Date: Sat, 15 Feb 97 20:40:09 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #36
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest"


Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 15 Feb 97       Volume 15 : Issue 36

Today's Topics:

      [*] Art-by-Maryann
      [*] ATPM 3.01
      [*] BeBop
      [*] Best Embossed Textures
      [*] BigPicture 3.5
      [*] Chris Netscape Patch 1.2.0
      [*] Conference Organiser
      [*] Creepin Critter Math 4.0.0
      [*] Edwin's Power Tools 1.1.2 Excel Add-In
      [*] Email Effects 1.0.sit
      [*] Fast Font Menu 1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Internet Training Module 2
      [*] Keyboard Menu 1.0.0
      [*] Lunar View 1.2
      [*] MacCurveFit 1.3
      [*] MacOS replacement window
      [*] macucp-11-68k.hqx - UUCP package for the Mac
      [*] macucp-11-fat.hqx - UUCP package for the Mac
      [*] macucp-11-ppc.hqx - UUCP package for the Mac
      [*] Manic_Minefield (a minesweeper type of game))
      [*] MicNotePad Lite 3.8.8
      [*] Nascar Demo 1.0 - Racecar simulation
      [*] NetSupport Page 1.1
      [*] OpenStack 1.1.1z US Pkg
      [*] OTConfigs - AppleScript addition to configure OT
      [*] Paddington, a font revival
      [*] Paul's Soundtrio
      [*] ResFork Killer 1.4.0
      [*] ResFork Killer 1.4.0 (German Version)
      [*] Rypple 1.0
      [*] ScanKeeper68K
      [*] Spell 1.0
      [*] Tangrams Demo 1.02 to replace Tangrams 1.01
      [*] Tesselation - repeating-tile filter for Photoshop
      [*] Troubleshooting 101 IA
      [*] Troubleshooting 101 IA w MUSIC
      [*] Ultimate Wedding/Honeymoon Planner V2.2
      [*] WarpSearch CGI 2.4
      Possible per minute telephone charges for access to ISPs

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Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:24:28 -0700
Subject: [*] Art-by-Maryann

Samples of art from Maryann Sterling

Come visit "Maryann Sterling's Art" website,
for lots more of Maryann's art.   She has clipart, scenery, animated GIFs
and copyright free photography.  Maryann adds new art daily.  All created
with a Mac.  Shareware.

I give permission for my art to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/art-by-maryann.hqx; 204K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:24:17 -0700
Subject: [*] ATPM 3.01

ATPM is a fun monthly chronicle of the Macintosh experience by and for
everyday users.  It includes humorous anecdotes, short stories, reviews
and commentaries by Macintosh owners and users about our favorite
personal computer.  It's a must read for the true Macintosh devotee.
This is our January, 1997 "Inaugural Issue."

This month' s edition includes Robert Paul Leitao's Apples, Kids &
Attitude along with a very timely Personal Computing Paradigm in which
Michael Tsai compares the benefits of NeXTstep to the benefits of the Be
OS.  Please don't miss ATPM's new "education department" called Mac
Ademia Nuts and Bolts.  It is our way of starting the year off "smart."
 Our reviews this month include a look at the new Adobe Persuasion 4.0!

[Archived as /info-mac/art/zine/about-this-partic-mac-301.hqx; 826K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:03 -0700
Subject: [*] BeBop

Hello world!

Are there elements of the Mac interface (Copland) that you like, but
then again, you find certain elements of the Be interface nice?

Well so do I. So with a little hacking in ResEdit, BeBop was born. It
takes the best of both worlds. So install it, and see what you think.

If you don't like it, turn it off.

BeBop is based on ~Aaron and BeView by Greg Landweber.

Like any good hack, BeBop is totally unsupported.

Hey, and by the way, those of you that have said all the nice things
about my previous hack, "Zoomin," thanks...

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/be-bop.hqx; 87K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:09 -0700
Subject: [*] Best Embossed Textures

Best Embossed Textures (47 desktop patterns)

47 desktop patterns for use with monitors displaying at least thousands
of colors. This collection is a subset of several volumes of my patterns
and needs Texture Installer 2.1 from the Desktop Textures Suite to use.
A wide variety of styles and colors is represented. These patterns are,
of course, free and may be distributed freely.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/best-embossed-textures.hqx; 856K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:51:59 -0600
From: (a mouse in the castle)
Subject: [*] BigPicture 3.5

BigPicture 3.5

3.5 replaces versions 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.0, and 1.0

For viewing image files.

System 6 or System 7.

Simple, friendly, useful, and convenient user interface.

Online help, help balloons.

Can handle hundreds of image files at the same time!

For viewing PICT, BMP, GIF, JPG, MacPaint, StartupScreen,
and QuickTime movies.

save image catalogs, print images and different sizes, and much
much more..

