Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #280 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Sat, 20 Dec 97 Volume 15 : Issue 280 Today's Topics: [*] Ballistik 5.3.0_de [*] Ballistik 5.3.0_e [*] DollyDots 1.8.1 for Kaleidoscope [*] Email Effects 1.4 - Get the most out of eMail [*] FoldIt_light_430 [*] FontBook 3.1 [*] Gif.gIf.giF (68K) 1.2.3J - Japanese Version [*] Gif.gIf.giF (PPC) 1.2.3J - Japanese Version [*] HolySmoke+ 1.5 -Kaleidoscope [*] ImageUtilities CMM 1.0 [*] Jorge's_Bookmarks_v.3.5.1 [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.8+ [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.8+ [*] Label Printer 2.0.7 [*] MaBaSoft WorldClock CSM 1.0.sit [*] MacChess 4.0 PPC - Superb free chess program [*] MacFootballManager1.2.hqx [*] MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled SUBTRACTION for Special Lear [*] Metro 1.0 for Kaleidoscope [*] MovieUtilities CMM 1.0 [*] NetFinder 1.2.1 [English] [*] North Pole 1.0 MHG Kaleidoscope scheme [*] Nu Sans PostScript font 8.0 - a scalable Espy Sans [*] Nu Sans TrueType font 8.0 - a scalable Espy Sans [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac. [*] PictFader 1.01 update. [*] ramBunctious 1.2J - Japanese Version [*] Siemensstern_1.5.2_e [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.5 [*] Solidstate (Kaleidoscope Color Scheme) [*] SoundApp 2.4.4 - Sound player and conversion utility [*] SoundApp 2.4.4 - Sound player and conversion utility [*] StaffordSounds 8-bit [*] Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.0.1 [*] Virtual Maze Book [*] Xmas_Screensaver_97.sit [*] Yooz extension v2.63 [*] Yule4U Kaleidoscope Scheme ? Scanton 1300 [Q] Anyone knows of a real good (on line) Synonym Dictionery? Ahhhhh, Thanks to Murph Sewall for Santa's sleigh LC III system The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more information, visit the Info-Mac Web site at <>. Email Addresses and Instructions: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in the Subject line. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with unsubscribe in the Subject line. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. If that fails, try using the list maintenance form at <> before contacting us. * Please send administrative queries to <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. FTP and Web Addresses and Instructions: * To submit files larger than 800K, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at the URL below: <> * Search the archive at <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for the main Info-Mac machine. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V15 #280" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:15 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Ballistik 5.3.0_de Ballistik 5.3.0_de by Helge Peters ( Ballistik_5.3.0_de.hqx ) This software is shareware (30 DM or 20 US$) and in german language (a english version is also avaible). The program containes 7 different functions for sports shooters, hunters and reloaders: 1. Calculate the energy and impulse or factor of bullets and get statistics. 2. Statistic Analysis of hit pictures. 3. Calculate the flight path of a bullet. 4. Calculate the recoil energy. 5. Store and manage shooting results. 6. Timer for training without handgun. 7. Conversion Units (14 range). Please read the manual Ballistik.doc (enclosed the program) for more details. It's allowed to store this program on CD-ROM. E-Mail: WWW: [Archived as /info-mac/sci/ballistik-german.hqx; 181K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:13 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Ballistik 5.3.0_e Ballistik 5.3.0_e by Helge Peters ( Ballistik_5.3.0_e.hqx ) This software is shareware (30 DM or 20 US$) and in english language (a german version is also avaible). The program containes 7 different functions for sports shooters, hunters and reloaders: 1. Calculate the energy and impulse or factor of bullets and get statistics. 2. Statistic Analysis of hit pictures. 3. Calculate the flight path of a bullet. 4. Calculate the recoil energy. 5. Store and manage shooting results. 6. Timer for training without handgun. 7. Conversion Units (14 range). Please read the manual Ballistik.doc (enclosed the program) for more details. It's allowed to store this program on CD-ROM. E-Mail: WWW: [Archived as /info-mac/sci/ballistik-english.hqx; 180K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:23 -0700 From: Subject: [*] DollyDots 1.8.1 for Kaleidoscope DollyDots for Kaleidoscope DollyDots is a colorscheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5 and up, but it has been optimized for Kaleidoscope 1.8! It's a variation on the Apple Platinum theme, inspired by details on products and Ric Zito's colorscheme. A lot of products have details that are a kind of dimples, I call those dimples DollyDots... Actually The Dollydots were a dutch girl band in the eighties, but I liked their name and thought it was an appropriate name for dimples in a product (there is no dutch word for those kind of dimples in a product...). The DollyDots Archive consists of two versions of the color scheme, a read me document, a desktop pattern and a pattern for Window Monkey. The two versions are almost identical, the m-version includes patterns for the menubar. This is done so, because the patterned menus are slow on some macs and because I'm not sure I like the patterned menubar... Best is to install it and to look for yourself!!! Let us know if you like it! =A91997 Roger van Erven, QuadRand You can always find a recent version at! DollyDots for Kaleidoscope is free, distribute it, but always as a complete package! If you want to put The DollyDots Archive on a cd-rom, please let me know! [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/dolly-dots-181.hqx; 153K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:58 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Email Effects 1.4 - Get the most