Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #140
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 12 Jul 97       Volume 15 : Issue 140

Today's Topics:

       Eudora urls defer to gold not Communicator 4.01 (Q)
      (A) Mac OS 8 - Correction!
      (A) MacOS 8
      Can't open Word files by double click??
      Classic on the internet
      Converting MSIE Favorites to Navigator Bookmarks (Q)
      duo keyboard repair-DIY (do it yourself)
      HP DJ870Cxi takes forever to print
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #139
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #139
      L2 cache for 7600/120
      Mac OS 8/Centris 650/68040
      Netscape 4
      Netscape 4 (C)
      PC mouse with Mac (R)
      PC mouse with Mac (R)
      Powerbook 190 monitor
      Syquest EZ-135
      Translator for MacWrite files
      Viewing attachments in Newswatcher?
      Zterm emulation problems?

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Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 20:00:31 -0400
From: (Richards)

Has anyone else ever thought of how technology makes life more complex?

For my IIsi/17mb/1.2g/RD1.62, I downloaded the Shockwave plug-in (68K) for
use with Explorer 3.01.  After finishing with the .sea file and opening
Explorer, I checked the Read Me to discover it wanted an '040 machine or
better.  Makes sense: Explorer crashed.

So, I trashed all the Shockwave stuff and rebooted.  Now, Explorer won't
run at all.  It appears to be starting fine, bringing in the History,
Plug-In (I only use the Default), and Favorites. Then without fanfare
returns to the Desktop.  I have rebuilt the Desktop to no avail.  Any
ideas?  Thanks.

Tom Richards


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 10:48:36 -0500
From: "Paul M. Sheldon" <>
Subject:  Eudora urls defer to gold not Communicator 4.01 (Q)

	I click on a blue link in eudora and it tries to launch my old
navigator gold I have kept around to be safe.
	How come?


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 09:10:27 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: "unknown.mime"

I am  unable to open the info-mac digests which are being sent in mime.

After I save to my hard disk. and try to open the program my screen reads:
The document "unknown mime" could not be opened, because the application
program that created it could not be found.

Any suggestions on how to read these info-mac digests?


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 09:56:15 -0600
From: Rick VanDerveer <>
Subject: (A) Mac OS 8 - Correction!

>> Could anyone tell me if the new Mac OS 8.0 will run on non-Power PC
>> I have a Centris 650 that I would like to upgrade from System 7.1;
>> therefore, I would appreciate knowing if it is worth to wait OS 8.0 or if
>> OS 7.6 is my last chance of upgrade.
>	I'm afraid 7.6.1 is as high as your non-PPC Centris will go right
>now (even when 8.0 is available).
>Peter J. Paul

Nope!  System 8 WILL run on a non-PowerMac.  I have it running on a Quadra
700, and it's chugging along just fine!

However, for a non-PowerMac user, make sure you have plenty of RAM for the
extra memory requirements.  If I were you, I'd download "System Switcher"
(or similar utility) and perform a 'clean' installation (available here in
the info-mac archives). That way, if you find the new system too slow, you
can easily run System switcher and revert back to your old system!

Hope this helps...


'Networkable Mac Games' -- Your source for multiplayer gaming on the Mac.


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 16:23:32 -0600
From: Russell Fredrickson <>
Subject: (A) MacOS 8

>> Could anyone tell me if the new Mac OS 8.0 will run on non-Power PC
>> I have a Centris 650 that I would like to upgrade from System 7.1;
>> therefore, I would appreciate knowing if it is worth to wait OS 8.0
or if
>> OS 7.6 is my last chance of upgrade.
>       I'm afraid 7.6.1 is as high as your non-PPC Centris will go
>now (even when 8.0 is available).
>Peter J. Paul

In all of Apple's advertisements, I believe that they state that you can
run OS 8 on anything at or above '040.  Last time I checked, the Centris
650 shipped with an '040 processor, and thus should be able to run OS
8.  Oh, providing that you also have 12 megs of physical RAM and a
CD-ROM drive, of course... ;-)

Rusty Fredrickson  (a.k.a. "Pascual")


Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 19:44:16 -0400
From: Holleran Greenburger <>
Subject: Can't open Word files by double click??

has the desktop file been rebuilt lately on that Mac? I had this occur
awhile back, too.
(Hold down command & option keys at startup, until the dialog box comes up.)
This may correct the trouble.
Side note: If ATM is on this machine, temporarily drag it out of the system
folder to do the desktop rebuild, then put it back after. If left in, it
can corrupt the desktop file.

