Date: Mon, 16 Nov 92 17:12:48 GMT 
From: (Tim Steele)
Subject: PowerBook 100 Disassembly Instructions 

You may find these instructions worthy of putting on your FTP server
and/or spreading around.



Opening your PowerBook 100

WARNING: The PowerBook 100 is extremely fragile internally, and must
be treated with extreme care to avoid an expensive repair bill.  If
you're not sure what you're doing, don't do it!  If you break it, it's
your responsibility!

You MUST back up the RAM disk as this will be lost.  You are strongly
recommended to back up the hard disk as well.

Memory and disk drives are very fragile and must not be removed from
their anti-static packaging until you are grounded via an anti-static
mat and wristband.

DO NOT attempt to reinsert batteries until the machine is fully
assembled and screwed together.

You will need:

- Static mat with wristband and earth connection
- Clean tea-towel
- Jeweller's flat bladed screwdriver, smallest available
- 45 degree point Philips screwdriver
- Small flat bladed screwdriver

Notes on removing flat cables from sockets

The socket is in two parts which are pushed together to lock the cable
in place.  To remove the cable, use your fingernails to pull on the
two lugs at either side of the socket (in the direction of the cable,
not upwards) with equal force until it clicks out about 1-2mm.  The
cable may now be removed with an even pull.  When inserting, make sure
the end of the cable goes all the way into the socket and support it
so that it does not buckle.

PowerBook Disassembly

Disconnect your PB100 from all peripherals, power supply etc.  Put
your PB on a static mat.  Wire the mat to mains earth.  Put on the
mat's wristband to earth yourself.

Close and latch the PB.  Remove the lithium batteries and put aside.
Remove the lead acid battery (use thumbnail in gap) and put aside.
Turn PB upside down.  Gently prise out the three round feet with the
jeweller's screwdriver without damaging them.  Put aside.  Unscrew the
three long Philips screws which were under the feet.  Put aside.  Turn
PB over.

Release latch and gently and slowly lift up the display.  When it is
clear of the body, lay it down screen up behind the machine being
extremely careful not to stress the wires.

If the display unit is to be disassembled, see below for details.

Lay the tea towel over the display.  Disengage the palm rest from the
front of the case and the keyboard.  Remove the palm rest and put it
aside.  Flip the keyboard over and lay it upside down on the tea
towel.  Be very careful not to stress the flat cables.

Installing a New Memory Module

If there is a memory module already installed, it must be removed
first.  To remove the old module, it must be levered out very
carefully using a wooden or plastic spatula placed between the memory
module and the motherboard.  Do not use a screwdriver.

Remove the new memory module from its anti-static bag and seal the old
module (if any) inside it for safe keeping.  Check the pins on the
motherboard connector to ensure they are straight.  Line the new
module up with the connector (at the left hand end of the keyboard
area).  Press down firmly on the connector site until it is fully

Upgrading the Disk Drive

The brackets and screws for the Apple 20MB and 40MB hard drives are
NOT the same.  Make sure you have the right brackets and screws before
proceeding.  Apple part numbers are as follows:

Apple P/N	Description					UK Price
---------	-----------					--------

948-0149	Apple PowerBook 100 HD20 Mounting Brackets	#1.43
948-0157	Apple PowerBook 100 HD40 Mounting Brackets	#1.47
076-0557	Apple PowerBook 100 Universal Screw Kit		#0.49

Gently lift up the metal shield to reveal the flat cable connector.
Unlock and remove the flat cable (see above).

The hard drive has two spring steel brackets attached to it which hold
it in place.  Use a small flatbladed screwdriver to bend the right
hand ends of the brackets towards the drive, while lifting the right
hand end of the drive up slightly with your fingertips.  The result
should be that the brackets disengage from under the protrusions in
the lower case moulding.  When both brackets are disengaged, lift the
right hand end of the drive up and out; the left hand ends of the
brackets should slide out from their sockets and the whole drive
should lift out.

Very gently prise the SCSI connector away from the drive by inserting
a small flatbladed screwdriver between the black plastic connector on
the cable and the black plastic block on the drive.  Do not attempt to
pull it off using the cable, which will probably be damaged.

