Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #89
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 14 May 97       Volume 15 : Issue 89

Today's Topics:

      (Q) System 7.6 and 32bit addressing
      [Q] Apple Two-Page Video Card
      CD-ROM drivers and DOS card
      Fetch/Netscape Script
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #84
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #85
      PowerBook 180c wont use DSDD floppies?
      Printing every other page-Is it possible?
      SE RAM resistors
      Waiting for Apple Video System

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Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 15:55:15 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: (Q) System 7.6 and 32bit addressing

>From Apple TechNote 1090: "MacOS 7.6", available at:

Memory Management

Memory management includes the Memory Manager, virtual memory and other
operating system services. The following changes to memory management
have been implemented:

* On PowerPC computers, the Modern Memory Manager is always active and the
classic 68K Memory Manager is not available.
* System 7.6 only supports 32-bit addressing. 24-bit addressing is no
longer supported. If the computer's Parameter RAM (PRAM) settings
indicate that the machine is in 24-bit mode at system startup, the PRAM
is set to 32-bit addressing and the computer is restarted.
* Since 24-bit mode is no longer supported, most checks for 24-bit mode
and calls to SwapMMU have been removed from the virtual memory routines,
thus reducing the calling overhead.
* Virtual memory page fault execution times have been shortened by
removing 24-bit runtime code.
* The Modern Memory Manager on PowerPC computers now communicates directly
with the Virtual Memory Manager to greatly reduce page fault disk
accesses to the VM backing store file.
* Allocating and deallocating temporary memory is much faster.


System 7.6 indeed does not support 24-bit addressing at all, and given that
24-bit code has been *removed*, attempting to hack around this limitation
would appear to be a recipe for disaster.



Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 08:42:23 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Mark E. Ingram" <>
Subject: [Q] Apple Two-Page Video Card

Mac Experts:

I would very much appreciate hearing from some of you "old heads" on a
video question.  I am trying to get a Mac IIcx to run System software
later than 7.0.1 (preferably 7.5.5), but everything I have tried so far is
unstable (including various flavors of 7.1, 7.5.3, etc.).  If the debugger
is present, the most frequent crash is:  "The ROM symbol file could not be
read due to an OS or memory error.  NMI"  I *suspect* that this is more of
a generic than an actual, specific problem, but really don't know. 

Anyway, I talked to SOS-APPL about this, and in passing they mentioned
that "some third-party video cards had problems with System software later
than 7.0.1."  When I told them I had an *Apple*-branded "Two-Page
Monochrome Video Card," which shows up in a profiling program as a "Mac
II WorkStation Video Card:  1152 x 870, 1 bit," driving an *Apple* 21-inch
(two-page) monochrome monitor, they didn't have much else to say.

Is the video card contributing to this problem?  (I don't have another
Nu-Bus card with which I can test a different, smaller monitor, and the
IIcx does not have the IIci-style built-in video support.)  Are there any
special "tricks" to get later System versions to run on the IIcx?

BTW, the IIcx is working incredibly well as an AppleShare 3.03 and At Ease
for Work Groups server, but later System software would enable quite a
number of newer software packages to be run on the computer (the ANAT
tools Network Assistant, and User and Groups Manager; and OT 1.1.2 and
AppleShare IP 5.0 client, to name just a few). 

One other question:  This video card has eight empty slots for what
appear to be a type of SIPP RAM chip.  Would filling these (assuming any
could even be found) make any difference in the *speed* of screen-redraws,
rather than just add to the bit depth capabilities of the monitor?

Best regards,

Mark E. Ingram

MarkT@Mo-Net.Com (also


Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 09:13:36 -0500
From: Eric Schoch <>
Subject: CD-ROM drivers and DOS card


I'm running a 6100/66 w/ System 7.5.5 and a DOS card with 16mb on the card,
having annoying problems with the CD-ROM extension. Specifically, when I
use extension version 5.0.1 both Mac and Windows CD-ROMs work fine, but
when I try to copy something from a Mac CD-ROM to my hard drive my Mac
locks up. When I use extension 5.1.1 I can copy from the Mac CD-ROM to my
disk without problem, but then Windows 3.1 won't recognize that there's a
Windows CD-ROM in the drive.

I installed the latest CD-ROM software (5.3.2) recently, and again,
Windows can't find the CD-ROM.

In the past I recall a statement that the version to use is 5.1.6, but when
I looked at the Apple software site the only version available then was
5.1.7. Now the only version available is 5.3.2.

So, any advice on where I can find 5.1.6, or what other steps I need to
take, will be greatly appreciated.

Eric Schoch


Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 19:04:40 -0600
From: Tim Brogdon <>
Subject: Fetch/Netscape Script

Several months ago, I saw an applescript posted on Info-Mac that set
Fetch as the ftp application for Netscape whenever Netscape is opened
instead of the default.

Does any one recall where to find the script or how to write it?

