Date: Sun,  9 Mar 97 22:25:02 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #58
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Info-Mac Digest             Sun,  9 Mar 97       Volume 15 : Issue 58

Today's Topics:

      [Q] Serial Speed 230
      Animated GIFs
      Boot disk problems>Solved
      Booting from a floppy using At Ease 4.0
      FreePP and Modem Speed
      Getting past At Ease without admin password (3 msgs)
      Hard drive info needed
      Here's a GX question
      Installing 7.5.5
      IOMEGA ALERT!!!!!!
      Iomega problems and solutions
      Kagi and Credit Card Theft
      More TechTool Stuff
      My preferences won't save!
      Need Advice on Upgrading/Replacing PowerBook 540
      Please include MIME info!!
      Reading PC Power Point file on a Mac
      Stumped over connectivity problems
      Symantec Comments
      System 7.6: Type 11 errors
      System 7.6 Thoughts
      System RAM Still Growing
      System software for Mac Plus

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Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 17:51:45 -0800
From: glaston <>
Subject: [Q] Serial Speed 230

Can anybody report experience with Serial Speed 230?
Specifically, I'm running a PowerWave 604/132 with 7.5.5, MacTCP,
OpenTransport 1.1.2 and a Motorola Bitsurfr Pro ISDN TA. My phone company
only provides 56K BRI which can bond to give me 112.
My question is: Will Serial Speed 230 do anything that I will notice?

-Mind how you go.


Date: 04 Mar 1997 13:11:59 -0500
From: Art Werschulz <>
Subject: Animated GIFs


Does anybody know of shareware or freeware for making animated GIFs?


Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 05:36:33 +0000
From: Ian Burt <>
Subject: Boot disk problems>Solved

Hello comrades,

In Info-Mac Digest V15 #56 I said that I was having problems booting from
my internal hard drive (IDE) since I had plugged in an external scsi drive.
I asked for advice. Fortunately I managed to solve the problem by digging
out from the closet a useful little app called  System-picker. It scans
your drives and looks for blessable Systems and gives you the choice for
reboot. Very neat. Mt.Everything couldn't seem to help, maybe because of my

So if you was thinking of sending advice or flames, the advice is
fortunately not now needed, the flames are not now wanted, but email is
always welcome and is usually answered.

Thanks anyway y'all,

Ian Burt

But you who walk facing the sun,what images drawn on the earth can hold you?


Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 20:52:06 +0000
From: blochmoeller <>
Subject: Booting from a floppy using At Ease 4.0

You can't use a boot floppy if you are using At Ease 4.0 and the
administrator already restricted that operation.  If this is the case,
you need a password that was published in the administrators guide.
(Presuming of course, that the administrator did not change that!)


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 14:46:52 -0600
From: "Bruce A. Bromberek" <>
Subject: FreePP and Modem Speed


I currently use FreePPP to connect to my university account.  My modem is a
GeoPort running w/ v3.0 of the geoport software.

My problem:  The university closed the 14.4 lines in favor of 28.8K+ lines.
Great I said.  Now when I connect the software negotiates and I'm at 26.4.
Good I say.  Then I try and do something, and find that at this high
connection speed, the Geoport has parasitically sucked too much processor
time.  So while I save up for a real modem and retire the geoport I would
like to force a connection at a lower speed but it is not obvious how to
with FreePPP.

My question:  How can I force FreePPP to connect at 14.4 when both modems
are capable of connecting at higher speeds.

Thanks in advance



Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 14:04:22 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Getting past At Ease without admin password

At 5:48 PM -0500 3/3/97, Miller, Mark (CC/ISD) wrote:
>What if the Disk has been locked by the administrator?

An AltaVista search just turned up at least two links to pages describing
in great detail how to get past At Ease's security, including a link to a
tool called "DisEase" which makes getting past At Ease a trivial exercise.

Anyone who relies on At Ease to provide serious security [I only use it to
keep my four-year-old from erasing her hard disk :)] should at the least be
aware that these methods and tools exist.

To avoid charges that I support this kind of thing, I won't post the URLs
here.  Using two well-chosen words from this message in your AltaVista
search will put the page right at the top of the list.



Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 16:05:36 -0500
From: "Miller, Mark (CC/ISD)" <>
Subject: Getting past At Ease without admin password

I'll tell ya, I did my darndest to enter in every key word and combination
of key words to get something to come up to the top of the list, and all I
kept getting was hacks for old AtEase versions.  Oh well, I guess I did it
wrong or something.  I don't like AtEase anyway.  You're right it is a
lousy excuse for administrative software.  And that, as they say, is that.

