Date: Sun,  5 Jan 97 22:50:07 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #3
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest"


Info-Mac Digest             Sun,  5 Jan 97       Volume 15 : Issue 3

Today's Topics:

      [*] AudioCDgh 1.1.2
      [*] Bone Appetit
      [*] ChordBook Lite v1.2
      [*] ChordBook v1.6 An Interactive Chord Book for Guitar
      [*] Coffee Timer 1.0.2J FAT (Japanese version)
      [*] CoplandCursor Chooser 0.7.0
      [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 030
      [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 031
      [*] Dialog ItemID Guide 1.0 - shows the ID for all items in a dialo
      [*]  DivideBy 4.3 (2 msgs)
      [*] E-News 96.12
      [*] Fast Draw 1.0
      [*]  Feo's Icons vol. 1 - a range of useful icons
      [*]  Feo's Icons vol. 2 - various icons
      [*] HTML ColorChooser
      [*]  InteractiveTeacherDutch
      [*] Kaleidoscope for Laymen 1.2
      [*]  Keep Out! v1.1
      [*] Kiss*311 Application
      [*] Macpql
      [*] Mando! Lite v1.2
      [*] Mando! v1.6 -- An Interactive Chord Book for Mandolin
      [*] NameCleaner 1.5.5
      [*] Natural Order 1.1
      [*]  New Menu 1.0b3
      [*] NoDesktopCleanup 1.3J (Japanese version)
      [*] OpenStack 1.1.1 US Pkg
      [*]  PowerCalc 2.0.1 (2 msgs)
      [*]  Shiva's 3D Icons vol.1
      [*] Shutdown Delay 2.4J (Japanese version)
      [*] SimpleText Color Menu 2.2J (Japanese version)
      [*] Stylin Buttons
      [*] Styln Buttons
      [*] Superman
      [*] Tenor v1.51 - An Interactive Chord Book for Tenor Banjo/Guitar
      [*] THE BLOCK 1.5.4 (security utility)
      [*] Verbs&Nouns 1.2.6 - language teaching program
      [*] Verifile 1.3J FAT (Japanese version)
      [*] Volume FKEY 1.1.1
      [*] WebOutliner 1.0.1 demo (HOTSAUCE, HTML, PROJECTX, BOOKMARKS)
      [*] Wolf Carnage Tour 2.0
      [*]  WordQuiz
      [*] WPMac News 10/96

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Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
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Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:08 -0800
From: (Glenn R. Howes)
Subject: [*] AudioCDgh 1.1.2

Generally Helpful Software presents: AudioCDgh 1.1.2
cost: free
author: Glenn R. Howes
requires: System 7, A CD ROM drive, AppleScript

AudioCDgh is an AppleScript extension (osax), which allows
scripts to be written which control and give information
about audio CD playback.

Changes: works around conflict with OT/PPP extension,
fixes bugs in getting track names.

--glenn (

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/audio-cd-gh-112-osax.hqx; 31K]


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:52:14 -0600
Subject: [*] Bone Appetit

Bone Appetit (Bone.sit.hqx)
Shareware: $12
Author: LittleFingers Software
System requirements: Any Mac running system 7+, 4 MB RAM, minimum 14" color

As proprietor of the Bone Appetit bone shop, you'll buy and sell bones to
your canine customers while learning the art of making correct change.
Don't let your inventory run dry or your customers will get grouchy!

This full-color interactive application program includes 4 levels of
difficulty ranging from making change of $1 to making change of $20.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/bone-appetit.hqx; 754K]


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:52:01 -0600
From: (DRS Digtial Image & Sound, Inc.)
Subject: [*] ChordBook Lite v1.2

ChordBook Lite v1.2 -- A Chord Lookup System for Guitar

ChordBook Lite v1.2 provides chord lookup for guitar in standard tuning. 23
chord types are supported with 3 or 4 different fingerings each, depending
upon the chord. To plot a chord diagram, select the root of the chord from
the Root menu, and the type of the chord from the Type menu. Then, diagram
it with the Form 0,1,2,3 buttons from the tool bar.

Form 0 chords are available for Major, Minor, Major 7th, and Dominant 7th
chord forms and are generally the open or common forms of the chord. Form 1
chords generally have the root on the 6th string. Form 2 chords generally
have the root on the 5th string, and Form 3 chords generally have the root
on the 2nd and/or 5th string.

Once the chords are diagramed, you can hear them via Apple's Quicktime
Musical Instruments system extension.

This function requires a Macintosh with System 7.1 or higher and a 68020,
68030, 68040, or PowerPC processor and the QuickTime Musical Instruments
system extension.

A mandolin version is also available.

Shareware fee: $10.
Contact info: DRS Digital Image & Sound, Inc.
P.O. Box 88622
Sioux Falls, SD 57109-1004

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/chord-book-lite-12.hqx; 142K]


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:52:00 -0600
From: (DRS Digtial Image & Sound, Inc.)
Subject: [*] ChordBook v1.6 An Interactive Chord Book for Guitar

ChordBook v1.6 -- An Interactive Chord Book for Guitar -- Fat Binary

This function is distributed as a Fat Binary--that is, this function runs
on both 68k based Mac's and native on PPC based Mac's.

