Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #171 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Sat, 16 Aug 97 Volume 15 : Issue 171 Today's Topics: [*] Bedlam 2 1.01 [*] Blurb for Learn&Play [*] Camouflage v1.0 [*] Cloudburst 151 [*] Clue-J [*] Default Folder J-2.7.3 - Enancement for Open/Save Dialogs (Japa [*] DragAnyWindow 4.2 - Live window dragging [*] DragAnyWindow 4.2J FAT (Japanese version) [*] elleair-icons-vol-1 [*] ErrorFinder 1.0b3 [*] file Hider v1.0 [*] Flatland 1.0.1 (Kaleidoscope Color Scheme) [*] Focus MicroRecorder Pro v2.7- Sound utility for record/playback [*] Game of the Winds 2.0 (english) [*] Game of the Winds 2.0 (german) [*] Hexomania_1.1.sit.hqx [*] HTML ColorPicker v1.0 Beta [*] Icarud- First Contact [*] Icon Archiver 2.3 FAT - Best icon utility [*] Japanese Font Package 20 [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.2.7 - foreign languages learning [*] Language Toolkit Writer 1.2.5 - foreign languages learning [*] Lines of Action 2.0.2 [*] Mac Identifier 2.2 [*] Mac Libs - Automatic story generator [*] MacAttack 1.9.3v2J - Japanese Version [*] Master Mind 2.6.1 - A Game of Strategy and Logic [*] Pan-Asia Chinese Japanese Korean Language Kit for MacOS [*] ProFont Distribution 2.2 [*] rule-10 [*] SimpleText Color Menu 2.4 - enhances SimpleText 1.4 [*] SimpleText Color Menu 2.4J (Japanese version) [*] Spawn icons [*] StartupFrills v3.6 [*] StoryProject [story development software for fiction writers] [*] Swiss-German lesson - foreign languages learning [*] The Musician 2.3.0; sound utility. [*] The Sixth Ring.sea.hqx [*] TykeWriter1.1 [*] Unix-Droplet_0.4beta2.sit [*] V&N Lookup 1.1.2 - dictionary & spellchecker [*] Vietnam War 3.0 [*] Vietnam War 3.0 [*] Windows 3.1 Icons [*] WriteAway 1.1-A Hypercard Word Processor The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of: Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, Matt Bauer, Liam Breck The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around the world. For the site list, request it by mail (address below), or try: <> Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/. Administrative queries & info: <> Articles for digest publication: <> Files for inclusion: <> To submit a file greater than 800K, or to avoid submitting by (and segmenting for) email, send email describing the file to <> and upload it to: <> -- username/password macgifts/macgifts at As with emailed submissions, non-text files must be binhexed. See our new WWW site: <>, where you can find all of this info and more! The Info-Mac digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Quarterdeck corporation. StarNine develops Internet server software for the Macintosh, including World Wide Web and e-mail publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL, who has supplied the hardware the main info-mac machine runs on. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V15 #171" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:58 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Bedlam 2 1.01 Bedlam 2 1.01 - Mankind has been virtually wiped out by an extraterrestrial armada! This shoot'em up game play puts you in the seat of the XJ-777, code-named "Annihilator". Only you can help save the solar system from ruthless alien domination. Bedlam 2 is a fast action, arcade-style game with forty-five levels of blistering game play. As you blast away at the invading forces, your ship moves along the bottom of the screen trying to avoid a barrage of enemy firepower, collisions with attacking ships and the occasional chunk of floating space debris. By racking up points along the way, you earn much-needed extra ships, and can even capture hunks of gold bars released when you've demolished the ships of some of the greedy trespassers. Other fun and nasty surprises materialize during your long mission to free our galaxy from this evil infestation. PowerMac is highly recommended. Acceptable game play on 040s. More information about Bedlam 2 is available at our web site <>. Jeffrey W. Hester Ground Zero Software, Inc. [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/bedlam-2-101.hqx; 4733K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:04 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Blurb for Learn&Play About Learn and Play=A9 Thanks for downloading Learn and Play=A9. Learn and Play=A9, conceived by Serge Beauchamp for SoftMedia s.e.n.c., groups together seventeen computer based activities on the Macintosh=81 computer. The modules are aimed at grade school students. However, increasing the difficulty level manages to keep high school students interested. All the modules are grouped in one handy application so that the student can go easily from one to the other. The modules are grouped under the following sections : Education, Skills and Games. In each module, the user develops skills in using a computer and, in addition, develops academics skills as well, even while having fun. =C0 propos d'Apprendre et jouer=A9 Apprendre et jouer=A9, con=E7u et r=E9alis=E9 par Serge Beauchamp pour SoftM= edia s.e.n.c., est une collection de dix-sept activit=E9s informatiques sur Macintosh=81 destin=E9es principalement =E0 l'usage des enfants du premier e= t second cycle primaire allant aux =E9l=E8ves de cinqui=E8me secondaire. Toute= s les activit=E9s sont regroup=E9es dans un seul logiciel, pour permettre =E0 l'utilisateur de naviguer entre elles le plus facilement possible. Les activit=E9s sont regroup=E9es sous trois rubriques: =C9ducation, Habilet=E9= s et Jeux. Chaque activit=E9 offre =E0 l'=E9l=E8ve non-seulement la possibilit=E9 de d=E9velopper son habilet=E9 =E0 utiliser un outil informatique mais aussi lu= i donne l'occasion de mettre en pratique, tout en s'amusant, des exercices p=E9dagogiques adapt=E9s =E0 ses aptitudes. