Abstracts from files in info-mac/nwt/app as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     banzai-slider.hqx   ****

From: psheldon@utdallas.edu
Subject: BanzaiSlider (never say newton is lost!)

	(newton gps navigation talking moving map slides)
	Newton is not dead, just lost and bought back by Apple. Find your
own way with BanzaiSlider!
	This version replaces Bonzai and Banzai4800 and the first version
of BanzaiSlider.
	The old BanzaiSlider version had more of the feel of sliding the
maps as if they were huge virtual screens that you could zoom in and out of
under the newton window (see BanzaiReader). Another new feature, unlimited
zoomout with newton press pict books.
	The current version of BanzaiSlider has a map turnoff button to
allow you to see ETA's (now corrected to your time zone). The zoom slider
control is placed for compatibility to older mp120 and mp130.
	Compatible with Garmin II and III (set at 4800 baud and with NMEA
sentence filter) as well as Scoutmaster GPS (just set Scoutmaster's
baudrate at 4800).
	Rich Drinkard, a beta tester, made some suggestions on activity
sounds and map display and so that is improved. He also requested the
unlimited zoomout. Evidentally his 28meg flashcard on a mp2100 could hold a
very large map to find his way around. I believe we are going to see bigger
than 4 meg flashcards officially supported by apple on the mp2100.
	Rich Drinkard reported me experiments that tripmate does speak NMEA
sentences! So, I shall be working on a version for it!
	I am working on a mp100 Garmin II III and Scoutmaster version with
limited features.

#### BINHEX     bills-to-pay-pro-356.hqx   ****

From: Edmartin@marsoftware.com
Subject: Bills to Pay Pro 3.5.6

Welcome to Bills to Pay Pro from MAR Software. Bills to Pay Pro was
designed specifically for the Newton 2.0 operating system. This new
version supports Pocket Money and Pocket Quicken, and was rated 5 by
GECKO Magazine!

I. What¹s New in Version 3.5.6 € Full support of the Newton 2000,
including keyboard shortcuts. € Support for the new Newton Preferences
standard. € Transfer account information can now be sent to PocketMoney
when posting bills from Bills to Pay Pro. € When posting payments or
deposits to PocketMoney or Pocket Quicken, three date options are now
available: date paid, date due, or date sent.

The update can be downloaded from our web site at
http://www.marsoftware.com. While you're  there, you'll notice we have a
new product: The Executive Newton stand! Be sure to take a peek.

The full working version of Bills to Pay Pro is also available in
German, Japanese, and French. We are currently working on a Spanish

Bills to Pay Pro Can Track It All!!

#### BINHEX     boston-subway-map.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 14:16-0400
From: "Brian K. Ogilvie" <bko@CERBERUS.tlw.com>
Subject: TMap: A Newton Map of the Boston Subway

When I purchased the "Fodor's 94" card for my Newton, I noticed it
didn't contain a subway map for Boston, so I wrote this fairly small
(57K on your Newton) application.  The left and right arrow buttons
scroll the map as you'd expect; the normal Newton up and down buttons
work the vertical scrolling.  The overview center button pops up a
little about box.  You can also "grab" the map with your pen and drag it

Freeware based on an Apple-supplied example, but the program remains
Copyright Brian K. Ogilvie and his licensors (Apple makes me say this).
May be included in any CD-ROM redistribution of the Info-mac archive.

#### BINHEX     calc-plus-plus-48.hqx   ****

From: (Gerard Hammond,) ghammond@metz.une.edu.au
Subject: Calc++ v4.8 Newton Calculator

A Newton Scientific Calculator

Gerard Hammond        ghammond@metz.une.edu.au

#### BINHEX     calendar-marker-12.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 13:39:05 -0400
From: js12@gte.com (John Schettino)
Subject: Calendar Marker 1.2 Newton App

Every time you open the Dates application, Calendar Marker swiftly checks
for any and all day notes and meetings in the current month. It also does
this check when you change or make a new appointment, or select a new day
to view. It then draws a box around any day with a day note, and places a
small line to the left of any day with a meeting. A line is drawn near the
top of a day with one or more morning meetings, while a line is drawn near
the bottom for one or more afternoon meetings.

Calendar Marker displays week numbers to the left of the month. It counts
the first week in a year with more than 3 days as week 1. If the first week
in a year has 3 or fewer days in it, it is numbered the same a the last
week of the previous year. If the last week in a year has fewer than 4 days
in it, it is numbered 1. Those are the rules.