ChordBook v1.6 provides chord lookup for guitar in standard tuning, and
additional chord processing for 39 non-standard guitar tunings. In the
standard tuning library, 23 chord types are supported with 3 or 4 different
fingerings each, depending upon the chord. To plot a chord diagram, select
the root of the chord from the Root menu, and the type of the chord from
the Type menu. Then, diagram it with the Form 0,1,2,3 buttons from the tool
bar. Non-standard tunings do not contain these built-in chords, but full
use of the Neck Window functions are supported (see below).

In standard tuning, Form 0 chords are available for Major, Minor, Major
7th, and Dominant 7th chord forms and are generally the open or common
forms of the chord. Form 1 chords generally have the root on the 6th
string. Form 2 chords generally have the root on the 5th string, and Form 3
chords generally have the root on the 2nd and/or 5th string.

The Neck Window provides additional chord lookup functions. This window
allows the browsing of chord fingerings over the neck and has a
Name-that-Chord function which recognizes 62 different chord types in
standard and non-standard tunings. These user-created chord voicings may
then be diagramed in the chord editor window.

This function requires either a 68k-based Macintosh with System 7.1 or
higher and a 68020, 68030, 68040, or a Power Macintosh with System 7.5 or
higher. A color monitor with at least 400 lines is highly recommended.
QuickTime with the QuickTime Musical Instruments extension is required for
sound output.

A Mandolin version and a Tenor Banjo/Guitar version are also available.

Software fee: $25.00
Contact info: DRS Digital Image & Sound, Inc.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/chord-book-16.hqx; 412K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 16:27:34 -0600
From: (Haruka ISHI)
Subject: [*] Coffee Timer 1.0.2J FAT (Japanese version)

Coffee Timer 1.0.2J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi Montalcini's


* The Coffee Timer is a very simple countdown timer with a loud alarm and a
couple of other useful options.

* For those of you who need more flexibility in their timer, the Coffee
Timer allows a KeyQuencer macro to be run when the timer times out. This
lets you instruct your Mac to do pretty much anything at alarm time. The
Coffee Timer works with KeyQuencer 1.2.x, KeyQuencer Lite 2.0, and
KeyQuencer 2.0.

* Quite obviously, the Coffee Timer is not limited to your daily coffee
break. You can use it to remind yourself of anything that must happen in
the near future... filling the
bath tub? taking a short sleep? delaying a fax? Just launch the Coffee
Timer and let it help your memory and your watch.

* You may even put an alias to Coffee Timer in your Startup Items folder to
prevent yourself from sitting in front of your Mac for long periods of
time. All you have to do is take a break every time the timer starts
bugging you...

New in version 1.0.2:
- Added an option to automatically switch to background upon launch.

This is $10 shareware. Have fun and support Alex.

Haruka Ishi
Dec 12, 1996

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/coffee-timer-102-jp.hqx; 115K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:25 -0800
From: (Keith & Casey Gugliotto)
Subject: [*] CoplandCursor Chooser 0.7.0

CoplandCursor Chooser is an interface to Tom Maloney's CoplandCursor
extension, allowing the  user to chooser from the 18 cursors included
with CoplandCursor.


	PowerMac or clone
	256+ colors
	512K+ RAM

Changes since 0.6:

	New interface graphics, better memory management, smaller RAM
footprint, etc.

This software may be included on any CD provided the CD is distributed
at cost + reasonable handling charges.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/copland-cursor-chooser-070.hqx; 19K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:21 -0800
Subject: [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 030

C.S.M.P. Digest             Sat, 21 Dec 96       Volume 4 : Issue 30

Today's Topics:

	A better way to get a window's current position??
	Alpha Editor - Tcl Engine?
	AppleEvent-Script example
	AppleScript "character count"
	GameWerks question
	Getting a unique ID for a Mac
	Getting name field from an FSSpec
	Is this a MacOS disk cache bug?
	LEX and YACC on the Mac
	MacsBug - Memory
	Open Tranport: Why no T_CONNECT signal?
	PBHGetVInfo return the wrong number of items in a root directory?
	Put file without Dialog Box
	Question about "The Debugger"
	QuickTime Musical Instruments?
	Screen Redrawing Command Wanted
	Sound Input Manager
	SpriteWorld 2
	Symantec C++ fstreams write unreadable files
	Unlocking a Volume
	Utility pattern?
	[Q] C++ and handles
	[Q] Convert double to string in C. How?
	[Q] Rebooting from MacsBug
	[Q] Setting the cursor location?
	[Q] Time of last key down?
	[Q] disposing handles to structs
	[Q] library-class library for easier MacOS programming?
	[Q]:  Patching _Launch?
	[Q]: recovering mac stuffit archive with NDD 3.1 ?
	code for Async File Output

The Comp.Sys.Mac.Programmer Digest is moderated by Mark Aiken

[Archived as /info-mac/per/csmp/csmp-digest-v4-030.hqx; 57K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:23 -0800
Subject: [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 031

C.S.M.P. Digest             Thu, 02 Jan 97       Volume 4 : Issue 31

Today's Topics:

	Best way to support music?
	Codewarrior vs. Symantec C++
	Debugging an INIT, how ?
	DirectX on the Mac??
	Easy way Pict -> Rgn or Mask?
	FSpCreate Questions.
	FatComponent for a QT DataHandler
	Get selected files on Finder.
	Help with GetKeys();
	How to find dirID of my application?
	How to get one file at a time in a Mac directory
	Launch app with arg
	Launching a program
	Launching application by signature
	PPC ExitToShell Patch?
	RPC for Macintosh
	Shutdown utility for mac
	[Q] Bringing my application to front
	[Q] Fading in Thousands
	[Q] Playing QT Movies Backwards?
	[Q] Show-Hide menubar with QuickTime??
	[Q] Suspended or Hidden: How do I tell?
	[Q] Useful error messages?