out of eMail *** Winner of CoolTool of the Day and BMUG's Shareware Spotlight. *** Email Effects is a program for getting the most out of eMail. With it, you can send pictures, drawings and tables with simple plain text. It is being used for greetings cards, signatures, program flow diagrams, maps, chemical structure diagrams, tables, logos, and much, much more. Email Effects intelligently converts pictures and tables into text and can use any font to create "Big Text". It also has selection, text, pencil, rubber, bucket, line, circle and rectangle tools, and invert, flip, rotate, explode and implode effects. Email Effects easily places your design in Eudora or Emailer with one click, opens and saves regular text files, includes full help, supports drag and drop and is native for both 680x0 and PowerPC. Version 1.4 improves floating selections and undo, adds table conversion, picture auto-contrasting and real-time free resizing, plus more. *** Visit our web page for the Email Effects Christmas Art Pack! *** (c) Sig Software - 14th December 1997 - [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/email-effects-14.hqx; 350K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:16 -0700 From: Subject: [*] FoldIt_light_430 FoldIt_light_430.Hqx Jean-Claude Jesior Infodis/TIMC Institut Albert Bonniot, Fac. de Medecine 38706 LA TRONCHE Cedex (France) tel: +33 4 76 54 94 91 direct ** C'est sans doute faux... ** ** ... mais c'est peut-etre vrai ! ** Download the most up-to-date version of FoldIt from: _________________________ [Archived as /info-mac/sci/foldit-light-430.hqx; 1332K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:46 -0700 From: Subject: [*] FontBook 3.1 FontBook 3.1 (e), FAT FontBook is a nice, tiny MacOS font utility. FontBook helps you to keep track of your installed fonts, especially symbol or dingbats fonts. FontBook let's you print reference cards for your most-used fonts. On these reference cards you can find out all the different key combinations. It contains a table with entries for all characters: e.g. what key is printed when you press shift-alt-F or shift-5, etc. Or do you know the key code of the big dot in the Helvetica font? And, since version 3.0, there are many other nice example pages, that help you to find the right font in the right time. Some other features of FontBook: - MultiPrint: Print all installed fonts with a few mouse clicks - 12 example layout page - Save or Copy the entire page - Choose any font from the system or from a disk (without installing it!) - and many, many more. FontBook 3.1 fixed some bugs in FontBook 3.0. FontBook 3.0 sometimes crashed when MultiPrint has been canceled, and it didn't work with some older printer drivers like GDT/InfoWave PowerPrint 3.0. BTW: FontBook is also available in German! Matthias Kahlert [Archived as /info-mac/font/util/fontbook-31-e.hqx; 529K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:38 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Gif.gIf.giF (68K) 1.2.3J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Gif.gIf.giF package. This is the 68K version of Gif.gIf.giF. Gif.gIf.giF is a simple program for producing GIF animations, and may be used to quickly produce animated demonstrations of software that can be placed on the web. The animations are viewable with Netscape Navigator 2 and the Macintosh version of Microsoft Internet Explorer without add-ons, plug-ins, or helper applications. Christopher Li Bridge 1 Software English/Japanese Japanese/English Software Localization and Management <> [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/gif-gif-gif-68k-123-jp.hqx; 330K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:40 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Gif.gIf.giF (PPC) 1.2.3J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Gif.gIf.giF package. This is the PPC version of Gif.gIf.giF. Gif.gIf.giF is a simple program for producing GIF animations, and may be used to quickly produce animated demonstrations of software that can be placed on the web. The animations are viewable with Netscape Navigator 2 and the Macintosh version of Microsoft Internet Explorer without add-ons, plug-ins, or helper applications. Christopher Li Bridge 1 Software English/Japanese Japanese/English Software Localization and Management <> [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/gif-gif-gif-ppc-123-jp.hqx; 381K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:25 -0700 From: Subject: [*] HolySmoke+ 1.5 -Kaleidoscope HolySmoke+ Version 1.5 for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/holy-smoke-plus.hqx; 39K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:18:00 -0700 From: Subject: [*] ImageUtilities CMM 1.0 ImageUtilities 1.0 - shareware $15 *** enhanced for QuickTime 3! *** by Alberto Ricci Online registrations: For more information visit: Feedback: ImageUtilities CMM is a new suite of Contextual Menu Manager plug-ins for Mac OS 8. It contains two CMM plug-ins which let you quickly convert and view any kind of picture. You can finally view any picture just by control-clicking its icon, without needing a viewer application! And with no effort, you can convert GIF, JPEG, Photoshop or any other kind of picture files to PICTs or QuickTime Image Files. ImageUtilities CMM takes advantage of QuickTime 3 if available, letting the user view and convert more kinds of pictures. If the Claris XTND System is installed, you can also convert and view pictures that QuickTime doesn't recognize. ImageUtilities CMM is being released in conjunction with MovieUtilities CMM, a collection of three CMM plug-ins which let you convert and merge movies as well as import and export movie tracks. Both packages can be purchased together for $20. [Alberto Ricci is the author of SoundEffects, SoundMaker, Singer and SoundExtractor] [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/image-utilities-cmm-10.hqx; 110K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:56 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Jorge's_Bookmarks_v.3.5.1 Jorge's Bookmark Collection is a great bookmark file (about 500 links) formatted very nicely for Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. It also includes all of the links as seperate text files for drag and drop customization or use with other browsers. It comes in an installer for easy expansion of only the files you need. The collection includes a comprehensive Mac links list. All links have been checked and are good! This file is freeware. Contact author at with questions or feedback. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/jorges-bookmarks-351.hqx; 156K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:26 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.8+ Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.8+ (December 13th, 1997) by David-Artur Daix <> <> The Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection contains new color schemes for use with Kaleidoscope. Version 1.8 is a major upgrade: most schemes have been completely rewritten and all are enhanced to take full advantage of Kaleidoscope 1.8 latest features, including full Mac OS 8 compatibility. New in 1.8+: fixes a minor bug in one of the schemes. Requirements: Kaleidoscope 1.5 or later. Kaleidoscope 1.8 is required for full MacOS 8 compatibility as well as 4 bit support. Visit for the latest Kaleidoscope version. The Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection is shareware and costs $10. Updates and upgrades are free to registered users. Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware. For the latest versions of my shareware, visit my home page located at <>. Thanks for supporting the shareware system! (The Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection may be included on the Info-Mac and AMUG CD-ROMs. It has been checked with SAM 4.5.1) [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/kalscp-hitech-schemes-18.hqx; 776K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:28 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.8+ The Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.8+ (December 13th, 1997) by David-Artur Daix <> <> The Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection contains new color schemes for use with Kaleidoscope. Version 1.8 is a major upgrade: most schemes have been completely rewritten and all are enhanced to take full advantage of Kaleidoscope 1.8 latest features, including full Mac OS 8 compatibility. New in 1.8+: fixes a minor bug in one of the schemes. Requirements: Kaleidoscope 1.5 or later. Kaleidoscope 1.8 is required for full MacOS 8 compatibility as well as 4 bit support. Visit for the latest Kaleidoscope version. The Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection is shareware and costs $10. Updates and upgrades are free to registered users. Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware. For the latest versions of my shareware, visit my home page located at <>. Thanks for supporting the shareware system! (The Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection may be included on the Info-Mac and AMUG CD-ROMs. It has been checked with SAM 4.5.1) [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/kalscp-silver-schemes-18.hqx; 599K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:21 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Label Printer 2.0.7 Label Printer 2.0.7 30 Second Review Label Printer is a FileMaker Pro Solution that makes it easy to print labels of various sizes anywhere on a label sheet: one at a time, in small batches, or whole pages at once. Features o Single or Multiple labels can be printed. o Labels can be printed at any location on a label sheet. o Recalls remaining label positions for quick printing. o Labels can be imported from a text file or another FileMaker Pro file. o Import a custom logo or graphic to enhance your printed output. o Default label text can be stored to quickly print frequently used labels. o Label Printer can be easily integrated with other FileMaker Pro solutions. System Requirements o Works on any Macintosh using system 7.x and later o Works on Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT o FileMaker Pro v 3.0 or later; any platform Label Printer can also be found at the Label Printer site: The author Eric Fandrich can be reached at: or alternatively: Label Printer 2.0.7 Released December 12, 1997 (C)1997 by Eric Fandrich [Archived as /info-mac/prn/label-printer-207.hqx; 650K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:19 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MaBaSoft WorldClock CSM 1.0.sit MaBaSoft WorldClock CSM 1.0.sit Features MaBaSoft World Clock Control Strip Module is a multi-time clock. It displays your local time or the current time in a city belonging to a different time zone. Up to 23 frequently used cities can be saved in World Clock menu. Different time formats are available. System Requirements MaBaSoft World Clock Control Strip Module runs on all types of Mac and needs System 7.1.1 or higher. Finder Scripting Extension, Date & Time control panel and Control Strip control panel need to be installed. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/mabasoft-worldclock-csm-10.hqx; 141K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:41 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MacChess 4.0 PPC - Superb free chess program FREE! master strength chess program. Many features, very polished. Includes "Easy" levels for learners, diagram printing for newsletters. Very popular: MacChess 2.5 is the most frequently downloaded file of the 300+ files in the AOL Mac "Board Games" area, with over 20,000 downloads. (4.0 is PowerMac-only - MacChess 2.5.1 is the current 68K version) (4.0 is Not ExaChess compatible - use MacChess 3.0e if you want that). MacChess competed in the 1997 Aegon Computer-Human tournament, defeating one master and one near-master while running on a low-end Mac. 13 New Features in MacChess 4.0, including. - Analyze Game - MacChess can analyze your games to find improvements. - Analyze Player vs. Player - continuous analysis while you move pieces. - Copy and Paste now work for positions (EPD), games (PGN) and analysis. - More ending "smarts" added - improved Maresch ending test score by 180 pts. - Expanded opening book - over 8,000 new positions added. - Now displays ECO (Encyclopedia of Chess Openings) opening codes. - Now displays player names from imported PGN files above the board display. - Now can display your name as MacChess's opponent. - All games from the Aegon 1997 computer-human tournament included. - Web site now available: Old features: PowerPC native, "Easy" levels, logs analysis, analyzes problem tests, 5 piece sets, hint, move takeback, pause, save/load games, print graphical diagram, print game score, animated game playback with "VCR" controls, read/write EPD/PGN formats, many strength settings, etc. (c) 1997 by Wim van Beusekom, Requires Power Macintosh, 3Mb free RAM, and System 7 or higher. Do not distribute for profit or on CD-ROM without permission. Permission granted to include MacChess in commercial Info-Mac CD-ROM. [Archived as /info-mac/game/macchess-40-en.hqx; 610K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:43 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MacFootballManager1.2.hqx Announcing an upgrade of Macintosh Football Manager(MFM), a soccer management simulator. The aim in MFM is to guide your team to both the English Premier league championship and FA Cup victory. Here are a few of MFM's features:- English league, 4 divisions - Premier, Divisions 1, 2 & 3. Player manager option - goalkeeper/defender/midfielder/attacker. Over 2500 players in 124 clubs. Player's attributes: age/type/skill/fitness/injury/duty/wage/cost. FA cup matches (include teams from the Vauxhall and Unibond leagues). Tactical team selection. Simulated match play allowing substitutes, with injuries. Relegation and promotion. Financial control including buying and selling players. Manager's assistant to help you keep on track. Load user defined scenarios (registered version only). Data editor (registered version only). Printed manual (registered version only). Requirements: A color monitor with at least 640x480 resolution & 256 colors/greys. 68020/33 MHz or faster (preferably fast 68040) System 7.1 or later. 2.5MB of free RAM (3MB is better, 5MB on a Power PC(not native)). 6MB of hard disk space. Background music requires QuickTime 2.0 or later & QT MIDI extension. For more information, please read the enclosed files , or visit our Web page: [Archived as /info-mac/game/macfootball-manager-12.hqx; 1933K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:50 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled SUBTRACTION for Special Lear MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled SUBTRACTION for Special Learners v1.4 NEEDS: Acrobat Reader =A91995, 1997 Steven L. Wood MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled SUBTRACTION for Special Learners is a unique tool for teaching subtraction. This set of PDF worksheets allow students to compute while learning their facts. The fact bars, strips, etc. included on each page include all and only the facts used on the page. The worksheets are designed to be as uncluttered as possible, with large numbers and very few problems on each page. Fact support is included on ALL pages. All facts presented in a factstrip or factbar are tested at least once on the page. Emphasis is usually given to the newest facts. No other facts should be on the page The "zero minus zero" fact is assumed, and if necessary, should be directly taught. Twenty-eight blackline masters comprise the basic package, with a complement of twenty-eight word problem worksheets. Each page contains fact bars presenting and previewing the facts to be used on the page. Worksheets follow a logical and thorough progression through the operation of subtraction. Complete answer sheets are included. Although these pages may be used successfully for initial instruction in subtraction, they were designed as a review for students who had tried and failed with a traditional approach. MD2:FCSfSpL is unique in that it is published only as a series of computer documents, and in that it supplies comprehensive fact support. This feature allows students who have not, or can not, master their facts to continue learning the process of subtraction. MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled SUBTRACTION for Special Learners , version 1.4, is shareware. You may download the Adobe Acrobat .pdf file to "test-drive" it. No extra applications are necessary, other than the free Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0. Registration of the PDF version for Macintosh or Windows is just $10. The fully editable ClarisWorks version, with many extras, is $25 (currently Mac only). The MATH DITTOS 2 series now includes three fact controlled books published only as computer documents. MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled MULTIPLICATION for Special Learners and MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled ADDITION & SUBTRACTION for Special Learners are also available in PDF format. Steven L. Wood Publications 6725 W County Rd 50 N Sullivan, IN 47882 Note: This file may be reposted or included in archive shareware releases only in its entirety without further permission from the author. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/fcs-14.hqx; 1318K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:29 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Metro 1.0 for Kaleidoscope Metro for Kaleidoscope Metro is an experimental colorscheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5 and up, but it has been optimized for Kaleidoscope 1.8!. The inspiration for this colorscheme came from the clarity of metro-maps. I tried to translate this clarity into an interface: Metro 1.0. The interface still shows some flaws, but that's because I cannot control (or design) everything I'd want in a Kaleidoscope colorscheme (yet!), or just don't know how to do it! Best is to install it and to look for yourself!!! Let us know if you like it! =A91997 Roger van Erven, QuadRand You can always find a recent version at! Metro for Kaleidoscope is free, distribute it, but always as a complete package! If you want to put Metro for Kaleidoscope on a cd-rom, please let me know! [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/metro-10.hqx; 67K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:18:01 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MovieUtilities CMM 1.0 MovieUtilities 1.0 - shareware $15 *** enhanced for QuickTime 3! *** by Alberto Ricci Online registrations: For more information visit: Feedback: MovieUtilities CMM is a new suite of Contextual Menu Manager plug-ins for Mac OS 8. It contains three CMM plug-ins which let you convert and merge movies as well as import and export movie tracks and other media files. With no effort, you can convert Audio CD tracks to AIFF files, movies to pictures, extract a MIDI track from a movie or convert karaoke files to QuickTime movies, and more! MovieUtilities CMM takes advantage of QuickTime 3 if available, letting the user import and export new media files. MovieUtilities CMM is being released in conjunction with ImageUtilities CMM, a collection of two CMM plug-ins which let you convert and view any kind of picture. Both packages can be purchased together for $20. [Alberto Ricci is the author of SoundEffects, SoundMaker, Singer and SoundExtractor] [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/movie-utilities-cmm-10.hqx; 123K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:55 -0700 From: Subject: [*] NetFinder 1.2.1 [English] this is version 1.2.1 of NetFinder (English version). THE SOUND BITE: Simple, intuitive FTP client for Macs and PowerMacs, yet it also sports some very handy and powerful features like resuming downloads. THE ELEVATOR STATEMENT: NetFinder is a full featured FTP client which has many good features such as a Finder-like view of FTP directories, the ability to resume partial downloads, and several useful features for FTP site administration. Files in listings are displayed with icons, file types (based on their extensions), sizes and dates. You can sort by name, date, size, and listing order. You can copy, move, delete, rename, get info and change permissions on files and folders. You can create new folders and view or edit text files using BBEdit. Automatic binhex, macbinary and text translation for uploads and downloads. Supports most ftp servers. Internet Config savvy. Supports bookmark lists. REQUIREMENTS: Any color capable Mac or PowerMac (ie, anything except 68000 systems). System 7.0 or later is required. Thread Manager is required. Macintosh Drag and Drop (which is built into System 7.5 or later) is highly recommended. System 7.5 or later is strongly recommended. Compatible with MacOS 8. ABOUT THIS VERSION: This is a minor upgrade. It has a few feature improvements (such as editing files in BBEdit) and bug fixes. Please see the included documentation for all the details, or visit the NetFinder web pages: <> <> NetFinder is shareware. Vincent. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/netfinder-121.hqx; 1153K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:30 -0700 From: Subject: [*] North Pole 1.0 MHG Kaleidoscope scheme North Pole 1.0 is a Midnight Hour Graphics holiday shareware color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.8, a shareware control panel created by Greg Landweber et. al. It requires a Mac capable of running Kaleidoscope, v. 1.5 or higher, and a monitor capable of displaying 256 colors or more, although resources for black and white have been included in the scheme. This version includes a full set of embedded icons, and a choice of desktop patterns and is optimized for MacOS8; a version without icons is available at the MHG web site: This file and its accompanying graphics may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the author. Midnight Hour Graphics and Research [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/north-pole-10.hqx; 140K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:49 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Nu Sans PostScript font 8.0 - a scalable Espy Sans Nu Sans version 8.0; December 12, 1997; by Martin P. Pfeiffer. Nu Sans is a font family that brings Apple Computer's "Espy Sans" bitmap font to the printed page. Features: -You can use Nu Sans at any point size--without getting the jaggies. -The registered version also includes bold, italic and bold italic--great for web browsing. -Nu Sans, with it's high x-height, is a very readable font, on-screen and on the printed page. About the Nu Sans font family: Nu Sans is based on Apple Computer's "Espy Sans" bitmap font. Espy Sans is a font designed by Apple's Human Interface people for easy readability on computer screens. This bitmap font is also used by the Newton and comes with the Newton Toolkit as well as the Newton Toolkit Demo (part of "Programming for the Newton" by McKeehan and Rhodes). Now you can use Espy Sans on your printer as well. I was fascinated by the towering x-height and easy readability of this font when I first started using eWorld. Then the font showed up again in Greg Landweber & Ed Voas' "Aaron" system extension to update the look of your Mac. I had been designing fonts for awhile and so I decided to take on the challenge of making a printer font out of a bitmap. Driven by a need to use Nu Sans as a general, all-purpose font, I created an Italic and Bold Italic. I have many users who swear by Nu Sans as the default font for their web browsers :-) Marty Pfeiffer This file may be included on any Info-Mac CD-ROM release [Archived