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/big-picture-35.hqx; 263K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:50 -0700
Subject: [*] Chris Netscape Patch 1.2.0

Chris Netscape Patch replaces the Title and the URLs of the Directory
Buttons in Netscape Navigator with your own ones.

Christoph Schaffhauser        Tel: +41 (0)61 751 23 42
DarkEagle Software            EMail:
Dornacherstrasse 32
CH-4147 Aesch

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/chris-netscape-patch-12.hqx; 36K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 14:44:43 -0700
Subject: [*] Conference Organiser

Seminar/Conference Organiser
=A9NorleyMac 1996

This 3 day/night Seminar/Conference Organiser is designed to help
organisations to efficiently keep details of attendees, and automate a
number of common administration procedures. It is available as a
standalone application for Windows or for the Macintosh.


Seminar/Conference Organiser is Shareware. This software is copyrighted
material and therefore you are not allowed to modify this software or
its documentation in any way, shape or form, nor can you sell it for
your own profit. This demonstration version may be distributed freely,
but it must remain in its unmodified entirety.  It can be put on disks
and CD-ROMs that charge a reasonable fee for the cost of distributing
it, provided a copy of any such disks or CD-ROMs is forwarded to
NorleyMac. Contact me about the latest version so that only that version
is distributed. In using this software, you understand and agree that
this software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.  The
entire risk as to the results and performance of using this software
lies entirely with you, the user.  The author does not make any
warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose, with respect to this software.

This program is fully-functional. If you find it useful, please send the
shareware fee of AUS$20, as detailed in the attached Read Me file.
Registered users will be notified of any future updates. This program
can be customised for your organisation, and additional functions can be
added on request.

Norman Braidwood NorleyMac Computer Consultants and Trainers to
Government & Industry Canberra Australia

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/conference-organizer-10.hqx; 652K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:24 -0700
Subject: [*] Creepin Critter Math 4.0.0

Creepin Critter Math 4.0.0 is an educational math game that helps
children learn the basic arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division, in a fun & entertaining environment. There
is no pressure on a child to "get it right" they can have fun while
learning. Children can pop the bubbles or squash the bugs to arrive at
the correct answer to the math problem. There are different levels so
this is a great program for the young ones.

Please delete the old version 4.0 from your service as this new version
contains important Registration information,  Thank you

Susan Farrier Kalich
Laser Point Software

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/creepin-critter-math-40-hc.hqx; 316K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:24:32 -0700
Subject: [*] Edwin's Power Tools 1.1.2 Excel Add-In

Author : Edwin H.B. TAM
Type : Cross Platform Excel Add-In
Shareware, US$30 Registration fee (US$20 for Mac users)
Master Site :
Alternate Download URL :

Edwin's Power Tools is an Excel Add-In that adds functions to
Microsoft Excel. It is a cross-platform add-in, which means it is
fully compatible with both the Apple Macintosh and Windows PC.
Besides, it is also compatible with Excel 5 and Excel 7.

Edwin's Power Tools is a very, if not the most, powerful Add-In developed
100% on an Apple Macintosh and designed to run on the Mac and PC. It's a
good demonstration to the world that the Mac can be an ideal tool for
developing cross-platform utilities.

This shareware will be updated frequently. Please visit the master site
often for the most up-to-date version!

[Archived as /info-mac/app/edwins-power-tools-112.hqx; 324K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:24:08 -0700
Subject: [*] Email Effects 1.0.sit

/-------- Tired of sending boring eMail messages? Introducing... --------\
\                                                                        /
/ EEEEE                 ii lll    EEEEE   fff  fff             tt        \
\ EE                        ll    EE     ff   ff               tt        /
/ EE    mmmmmmm   aaa  iii  ll    EE    ffff ffff  eee   ccc  tttt  ssss \
\ EEEE  mm mm mm    aa  ii  ll    EEEE   ff   ff  ee ee cc cc  tt  ss    /
/ EE    mm mm mm  aaaa  ii  ll    EE     ff   ff  eeeee cc     tt   sss  \
\ EE    mm mm mm aa aa  ii  ll    EE     ff   ff  ee    cc cc  tt     ss /
/ EEEEE mm mm mm  aaaa  ii  ll    EEEEE  ff   ff   eee   ccc    tt ssss  \
\ ______________________________________________________________________ /
/                                                                        \
\   Email Effects works just like a normal painting program except now   /
/       you're painting with letters, numbers and symbols. Try it!       \
\                                                                        /
/     WWWWWWW   <- Recognise this? Any picture can be pasted straight    \
\    W;;;;;;;W   into Email Effects, and it does the rest of the work!   /
/   W;;;;;;;;;W                                                          \
\  W;;;;;;;;;;;WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW         Other features include :        /
/ W                            +W        ------------------------        \
\ W; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; +W * Text, Big Text (see title above).    /
/ W ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;+W * Pencil, Rubber (just like painting). \
\ W; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; +W * Bucket tool to fill in any area.     /
/ W ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;+W * Lines, Circles and Rectangles.       \
\ W; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; +W * Flip and Rotate transformations.     /
/ W ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;+W * One click takes your design directly \
\ W; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; +W   into Eudora or Claris Emailer.       /
/ W ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;+W * Opens and saves regular text files.  \
\ WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW * General and context-sensitive help.  /
/                                                                        \
\     Email Effects is shareware, contains 680x0 and PowerPC native      /
/         code, requires System 7.x, and supports drag and drop.         \
\                                                                        /
 \-------- Version 1.0 -- (c) Gideon Greenspan -- ---------/

