Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #151
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 24 Jul 97       Volume 15 : Issue 151

Today's Topics:

            Video Converters
       PC mouse with Mac (A)
      32-bit addressing and Rex
      [Q] Powerbook 180 and System 7.6.1
      [Q] PowerBook Infrared info/demo?
      AppleScript help
      ARA and System 8 (Q)
      Classic on the internet
      Convert Picture to Icons?
      Ghost Zip disk
      installing sys. 7.6.1 on a powerbook
      L2 cache for 7600/120
      Looking for WindowShade-like utility
      Lower the MenuBar
      Making Booklets
      Problem with ProColorServer 24/PDS & Apple Guide
      Questions about Debugging
      Searching for Mac equivalent of the Windows app "Thumbs Plus"
      SGML Tools for the Mac?
      software for mail order
      software violating apple midi specifications (sorry)
      Some Questions about MacLink Plus
      Syquest EZ-135
      telnet client wanted
      The Info-Mac Hyper Digest has moved to
      unreadable magneto-optical cartridges

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Date:          Tue, 22 Jul 1997 10:02:17 EST
Subject:       Video Converters

The school for which I work is looking to by some video converters for 
our macintosh lab. We purchased some Aver-Key 3's, but were very 
disappointed. Does anyone have any recommendations on what's worked well 
for them? It needs to have an S-Video port on the converter. I've heard 
about a new converter card for macs called the TView Classmate by Focus 
Enhancement, but I haven't seen any reviews. Anyone tried it?

Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge!
Curt Hersey
Graphics & Media Laboratory Director
Communications Department
Berry College
P.O. Box 490299
Mt. Berry, GA 30149-0299

Phone - (706) 238-7841
Fax - (706) 802-6738


Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 00:04:41 +0200
From: "Axel M. Roest" <>
Subject:  PC mouse with Mac (A)

Jazzy <> wrote:

> Is there a driver that will alow me to use a standerd 3 button serial PC
> mouse with the Mac as multi button Mice for the Mac are very expencive.

Yep, there is a company that produces a little box that connects PC
keyboards and mice to the Mac. It's called the Keystone:

It's rather expensive though (IMHO), so only applicable for specialty
keyboards and mice.


Axel M. Roest                | AXEL Development & Support              | Macintosh developer & UNIX sysadmin  | 42


Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 18:58:17 -0400
From: David Roche <>
Subject: 32-bit addressing and Rex

hi folks!

I recently purchased an old game called "Rex Nebular"... it was $3.99 at a
discount-type place. However, there's a problem...

it doesn't work! The display is totally screwed up, both on my PowerBook
1400 and my old Performa 630.

However, I found this part in the Tech Supplement, which I think explains
the problem...

"on some mac systems , you may experience a corrupted display when you
start the game. If this is the case, restart the computer, open the
"Memory" control panel, and set 32-bit addressing to the "off" position".
Restart your system for the change to take effect. Rex Nebular will not run
properly if 32-bit addressing is set to "On""

Neither of my computer,s both running system 7.6, contain a 32-bit
addressing option within the Memory control panel, so
I was wondering if there is a shareware solution?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 12:30:02 GMT+01
From: Dieter Adam <>
Subject: [Q] Powerbook 180 and System 7.6.1

Fellow mac-enthusiasts,

I have recently tried to upgrade my trusty old Powerbook 180 (120 MB IBM 
hard drive, 14 MB RAM, PSI Power Modem IV) to System D1-7.6/D1-7.6.1, 
respectively. In both cases, the machine freezes reproducibly when 
waking up from sleep. With a bare bones system 7.6.1, I get errors 10 
and 5, with all extensions off, I only get a blank screen.
Under system 7.1, I had occasional freezes (approximately one out of 
twenty wakeups) but never that reproducibly. Do I have a hardware 
problem here or are there any of you that share these experiences?

TIA for your help!

Dieter Adam

These are my opinions, not those of my employer.


Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 09:13:54 -0500
From: Pat Kane <>
Subject: [Q] PowerBook Infrared info/demo?

I'm looking for programming info and/or demos for a PowerBook's infrared
port.  I would like to use my PowerBook to control my 
Sony TV and or use my Sony remote to control my PowerBook.



Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 22:37:57 -0400
From: Daniel Lallouz <>
Subject: AppleScript help

Hey all you kids out there, can anyone help me with this one? I want to
write an applescript that will :

1. disable file sharing

2. disable Appletalk

3. open the PPP control panel

4. connect to the internet via PPP (OT), BUT by using a connection script
(System Folder:Preferences: PPP connection script)

I would then like to write a script that would disconnect from the net,
enable Appletalk, and enable FileSharing.