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/learn-and-play-fr.hqx; 8289K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:43 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Camouflage v1.0 A nifty desk accessory type program that demonstrates the limitations of the eye's ability to distinguish the edges of shapes against a chaotic background. Shapes move around while you hold the space bar, but when you let go they disappear, fading into the overall pattern. [Archived as /info-mac/game/camouflage-10.hqx; 53K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:32 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Cloudburst 151 Cloudburst 1.5.1 is my debut scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5 or above (using it with Kaleidoscope 1.7.1 or higher is advised) and is designed to appeal most to those who prefer dark schemes, its main feature being dark grey windows contrasted by a blue menu bar and Finder headers) or semi-minimalist schemes. Enjoy, Brooks [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/cloud-burst-151.hqx; 20K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:52 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Clue-J This is Japanese version of Clue. If you like the detective stories then this is for you. Professor Plum, Miss Scarlett, Mr Green ... they're all here. Who is the murderer? You figure out who, with what and where. Will you accept challenges? New features since previous version: - Current version adds more original scenarios, that is, includes ten cases now. - Board interface is improved on. - Bugs are fixed. Requirements: - HyperCard or HyperCard Player. It's freeware. Thanks, Fuminori Takeda ( [Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/clue-jp-hc.hqx; 806K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:22 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Default Folder J-2.7.3 - Enancement for Open/Save Dialogs (Japa This is the Japanese language version of Default Folder 2.7.3. It should be placed alongside the English language version of Default Folder already in the archives. Default Folder is a shareware control panel that enhances Open and Save dialog boxes to make it easier for you to manage files on your Macintosh. It provides many of the essential features of the commercial SuperBoomerang and Directory Assistance utilities, but without the infrequently used extras that take their toll in compatibility, memory, and CPU usage. And it's fully compatible with Mac OS 8! Default Folder's time-saving Open and Save dialog enhancements allow you to: - Set up a default folder for any or all applications. - Switch among recently used folders from a pop-up menu. - See available disk space and switch between disks from a pop-up menu. - Click on a Finder window to display it in an Open or Save dialog. - Open the folder shown in an Open or Save dialog in the Finder. - Create folders, get information (including changing name, type, and creator), and move items to the Trash from within file dialogs. - "Rebound" back to the last file you used. - Make "Replace" the default option instead of "Cancel" when saving a file with the same name as an existing file. - Speed up the display of Open and Save dialogs by turning off custom color icons in the file list. Default Folder will operate on any Macintosh running System 7 or higher, and is accelerated for PowerPC. In addition to the standard internet archives, information and updates are available at: <> Default Folder may be included on the UMich and Info-Mac CD-ROMs. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/default-folder-jp-273.hqx; 292K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:23 -0700 From: Subject: [*] DragAnyWindow 4.2 - Live window dragging Program: DragAnyWindow 4.2 FAT Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini <> Price: $10 (shareware) Register: Download: DragAnyWindow is a way cool control panel that enhances the look and behavior of window dragging. When you drag a window's title bar and Solid Dragging is active, the whole window image is moved instead of a dull-looking window outline. If the Update Windows option is also active, all windows are updated on the fly without waiting for you to release the mouse. Not as fast as the BeOS, but definitely better than the standard MacOS behavior! DragAnyWindow also allows you to easily move any kind of window, including dialogs, alerts, standard "Open" and "Save" dialogs, game windows and other non-movable windows. It lets you bring back to the desktop any window that has gone out of sight, or center the front window on the main screen with a single keystroke. These options are very useful for old applications designed for the 9" screen (which often use fixed windows) and for moving modal dialogs and windows behind them. New in version 4.2: - Added support for the new MacOS 8 Finder. - Solid dragging no longer interferes with floating palettes. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/drag-any-window-42-fat.hqx; 108K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:25 -0700 From: Subject: [*] DragAnyWindow 4.2J FAT (Japanese version) DragAnyWindow 4.2J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi Montalcini's original. * DragAnyWindow is a way cool control panel that enhances the look and behavior of window dragging. When you drag a window's title bar and Solid Dragging is active, the whole window image is moved instead of a dull-looking window outline. If the Update Windows option is also active, all windows are updated on the fly without waiting for you to release the mouse. Not as fast as the BeOS, but definitely better than the standard Mac OS behavior! * DragAnyWindow also allows you to easily move any kind of window, including dialogs, alerts, standard "Open" and "Save" dialogs, game windows and other non-movable windows. It lets you bring back to the desktop any window that has gone out of sight, or center the front window on the main screen with a single keystroke. These options are very useful for old applications designed for the 9" screen (which often use fixed windows) and for moving modal dialogs and windows behind them. New in version 4.2: - Added support for the new Mac OS 8 Finder. - Solid dragging no longer interferes with floating palettes. $10 shareware. Have fun and support Alex. The Japanese versions of Alessandro's