My Home Page:

js12@gte.com             GTE Laboratories
John Schettino                Waltham, MA

#### BINHEX     crypto-11.hqx   ****

From: sweyer@bellatlantic.net
Subject: Crypto 1.1 -- updated [crypto11.sit.hqx] 

Crypto supports solving cryptogram, code, cipher (single character
substitution) puzzles, like those in newspapers. Create puzzles in Crypto,
Notes, or Newtworks, or copy from web pages. Crypto substitutes and displays
letters used. Examples included. Shareware. NOS 2.x-only.

Changes in 1.1 (16 Feb 98)
- minor fixes, URL updates

Internet: weyer@kagi.com
AOL,CIS: SteveWeyer

#### BINHEX     date-view-demo.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 10:30:42 -0500
From: wkearney@access.digex.net (Bill Kearney)
Subject: Update of DateView

It appears that the archive file containing DateView is missing the package
file.  This, of course, renders the file a bit useless.  I've attached the
most recent version of DateView to this message.  Simply replace the old
file with this new one.

Thanks and sorry for the mistake,

Bill Kearney

#### BINHEX     ecount-10.hqx   ****

From: sweyer@bellatlantic.net
Subject: Ellie's Count Down 1.0 (ecount10.sit.hqx)

Ellie's Count Down 1.0

For a selected date (holiday, your birthday, "End of World" or enter one),
Ellie's Count Down (ECountDn) displays the remaining time from now in
weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds. Freeware. NOS 2.x-only.
(Application created with NewtDevEnv, help book with Newt's Cape).

Keywords: events, date, calendar, timer

Internet: weyer@kagi.com
AOL,CIS: SteveWeyer

#### BINHEX     geocns-10.hqx   ****

From: sweyer@bellatlantic.net
Subject: Geometry Construction Set 1.0 (geocnstr10.sit.hqx)

Geometry Construction Set 1.0

With GeoCnstr, draw lines, circles, triangles; get information about perimeter,
area; bisect lines and angles, inscribe/circumscribe circles.
Freeware. NOS 1.x/2.x compatible.
(Application created with NewtDevEnv, help book with Newt's Cape).

Keywords: education, learning, geometry, construction, bisect, inscribe,

Internet: weyer@kagi.com
AOL,CIS: SteveWeyer

#### BINHEX     go-figure-demo.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 12:30:07 -0800
From: dublclick@empnet.com (Dubl-Click Software)
Subject: GoFigure Light (Newton calculators demo)

This file includes:
* GoFigure Light 1.3 - four calculators that will work for 30 days
* GoFigureAd.pkg - very small Newton "movie" describing GoFigure
* GoFigure Data Sheet (explains what GoFigure does)

Dubl-Click Software Corp
20310 Empire Avenue, Suite A102
Bend, OR 97701-5713
(503) 317-0355 voice, (503) 317-0430 fax
email: dublclick@aol.com

<<< NOTE >>>  You can get an 80K binary of this file from:

#### BINHEX     in-line-12.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 00:01:33 -0700 (MST)
From: Tom Collins/Innovative Computer Solutions <ics@indirect.com>
Subject: inLine 1.2 - Newton Outliner for Notepad

inLine is an outline assistance autopart for the Notepad.  When 
installed, it adds a button to the bottom of the Notepad.  Click on the 
button to bring up a palette that has buttons for adding a new entry at 
the same level, starting a new level, backing out to the previous level, 
or inserting a bullet.  Freeware.

[ Tom Collins    \ Innovative Computer Solutions / inLine | GNUT Top 10 ]
[ (602) 970-1032  \ 1075 North Miller Rd., #142 /  HeapIt | #3:NewtCase ]
[ ics@indirect.com \ Scottsdale, Arizona 85257 / NewtInfo | #5:SleepAid ]
[ http://www.indirect.com/ics/newton/ # ftp://ftp.indirect.com/pub/ics/ ]

#### BINHEX     match-book-10.hqx   ****

From: Matt Washchuk <mwashchuk@gatecoms.gatecom.com>
Subject: Match Book 1.0

Match Book is a full featured tennis match charting program.  Just what
exactly does Match Book do?  It charts 25 differents aspects of the