From:   Chaz Larson[]
Sent:   Tuesday, March 4, 1997 2:04 PM
Cc:     Miller, Mark (CC/ISD)
Subject:        Getting past At Ease without admin password

At 5:48 PM -0500 3/3/97, Miller, Mark (CC/ISD) wrote:
>What if the Disk has been locked by the administrator?

An AltaVista search just turned up at least two links to pages describing
in great detail how to get past At Ease's security, including a link to a
tool called "DisEase" which makes getting past At Ease a trivial exercise.

Anyone who relies on At Ease to provide serious security [I only use it to
keep my four-year-old from erasing her hard disk :)] should at the least
aware that these methods and tools exist.

To avoid charges that I support this kind of thing, I won't post the URLs
here.  Using two well-chosen words from this message in your AltaVista
search will put the page right at the top of the list.



Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 16:48:00 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Getting past At Ease without admin password

At 4:05 PM -0500 3/4/97, Miller, Mark (CC/ISD) wrote:
>I'll tell ya, I did my darndest to enter in every key word and combination
>of key words to get something to come up to the top of the list, and all I
>kept getting was hacks for old AtEase versions.  Oh well, I guess I did it
>wrong or something.  I don't like AtEase anyway.  You're right it is a
>lousy excuse for administrative software.  And that, as they say, is that.

Ah, well, information longs to be free!

I originally searched for "+disease +at;ease", and the first thing I found
was the MacHackFAQ, which lists a bunch of ways to get into At Ease [you're
right, 1.0 and 2.0; I didn't read it that closely at first] and also
includes a [broken] link to DisEase 3.0, which allows breaking into At Ease

If you search for "disease3", you'll find a bunch more broken links [almost
every one of these pages contains the same three links to the same three
missing copies of DisEase3.0], but you'll also find one that works, which
is in Japan.

I don't have At Ease 3.0 installed here at work, and so can't say anything
about how well it works, but it has a spiffy At Ease-style interface which
offers Password Decode, Finder Access, Null Password, Password Randomize,
and Password Editor buttons.

I suppose use of this tool would require that the target system allow a
user to run programs other than the preconfigured ones.  I have no idea
whether it would work if you booted the target system from another disk.



Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 19:13:55 +0000
From: "Bradford L. Fleming" <>
Subject: Hard drive info needed

I have a Performa 460 with 80 MB hard drive and would like to replace
this with a new/used/refubished internal hard drive 240 or greater up to
1.2 Gb. I am lost as to what type I,wide,ide 2.5",3.5"etc.
What is cost effective for this somewhat dated system?




Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 19:28:22 -0800
From: (Jon Froines)
Subject: Here's a GX question

Well, Quickdraw GX printing has always bugged me, but I dunno, it's
installed on my computer anyway.  So, I heard that Apple is going to dump
it in future system software updates fairly soon.  Just the motivation I
need to get rid of it and go back to Quickdraw.  Now, I'm a fairly well
versed Mac user and all, but I have a very big hole in my
knowledge/experience, and that's fonts.  I have no clue about fonts.  Type
1, PostScript, TrueType, whatever.  Haven't the foggiest.  So, one thing I
do know, is that when I startup with an extension set that doesn't include
the GX printing stuff, my system 7.5.5 gets all antsy about my having GX
fonts installed, and warns me about it.  So, could anyone either give me a
little info or point me to a site with some info about removing Quickdraw
GX and Quickdraw GX fonts and reverting back to whatever the latest version
of regular Quickdraw and normal fonts?  I mean, in my system folder, I have
4 font-related folders:  Fonts, Fonts (Disabled), Archived TT Fonts, and
*Archived Type 1 Fonts*.  (The "*" there is a bullet symbol)  Is there any
way to do this revert-o-rama operation without suddenly having only the few
fonts you get with the original system?  I can't even remeber where I got
all these fonts at this point, it would be impossible to re-collect them.
As always, any and all info is appreciated...

- JonYo (


Date: 4 Mar 1997 11:58:40 -0600
From: "Bohannon, Kim" <>
Subject: Installing 7.5.5

Dear IM,

I posted this message on 2/24/97 but don't recall seeing it in any of the =
digests, so I'm re-posting it.  If it did appear, and I just missed it, I =
apologize for the redundancy.

