Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #111
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 10 Jun 97       Volume 15 : Issue 111

Today's Topics:

      [*] Apple Electrifier 4.01
      [*] BatMac StartupScreen Revised
      [*] Bible Dictionary(5Versions)
      [*] bob1.1.hqx
      [*] Flex Processor 1.2
      [*] Grand Ma Told Me' - Genealogy Tree Manager
      [*] HerbRack
      [*] Kaleidoscope Windows 95 Light 1.6 - Freeware
      [*] MacDim 1.1 - small screensaver/dimmer
      [*] Personal Directory 2.0
      [*] siete10.sit
      [a] Decode MIME-messages manually
      [a] Decode MIME-messages manually
      disk driver software and Norton Speed Disk
      LaserWriter 8.4.1

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Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 07:30:40 -0700
Subject: [*] Apple Electrifier 4.01

Apple Electrifier Player is the award-winning web browser plug-in for
viewing dynamic, interactive, media-rich web content created with
Electrifier Studio, including still graphics, animations, and text.

Visit <> for Electrified sample pages and
further information.

Apple Electrifier requires Mac OS 7.5 or later, and Netscape 3.0 or
Internet Explorer 3.0 or later.

This file should replace Apple Electrifier 2.0,

     -Stephen Sample
      Technical Support
      Lari Software Inc.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/electrifier-401.hqx; 3685K]


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 07:31:18 -0700
Subject: [*] BatMac StartupScreen Revised

Included is the BatMac StartupScreen revised. The last BatMac StartupScreen
worked fine but was submitted with the file name being in lower case and
this was causing some users confusion on its use. This version contains a
folder with the StartupScreen inside ready to be used without modifying the
file name.
Simply drop it in your system folder.

Jeff Miles

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/bat-mac.hqx; 124K]


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 08:47:50 -0700
Subject: [*] Bible Dictionary(5Versions)

Bible User Dictionary Modules for Common Word Processors:

Enclosed in this file are a series of Bible User Dictionary modules for
use with common word processors.

Modules are enclosed for Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Nisus, all Claris
programs, and a generic module (text-only) that can be imported into any
other program.

Five different Bible version modules are available for each of the above
word processors:

* The New American Standard Bible (NASB)
* The New International Version (NIV)
* The Revised Standard Version (RSV)
* The King James Version (KJV)
* The New King James Version (NKJV)

These different modules are needed because different Bible versions spell
certain words differently, especially in regard to proper names and
geographical locations. You can use the module (or modules) of the
version(s) you regularly use.

The NIV module has some 3300 unique words (that is, words that are not
found in normal spell checking programs). The KJV module has well over 5500
unique words. In each case, the modules should make spell-checking your
documents much simpler!

Consult your program manual for instructions on installing and/or
activating these modules.

PLEASE NOTE that there is a $5 shareware fee to cover the many, many hours
it took to construct these modules.

Please send your fee to:

Ron Rhodes
P.O. Box 80087
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688


I can be reached at the following e-mail address: <>.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/bible-dictionary-5.hqx; 485K]


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 08:47:57 -0700
Subject: [*] bob1.1.hqx

Bob vs The Aliens! You take control of secret agent Bob. Two years ago an
alien ship attacked earth. We defeated them. Now we hear that some aliens
survived and are building an advanced base underground on earth. You must
defeat the aliens with the help of technology we stole from them last time.
You have an energy gun, and a rather cool suit....

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/bob-11.hqx; 538K]


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 08:48:00 -0700
Subject: [*] Flex Processor 1.2

Flex Processor 1.2

Requires:  Mac II or better, Midi interface, Midi keyboard

The new version of Flex Processor includes event triggering that allows you
to play licks automatically by triggering them from selected notes on you

Flex Processor 1.2 is a gesture synthesizer.  It simulates interaction with
musical instruments by using a number of sophisticated methods to modify
pitch bend and other Midi controller data.  It is possible to play realistic
musical gestures or "licks" using standard control operators like joysticks
and wheels, or trigger licks automatically from selected notes on your
keyboard.  It has a modular programming architecture similar to that of a
tone synthesizer.  This is a fully operational demo that times out after 15
days or 20 launches.  Please read the manual Introduction before trying to
use the program.