Holleran Greenburger

>Greetings all,
>This is a new one for me.  My boss can't seem to open Word 6.0  files by
>double clicking on the icon any more.    When we double click on the file,
>Word is brought to the front, but won't open the files.  Once inside Word,
>however, we can open the files using the file:open command.  We've tried on
>floppies, his hard drive, and the network server and none of them work.
>Any ideas or suggestions??


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 17:01:01 -0500
From: "Andrew R. Hartung" <>
Subject: Classic on the internet

I am looking to get my mother email access with her Classic(4MB ram,system
6.0.7,2400bps modem). Does anyone know of a easy way to do this without
much of or any upgrades? The monthly ISP fee must be $10 or less a month.


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 17:03:47 -0500
From: Paul Koch <>
Subject: Converting MSIE Favorites to Navigator Bookmarks (Q)

Surely there is someone who has come up with a clever way to convert MSIE
Favorites to Navigator Bookmarks.  Netscape hasn't (or so their tech support
tells me).  But, I observe helplessly, MSIE assimilates Navigator Bookmarks
just fine.

It's just not fair.  Nor does it meet my needs.  Can anyone recommend a
solution?  Anyone?

Paul Koch


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 09:48:29 -0500
From: J Rahmandar <>
Subject: duo keyboard repair-DIY (do it yourself)


About a month ago I repaired my Duo 230 keyboard by my myself. The
symptoms were: some keys when pressed doesn't always registered the
specified character. The "enter" and a couple of other keys don't ever
worked. If so, the problem is due to silver plate oxidation, and/or
broken printed circuit trace in the keyboard PC (printed circuit)
traces. If yours is similar to mine, here's how I did it:

1. Remove TORX screws (size T8, I think) from the bottom of the Duo,
directly under the keyboard. Turn the Duo back up, and carefully lift
the top part up. Notice that there is a thin mylar sheet/ribbon
connected to the CPU main board. The connection is removable by sliding
up the inner sleeve within the connector, and the mylar ribbon cable
should just slide off. If there is another one, do the same procedure.
2. Create a layout drawing of all the keycaps (you'll need it later when
3. Carefully pop off all the keycaps (they are snap fit type plastic
caps). Obrserve how the metal spring wire under the space bar and wider
keys fit before popping this off so you know how to align the this
4. Lift off the rubberized membrane covering the 2 mylar/plastic sheets
5. Look under the membrane and you'll see black/carbonized pads. Clean
this with damp cloth lightly (just to get any dirt out, but not to rub
the carbon layers off. set aside.
6. Observe that the 2 mylar sheets have silver traces on it. Where the
rubber pad/keycap presses the mylar area, there are two silver
areas/pads (one in each mylar sheets that can be connected through a
cutout. When the rubber pad connects these two, this tells the computer
that this key is being pressed. If the silver contacts are tarnished,
this connection is not being sensed by the computer. The goal now is to
clean the silver pads. What I used is one of those silverware cleaning
liquid (NOT the abrasive powder). Carefully swabbed each silver pad with
the solution until it is free of tarnish, and swab again with clean
water. Do not overdo it since you do not want to remove these silver
NOTE: over the CAPS LOCK key, in the top layer of this mylar sheet there
is a little LED (light emitting diode) that is soldered to it. be
careful so that you do not break it.
7. Skip this step if you do not have this problem: If you also have a
problem of one or more keys that do not work no matter how often/hard
you press, you may have a broken trace in one of this mylar sheet (mine
was broken due to wear just under the space bar key. I corrected this
using a conductive paint pen (about $10 US) and let it dry.
8. Re-assemble in reverse order.
9. send me e-mail if you have further question.



Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 10:17:27 -0400
From: "Michael S. Silverstein" <>
Subject: HP DJ870Cxi takes forever to print

I have a PMac 7600/120 with 80MB Ram running 7.5.5, modern memory manager,
Auto Doubler, Ram Doubler and Speed Doubler connected to an HP Desk Jet
870Cxi running driver 9.3, background printing on.

When I print it seems to take forever for the printing to start. The
printing will start immediately if I bring the HP Print Monitor to the
front. If I put the HP Print Monitor in the background again the printing
begins to hesitate and printing slows down. It seems as if the printer is
waiting for information...

I tried increasing the HP Print Monitor memory, but did not notice a

This problem existed with the previous driver (9.1.3) but did not seem as
aggrevating. I have tried working without the various doublers, but have
not noticed a large difference. RAM Doubler recommends using the latest
drivers for compatibility with extended memory (which at the time was 8.x).

Any ideas out there on how to get true background printing?

Michael Silverstein
Materials Engineering


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 18:21:55 -0400
From: (
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #139

>Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 19:25:45 -0400
>From: "Peter J. Paul" <>
>Subject: (A) Mac OS 8
>> Could anyone tell me if the new Mac OS 8.0 will run on non-Power PC
>> I have a Centris 650 that I would like to upgrade from System 7.1;
>> therefore, I would appreciate knowing if it is worth to wait OS 8.0 or if
>> OS 7.6 is my last chance of upgrade.
>	I'm afraid 7.6.1 is as high as your non-PPC Centris will go right
>now (even when 8.0 is available).
>Peter J. Paul

	Not true at all.  MacOS 8 requires a minimum of an 040 to run and
that is exactly what the Centris 650 has.  Just do not expect to see any
warp speed increases with anything but a PowerPC (and even then, according
to The Computer Paper - they found the speed increase of the native Finder
running on a PowerPC to be negigible... faster but not nearly as fast as
originally touted.  Hopefully the final release will better tuned)

	PAt Ellis


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 07:15:54 -1000 (HST)
From: Michael Blasco <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #139

On Fri, 11 Jul 1997, Keith E Gatling <> typed:

> Subject: [Q] Desktop Printer/Printer Menu/Error 15 Messages
> My student assistant and I have been trying to install the new printer drivers
> and desktop printing software that allows you to put a printer menu at the top
> of the screen.  We were successful at first, and then all of a sudden, during
> a test print run, we started seeing tons of desktop printers spontaneously
> generating themselves and then crossing themselves out on the desktop.  Any
> efforts to try to stop this rapid reproduction were met by messages about an
> "Error 15."


This may be the key to your trouble:

As reported on the MacFixit Web Site 

Three readers (Jeff Gilbert, Steve Jones and Jason Pellerin) have all 
reported a problem with the Finder Scripting Extension included with Mac 
OS 7.6. The symptom is a crash at startup attributable to this extension.

Most users now report that deleting the Finder Preferences file fixes 
this problem (see also item in Troubleshooting Mac OS 7.6).

Note: As is often the case, not all 7.6 users have this problem. Also, 
note that disabling Finder Scripting Extension can have its own problems 
(leading to multiple desktop printers appearing on your desktop, as 
reported on this page several months ago).

   Michael Blasco			 Exhibits Technical Coordinator		          Bishop Museum


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 10:26:33 -0400
From: "Michael S. Silverstein" <>
Subject: L2 cache for 7600/120

I have a 7600/120 with 80MB RAM and a 256 L2 cache. I am running 7.5.5 with
Auto Doubler and Speed Doubler, often with Ramdoubler.

I know that there is a 512KB L2 cache available. Are there larger caches as

Will upgrading the L2 cache to 512KB yield a significantly noticeable
increase in performance? Would there be a significantly noticeable increase
in performance moving from a 512KB to a larger L2 cache?

Thanks in advance for your advice...