The Comp.Sys.Mac.Programmer Digest is moderated by Mark Aiken

[Archived as /info-mac/per/csmp/csmp-digest-v4-031.hqx; 53K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 16:27:31 -0600
From: (Ivan Gobbo)
Subject: [*] Dialog ItemID Guide 1.0 - shows the ID for all items in a dialo

Dialog ItemID Guide shows the ID for all items in a dialog box. Dialog
ItemID Guide works with Apple Guide extension version 2.0.2 or higher. For
more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed.


Ivan Gobbo

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/dialog-item-id-guide-10.hqx; 54K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:01 -0600
From: (Stuart Lawson)
Subject: [*]  DivideBy 4.3

DivideBy 4.3 takes the selected picture box of an open Quark Document and
uses its coordinates to lay down guides that divide the area into equal
columns or rows - w/ or w/out gutters.Set Columns creates master column
settings directly in the open Quark page. This application's "flot"
resource has been modified so that it will appear as a floating tool
palette in QuarkXpress 3.3.
*requires AppleScript 1.1 and QuarkXpress

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/divide-by-43.hqx; 361K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:10 -0800
From: (Stuart Lawson)
Subject: [*] DivideBy 4.3

DivideBy 4.3 takes the selected picture box of an open Quark Document
and uses its coordinates to lay down guides that divide the area into
equal columns or rows - w/ or w/out gutters.Set Columns creates master
column settings directly in the open Quark page. This application's
"flot" resource has been modified so that it will appear as a floating
tool palette in QuarkXpress 3.3.
*requires AppleScript 1.1 and QuarkXpress

[Archived as /info-mac/text/qark/divide-by-43.hqx; 362K]


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:51:55 -0600
From: (Corbett Enders)
Subject: [*] E-News 96.12


A FREE electronic newsletter by Corbett Enders & Chris Stevens, co-editors.

In This Issue
* Not Reachable Online
* Millard's Mac Musings
- A Note on last month's column
- A Newton For Wellington
- UnZIP'ed
- RAM Doubler 2.0
- Web Musing
* The Techno File
- Open Transport
* Photoshop Tips
* The IAQ File
- Who Needs FM Pro When There is Claris Works?
* PowerCenter 150
* Ways of Promoting a Creative Mindset Using E-Mail
* Letters to the Editors

Apples BC E-News is the Official Electronic Newsletter of the Apples BC
Computer Society.

We are proud to offer you an electronic version which is similar to our
'paper' newsletter which only our Membership receives. You too can become a
member of Apples BC Computer Society. See the details inside E-News.

E-News is created with DocMaker, and requires no 'viewer' software as it is
a self running application for the Mac. Colour graphics and interesting
articles will hopefully inspire other contributors.

The attached file is a Stuffit archive. You will need Stuffit Expander or
another Stuffit compression utility to extract it.

If you'd like to receive E-News on a monthly basis, we can deliver it right
you your mailbox.
Internet: send your request to

E-News may be uploaded to ANY on-line system.

[Archived as /info-mac/per/bce/apples-bc-e-news-96-12.hqx; 440K]


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:52:05 -0600
From: (Jeff Quade)
Subject: [*] Fast Draw 1.0

Fast Draw - A full featured paint program. Program written by Quade
Publishing (Jeff Quade).

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/fast-draw.hqx; 85K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:13 -0600
From: (Rev. Feorag NicBhride)
Subject: [*]  Feo's Icons vol. 1 - a range of useful icons

Feo`s Icons vol. 1 contains a range of icons including designs for
application folders, floppies and themed 'sets' of icons. The icons are
freeware and it is okay to include them on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/feos-icons-1.hqx; 342K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:14 -0600
From: (Rev. Feorag NicBhride)
Subject: [*]  Feo's Icons vol. 2 - various icons

Feo's Icons vol. 2 is a range of useful icons for floppy disks and folders,
plus a few balls, pyramids and generic thingies. The icons are freeware and
okay to include on the Info Mac CD-ROM.


[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/feos-icons-2.hqx; 365K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:12 -0800
From: (Rene Brouwer)
Subject: [*] HTML ColorChooser

HTML ColorChooser is a simple freeware HTML application intended to take
the pain out of web color selection. With HTML ColorChooser you can quickly
judge 140 text colors over 140 background colors, giving you an awesome
19600 possible combinations at the tip of your mouse. Requires a HTML
browser that recognizes frames, tables and JavaScript. HTML ColorChooser
was tested using Netscape Navigator 3.0.

