Abstracts from files in info-mac/per/amug as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX 9-16-99-amug-meeting-notes.hqx **** From: bean@amug.org Subject: AMUG Sept Meeting Notes Contains information on the AMUG 9-16-99 meeting in Phoenix, AZ hosted by Apple Computer. iBook and G4 presentations with Q&A were very informative. For more info see http://www.amug.org the meeting, news and resource areas are full of updates. Michael Bean Arizona Macintosh Users Group, Inc. 480-497-2244 #### BINHEX amug-98-01.hqx **** From: sales@amug.org Subject: AMUG News 01-98 This is the January 1998 AMUG News monthly magazine featuring news from the Library, eMedia Guitar CD, Getting Back to Jack, Bits & Pieces, and new shareware picks for Mac, Pilot, Newton. AMUG membership is open to anyone. Annual dues are $39 U.S. funds. AMUG is located in Phoenix, AZ - (602) 553-8966 Information hotline (602) 277-5142. Copyright 1998 Arizona Macintosh Users Group all rights reserved. Requires Acrobat reader 3.x. #### BINHEX amug-98-02.hqx **** From: sales@amug.org Subject: AMUG News & New CDs This is the February 1998 AMUG News monthly magazine featuring FreeHand Graphics Studio, Music of the American South, Bits & Pieces, Beginners Corner, Myth: the Fallen Lords, Apple news, Plus Maker, UGC, shareware picks, cool new CDs and more. AMUG membership is open to anyone. Annual dues are $39 U.S. funds. AMUG is located in Phoenix, AZ - (602) 553-8966 Information hotline (602) 277-5142. Copyright 1998 Arizona Macintosh Users Group all rights reserved. Requires Acrobat reader 3.x. #### BINHEX amug-98-03.hqx **** From: sales@amug.org Subject: AMUG News & New CDs This is the March 1998 AMUG News monthly magazine featuring 8.1 update info, a CD from AMUG with the update, several reviews, shareware news and more. AMUG membership is open to anyone. Annual dues are $39 U.S. funds. AMUG is located in Phoenix, AZ - (602) 553-8966 Information hotline (602) 277-5142. Copyright 1998 Arizona Macintosh Users Group all rights reserved. Requires Acrobat reader 3.x. #### BINHEX amug-98-04.hqx **** From: bean@amug.org Subject: AMUG News April 98 This is the April 1998 AMUG News monthly magazine featuring games, internet tips, shareware news and more. AMUG membership is open to anyone. Annual dues are $39 U.S. funds. AMUG is located in Phoenix, AZ - (602) 553-8966. Copyright 1998 Arizona Macintosh Users Group all rights reserved. Requires Acrobat reader 3.x. To get the current issue of AMUG News and join send $39 to AMUG, 4131 N. 24th St. #A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85016. You can also visit our web site at www.amug.org and see our huge collection of shareware. #### BINHEX amug-98-05.hqx **** From: bean@amug.org Subject: AMUG News May 98 This is the May 1998 AMUG News monthly magazine featuring Performance Figures, Virus problems, Desktop picture tricks, Macromedia FreeHand 8.0, FreeHand, Graphics on the Internet, Office 98, Win95, etc., Bits & Pieces, Dorman Bullard, Floppies, local news coverage, Office, Search engines, Meta tags and searches and more. AMUG membership is open to anyone. Annual dues are $39 U.S. funds. AMUG is located in Phoenix, AZ - (602) 553-8966. Copyright 1998 Arizona Macintosh Users Group all rights reserved. Requires Acrobat reader 3.x. To get the current issue of AMUG News and join send $39 to AMUG, 4131 N. 24th St. #A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85016. You can also visit our web site at www.amug.org and see our huge collection of shareware. #### BINHEX amug-98-06.hqx **** From: bean@amug.org Subject: AMUG News June 98 This is the June 1998 AMUG News monthly magazine featuring My favorite bookmarks, Grand Canyon Explorer, Complete National Geographic, Starfleet Academy CDand more. AMUG membership is open to anyone. Annual dues are $39 U.S. funds. AMUG is located in Phoenix, AZ - (602) 553-8966. Copyright 1998 Arizona Macintosh Users Group all rights reserved. Requires Acrobat reader 3.x. To get the current issue of AMUG News and join send $39 to AMUG, 4131 N. 24th St. #A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85016. You can also visit our web site at www.amug.org and see our huge collection of shareware. #### BINHEX amug-98-07.hqx **** From: bean@amug.org Subject: AMUG News July 98 This is the July 1998 AMUG News monthly magazine featuring iMac, Bankers Secret, Bits & Pieces, Internet SIG News, Using the Internet for investing, SrSIG News. AMUG membership is open to anyone. Annual dues are $39 U.S. funds. AMUG is located in Phoenix, AZ - (602) 553-8966. Copyright 1998 Arizona Macintosh Users Group all rights reserved. Requires Acrobat reader 3.x. To get the current issue of AMUG News and join send $39 to AMUG, 4131 N. 24th St. #A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85016. You can also visit our web site at www.amug.org and see our huge collection of shareware. #### BINHEX amug-98-08.hqx **** From: bean@amug.org Subject: AMUG News August 98 This is the August 1998 AMUG News monthly magazine featuring Apples Alphabet Soup, ADSL, USB, IEEE, AltiVec, Casino