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/email-effects-10.hqx; 360K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:39:00 -0700
Subject: [*] Fast Font Menu 1.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Fast Font Menu freeware package.

FastFontMenu is a System Extension (INIT) which speeds up the building of
the Font Menu in most applications. It does this by sorting the font names
in an internal array, rather than insertion sorting them in the menu the
way the current MacOS does. This improved algorithm is scheduled to be
included in a future version of the MacOS.

FastFontMenu 1.1 adds caching. This has two benefits. The first is that
it'll be MUCH faster for every font menu after the first, as long as your
fonts haven't changed (applications that have fonts in their resource forks
will clobber the caching, but they've been warned about that by Apple's
Developer Support for more than five years). The second benefit is that
after the first time, the memory requirements of FFM are much smaller.

Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English to Japanese Online Software Localization and Management

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/fast-font-menu-11j.hqx; 16K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:47 -0700
Subject: [*] Internet Training Module 2


This is the long awaited sequel to InterMod1 (now in revision 3).

Have attached a new training module that I have developed for work. It's
contains the lowdown on a number of aspects of the Internet that can be a
bit difficult to grasp. It is not meant for experts, but is a
continuation of the first Module.

It's easy to follow, and installation instructions are included. It's not
a stack, or an application, just a formatted series of Claris HomePage
HTML doc's that do a bit of explaining.

Like the first one, it's free, so have fun. (remember to eMail me when
you download it)

InterMod 1r3 has now been translated into more than 10 languages by
enthusiasts around the world, and is available on sites everywhere. It
has also been included on MacAddict.

Phil S  Brisbane AUSTRALIA

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/internet-training-module-2.hqx; 140K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:06 -0700
Subject: [*] Keyboard Menu 1.0.0

Keyboard Menu enables a hidden system feature. A new menu appears where you
can change the keyboard layout.

Christoph Schaffhauser        Tel: +41 (0)61 751 23 42
DarkEagle Software            EMail: Dornacherstrasse 32 CH-4147
Aesch Switzerland

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/keyboard-menu-10.hqx; 30K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:38:47 -0700
Subject: [*] Lunar View 1.2

Lunar View 1.2 is the most recent update (1/26/97) to the popular moon
phase viewing program.  Users may view the current phase of the moon or
find the lunar phase for any date and time.  Text and graphic output.
Elegant interface.  An excellent tool for the professional or amateur
astronomer.  Requires a color Macintosh running System 7 or later.  This
update addresses a freezing problem on non-US Macs, adds a southern
hemisphere view, and is now compatible with After Dark.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/lunar-view-12.hqx; 196K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:38:50 -0700
Subject: [*] MacCurveFit 1.3

MacCurveFit is a scientific least squares curve fitting program. Data sets
can be entered into a spreadsheet window or imported from programs like
Excel or extracted from text files. Arbitrary equations may then be fitted
to the data and the fits displayed graphically. The equations can be
by typing them as text and so the program is very flexible. There is also a
choice of mathematical algorithms that can be used for curve fitting.

Version 1.3 allows log-linear and log-log plots.

The program is shareware.

Kevin Raner Software

77 Therese Ave                          Ph:  +61-3-9543-5289
Mt Waverley Vic 3149              Internet:

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/mac-curve-fit-13.hqx; 988K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:38:53 -0700
Subject: [*] MacOS replacement window

This file is a ResEdit document which you can use to replace that boring
MacOS startup screen with a nicer picture.  It's a 3-D "MacOS" floating
over rippled water.

Requires System 7.5.2 or greater and ResEdit.

by Kevin Dorne

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/mac-os.hqx; 349K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:24:05 -0700
Subject: [*] macucp-11-68k.hqx - UUCP package for the Mac

MacUCP is a UUCP package for the Macintosh. It allows your Mac to
efficiently exchange files, e-mail and news with other computers, usually
UNIX servers connected to the Internet.