programs are available at: Haruka Ishi Aug 9, 1997 [Archived as /info-mac/gui/drag-any-window-42-jp.hqx; 122K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:35 -0700 From: Subject: [*] elleair-icons-vol-1 Elleair Icons are all original icons, in a 3D "Copland-esque" style. However, unlike the other icon sets that merely place the application's logo onto a 3D folder, Elleair Icons are a true original. There really isn't a theme to this icon set at all. I simply drew icons of hardware items I saw around me. Thus, this icon set includes the following hardware items: Zip Drive (Flat View) Zip Drive (Side View) SyQuest EZ 135 Drive Apple External Hard Drive Gravis MouseStick II Nikon LS 1000 Portable CD-ROM Drive FWB Hammer PE 2GB External HD ProDirect PDC 2400 Tsunami 1280MB Hard Drive [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/elleair-icons-vol-1.hqx; 45K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:20 -0700 From: Subject: [*] ErrorFinder 1.0b3 ErrorFinder 1.0 for Macintosh takes all the ambiguity out of those mysterious error numbers and messages. Just enter the error number and ErrorFinder 1.0 for Macintosh will tell you what it means. ErrorFinder 1.0b3 is a bug-fix release. See the 1.0b3 Beta Notes file for a detailed explanation. [Archived as /info-mac/info/error-finder-10b3.hqx; 248K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:26 -0700 From: Subject: [*] file Hider v1.0 Hide files from snoopy people with access to your computer. All you need to do is run the program and follow the directions. Read all the Read Me's and you are on your way. ShareWare: $1.00 US Dollar! The registered version has the amazing feature of taking off that annoying little message at the end of each run! Just to be nice I decided to include =83older Hider v1.0! It does the same thing as =83ile Hider v1.0 but only with folders! You do NOT have to register =83older Hider v1.0. It is FREE when you register =83ile Hider v1.0. You are entitled to FREE new releases of the programs after registering! Offer only last until the Info-Mac deletes it! System Crap you need: MacOS 7.0 or higher. AppleScript. Ralph Pelletier [Archived as /info-mac/gui/file-hider-10-ur.hqx; 43K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:33 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Flatland 1.0.1 (Kaleidoscope Color Scheme) Flatland. A Kaleidoscope Color Scheme for MacOS: Flatland is a GUI (Graphic User Interface) project which is a vehicle to develop new and interesting ideas for the general appearance of the User Interface for the Macintosh. The Flatland color scheme aims to be functional and pleasant to use. It moves a little outside convention by removing seemingly unnecessary embellishments. Dir: gui_kaleidoscope Virus Checked with Virex 5.6.8 Flatland may be included on CD ROM. Regards, Michael Hernan [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/flatland-101-fld.hqx; 39K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:38 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Focus MicroRecorder Pro v2.7- Sound utility for record/playback MicroRecorder Pro is a sound player which allows background sound playback on any Macintosh with color capability. It features unlimited record and play back time, repeated playback, on-line help, volume adjustment, and audio selection, pitch control, REAL TIME! display of the sound, Stereo capability, and left/right channel control. Furthermore, MicroRecorder Pro supports AIFF, system 7 sound file, and PC/Windows wave format. The support for PC/Windows format allows the user to import their favorite sound from the other platform. ** System requirements - Hardware: 68020, 68030, or 68040 or Power PC Macintosh. (Any LC, Powerbook, Quadra, Centris, Performa, Power Mac families of Macintosh computers.) - Color or gray scale monitor (256 colors or 16 level gray scale recommended). - System 7 and higher. - Sound manager 3.0 for best results. - 450 K of free memory. (More may be required for large WAVE files) - Apple built in or third party microphone for recording sound (Optional). This update adds support for imported sound of up to 44KHz. This software is shareware and can be distributed as such on with shareware collections and CD's provided it is not changed in any way. Afshin Latifi ( Focus Softworks [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/focus-micro-recorder-pro-27.hqx; 99K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:55 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Game of the Winds 2.0 (english) Game of the Winds is an easy to learn solitaire board game. It is a fascinating and challenging game which makes a lot of fun. The game is also well suited for children since the rules are simple. Game of the Winds is also known as Mahjongg because the tileset of the traditional Chinese Mahjongg board game is used. When you start Game of the Winds, 144 tiles are arranged on the board in several layers. Each tile is marked with a colored icon. There are always 4 tiles which are marked with the same icon. The aim of the game is to remove all tiles from the board. Tiles can be removed from the board by selecting two matching tiles. Two tiles match if they are marked with the same icon. Game of the Winds comes with 20 different board layout files. The level of difficulty varies from one board layout to the other. You can construct additional board layouts by using the integrated board layout editor. The icons of the tiles can be chosen from 3 different tilesets. Shareware Game of the Winds is shareware. The shareware fee is US $10. System Requirements Game of the Winds requires System 7.0 or later. It runs on a Macintosh equipped with any 68K or PowerPC processor. Availability Game of the Winds is available in german and english language. It can be downloaded from the Game of the Winds homepage at: <> Copyright =A9 1997 Martin Cordsmeier [Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/game-of-the-winds-20e.hqx; 514K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:53 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Game