Master CD, Bits & Pieces, The wooden mouse, cellular phones, Internet SIG News, Susan Morgan, Escape Velocity Override. Annual dues are $39 U.S. funds. AMUG is located in Phoenix, AZ - (602) 553-8966. Copyright 1998 Arizona Macintosh Users Group all rights reserved. Requires Acrobat reader 3.x. To get the current issue of AMUG News and join send $39 to AMUG, 4131 N. 24th St. #A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85016. You can also visit our web site at www.amug.org and see our huge collection of shareware. #### BINHEX amug-98-09.hqx **** From: sales@amug.org Subject: AMUG News Sept. 1998 This is the September 1998 AMUG News monthly magazine featuring Superstitions and the Y2K, Let零 do a Newsletter, CDDB on the Internet, Ambrosia for the Mac Gamer, PocketData for the PalmPilot, shareware. AMUG membership is open to anyone. Annual dues are $39 U.S. funds. AMUG is located in Phoenix, AZ - (602) 840-1726. Copyright 1998 Arizona Macintosh Users Group all rights reserved. Requires Acrobat reader 3.x. To get the latest Newsletter join AMUG. You can also get on the AMUG events mailing list by mailing rubin@amug.org. To purchase our fabulous shareware collections for Mac, Newton and PalmPilot or to register for FTP call 602-497-2244 or order on-line at: https://www.amug.org/amug/store/http/amug-order.html To view or libraries on-line try http://cdrom.amug.org/ View our recent files at http://cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/MacRecent.html http://cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/NewtonRecent.html http://cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/PilotRecent.html #### BINHEX amug-98-10.hqx **** From: sales@amug.org Subject: AMUG News Oct. 1998 This is the October 1998 AMUG News monthly magazine featuring Putting Your Business on the Web, Scenic Arizona & Grand Canyon, Beautiful screen savers & wallpaper, iMac update; new PalmPilot files, Newton picks, etc. AMUG membership is open to anyone. Annual dues are $39 U.S. funds. AMUG is located in Phoenix, AZ - (602) 840-1726. Copyright 1998 Arizona Macintosh Users Group all rights reserved. Requires Acrobat reader 3.x. To get the latest Newsletter join AMUG. You can also get on the AMUG events mailing list by mailing rubin@amug.org. To purchase our fabulous shareware collections for Mac, Newton and PalmPilot or to register for FTP call 602-497-2244 or order on-line at: https://www.amug.org/amug/store/http/amug-order.html To view or libraries on-line try http://cdrom.amug.org/ View our recent files at http://cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/MacRecent.html http://cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/NewtonRecent.html http://cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/PilotRecent.html #### BINHEX amug-98-11.hqx **** From: sales@amug.org Subject: AMUG News Nov. 1998 This is the November 1998 AMUG News monthly magazine featuring Case of the Crashing iMac?, MacOS 8.5 Reviewed, Nine of the best and most affordable games, Selling on the Internet, Searching the Internet, Using search engines and directories to find things! AMUG membership is open to anyone. Annual dues are $39 U.S. funds. AMUG is located in Phoenix, AZ - (602) 840-1726. Copyright 1998 Arizona Macintosh Users Group all rights reserved. Requires Acrobat reader 3.x. To get the latest Newsletter join AMUG. You can also get on the AMUG events mailing list by mailing rubin@amug.org. To purchase our fabulous shareware collections for Mac, Newton and PalmPilot or to register for FTP call 602-497-2244 or order on-line at: https://www.amug.org/amug/store/http/amug-order.html To view or libraries on-line try http://cdrom.amug.org/ View our recent files at http://cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/MacRecent.html http://cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/NewtonRecent.html http://cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/PilotRecent.html #### BINHEX amug-98-12.hqx **** From: sales@amug.org Subject: AMUG News Dec. 1998 December 1998 AMUG News - monthly magazine featuring AfterDark games & holiday ideas, Mac OS conflicts & updates, Custom CDs from the Internet, The iMac Impact, Graphics SIG, Shockwave, Senior SIG. AMUG membership is open to anyone. Annual dues are $39 U.S. funds. AMUG is located in Phoenix, AZ - (602) 840-1726. Copyright 1998 Arizona Macintosh Users Group all rights reserved. Requires Acrobat reader 3.x. To get the latest Newsletter join AMUG. You can also get on the AMUG events mailing list by mailing rubin@amug.org. To purchase our fabulous shareware collections for Mac, Newton and PalmPilot or to register for FTP call 602-497-2244 or order on-line at: https://www.amug.org/amug/store/http/amug-order.html To view or libraries on-line try http://cdrom.amug.org/ View our recent files at http://cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/MacRecent.html http://cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/NewtonRecent.html http://cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/PilotRecent.html