1. Points Won
2. Points Lost
3. First Serve Percentage
4. Percentage of First Serve Points Won
5. Second Serve Percentage
6. Percentage of Second Serve Points Won
7. Percentage of Net Points Won
8. Aces
9. Double Faults
10. Total Winners
11. Total Unforced Errors
12. Forehand Winners
13. Forehand Unforced Errors
14. Two-handed Backhand Winners
15. Two-handed Backhand Unforced Errors
16. One-handed Backhand Winners
17. One-handed Backhand Unforced Errors
18. Slice Backhand Winners
19. Slice Backhand Unforced Errors
20. Forehand Volley Winners
21. Forehand Volley Unforced Errors
22. Backhand Volley Winners
23. Backhand Volley Unforced Errors
24. Overhead Volley Winners
25. Overhead Volley Unforced Errors

#### BINHEX     n-area-codes-01.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 18:24:02 -0400
From: wkearney@access.digex.net (Bill Kearney)
Subject: nAreaCodes version .1 for the Newton


Announcing nAreaCodes for the Newton.

In a continuing effort to develop software for the Newton, The Novanto
Group today announces nAreaCodes.  This application for the Apple Newton
family of personal digital assistants adds a US area code lookup database.

While the Newton supports dialing telephone numbers, it doesn't have a way
to tell just where that number is located.  nAreaCodes provides this
answer.  A user simply enters the area code and nAreaCodes provides the
location covered by the found area code.

nAreaCodes is a Formulas tool and does not occupy an entry in the already
crowded Extras drawer.

nAreaCodes is available now and a $5 Shareware fee is requested.

For more information about nAreaCodes or any other products, please contact:

The Novanto Group
Bill Kearney
P.O.Box 201
Lutherville, MD 21093-0201


or electronically via:

Internet E-Mail:        wkearney@access.digex.net
Internet ftp:           ftp://ftp.digex.net/pub/access/wkearney

The file nAreaCodes follows:

#### BINHEX     n-converter-02.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 17:32:21 -0400
From: wkearney@access.digex.net (Bill Kearney)
Subject: nConverter for the Newton

Here's version .2 of nConverter for the Newton.

It's a bug fix to the temperature converter and it adds a new Salary converter.

So if you want to see what that $.25 an hour raise looks like
weekly/daily/yearly, this is for you!

It's $15 Shareware and the address info is in the readme file.

Please crosspost this file to your archives.


#### BINHEX     n-exchanges-01.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 21:03:34 -0400
From: wkearney@access.digex.net (Bill Kearney)
Subject: nAreaCodes version .1 for the Newton


Announcing nExchanges for the Newton.

In a continuing effort to develop software for the Newton, The Novanto
Group today announces nExchanges.  This application for the Apple Newton
family of personal digital assistants adds local US telephone exchange

While the Newton supports dialing telephone numbers, it doesn't have a way
to tell just where that number is located.  nExchanges provides this
answer.  A user simply enters the exchange and nExchanges provides the
location covered by the found exchange code.

nExchanges is a Formulas tool and does not occupy an entry in the already
crowded Extras drawer.

nExchanges is now available for the Maryland dialing area other areas are

nExchanges is available now and a $5 Shareware fee is requested.

For more information about nExchanges or any other products, please contact:

The Novanto Group
Bill Kearney
P.O.Box 201
Lutherville, MD 21093-0201


or electronically via:

Internet E-Mail:        wkearney@access.digex.net
Internet ftp:           ftp://ftp.digex.net/pub/access/wkearney

The file nExchange.MD follows:

#### BINHEX     newt-business-japanese-105.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 30 Jul 1994 01:07:16 -0800
From: pec@netcom.netcom.com (Manabu Tokunaga)
Subject: NewtBusinessJapanaese1.05.hqx

PEC Newton Business Japanese Lesson 1.05D

Got an imporatnt business meeting in Japan in one week? Here is PEC 
Business Japanese Lessons (version 1.05D) for Newton. It is an 
interactive Japanese language survival learning kit. Intended for busy 
executives, no prior Japanese language knowledge is necessary. Learn 
essential business Japanese even on your flight to Japan. This version 
has a quick on-site shareware upgrade feature that will instantly 
expand the scope of the lesson (fee $10.00 U.S.)  Enjoy, and have a 
powerful business trip to Japan with your Newton!
Compressed with StuffIt 1.5.1 Format. This version can be freely
distributed and included in CD or other distributable media.
For futher information, contact pec@netcom.com