I'm also curious if there's a way to stop the print cue on my networked
laser printer while appletalk is off, and restart the cue when it goes back
up. Can this be included in the script too?

BTW, I'm on a PowerBook 5300 cs with only one serial port,therefore I have
to manually put the computer to sleep, unplug my appletalk network, plug in
the modem, wake the computer up, and then do all of the above, so any
automation in this process would be highly appreciated.

Please respond to me directly. I'll post the results.

Thanks in advance.


Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 16:20:01 +0100
From: "Ramiro A. Varela" <>
Subject: ARA and System 8 (Q)

I would like to know if any sort of ARA-like possibility is included in the
new system. If not, is the actual ARA server/client software fully
compatible with System 8? TIA,


Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 00:49:30 -0400
From: Holleran Greenburger <>
Subject: Classic on the internet

I set up a similar system last year using system 6.0.8, ConfigPPP v2.0.1,
MacTCP 2.0.6, and a minimal account from a local ISP (and a similar
modem-it crawled).
Just don't try to cram a browser in there, and don't expect the email
retrieval to be spritely. Using Eudora's shareware version (2.1.3?), you
should be able to cobble it to do what you'd like. She'll have to be
patient for mail downloads, as that's a mighty slow connection.


>I am looking to get my mother email access with her Classic(4MB ram,system
>6.0.7,2400bps modem). Does anyone know of a easy way to do this without
>much of or any upgrades? The monthly ISP fee must be $10 or less a month.


Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 00:49:30 -0400
From: Holleran Greenburger <>
Subject: Convert Picture to Icons?

It's called "Iconizer", it's
by <fontfamily><param>Geneva</param><bigger>John McLaughlin, 23k.


>What is the name of the utility that takes a PICT file as input and

>out a bunch of icons, arranged in a folder to reproduce the original


>Thank you,





>Aaron Peckham




Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 12:40:36 -0400
From: Patricio Mason <>
Subject: Ghost Zip disk

I own a Quadra 660AV, 50 MHz, 1.2 GB HD, 36 MB RAM, System 7.6.1, Apple
Talk on, Open Transport 1.1.2, OT/PPP 1.0.

Every two weeks or so, while no disk whatsoever is inserted in my external
Zip drive, the following window will appear on top of whatever I'm doing:

"This disk is unreadable by this Macintosh. Do you want to initialize the
Name : untitled
Format: ProDos 0K"

On the upper left-hand corner there is a 25 MB Zip disk icon.

The appearance of this ghost disk is usually the harbinger of crashes,
freezes, and sudden errors of type 1, 3, and 10.

I have found that trashing the Iomega Preferences file cures the problem,
until the next time. The Iomega driver (I'm using version 5.0.3) is my
prime suspect.

Has anyone else seen this peculiar behavior?


Patricio Mason
Professor of Canadian Studies
Political Science Institute,
University of Chile
Santiago, Chile


Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 00:49:30 -0400
From: Holleran Greenburger <>
Subject: installing sys. 7.6.1 on a powerbook

Did you reformat it using the provided utilities with 7.6.1? If not, the
driver may be bad, and touching off norton as soon as it is loaded (when
Norton starts the scan-the bad block part).
Try wiping the drive (be sure it's a low-level format) using the current
Apple utils.


>Collective wisdom:
>Our tech desk (an informal group of two) is attempting to upgrade the token
>mac to system 7.6.1.  I believe it is a PB 180 or 230 ( I can never
>remember these things).  Original system 7.1; upgraded to 7.5; 20 some some
>megs of RAM.  Following is the result of the upgrade attempt:
>Bad News...I get the powerbook home, hook it up, re-initialized the hard
>drive, and attempt to install go, so I try again with 7.5.x, still
>no go.  I try to run Norton Utilities and it locks up when attempting to
>check for bad blocks.  It will mount the hard drive just fine, but is not
>reading from the drive.  Initially, I was concerned that I may have shocked
>the drive during the trip home, but it started up fine, was able to SCSI,
>and the Zip is fine as well.  What gives?
>The PB has no CD, so he is suing the scsi/zip drive to get in. Any


Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 00:49:30 -0400
From: Holleran Greenburger <>
Subject: L2 cache for 7600/120

Yes, increasing the cache to 512k will make a difference, albeit perhaps
not readily evident. I'd recommend going right to a 1MB cache to make it
worth the effort. 1MB is standard in all power computing clones, sometimes
giving them a real benchmark advantage.
Cache size has always been a debate, so facts are hard to find, as far as
real-world comparisons go. Either MacWorld or MacUser, within the last 6
months, actually had a fairly comprehensive comparison. Thay swapped
processor and cache cards seemingly at random between 3 or 4 high-end macs,
and the results were a little confusing, but I'd say go for the 1MB.