MacUCP is still no fully functional UUCP package. But the functionality
required for leaf sites is there, so it will be useful to most of you out

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/uucp/mac-ucp-11.hqx; 268K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:58 -0700
Subject: [*] macucp-11-fat.hqx - UUCP package for the Mac

MacUCP is a UUCP package for the Macintosh. It allows your Mac to
efficiently exchange files, e-mail and news with other computers, usually
UNIX servers connected to the Internet.

MacUCP is still no fully functional UUCP package. But the functionality
required for leaf sites is there, so it will be useful to most of you out

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/uucp/mac-ucp-11-fat.hqx; 506K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:24:01 -0700
Subject: [*] macucp-11-ppc.hqx - UUCP package for the Mac

MacUCP is a UUCP package for the Macintosh. It allows your Mac to
efficiently exchange files, e-mail and news with other computers, usually
UNIX servers connected to the Internet.

MacUCP is still no fully functional UUCP package. But the functionality
required for leaf sites is there, so it will be useful to most of you out

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/uucp/mac-ucp-11-ppc.hqx; 313K]


Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 15:54:17 -0700
Subject: [*] Manic_Minefield (a minesweeper type of game))

(You are allowed to put this file on any media you like, including

Computer: A MacOS compatible computer with a PowerPC processor.
Colors: Thousands (15bits) or millions (24bits).

You might have played a game called  'MineSweeper' (MicroSoft),
'Landmines' (Atari Corp), or anything else with the word 'sweeper' or
'mine' in it.
Then you probably know how to play, since the rules of those games and
Manic Minefields are very similar.

Manic Minefields is really 10 (!) different minesweeper games in one
program, each with
its own unique set of graphics, sounds, special rules, game plot and
hiscore tables.
In the unregistered version you only get to play 2 of the 10 games, but
that's more than you get in the registered version of any other
game on the market.

HOW TO CONTACT THE AUTHORS Address: Addiction Software P.O. Box 5012 S-451 05
Uddevalla SWEDEN   Home Page: Email:

ADDICTION SOFTWARE -Software developer and publisher
Address:                     Telephone/Fax: +46 522 75872
P.O. Box 5012                Email:
S-451 05 Uddevalla           Home Page:
	   Registered in Sweden number: 916851-8232
	   European VAT number: SE916851823201

[Archived as /info-mac/game/manic-minefields-10.hqx; 821K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:38:56 -0700
Subject: [*] MicNotePad Lite 3.8.8

MicNotePad Lite 3.8.8 improves compatibility.

MicNotePad is an easy to use, enhanced, digital no-tape recorder. Its
significant features are:  It also is a transcriber.  It works reliably.
It is easy to use.  It works in the background.  It can run in half a
megabyte of RAM.  70 pages on-screen user guide are built in.

MicNotePad is being used for dictation, transcription, and archiving.
MicNotePad is being used to record test flights, interviews, lectures,
meetings, performances, and kids.

To fully explore MicNotePad, switch to both Large View and Full Menus.  In
spite of its ease of use and reliability, MicNotePad's long list of
features include:  Superior sound quality, yet one hour fits into only
14MB, adjustable sound formats, optional automatic playback, rewinding, and
locking, unique markers, sound check, adjustable sound input gain level,
adjustable key combinations, adjustable playback speed while keeping
original pitch, notification, selection of sound input device, AppleScript
scriptability, drag and drop onto email messages, playback of many aif, au,
wav, and system sound files, some optimization to allow transfer from and
to audio tapes, compatibility with search engines, totally transparent
compatibility across the hardware platform from the PowerBook 140 to the
Power Macintosh 9500.  It even allows to use regular external microphones
with the PowerBook 5300 series without using any hardware adapters.

Balloon Help often clarifies when minor features are not available on
specific Macintosh models and describes some more power features.

MicNotePad is a speech product that is well integrated into the word
processing paradigm.  Other than most other speech products, it works for
any language, accent, number of speakers, background noise, or topic.
Beyond uses in journalism, legal and medical transcription, and higher
education, it also serves well in language study, speech therapy, with
attention deficit disorder, and for creative writing.

Known limitations of MicNotePad Lite 3.8.8, for very few users only:  For
some Mac models that will be introduced after fall of 1996 you might have
to come back for a newer version.  If that occurs, then it is obvious
immediately, and you can send an e-mail to the authors to accelerate
development of a new version (your vote for the budget).

More information at
MicNotePad is a creation of Nirvana Research at

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/mic-note-pad-lite-388.hqx; 341K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:18 -0700
Subject: [*] Nascar Demo 1.0 - Racecar simulation

Here's the Nascar demo...