of the Winds 2.0 (german) Game of the Winds ist ein leicht zu erlernendes Brettspiel fuer einen Spieler. Fuer Erwachsene ist es ein fesselndes und herausforderndes Spiel, das viel Spass macht und hohe Konzentration erfordert. Aufgrund seiner einfachen Regeln ist es aber auch sehr gut fuer Kinder geeignet. Game of the Winds ist ebenfalls unter dem Namen Mahjongg bekannt, da es die Motive der Spielsteine des chinesischen Mahjongg Brettspiels benutzt. Zu Beginn eines neuen Spiels werden 144 Steine auf dem Brett in mehreren Ebenen angeordnet. Jeder der Steine ist mit einem farbigen Symbol gekenn- zeichnet, wobei jeweils 4 Steine mit dem gleichen Symbol gekennzeichnet sind. Ziel des Spiels ist es, alle Steine vom Brett zu entfernen. Steine koennen vom Brett entfernt werden, indem zwei Steine mit identischen Symbolen nacheinander mit der Maus angeklickt werden. Der Spielaufbau von Game of the Winds kann aus 20 verschiedenen Spielbrettern ausgewaehlt werden. Weitere Spielbretter koennen mit dem integrierten Spielbretteditor erstellt werden. Die Symbole der Spielsteine koennen aus 3 mitgelieferten Motiven ausgewaehlt werden. Shareware Game of the Winds ist Shareware, DM 10.- bzw. US $10. Weitere Informationen koennen der "Lies mich" Datei entnommen werden. Systemvoraussetzungen Game of the Winds erfordert ein Apple Macintosh mit mindestens System 7. Es laeuft auf jedem Macintosh mit 68K oder PowerPC Prozessor. Game of the Winds wurde mit dem Anti-Viren Programm Disinfectant 3.7.1 ueberprueft. Es wurden keine Viren gefunden. Verfuegbarkeit Game of the Winds verfuegbar in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Es kann vo= n der Game of the Winds Homepage heruntergeladen werden: <> Copyright =A9 1997 Martin Cordsmeier [Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/game-of-the-winds-20-de.hqx; 515K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:56 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Hexomania_1.1.sit.hqx Hexomania is a strategic board game for two players (or one against the computer). Each player must try to build a path from one end of the board to the other one: the green player from the top left side to the bottom right one, the red player from the top right side to the bottom left one. The players are allowed to set on any field that is still free. Although the rules are simple, the game is not easy to play. One wrong move and you'll lose. Requirements A Macintosh (or Power Macintosh) with 4MB of memory A color display (256 colors or grays et least for acceptable display, although it runs on 16 color gray) 1.5MB of hard disk space System 7.5 or better (System 8 works fine...) Optional: Speech Manager (for speech), Open Transport (for net play) [Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/hexomania-11.hqx; 1150K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:19 -0700 From: Subject: [*] HTML ColorPicker v1.0 Beta A utility to help figure out HTML RGB color codes (eg "FF00A3"), used to specify text color, link color, background color, etc. HTML Color Picker can store ten named sets of eight colors each. [Archived as /info-mac/text/html/html-color-picker-10b.hqx; 25K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:44 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Icarud- First Contact Icarud is a 3-D perspective RPG adventure for the Macintosh. Tired of clunky, boring RPGs that leave you feeling like you've wasted your download time? Download this. Full-color graphics, stereo sound effects, a wide variety of characters, and many, many places to explore. Wander through the haunted forest. Explore an abandoned castle. Search through a dark well.. Download it today! "This game uses some of the most innovative puzzle techniques I've seen"- Al Stafferi Jr [Archived as /info-mac/game/icarud-first-contact.hqx; 471K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:27 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Icon Archiver 2.3 FAT - Best icon utility Program: Icon Archiver 2.3 FAT Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini <> Price: $25 (shareware, see docs for more info) Register: Download: THE BEST ICON DATABASE EVER SEEN ON THE MAC ! The Icon Archiver is an extremely powerful database specifically designed for easy icon storage and retrieval. It can quickly scan whole disks or folders and grab all the icons they contain, including those you won't ever see in the Finder and all icon archives created by other icon utilities. It can easily export them in most graphics formats, including the ones you need for your web pages. Drag & Drop is fully supported, so you can create or stick custom icons by simply dragging them around. All icons are compressed on the fly to save memory and disk space, and archives can contain a very large number of icons (unlike all other icon utilities which are limited to a few hundreds). Advanced features include removing duplicate icons, sorting them by shape, filtering them by size or color depth, and viewing them in many different ways. The Archiver includes native PowerPC code and its icon handling routines are highly optimized for maximum speed. Even if you hate custom icons, you'll be fascinated by the number of icons that come out of a typical shareware CD-ROM like the ones that are bundled with many Mac magazines. No matter what you use your Mac for, this is guaranteed to give you countless hours of fun and entertainment as well as a much nicer desktop. New in version 2.3: - The Sticker window now supports the new MacOS 8 Finder. Added "Revert To Saved", "Select Duplicates" and "Get Info" commands. The Icon Info window now displays an icon image for each member of the icon family. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon-archiver-23.hqx; 394K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:01 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Japanese Font Package 20 KEYWORDS: JAPAN FONT KANJI HIRAGANA KATAKANA PRINT GRAPHICS JLK Version 2.0 Includes: * Minor spacing adjustments on some charaters! * COMPLETE characters for both the Hiragana and Katakana Font Sets! * Expanded manual! Have you ever wanted to "jazz" up a document with the addition of some Japanese characters? Have you ever wanted clear crisp Japanese characters at any font size? Have you ever wanted to use Japanese characters in applications that don't work with the language kit? Well, with the addition of the Japanese Font Package, you can do just that! What is the Japanese Font Package? The Japanese Font Package is a collection of Hiragana, Katakana and some special characters that are unique to Japanese. The use of these characters is made possible through a keyboard layout similar to those used in Japan. Rather than using Romanji, each character can be written with the push of a button! Each key is given a special Japanese character as it's output. The character to the right of the standard letter, is the hiragana or katakana key that will be printed when entered. The Japanese Font Package includes pictures of the entire Japanese keyboard which have been provided in various graphics formats. (PICT, GIF and JPEG) It is recommended that you print out the keyboard layout and use it to determine which Japanese characters you wish to type. [Archived as /info-mac/font/japanese-font-pack-20.hqx; 795K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:12 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.2.7 - foreign languages learning Language Toolkit Reader is an interactive multimedia program for language learning. It features the integrated use of text, illustrations, sound, QuickTime Movies, vocabulary, exercises based on text and sound, and notes on grammar. You use the program to access 'lessons' which are prepared separately. A teacher can prepare multimedia lessons for any target language by using the companion program 'Language Toolkit Writer'. An associated program ('Verbs & Nouns') gives access to additional support in the way of dictionaries, and offers the opportunity for further practice of inflection and translation at the level of single words. Jacek Iwanski. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/language-toolkit-reader-127.hqx; 1153K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:13 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Language Toolkit Writer 1.2.5 - foreign languages learning 'Language Toolkit Writer' is an authoring tool for preparing interactive multimedia lessons for any language. You build a lesson by dragging-and-dropping ready-made components, pasting illustrations, adding QuickTime Movies, sound, vocabulary, exercises based on text and on sound, and notes on grammar. To save you time the program includes four ready-made exercise layouts. Students use the companion program 'Language Toolkit Reader' to make use of the lessons. An associated program ('Verbs & Nouns') allows an author to prepare additional modules to support a series of lessons, i.e. for use as dictionaries and for practising inflection and translation at the level of single words. Demonstration lessons are available for Polish, Danish, Italian, Dutch and Russian, and others are in preparation. Jacek Iwanski. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/language-toolkit-writer-125.hqx; 1215K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:46 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Lines of Action 2.0.2 Attached is Lines of Action 2.0.2, an update which fixes some minor (nonfatal) bugs. - Michael H. Dickman (Lines of Action 2.0.2 is a board game for two players.) [Archived as /info-mac/game/lines-of-action-202.hqx; 42K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:28 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Mac Identifier 2.2 Mac Identifier 2.2 is a shareware control panel that puts back the model name and icon identification lost in the "About This Computer" ("About This Macintosh" under Mac OS 7.5) window under Mac OS versions 7.5 and later. It also brings back the model name to the flagship naming service on AppleTalk networks, allowing network administrators to know which Macintosh is which on their network. Mac Identifier 2.2 supersedes version 2.1 and all earlier versions of Mac Identifier. Mac Identifier 2.2 fixes a number of bugs in 2.1 and adds support for Mac OS 8. Try out Mac Identifier for thirty days for free. Mac Identifier is not crippled in any way and requires no serial number to run, but it does post a startup registration reminder. However, if you like it, please pay the shareware fee of $5 (US). Note that registered users of 2.1 or 2.0 do not have to re-register. Web surfers, check out the Flux Software web page at -- Maurice Volaski, Flux Software [Archived as /info-mac/gui/mac-identifier-22.hqx; 260K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:47 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Mac Libs - Automatic story generator Mac Libs is a program for the Macintosh for studying grammar in an amusing way. You can create story templates with "holes" that are filled in with specific grammatical constructs (like nouns, verbs, etc.) or any arbitrary categories (like names, colors, etc.). Words can be typed in at runtime or chosen at random from a dictionary. Grammatical rules can be programmed in a HyperCard-like language. For example, the "verb past tense" rule will convert any verb to past tense. If the rules are correct and the appropriate words are chosen, the generated story will be grammatically correct, though frequently silly, and always amusing. System requirements: * System 7.0 or greater (most features will work in System 6) * Any Mac, PowerMac or compatible with 8 megs of RAM * About 1 meg of disk space For more information, please read the enclosed Read Me file and the built in help. Thanks, Mike Benson [Archived as /info-mac/game/mac-libs.hqx; 490K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:00 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MacAttack 1.9.3v2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the MacAttack package. MacAttack is an arcade game for Macintosh computers. Formerly available only in stores, MacAttack is now shareware. The price is just $15! MacAttack plays similar to the Arcade classic "Tempest". It's a fast-paced, addictive game that's fun for people of all ages. It has 30 levels and dozens of foes. Download the demo and give it a try. MacAttack is fun for players of all different skill levels. There are 5 difficulty settings and unlike most games they significantly affect the way the game is played. Features: *Full-screen play on any Monitor. MacAttack will scale to the size of your monitor (even 20 inch ones) if you give it enough memory. *Smooth animation - 30 frames/second, digitized explosions *Rendered 3d graphics Bridge 1 Software Software Localization and Management for the Macintosh Christopher Li Developer Support: Japanese Customer Support: Nifty-Serve: KGB00252 WWW: <> [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/macattack-1932-jp.hqx; 1581K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:57 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Master Mind 2.6.1 - A Game of Strategy and Logic This is a HyperCard stack that simulates the classic board game Master Mind. The graphics are superb and the gameplay is addictive. The interface is straightforward and elegant. It comes complete with balloon help, online help and documentation. Master Mind is a simple game of logic. The object is to guess a secret code consisting of a series of 4 colored pegs. With each guess, you gain more information about the secret code. Illustrated instructions are included. Unlike the board game, this game is designed as a one-player game. Requirements: * HyperCard Player 2.0 or better * 2.3 MB free RAM * 256 colors (8-bit) or better display Tech Note: This game uses an XCMD for color, and thus does not require HyperCard 2.2 or 2.3. Rich Brome brome software [Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/master-mind-261.hqx; 229K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:14 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Pan-Asia Chinese Japanese Korean Language Kit for MacOS Pan-Asia Language Kit is a suite of Chinese Japanese Korean (CJK) bitmap fonts and system scripts to enable any MacOS compatible computer with system 7.1 or above to read CJK text in any applications. The registered user will also gain access to Unicorn Editor for purpose of inputing Chinese Japanese Korean text. The donationware is dedicated to those innocent people who were killed on June 4, 1989 at Beijing, China. The fund collected will be used to help those families who lost their beloved ones and then were neglected in misery. For details, check out my web page: for details. Since this is a system level enhancement, I would suggest to put this piece of software at configuration directory, or any place that you think fit. Thanks a lot. Best regards, Xiaolin Allen Zhao [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/pan-alk.hqx; 2824K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:02 -0700 From: Subject: [*] ProFont Distribution 2.2 Co-authors Steve Gilardi and Carl Osterwald are pleased to announce the release of "ProFont Distribution 2.2". ProFont is a monospaced font whose 9 pt size is similar to Monaco 9 but with improved readability. It includes slashed zeros, ells with serifs, emphasized punctuation, etc. It is a great font for programmers and anyone else who needs a monospaced font with easily distinguished characters. New since the 2.1 release are: - modifications to the shape of several characters for even better readability and improved anti-aliasing support, - several small bug fixes in the fonts, - improved QuickDraw GX compatibility, - a version of ProFont encoded with the Windows character set, and - updated contact information. ProFont Distribution 2.2 includes bitmap and outline (both TrueType and Adobe Type 1) versions of ProFont, ProFontISOLatin1, and ProFontWindows. It also includes "Monaco Tuner", a control panel which allows you to automagically substitute ProFont for Monaco at 9 pt or at all sizes. ProFont Distribution 2.2 is compatible with System 7 and Mac OS 8. Enjoy ProFont! --Steve Stephen C. Gilardi SQ Software [Archived as /info-mac/font/pro-font-22.hqx; 459K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:41 -0700 From: Subject: [*] rule-10 Rule is a tool to measure a length of the image on screen. It has a semi-transparent view just likely as a real-world rule. Sincerely, Junzo Sato. 8/10/97 email: [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/rule-10.hqx; 537K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:15 -0700 From: Subject: [*] SimpleText Color Menu 2.4 - enhances SimpleText 1.4 Program: SimpleText Color Menu Installer 2.4 Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini <> Price: Freeware Download: SimpleText Color Menu is a free drag & drop utility that installs an extra cool Color menu and an extra useful Goodies menu inside Apple's SimpleText text editor (versions 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.3.3 and 1.4 only). You get color, a Find/Replace command, a Windows submenu, document statistics, printing margins and default font/size/style/color settings for unstyled documents. New in 2.4: - Added support for the new SimpleText 1.4 that comes with MacOS 8. Because this new version includes built-in Find and Replace commands, you can assign Cmd-Shift key combinations to the built-in commands or to the ones in the Goodies menu (previous versions of SimpleText work as usual). Also note that Color Menu operations are not recorded in the ST 1.4 undo buffer. [Archived as /info-mac/text/simpletext-color-menu-24.hqx; 76K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:13 -0700 From: Subject: [*] SimpleText Color Menu 2.4J (Japanese version) SimpleText Color Menu 2.4J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi Montalcini's original. Great freeware. * SimpleText Color Menu is a free drag & drop utility that installs an extra cool Color menu and an extra useful Goodies menu inside Apple's SimpleText text editor (versions 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.3.3 and 1.4 only). * You get color, a Find/Replace command, a