Date: Sat, 11 Jan 97 14:14:40 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #11
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 11 Jan 97       Volume 15 : Issue 11

Today's Topics:

      [*] Realmz 4.0
      (A) Audio CD Problem - no sound
      [Q] connecting 'PC' printer to Mac
      Anti-Win Wallpaper?
      Duo Disks?
      Five Questions
      Harvard Graphics
      I.P. Address
      Installing 2nd internal IDE drive on a Perf. 6205?
      Installing 7.5.5?
      Kaleidoscope questions
      LC II expansion/CD-Rom/external HD
      Mac Classic list
      Magnifying Glass Cursor (?)
      Modem handling overhead
      MS Publisher to QuarkXPress?
      New FREE Publication!
      Norton crashes
      PowerBase & extra drives
      Prices for used Macs
      To-do lists and email
      Wanted: RGB to NTSC Converter
      Zaurus/Mac Connectivity

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Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 19:11:40 -0800
From: (Jim Foley)
Subject: [*] Realmz 4.0

This is the latest version of the shareware game of the year for 1995
Realmz (4.0).  Realmz is an adventure game with many add on scenarios
This version has many changes and should replace all previous versions
of Realmz.

Any questions concerning this submission can be made to

Any questions concerning Realmz can be made to

[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/rlmz/realmz-40.hqx; 7620K]


Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 00:49:26 -0500
From: "Peter J. Paul" <>
Subject: (A) Audio CD Problem - no sound

> I haven't been using my CD as an audio CD player for a while.
> When I tried last week I got everything to work, except that I didn't get
> any sound.
> The AppleCD DA acted as if nothing was wrong. (The timer correctly stated
> the length of each track.)
> I think I last used the Audio CD function with System 7.5.1. Since then
> I've updated to 7.5.5.
> I tried downloading the latest CD drivers from Apple and installing them.
> Nothing seems to help.
> The CD player works fine with normal CDs. It is the original CD player in
> a 6100 (1X I think).
	Open the sound cdev, select "Sound In" and click "Options..."
Choose the "Internal CD" radio button and check the "Playthrough" check box.
						<< Peter J. Paul >>


Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 15:33:28 -0500
From: Robert George Daniel <>
Subject: [Q] connecting 'PC' printer to Mac

Dear Friendly Helpful Mac Community:

My girlfriend is now the proud owner of my old Mac (7100/66) and I am now
her tech support guy.  In order to preserve my chivalry, if not my very
masculinity, could someone advise as to how to connect her HPIII Laserjet
printer to the Mac???

The printer works fine connected to her PC (via a splitter box - the Mac
replaces the 2nd PC).  I downloaded what seems to be the right driver from
HP's web site, I bought a Mac serial cable which (outwardly) connects fine
between the 25-pin splitter box connector and the printer port of the Mac.

But no amount of fiddling around has so much as made the printer go 'blip'.
The driver seems to think I need AppleTalk to be active - is that the case?
(I've only ever used a StyleWriter II).  Even turning it on, though, did
not solve anything.  The HP3 is NOT postscript enabled, if that matters

Hints? Tips?  Detailed step-by-step solutions?  All welcome at


Thanks a million,


Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 15:05:32 +0000
From: (Tara Merrigan)
Subject: Anti-Win Wallpaper?

There are plenty of Pro-Mac / Anti-Windows desktop patterns &
startupscreens available, but what I'm looking for is just such a
display for a Windows desktop.  I'm now working in a totally PC
environment & want to assert some independence!!

Does anyone know how to convert a startup screen / pattern into a
Windows Wallpaper file?



Date: Thu, 09 Jan 1997 22:46:03 -0800
From: "Steven W. Liebrenz" <>
Subject: DIMMs

Does anyone know how I can determine the quality of DIMMs before
purchasing them?  Is there always a relationship between price and
quality?  I have a PowerPC and don't want to put any "junk" in it.



Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 17:09:00 -0800
From: (Chris Kantarjiev)
Subject: Duo Disks?

At last, I've put aside enough money to upgrade the 80MByte
disk in my Duo 230, only to find out that I'm almost too late -
very few manufacturers seem to be making 2.5" SCSI disks any more!
APS has nothing. My local stores have very little.

I found some at Mac Zone in Seattle. They're MicroTec Road Runners,
and they're available in both 500 and 800 MB. Cool. But before I
throw my VISA number at them, I want to ask: has anyone used these
with good/bad results? Most importantly, Are They Quiet?

Anyone got another current source and/or recommendations?

Thanks very much.


Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 16:22:58 -0500
From: Terry Dineen <>
Subject: Five Questions

I have several questions about using my Macs (Quadra 605 with 12 MB
and RamDoubler 2, System 7.5.5OpenTransport 1.1.2 with PPP or FreePPP
depending on ISP and a LC III with 8 MB 7.5.5):

1) Is there any way to reliably run* a java applet on that Quadra 605?
All of the applet viewers (JDK 1.0.2, Cafe DR2.1, Roaster 2.3 Demo
Applet Runner, MRJ beta2 applet viewer) and java-able browsers
Netscape 3.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0) that I've tried have really
annoying bugs (text insertion point constantly disapperaing in MRJ) or
just plain crash themselves and usually the whole machine.

2) If my mac crashes but my modem is still maintaining the PPP
connection how can I re-establish the PPP protocol using OT PPP and
FreePPP without terminating the existing modem-modem connection?  This
is a real nuisance since the modem is ADB powered and without a
switch.  MacPPP 2.0.1 allowed me do this by using a terminal window
and just pushing the "done" (or whatever) button.  It would then
resynch with the runnning PPP on the far end of the wire.

3) I use At Ease 2.0 on the LC III which is shared by a four and an
eight year old.  The four year old does not know how to shut it down
well -- she just turns the power off.  I believe this probably
corrupted the disk eventually and made it unbootable.  After restoring
it to health I thought I'd use an AppleScript to shut it down cleanly
and install it on her desktop for her.  All that happened is she ended
up in the AppleScript editor when she tried to use it.  Any better

4) How could I use apps that are CD rom based (i.e. no part is
installed on the disk) from At Ease?

5) I bought a Symantec Cafe subscription (one-year of downloads) but
nothing has changed since DR2.? on August 20.  "DR" means
beta-quality, right?  When will there be a first product release?

*split infinitive


Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 16:59:11 +0200
From: (Lothar Gierl)
Subject: Harvard Graphics

does anyone know whether Harvard Garphics is available for Macs or not.

L. Gierl, Germany


Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 10:21:59 -0500
Subject: I.P. Address

How can I find my I.P. Address?


Betty Quisenberry


Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 17:23:59 -0500
From: (Pat Ellis)
Subject: Installing 2nd internal IDE drive on a Perf. 6205?

>Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 21:48:56 +0100
>From: Martin Jourdan <>
>Subject: [Q] Installing 2nd internal IDE drive on a Perf. 6205?
>On Mon, 6 Jan 1997, Paul Bickford <> wrote:
>>I was trying (and failing) to install a 2nd internal IDE drive on my
>>Performa 6205, and was wondering:
>>        a) is it possible?
>No. The Apple IDE interface is a bit crippled and can support only one drive.

	I don't believe this is an Apple problem.  As far as I know, IDE
has always been limited to 1 drive - regardless of the platform.

>BTW, since this is cc'ed to the list, does anyone know whether is it the
>same for the internal IDE interface in Power Computing's PowerBase or
>Lotorola's StarMax Mac clones ?

	Shouldn't be.  Both Motorola and Power Computing ship their
respective models with standard internal and external SCSI, in addition to
their EIDE hard drive interface.  Motorola also uses ATAPI for the CD-ROM,
so the internal SCSI is not used at all.  If you add a second hard drive,
remember to pick up a cable.

	note:  THe MacBench 4.0 ReadMe file states that the MacOS has a bug
with IDE drives and Virtual memory - specifically on Alchemy based Mac
systems.  PowerComputing's Powerbase line use the Alchemy board and an IDE
interface.  How far reaching is this bug (beyond the problems that may
occur with MacBench)?  In other words, are there any users of the Powerbase
line (with VM turned on) that have been experiencing regular or more than
the usual number of  freezes/hangs?

	Pat Ellis


Date: Thu, 09 Jan 1997 14:42:03 -0800
From: "Linda S." <>
Subject: Installing 7.5.5?


I am considering installing 7.5.5 (I now have 7.5.3 on a Mac Performa
5200CD- 24 mgs.memory).  I have been reading lots of posts,articles,
mags., the ReadMe file, etc. and I find contradictory info.  Do I need
to do a clean install or not of my current version, do I have to
transfer the old to the new system folder and is 7.5.5 worth it to
upgrade.  It only seemed like 1 thing applied to my computer.