Nick Longo

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/flex-processor-121.hqx; 1285K]


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 07:31:22 -0700
Subject: [*] Grand Ma Told Me' - Genealogy Tree Manager

Genealogy Tree Manager. Easy to use graphical interface, compact display
and hypertext navigation. US-english version (binary and manual). Exists
also in French ("Grand-M=E8re disait" - gtm-fr-218). MacOS 7.5.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/gtm-us-218.hqx; 275K]


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 07:31:24 -0700
Subject: [*] HerbRack

	Herb Rack

Herb Rack is a Hypercard stack program that describes 12 of your favorite
herbs with culinary tips and pictures.

* Select herb by clicking on name.

* Information will display when mouse moves over picture of herb.

* Click on picture to close.

Guten appetit!

Conrad Weiler

Conrad Weiler

[Archived as /info-mac/app/herb-rack-hc.hqx; 721K]


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 08:47:53 -0700
Subject: [*] Kaleidoscope Windows 95 Light 1.6 - Freeware

Version 1.6 of the popular Windows 95 color scheme adds compatibility to
the GoMac Windows 95-style taskbar, minor tweaks to windows and buttons,
Windows 95-style plus and minus signs for use in Finder list views, and
replacement alert icons.  You won't find a closer resemblance to the
Windows 95 GUI without buying a PC or Soft Windows!  The "Light" version
does not include any Finder icons.

Scott Naness
Staten Island, NY

Color Scheme Web Site:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/win95-16lt.hqx; 27K]


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 07:31:30 -0700
Subject: [*] MacDim 1.1 - small screensaver/dimmer

MacDim version 1.1

MacDim is a little, but beautiful screensaver. It takes almost no memory.
With MacDim screens that haven't been used for a while can be dimmed.
Monitors that supports power saving can also be turned off.

You may copy it freely, give it to your friends, put it on any CD-ROMs etc.

New in v1.1:
Several new features:
  - Program launching
  - Computer shut off
  - Secure password protection
- New design with multiple pages
- Fixed mouse pointer on PCI macs
- Fixed multiple screen bugs
- Added monitor sleep modes
- SMOOTHED dimming
- Fixed some gamma table related errors

Includes the Fireballs 1.0 module!
System requirements: System 7.0 or later, olor Quickdra
=46or more information, please visit our web-pages at:
Copyright =A9 1996-97 Ibrium HB
Andreas Rydh
Ibrium HB

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/mac-dim-11.hqx; 153K]


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 07:31:27 -0700
Subject: [*] Personal Directory 2.0

The Personal Directory stack provides you with a low cost, flexible way
to access, organize and print your personal database of names, addresses,
phone numbers and URLs.

* Automatically sorts single and multiple name entries.
* Categorize entries using one or more categories.
* Prints desk-size organizer sheets and mailing labels.
* Tracks birthdays and anniversaries.
* Context sensitive online help.
* Drag and drop information between fields (move or copy).
* Add new entries from other applications via point-and-click data entry.
* Add titles to names and contacts from pop-up lists.

* Categorize your entries using one or more categories.
* Copy or print entries based on categories or events.
* Specify which fields to copy or print within your entries.
* Enter free text notes.

* Click letter buttons to quickly access entries via pop-up lists.
* Select Goto in the Category menu to view entries by category.
* Use left and right arrow keys or arrow buttons to move ahead or back one
* Use up and down arrow keys to move ahead or back one letter.
* Use Find Text button to search for text.

* Automatically formats phone numbers.
* Autodial phone numbers.
* Add custom phone types.
* HyperCard or HyperCard Player 2.2 or later
* HC Memory Requirements: 2500K
* Color Macintosh
* Stuffit Expander 4.0.1 for decompression.