Windows submenu, document statistics, printing margins, default font/size/style/color settings for unstyled documents, and more. New in version 2.4: - Added support for the new SimpleText 1.4 that comes with Mac OS 8. Because this new version includes built-in Find and Replace commands, you can assign Cmd-Shift key combinations to the built-in commands or to the ones in the Goodies menu (previous versions of SimpleText work as usual). The Japanese versions of Alessandro's programs are available at: Haruka Ishi Aug 9, 1997 [Archived as /info-mac/text/simpletext-color-menu-24-jp.hqx; 86K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:36 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Spawn icons The latest set of system 7+ icons from Stingray's Madness. Featuring charachters from the comic book and upcoming movie : Spawn Virus scanned with disinfectant. May be included on info-mac cd rom-just let me know. Steve Jones Stingray's Madness "" [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/spwn-icns.hqx; 137K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:30 -0700 From: Subject: [*] StartupFrills v3.6 StartupFrills is a utility which livens up the process of switching on your Mac. The features it provides on each restart are: *Showing a different picture, either StartupScreen or any format which Quicktime 2.5 supports (including GIF and JPG) *Play a different sound, without holding up other applications. *Show different Quicktime movies (requires Quicktime). *Read out different text files (requires the Speech Manager). Each feature may be turned on and off at will, and its files may be selected randomly or in order. StartupFrills is deliberately designed as an application, so you don't have to clutter up your System folder with more extensions. Just place StartupFrills in the Startup Items folder, and restart. v3.6 adds Quicktime 2.5 support (which is now required for the use of non-Startupscreen format files), and also fixes a problem with movies under the Japanese system. The program is freeware, though a charitable donation to Children's Hospitals is encouraged. Enjoy, Ian McCall [Archived as /info-mac/gui/startup-frills-36.hqx; 95K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:16 -0700 From: Subject: [*] StoryProject [story development software for fiction writers] StoryProject is a sophisticated note pad that lets you develop stories by entering ideas in a web-like fashion. Its design subtly encourages a coherent approach to story development, without interfering with your creative flow. This is version 1.2, featuring an important bug fix and some minor changes. Users of the previous version should upgrade. System requirements to run StoryProject: 640x480 resolution display System 7 or greater 1MB application RAM 2MB disk space Karl Dolenc [Archived as /info-mac/text/story-project-hc.hqx; 579K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:17 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Swiss-German lesson - foreign languages learning The document called 'Swiss-German Lesson' contains two interactive computer lessons of Swiss-German. Swiss-German is a German dialect spoken in Switzerland. To use it you need to have the 'Language Toolkit Reader' program version 1.2 or higher which is available from Info-Mac mirror sites (see for instance: <>). The file demonstrates the use of the 'Language Toolkit Writer' authoring program (which is also available from Info-Mac mirror sites). You can modify or extend this set of lessons. Use 'Language Toolkit Writer' to make all the changes you need. Jacek Iwanski. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/swiss-german-lesson-10.hqx; 313K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:40 -0700 From: Subject: [*] The Musician 2.3.0; sound utility. The Musician is an useful application for playing 'snd ' resources from files. It can work, very fast, in background and is very cool when scans one or more HD, CD, folders, diskettes, files, searching for 'snd ' resources to play. The Musician plays sounds asynchronously, so while it is playing you can work with your favourite application. According to your setting The Musician plays any sound immediately or else asks for consent, conveying you the number of 'snd ' resources found in the examined file. The Musician is Drag Manager and Internet Config aware. It requires at least System 7 to run. The Musician 2.3.0 package contains both 68K and PowerPc versions. Author: Rocco Moliterno New since version 2.2.0 Drag Manager support. Asynchronous playing. Added ability to work using menus. Added "Internet" menu. Added Apple Script support. wMovable modal dialogs can switch in background. Added "Internet" menu. Removed windows zooming. Removed confusing custom cursors. Revisited and improved the whole code. Linked with MoreFiles 1.4.6. Fixed a little bug occurring in 68k version. Updated e-mail address. Changed web page address. Minor changes. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/the-musician-230.hqx; 145K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:50 -0700 From: Subject: [*] The Sixth Ring.sea.hqx The Sixth Ring A new series of levels for Wolfenstein 3D. [Archived as /info-mac/game/com/wolf/the-sixth-ring.hqx; 27K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:09 -0700 From: Subject: [*] TykeWriter1.1 TykeWriter - Word Processor for Kids! Version 1.1 TykeWriter is a word processing program for children who are learning to read and write. It is easy for children to learn and use. As the child's skills develop, the teacher or parent can add new features by changing the level setting for that child. TykeWriter can be used without the keyboard, using only the mouse and on-screen alphabet. TykeWriter is free for all to use and share. It should work with all desktop Macintosh running any version of System 7. To install, download the hqx file and expand using Stuffit Expander or any other BinHex4 expander. This will create a file named =93TykeWriter 1.1.2.sea=94. Double click on the file. A dialog box will ask for a location to storing the