Haven't played it much, but it looks very detailed

Demo specifics... fully functional, three tracks

System Requirements (from the Demo docs):

Apple Power Macintosh 6100 60mhz minimum (7100 80mhz or higher
16 MB RAM ( 8MB free)
system 7.1 or later
Sound Manager 3.1
Plain Talk 1.51 ( For speech recognition)
256 color display
Joystick or steering device (recommended)

Kurt (

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/nascar-demo.hqx; 6495K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:39:03 -0700
Subject: [*] NetSupport Page 1.1

NetSupport Page is a freeware application designed to aid network support
 personnel and end-users in determining the current and past status of
their AppleTalk and TCP/IP network. It automatically generates a World
Wide Web page (an HTML document) displaying the current status of
specified AppleTalk zones and IP addresses at user-specified intervals.

Any web browser can be used to view the web page. If the HTML document is
 shared by a web server or AppleShare server, any client on the network
can view it. Client screens will automatically update every sixty seconds.

Version 1.1 adds support for pagers and custom HTML, and a couple of bug

Jeff Benjamin
StepUp Software

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/net-support-page-11.hqx; 755K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:39 -0700
Subject: [*] OpenStack 1.1.1z US Pkg

(This version replace the old 1.1.1 US version *ONLY* - not the French
version, thanks)

OpenStack is a Multimedia Extension System for HyperCard and HyperCard
Player. A taste of HyperCard 3.0. Install OpenStack and adds the drag and
drop to HyperCard 2.2 or above (or the player).

OpenStack requires at least System 7.5 (also 7.1 with Drag And Drop
installed) to run and a 2.5 Mo minimum RAM
allocation to HyperCard (or HyperCard Player).

OpenStack supports the following Apple technologies:

- Apple Guide (System 7.5 at least)
- Macintosh Drag and Drop
- Open Scripting Architecture (AppleScript, Frontier, _)
- QuickTime
- QuickTime VR
- QuickDraw 3D (System 7.5 or above and PowerMac only)
- Balloons help
- HyperTalk (HyperTalk scripts can be included directly in your object)
- AddColor / Color Tools
(provided with the full version of HyperCard - OpenStack enhances the
Color tools with its own Color Library - QuickColor)

Please email any comments or inquiries to:
< (Harry Alloul)>

Here is an URL for finding OpenStack on ftp sites :

OpenStack 1.1.1z Copyrights 1994-1996 by Harry Alloul - All Rights Reserved.
All informations in this mail are subject to change without notice.
All trade-marks are registered.

Harry Alloul
Objective Software
OpenStack WEB:

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/openstack-111.hqx; 1562K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:24:13 -0700
Subject: [*] OTConfigs - AppleScript addition to configure OT

- OTConfigs is an AppleScript scripting addition.
- It allows you to switch configurations of OpenTransport without having
to open the Control Panels, such as TCP/IP, and PPP.
  For instance, if you have a configration "HyperNet" defined in your
TCP/IP control panel, you can write a script like this:

 change config of OT_TCP to "HyperNet"

  When you execute the above script, TCP/IP configuration gets changed
to the one named "HyperNet".

- The package contains sample AppleScripts, so you can start using it by
just entering the names of configurations you defined in your
OpenTransport Control Panels.
- Very useful if you are a client of mulptiple PPP connections because
you can change TCP/IP and PPP configurations, and then start initiating
a PPP connection by just one action.
- $10 shareware.  (payable online)

Changes from the last version:
No code change.  Mior changes in ReadMe files.

System requirements:
- AppleScript
- OpenTransport

Kurita Yosuke  <>

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/conn/ot-configs-as.hqx; 79K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:21 -0700
Subject: [*] Paddington, a font revival

Greetings Font Fiends: Here is something new for you to play with.
'Paddington' is a translation of a sans serif design drawn by Edward
Johnston for London Transport in 1918. It is generally considered to be
the first modern sans serif design. This family contains plain, italic,
bold, bold-italic, small caps and bold small caps.

Freeware, but not public domain.

Please feel free to include in a CD.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/paddington.hqx; 295K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:24:21 -0700
Subject: [*] Paul's Soundtrio

Here are 2 sounds (Happyhour and Sweetime) you can use on your Mac for
every time an hour passes on your system clock.  The other sound
(Makencopies) is for when the printer has finished printing.

First unstuff "soundtrio.sit," then simply place all the sound files into
your system suitcase, which is in your system folder, and you'll be able to
highlight one of them as your hourly sound using the Date & Time Control
Panel.  If you want to make "Makencopies" a printing sound, it should be
availible as an option in the Print window of whatever Word Processing App
(Microsoft Word etc...) you are using.

Where are the sounds from?

Happyhour    - a short sound clip from The Tragically Hip's song "Little
Bones," from the album "Road Apples."

Sweetime     - Jimi Hendrix saying, "I didn't meeean to take up all you're
sweet time!"  From the song "Voodoo Child."