as /info-mac/font/ps/nu-sans-80-ps-demo.hqx; 299K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:47 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Nu Sans TrueType font 8.0 - a scalable Espy Sans Nu Sans version 8.0; December 12, 1997; by Martin P. Pfeiffer. Nu Sans is a font family that brings Apple Computer's "Espy Sans" bitmap font to the printed page. Features: -You can use Nu Sans at any point size--without getting the jaggies. -The registered version also includes bold, italic and bold italic--great for web browsing. -Nu Sans, with it's high x-height, is a very readable font, on-screen and on the printed page. About the Nu Sans font family: Nu Sans is based on Apple Computer's "Espy Sans" bitmap font. Espy Sans is a font designed by Apple's Human Interface people for easy readability on computer screens. This bitmap font is also used by the Newton and comes with the Newton Toolkit as well as the Newton Toolkit Demo (part of "Programming for the Newton" by McKeehan and Rhodes). Now you can use Espy Sans on your printer as well. I was fascinated by the towering x-height and easy readability of this font when I first started using eWorld. Then the font showed up again in Greg Landweber & Ed Voas' "Aaron" system extension to update the look of your Mac. I had been designing fonts for awhile and so I decided to take on the challenge of making a printer font out of a bitmap. Driven by a need to use Nu Sans as a general, all-purpose font, I created an Italic and Bold Italic. I have many users who swear by Nu Sans as the default font for their web browsers :-) Marty Pfeiffer This file may be included on any Info-Mac CD-ROM release [Archived as /info-mac/font/tt/nu-sans-80-tt-demo.hqx; 300K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:35:39 -0700 From: Subject: [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac. PandoCalendar is a small program that places a calendar on your desktop. The calendar may be customized by changing the frame, background color, text color, font, and font size. The size of the font determines the height and width of the calendar window. For instance, a setting of point 36 will create a calendar three times that of point 12. Version 2.1 - Adds support for patterned frames, view of different months/years, and a "Finder to front" preference. For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our Web page: Thanks, Panda Systems [Archived as /info-mac/app/pando-calendar.hqx; 327K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:18:06 -0700 From: Subject: [*] PictFader 1.01 update. PictFader=81 is an application/screensaver that displays slideshows of PICT and JPEG ( PICT in JPEG type) files. It has relatively low memory requirements considering the high standard of display that is achieved. Requirements A Macintosh/ Mac-Compatible with atleast the following features: * 68020 processor or greater * System 7.1 or greater * Color Quickdraw * Quicktime 1.5 ( Quicktime 2.0 or more preferable ) for JPEG pictures. * 240 to 500 K Ram and 300 K disk space [Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/pict-fader-101.hqx; 406K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:51 -0700 From: Subject: [*] ramBunctious 1.2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the ramBunctious package. ramBunctious is a RAM disk program for the Macintosh. RAM disks are a convenient way to achieve high performance in many applications. Hard drive accesses are hundreds of times slower than memory accesses. RAM disks set aside an amount of memory that the system can then use as a "normal" hard drive, floppy drive, or any other storage device -- except that they're much faster. ramBunctious maintains the advantages and eliminates the disadvantages of most RAM disk programs. Several options let you customize for your desired balance of speed, security, safety, and versatility. For example, you can set it to write through to a file on a (real) disk for safety in the event of a crash. You can mount as many RAM disks as you wish (or as many as you have memory for) simultaneously. ramBunctious uses the same memory that applications use, so the memory used for each RAM disk is instantly available for other applications as soon as the RAM disk is put away. ramBunctious 1.2 increased performance by up to 30%. Also, a timed- save feature was added. Christopher Li Bridge 1 Software English/Japanese Japanese/English Software Localization and Management <> [Archived as /info-mac/disk/rambunctious-12-jp.hqx; 500K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:18 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Siemensstern_1.5.2_e Siemensstern 1.5.2 (Siemensstern_1.5.2_e.hqx) Siemensstern (Siemensstar) by Helge Peters is freeware (and in english). The program create a Siemensstar with 1 to 180 segments. You can test with a Siemensstar the resolution of printer, screen, optical- lens and a lot of other hardware. Remarks und bugreports to: or as letter (see "about Siemensstern") and visit my homepage: A postcard or donation is welcolme. Storing this program on CD-ROM's is allowed. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/siemensstern.hqx; 37K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:53 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.5 Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.5 (December 14th, 1997) by David-Artur Daix <> <> Software & Hardware Tracker II is a FileMaker Pro 3.0/4.0 relational database which will help you collect, store and organize useful information (such as registration codes, serial numbers, product notes, phone/fax numbers and URLs for software authors, companies and distributors, etc.) about all your computer products (hardware, software and freeware/shareware). Even better, you can launch URLs directly from inside the database, which will then call upon the Internet Config system to open them with the proper helper applications. That means Software & Hardware Tracker II can also be used as a powerful Internet bookmark manager. Software & Hardware Tracker is a CNET/ and a BizProWeb "pick of the day". It's being distributed as shareware and costs $15 (as always, upgrades are free for registered users). Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware. New in 2.5: Software & Hardware Tracker II is now FileMaker Pro 4 savvy. Thanks for supporting shareware! (Software & Hardware Tracker II may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM and on the AMUG "BBS in a box". It has been checked with SAM 4.5.1) [Archived as /info-mac/data/software-hdware-tracker-25.hqx; 1617K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:32 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Solidstate (Kaleidoscope Color Scheme) Solidstate. A Kaleidoscope 1.8x Color Scheme for MacOS: Designed by Michael Hernan. Solidstate has been designed to enhance the MacOS user experience. I hope you find this color scheme productive and beneficial. ------- Dir: gui_kaleidoscope Virus Checked with Virex 5.6.8a Solidstate may be included on CD ROM. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/solidstate.hqx; 153K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:37 -0700 From: Subject: [*] SoundApp 2.4.4 - Sound player and conversion utility I'm happy to announce the availability of SoundApp 2.4.4. SoundApp is the premiere sound playback and conversion utility for the Macintosh. It is suitable for use as a sound-playing helper application with any of the popular WWW browsers, in addition to managing a collection of favorite sound samples and stand-alone usage. SoundApp remains freeware, so you may use it at no cost. Information regarding licensing the conversion and playback routines can be found in the internal "About SoundApp..." documentation. SoundApp has been mailed to the popular "macgifts" list, and should appear on Info-Mac and the University of Michigan's archive sites in a few days. In addition, you can download it directly via the WWW from: <> the following optional items are recommended: * QuickTime 2.0 or greater for QuickTime support (2.5 preferred), * The Drag Manager for drag and drop use in the Play Lists (part of System 7.5 and later), * A PowerPC-based Macintosh for MPEG support and better performance. SoundApp is fully compatible with MacOS 8 and now comes with a "Read Me" file. SoundApp supports the following sound formats: * SoundCap (including Huffman-compressed), * Studio Session Instruments, * SoundEdit (including stereo, MACE-3 and MACE-6), * AIFF, AIFF-C (8-, 16-, 24- and 32-bit, MACE-3, MACE-6, IMA 4:1 and mu-law), * System 7 sound and 'snd ' resources (including MACE-3, MACE-6, IMA 4:1 and mu-law), * QuickTime MooV (soundtracks only, including MIDI movies), * Sun Audio .au and NeXT .snd (including mu-law, a-law, 8-, 16-, 24- and 32-bit linear, 32- and 64-bit floating point, G.721 ADPCM and G.723 ADPCM), * Windows WAVE (including GSM-, IMA- and MS ADPCM-compressed, mu-law and a-law, 8-, 16- and 32-bit linear), * MPEG audio (layers I, II and III only, requires a Power Macintosh for playback), * Sound Blaster VOC, * many varieties of MODs, * ScreamTracker 3 modules (S3M), * Multitracker module (MTM), * MIDI (type 0, 1 and 2, including GS and XG), * Amiga IFF/8SVX (including stereo and compressed), * Sound Designer, [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/soundapp-244-ppc.hqx; 646K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:35 -0700 From: Subject: [*] SoundApp 2.4.4 - Sound player and conversion utility I'm happy to announce the availability of SoundApp 2.4.4. SoundApp is the premiere sound playback and conversion utility for the Macintosh. It is suitable for use as a sound-playing helper application with any of the popular WWW browsers, in addition to managing a collection of favorite sound samples and stand-alone usage. SoundApp remains freeware, so you may use it at no cost. Information regarding licensing the conversion and playback routines can be found in the internal "About SoundApp..." documentation. SoundApp has been mailed to the popular "macgifts" list, and should appear on Info-Mac and the University of Michigan's archive sites in a few days. In addition, you can download it directly via the WWW from: <> the following optional items are recommended: * QuickTime 2.0 or greater for QuickTime support (2.5 preferred), * The Drag Manager for drag and drop use in the Play Lists (part of System 7.5 and later), * A PowerPC-based Macintosh for MPEG support and better performance. SoundApp is fully compatible with MacOS 8 and now comes with a "Read Me" file. SoundApp supports the following sound formats: * SoundCap (including Huffman-compressed), * Studio Session Instruments, * SoundEdit (including stereo, MACE-3 and MACE-6), * AIFF, AIFF-C (8-, 16-, 24- and 32-bit, MACE-3, MACE-6, IMA 4:1 and mu-law), * System 7 sound and 'snd ' resources (including MACE-3, MACE-6, IMA 4:1 and mu-law), * QuickTime MooV (soundtracks only, including MIDI movies), * Sun Audio .au and NeXT .snd (including mu-law, a-law, 8-, 16-, 24- and 32-bit linear, 32- and 64-bit floating point, G.721 ADPCM and G.723 ADPCM), * Windows WAVE (including GSM-, IMA- and MS ADPCM-compressed, mu-law and a-law, 8-, 16- and 32-bit linear), * MPEG audio (layers I, II and III only, requires a Power Macintosh for playback), * Sound Blaster VOC, * many varieties of MODs, * ScreamTracker 3 modules (S3M), * Multitracker module (MTM), * MIDI (type 0, 1 and 2, including GS and XG), * Amiga IFF/8SVX (including stereo and compressed), * Sound Designer, [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/soundapp-244-68k.hqx; 606K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:18:04 -0700 From: JMSST144@VMS.CIS.PITT.EDU Subject: [*] StaffordSounds 8-bit StaffordSounds 8-bit is an 8-bit version of StaffordSounds, a collection of computer-related sounds. Please see the documentation for more