Holleran Greenburger

>I have a 7600/120 with 80MB RAM and a 256 L2 cache. I am running 7.5.5 with
>Auto Doubler and Speed Doubler, often with Ramdoubler.
>I know that there is a 512KB L2 cache available. Are there larger caches as
>Will upgrading the L2 cache to 512KB yield a significantly noticeable
>increase in performance? Would there be a significantly noticeable increase
>in performance moving from a 512KB to a larger L2 cache?
>Thanks in advance for your advice...
>Michael Silverstein
>Materials Engineering


Date: Wed, 23 Jul 97 16:44:33 BST
Subject: Looking for WindowShade-like utility

One of my annoyances with WindowShade is that even when the windows are 
rolled up, the title bars still take up rather a lot of screen space, and 
tend to get lost underneath things. I would prefer it if double clicking on 
the title bar completely hid the window and added its title to a new menu 
(e.g. next to the help menu).

Alternatively, if the title bar could be shrunk to its minimum possible size 
(still being able to read the name, but perhaps in a smaller font) and then 
stacked in a special place on the screen, that would be fairly useful. I 
heard vaguely of an application that stacks title bars in a special 
location, but as far as I know, it doesn't shrink them, so isn't really what 
I am looking for.

Any ideas?



Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 12:29:25 -0800
Subject: Lower the MenuBar

Would some clever programmer out there create an Extension or Control Panel
that would put the MenuBar and its menus at the bottom of the screen where
controls are normall placed, allowing a clear 'cockpit' view of the screen
above. We do this in planes, trains and automobiles -- in fact, in most
situations, the controls are at the bottom.

Thanks, Ron Nye


Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 12:52:01 -0400
From: (Edward Ver Hoef)
Subject: Making Booklets

I am ready to prepare the membership directory for the barbershop chorus to
which I belong. I have the data in Filemaker Pro. I would like the final
output to be in the form of a booklet which is 8.5 inches high by 6.5
inches wide, i.e., half the size of a standard lettersheet. I want to put a
cover on it and some initial and closing sheets as well as the directory
information itself. If anyone can refer me to the appropriate software to
produce the output in this form, I'd appreciate it very much, especially if
it is shareware or freeware. TIA :-)

Ed Ver Hoef


Date: Mon, 21 Jul 97 15:20:40 -0400
From: John Delaney <delaney@mi-remus.LLAN>
Subject: Problem with ProColorServer 24/PDS & Apple Guide

I own an SE/30 with a ProColorServer 24/PDS video card that lets me
drive a 17" color monitor. I run on it System 7.0.1, having been told
by Focus Enhancements that the card is incompatible with later OS
versions. Yes, it is an antique but it serves my needs for now. 

Some of the newer software packages I have bought supply there Help
information as Apple Guide files. I have installed the associated
files for an early version of that software including the '7.0/7.1
Apple Guide Enabler" extension only to find that my system crashes
immediately after booting if that extension is present.

Does anyone know how I might work around this problem? Would Apple
Guide version 2.1 fix it? Anything else?

John (who would be Guided)


Date: 21 Jul 1997 03:29:48 GMT
From: "Zipher" <>
Subject: Questions about Debugging

Where can I get info on using the side/back switch(the one with the circle)
and how to use it to debug?


Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 19:01:02 -0800
From: Mike Blackwell <>
Subject: Searching for Mac equivalent of the Windows app "Thumbs Plus"

Like the subject says. Thumbs Plus is a $60 Windows program that creates
and catalogs thumbnail images of all pictures on your drive (or as you
specify) and sorts them by folder, letting you check for dupes or mis-named
files. It also has its own viewer, and lets you resize and change colors.
Is there something like this for the Mac?


Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 19:09:12 +0200
From: "Michael (Mac) Howitz" <>
Subject: SGML Tools for the Mac?

> Does anyone have an idea if there are any SGML tools for the Mac? I'm
> not looking for anything fancy, mind you, just a simple browser, or
> something to convert SGML to HTML or to plain text or to some other
> format more common on the Mac.

You'll find a SGML-Tool in the info-mac archive under the following


I recently downloaded it, but i cant say, if it is good because i didn't
have the time to test it.

bye, mac


Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 15:51:19 +0100
From: Onno Hoogendoorn <>
Subject: software for mail order

Can someone help me?
I am looking for a program that does everything from planning mailings to
keeping records of the results. I am also looking for a mailing list
management program, which must be able to at least keep track of
everybody's ...
- name,
- address,
- company name,
- most recent date of contact,
- apparent interests,
- number of times they've contacted you,
- items purchased,
- total revenue from this person

Thank you for your help.

