best page I know of is from the 6400 Zone. Although everything about 
the software is irrelevant, the hardware pages will show you just what to 
do. <> has 
instructions and pictures. For anyone not wanting to go there, the short 
answer is to push the two tabs by the front cover feet, then use a 
screwdriver to pop the cover off. Yes, the first cover-popping can be a 
little tough.

Brian Teutsch

"Picking your nose when no one is looking is still picking your nose."
- Really Important Stuff My Kids Have Taught Me, by Cynthia Lewis



Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 13:59:00 -0400
From: Murph Sewall <MSewall@Alumni.Princeton.Edu>
Subject: Microtek SlimScan C6, KeySpan USB Card and Platimun G3

This is a review of the Microtek SlimScan C6 and KeySpan USB Card. I 
don't work in the industry and have no connection with either company 
or any competitor.

Two months ago, I spend about $50 on a Keyspan USB card for my 
Platinum G3 (OS 8.6) and $109 (there's supposed to be a $20 rebate 
but I'm still waiting for the check, so don't count on it) for a 
Microtek SlimScan C6. I nearly returned the scanner when the 
ScannerDetectorPPC v1.02 software hung my computer the first time it 
tried to run.

The bad news is there's a bug in the software. The good news is 
there's a workaround (well, sort of). Although the ScannerDetectorPPC 
v1.02 software hangs, actually does detect the scanner. If, as it's 
busy "detecting," the user does a mouse down on the spot where "File" 
will appear on the menu bar, it is possible to catch the menu in the 
very brief interval between detection and hanging. The trick is to 
Quit ScannerDetectorPPC v1.02 at that point. ScanSuite USB 1.02 and 
the other software will run; so run the apps and configure scanner 
preferences. My experience is that ScanSuite, Adobe PhotoDeluxe and 
OmniPage Light will run okay on subsequent Mac startups (remove the 
ScannerDetectorPPC v1.02 alias from the Startup folder) although the 
SlimScan's "push button" feature won't.

Users who haven't heard of this "fix" or who have trouble holding the 
mouse button down at the correct moment while pointed to the correct 
spot are likely to experience frustration. I've received several 
unsatisfactory responses from They do 
respond reasonably promptly to email, but it's evident that those who 
respond are not equipped to address problems they aren't already 
aware of (if it isn't part of the in place reply repertoire, they 
can't deal). Because ScannerDetectorPPC v1.02 almost works, I suspect 
the glitch is a small one, but in two months, Microtek hasn't even 
promised to look into the problem much less offer an update to fix 
it. The scanner itself does a nice job for the price. I'm actually 
pleased at how well OmniPage Light works even though OCR wasn't one 
of my reasons for buying the scanner. On the other hand, if I were 
back in the store knowing what I now know, I think I might spend a 
few dollars more on a competing brand.

KeySpan's website reports that there are some issues with their USB 
card and Mac OS 8.6. Fortunately, I've experienced none of the 
mentioned symptoms. It is possible that the problems affect PowerPC 
models older than the G3. In any case, Apple released an upgrade to 
the USB software ( a month 
ago that probably addresses the problem. KeySpan's website has yet to 
be updated. There was an item at MacFixIt that indicated that the 
current USB v1.2 software works well with the USB card. I've 
installed it and it works fine, but it hasn't had any impact on the 
behavior of the Microtek scanner software. 
also replies to email within a business day or two, and once again, 
the employees hired to reply to email aren't equipped to deal with 
problems that aren't already part of their stock answer inventory. I 
recommend the KeySpan USB card, but I'd buy it from a place that 
accepts returns as KeySpan's support isn't up to speed.



Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 08:47:35 EDT
Subject: Monitor won't sleep

Hi All,

My NEC xv17 refuses to go into sleep mode. I'm using Apple's energy saver 
control panel which will kick-in the screen saver (blank screen), but 
will not put the monitor to sleep. This was working up until recently, 
but I can't seem to troubleshoot the problem.

Any ideas or advice gratefully accepted.