Date: 9 Jan 1997 17:47:34 U
From: "Bohannon, Kim" <>
Subject: Kaleidoscope questions

Hello List,

 I've seen a bunch of submissions of color schemes for Kaleidoscope, and =
I would
like to try it out, but I'm concerned about how much a program like it
affects my system.  I'm running a PPC 6100/66 with 16 RAM at work and a =
PowerWave 120 (604 CPU, 120 MHZ, 16 RAM) at home, both with System 7.5.3. =
 The PowerWave is fairly new and I don't want to do anything to it that =
would be hard to reverse.  My 6100 at work is loaded already, and has =
tons of inits.  I'm constantly trying to trim it down. So, does =
Kaleidoscope just mess with the Mac's innards a little or is it really =
intrusive?  What incompatibilities do you know about?  Should I give up =
on customizing my windows and menus and just stick with what the Desktop =
Patterns DA can do?  Thanks for your advice.



Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 13:35:40 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: LC II expansion/CD-Rom/external HD

At 7:32 AM -0600 1/9/97, Mark Evans wrote:
>A friend tells me I can [get an external HD and a CD-ROM] for
>around $100 each. Really?

The HD would have to be used, but in that case, sure.

Mail-order houses [MacWarehouse, etc.] commonly offer CD-ROM drives for
right around $100.  Hard drives seem to bottom out at about $400.

Instead of an external HD, you may want to consider a Zip drive, which
would run you about $150.



Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 21:51:03 +0000
From: Christopher Adams <>
Subject: Mac Classic list

>From: Terry Gwenn <>
>Could someone tell me how to subscribe to the List for Mac Classic users?

This list is about many older Mac models like the SE and Plus, not just the

For now, to subscribe to Classic Macs, send a subscription request to
<>. You will be added within a day.


The Classic Macs Archives are found at:


Chris Adams, Birmingham, UK |


Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 17:57:10 -0500 (EST)
From: (Al Bloom)
Subject: Magnifying Glass Cursor (?)

Folks, I've a minor nuisance that I'm sure you can help with.

Recently my cursor has ben switching from an arrow to something that
looks like a little magnifying glass. Happens on my home IIci and office
Q650/PPC, System of the 7.5.5 persuasion.

Happens in apps and in the finder.

I had a low level interest in the oddity until this afternoon when my
home IIci fired up, all inits had finished loading, the cursor changed
to a magnifying glass, and the machine froze solid. The power switch was
the only escape. The subsequent startup went fine.

But the episode did get my attention.

Y'all have any ideas where the "magnifying glass" cursor comes from and
maybe even how to stop it?


Al Bloom, Virginia Tech


Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 13:07:00 -0700
From: Bruce Carter <>
Subject: Modem handling overhead

Could someone explain to me, in fairly precise technical terms, why it is
that my Mac at work with a direct ethernet connection does not slow down in
other applications when a huge amount of data is being transferred in over
the network, but my Macintosh at home slows down to a crawl at best when
transferring a huge amount of data over the modem?  It only stands to
reason that more data is coming in faster over the 10baseT ethernet than
over the modem, but the performance hit on the Mac with the modem is
enormous.  Is there that much overhead in handling the modem port?

Bruce Carter, Boise State Univ., Boise, ID 83725


Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 15:05:24 +0000
From: (Tara Merrigan)
Subject: MS Publisher to QuarkXPress?

I've recently started working in a PC dominated office.  I obviously
talk about Macs far too much because now I'm getting beseiged with
questions!  One guy asked me about a problem his Mac-using brother is
having importing a file saved with Micro$oft Publisher into QuarkXPress.
Is there an easy conversion method that anyone knows of?



Date: Thu, 09 Jan 1997 13:49:18 +0000
From: MacCom <>
Subject: New FREE Publication!

PR: MacCom(MC) Publications has annouced a new sub-publication for the
Macintosh community! MacCom(MC), their first publication that will be
going into their fourth issue in January 1997, is a Macintosh
community of businesses and users getting the most out of their
Macintosh computers. MacCom(MC) is free and includes reviews,
articles, tips, contests, news, information, ads, and much more. It is
currently read around the world and got it's name from the first three
letters of each word in "Macintosh community." Their second, free
publication (starting in January 1997) is a sub-publication of
MacCom(MC) called Computer Byte News(CBN). Computer Byte News is the
latest in Apple and Internet news, updates, releases, and other
information. CBN will be sent to all current subscribers of MacCom in
between MacCom issues (around mid-month). If you are not already
subscribed, you can receive your free subscription by visiting
MacCom(MC) Online at and filling
out the subscription form or by sending an e-mail to and putting "SUBSCRIBE maccom-l" (without
quotes) in the message box. MacCom's Computer Byte News issues are
sponsored by digitalApple available at

MacCom(MC) Subscription Information: Send an e-mail to and put "SUBSCRIBE maccom-l" (without quotes)
in the message box.


Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 10:25:13 +0100
From: Peter Peldan <>
Subject: Norton crashes

I am currently experiencing the following problem: evry time i check my
Harddrive with norton discdoctor 3.2.1 it crashes exactly in the same
"spot" when it checks the Catalog B-tree leaves. I have tried to check
the harddrive with apples disktools and it doesnt find any problems.

I first noticed a problem when FileSaver alerted me about an unknown
disc error.

I have a powermac 7600/120 with 1.2 Gb harddrive. I have given norton
10Mb Ram. I have used norton on this machine for a long time without
problems prior to this. And i have run norton discdoctor to check  a cd
after the problems started(just to see if the problem is in the norton
app itself): no crash.

Are there any other disc tools that i can use to check my harddrive?
Othr suggestions



Date: Thu, 9 Jan 97 13:12:33 -0600
From: "Stephen M. Gray" <>
Subject: PowerBase & extra drives

>BTW, since this is cc'ed to the list, does anyone know whether is it the
>same for the internal IDE interface in Power Computing's PowerBase or
>Lotorola's StarMax Mac clones ?

I can't answer for StarMax, but PowerComputing's web site had this to say
about the PowerBase series:

>Drive Bays

>Low Profile: One front accessible 5 1/4" bay for 8x CD-ROM; one front
>accessible 3 1/2" bay for floppy drive; one internal 3 1/2" drive bay for
>internal hard drive

>Mini-Tower: Three front accessible 5 1/4" bays, one for 8x CD-ROM; one
>front accessible one for internal 3 1/2" floppy drive; 3 1/2" bay for one
>full-size or two half-size internal drives

>6) What about SCSI support?
>PowerBase includes a single-channel SCSI interface for both
>internal and external
>drives. It operates at up to 5MB/sec.

So you can have additional drives, but they're SCSI, not IDE.


Stephen M. Gray
The Wanderer


Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 15:44:53 -0500
From: matthew fletcher <>
Subject: Prices for used Macs

Jon Froines asked:

] Hi there.  Does anyone know where I can find
] information on pricing some used Macs for sale?
] Maybe a sort of "blue book" for Macs like cars have?

the "macintosh museum" section of
( gives current street
prices on used macs, as well as hardware configuration and history info. is a great site. in addition to the museum, there's a
shareware library, internet glossary, and industry information.

good luck.

m. fletcher
see you in hell!


Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 12:09:17 -0700
From: Dennis Helsel <>
Subject: To-do lists and email

Does anyone know of a program or set of programs that will tie together a
prioritized to-do list with email or another document program?

For example, I would add an item to my to-do list saying "Review and reply
to draft article".  The draft came to me by email, so I would drag that
email item from the email program to the to-do list item, which links them.
Then 2 days later, when I began to work on that item and double-clicked it
in the to-do list, the email draft article would open.

More generally, perhaps double-clicking the item could work with a word
processing document or any other openable document.

I would think a commercial software program like this would sell quite
well.  If there is no existing program(s) to do this, is it scriptable?

Thanks in advance for answers.

Dennis Helsel


Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 11:52:10 -0800
From: "Phillip St. James" <>
Subject: Wanted: RGB to NTSC Converter

I have a Mac IIci (68k) with a Radius PrecisionColor24-bit color card.
I need an RGB to NTSC converter.  Can somebody point me to a
manufacturer or supplier who makes this item?  I want to see my Mac
screen on a regular domestic TV.  Any ideas?

Radius has been very slow in responding to me - over 2 months so far
with no response including phone calls to their corp HQ.



Date: Fri, 10 Jan 97 12:39:35 -0500
From: "Peter E. Haydu" <>
Subject: Zaurus/Mac Connectivity

Some time ago I replaced my old YO-series Sharp Organizer with a =
Zaurus 5000 because the software which I had been using to backup and =
manipulate my Organizer data on my SE30 no longer worked properly on =
my new PowerWave 120 (or, so I was told, on ANY PCI power mac).

The free backup software which came with purchase of the Zaurus does =
provide backup function, but doesn=B9t allow any manipulation of the =
data on the desktop from the backup file.

Rupp, the maker of virtually all the software and other accessories =
for the Zaurus series, has told me that they don=B9t have anything =
which provides this flexibility for the Mac (although they have =
several programs like this for Windows, etc).

Does anyone know of ANYTHING which will do this? From whatever source?

Frankly, the lack of what seems to be a pretty basic support for the =
Mac by Sharp and Rupp is making me think that I should abandon the =
Zaurus entirely in favor of something like US Robotics Pilot, or the =

Thanks for any help you can provide.



End of Info-Mac Digest