I have been trying to update to system 7.5.5, and just kept running into =
problems.  Here's the background:

Power Mac 6100/66 with DOS compatibility card (the original version, I =
don't know the number) - DOS card is turned off.
16 MB built-in RAM, virtual memory to 32 MB
System 7.5.3 (Update 2.0)

Every time I tried to install, it would get close to the end, and then it =
would give me a message saying it couldn't copy the system to my hard =
drive, and that I should delete the file and try again.  I have no idea =
what it's talking about.

I checked the Mac-Fixit web page and saw that others have had this error =
message too.  I tried their fixes but couldn't get anything to work. My =
7.5.3 Update 2.0 CD would not let me do a clean install.  The 7.5 CD =
wouldn't let me do a clean install.  But, I'm not very familiar with =
clean installs so I may not have done them right. Advice on clean =
installs or pointers to relevant web pages would be greatly appreciated. =
I also couldn't start-up from any of those CD's which was surprising.  I =
thought they were all start-up disks too.

I have about 30 MB free space on the hard drive, so there's enough room. =
I tried the install with only System 7.5.3 extensions on, and with all =
extensions off.  No Go.  Oh yes, I did run DIsk First Aid, several times, =
and no problems with my hard drive.  I know I'm supposed to update the =
hard disk drivers, but I couldn't figure out how to do that.

The installers I've tried are the 7.5.5 Update on the MacAdvocate 1997 =
CD, and copies from some other source (my network guy) on floppies.  And =
that's the extent of my Mac expertise. If you have any =
suggestions/recommendations/mantras that might help, I'd appreciate them. =
 I hope I provided enough info.  Thanks in advance.

Look ma, no sig!


Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 14:48:43 -0800
From: "Wayne D. Hobbs" <>
Subject: IOMEGA ALERT!!!!!!


I too, like you got tired of waiting for my rebate.  This was after
Iomega had sent me a letter say that my request was denied because the
deadline had expired.  In a PS on the same letter they exclaimed that
the deadline had been extended and to be sure and go buy more Iomega
"stuff".  Thats what got me.

After many calls to 800 numbers with automated answering and becoming
very frustrated at how well this company shielded themselves from the
public I was finally able to locate a phone number to their corporate HQ
in Utah.  It is not a free call, but I just called them today to inquire
about the free carrying case I have not yet recieved, and I can tell you
that you will get a real live person.  Here is the
number----801.778.1000.  Incidentally the Attorney General's office for
the state of Utah is doing an investigation on the problems Iomega is
having with their 'Hold Everything promotion.  I will be very interested
in how that turns out.

I hope this helps you out.  If you need more info I have some that I can
pass along.  Just email me and let me know.  In any event please let me
know if you get any 'satisfaction'.

Very truly yours,

W. Hobbs


Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 09:37:59 -0500
From: Frank Klukosky <>
Subject: Iomega problems and solutions

Here at the National Human Genome Research Institute in Bethesda, MD we
support about 500 Mac users. The majority of these users rely on their
Iomega Zip and Jaz Drives for storing huge ammounts of data. Recently we
have been troubleshooting Zip drives, Zip disks, Jaz drives and Jaz disks
for a variety of problems.

Zip drives have just died completely--no power at all. Zip disks will make
a constant clicking sound when inserted in the drive, not mount, and then
give the message "The disk could not be used because it cannot be found".
Jaz drives will refuse to mount any disk--they just spin continuously with
the orange light flashing. Jaz disks will make loud grinding noises when
inserted and never mount.

In the past 3 weeks I've had to RMA 5 Jaz drives, 1 Zip drive and 3 Jaz
disks so I think I have the technique down for getting their products
repaired/replaced. Back in the Fall of 1996, when I had to send my first
Jaz drive and disk back, I obtained a form called Document 101 from the
Iomega web site. This is their RMA request form. Just print out a form for
each drive and disk you need to send back. Fill out the forms, leaving the
line regarding Support Representative blank. If your product is under a
year old then leave the credit card lines blank too. Then fax the form to
801-774-1467. If you have the receipt showing when you either purchased or
received the product, then fax a copy of that along with the form.

Within 2 days you should get a response faxed back to you with an RMA# for
each product. Once you have an RMA# you can call their support number at
801-629-7630 with questions. They open at 8am MST and I only have to wait
on hold about 5-10 minutes when I call at that time. Pack up the items and
ship 'em out to the address on the RMA form BUT REMEMBER--drives get
shipped to their Santa Clara, CA repair center and disks/media get shipped
to their Clearfield, UT repair center. Make sure you send it by a shipping
method that has a tracking system like UPS or FedEx.