Thanks much,

Tim Brogdon


Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 16:14:47 -0500
From: Gary Johnsey <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #84

I just purchased a 6400/200 video Performa and a 6500/250 Power Mac.
The Performa capture video great. The movies are smoothly played
back. However, the 6500/250 hesitates every second or two during
both capture and playback. It is as if I was transformed back to
the days of slow CD players. The behavior is what I would guess is
appropriate for a non-AV rated hard drive. Anyone have this problem
with a 6500/250 or other video capture Mac?

6500/250 configuration

250 Mhz 603e.
Built-in video input and output.
256k level 2 cache
32 MB of RAM
12x CD-ROM drive.
16 bit audio recording and playback with SRS 3-d stereo surround sound.
100 MB Zip built in.
2 Mb of video memory
17 inch display
Hardware acceleration of 2-D graphics, QuickDraw 3D
Quicktime and MPEG-1 movies.

Thanks in advance for any reply.


Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 09:01:57 +0000
From: Roland Whitehead <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #85

Bob Forster wrote:
>I would like to find out if there is a modified Laserwriter 8 driver
>which would enable me to print the odd pages of a document first, reload
>the paper in the tray, and then print the even numbered pages on the
>other side.

We were approached by a client wanting to achieve this (to comply with
corporate environmental policy) and we wrote a small package called
"DoubleSider" which uses AppleScript and PreFab player to print even or odd
pages for any application, either currently running or not.  Its a bit
fiddley to get going (requires the right AppleScript extensions) and it
requires PreFab Player (commercial) but if anyone is interested, please
shout and we'll negotiate with our client!

Roland Whitehead


Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 17:29:03 +0000
From: Jack Countryman <>
Subject: PowerBook 180c wont use DSDD floppies?

I've been supplied a PowerBook 180c at work.  It apparently hasn't been
used much, and they reformatted the hard drive and put 7.1 and
ClarisWorks 3 on it fresh.  All seemed fine till I started installing
the other software I would need...ethernet, network extensions, etc. 
Much of this software was on DSDD disks.  The PowerBook refuses to read
any DSDD 3.5 disk I have tried, even though these same disks work fine
in other macs.  If you put a DSDD disk in, it says it can't recognize
the disk format and wants to format the disk.  If you click on OK, it
then formats the DSDD disk to 1.3 megabytes!  It will then uses the disk
fine...but of course no other mac reads those disks (I'm not sure how
stable these incorretly formatted disks might be over time, either...)

Anyone have ideas on what might be wrong (sensor for the second hole in
DSHD disks shorted out so it thinks all disks are DSHD?) here or how to
fix it (cheaply)?  Would the floppy drive from a PowerBook 145 fit and
work in the PowerBook 180c?  Or are they different drives?

All ideas appreciated.  Thanks in advance as usual.


Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 12:37:53 -0600
From: "Wayne C. Morris" <>
Subject: Printing every other page-Is it possible?

Bob Forster <> wrote:

>I would like to find out if there is a modified Laserwriter 8 driver
>which would enable me to print the odd pages of a document first, reload
>the paper in the tray, and then print the even numbered pages on the
>other side.
>I hate to say it but Word for Windows has had
>this ability for quite some time. Am I missing something that would make
>this task easy for large documents?

That's usually left up to the application, not the printer driver.  Mac
word processors and page layout programs have had this capability for
years.  It's usually a set of radio buttons in the Print... dialog box.
You didn't say what application you're using, but if it doesn't have this
option, you're probably using either a really old program or a no-frills

I checked a number of Mac programs.  WriteNow 3.0, Nisus Writer 4.1.6, and
PageMaker 5.0 all have this feature.  So does the demo version of Mariner
Write.  SimpleText does not, which is no surprise since it falls in the
no-frills category.  Word 5.0 does not, but it's both old and Microsoft.


Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 20:11:17 +0000
From: Christopher Adams <>
Subject: SE RAM resistors

"Hofferth, Dan" <> asked:
>A friend at work has a Mac SE that he is attempting to
>boost from 1 to 4MB.
>However, if the Mac
>sits idle for more than a couple of minutes, it crashes.

A couple of extracts that may be relevant from "The Mac SE Support Pages" at:


"Note also that SIMMs in the same row must be of the same speed (150ns or

"Later model SEs have a jumper clip instead of resistors. It's labelled
'J16' and will have the words 'RAM size 2/4M 1M' printed on the board. If
you remove the jumper, you can address 4mb. If you put the jumper to the
left, you can address 2mb. If you put the jumper on the right, you can
address 1mb."

Chris Adams, Birmingham, UK. 


Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 07:20:06 +0200
From: "McCloskey, Patrick" <>
Subject: Waiting for Apple Video System

I ordered the Apple Video System from MacMall in February.  Since then
they have sent me several letters to tell me they have not received it
from the manufacturer yet.  Does anyone know what the story is?  Is
anyone else still waiting?  Does anyone know a good alternate mail-order
source for the Apple Video System?




End of Info-Mac Digest