My system is:

Power Mac 7350/180
System 8.5.1
80 Meg RAM

See why we abandoned Los Angeles for rural Virginia! 


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 20:47:43 +0200
From: Giorgio Bulgarelli <>
Subject: Motherboards which fit the Performa 6320

With reference to my message of Mon, 7 Jun 1999 12:24:13 +0300 I eventually
realised that my Performa 6320 cannot be upgraded.

Since I need more speed and RAM, I would like to change its motherboard.
Does a Performa 6420, PowerMac 4400/200 or PPC 604 motherboard fit the
Performa 6320?

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,


Dr Giorgio Bulgarelli
Via Monte Gemma 2/3
I-00141 ROMA Italy

Tel./Fax: + 39-06868 95705


Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 17:40:49 +0100
From: "Pete Cole" <>
Subject: MP3 now supported by Koan Mac music Plugin!


FYI, the free Koan Mac Plugin now supports interactive
use of MP3 samples for your website music!

You can get it from

Hoping this is of interest,



Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 18:00:49 +0100
From: "Donal Leader" <>
Subject: Networked PIMs: what's best for Mac/PCs?

We are a small academic operation involving about 100 people, the majority
of whom are using Macs, but there are about 30 people in
Administration/Finance using PCs.  Can anyone out there recommend a
calendar/organiser programme that will operate on a server and can share
information with Mac and PC users alike.  I am aware that on the PC
Microsoft Outlook is the champion.  Is there any application that will
operate on a network comparable to MS Outlook?  Any thoughts on this problem
very much welcomed?

Donal Leader
Director, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, Ireland


Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 17:07:48 +0100
From: Ezra Nathan <>
Subject: PowerComputing & G3 upgrades


I've got  PowerComputing 'Power=C7enter' 150 (not a PowerCentre Pro)=20
which I would like to put a G3 upgrade card in. I'm looking at the=20
XLR 266 because here in the UK there are very good deals for it. But=20
no seller has been able to tell me whether my machine will take this=20
card, not even the distributor of the card. My handbook says that the=20
Processor is 'upgradable via daughtercard' but there are no=20
instructions on how to change the daughtercard. Is the daughtercard=20
what I will change for a G3 card?
Also the handbook has a drawn picture of the inside of the machine=20
and the back of the machine but displays only one fan. My machine (a=20
minitower) has two fans.  Does anyone know where I can find a diagram=20
of the inside of a PowerCenter indicating what the parts are,=20
especially where the daughtercard is and whether it can be easily=20
Has anyone put in a G3 upgrade card in a similar machine? If so, what=20
has been the performance difference? Did you do the job of=20
installation yourself? The peripherals that I have attached to my=20
machine (not USB) makes this option of upgrade a must to consider.

> Ezra


Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 10:18:22 +1200
From: "Markus Winter" <>
Subject: Q: How to transfer files via Web?

Hi all,

how do I set up my web page so that I can transfer files?  I have some pdf
files, documents (e.g. CV) and sounds, and I put links to them onto my web
site - however when I access it from another computer I only get the option
to download it as either txt or html. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help you can give.


Thanks to all who can offer advice, and please reply directly to me and I
will summarize for the list:


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 08:47:37 EDT
Subject: Source for Hard Drive

Hi All,

I'd like to add a 2nd internal drive to my 7350 for A/V recording. I 
understand the internal SCSI bus is a SCSI-2 bus. However, I'm having 
trouble locating a source for SCSI-2 drives. Can someone steer me in the 
right direction?



See why we abandoned Los Angeles for rural Virginia! 


Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 17:21:58 -0400
From: "David R. Steiner" <>
Subject: ssh or secure telnet for Macs?

>Are there any ssh, or secure telnet clients available for the Macintosh?


there are currently now public domain/shareware ssh clients available 
for the Mac that can be legally used in the US due to patent rights 
on the RSA algorithms. This shortage will likely correct itself in 
the near future when the RSA patent runs out (next year, I think). 
Nifty Telnet is already available (again, not for use in the US) and 
I have heard that there are already hooks in BetterTelnet for ssh.