Repair time after Iomega receives the product is approximately 10 business
days and they will match your shipping method back to you.

Even though the user has to foot the bill for shipping the items back to
Iomega, this seems to be the only way to get their products repaired or

I hope this helps people out when problems with Iomega drives and disks arise.

Yours in service,
Frank Klukosky
Mac Support Specialist
National Institutes of Health

PS: This technique is a valid way of getting Iomega Bernoulli and Ditto
products RMA'd as well--they are listed on the RMA request form.

Frank A. Klukosky
Bldg 49, Rm 3A07
(301) 496-0303 Work
(301) 402-8260 Fax
(800) 931-2440 Voice mail


Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 09:12:00 +1100
From: (Alf van der Poorten)
Subject: Kagi and Credit Card Theft

A $10 shareware payment by me (for Kaleidoscope) on January 6 via Kagi led
to my credit card being charged twice for $10. As soon as I saw that on my
statement I e-wrote, on 27 January, to Kagi providing details and
requesting a correction/refund.  That was acknowledged by machine, twice,
with the assurance that a human being would soon deal with the matter.

I'm bitterly disappointed to be able to report that no action whatsoever
ensued. On receiving my next credit card statement, and seeing there was no
refund, I e-wrote again, on 25 February. That has only attracted a single
machine acknowledgement.

I have no doubt that the double charge was just an error. But the inability
or unwillingness of Kagi to correct that error promptly and visibly is
criminal. My loss of $10 is mildly irritating. The disappearance of my
trust in Kagi is very saddening. The theft of my time is infuriating.


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 14:53:10 -0500
Subject: More TechTool Stuff

>I'd appreciate it if you would fully explain what this is.  I don't know
>what the heck an out of date TT DNA resource file is.  I was attempting to
>run TT's System Analysis on a PowerBook 160 running basic System 7.5 (and
>remember, a brand new (clean) system file was installed).  The version of
>Tech Tool I was using was 1.1.2--a version that has come out *since 7.5.5*,
>and because I am running it on System 7.5, there should be NO out of date

Next time you run TechTool, just before hitting the Analize System button,
hold doen the <option> key, click on Analize, and release the key. Wait
till the System Damaged screen shows, wait some more, then it will show you
what resources in the system are "flagging" TechTool to make you get a
system damaged dialog. E-Mail me with what it says, and I will try to
figure out what exactly is causing that.

Semper Mac,
K Hubbard, Member - US MacMarines


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 10:38:41 -0800 (PST)
From: Antaeus Feldspar <>
Subject: My preferences won't save!

	Hello, Info-Macphiles!

	I'm having a strange and annoying problem.  I'm running System
7.5.3L, Revision 2, on a PowerCenter 150 with 16 Mb boosted to 40 with
RAM Doubler 2.  Two of the programs I use regularly are ClarisWorks
4.0v4, and Metrowerks' CodeWarrior Academic Pro 9.  (I have the update to
CW11, but I'm not going to update until I repartition my drive.)
	The problem I have is that I can't get my preferences for either
program to save.  This is in particular a problem for ClarisWorks, because
it means I can't turn off "Smart Quotes" except by turning it off in every
single document.  Blows monkey chunks trying to e-mail text documents.  In
CodeWarrior it's just a matter of using Monaco when I'd rather have MPW,
but in any case, I'm hoping someone out there can tell me:
	* Is it something in my system configuration that's keeping these
programs from remembering my preferences?  Or is it these two programs?
	* How do I fix it?

	e-mail at the below address is appreciated.

! -jc IS                               !
! "'Asa Nisi Masa!'  How strange!  But what does it mean?" !


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 12:28:04 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Need Advice on Upgrading/Replacing PowerBook 540

At 10:47 PM -0800 2/27/97, Mike Blackwell wrote:
>5. Upgrade the hard drive. The 340MB HD is okay, but as long as I have the
>   machine open, I might as well put in a gigabyte, assuming they make a
>   gig drive for the PB 500-series. I can't find any at my usual sources.

Production of 2.5" SCSI-interface drives has really fallen off.  Very few
manufacturers make them any more; I believe Toshiba and IBM are the last
ones.  Quantum lists no such devices on their website.

In any case, APS lists a 2.1Gb Internal drive for PowerBooks at $599.




Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 06:48:11 -0500
From: Keith E Gatling <>
Subject: Please include MIME info!!