>Made the data structure a little more elegant
>Lost a few K's
>Better version information in the info-window


Rene Brouwer

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/html-color-chooser-09.hqx; 15K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:08 -0600
From: (Viviane Beullens)
Subject: [*]  InteractiveTeacherDutch

Included is a document and an application to learn Dutch.

Viviane Beullens

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/interactive-teacher-dutch.hqx; 232K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:28 -0800
From: (Lloyd Wood)
Subject: [*] Kaleidoscope for Laymen 1.2

Kaleidoscope for Laymen is a standalone Pageboy hypertext document
that comprehensively explains the details of modifying Kaleidoscope
color schemes to suit your tastes with ResEdit. If you use
Kaleidoscope but you're not quite happy with a scheme or want to
create your own 'look', this is the tutorial you need.

A COL# template for ResEdit is also included.

This guide is by Adam Florin <>. Up-to-date copies can
be found at <URL:>

This should be put in the user interface directory with other
Kaleidoscope material - fiddling with ResEdit isn't _quite_

For more color schemes and information on them, see The Kaleidoscope
Way, at:


and become enlightened.



[Archived as /info-mac/gui/kaleidoscope-for-laymen-12.hqx; 189K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:12 -0600
From: (Stuart Snaddon)
Subject: [*]  Keep Out! v1.1

Keep Out! is a simple protection program for the mac, it simply prompts for
a username and password on each startup of the computer. Only 'registered'
users are allowed access to the Finder.

The protection offerred is enough to deter all but the most experienced
resedit hackers, and is achieved completely without use of

More comprehensive documentation is available within the package.

Stuart Snaddon

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/keep-out-11.hqx; 80K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 16:27:26 -0600
From: (Jeff LaMarche, LaMarche Design)
Subject: [*] Kiss*311 Application

This is a little utility that will edit a French Kiss data file to allow
you to move props that the author has put a lock-down on. It saves a lot of
tedious manual searching and changing on data files that are
unnececessarily locked up, and allows you to use the full range of props.


[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/kiss-311.hqx; 97K]


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:52:26 -0600
From: (Dietmar Grabowski)
Subject: [*] Macpql

Macpql is a is a subset of the sql-syntax for database-manipulation. Macpql
is a port of the pql-package written by Bjoern Lemke to the macintosh. I
think Macpql is cool for learning sql. I have tested Macpql with 60.000
database-entrys. Power-PC only, Source-Code available on request.

Dietmar Grabowski

[Archived as /info-mac/data/macpql.hqx; 182K]


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:52:03 -0600
From: (DRS Digtial Image & Sound, Inc.)
Subject: [*] Mando! Lite v1.2

Mando! Lite v1.2 -- A Chord Lookup System for Mandolin

Mando! Lite v1.2 provides chord lookup for Mandolin in standard tuning. 17
chord types are supported with 3 or 4 different fingerings each, depending
upon the chord. To plot a chord diagram, select the root of the chord from
the Root menu, and the type of the chord from the Type menu. Then, diagram
it with the Form 0,1,2,3 buttons from the tool bar.

Form 0 chords are available for Major, Minor, and Dominant 7th chord forms
and are generally the open or common forms of the chord. Form 1 chords
generally have the root on the 4th string. Form 2 chords generally have the
root on the 3th string, and Form 3 chords generally have the root on the
2nd string.

Once the chords are diagramed, you can hear them via Apple's Quicktime
Musical Instruments system extension.

This function requires a Macintosh with System 7.1 or higher and a 68020,
68030, 68040, or PowerPC processor and the QuickTime Musical Instruments
system extension.

A guitar version is also available.

Shareware fee: $10.
Contact info: DRS Digital Image & Sound, Inc.
P.O. Box 88622
Sioux Falls, SD 57109-1004

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/mando-lite-12.hqx; 135K]


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:52:02 -0600
From: (DRS Digtial Image & Sound, Inc.)
Subject: [*] Mando! v1.6 -- An Interactive Chord Book for Mandolin

Mando! v1.6 -- An Interactive Chord Book for Mandolin -- Fat Binary

This function is distributed as a Fat Binary--that is, this function runs
on both 68k based Mac's and native on PPC based Mac's.

Mando! v1.6 provides chord look up for Mandolin, Mandola, and Octave
Mandolin in standard tuning, and additional chord processing for 4 other
mandolin tunings. In the standard tuning library, 17 chord types are
supported with 3 or 4 different fingerings each, depending upon the chord.
To plot a chord diagram, select the root of the chord from the Root menu,
and the type of the chord from the Type menu. Then, diagram it with the
Form 0,1,2,3 buttons from the tool bar. Non-standard tunings do not contain
these built-in chords, but full use of the Neck Window functions are
supported (see below).

In standard tuning, Form 0 chords are available for Major, Minor, and
Dominant 7th chord forms and are generally the open or common forms of the
chord. Form 1 chords generally have the root on the 4th string. Form 2
chords generally have the root on the 3th string, and Form 3 chords
generally have the root on the 2nd string.

The Neck Window view provides additional chord lookup functions. This
window allows the browsing of chord fingerings over the neck and has a
Name-that-Chord function which recognizes 40 different chords in standard
and non-standard tunings. These user-created chord voicings may then be
diagramed in the chord editor window.