Makencopies - From the good old days of Saturday Night live.

Hope you like the sounds!

Feel free to drop by at my web site at:

[Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/sound-trio.hqx; 267K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:36 -0700
Subject: [*] ResFork Killer 1.4.0

ResFork Killer 1.4.0 deletes the Resource fork of any file.

Christoph Schaffhauser        Tel: +41 (0)61 751 23 42
DarkEagle Software            EMail:
Dornacherstrasse 32
CH-4147 Aesch

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/res-fork-killer-140.hqx; 84K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:31 -0700
Subject: [*] ResFork Killer 1.4.0 (German Version)

ResFork Killer l=F6scht die Resource Fork einer beliebigen Datei

Christoph Schaffhauser        Tel: +41 (0)61 751 23 42
DarkEagle Software            EMail:
Dornacherstrasse 32
CH-4147 Aesch

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/res-fork-killer-140-de.hqx; 84K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:24:48 -0700
Subject: [*] Rypple 1.0

Rypple is an After Dark module that does a cool wave effect by animating
a sine wave over whatever is on the screen. PowerPC is not required but
is highly recommended. Freeware.


[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/rypple-10-ad.hqx; 7K]


Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 15:54:08 -0700
Subject: [*] ScanKeeper68K

There is two versions of SupraFind, a 68k version and a PPC version. I
don't want
SupraFind to be Hard Disk space eater ;-)

[this is the 68K version.--Mike]

About the author: Jean Penicaud 23, Allee de la Serfouette 78310 COIGNIERES
FRANCE Version: 1.0b2 Email: Shareware: This
program is a
shaware, if you like this utility and you use it frequently, and you want the
author improve functionalities please send $20.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/supra-find-68k.hqx; 171K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:27 -0700
Subject: [*] Spell 1.0

SPELL is a program for kids who like to learn how to spell their first

Spell comes with 30 words. When your kid wants more it is easy to make
new words. You can use anything saved as PICT or QuickTime as
illustrations and/or questions.

Old children or their parents can use Spell to make a simple quiz or test.

Spell works like this:
The computer shows a picture or plays a small movie. You write a word. If
you spell it wrong twice you are shown which letters to use. If you spell
it wrong a third time you are shown the right answer. When a level is
finished you see your score. There are three levels with ten words each.
You can get 30 points at each level. With 20 points you may go on to the
next level. With 28 you may get a printed diploma.

Spell is very simple to use, made for children who cannot read and who
are unfamiliar with computers. You can use the keyboard or click on big
letters (in alfabetical order) on the screen.

Spell has on-line-help and a printable manual with information about how
to use the program with your own words.

Spell is released as shareware.  It is fully functional, no demo.
Non-commercial distribution of the Spell installer files is allowed. For
all other distribution, mail to:

Spell requires a Mac LC III (Performa 450) or better with at least: 256
colours,  640x480 screen, System 7.1, QuickTime 2.1.

Spell is made by Tinnar & Torn Minimedia, Saggatan 33 C, S-414 58
Gothenburg, Sweden.
Future updates can be downloaded from our web site:

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/spell-10.hqx; 2903K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:15 -0700
Subject: [*] Tangrams Demo 1.02 to replace Tangrams 1.01

Tangrams and Tangrams demo will run on MacPlus or better B&W or Color Macs.

Tangrams is a digital version of a 200 year old Chinese, 7 tile puzzle. The
object is to fit all the tiles into one of hundreds of puzzle outlines. The
demo program is a full featured program only limited be 5 minutes of
playing time per session (unlimited sessions) and only the first 5 puzzles
per file are playable. All available puzzle outlines and pattern for tiles
are printable. Unlimited new puzzles may be created.
Tangrams Demo 1.02 is an improved version of Tangrams Demo 1.01 with
replaceable backgrounds and bug fixes.
By Hacker Software

All files checked with Disinfectant 3.6

This program may included in your CD-ROM archive

[Archived as /info-mac/game/tangrams-demo-102.hqx; 400K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:12 -0700
Subject: [*] Tesselation - repeating-tile filter for Photoshop

Tesselation is a filter for Photoshop that lets you easily turn any
graphic into a seamlessly repeating tile. Now you can make web-page
backgrounds without detailed retouching.

Tesselation makes tiles of any size that repeat horizontally,
vertically, or both. You can control the blending of the edges.

Besides Photoshop 2.5 or later, this filter also works with Color It,
Fractal Design Painter, and The Cheaper Image.

Check for updates at:

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/tesselation.hqx; 137K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:22:56 -0700
Subject: [*] Troubleshooting 101 IA

The "Troubleshooting 101 Presentation" is a fully interactive application
designed to help you troubleshoot your Macintosh if it bombs or freezes
under System 6.0 through 7.6. It won't help you with a "Sad Mac" on startup
problem, won't bring back a trashed file, and it won't make your boss give
you a raise, but it just might bail you out of a bad situation. This is
written with a Macintosh novice in mind but contains useful information for
all levels of Macintosh users.