Speaking of MIME info and Eudora 3.0, as long as you're putting the path to
the new files at the end of each message, and assuming that they can be
downloaded directly from the www, why not make the path a "live link" in the
form of (for AutoLog USA for example):; 139K]

  or; 139K]

or whatever is correct.

This way us Eudora users out there could just double-click on the link to get
the files.

[Yeah, we do want to do this... and we will... but the move to the new machine
is a much higher priority right now. -Gordon]


Date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 14:03:50 +1300
From: Ron Pui-Lung CHAN <>
Subject: Reading PC Power Point file on a Mac


I have received an E-Mail from a friend, who attached a file with the
E-Mail.  I am using a Power Mac while she is using a PC.  The file is
done in Microsoft PowerPoint.  I try to open it on Simple Text, but it
said it is too big for it to open.  I also try Claris Works, but it said
it cannot find the file "Text".  Would anyone please help me to sort it


Ron Chan


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 10:30:57 -0800
From: "Adam C. Engst" <>
Subject: Stumped over connectivity problems

At 12:56 AM -0500 3/1/97, wrote:
> mail and http work only to my ISP's
>server.  What I've done:
>* Trash and reconfigure MacTCP 2.06 (three times)

The fact that mail and http work to the local server indicates that you're
setting up MacTCP wrong. The DNS area should look like this:    x

Where you replace the IP number with your primary domain
name server's IP number and the IP number with your backup
domain name server's IP number. The x indicates the default button being

Also, when you trash MacTCP, make sure to trash MacTCP DNR in the System
Folder and MacTCP Prep in the Preferences folder along with the MacTCP
control panel or else you're not getting a clean reinstallation at all.

cheers... -Adam

Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor -- --
Info-Mac Moderator -- Apple Internet Users/Providers Assistant List Mom


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 20:59:51 -0500 (EST)
From: (Al Bloom)
Subject: Symantec Comments

I'm getting downright irrigated with Symantec.

I noted a week or so ago that I couldn't send an e-mail query to the good
folk at Symantec Tech Support any longer. And that I'd be consigned to hell
before I paid 900-line charges to contact them by voice. If for no other
reason than Goodwife Bloom would really look askance at any charges to
900-line numbers. I don't much blame her.

I've been having problems across the board since updating to SAM of the 4.5
persuasion. I've detailed one or two in this forum. If SAM and SoundMaster
are active, my Yale TN3270 terminal emulator refuses to recognize keyboard
or mouse input. Startup yields occasional death, with SAM being blamed for
an invalid instruction. Even telling SAM to *not* activate QuickScan yields
a bunch of QuickScan files on the PC cards for Leslye's new Kodak DC50
digital camera. After six of those puppies went onto a PC card, storage on
that card went from 27 high quality images to 25.

I said earlier that one initial problem with the DC50's software was a crash
followed by an invisible file named "groundhogday..." on the destination. I
was pretty sure "groundhogday" was a PC-only virus, but Leslye and the folk
at PixWorks suggested I check with Symantec. No flipping way to check. They
don't exist for e-mail purposes. Or phone. Unless I pay 900-line charges.

I have enough problems with Leslye's new DC50 camera. I don't need SAM
putting all manner of Quickscan files on each PC card and cutting down
on the number of pictures that can be stored. I got Virex.

I've apparently said a few naughty words about Symantec over recent weeks,
and I've heard a lot from my I-M colleagues who have had similar problems.
Those with problems are united in their responses. Yeah, we can do other
stuff in some cases -- Virex instead of SAM, Disk Express instead of Speed
Disk. But what can we do for the heavy stuff? Munged HD directory? If you
believe Apple's Disk First Aid is the answer, I suspect you also believe
in the Easter Bunny. Heck, NUM isn't that great. In the past six months
NUM has twice absolutely failed to even recognize a munged HD. My old
MacTools Pro (bought by Symantec and then flushed) fixed.

Oh Gawd! I had hoped that the other two Kodak DC50 cards weren't munged.
I just checked. Each has a SAM Quickscan file on it. I promise. SAM was
not active (but it did exist) when I got those two cards. Oh goody. The
good news is that (1) those SAM files don't kill my PB, and (2) Virex
didn't add anything untoward onto those cards.

I'm not feeling warm and fuzzy toward either Symantec or its products.