Best Regards,
Onno Hoogendoorn


Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 16:10:08 -0500
From: "Paul M. Sheldon" <>
Subject: software violating apple midi specifications (sorry)

	My Netscape gold but not Netscape com plays quicktime midi mov's,
whether or not virtual memory is on. I am making professional inquiry on
this and will rebrief.
	In a previous post, I "confounded my variables" or believed too
much in an archaic working hypothesis and apologize. The studio vision pro
observation wasn't confused, virtual on off, qt music on off is not archaic


Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 13:26:23 -0400
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: Some Questions about MacLink Plus

On Tue, 15 Jul  Allan Hunter wrote in part:

>a) How fast do the MacLink translators work, esp. on large Word docu-
>ments?  I'm a non-Word user and this will be one of my most common uses
>for MacLink if I get it.

The new version (9.7) isn't a speed demon, but it's not as bad as you recall.
I converted a 491kb Word 6 document (154 pages) to MacWrite Pro just now in
16 minutes.

>(b) An interface question -- do MacLink translators work within an app's
>Open dialog box

Ah, the answer you love to hate: It depends. Word is out. DataViz once had
a set of Word Extensions that sort of worked. The new installer removes any
that had been there and doesn't install any replacements. DataViz says its
own technology has so far outstripped MS's, that they bagged it.

They didn't bag the "sort of" comp[atibility with Claris' XTND technology,
but I wouldn't recommend it. I did an open-as in MacWrite Pro on the same
Word document (selecting the DataViz MS Word - Mac fileter), and that puppy
hummed for 11 minutes before I even saw a progress bar.

Hope this helps.

Al Bloom


Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 00:49:30 -0400
From: Holleran Greenburger <>
Subject: Syquest EZ-135

SCSI Probe also has a 'Mount" button, try pressing that. If that proves
useless, go to your local Apple dealer or Apple web site for a software fix
available to service providers and the public. It addresses SCSI issues
with the 6360 & 6400 Performas. I've had to install it to convince several
scanner types to be usable on these macs, although I don't believe your
SyQuest should be effected by this.
And try spinning up the cartridge well before the Mac boots, this will
usually make it mountable right at startup.

Holleran Greenburger

>I need a suggestion for making a Syquest EZ135 show up on the desktop of a
>Performa 6400.   Both SCSI probe and Mt. Everything show it in their
>respective scsi lists, but I don't see any way to make the drive show up on
>the desktop.
>The drive came with the software for it on one of the cartridges, but since
>I cannot access the cartridge, I cannot get at the software :((
>All suggestions would be appreciated.


Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 09:15:46 +1000
From: (John Haywood)
Subject: telnet client wanted

On Fri, 18 Jul 1997 09:45:54 +0100, Trevor Harris wrote:

> I am looking for a telnet client for the Mac that maps the PageUp, PageDown
> keys etc. Nifty Telnet does not appear to be able to do this. What is the
> recommended client for this purpose, now that NCSA Telnet has stopped
> development?


Better Telnet (now at vers 1.0fc8, but seems stable enough), is based on
NCSA Telnet, maps the keys every which way, and should be available
through the usual suspects (I got it at <>

John Haywood
Macquarie University, Sydney


Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 01:18:19 +0100
From: "Andre' van der Ham" <>
Subject: The Info-Mac Hyper Digest has moved to

Hi everybody!

The Info-mac Hyper Digest Archive has moved to a new location. Because 
of reorganisations the Hyper Digest could not stay on the old server.

Please update your bookmark to the Info-Mac Hyper Digest to:

Yup, I finally got my own name for this service. Thanks to the people 
from the computer network facility here.

Keep on digesting!



Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 05:12:04 +0200
From: Gianfranco BOTTARO <>
Subject: unreadable magneto-optical cartridges

I use magneto-optical cartridges to store my applications and documents, but 
already I have three 500 MB cartridges which I can't read for an error in the 
master bloc/catalogue, Norton Utilities cannot repair them. I should be very 
grateful if someone can help me explaining a procedure for repairing my 
cartridges and/or, if a reparation is impossible, recommending some software 
which can prevent from such problem in future, perhaps saving more copies of 
catalogue? I use File Saver, but it didn't aid me in those circumstances. Any 
suggestion is appreciate. Thank you very much	    Gianfranco Bottaro



End of Info-Mac Digest