#### BINHEX     newt-cal.hqx   ****

Subject: NewtCal

NewtCal will create a month-view calendar for any year using the Date
contents of your Newton.  Entries in the NewtCal calendar be viewed on your
computer screen and the month-views can be printed with each entry easily

#### BINHEX     newt-credit.hqx   ****

From: beihl@.removethis.tiger.net
Subject: Newton Credit Card Format Verification

Formulas and standalone Newton calculator.
Verifies a credit card number's FORMAT is correct.
Requires NOS 2.x


Allan Beihl

#### BINHEX     periodic-chart-elements-10.hqx   ****

From: a2c0195@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de (Marc Gumpinger)
Subject: Periodic Chart of Elements for the Newton V1.0

This file may be used on any media as long as it remains unchanged and I
get a brief note of where it went.

This Periodic Chart of the Elements which is a formula slip enables you to
easily pick an element from a special keyboard or enter its name or symbol
to see its data. The PCE is fully bilingual and supports English as well as
German (with conversions).

Mit diesem Periodensystem können Sie ein Element einfach aus einer
speziellen Tastatur aussuchen oder seinen Namen oder Symbol per
Schrifterkennung eintragen um dessen Informationen zu sehen. Es ist
komplett zweisprachig und unterstützt sowohl Englisch als auch Deutsch (mit

#### BINHEX     pocket-diabeticare-110b6.hqx   ****

From: dcapp@halcyon.com
Subject: Pocket DiabetiCare 1.10 Beta 6

Pocket DiabetiCare 1.10 - Pocket DiabetiCare is a application for the
Newton PDA. It was developed as a means to capture blood sugar readings
and analyze this infomation as it occurs. It is only meant as a tool to
aid in analyzing data, not a replacement for the advice of your doctor.

#### BINHEX     quick-names-pro-20e-demo.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 11:42:40 -0400
Subject: Quicknames Pro 2.0e "Test Drive"
From: Ken Landau <kl@landware.com>

Package includes:
   * A ReadMe file for Windows and Macintosh
   * Quicknames Pro 2.0e Test Drive ("qnpro_td.pkg")
   * Quicknames Pro 2.0e help package ("qnhelp.pkg")
   * Order Form with contact information ("order.txt")

After installing Quicknames Pro on your Newton, simply tap on the upper 
half of the built-in names button to launch it.

Quicknames Pro provides a faster and more flexible environment for 
accessing your name file and we are confident it will significantly 
streamline the way you use your Newton.

Please feel free to distribute the test drive edition of Quicknames Pro 
which is clearly marked with "td". Please ensure you distribute the 
entire test drive package unaltered.

Please remember that Quicknames Pro is a commercial product and is 
protected by strict copyright laws. Any unauthorized reproduction or 
distribution of the full version is breaking the law!

The LandWare Team

Internet: info@landware.com
Compuserve: 76174,51

201/347-0340 (Fax)

#### BINHEX     rate-a-course.hqx   ****

From: greeny@sprynet.com
Subject: Rate-A-Course for Newton

Did you ever sign up for a class, start attending it, and then remember
that a friend of yours had told you that it was a headbanger, or not to
take it, or that the Prof. was a slavedriver?

Well suffer no more fellow Newt owner!

Assuming you're a true Newt freek and have it with you nearly 100% of
the time, you're probably going to find this piece of stationery quite

Rate-A-Course lets you keep track of:

€ The course #/name
€ The Prof's Name (and you can select names directly from the Names soup
if you want)
€ The status of the class ('Breeze',
'Cool','Headbanger','OK','Sucks','Totally Blows' are predefined)
€ When it's offered (predefined: Fall/Spring/Summer Semester,
First/Second/Third/Fourth Quarter)
€ Who recommended the course to you (you can select names directly from
the Names soup if you want) -- this is good so you know who to go back
to thank or otherwise deal with depending on how the class actually
turned out ;->
€ When the class was taken (if you do end up taking it) -- same
predefined periods as when it's offered
€ What grade you received (lots of predefined's, although you'll
probably only use the 'A' selection right?)
€ And a never-ending comments field so you can add whatever you want
(e.g., where you took the course, what the prof was REALLY like, grading
policies, adhearance to the syllabus, tips, etc...)