This function requires either a 68k-based Macintosh with System 7.1 or
higher and a 68020, 68030, 68040, or a Power Macintosh with System 7.5 or
higher. A color monitor with at least 400 lines is highly recommended.
QuickTime with the QuickTime Musical Instruments extension is required for
sound output.

Guitar and Tenor Banjo/Guitar versions are also available.

Software fee: $25.00
Contact info: DRS Digital Image & Sound, Inc.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/mando-16.hqx; 411K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:03 -0800
From: (Gideon Greenspan)
Subject: [*] NameCleaner 1.5.5

NameCleaner is a utility to manipulate file names. It's purpose is to:

* Give files with DOS extensions Mac Type/Creator codes and suffixes.
* Remove non-viewable characters, "smart"en quotes, and pad punctuations.
* Capitalise words of different lengths, and apply a dictionary.
* Find and replace any definable phrase with a corresponding phrase.
* Append file information (size, date, type) with a dictionary for types.
* Filter Mac names for MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows95, NetWare and others.
* Give files with definable Types corresponding DOS/Windows Extensions.
* Automatically resolve clashing duplicate file names arising.

* Specially designed to help move files to and from foreign file systems
  such as MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows95, Windows NT, NetWare and Unix.

Version 1.5.5 improvements
* Added Report Saving where report can be saved as a text file.
* Improved dictionary routines and sort order for many affected Cleaners.
* Added Chart with instructions on moving files from PC to Mac and back.

NameCleaner is shareware, needs System 7, is 7.5 savvy and PowerPC native.
(c) Gideon Greenspan -- 15th December 1996 --

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/name-cleaner-155.hqx; 216K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:06:52 -0800
From: cheshire@DSG.Stanford.EDU (Stuart Cheshire)
Subject: [*] Natural Order 1.1

Natural Order is a System Extension that improves the sorting order
that your Macintosh uses when it displays lists of items, like when
you select "View by Name" in the Finder.

With Natural Order, the files "File5, File10, File15, File20" would
list in that order, instead of the System's standard order, which
(believe it or not) is "File10, File15, File20, File5".

Changes in version 1.1: Natural Order now ignores leading spaces
on numbers, and items starting with spaces sort before everything.
(Some people put spaces at the start of names to force them to the
top of lists.)

Stuart Cheshire <>
 * <A HREF="http://ResComp.Stanford.EDU/~cheshire/">World Wide Web Page</A>
 * Stanford Operating Systems and Networking Group Research Assistant
 * Stanford Residential Computing Associate
 * Macintosh Programmer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/natural-order-11.hqx; 10K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:10 -0600
From: (Tim Hatcher a.k.a. Burn)
Subject: [*]  New Menu 1.0b3

New Menu 1.0b3

New Menu adds a hierarchical menu to your Finder's New Folder menu choice.
The Installer creates a folder named "New Documents" in your system folder,
and any files in that folder will appear on that hierarchical menu. These
files should be various new documents for your various applications.

When you select one of those file names, New Menu copies that file into
your Finder's window (whereever the Finders New Folder would have created
the folder). It's a copy, so you can open and modify it without changing
your "blank" document in the "New Documents" folder. Also the System Beep
at startup is when the INIT loads and if any one can disable this I will
make them the co author.

New Menu requires system 7 (although it's only been tested on 7.5.5). It
may not work on older systems (But let me know if it will work) .

You can get any support on it, But It's completely UNGUARANTEED for it may
crash your computer. Feel free to send suggestions or complaints to me at .

Tim Hatcher
Main Net, Inc.
System Operator

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/new-menu.hqx; 123K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 16:27:24 -0600
From: (Haruka ISHI)
Subject: [*] NoDesktopCleanup 1.3J (Japanese version)

NoDesktopCleanup 1.3J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi
Montalcini's original.

* NoDesktopCleanup is a cool control panel that lets you add a confirmation
dialog or a KeyQuencer macro to any menu item in any application. The
unusual name comes from the original task I wrote this control panel for:
disabling the annoying "Clean Up Desktop" and "Clean Up All" menu items in
the Finder, which often make one's life miserable by moving all the icons
on the desktop away from their carefully chosen locations.

New in version 1.3:
- Added support for running KeyQuencer macros.

This is $10 shareware. Have fun and support Alex.

Haruka Ishi
Dec 12, 1996

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/no-desktop-cleanup-13-jp.hqx; 53K]


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:52:25 -0600
From: (Harry Alloul)
Subject: [*] OpenStack 1.1.1 US Pkg

* OpenStack 1.1.1 US Pkg **

OpenStack is a Multimedia Extension System for HyperCard and HyperCard
Player. A taste of HyperCard 3.0. Install OpenStack and adds the drag and
drop to HyperCard 2.2 or above (or the player).

OpenStack requires at least System 7.5 (also 7.1 with Drag And Drop
installed) to run and a 2.5 Mo minimum RAM allocation to HyperCard (or
HyperCard Player).

OpenStack supports the following Apple technologies:

- Apple Guide (System 7.5 at least)
- Macintosh Drag and Drop
- Open Scripting Architecture (AppleScript, Frontier, _)
- QuickTime
- QuickTime VR
- QuickDraw 3D (System 7.5 or above and PowerMac only) - Balloons help
- HyperTalk (HyperTalk scripts can be included directly in your object)
- AddColor / Color Tools
(provided with the full version of HyperCard - OpenStack enhances the Color
tools with its own Color Library - QuickColor) - ...