Remove the new drive from its anti-static and anti-vibration packaging
and pack the old drive in it for safe keeping.  Fit the new brackets
and screws to the new drive.  Be very careful to use the proper

Installing the new drive is fairly obvious once you have removed the
old one.  Be sure to fully insert the flat cable with the motherboard
connector held fully open, then fully lock the motherboard connector
by pressing on both ends simultaneously until the two halves are at
the same height.  Do not put any pressure on the flat cable itself.

Disassembling the Display Unit

Normally you should never need to do this.  Apple say any little black
bits in the LCD are normal, and there isn't a separate filter - the
LCD is all one sealed unit.  If you have noisy pots (display
brightness flickers etc.) gently prise off the knobs with a flat
bladed screwdriver and spray them with switch cleaner.  However, if
you must...

Carefully unplug the display from the main unit.  Be sure to only
apply force to the connector body, not to the thin wires coming out of
it (which will break if you do).  Put the main unit somewhere safe.

Unscrew the four large silver bolts which pass through the silver
hinge plates and put aside.  Pull off the grey plastic hinge covers,
but be careful not to get grease on your fingers - if you do, clean it
off before smearing it all over everything.  Using a flat bladed
screwdriver, very gently disengage the grey tabs holding the tunnel to
the lower hinge moulding.  This will pop out.  Prise off the contrast
and brightness knobs with a flat blades screwdriver, and prise out the
two little rubber screw caps from the front bezel (one is very near
the knobs).  Unscrew the black screws thus exposed with the right size
screwdriver - be careful not to damage the heads.  Looking at the
lower edge of the display unit, you will see two little tabs
preventing the top bezel from sliding down with respect to the rest of
the unit.  Insert a small screwdriver to disengage these tabs while
applying gentle downwards pressure to the bezel.  After a bit of
fiddling the bezel will slide downwards and disengage.

The display may be removed by undoing the four black screws, lifting
up VERY GENTLY - there are short flat cables underneath - disengaging
the latches (see above) and removing the cables.  Unplug the
fluorescent lamp at the inverter PCB.


If the display unit has been disassembled, reassemble this first.  Be
very careful not to damage the tabs on the tunnel and not to get
grease everywhere from the hinges.

Carefully engage the palm rest.  If the drive has been changed, make
sure the palm rest goes into place properly; if the drive has not been
installed correctly it will flex the plastic upwards in the drive
area; this must be put right before the unit can be reassembled.

Very carefully engage the keyboard without stressing the flat cables.
Hook the two tabs at the front under the palm rest.  Remove the tea
towel, then carefully engage the display with the lower half.  When
this is done, close and latch the display half.  Turn the unit over
and reinsert the screws.  Reinsert the three feet and make sure they
are secure.

Reinsert the lead acid battery followed by the three lithium
batteries, which should be carefully polished beforehand on the tea
towel to remove any contamination from your fingers.  Make very sure
you put the lithium batteries in the right way round - if you insert
them upside down you will destroy your PowerBook.


Power the machine up and see if it boots.  If you have replaced the
drive you may need to install a system on it using the floppies
provided with your PowerBook.  Be sure to power off before connecting
the floppy drive.

Check "About this Macintosh..." on the File menu and see if the Total
Memory corresponds with what you have installed.

Opening your PowerBook 100 External Floppy Drive

Parts required:

Very small jeweller's flat bladed screwdriver

Disconnect your drive from your PowerBook.  Plug yourself into an
earthed static mat via a wrist band.  Open the front flap and remove
it by flexing it very carefully until one of the two grey plastic pips
disengages from its black plastic socket.  Put the flap aside.

Using the jeweller's screwdriver, insert it into the rectangular slot
next to one of the black plastic sockets and pry the socket out.  It
should come out very easily with no damage to the socket or the case.
Do the same on the other side.  These sockets lock the two halves of
the case together and prevent them from sliding apart.

The top half of the case will now slide about 1cm and lift off.

If you wish to remove the metal shield from the top of the drive, use
the jeweller's screwdriver to free each of the metal lugs.  Be
careful not to distort it or to damage the drive underneath.

The flat cable may be disconnected - see above.

(c) 1992 Tim Steele, all rights reserved.  These instructions may only
be reproduced with this copyright notice, and may not be sold or form
part of material which is sold.  They may be distributed free of
charge by electronic or other means.  Under no circumstances is the
author responsible for any errors in these instructions or any damage
which may result from following them.