Michael Silverstein
Materials Engineering


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 14:43:13 -0400
From: "Peter J. Paul" <>
Subject: Mac OS 8/Centris 650/68040

Many people wrote to correct me (for which I thank them). I responded to a
question (wrongly) about whether Mac OS 8 would run on a Centris 650. The
Centris 650 has a 68040 cpu, and Mac OS 8 requires either a PPC or 68040
cpu - so it will run on that machine. My sincere apologies to all those I
may have misled.


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 04:46:17 +0000
From: andy selby <>
Subject: Netscape 4

Netscape 3.0.2 is still the best browser out there for the Mac,
especially on 68K machines.  It always loads quickly and never crashes. 
4 feels bloated and unresponsive, and the interface has become somewhat
murky.  The improvements to Email were quite impressive, but i agree
with the consensus to give the user the option to install anything
besides the browser.  
  Pages loaded in MSIE never look right to me....the dimensions are
always off and the fonts never seem to be the correct size.  As usual,
it also has that clunky Microsoft feel throughout.  The only thing
Netscape could learn from MSIE is to seperate the different elements, as
stated above.

Just my two cents...

PS, notice how Net 4 simulated MSIE's icon based controls?  I love the
button style in 3.0.2!!!  Don't flatter Microsoft with imitation.....


Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 18:46:46 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Netscape 4 (C)

Wagner Truppel wrote, in part,

>Finally, I agree with Al that the palette is a step back.

Since two of you have commented, let me point out that in Communicator
4.0.1 you can go to the menu item to the right of the bookmarks menu item
and choose "Show" or "Dock" component bar. Everything that shows up on that
"component bar" is right there in the menu, and if you don't want the bar
showing up, then "dock" it and use the menu instead.  (Unless I don't
understand what you are objecting to?)

Also, just to keep the dialog multi-sided, I am, to my intense amazement,
finding Communicator at least as fast, if not a touch faster, as 3.0.1 was.
I have used it maybe 25 hours now and my husband considerably longer and
neither of us has experienced a single crash or freeze. We could not have
said that for Navigator Gold. I am running an 8500/180 but my husband has
an 8100/80 and it is faster on his machine as well. It also loads a tiny
bit faster now than Navigator did.

I am concerned about the color issues mentioned. I use URL Manager Pro so
the bookmarks thing isn't a big issue for me. So I don't know what the
variables are, but people certainly seem to have varying experiences with
Communicator! At work, on pc's, my boss finally saw me using it and liked
the look of it. He downloaded it onto his laptop, and within half an hour
had sent out an e-mail to the whole department telling people to get it
(our home company has a license that covers everybody, if they want it). So
that's a story from "the other side," too.

Daly Jessup


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 18:20:54 +0200
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: PC mouse with Mac (R)

Jazzy <> wrote:

> Is there a driver that will alow me to use a standerd 3 button serial PC
> mouse with the Mac as multi button Mice for the Mac are very expencive.

First, the "standard" windows mouse (or "Microsoft Mouse" has 2 buttons,
not three.

Second, it's not (or not only) a question of the driver. The MS Mouse
connects through a serial port, while the Mac mouse uses the ADB port,
which is a different technology. There may be possibilities to "translate"
one port into the other, but I never saw this advertised.

> The extra buttons would be usefull in the new MacOS 8 to bring you the
> pop up menus insted of control clicking and also say the middle button
> could be used as option click. It would also be usefull in programs like
> Virtual PC and SoftWindows.

Get a MouseMan from Logitech, or another 3button Mac mouse. you can assign
different meanings to certain mouse buttons in the Logitech driver; I
suppose this would work the same way with others. And here, the MouseMan
is about the same price as a single-button original Apple mouse.

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser   -  phone (+41-81) 925 35 80
Casa Luscheina, CH-7151 Schluein (Switzerland)
Look at <>


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 97 23:12:48 +0100
From: Jazzy <>
Subject: PC mouse with Mac (R)

I would like to add that a was talking about connecting the serial PC =
mouse to the mac serial port (modem or printer port). The PC uses =
RS232 and the mac uses RS422 but they are compatable, otherwise I =
would not be speaking to you know as I use a modem made for a PC. =
With the modem all it needed was the correct lead.