details. [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/stafford-sounds-8-bit.hqx; 1391K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:22 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.0.1 The Ultimate Label Printer Pro prints labels for CD, Zip, audio cassette, Jaz, SyJet, EZ Flyer, DAT, MO, and other media cases on plain paper. Simply cut out the labels and fold them into your cases. Because the Ultimate Label Printer Pro uses a Plug-In technology, support for new media can easily be added to match your exact needs. There is NO LIMIT to the number of Plug-Ins you can use. The Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.0.1 is PowerPC Accelerated, uses Drag and Drop for text and picture insertion, and now supports fully styled rotated text, with multiple sizes, fonts, attributes, and colors, as well as new background color options. High resolution graphics can also be added to the labels, and can be scaled and repositioned. Version 5.0.1 fixes a printing bug with pictures. [Archived as /info-mac/prn/ultimate-lpp-501.hqx; 530K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:44 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Virtual Maze Book There are great many ways to have a computer organize randomness into a maze, and some are more interesting than others. In May of 1997 I released Virtual Maze Book Lite 1.1 which included two very limited methods of making mazes. This version, 2.0.1, adds a robust method which should give enough variety to satisfy all but the most rabid maze fans. Though the program includes a primitive capability to solve the mazes on the screen, its strength is in producing mazes for printing on paper. This reason for this emphasis is that the program was developed in the process of designing two books of mazes which have been published by Dover. Included with the program are several specialized maze fonts which will allow one to print at high resolution. If you enjoy mazes or know someone who does, this is a must download. This version of the program is free. Instructions on how to upgrade to a more complex version of the package are given in the readme. Robert Schenk <> <> [Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/virtual-maze-book.hqx; 765K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:18:07 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Xmas_Screensaver_97.sit Merry X'mas to one and all! This simple screensaver is our contribution to spread the Christmas cheer. We hope you like it! Please share it with your closest friends and family members! In today's complicated and bleak world, amidst the war, famine, disasters .... isn't it great that for at least one day, we can all get together to share and celebrate in the birth of a very special child. A child who became a symbol of hope and peace in a crazy world (even back than) This screensaver is a simple reminder that we are responsible to make this blue planet the best home we have :-) Best of all it's free! [Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/xmas-screensaver-97.hqx; 1504K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:18:03 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Yooz extension v2.63 This is a bug correction release, for those who downloaded Yooz 1.6US Just place this extension in place of the older 2.62 "Yooz extension" It corrects a machine freeze which occured at startup, just after installing the new version of Yooz. I apologize for all these problems Download yooz, spy and others... from my Home Page: (Pascal CARDON --FRANCE--) [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/yooz-extension.hqx; 60K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 17:17:33 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Yule4U Kaleidoscope Scheme Please find attached the Yule4U Kaleidoscope scheme. It's a Christmas-based theme. Enjoy! Keith Marshall [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/yule-4-u.hqx; 55K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 15:44:09 -1000 From: Jerry Levinson <> Subject: ? Scanton 1300 Anybody out there using a Scantron 1300 OMR Data Terminal hooked up to a Mac? This is a card reader with a serial out port I'd like to hook up to my Mac. No reply from Scantron so far. This used to be hooked up to a PC and someone had written a program (in Dbase) to read the incoming data (used for scoring tests). Any help would be appreciated... Jerry ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Dec 97 20:32:37 -0600 From: Andrew Minuhin <> Subject: [Q] Anyone knows of a real good (on line) Synonym Dictionery? I am working with Ms Word 5.1a now, and find that a lot of it's synonyms are simply not there. Does anyone know of a good Shareware/comercial alternative? (tried Coach, tried steadman) Is there a Synonym Dictionary which is user modifyable? That would alow me to add (to it) synonyms that are missing? Thank you --Andrew Minuhin (Analyst/Programmer) University of MN, Medical School, USA e-mail: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 22:08:55 -0500 From: (Dwight Early) Subject: Ahhhhh, Thanks to Murph Sewall for Santa's sleigh Gang, Don't forget to dust off one of the neatest Christmas After Dark modules ever - app/ss/after-dark-santa. Murph Sewall put together this neat After Dark module in 1992. Technology has changed since my IIcx, si and ci macs, and Santa's Sleigh now runs at Warp 2 across the screen on my 8600. But, what's Christmas without Murph's Santa. Good Tiddings and Cheer to you, olde Murph (wherever you are), for this marvellous module! On Donner and Blitzen!... --Dwight Early ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 21:39:22 -0800 (PST) From: Cyrus Roton <> Subject: LC III system Can someone tell me the correct system to use on a Mac LC III? None of the ones I have will boot (message that it is not the correct system for the machine). Cyrus Roton Ridgecrest Apple User Group -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************