There are two versions of this troubleshooting presentation, but both have
identical content. "Troubleshooting 101 IA.sit" (or "Troubleshooting 101
IA") is the "basic" presentation. "Troubleshooting 101 IA wM.sit" (or
"Troubleshooting 101 IA w MUSIC") contains background music which plays
throughout the presentation.

This is the "Troubleshooting 101 IA" version. It requires a Macintosh with
a 14" monitor and capable of displaying 256 colors or more.

The "Troubleshooting 101 Presentation" was created by the same author of
the "Troubleshooting 101 DA". It is not designed to replace the
"Troubleshooting 101 DA" but to compliment it.

For more information, please visit

|         Royce Eddington           |    |

[Archived as /info-mac/info/troubleshooting-101-ia.hqx; 1263K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:00 -0700
Subject: [*] Troubleshooting 101 IA w MUSIC

The "Troubleshooting 101 Presentation" is a fully interactive application
designed to help you troubleshoot your Macintosh if it bombs or freezes
under System 6.0 through 7.6. It won't help you with a "Sad Mac" on startup
problem, won't bring back a trashed file, and it won't make your boss give
you a raise, but it just might bail you out of a bad situation. This is
written with a Macintosh novice in mind but contains useful information for
all levels of Macintosh users.

There are two versions of this troubleshooting presentation, but both have
identical content. "Troubleshooting 101 IA.sit" (or "Troubleshooting 101
IA") is the "basic" presentation. "Troubleshooting 101 IA wM.sit" (or
"Troubleshooting 101 IA w MUSIC") contains background music which plays
throughout the presentation.

This is the "Troubleshooting 101 IA with Music" version. It requires a
Macintosh with a 14" monitor and capable of displaying 256 colors or more.

The "Troubleshooting 101 Presentation" was created by the same author of
the "Troubleshooting 101 DA". It is not designed to replace the
"Troubleshooting 101 DA" but to compliment it.

For more information, please visit

|         Royce Eddington           |    |

[Archived as /info-mac/info/troubleshooting-musc-101-ia.hqx; 1982K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:42 -0700
Subject: [*] Ultimate Wedding/Honeymoon Planner V2.2

Announcing a new Filemaker Pro. 3.0 shareware template-
"The Ultimate Wedding & Honeymoon Planner" Version 2.2. This button
easy to use template is designed to help the prospective bride & groom &
their families, to  handle  all of the many details of planning their
wedding & honeymoon.

With it you can do the following:

Track guest's names, addresses, phone numbers, acceptances,if they're
Print table seating charts, which can be sorted by table number or
name.Also shows any special food requirements of any guest.
Keeps track of all expenses connected with the wedding by means of a
in spread sheet, which shows estimated & actual costs, & dollar amount &
percentages over/under budget.
Keeps track of vendor information.
Instantly see how many weeks to the wedding.
Has a memo section & to-do list.
Bridal registry info.
Prints envelopes & labels for invitations.
Tracks who gets wedding photo's, what size, & quantity, & prints photo
Keeps track of honeymoon expenses, places of interest at different
honeymoon locations, & even has a decision maker to help the bride &
decide where to spend their honeymoon, plus many more features.

Shareware fee $20.00

Needs Filemaker Pro. 3.0, runs best on a color monitor.

Gerry Wiseman
Baltimore, MD

[Archived as /info-mac/data/wed-honeymoon-planner-22.hqx; 189K]


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:23:55 -0700
Subject: [*] WarpSearch CGI 2.4

WarpSearch is a *fast* non-indexed TEXT and HTML file search utility that
functions in both local and CGI/ACGI modes. It works with any
CGI-compatible Macintosh web-server, including Quid Pro Quo, NetPresenz,
WebSTAR, Web Server 4D, and many others.  WarpSearch will recursively
search files and aliases in any folders on your web site that you specify
in a URL or search form.  Speed tests on an old Mac IIci measure WarpSearch
at over 500kb/sec and the newer PowerPC Macs perform far better.

v2.4 - Enhancements & fixes:

-Better parsing of the WarpSearch.html file.  This should allow
modification of this file using your favorite WYSIWYG HTML processor.

-The much-requested sub-folder feature (undocumented in releases prior to
1.8) is back and is fully supported!

-Case-sensitive searches are now provided!  See the included
WarpSearch.html file for proper use. WarpSearch defaults to

-A "Filename search only" option may also be included in your search forms.
 This allows searches by file name rather than content.