program. Once the location has been selected, press the "Extract" button and a folder named TykeWriter 1.1.2 will be created. Open this folder and double click on the icon labeled =93Double Click to Read me=94 . It contains further instructions. =46or more informations, visit the website: "" This program may be included on CD-ROMs. It should be indexed under =93Educational=94 (edu) or =93Educational/Young=94 (edu/yng). [Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/tyke-writer-112.hqx; 406K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:31 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Unix-Droplet_0.4beta2.sit Unix-Droplet enables you to control command-line driven programs from your Macintosh using an intuitive Mac-like user interface. The controlled programs may run on the Mac under MacOS, on the Mac under some Unix or MS-DOS emulation, on a remote Unix-box, possibly on any computer you can connect to somehow. You don't notice where the program processing your files is actually running and interact with Unix-Droplet as you would do with any other Mac-application. A simple piping mechanism is supported: You can drop one application on another one which will then wait and expect its input coming from the first application. Unix-Droplet translates the user interaction (names of dropped files, options set in dialogs, etc) into a command which you would have to type into a console if you interact with the controlled program via text terminal. Unix-Droplet writes this command into a textfile, and then sends this file to the controlled process. Unix-Droplet should run on any Macintosh System >=7. It is free. H. Dersch ( [Archived as /info-mac/gui/unix-droplet-04-beta-2.hqx; 146K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:18 -0700 From: Subject: [*] V&N Lookup 1.1.2 - dictionary & spellchecker 'V&N Lookup' is a program which searches dictionaries belonging to Verbs&Nouns and checks the spelling. The search is performed on any number of databases simultaneously. The program can be used in combination with any text-based application because it searches for any word that you copy to the clipboard. You can also perform word-for-word translation of passages of text. To learn more about the Verbs&Nouns databases, download the program 'Verbs & Nouns' which is available from the same places as this application. The American-English spelling dictionary is included. The application 'V&N Lookup' is part of my 'Foreign Language Toolkit' project. To try out the program you can download not-protected databases and play with them. The examples of them are: Italian Verbs - <> Italian Nouns - <> Italian Spelling - <> English Dictionary - <> Jacek Iwanski. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-lookup-112.hqx; 1360K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:08 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Vietnam War 3.0 Vietnam War 3.0 Announcing the release of Vietnam War 3.0, a comprehensive survey of this Southeast Asian conflict. It covers over 60 topics, each topic including graphics, source information, relevant quotations, and provocative questions. In addition, reviews of films on the war are presented, and interviews with two Vietnam War vets. It includes full hypertext implementation, animated maps, and animated charts. An objective and fair analysis of a tragic period in recent history. The Vietnam War was originally written in 1989, and has been continually upgraded since then. It currently is presented as a SuperCard Standalone Application. Requirements: =95 68040 chip, or a PPC chip =95 5.6 MB of hard disk space + =95 4 MB of application RAM + =95 Macintosh OS 7.0 + =95 a 256 color monitor + =95 a 640 x 480 screen + The shareware price is $15.00. Paul Gabel [Archived as /info-mac/edu/vietnam-war-301-ppc.hqx; 3976K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:06 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Vietnam War 3.0 Vietnam War 3.0 Announcing the release of Vietnam War 3.0, a comprehensive survey of this Southeast Asian conflict. It covers over 60 topics, each topic including graphics, source information, relevant quotations, and provocative questions. In addition, reviews of films on the war are presented, and interviews with two Vietnam War vets. It includes full hypertext implementation, animated maps, and animated charts. An objective and fair analysis of a tragic period in recent history. The Vietnam War was originally written in 1989, and has been continually upgraded since then. It currently is presented as a SuperCard Standalone Application. Requirements: =95 68040 chip, or a PPC chip =95 5.6 MB of hard disk space + =95 4 MB of application RAM + =95 Macintosh OS 7.0 + =95 a 256 color monitor + =95 a 640 x 480 screen + The shareware price is $15.00. Paul Gabel [Archived as /info-mac/edu/vietnam-war-30-68k.hqx; 3745K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:37 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Windows 3.1 Icons This is just a collection of all the icons that are included with Windows 3.1. They are in a icl8 resource. "ResEdit" or "Resourcer" is needed to get them. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/windows-icons.hqx; 35K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:18 -0700 From: Subject: [*] WriteAway 1.1-A Hypercard Word Processor WriteAway is a word processor for Hypercard. It lets you open text files, write text, save your writings as text files, print text, and have your computer speak it (if you have Speech Manager installed). When you write text, it gets saved inside WriteAway. To share it with other Macs, just save it. The palette lets you navigate through your files (I will probably replace it with a toolbar in the next version). If you have an older version of WriteAway, download this one. It has many bug fixes. WriteAway requires Hypercard or Hypercard Player and a 512x384 monitor or larger (640x480 or larger is recommended). -- Evan Jenkins [Archived as /info-mac/text/write-away-11-hc.hqx; 36K] -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************