Please email any comments or inquiries to: <
(Harry Alloul)>

 --------- URLs -----------------------

Here is an URL for finding OpenStack on ftp sites :

OpenStack 1.1.1 Copyrights 1994-1996 by Harry Alloul - All Rights Reserved.
All informations in this mail are subject to change without notice. All
trade-marks are registered.

Harry Alloul
Objective Software
OpenStack WEB:

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/openstack-111.hqx; 1615K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:12:55 -0600
From: (Marco Damaschi)
Subject: [*]  PowerCalc 2.0.1

MaBaSoft PowerCalc is the ultimate RPN calculator for the Macintosh.
PowerCalc is:

* a versatile calculation tool, providing more than 140 mathematical
functions ranging from scientific to logical calculation, from matrix
algebra to statistics, from complex to rational calculation.

* a powerful tool for performing conversions: its Conversions module offers
you more than 600 units belonging to 57 different physical quantities. You
need more? PowerCalc enables you to add and edit physical units and to
define special-purpose custom conversions.

* a comprehensive library of more than 200 high-precision physical
constants, expressed in SI units, CGS units and in English units. PowerCalc
constants can be edited, to.

* an easy-to-use tool, because it provides an extensive Balloon Help, a
detailed Online Help with pictures, examples, formulas etc. and a Quick
Reference Card for functions (a printed User's Guide is also available).

Try MaBaSoft PowerCalc: you won't be able to do without it!

Version 2.1.0 - December 1996
System requirements: Mac Plus or better with System 7.0 or higher.
Copyright =A9 1996 - MaBaSoft, Italy - All rights reserved.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/power-calc-201.hqx; 448K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:17 -0800
From: (Marco Damaschi)
Subject: [*] PowerCalc 2.0.1

MaBaSoft PowerCalc is the ultimate RPN calculator for the Macintosh.
PowerCalc is:

* a versatile calculation tool, providing more than 140 mathematical
functions ranging from scientific to logical calculation, from matrix
algebra to statistics, from complex to rational calculation.

* a powerful tool for performing conversions: its Conversions module offers
you more than 600 units belonging to 57 different physical quantities. You
need more? PowerCalc enables you to add and edit physical units and to
define special-purpose custom conversions.

* a comprehensive library of more than 200 high-precision physical
constants, expressed in SI units, CGS units and in English units. PowerCalc
constants can be edited, to.

* an easy-to-use tool, because it provides an extensive Balloon Help, a
detailed Online Help with pictures, examples, formulas etc. and a Quick
Reference Card for functions (a printed User's Guide is also available).

Try MaBaSoft PowerCalc: you won't be able to do without it!

Version 2.1.0 - December 1996
System requirements: Mac Plus or better with System 7.0 or higher.
Copyright =A9 1996 - MaBaSoft, Italy - All rights reserved.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/power-calc-201.hqx; 450K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:16 -0600
From: (Shiva)
Subject: [*]  Shiva's 3D Icons vol.1

*The Story*
In a cold and stormy night, in a castle way on top of a snowed hill, alone
with his mocking ferret, lived the mad Professor Shiva. For the good of the
applekind he mixed secret potions creating the most incredibly wonderful
icons the world would have ever seen. He worked during 12 long months to
bring each icon to life. Byte per byte he assembled them for the future
coming of the much waited for Copland...

*But seriously, What is that?*
Here are some 52 handcrafted icons I made this year when I managed to spare
some free time. They have been created to match the 3D look of the future
versions of the Mac System, aka MacOS. They will look best if used with
some package to enhance the look of the existing version of the System. For
this purpose I recommend you use Aaron or Kaleidoscope from Greg Landweber.

*I want to tell you something, how can I contact you?* My email address is:
My snailmail address is:
Shiva Thomas
1214 Vernier
Geneva Switzerland

Shiva Thomas <>

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/shivas-3d-icons.hqx; 117K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 16:27:25 -0600
From: (Haruka ISHI)
Subject: [*] Shutdown Delay 2.4J (Japanese version)

Shutdown Delay 2.4J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi Montalcini's

* Shutdown Delay displays a dialog at Restart/Shutdown time which gives the
user five choices:
- do nothing and let the Mac complete the original command;
- cancel and smoothly return to the calling application;
- restart the Macintosh;
- shut down and turn the power off;
- force a quit and attempt to return to the Finder.

New in version 2.4:
- Added a new option to disable the Power Off key.

This is $10 shareware. Have fun and support Alex.

Haruka Ishi
Dec 12, 1996

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/shutdown-delay-24-jp.hqx; 48K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 16:27:22 -0600
From: (Haruka ISHI)
Subject: [*] SimpleText Color Menu 2.2J (Japanese version)

SimpleText Color Menu 2.2J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi
Montalcini's original.
This is freeware as you know.

* SimpleText Color Menu is a free drag & drop utility that installs an
extra cool Color menu and an extra useful Goodies menu inside Apple's
SimpleText text editor (versions 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.3.1 only).

* You get color, a Find/Replace command, a Windows submenu, document
statistics, printing margins and default font/size/style/color settings for
unstyled documents.