-Mundane fixes for: GET method used by URL and ISINDEX search methods,
removal of another error dialog that we never wanted to see, improved
handling of garbled search requests, and a 50k increase in memory for
The Scottish Stewart Clan Home - Genealogy Database, Symbols, Tartans, Septs

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/cgi/warp-search-cgi-24.hqx; 179K]


Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 15:28:24 -0500
From: (Edward Ver Hoef)
Subject: Possible per minute telephone charges for access to ISPs


You are right to challenge me on the validity of the alert message I sent.
I had not checked it out before passing it on. However, one of the people
to whom I sent it is an attorney and in response, he sent me what appears
to be the relevant FCC notice which I have enclosed at the end of this
message. I clearly am not a lawyer but it looks to me like this is a valid
concern. By all means, use your best judgement as to whether or not to
include it in info-mac. I won't feel slighted in any way if you think it is
best not to do it. If you do decide to include it, I think you should add a
comment to the effect that those wishing to send a comment to the FCC on
this matter are required to use the docket number of the proceeding in the
subject line as stated in the "Filing Comments" section at the end of the
FCC notice.

Keep up the good work.

Ed Ver Hoef

>  Can you verify this in some independent way?  The included message feels
>like flame-bait to me...
>       Cheers,
>               Gordon (info-mac moderator)
>P.S. I really don't want to post something like this unless you are sure.
>Subject: Possible per minute telephone charges for access to ISPs
>I received this e-mail from a friend this morning and I thought it was a
>topic of interest to all of us. If you agree, I urge you to let the FCC
>know your position and also send the message on to your firneds and
>associates that you think might share your position. I hope I am not
>violating any proscriptions of info-mac by passing this on in this manner.
>If I am, please forgive me.
>Ed Ver Hoef
>Subject: FW: RBOC charging for local Internet access
>From: Dave Cantera  <>
>I am writing you this to inform you of a very important matter
>currently under review by the FCC. Your local telephone company has
>filed a proposal with the FCC to impose per minute charges for your
>internet service. They contend that your usage has or will hinder the
>operation of the telephone network.   It is my belief that internet
>usage will diminish if users were required to pay additional per
>minute charges. The FCC has created an email box for your comments,
>responses must be received by February 13, 1997. Send your comments to
>and tell them what you think.   Every phone company is in on this one,
>and they are trying to sneak it in just under the wire for litigation.
>Let everyone you know about this one.  Get  the e-mail address to
>everyone you can think of.

 FCC 96-488CC Docket Numbers 96-262, 94-1, 91-213, and 96-263 adopted:
12/23/96 released: 12/24/96

 Access Charge Reform NPRM and Internet Access & Information Service
Provider NOI
 [ <>  Text
Version | <>
Word Perfect Version |
<> Acrobat
Version |
News Release ]
 Access Charge Reform NPRM In this proceeding, the FCC seeks to  reform its
system of interstate access charges to make that system compatible with the
pro-competitive deregulatory framework established by the
Telecommunications Act of 1996. The NPRM includes several proposals for
reform of the Commission's existing access charge rate level policies.  The
Commission outlines two possible approaches for addressing claims that
existing access charge levels are excessive, for establishing a transition
to access charges that more closely reflect economic costs, and for
deregulating incumbent LEC exchange access services as competition develops
in the local exchange and exchange access markets.
 Comment Date: January 27, 1997 Reply Comment Date: February 13, 1997

Comments on the Access Charge Reform NPRM (FCC 96-488) are now available
for downloading. 1/31/97

 Internet Access & Information Service Provider NOI The NOI seeks comment
on whether the FCC should, in addition to access charge reform, consider
actions relating to the implications of information service and Internet
access provider usage of the public switched network.  In particular, in
light of concerns raised over congestion on the public switched network,
the Commission seeks comment on how it can most effectively create
incentives for the deployment of services and facilities to allow more
efficient transport of data traffic to and from end users. The Commission
made no specific proposals, but tentatively concluded that providers of
information services (including Internet service providers) should not be
subject to the interstate access charges that local telephone companies
currently assess on long-distance carriers.
  Comment Date: March 24, 1997 Reply Comment Date: April 23, 1997

     Filing Comments  Parties that wish to file formal comments in these
proceedings should follow the procedures set forth in the NPRM and NOI.
General information on
<> filing
comments with the FCC is also available.
You may also file informal comments electronically via e-mail to
<> for the Access Reform NPRM (CC
Docket No. 96-262) and <> for the Internet
Access & Information Service Provider NOI (CC Docket No. 96-263).
Only one copy of electronically-filed comments must be submitted. You must
put the docket number of the proceeding in the subject line, and you also
must note in the subject line if an electronic submission is an exact copy
of formal comments. You also must include your full name and Postal Service
mailing address in your submission.

 last updated on 2/11/97

Ed Ver Hoef



End of Info-Mac Digest