If you have questions, comments, suggestions, etc., want to make a
donation (US funds), or just want to drop me a postcard saying this
thing saved you from taking a really crappy class, send a note to:

David Greenberg PO Box 307 Highland Park, IL  60035-0307

Internet:  greeny@sprynet.com

#### BINHEX     small-talk-newton.hqx   ****

From: joni@conceptkitchen.com
Subject: Small Talk

Small Talk - the world's first two-way, real-time translator! More than
just a phrase book or dictionary, Small Talk turns your PDA into a
foreign language interpreter, allowing you to communicate quickly and
easily in another language. With Small Talk, the whole world of language
and travel is at your fingertips. Communication barriers are a thing of
the past.  This tool opens the door to a rich new cultural panorama.
Imagine chatting with the Pope in Italian about kosher foods. Asking a
sexy Italian about the best night clubs in Florence. Trading Deutsch
Marks on the open exchange in Berlin. Navigating the Costa Rican rain
forests like a native. With Small Talk, anything is possible. Newton OS
Version - Newton MP120/MP130/2000 or eMate300 Newton OS 2.0/2.1 or
later. Application requires 161k. Each language module requires 70k

#### BINHEX     sprng-10.hqx   ****

From: sweyer@bellatlantic.net
Subject: Sproing 1.0 (sprng10.sit.hqx)

Sproing 1.0

Sproing allows you to experiment with a bouncing spring by varying
frequency, amplitude, damping, mass, spring constant.
Freeware. NOS 1.x/2.x compatible.
(Application created with NewtDevEnv, help book with Newt's Cape).

Keywords: education, learning, Hooke's Law, harmonic motion, spring, simulation

Internet: weyer@kagi.com
AOL,CIS: SteveWeyer

#### BINHEX     sticky-newts-207.hqx   ****

From: joni@conceptkitchen.com
Subject: Sticky Newts 2.07

Sticky Newts 2.07 - is a fun new application for your Newton designed to
make it easy to jot down reminders, to-do lists, directions, draw maps
or just doodle. Styled after the familiar form of a paper sticky note,
Sticky Newts allows you to place multiple notes on your Newton screen,
view them all simultaneously, or hide them all with a single tap. In
addition, Sticky Newts allows you to quickly jot down notes no matter
what other applications you are running on your Newton. Sticky Newts
floats above all your other applications, providing constant access to
your information. All the while, remaining as unobtrusive as possible.
System Requirements - Newton MP120/130/2000 or eMate 300, Newton
OS2.0/2.1 or later. Application requires 288k.

#### BINHEX     stock-calculator-newton.hqx   ****

From: sspi@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Stock Calculator for Newton

Stock Calculator is the perfect assistant for anyone doing online stock trading! 

Besides total cash outlay and profit/loss calculations, Stock Calculator is ideal for performing 'what if' analyses, such as determining what share price a stock needs to attain in order to return a specified profit.

When buying stock, Stock Calculator can determine the total cash outlay, per share buying price, or number of shares. The user selects which field to calculate and enters values for the remaining fields.

When selling stock, Stock Calculator can determine the profit amount or the per share selling price. The user selects which field to calculate and enters a value for the remaining field along with the buy information. 

Flat rate or percentage commissions can be included in the calculations.

Stock Calculator can also be used as a quick stock fraction converter, converting between dollar amount share prices and stock fractions in 1/64 increments.

System requirements:
Newton with OS 1.x or 2.x

For more information please see the enclosed Read Me file, or visit SSPI's web site at:


Thank you,

Lou Forlini
Software Engineer
System Support Products, Inc.

#### BINHEX     sunpos.hqx   ****

From: beihl@.removethis.tiger.net
Subject: Newton Sun Position App

SunPos version 03.01.98 

Calculates the Sun's Position given the time and location on earth.
Includes a 3D shadow view that can be rotated and scaled for better viewing.
Handy for anyone who is affected by sun's position.


Allan Beihl

#### BINHEX     t-cube-10.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 12:06:30 -0700

From: vogel@taurus.apple.com (Les Vogel)

Subject: Newton Program T-Cube submission


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

T-Cube v1.0

August 12, 1994

Designed by: Dan Venolia (dvenolia@apple.com) & Forrest Neiberg

Newton Port: Les Vogel

T-Cube is a new way of entering characters and text on Newton.  It

complements handwriting recognition and the soft keyboard.  Characters

correspond to "flick" gestures made into the T-Cube window.