New in version 2.2:
- Added support for a user-defined "large text handler" application that
automatically opens text files when they are larger than 32K. Believe it or
not, this can be pretty handy...

All praise should go to Alex, and all complaint should be sent to me. :-)

Haruka Ishi
Dec 12, 1996

[Archived as /info-mac/text/simple-txt-clr-menu-22-jp.hqx; 84K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 16:27:33 -0600
From: (Jeff Miles)
Subject: [*] Stylin Buttons

Here is my first series of 3-D and crystal buttons created for web pages.
This is ISPWare. Use these as you=92d like but if you see fit you could send
me $2 to help pay my ISP.

Mail to:        Jeff Miles
			2115 Summitview
			Yakima Wash. 98902

Any requests you might have on a special button or graphic please send to
my e-mail address: --
"Jeff Miles" <>

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/stylin-buttons.hqx; 620K]


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:52:28 -0600
From: (Jeff Miles)
Subject: [*] Styln Buttons

Small set of 3-D buttons made with Adobe Photoshop.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/styln-buttons.hqx; 506K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:06:59 -0800
From: (Harley Bradley)
Subject: [*] Superman


Superman versus Bill Gates (Gateszilla)
author: UNKNOWN
Help Superman defeat the evil monster Gateszilla.  The graphics are good.
The sounds are cool.  Download it, play it, get a few laughs, then toss it i=
you like or pass it on to a friend.  It requires hypercard or the player.   =
sure your memory for hypercard is set to at least 3500 or you won't see
the color animation.
Superman is a trademark of Warner Bros. & DC Comics =A9 1996

[Archived as /info-mac/game/superman-vs-bill-gates-hc.hqx; 1483K]


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:52:04 -0600
From: (DRS Digtial Image & Sound, Inc.)
Subject: [*] Tenor v1.51 - An Interactive Chord Book for Tenor Banjo/Guitar

Tenor! v1.51 -- An Interactive Chord Book for Tenor Banjo and Tenor Guitar

This function is distributed as a Fat Binary--that is, this function runs
on both 68k based Mac's and native on PPC based Mac's.

Tenor! v1.51 provides chord lookup for Tenor Banjo and Tenor Guitar in CGDA
and GDAE tuning. There are 17 chord types in the library, each of which are
supported with 3 or 4 different fingerings each, depending upon the chord.
To plot a chord diagram, select the root of the chord from the Root menu,
and the type of the chord from the Type menu. Then, diagram it with the
Form 0,1,2,3 buttons from the tool bar. Form 0 chords are available for
Major, Minor, and Dominant 7th chord forms and are generally the open or
common forms of the chord. Form 1 chords generally have the root on the 4th
string. Form 2 chords generally have the root on the 3th string, and Form 3
chords generally have the root on the 2nd string.

The Neck Window view provides additional chord lookup functions. This
window allows the browsing of chord fingerings over the neck and has a
Name-that-Chord function which recognizes 40 different chords in standard
and non-standard tunings. These user-created chord voicings may then be
diagramed in the chord editor window.

This function requires either a 68k-based Macintosh with System 7.1 or
higher and a 68020, 68030, 68040, or a Power Macintosh with System 7.5 or
higher. A color monitor with at least 400 lines is highly recommended.
QuickTime with the QuickTime Musical Instruments extension is required for
sound output.

Guitar and Mandolin versions are also available.

Software fee: $25.00
Contact info: DRS Digital Image & Sound, Inc.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/tenor-151.hqx; 394K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:05 -0800
From: (Marc Mennigmann)
Subject: [*] THE BLOCK 1.5.4 (security utility)

=46irst release date : July 6, 1996
=A91996 Marc Mennigmann
All Rights Reserved
On the web :

THE BLOCK is a simple protection-utility for your MAC. It invites the unwant=
visitor to enter a password at startup. But you need a trick to go on...
There is
nothing patched although it is a system-extension. Everything will left
unchanged, so this might be highly compatible with all colour-MACs running S=
7.5 and all kind of software.

NEW FEATURES : v1.5.4  14/12/1996
+ You now can save the Log to a SimpleText-file.
+ I did some very minor bugfixes ( Sys 7.5.5 savvy ! ).
+ The README has changed to a self reading document, created with
  eDOC Creator. Thank you Michel.   ;-)
+ New with THE BLOCK package is my eCard. Have a look at it,
  and keep it for future contacts.
+ Please note my new eMail address :
  AOL is still valid, but will be less frequented
  from my side in the future...

THE BLOCK is Copyright =A9 1996 by Marc Mennigmann.

THE BLOCK is Shareware.  You may freely distribute it as long as you don't
for it.  Upload it everywhere! If you want to distribute THE BLOCK with a
commercial product (magazine CDs etc), let me know and we=B4ll come to some
arrangement. When THE BLOCK is distributed, it must be accompanied by ALL
programs and documentation.

The complete package includes:

THE BLOCK           (System-Extension)
THE BLOCK Setup     (Application)
THE BLOCK Manual    (Documentation)
Marc's eCard        (have a look at it)

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/the-block-154.hqx; 286K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 16:27:29 -0600
From: (Jacek Iwanski)
Subject: [*] Verbs&Nouns 1.2.6 - language teaching program

Here is the new (1.2.6), improved version of the "Verbs & Nouns" application.