In the meantime, the only game in town is the commercial product from 
F-Secure. I have some issues with the way the program was implemented 
but it does work.

Hope this helps,


David R. Steiner - Unix System Administator-MIS & Sciences
Bryn Mawr College           Bryn Mawr, PA


Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 10:18:15 +1200
From: "Markus Winter" <>
Subject: Summary: Help with Epson Stylus Colour 900 needed

Hi all,

so far I've received a lot of mail from other people who have printing
problems with the Epson Stylus Color 900 as well.

As a reminder: I can't print to the Epson Stylus Color 900 from most
programs - the print job either goes off into Nirvana, or I get a "Not
enough memory to print ..." error message - and that despite for example
giving Acrobat Reader 30 Mb of RAM and Epson Printer another 30 Mb ...

I'm now going to try Epsons printer drivers for other printers - maybe that
will help.

I keep you posted.


Thanks to all who offered advice, and please reply directly to me and I
will summarize for the list:


Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 09:06:00 +0100
From: John McKinley <>
Subject: Symbol font ignored in Mac Internet Explorer 4.5

A colleague is constructing web pages on a PC containing the Symbol font,
to set some equations. The pages work fine in IE and Netscape on his PC,
and in Netscape 4 on my PM7300, but the switch to Symbol is ignored in
my copy of Explorer 4.5. I have turned on the preference which allows
the page to specify fonts. I also downloaded the page to my Mac and tried
different fonts instead of Symbol by editing the HTML - some font changes
are accepted and some aren't, and I can't find a pattern to which is which.
What is going on? How can I get the correct font to display?


Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 15:51:01 +0200
From: adriano ceccarelli <>
Subject: TV tuning on PB  G3 series

I own a PowerBook G3 series and would like to connect it to an external TV
tuner (there is no room for internal PCIs). I couldn't find anything to
suit my needs. I wonder if anyone else has already gone through this
Apparently the ATI Xclaim Tv connected to a ZV card should do but:
1) I am europe-based and the tuner only works with NTSC system
2) I couldn't find a ZV card to take S-video or composite signal output
into my PB.

Any ideas?

thanks a lot.

Adriano Ceccarelli

Adriano Ceccarelli
Universit=E0 degli Studi di Torino
Dip. Scienze Cliniche e Biologiche

phone: +39-11-6708109
fax  : +39-11-9038639


Ospedale S. Luigi Gonzaga
Reg. Gonzole 10
10043 - Orbassano


Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 15:01:58 -0400
From: Ron Frankel <>
Subject: USB drivers causing freezes

I  installed a 4 port Entrega card on my G3 desktop (233/ OS 8.5.1) but am
having a problem.

The G3 recognizes the port, but the USB drivers (both  the ones Emtrega
supplied and v1.2 that Apple says should run on 8.5.1) cause the G3 to
freeze on startup with system error 11.  Cant even startup with shift key
down to turn extensions off.

Removing the drivers solves the problem--and makes the ports unusable, of
course. Did the obvious: clean re-install, started up with base system only
plus USB drivers, reloaded  drivers, etc. Entrega people could only send me
new drivers which didn't solve the problem.

I tried using OS 8.6 with the v 1.2 drivers but that system froze too. I
saw a post somewhere that referred to the SerialShimLib as a possible
culprit but have no idea how to get/install it or if it would screw
everything up if I did.

I've posted  this issue with  various help groups and with Apple.  No
solution yet. Any suggestions? E-mail response would help since I
sometiimes miss issues of Info-Mac



Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 14:17:19 -0500
From: "Allan, David (DS)" <>
Subject: Want old MIDI software for Mac SE

I would like to give an old SE to my kids to attach to a small MIDI-capable
Casio keyboard. Is there any old MIDI software that can run on a 4MB SE
(running system 6 or 7)? Can someone point me to a source (either resale or

Thanks in advance.

David Allan


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 21:12:49 +0200
From: Matti Haveri <>
Subject: What Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!