After you have installed T-Cube, it is accessed by tapping its button in

the Note Pad status bar.  T-Cube shows nine buttons arranged like a wheel.

Pressing and holding the pen down in any of the button shows a different

"pie menu" containing eight characters.  You can "type" a character by

moving the pen in one of the eight directions, then lifting it.

This sounds like a tedious way to type, but as you start to memorize common

characters, such as space and "e", you can make the gesture directly,

without invoking the pie menu.  Using the menu, an "e" is made by pressing

in the "north" button and dragging to the north-east.  As a gesture, this

is a simple flick that starts in the north button and proceeds to the

north-east.  You should have the most common characters memorized after

only an hour of use.

More information on the design of T-Cube can be found in:

Venolia, D. and Neiberg, F.  "T-Cube: A Fast, Self-Disclosing Pen-Based

Alphabet," in Proceedings of CHI '94 (Boston, April 24-28, 1994), ACM

Press, pp. 265-270.

The Newton T-Cube package may be distributed freely, provided that this

text accompanies it.  T-Cube may not be distributed for profit without

prior written consent.

(c) 1994 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="T-Cube.hqx"

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="T-Cube.hqx"

#### BINHEX     time-tally-11.hqx   ****

From: "Tony Copping" <tonyc@internode.net>
Subject: TimeTally 1.1 - A Newton time management program

Bug fix release.

This is TimeTally 1.1 for Newton. It replaces TimeTally 1.01
file: nwt/app/time-tally-101.hqx

  This submission may be included on the CD-ROM.

 Tony Copping  *  http://www.internode.net/~tonyc  *  tonyc@internode.net
 Signature Software Ltd.                              FAX: (403) 569 2881

#### BINHEX     time-to-go-reading.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 22 Jul 1995 01:09:27 -0500 (CDT)
From: Paul M Sheldon <psheldon@utdallas.edu>
Subject: TimeToGoReading; a newton ap

    This newton package (made with Steve Weyer's newt) tells you the time
to go to finish a task based on your previous performance. In particular,
you can use it to project time to finish reading something. 
    Instructions and motivations to use included in this small file stuffed
and binhexed. Shareware, only $5 if after trial you decide to use it. May 
be distributed, but only with TimeToGoReadme bbedit text file.

#### BINHEX     wzettel-124-de.hqx   ****

From: (Thorsten Lange) 101353.2024@compuserve.com
Subject: "Wunschzettel" for Newton

wzettel-124.hqx is the English version
wzettel-124-de.hqx is the German version

"Wunschzettel" is the German word for"list of wishes". Consequently
it is a (check-)list manager. I know, there are more list managers "out there".
But this one has a special feature: Each item you once made can be "remembered"
by "Wunschzettel". So after entering its name once you can reuse the item over
and over again just on two "taps".

A typical example is a shopping list. Instead of writing again and again items
like "bread", "tooth-paste", ... you can select these items from dynamically
growing popup lists. After a short time you have all those things in your popup
that you might want to buy. This is also quite usefull to check out if you have
forgotten anything to put on your list.

More Features of "Wunschzettel":
 - Supports multiple lists (each one has its own pop-up lists).
 - On each list, items can be assigned to one (of three) different named
 - Sort selected items by four different criteria: 
   alpha, checked+alpha, categories+alpha, checked+categories+alpha.

#### BINHEX     wzettel-124.hqx   ****

From: (Thorsten Lange) 101353.2024@compuserve.com
Subject: "Wunschzettel" for Newton

wzettel-124.hqx is the English version
wzettel-124-de.hqx is the German version

"Wunschzettel" is the German word for"list of wishes". Consequently
it is a (check-)list manager. I know, there are more list managers "out there".
But this one has a special feature: Each item you once made can be "remembered"
by "Wunschzettel". So after entering its name once you can reuse the item over
and over again just on two "taps".

A typical example is a shopping list. Instead of writing again and again items
like "bread", "tooth-paste", ... you can select these items from dynamically
growing popup lists. After a short time you have all those things in your popup
that you might want to buy. This is also quite usefull to check out if you have
forgotten anything to put on your list.

More Features of "Wunschzettel":
 - Supports multiple lists (each one has its own pop-up lists).
 - On each list, items can be assigned to one (of three) different named
 - Sort selected items by four different criteria: 
   alpha, checked+alpha, categories+alpha, checked+categories+alpha.