Al Bloom, Virginia Tech


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 97 15:24:01 -0600
From: Lanny Chambers <>
Subject: System 7.6: Type 11 errors

>I am constantly getting type 11 errors with the new system 7.6 on a
>powerbase 180. I am assuming it is some sort of compatibility issue with
>existing extensions. Here is the stuff I am running, has anyone else
>experienced any problems?:
>RamDoubler 2.0
>RamCharger (does this work at all??)
>Now Menus
>Now Boomerang

I've been using RAM Doubler 2 with 7.6 for three weeks now, and have not
seen a single Type 11 bomb. For that matter, each of the handful of
freezes I've had has happened while playing with beta software. I know
nothing about RamCharger, but I'd start by yanking anything with "Now" in
the filename. You're on your own with Speed Doubler, too.

Lanny Chambers ( St. Louis, USA
Visit the Hummingbird Page: <>


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 21:08:10 -0500 (EST)
From: (Al Bloom)
Subject: System 7.6 Thoughts

Some thoughts on my newly installed System 7.6:

1. NET INSTALL: Don't be as stupid as I am. Always a good recommendation,
but this time I was within a spit of making an ass of myself. My PB5300cs
have a CD-ROM drive, so I've taken to plugging the PB into the home ethernet,
putting a CD into one of our desktops with a CD-ROM drive, sharing the CD-ROM,
linking to it via Appleshare, and installing as if the CD-ROM actually were
connected to the PB. The 7.6 installer gave me a snot-nosed messsage saying
I had to first update AppleShare by copying it from the CD-ROM's "utilities"
folder to my system folder. OK, I opened utilities. No AppleShare. Oh good.
Time to call 1-800-SOS-APPL. Hoo boy am I glad I was on hold forever. It
eventually occurred to me there might be more files in utilities than it
was showing. Yup, there were. Yup, one was AppleShare. I hung up real quick.

2. BOOT FLOPPIES: As I predicted when I got the 7.5.3 "unity" CD-ROM, it
wouldn't be long before certain utilities wouldn't fit on a boot floppy.
Sure nuff. The 7.6 System Tools floppy for any 68k Mac has no prayer of
holding Norton Utilities of the 3.2.4 persuasion. If I flush everything
but System, the floppy has 508k free. NUM 3.2.4 Disk Doctor is 644k. Yes,
I can spell blivit. The 7.6 any-PPC System Tools floppy has 694k free if
it only has System on it. Norton'll still work on the 7.6 PPC boot floppy.

Is anyone else quite as mad at Apple as I am about its at best lukewarm
support of those of us who own 68k Macs?

The relatively overweight System file on boot floppies has been going on
since 7.5.3, and I object. It was a nuisance for 7.5.3, but it kills on
the new 7.6 system.

3. SEMI-UNIVERSAL CD-ROM DRIVER. The new Apple CD-ROM driver is supposed
to work with "most" third-party CD-ROM drives. As Ric Ford says in the new
MacWeek, it might not give all the features of other-vendor drivers, so
don't toss what you have. My experience: It doesn't do naughtyword with
my NEC CDR 72/73 drives. Ah the joys of being an early adopter. Neither
Apple nor anyone else gives a rip about us. 'Cept, of course, to have
taken our money at the time. If your 7.6 boot floppy doesn't see your
CD-ROM drive, flush Apple's CD-ROM extension after the 7.6 installation.

Al Bloom, Virginia Tech


Date: 4 Mar 1997 12:04:18 -0600
From: "Bohannon, Kim" <>
Subject: System RAM Still Growing


I posted this problem some time ago, but it has popped up again, and I =
still haven't figured it out.  I saw another post with this problem in =
Digest 57 (I think) so at least I'm not the only one.

My System RAM is increasing throughout the day, for no apparent reason.  =
It starts at 7-8 MB, normal, and gets up to 12MB or so.  It would =
probably go higher, but performance is so slow at 12 MBs, that I check =
the About the Mac box, and then restart.  Restarting does re-set the RAM =
to 7-8 MBs, but it takes forever on my machine.  I don't mind shutting =
down at night, but I hate to have to restart several times during the =
day.  Any help you have would be greatly appreciated.  Here are my system =

Power Mac 6100/66 with DOS compatibility card (the original version, I =
don't know the number) - DOS card is turned off.
16 MB built-in RAM, virtual memory to 32 MB
System 7.5.3 (Update 2.0)
various extensions, but no Speed Doubler or RAM Doubler.

Look ma, no sig!


Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 21:42:46 -0600
From: Jerry KLinkosh <>
Subject: System software for Mac Plus

To Whome it may concern,

I would like to know what is available for the Mac Plus.
Looking for operating systems 6.0 or 6.8. for the Mac Plus.
Also any educational software, math, reading, and spelling.





End of Info-Mac Digest