>From: "Adam C. Engst" <>
>Frankly, as a general Macintosh mailing list, the Info-Mac Digest
>isn't serving any unique needs any more. What's more important in our
>minds is the Info-Mac Archive, which remains one of the most
>important methods of distributing Macintosh software on the Internet.
>That's where we've been focusing most of our attention (and where
>most of the problems have been occurring).

 ...Info-Mac Digest...

Info-Mac Digest really brings good memories to me. At first I downloaded
and read it from a local user group's archives using First Class client.

Then, in May '93 it got my first proper internet connection... I still
remember my exitement to actually see comp.sys.mac.digest newsgroup and the
digests in there!

Adam may be right that with all the dedicated mailing lists, Info-Mac
Digest has lost some of its appeal but IMHO it is still a very useful
resource and a good place to ask and give help to fellow mac users!

Keep up the good work,

Matti Haveri <> <>


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 14:32:15 -0400
From: Murph Sewall <MSewall@Alumni.Princeton.Edu>
Subject: What Happened to Info-Mac Digest?!

On 8/13/99 2:59 PM -0700, Adam C. Engst wrote:

>Frankly, as a general Macintosh mailing list, the Info-Mac Digest
>isn't serving any unique needs any more.

'Tis true that with a zillion websites screaming for our attention 
that probably no one is serving "unique" needs any more. However, 
some of us have been growing old and grey reading the info-mac digest 
and relying on it as a place likely to turn up knowledgeable replies 
to questions that vendor technical support staffs don't have in their 
standard repertoire. The last time I asked a tech support person on 
the phone how long he'd been on the job, the answer was since 
graduating in June '99 :-) Alas, "tech support" often is little more 
than a talking version of an FAQ file--useful only if the question 
has been asked before and satisfactorily answered.

A significant value of the digest is that it arrives periodically and 
is relatively compact as compared to active lists that can bombard 
subscribers with 60 or so messages a day, many redundant, opinionated 
with scant information, or wrong. I haven't been paying great 
attention lately, but historically, info-mac was read by employees at 
both Apple and major software vendors; hence, threads were likely to 
attract replies from people who really did know what they were 
talking about.

I suspect that info-mac remains something of a "guru" list in that 
long time subscribers are people likely to be sought out by large 
numbers of non-readers for their opinions and assistance. Hence, 
info-mac has had, and probably continues to have, a substantial 
bottom line impact that wise vendors will pay attention to. (Alas, 
vendors don't always get it. I once attended a luncheon where an 
Apple VP asked how many attendees had purchased a computer with their 
own money. Most had <duh>. What the VP never asked and didn't notice 
was that the AVERAGE number of computers attendees had purchased with 
their own money was roughly FIVE <I did my own informal survey 
later>. The group was far more influential than he realized, but his 
talk wasn't pitched correctly to the audience he was addressing).



Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 20:59:30 -0400
From: Patty and Art Werschulz <>
Subject: WordPerfect to HTML


Does anybody have a freeware WordPerfect to HTML converter?  It must
work well with tables.

  Patty and Art Werschulz
  1 Marsh Street Cranford NJ 07016 (908) 272-1146


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 13:49:43 +0200
From: Matti Haveri <>
Subject: World Book CD

>From: Buzz & Mary Bennetts <>
>I am a (expert) volunteer at a local library that just bought its first
>iMac. They wanted to install everything from both World Book
>Encyclopedia CDs that came with the iMac onto the hard drive. They did
>not want the CDs to disappear in use by the 6- thru 12-aged users.
>I first installed the basic application; then the data from each of the
>two CDs onto the HD, and labeled them exactly the same as each CD is
>labeled. I put them into the World Book folder. I have done similar
>things with CDs many times, and they always have worked fine, but this
>application keeps calling for the appropriate CD.
>I emailed the World Book folks, who answered there is no way to make it
>work that way. I find it hard to believe. Does anyone have a suggestion?

Just a thought: try to make image files from the CDs, then mount them all
to the desktop as locked or unlocked volumes (use Apple's Disk Copy 6.x or

Matti Haveri <> <>



End of Info-Mac Digest