Tom Rydberg

[Archived as /info-mac/app/personal-directory-201-hc.hqx; 816K]


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 08:47:52 -0700
Subject: [*] siete10.sit

"Siete" is a Color Scheme for Kaleidoscope.  It's intent is to display
impressive graphics, but at the same time, not to overwhelm the user.  We
all know there's apoint where a scheme can have too much for the eye take
in, and the scheme becomes distracting.


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/siete.hqx; 40K]


Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 12:50:30 +0200
From: Matti Haveri <>
Subject: [a] Decode MIME-messages manually

> Klaus Schnathmeier <>
> from time to time I get mails with MIME-encoded characters (Umlauts),
> that had been received by a non-MIME capable email-client. Right now, I
> found no way to decode these messages to the normal Macintosh charset,
> while they are already on my desktop.

I guess that the mail client didn't decode quoted printable characters and
left the as =E4 etc.

AFAIK, the only way the decode QP text is to use Eudora and fool it to
check mail from your local harddisk. From the mac-internet-faq:


It is possible to let Eudora decode MIME, QP and attachments from
sendmail-like-files on your local HD (ftpd from the POP spool or unix
mail-directory, for example). To do that, you can suck the mail into Eudora
as if the mbox file is a POP spool. Just set your POP account in Eudora's
settings to: "!volume:directory:directory:filename" (replacing names
appropriately according to your HD's and its directories names) and Eudora
will receive the mail as if it came from a POP server (note that the
input-file's linebreaks must be in mac format and that its contents are
deleted in the process so make a copy of it before you try). This also
automatically breaks >32k messages into smaller chunks.

If you set the SMTP server to
"!volume!volume:directory:directory:!filename!0000" you can also test-post
to the local harddrive (every outgoing mail-file is stored in separate file
with names such as D.*00001, D.*00002 etc with accompanying log files
X.*00001, X.*00002 etc).

Q: I received Quoted Printable characters (in listserv messages etc) - how
can I decode them?
A: See above how to let Eudora get mail from your local harddrive. Add the
following headers (modified to your needs if necessary) to the QP-encoded
message(s) and check mail:


Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 14:53:56 +0200
From: Matti Haveri <>
Subject: [a] Decode MIME-messages manually

I'd like to add to my previous post that also YA-Base64 and Mpack decode
MIME or base64. If the headers are corrupted you may have to edit them with
a text editor.


Matti Haveri <>


Date: 10 Jun 1997 09:41:19 -0400
From: Art Werschulz <>
Subject: disk driver software and Norton Speed Disk


I have recently obtained Norton Utilities for Macintosh (version
3.5).  I am using a Mac Performa 5200CD, running System 7.5.5.
The only hard disk on the system is the one that came with it, an
Apple 800 meg hard drive.

Before running Norton Speed Disk, I have been advised to update the
SCSI Driver with the latest version of its formatting software.

I have been told to look at the various Apple download sites to see if
there is any newer version.  System 7.5.5 is the latest version of
System 7.5 (I'm probably not going to go to 7.6.x).  I didn't see any
standalone formatting software.

Is it safe for me to go ahead and optimize my hard drive?  Thanks.


Date: 10 Jun 1997 09:33:27 -0400
From: Art Werschulz <>
Subject: LaserWriter 8.4.1


I am using a Performa 5200CD, running System 7.5.5.  Said computer has
a built-in 15" display.  My printer is a LaserWriter Select 300.  I
have just upgraded to LaserWriter 8.4.1.

(1) PrintMonitor no longer seems to be around.  Is it only available
    through Desktop PrintMonitor, i.e., double-clicking the desktop

(2) I don't see 2-up and 4-up printing options available in the Page
    Setup.  Is there some other way of getting these?

(3) May I get rid of the PPD files for printers that I don't have?

(4) What is the point of ColorSync?  Since I don't have a color
    printer, can I trash same?  If I need it for some reason, can I
    trash all of the ColorSync Profiles except for the one that I
    really need?  If the latter is the case, may I assume that the
    only one I really need is "Apple Performa Display"?




End of Info-Mac Digest