If I was better at Mac programing I would write the drivers my self =
but unfornutly I can't but I supprised the no one else has.

Thanks for the replys so far. Unfortunatly I live in the UK and all I =
can find advertised is a two button Poweruser mouse for =A320 about =
$40 and a four button mouse by Kingston which is about =A390 about =

I beleve Logiteck make a three button Mac mouse but I have knot found =
a place in the UK which sells it or some where in the US that will =
sell me one. I have seen some others addvertised but most are optical =
which i beleve meens the need a special mouse mat which I didn't =
realy want. I used to have one like this for my Mac Plus which I =
didn't like very mush as you had to keep the mouse vertical on the =
mat. If some one has a newer optical mouse which is better and =
dosen't have these problems than I would like to here about it.

Thanks for you replays so far.



Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 19:46:41 -0400
From: Holleran Greenburger <>
Subject: Powerbook 190 monitor

>My Powerbook 190 intermitantly has a problem where the lower half of the
>screen is grainy and distorted. Once in a while it works fine.

If you press on the sides of the display while this is occuring, does it
help?  It may be a loose connection to the display, correctable under
warranty if it still applies. It may also be the display itself. have an
authorized Apple tech (like myself) have a 1st-hand look at it.

Holleran Greenburger


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 16:41:26 -0400
From: Roy & Anne <>
Subject: Syquest EZ-135

I need a suggestion for making a Syquest EZ135 show up on the desktop of a
Performa 6400.   Both SCSI probe and Mt. Everything show it in their
respective scsi lists, but I don't see any way to make the drive show up on
the desktop.

The drive came with the software for it on one of the cartridges, but since
I cannot access the cartridge, I cannot get at the software :((

All suggestions would be appreciated.




Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 08:04:52 -0400
From: Jeff Frankel <>
Subject: Translator for MacWrite files

On July 3, Mike Abernathy wrote:

> I have many 1985 original MacWrite files, and no way to read them. Word >6 can handle MacWrite II files, but not the "classic" variety. I understand
> that MacWrite will not run on present-day Macs. Has anyone seen a
> translator?

ClarisWorks 4.0 (and probably earlier versions of ClarisWorks as well)
include a translator for MacWrite 5.0.  Maybe this will help.

Jeff Frankel
Windsor, Maine


Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 10:37:01 -0500
From: J Rahmandar <>
Subject: Viewing attachments in Newswatcher?

I use Newswatcher to view newsgroup files, and have setup helper
application to decode attachment. However, most attachment are actually
images, therefore, how do you setup so that these attachments are
decoded/un-stuffed and then viewed without leaving -ewswatcher? Note
that most appplications seemed to be capable of ONE step helper
launching, and I needTWO-step lauc nh, i.e, DECODE and then VIEWER. 

For example, if I used Netscape News, these images pops up correctly
within the Netscape News window. Can I do the same thing with
Newswatcher, or do I need a better/different news reader? I don't like
to use Nescape News becuase it is slow and uses too much memory. Thanks.


Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 15:38:03 -0700
From: Steve Portigal <>
Subject: Zterm emulation problems?

I've been using Zterm for years and years with no problem. Recently a
family member using my old PB100 and a Linelink 14.4 signed up for
Internet service (Toronto's idirect, btw) which uses an ASCII menuing
service to select the basic dialup functions (similar to the
freenet type interface). I set them up with Zterm and everything was
 fine, Pine, the menu, telnet, etc.  They then began using "lynx" and
all hell broke loose. Normally in lynx there is body text, and the
available options are shown bold, and the selected option is shown
reverse video. This has everyting shown reverse, so there is no way to tell
what is selected. Totally unusuable, especially for a novice. 

I tried using Zterm on ANSI and on VT100 to no avail. The ISP is being
incredibly difficult, refusing to upgrade lynx (it's an old version) and
now suggesting we go buy Microphone because the problem is with Zterm. I
really doubt that it is, but I thought I'd check here and see. Unix note:
there's no shell access, so we can't mess with the config of lynx.

Has anyone experienced weird Unix emulation problems with Zterm that they
have resolved with Microphone?





End of Info-Mac Digest