The inflection of words is one of the most difficult parts of learning many
foreign languages since there are numerous inflection patterns.
"Verbs&Nouns" is an application that helps you to learn these patterns and
refresh your knowledge about the rules for the inflection of verbs and
nouns in a foreign language. The program has many other useful features to
help you to learn or research a foreign language.

The program lets you create a database of verbs or nouns in a foreign
language. You can easily construct the inflection patterns (rules) for
words that are regular. You can include other information about each word,
such as a translation, grammar characteristics, comments, etc. in a
convenient form. Comments are useful for storing examples of the use of the
word, or for recording other information. The facility for merging
databases makes it easy to share comments with other users. The program has
an exercise window. It automatically generates exercises to allow you to
practise inflection or translation. You can collect the words that you have
already learned and let the program generate exercises just for this group
of words. You can also identify many other groups of words (and collect
them in classes) to use them in exercises or for browsing. The program has
asynchronous sound support to associate the sound samples with words.
Examination support is built into the program. This includes reports for
students and reports for the teacher on the performance of students.

Jacek Iwanski

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-126.hqx; 871K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 16:27:30 -0600
From: (Haruka ISHI)
Subject: [*] Verifile 1.3J FAT (Japanese version)

Verifile 1.3J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi Montalcini's


* Verifile is a small freeware utility that calculates a checksum and a
CRC32 on both the data and resource forks of any file that's dropped on it.
This is useful if you want to compare two files that are not on the same
machine without having to copy them over a network or modem connection. If
the hexadecimal numbers displayed by Verifile match, chances are that the
two files are equal; Verifile automatically compares these numbers for the
last two files that were checked and tells you if they match or not.

* Verifile also displays the elapsed time to measure processor and disk
performance. The PowerPC code runs a lot faster than the 68K code if the
file to verify is on a RAM disk, while the speed improvement is smaller on
slower media.

New in version 1.3:
- Verifile now automatically checks if the two last files matched. Very
smart indeed...

This is freeware. Have fun!

Haruka Ishi
Dec 12, 1996

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/verifile-13-jp.hqx; 97K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:06:57 -0800
From: (Jason Anderson)
Subject: [*] Volume FKEY 1.1.1

Volume FKEY provides an easy way to change the volume on your Mac, without
having to go to the Sound control panel to do it. It comes with an
installer program, that will let you install and remove the FKEY (NOTE: the
remove option will let you remove any FKEY, not just Volume FKEY). Full
documentation is included in the program (just select the About item from
the Apple menu). Freeware.

Beyond Midnight Software                             email:

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/volume-fkey-111.hqx; 31K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:14 -0800
From: (Marc Gumpinger)
Subject: [*] WebOutliner 1.0.1 demo (HOTSAUCE, HTML, PROJECTX, BOOKMARKS)

WebOutliner is a tool which automatically creates an outline of an entire
web site with all its web pages. For this it offers the following output
formats: HTML table, Netscape bookmarks and Meta Content Format (MCF). The
MCF outline is ready to be used with HotSauce (formerly known as ProjectX)
either two- or threedimensionally. The WebOutliner engine in the background
will always be able to cope with international matters such as umlauts or
diacriticals and convert them to their recognized equivalent if required.
WebOutliner fully supports Balloon Help and AppleScript.

The archive contains the application, the manual in PDF-Format and several
AppleScript demos which can be used for scheduling WebOutliner to
automatically create outlines e.g. by time or if folders change.

Works with all Macs running 7.1 or greater.


[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/web-outliner-101-demo.hqx; 530K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:01 -0800
From: (Moritz Grund)
Subject: [*] Wolf Carnage Tour 2.0

These levels are for Wolf 2th or 3th encounter.
Have fun and happy shooting!

(c) Moritz Grund 95-96

[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/wolf/wolf-carnage-tour-20.hqx; 88K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:09 -0600
From: (Peter Hedlund)
Subject: [*]  WordQuiz

WordQuiz is a tool for learning new words when studying a foreign language.
It's suitable for students or anyone who wants to learn a new language.
With WordQuiz you build lists of words you want to learn. WordQuiz will
then help you practise those words in several ways. An example and
instructions are included to get you started.

Program and System Requirements

WordQuiz is a Microsoft Excel Add-in and tested both on the MacOS and MS
Windows. The program is in English, unless you have a Swedish version of
your system software. In that case WordQuiz will also be in Swedish.
WordQuiz requires Excel 5.0 or better.

Shareware $5

Version 1.0


Peter B Hedlund
Platavagen 26
S-191 50 Sollentuna

Fax: +46-8-307524

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/word-quiz.hqx; 86K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:07:19 -0800
From: (John Rethorst)
Subject: [*] WPMac News 10/96

This is the October edition of the WordPerfect Mac News.

John Rethorst

[Archived as /info-mac/per/wp/wp-mac-news-96-10-en.hqx; 253K]


Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 16:47:22 -0700
From: Rick Jones <>
Subject: Internet

Where can I obtain MacBinary11+? I seem to need it to open
MacBinary1.01, a helper.
Rick Jones



End of Info-Mac Digest